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 You have 60 minutes ahead in this midterm

 Archive your answers in PraktUTS_DDW_YourNim
 Make the number of the question as the title of each page

1. Change the size of the image to 250 pixels wide and 400 pixels tall

<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="peta_konsep.jpg" width="104" height="142">

2. Transform the text below into a link that goes to "http:// / dragons – riders – of – berk – episode - 5".

<!DOCTYPE html>
This is a link
3. A) Highlight the word "FUN" in the text below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>HTML is FUN to learn!</p>
B) Apply subscript formatting to the number "2" in the text below.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>H2O is the scientific term for water.</p>

4. Add a link to the image below (make it go to"http:// /

dragons – riders – of – berk – episode - 5" and open in new window if you click on
it )

<!DOCTYPE html>
<img src="peta_konsep.jpg" alt="MidTerm">

5. Make a new list item in a new page with the text "Coffee", “Milk”, “Tea”.
Display the list in bullets, letters, numbers, and squares.
<!DOCTYPE html>

6. Create an iframe with a URL address that goes to "http:// / dragons – riders – of – berk – episode - 5". Set the width of
the iframe to 500 pixels.
7. Make a HTML form:
 Containing an <input> element with type="button", and value="OK".
 Add 2 radio buttons to the form. One for "male", and one for "female",
both with name="gender".
 Specify that the form is submitted using the "post" method.
8. Make a HTML form contains:
 a numeric value, and place it inside the <form> element.
 Add the name attribute with a value of "quantity" to the input
 Set restrictions on the input field to only accept numbers between 1
9. Create an input field for text and make a submit button inside form
10. Create a page that contains:
a. HTML 5 Graphics
b. Media elements
And design the interface with table layout

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