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COMMUNICATION  It now occupies an important place in any work

Generally defined as the exchange of thoughts, environment.

ideas, concepts, and views between two or more  How these symbols are interpreted is very
people, various contexts come into play crucial in visual communication. There are some
instances when visual comm is classified under
CONTEXT non-verbal communication (persuasive
It is the circumstance or environment in which communication).
communication takes place. Ex. Signs, symbols, emojis, infographics, photos,
presentations, videos, etc.
1. Physical or Actual Setting Use Big Images To Show Your Ideas
2. Value positions of a speaker/listener
3. Relevance or appropriateness of message Types of Communication according to CONTEXT
conveyed 1. INTRAPERSONAL Communication
2. INTERPERSONAL Communication
Communication may be classified according to 3. EXTENDED Communication
 Latin; INTRA – within or inside
Different contexts can impact one’s communication.  Intrapersonal communication means talking
Each communication type is governed by a to oneself.
particular circumstance. Thus, it is essential to pay  Other labels include: self or inner talk, inner
attention to the interplay of factors surrounding the monologue, or inner dialogue, self-
context of communication which may be physical, verbalization or self-statement
cultural, social and psychological in nature.
Reasons for Intrapersonal Comm:
Types of Communication according to MODE • Boost confidence when nervous to speak in
1. Verbal – Non-Verbal communication front of an audience;
2. Visual communication • Apprise yourself that you performed
• a good job; and
A message may be conveyed with these types. • Console yourself that you did a task poorly.
Though communication is often thought of as
verbal, the non-verbal mode is equally essential as it Self-talk can be advantageous as it can enable you
enhances one’s message. to practice what you ought to say in times when you
lack the motivation and confidence to speak. As you
Verbal-Non-Verbal Communication respond to life’s challenges, you may also find
 Effective communication calls for blending of yourself verbalizing your thoughts and feelings. It is
these two types. then important to introspect, you are able to
Ex. Door-to-door salespersons who demonstrate improve on your decisions in life and likewise
product knowledge can only be effective if they enhance your self-worth as a person.
know how to properly punctuate what they say with
proper gestures and facial expressions. • You got this!
• Do I really wanna do this?
Visual Communication • Well done, YOU!
 Uses visuals to convey information and/or • You’ve come a long way. Nice!
 It can be achieved through digital mode or text. 2. INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION
 Latin; INTER – between, among or together
 Interpersonal communication means an straight ahead.
interactive exchange Jeepneys take the
 Also known as group communication same route and it
shouldn’t take you
more than 10 minutes
However, as interpersonal comm occurs, a even with the traffic.
transaction doesn’t necessarily take place since it SPEAKER A: Thank you
can only be a simple interaction such as – greeting, very much. I think I will
getting to know a person, or ordinary conversations just take the public
that happen between or among the interactants. transport as I am
This may occur in dyads or small groups also known running out of time.
You’ve been really
as group communication.

A communication is interpersonal when --

• it is meant to establish or deepen one’s
relationship with others.
A communication is extended when --
• Interpersonal talks are meant for
 It involves the use of electronic media.
maintaining social relationships,
Messages are transmitted quickly.
transactional talks aim to accomplish or
resolve something at the end of the
 Television, radio, expanded to --- tele, audio or
phone conferencing;
Interpersonal – social relationships – characterized
 Video conferencing; skype calls;
by less seriousness & formality
Transactional - objective is to achieve something at  E-conferencing (Webinars) – participants may
the end of the conversation – more formal & not be physically present but are still able to
profound track down the lectures and actively participate
actively because of mass articulation and
INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION dissemination of information, allowing speakers
to reach a wider group of listeners (ex. MOOC,
SPEAKER A: Hello! I’m SPEAKER B: Oh, I’m Coursera)
KC Ramos. And you Miko Mendoza. Glad
are? to meet you. How are  It is public in nature.
you related to the  Language used may be more formal.
debutante?  Your own thinking, behavior, and attitude may
SPEAKER A: She’s my SPEAKER B: She was
be influenced by other people and you may be
cousin. Her mom and my high school
mine are sisters. How classmate. I never met persuaded to take views you hear.
about you? any of her cousins so
it’s great to meet you It is important that you weigh and assess them
now. against those beliefs that you hold onto so don’t get
SPEAKER A: Yes, same easily swayed by other people’s convictions.
here. Nice meeting
you too.
 The focus is on the role that communication
TRANSACTIONAL COMMUNICATION plays in organizational contexts.
 For an organization to be successful, a system of
SPEAKER A: Excuse me. SPEAKER B: Yes. In fact
communication should be put in place.
Would you know how you may go there on
to get to the nearest foot or take a jeepney.  A set of rules or standards for communication
mall? It’s a 20 minute walk. protocol should be made clear so that
Just turn left then interaction patterns are established.
This particularly happens with non-verbal
Organizations comprise individuals who work for communication.
the company.
On the part of the individual, you should be It is important then not to be judgmental or to rush
equipped with the needed oral & written into interpretations as cultures sometimes vary
communication skills that the organization expects enormously.
you to possess.
Types of Communication according to PURPOSE &
1. FORMAL communication
2. INFORMAL communication

In this type of communication, rather than focusing

on the transmission of messages and message flow,
the focus here is on the COMMUNICATION SETTING

according to PURPOSE & STYLE

1. FORMAL communication
 to inform, to educate, to persuade
 Employs formal language delivered orally or
Downward Comm – Superior to subordinate (ex.
in written form
President to a manager) – usually asking individuals
 Formal situations & writings such as -
to perform a task.
lectures, public talks/speeches, researches &
Upward Comm – Subordinates to bosses – send
project proposals, reports & business letters
views/feedback on organizational policies, issues
related to their jobs and the like.
Note that while lectures and speeches are delivered
Horizontal Comm – facilitate performance of tasks
orally, the texts have been thought out carefully and
through proper coordination (Subject Coordinators,
written well before they are delivered. The main
Program Heads)
objectives of this type of communication is to
Diagonal Comm – Superior-project heads-staff-
inform, to educate, and to persuade.
managers – various levels & units communicate &
coordinate with each other
2. INFORMAL communication
Informal / Grapevine – occurs due to the
 Doesn’t employ formal language. Oral (face-
dissatisfaction of some employees accompanied by
to-face), phone calls, written texts (e-mails,
uncertainty – superiors playing favorites,
unfavorable company rules, etc.
 Personal & ordinary situations such as –
conversations with friends, family members,
or acquaintances about anything under the
 The communication between or among people
having different linguistic, religious, ethnic,
 to socialize and enhance relationships
social, and professional backgrounds.
 Even gender difference affects communication.
 Individuals having different orientations
communicate and interpret messages

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