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iii ~iEl club boletin para las DX 'istas activas

que ·aman e l DX ' ismo latinoamericano ! ! ! ! !


Permission is grante'd to broadcast ,; ...reproduce or publish

any News (SW, DX , QSL) contained herein providing .credit is
given to the original contributor and "Radio Nuevo Mund o".

N ~. ¢. (la edici6n tentativa) 19 de agosto de 1978

Editor of this issue : Tetsuya Hirahara

Vie are very happy to have the opportunity to present,

thanks to our original members , this tentative edition of
., "Radio Nuevo rtiundo", to some of the active LA DX ' ers . \"i e
hope this to be of interes to a ll of you readers.
r;. Our club and news bulletin i s n amed as " Radio Nuevo
. Mundo ". As you may notice , this name is derived from the
· noted German magazine 7 "Radio IillllJidial" .
. f
It will be of use to det:ermine the wo rd "LA" at first .
LA is originally a cultural distin cti on, and confined to
· the Spanish , Portuguese (&French) speaki ng countries . In
our bulletin, however , we will regard "LA" as a ll nations
at the south of Mexico , including the Caribbean islands
and the · Guyanas.
We de cid ed to publish t his bull etin for the followin g
To exchang~ the DX inf urmation rapidly.
To collect data on LA stations . .
To promote the frendshir · among ~- A enthusiasi st s.
a nd la st but not leas t,
To know more about the peopl e and its nation in
t he LA· area through DX ' ing .
Our bulletin will treat mainly on S~BC , but in case
you are interested in LA DX 'ing on ifi.N or VHF (FNi/TV), your
tips on t hese fie ld s will be much ap prec iated!
- 2-
Sho rt Wave News (All ti ~es in G~T )

3300kHz Guatemala : Radio Cultur~l noted a t 1058 on Aug. 9 . .

Fai r s ignal but h eavy QRl\1. (Y . Tanabe)
- .
3380 Ecuador : Radio_ Iris, Esrnetaldas, ~as note~ on July
29 at 1100-1120 . Fair condx. (N . Ao i)
1985 2 cuador : Escuelas Radiof6nicas ~opul ares , Riobamba ,
was hrd at 1115-1130 . Fair in earl y Au g . , but
poor recently . f;~-r ·,nhrl'l\~~ 'hJ N.T~"'h,,o7~ - (T.Hanakawa)
4756 Boli via : Radioemisoras Bolivia, Oruro , was noted
at 0950- 1 020 in SS & a local dialect . Fair condx.
478 1 ??????? : Unid . in SS was hrd at .0955 -10 1 5 a l most
daily with fair condx . (T.Hanakawa)
4795 Brazil: Unid . was noted at 0930- 1005 with poor .
(T . Hanakawa)
4797 Bo livi a : Radio Nueva Am~rica, La Faz, was hrd at
1050 in a local dialect, at 1055 in SS . Fair
condx until 1100. (T.Hanakav:a)
4 815A Colombia : Radio Guatapri, Valledupar, now hrd
around at 1000 . (Y . Tanabe)
4320 ??????? : Unid . in SS was hrd at 0945 with fair .
( T . Hanakawa)
4832 Costa Rica : Radio Re l oj , San Jos~ , now fades in
around at 0 800 . Good recep tion in t he 60 m. b .
( £" orr;y, out of ord er ) - (Y . Tanabe)
4 823 ??????? : Uni d . i n SS note~ at 1043 on Aug . 9 with
f air co ndx . KOed b;y carri er soon . (Y . Tanabe)
Bolivi a : Radio Centena rio, Sant a Cruz, was noted
on July 30 at 1045 - 1120 wi th fair co ndx . IDed
as " Esta con Cent enario". ( N . Aoi)
Bolivia : Radio La Cruz del Sur, La Paz , was hrd
at 1030 in Aimara . Fair c ondx . (T. Hanakawa )
4880 Venezuela : Radio Universe, Barquisimeto , was noted
at 1010 . Fair. (T . Hanaka~a)

4885 Colombia : Otidas de l ~eta , Villavicenci o , was hrd

on July 17. I D at 1015 . Poor condx . (N . Aoi )
??????? : Un id. in SS some ti mes hrd with fair condx
a roun d 1045 . (T . Hanakavia)
4905 Br a z i l: R~d io ~e l 6gio, Ri d de Janeiro , can be h rd
daily around 0930 with noor co ~ ~x . (T . Hanakawa )
4935 Br azi l : Unid . was so~eti~es hrd around 0930 with
noo r co ndx . (T . Hanakawa)

4945kHz Colombia: Radio Colosal, Neivc:l, can be hrd around
0940 with poor condx. (T.Hanakawa)
4970 Venezuela: Radio RQ~bos, Carac as , was noted at 1000
with fair condx . (T . Hanakawa)
4975 ??????? : Unid . in SS was noted on Aug . 13 at 1105
wi t.h poor condx. ( T. Hanakar•a)
5025 Peru : Radio Quillabamba, Cuzco , was noted at 1115
in a local dialect. Poor condx. (T . Hanakawa)
5030 Venezuela: Radio Reloj Continente , Caracas, was
hrd at 0930 with poor. (T.Hanakawa)
5075 Colombia: Radio Sutatenza, Bogo ta, sign on around
at 1030. Fa~r condx. (Y . Tanabe)
Also noted at 1 040 ·•·: ith poor . (T.Hanakawa)
5095 Colombia: Radio Sutatenza, Bogota , sign on at 0900 .
Fair condx. .. ;· (Y . Tanabe)
6010 Pe ru: Radio Ame rica, Lima, can·~·be hrd daily at 0730-
1000 with fair condx. (N . Aoi)
611 5 Colombia: La Voz del Llano, Villavicencio, is back
to 11 La Cadena Super de Colombia 11 again . (This stn
has been affiliated to 11 La Cadena Internacional
de Colombia" for 2 years at leas t, contrar y to t:t.e.
description of WRTH .) Now operating 24 hours a ·
day (except on Mondays???) , and can be hrd from
0745, when NSB on the same channel off the air .
6140 Colombia: Radio flle lodl.a, Bogota, was hrd on Augus t
12 at 0800- 0900 with fair. (N . Aoi)
6 1 60 Colo mbia: Emisor~ Nueva Granad a , Bogota, was noted
on Aug . 1 around 1100 with fair . At 1100, they
rel?-yed the time signal of \'1\'IV for about 20 sec .
A nev-1s prgr, began after the advertisements, ,..,.h;t.h .s
titled " Radio Sucesos, RCN, el noticiero de Colom-
bia." (T . Hirahara)
6170 Colombia: La Voz de la Selva , Florencia, was noted
on August 4 at 0830- 09 .10 vv'ith fair. ( N. Aoi)
Peru: Radio Tawantinsuyo, Cuzc o , was noted on July
11 at 1050-1117 with fair . (N.Aoi)
Bo li via: Radio Batall6n Colorados, La Paz, was hrd-
on July 6 at l lOOs/on-1130 . (N . Aoi)
Colombia: Radiodifusora Nacional, Bogot,, can be
noted with a strong signal recently. 0930 c arrie r
on, 0940 s/on with National Anthem, 0942 Opening
ID. Ace . to it, they operate on SW : 4955 , 5975,
6030, 963 5 a tid 15235kHz · F;nt c:-v, ( T . Hi r ahara)
A~·~"~t 11 .
~ ..
- 4-
DX News

Colombi a..
,f:( -9 0) t? ,c.· %Pt~ *tq_ f;l: rt-- i t· 7 ;;·;t~ .1! ntn ~o:>>-...ift -h~'i.J! <

~rr • W~ ~ ~ t ~ t·· js ~ o 1oo o n ~·Jv tm ~ &~1 d: :E~ .tt. ~ .:li: r 1-- c·H;
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-< ;. 7 ~:· 5-":1 / ~"· ~l @1 tf' t- 0) z''.. l!t .(f sQ rJ :.; ~A- M:. Jt ii& ~OJ l~ n' itfJ

t 'ft- t:'+t ;, *JL- 2~ t. ~ ~ rv t:'4--v > *-'L- 1/lu ~ it 18 ~ &~ ~ 11-2~ t-=5 I

6 ~ d--r. 0 c·J~ ~1 /IJ'' a) ~.5~ -~J" ' (('fn> >h.~. :- C1) t··,~ 1~ ra: , ::O'J l~ i:J'
~~ ~' ~ v:· 7A J!--.4 .:Z?' ~;r 1 ~ 1f& i? 1 ,f.~ .f.~ Bff '*-*~ ~ "fct t '' t 4Q_

~ ~~.-} +1t.
rg *~ 7- -,- J +:l.. )" _j 6 i=J 2 (; G ~ J: t)
(/j-J:r?) t *) ·"1-· ~_it,·~ P.J

CPPJ ~fS t J

OSL News
Co l omb i a : Radio Me l od1 a , 3ogota , ~ent me a no data letter
i n 5 months . (Enclosed mint stamps , but unused . )
v/s : El v i ra Mejia de Paez , Gerente .
Ace . to it , t ~e po wer is : K~ 50kw , S~ 5kw . Also received
a badge and a sti c ke r.
(T . Hirahara)
SPECIAL REPORT - ID Patterns of ~a Voz del Llano (Part 1)
·LVLl LVL l.
·LVLl 1 020kHz . frill-;- -'Tt~-8-~·- "jj)~-- c;·~n -b~~~-a a;-
·LVLl exce l ente . ! 0745-0900 on weekdays, and.
·LVLl r omanti ca . 0745 -1000 on Su n days .
· LVL l fantast i ca . Unfortunately, I could
·LVLl super fe li z . not note the pro gra!!ime name
·LVLl Super carinosa . in spite of the dai ly re -
·LVLl ma- ra- vi -llo-sa . ception ~ at this t ime .
. ···-- ··- .. --- .. -· · ... .... ·····-

·LVL l a l a l cance de t odo .

· LVLl s u per mu sicalisi ma .
·LVLl super tropical{ sima.
·LVLl s i ntonia de l oyente .
·LVLl en cadena con sus oyent es
·LVLl r i tmo y potencia de la radio.
·LVLl l a r adio importante del l l ano .
·LVLl 1 020 , llinos de amor y tern~ra .
·LVLl ete r narnente enamorada de su . llanura.

(T . Hirahara)



R. Batall6n Colorados, La Paz s/on at 11:00 GMT with male

chorus (like a military song). The opening announcement is
copied as follows. (Some parts are added by presuming.)
"Buenos dias, boliviano. Desde La Paz, Sud America, · ••~ ..

<3l -- •6~c
inicia su labor La Emi sora Mi). i tar, Rad,io Batall6~ Colorafas
ll ,.d; "--, I"' ba ~o1~ de >.oo ~et..,s, 61 ~!: K'6"0Hdtl cov
uestras transmisiones en onda corta continuaran has a
N. t

las nuev da la manana para nues ros oyentes en interior y

exterior del pa{s. Hasta aquf de las nueye de la mafiana
continuaremos esta progr amaci6n en la banda de 200 metros
onda media, 1440KC. Indicamos
,, ·l
a nuestros oyentes en interior
y exterior del pais que est·aran en sintonfa en la banda de
49 metros, 6185KdJlen ll).S siguien t€5 horarios; las siete de
la manana, las doce de mediodia y diecinueve hora neche."
, 1, 1\•

ID Pat\Cern: ID of "Inicia su labor (del dfa) Radio XXX"

is usually announced in Bolivian stations, and it means
that Radio XXX begins its (daily) labour.

Verification Card: An incomplete verification card using

an ordinary picture card after 4 weeks by air mail.

Address: Radio "Batall6n Colorados"- Gran Cuartel General-

Miraflores- La Paz- Bolivia- Sud America
(Gran Cuartel General means the general headquarter of the

Characteristics: Of course, this station is military-owned.

' *********************« J t***«***************************
Ddi to r ial n ote : t }.' Bo li V~ia y e l mundo
~ : en sigui ente s frecuenci as
cr. it s ound s l ike " 61 85MHz" in my recording
- 6-
Reporters : robuyoshi Ao i Ko~anei, Tok ~c .
~- ~ . . lcnl
,)r:ln- . ' . :\b e -. e-c, ar:;.:J.y:.,. ,
:) m~ o;-::yo.

Teruhisa 1!ano.knwa Nerioa , ?ol:yo.

Tetsuo Su zuk i AdJchi, Tokyo. Ta nabe Adachi , Tokyo .
and Tetsuya Hirahara Koganei , Tokyo. (editor)
1·1e miss Naoyuki to of Tok;vo, one of our orfginn.l
members , i n this is:::ue . We could not r.·e.,t his exce l lent
re ~o rt i n time . ~e hope to see h i m i n the next issue !

RNI\1 i s to be published on the third Sunday every month.

Apart from news tips, we we l come your Special Report concern-
i ng a l l t hings in DX'ing , say , int r oduction of certain s tn ,
study on r eception technic, survey of broadcas ting system
i n a country , etc . Please type or write on a B5 paper (as
·· r. T. Suzuki d i d in t his issue) , so that the edito r can
save his time .
Dead- l i ne for the next i ssue : September 12, 1978
Your reports should be r eached by the above date, t o the
following address; =fl~.!
A I . ..<1
lli!.tj"UJ1>l'':IU.JltfH..::ir· .:.ftij 5-G·G ·;j;
-· ~
,)/, { 1 J·. I

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