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Lesson Plan- Water Cycle

Grade: 4TH
Unit/Subject: Science
Name of the lesson: Water Cycle
Approximate time: 30-45 minutes
Teak:(8) Earth and space. The student knows that there are recognizable patterns in the natural
world and among the Sun, Earth, and Moon system. The student is expected to: (A) measure,
record, and predict changes in weather; (B) describe and illustrate the continuous movement of
water above and on the surface of Earth through the water cycle and explain the role of the Sun
as a major source of energy in this process; and

A Students
B Will be able to understand the water cycle
C this will be after watching a video and explaining a diagram
D they will be tested by creating their own water cycle

Materials needed:

● Water cycle vocabulary

● Pencils
● Notebook
● Colors
● Paper

Anticipatory Setting (attention getter):

● What is the definition of the a cycle?

● Describe the water cycle.
● What are the steps of the water cycle?


● Discuss the meaning and significance of the water cycle,

● Name some key words of the water cycle.
● Teach them a fun fact.

Instructional input:

● I will show them a video of of the water cycle as well as a water cycle song


● I will use a create a diagram of the water cycle using the key terms

Guided practice:

● I will use the diagram and explain to them the water cycle in depth and each different

Independent practice:

● The student will organize the water cycle with the different flashcards game.

● The students will be able to draw a water cycle in the correct process.


● List the steps of the water cycle as a class along with hand motions.


● Once the student is done they will share their water cycle with a partner and explain it to
their partner.

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