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Exercise 1: Implement Basic Rank Formula

1) Implement a rank formula in cell D11 to show Student 1's position in the class
Remember to use $ signs (hit the F4 key) to fix the range
Use the example in H11 to help you
2) Copy and paste the formula down (click the square in the bottom-right corner
and hold, then drag down) to give the position of all students in the class

Table for you to use Example to help you

Team Student
Name Points Rank Name Grade Rank
Team 1 7 Student 1 50 7
Team 2 11 Student 2 44 9
Team 3 30 Student 3 53 6
Team 4 5 Student 4 68 2
Team 5 22 Student 5 57 4
Team 6 30 Student 6 76 1
Team 7 29 Student 7 54 5
Team 8 9 Student 8 61 3
Team 9 23 Student 9 45 8
Exercise 2: Use Match and Offset to Create League table

1) Implement a match formula in cell G16 to show how far down the the list in col D this ranking appears
Remember to use $ signs (hit the F4 key) to fix the range
Use the example in K16 to help you
Copy and paste the formula down (click and drag the square in the bottom-right corner)
2) Implement an offset formula in cell H16 to indicate which student is in this ranking position
Use B15 as an anchor point and 'offset' from this cell using the number given by the match formula in col G
Remember to use $ signs (hit the F4 key) to fix the anchor point; use the example in L16 to help you
Copy and paste the formula down (click and drag the square in the bottom-right corner)

Rank table from previous exercise Match / offset table for you to use Example match / offset table to help

Student Match Offset Match

Name Grade Rank Rank Formula Formula Rank Formula
Student 1 50 7 1 1 6
Student 2 44 9 2 2 4
Student 3 53 6 3 3 8
Student 4 68 2 4 4 5
Student 5 57 4 5 5 7
Student 6 76 1 6 6 3
Student 7 54 5 7 7 1
Student 8 61 3 8 8 9
Student 9 45 8 9 9 2
ranking appears

tch formula in col G

6 to help you

atch / offset table to help you Example with column hidden

Offset Student
Formula Rank Name
Student 6 1 Student 6
Student 4 2 Student 4
Student 8 3 Student 8
Student 5 4 Student 5
Student 7 5 Student 7
Student 3 6 Student 3
Student 1 7 Student 1
Student 9 8 Student 9
Student 2 9 Student 2
Exercise 3: Deal with Equal Values

1) On the previous sheet, change student 1's grade to 44. What happens?
An error is created because two values are the same
We can avoid this by adding an increment to each student grade
2) Use a simple formula in col E to add the increment (col D) to the grade (col C)
Copy and paste the formula down (click and drag the square in the bottom-right corner)
3) Implement a rank formula in col F to rank students according to figures in col E
Copy and paste the formula down (click and drag the square in the bottom-right corner)

Table to incorporate increment and calculate new rank Example to help you

Student Student
Name Grade Increment Total New Rank Name Grade
Student 1 44 0.9 Student 1 44
Student 2 44 0.8 Student 2 44
Student 3 53 0.7 Student 3 53
Student 4 68 0.6 Student 4 68
Student 5 57 0.5 Student 5 57
Student 6 76 0.4 Student 6 76
Student 7 54 0.3 Student 7 54
Student 8 61 0.2 Student 8 61
Student 9 45 0.1 Student 9 45
Increment Total New Rank
0.9 44.9 8
0.8 44.8 9
0.7 53.7 6
0.6 68.6 2
0.5 57.5 4
0.4 76.4 1
0.3 54.3 5
0.2 61.2 3
0.1 45.1 7
Exercise 4: Create Final Table

1) As in exercise 2, implement a match formula in col I, and an offset formula in col J

The match formula will refer to cols I and F and will tell you where a ranking lies in col F
The offset formula will refer to cols I and B and will display the student name at that rank
Revisit exercise 2 for help, or see the example below

Table from Ex 3 on previous sheet Table for you to complete

Student Match
Name Grade Increment Total New Rank Rank Formula
Student 1 44 0.9 44.9 8 1
Student 2 44 0.8 44.8 9 2
Student 3 53 0.7 53.7 6 3
Student 4 68 0.6 68.6 2 4
Student 5 57 0.5 57.5 4 5
Student 6 76 0.4 76.4 1 6
Student 7 54 0.3 54.3 5 7
Student 8 61 0.2 61.2 3 8
Student 9 45 0.1 45.1 7 9

Example to help you

Student Match
Name Grade Increment Total New Rank Rank Formula
Student 1 44 0.9 44.9 8 1 6
Student 2 44 0.8 44.8 9 2 4
Student 3 53 0.7 53.7 6 3 8
Student 4 68 0.6 68.6 2 4 5
Student 5 57 0.5 57.5 4 5 7
Student 6 76 0.4 76.4 1 6 3
Student 7 54 0.3 54.3 5 7 9
Student 8 61 0.2 61.2 3 8 1
Student 9 45 0.1 45.1 7 9 2
to complete


Example with column hidden

Offset Student
Formula Rank Name
Student 6 1 Student 6
Student 4 2 Student 4
Student 8 3 Student 8
Student 5 4 Student 5
Student 7 5 Student 7
Student 3 6 Student 3
Student 9 7 Student 9
Student 1 8 Student 1
Student 2 9 Student 2

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