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2018, 08. 10, How Can You Switch Bodies? - Spiritual Forums A slightly different angle here. ‘There is a sub-form of Phowa, (which originally meant movement) in texts is about moving into a corpse to inhabit it. Same principle though. I once read about yogis switching bodies to practice it In this form it's known by various terms: trongjug - grong hjug - grong'jug - drongjug It's in some of the translations of Naropa’s 6 Yogas. However, the ones I've read were apparently for yogis who did not have the capability of astral projection. ‘There are other forms of Phowa practices besides these. Consciousness sharing for instance is used within our Sangha for teaching and initiations. The Teacher - initiator creates a dream as a test which we experience and must react in specific way in order to pass the initiation. It obviously could also be used for mind control. For this and what's mentioned below about ejecting someone from their body it’s easy to see why these practices are esoteric. ‘They've used the word transformation here instead of Phowa. Tumo Is about the same as kundalinl. Also required | would think would be the yoga of the illusory body, dream yoga - and/or astral projection. From Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra, by C.A. Musés. ‘According to Tantra there are three different teachings of the Transformation practices: the special Transformation Yoga; the Teaching of the self-mind (or soul) entering into another's corpse; and the teaching of expelling another's soul from his body so that one’s consciousness may enter this body. All these three Transformation practices require, first, the capability of closing the nine gates by words; second, the mastery of Vase Breathing, by means of which all the pranas of different organs are gathered and entered into the Central Channel; third, the mastery of Tumo, whereby the small Ah-word of the red-element in the navel center is able to attract and hold the wisdom Hu? word (which is the rider of the subtle prana) at the Heart Center. This is said in the Tantras of Vajra Dakini and of Gdan-bzhi and in their common commentary Bhaba Bhad-ras; and in the Tantra of G’a-sbyor and its commentary, the Fruit-Bearing Pith-Instruction. The Transformational Yoga, Chapter 9[/url] Esoteric Teachings of the Tibetan Tantra, by C.A. Musés{/url] http://www. htm We were taught these 6-8 yogas or practices, more or less, as a group when i was in the Sangha. They are probably taught privately now between Lama and disciple. Assuming the Lamas know them. The Teacher cut short his discussion of consciousness sharing when i was there. I asked him about it at my next darshon and he said, "T'm not going to tell THEM that! Really esoteric, T already knew about it as i was born with it, I didn't even know anything about it until i accidentally got into and caused a lot of trouble with it. That's when i discovered it. I have mixed thoughts about these things being so esoteric they are not even known of amongst Tibetan Buddhists. On the other hand, we were taught the basics of trongjug. Not as dangerous, | suppose, to either party as there is no one occupying a corpse, ‘The Phowa form of energy/consciousness looks like light. No astral body of any sort, but there is a relationship between Phowah (movement) and astral projection. Vibrational level or something? hitp:iwwwspintuaforums.comiva/showthread. php ?t=57866 "

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