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PART 2 STATE community or even whether the

"nation" exists at all

 Guibernau (1996, p. 47) has defined the
 Groups of people which have acquired nation as: ‘a human group conscious of
international recognition as an independent forming a community, sharing a
country and which have a population, a common
language and a defined and distinct territory.
common culture, attached to a clearly
 State, political organization of society, or demarcated territory, having a common
the body politic, or, more narrowly, the past and a common project for the
institutions of government. The state is future and claiming the right to rule
a form of human association itself’.
distinguished from other social groups MULTINATIONAL STATE
by its purpose, the establishment of
order and security; its methods, the laws  A multinational state is a sovereign
and their enforcement; its territory, the state which is viewed as comprising two
area of jurisdiction or geographic or more nations. Such a state contrasts
boundaries; and finally by its with a nation state where a single nation
sovereignty. The state consists, most comprises the bulk of the population.
broadly, of the agreement of the
individuals on the means whereby
disputes are settled in the form of laws A State stands identified with its four absolutely
essential elements:

 The Montevideo Convention on the

Rights and Duties of States is a treaty 1. Population:
signed at Montevideo, Uruguay, on
State is a community of persons. It is a human
December 26, 1933, during the
political institution. Without a population there
Seventh International Conference of
can be no State. Population can be more or less
American States. The Convention
but it has to be there. There are States with very
codifies the declarative theory of
small populations like Switzerland, Canada and
statehood as accepted as part of
others, and there are States like China, India and
customary international law
others, with very large populations.
The people living in the State are the citizens of
 A nation is a large group of people the State. They enjoy rights and freedom as
with strong bonds of identity - an citizens as well as perform several duties
"imagined community," a tribe on a towards the State. When citizens of another
grand scale. The nation may have State are living in the territory of the State, they
a claim to statehood or self-rule, but are called aliens. All the persons, citizens as well
it does not necessarily enjoy a state as aliens, who are living in the territory of the
of its own. National identity is State are duty bound to obey the state laws and
typically based on shared culture, policies. The State exercises supreme authority
religion, history, language or over them through its government.
ethnicity, though disputes arise as to
who is truly a member of the national
2. Territory: 4. Sovereignty:

Territory is the second essential element of the Sovereignty is the most exclusive element of
State. State is a territorial unit. Definite territory State. State alone posses sovereignty. Without
is its essential component. A State cannot exist sovereignty no state can exit. Some institutions
in the air or at sea. It is essentially a territorial can have the first three elements (Population
State. The size of the territory of a State can be Territory and Government) but not sovereignty.
big or small; nevertheless it has to be a definite,
State has the exclusive title and prerogative to
well-marked portion of territory.
exercise supreme power over all its people and
Further, it must be noted that the territory of the territory. In fact, Sovereignty is the basis on
state includes not only the land but also, rivers, which the State regulates all aspects of the life of
lakes, canals inland seas if any, a portion of the people living in its territory.
coastal sea—territorial waters or maritime belt,
As the supreme power of the State, Sovereignty
continental shelf, mountains, hills and all other
has two dimensions:
land features along with the air space above the
territory. Internal Sovereignty and External Sovereignty.
3. Government: (i) Internal Sovereignty:
Government is the organisation or machinery or It means the power of the State to order and
agency or magistracy of the State which makes, regulate the activities of all the people, groups
implements, enforces and adjudicates the laws and institutions which are at work within its
of the state. Government is the third essential territory. All these institutions always act in
element of the State. The state exercises its accordance with the laws of the State. The State
sovereign power through its government. can punish them for every violation of any of its
This sometimes creates the impression that
there is no difference between the State and (ii) External Sovereignty:
Government. However it must be clearly noted
that government is just one element of the State. It means complete independence of the State
It is the agent or the working agency of the State. from external control. It also means the full
Sovereignty belongs to the State; the freedom of the State to participate in the
government only uses it on behalf of the State. activities of the community of nations. Each
state has the sovereign power to formulate and
Each government has three organs: act on the basis of its independent foreign policy.
(1) Legislature—which formulates the will
of State i.e. performs law-making
(2) Executive— enforces and implements a nation with limited sovereignty, especiallya fo
the laws i.e. performs the law- rmer colony that now assumesresponsibility for
application functions; and domestic affairs butcontinues to depend on the
(3) Judiciary—which applies the laws to colonial rulerfor defense and foreign policy.
specific cases and settles the disputes
i.e. performs adjudication functions.
PEOPLE spite of the existence of a de
jure government.
There is no definite limit for the size of  The Government that gets possession
population essential for a State. However, it is and control of, or usurps by force or by
recognised that the population should be neither the voice of the majority, the rightful
too large nor very small. It has to be within a legal government and maintains itself
reasonable limit. It should be determined on the against the will of the latter.
basis of the size of the territory of the State, the DE FACTO GOVERNMENT OF
available resources, the standard of living PARAMOUNT FORCES
expected and needs of defence, production of  This is established and maintained by
goods and supplies. military forces who invade and occupy a
territory of the enemy in the course of
war, and which is denominated a
 The group of people with the authority government of paramount force.
to govern a country or state; a particular Characteristics: 1) Its existence is
ministry in office. maintained by active military power
 A group that exercises sovereign within the territories and against the
authority over a nation, state, society or rightful authority of an established and
other body of people. Governments are lawful government. 2) While it exist it
generally responsible for making and must necessarily be obeyed in civil
enforcing laws, managing currency, and matters by private citizens who, by acts
protecting the populace from external of obedience rendered in submission to
threats, and may have other duties or such force, do not become responsible,
privileges. Governments also typically as wrongdoers, for those acts, though
set tax rates, and may regulate not warranted by the laws of the
investment practices as well. rightful government
DE JURE GOVERNMENT  Established as an independent
 The term that applies to the legally government by the inhabitants of a
constituted government that has been country who rise in insurrection against
placed in power in accordance with the the parent state
 De jure government is the legal,  A system of government in which the
legitimate government of a state and is powers of the president are
so recognized by other states. constitutionally separate from those of
the legislature.
DE FACTO GOVERNMENT  The executive leader, the President, is
directly voted upon by the people (Or
 A de facto government is in actual
via a body elected specifically for the
possession of authority and control of
purpose of electing the president, and
the state.
no other purpose
 A de facto government is one which has
seized power by force or in any other
unconstitutional method and governs in
 In a presidential system, executive an absolute monarch serves as the sole
power is constitutionally vested in a source of political power in the state
single individual (i.e., the president) and is not legally bound by any
PARLIAMENTARY GOVERNMENT constitution. Most constitutional
 A system of government having the real monarchies employ a parliamentary
executive power vested in a cabinet system in which the Monarch may have
composed of members of the strictly Ceremonial duties or may have
legislature who are individually and Reserve Powers, depending on the
collectively responsible to the constitution. They have a directly or
legislature indirectly elected prime minister who is
 Democratic form of government in the head of government, and exercises
which the party (or a coalition of effective political power.
parties) with the greatest DICTATORSHIP
representation in the parliament  form of government in which one
(legislature) forms the government, its person or a small group possesses
leader becoming prime minister or absolute power without
chancellor. effective constitutional limitations. The
UNITARY GOVERNMENT term dictatorship comes from the Latin
 A unitary system of government, or title dictator, which in the Roman
unitary state, is a sovereign state Republic designated a temporary
governed as a single entity. The central magistrate who was granted
government is supreme, and the extraordinary powers in order to deal
administrative divisions exercise only with state crises.
powers that the central government TOLITARIANISM
has delegated to them.  form of governmentthat theoretically
FEDERAL GOVERNMENT permits no individual freedom and that
 A federal government is a system of seeks to subordinate all aspects of
government that divides the power individual life to the authority of
between a larger central government, the state. Italian dictator Benito
and the local and regional governments Mussolinicoined the term totalitario in
beneath it. the early 1920s to characterize the new
ABSOLUTE MONARCHY fascist state of Italy, which he further
 The term "absolute monarchy" refers to described as “all within the state, none
monarchies in which the ruler has total outside the state, none against the
powers and supremacy above a state.”
country's people that no written ARISTOCRACY
legislation or law limits.  government by a relatively small
LIMITED MONARCHY privileged class or by a minority
 A constitutional monarchy is a form of consisting of those felt to be best
government in which a monarch acts as qualified to rule.
head of state within the parameters of OLIGARCHY
a written (i.e., codified), unwritten (i.e.,  government by the few, especially
uncodified) or blended constitution. It despotic power exercised by a small
differs from absolute monarchy in that and privileged group for corrupt or
selfish purposes. Aristotle used the MINISTRANT FUNCTION
term oligarchia to designate the rule of
 Ministrant functions are those that are
the few when it was exercised not by
undertaken only by way of advancing
the best but by bad men unjustly.
the general interests of society and are
merely optional. Examples are public
 Democracy is a form of government in
works, public education, public charity,
which all eligible citizens have an equal
health and safety regulations and
say in the decisions that affect their
regulations of trade and industry.
 Democracy allows people to participate Laissez Faire Doctrine
equally—either directly or through
elected representatives—in the  Laissez-faire economics is a theory that
proposal, development, and creation of restricts government intervention in the
laws. It encompasses social, economic economy. The economy is strongest
and cultural conditions that enable the when all the government does is
free and equal practice of political self- protect individuals’ rights.
determination. Doctrine of Parens Patriae
 Mobocracy or ochlocracy means the  A doctrine that grants the inherent
rule of government by mass of people. power and authority of the state to
In this kind of government system, a protect persons who are legally unable
powerful mob or mass of people take to act on their own behalf. Parens
control of government. patriae is Latin for ‘parent of his or her
 Mobocracy is the form of government country.’ In the juvenile justice legal
wherein people do not have the power system, parens patriae is a doctrine that
to elect their representatives since it a allows the state to step in and serve as
populace or a mob that reserves the a guardian for children, the mentally ill,
right to form the government and rule the incompetent, the elderly, or
the people. disabled persons who are unable to
care for themselves.
 Constituent functions are those which
constitute the very bonds of society and  in political theory, the ultimate
are compulsory in nature. Examples are overseer, or authority, in the decision-
keeping of order and providing for the making process of the state and in the
protection of persons and property; the maintenance of order.
fixing of the legal relations between LEGAL SOVEREIGNTY
man and wife, and between parents
and child; the regulation of property  Legal sovereignty is that authority of
and the determination of contract the state which has the legal power to
rights issue final commands. It is the authority
of the state to whose directions the law
of the State attributes final legal force.
POLITICAL renounce trade treaties and to enter
into military agreements. Each estate is
 Political sovereign in the representative
independent of other states.
democracies, we mean the whole mass
of the people or the electorate or the CHARACTERISTICS OF SOVEREIGNTY
public opinion. But at the same time, it
cannot be emphatically asserted that
political sovereignty can definitely be  Permanence is the chief characteristics
identified with the whole mass of the of sovereignty. Sovereignty lasts as long
people, the electorate or the public as an independent state lasts. The
opinion. Political sovereignty is a vague death of the king, the overthrow of the
and indeterminate term. government and the addiction of power
 Political sovereignty rests in that class does not lead to the destruction of
of people under whose influence the sovereignty.
mass of the people is or the people are.  We should keep in mind the basic fact
Political sovereignty rests in the that the king or the ruler exercises
electorate, in the public opinion and in sovereign power on behalf of the state
all other influences in the state which and, therefore, sovereignty lasts as long
mould and shape the public opinion. as the state lasts. The death of the king
or the overthrow of the government
does not affect sovereignty. This is the
 Internal Sovereignty means some reason why people in England used to
persons, assembly of group of persons say “The King is dead, long live the
in every independent state have the King”.
final legal authority to command and
enforce obedience.
 This sovereignty exercises its absolute  By exclusiveness we mean that there
authority over all individuals or can be two sovereigns, in one
associations of the individuals within independent state and if the two
the state. Professor Harold Laski has sovereigns exist in a state, the unity of
very aptly remarked in this connection: that state will be destroyed. There
“It issues orders to all men and all cannot exist another sovereign slate
associations within that area; it receives within the existing sovereign state.
orders from none of them. It will is  There can be but one supreme power in
subject to no legal limitation of any the state. Within the state, there is no
kind. What it proposes is right by mere other power that possesses equal or
announcement of intention”. superior authority to it.
 External Sovereignty, that the State is  The State is all comprehensive and the
subject to no other authority and is sovereign power is universally
independent of any compulsion on the applicable. Every individual and every
part of other States. Every independent association of individual is subject to
state reserves the authority to the sovereignty of the state. No
association or group of individuals, sovereignty is divided, more than one
however, rich or powerful it may be, state exists”.
can resist or disobey the sovereign
 Sovereignty makes no exception and  Inalienability is another characteristic of
grants no exemption to anyone. It sovereignty. Sovereignty is inalienable.
grants exemptions only in the case of By inalienability we mean that the State
foreign embassies and diplomatic cannot part with its sovereignty. In
representatives of foreign countries on other words, we can say that the
the reciprocal basis. This does not in sovereign does not remain the
any way restrict the sovereignty of the sovereign or the sovereign state, if he
state in the legal sense. The state can or the state transfers his or its
abolish and withdraw the diplomatic sovereignty to any other person or any
privileges granted to foreigners. other state.
 Sovereignty is the life and soul of the
state and it cannot be alienated without
 Sovereignty is absolute and unlimited. destroying the state itself. Lieber has
The sovereign is entitled to do very aptly remarked in this connection:
whatsoever he likes. Sovereignty is “Sovereignty can no more be alienated
subject to none. than a tree can alienate its right to
 Sovereignty is a primary power. It does sprout or a man can transfer his life or
not derive its power from anything, personality to another without self-
There is no other body that determines destruction”.
the nature and the extent of the power
as a matter of legal right.
 By imprescriptibility, we mean that if
the sovereign does not exercise his
 Sovereignty cannot be divided without sovereignty for a certain period of time,
producing several wills of the people, it does not lead to the destruction of
which is inconsistent with the notiion of sovereignty. It lasts as long as the state
sovereignty lasts.
 Indivisibility is the life-blood of  This implies that sovereignty can
sovereignty. Sovereignty cannot be neither be destroyed nor lost if it has
divided state, American statesman not been exercised for a long period. A
Calhoun has declared, “Sovereignty is people may not have exercised
an entire thing; to divide it is to destroy sovereignty for some time due to
it. It is the supreme power in a state control by a foreign power. But non-
and we might just well divide it is to exercise of sovereign power does not
destroy it. It is the supreme power in a put an end to sovereignty itself. It can
state and we might just well speak of only shift to a new bearer.
half square or half a triangle as half a
sovereignty”. Gettell, has also very aptly
remarked in this regard, “If sovereignty  Jurisdiction, Authority of a court to hear
is not absolute, no state exists. If and determine cases. This authority is
constitutionally based. Examples of TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION
judicial jurisdiction are: appellate
 Territorial jurisdiction refers to
jurisdiction, in which a superior court
jurisdiction over cases arising in or
has power to correct legal errors made
involving persons residing within a
in a lower court; concurrent
defined territory. It can also be the
jurisdiction, in which a suit might be
territory over which a government, one
brought to any of two or more courts;
of its courts, or one of its subdivisions
and federal jurisdiction. A court may
has jurisdiction. If a court does not have
also have authority to operate within a
territorial jurisdiction over the events or
certain territory. Summary jurisdiction,
persons within it, then the court will not
in which a magistrate or judge has
be able to bind the defendant to an
power to conduct proceedings resulting
obligation or adjudicate any rights
in a conviction without jury trial, is
involving them. Territorial jurisdiction
limited in the U.S. to petty offenses.
can be waived, even unintentionally, by
 The power and authority
a defendant
constitutionally conferred upon (or
constitutionally recognized as existing PERSONAL JURISDICTION
in) a court or judge to pronounce the
sentence of the law, or to award the  Personal jurisdiction, also known as in
remedies provided by law, upon a state personam (against the person)
of facts, proved or ad- mitted, referred jurisdiction, gives a court the authority
to the tribunal for decision, and to make decisions binding on the
authorized by law to be the subject of persons involved in a civil case. Every
investigation or action by that tribunal, state has personal jurisdiction over
and in favor of or against persons (or a persons within its territory. Conversely,
res) who present themselves, or who no state can exercise personal
are brought, before the court in some jurisdiction and authority over persons
manner sanctioned by law as proper outside its territory unless the persons
and sufficient. have manifested some contact with the
Sovereignty and jurisdiction are related but
quite distinct concepts. Sovereignty refers to EXTRATERRITORIAL JURISDICTION
the possession of ultimate legal authority within  Extraterritorial jurisdiction gives
a defined territory. Jurisdiction refers to the government the authority to extend its
authority to exercise legal power. Sovereignty is laws beyond its borders. Extraterritorial
a normative concept, a product of moral jurisdiction refers to a court’s ability to
philosophy and legal theory that is used to exercise power beyond its territorial
make claims about how political and legal limits. It can also refer to the legal
systems ought to be organized, while ability of a government to exercise
jurisdiction is an empirical concept used to authority beyond its normal
describe how such systems actually are boundaries. Extraterritorial jurisdiction
organized can apply internationally also.
DOCTRINE OF AUTO LIMITATION and stateless persons, on the other. It is
applicable only in international armed
 Is the property of a state-force due to
which it has the exclusive capacity of
 Belligerent state invades the territory of
legal self-determination and self-
another state with the intention of
restriction.” A state then, if it chooses
holding the territory at least
to, may refrain from the exercise of
temporarily. While hostilities continue,
what otherwise is illimitable
the occupying state is prohibited by
competence.” The opinion was at pains
International Law from annexing the
to point out though that even then,
territory or creating another state out
there is at the most diminution of
of it, but the occupying state may
jurisdictional rights, not its
establish some form of military
administration over the territory and
 Under the principle of auto-limitation,
the population. Under the Martial Law
any state may by its consent, express or
imposed by this regime, residents are
implied, submit to a restriction of its
required to obey the occupying
sovereign rights. There may thus be a
authorities and may be punished for
curtailment of what otherwise is a
not doing so. Civilians may also be
plenary power
compelled to perform a variety of
DOMINIUM nonmilitary tasks for the occupying
authorities, such as the repair of roads
 The capacity of the State to own and and buildings, provided such work does
acquire property. not contribute directly to the enemy
 It refers to lands held by the war effort.
government in a proprietary character:  There is no change in sovereignty.
can provide for the exploitation and use However, political laws, except those
of lands and other natural resources. treason, are merely suspended;
IMPERIUM municipal laws remain in force unless
changed by the belligerent. What may
 Government authority possessed by the be suspended is the exercise of the
State which is appropriately embraced rights of sovereignty, with the control
in sovereignty. and government of the territory
Imperium is the State’s authority to occupied by the enemy passes
govern as embraced in the concept of temporarily to the occupant
sovereignty; includes passing laws,
governing a territory, maintaining peace Principle of Jus Postliminium
and order over it, and defending it  At the end of the occupation, when the
against foreign invasion. occupant is ousted from the territory,
BELLIGERENT OCCUPATION the political laws which had been
suspended during the occupation shall
 Governs the relationship between the automatically become effective again.
occupying power, on the one hand, and In the same vein, political laws of the
the wholly or partially occupied state belligerent occupant are automatically
and its inhabitants, including refugees
abrogated upon the cessation of the independence of a particular state, it is
occupation inherent in statehood that there should
be a core territory that is subject to the
Political laws of the former sovereign,
effective control of the authorities of
whether compatible or not with those of
the state
the new sovereign, are automatically
abrogated, unless they are expressly re- ARTICLE I
enacted by the affirmative act of the new
sovereign. Municipal laws remain in force.
 Article I of the 1987 Philippine
Constitution: National Territory The
 The term abrogation refers to the national territory comprises the
cancelling, repealing, abolishing, or Philippine archipelago, with all the
annulling of something. In short, islands and waters embraced therein,
abrogation is the “undoing” of a thing and all other territories over which the
by authoritative action. In a legal sense, Philippines has sovereignty or
abrogation is most often used in the jurisdiction, consisting of its terrestrial,
context of revoking terms of a contract, fluvial and aerial domains, including its
or of repealing a law. territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil,
 Abrogation is used to annul a law, or to the insular shelves, and other
cancel a contract, with just cause, and submarine areas. The waters around,
with authority. Simply disagreeing with between, and connecting the islands of
a law, or changing one’s mind about a the archipelago, regardless of their
contract, is not just cause for breadth and dimensions, form part of
abrogation. Abrogation can only be the internal waters of the Philippines.
done by the makers of the law or
contract. A law can only be repealed by
the legislative body that made it. A  An archipelago is a group of islands
contract can only be cancelled by the closely scattered in a body of water.
parties who entered into it. A law, Usually, this body of water is the ocean,
ordinance, or decree can be repealed in but it can also be a lake or river.
its entirety, or only certain portions of it
can be abolished, which is referred to as

 If the country is an archipelago or has

TERRITORY an archipelago under it, a baseline is
drawn between the outermost points of
 The sovereignty of a state is confined to the islands, provided that these islands
a defined piece of territory, which is are close to each other. All water inside
subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of this is called Archipelagic Waters. The
the state and is protected by state has full sovereignty over these
international law from violation by waters very much similar to the internal
other states. Although frontier disputes waters and the foreign vessels are
do not detract from the sovereignty or
allowed for innocent passage through argued that since naval states guarded
archipelagic waters. against maritime perils such as piracy,
naval states should rightfully exercise
exclusive jurisdiction over the sea. Due
 In International Law the term territorial to England’s continuing naval prowess,
waters refers to that part of the ocean Mare Clausum remained in force for the
immediately adjacent to the shores of a next 200 years.
state and subject to its territorial MARE LIBERUM
jurisdiction. The state possesses both  The sea should be open to all states for
the jurisdictional right to regulate, exploration and trade, irrespective of
police, and adjudicate the territorial naval capabilities. Mare Liberum
waters and the proprietary right to revolved around two key principles:
control and exploit natural resources in first, that “the High Seas were laissez-
those waters and exclude others from faire domains to be used by all nations,”
them. and second, that no state could claim
these as their own. Although published
UNITED NATION CONVENTION ON THE LAW OF earlier than Mare Clausum, Mare
THE SEA Liberum did not gain traction until
 The United Nations Convention on the much later when the rest of Europe
Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) establishes a began to engage in trade. Due in part to
comprehensive legal framework to an increase in international commerce,
govern all activities and uses of the Mare Liberum continues to govern the
world’s seas and oceans. The high seas.
Convention defines the limits of ARCHIPELAGIC DOCTRINE
territorial seas of countries from which
they can explore and exploit marine The Archipelagic Doctrine is a specification in
the Filipino Constitution of 1973 defining the
boundaries of the country. It stated:
"The national territory comprises the
 During the Roman era, the concept of Philippine archipelago with all the islands and
waters embraced therein and all the other
Mare Nostrum governed states’ claims
territories belonging to the Philippines..."
to the sea. Under the Mare Nostrum
regime, Rome extended its sovereignty This doctrine means, therefore, that the
outwardly to encompass the breadth of country, with its thousands of islands and
the Mediterranean Sea, subjecting it to many seas, should be considered as a political
unit for reasons of history, law, geography,
Rome’s internal laws. Norway and economics, and security. Also, when questions
England followed suit, claiming the involving territorial conflicts arise, the
entire North Sea and the English Philippines uses this doctrine to support its
Channel, respectively, as their exclusive territorial claims.
 Mare Clausum regime accords use and  Straight baseline method refers to
exploitation only to states with naval imaginary straight lines are drawn
capabilities, particularly England. Selden joining the outermost points of
outermost islands of the archipelago, Exclusive Economic zone of 200 Nautical Miles
enclosing an area the ratio of which from the Baseline
should not be more than 9:1 (water to
Exclusive economic zone can be defined as a
land); provided that the drawing of
belt of water which extends up to 200 nautical
baselines shall not depart, to any
miles from the baseline of the coastal state.
appreciable extent, from the general
Thus it includes both territorial sea and
configuration of the archipelago. The
contiguous zone.
waters within the baselines shall be
considered internal waters; while the The exclusive economic zone provides the
breadth of the territorial sea shall then coastal state control over all economic
be measured from the baselines. resources such as fishing, mining, oil
exploration, and marine research.
Territorial sea of 12 Nautical Miles from the
Baseline The coastal state also has jurisdiction regarding
protection and preservation of natural
According to UNCLOS, the territorial sea can be
resources and marine environment.
defined as the area which extends up to 12
nautical miles from the baseline of a country’s REGIME OF ISLANDS
coastal state. The territorial sea is under the
jurisdiction of that particular country; however, Article121
foreign ships (both merchant and military) ships Regime of islands
are allowed passage through it.
1. An island is a naturally formed area of
This type of passage of territorial passage of land, surrounded by water, which is
foreign ships is known as innocent passage. above water at high tide.
However, the right to innocent passage can be 2. Except as provided for in paragraph 3,
suspended if there is a threat to the security of the territorial sea, the contiguous zone,
the coastal state. the exclusive economic zone and the
Contiguous zone of 24 Nautical Miles from the continental shelf of an island are
baseline determined in accordance with the
provisions of this Convention applicable
Contiguous zone can be defined as the belt to other land territory.
which extends 12 nautical miles beyond the 3. Rocks which cannot sustain human
territorial sea limit. habitation or economic life of their own
shall have no exclusive economic zone
A coastal state’s control on this area is limited
or continental shelf.
to prevention of actions which can infringe its
customs, fiscal, and immigration laws. It can
also act if any activity in the contiguous zone
threatens regulations in the territorial sea.

It is possible that vessels carrying noxious

dangerous substances or waste may be turned
away on public health or environmental

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