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Abdullah Helmi bin Isahak P96442
Table of Contents
PART 1 – 2D LINEAR KINEMATICS ................................................................................. 3

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 3

OBJECTIVE........................................................................................................................... 3

RESULT AND DISCUSSION............................................................................................... 3

PART 2 – RUNNING KINEMATIC 2D (JOINT ANGLES) .............................................. 7

INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................. 7

OBJECTIVE........................................................................................................................... 7

RESULT AND DISCUSSION............................................................................................... 8


Kinematics is a part of mechanics that concern with the movement of matter without referring
to the forces that cause the motion. In this experiment, a golf ball is being released in an open
air. The motion of the falling ball is recorded. Based on the recording, 52 frames captured
where the position and time are recorded for each frames.


The main objective of this experiment the velocity of the golf ball using three different
methods, this is forward, backward and central difference formula based on the data obtained
from the frames captured. Apart from that, the acceleration is calculated from the given
velocity and divided with time (in second).


A. In column C compute the velocity by using the FORWARD DIFFERENCE

Starting in Cell C3:
Type: = (B4-B3) / (A4-A3)
- What was the result?
- Why is it negative?

Based on the result obtained (on the forward difference method), the velocity increasing even though
it is negatively signed. This is because of the motion of the ball is opposing the positive value of y-
direction. Therefore, the negative sign only indicates the direction of the ball while the value indicated
the magnitude of the velocity for the falling ball.

B. Now copy and paste C3 through cells C4 through C51.

What happens if you paste into cell C52? Is this value correct?

The value obtain in cell C52 is 1.1548822. This is because there is no 53rd value such that

(B53 – B52) / (A53 – A52) = (0 – 0.5574) / (0 – 0.48265) = 1.1549

Since the value of A53 and B53 are 0, this will make the value in cell C52 will becoming positive.

C. In column D compute the velocity by using the BACKWARD DIFFERENCE

Starting in Cell D4:
Type: = (B4-B3) / (A4-A3)
- Why is this method called “BACKWARD”?

This method is called backward because the next consecutive values in column D are calculated using
the previous values obtained from column A and B of the ones that calculated in forward difference
D. Now copy and paste D4 through cells D4 through D52.
- Why didn’t we paste into D3?

The answer obtain will be invalid (which is indeterminate) since there are no previous values to fit in
the equation provided.

(B3 – B2) / (A3 – A2) = (1.7 – 0) / (0 – 0) = 1.7 / 0 is indeterminate. Instead, the suitable value can be
placed instead of “#DIV/0!” is 0, by assuming there are no velocity as the ball is not moving during
time t = 0.

E. In column E compute the velocity by using the CENTRAL DIFFERENCE

Starting in Cell E4:
Type: = (B5-B3) / (A5-A3)
*notice with this method we DO NOT use the position data for that frame!
* Copy and paste E4 through cells E5 through E51. In E3 copy/paste the value from C3
(Forward Difference) and in E52 copy/paste the value in D52 (Backward Difference).
*So to compute the golf ball’s velocity we used a combination of the Forward Difference
(first frame), Central Difference (middle frames) and Backward Difference (last frame)

*Answer in the table provided

F. For column F compute the acceleration using the combined method just used for the
velocity term.
- What is the value computed for cells F5 – F50? Does this value make sense in
terms of the forces acting on the golf ball? What does it say about the rate of
change of velocity?
- Why do the first 2 frames and last 2 frames have different acceleration terms?
- What could the researcher have done to avoid using the Forward and Backward

The value obtained in the column F is - 9.81, which indicates the gravitational acceleration. This value
seems reasonable in terms of forces acting on the golf ball. The golf ball is released vertically;
therefore the motion of the ball is in the vertical direction (y-direction) only.

The total force acting on the ball: ∑ 𝐹𝑦 = 𝑚𝑎𝑦 = 𝑚𝑔.

The first and last frames have different acceleration terms because of the miscalculation due to the
forward and backward method used in this calculation. For the first frame, the value suitable for the
cell is 0 because at time t = 0, the ball is at a static phase therefore there are no acceleration.
Meanwhile, for the last frame, the acceleration value obtained slightly decreasing. This is because of
the velocity profile is taken from the last frame is taken from different method, which is backward
method instead of central method. In a real life, the acceleration of a falling object is constant (assume
that there is no friction and heavy resistance) which is 9.81 m/s.

The reason why there are miscellaneous values for acceleration is just the method used in obtaining
the velocity is different for different frame i.e. the first frame is used from forward difference method,
the middle from central difference method and the last frame using backward difference method. So,
for the analysing the data, difference method is quite not suitable to use in this experiment. Instead,
there are multiple ways to fix this issue for example using forecasting method or even a simpler one
using extrapolation. By using one of these method, it is confirmed that the values obtain will not have
a huge difference and make a little bit sense.

Time Velocity (central)

0.46295 -4.5415395
0.4728 -4.638168
0.48265 VT

By using extrapolation, plug in the data in the formula and it will give:

𝑉𝑇 − (−4.5415395) −4.638168 − (−4.5415395)

0.48265 − 0.46295 0.4728 − 0.46295

𝑉𝑇 = −4.7347965

At time t = 0.48265, the velocity of the golf ball is 4.7347965. Therefore, its acceleration is given by:

𝐴𝑇 = = −9.81
and it is acceptable.

G. Make one graph with Position vs Time, Velocity vs Time and Acceleration vs. Time.
Print graph and turn in with the lab report.

Position vs Time
Velocity vs Time

Acceleration vs Time

Joint (or articulation) is the surface that acts as a “connector” between bones in human body.
A normal human being consists of 360 joints. There are two types of joints, which are hinge
type and ball–and–socket types. A ball–and–socket type of joint is a joint that allows rotary
motion between bones within certain limit while a hinges joint is a type of joint has an 1800
planar movement only.

For this part, there are thousands of frames captured showing the feet movements during
running. Usually, a major movement of lower part of body are involved in running motion. It
can be seen clearly as the there is a flexion and extension of human calf during running.
Therefore, the ain of this experiment is to observe the movement of human feet during
running which specifies at calculating angles of flexion at two hinges joint, which are at knee
joint and ankle (synovial) joint.


There are two different joint angle involve in this experiment. One of the angles calculated is
the knee joint angle, where the angle measured between tight and calf. This angle is called
knee flexion angle. Another angle measured is dorsiflexion angle where it is measured
between human calf and toe. The illustration of angle measurement is as below:

Knee flexion and extension Dorsiflexion and Plantar-flexion


I. First you will need to compute the length of the thigh, shank, and foot segment. In
order to do this you will need to create a vector for each segment and then find the
length of this vector by utilizing the NORM.

In cell D6 you will compute the THIGH SEGMENT LENGTH. Please compute by typing the
following: = ((B12 – D12) ^2 + (C12 – E12) ^2) ^0.5

Using a similar approach compute the Shank and Foot segment length.

Give methodological reasons why these values would slightly change throughout the trial. Are
these “real” changes to segment length?

Throughout the trial, the measurement of the length of tight, ankle and foot only depends on the plug
gait placed on the certain spot on subject’s feet. Therefore the small changes obtain during the trial is
due to the small difference from digitization process and does not affect the result too much since the
difference between frames is not more than 0.000001. This changes doesn’t means that the segment
length changes throughout the trial but it is just the digitization small error.

II. Next you will compute the Hip-Ankle distance for each FRAME of data. Please
compute this distance (similar to Part I) for Frame #1 in cell J12 by typing:
((B12-F12) ^2 + (C12-G12) ^2) ^0.5
- Why do you need to compute this distance for each FRAME?

During running phase, there are extension and flexion of the knee joint. Thus, there are also might be
changes of the distance between ankle and hip throughout the frames. This changes is required to
calculate the angle of flexion at the specific part.

III. Now you will compute the Knee Joint Angle. First you will compute the Knee Joint
Angle by using the Law of Cosines. In cell K12 you will compute the Knee Joint Angle
by for Frame #1 by typing:
= 180 - DEGREES (ACOS (($D$6^2+$D$7^2-J12^2) / (2*$D$6*$D$7)) )
You should get a value of 26.41 degrees.
Now copy and paste the value of this cell in K13 – K5044. Notice how the formula
changes throughout.
- What do the “$” signs in the formula signify?

The $ sign in the formula indicates that the value that calculated in any cell having the fixed reference
value at only one cell. For the formula above, the $D$6^2+$D$7^2-J12^2 means

[The fixed value in cell D6]2 + [the fixed value in cell D7]2 – [the value in cell J12]2

When copying the formula through the column J, the fixed value in cell D6 and D7 will stay the same
while the value in cells J varies with respective rows.
IV. You will compute the Knee Joint Angle by using the DOT PRODUCT. In cell L12 you will
compute the Knee Joint Angle for Frame #1 by typing:

=180 - DEGREES (ACOS ((((B12-D12)*(F12-D12)) + (C12-E12)*(G12-E12))/ ($D$6*$D$7)))

The values you get should equal the values you just computed using the Law of Cosines! Copy
and paste the value in L12 throughout the entire column. Next make a plot of knee angle VS
frame. Print this plot.

Knee angle vs frame

Heel strike occurred at Frame 3001 – what was the knee angle (deg)?


What was the peak knee flexion angle from the trial?

From the trial, the result obtained shows that the peak knee flexion angle is undetermined for frame
1733 until 1738. This is happened because the value starting from frame 1733 cannot be calculated
because the arcos of more than -1 does not exist. Therefore the results displayed at these frames are
Instead of getting no values, it can be reconsidered to give an acceptable value as follows:
Since the value cannot be calculated because the value of
ACOS (-1.00000015219309)
is undetermined. By looking at the value calculated before getting the arcos of it, what I am about to
do is ignoring the 8 last digits and just getting the value of
ACOS (-1.000000)
Which it will yield the formula to give an answer of 0.
V. OK now the hard(er) part. Compute the Ankle Angle in Column M. Print a plot of
Ankle Angle vs. Frame.

Ankle angle vs Frame

Based on the above graph, the plotting is possible until the 1230th frame. After that, the angle cannot
be determined since the data for shank segment, foot segment and knee-toe length do not form a
proper triangle in order to get the angle of ankle.

VI. Typically in video analysis a marker may be blocked by another segment (ex: hip
marker by the forearm/hand during arm swing).
What can a researcher do if data for a marker that is missing for frames of data?

The missing marker can be determined using appropriate software such as VICON. The tracing
process must be reasonable based on the subject. Apart from tracing the missing frames, this problem
also can be avoided if the number of camera used in this experiment is increased.

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