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Risky Dodi Irawan


Ferdian Pradha A

A Final project paper presented to the

HCM subject


The Panel of Examiners declare that the paper entitled “MANAGING MILLENNIALS AS
HUMAN CAPITAL MANAGEMENT IN THE CV AGRU” that was submitted by Risky
Dodi Irawan and Ferdian Pradha A majoring in Management from the Faculty of Business was
assessed and approved to have passed the last semester project on Wednesday, December 19th

Panel of Examiners

Dr. Iman Permana, B.s.(P.E.), M.M.

HRM & HCM Lecturer


I declare that this paper, entitled “MANAGING MILLENNIALS AS HUMAN CAPITAL

MANAGEMENT IN CV AGRU” is, to the best of our knowledge, an original piece of work that
has not been submitted, either in whole or in part, to another university to obtain final project

Name & signature of researcher Name & signature of researcher

Risky Dodi Irawan Ferdian Pradha A


PANEL OF EXAMINERS APPROVAL SHEET………………………………………………………………………………i

DECLARATION OF ORIGINALITY…..………………………………………………………………………………………..ii
TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..iii
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION………………………………………………………………………………………………….1
1.1. Background of Study……………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.2. Problem Identification…………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.3. Research Question………………………………………………………………………………………..2
1.4. Research Objectives………………………………………………………………………………………2
1.5. Significance of Study……………………………………………………………………………………..3
1.6. Limitations…………………………………………………………………………………………………….3
1.7. Organization of Research……………………………………………………………………………...4
CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW………………………………………………………………………………………….5
2.1. Literature Review on Each Variable…………………………………………………………….…5
2.1.1 Baby Boomers………………………………………………………………………………………5
2.1.2 Generations X……………………………………………………………………………………….5
2.1.3 Generations Y……………………………………………………………………………………….5
2.1.4 Generations Z……………………………………………………………………………………….6
2.2. Characteristic of Millennials………………………………………………………………………….6
2.2.1 Millennials Job and Motivation…………………………………………………………….6
2.2.2 Turn Over Millennials……………………………………………………………………………7
CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY…………………………………………………………………………………………………8
3.1 Research Design………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
3.2 Population…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..9
3.2.1 Sample………………………………………………………………………….……………………10
3.3 Data Collection Method…………………………………………………………………………………….11
3.3.1 Documentary Analysis-Interview………………………………..………………………11
3.3.2 Questionnaire…………………………………………………………………………………….12
CHAPTER 4 RESULT and DISCCUSSION……………………………………………………………………………….15
4.1 Company Profile…………………………………………………………………………………………….…15
4.2 Data Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………….15
4.2.1 Turnover Rate of CV AGRU…………………………………………………………………16
4.2.2 Questionnaire Result………………………………………………………………………….18 Result for Factor That Affecting Loyalty for Millennial
Employees…………………………………………………………………………….19 Result for Factor That Affecting Millennials Employees
Performance…………………………………………………………………………19 Result for Factor That Affecting Millennial Employees to Resign
the Company………………………………………………………………………..19
4.2.3 Interview Result………………………………………………………………………………….20 Question 1..………………………………………………………………………….20 Question 2……………………………………………………………………………20 Question 3…………………………………………………………………………...21
4.2.4 Result of Discussion Topic…………………………………………………………………..22


5.1 Introduction…………………………………………………………………………………………………….23
5.2 Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………………………………….23
5.3 Recommendation…………………………………………………………………………………………….23



This study contains research on the millennial generation in one of the industrial matrial
companies, CV Agru, using quetionary methods and interviews to collect data. in this study we
focused on millennial influences and how to manage millennials at these companies. in addition
to explaining the millennial of this research also describes the generations before and after the
millennial generation


1.1 Background of Study

Millennial generation is a generation born of technology that is already very adequate, this
generation is also known as generation Y. This generation will greatly influence the condition
of companies in this digital era. The background of this study is based on curiosity about the
millennial generation because this generation will feel a trend of change and development in
the business model in the future.

There is a lot that can be learned from this research because we can find out about the things
that are related to the millennial generation and other generations to a company. Millennials
expect considerable flexibility to work in companies where they can connect with a technology
and have the freedom to work outside the company, unlike previous generations who
emphasize careers by working hard or working more than 40 hours a week in the hope going
up to a higher position, the millennials don't believe or don't have confidence when making a
sacrifice like that is the way they are looking.

This research links the challenges for HRM / HCM in the future through observations of the
millennial generation which is the generation of technology driven by referring to their morale
and trying to find out the turn over rate in the millennial generation. In addition, based on
Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (DTTL) 's research on millennials which began in 2011
with 73 millennial respondents from Indonesia who will coexist with the Z generation have
considerable positive opinion on the Z generation, according to Deloitte the millennial
generation's optimism in Indonesia over generation Z is much higher than millennial in other
countries and this is very exciting and very interesting to be used as the background of this

1.2 Problem Identifications

Millennials have unique and unique cultural values so that this generation is better able to keep
up with the times compared to previous generations because the millennial generation was born

along with increasingly sophisticated technological developments. Currently there are still
many people who do not know what the millennial generation is and what its potential is.

Millennial generations is a generation that has a high enough curiosity this is evidenced by
their curiosity that cannot be stopped so they immediately find out about it, indeed this is very
good if it is associated with things that are very positive because it will trigger broad thinking
and wise behavior in dealing with all situations.

Now or later it is a time when millennials are competing to fill jobs so that companies can have
many choices to filter this millennial generation, we need to know this millennial generation
can have an influence on the needs of the company because as previously explained that now
is an era where technology is growing rapidly and many companies engaged in technology
compete to innovate the latest technology both for the needs of the means of production
equipment and individual technological needs, therefore the millennial generation will be better
prepared to adjust technological developments in the present and will come.

The enthusiasm of the millennial generation can also be measured by the potential he has, but
because millennial is one generation that is quite easily bored, it triggers a turnover in existing
company companies involving the millennial generation. Besides this millennial generation is
more easily surrendered compared to the previous generation and also low loyalty so that it
triggers problems that must be solved immediately.

1.3 Research Question

What is the millennials generations ?

How big millennial can influence the company need?
What are millennial needs to improve their spirit of work to survive in a company?

1.4 Research Objective

1. To Understand about millennial generation.

2. To Understand about the influence of generation millennial to the company.

3. To Understand about what are generation millennial need to improve their spirit and loyalty
to the company.

1.5 Significance of The Study

The significance of this study is to give the real contribution about the knowledge through this
research and also to provide the result of this research as potential solution on managing
millennial as human capital.
1. For cv Agru
From this research, CV Agru can knowing about their employee that from generation
millennial so CV Agru can understand how to threat the millennial generation for the
improvement of the CV Agru it self because of potential that millennial have.
2. For us as researcher
We can learn about the generation of workforce in that company and also it can enhance
our insight through this research so we can evolve our self as the next generation.
3. For future research
The future research can use this research for accomplish this result of observation with
using another factor or adding another variable that have relation with “Managing
Millennial as Human Capital.

1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Problem

The limitation which are belonging this research are :

We using CV Agru as the sample of researches and the scope only inside that company with
the purposes to analyze the millennial workforce in CV Argu, who was born in 1977 until 1995,
but in this research including another generation for supporting factor because we have to know
the specific differences between millennial and another generation, and the limitation of this
research involving some generation in that company because for research purposes.

1.7 Organization of the Project

Chapter 1 : Introduction and Backgrounds

First chapter will discuss about background of research, problem identification, statement
problem, research objective, significance of the study, scope and limitation, with purposes to
introduce about this research and the significance of study for this chapter.
Chapter 2 : Literature Review

Second chapter contain of the theoretical reviews and state from the expert which supporting
this research and also as the resource to provide strong foundation of this research.

Chapter 3 : Research Methodology

Third chapter will explain about the method of the research to collect the data analysis and
hypothesis testing, because in this chapter will give the step how to get the data from the
interviewees through verbal or written.

Chapter 4 : Result and Discussion

Fourth chapter discusses about the result of the research in a company and in this chapter will
consist of data analysis, discuss and result.

Chapter 5 : Conclusion and Recommendation

Fifth chapter or the last chapter of this research will contain of the conclusion based on the
discussion from every chapter and also will giving some suggestion for researcher, CV Agru
and the next research


2.1 Literature Review on Each Variable

2.1.1 Baby Boomers

Baby boomers are a generation born after World War II, where at that time the birth rate
increased significantly. Vulnerable generation of this generation from 1946-1964. Baby
boomers are also divided into baby boomers I and II, baby boomers 1 are the generation that
emerged when post-World War II and the baby boomers generation II is a continuation of baby
boomers. On the other hand this generation has many siblings, and is adaptive. Besides of that
the baby boomers have a longer experience than the generations below. This generation is also
considered established because they take advantage of their productive age with a career.

2.1.2 Generations X

Generation X is a generation born between 1965-1980s. This generation was born when a
global transition like cold war took place between the western bloc and the eastern bloc. This
generation was also born when the technology began to grow such as PCs (personal
computers), video games, cable tv, and the internet. According to the results of a study
conducted by Jane Deverson, some of these generations have negative behaviors such as
disrespect for parents, getting to know punk music, and trying to use marijuana. This generation
is the first generation who enjoyed technology even though this generation is also limited and
this generation is also a generation that has undergone a change.

2.1.3 Generations Y

Y generation is a generation born in 1981-1995. This generation is also called the millennial
generation who are familiar with computers, the internet and smartphones, therefore this
generation has considerable flexibility in terms of technology because they can easily receive
and use the latest technology. This generation is also called a generation that is easily bored

with the monotonous work atmosphere, therefore this generation is very interested when
working with the atmosphere they want.
2.1.4 Generations Z

Generation Z is a generation born in 1995-2010. This generation is called the intermediate

generation because it was born after generation Y which has similarities with their era, namely
the era of technology that is growing rapidly. this generation is descended from generation X
and Y besides having similarities with generation Y but Z generation has the ability to run a
technology and application simultaneously at one time therefore this generation has high
flexibility in following the growth of technology. At this time generation Z or can be called
igeneration while in the period of their search for identity. Other than that because they have
the ability in terms of technology, even some of them have become executives at the age which
is fairly young.

2.2. Characteristic of Millennials

Millennial is a generation in the technological era which has characteristics that are technology
oriented. Some research results say this generation does not like one-way communication. They
believe more in User Generate Content (UGC), because they are more concerned with personal
experience than seeing advertisements. In terms of purchasing products they prefer to buy after
seeing reviews and testimonials of the products on the internet. In terms of millennial work it
is preferred to work in a pleasant environment.

2.2.1 Millennials Job and Motivation

In terms of millennial jobs it is easily saturated in their work so they must have free time for
them to think or prepare themselves to be more productive. It is estimated that in 2025
according to some mass media around 75% of the millennium will occupy jobs. Now there
have been many middle management positions filled by this millennial generation. As sociolab
reveals that most of these generations tend to bid high salaries, flexible working hours and
appointments / promotions in a short time. Indeed millennials are not loyal at work but they
can work effectively. Usually they are motivated to work because they want to achieve

something other than that another factor is the working environment of those who they find
pleasant therefore they like a work environment that is quite unique and interesting.

2.2.2 Turn Over of Millennials

Millennial generation is a generation that is easily bored in their work, always trying to find a
job that is better than before, therefore this greatly affects the turn over rate in a company.
Millennials usually last less than three years. according to a study made by career and business
consultants, Gallup explained that millennials are a group of employees who often go in and
out of companies. Therefore this generation is considered not too loyal to the company.

Chapter 3


3.1 Research Design

In conducting a study we must definitely design a method or method to obtain an information

data that is related to the important points that exist in the study with the theories that we have

learned earlier on campus. The main purpose is so that we can know the context of the evidence

that the theory is really made from life around us or to test whether the theory can be justified.

In addition, another goal of the need to make a research method is to obtain valid data to be

used as analytical material where we can obtain new knowledge related to the theory until we

can further develop it if the conclusions obtained from data analysis we find new clues that

further strengthen the truth or validity of a theory. This is as in the quote that says “The research

it self designed through the qualitative method of study. Where this study focused on the

literacy data gathering method. It’s interpretive naturalistic approach by the researcher through

descriptive answer as a data from the object research itself. It took the natural point of view

and natural settings from the object research or participant to make sure the data gathered will

be dynamic and deeply details throughout the expected answer” (Skoglund, 2016). When

compiling a research method, the first thing to put in is a theory. Because the theory is the main

basis of a research that we do, where it has a role as a direction guide, the main foundation, and

also becomes a reference so that research carried out remains in the goals that we want.

Furthermore, the theory is also used to benchmark in terms of analyzing data, by making it a

translator tool as well as a tool to explain the data that has previously been obtained whether

the data is in accordance with what we want or maybe not yet. And in making the research, not

just true or not a data or theory. But rather it leads to the end of processing the data whether

the conclusions can be found.

After putting the theory as the main foundation, the next step is we must determine what things

we can use to explore, study, and learn more about the data that has been collected. Because in

analyzing data we cannot just see right or wrong, but we also have to look at it from another

perspective from the data. For example, we must know the symptoms or phenomena that occur

in the community where it can affect the results of the data obtained. Besides that, the detailed

information is also very important, because this makes it possible to ensure that the information

is relevant to the question and adapted to the object of the research participant.

3.2 Population

The next step after determining all the basic important points of the research method is to

determine the population that we want to make as the object of research. As we have learned

so far population is a generalization area consisting of objects or subjects that have certain

qualities and characteristics determined by researchers to be studied and then conclusions

drawn (Sugiyono. 2005: 90) while according to another understanding also states that the

population is all the values of both the results of calculations and measurements, both

quantitative and qualitative, from certain characteristics regarding a group of objects that are

complete and clear (Husaini Usman. 2006: 181). From the above understanding, it can be

concluded that the population is a collection of variables in a generalized area that has values

that can be taken for further research, study, and conclusions can be drawn, while the variables

themselves can consist of the results of calculations or quantitative measurements, statements

qualitatively obtained directly from the object of research, and also can be in the form of

additional characteristic points obtained from around the research area as additional data. For

example, we choose CV Agru as the object of research related to the theme “Managing

Managing as Human Capital”. The main reason is that this company fulfills the few criteria

that have been determined in this study, namely :

1. Employees in this company generally are across generations. Where each employee's

age varies, because of the striking difference in a birth year.

2. Because these employees have different birth years, it is certain that every employee in

the company has different characteristics, perspectives, and mindset.

3. Another thing that makes this company different from other companies is the level of

compactness, togetherness, and familiarity that has been made in the culture in which

they work. Because usually for other companies sometimes an employee actually

becomes bored after working for a number of years which leads to the discharge of one

person from the employee. Even though the work culture in the company is good.

4. And the last of these points is about how a company leader can manage all his

employees without the slightest conflict. Even though conflicts may actually occur.

3.2.1 Sample

From the total number of the population, then we have taken several employees from the

company to be willing to become the object of the research sample. The employee data as


1. Name : Robert Adi Pamungkas

Position : Employee

2. Name : Asep

Postion : Employee

3. Name : M. Sholehudin

Postion : Employee

4. Name : Mono

Postion : Employee

5. Name : Putra Yudha

Postion : Employee

6. Name : Sarip. H

Postion : Employee

7. Name : Ibrahim

Postion : Employee

3.3 Data Collection Method

3.3.1 Documentary Analysis – Interview

The first thing we do when doing research is to interview the research object. The purpose

obtained from the interview is to get descriptive data, with in-depth details, and facts that are

proven to be true based on the events or series of events that have occurred so far. Besides that

when conducting an interview, the important thing that must be considered is that the interview

does not mean that it is limited to collecting answers to data that concerns either true or false.

Rather, it is more about how a researcher can make an object of research willing to be able to

explain a broader answer than just a general context. Then with this method, we can get a

variety of descriptive data that has been systematically collected from the object of the research

itself based on events that have occurred from the beginning to the end of the part of the event

that was asked in the interview.

The interview itself is usually supported by questions addressed to the object of research in

order to provide answers to detailed explanations, this starts from the preparation of questions

based on why and how to be able to produce detailed information and we can understand the

explanation. And the question may include something that can provoke an answer that is out

of the topic of the question which later can be tricked by the researcher with the note that the

answer is still in the context of the research theme which is the basis for preparing the question.

In the sense that a researcher must be required to try to give a number of questions, both before

and then during the observation, and after research observation. This makes the interview

method a fairly easy first step when carrying out a research observation. Because a researcher

can focus on the things he wants to know to then become the question material. For material

questions, sometimes it is not always necessary to stick with the research material, but can also

be made according to the needs of a researcher during the research. Generally, researchers

usually make two types of question material. The first is the main or core question and the

second is the supporting question. The main question serves as a basic question where the

question covers all the things we want to ask, while the supporting questions are used to ask

small things beyond the reach of the main questions but the answers can be used as additional

data. This way can make the object of research have to think more deeply in order to provide

more in-depth answers and explanations about the events that have occurred.

As for the answers themselves, usually in the context of the statement indicated as a series of

stories of the following events with developments that occur in the intervals of time. The story

will later be able to give a new perspective and a deep perspective to the researcher regarding

the answers to questions related to the research material being studied.

3.3.2 Questionnaire

In addition to conducting interviews, a researcher must also make a questionnaire to be filled

out by respondents from the research object. The making of the questionnaire is to reach

answers that may not necessarily be taken in the interview session. It must be admitted that

even though the interview can get us answers to questions that have been prepared since the

beginning of the preparation of research material. But we are not fully able to rely solely on

data that has been obtained from interviews, because usually not all objects of research can tell

or provide answers to the question directly or maybe a participant who is the object of research

tries to manipulate the answers given to the researcher. This is fairly reasonable considering

that the person who is the object of the research usually has to sort out where the information

can be given to other people, and which information must be stored which the information

should not be known by a researcher. For example, such as confidential information about

activities carried out by the company or matters relating to the personal participants of the

object of research will be his views on the company where they work. So that the data obtained

from the results of the interview have not been able to cover all of the observations carried out

by the research. You could say that a researcher does not only pay attention to something that

is visible or something that we can get from outside the environment of the place of

observation, but also must be able to reach up to the deepest point of the observation

environment. Because there are times when the core information research that is being sought

by researchers is precisely the deepest part. And to be able to reach it cannot be achieved by

making a direct approach, but by means of a closed approach without losing the main focus in

exploring the deepest data. The only way to do this is by giving a number of questions in written


Although giving the questionnaire is giving questions in writing, the researcher must pay

attention to the important points when making questions. Because if it is not so, it still does not

get an accurate answer or the fact that is being sought. The first point in making a questionnaire

is to try to avoid making questions openly, the goal is that researchers can keep getting answers

or facts without disturbing the privacy of the research participants themselves. Furthermore,

the question must be made by providing options for choosing answers to these questions based

on the theories that have been studied so that participants can immediately understand the intent

of the questions asked. And making answer choices must also be adjusted to the law of cause

and effect that applies in real life. Even if the question asked must be accompanied by a request

for the reason why the participant is answering it, then it must be expressed along with the

question made and also must be provided also the answer reason column itself separately from

the answer choice column. So that participants can express all the things that have happened in

the company's environment intimate and also unknown to anyone other than mere researchers.

Another important point to consider in making a questionnaire is having to make a written

request from the researcher so that the participant as the object of the research can answer the

questions in the questionnaire honestly without coercion accompanied by a guarantee of the

confidentiality of the participant's answers that must be borne by the researcher himself.

Chapter 4
Results And Discussion

4.1 Company Profile

CV AGRU is one of the famous engineering workshop companies in Cikarang. Located in Jl

Beruang Raya Blok – H1 No. 181/201/207/214.This is a company engaged in light industry
engineering established in 2003. At that time initially it was still in one company namely CV
AGRU Cikarang Technology which was originally a company of machinery and construction
workshops. Until the growth of this company until 2013, CV AGRU Cikarang Technology was
finally divided into two divisions. Namely CV AGRU Farma Technology and CV AGRU
itself. At CV AGRU this makes various products and services in the field of precision parts,
iron and steel construction, rubber & blow molding manufacture, and special machine
modification and manufacturing services. For consumers who use CV AGRU 's products are
various, ranging from automotive companies such as KYB, Komatsu, Suzuki, and steel
processing companies such as SUMCO, and Posmi Steel. With the number of employees as
many as 8 people, but CV AGRU can make light industrial engineering products that can
compete with similar companies, even become a supplier of semi-finished steel and steel
processing materials and providers of machinery for industrial use.

4.2 Data Analysis

In this section, all data that has been obtained from the previous questionnaire will be processed
into tables and graphs. In accordance with the objectives of the project this task is to identify
turn over rate in millenial generation. The researcher has obtained two types of data for this
project assignment consisting of interviews and questionnaires. In the questionnaire the
researchers also received 7 respondents and employee representatives from companies whose
employees were included in the mixed category, because they consisted of Generation X, and
Generation Y, also called Millennial Generation.
While the data collected from the interview will be processed further by taking a number of
important points. Because in accordance with the agreement made between the company and
the researcher stating that to provide general questions about the environment in the company

concerned in addition to the provision of questionnaires that have been done in order to obtain
personal answers from each employee.

4.2.1 Turnover Rate of CV AGRU

Before discussing the data, we want to give a little explanation about turnover. Turnover is the
desire of an employee to move, stop or leave the workplace done voluntarily or from the
willingness of the employee itself or the decision of the organization. Generally turnover is
done because employees want to get a better job. And turnover is divided into three
classifications, namely :
1. Based on employee willingness, turnover is divided into two types, namely involuntary
turnover and voluntary turnover :
 Voluntary turnover. Dismissal due to poor performance and violation of work
rules. Voluntary turnover is triggered by organizational policies, work rules and
performance standards that are not met by employees.
 Voluntary turnover. The employee left the company because of his own wishes.
Voluntary turnover can be caused by many factors, including career
opportunities, salary, supervision, geography and personal / family reasons.

2. Based on its functional level, turnover is divided into two types, namely functional
turnover and dysfunctional turnover:

 Functional turnover. Employees who have lower performance, less reliable

individuals, or those who interfere with coworkers leave the organization.
 Dysfunctional turnover. Important employees and high performance leave the
organization at a critical time.

3. Based on the form of control, turnover is divided into two types, namely uncontrolled
turnover and controllable turnover:

 Turnover that cannot be controlled. Appears for reasons outside the influence
of the employer. Many reasons for employees who quit cannot be controlled by
the organization, for example as follows: The existence of employee transfers

from a geographical area, employees decide to stay in the area for reasons of
family, husband or wife who are separated and employees are students who
have just graduated from college.
 Controlled turnover. Appears because of factors that can be influenced by the
employer. In turnover that can be controlled, organizations are better able to
maintain employees if they handle employee issues that can lead to turnover.

The phases of the turnover process can be seen in the diagram below :

1. In the first stage of the turnover process begins when employees evaluate their current
work, then they realize that they are satisfied or not satisfied with their work.
2. The second stage begins with a decrease in the level of satisfaction which then affects
the decrease in motivation characterized by: stress, physical illness, lazy to work, low
quality, lack of personal communication, ignorance with work duties.
3. Stage three employees begin to decide to think and intend to go out to find new jobs.
4. The fourth stage of the employee compares alternative work with his current job and
makes a decision to stay or leave and the fifth stage is the action to stay or leave the

There are several factors in the occurrence of turnover, including:

1. Age. Younger employees are more likely to leave. Turnover rates tend to be high for
young employees because they still have the desire to try work.

2. Length of working. Turnover is more common with employees with shorter work
periods. Interaction with age and lack of initial socialization is a condition that allows
for turnover.
3. Workload. As a result of workloads that are too heavy can result in a worker suffering
from work-related disorders or diseases.
4. Environmental factor. A pleasant location will appeal to employees, as well as the
physical environment that can affect employee turnover.
5. Job satisfaction. Based on the results of the study indicate that the turnover rate is
influenced by one's job satisfaction.
6. Salary satisfaction. Employee job satisfaction is considered a cause of turnover, but
employee perceptions of unfair treatment in terms of compensation are a stronger cause.
g. Organizational factors. It was found that when new entrants have a profile of values
approaching the organizational value profile, the possibility of remaining in the
workplace is greater.

After discussion about turnover. Next, the researcher will attach the turnover rate data at CV
AGRU from 2003 to 2010 and 2010 to 2018

Year Turnover Rate

2003 - 2010 0%
2011 - 2018 33,3 %

From the table it can be concluded that the turnover rate data of milennials employee in CV
AGRU in period 2003 to 2010 are 0 % of the millenials employee s in the company decide to
leave in this period, but in period 2011 to 2018 showed that there was an increase in turnover
rate to 33.3% of millennial employees who decided to leave the company.

4.2.2 Questionnaires Results

For this section there are three indicators that researchers take to conduct an analysis of all the
answers in the questionnaire, the rest of which can be obtained conclusions. These three
indicators consist of factors that affect employee loyalty with the company, factors that affect
employee performance in the company, and the last are factors that influence employees to
leave the company. Results For Factors That Affecting Loyalty For Millennials Employees

Overall, the loyalty level of millennial employees in the CV AGRU company is fairly high,
this is supported by the statement of respondents stating that the relationship between the
company and its employees is close to 71%. The rest are respondents who state that the
relationship between the company and employees is normal as much as 29%. Results For Factors That Affecting Millennials Employees Performance’s

Here the researchers found there were 3 things that influenced the performance of millennial
employees at CV AGRU. The first is a good work environment, for this point there are as many
as 57% of respondents who say CV AGRU has a good work environment and the remaining
43% of respondents said that the AGRU CV has a fairly good work environment. Next is the
company's style in managing its employees, for this point as many as 71% of respondents said
that AGRU's CV used an open style in managing its employees. The remaining 29% of
respondents said that the AGRU CV used a democratic style in managing its employees.
Finally, in a way that is often used by companies to regulate their employees, for this point
there are as many as 43% of respondents who say that AGRU CV applies discipline and
firmness in managing its employees, then 29% of respondents said that AGRU's CV applied
patience and attention in regulating its employees, and finally as many as 29% of respondents
who say that the AGRU CV applies freedom and always gives input in managing its employees Results For Factor That Affecting Millennials Employees to Resign the Company

In this indicator, the researcher found a factor that influenced millennial employees to leave
the company. The first is the motivation of millennial employees to work at CV AGRU. Here
the researcher found that The first is the motivation of millennial employees to work at CV
AGRU. Here the researchers found that as many as 86% of respondents said that their

motivation to work was to support the economy of their families, the remaining 14% of
respondents said that their motivation to work was for their lives later in old age. The second
is about the things they have always wanted from the company. The result is as many as 43%
of respondents chose to ask for a salary increase, then in 43% of respondents chose to ask for
the importance of increased discipline, and the remaining 14% of respondents asked the
company to be open in terms of job descriptions and asked for improved quality of work safety.

4.2.3 Interview Results

In this process, the researcher conducted an interview directly to the head of the CV AGRU
company. Where in accordance with the agreement between researchers and the interviewee is
not to notify the results of the interview to any party and not ask about personal. As for the
interview the researcher did not make a list of questions, but gave questions directly based on
the thoughts of the researcher. In addition, in this section, researchers only present important
questions that are the core of this research. Question 1

In this first question the researcher asked the leader of the CV AGRU company about how the
company treated and regulated its employees. The answer was that CV AGRU treated its
employees not formally, meaning there was no term relationship between superiors and
subordinates. So what has been done by CV AGRU is preferring to treat its employees as a
work team as well as family, but still knows the rules set by the company. As for the
arrangement and division of its own work, CV AGRU's puts more emphasis on the expertise
of each of its employees. Question 2

Furthermore, in the second question, the researcher wanted to ask the company leader about
the company CV AGRU itself, starting from the history of its inception, the number of
employees who existed at the initial stage, about the attitude that the company had experienced
when they found out there was an employee who proposed a resignation, and about the good

quality the environment of this company. The result is that as at the beginning of this chapter
CV AGRU was founded in 2013 where the company was a fraction of CV AGRU Technology.
Then when it was still established the company was known to only have 4 employees and from
year to year it increased to 8 people, even though there had once been 2 employees who left
the company but in the end again increased to the previous number of 8 people until now. Then
for the problem of responding to the discharge of employees from the company, it was also
explained to researchers that the CV AGRU was not too protracted in facing the problems of
the employees leaving the company, because for CV AGRU's leaders themselves, each
employee had his own reasons for leaving the company. And the leader of the company may
only be able to give a kind of consideration to the employee to think again with the decision he
has made, even if the employee prefers to stay on his decision means that the leader of the
company can only respect it. As for the work environment in the company, CV AGRU's
leadership also acknowledged that there was still a lot to be improved from its work
environment. Because at CV AGRU it was still lacking in terms of providing work facilities
such as machinery, materials, and additional employees. Then the CV AGRU is also lacking
in providing safety facilities at work so that many employees often work in conditions not using
safety. And in terms of cleanliness it is still said to be lacking considering the large number of
items or work tools that are scattered about. Question 3

For the last question, the researcher asked CV AGRU's leadership about how the company
recruits new employees and encourages work motivation to its old employees. The result is
that the leadership of CV AGRU when recruiting employees is not based on formal education
achieved from prospective employees but from work morale and work experience that has been
obtained from the previous company, because if it relied on high education achieved but no
experience and no having work morale is just as useless. Then for the steps taken by the
company to motivate the enthusiasm of its employees is to provide salaries and benefits
appropriately, create pleasant working environment conditions, and build closeness and
familiarity with the employees themselves.

4.2.4 Results Of Discussion Topic

From the results of the data analysis carried out above is that there are many things that must
be done by CV AGRU in order to be even better, especially to regulate millennial employees.
Because for now productive people are dominated by millennials and Generation Z who are
the successors of the previous generation. Because if CV AGRU does not take advantage of
this opportunity, the company will not be able to advance. The efforts that must be made by
the company CV AGRU are as follows :
1. CV AGRU must first improve its work environment by having to have a clearer
organizational structure and work rules. In addition, the company must also have a
firm attitude in terms of enforcement of discipline, the provision of clear job
descriptions, and must have clarity between employees and company leaders.
2. The CV AGRU must prioritize openness in everything. Because CV AGRU's has
succeeded in making closeness to its employees, especially to millennials. So what
must be done is to be more open. So that employees can find out what is happening
in the company and may be able to give a little input to the company to resolve these
problems. The CV AGRU must prioritize openness in everything. Because CV
AGRU's has succeeded in making closeness to its employees, especially to
millennials. So what must be done is to be more open. So that employees can find
out what is happening in the company and may be able to give a little input to the
company to resolve these problems.
3. Companies must be able to try to attract more people to become employees of CV
AGRU, because the current number of workers with companies that have been
operating is not balanced.
4. The company must also improve the work environment by making a number of
changes such as procuring and updating old machines with new machines, providing
work safety facilities, creating a cleaner and neater working environment.


5.1 Introduction

This chapter will give a general conclusion about the results of research on "Managing
Millennials as Human Capital" at CV Agru. This last chapter will also provide
recommendations for the company. This recommendation can also be used to improve CV
Agru to manage the millennial generation in the business. the results of this study can also be
used for further research to be further improved for learning materials.

5.2 Conclusion

This conclusion will cover aspects of the results of the study in general and focus on the
influence of the millennial generation on a company and are associated with the results
obtained from the data analysis.
1. Millennials have properties that have adapted to technological developments so that
they are ready to face the next technological era.
2. The millennial generation has an influence on a company because millennials are
occupying a lot of jobs and replacing generations. Previously, the millennial generation
had the capability in technology so they were quick to learn new technologies so they
could increase company productivity.
3. Millennials have low loyalty but they can work effectively in a company
4. The millennial generation of CV Agru has a low rate of over-rate because in this
endeavor the leader applies an open and democratic type of leadership so that the
millennial generation in the business does not feel pressured and has the potential to
increase the company's productivity

5.3 Recommendation for CV Agru

Based on the research the millennial in the CV Agru have a good spirit in a work, it proven by
the amount of turnover is very low. Although CV Agru can managing millennial in the right

way but they will be bored if it looks monotonous, therefore the researcher will give a
recommendation to CV Agru in managing the millennial generation.
1. CV Agru should provide the facility to make the employees enjoying their job and have
a good spirit in workplace. For the example like transportation.
2. CV Agru should give a benefit or rewards to the employees that can reach the target
rapidly not only for employee that have a project in outside workplace. Because this
aspect is very important for millennial but not only for millennial and from this CV
Agru can increase the employee motivation to work.
3. CV Agru should have a clear system in the leadership system in that company.
4. Managing millennial as human capital in CV Agru should be precise in every aspect
like training and developing their employee especially for millennial generation.


Website :

Wikipedia : Generation Baby Boomers :

Generation X :

Generation Y (Millennial) :

Generation Z :

Generation :

Other Website : Turn over :


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