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Enneagram Personality Test

Click on this link:

Take the test that is titled “Classic Enneagram Test”.

Once you are done, download the PDF of your results (you will need to have this for your Digital

1. List your top 3 results:

Type Number Type Name

Type 2 The Helper

Type 9 The Peacemaker

Type 4 The Individualist

Go to this site:

Read each short paragraph about your top 3 types.
2. Which one seems to fit you the best? You may not relate to everything it says, but which
one is MOST correct?

The Peacemaker: Nines essentially feel a need for peace and harmony. They tend to avoid
conflict at all costs, whether it be internal or interpersonal. Other Nines lead more active,
social lives, but nevertheless remain to some to degree "checked out," or not fully involved, as
if to insulate themselves from threats to their peace of mind

Next go to this site:

Based on your answer to the above question, watch the videos/read the descriptions about the
type that most closely reflects you.

3. List 3 strengths of the trait that you possess and explain how they are demonstrated in
your life.

1. One strength of the trait I possess is caring and its demonstrated everytime I help my
siblings with something, like personal issues, cooking, or putting a toy together.

2. Another strength is being supportive and its demonstrated when I listen to my best friend’s
stories and help her do something she really want to do, like explore a different culture. I
would listen to different music types to show my support.

3.The final strength is being adaptive and I demonstrate it when I’m at home being weird and
then I go to work and be more professional.
4. List two challenges of the trait that you possess and explain how they are demonstrated
in your life.

1. One challenge of the trait I possess is being stubborn and its demonstrated when I decide
when I don't like something, then I never try to give it another shot and learn to like it.

2. Another challenge is being indecisive and its demonstrated when people ask me what I
want to do or eat and they give me different options.

5. Now based on what you have read about your Enneagram type, what is an area of your
personality that you would like to improve?

I would like to improve on being less stubborn.

6. Brainstorm 5 ways you could potentially strengthen that element.

1. I could try to be more open minded.

2. I could notice when I'm being stubborn and analyze why or how I can stop.

3. I need to try to be okay with putting pride or, whatever is making me being stubborn, aside.

4.I could think about all the times I was being stubborn and what would’ve happened if I
wasn’t so that it could inspire me to be different.

5. I can surround myself who are not really stubborn.

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