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 2 lbs beef eye of round or flank steak 3/4 inch thick in one piece
 2 pieces beef cubes dissolved in 3 cups boiling water beef stock/broth
 1/4 tsp salt
 1 piece lemon
 1/2 cup soy sauce
 1 piece medium sized carrot cut into long strips
 1/2 cup flour
 1/2 cup cooking oil
 4 pieces hotdogs cut in half lengthwise
 2 pieces pickled dill or sweet pickled cucumber cut lengthwise divided into 4
equal pieces
 3 pieces hard boiled eggs sliced
 3 ounces cheddar cheese cut in strips (about 1/2 inch thick)
1. Marinate the beef in soy sauce and lemon juice for at least 1 hour
2. Place the beef in a flat surface and arrange the hotdogs, pickle, carrot,
cheese, and egg on one side
3. Roll the beef enclosing the fillings and tie with a cooking string to ensure
that the meat will not open-up
4. Place cooking oil in a pan and apply heat
5. Dredge the rolled beef in flour and fry until the color of the outer part turns
medium brown
6. Transfer the fried rolled beef in a casserole and pour-in the beef broth then
bring to a boil
7. Pour-in half of the soy sauce-lemon juice marinade,salt and simmer until
the beef is tender (about 2 hours using ordinary casserole or 30 minutes if a
pressure cooker is used)
8. Optional: Fry the simmered meat for at least 2 minutes
9. Remove the strings and slice into serving pieces
10. Place in a serving dish and add the sauce


4 pieces chicken thigh fillet

½ cup pineapple juice
⅓ cup lemon Juice
⅓ cup soy sauce
⅓ cup red onions, minced
¼ cup garlic, minced

4 pieces ham slices
2 pieces carrots, sliced into strips
1 piece pickle, cut into 4 long strips
2 pieces hotdog, cut into 4 long strips
1 piece red bell pepper, sliced into thin strips
8 pieces cheddar cheese, thick strips
2 pieces boiled eggs, cut into wedges
2 pieces eggs, beaten
Oil, for frying

1 cup chicken broth
1 cup tomato sauce
2 tablespoons fish sauce
1 tablespoon ground black pepper


1. Pound and flatten chicken fillets.

1. Mix together pineapple juice, lemon juice, soy sauce, onions, garlic, salt, and pepper
until well combined. Add chicken, making sure everything is completely submerged.
Marinate for 30 minutes. Remove from marinade. Set aside marinade for later.

1. Place and layer ham, carrots, hot dogs, pickles, bell pepper, cheese and egg slices on
top of chicken and roll the chicken. Seal with cooking twine.
2. Roll the chicken in flour, beaten eggs, and breadcrumbs and fry in a little oil until
1. Drain the oil off the pan and add marinade then tomato paste, cook around in the pan
until browned and almost reduced. Deglaze with chicken broth and add tomato sauce,
fish sauce, and ground black pepper. Cook for a few minutes.
2. Return chicken to the sauce and allow to simmer for a few minutes.

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