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suLa9018 SLE 11611 CONGRESS , To reserve any amounts forfeited to the United States Goverment ay a result of the criminal prosecution af Joaquin Arehivaldo Ghzman Loera (commonly known as “EL Chapo”), ov of other felony convietions invaly- ing the trmsportation of controlled substances into the United States, for seenrity measures along the Southern border, including the eample- tion of a order wall IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES Mr. CRUZ introduced the following bills whieh was read twiee ancl re the Committee on A BILL To reserve any amounts forfeited to the United States Gov- ernment as a result of the criminal prosecution of Joa- quin Arel Chapo”), or of other felony convietions involving the ivaldo Guzman Loera (commonly known as “EI transportation of controlled substances into the United States, for security measures along the Southern border, including the completion of a border wall. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa- 2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, ES SID Coe daweun 10 Ik 1B 4 15 16 0 18 19 20 22 23 24 as vor SLO. SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘This Act may be cited as the “Ensuring Lawtal Col- lection of Tlidden Assets, to Provide Order Act” or the “KL CHAPO Act”. SEC. 2, USE OF CERTAIN FORFEITED CRIMINAL PROCEEDS: FOR BORDER SECURITY MEASURES. Notwithstanding any other provision of lane, any ille- gailly obtained profits resulting from any éximinal drag tvalficking enterprise led by Joaquin Archivalda Givanan Loera {commonly known as “BI Chapa”), which are evimi- nally forfeited to the United States Government as a re- sult of the convietion of Mr, Guzman Loeva in a district court of the United States, shall be reserved for security measures along the border between the United States and Mesieo, including the completion of a wall along such bor- der, for the purpose of stemming the flow-of illegal ma cotics into. the United States and furthering the security of the United States, SEC. $. USE OF FORFEITED CRIMINAL PROCEEDS OF OTHER CONVICTED CARTEL MEMBERS. (a) DEFrxtT1oN.—In this section, the term “member: of a chug ¢artel” metus an individual engaging in # eon- tinuing criminal enterprise involving knowingly and inten- tionally distributing-a controlled substance, intending and imowing that the substance would be unlawfully imported Stu1g018 She. C Oran eon 10 12 3 Into the United States froin w place ontside of the United States. {b) Use oF PRocEEDS.—Notwithstancing any other provision of law, any funds that are eviminally forfeited to the United States Government as the resuit of a felony conviction ina district court of the United States of a member of a drag cartel shall be reserved for seeurity measures. along the border between the United States and Mexico, including the coinpletion of a wall along such bor- der, for the purpose of stemming the flow of egal unr coties into the Lasited States and, furthering the see of the United States.

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