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iii i iEl club bo l etin para l os DX 'i stas actives
que aman el DX'ismo l~tinoamericano!!! ! !
*****Reproduction ·of material from l ogging and news
section is all owed providing credit is giv en to the
original contributor and "Radio Nuevo Mundo" . ******

No. 8 9 5 de Octubre de 1985

Editors : Tetsya Hirahara, 5-6~6 Nukui-kita, Koganei city, Tokyo 184
Nobuyoshi Aoi, 3-20-18 Haehara, Koganei city, Tokyo 184 <Publisher)
2390 MEXICO: R.Huayacocotla, H; +1230+ flp often in Sept, HeK ican mK px, ,
<Nabesh·ima> ;
4755 BRASIL: R.Educagao Rural, Campo Grande; 0810-0840 g on 9121. 2Y mx ~ ·
full ID at 0830 "Radio Eduoaqao Rural Limitada, onda media 2YI 387 580
kHz 10 mil watts, onda tropl cal 2YF 904 4755kHz ,,, " <Watanabe)
4850 COSRA RICA: Emisoras Columbja, San Jose; 0620-0635 P on 1012. OH talk
~ mx px. <Kurachi)
4885.3 PERU: R.Huancavellici.J H; H100v g on 9129. 110'3 ID " ....buena musica a
Radio Huancavellica", 1104 !D wiTC "En los estudios de Radio Huancavel -
lica, son las 06 horas 01 minutes,". Also ID "6 de la manana con 3 min-
utes en Huancavellica, transmitiendo a nivel nacional.", Px is folklore :
~ message from 1isteners. <Sakai> ;
4886.0 BOLIVIA~ R.Sararenda, Camil li t0958-1020 PIVY p on 9120i30 in USB. Slon
wiOH full ID, but I could get only these words, such as "4885kHz","on-
da corta","Radio Sararenda" and etc. because of its poor condx. Then
· folklore px, latin songs and etc •• Sometimes hrd TC of JST-13h by OM.
Also, 1000-1032 P on 9120. First noted on 8126 in Miyake. Slon 1000v.
Cumbian type mx PX "Buenos dias Camili" and many IDs as "Radio Sararen-
da desde Camili, Bolivia.", "Radio Sararenda de Camili en la Republica
de Bolivia, 6 de la manana, 6 de la manana 9 minutos," <Sasaki)
4911 ECUADOR: Emisoras Gran Colombia, Quito; +1130+ fiP on 9130, 1011. Adv
for "Banco Amazonas", Fair signal but hvy QRH. <Kurachi)
4945 BOLIVIA : R.Illimani, La Paz ; 2150-2210 fiP often in Sep, Nx px, YL can-
ned ID at 2202. Reception in the morning in Japan. <Hondo)
4965.9 PERU: R.San Higuel, Huanchac ; t0906-0915 f i P on 9120. Slon wiNA, then
opening ID by OH "Desde la ciudad de tropical am,rica ,,, OCX7K 1440kHz
(al servicio local de nacional), y OA27B onda corta 4965kHz al servicio
nacional Y internacional, Radio San Miguel (de Huanchac) ,,," , then
huayno px, <Nabeshima)
4980,7 ECUADOR: Ondas Azuayas, Cuenca; 1122+ PIVY p, Nx PX ~etc .. (Sakai )
4981,2 UNID: +1044+ vy vy P on 9129. Perhaps Bolivian stn or drift of Ondas
Azuayas <4980,7) ? Not sure. (Sakai)
4990.5 PERU : R.Ancash, A; 0933+ f on 918. Px "Amanecer en Los Andes " <Sakai) .
4995,8 PERU: R.Andina, Huancayo ; 1115-1130 g on 9129. Nice huayno mK PX "Ecos
Andipos " . <Sakai)
5009.8 PERU : R,J~ Iquitos; *0920A-0931 p on 9120 in LSB. NA and then OH ann
simp le ID, theme melody of Peruvian comercial radio station.<Nabeshima)
5055 ECUADOR: R.Catolic~_H~lJ Quito; 1100-1120 f i g on 9130 . Px, +1107
"Dios habla hoy", 1107-1130 "Con dios y con la historia" <Sakai)
5063.2 ~CUADOR: R.Progreso ! LoJa; +1104+ f on 9123, (Sakai)
6099 CHILE : R.Calama, C; 0644-0815 vy PI P on 9118, EZL ~ OH ta lk. ID simPlY
· - · 'i'RadCo Calama", <Watanabe)
Also (6099.4) , 0744-0900 (f l out> f i P on 9118. LA pops px, ID at 0832
by OH "Las 4 de la maftana con 32 minutes ,,, Radio Calama ,,,", This
day is the National Day in Chile, 1 ;uess special px, <Sasaki)
6100 CUBA: RHC, La Habana; 0550-0604 f/P on 10/2 in EE. 0559 IS, closing an-
nouncement and NA. Then followed by another px in EE. <Kurachi)
6105 BOLIVIA: R.Panamericana, La Paz; 1035-1100 g on 9/30. Px "Bolivia en
Antena", 1037 ID "Panamericana es radio de Bolivia, Panamericana ••• res-
ponde ••• Casilla 5263, La Paz. Gracias.,.reouerdo ••• Radio Panamericana,
La Paz, Bolivia.", (Nakagawa)
BRASIL : R.Jornal de Sao Paulo/R.Bandeirantes, SP; 0755-0840 f/g on 9/13
ZY mx. 0800 ID" Ridio Jornal de Sio Paulo Limitada. ZYK 6-8-9 960kHz
ondas medias,Ridio Sic Paulo, a o som do r&dio.", 0830 lD "CZYK 6-8-7)
onda media 840kHz<ondas curtas ZYE> 9-5-6, 9-5-7, 9-5-8 49, 31, 25 met-
ros ••• de Ridio Bandeirantes Sio Paulo.". (Watanabe)
9550 CHILE:R.Naoional, Santiago; +1150+ f/p on 10/1, (Aoi)
11710 ARGENTINA:Radiodifusion Argentina al Exterior. BA; +1200+ f but hvy QRH
on 9/22. 1200 ID "Esta escuchan RAE, Radiodifusion Argentina al Exteri-
or" and other languages. JJ lD as Y-Jv • ::J:.- • -f- • 7-::J:.,. <:.. i::>l?';t
J'Jv-t!"./7"./ ":f::J:.J ;z.. Y-f v:z..J:.~:t:>~.:tt-':t't"o CAoi)
11920 CUBA: RHC; *1500~ f/p in Arabic, 1600+ P in French, both on 10/1, QRH
was REE and VOAC•1559• in EE for East Africa>. <Kuraohi)
~ BRASIL:R.Nacional da Amazonia, Brasilia; +2100+ P on 9/3. Nx px, <Aoi)
ECUADOR:Ems. Gran Colombia(4911>; Letter and large pennant in 2m. vts: Nancy
. Cevallos Castro de Espinosa, TNX Hr. T. Inoue <Nakagawa) .
COLOHBIA: LV del Guaviare(6035); Nice sticker only, no QSL nor letter. Reply
from Cooemisoras Ltda < Cooperativa de Servicio para Radioemisoras),
. QTH: Ap.A, 16555, Bogota. Reply in 16m. (Sakai)
.f.E.R.U..! R. Bagua(3310); Very letter, nice sticker & 1000 soles billete
and also cassette hPe w/many folklore·. In 16m. vts: Julio .Cardozo Ga- :
noza <Titular Gerente>, . <Sakai> ·
LV de la Selva(4825); Friendly letter &px sohed in 1m. v/s:Harcelino
Estevan Benito <Departamento de Produccion> <Sakai)
Hadre de Dios(4950); Letter QSL in 1m for my 1st f/up, v/s: Francisco
Javier Aniz B. They operate on 1230kHz (500w> &4950kHz <Skw).(Sakai)
R. Panamerioana(5980); Full deta letter Q~L f r my manY f/up, Recepti-
on date is 4 de marzo de 1979. v/s: Ces~ , ro <Aoi)
R. Nacional(608a}; Post card for my many f/up v/~.unreadable <Aoi)
R. El Sol(5970); Full deta card. All TN H .T.ln ue <Aoi>
HEXICO: R. Huayaooootla(2390); Printed letter in 1m. v/s : rcela Cordero P. ·
(Coordinador de R.H>. She sais JJ DXer Hr. Inoue &Christian Zettle
visited this station. (Sakai)
FOLKLAND: FIBS<3958); Full deta QSL <No. 331), technical deta sheet in 1m for
2 IRCs. v/s : Wendy Rose (QSL Secretary), Per reply, they broadcast
from 0600<AH> to 0230(AH> in Stanley Time on 3958kHz, 90, 96.5 & 100HH
z. Stanley time is 3h behind UTC from Oct. to April, and 4h from April
to Oct,, The stn has a permanent local staff of three <two of which
are full time & one part ·time), The team is supplemented by seconded
BFBS staff, who have helped them to extend their broadcasting hours.


AOI Nobuyoshi TOKYO NAKAGAWA <Hasaru • • • • NI IGATA
SAKAI Toshiaki TOKYO HONDO Isamu • • • • • lWATE
CORRECTION: In last issue of RNH, I found some mistakes in my reception rep-
ort. 11 APril 11 was bad, "August" is correct. <Nabeshima)
~~ ~Q~I~ ~~Q~!~~ --- !~~~~ #2~ 9/26/85
Editors: Steven H. Reinst~in
Robert L. Wilkner
Publisher: Robert L. Wilkner
Material for DXSF #95 should be sent to SHR:
7753 Harbour Boulevard, Miramar, FL 33023
DEADLINE for #95 is 5 October 1985
' USE OF DXSF: Permission is 'granted to broadcast material contained in this
issue of DXSF only after October 3rd, and providing that credit is given to
DXSF and the original repo~ter~s). ·
· jBuenos dias radioaficionados! Technically, autumn has .arrived, but you realty
,can't tell here in south FL, where the weather is still quite balmy. DX ihas
' run hot and cold, but we always hope it'll impro~e. L~t''s dive into the l ~··· ·
· 4254.5 ~ R El Sol _de los Andes. Santa. Cruz, 0~00;0320 fair, best in LSB
to avoid CW. H~~ynos & b~llads, several cl~ar ID & t/cks (Krueg~r ' 9/17J
4774.9 PERU R Taima, 0333-0353, couple of songs in a row, t/ck by W, ads~
t Possible IDs by gal; but not 100'7.. Poor to fair ' (Gundl 8/30) . .
4792 . ECUADOR Sistema de Emisoras Atalaya. -0323-0332, full ID by man
" ••• Sistema de Emisoras Atalaya, transmitiendo para America del Sur" •
.· .· r T/ck "veintid6s horas, treinta minutos" (Grundl 8/30) · . . - ·
4796.5 · BOLIVIA R Nueva America, ·0958-1024, inst'l mx all ~y same artist.
Possible ID at ~020. Next day ID & fqys at 1009· · (Wilkner 9/9&10)
4805 BRAZIL ,R Difysora de Amazonas, 0940-0948, ID by M, nx (Wilkner 9}9)
4846 VENEZUELA RValera, 0257-0303* pop song "Love Hurts" by Nazareth.
Final anncmnt in SP, .closing w/ YV anthem. Valera used to close at
0400, maybe earlier on Sundays? (Grundl 9/2) · [Yup!_ 0400* except Sun. J
4889.8 ECUADOR R Centinela del Sur, 0123-0146, lots of ads, songs, sports
cmntry & ID; Deep Purple's "Smoke on the Water" at 0200 recheck . Poor
due to high noise level (Grundl 9/1) ·
4911 ECUADOR Emisoras Gran Colombia, 0224-0240 "Programa deporte" with
reports about football (sorry, it's soccer in the States!), teams fro~
Argentina & Colombia, talk abt tennis cracks Lendl & McEnroe, ment of
"loteria ·de Guayaquil", IDs (Grundl 9/9)
5022v VENEZUELA R Nacional., 2311-2330 good signal, tho some FMing noted.
lnt 1 l rock hits like "We Are The World", song by Pat Benatar, etc.
Recheck 9/19 at 1104 on 5022.6, then. on 9/20 at 2345 on 5020.0, with
same mx pgm, morning & evening! (Reinstein 9/16)
5025.7 ECUADOR R Splendit, noted several consecutive morns at 1·100 checks,
rf as Rebelde has ·been signing on very late ....HC mx pgm, pop hits, local
guitar mx. Clear IDs & GMT-5 -t/cks .· (Reinstein 9/19) .
5324.7 PERU R Acobamba, . 0215-0234 clear but very weak &-aistorted .audio: ·-
Huaynos, SP M (what·. else? hi) no chance for ID . (Krueger 9/17)
5801.7 · PERU R Frecuencia San Ignacio, 0143-0155f, pgm of romantic ballads
-... · t . 'W7M DJ. Tentative ment .of "R Frecuencia" & t/ck between records.
QSB by 0155. Het . d e liTE (Parks 9/14) . ·
5950 GUYANA GBC, 0415-0502* reggae, M "It's now 2 o'clock on GBC", into
s/off anncmnts by W, mentioning 560, 700 & 5950 only. Orch NA. New
sked or just late this night? · (Krueger 9/8) '
5954 BOLIVIA R Pio Doce, per Reinstein tip, found this one opening 0859
w/ sign-on ·anncmnt, a little background mx, positive ments of Pio XXII
. into pgm of mixed mx, many t/cks , occasional IDs. Separable on LSB,
& sig moderately decent, still there · 0945 • . Very little hobby info on ·
· this one that I'm able to find. Where is "Siglo · Veinte"? (Berg 9/3)
[The Siglo X~ mine is in Bustillos Prov., Potosi Dept. On the map it
appears to be l ess than 10 miles north of Uncia, the capital of Busti-
llos Prov., & looks to be only a few miles from Catavi, site of Radio
21 de Diciembre . Recent massive strikes by miners have ·resulted in
Pres. Victor Paz Estenssoro calling out the army ·in La Paz. Would be
amazing if a reception rpt got thru to Pio Doce now -SHR].
.. 5974.3 UNID 1021-1040, weak LAm stn here, on the low side of· Macarena . Maybe
' ~abamba, but too much QRM to ID (Reinstein 9/11)
5980 CUBA RHC, 0230, noted at threshold ' l evel on -this new & announced fqy.
rc-5ervice, //much better 6100,6140. Sked .anncmnt by M&W, into
feature on c ancel ling foreign debt (Potter 9/12) [Cancelling whose
forei gn debt? The Cuban debt to their soviet masters? -SHR).
6012 ANTARCTICA AFAN-McMurdo, 0800-0830 has been surprisingly good a
couple of times lately, w/ C&W mx. Really the first ti me I've been
able to understand much of what they're saying, & turns out that they
really don't have much more 'personality' ·than some pirates (Berg)
6014.5 BRAZIL thought carrier here a little after 0900 would turn out to be
Paraguay, but ZY pgmming began around 0928. Couldn't t e ll ID (Berg)
Seotemoer 19e5
-4- News dates are underlined •.
E40 2./0.25 ZYJ489 R.Agulhns Negras-27500 Reaende RJ (Ex 1530 ex 0.25 kw)
650 1/0.25 ZYJ202 R.Cultura-86390 Cambara PR (Ex 1530)
750 £2/2 . 5 ZYL213 R.America-30000 Belo Horizonte 1~(Ex 1390 ex 10kw)
790 1/0.25 ZYJ789 R. Videira- 89560 Videira SC (Ex 1570Khz)
820 !Q/l ZYI400 R.DifUsora-78700 Caceres ~~ (Ex 1450 ex 1 Kw)
840 W5 ZYH447 R. Excelsior-40000 Salvador BA (Ex 20 Kw)
850 10/5 ZYH776 R.Trooical -77440 Porangatu GO (Ex R.Educativa)
870 1/0.25 ZYK620 R.tlovo Horizonto-14960 Novo Horizonte SP (Ex 1540 Khz)
910 1/0.25 ZYJ207 R.Difusora-86800 Apucarana PR (Ex 1550 Khz)
920 1/0.25 ZYL271 R.Cultura- 36520 Visconde do Rio Branco MG (Ex 1550)
1010 1/0.25 ZYK232 R.Cai9ara- 95100 Caxias do Sul RS'(Ex 1 450 :~z)
1010 !f0.25 ZYK611 R.Tuiuti-19500 Martinopolis SP (Ex 1470 Khz )
1020 £9/10 zri205 ' R.Difusora-29700 Colatina ES (Ex 5/2.5)
1090 2/0.25 ZYJ254 R. Dif.Colmeia-fr7300 Campo Z.!ourao :FR (Ex 1/0. 25)
1110 1/C.25 ZYJ253 R.Eldorado-83100 S.J.dos Pihbais PR (Ex R.~ova)
1160 2.5,.0.25 ZYJ776 R.Dif. Co1meia-89400 Porto Uniao sc (Ex 1/0.25)
1160 1/0.25 ZYJ258 R.Norte-86100 LQndrina PR (Ex R.Clube/Capitai)
1230 !f0.25 ZYK333 R~Prata-95320 Nova I'rata RS (::Ex 1560 ex 0.25 kw)
1450 J/0.25 ZYJ793 R. Rural-89580 Fraiburgo sc (Ex 0.25 Kw)
1510 1/0.25 ZYJ312 R.C1ube-85770 Realeza PR (Ex 1530 Khz)
1550 1/0.25 ZYL330 R.Divinopolis-35500 Divine polis l.!G (Ex ZYL ••• )
1 560 l/0.25 ZYH • •• R.Agua Branca-65320 Vitorino de Freire MA (CP)
2410 1 ZYF203 R.Transamazonica- 69910 Senedor Guiomsrd AC ( Ex ZYF • • • )
3285 2.5 ZYG868 R.Eandeirantea-12630 Cach.Paulista SP (Ex ZYG ••• )
4775 1 ZYG207 R. Congonhas-36404 Congonhae MG (Ex 3385~z)
617,! 10 ZYE520 R.Guarani-30000_ Be1o Horizonte J.tG(Heard her. .
Good DXing to all, : Antonio Ribeiro da M ta
Box 949 - 1 2200
s-ao J ose' d os Campos - SP (BRASIL)
QSL Statistic (ARM) September 85
S.America Ce.Am No.Am. Europe Africa Asia :Jceania
Wf I sw lt:N I S'fo ~r~v _1 sw r.=.v I sw 1-f/i l sw LfN I S'n "!fJ/ I sw
386 1115 16 I 34 15 ! 40 26 1 161 8 !71 3 I 86 ¢ I 22 September l Oth
Total !JN - 454 + Sil = 529 ........ 454+529 = 983
6029 CHILE? would like to think it's Santa Maria, but JUSt a guess . Hrd vy
poorly from 2353 when whatever on 6030 s/off. Things deteriorate til .
AFRTS comes on at 0045 or so. I think there's yet another stn btwn
6029 & 6030 to ~k hings worse. Have made out tlk by M&W at 2353,
male-concert type voc 1 after 0002, but hard to hold lo~g after that.
Pre tty sure this s ot NASG tho that may be the one ~n between.
(Berg 9/1-2) [Per Jerry' tip: I've notes something on 6029.4 bu~ too
weak for details -SHR ) .
6172 BRAZIL R Guarani se ems to have slipped her e from 6175,_hrd most days
after 0800. Due to go to 6050 on 10/5 (Berg) [The chang~ng fqys of
all these Brazilians will-no-doubt elevate list-logging to new and
perhaps unprecedented heights! -SHR] .
6172v PERU R Tawatinsuyo 0950 noted w/ ballads & campesino mx. Clear
l"Tjf<i(fio Tawant insuyo•'• IDs & t/cks between selecti ons. L~st in s~;latter
at 1000 when RFO c ame on 6170 (Parks 9/14) [Both Braz~l & Peru now
on 6172? -SHR). _ __ . _
BILL PARKS - ·BOLIVIA (all via Don · Moore): R Panamericana, 6105, f/d pink/blue/
green 'map ' card, ppd cd, & green/white pennant . v/s Daniel Sanchez ·Rocha,
Sub.-Dir • . La Cruz del Sur, -4876, n/d "Mount Illimani" cd. R Emisoriis Bolivia,
4756, f/d "Oruro Carnival" cd . v/s 'Paco' . R Nueva America, 4797, f/d "Bolivar
Entering · La Paz" cd . v/s ' Raul' . R Nacional de Huanuni, 5965, f/d "Caporal de
·1a Diablada" cd w/ stn stamp. R Cristal, 5005, f/d "Mercado . Cochabamba" cd.
· v/s 'Castro' . WEST GERMANY German Hydrographic Service via DAM, 127~3.5,
f/d blue 'logo'-ca-in 45ds for EG rpt, no rp . v/s Dr. ~nslin . Finally got
·that . "DAM" card , ·-hi! . MEXICO XEMQ Sistema Radio Yucatan, 6105, date ·only ltr,
post card & membership cd for "Tus Panteras" club in 29ds for SP rpt • . No rp.
v/s Sr. Roberto Dominguez, Dir. Art:lstico . · . · · . ·
TERRY KRUEGER - MEXICO R Universidad de Sonora, XEUDS, 6115, .p/d yellow logo
cara-in 282ds for SP r~t, 1 IRC. Apartado 1817, Hermosillo, Sono~a, pripted
on envelope, ~ho my _rpt went to the Apa~ta~o 106 (in WRTH).
News about brazilian otntiono: -s- ;I
~~~~;~~~~=~~g;~~~=~~=~~~~~ ~~~~-~~~~
540 ~adio Real - Canoes RS. QSI:lt in 11 d! V/S Aldo Vetorello. Addr: Rua
Domingos· ~~rtins, 965 - 92000 Canoes RS. . .
570 nadio Capital - ]elo Horizonte ~G. QSL-lt in 14d! V/S Marcos Cardoso-
. (Diretor Comercial). Addr: Contorno, 5057 ~ 30000 B.Horizonte.
680 PJi::Ho Copacabana- Rio de Janeiro RJ. QSL-lt in 17d! V/S (!legible)
Addr: Rua Visconde de Iohaumas, 37 - 7g Ander. 20091 Rio de Janeiro.
690 Racio Brasil- Santa Birbara d'Ceste SF. QSL-lt in 08d! V/S Natale Gi
acooini (Diretor e Gerente). Addr: Rua Duque ·de Caxias, 520- 13450
Santa ~rbara d'Oente SP.
1170 Radio Educadora - Cwnpinas SP. QSL-lt in 06d.! V/S Alair Belline (Coor
denador de programa9ao AM). Addr: Rua General Osorio, 1031 - 21g An;:
dar- 13100 Ca:npines SP.;
· 1250 Radio Caiuas- Dourados ~. QSL-lt in 13d! V/S Waldemar Dorta (Geren-
te). Addr: Av.~rcelino Pires, 1404 - 79800 Dourados MS.
1250 Radio Difusora - Tres lagoas 1\:S. QSl-lt plus newspaper with my receP-
tion report published in 19d! V/S l.:iss Delcine Rosa (Diretora Geral ),
end ~~. Francisco Andrade (Diretor Art!stico). Addr: Rua Pllnio Alar-
con, 901 (Or Caixa Postal 37)- 79600.Tres lagoas 1~.
1270 R.Vanguarda - Ipatinga MG. QSL-lt in 12d! V/S Jose R. Oliveira (Geren
te). Addr: Rua Itaju~, 80 - 35160 Ipatioga ~m. -
1290 Radio lndependencia - Sao jose do Rio Preto SP (The correct name is
Radio lndependencia, not Nova Fronteira!), QSL-lt in 13d! V/S (Ilegi-
ble). Addr: Not mentioned .on envelope.
'1300 R.Iraceoa- Fortaleza CE. ~Sl-lt in 25d! V/S (Ilegible!). Addr: Av.~
rao de Studart, 1864 - 60000 Fortaleza CE.
1380 R.C~pos Difusora - Campos RJ. QSL-lt in lldl V/S Elmir Oliveira
{Depto Comercial) Addr: R.Carlos lacerda, 52 - 22 Aodar - 28100 Campos.
1390 R.Sociedade - Uberaba MG. QSL-lt, sticker in lld! V/S Jairo Sousa Viei
ra (Diretor). Addr:Rua Goveroador Valadares, 89 - 38100 Uberaba MG. -
Jj.Jairo said: Our SW Transmitter is off due the technical problems.We
hope be back on the air in the near future_.
1490 Radio Cornelio Procopio - Cornelio Frocopio PR. QSL-lt in 18d! V/S Wau
rides Brevilheri (Gerente). Addr: Av.Farana, 442- 86300 ;C.Procopio F.R
1490 R.faiaguas - · Gloria de Dourados MS. ~SL-lt in 27d! V/S Mfse Neide da
Silva. (Secretaria)• Addr: Av.Free.Vargas, 1893 - 79730 Gloria de Dou-
rados r.~s. This stn was heard on 2980 Khz,_ e.g. 2x2490 Khz.
1510 R.Cacique - · Santos SP. QSL-lt in 12d! V/S (!legible !) Addr: P9a Corre-
ia de l.!elo, .9 - 11100 Santos SP. (11ew Address).
1550 ZYL330 R .Div~nopolis AM .- Divinopolis ~G. QSL-lt in 07d ! V/S {Ilegible)
New station in ttinas Gerais state. Ex ZYL •••
1550 R.Cultura - Visconde do Rio Branco UG. QSL-lt in 08d! V/S Lafeyete Jo-
se Cardoso (Gerente) Addr: Rue .Adeadeto de J..ll:!eida., 1 91 - .36520 Visco~
de do Rio Branco UG. This stn was heard on 3100 Y.hz, e.g. 2xl550 Khz.
From ~ugust 05/85 they are on 920 Khz.
3285 ZYG868 B.Bandeirantes- Cachoeira Faulista SP. QSL-lt in 04d! V/S Miss
L:e.::-ia lzabel Guatura . New .Addr: Estrada !-articular Alto da :EEila Vista,
s/n - (C ~ixa P~stal 15~ 1 2630 Cacht;eira Faulista SP
4965 Radio Foti - Natal RN. QSL-cd, lt + sticker in 24d! V/S ~~ria Luiza da
Luz (Secretaria). Addr: Av.Deodoro, 245 - 59000 Natal RN.
•9660 R.t~rti - Washington DC (USA). QSL-lt in 42d! V/S Ernesto F.Betancourt
(Director). Addr: VOA/M- 400 6th St ., SW 20547 Washington DC- USA.
l etter in portuguese. ~~.Eroesto said that the ~SL cd will be ready soon.
•9570 AWR Europe - ( Report sent to Ur.Finn Krone and QSL lt received from Je
nnifer Robertson in West Ge~ in 11 months) Thanks Finn!
•) Not from Brasil of course! hi • ••

ZY ~ - 782 Radio Peperi

RRO~O- (vio.
1\P.I'\ 1
0.000 Wetto • 1370 l<hz • O ndeo Mddleo
nt.~ln Cuttu,,. ru .. Ornnco I.Mn.
lllBo nm lton A•lt"odaln de Almf'lda. ttl - Fon• U l -1111
Pra~• Procdolo ,:.,,. ,, •• 22.N. fgu•c:u ... CEP 26.000-RJ ::IGS2fl - Vt.c:onde do JUa Bu nco - M C .
__ _T olt.: 767.1728.767.0546 .767-1716


-a•rAOOJOO~T""'- ' "' '
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5,.Vt'l(1t'()W tt<o00

.. II
Ho ra Loul /Local Time /Heure Local G. M. T.-4h.
ldioma Principal /Pr_ Language / Langue Pr. Espafiol / Spanish I Espagnol (vi"' J. l3a1'~)
Corriente Electr. / Eicctr. Current /Courant Electr. A.C.60c
Nombre d/1 Cia. /Co. Name /Nomme d/ 1 Cie. DJFUSORA HEMISFERIO, S. A.
Radio Clarin
Direccion /Address / Adresse Prol. Ave. Mexico esq. Clarin
Aptdo. Postal 205·2, Santo Domingo, D. N.
Republica Dominicana ·
Pcr.;onal Dir. /Leading Pers. / Pers. Dir. Pres. Salomon Snnz
Ad m. Neil Nivar Baez
Sub-Adm. Lie. Eliseo Nataniel
Dir. Rodolro A. Espinal
Dir. Tee. Rafael Ballenilla
Siglas /Call /Prcfixc HI LR
Frecucncias / Frecuencies /Frequences 860 KHz A.M. 10 Kw & 50Kw
11·,700 KHz OC/SW 25m 50Kw
4,850 KHz OC/SIY 60m 3 Kw
105.5 MH z . F.M. 3Kw
Serv.l.ocal /Local Svce. /Serv. Local 8 60 MH1.}
105.5 MHz 24 hrs.

4 ,850 Mllz 22:30-15:00 (L-S) (M.S) (L-S)

{ 00:00-11 :00 (Dom) (Sun) {Dom)

Serv. Intern. /lnt'l Svce. /Serv. Intern. 11 ,700 Mllz } 15:00-22:30 (L-SI (M.S) (L.S)
4.850 Mllz { 17:30-23:00 (Dom) (Sun) (Dim)

Serv. Especial /Special Sec. /Serv. Special 4,850 Mllz } I I :30-17:30 (Oo m) (Sun) (Dim)
11 ,700 Mllz
Identificacion / 1. D. Id entification "Esta es, Radio Clarin, Ia emisora
l nternacio nal de Ia Republica Oominicana"

Sei\al Intern. /lnt'l Signal /Sign. Inter.
- w~ CJ • .,..,. .....

Veriricaci6n IV erification Verification Q. S. L. (tarjeta/ C'ard I Carte)

Departamentos /Oepartmr.nls /Oepa rtements T ecnico. Administr.. Prerua- Comer- 0 . Corta
Techn. . Administr. - Press - Artistic. - Comm. - Short Wve
Techn. · Administr. · Prcsse- Artist.- Comerc. · Bd. Courte
Personal / Personnel / Personal 50


ftu c,,..,,r 016tlo. t.O'lt .. 21.• Ar.dat. C&. Post..l II
Teftfoa•: (Oigl) J2-1635
CEP 13 100 · C•m~··· • SP


FONE (01• 6) 62- 14•6
B A R I R I - S. P.

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