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Majors join forces Shipbuilding and Ma rine Engineering

in engineering JIP Co.• (OSME). Hyu nda i Heavy Industries

Fifteen of£shore companies. includi ng Co. (HHJ). Royal Dutch She ll. Che\•ron
She ll a nd Che\•ron. have signed a mem~ a nd MODEC International.
randum of u ndersta nding (MOU) toes- Classification societies signing the
tablish e ngineer ing industry stan da rds agreement included: ADS. Bureau
known as lhe Sta ndardizalion Unified Ve ritas. Korea Offshore a- Sh ipbuilding
Joint Industry Project (JJP). Association (KOSHIPA). Korea Marine
The one·year agreeme nt sets out the Equipme nt Research Institute (KOMSRI)
terms a nd conditions upon which lhe a nd lloyd·s Register.
signing panies shall establish industry
sta nda rds for offshore e ngineering. 11le Cyberhawk establishes
objective is to reduce cost an d increase Houston base
predictability without compromis- Cyberh awk Innovations. an aerial in·
ingsafety in inte rnational offsho re oil spection an d sun •ey ptO\•ider. is set to
a nd gas e ngineer ing. procurement a nd establish a Houston ofl'i ce.
construction (SPC) topside projects by The new Houston offi ce will focus
using standardized bulk materia ls a nd predominanlly on lhe onshore a nd of£·
equ ipment. construction a nd qualifica· shore oil a nd gas in duslry. Cyberbawk
tion procedures. a nd documentation has a lready u ndertaken oil a nd gas
requirements. inspection work in Non h America. for
A sign ing ceremony atlhe 2016 ope rators in Canada. an d has a number
Offshore Technology Conference in of projects lined up with oil a nd gas
Houston included ofl'i cia ls from offshore supennajors in the US O\•e r lhe coming
engineering companies.: Wood Group monlhs.
Mustang. McDermott Inte rna tiona l. Cyberha wk·s operations d irector.
ONV Korea. Technip. Sams ung Chris ftl eming. h as spentlhe lastlhree
Hea\'Y lnduslries Co. (SHI). Daewoo monlhs in lhe US u ndertaking ma rket
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62 June 2016 I OR f or reprints p!ease contact the Publisher.

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