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Property Purpose

Name read-only Name of the property.

Description read-only Currently not used.
DetailedDescription read-only Currently not used.
AbortSet attribute, default = false If true, and this property belongs to a handle class, then MATLAB does not set the property value
if the new value is the same as the current value. This setting prevents the triggering of property
PreSet and PostSet events.
See Listen for Changes to Property Values
Abstract attribute, default = false If true, the property has no implementation, but a concrete subclass must redefine this property
without Abstract being set to true.
 Abstract properties cannot define set or get access methods. See Property Access Methods
 Abstract properties cannot define initial values. Assigning a Default Value
 All subclasses must specify the same values as the superclass for the property SetAccess
 and GetAccess attributes.
 Abstract=true should be used with the class attribute Sealed=false (the default).

GetAccess attribute, default = public public – unrestricted access

protected – access from class or subclasses
private – access by class members only
List classes that allow access for this property. Specify classes as meta.class objects in the form:
 A single meta.class object
 A cell array of meta.class objects. An empty cell array, {}, is the same as private access.
See Class Members Access
SetAccess attribute, default = public public – unrestricted access
protected – access from class or subclasses
private – access by class members only
immutable — property can be set only in the constructor.
See Mutable and Immutable Properties

List classes that have set access to this property. Specify classes as meta.class objects in the form:
 A single meta.class object
 A cell array of meta.class objects. An empty cell array, {}, is the same as private access.
See Class Members Access
Access public – unrestricted access
protected – access from class or subclasses
private – access by class members only (not subclasses)
List of classes that have get and set access to this property.

Specify classes as meta.class objects in the form:

Property Purpose

 A single meta.class object

 A cell array of meta.class objects. An empty cell array, {}, is the same as private access.
Use Access to set both SetAccess and GetAccess to the same value. Query the values of SetAccess
and GetAccess directly (not Access).
Constant attribute, default = false Set to true if you want only one value for this property in all instances of the class.
 Subclasses inherit constant properties, but cannot change them.
 Constant properties cannot be Dependent
 SetAccess is ignored.
See Properties with Constant Values
DefaultValue Property default value (if specified in class definition). See also HasDefault property.
Abstract, dependent, and dynamic properties cannot specify default values.
DefiningClass The meta.class object representing the class that defines this property.
Dependent attribute, default = false If false, property value is stored in object. If true, the property value is
not stored in the object and the set and get functions cannot access the property
by indexing into the object using the property name.

See Property Get Methods

Transientattribute, default = false If true, property value is not saved when object is saved to a file. See Save and Load Process for Objects
for more about saving objects.
GetMethod read-only Function handle of the get method associated with this property. Empty if there is no get method
specified. See Property Get Methods
GetObservable attribute, default If true, and it is a handle class property, then listeners can be created for access to this property.
= false The listeners are called whenever property values are queried. See Property-Set and Query Events
HasDefault Property contains a boolean value indicating whether the property defines a default value. Test
HasDefault before querying the DefaultValue property to avoid a MATLAB:class:NoDefaultDefined
Hidden attribute, default = false Determines whether the property should be shown in a property list (e.g., Property
Inspector, call to properties, etc.).
NonCopyable attribute, default Indicate if property value should be copied when object is copied.
= false
For more information, see Exclude Properties from Copy
SetMethod read-only Function handle of the set method associated with this property. Empty if there is no set method
specified. See Property Set Methods
SetObservable attribute, default If true, and it is a handle class property, then listeners can be created for access to this property. The listeners are called whe
= false See Property-Set and Query Events

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