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Part 6

6.1 Conventions of Standard English

Name __________________________________

Adverbs that Compare 1

Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.

A. Add -er or -est to each boldfaced word to complete the sentences below.
You will form either a comparative or a superlative adverb.
1. fast Pat always finishes her test _______________ than Jake does.
2. bright The sun shone _______________ at noon than at any other time.
3. loud Our team’s fans cheer _______________ than yours do.
4. slow Maddy often eats _______________ than her hungry brother eats.
5. near Of all the swimmers, Luis swam _______________ to the shore.

B. Complete each sentence using more or most.

6. I will sleep _______________ peacefully tonight than I did last night.
7. The movie ended _______________ suddenly than we thought it would.
8. Which of all the languages can be learned _______________ easily?
9. Mia drives the _______________ carefully of all her friends.
10. Tim ate _______________ hungrily than his brother did.

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

Part 6
6.1 Conventions of Standard English

Name __________________________________

Adverbs that Compare 2

Write your answers on the lines and then print this page.
A. Complete each sentence by writing more or most on the line.
1. I can ride my bike _______________ speedily than my brother can.
2. Lisa dances the _______________ gracefully of all the students in class.
3. Quinn’s family eats out _______________ frequently than my family does.
4. Charlie played the _______________ skillfully of all.
5. I use the computer _______________ often at school than I do at home.

B. Rewrite each sentence. Use the correct form of the adverb well.
6. Of all of the students, Greg sings the (best/better).

7. Most of my friends can cook, but Allie bakes the (best/better).

8. Marty spells (best/better) than I do.

Copyright © McGraw-Hill Education, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

9. Of all of our solutions, Paige’s worked the (best/better).

10. Amy’s writing flows (best/better) than yours does.

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