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AP English Lit

Creative Project for King Lear

Choose one of the following creative project ideas to complete by November 13. You have
approximately 4 weeks to work on this project, so have fun and do great work! (This project is worth
50 points.)

1. Lear’s Map: Create a large illustrated map of Britain, including the characters and their
movements, important scenes, etc. You will be graded on size (at least 11 x 14’’), materials used,
and execution of ideas.

2. Diary Entries: Re-create a page from one of the characters’ diary – What would Cordelia or
Lear write in her or his diary? Your project may include one long journal entry or may cover several
entries. Must be one full page in length, double-spaced. You will be graded on character personality
references and plot references (at least two of each).

3. Obituaries: Write the obituaries for Cordelia, her sisters and their father. Include as many
details as the play allows. You may write two separate obituaries or one that covers one character
first, and then the other. This project must be at least one full page in length, double-spaced. You
will be graded on character personality references and plot references (at least two of each).

4. Newspaper Article: Pretend you are a reporter and write a newspaper article retelling the
events of Romeo and Juliet’s tragic deaths. This project must be one full page in length, double-
spaced. You will be graded on accuracy and plot references (at least four).

6. Art: Create an original drawing, painting, or sculpture of a character, scene, or theme from
King Lear. You will be graded on your effort, materials used --no lined notebook paper-- and
execution of ideas. Make this beautiful and/or really interesting.

7. Lear Children’s ABC Book: Create an A to Z children’s book (think dark, like Edward
Gorey’s stuff) with illustrations and facts about King Lear. You will be graded on your effort,
materials used, and execution of ideas.

8. Poetry of your own: Write a sonnet about a subject of your choice, following the English
sonnet format: 14 lines with 10 syllables per line, with the rhyme scheme ABAB, CDCD, EFEF, GG.
You will be graded on following the format of a sonnet.

9. Songwriting (Lyrics and / or Music) : Imagine that you have been commissioned to
compose an original piece of music or song lyrics that reflect and convey the themes in King Lear.
The music composition can be written and turned in as sheet music, or recorded and uploaded to
youtube (at least 2 minutes and no more than 8 minutes). The song lyrics must be at least one page,
double spaced. For both, you will be graded on effort and execution of ideas.

10. Short Film: Act out a scene from King Lear with a classmate or more (depending on the
scene). You can speak Shakespeare’s dialogue or you can re-write the scene in modern English.
Wear costumes that add to the film! Film at least 5 minutes and no longer than 15 minutes and
upload to youtube. You will be graded on effort and clarity of spoken dialogue. (I shouldn’t be
watching and wondering, “What just happened?”)

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