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Excellency the judges, honorable all the officials and dear ladies and gentlemen.

Today I am so honored to be in a room, filled with people who believe in unleashing in

rebellious spirit to fight back the climate change within each of us. So, lads and gents. I start it
from May 2016. There were 12 Greenpeace activists protested the government plan to increase
Indonesian electric power by using fossil fuel power. They claimed the fossil fuel power can be
dangerous for environment because it is pollution. And pollution is not the solution.

Lads and gents, we always hear about pollution, pollution and pollution. Pollution is
everywhere and we know exactly if Pollution is something that’s making land, water, air or other
parts of the environment dirty unsafe to use. Toxic pollution affects more than 200 million
people worldwide, according to Pure Earth, an environmental organization. In some of the
world’s worst polluted places, babies are born with birth defects, children have lost 30 to 40 IQ
points, and life expectancy may be as low as 45 years because of cancers and other diseases.
What a horrible situation and Talking about pollution, unfortunately, most of us didn’t realize we
always use or maybe produce the pollution. Like this. So, lads and gents. We can see how
reckless we are in using plastic. Yes, nowadays, the main environment problem is plastic. And a
couples days ago I read a news and what did i find? Whale found dying off coast of Norway with
30 plastic bags in its stomach. The zoologists found if the plastic were from several countries.
Once again, our reckless.

Lads and gents. Why can be plastic dangerous for our environment? Of course it is
dangerous because it needs at least 500 years to be decomposed. So, how can we as a commoner
to minimize the impact? Government and a lot of non-profit organization have been trying to
minimize the impact. A lot of program have been done, like change the plastic bag with reusable
bag, and recently, I follow kind of environment care program. I knew it from earth hour
surabaya. They call this gowo tumbler, it means we must bring our own reusable bottle while
doing activity, so we don’t have to buy drink anymore and of course it minimize the plastic trash.
So, we must starts these actions from ourselves. And then we can spread it to our family,
neighbors, desk mate, and then classmate and our schoolmates. Spreading of using reusable to
our close people is the most efficient way. Because they need model, instead explanation from a
to z about saving environment, then we must show them the good result. Like, I always bring my
own water, so I don’t need to buy drink anymore and then I can save my money.

Ladies and gentlemen. No matter how small change that we’ve been doing. It will change
the world if the small change we’ve done have such a major impact. Major impact which can
save the earth, because the earth’s future is our future. May name is alief lukman syuafii. Thank


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