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Geottechnics off Hard Soilss – Weak Rocks

Compttes Ren
ndus duu 15ème Cong grès Eurropéenn
de Mécaniq
M que dess Sols & de Gééotechnnique
La Gééotechnique des Sols Induréés – Roches T

Part 1, 2 and 3

Edited by
Andreas Anagnosstopoulos
National Tech
hnical University of Athens

hael Pach
nsulting Eng
gineers SA
Christtos Tsatssanifos
Consulting En
ngineers LTD

Amstterdam • Berrlin • Tokyo • Washington, DC

© 2011 The authors and IOS Press.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,
or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior written permission from the publisher.

ISBN 978-1-60750-800-7 (print)

ISBN 978-1-60750-801-4 (online)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2011934720

IOS Press BV
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While all care has taken to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information contained in this publication, the
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering v
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Part 1
1.1. Field Investigations / Investigations In situ 1

L’HyperPac 25 MPa comble le vide entre le pressiomètre Ménard et le dilatomètre flexible 3

HyperPac 25 MPa Fills the Gap Between the Ménard Pressuremeter and the Flexible Dilatometer
G. Arsonnet, J.-P. Baud, M. Gambin and R. Heintz
Hydraulic Properties of Upper Eocene Flysch, at Papadates, Preveza Province, Greece 9
Les propriétés hydrauliques du haut-éocene flysch, au Papadates, Preveza province, de la Grèce
N. Barounis, A. Barounis, K. Karadima and P.H. McMahon
Laboratory and Field Investigation in Porto Romano Durres 15
Investigations en laboratoire et in situ dans Porto Romano Durres
L. Bozo, S. Allkja and L. Harizaj
Mechanical Properties of Low Plasticity Clayey Soil of the Embedded Daugava Ancient River
Channel in the Foundation of Plavinas Dam, Latvia 21
Propriétés mécaniques des sols argileux de faible plasticité du chenal ancienne de la rivière Daugava
enchâssé à la Fondation de Plavinas barrage, Lettonie
S. Dišlere and D. Pāruma
Landslide Stabilization Along a National Road 25
Stabilisation d’un glissement de terre sur une route nationale
V. Farcas, N. Ilies, A. Popa, C. Gherman, O. Muresan and I. Molnar
Intesa-San Paolo Tower in Turin – Geotechnical Issues 31
Intesa San Paolo Tour en Turin – Geotechniques probleme
A. Gasparre, H.D. St. John, M. Jamiolkowski and G. Rocchi
Investigations and Interpretation of Results from Dynamic Probing DPH from the N10*-Values
of an Data Acquisition 37
Exploration et interprétation des résultats de la pénétration dynamique de la N10*-valeurs d’une acquisition
des données
R.A. Herrmann and T. Lauber
Mechanical Properties of Semi-Rocks Soils and Methods of Their Determination 43
Propriétés de mécaniques de la pierre calcaive et méthods pour la détermination de leurs
N.V. Kornienko, A.V. Novskiy, V.A. Novskiy, A.P. Tkalich and Y.F. Tugaenko
Development of an Instrumented Subassembly for Energy Measurements in SPT Tests 49
Développement d’une tige instrumenté pour mesurer l’énergie d’essai de pénétration standard (SPT)
J.A. Lukiantchuki, L.P.R. de Oliveira and E.R. Esquivel
Geotechnical Conditions for the Construction of Tunnel “Progon” on the Dimitrovgrad Bypass
in Serbia 55
Conditions géotechniques pour la construction du tunnel « Progon » sur la rocade Dimitrovgrad en Serbie
S. Milenkovic, B. Jelisavac, V. Vujanic and M. Jotic

Empirical Determination of the Undrained Shear Strength of Very Stiff to (Very) Hard
Cohesive Soils from SPT Tests 61
Détermination empirique de la cohésion non drainée des argiles très raides a très dures, a partir des
essais de Pénétration Standard
C. Plytas, A. Baltzoglou, G. Chlimintzas, G. Anagnostopoulos, A. Kozompolis and
Ch. Koutalia
Facteur d’influence des paramètres de forage 67
Influence Factors of Measuring While Drilling Method
Ph. Reiffsteck
Geophysical Site Characterization of a Volcanic Massif with Combined Surface and Borehole
Seismic Methods 73
Caractérisation géophysiques du site, d’un massif volcanique avec la combinaison des méthodes sismiques
de surface et celle réaliser dans un trou de forage
R. Rocha, N. Cruz, C. Rodrigues and F. Almeida
Investigation of Interdependence of Map and Distract Represented on It at Engineering –
Geological Researches in Construction 79
L’investigation de l’interdépendance de la carte et la localité représenté sur elle aux reconnaissance
du sol de fondation dans la construction
V.S. Shokarev, A.S. Shokarev, A.K Solonetz and A. Zhusupbekov
Stabilization of Gravel Deposits Using Microorganisms 85
La stabilisation des dépôts de gravier à l’aide des microorganismes
W.R.L. van der Star, W.K. van Wijngaarden-van Rossum, L.A. van Paassen,
L.R. van Baalen and G. van Zwieten
Effectiveness of CPT-Based Classification Methods for Identification of Subsoil Stratigraphy 91
Efficacité des méthodes de classification basées sur le CPT pour l’identification de la stratigraphie des sols
M.T. Tumay, Y.H. Karasulu, Z. Młynarek and J. Wierzbicki
Problems Caused by the Presence of Hard Concretions and Lithified Beds in the Subsoil
on the Realisation of Geotechnical Investigations and Infrastructure Projects 99
Problèmes causés par la présence de concrétions dures et d’horizons lithifiés dans le sol lors de
l’exécution de projets d’infrastructure
G. van Alboom, I. Vergauwen, J. Maertens and W. Maekelberg

1.2. Laboratory Testing / Essais en laboratoire 105

Microstructure and Mechanical Behaviour of a Saturated Compacted Scaly Clay 107

Microstructure et comportement mécanique d’une argile écailleuse compactée et saturée
C. Airò Farulla and M. Rosone
Dynamic Poisson Ratio Analysis 115
Analyse du coefficient de Poisson dynamique
M.F. Amaral, A. Viana da Fonseca, J. Carvalho and N.C. Consoli
Estimation of UCS from PLT for Sedimentary Rocks, with Emphasis to Conglomerate and
Breccias 121
Estimation de la résistance á la compression de l’essai ponctuel, avec emphases á conglomérâtes et breccia
A.A. Antoniou

Experimental Evaluation of Free Swell Method to Measure Swelling Pressure of Expansive

Soil 127
Évaluation expérimentale de méthode swell libre pour mesurer la pression de gonflement du sol gonflant
M.F. Attom and M.M. El-Emam
Compression Index Cc and Recompression Index Cr of Zagreb Area Clays 133
Indice de compression, Cc, et indice de recompression, Cr, des argiles de Zagreb
I. Bradvica and G. Mitrović
Measuring the Static and Dynamic Small Strain Stiffness of UK Mudrocks 137
La caractérisation de la rigidité aux petites deformations d’argilites anglaises par méthodes statiques
et dynamiques
A. Brosse, R. Hosseini Kamal, R. Jardine and M.R. Coop
Effects of Structure Changes in the Stress-Strain Strength Behaviour of a Sienitic Residual
Soil 143
Effets des changements de structure dans le comportement contrainte-déformation résistance d’un sol
sienitic résiduelle
T.M.O. Carvalho, T.M.P. de Campos and F.S. Antunes
Grain Size Distribution and Particle Shape Effects on Shear Strength of Sand – Gravel
Mixtures 149
Effets dus à la granulométrie et à la forme des particules sur la résistance au cisaillement du sable –
mélanges de gravier
F. Casini, S. Brauchli, R. Herzog and S.M. Springman
Un nouvel essai d’émiettage pour mieux caractériser l’effet de l’eau sur les sols 155
An “Enhanced Crumb Test” for Better Characterizing Water Effects on Soils
C. Chevalier, I. Haghighi, T. Martin and P. Reiffsteck
Influence of Fibre Inclusion on Crack Propagation 161
L’influence d’inclusion de fibre sur la propagation de première
A. Chegenizadeh and H. Nikraz
Validation of a Methodology for Reconstituting Weakly Cemented Sandstones 167
Validation d’une méthodologie pour la reconstitution de grès faiblement cimenté
P.A.L.F. Coelho, V.D. Marques, P.S. Andrade and P.P. Cunha
The Influence of Microfabrics in Bonded Soils Behaviour, Based in Laboratorial Comparison
of Artificially and Naturally Cemented Specimens 173
L’influence des microstructures dans le comportement des sols collés, basée sur la comparaison,
en laboratoire, de spécimens artificiellement et naturellement cimentés
N. Cruz, C. Rodrigues and A. Viana da Fonseca
Determination of the Small-Strain Stiffness of Hard Soils by Means of Bender Elements and
Accelerometers 179
Détermination de la rigidité à petite déformation des sols indurés par bender elements et accéléromètres
C. Ferreira, J.P. Martins and A. Gomes Correia
Measurement of Stiffness of Greek Stiff Soils 185
Mesures de rigidité des argiles raides en Grèce
V.N. Georgiannou, P. Ferreira and F. Altuhafi
Laboratory Measurement of Shear Stiffness of Decomposed Granite 191
Mesures en laboratoire de la rigidité de cisaillement d’un granite décomposé
X.Q. Gu and J. Yang

Rapid Estimation of Residual Shear Strength by Ring Shear Test 197

Estimation rapide de la résistance au cisaillement résiduelle par l’essai de cisaillement annulaire
R. Iyisan, G. Cevikbilen and M. Hatipoglu
Laterally Cyclic Loading of Monopile in Dense Sand 203
Chargement lateral cyclique de monopile dens le sable dense
R.T. Klinkvort, O. Hededal and M. Svensson
Evaluation of Initial Stiffness of Natural Overconsolidated Cohesive Soils 209
Evaluation de la rigidité initiale des sols naturels, preconsolidés, cohérents
M.J. Lipiński and W. Tymiński
Some Comments on the Grading Entropy Variation and Crushing of Various Sands 215
Quelques comments au variation d’entropie granulométrique et rupture des carbonate sable
J. Lorincz, L. Kárpáti, P.Q. Trang, E. Imre and S. Fityus
Effectiveness of Microfine Cement Suspension Grouting 223
Efficacité des ciments très fins en suspension d’injections
I.N. Markou and A.I. Droudakis
Reflections on Primary and Secondary Consolidation 229
Réflexions sur la consolidation primaire et secondaire
N. Mortensen
UCS Estimation for Maastricht Limestones by Needle Penetration Testing 235
Estimation de la resistance à la compression simple des calcaires Maastrichtians par le test de
resistance à l’enfoncement d’une aiguille
D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard, H.K. Engin, W. Verwaal and A. Mulder
Mechanical Behavior of Microfine Cement Grouted Sands 241
Comportement mécanique des sables injectés par coulis de micro ciment
I.A. Pantazopoulos and D.K. Atmatzidis
Essais de cisaillement direct sur interfaces sol granulaire-structure chargées à très grand nombre
de cycles et interprétation préliminaire 247
Direct shear tests on granular soil-structure interfaces involving a large number of cycles and preliminary
S. Pra-Ai and M. Boulon
The Performance of Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) Preloading with and Without Vacuum
and Heat 253
Le Comportement du Drain Verticale Prefabriquee (PVD) prechargee et non precharge avec Vacuum et
J. Saowapakpiboon, D.T. Bergado, N. Teerachaikulpanich and P. Voottipruex
Compaction and Liquefaction of Sand Caused by a Large Number of Loading Cycles 261
Densification et liquefaction du sable chargé par un grand nombre des cycles
A. Sawicki, W. Świdziński and J. Mierczyński
The Instrumentation of Parameters of Thermal Radiation and of Acoustic Emission as a
Source of Information Concerning the Processes of Deformation of Soft Rock Specimens 267
L’instrumentation des paramètres du rayonnement thermique et de l’émission acoustique en tant que
source d’information concernant le processus de déformation des échantillons de roche molle
V.I. Sheinin, D.I. Blokhin and A.V. Favorov

Cyclic Behaviour of Saturated Sands Subject to Previous Horizontal Shear Stresses 275
Comportement cyclique des sables saturés soumis à des contraintes précédentes de cisaillement horizontal
A. Soriano, H. Patiño, J. González and M. Valderrama
The Effect of Mechanical Remoulding on the Compression and Strength Characteristics of a
Mercia Mudstone 281
L’effet de remaniement mécanique sur les caractéristiques de compression et la force d’un mudstone
S.E. Stallebrass and L.J. Seward
An Investigation of the Long-Term Engineering Response of Intact Chalk 287
Étude de l’influence d’un ouvrage de génie civil à long terme sur un calcaire intact
K.J.L. Stone and K.I. Katsaros
Statistical Evaluation of Geotechnical Laboratory Round Robin Tests in Hungary 293
Evaluation statistique des resultats des tests de plusieurs laboratoires géotechniques de la Hongrie
A. Takács and A. Mahler
Engineering Properties of Marls from Small to Large Strains 299
Propriétés mécaniques des marnes de petites à grandes déformations
Th. Tika, P. Kallioglou and St. Elpekos
An Integrated Geotechnical Study of UK Mudrocks 305
Une étude géotechnique intégrée des argilites du Royaume-Uni
S. Wilkinson, A. Brosse, C.H. Fenton, R. Hosseini Kamal, R.J. Jardine and M.R. Coop
The Transitional Behavior of Loosely Compacted Completely Decomposed Granite 311
Le comportement transitoire de granit faiblement compacté complètement décomposé
J.J. Zhang and C.Y. Cheuk
Adhesion Measurements on Conditioned Clays 317
Mesure d’adhésion d’argiles traitées
R. Zumsteg, M. Plötze, A.M. Puzrin, H. Egli and A. Walliser

1.3. Classification / Classification 323

Classification des sols et des roches à partir d’essais d’expansion cylindrique en haute pression 325
Soil and Rock Classification Based on High Pressure Borehole Expansion Tests
J.P. Baud and M. Gambin
Rock Mass Characterization for Tunnels in Limestone in Copenhagen and Malmö Area 331
Caractérisation de Massifs Rocheux Calcaires pour de Tunnels à Copenhague et dans la Région de Malmö
N. Foged, S. Stabell and B. Foged
Specific Features of Weak Rock Laboratory Testing 337
Les caractèristiques spéciales des essais de laboratoire des roches faibles
J. Frankovská and T. Durmeková
Classification et caractérisation d’une craie blanche sénonienne pour la réalisation de deux
tranchées de grande profondeur 343
Classification and Characterization of an Upper White Chalk for the Construction of Two Deep Railway
M. Haghgou

Some Basic Trends on the Geotechnical Characteristics of Lisbon Miocene Clays 351
Certaines tendances de base sur les caractéristiques géotechniques des argiles du Miocène de Lisbonne
M. Lopes Laranjo, M. Matos Fernandes and J. Almeida e Sousa
Geotechnical Properties of the Chalk in East London and the Thames Gateway 357
Les propriétés mécaniques de la Craie dans l’est de Londres et la région de Thames Gateway
C.O. Menkiti, A.S. Merritt, C.K. Choy, R.N. Mortimore and M. Black
On the Properties of Cambrian Clay and Sandstones 363
Les caractèristiques de l’argile Cambrien et les pierres calcaires poreuses
M. Mets, J. Miljan and R. Raudsepp
Les “Terres Noires” du Dauphiné, un cas de roche très sensible aux variations climatiques 369
The Dauphiné “Black Marls”: A Very Sensitive Weak Rock
J. Monnet, D. Fabre and M. Zielinski
The Relevance of Lithostratigraphy in the Assessment and Investigation of Engineering Ground
Conditions in UK Mudstones 375
La pertinence du lithostratigraphy dans l’évaluation et la recherche sur les conditions au sol de technologie
en argilite UK
K.J. Northmore, D.C. Entwisle, H.J. Reeves, P.R.N. Hobbs and M.G. Culshaw
A New Concept to Identify and Characterize Active Clays 381
Un concept nouveau d’identifier et caracteriser les argiles actives
A. Stanciu, I. Lungu, L. Ciobanita and M. Aniculaesi

2.1. Selection of Parameters / Sélection des paramètres 387

Foundation of a Gravity Dam on Layered Soft Rock. Shear Strength of Bedding Planes in
Laboratory and Large “in situ” Tests 389
Fondations d’un barrage en arc sur des bancs de roc tendre. Resistance en cisaillement des plans de
stratification en laboratoire et essais in situ à grande échelle
E.E. Alonso, N.M. Pinyol and J.A. Pineda
Deformation of Cylindrical Cavities in Cross-Anisotropic Rock 395
Déformation de cavités cylindriques dans la roche anisotrope transverse
A. Blioumi and D. Kolymbas
Re-Assessment of the Shear Strength of the Oligocene Clay from the Buda Area Based on the
Site Investigation of the Metro Line 4 401
Re-évaluation de la résistance au cisaillement de l’argile oligocène de la région de Buda basée sur l’étude
du ligne 4 du métro
Gy. Horváth and B. Móczár
Advances in Tunneling Simulation – A Probabilistic Approach 407
Des progrès dans la simulation des tunnels – une approche probabilistique
M. Huber, P.A. Vermeer, P.M. Stroehle and C. Moormann
Mechanical Behaviour of Disintegrated Rockfill 413
Comportement mécanique d’enrochement désagrégé
K. Kast

Vibrational Reliability of Rigid Structures on Soil with Random Elastic Parameters 419
La fiabilité de vibration de structures rigides sur le sol avec paramètres élastiques aléatoire
M.L. Kholmyansky
Triaxial, DSS, CRS Tests and Numerical Simulations of Soft Soils at River Dike 427
Essais triaxiaux, essais de cisaillement direct, essais de cisaillement à taux constant de déformation,
et simulations numériques de sols mous pour une digue fluviale
H.J. Lengkeek and R. Bouw
Estimation of Geotechnical Properties and Classification of Geotechnical Behaviour in
Tunnelling for Flysch Rock Masses 435
Estimation des propriétés géotechniques et classification du comportement des massifs rocheux du
flysch aux tunnels
V. Marinos, P. Fortsakis and G. Prountzopoulos
Determination of the Physical Parameters of Soil from Pressuremeter Tests 441
Calcul des paramètres physiques des sols à partir des résultats des essais préssiométriques
J. Mecsi
Geotechnical Mapping of the SGGW Campus in Warsaw Applying the Bayesian Approach 447
La cartes géotechniques du Campus SGGW à Varsovie en appliquant de l’approche bayésienne
S. Rabarijoely, K. Garbulewski, J. Rajtar and S. Jabłonowski
Aspects on the Laboratory Frost Heave Testing Procedure 453
Aspects sur la procédure d’essai de laboratoire de soulèvement dû au gel
S. Saarelainen, H. Gustavsson and T. Ono
Propriétés mécaniques d’une marne 459
Mechanical Properties of a Marl
J.F. Serratrice
Stiffness of the Soil Determined from in Situ Testing 465
La raideur du sol déterminé sur des essais en place
Z. Skutnik, M. Bajda and M. Lech
Stiffness of Overconsolidated Hard Sandy Clay Soils 471
La rigidité des argiles dures, sablonneux et surconsolidées
R.P. Thompson, J.M. Belton and A.F. Booer
On the Shear Strength of Weak Rocks 477
Sur la résistance de cisaillement des roches tendres
E. Togrol and F. Kıran
Geotechnical Experiences with Most Clay 481
Expérience de Géotechnique avec Most argile
I. Vaníček
Predicting Shear Strength Mobilization of London Clay 487
Prévision de la mobilization de résistance au cisaillement d’argile de Londres
P.J. Vardanega and M.D. Bolton
Petrographic and Textural Characteristics and Mechanical Behaviour of Sicilian Calcarenites 493
Caractéristiques pétrographiques et structurelles et comportement mécanique des calcarénites de Sicile
M. Zimbardo, N. Nocilla and L. Ercoli

2.2. Modelling / Modélisation 499

A Soft Rock Model for Cement Improved Clays 501

Un modèle de roche tendre pour des argiles traitées avec du ciment
M. Arroyo, M. Ciantia, R. Castellanza and A. Gens
Application of a Constitutive Model for Structured Soils in Hard Soils 507
Application d’un modèle de comportement pour les sols structurés dans les sols durs
G. Belokas and M. Kavvadas
Mechanisms of Hydraulic Fracturing in Clay, Sand and Rock 513
Mécanismes de fracturation hydraulique dans l’argile, le sable et la roche
A. Bezuijen and A.F. van Tol
Use of a Damage Parameter to Model the Mechanical Behavior of Marls 519
Utilisation d’un paramètre de dommage pour modeler le comportement mécanique des marnes
L. Caldeira, E. Maranha das Neves and R. Cardoso
On the Model Requirements to Predict the Behaviour of Fissured Clays 525
Sur les ingrédients pour la modélisation du comportement des argiles fissures
F. Cotecchia and C. Vitone
Stiffness Parameters for a Deep Tunnel – Developing a Robust Parameter Selection Framework 531
Paramètres de rigidité pour un tunnel profond – Développement d’un cadre robuste pour la
sélection des parameters
J. Eadington and A.S. O’Brien
An Extended Drucker-Prager Hardening Model for Cross-Anisotropy of Soft Rocks 537
Un modèle de comportement à écrouissage de type Drucker-Prager pour roches tendres à anisotropie
B. François, F. Collin, A. Dizier and R. Charlier
Long Term Accumulation of Deformation in Granular Soils Under Multi-Axial Cyclic Loading 541
Accumulation de déformation à long terme dans les sols granulaires sous chargement cyclique multi-axiale
S. François, P. Franken, G. Degrande and W. Haegeman
The Influence of Stiffness Anisotropy on the Behaviour of a Stiff Natural Clay 545
L’influence de l’anisotropie de déformation sur la réponse d’une argile rigide naturelle
A. Grammatikopoulou, F.C. Schroeder, N. Kovacevic, V. Germano and A. Gasparre
Elasto-Viscoplastic Modeling of Soft Rock Time Dependent Behavior 551
Modelisation elasto-viscoplastique du comportement dependent du temps de rocher mou
F.E. Karaoulanis and Th. Chatzigogos
Analysis of the Behavior of Massive Plate Foundations on Viscoelastic Base 557
Analyse du comportement des massifs plaque fondations sur la base viscoélastique
Y. Kirichek
Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Modeling of Soft Sedimentary Rocks 563
Elasto-viscoplastic modelage constitutif de pierres sédimentaires douces
F. Oka, S. Kimoto and Q.H. Nguyen
A Multilaminate Soil Model for Highly Overconsolidated Clays 569
Un modèle de sol multi-plan pour les argiles fortement surconsolidées
B. Schädlich and H.F. Schweiger

Research on Hydraulic Heaves at Excavations with Surcharge Filters 575

Recherche sur la stabilité contre des soulèvements d’eau les de l’excavation avec un filtre de surcharge
P. Schober, C. Boley and B. Odenwald
Triaxial Test Simulation on Erksak Sand Using Hardening Soil Model 581
Simulation des essais triaxiaux sur le sable Erksak avec le modèle Hardening Soil
I. Sokolić and Ž. Skazlić
Cemented Soil Modelling Based on the Principles of Thermodynamics and the Critical State
Theory 587
Modèle de comportement des sols cimentés fondé sur les principes de la thermodynamique et la théorie
d’Etat Critique
R. Tamagnini, M. Mavroulidou and M.J. Gunn
Specifics of Behavior of Subsoils Consisting of Hard Proterozoic Deposits 593
Spécifités du travail de sous-sol de dépôts protérozoïques durs
V.M. Ulitsky, V.A. Vasenin, A.G. Shashkin and C.G. Shashkin
Neural Modelling of the Fly Ash Compaction Curve 601
Modélisation neuronale de courbe de compactage des cendres volantes
K. Zabielska-Adamska and M.J. Sulewska

2.3. Unsaturated Hard Soils – Weak Rocks / Sols indurés non saturés – Roches tendres 607

Measuring the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve of Structured and Recomposed Soils 609
Mesure de la courbe caractéristique sol-eau des sols structurés et recomposés
M. Bardanis and S. Grifiza
Modeling the Oedometric Behavior of an Evolving Marl Under Stress and Suction Cycles 615
Modulation du comportement oedometrique de une marne évolutive sur cycles de contrainte et succion
R. Cardoso and E.E. Alonso
Etude experimentale du comportement des sols gonflants sur le site de Ouarzazate. Maroc 621
Experimental Studies in the Behavior of Swelling Soil in Ouarzazate. Morocco
H. Ejjaaouani, V. Shakhirev and J.P. Magnan
A Contribution to Improve the Understanding of Softening in Stiff Overconsolidated Clays and
Marls 629
Une contribution à améliorer la compréhension d’adoucissement dans les argiles surconsolidées rigides et
M. Maček, B. Pulko and A. Petkovšek
Structure and Collapsibility of Loess Soils in Middle Asia 635
Structure et dégradation des sols de lœss en Asie Moyenne
C. Meier, C. Boley and Y. Zou
In-situ and Laboratory Water Retention Characteristics in a Silty Sand Dyke 641
Détermination in situ et en laboratoire des caractéristiques de rétention en eau d’un sable limoneux
W.F. Morales, P.A. Mayor, S.M. Springman and A. Vogel
Hydro-Mechanical Characterization of Jurassic Marls to Study Load Degradation 647
Caractérisation hydro-mécanique de marnes du Jurassique pour étudier la dégradation résultante du
J. Muralha, L. Caldeira, R. Cardoso and E. Maranha das Neves

Retaining Structures in Expansive Clays 653

Les structures de soutien dans les argile expansifs
A.T. Papagiannakis, S. Bin-Shafique and R.L. Lytton
Study of Swelling and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Treated with Stone Dust and
Flyash 659
Etude du gonflement et de caractéristiques de résistance du sol expansif traités avec de la poussière de
pierre et des cendres volantes
T.L. Ramadas, N. Darga Kumar and G. Yesuratnam
Modelling the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve of Structured and Recomposed Hard Soils –
Weak Rocks 665
Modélisation de la courbe caractéristique sol-eau des sols durs – roches tendres structurés et recomposés
P. Sitarenios, M. Bardanis and M. Kavvadas
Impact de cycles hydriques sur le comportement hydromécanique d’un sol argileux gonflant
traité à la chaux 671
Influence of Wetting and Drying Cycles on the Hydromechanical Behaviour of a Lime Treated Expansive
Clayey Soil
G. Stoltz, O. Cuisinier and F. Masrouri
Unsaturated Behaviour of a Cemented Sand 677
Comportement non saturés d’un sable cimenté
D.G. Toll and Z. Ali Rahman
Model Piles Behaviour in a Compacted Fine-Grained Unsaturated Soil 683
Comportement de pieux à échelle réduite dans un sol fin non-saturé compacté
S.K. Vanapalli and Z. Nil Taylan
Subject Index I
Author Index XV

Part 2
3.1. Shallow Foundations / Fondations superficielles 689

Foundation of a Heavy Loaded Stockyard on Problematic Subsoil: Experience and Two Years
of Measurements 691
Stabilisation d’une aire de stockage sur un sol problématique: retour d’expérience et deux années
D. Alexiew, C. Moormann and A. Glockner
Strip Footing Behavior on Geotextile Reinforced and Soil Nailing-Stabilized Sand Slope 697
Comportement d’une semelle filante sur une pente de sable renforcée avec géotextile et stabilisée par
E.A.O. Belqasem Altalhe
An Investigation of a Rock Socketed Pile with an Integral Bearing Plate Founded over Weak
Rock 705
Étude d’une pile avec une plaque encastrée dans une roche molle
S. Arshi and K.J.L. Stone
Comportement d’un matelas de répartition au-dessus d’inclusions rigides et supportant, ou non,
une structure en béton: Méthode analytique de cal-cul 711
Behaviour of a Spreading Layer Above Rigid Inclusions and Supporting, or Not, a Concrete Structure:
Analytical Method of Calcul
P. Berthelot, F. Durand and M. Glandy
Foundation of the Arch Bridge in the Landslide Area of Tsakona, Greece 717
Fondation du pont en arc dans la zone de glissement de terrain de Tsakona, en Grèce
I.F. Fikiris, L. Sotiropoulos and G.T. Dounias
Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings on Clay Slopes 723
La force portante sismique des semelles filantes sur un talus argileux
K. Georgiadis and E. Chrysouli
Experience of the Unique Building Foundation Design in Conditions of Combined Karst and
Landslide Risk 729
Problèmes du pratique et de la théorie du projet des fondements sur le terrain avec le danger combiné de
karst et de glissement de terre
A.L. Gotman and N.Z. Gotman
Laboratory Tests and Field Measurements Investigating the Stress Strain Behaviour of
Foundations on Hard Soil and Weak Rock 737
Recherche sur le comportement contrainte-déformation de fondations sur le sol dur et rock doux utilisant
des essais de laboratoire et des mesures sur le terrain
E.-D. Hornig and H. Klapperich
Capacité portante des fondations superficielles avec et sans l’hypothèse de superposition 743
Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations with and Without the Superposition Assumption
A. Mabrouki, D. Benmeddour, M. Mellas and R. Frank
Experimentally Observed Settlements Beneath Shallow Foundations on Sand 749
Des essais pour observer des tassements sous les fondations superficielles sur du sable
B.T. McMahon and M.D. Bolton

Case Study: The Design & Performance of a Raft Foundation on Mercia Mudstone 755
Etude de cas: l’étude et la performance d’un radier sur un sol de type ‘Mercia Mudstone’
M. Miller, M. Vaziri and R. Miller
Long-Term Settlement Observations of a Bridge Foundation on Clay of Very High Plasticity 761
Observations en matière d'affaissement à long terme de fondations de pont sur un argile de très haute
N. Okkels, L. Bødker and B. Knudsen
Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations Under Highly Eccentric and Inclined Loads 769
La capacité portante des fondations superficielles sous des charges très excentriques et inclinées
V. Papadopoulos and A. Arapakou
Kinematic Interaction Between Retaining Walls and Retained Footings Under Dynamic
Loading 775
Interaction cinématique entre les murs de soutènement et les fondations conservées sous chargement
G. Papazafeiropoulos, Y. Tsompanakis and P.N. Psarropoulos
Back-Analysis of a Basement with a Raft Foundation in Overconsolidated Stiff Clay 781
Back analyse d’un sous sol avec un radier en argile raide surconsolidée
A. Pillai, R. Fuentes, P. Ferreira and A. Swain
Fill of the “Terreiro do Trigo” Dockyard in Lisbon over Alluvial and Hard Soils 787
Remblai de la Dock du “Terreiro do Trigo” à Lisbonne sur des Alluvions et de Sols Durs
A. Pinto, R. Tomásio, J. Ravasco and G. Marques
Foundations Under Seismic Loads 793
Fondations sous charges sismiques
S. Prakash and V.K. Puri
Protection of the Cement Plant Facilities Foundations on the Artificial Firm soil Base Effected
by Dynamic Loading (Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine) 799
Protection de la partie de fondation des unités de l’usine à ciment en République Autonome Crimée
(Ukraine) sur le basement solide artificiel, soumis aux effets dynamiques
G.R. Rozenvasser, V.N. Tokovenko, V.E. Zhigarev, S.V. Malikov and V.E. Symonovych
Execution of Micropiles in an Underground Metro Station Against Buoyancy 805
Exécution des micropieux dans une station de métro dans un cas de sous-pression
R. Thurner, T. Kimpritis and N. Koutavas
Performance Analysis of Piled Raft Foundations in Comparison with Conventional Foundation
Systems by Using Finite Element Method 811
Analyse de la performance des fondations radier sur pieux en comparaison avec les systèmes de bases
classiques en utilisant la méthode des éléments finis
A. Yalcin Dayioglu and M. Incecik

3.2. Deep Foundations / Fondations profondes 817

Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’un pieu isolé sous chargement cyclique
axial 819
Experimental and Numerical Analysis of the Cyclic Axial Response of a Single Pile
O. Benzaria, A. Le Kouby and A. Puech

A New Assessment of Ultimate Unit Friction for Driven Piles in Low to Medium Density Chalk 825
Une nouvelle évaluation de frottement unité ultime de pieux enfoncés en bas à la craie de densité moyenne
T.M. Carrington, G. Li and M.J. Rattley
Interpretation of Axial Load Tests for Bored Piles Penetrating Soft Rocks 831
L’interprétation des essais de capacité portant pour les pieux penetrant dans les roches degradées
R. Ciortan, S. Manea and G. Tsitsas
A New Method for the Evaluation of the Ultimate Load of Piles by Tests Not Carried to Failure 837
Une nouvelle méthode pour l’évaluation de la charge limite des pieux avec des essais qui n’atteignent pas la
G. Dalerci and R. Bovolenta
A Parametric Study on Pile Drivability for Large Diameter Offshore Monopiles 843
Une étude paramétrique sur la maniabilité de pieux pour de grand diamètre monopiles offshore
P. Doherty, K. Gavin and B. Casey
Barettes Socketed to Bedrock Assesment of Their Load Capacity 849
La capacité verticale de fondations barrette dans les roches
H. Turan Durgunoglu, H. Fatih Kulac, S. Ikiz, M. Sutcuoglu and O. Akcakal
Optimum Loading Specifications for O-cell bi-directional Static Load Testing 855
Caractéristiques optimum pour essai de charge statique bidirectionnel utilisant la cellule d’Osterberg
M.G. England and P.F. Cheesman
Prediction of the Axial Load Response of Open-Ended Pipe Piles in Glacial Soils 861
Prédiction de la réponse de charge axiale des pieux tubulaires ouvertes dans les sols glaciaires
K. Gavin, P. Doherty, J. Bevin and L. Twomey
Bearing Capacity of Piles Based on Static Load Tests and Calculation Principles Provided by
EN 1997-1 867
Capacité portante des pieux à partir des essais de chargement statique et les principes de calcul prévues par
la norme EN 1997-1
K. Gwizdała, A. Krasiński and T. Brzozowski
Flexural Effects in Dynamic Determination of Pile Capacity 873
Effets de flexion dans la détermination dynamique de la capacité portante d’un pieu
A. Holeyman and M. Allani
Offshore Foundation Engineering in Extremely Dense Glacial Tills West of the Shetland Islands 879
Technique de fondations sous-marines pour les tills extrêmement denses situés à l’ouest des Îles de
R.J. Jardine, T.R. Aldridge and T.G. Evans
Piled Bridge Abutments on Soft Soils: Physical and 3D Numerical Modelling 885
Les contreforts de ponts à piles sur les sols mous: modélisation physique et 3D numérique
M.K. Kelesoglu and S.M. Springman
Approach for a Deep Construction Pit and a Piled-Raft Foundation in Urban Environment 891
Procédure de projet une profonde fouille et une fondation profonde dans l’environnement urbain
S. Meissner, H. Quick, J. Michael and U. Arslan
Base Resistance of Large Diameter Bored Piles in Soft Rocks 897
Résistance à base de grand diamètre s’ennuie piles dans les roches tendres
J.R. Omer

Chargement cyclique de pieux-tests instrumentés: le programme SOLCYP 903

Cyclic Loading of Instrumented Test Piles: The SOLCYP Project
A. Puech, S. Po, O. Benzaria F. Rocher-Lacoste and A. Le Kouby
Heave of a Piled Foundation on a Sulphated Claystone 909
Soulèvement d’une fondation avec pieux dans des argillites sulfatèes
A. Ramon and E.E. Alonso
Méthode de dimensionnement directe des pieux basée sur l’essai de chargement de pointe 915
Pile Direct Design Method Based on Cone Loading Test
Ph. Reiffsteck, H. Ali, F. Baguelin, H. Van de Graaf, C. Bacconnet and R. Gourvès
Design, Load Tests & Completion of Bored Piles 80m Depth in Pliocene Clays on a Danube
Bridge 921
Conception, tests de charge et réalisation des pieux forés 80 m de long dans des argiles du Pliocène dans
un pont sur le Danube
F. Rodríguez Ballesteros, G. Gómez Burgaz and J.M. Gutiérrez Manjón
Pile Integrity Testing Developments 927
Développements du contrôle de pieu par les méthodes impulsionelles
A.J.G. Schellingerhout and A.J. van Rietschoten-Rietveld
Capacity of Rock Sockets in Weak Mud/Siltstone 933
La capacité de douilles de roche dans faible mud/siltstone
J.S. Steenfelt and J. Abild
Effects of Crushing on Pile Point Bearing Capacity in Sand Tested in a Geotechnical Centrifuge 939
Les effets de l’écrasement sur la pile dirigent la portance en sable examiné dans une centrifugeuse
R. Stoevelaar, A. Bezuijen, H. van Lottum and A.F. van Tol
Estimating Skin Friction of Large Diameter Drilled Shafts in Weak Rock 945
Estimation de l’adhésion de pieux forés à grand diametre dans des formations rocheuses faibles
K. Syngros, M. Khoury, A. Poeppel, R. Frizzi, K. Fahoum and G. Leventis
Dynamic Axial Response of Drilled Piers in Stiff Sandy Clays 951
Réponse axiale dynamique des puits de soutien dans des argiles sableuses rigides
G. Wang and N. Sitar

3.3. Ground Reinforcement / Renforcements des sols 957

Numerical Back-Analysis of Compaction Grouting with a Hypoplastic Soil Model 959

Analyse numérique pour l’injection solide avec un modèle hypoplastique
A. Anthogalidis, U. Arslan and O. Reul
Réponse dynamique d’un sol après travaux de compactage haute énergie 965
Soil Dynamic Response After Heavy Compaction
S. Brûlé, E.H. Javelaud, Ph. Liausu and A.Bitri
Consolidation of Extremely Soft Mud for the A-380 Factory in Hamburg – Long Time
Experience 971
Consolidation de boue extrêmement molle pour l’usine de montage de l’A-380 à Hambourg – Résultats à
long terme
J.-L. Chaumeny, J. Kirstein and J. Reiner

Soil Mix: Influence of Soil Inclusions on Structural Behaviour 977

Soil mix: influence des inclusions de sol sur le comportement structurel
P. Ganne, N. Denies, N. Huybrechts, A. Vervoort, A. Tavallali, J. Maertens, B. Lameire
and F. De Cock
Durabilité du comportement mécanique d’un limon traité à la chaux soumis à un écoulement
d’eau 983
Long Term Behaviour of Lime-Treated Silty Soil Submitted to a Water Flow
O. Cuisinier, B. Le Runigo, D. Deneele, Y.-J. Cui and V. Ferber
3-D Analysis of Stone Columns to Support a Roadway Embankment on Soft Soil 989
Analyse en 3D de la construction sur pilotis servant de fondations à des ouvrages bâtis sur talus sur sol
E. Koch
Interaction sol-structure: Comparaison entre un renforcement de sol par Colonnes à Module
Mixte CMM® et par Inclusions Rigides INSER® 995
Interaction Soil-Structure: Comparison of Mixed Modulus Columns and Rigid Inclusions
S. Lambert, W. Wehr and M. Bustamante
Behaviour of Load Carrying Capacity for Geogrid Encased Stone Columns Using Field Tests 1001
Comportement en site de la capacité de charge des colonnes ballastées, renforcées par des geogrids à la
partie supérieure
D.Y. Lee and C. Yoo
Behaviour of Stabilized Soft Clay 1007
Comportement de l’argile molle stabilisée
I. Mataic, P. Vepsäläinen, M. Lojander and O. Korhonen
Mechanical Properties of a Saturated Lime Treated Clay 1013
Propriétés mécaniques d’une argile saturée traitée à la chaux
M. Mavroulidou, X. Zhang and M.J. Gunn
A Simplified Pseudo Dynamic Method of Reinforced Retaining Wall Subjected to Seismic
Loads 1019
Une méthode simplifiée pseudo-dynamique de soutènement renforcés mur soumis à des charges
S.N. Moghaddas Tafreshi and M. Rahimi
Laboratory Tests of Footing Supported on Geotextile-Reinforced Sand Under Repeated
Loading 1025
Les tests de laboratoire de pied appuyé sur le sable géotextile renforcé souschargement répété
S.N. Moghaddas Tafreshi and A.R. Dawson
Caractérisation d’un limon traité utilisé comme matelas de transfert de charges dans une
fondation composite 1031
Characterisation of a Treated Silt Used as Load Transfer Platform in a Composite Foundation
U.S. Okyay, R. Manirakiza, G. Rault, L. Thorel, J.P. David, J.C. Auriol and D. Dias
Cutter Soil Mixing Solutions in Portugal on Hard Soils and Weak Rocks 1037
Solutions de Cutter Soil Mixing au Portugal dans des sols indurés et des roches tendres
A. Pinto, R. Tomásio, X. Pita, A. Pereira and A. Peixoto
Investigation of the Compound Behavior of Geogrid Reinforced Soil 1043
Investigation du comportement composé des sols renforcés avec géogrilles
A. Ruiken, M. Ziegler, L. Vollmert and S. Höhny

Experimental Investigation on Durability of a Lime Stabilised Soil 1049

Etude expérimentale sur la durabilité d’un sol stabilisé à la chaux
G. Russo, P. Croce and N. Nocera
Grid Space Optimization of Jet Grouting Columns 1055
Optimisation de la distance entre les colonnes de sols cimentés par injection
E. Saurer, Th. Marcher and M. Lesnik
Application of Soil-Cement Modification in Weathered Shale for Road Construction 1061
Application de la modification du sol-ciment dans les schistes altérés pour la construction routière
J. Sukolrat, B. Ongsuksun, A. Klummeng and M. Dechasakulsom
Comparaison des comportements de matériaux Soil-Mixing réalisés sur chantier et en
laboratoire: étude d’un limon traité au ciment 1067
Comparison of the in situ and Laboratory Behavior of Soil-Mixing: Study of a Cement Treated Silt
F. Szymkiewicz, P. Reiffsteck, A. LeKouby and S. Fanelli
Influence of Geocell Reinforcement on Damping Properties of Trench with Pipe 1073
Influence de la Géocell renfort sur les propriétés d’amortissement de la tranchée avec des tuyaux
Gh. Tavakoli Mehrjardi, S.N. Moghaddas Tafreshi and A.R. Dawson
Preventing Internal Erosion Phenomena with the BioGrout Process 1079
Prévention face aux phénomènes d’érosion interne par la technique de BioGrout
M.A. Van, G.A. van den Ham, M. Blauw, M. Latil, N. Benahmed and P. Philippe
Ground Improvement for Wind Energy Oplants in Germany 1091
Amélioration de sol supportant les éoliennes en Allemagne
J. Wehr
Characteristics of Manmade Stiff Grounds Improved by Drill-Mixing Method 1097
Caractéristiques des sols artificiels durs améliorés par la procédure de forage-mélangeage
M. Zotsenko, Yu. Vynnykov, I. Lartseva, V. Shokarev and V. Krysan

4.1. Embankments and Dams / Remblais et barrages 1103

Construction of Papadia Secant Pile Plastic Concrete Cut-Off Wall 1105

Construction d’un diaphragme de pilotis intersectés en béton plastique à Papadia
K. Anastasopoulos, Ch. Economidis, D.A. Bruce and G. Rizopoulos
Finite Element Analysis of the Saint-Alban Embankment Failure with an Anisotropic
Undrained Strength Model 1111
Analyse par éléments finis de l’échec du remblai Saint-Alban avec un modèle de résistance non drainée
L. Andresen, G. Saygili and G. Grimstad
Barrage de Mahouane: Conditions geologiques et traitement de la fondation 1119
Mahouane Earth-Fill Dam: Geological Conditions and Grouting Foundation Treatment
F. D’Alessandro, C. Bordas and R. Hebbache
Design for Upgrading of Tailing Dam Toranica – Kriva Palanka in Complex Geotechnical and
Hydrological Conditions 1125
Projet pour mise à niveau le barrage de produit de queue Toranica – Kriva Palanka dans conditions
géotechniques et hydrologiques complexes
Lj. Dimitrievski, D. Ilievski, D. Dimitrievski and B. Bogoevski

Use of Site Won Chalk for the Construction of Steep Geogrid Reinforced Soil Embankments
in the South of England, UK 1131
Utilisation de la craie de Site pour la construction de remblais abrupts renforcés par Géogrilles au Sud de
C. Doulala-Rigby and J. Dixon
Load Distribution on the Geosynthetic Reinforcement Within a Piled Embankment 1137
La répartition des charges sur le renfort geosynthetique dans un remblai comprenant des pieux
S.J.M. van Eekelen, H.J. Lodder and A. Bezuijen
Rockfill and Soil-Rock Mixtures in Road Embankments – A Case Study 1143
Enrochements et des mixtures sol-enrochement dans les remblais routiers – une étude de cas
E. Fortunato and L. Caldeira
Studies of Behavior of the Temporary Dam at the Dniester PSPP 1149
Les recherches de la condition de la digue provisoire de Dnestrovsky station électrique hydroaccumulant
V. Galat and V. Taranov
Geotechnical Aspects of Aposelemis Dam in Crete Island 1153
Aspects géotechniques du barrage Aposelemis dans l’île de Crète
I. Karapanagiotis, L. Somakos, A. Gkiolas, S. Lazaridou, Μ. Kavvadas and P. Marinos
Geological and Geotechnical Issues Pertinent to the Construction of Gadouras Dam, Rhodes
Island 1159
Problèmes géologiques et géotechniques pour la construction du barrage Gadouras dans l’île de Rhodes
S. Lazaridou, Μ. Kavvadas, P. Marinos, V. Perleros and L. Somakos
Full Scale Failure Test on a Railway Embankment; Extensive Instrumentation and Real Time
Monitoring 1165
Test de stabilité à pleine échelle sur remblai de chemin de fer; instrumentation extensive et surveillance
en temps reel
J. Mansikkamäki, V. Lehtonen, T. Länsivaara and H. Luomala
Large-Scale Cyclic Triaxial Tests for the Seismic Safety Assessment of a High Earth-Core
Rockfill Dam 1171
Essais triaxiaux cycliques de grand diamètre pour l’évaluation de la sécurité sismique d’une haute digue
en enrochement à noyau d’argile vertical
S. Messerklinger, R. Straubhaar, R.P. Brenner R. Herzog, J. Laue and S.M. Springman
Results of Geotechnical Monitoring for the Erection and Operation of the Tailing Dam at the
Diamond Deposit Named After M.V. Lomonosov 1177
Les résultats du contrôle géotechnique de construction et exploitation de la digue de protection du bassin
à déchets de lavage sur le gisement de diamants nommé après M.V. Lomonosov
A. Nevzorov, V. Koptyev and A. Korshunov
Maximum Relative Density of Clean Sand as a Function of Median Grain Size and
Compaction Energy 1185
Densité relative maximale des sables propres en fonction du diamètre moyen des particules et de l’énergie
de compactage
C.R. Patra, N. Sivakugan, B.M. Das and C. Atalar
Requirements for the Foundation of Gravity Dams in Border-Line Terrains 1191
Réquisits pour les fondations de digues de gravité dans terrains faibles
M. Romana

Analysis of Deformation Course in Problematic Soils Under Embankment 1199

Analyse des cours de déformation dans les sols problématiques sous remblai
W. Sas, A. Szymanski, E. Malinowska, A. Niesiolowska and K. Gabrys
The Dissolution of Gypsum of Disueri Reservoir Left Bank 1205
La dissolution du gypse de la rive gauche du réservoir Disueri
C. Valore, M. Ziccarelli and C. Gambino
Impact of Geosynthetics on Reducing Permanent Deformations on Soil Embankments 1211
Impact des géosynthétiques sur la réduction des déformations permanentes sur remblais
V. Zania, Y. Tsompanakis, P.N. Psarropoulos and G. Bouckovalas

4.2. Slope Stability / Stabilité des pentes 1217

End of Construction Failures of Cuttings in Stiff Clayey Marls – A Case from Central Greece 1219
Glissement des talus artificiels en marnes argileuses, immediatement apres leur construction.
Un example en Grèce Centrale
A. Alexandris, A. Paschalidou, E. Griva and M. Kavvadas
Determination of the Stress Strain State of Soil Base for the Structures at Static and Dynamic
Loads 1225
Détermination de l’état de contrainte-déformation de la base au sol des structures sous l’effet de charges
statiques et dynamiques
O. Areshkovych, I. Boyko and V. Sakharov
Landslide in a Shale Slope in Kabylie 1231
Glissement dans un talus schisteux de Kabylie
H. Bendadouche and S. Lazizi
Le cas du glissement de Boulimat 1237
The Case of Boulimat Slide
H. Bendadouche and S. Lazizi
Station d’essais de chutes de blocs dans les Alpes françaises: premiers retours d’expériences 1243
Rock-Falls Test Site in the French Alps: First Feedback
M. Bost, F. Rocher-Lacoste, Y. Goyat, L. Dubois, M. Feregotto and J. Gineys
Shallow Instabilities in Weathered Slopes. Limit Equilibrium Analysis 1249
Instabilités superficielles des pentes dégradées. Analyse d’équilibre limite
A. Da Costa, C. Sagaseta, J. Cañizal and J. Castro
Static and Seismic Stability Analyses of Retaining Walls for Landslide Rehabilitation in
Mogorce 1255
Statique et séismique analyse de stabilité de mur de soutènement pour réhabilitation d’un glissement à
Lj. Dimitrievski, D. Ilievski, D. Dimitrievski and B. Bogoevski
Renforcement d’une falaise littorale en roches tendres en vue de ralentir son érosion 1261
Reinforcement of a Soft Rock Coastal Cliff in Order to Slow Down Its Erosion
M. Fontanel and B. Mazaré
Technique nouvelle pour la réalisation de talus raidis dans la craie altérée 1269
New Technique for the Performance of Steeped Slope Cuts in Weathered Chalk
M. Haghgou and P. Rossi

Progressive Failure and the Strain Localization Problem 1275

La rupture progressive et le problème de la localisation de la déformation
A. Murianni, A. Federico and C. di Prisco
Slope Stability of Murriz Tunnel Portal 1281
La stabilité des talus de Murriz tunnel entrance
E. Paçi, A. Dervishaj and H. Cullufi
Excess Pore Pressure During Pile Driving in Soft Sensitive Clay 1285
Excès de pression interstitielle au cours de battage de pieux dans l’argile molle et sensible
T. Tefera, G. Tvedt and F. Oset
Slope Stability Analysis Based on Autocorrelated Shear Strength Parameters 1291
La stabilité d’un versant basé sur l’autocorrélation de la résistance de cisaillement
O. Tietje, P. Fitze and H.R. Schneider
Slope Stability Analysis of Volcanosediments Undercut by Cellars with FEM Analyses 1297
Analyse de stabilité des séries sédimentaire volcaniques trouées des caves avec la méthode d’élément
M. Vámos, M. Kozák, T. Léber, P. Görög and Á. Török
Numerical Behavior of a Real Slope Considering Climate Actions and Comparison with in situ
Readings 1303
Simulation du comportement d’un talus réel avec l’action atmosphérique et comparaison avec des lectures
J. Verde, R. Cardoso and J. Barradas
Subject Index I
Author Index XV

Part 3
4.3. Landslides / Glissements de terrains 1311

Landslide Risk and Climate Change – Economic Assessment of Consequences in the Göta
River Valley 1313
Des risques de glissements de terrain et les changements climatiques – évaluation économique des
conséquences dans la vallée de la rivière Göta
Y. Andersson-Sköld, S. Falemo, P. Suer and T. Grahn
Landslide Affected with an Open Pit Excavation in Flysch Deposit 1319
Glissement de terrain causé par l’excavation d’une fouille dans les couches de flysch
Ž. Arbanas, S. Dugonjić, M. Vivoda and V. Jagodnik
Stabilisation of a Deep-Seated Landslide in Order to Protect an Archaeological Site 1325
Stabilisation d’un glissement de terrain profond afin de protéger un site archéologique
M. Bardanis and S. Cavounidis
Comment construire un immeuble dans un glissement de terrain actif à Monaco 1331
How to Construct a New Building in an Active Landslide in Monaco
F. Blondeau and J. Lavisse
Cost Benefit Analysis of Preventive Measures Against Landslides Due to Climate Change 1337
Analyse coût-efficacité de mesures préventives contre les glissements de terrain dus aux changements
J. Fallsvik, V. Svahn, S. Falemo and K. Lundström
Combined Slope Protection Along the Southern Bulgarian Black Sea Coast 1343
Protection combinée des talus le long de la côte bulgare sud de la mer Noire
G. Frangov, H. Zayakova and M. Hamova
A Simplified Numerical Approach for Studying Pile-Landslide Interaction in Hard Soils 1347
Une approche numérique simplifiée pour étudier l’interaction entre pieu et glissements de terrain dans
les sols durs
A. Galli, G. Cocchetti and C. di Prisco
Geotechnical Conditions for E-763 Motorway Construction from Belgrade to South Adriatic
Across the Landslide Umka – Duboko 1353
Conditions géotechniques pour la construction de l’autoroute E-763 de Belgrade jusqu’à l’Adriatique Sud,
à travers le glissement de terrain Umka – Duboko
B. Jelisavac, P. Mitrovic, V. Vujanic, S. Milenkovic and M. Jotic
Scientific Analyses of the Bearing Capacity and the Deformation Behaviour of the
Spinnanchor System for Engineering Practice 1359
Analyse scientifique de la capacité portante et du comportement en déformation du système Spinnanchor
pour sa mise en application
R. Katzenbach and S. Leppla
Investigation and Monitoring of Reactivated Landslides in Flysch 1365
Etude et surveillance des glissements de terrain réactivés dans le flysch
M. Kopecky, M. Ondrasik and M. Sulovska
Landslide Processes in Structurally Unstable Loessial Soils 1371
Les procès d’éboulement sur loess sols instables
S.G. Kushner

Analysis of Sliding Hazard in Wider Area of Brus Landslide 1377

Analyse du risque de glissement dans l’aire de glissements de terrain Brus
S. Mihalić, M. Krkač, Ž. Arbanas and S. Dugonjić
Landslides Triggered in Hard Soils and Soft Rocks in Romania 1383
Glissements de terrain en Roumanie déclenchés en sols durs et en roches douces
A. Rotaru
Correction of a Slope Failure in Clay Shales with a Particular Pattern of Discontinuities 1389
Correction de l’instabilité d’un talus en schistes argileux avec une structure particulière
C. Sagaseta, J. Cañizal, A. Da Costa and J. Castro
Rehabilitation of a Landslide in ΝW Greece – From the Investigation to the Geotechnical
Design 1395
Réhabilitation d’un glissement de terrain au Nord Ouest de la Grèce – De l’enquête à la conception
K. Seferoglou, G. Prountzopoulos, F. Chrysochoidis, P. Fortsakis, I. Vassilopoulou
and V. Perleros
Stabilization of a Creeping Slope Using Deep Drainage Caissons 1401
Stabilisation du glissement de terrain per des caissons de drainage profound
S. Škrabl and L. Trauner
Scottish Road Network Landslides Study: Management and Mitigation 1407
Étude des glissements de terrain sur le réseau routier écossaise: la gestation et l’atténuation
M.G. Winter, F. Macgregor, L. Shackman and G. Edmond

5.1. Excavations and Retaining Structures / Excavations et structures de soutènement 1413

Hydraulic Heave Considering the Geometry of Excavations 1415

Rupture par soulèvement d’eau sous considération de la géométrie des fouilles de construction
B. Aulbach and M. Ziegler
Cylindrical Excavations in Overconsolidated Clays Supported by Jet Grout Walls: Analysis
Considering the Consolidation Effect 1421
Excavations cylindriques dans des argiles surconsolidées soutenues par des murs de jet grout: Analyse
considerant de l’effect de consolidation
J.L. Borges and G.T. Guerra
Design and Construction of a Secant Pile Wall in Glasgow 1427
Conception ét realisation d’une parois en pieux sécants á Glasgow
J.W.R. Brouwer, R.E. van Leeuwen and E.K. Inglis
Different Solutions of Retaining Structures in Stiff Clay 1435
Différents types de structures de soutènement en argile rigides
F. Buselli, A. Di Sotto, S. Miliziano and A. Zechini
Reinforcement of Non Traditional Soil with Geosynthetics – Application to the Walls of the
Saltpans of the Aveiro Lagoon 1441
Renforcement des sols non traditionnels avec des géosynthétiques – application sur les murs des marais
salants de la lagune d’Aveiro
D.M. Carlos and M. Pinho-Lopes

Leakfinder: Infrared Detection of Leaks Through the Walls of Deep Underwater Excavations –
Progresses of an Innovative Detection Method 1447
Leakfinder: Détection par infrarouge de fuites à travers les parois d’une excavation submergée –
Etats d’une méthode de détection innovatrice
G.R.N.G. Colard, O.S. Langhorst and R. Bolhuis
Earth Pressure from the Nearby Buildings on Sheet Pile Walls 1455
Pression des sols provenant des bâtiments voisins sur les murs de palplanches
H. Denver and L. Kellezi
Evaluation of Alternative Methodologies to Minimize Movements of a Diaphragm Wall Close
to Buildings 1461
Évaluation de méthodes alternatives pour minimiser des mouvements d’une paroi moulée près de
C. de Santos, A. Ledesma, A. Lloret and E.E. Alonso
Full-Scale Physical Modeling of Sheet Piles Pressed-in to Hard Soils 1467
Modelage physique en pleine échelle des pilots à rainure enfoncés par impression dans les sols durs
M.P. Doubrovsky, M.B. Poizner and G.N. Meshcheriakov
Soil Nailed Walls – A Parametric Study 1473
Les murs du sol cloué - une étude paramétrique
T.Y. Elkady, A.M. Elleboudy and A.A. Mohamed
Analyse en retour de soutènements butonnés dans les molasses toulousaines 1479
Back-Analysis of Strutted Walls in Toulouse Molasses
F. Emeriault, J. Zghondi and R. Kastner
Deep Excavation with Multi Anchored Diaphragm Wall 1485
Excavation profonde avec un mur de soutènement ancrée plusieurs fois
J. Josifovski, S. Gjorgjevski and M. Jovanovski
Seismic Response of Complex Soil Structure Systems 1491
Réponse sismique de systèmes avec interactions complexes entre sol et structure
S. Kontoe, L. Zdravkovic, D.M. Potts, C.O. Menkiti and R.F. Lennon
Compensation Grouting and Deep Sealing Slabs for the Construction of the New Metro Line
B1 in Rome 1497
Injections de compensation et dalles d’étanchéité profonde pour la construction de la nouvelle ligne B1
de métro à Rome
C. Kummerer, E. Falk, A. Sciotti and G. Saggio
Observations of Anomalies in Diaphragm Walls for Deep Tunnel Excavations 1503
Observations d’anomalies dans des parois moulées utilisées pour la réalisation de tunnels à grande
W. Maekelberg, E. De Clercq and J. Maertens
Modelling of a Deep Excavation in a Silty Clay 1509
Modélisation d’une excavation profonde située dans l’argile limoneuse
D. Mašín, J. Boháč and P. Tůma
Excavation over and Around an Operational Railway Tunnel for the Construction of a New
Station of the Athens Metro 1515
Excavation autour d’un tunnel ferroviaire en exploitation pour la construction d’une nouvelle station du
Metro d’Athenes
C. Mavrommati, F. Nakou, N.Boussoulas, I. Miliotis, G. Dimitriou and A. Chrysikopoulou

Soil Nailing in Dublin Boulder Clay 1521

Renforcement de il Dublin Boulder Clay par clouage
C.O. Menkiti, G.W.E. Milligan, M. Long and P. Higgins
Numerical Analysis of Retaining Wall in Overconsolidated Clay 1529
Analyse numérique du mur de soutènement dans l’environemment des argiles préconsolidées
L. Mica, J. Chalmovsky and V. Racansky
Design of Deep Excavation and Retaining Structures for the Garage House and Sewage Farm
Under the Road from Portorož to the Old Part of the City of Piran – Slovenia 1535
Conception des excavations profondes et des structures de soutènement du parc de stationnement et du
champ d’épandage sous la route de Portorož à la vieille ville de Piran – Slovénie
D. Ocepek and J. Likar
Performance Assessment of Izmirspor Metro Station 1541
Estimation du rendement de la station de métro d’Izmirspor
S.Ü. Oral, K.O. Çetin, O. Erol, G. İnci and M. Delice
Permeable Retaining Wall on a Soft Rock Slope. Case Study 1547
Paroi de soutènement perméable. Etude de cas
H. Popa, E. Olinic, S. Manea, E. Marchidanu and L. Batali
Progressive Failure in Soil-Cable Interaction 1553
Rupture progressive de l’interaction sol-câble
A.M. Puzrin, M. Iten and D. Hauswirth
Case Study of a Dewatering and Recharge System in Weak Chalk Rock 1561
Étude de cas d’un système de rabattement de nappe et de recharge dans la roche calcaire faible
T.O.L. Roberts and G. Holmes
Deep Excavation and Retaining Walls in Weak Rock for Building Pit Tunnel A2 in Maastricht,
Geotechnical Aspects 1567
Excavation profonde et murs de soutènement en roches tendres pour le fouille du tunnel A2 de Maastricht,
aspects géotechniques
J.R. Salazar, J.H. van Dalen, D. Boone and P. Schouten
Analysis of Displacements of Deep Excavation Walls Built in Hard Soils 1573
Analyses des déplacements des soutènements des excavations profondes réalisées dans les sols dûres
A. Siemińska-Lewandowska, M. Mitew-Czajewska and U. Tomczak
HSS Model Adequacy in Performance-Based Seismic Design Approach, Filyos New Port,
Turkey 1579
L’adéquation du modèle HSS dans l’approche de conception sismique, basée sur la performance,
Nouveau Port de Filyos, Turquie
C. Sigarán-Loría and D.J. Jaspers Focks
Special Type Retaining Walls in the Conditions of Weak Rocks 1587
Les contre-murs du type spécial dans les conditions des rochers fragile
Yu.G. Vilcul, R.О. Timchenko, S.O. Popov and D.A. Krishko
Long Term Behaviour of Temporary Prestressed Anchors – “Keramikos” Underground Car
Park Station 1593
Comportement à long terme des ancrages précontraints – La station souterraine de parking “Keramikos”
E. Zampiras and N. Boussoulas

Effect of Wall Stiffness on Ground Deformations Around Deep Excavations in Stiff Clay 1599
Impact de la rigidité des murs sur les déformations du sol aux abord d’une excavation profonde dans de
l’argile raide
L. Zdravkovic, D.M. Potts and S. Kontoe

5.2. Tunneling / Construction des tunnels 1605

Block-in-Matrix Structure – Tunneling in Hard Soil and/or Weak Rock 1607

Structure blocs-en-matrice – construction de tunnels dans les sols indurés et/ou les roches tendres
D. Adam, R. Markiewicz and M. Brunner
Time-Dependent Rock Behaviour in Tunnelling 1615
Dépendance temporal du comportement des roches en creusage des tunnels
S.D. Athanasopoulos, P.P. Nomikos and A.I. Sofianos
Settlements Induced by Tunneling in Clay Shales 1621
Tassements induits par la construction d’un tunnel dans une formation de schistes argileux
P. Croce, G. Russo and R.L. Spacagna
Analysis of Jacking Force Data for Microtunnels in Glacial Till at Kilcock, Ireland 1627
Microtunneliers dans les till de Kilcock, Irlande: Analyse des données d’effort de poussée
B.G. Curran and B.A. McCabe
Evaluation of the Clogging Potential in Mechanical Tunnel Driving with EPB-Shields 1633
Évaluation du potentiel de colmatage dans le tunnelier mécanique à pression de terre
M. Feinendegen, M. Ziegler, G. Spagnoli and T. Fernández-Steeger
Geotechnical Monitoring of a Conduit on the Construction Site of Moscow International
Business Center in “Moscow City” 1639
Monitoring geotechnique de conduit en Chantier de Centre International de Business en “Moscow City”
О.N. Isaev, D.V. Nayatov, R.F. Sharafutdinov and R.R. Ibraev
Use of Face Extrusion Measurements in Assessing Ground Properties During Tunnel
Construction 1647
Utilisation des mesures d’extrusion de la face pour déterminer les propriétés géotechniques pendant la
construction d’un tunnel
M. Kavvadas and I. Spyropoulos
On the Magnitude of Pre-Displacements During Tunnelling in Foliated Soft Rocks 1653
Sur la magnitude des pré-déplacements pendant la construction des tunnels dans les roches tendres foliées
J. Klopčič and J. Logar
Efficient Pre-Processing for Finite Element Analysis of Shallow Tunnelling 1659
Efficace de pré-traitement pour l’analyse par éléments finis de tunnels peu profonds
D.K. Koungelis and C.E. Augarde
Ground Conditions due to Tunnelling in Hard Soils and Weak Rocks 1665
Conditions du sol pendant la construction des tunnels dans les sols dur et les roches tender
R. Lagioia and D.M. Potts
Comparison of Two Different Primary Support Structures in Thirra Tunnel, R. Albania in
Weak Rock Conditions 1671
Comparaison de deux structures différentes de la sub-construction primaire dans le tunnel Thirra, la
République d’Albanie en termes de roche faible
Lj. Lamov

Rock Reinforcement in Squeezing Weak Rocks 1677

Renforcement par serrage des roches faibles
C.C. Li
Crossing of a Public Road in Tunnel Across a Motorway Embankment, with Small Covering
and Without Disturbing Traffic 1683
Faire traverser de la voie publique dans un tunnel à travers un remblai d’autoroute, avec recouvrement
petits, sans perturber le traffic
M. Müller, Z. Czap and A. Mahler
Design and Construction of Double and Triple Track Tunnel, Athens Metro Line 3, Section
Egaleo – Haidari 1687
Design et Construction d’un Tunnel Double et Triple voies pour la Ligne 3 du Metro d’Athènes, Section
Egaleo – Haidari
F. Nakou, C. Mavrommati and N. Boussoulas
Boring of a Tunnel in Overconsolidated Tertiary Soils (Line 2, Madrid Subway) 1693
Exécution d’un tunnel dans des sols tertiaires preconsolitées (Ligne 2, Mètre de Madrid)
C.S. Oteo, F. Díez, J.M. Díaz Retana and P. Jiménez
Geotechnical Design Aspects for the Southern Extension of Athens Metro Line 2, Greece 1699
Aspects géotechniques de l’extension sude de la Ligne 2 du Métro d’Athènes, Grèce
E. Papageorgiou and N. Boussoulas
Experience of Tunnel Collectors Monitoring at Engineering Development of Underground
Face of Megapolis 1705
L’expérience du monitoring des manifolds de tunnel à la mise au point de génie et l’exploitation de
l’espace souterraine de la mégalopole
N.A. Perminov, S.V. Lombas and А.N. Perminov
Investigation Tunnels Aicha-Mauls at Brenner Base Tunnel – Progress of Works and Results 1713
Le tunnel d’enquête Aicha-Mauls au tunnel de Base de Brenner – avancement des travaux et des
H. Quick, J. Michael K. Bergmeister and E. Facchin
Tunneling in Marls. The Case of Melissi Tunnel 1721
Tunneling dans les marnes. Le cas du tunnel Melissi
H. Saroglou, D. Niavis and A. Kapenis
Athens Metro Line 3 – Western Extension – Trumpet Area 1727
Métro d’Athènes ligne 3 – Extension ouest – Région trompette
S. Schina and A. Charalampidou
Assessment of Overbridge Openings on the London Underground Tunnel Network 1733
Evaluation des ouvertures surpont sur le réseau tunnel du métro de Londres
F.C. Schroeder, K.G. Higgins, P. Wright and D.M. Potts
Multi-Utility Tunnels (MUT) in Frankfurt am Main – Technical Challenges and Innovative
Perspectives 1739
Tunnels multi-utilite (MUT) à Francfort sur le main defis techniques et perspectives innovatrices
M. Thaher, W. Siedentopf, J. Becker and T. Lindemann

6.1. Geoenvironmental Issues / Géotechnique de l’environnement 1745

The Environmental Aspects of Utilizing Phosphogypsum in Embankment 1747

Aspects environnementaux de l’utilisation des phosphogypses dans les remblais
E. Dapena, L. Pujol, F. Pardo de Santayana, V. Cuéllar and R. Rodríguez
Impact of Sulfates on the Mechanical and Hydraulic Behavior of a Cement-Clay Mix 1753
Impact des sulfates sur le comportement mécanique et hydraulique d’un mélange de ciment-argile
G. Di Emidio and R.D. Verástegui Flores
Comportement hydromécanique post-fermeture des cavités remblayées 1757
Post-Closure Hydromechanical Behaviour of Backfilled Cavities
N. Dufour, H. Wong and F. Deleruyelle
Enhanced Geothermal Energy Systems – Energy Supply and Storage for Sustainable
Development 1765
Systèmes améliorés d’énergie géothermique – Approvisionnement énergétique et stockage pour le
développement durable
R. Katzenbach, F. Clauss, T. Waberseck and I. Wagner
Dynamic Behavior of a Softer Layer Overlying Hard Soil / Bedrock and Vibration Reduction 1771
Comportement dynamique d’une couche supérieure constituée d’un sol souple recouvrant un sol
dur/rocheux, et réduction des vibrations
L. Kellezi
Chemical Stabilisation of Closed Landfill Sites Using Chemical Agents 1777
Stabilisation chimique des sites d’enfouissement fermé à l’aide des agents chimiques
H. Khabbaz and B. Fatahi
Deposition Tunnel Backfill Development: ¼-Scale Tests in Riihimäki 1783
Le développement du remblai du tunnel de dépôt: tests ¼-échelle dans Riihimäki
L. Korkiala-Tanttu, R. Nemlander, E. Keski-Kuha, P. Keto and P. Koho
Reclamation of a Slope of the Solid Waste Landfill that Rests Its Foot in the Ussury Bay, the
Japanese Sea 1789
La reconstitution de la pente du placement des déchets solides, tombant en forme de base dans la baie
d’Ussury de la mer du Japon
S.A. Kudryavtsev, T.Y. Valtseva, E.V. Fedorenko, E.D. Goncharova, Y.B. Berestyanyy,
R.G. Mikhaylin and E.V. Berestyanaya
Mechanical Properties of MSWI Bottom Ash in Denmark 1797
Les propriétés mécaniques du mâchefer issue des Usines d’Incinération d’Origines Ménagères au
P. Larsen
Mesures en grand pour essais en faibles perméabilités 1803
Global Measurements for Low Permeability Tests
R. Massonnet
Case History: Influence of Ground Water Level on Vibrations Induced by Heavy Forging
Hammers 1809
Historique de ce cas précis: L’influence du niveau de la nappe phréatique sur la réduction des vibrations
causé par des marteaux de forgeron
S. Quinteros and H.R. Schneider

Tunneling as a contribution to Sustainable Energy 1815

La construction des tunnels – une contribution à la promotion des énergies renouvelables
M. Schneider, P.A. Vermeer and Chr. Moormann
Some Geotechnical Aspects of UK Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposal 1821
Aspets geotechniques des déchets radioactifs au Royaume Uni
D.M. Tonks, E.M. Gallagher and N. Shaw
Stability Analysis of Bioreactor Landfill 1827
Analyse de stabilité du bioréacteur de l’enfouissement de dechet
G. Varga
Impact of Seismic Hazards on Waste Landfills 1833
Impact des risques séismiques sur les sites d’enfouissement des déchets
V. Zania, Y. Tsompanakis and P.N. Psarropoulos

6.2. Monuments and Historic Sites / Monuments et Sites Historiques 1839

Back-Analysis Sheds Light on the History of the Acropolis Wall: The Interpretation of a
Permanent Structural Failure 1841
L’analyse rétrograde met en lumière l’histoire du mur de l’Acropole: L’interprétation d’un échec
structurel permanent
D. Egglezos and D. Moullou
In-Situ Tests on the Parthenon Columns for the Assessment of Their Foundation Condition 1847
Essais in-situ sur les colonnes du Parthénon pour l’evaluation de la situation de leurs fondations
D. Egglezos and E.-E. Toumbakari
Dynamic Analysis of San Pedro Cliff at La Alhambra 1853
L’analyse dynamique de la falaise de San Pedro à La Alhambra
J.L. Justo, A. Morales-Esteban, P. Durand, N. Vázquez and E. Justo
Enhanced Geotechnologies for the Protection of World Heritage Properties 1859
Géotechnologies améliorées pour la protection des sites du patrimoine culturel mondial
R. Katzenbach, M. Vogler, S. Kurze and R. Dunaevskiy
Technical Condition of Ukrainian Historical Monument “The Lastochkino Gnezdo” Castle 1865
Conditions techniques de monument historique Ukraine – chateau «Nid d’hirondelle»
P. Kryvosheiev, Iu. Nemchynov, А. Khavkin, Ia. Chervinskiy, А. Bambura, Yu. Kaliukh,
N. Marienkov, I. Zolotariov, V. Kukunaev, B. Popov and M. Rizhiy
Geotechnical Issues of the New Acropolis Museum 1871
Sujets Géotechniques du Nouveau Musée d’Acropole
V. Papadopoulos and A. Anagnostopoulos
Underground Expansion of Drents Museum 1879
Expansion souterrain de Drents Museum
M.G.J.M. Peters and N.P. van Leeuwen
Accurate Monitoring of Displacements by Liquid Level Instrumentation 1887
La mesure précise de déplacements par des capteurs de pression liquide
A.J. van Rietschoten-Rietveld and A.J.G. Schellingerhout
Subject Index I
Author Index XV
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1.1. Field Investigations
Investigations In situ
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 3
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

L’HyperPac 25 MPa comble le vide

entre le pressiomètre Ménard et le dilatomètre
HyperPac 25 MPa fills the gap between
the Ménard pressuremeter and the flexible dilatometer
G. Arsonnet
Géomatech, Champlan, France
J.-P. Baud 1
Eurogéo, Avrainville, France
M. Gambin
Apagéo, Magny-les-Hameaux, France
R. Heintz
Eurasol, Luxembourg
The bore hole expansion test can be applied to any ground material, from the softer to the harder ones, so as to obtain their
stress-strain behavior in situ. The authors submit their research on an equipment which permits to extend the use of the Ménard
pressuremeter up to 25 MPa test pressure. They also give the first test diagrams towards this pressure in slightly fractured rocks.
L’essai d’expansion in situ d’une cavité cylindrique peut s’appliquer à tous les types de matériaux, des plus mous aux plus résis-
tants, pour déterminer leurs propriétés mécaniques. Les auteurs présentent un appareil permettant d’étendre le domaine du pres-
siomètre Ménard jusqu’à des pressions d’essai de 25 MPa, ainsi que ses premières utilisations dans des roches peu fracturées.

Keywords: Pressuremeter, flexible dilatometer, rock moduli, rock limit pressure, hard soils.

Mots-clés : Pressiomètre, dilatomètre, modules des roches, pression limite des roches, sols raides.

1 INTRODUCTION calculer toutes sortes de fondations et ouvrages

en terre [1] [2].
Les essais géotechniques in situ par expansion Les mesures de déformation in situ dans les
d’une cavité cylindrique dans les sols meubles et roches franches peu altérées ont connu un déve-
les roches tendres ont été développés sous loppement parallèle. Ainsi s’est développé le di-
l’impulsion de Louis Ménard à partir de 1955. latomètre flexible encore appelé dilatomètre au
Ainsi a été créé un corpus de techniques de réali- rocher, sans toutefois avoir sur l’histoire de la
sation des mesures et de méthodes d’exploitation mécanique des roches un impact comparable à
des résultats obtenus dans le but de concevoir et celui du pressiomètre sur la géotechnique.

Corresponding Author.
4 G. Arsonnet et al. / L’HyperPac 25 MPa comble le vide entre le pressiomètre Ménard

Pressiomètre et dilatomètre poursuivent le 3 AU-DELA DES LIMITES NORMALES

même objectif de mesure de modules par me- DU PRESSIOMETRE
sures de déformations radiales, mais pour des ni-
veaux moyens de déformations comme de con- Le « pressiomètre » Ménard, malgré son nom,
traintes très différents, l’un en gardant l’objectif utilise quasi-systématiquement depuis son ori-
d’obtenir aussi une pression limite pLM des sols, gine l’énergie d’un gaz sous pression pour réali-
l’autre celui de réaliser des mesures précises des ser les paliers égaux de chargement d’un liquide
très faibles déformations des roches [3]. Enfin, le servant à la fois à l’expansion de la sonde et à la
premier reste plus maniable que le second. mesure des volumes déplacés. Les limitations qui
en résultent sont d’une part celle de la pression
de conditionnement des gaz industriels soit
2 BESOINS SPECIFIQUES AUX ROCHES 20 MPa, d’autre part la résistance des sondes,
TENDRES ET ALTEREES dimensionnées pour satisfaire à l’obligation
normative de 5 MPa avec une marge de sécurité
Un hiatus a toujours existé entre les mesures du qui permet d’aller bien au-delà, généralement
pressiomètre dans les sols et celles du dilato- jusqu’à 10 MPa, soit au double de cette limite,
mètre dans les roches. mais de façon exceptionnelle ou du moins avec
La grande précision des dilatomètres type A a un risque d’éclatement systématique croissant
pour contrepartie une course limitée de leurs cap- avec le degré de l’expansion de la sonde.
teurs de déplacement, qui freine considérable-
ment leur utilisation dans les roches trop fissu- 3.1 Au-delà de 10 MPa avec un pressiomètre
rées ou altérées, dans lesquelles le calibrage du type Ménard au gaz comprimé
trou de forage est souvent impossible à l’endroit
Des exemples jalonnent l’utilisation du pressio-
où l’on souhaiterait faire la mesure.
mètre normal, souvent à grande profondeur,
Par ailleurs avec le pressiomètre Ménard,
d’abord avec l’appareil à enregistrement manuel
malgré l’augmentation progressive, réalisée au
dès la fin des années 60, quand Ménard avait dé-
cours de son histoire, de la pression maximale
jà développé des recommandations concernant
utilisable, il n’a pas été possible de rejoindre la
l’utilisation du pressiomètre dans le rocher [6]
gamme des pressions utilisées par le dilatomètre
[7], ou avec un pressiomètre à enregistrement
au rocher. Sur le plan des Normes Françaises ou
numérique, le Géopress dans les années 90 :
Européennes puis ISO, son utilisation reste limi-
 Bologne, Italie, 1986, granite, de 80 m à
tée à 5 MPa [4] [5] et son utilisation au-delà de
190 m, pression d’essai 7 MPa
cette limite, bien que de plus en plus demandée,
ne dépasse guère 10 MPa.  Alise-Sainte-Reine, France, 1991, marnes,
Néanmoins, le besoin de solliciter à des ni- moins de 40 m, pression d’essai 10 MPa
veaux très élevés les sols les plus raides et les  Limoges, France, 2004, gneiss, moins de
terrains situés à la frontière subjective entre sols 20 m, pression d’essai 11 MPa
et roches, amène de plus en plus souvent la de- Ces trois derniers sont représentés graphique-
mande de sondes et contrôleurs pressiométriques ment 2 (figures 1, 2 et 3).
(CPV) utilisables au-delà de 10 MPa. La con-
naissance des modules EM et des pressions li- 2
Les graphes représentent, en échelles arithmétiques :
mites pLM des roches altérées, plus généralement - la courbe pressiométrique, pour laquelle le volume est
du comportement de ces terrains sous une dé- en ordonnée en fonction de la pression en abscisse,
- la courbe des volumes de fluage sur le même graphe,
formation de type expansion radiale, reste un les valeurs de l’échelle de volume, écrites pour la
domaine peu exploré qui correspond à des be- courbe pressiométrique, étant à diviser par 10,
soins croissants en génie civil, comme le rappelle - la courbe des modules sécants à partir du point [P1],
l’objet du colloque Athènes 2011. dont les valeurs sont données en ordonnées sur un axe
secondaire à droite ; sa forme, en cloche ou directement
décroissante est liée à la loi hyperbolique que suit la
courbe pressiométrique elle-même [8].
G. Arsonnet et al. / L’HyperPac 25 MPa comble le vide entre le pressiomètre Ménard 5

Dès 1976, un rapport interne CERCHAR /

Houillères du Bassin de Lorraine relate des es-
sais à 90 MPa avec un prototype de "pressio-
mètre 1000 bars" de Ménard équipé d’une sonde
à embouts rétractables [9] [10]. Avec ce pres-
siomètre remis en service par la société Eurasol
au Luxembourg, une pression de 36 MPa été at-
teinte avant rupture de la sonde d’origine [11].
Une étude récente de sa fiabilité tant pratique que
théorique a été entreprise au LCPC [12].
Enfin, Massonnet [13] a présenté des résultats
d’essais poussés à 12 MPa, effectués avec un
pressiomètre classique pourvu de manomètres
types Bourdon de 16 MPa en pleine échelle, ren-
Figure 1. Un essai haute pression, Poggiolino, province de forcé au niveau des gaines toilées métalliques et
Bologne, 1986, pressiomètre Ménard type GA. de leurs bagues de serrage. Les essais présentés
sont dans les sables du Thanétien de Londres.
L’auteur note la fragilité du voyant de lecture vo-
lumétrique avec fissuration fréquente au-delà de
10 MPa,
Les conclusions de cette pratique d’essais
pressiométriques en très haute pression furent
donc les suivantes :
 Dans des roches dures peu fissurées, dans
lesquelles la pression de fluage n’est pas
obtenue, il est possible d’atteindre 12 MPa
avec un matériel pressiométrique en parfait
état, sans fuites, d’une façon relativement
sure. Les sondes pressiométriques standard
montées avec soin, soit à gaine caoutchouc
Figure 2. Un essai haute pression, marnes du Lias, Alise- directement au contact du sol, soit en tube
Sainte-Reine, 1991, pressiomètre Géopress. fendu, supportent la pression sans risques
de débaguer la gaine dans un forage bien
calibré dont la paroi se déforme peu.
 Lorsque le sol induré présente des pres-
sions de fluage entre 5 MPa et 12 MPa, la
même performance est plus difficile à réali-
ser, et les occasions de le faire au cours
d’une reconnaissance géotechnique sont
plus rares. Les quelques exemples présen-
tés montrent qu’une roche altérée peut pré-
senter le même type de comportement pres-
siométrique qu’un sol, avec une courbe de
forme hyperbolique extrapolable vers des
pressions limites de 12 MPa à 20 MPa.
 Malgré ces tentatives réussies, sporadiques
au cours de l’histoire du pressiomètre, les
Figure 3. Un essai haute pression avec fluage, gneiss alté-
ré, Limoges, 2004, pressiomètre Géopress. donneurs d’ordre sont souvent restés peu
intéressés, soit en raison du manque de pré-
6 G. Arsonnet et al. / L’HyperPac 25 MPa comble le vide entre le pressiomètre Ménard

cision sur le module EM imputé à la mesure nécessitant plus le recours au gaz com-
du déplacement par déformations volumé- primé industriel (azote), qui n’est utilisé
trique, soit également en raison de la diffi- que pour les cellules de garde.
culté d’approcher de façon fiable une pres- Dès la mise au point de ce dispositif pour un
sion limite pLM. appareil standard avec des composants électro-
 De nombreux utilisateurs de résultats pres- mécaniques, et notamment des capteurs de pres-
siométriques restent cependant demandeurs sion, dans une plage de mesures limitée peu au-
d’une extension significative du domaine dessus de la limitation normative de 5 MPa, il est
d’utilisation du pressiomètre. Ceci notam- apparu que le même principe constructif fonc-
ment en raison de la difficulté à trouver, sur tionnerait à des pressions beaucoup plus élevées.
échantillons carottés une mesure équiva- Pour la construction d’un prototype HyperPac,
lente à la pression limite ; les mesures de l’objectif visé a été une pression de 25 MPa, soit
Rc par exemple perdent leur signification 5 fois la limite des essais normaux, qui a le mé-
pour l’ensemble d’un massif en raison de la rite de correspondre à la fois au domaine de me-
fracturation des roches, que la mesure pres- sures à combler entre essais au pressiomètre et
siométrique prend en compte. essais au dilatomètre, et à un dimensionnement
 Des pressiomètres enregistreurs dépourvus des composants mécaniques et électroméca-
du voyant de lecture visuelle (Géospad2 niques industriels éprouvés et fiables.
d’Apagéo) existent maintenant ; ils restent L’utilisation d’un cylindre (fig. 4), celui où
limités à une pression de 15 à 18 MPa, au- circule le piston, largement dimensionné sup-
delà de laquelle la consommation de gaines prime tout risque d’explosion en cas de fuite ou
de sondes standard et surtout de gaz de- rupture d’un composant du système hydraulique,
vient une limitation d’usage. des tubulures ou de la sonde.
La résolution de mesure de déplacement du
3.2 L’apport du pressiomètre automatisé piston motorisé est inférieure à 1 μm, correspon-
(GéoPac) et son évolution en version dant à une mesure théorique de déplacement du
25 MPa (HyperPac) volume de 1.10-3 cm3, soit pour la sonde décrite
(fig. 5) un déplacement moyen de la paroi de
Le principe de ce pressiomètre de génération ré- l’ordre de 3.10-2μm.
cente (article à paraître 3) est d’assurer le pro-
gramme de chargement pressiométrique par un
système volumétrique à piston motorisé, auto-
contrôlé par un dispositif d’asservissement élec-
tronique qui analyse la courbe en cours de cons-
truction, et stabilise les paliers de pression nor-
malisés sans intervention d’un opérateur. Le
pressiomètre est piloté à distance par un ordina-
teur de chantier « durci », la Géobox.
La nécessité de mise en œuvre d’une avance
micrométrique du piston a d’emblée apporté à ce
dispositif :
- une très grande précision des mesures de
volume, déterminées lors des essais pres-
siométriques courants à 2.10-3 cm3
- une stabilisation précise des paliers de
pression du circuit de mesure (selon la
précision des capteurs employés), et ne
G. Arsonnet, J.P. Baud, M. Gambin, W. Youssef, Le Figure 4. Pressiomètre auto-contrôlé HyperPac. Schéma
pressiomètre auto-contrôlé Géopac. de principe du volumètre à piston motorisé asservi.
G. Arsonnet et al. / L’HyperPac 25 MPa comble le vide entre le pressiomètre Ménard 7

C’est sur la sonde de mesure (au contact du  Calcaire de Beauce, carrière de Roncevaux
forage, et au calibrage de celui-ci, que devait être (45).
portée l’attention. Nous avons utilisé une sonde
monocellulaire de 46 mm de diamètre, avec dif-
férents types de gaines, selon une gamme de ré-
sistances (de dureté 40 à 90 Shore), similaires à
celles des sondes dessinées par Ménard pour son
« pressiomètre 1000 bars » [9].

Figure 5. Schéma de la sonde 46 mm THP Géomatech

3.3 Exemples d’essais au pressiomètre

automatique Hyperpac 25 MPa
Les mesures et essais présentés ici apparaissent Figure 6. Grès de Saulx à 25 MPa sans fluage, (expan-
comme une « simple » transposition des opéra- sion et résistance propres de la sonde en grisé).
tions usuelles pour un essai pressiométrique
normal, avec les dispositions propres aux sondes
dilatométriques de type B [14] :
 Le calibrage d’une sonde très haute pres-
sion se fait par paliers de l’ordre de 2 à 3
MPa dans un tube épais d’acier de forte ré-
sistance élastique, avec correction de sa dé-
formation propre, vérifiée soit par le calcul
soit par l’utilisation d’un tube double en
équipression [15].
 L’étalonnage d’une sonde 46 mm très haute
pression amène à des valeurs de la résis-
tance propre des gaines de l’ordre de 0,6 à
1,2 MPa selon la dureté Shore et
l’épaisseur de la gaine utilisée.
Figure 7. Calcaire de Beauce, avec un début de fluage
 La capacité de déformation de ces sondes à 18 MPa (expansion et résistance propres de la sonde
est actuellement limitée à 350 cm3, soit, en grisé).
pour une cellule de mesure (fig. 5), une dé-
formation relative de 50 % en dV/V (23 % On remarquera la pente des courbes de ca-
en dr/r). librage, quasi-rectilignes entre le contact du tube
On retrouve ces deux éléments classiques et 25 MPa, la pente étant ici de l’ordre de 1
de correction sur les pressions et les volumes cm3/MPa en utilisant l’eau comme fluide de
mesurés sur les graphiques d’essais dans des transfert et mesure. La qualité d’ajustement par
roches ci-après, faites dans des forages réalisés une régression linéaire d’une part, à l’aide d’une
avec un carottier de 46 mm à couronne diaman- hyperbole d’autre part, est une mesure indirecte
tée : de la précision atteinte par l’appareil sur les vo-
lumes, ce qui permet de présager une excellente
 Grès de Fontainebleau, anciennes carrières fiabilité des mesures et une diminution drastique
de pavés à Saulx-les-Chartreux (91) et de la pente en utilisant une huile incompressible.
8 G. Arsonnet et al. / L’HyperPac 25 MPa comble le vide entre le pressiomètre Ménard

3.4 Mesures de modules dans la plage 0 – 25 REMERCIEMENTS

MPa et fluage des sols très indurés et des
roches tendres Remerciements à l’équipe technique des sociétés
Géomatech, Apagéo et Cedarnet, qui a fait en
L’interprétation des essais en très haute pression
sorte que le prototype HyperPac soit complète-
peut donner lieu à des estimations de modules
ment opérationnel au cours de l’année 2010. La
variant selon l’intervalle de pression retenu.
première présentation publique de fonctionne-
Sur les exemples présentés, et en considérant
ment à 25 MPa a été faite lors de Journées Tech-
l’intervalle de pression le plus étendu, les mo-
niques Apagéo les 23 et 24 septembre 2010.
dules EM obtenus sont respectivement de 3 200
MPa dans un grès et de 4 900 MPa dans un cal-
caire. Pour ce dernier essai, l’amorce de fluage
permet d’extrapoler une pression limite de 24,2 REFERENCES
MPa, soit un rapport EM/pLM de 200.
[1] M. Cassan, Les essais pressiométriques et leurs applica-
tions en France, rappels historiques et état des connais-
sances, ISP5-PRESSIO 2005 Vol. 2. Gambin, Magnan
4 CONCLUSION. DEVELOPPEMENTS et Mestat (ed.), LCPC, Paris (2006), 125-200.
[2] M. Gambin, Le pressiomètre, in I. Sharour et R. Gour-
FUTURS vès, Reconnaissance des terrains in situ, Hermès
Sciences - Lavoisier Ed. (2005), Chapitre 4, 104-146.
L’appareil présenté, l’HyperPac 25 MPa, com- [3] M. Galera, M. Alvarez, Z.T. Bienawski, Evaluation of
prend un contrôleur pression-volume doté d’un the deformation modulus of rock masses. Comparison
by pressuremeter and dilatometer test, ISP5-PRESSIO
volumètre à piston asservi, les paliers de pression 2005 Vol. 2. Gambin, Magnan et Mestat (ed.), LCPC,
normalisés étant stabilisés sans intervention d’un Paris (2006), 239-256.
opérateur. Cet appareil permettant d’atteindre [4] Norme NF P94-110-1, Afnor (2000).
25MPa et doté d’une capacité de 600 cm3, est [5] Norme EN-ISO 22476-4, CEN, en enquête probatoire.
[6] L. Ménard, Essais pressiométriques dans le rocher, No-
destiné à la mesure pressiométrique des roches tice Etudes Pressiométriques Louis Ménard D21 (1967).
tendres pouvant présenter un début de rupture [7] L. Ménard, Application des essais pressiométriques aux
avant cette pression, et des roches cimentées. études de tunnel en terrain rocheux, Notice Etudes
En vue d’une utilisation courante d’essais Pressiométriques Louis Ménard D36 (1966).
[8] J.-P. Baud et M. Gambin, Homogenising MPM test
pressiométriques à 25 MPa par les bureaux curves by using a hyperbolic model, ISC3 Taïpeï, Geo-
d’études, le développement de l’appareil porte technical and Geophysical Site Characterization –
actuellement sur les points suivants : Huang & Mayne (eds) London (2008), 975-980.
 Elargissement de la gamme des sondes très [9] L. Ménard, Le pressiomètre éclateur de roches, Notice
Etudes Pressiométriques Louis Ménard D23 (1974).
haute pression dont le diamètre pourra être [10] J. Arcamone, R.Poirot et R.Schwartzmann, Utilisation
aussi de 63 mm ou 76 mm selon les normes de la pressiométrie dans les études minières, C.R. Sym-
pressiométriques. posium. Int. Essais en place, Paris (1983), vol. 2, 187-193.
[11] R. Heintz, Rapport national du Grand-Duché du
 Réduction à une valeur minimale du terme Luxembourg, ISP5 – PRESSIO 2005 Vol. 2. Gambin,
de correction de calibrage ; les sondes gar- Magnan et Mestat (ed.), LCPC, Paris (2006), 431-440.
deront par contre, pour une robustesse [12] R. Heintz et P. Reiffsteck, Essais pressiométriques
compatible avec leur utilisation, une valeur haute pression, Rapport de recherche n°11J021, Labo-
ratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris (2003).
de résistance propre élevée (mesurée au [13] R. Massonnet, Le pressiomètre sous haute pression,
cours de l’étalonnage), qui n'est pas préju- ISP5-PRESSIO 2005, Vol. 1. Gambin, Magnan et Mes-
diciable à la précision de la mesure. tat (ed.), Presses ENPC/LCPC, Paris (2005), 81–90.
 Mise à disposition d’une gamme d’outil de [14] Norme EN-ISO 22476-5, CEN, projet.
[15] L. Ménard, Exécution des essais pressiométriques dans
forage calibrés, carottiers et outils destruc- le rocher, Notice Etudes Pressiométriques Louis Mé-
tifs adaptés aux sols et roches visés 4. nard D3 (1966).

Pour les terrains indurés et même pour les roches, les essai reste aussi essentielle à la qualité de la mesure des mo-
auteurs estiment que la minimisation du délai entre forage et dules que dans les sols meubles.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 9
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.



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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 15
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Laboratory and field investigation in Porto

Romano Durres
Investigations en laboratoire et in situ dans Porto Romano
L. Bozo1
Polytechnic University of Tirana
S.Allkja, L.Harizaj

In the west part of Albania, near the Adriatic Sea there is a large area of very problematic soils as organic cohesive soils and fine
sands under the ground water table. These soils have high porosity and are under consolidated. This region is characterized by a
big development of motor-ways, industries, costal constructions and tourism.
We would like to present in this papers the laboratory and in-situ tests and studies performed by the laboratory
“A.L.T.E.A&GEOSTUDIO2000” for the determination of the behaviour of these soils under static and seismic loads. We will
also give some recommendations about engineering measures that should be taken for the improvement of these characteristics.

En occidental part d’Albanie a proximite de l’Adriatik mer se trouve vaste plaine composant de problematique sols tel com-me
sols argileux organique et sable finne dessous de la nappe del eau. Celle sols ont porosite eleve et ils sont non consolide. Cette
zone est caracterise de grande developpement de le industrie, construction portuel, tourisme et routtes. Nous voulont pre-senter
dans Cette materiau les etudes et investigations dans Porto Romano Durres par les essais execute in laboratoire et in situ de la
“A.L.T.E.A&GEOSTUDIO2000” intentionnellement pour determination de la comportement des sols sous chargement sta-tique
et seismique.

Keywords: Geological, investigation, laboratory test, in situ test, soil improvement

1 INTRODUCTION that the area consists of sands and unconsolidated

clays with a high content of organic matters
In the western Albania, nearby the Adriatic Sea which may cause serious problems concerning
lies the Durres City, one of Albanian biggest ci- specially the Second Limit State (Serviceability
ties and also the Albanian biggest Port. A huge Limit state).
Petroleum Plant, tanks and road infrastructure for We will explain in the following material the
it will be built in the area of Porto Romano, near degree of the phenomena related to soil deforma-
Durres City. For this project realization, a de- tion can reach and how can we interfere in order
tailed geological and geotechnical study was car- to minimize or eliminate these kinds of problems.
ried out because this area is known as very prob-
lematic geologically speaking. The study showed

Corresponding Author.
16 L. Bozo et al. / Laboratory and Field Investigation in Porto Romano Durres

2 GEOLOGICAL, GEOMOPHOLOGIC The description of the layers encountered dur-

AND SEISMIC STUDY ing the drillings is given in Fig.2.

The geological study is based on 12 drillings per-

formed in a depth (20-40) m.
The drillings show that the studied area has:
 Quaternary deposits: Colluviums
represented by deluvial deposits and parts
of weathered bed-rocks; marshy deposits; -
maritime deposits.
 Deposits of Upper Miocene N2: Sand
stone; - Siltstone; - Mudstone
 The ground water table is 0.90m. There are
4 or 5 typical layers encountered in all of
the drillings with a typology almost normal
Geological Section VI - VI
Horizontal Scale 1:200
Vertical Scale 1:200
0.50 0.50
0.50 1 0.50 1 1
2 2 2 2

3 3 3

4 4 Fig. 2 BH-1
4 4
5 5
5 5

Fig.1 Geological section VI-VI
The geotechnical study aims to determine a gene-
The geomorphologic study shows that the site ralized geotechnical model. The first step was the
location has flat relief. The most remarkable geo- performance of laboratory tests for the determi-
logical and geodynamic features identified in the nation of physical and mechanical properties of
area are: soils by analyzing undisturbed samples (1st quali-
 Erosion which is visible in the hilly part of ty) taken from the 12 drillings [9], [10], [11],
the zone. [12]. In most of the drillings were encountered 4
 Weathering phenomena which is visible on layers; in 2 of them appeared a fifth layer.
the bed-rock formations composed of Mud- The data analysis produced the following ge-
stone and Sandstone. neralized physical properties of soils:
 The phenomenon of consolidation of the Table 1
marshy deposits.
The seismic study shows that the site location
is situated in a zone of high seismic activity. The
seismic Micro-Division [1],[2] shows that an
earthquake of magnitude M=6.5-7 can occur,
with high accelerations on the free surface: amax =
0.4g in loose deposits (80-100) m of thickness,
high ground water table, with a spreading speed
of the waves Vs=150m/s. Based on this informa-
tion we can conclude that the soil corresponds to And generalized mechanical properties:
the D or E category according to EuroCode-8.
L. Bozo et al. / Laboratory and Field Investigation in Porto Romano Durres 17

Table 2  A high silt content correspondently: 55%

and 56%,
 Similar Sand Content: 28% and 20%,
 Similar NSPT values: 9-10,
 Similar water content: 25.78and 28.38,
 Same unit weight: 1.913 g / cm3,
 Specific Gravities almost equal: 2.662 g /
cm3 and 2.667 g / cm3.
On the other hand, the layer 3 has a limited
Based on the in-situ tests, we notice that there thickness (approximately one fourth of the thick-
is a good correspondence between the SPT tests nesses of layer 4). Based on these facts, we con-
and the properties determined in laboratory (for clude that we can unify the two layers in one.
different layers). Based on the description of the This generalized model is also confirmed by the
layers, laboratory tests and in-situ tests (NSPT), we CPTU tests. The registered data from these tests
can modify the real geotechnical model com- testify clearly the presence of two layers A and
posed from five layers into a generalized model B. (Fig.4)
composed from two layers: A and B (Fig.3).

11 m

21 m


Fig.3The generalized geotechnical model

We base this modification on:

The exception of the first layer of thickness 3
m composed by Silty Clay as inappropriate to
study for the following reasons: Big void ratio e
> 1.4 contains organic matters, it is very com-
pressible [E=(0.5-0.8)*104 KPa ], deformation as
a result of the second consolidation
C =11.5*10-3, it has very small resistive capaci- Fig.4 CPTU Registration Data
ty:   14 , C=(19-20) KPa, Cu = 23.5KPa,

According to the CPTU data, the layer A with
NSPT = 5. a depth (11-12)m has the characteristics:
We think that it’s dangerous to support Petro-
 cone resistance qc = (8-10)MPa
leum Tanks on this layer because the substantial
 sleeve friction f = (70-80)KPa
deformations of the layer (First and Second Con-
 pore pressure Pw = 50KPa
solidation) could cause the Ultimate Limit State.
While from (11-12)m up to 25 m of depth we
The layers 3 and 4 have many similar properties
distinguish the layer B with characteristics:
 cone resistance qc = 2 MPa
18 L. Bozo et al. / Laboratory and Field Investigation in Porto Romano Durres

 sleeve friction f = (40-50)KPa lowable values) is relatively small. These values

 pore pressure Pw = (200-600)KPa are reported in Table 4.

Definitely, the generalized geotechnical model Table 4.

is composed by two layers with the following
characteristics: (Table 3)

Table 3

The allowable pressure of the petroleum tank

applied on the first layer shall not exceed the val-
ue 130KPa.
For this pressure and for plate dimension
D=30m, h=1m, an active zone is created of depth
Ha=20m.The tank settlement results:
From the first consolidation: S1  12 cm, it
ends up after t1=1.36 years.
From the second consolidation: S2  2.4 cm,
it ends up after t2=5 years.
The total settlement is: S  14.4 cm > Slim =
10 cm.
So, the Ultimate Limit State can occur to the
structure. On the other side, in the area near the
edge of the foundation [Z= (0-2) m depth] the
pressure applied will cause shear stresses
  (41  30) KPa while the resistive shear
capacity of soil results
  (36  22) KPa .This means that the first
4 THE EXPECTED PHENOMENA layer is unstable and that the soil will be pushed
under the foundation. This is the reason why the
There are two categories of objects predicted for first layer can’t be used to support the foundation
this area: 1-large petroleum tanks of (20-30)m di- of the Tanks. If we use this layer, the structure
ameter, and 2- roads. will pass through the First Limit State or total
The foundation will undergo settlements dur- loss of stability or in a better case in the Second
ing the first and second consolidation under the Limit State (Serviceability Limit State).
static action of loads (from petroleum tanks). If In the generalized geotechnical model, under
the right solution is not given for the foundation seismic actions can occur the phenomenon of li-
location depth the soils can slide under the foun- quefaction. The data reported from the seismic
dation. study is:
Referred to the real geotechnical model M= (6.5-7), amax= 0.4g, Vs = 150m/sec,
(Fig.3), the calculated bearing capacity for each H  (80  100) m (loose deposits).
layer according the Limit States [3], [7], [8] (al-
L. Bozo et al. / Laboratory and Field Investigation in Porto Romano Durres 19

The laboratory tests produced data for a gene-

ralized particle size analysis of the layer A (Fig. 0 10 20 30 40
6). 0

100 2


h (m)
Passing (%)


50 ( 0.199, 50) 8

30 10


Fig.7   , c and Depth relation
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Diameter (mm)

D50=0.199mm According to the calculations, the layer A will be

liquefied in case of an earthquake of magnitude
Fig.6 Generalized particle size analysis of the layer A M=7 and ground acceleration amax=0.4g (Fig.7).
Finally, according to the geological, geotechnic-
We have calculated the values of the Cyclic al, seismic studies and also due calculations [4],
Shear Resistance  c and the shear stresses [5], we conclude:
 The first layer composed by silty clay con-
caused by the seismic action   based on the
taining organic matters, of high porosity,
simplified Seed Method. The data is given in ta- very compressible, low resistant shall not
ble 5. be used to support the foundation.
 The second layer composed by silty sands,
Table 5. with density (Dr = 35-45%), saturated, un-
der the ground water table, can be liquefied
in case of an earthquake and causing col-
lapse to the structures located in this area.
With these premises, we shall take some engi-
neering provisions: [6]



Where: Improvement of the layer of fine silty soils with

dc I cobble or gravel piles of diameter 80cm, length
'0 Cr D 12m placed like a chessboard in a distance of
c = 2 3 D50 2.5m from each other (Fig.8).
h rd
2.5 m

2.5 m

Fig.10 Placement of Gravel Piles on plane

20 L. Bozo et al. / Laboratory and Field Investigation in Porto Romano Durres

act like vertical drains and contribute for the dis-

This reinforcement shall be done under each sipation of the pore water pressure during the
petroleum tank. seismic oscillations can solve the problems.
The second proposal is the use of plate foun-
dation supported by reinforced concrete piles,
which will be embedded into the layer B for at REFERENCES
least (5-6) m. The piles will be pendent and they
will bear the main load of the tanks. (Fig.9) [1] Bozo L., 2004, Dinamika e dherave, Vol 1,2,3, Tirane
[2] Science Academy, 1989, Seismic Micro-Division study
for Albania, Tirane
[3] Lancellota R., Geotechnical Engineering 2006. Turin
[4] Look B., 2006, Handbook of Geotechnical Investigation
and Design Tables, Taylor & Francis
[5] Bell F., 2006, Geological Hazards, Taylor & Francis
A [6] Takahashi T., 2006, Debris Flow Mechanics, Prediction
and Countermeasures Taylor & Francis
[7] Honjo Y. ECT, 2006, Foundation Design Codes and
Soil Investigation Taylor & Francis
[8] Powrie W.,1996, Soil Mechanics: Concepts and Appli-
(5-6) m B cations, London
[9] British Standards (BS1377) 1990.
[10] Code of Practice For Site Investigations (BS 5930:1999)
[11] ASTM Standards 2003.
[12] AASHTO Standards 1990.
Fig. 11 Pile embedded on layer B

The limit friction for the layer A is f1= 25Kpa

while for the layer B f2=(10-11)Kpa
The bearing capacity per pile depends on its


The Porto Romano area, where the Petroleum

Plant will be built, is composed by problematic
soils for different reasons:
 High compressibility,
 Under consolidated soils OCR  (0.4-0.5),
 High porosity e>1.4 and high content of or-
ganic matters,
 Duration of deformation [ >(5-6) years],
 High content of silt and fine sand [(75-
 High ground water table (0.9m from the
ground surface)
 Predisposition for loss of stability.
The choice of Petroleum Tanks foundation is
specific and delicate. This is why it shall be done
very carefully.
Increasing the density of sands by the rein-
forcement with gravel piles which simultaneously
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 21
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Mechanical properties of low plasticity clayey soil

of the embedded Daugava ancient river channel in
the foundation of Plavinas Dam, Latvia
Propriétés mécaniques des sols argileux de faible plasticité du
chenal ancienne de la rivière Daugava enchâssé à la Fondation
de Plavinas barrage, Lettonie
S. Dišlere 1, D. PZruma
University of Latvia, Faculty of Earth Science, Alberta str. 10, Riga Latvia

Daugava River is the largest river in Latvia, and it has been developed for hydropower with the construction of dams at three
sites namely Plavinas, Kegums and Riga HPP. In the 1960s the largest of the three hydroelectric power plants - Plavinas Power
Plant, having a considerably higher head than the other two and a relatively large reservoir, was built up. It is built across an an-
cient pre-glacial river channel, which is filled with glacial deposits up to 137 m or more thick.
Since construction of the power plant the properties of these soils and their behaviour are tested and discussed. During 2009
drilling and sampling were performed close to the Plavinas Dam as a scope of the geotechnical investigation for construction of
the additional spillway on the right side of the power plant. Part of the samples was used for testing of soil clasification and me-
chanical properties in Geotechnical laboratory of the University of Latvia. Based on the testing results soils were classified and
their properties described. Testing results were compared to previous findings and geotechnical properties of the soils tested dur-
ing construction of dam. The tested soils are similar to the soils under Plavinas dam concrete structures and detail analysis of the
soil properties helps to explain the long term behavior of the Plavinas dam structures, the possible changes of the soil properties
as a result of the loading and impact of the artesian groundwater pressure.

Daugava est la plus grande rivière en Lettonie, et il a été développé pour l'hydroélectricité avec la construction de barrages sur
trois sites, à savoir Plavinas, Kegums et Riga PPH. Dans les années 1960, la plus importante des trois centrales hydroélectriques
- Plavinas PPH, ayant une tête considérablement plus élevée que les deux autres et un réservoir relativement important, a été
construite. Il est construit sur un ancien chenal préglaciaires, qui est rempli de dépôts glaciaires jusqu'à 137 m ou plus épais.
Depuis la construction de la centrale électrique, les propriétés de ces sols et leur comportement sont testées et discutées. Au
cours de 2009 de forage et d'échantillonnage ont été réalisés près pour le barrage de Plavinas comme une portée de l'étude
géotechnique pour la construction de l'évacuateur de crues supplémentaire sur le côté droit de la centrale électrique. Partie des
échantillons a été utilisée pour l'essai de classification des sols et des propriétés mécaniques en laboratoire géotechnique de
l'Université de Lettonie. Basé sur les résultats des tests, les sols ont été classés et leurs propriétés décrites. Résultats des tests ont
été comparés aux résultats antérieurs et des propriétés géotechniques des sols testés au cours de la construction du barrage. Les
sols testés sont similaires aux sols sous Plavinas barrage des structures de béton et l'analyse de détail de l'aide les propriétés du
sol pour expliquer le comportement à long terme des structures Plavinas barrage, les éventuelles modifications des propriétés du
sol à la suite du chargement et l'impact de la pression d'eau souterraine artésien.

Keywords: Laboratory testing, clayey soil, plasticity, compressibility

Corresponding Author.
22 S. Dišlere and D. Pāruma / Mechanical Properties of Low Plasticity Clayey Soil


Plavinas HPP is the largest dam in Latvia and The geology and hydrogeology of the Plavinas
Baltic region constructed on Daugava River. The HPP area is complicated. The thickness of the
Daugava River has been developed for hydro- Quaternary deposits is the largest in the buried
power with the construction of the cascade of valley and reaches at least 140 m (the largest re-
dams at three sites upstream Riga City. covered thickness by drill hole is 137 m), while
Plavinas Dam having a head of 40 m was con- smallest thickness is on the slopes of the both
structed 107 km from its entrance to the Baltic banks and in some places of existing Daugava
See. It was designed by Hydroproject Institute, river bed and in reservoir. [1]
Russia. The construction was started on 1961 and The ancient pre-Quaternary river channel is
finished on 1966. There are two dams con- filled by glacial till – soft clayey soil with low
structed downstream of the Plavinas Dam on permeability. It is described in the Russian termi-
Daugava River: Kegums HPP with head of 14 m; nology as high plasticity clayey soil (called
and Riga HPP with head of 18 m (Figure 1).[1] “loam” in some documents) and "low plasticity
clayey soil" (called “sandy loam” in some docu-
ments) (Figure 3).

Figure 1. Scheme of the Daugava dam cascade [1].

Figure 3. Section through powerhouse foundation along

The Plavinas powerhouse is of combined type. downstream toe gallery [2]
The gated spillway is on top of the powerhouse
consisting of two blocks or sections sealed by a It was noted before that in the USC system
special bitumen seal. The hydraulic hill dam is this soil with about 11% gravel, 43% sand, 29%
connected to power plant structure and it crossed silt and 17% clay would be classified as a low
the preconstruction river channel (Figure 2). plastic clayey, silty sand. The liquid limit is
around 21% and the plasticity index 9%. [2]
The excavation for the foundation of the pow-
erhouse was made in the glacial deposits. There
was some hydraulic instability in the floor of this
excavation due to strong upward hydraulic pres-
sure gradients from the rock below, mainly in the
northerly part of the excavation, where the cover
was highest and excavation was deepest. [3]
The dam structures and the area around the
Figure 2. View on Plavinas Dam on Daugava River [1]. dam are equipped by comprehensive monitoring
system. The vertical and lateral displacements of
the concrete and earthfill structures have been
monitored since their construction. It was con-
cluded and pointed out already before [3] that the
soil deformation parameters used in the founda-
S. Dišlere and D. Pāruma / Mechanical Properties of Low Plasticity Clayey Soil 23

tion behavior analyses seem to result in shear dis- (ISO/TS 17892-3:2004), incremental loading oe-
tortion settlements that are too large and volume dometer test (ISO/TS 17892-5:2004).
compression settlements that are too small com- Liquid limit and plasticity limit were tested
pared to observed soil-structure behavior. This and rate of porosity calculated using methodol-
may be the main reason for the differences be- ogy described by Lomtadze. [4]
tween the calculated and the observed behavior Grain size distribution was determined using
of the structure. wet sieving method described in ISO/TS 17892-
It is concluded [2] that the reason for these 4:2004.
non-uniform settlements are the additional
stresses originating from both concrete and earth 3.2 Testing results
structures at both ends of the powerhouse.
However differential settlements under the Following testing results will be discussed:
powerhouse structure could be only partly ex- composition of soil, index tests and physical
plained using uniform soil parameters at the all properties, and deformation parameters.
foundation. As it can be seen from cross-section
and continuously noted by powerhouse designer 3.2.1 Classification of soil
the soil in powerhouse foundation is not homo- Composition of the soil was tested using wet
geneous and the main reason of differential set- sieving method. It was found that soil consists of
tlement is mainly caused by changes of the clay 10% gravel (including particles with size
content in the soils of pre-glacial buried valley. >10mm), 25% sand, 32% silt and 33% clay parti-
cles. Following USC classification system such
soils shall be classified as a silt and clay. This re-
3 TESTING OF SOILS sult contradicts to previous assumptions and
should be investigated more detail in future.
During 2009 drilling and sampling were per- However given result corresponds with soil
formed close to the Plavinas Dam as a scope of description in Russian terminology there it is de-
the geotechnical investigation for construction of scribed as high plasticity and low plasticity
the additional spillway on the right bank of Dau- clayey soil. Plasticity index shall be determined
gava River downstream of the Plavinas Dam. in this case.
Part of the samples was used for testing of soil
for index tests and mechanical properties in Geo- 3.2.2 Index properties of soil
technical laboratory of the University of Latvia. Index properties of the soil were tested using
Following geological structure the tested soils are mainly standard methods and methods described
similar to the soils under Plavinas dam concrete by V.D. Lomtadze [4]. The results obtained are
structures and detail analysis of the soil proper- shown in table 1.
ties helps to explain the long term behavior of the Table 1. Soil characteristics
Plavinas dam structures, the possible changes of Characteristic Average Min Max
the soil properties as a result of the loading and
Water content, % 10 7 17
impact of the artesian groundwater pressure. Liquid limit, % 16 15 19
More than 35 undisturbed samples were used Plasticity index, % 3 2 6
for different tests taken from 13 boreholes in It can be defined that tested soil was low plas-
depth interval between 6 and 30 m. ticity clay. There are not found any clear ten-
dency of the variation of the characteristics with
3.1 Testing methods depth or in the investigation area.
Consistency of the tested samples was hard
Mainly standard testing methods were used for
(plastic limit IL < 0) and only 3 of tested samples
determination of the index properties like deter-
were of plastic consistency.
mination of water content (ISO/TS 17892-
1:2004), determination of particle density
24 S. Dišlere and D. Pāruma / Mechanical Properties of Low Plasticity Clayey Soil

3.2.3 Deformation characteristics soils and possibility of the differential settlement.

For testing of the deformation characteristics The following conclusions can be drawn based
soil samples were tested for consolidation in oe- on the results obtained from laboratory testing of
dometer. Undisturbed samples with natural satu- the soil samples:
ration and initial density were loaded up to 1.4 x Tested soil contains 10% of gravel, 25% of
kg/cm2. sand, 32% of silt and 33% of clay particles.
The average initial rate of porosity was 49.6%. Soil can be classified as a silt or clay by
Rate of porosity reduced due to loading for 12% USC system and as a low plasticity clay by
in average however the significant distribution of Russian soil classification system (SNIP).
results shall be noted (5 to 25%). Final rate of po- x Average water content of tested soil was
rosity due to loading was 43.6% in average. 10%, liquid limit 16% and plasticity index
There is no correlation between initial rate of po- 3%. Tested samples mainly were of hard
rosity and compression (or final rate of porosity). consistency.
It shall be concluded that compression of this
x Coefficient of porosity varies more and it
type of soil depends from another characteristics
was in average 49.6%. After loading of soil
than initial density. An explanation of this is not
coefficient of porosity changed for about
readily available. It is possible therefore that the
reason for the unequal compression due to load-
x There is no correlation between initial den-
ing could be the changes in composition of soil
sity and compression due to loading. The
sample mainly inclusions of the coarse particles –
similar results were obtained using addi-
gravel in tested samples and gravel and boulders
tionally saturated soil samples.
in foundation soils.
Tests with additionally saturated sample were
performed to test compressibility of the soil after
opening of foundation pit during construction of ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Plavinas dam. As it was mentioned before the
soils were unloaded and affected by high pore The authors are grateful for the access to the
pressure during construction and this could sig- Plavinas Dam owner Latvenergo archive and the
nificantly change the soil behavior after loading. use of the samples taken during drilling close to
Water content of the additionally saturated Plavinas Dam.
samples before testing was 12% in average. Test-
ing results were in the range of results obtained
with undisturbed samples and it shows that be- REFERENCES
havior of soil after secondary loading in the
[1] S. Dišlere, Monitoring as a tool of Dam Safety im-
foundation of structure should not be provement at Plavinas HPP. Trans. 22nd Int. Congress
significantly changed. It is important to note that Large Dams, Barcelona, Spain, Vol. 1, pp.611-607
the water content of sample at the end of test (2006)
reduced up to 7% which correspond with the [2] S. Messerklinder, R.P. Brenner, S. Dišlere and Z.
Z[\ele. The long-term behavior of a run-of-river
minimum water content values determined for scheme in Latvia, 8th ICOLD European Club Sympo-
undisturbed samples. sium, Graz, Austria (2010)
[3] S. Dišlere and A.Šnore. The calculated settling by using
2D FE method and actual observations of the Plavinas
HPP structures, Baltic Geotechnics IX, Parnu, Estonia
[4] V.D. Lomtadze, Physical and mechanical properties of
Mechanical properties of the foundation soils un- soils and rocks. Laboratory testing methods (in Rus-
sian), Nedra, Moscow (1999)
der Plavinas HPP structures are discussed since
construction. Dam structures are designed taking
into account the changes of the compressibility of
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 25
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Landslide stabilization along a national road

Stabilisation d’un glissement de terre sur une route nationale
V. Farcas, N. Ilies 1 , A. Popa, C. Gherman, O. Muresan & I. Molnar
Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Faculty of, Civil Engineering

The paper presents the investigation program and slope stability analysis of an active landslide situated on National road DN 1,
major traffic way in Transylvania, Romania. Slope stability analysis was performed using Geo Fine software, considering circu-
lar or polygonal sliding surfaces and using GFAS software, applying FEM method. The investigation program is continued by a
monitoring program to determine movements on the site and ground water table variation. On the site were placed inclinometers
and piezometers, where the slope stability analysis indicates a lower value of the safety factor than the acceptable one.

Le papier présent le program d’investigations géotechniques et l’analyse de stabilité des pentes pour un glissement de terre actif,
localise sur la route nationale DN1, route très important en Transylvanie. L’analyse de stabilité des pentes a été réalise en utili-
sant le logiciel Géo Fine, pour des surfaces de glissement circulaire ou polygonal et en utilisant le logiciel GFAS, en utilisant la
méthode d’éléments finit. Le program d’investigation a été continu par un program de surveillance pour déterminer les mouve-
ments sur le site et la variation des tableaux d’eaux souterraines. Inclinomètres et piézomètres ont été placés donc sur le site dans
les lieux ou l'analyse de stabilité indique une valeur inférieure du coefficient de sécurité que celui acceptable

Keywords: Geotechnical investigation program, slope stability, FEM, national road, monitoring program

1 INTRODUCTION This is due to the geological and geomorphologic

conditions, the presence of swelling clays (very
Extending and modernization of the roads net- active and quite common in this region), hydro
work in Romania involves serious challenges, geological conditions etc.
during designing and contracting. Among these On the investigated area it was observed the
problems the geotechnical ones belong to the most presence of a new landslide. The investigated site
prominent. The national road affected by the land- is affected by an active landslide having following
slide is connecting southern part of Romania (Bu- dimensions: 160 m length and 160 m width (see
charest - Sibiu) to the northern part – Cluj Napoca Figure 1). The national road is affected, on 120 m
and going to the Hungarian border. total length, mostly on one way and also a parking
Transylvanian depression where the national lot near the road. The landslide is presence can be
road is located has a high potential of landslides. observed by carriage way cracks and scarps, park-

Corresponding Author.
26 V. Farcas et al. / Landslide Stabilization Along a National Road

ing lot collapse and soil mass movements on the covered by a sandy silty clayey complex of
entire area. deluvial origin, Pleistocene as well.
Pleistocene formations are discordant and have
a lower limit consistent with the Pannonian
sedimentary basement up to the base of the slope


In order to determine soil characteristics (stratifi-

cation, geotechnical parameters) five drillings and
Figure 1. General view. five dynamic penetration tests DPSH-B type were
performed on the site (see Figure 2).
Soil fractures created negative slopes, where
water accumulates and infiltrates into the sliding
mass. In the area with negative slopes, it can be
observed some water accumulation spots and ve-
getation specific to the lakes area, proving that
soil mass movement has previous manifested.


Transylvanian depression is located in central part Figure 2. Site map with borehole and DPSH positions.
of Romania. The landslide is located on the east
of Badeni hill, in the western part of Transylva- The analysis regarding the stratification of the
nian Depression. soil, based on laboratory tests, has the following
From geological point of view, the basement results:
of Transylvanian depression is represented by x (1) Top soil - 0.20m depth
metamorphites belonging to the Bihor Nappe, x (2a) Silt with organic materials (organic ma-
overthrusted by ophiolitic rocks, belonging to the terial-layer 3), soft to medium soft - 3.50m
Transylvanian Nappes of South Apuseni thickness for borehole F101, 3.60m thick-
Mountains and intruded by laramian batholiths. ness for F102, 6.00m thickness for F103 and
The post tectonic evolution of Transylvanian 3.80m thickness for F104.
depression is correlated with the evolution of x (2) Brown silt, medium soft to stiff, up to
Paratethys. Post-tectonic cover, is starting with 10.00m depth.
Senonian sandstones and marls on the north and Based on the laboratory tests the following
west side of the depression, followed by Eocene geotechnical parameters were determined (see
detritic deposits and Miocene sandy marls. Table 1 and Table 2).
In the researched area, the Pannonian is The laboratory tests results shows also that the
considered to be the basement of the sedimentary layer of organic silt has a high swelling potential
complex, being represented by compact marls and U> 100% (active).
sandy marls, of marine origin, that develops both
in the whole wide depressions and in its hills
frame. This formation is covered by Pleistocene
coarse fluvial sediments throughout the
depression but the downhill slopes that are
V. Farcas et al. / Landslide Stabilization Along a National Road 27

Table 1. Physical characteristics for main soil layers The underground water level is directly con-
Bore- Thick- Soil type J Ic nected to the water level from a creek in the area
hole ness (defined [kN/m3] [-] which undercross the road and at some point, 30
[m] layer)
F101 3.70 Organic 18.31 meters downstream the road, it infiltrates into the
Silt ground. The same creek is found at the toe of the
6.30 Silty 18.65 slope and is collected by another creek that flows
F102 3.80 Organic 19.21
orthogonal with the possible landslide direction.
0.60-0.70 This fact is considered to be the main disturb-
6.20 Silty 19.50 ing factor by saturating the underground soil at
Clay depths that can cause decreasing of mechanical
F103 6.00 Organic 18.60 characteristics. At the surface of the slope there
4.00 Silty 19.66 are numerous cracks that also allow soil saturation
0.70-0.90 during rainfalls and snow melting.
F104 3.80 Organic 17.23
6.20 Silty 19.61

Table 2. Shear strength parameters obtained for direct shear Based on the in-situ investigations and also on the
C-D(consolidated-drained) laboratory tests laboratory tests results, the following conclusions
Bore- Thickness Soil Ik rez/ck rez Ik’/ck’
hole [m] type
were established:
[0/kPa] [0/kPa]
(defined x The results of the laboratory tests show a
layer) stratification, that from the top up to 3.70-
F101 3.70 Organic 10.43/5 6.00m depth is represented by a layer of or-
6.30 Silty 10.56/-
ganic silt from very soft consistency (F101)
17/79 to medium stiff (F102). The top layers are
F102 3.80 Organic 8.85/6 formed by silty soils with high content of
Silt organic materials, loose, with e>0.7, that
6.20 Silty 9.40/- also present swelling characteristics
F103 6.00 Organic 9.12/6 (U>100%). Due to these properties, infiltra-
- tions from rain waters create a softening
4.00 Silty 10.40/-
phenomenon, which will cause an important
Clay decrease of the shearing strength resistance
F104 3.80 Organic 9.20/6
- values. Dynamic penetration tests (DPSH-B)
6.20 Silty 10.50/- confirm the existence of soft soil layers on
16/85 the top, as shown in the following table:

Table 3. The probable depth of sliding surface

DPSH-B Depth with [m]
Very soft soil Soft soil
DPSH-B1 3.70 4.00
DPSH-B3 3.80 4.00
In the studied area the water table is found at
DPSH-B2 3.80 4.40
depths between -3.20 and -4.00 according to
DPSH-B4 4.20
borehole profiles for F101 (GWT:-3.70, NH:-
DPSH-B5 7.60
0.20), F102 (GWT:-3.20, NH:-0.60), F103 (-4.00,
NH:-0.20), F104 (GWT:-4.00, NH:-0.20) meas-
ured from the ground level. The hydrostatic water Comparing the results obtained from both
level is rising up to -0.6 to -0.2 m from ground investigations (in-situ investigations and
level, and can reach up to the surface level. laboratory tests) was established that the
sliding surface does not have a constant
28 V. Farcas et al. / Landslide Stabilization Along a National Road

depth on the sliding area: upstream, the 6 SLOPE STABILITY ANALYSIS

sliding surface is found between 7.60m
(DPSH-B5) and 4.40m (DPSH-B2). Slope stability analysis was performed for several
Downstream, the probable sliding depth is at possible sliding surfaces, in order to determine the
5.00m (F103) (see Figure 3). most probable one. The shape and the position of
the most unfavorable sliding surface depend on
soil characteristics, stratigraphy, the slope etc.
Slope stability computation is performed ac-
cording to Romanian norm SR EN 1997 -1: 2006,
using limit state theory – safety factors and finite
element method - MEF.
Slope stability analysis, according to limit state
theory was performed using numerical methods,
admitting circular slip surfaces: Fellenius and Bi-
Figure 3. Main scarp downstream the road. shop, and methods with the admission of polygo-
nal surfaces sliding: Sarma or Spencer. The analy-
x The main cause of this sliding is the sis used Geo Fine software – Slope Stability
pronounced softening of silty soils caused Module.
by the water infiltrations and underground In this particular situation the most suitable
water flow. analysis for the slopes was the one admitting po-
lygonal probable sliding surfaces. The following
x This type of sliding is a plastic yielding figure presents representative results.
sliding with successive mobilizations of
sliding areas starting from downstream to
the upstream. In the affected upstream areas
the silt layer is very soft. Besides the sliding
phenomenon, also the collapse of the former
parking lot occurred (see Figure 4).

Figure 4. Parking lot collapse.

x The risk of a slow or moderate continuous

instability could lead to the closing of the
road. This requires consolidation measures.
V. Farcas et al. / Landslide Stabilization Along a National Road 29

The Factor of Safety (FS) of a soil slope is de-

fined here as the factor by which the original
shear strength parameters must be divided in order
to bring the slope to the point of failure. During
the analysis the program gradually reduces the ba-
sic strength characteristics of the soil mass until
failure occurs. The safety factor (FS) is to be as-
sessed, and this quantity is defined as the propor-
tion by which tan I (friction angle) and c (cohe-
sion) must be reduced in order to cause failure
with the gravity loading kept constant. Gravity
loads are generated automatically and this load is
applied to the slope in a single increment. A trial
strength reduction factor loops gradually weak-
ness the soil parameters until the algorithm fails to
converge. This actually means that no stress dis-
tribution can be achieved to satisfy the failure cri-
terion and global equilibrium.
For analysis it was adopted a mathematical
model of nonlinear behavior of soil type elastic-
plastic - failure criterion Mohr - Coulomb. The
Mohr - Coulomb criterion relates the shear
strength of the material to the cohesion, internal
friction angle and normal stresses of the material.
According to FEM computations the factor of
Figure 5. Slope stability analysis. safety (FS) is lower than acceptable one, proving
the slope instability.
Slope stability study concluded the slope is not
stable, in this area safety factor FS having values
between 0,82...0,97 which is lower that the ac- 7 CONSOLIDATION SOLUTIONS
ceptable value (FS,min=1,50).
According to this initial analysis the slope is Based on the discussed conclusions of the in-situ
not stable, therefore it was performed another tests and laboratory tests the following solutions
analysis using finite element method, to confirm were proposed:
first analysis. x Keeping the slope layers at a constant water
The finite element method represents an alter- content and a stiff consistency, by leveling
native approach for slope stability analysis which the negative slopes and eliminating the
is accurate and requires fewer “a priori” assump- water trough elastic drains,
tions regarding the failure mechanism. The FEM x Supporting the carriage way by counterforts
solution preserves global equilibrium until failure and elastic drains, which allow small strains
is reached and is able to monitor progressive fail- and also the efficient mobilization of the
ure up to and including overall shear failure. shear strength resistance,
In this paper, the numerical computations has x To collect water from the carriage way -
been conducted using GFAS application, a finite horizontal elastic drains shall be installed,
element based system for nonlinear analysis of de- x The torrent must be adjusted with a concrete
formation and stability in geotechnical engineer- gutter and storage tanks with excess hatch.
ing problems in which soil models are used to si- The creek will be collected downstream the
mulate the soil behavior. landslide area,
30 V. Farcas et al. / Landslide Stabilization Along a National Road

x Upstream the road, a longitudinal drain must so to Professor Cosmin Chiorean for providing
be executed to collect the underground wa- GFAS application for slope stability analysis.
ter. A forestation program will help on col- Special acknowledgments to Romanian National
lecting the surface and underground water. Road Companies (CNADNR Bucharest and
DRDP Cluj), for allowing authors to use the in-
formation about the landslide.

In order to detect the movements of the slope in REFERENCES

the respective area, a monitoring program using
inclinometer and piezometric measurements was [1] SR EN 1997-1:2006, Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design –
Part 1. General Rules, 2006
proposed. [2] A. Stanciu, I. Lungu, Foundations – Soil mechanics and
The monitoring program will help on detecting phisycs, Ed. Tehnica, Bucharest, 2006
the real sliding surface and improve the prediction [3] A. Popa, N. Ilies, C. Chiorean – Utilization of analytical
of future slope analysis. methods in slope stability and consolidation, Proceedings
of 14th Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical
Inclinometer measurements represent a major Engineering "From Research to Design in European
monitoring step to provide valuable data about the Practice", June 2-4 2010, Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN
behavior of the slope after the consolidation 978-80-227-3279-6
works. [4] Geotechnical software suite Geo 5, User’s guide, 2010
[5] Geostru Software, GFAS: Finite element system for geo-
technical applications, Theory manual - Version 2010-7,
Geostru Software, Italy, 2010.
9 CONCLUSIONS [6] BSI 1377 – 1:1990, Methods of test for soils for civil en-
gineering purposes. General requirements and sample
preparation, British Standards Institution, 1990
One of the most important stages for this type of
construction works is soil investigation. This pa-
per proves that an extended investigation program
is not an ignorable issue.
Hydro-geological aspects and surface water
represent an important issue in predicting the haz-
ards in the area therefore all the precaution meas-
ures need to be accomplished.
Underground water has a negative effect on
mechanical characteristic of the soil, by reducing
them, which is increasing soil instability.
Starting from the appropriate test methods, for
in situ and laboratory tests and continuing with
slope stability analysis, all these analysis give an
exhaustive image of the site conditions, retaining
systems and valuable information about future
maintenance of the site.


This study was performed as a part of the road

consolidation technical project. Authors are
thankful to the software providers: Fine Civil En-
gineering Software and Geostru Software, and al-
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 31
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Intesa-San Paolo Tower in Turin - Geotechnical

Intesa San Paolo Tour en Turin – Geotechniques probleme
A. Gasparre1, H.D.St John
Geotechnical Consulting Group
M. Jamiolkowski, G. Rocchi
Studio Geotecnico Italiano

The building comprises a 200 metre tall tower and 20 metre deep basement in a densely developed urban area. The tower has a
steel frame closed by glass panels. The vertical loads are transmitted to the ground by six mega-columns and by a core in the
central area. The lateral load restraint is provided by a permanent slab placed according to the top-down method. This paper dis-
cusses the geotechnical issues associated with the project and the ground investigation carried out to assess both the variability of
the underlying soils and the parameters for design. The large amount of information on ground conditions around the site at
shallow depths was integrated with a site-specific investigation that reached depths of 80 metres. Soil parameters were extrapo-
lated from cross-hole tests, which were carried out with two boreholes and from the measurements of the mechanical energy,
pressures and torque (PAPERO tests) during drilling. The groundwater water level was found at approximately 20 metres depth.
The information provided by the ground investigation allowed the design of the retaining wall and the foundation system and the
selection of a construction technique that accounted for the urban context.

Le bâtiment comprend une tour de 200 mètres de hauteur et une partie enterré de 20 mètres de profondeur dans une zone très ur-
banisée. La tour a une structure à cadres en acier fermés par des baies vitrées. Les charges verticaux sont transmises à travers six
méga-colonnes et par un noyau dans la zone centrale. La condition d’appui latérale est fournie par une dalle permanente installée
selon la méthode ‘tranchée couverte’. Ce document examine les questions géotechniques liées au projet et à la reconnaissance
des sols effectués pour évaluer la variabilité des sols de fondation et les paramètres géotechniques de projet. Le grand nombre
d'information disponibles sur les conditions du sol à faible profondeur autour du site a été intégré avec une campagne de recon-
naissance spécifique atteignant une profondeur de 80 mètres. Les paramètres géotechniques du sol ont été extrapolés à partir des
essais ‘cross-hole’, qui ont été effectués avec deux forages et des mesures d'énergie mécanique, de pression et de couple (essais
PAPERO) pendant le forage. Le niveau de la nappe se trouve à 20 mètres de profondeur environ. L'information obtenue à partir
de la campagne de reconnaissance a été retenue pour le projet du mur de soutènement et du système de fondation et la sélection
d'une technique de construction adaptée au contexte urbain..

Keywords: 200 m high tower ; gravelly soils ; deep excavation ; raft foundation

1 INTRODUCTION tower and 20 m deep basement that is to become

the new headquarters of the Intesa-San Paolo
This paper describes the geotechnical issues bank. The construction site is 44 m by 150 m in
associated with the construction of a 200 m tall plan and is located in a densely developed urban

Corresponding Author.
32 A. Gasparre et al. / Intesa-San Paolo Tower in Turin – Geotechnical Issues

area just outside the historical centre of Turin, It- posits of Pleistocene and Pliocene age that in
aly. The site is bounded by a public park to the turn overlay chalk deposits of Miocene age.
west and roads on the other three sides. Over the
majority of the width of the park there is an un-
derground car park extending to about 7 m below
the level of the surrounding ground. The high
speed railway line (RFI) that connects Turin to
Milan runs in an open cut at about 30 m to the
east of the site (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The site and the surrounding structures

The proposed tower occupies the central part

of the site. It has a steel frame enclosed by glass
panels. The vertical loads from the tower are
transmitted to the ground by six mega-columns Figure 2: Longitudinal cross section (elevation in meters
and by a core in the central area. The lateral load above sea level (m.a.s.l.))
restraint is provided by the combination of
braced bays surrounding the core and bracing be- The large amount of information on ground
tween the mega-columns. The substructure com- conditions around the site at shallow depths was
prises a five level basement that extends over the integrated with a site-specific investigation that
whole plan area of the site. consisted of:
The main challenges for the geotechnical de- x Five boreholes to 80 m depth used to retrieve
sign team were the identification of the appropri- representative samples of the encountered
ate substructure system to retain the ground and soil and to perform seismic cross-hole tests to
transmit the loads from the superstructure and measure the compression (Vp) and shear (Vs)
the choice of a construction sequence for the waves velocities.
deep basement accounting for the urban context x Three boreholes for SPT tests to 30 m depth
at intervals of 1.5 m.
x Twelve drilled holes to 40 m depth to meas-
2 GROUND CONDITIONS ure the five drilling parameters (i.e. rate of
advancement, pressure on the drilling tool,
The site is located on a ground which slopes applied torque to drilling rods string, rotation
gently eastwards from the Rivoli Mountains to- rate and pressure of the drilling fluid). These
wards the Po River, in an area marked by the tests, known as PAPERO, aimed at detection
presence of numerous tributaries of the Po River. and preliminary estimate of the distribution
The geology of the area comprises quaternary and degree of cementation encountered usu-
deposits of varying nature overlying marine de- ally in the gravelly deposits of middle Pleis-
tocene age in central area of Torino.
A. Gasparre et al. / Intesa-San Paolo Tower in Turin – Geotechnical Issues 33

x Six open stand pipe piezometers installed at ity theory and assuming the Poisson’s ratio
the depth around 40 m to monitor the ground ]’=0.15.
water level (G.W.L.) and obtain water sam- Moreover, using the formula by Foti et al [4]
ples for chemical tests. based on Biot [1] poroelasticity theory, the
x One water well to 40m depth used to perform measured Vp and Vs allowed the computation of
short and long term pumping tests. the profile of the in situ void ratio eo. Special at-
tention was devoted to the stiff to very stiff lay-
The design soil profile derived from the site ers of silty clay, encountered within the alluvial
investigation is shown in Figure 2. It includes deposits.
about 2 m of Made Ground, 37 m to 40 m of flu- The oedometer tests carried out on undis-
vial-glacial deposits comprising sandy gravel turbed samples showed that this layer has verti-
with cobbles with different degrees of cementa- cal yield stress ^’vy ranging from 1300 to 1800
tion over alluvial-lacustrine deposits consisting kPa well in excess of the existing overburden ef-
of a succession of dense to very dense layers of fective stress ^’vo. Moreover the oedometer re-
medium to coarse sand and relatively thinner compression curve of this material crossed the
layers of stiff to very stiff silty clays. This last intrinsic compression line ICL as defined by
formation is expected to extend to depths of ap- Burland [2] suggesting that the clay is structured.
proximately 100 m below ground level (bgl).
Based on piezometers readings, the G.W.L.
during the site investigation was encountered at a 3 THE SUBSTRUCTURE SYSTEM
depth of 21 m bgl.

3.1 The foundation solution

Given the ground conditions and the presence of
a strong and stiff cemented layer below the level
of the basement, a 4.5 m raft was chosen to sup-
port the loads from the tower and a 1.2 m thick
diaphragm wall was adopted for the ground re-
taining system. The wall was supported by the
internal floor slabs in the permanent condition
with the upper 9 m cantilevering above the sec-
ond level basement slab, which acted as a thick
plate spanning the entire plan area. The 4.5 m
thick raft spanned between the walls in the area
of the central tower and thinner rafts (1.2 m and
1.6 m) were used for the remainder of the base-
ment where there was no superstructure.

3.2 The construction sequence

Figure 3: Seismic wave velocity from cross hole tests
Having completed an unexploded ordnance
The results of cross-hole tests played a crucial (UXO) search the retaining wall was installed
role in assessing the geotechnical design parame- from 3 m below existing ground level. This ex-
ters. Figure 3 shows the profiles of Vs and Vp tended to the clay layer to form a cut off to water
with. depth measured at two locations. The Vs al- flow into the basement during excavation. The
lowed computing the small strain (H< 10-5) shear first 3 m of ground were retained using a ‘Berlin
modulus Go, from which the small strain Young Wall’ comprised of minipiles along the bounda-
modulus E’o was derived using isotropic elastic- ries with the roads and by the existing diaphragm
wall along the car park side of the site. Following
34 A. Gasparre et al. / Intesa-San Paolo Tower in Turin – Geotechnical Issues

installation of the walls the ground was removed was assumed that the structure applied a uniform
using a top-down method with the permanent pressure to the top of the raft.
second level basement slab, supported on tempo- The results showed that as excavation pro-
rary piles, as propping for the wall. ceeds there is a tendency of the structure to
‘sway’ towards the car park due to the asymmet-
3.3 The retaining wall ric ground level outside the site. This sway in-
creased when the loads from the tower were ap-
The geotechnical design was carried out in ac- plied. The diagram of bending moments and
cordance with the principles of EC7.1 based shear forces derived from the analyses were used
largely on as assessment of the serviceability
for the structural design of the wall in different
conditions using unfactored soil parameters. This
required the temporary state to be modelled in
Seismic load was considered as ultimate state
order to determine the most onerous conditions. condition for the wall, but it did not dictate the
Limit equilibrium calculations were then con- design.
ducted to check ultimate limit state conditions.
Analyses were carried out using the finite
element program ICFEP to determine the behav- 247mOD ~30m
car park services
iour of the retaining system and surrounding 238mOD
ground during the construction of the basement RFI anchors RFI
and during the loading from the superstructure. 4.5m 222mOD
All analyses were undertaken using unfactored
soil parameters derived from the site investiga- 207mOD
tion. A linear elastic soil model was used, al- Alluvial-lacustrine deposits
though the effects of non-linear soil parameters
were also checked. The parameters are summa- Figure 4: Section through the tower area
rised in Table 1.
3.4 The foundation raft
Table 1: Soil parameters for the analyses of the retaining wall
(J=unit weight; c’=cohesion; I’=angle of shearing resistance; The basement rafts rest on the cemented strata of
Ko=coefficient of earth pressure at rest; E’=Young’s fluvioglacial origin. The average pressure (qav)
Modulus) transmitted to the ground by the tower megacol-
soil J c’ I’° Ko E’
umns (including the self weight of the raft) is
kN/m3 kPa MPa about 710 kPa. The average net pressure, equal
1 20 1 30 0.4 160 to qav – ^vo’, where ^vo’ represents the original
2a 20 1 35 0.4 160+187z vertical effective overburden stress at 25m depth
z at 244mOD
2b 22 80 35 0.4 2800
before excavation, is about 710 – 440 = 270 kPa.
2c 22 80 35 0.4 2800-233z The average pressure exerted on the ground by
z at 217mOD the rafts of the podium is about 100 kPa, i.e. sig-
3 20 1 32 0.85 470+3.3z
z at 207
nificantly lower than ^vo’.
The key geotechnical issues were related to
the evaluation of the total and differential settle-
Sections through the middle of the tower, ments of the Tower raft foundation and its ability
where the most onerous conditions occurred, and to redistribute the loads transmitted by the six
through the areas outside the tower were mod- mega-columns and the central core. For these
elled accounting for the presence of the existing purposes, specific analyses were carried out us-
structure for the RFI and the basement under the ing the computer code FOCALS (Foundation on
car park area. Figure 4 shows a sketch of a sec- Cross Anisotropic Layered System); see Wardle
tion though the tower area. The analyses made and Fraser [6]. The code is able to solve the in-
the assumption of plane strain conditions and it teraction problem represented by rafts resting on
layered soils, loaded by both distributed and con-
A. Gasparre et al. / Intesa-San Paolo Tower in Turin – Geotechnical Issues 35

centrated loads. In the code both the raft and the Maximum total settlements were predicted to
layered soils are schematized by elastic constitu- be of the order of 10 cm for long term condi-
tive models. tions. Possible occurrence of creep phenomena
The numerical model was developed taking could lead, after end-of-construction, to maxi-
into account the embedment ratio h/B (where h mum total settlements of the order of 40 mm to
and B represent respectively the height of exca- 50 mm. Maximum induced settlements (long
vation and the short side of the raft), the negligi- term conditions) on the adjacent podium rafts
ble influence of the podium rafts and the retain- could be of the order of 50 to 60 mm on one side
ing walls on the tower foundation, the depth of of the site and 30 to 40 mm on the other side.
the boundary layer, assumed at 65 m below the
raft level and the stress levels induced in the
ground by the tower raft. The latter were signifi- 4 THE EFFECTS OF CONSTRUCTION ON
cantly lower than the gross yield stress of the SURROUNDING GROUND AND
materials (see for example Jardine, [5]), there- STRUCTURES
fore, the soil materials were reasonably repre-
sented by elastic constitutive models. From the Ground movements were expected to occur as a
profile of elastic Young’s moduli, Eo’ opera- result of the installation of the retaining walls,
tional values that accounted for strain levels were the construction of the basement and the applica-
derived. These are shown in Figure 5. tion of load to the tower.
The settlement distribution derived from the Based on observations of ground movements
analyses for the end-of-construction conditions the settlements due to the installation of the ber-
are shown in Figure 6. linese wall and the diaphragm wall were ex-
pected to be confined to a zone approximately
equal to one times the depth of the wall from the
back of the wall and, in granular soils, the maxi-
mum settlements are likely to be around 0.1% of
the wall depth. Movements due to the installation
of the berlin wall were expected to be negligible
assuming that the installation was carefully
planned. No significant movements were ex-
pected to occur below the top of the conglomer-
Each diaphragm wall panel has a width of 2.8
m and was to be constructed between guide
trenches from 3 m below the existing ground sur-
face. General ground movements, although small
were therefore expected to be more concentrated
within the 3m from the back of the wall as a re-
sult of local loss of support. The Berlin wall was
Figure 5: Young’s modulus profile. Stress conditions after also expected to mitigate movements to a depth
excavation and tower construction of 9 m below existing ground level where these
To take into account the possible contribution are present.
given by creep phenomena, settlement distribu- An upper bound of the profiles of horizontal
tion, representative to long term conditions, 50 and vertical movement of the ground adjacent to
years after end of construction, were determined the basement was estimated from the results of
using the empirical approach proposed by Bur- the finite element analyses. From these it was
land and Burbidge [3] for static loading condi- deduced that prior to the application of load to
tions; the results are included in Figure 6. the raft the movements outside a zone around 15
m back form the wall were generally less than 5
36 A. Gasparre et al. / Intesa-San Paolo Tower in Turin – Geotechnical Issues

mm. Within the 15 m zone, which is affected rored by slightly smaller movements on the
principally by the forward rotation of the wall opposite wall.
above the conglomerate, the maximum settle-
ment was around 25 mm and maximum lateral
movement to be 40 mm. The movements were 5 CONCLUSION
smaller on the car park side
The geotechnical design of the proposed project
was carried out taking into account the ground
conditions, the loading conditions and the site
constrains due to the urban context.
A dominant feature for the design was the
presence of the conglomerate material which was
both stiff and with a relatively high strength.
This affected the choice and the design of the
substructure system. Finite element analyses
were carried out to support the structural design
of the wall and the foundation raft. Ground
Figure 6: Predicted settlements of tower raft movements and their effects on surrounding
ground and structures were also estimated.
The application of load to the raft resulted in a
general settlement around 20 mm close to the
walls. This settlement was accompanied by a lat- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
eral movement of less than 10 mm towards the
basement. The Authors express their thankfulness to the
In reality, the effect of the loading of the raft Management of the Banca Intesa-Sanpaolo for
was believed to be confined to a smaller area allowing publishing this paper. Moreover we ac-
than the analyses suggested because of the lim- knowledge the contribution of Dr. Cristina Pepe
ited extent of the raft. Furthermore, conservative of Ingegneria Geotecnica, Torino, during the soil
values of the ground stiffnesses were used in the investigation campaign and during the prepara-
tion of the Soil Mechanics Report.
analyses and therefore the maximum net settle-
ments and lateral movements of the ground out-
side the basement were likely to be exaggerated. REFERENCES
It was concluded that:
x The principal movements occurred in the [1] Biot, M.A, Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a
roadways around the site with largest move- fluid-saturated porous solid. I. Lower frequency range,
Journal of Acoustical Society of America 28 (1956),
ments occurring next to the wall. 168-178.
x There was negligible effect of the construc- [2] Burland, J.B., On the compressibility and shear strength
tion on the car park due to the effects of of natural clays, Géotechnique 40, (1990), 329-378.
basement construction and loading of the raft. [3] Burland J.B., Burbidge M.C., Settlement of foundations
on sand and gravel, Proceedings of the Institution of
Care was required during the construction of Civil Engineers, 78 ,1, (1985) 1325-1381
the diaphragm walls to ensure that significant [4] Foti, S., Lai, C.G., Lancellotta, R, Porosity of fluid
settlements local to the outer wall of the car saturated porous media from measured seismic wave
park did not occur. velocities, Gèotechnique 52, 5, (2002) 359-373.
[5] Jardine, R., Some observations on the kinematic nature
x Other buildings outside the site were unlikely of soil stiffness Soils and Foundations 32, 2, (1992),
to be affected by the construction. 111-124.
x The diaphragm wall to the RFI nearest to the [6] Wardle L.J., Fraser R.A., Finite Element analysis of a
plate on a layered cross-anisotropic foundation, Int.
site could move a maximum of in a range of Conf. on Finite Element Methods in Engineering, Pul-
5 mm around its current position. This is mir- mano, V.A.; Kabaila, A.P. Eds, University of N.S.W.,
Australia, 1974.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 37
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Investigations and interpretation of results from

Dynamic Probing DPH from the N10*-values of an
Data Acquisition
Exploration et interprétation des résultats de la pénétration
dynamique de la N10*-valeurs d´une aquisition des données
R. A. Herrmann1
Geotechnical Institute, University of Siegen
T. Lauber
GEOTECHNIK GmbH, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Herrmann & Partner, Herrieden
Dynamic Probings, whether Heavy, Medium or Light type (DPH, DPM, DPL), are state-of-the art methods for subsoil investiga-
tion used by Geotechnical Engineers in Europe. Dynamic Probings are used worldwide to determine geotechnical design pa-
rameters, and in Europe EC-7-2 (Ground Investigation and Testing) and EC-7-1 (Geotechnical Design) are the-up-to date stan-
dards. The uses of dynamic probings are important since the Cone Penetration Test (CPT) is found to be good only in soft to stiff
cohesive soils and loose to medium dense sands.
Since the CPT cannot be used in dense sands, gravel or bedrock due to very high penetration resistances, DPH, DPM and DPL
are mainly used for geotechnical investigations. In this study based on the approach by Zweck, who defined N10* = 10 / e (e =
cm of the probe penetration per blow), the use of an automated data acquisition system was further developed to eliminate the in-
fluence of operators logging the data manually. By using a Field Geo-Measuring system (FGM) for dynamic probings, the qual-
ity, comparability and interpretability of the acquired data can be tremendously increased and, therefore, the automated system
should be incorporated into EC 7-2 as a standard procedure for dynamic probings.

La pénétration dynamique quelque soit de type lourd, moyen ou léger sont des méthodes d´exploration de sol en europe utilisés
par les ingénieurs en géotechnique. Les pénétrations dynamiques s ´utilisent dans tout le monde pour déterminer les paramètres
de calcul géotechnique. L´ EC-7-2 et l´ EC-7-1 sond actuellement les valables normes en europe. Cette étude qui définie N10*=
10/e (e= cm de tronche d´enfoncement par chute) montre que l´automatisation de valeurs aquis est développé pour diminuer le
risque d´erreurs provoqués par les valeurs aquis manuellement. Le système de mesure géotechnique (FGM) pour les pénétrations
dynamiques améliore la qualité, la comparabilité et l´interprétation des valeurs aquis. Pour cela, le sytème automatisé doit être
integré dans l´EC-7-2 comme procédure standard pour les pénétrations dynamiques.

Keywords: EC 7-2, EDAS, Electonic Data Acquisition System, CPT, FGM-System, N10*-values, Definition of shearing and slid-
ing-planes, Correlation of Cu/Ic and N10*-values

1 INTRODUCTION was used as a guideline in the development of

the European Standard DIN EN ISO 22476-2.
Up to the present day in the Federal Republic of Consequently, it became the core of the current
Germany, the procedure for the Dynamic Pene- European (CEN) and International (ISO) stan-
tration Test day was set out in the German Indus- dards, and became merged into EC 7-2 in the
trial Standard DIN 4094 Part 3. This standard

Corresponding Author.
38 R.A. Herrmann and T. Lauber / Investigations and Interpretation of Results

System of Standards for Field Testing according 2 GEOMEASURING SYSTEM DYNAMIC

to DIN ISO 22476-1 to -13. PROBING (DP-SH/-H-M-L)
In the Dynamic Penetration Test a probe is
driven into the ground. The driving force is pro- The Field Geo-Measuring System, FGM re-
duced by dropping a hammering head of speci- cording measurement system EDAS [1], consists
fied mass falling through a predetermined dis- of a rotation transducer, which divides the chain
tance. The number of blows required to penetrate circulation into 1000 impulses. One impulse cor-
10 cm are counted during the test. The various responds, thereby, to a specified chain move-
types of dynamic penetration tests are differenti- ment. In practice the hydraulic chain drive has
ated by the masses of the falling weight, the dis- been justified due to the precision of the chain
tances, and the diameters of the probe as: path. The measured impulses are transmitted
- Dynamic Probing Light (DPL) through a cable to the electronic data-collection
- Dynamic Probing Medium (DPM) unit. The geo-measuring technique consists of a
- Dynamic Probing Heavy (DPH) robust design suitable for on-site operations. The
- Dynamic Probing Super Heavy (DPSH) enclosure for the connections complies with the
- Dynamic Probing Giant (DPG) protection grade IP65 and is thus protected
against muck and water.
The probe DPG is only used in Germany and
serves primarily to determine the boundary layer
The FGM system works by constantly com-
for the top of bedrock, and is dedicated to high
paring the time difference between successive
penetration resistance and greater depths.
impulses of a processor during the sounding.
The choice of type of probe depends on sev-
With the release of the fall-weight by a trip on
eral factors, which are essentially:
the continuously-rotating chain of the automatic
- Condition and composition of the site soils
sounding equipment, the processor sets a point of
- Planned depth of the sounding
reference. Then the impulses are counted up to
- Situation and accessibility of the test site
the next release of the fall-weight and compared
In today's economical environment, the prob-
to the reference point. The difference between
ings must be mobile and fully automated, in par-
the counted impulses is the penetration of the
ticular for the DPM, DPH, DPSH and DPG. The
probe in impulses which are converted through
probings DPH, DPSH and DPG today are usually
calculations into the penetration of the probe per
mounted on a tracked vehicle, as shown in Fig-
blow in mm.
ure 1. Further details of each system can be
found in DIN EN ISO 22476-2.

Figure 2. Portable Control Unit (Electronic Data Acquisition

System - EDAS).

2.1 Calibration
The FGM system EDAS requires calibrations for
each set of sounding equipment. Initially, the
Figure 1. Automatic Dynamic Probing Heavy and FGM-
nominal impulses with the location of the fol-
System EDAS (Geotechnical Institute, University Siegen). lower (fall-weight) correlated with the impulses
R.A. Herrmann and T. Lauber / Investigations and Interpretation of Results 39

of the chain length in mm determine the equip- light sensor or similar) can yield different results,
ment factor. Another factor is specified depend- and a comparison study was carried out [2]. The
ing on the threshold sensitivity determined for presentation in Figure 4 shows the difference be-
the various fall-weights. On the basis of these pa- tween a hand recording and the automatic data
rameters, the equipment is calibrated in tests with collection with EDAS.
no penetration, and in hard soils with only one to
two millimeters penetration per blow. By an ad- Deviation of the results of data acquisition and manual recording

justment of the equipment factor within the 0

-40 -30 -20 -10 0
blow / 10 cm penetration
10 20 30 40

1/1000 millimeter range and comparative meas-

urements between the actual and the measured -2

manual manual
penetration depth, the effect of the chain length, -4 recording recording

+ -
cycle of the chain drive, and other influences can

depth [m]

be eliminated. The accuracy of the FGM measur-


ing system is approximately 2%, which corre-

sponds to an accuracy of 20 cm in an investiga- -10

tion depth of 10 m. This inaccuracy can be -12

reduced through correction software. The results

of the measurements are given in the form of in- Figure 4. Deviation of the results of the data acquisition and
dividual values of the penetration as follows, see manual recording [2]
The collected and documented data for the It can be seen that at shallower depths in sec-
FGM system were used as follows to compute tions with a low number of blowcounts, the de-
the standard dimensionless N10* representation. viation is primarily small at approximately 1
For clarity these were back-calculated into tabu- blow per 10 cm. At greater depths In sections
lar form and presented in DIN ramming dia- with more blowcounts, deviations from up to 10
grams according to DIN EN ISO 22476-2. blows per 10cm can occur. The two large devia-
tions in the diagram result from a shift of the
depth scale in the hand drawing. The small dis-
crepancies in the recording of the blowcounts be-
tween the two different methods of recording are
apparent. In areas with low numbers of blow-
counts, e.g., in cohesive soils, the variations in
consistencies by manual data collection cannot
be differentiated and require more sophisticated
measuring procedures, such as conducting a CPT
according to DIN EN ISO 22476-1. However,
CPT soundings are usually only feasible in very
soft to semi solid cohesive soils. In dense to very
dense mixed gravelly soils with pebbles, and in
Figure 3. Printout of FGM-System
the transition to rock-residual soils, CPT sound-
ings are not applicable due to damage to the
measuring technique of the non replaceable elec-
3 MANUAL AND INSTRUMENTED tronic tip. Therefore, the use of CPT soundings is
COLLECTION OF RAMMING DATA limited predominantly to marine sediments.
The manual data collection by counting the
number of N10 blows by a technician (in accor-
dance with DIN EN ISO 22476) or by a me-
chanical or optical counting device (counter,
40 R.A. Herrmann and T. Lauber / Investigations and Interpretation of Results

4 PRESENTATION OF SOUNDING case of high and very high blowcounts with re-
RESULTS sults as illustrated in Figure 5. However, the re-
sulting inconsistencies are meaningless in prac-
The former German standard for Dynamic Pene- tice, since this is within the Dynamic Penetration
tration Test, DIN 4094, and the recent European Test limiting horizon with N10 S 50 blows.
Standard DIN EN ISO 22476-2, and together
with EC 7-2, all require that the results be pre- R e l a ti o n o f P e n e t r a t i o n a n d N 1 0

10 0
sented in a blowcount diagram (Step Diagram) 90

with N10 (number of blowcounts per 10 cm 80


penetration). 60



4.1 Standardized, Dimensionless N10*-Values




In expectation of an improved field geomeasur- 0

0 ,1 1
P e n e t r a t io n [ c m ]

ing technique, the possibility of measuring the

penetration depth for each individual hammer Figure 5. Relation of Penetration and N10* [2]
impact with the assistance of a geo-measuring
system, with reference to the well-known ram- 4.3 Particularity of the N10*-Relationship
ming interval of 10 cm was foreseen, see For-
mula (1). The particularity of the FGM system, above all,
lies in the fact that very soft to soft grounds can
Formula N10* = 10 / e [1] (1) also be explored with Dynamic Penetration
Tests. In DP results, the influence of the skin
N10* from standard N10, dimensionless penetra- friction from the driving rod was, up to now, not
tion resistance differentiable from the tip resistance in low N10-
e cm of probe penetration into the soil per values. The resolution of penetration resistance
blow into tip resistance and skin friction gives no in-
10 10 cm terpretation for N10 < 3 (3 blows for 10 cm).
Only CPT soundings could be used here. This is
The result is a standardized dimensionless not so with the use of the FGM system. The dif-
blowcount N10* as is N10. This approach has the ferentiation between the tip resistance and skin
benefit (after [3]) that the blowcount diagrams, friction can be made using the "Exploratory
DP and CPT, are affine curves (similar point-to- Probings" procedure after [4].
point translated), although different dimensions The DP results using the FGM system show
are present. This affine curve, thereby, achieves that the penetration per blow is comparable with
among other things, that the formerly considered the results of point resistances from piles or CPT
interval for N10 of 10 cm as a function of the soundings as long as the cohesive soil flows
consistencies of the site soils, is represented by around the probe tip. Thus, the consistencies of
N10* for each blow: Thus, the consistencies of cohesive soils and cU-values can be confidently
the site soils are measured differentially and are correlated as derived values.
also illustrated within the former N10 interval.

4.2 Instrumented Data Collection of N10*- 5 INTERPRETATION OF SOUNDING

The relationship from Formula (1), as a quotient
of the N10 interval and e, results in a boundary-
value problem as the penetration e converges to- 5.1 Affine Relationship to Subsoil Strengths
ward zero. Due to the present instrumented data From the approach after [3], it developed that the
collection of 1 mm, indistinction arises in the penetration diagrams, DP and CPT, point toward
R.A. Herrmann and T. Lauber / Investigations and Interpretation of Results 41

an affine arrangement, translated points although 6 EVALUATION OF FGM SOUNDING

divergent dimensions are present. This affine RESULTS
process is attained partly by the fact that the in-
terval for N10 of 10 cm is represented as a func-
tion of the firmness of the site soils for each 6.1 Affine Relationship to Subsoil Strengths
blow. Thus, the firmness of the site soil is ob-
tained differentially with consideration also of The investigations of the differential site soil
the former N10 interval. firmness with the help of the FGM system show
that both granular layers as well as fine-grained
cohesive layers can be confidently delineated,
see Figure 8. Cohesive soils are marked with
homogeneous linear N10*-values according to
their consistencies.

Figure 6. Relation of CPT (red) and N10* (blue) [2]

5.2 Application with the Determination of

Sliding and Shearing Planes
This method was used (from [1]) for the investi-
gation and exploration of the sliding and shear-
ing planes of slipping masses at Wasserstraßen
(Stichkanal Hildesheim to the Mittellandkanal) Figure 8. Relation of soil layers and N10*
as a substitute for CPT soundings. The results of
the soundings obtained could be substantiated by A further outcome is that granular soil layers
comparison with a concurrent geo-measuring (gravel, sand) and decomposed rock zones (sand-
program for the movement of the sliding mass. stones and clay stones, etc.) can be confidently
delimited. The differentiation is dependant,
thereby, on the range of the N10*-values as well
as the magnitude of N10*. Currently, there is not
sufficient confident data on hand as to the in situ
density, D, and/or the reference density, ID, for
granular soils. Further scientific research is in

6.2 Evaluation and Correlation Relationships

The analysis between measured N10*-values and
the consistencies of cohesive soils produce a
confident correlation. From this, derived values
Figure 7. Definition of shearing and sliding-planes with N10* after EC 7-2 and characteristic values after EC 7-
[2] 1 can be constituted and determined.
42 R.A. Herrmann and T. Lauber / Investigations and Interpretation of Results

relationship fR from the CPT. However, further
16,000 15,846
research is still necessary.
12,000 Apart from the advantage of data transfer by
N10* [1]

10,000 the EDP application, the manual errors (human

factors) are eliminated. The derived N10*-values
6,000 5,973
provide not only confident correlations with con-
2,588 sistencies, but with CU-Values of cohesive soils
0,000 0,526 as well. This is based on the differential data col-
very soft firm stiff very stiff hard lection within the former typical N10 interval, i.e.,
Consistencity / Term with the measurement of the penetration e for
each hammer blow, 100% of the soil mass of the
Figure 9. Correlation of Consistency and N10*-Values of co- sounding is measured with instruments and
hesive Soils
logged. Thereby, with the use of the FGM sys-
tem and interpretation with N10*-values, a new
Term Cu [kPa] Ic [1] N10* [1]
approach regarding the quality and interpretabil-
very soft / < 20 < 0,25 0,5
very low ity of indirect site soil investigations according to
soft / 20-40 0,25-0,50 1,0 EC 7-2 and/or DIN EN 22476-2 is possible. Ac-
low cording to a re-release of DIN EN ISO 22476-2,
firm / 40-75 0,50-0,75 2,6 the FGM-System should be established as a
stiff / 75-150 0,75-1,00 4,4
very stiff / 150-300 > 1,00 6,0
very high REFERENCES
Figure 10. Correlation of Cu and Ic-values (see DIN EN ISO
14688) and N10*-Values of cohesive Soils [1] J. Müller-Weichbrodt, M. Liebrecht, EDAS-Elektro-
nische Datenerfassungen für Rammsondierungen,
Messtechnik im Erd- und Grundbau, Colloquium Insti-
tut für Geotechnik, University Siegen, Siegen, 2001.
7 SUMMARY [2] M. Pietsch, Erfahrungen mit der Rammdatenerfassung
bei Rammsondierungen und deren Interpretation, Er-
kundung und Untersuchungen in der Geotechnik, Col-
The use of the FGM system results in a high
loquium Institut für Geotechnik, University Siegen,
resolution differential for the investigation of site Siegen, 2003.
soil strengths. This is valid for both non-cohesive [3] H. Zweck, „Baugrunduntersuchungen durch Sonden“
and cohesive soils as well as weathered-rock Verlag Wilhelm Ernst und Sohn, Berlin, München
soils (rock residual soils). From the affine ar-
[4] R. A. Herrmann, M. Zimmermann, Untersuchungen
rangement of the penetration blowcount dia- zum Einfluss der Gestängemantelreibung bei Ramm-
grams DP and CPT, sliding planes and shearing sondierungen und deren Bewertung, Erkundung und
surfaces, thin beds, and other discontinuities, can Untersuchungen in der Geotechnik, Colloquium Institut
für Geotechnik, University Siegen, Siegen, 2003.
be discerned. Generally, the impending [5] R. A. Herrmann, Script Geotechnik, University Siegen,
soil/decomposed rock can be identified by the Siegen, 2010
N10* deviations, comparable with the frictional
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 43
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Mechanical properties of semi-rocks soils and

methods of their determination
Propriétés de mécaniques de la pierre calcaive et méthods pour
la détermination de leurs
Kiev National University of Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine
A.V. Novskiy, V.A. Novskiy1, A.P. Tkalich, Y.F. Tugaenko
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine

In the south-western part of Ukraine Black Sea plateau as a base foundation soils used semi-rock soils presented pontian lime-
stone. In the state standards are no methods for determining their mechanical characteristics needed for the design of foundations
and piles. The article presents the methodology and results of laboratory and field studies of these characteristics.

Dans la zone sud-ouest de l’Ukraine de la mer Noire le terrain de fondation utilisée la pierre calcaire. Dans le standard Ukrainien
n’existe pas de methods pour la détermination de leurs caractéristiques mecaniques. L’article présente la methodologie et les
résultants des tests.

Keywords: limestone, semi-rock, the ultimate strength at uniaxial compression, structural strength, the resistance of the shift,
bored pile, field tests, laboratory tests.

Occurrences of the shell limestone at differ- resulting in three horizons with different charac-
ent depths from the daylight characterize engi- teristics. Limits of averaged coefficients of these
neering and geological structure of the plateau characteristics are listed in table.1
south-west from Black Sea in Ukraine. These
Table 1
biochemical rocks have long been used for wall-
ing for a long time. The development was carried Ultimate Volumetric Porosity, Softening co-
out as open pit and underground, resulting in the stress in uni- weight, n efficient
axial com- a,
production zone remained empty. To assess the pression, Rc, %
construction properties of limestone, its physical _P` kN/m3
properties and ultimate stress in uniaxial com-
pression were studied. Geologists [1, 2] studied 0,6 – 2,5 12,7– 16,0 59 – 43 0,77 – 0,58
these characteristics at a distance of 30 km. from
the modern Black Sea coastline. Shell limestone In order to erect high-rise buildings and to
layers are typical marine sediments that have un- strengthen foundations in reconstruction it’s
dergone considerable changes during diagenesis, necessary to use the limestone as a bases of

Corresponding Author.
44 N.V. Kornienko et al. / Mechanical Properties of Semi-Rocks Soils

foundations and a base layer for the bored piles. elastic deformations at pressures less than struc-
However, the mechanical properties of these tural strength, and the second one - at pressures
rocks are investigated insufficiently. As a rule exceeding the structural strength. Pressure corre-
the bored piles are designed as point-bearing sponding to the point of intersection of the
ones, while the calculated carrying capacity can branches defines the value of the structural
be several times differ from the actual one. The strength, (see fig. 2).
problem is the limestone of south-west region of
Ukraine is not rock. It is semi-rock, and its me-
chanical properties are identical to disperse soils. b) p, MPa
Therefore the study of these properties is a ur-
gent problem.
According to the effective standard in
Ukraine, the rocks with rigid structural connec-
tions are estimated by ultimate strength in uniax-
ial compression at a water-saturated state. How-
ever, this indicator does not permit to estimate a)
other properties of the shell limestone, to which
include: structural strength, modulus of deforma-
tion and shear resistance along the lateral surface
of bored piles.
Structural strength pstr of studied semi-rock is
the limiting value of resistance at which of the
applied load is balanced by the strength of shells s, mm
Fig. 2. Results of laboratory tests of shell limestone
and structural connections to their contacts. samples. a) A test scheme: 1 - extra stamp, 2 - sample. b) A
Meanwhile in the bases of fundamental there are graph of stamp settlement and settlement elastic component
predominantly elastic deformations, disappearing versus the pressure
after removal of the load. Stresses, exceeding the The research has determined that with
structural strength, cause the destruction of shells increasing strength of limestone at uniaxial
and their structural connections, results that the compression the value of structural strength
rock compaction. According to experiments in increases, and the ratio of these indices decreased
the tray with a transparent wall, residual defor- with increasing strength of the rock. Mean values
mations grow within volume of the irreversible of Rc and pstr by results of tests of 55 samples
deformations zone, forming in the bases founda- with different strength at uniaxial compression,
tion. as well as their ratios are shown in table. 2.
Laboratory tests are performed on the samples
of shell limestone of varying strength. For re- Table 2.
search the compression device, in which the load The results of laboratory testing of ultimate strength at
on the sample with area of 60 cm2 is passed by uniaxial compression and structural strength of limestone.
the stamp with area of 15 cm2 was reequipped. Range of values Mean values, _P`
Tests are performed by the technique of cycli- Rc,
Rc pstr pstr/Rc
cally increasing load [3]. Each stage represents _P`
an independent cycle: load application, keeping
0,5-1,0 0,69 1,60 2,32
it till stabilization of settlement and unloading.
The applied method enabled to measure the 1,0-1,3 1,19 2,11 1,77
value of the total settlement and its residual and >2,0 2,19 2,48 1,13
elastic components at each stage.
The graph of the elastic component of settle-
ment versus the pressure consists of two In the field, estimate of indicators of the
branches. The first branch reflects the growth of strength and deformation properties of lime-
N.V. Kornienko et al. / Mechanical Properties of Semi-Rocks Soils 45

stones is performed by results of the testing with

the stamps in the wells at different horizons. Re-
search a performed with 300 mm diameter
stamps in boreholes on four horizons [4, 5].
Abutment of the stamp foot to the bottom surface
is performed by special technology, which in-
cludes cleanup and aligning it with cement mor-
tar of 7 - 10 cm thickness. The load on the stamp
body was phasic. Values of structural strength
and the deformation modulus obtained by results
of the field tests on one of the sites are listed in
table. 3
Table 3.
Values of structural strength and modulus of deformation
of limestone

Depth lower, pstr, b, _P` pv, kN

than the lime- in the pressure range
stone top, _P` Fig. 3. Graphs of total, elastic and residual deformations at
p, _P`
m the pulling test of pile-anchor
1,1 - 1,5 1,5 - 2,5
1,10 1,15 4,0 - 1,7 - The length of the extended section of the pile
3,0 1,35 - 20 - 9
for each stage of the load is determined with the
use of Hooke's law according to (1):
0,8 1,88 - 24 - 6
li = E · Syi / ^cd, i (1)
3,6 1,38 - 30 - 9

where: E - modulus elasticity of reinforcing

steel, equal to 1.9 × 10 5 MPa; Syi - the elastic
Resistance to the limestone shifts along the lat- component of measured strain; ^sr,i - stress aver-
eral surface of the bored piles is determined in age value in the reinforcing bars within the
the laboratory on models of piles, as well as at length of the deformed fragment determined
the test of pile-anchors in the field. from the expression ( 2):
Check tests of natural boring-injection pile-
^cd,i = 0,5 pv,i / As (2)
anchors on pulling was performed using the
technique of cyclically increasing load. Figure 3 where: pv,i - force applied to the anchor; AS -
shows the test results of one of the anchors with cross-section area of reinforcing bar and 0,5 -
diameter of 150 mm and length of 8,0 m. coefficient taking into account a triangular shape
According to this technique after the stabiliza- of the diagrams of stresses arising in the rebar.
tion of the deformation of each stage of the load,
Shear resistance along the lateral surface of
the unload to zero is performed. This character of
piles within any length fragment at each stage of
the load allows to determine total movement and
the load can be determined from the dependence
their elastic and residual components. In the se-
quel, these data allowed to determine the length
of the tension section at the each stage of load- e fi = e Pi /e fv u (3)
ing, as well as resistance along the lateral surface
where: e fi - the average value of friction
of the pile individual sections.
forces along the lateral surface for each frag-
46 N.V. Kornienko et al. / Mechanical Properties of Semi-Rocks Soils

ment of the pile body; e Pi - the load value influ- compression for samples with different strength,
encing the length fragment of the pile body; (see fig. 5).
e fv - the length fragment of the pile body; u -
cross-section perimeter of the pile body. a Rc, MPa
The graph in fig.4 shows that the maximal re-
sistance along lateral surface arises at an area lo-
cated in the limestone.

Fig. 5. Associated graph of structural strength and shear resis-

tance along the lateral surfaces of piles versus the ultimate
strength at uniaxial compression

Thus, knowing the standard characteristic of

limestone - the ultimate strength at uniaxial
compression, and using graphs, drawn by results
Fig. 4. Graph of change of friction forces along the lateral of the presented research one can (without per-
surface at different length fragments of the pile-anchor forming laboratory or field tests) determined
value of structural strength and shear resistance
At laboratory, the shear resistance along
along the lateral surface necessary to design
the lateral surface of the bored piles fc is defined
foundations and bored piles.
on models. The model piles are concreted
thereby that below their feet there is a cavity, and The results of research have been used to
the applied load is transmitted by the lateral sur- strengthen existing foundations and build new
face. In performed research the destruction of ones for some buildings and structures in Odessa.
limestone took place at 0,2-0,4 mm movements
of the pile body along the surface, located from
borehole walls on the hole at a distance of pene- CONCLUSIONS
tration of cement to concrete the pile. At re-
uploading of the pile after "breaking" the resis- 1. As a result of the comprehensive field and
tance along the lateral surface is reduced by 35 - laboratory tests of shell limestone, indices of
40%. This means that the shear resistance after its mechanical characteristics are determined:
breaking of structural connections is transformed ultimate strength at uniaxial compression Rc,
into friction resistance along the damaged sur- structural strength Rstr and shear resistance
face. At determination of carrying capacity of along the lateral surface of the bored piles fc.
bored piles in limestone, it is necessary to take
into account feature of their work determined 2. The values and pattern of shear resistance
experimentally. along the lateral surface of the bored piles in
the field and laboratory environment are de-
According to results of the comprehensive termined. There is specified transformation
studies, there are graphs of shear resistance along phenomenon of ultimate shear resistance of
the lateral surface of the bored piles and struc- limestone with undisturbed structure at fric-
tural strength of the ultimate strength at uniaxial tion resistance, while the structural connec-
tions along the bodies of the bored piles are
N.V. Kornienko et al. / Mechanical Properties of Semi-Rocks Soils 47

destroying during their movement, including

elastic compression.

3. To determine the structural strength there has

been used a new test procedure at absence of
rigid walls of a ring around the compressed

4. Use the test procedure with cyclically incre-

asing load has permitted to determine step-
by-step inclusion in work of bored piles and
anchors, as well as the shear resistance along
the lateral surface, while the load is increas-

5. There are received regional values of the

limestone mechanical characteristics, allow-
ing to determine the bearing capacity of
bored piles at compressing and pulling loads
in semi-rocks.


[1] g.g. hijklmn. odp qrst`cuv w`qxyir ovwxvtxp-

z`{v|xp}p j~kldly €pdxp}p pdy. _vwv|ptr‚
dlcqjksvi`xcnir‚ x`jipwr‚ ~kvdxri: *+,-,./0
123+4+550 / 678 9,47,., :8 ;2,<=>?,., @,4/< 1
@+58A BCDC. ƒrqjci 6. ƒr|`wxrmuwp „r…wcnip}p
jxvwldcruluj. 1972, c. 87-93.
[2] †.‡. „pslcxripw, ˆ.‰. Šj}`lxip, ‹._. „p|dyxpw`,
ƒ._. „`dqŒi, ƒ.. ‡snrtlw, o.. „pxpw`spw.
Žicqldrlxu`snxpl rccsl|pw`xrl xlcjl‚
cqpcpkxpcur kjdprxlimrpxx‘{ cw`‚ w pcxpw`xrr
~|`xry g|lccip}p ul`ud` pqld‘ r k`slu`. E=7,<87F0,
G1768@+7:H F @+A87F?8 .417:,<. ’ 5. 2000, c. 23 -
[3] ƒ.. “pwcir‚. ‡ccsl|pw`xrl qdptxpcux‘{ r
|l”pd`urwx‘{ cwp‚cuw r~wlcuxyi`-d`ij•ltxri` w
s`kpd`updx‘{ jcspwry{. I/=7F? E6+=>?,J 6+458<7,J
8?86+@/J 316/<7FK:<8 :8 84A/:+?:14F. ƒrqjci 29.
g|lc`: g–—. 2008, c. 289-295.
[4] ˆ.‰. Šj}`lxip, .o. Ši`srt, ƒ.. “pwcir‚.
“`qdylxxp |l”pdrdpw`xxpl cpcupyxrl
kjdpx`krwx‘{ cw`‚ r r{ pcxpw`xry, csplxxp}p
qpxurtlcirr r~wlcuxyi`r. L4,3-+@H @+A87F?F
.417:,< F G1768@+7:,=:4,+7F0 < =-,57HA
.417:,<HA 1=-,<F0A. M416H @+561784,67,N
781O7, – :+A7FO+=?,N ?,7G+4+7KFF, P,=<0Q+77,N 50
– -+:FR S8TUVV=:4,0. Šp 1. ˜w`‚x‘l
”jx|`lxu‘. ™”`. 2006, c. 137 - 141.
[5] ˆ.‰. Šj}`lxip. odpmlcc‘ |l”pdrdpw`xry }djxupw
w pcxpw`xry{ ”jx|`lxupw cw`‚ r cw`‚x‘{
”jx|`lxupw. - E6+==8: «;=:4,P4F7:. 2008, 216 c.
This page intentionally left blank
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 49
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Development of an instrumented subassembly for

energy measurements in SPT tests
Développement d’une tige instrumenté pour mesurer l'énergie
d’essai de pénétration standard (SPT)
J. A. Lukiantchuki 1, L. P. R. de Oliveira, E. R. Esquivel
University of Sao Paulo, Department of Geotechnical Engineering

The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is a test which provides assessment of soil properties and foundation design parameters.
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the in-situ soil characterization test, which is most widely used in the Americas. The NSPT
index depends not only on the soil properties and on the SPT sampler characteristics, but also on the energy delivered to SPT
sampler during the hammer impact. The amount of energy that is transferred to the sampler depends on many factors, including
the test equipment characteristics, soil conditions, and procedures followed during the test. For this reason, different NSPT index
values can be obtained for the same soil. Thus the NSPT index should be normalized to a standard energy level that is equivalent
to 60% of the nominal SPT hammer energy. Thus, it is of great importance to evaluate the actual energy input. The aim of this
work is to show a suitable instrumented subassembly developed to assess the amount of energy that is effectively delivered to
the sampler during a hammer impact. Results of SPT tests, conducted at the Experimental Research Site of the University of Sao
Paulo (USP), showed the suitability of the instrumented subassembly to measure the amount of the energy that reaches the
sampler, for the particular conditions. However, it should be verified if these conclusions are valid for tests performed in other
situations involving the use of different types of hammer, different soil conditions and different instrumented subassembly

L'essai de pénétration standard (SPT) est un test qui permet d'évaluer les propriétés du sol et les paramètres pour les projets de
fondations. Le SPT est l’essais de caractérisation des sols in-situ plus utilisé aux Amériques. L'indice NSPT ne dépend pas
seulement sur les propriétés du sol et les spécifications de l'échantillonneur, mais aussi l'énergie qui atteint l'échantillonneur
pendant le coup de marteau. La quantité d'énergie transférée à l'échantillonneur dépend de nombreux facteurs comme les
caractéristiques de l'équipement d'essai, les conditions du sol, et les procédures d’essais. Pour cette raison, différentes valeurs de
l'indice NSPT peut être obtenu pour le même sol. Ainsi, l'indice NSPT devrait être normalisé à un niveau d'énergie standard qui est
équivalent à 60% de l’énergie nominale du marteau d’essai SPT. Pour cette raison, il est extrêmement important d’évaluer
l'apport d'énergie réelle. Le but de cet article est de présenter une tige instrumenté développé pour déterminer la quantité
d'énergie nette qui atteint l'échantillonneur pendant le coup de marteau. Les essais ont été réalisés à l'Université de São Paulo et
ont montré la pertinence du sous-ensemble d'instruments pour mesurer la quantité de l'énergie qui atteint l'échantillonneur, pour
des conditions particulières. Toutefois, la pertinence de l'instrumentation doit être vérifiée par des essais réalisés dans d'autres
conditions, avec différents marteaux, conditions du sol et positions de la tige instrumentée.

Keywords: SPT field test, energy, instrumentation, instrumented subassembly, force signal, acceleration signal.

Corresponding Author.
50 J.A. Lukiantchuki et al. / Development of an Instrumented Subassembly for Energy Measurements

1 INTRODUCTION accelerations and normal forces during the

hammer impact. The design of this equipment
The Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is a test was based on laboratory dynamic tests which led
which provides assessment of soil properties and to the definition of the best geometry for the
foundation design parameters. Despite problems accelerometer supports and a suitable data
associated with its repeatability and reliability, acquisition system.
the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) is the most
popular in-situ test used in the Americas for soil
=42.6 mm
characterization. 26.9 mm
=32.8 mm

The NSPT index is defined as the number of 4.6 mm

blows necessary to cause the sampler, attached to Thread 5/8" - 11
a string of rods, to penetrate 0.3 m into the
105.0 mm
soil. The NSPT index depends not only on the soil
properties and on the SPT sampler Accelerometer

characteristics, but also on the energy delivered

to SPT sampler during the hammer impact. This
delivered energy is only a portion of the nominal 17.0 mm

SPT hammer energy, which is equal to 474.5 J. =33.4 mm

The amount of energy that is transferred to the =24.3 mm

sampler depends on the test equipment, soil 350.0 mm

conditions, and procedures followed during the

test [1]. For this reason, different NSPT index
values can be obtained for the same soil. Thus Strain
the NSPT index should be normalized to an energy
level equivalent to 60% of the nominal SPT
hammer energy: N60 =(E/E60)N, where N60 is the
normalized NSPT index; E is the actual energy
delivered to the rod stem E60 is 60% of 4.6 mm
26.9 mm
the nominal SPT hammer energy; and N is Thread 5/8" - 11
the measured NSPT index. Thus, it is of great
importance to evaluate the actual energy input. =42.6 mm
=32.8 mm

The method of energy measurement consists

of attaching an instrumented subassembly near Figure 1. Instrumented subassembly design.
the top of drill rods and measuring the force and
the acceleration time history during hammer The instrumented subassembly, made of
impact. martensitic stainless steel (VC-150), is similar to
The aim of this work is to show a suitable
the one constructed by Odebrecht [3]. After the
instrumented subassembly developed to measure
the amount of energy that is effectively delivered instrumented subassembly had been machined, it
to the sampler during a hammer impact. In order received a heat treatment to improve its strength
to assess this energy, the instrumented characteristics. This process was performed in
subassembly was placed down the hole, just two steps: quenching and tempering.
above the sampler [2].
2.2 Load cell electrical circuit
The load cell electrical circuit is based on a
Wheatstone bridge, composed of four double
apart. The strain gauges are installed so that one
2.1 Instrumented subassembly
of the grids is parallel to the rod axis and the
In this work, an SPT subassembly instrumented other one normal to the rod axis. The use of four
with two accelerometers and a load cell (Fig. 1) double strain gauges aims at minimizing
was constructed to measure the required temperature and bending effects.
J.A. Lukiantchuki et al. / Development of an Instrumented Subassembly for Energy Measurements 51

2.3 Accelerometers 2.4 Acquisition system

To measure accelerations, a couple of PCB For recording the signal data, an HBM data
Piezotronics piezoelectric accelerometers (model acquisition system, model MX 410, was used.
350B04) were installed on a rod subassembly This four channel portable data acquisition
(Fig. 2). These accelerometers are capable of system is suitable for collecting dynamic event
measuring accelerations up to 5000 g, in the data, at sampling rates up to 96 kHz per channel,
0.4-10000 Hz frequency range. with a resolution of 24 bits. Sampling rates and
filters can be independently adjusted for each
channel. This equipment is able to supply
adjustable transducer excitation (DC) in the
5-24 V range.



Figure 2. Accelerometers (Model 350 B04) mounted on

SP3 supports. 10

2.3.1 Accelerometer supports

To investigate the most appropriate 0 4000 8000 12000 16000 20000
accelerometer support geometry, preliminary Frequency (Hz)
dynamic tests were performed using a shaker Figure 4. Laboratory dynamic test results.
(Fig. 3) and a laser vibrometer. Purpose-designed
accelerometer supports with three different The signals were collected and monitored
geometries were tested (SP1, SP2 and SP3). with the help of the software Catman Easy 3.0.
This software enables to graphically visualize the
collected data in real time. Moreover, captured
data can be analyzed using the software analysis
mode. It was necessary to use special IEPE
(Integral Electronic Piezoelectric) signal
conditioners with the accelerometers, to amplify
the signals during the data acquisition.



Figure 3. Laboratory dynamic tests. 3.1 Characterization of experimental site

Laboratory test results have shown that SP3 Field tests were performed at the University of
accelerometer support (Fig. 4) was the most Sao Paulo Experimental Research Site, in Sao
suitable for field tests. This support has shown Carlos, Brazil. Figure 5 shows a typical
the lowest resonance and anti-resonance effects. geological profile of this site.
It was possible to collect data with frequencies In this area, there exists a 6-m thick lateritic
up to 14000 Hz, with low amplitude variations. clayey sand layer above a pebble line. This layer
is unsaturated, very porous and collapsible,
52 J.A. Lukiantchuki et al. / Development of an Instrumented Subassembly for Energy Measurements

showing low bearing capacity, with a NSPT index redefinition, proposed by Aoki and Cintra (2000)
ranging from 1 to 8 blows. The depth of the [2].
water level varies from 7 to 10 m, depending on
the season of the year. This site has been
extensively investigated for more than 30 years. Instrumented
Alongside the investigation of geotechnical Subassembly
properties, many load tests have been performed
on many different types of foundations.


Figure 6. Instrumented subassembly placed above the


As positioning the instrumentation just above

the sampler leads to extra difficulties, it was
necessary to take some safety measures. First,
the borehole was drilled with a diameter of
100 mm to provide enough room for the
instrumented subassembly. Second, holes were
lined with PVC tubes, to prevent them being
blocked and protect the instrumentation. Finally,
the accelerometers were protected with a thick
silicon rubber layer.

3.3 SPT equipment

The SPT field tests were performed in
Figure 5. Experimental Research Site typical profile accordance with NBR 6484 Brazilian Standard
[4], except for the hammer. A trip hammer
3.2 SPT field test procedures (Fig. 7) with a propylene cushion was used
instead of a pin guided hammer with wood
The SPT field tests were carried out according to cushion.
the NBR 6484 Brazilian Standard [4].
In the conventional method for measuring
energy, an instrumented subassembly is attached
next to the top of the string of rods, allowing
measurements of axial forces and accelerations
during the hammer impact. However, the aim of
this work is to show a suitable instrumented
subassembly, developed to measure the amount
of energy that is effectively delivered to the
sampler during a hammer impact. In order to
assess this amount of energy, the instrumented
subassembly was placed down the hole, just
above the sampler (Fig. 6). The reason for
placing the instrumented subassembly in this
position is based on the SPT efficiency Figure 7. Trip hammer (65 kg).
J.A. Lukiantchuki et al. / Development of an Instrumented Subassembly for Energy Measurements 53

4 RESULTS curves in the 0-2L’/c time interval can be

observed. This curve superposition occurs only
in a short time interval because of the relatively
4.1 Force and acceleration signals short length of L’.
Figure 8 shows the record of force and 120
acceleration signals corresponding to a test v*Z
t= 2L'/c
performed with a 5.35-meters long string of rods. 80

Acceleration signals, obtained with the

Force (kN)
instrumented subassembly placed just above the
sampler, remained within the accelerometer
working range, not exceeding the maximum
allowed value.
Velocity signals were obtained by integrating 199.5 200 200.5 201 201.5 202 202.5 203 203.5 204
Time (ms)
the acceleration signals. In order to verify the Figure 9. Comparison between F and vZ curves.
suitability of the developed equipment, the curve
corresponding to force signals (F) and the curve
corresponding to velocity signals (v) multiplied Displacement signals were obtained through
by the rod impedance (Z) were compared. These the integration of velocity signals. When
comparing the maximum displacement with the
curves should coincide in the time interval
actual sampler penetration a good agreement
between 0 and 2L’/c, where c is the propagation
between these values can be noticed (Figure 10).
velocity and L’ is the distance between the
accelerometer position and the sampler tip. 0.14

Because of wave reflections, this curve 0.12

superposition does not occur again for times 0.1

Field penetration = 0.10 m
Displacement (m)

longer than 2L’/c. 0.08

4 0.06

4 0.04

Acceleration (m/s)


4 0
190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280
4 Time (ms)
Figure 10. Displacement versus time.

4.2 Energy and energy ratio
190 200 210 220 230 240
Time (ms)
250 260 270 280
Figures 11 and 12 show the energy curve and
80 energy ratio curve, respectively. Energy ratio is
defined as the ratio between the actual energy
reaching the sampler and the nominal SPT
hammer energy. At the end of the event, the
Force (kN)


energy reached its maximum value, equal to

390 J. Thus the importance of subsequent
0 impacts in the total amount of the energy that
reaches the sampler can be noticed.
190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280
To take into account the sampler penetration
Time (ms)
and rod weight effects, the energy delivered to
Figure 8. Acceleration and force signals versus time. the sampler had to be corrected [3]. With no
correction, the energy ratio is about 12% higher
Figure 9 shows the F and v.Z curves plotted than the corrected one. This correction is
on the same graph. The close agreement of these fundamental mainly for soils with low
54 J.A. Lukiantchuki et al. / Development of an Instrumented Subassembly for Energy Measurements

penetration resistance and testes performed with 5. Energy correction must be used to
long string of rods. determine the energy ratio, mainly in the case of
soil showing low NSPT index.
However, it is advised to verify if these
conclusions are valid for tests performed in
Maximum Energy = 390 Joules
different situations. This should include the use
Energy (Joules)


of different types of hammer, different soil
conditions and different instrumented
subassembly positions.
100 Performing SPT tests with the instrumented
0 subassembly placed just below the anvil or in
190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280
Time (ms) another intermediate position causes the 0-2L’/c
Figure 11. Energy versus time. time interval to be longer. Consequently, this
enables the verification of the influence of joints
ER= 82%
and connections on wave reflections.
ER= 70%
Energy Ratio (%)


Corrected Energy Ratio
The authors are very thankful to FAPESP (Grant
No. 2008/08268-4) and CNPq (Grant No.
190 200 210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280
479001/2009-0) for the financial support.
Time (ms)
Furthermore, the first author is very thankful to
Figure 12. Energy Ratio versus time.
CAPES for the scholarship granted in Brazil and
The suitability of an instrumented subassembly,
to measure energy, was evaluated by carrying out [1] HOWIE, J.A; DANIEL, C.R; JACKSON, R.S;
a series of SPT tests. For the particular case in WALKER, B. Comparison of energy measurement
which the instrumented subassembly was placed methods in the standard penetration test. Reported
just above the sampler and a trip hammer was prepared for the U.S Bureau of Reclamation,
Geotechnical Research Group, Department of Civil
used, the following conclusions can be stated: Engineering, The University of British Columbia,
1. The accelerometers were suitable for Vancouver, Canada, 2003.
measuring the accelerations during the SPT tests. [2] AOKI, N; CINTRA, J.C.A. The application of energy
2. The curves corresponding to force (F) and conservation Hamilton’s principle to the determination
of energy efficiency in SPT tests, In: International
velocity times impedance (v.Z) signals show a conference on the application of stress waves theory to
close agreement in the 0-2L’/c time interval piles 6, v.1, p. 457 – 460, Sao Paulo, 2000.
3. Displacements obtained by integrating [3] ODEBRECHT, E; SCHNAID, F; ROCHA, M.M;
velocity signals were similar to measured BERNARDES, G.P. Energy efficiency for Standard
Penetration Test. Journal of Geotechnical and
sampler penetrations. Geoenvironmental Engineenring ASCE (2005), 1252 –
4. Subsequent impacts were fundamental to 1263.
obtaining the amount of the energy that reaches [4] ABNT (2001) Standard penetration test (SPT). NBR
the sampler. 6484, Rio de Janeiro, 17p. (In Portuguese)
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 55
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Geotechnical conditions for the construction of tunnel

“Progon” on the Dimitrovgrad bypass in Serbia
Conditions géotechniques pour la construction du tunnel
« Progon » sur la rocade Dimitrovgrad en Serbie
S. Milenkovic1, B. Jelisavac, V. Vujanic & M. Jotic
The Highway Institute, Kumodraska 257, Belgrade, Republic of Serbia

Within the designed alignment of E-80 motorway in South East Serbia: Section Dimitrovgrad By-Pass the roadway alignment
for the motorway and respective structures has been adopted. In the area of the abovementioned section it is foreseen to build the
roadway in twin-tube tunnel Progon with total length of 1100 m.
The terrain is composed of clayey-gravely layers which are present in alternating sequence with sections of clay. The transitions
from one into another lithological member are mostly gradual and unclear, seldom sharp, and consequently it is very difficult to
single out the boundary between them.
In the course of analysis pertaining to geotechnical construction conditions, the geotechnical zoning of rock masses was carried
out, i.e. the constraints were set for terrain parts along the designed tunnel alignment inside which there are similar conditions
regarding the tunnel construction. Respecting the previously given criteria, according to geotechnical conditions, in the tunnel
tube all singled-out quasi-homogenous zones can be classified into four significantly different categories of rock masses with
specific conditions for tunnel excavation and support system.
Taking into account geotechnical conditions found on the location, size and shape of future tunnel, as well as advanced trends in
the tunneling, as optimal technical and cost-effective solution, the tunnel construction as per SCL has been adopted. Under spe-
cific conditions, SCL thanks to its flexibility, can fulfill the requirements regarding the costs and construction deadlines, validity
of the technical solution, and security of manpower and equipment.

Dans le cadre de l’alignement projeté de l’autoroute E-80 dans le sud-est de la Serbie : la Section Rocade Dimitrovgrad,
l’alignement de la chaussée pour l’autoroute et les structures respectives a été adopté. Dans la zone de la section susmentionnée,
la construction de l’autoroute dans le tunnel bitube Progon d’une longueur totale de 1100 m a été prévue.
Le terrain est composé de couches argileuses-caillouteuses qui sont présentes dans des séquences alternantes avec des sections
d’argile. Les transitions de l’une à l’autre zone lithologique sont principalement graduelles et peu claires, rarement brusques, et
par conséquence, il est très difficile de les distinguer.
Dans le cadre des analyses afférentes aux conditions géotechniques de la construction, le zonage géotechnique des massifs
rocheux a été effectué, c’est-à-dire que des contraintes ont été fixées sur les portions de terrain le long de l’alignement du tunnel
projeté, à l’intérieur duquel sont présentes des conditions similaires concernant la construction du tunnel. En respectant les
critères donnés antérieurement, selon les conditions géotechniques, dans le tube du tunnel, toutes les zones quasi-homogènes
distinguées peuvent être classifiées en quatre catégories significativement différentes des massifs rocheux aux conditions spéci-
fiques pour l’excavation de tunnel et le système de support.
Vu les conditions géotechniques trouvées sur le site, la taille et la forme du tunnel envisagé, ainsi que les tendances avancées
dans la construction de tunnels, en tant que solution optimale technique et de rentabilité, la construction du tunnel suivant la
méthode SCL (méthode de béton projeté) a été adoptée. Selon les conditions spécifiques, la SCL, grâce à sa flexibilité, peut
satisfaire aux exigences en matière de coût et de délais de construction, de validité de la solution technique, de sécurité de la
main d’œuvre et de l’équipement.
Keywords: tunnel, clay, SCL

Corresponding Author
56 S. Milenkovic et al. / Geotechnical Conditions for the Construction of Tunnel “Progon”

1. INTRODUCTION respective structures has been adopted in Prelimi-

nary Design. In the area of the abovementioned
Within the designed alignment of Paneuropean section, among other things, it is foreseen to build
corridor E-80, Niš – Dimitrovgrad (Bulgarian bor- the roadway in twin-tube tunnel Progon.
der), the roadway alignment for the motorway and

Figure 1. – Geographic location of the area under study

Double-tube tunnel "Progon" is designed in the sandstone cemented with carbonate. Along with
variant of separated tubes with individual length of mutual tectonic contact with this unit there is a
about 1050 m each. Distance of the tubes is con- formation of limestone-carbonate complex of
stant and is about 28 m. The tunnel is with constant differing ages. On the tectonic contact thereof,
downgrade (max.0,75%) towards exit. Daylight large differential movements occurred and the
opening area of one tunnel pipe is about 90 m2. block with carbonate complex is rather elevated,
Maximum overburden from the finished level is 40m. and opposite to it there are Cretaceous flysch like
formations which are lowered and form the part
of asymmetric trench structure.
2. REGIONAL GEOLOGIC STRUCTURE Plioquaternary deposits encompass the thick
AND TECTONIC FRAMEWORK package of heterogeneous formations drilled out
from the depth of 76.9 m up to terrain surface. The
Beside the fact that the terrain was well studied sedimentation cycle encompasses the deposits of
when the Basic Geologic Map was produced, de- diluvial-proluvial sediments accumulated in pre-
tailed additional exploratory works throughout all vailingly on-shore aerobic milieu. There stands out
stages of investigation and design for E-80 mo- the material created by the accumulation of "Terra
torway provided a lot of new data which some- rossa" material (ensuing fromlong-standing processes
how modify previous understanding regarding of physical-chemical weathering in surrounding
geologic evolution of the wider investigation zone. karst-type limestone terrains) which mixed itself
The terrain basis in wider zone of "Progon" with the fragments of Mesozoic limestone and sand-
tunnel is made of marine Mesozoic formation. stone. Alternation of differing lithological mem-
Beside the fact that they have been discovered on bers, from compacted rusty-reddish clays and silts,
open outcrops in wider tunnel zone, they have been gravel-sandy clays to rough clastic proluvial de-
drilled in the borehole P-1 at the interval from the posits made of accumulated fragments and boulders
depth of 89.5 m to approximately 76.9 m of depth, of Mesozoic limestone and sandstone, testifies on
where they have been represented by solid, gray the occurrence of climate change in the sedimen-
S. Milenkovic et al. / Geotechnical Conditions for the Construction of Tunnel “Progon” 57

tation process. The deposit thickness of over 60 m depression and long-standing cyclic process of
testifies on rather fast sedimentation within the deposit formation.

Figure 2. – Schematic regional geologic profile with distorted scale

3. HYDROLOGIC AND HYDROGEOLOGIC tunnel tube. Initial discharges could be rather

PROPERTIES OF THE TERRAIN large, yet they are not long lasting. By recording
the occurrences and with monitoring the ground
Area of the Nisava river basin in the tunnel zone water level changes in the course of exploratory
is large, so the portion of surface waters has pla- boreholes, and by installing standpipes and water
nar flow structure and periodical flows through the pumping, one was in a position to establish that
lateral valleys of the basin towards Nisava river. permeability of rock masses within the tunnel
Part of atmospheric waters infiltrates in wide zone expressed by filtration coefficient amounts
carbonate backing and sinkholes, caverns and less than k < 1 x 10-05 cm/s.
cracks and then seeps into lower parts of the ter-
Within this package of sediments there are more OF THE ROCK MASSES
clayish layers which are in fact hydrogeologic insu-
lator and lenses with considerable content of lime- Complex of Pliocene-Quaternary Sediments
stone and sandstone gravel which represent water- (PI, Q-G, DR)
bearing formation of fully closed ground water stor- Complex of Pliocene-Quaternary Sediments (PI,
age of limited capacity. For this reason one cannot Q-G, DR) within which silty-sandy clays and clayey
consider the storage with continuous spreading, with gravel alternate in layers and lenses. According to
uniform level along the entire tunnel length. The petrographic composition, limestones and sand-
discharge of these storages is carried out towards stones are represented by coarse fraction although
lateral valleys and in the direction of Nisava river. the occurrence of cemented breccia is not rare.
Based on the position of tunnel axis regarding the The clayey-gravely layers take alternating turns
slope and the position of represented milieus, the with the layers of clays. The transitions from one
appearance of smaller ground waters can be ex- into another lithological layer are mostly gradual
pected along the entire tunnel, while larger seep- and unclear, and consequently it is very difficult
age and water will occur in the zone of uphill left to single out the boundary between them.
58 S. Milenkovic et al. / Geotechnical Conditions for the Construction of Tunnel “Progon”

Within the complex, two basic lithological different size, max 10 cm. Milieu is hard,
members are singled out: medium to low compressibility, medium to
- Silty-sandy CLAY (PL, Q-G); with non- low water permeability.
uniform distribution of detritus in the mass. Beside the above mentioned, conditionally
Detritus is intensely altered physically and called "pure types", there are several other singled-
chemically, often disintegrated into sand. Mi- out milieus depending on the content of certain
lieu is generally hard, medium to low com- fractions: Clay with gravel, Gravel with clay,
pressibility, slightly water pervious to water Clays and gravel.
impervious. Parameter ranges which are the results of la-
- Clayey DETRITUS (PL, Q-DR): mostly boratory tests carried out on the samples from
angular gravel is of different petrographic exploratory boreholes within the scope of wider
composition (limestone, sandstone) and of tunnel area are presented on the table 1.
Water Unit Plasticity Shear
Grain-size distribution

content weight characteristics strength

0,002 0,002-0,06 0,06 - 2,0 2,0 - 60.0 > 60.0 w J Jd wL Ip Ic M’ C’
% % kN/m3 (p) KPa













5. GEOTECHNICAL ZONING OF THE Respecting the previously given criteria, ac-

TERRAIN ALONG THE TUNNEL cording to geotechnical conditions, in the tunnel
tubes all singled-out quasi-homogenous zones (8 in
In the course of analysis pertaining to geotechnical total) can be classified into four significantly differ-
construction conditions, the geotechnical zoning ent categories of rock masses with specific con-
of rock masses was carried out, i.e. the constrains ditions for tunnel excavation and support system.
were set for terrain parts along the designed tun-
nel alignment inside which there are similar con- x Category " A "
ditions regarding the tunnel construction. In that
process, total quantity of rock masses from the Category “A” is represented by pliocene-quarte-
geotechnical point of view was taken into account rnary sediments in which there is mostly silty
based on material content, strength, ground water sandy clay with rather small amount of gravel. The
conditions and overburden from the tunnel calotte other very important characteristic of this category
to the terrain surface. is small overburden.

Figure 3. – Geotechnical terrain model - category “A”

S. Milenkovic et al. / Geotechnical Conditions for the Construction of Tunnel “Progon” 59

x Category " B " The clayey - gravely layers take alternating turns
with the layers of clean clays. The transitions from
Category “B” is represented by silty-sandy CLAY; one into another lithological member are mostly
with non-uniform distribution of gravel in the gradual and unclear, seldom sharp, and conse-
mass. Gravel is sometimes intensely altered. Mi- quently it is very difficult to single out the bound-
lieu is generally hard, medium to low compressi- ary between them.
bility, low permeabile to impermeabile. The over-
burden is in the range 30 - 40 m. x Category " D "

x Category " C " This category of rock masses consists of quasi-

homogenous zones, i.e. parts of tunnel excavation
Category “C” is represented mostly by angular which will be done in “cut and cover” and are
clayey gravel of different petrographic compo- represented in diluvial clayey-detritus deposits
sition (limestone, sandstone) and of different size. and pliocene-quarternary clayey materials.

Figure 4. Geotechnical terrain model in the exit porta zone

Recommended values of physical mechanical TABLE 3

and strength-deformability parameters are given EXCAVATION Rock mass Length
in the following table: TYPE category (m)
 388
Tunnel excavation B 445
C 111
CATE- J M’ c’ E
GORY Cut and cover D 162
kN/m3 (o) kPa MPa
Category A 20 23 60 45
Category B 20 24 40 70
Category C 20 26 20 70
Category D 20 24 30 45 Although there is a significant experience in the
world in building tunnels with SCL method in clayey
Presence of soil mass categories in the tunnel materials, the designed diameter of the tunnel "Pro-
tube is given in the following table: gon" multiplies all problems that might appear
during the execution of works. For safety reasons,
excavation phase must be short enough both
concerning excavation dimensions and stoppage.
60 S. Milenkovic et al. / Geotechnical Conditions for the Construction of Tunnel “Progon”

Taking into account geologic and geotechnical 7. CONCLUSION

conditions found on the location, size and shape
of future tunnel, as well as advanced trends in the The forecast of geotechnical conditions for the
tunneling, yet in accordance with TOR, the tunnel construction of "Progon" tunnel was carried out
construction as per SCL has been adopted. Under on the basis of analysis pertaining to existing do-
specific conditions, SCL thanks to its flexibility, cumentation and comprehensive investigation
can fulfill the requirements regarding the costs and and testing meant for different design levels. Level
construction deadlines, validity of the technical of investigation and trustworthiness of recommended
solution, and security of manpower and equipment. geotechnical parameters we consider as reliable
The excavation has to be carried out mechanically, and sufficient for the Main design of tunnel. The
with profiling at several phases, first the calottes and results of additional investigations provide indi-
flanks-side walls, and then the foundation and in- cation for anticipated geologic structure of the
vert. The step of advance heading is proposed to terrain and the characteristics of represented mi-
be from 0.5 to 1.0 m. Maximum length of exca- lieus. In such a way the properties of milieus
vation without support should not be longer than which have been defined in the previous investi-
1 m. The excavation should provided immedi- gation stages have been confirmed. The tunnel will
ately with the support. be built in accordance with the Sprayed Concrete
The recommended lining is taking into account Lining (SCL). On the whole, geotechnical condi-
the systematic anchoring in the vault and on walls tions for the tunnel construction are rather unfa-
with the utilization of steel mesh. Furthermore, vorable, however if the operating technique and
one should anticipate medium to heavy arches at lining system were to be optimized and adapted to
the distance of 0.75 m, with steel lagging and the conditions in the field, then the tunnel could
forepoling in advance on the vault. be completed successfully.
All represented rock masses are sensitive to the
impact of water, and are prone to softening and
degradation of physical-mechanical parameters, REFERENCE
and thus it will be necessary to protect the excava-
tion from water and moisture. First of all, after the [1]. Atkinson, J.H ; Mair, R.J: Soil mechanics aspects of soft
excavation, in order to avoid also the cross-section ground tunnelling. In: Ground Engineering 14 (1981), No.
5, pp. 20-38.
narrowing, the rock masses thereof should be cov- [2]. Baumann, T ; Sternath, R ; Schwarz, J: Face stability of
ered with shortcrete layer, and immediately after- tunnels in soft rock – Possibilities for the computational
wards the remaining elements of the lining sys- analysis. Proc. 14th Int. Conf. Soil Mech. Found.
tem must be installed. In such a way the protection Engineering, Hamburg, Vol. 3, pp. 1389-1392.
from moisture from the air will be provided and Rotterdam: A.A. Balkema, 1997.
[3]. Clough, G.W. and B.Schmidt: Design and
thus their degradation prevented. In the course of
performance of excavations and tunnels in soft clay. In:
construction it is required that all occurrences of Soft Clay Engineering, Chapter 8, pp. 569-634.
seepage and technical waters are diverted from the Elsevier, Netherlands, 1981.
excavation under control through the drainage [4]. Davis, E.H; Gunn, M.J; Mair, R.J ; Seneviratne,H.N:
channels. The tunnel floor/invert has to be protected The stability of shallow tunnels and underground
particularly, since the clayey materials are prone to openings in cohesive material. In: Géotechnique 30
(1980), No. 4, pp. 397-416
degradation due to unfavorable impact of technical [5]. G.R.Dasari, C.G. Rawlings, Numerical modelling of a
waters and heavy equipment operation. NATM tunnel construction in London Clay, Geotechni-
Minor quantities of water may be expected cal aspects of tunneling in soft ground, Balkema, Roter-
in a form of wetting, dripping, and leakage. Most dam, 1996.
probably, the highest afflux of water will be at
the time of excavation, and then it will reduce as
time goes by.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 61
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Empirical determination of the undrained shear

strength of very stiff to (very) hard cohesive soils
from SPT tests
Détermination empirique de la cohésion non drainée des argiles
très raides a très dures, a partir des essais de Pénétration
C. Plytas 1, A. Baltzoglou, G. Chlimintzas, G. Anagnostopoulos, A. Kozompolis & Ch. Koutalia
OTM S.A.- Engineering Consulting Co., Athens, Greece

The Standard Penetration Test has become increasingly popular in testing stiff to hard cohesive soils. Several correlations have
been proposed that associate undrained shear strength with SPT blowcount in such soils. These correlations, often produced
through significant data scatter, are typically restricted to specific materials and their main drawback is their not taking into ac-
count physical characteristics, often conveniently reflected in trivial lab processes, e.g. clay mineralogy manifested through At-
terberg limits. A simplified empirical relationship is presented that correlates the undrained shear strength (cu) of cohesive for-
mations and the ‘as-measured’ SPT blowcount (N) attempting to reduce statistical scatter by addressing the important influence
of characteristic physical properties on soil strength. The correlation derives from the statistical processing of data obtained in
three different stiff to very hard cohesive formations in Greece, essentially clays and marls, each exhibiting a consistently identi-
fiable geotechnical behaviour, in which a large number of ‘coupled’ SPT and lab UU triaxial tests were performed. Processing of
the available data supports the common observation that the definition of a constant cu / N ratio (even within the same material)
is unrealistic. The inclusion of both water content (w) and plasticity index (PI) in such correlations is investigated and found to
significantly improve the consistency of correlation results, indicating a linear dependence of the cu / N ratio on (w) and loga-
rithmic dependence on (PI). The identification of additional independent parameters affecting the procedure is also examined
and basic directions for the orientation of future correlations are outlined.

L’essais de Pénétration Standard est devenu récemment très populaire a la détermination des propriétés mécaniques des argiles
raides à dures. Ils existent plusieurs corrélations qui associent la cohésion non drainée avec le nombre SPT. Ces corrélations
sont représentatives pour un nombre des sols limités et présentent une grande dispersion. En général elles ne tiennent pas
compte les propriétés physiques usuelles comme p.e. la minéralogie qui se reflète aux limites d’Atterberg. Une relation empi-
rique simplifiée est proposé, qui relie la cohésion non drainée avec le nombre SPT, mesuré in situ, en essayant de limiter la dis-
persion statistique, en tenant compte l’influence des propriétés physiques caractéristiques. Cette corrélation résulte d’une élabo-
ration statistique d’un grand nombre des données, des trois formations provenant de la Grèce, argiles et marnes, raides jusqu’ a
très dures. Chaque sol cohérent présente un comportement géotechnique unique et distingué. Un grand nombre d’essais couplés
de Pénétration Statique et triaxiaux est réalisé en chaque formation. L’élaboration des données montre que la définition d’un
rapport (cu /N) constant n’est pas réaliste. L’introduction de la teneur en eau (w) en relation avec l’indice des plasticité (PI) a
amélioré efficacement les corrélations montrant une dépendance linéaire du rapport (cu /N) avec la teneur en eau et le logarithme
de l’indice de plasticité.

Keywords: Standard Penetration Test (SPT), undrained shear strength, plasticity (index), water content, hard cohesive soils, clay,
Atttiki Odos, Athens, Greece.

Corresponding Author.
62 C. Plytas et al. / Empirical Determination of the Undrained Shear Strength

1 INTRODUCTION tiki Odos Motorway, traversing the metropolitan

area of Athens, Greece.
SPT is arguably the most popular in situ test used The variation of natural water content (w) was
for the estimation of mechanical properties of incorporated in the correlations and appears to be
coarse grained formations, in which undisturbed a fundamental parameter affecting the values of
sampling is usually difficult. It has been recog- the (cu / N) ratio. So does the plasticity index
nized, however, that SPT can be usefully applied (PI), which has already been considered in re-
on cohesive materials and weak rocks as well, al- lated widely-cited literature [4], [6].
though the interpretation of such results should
be approached with some caution.
Despite inevitable warnings for cautious ap- 2 GEOLOGICAL FORMATIONS
plication, the evaluation of the undrained shear
strength (cu) or unconfined compressive strength The following formations encountered during the
(qu) of the above materials from SPT results is design of the new Attiki Odos Motorway are in-
presented in numerous design manuals and vestigated in the present paper:
guidelines publications, e.g. [1], [2], [3]. It is al- (a) Quaternary fluvio-terrestrial formations,
so interesting to note that related research, in- consisting of firm to hard, low to medium plas-
cluding reference work [4] on this subject, has ticity sandy clays of the Chalandri-Marousi Area.
concluded that very stiff to hard cohesive soils They are divided in two categories: the reddish to
and weak rocks are particularly suitable for such reddish-brown sandy clays of Kifissias Ave. and
practice as the results of lab testing or alternative the reddish-brown to yellowish-brown sandy
field tests in these materials are often unrepre- clays of Doukissis Plakentias Ave.
sentative or uneconomical. (b) Neogenic fluviolacustrine and lacustrine-
Numerous correlations connecting SPT results terrestrial deposits. They mainly consist of firm
and undrained shear strength have been proposed to hard, medium to high plasticity, yellowish-
in the literature (e.g. [4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9]). Such brown, green-brown to grayish-brown marls.
correlations, which are not always in accordance Relevant properties of the above materials are
with each other, are strictly valid only for specif- summarized in Table 1. Atterberg limits in par-
ic types of investigated materials and should only ticular are depicted on a Casagrande diagram in
produce qualitative rather than quantitative con- Figures 1.
clusions when applied in engineering practice.
The frequent divergence of results often expe-
Table 1 – Material Properties
rienced when implementing such correlations in
practice seems to be associated, among other fac- Doukissis
Kifissias Marl of
Material properties Plakentias
tors, with existing limitations in our understand- Ave. Clay
Ave. Clay
ing of the complex mechanics of SPT–cu interre- Area
lation in-situ, as well as the inherent difficulty of Rating by AUSCS (CL) (CL) (CL) ÷ (CH)
accounting for all possible parameters involved Mean overconsoli-
~2 ~ 2.2 ~ 1.5
in the actual procedure. dation ratio (OCR)
Natural water con-
In the present study the formulation of an em- tent, w (%)
10.5÷25.5 8.4÷20.6 15.8÷46.5
pirical mathematical relationship is developed, Liquid limit,
24.5÷43.5 21.4÷46.5 33.2÷86.6
attempting to connect undrained shear strength LL (%)
(cu) to SPT blowcount (N) based on statistical Plasticity index,
4.2÷28.8 5.2÷28.1 11.1÷54.9
PI (%)
processing of a large number of corresponding Dry unit weight,
field and lab tests performed in fully saturated 15.5÷20.6 16.8÷21.8 11.9÷17.6
d (kN/m3)
very stiff to very hard soil-like (or very soft rock- Undrained shear
85÷529 91÷710 67÷378
like) cohesive formations. These tests were part strength, cu (kPa)
N-values in SPT,
of a very extensive geotechnical investigation NSPT
16÷65 15÷60 16÷52
programme conducted for the construction of At-
C. Plytas et al. / Empirical Determination of the Undrained Shear Strength 63

Geographical Unities prove such correlations. One such example ([13])
ǹǹǹ $$ &ǾRU2Ǿ
is the work performed for 25 different Japanese
sites with N values mainly between 2 and 30. A
non-linear correlation cu /Pa = 0.29N0.72 was pro-
Plasticity Index, PI (%)


CL or OL duced with reasonably smooth fit to the used da-


MH or OH
ta, although a systematic scatter in the cu values
of almost 1 order of magnitude was not avoided
over the dominant SPT blowcount range of N=3-
10 Kifissias Ave. 10. The assumption of linear variation of cu
Douk. Plakentias I/C
ML or OL Mesogeia Area against N remains, however, the most popular
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 one. An analytical approach is presented in [14]
Liquid limit, LL (%)
that verifies this linear correlation based on ener-
Figure 1. Casagrande A-charts for each of the three gy balance. [14] also gives an example referring
formations. to tests at a particular site in Michigan, USA
producing cu / N = 4.1 KPa. It is a reasonable ar-
gument that meaningful correlations with tight
3 CORRELATIONS FROM THE statistics could only be expected within results of
LITERATURE BETWEEN cu AND N the ‘same’ material encountered in ‘similar’ con-
It has long been a justified assumption that the
produced SPT blowcount in a tested soil should Table 2. Typical range of values of the Cu / N ratio reported
be in proportional relation to its shear strength. in the literature
Terzaghi and Peck’s [5] classification of cohe- Researchers Cu / N range produced (in KPa)
sive soils based on SPT and unconfined com- [6] Sowers (1954) 2.4 – 16.5
pressive strength (qu) implies a linear cu – N cor- [8] De Mello (1971) 0.4 – 20.0
relation of the form cu ! KPa. The latter [10] Djoenaidi (1985) 6.0 – 20.0 (excluding Sowers)
is accompanied by its authors’ warning note re- [11] Behpoor & Gha- 7.5 – 8.4 (tests with N < 25)
hramani (1989)
garding the large scatter existing in the available [12] Edil et al. (2009) 2.4 – 15.7
data. A wide variety of direct linear correlations
co-exist in the literature stated either as generic According to [3], the diversity of cu – N correla-
or as case-specific, all with varied degree of suc- tions in the literature can be associated with dif-
cess regarding statistic consistency over the em- ferences in material plasticity, sensitivity and fis-
ployed database and realistic applicability in soil suring, as well as equipment factors and cu
behaviour prediction. determination methods and sample characteris-
According to [2], poor correlation of cu and N tics, such as fissuring orientation in tested speci-
is attributed to the combined effect of inadequate men. Fissuring and sample disturbance are
SPT standardization, mixing of undrained pointed out by [4] as the most influential scatter-
strength data from different types of tests and the producing factors in such correlations. Fissuring
variable degree of sensitivity of the clays consi- can either artificially increase cu / N ratio as a re-
dered. The confusingly wide scatter appearing in sult of testing unrepresentative intact material
such correlations due to similar factors is illu- specimens in the lab or in other cases reduce cu /
strated by various researchers indicatively N ratio particularly in hard fissured materials,
represented in Table 2. In any case, in the light of where fissuring together with increased sample
current experience, the derivation of universal disturbance tend to produce an overly brittle be-
correlations applicable to different cohesive soils haviour in the lab which is not observed in the
does not seem feasible in the near future. in-situ modes of failure related to SPT. The latter
On the other hand, the use of consistent drill- effect is supported by [3] demonstrating cu / N
ing equipment, SPT procedure and undrained ratio in London Clay rising to a value of about 11
strength determination is generally found to im- when remoulded samples are used for lab testing,
64 C. Plytas et al. / Empirical Determination of the Undrained Shear Strength

compared to values of the order of 4.5 reported i.e. cu / N ratio, PI and w. The resulting correla-
by [4] based on undisturbed sample testing. The tion is produced in the following form:
important effect of sensitivity on cu / N values is
also highlighted by most researchers, including cu
[2], [3], [4] and [8], the latter having examined a  A  B w  C log 10 ( PI ) (1)
wide variety of soils including soft sensitive N
clays. Using Schmertmann’s [15] conclusion that
up to 70% of soil resistance to SPT advancing in which coefficients A, B, and C were deter-
derives from side shearing (reflecting remoulded mined by means of the least squares method and
strength), Clayton [3] estimates that a sensitivity have the dimensions of stress. The results pro-
value of 10 would increase the cu / N ratio by a duced with cu, A, B, and C expressed in KPa and
factor of at least 2.5 compared to a completely w, PI expressed as percentages (%) are presented
insensitive material (of a theoretical sensitivity of in Table 3 and illustrated in Figures 2a, 2b and
1.0). 2c. The present correlation indicates a unique
The work by Stroud [4] has undoubtedly been trend between cu / N, PI for different water con-
very influential in the perception of cu – N corre- tent w. Reducing w corresponds to shifting the
lation. [4] employed an extensive data base of re- (cu / N) vs. (PI) curve upwards, to higher cu / N
sults in London Clay and a wide range of other values and vice versa, which is roughly what
UK overconsolidated insensitive cohesive mate- should be physically expected. For reasons of
rials and weak rocks. The consistency of SPT comparison, plotted in Figure 2 along with the
procedure used, sample diameter (102mm) and current correlations are Stroud’s [4]
triaxial undrained lab testing have all added to w-independent correlation as is Terzaghi-
the close convergence of the results, also verified Peck’s [5] recommended mean cu / N ratio.
by means of plate loading tests where available.
Table 3 – Coefficients in Resulting Empirical Relationships
[4] managed to successfully relate the cu / N ratio
to plasticity index (PI) for the range of examined Regression Kifissias
Marl of
materials (with PI practically between 15% and Parameters Clay
60%). A consistent decrease in the cu / N values Area
with increasing PI was observed, with very li- Coefficient ǹ (kPa) 13.9748 15.4657 11.9424
mited exceptions. The suggested correlation in- Coefficient Ǻ (kPa) -0.2033 -0.4951 -0.0977
dicates that cu / N varies between about 4.2 and 7
KPa. Coefficient C (kPa) -3.1719 -1.6401 -2.0137

Correlation Coeff. r 0.55684 0.55797 0.48096


A large number of SPT and respective lab test The above correlation implies that the main
results have been used in the present investiga- physical characteristics which affect the cu/N ra-
tion. The undrained shear strength of the soil has tio are the plasticity index, PI and natural water
been determined from triaxial UU tests per- content, w. Although this argument is adequately
formed on intact samples retrieved within each supported by the results of the present investiga-
borehole from depths immediately adjacent to tion, significant scattering is still observed in the
the preceding SPT depth. values of the cu/N ratio. Nevertheless, the trend
An empirical mathematical correlation was of the cu/N variation with the physical characte-
derived by performing linear regression analysis ristics appears to be represented satisfactorily.
on the obtained geotechnical investigation data, The scattering in the results can mainly be at-
tributed to the following:
C. Plytas et al. / Empirical Determination of the Undrained Shear Strength 65


7 Terzaghi & Peck (1967) w=12,5%
6 w=17,5%
Stroud (1974)
5 w=22,5%

(a) Kifissias Ave. Red Clay (Area A10) w=25,0%

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 PI (%) 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

(b) D. Plakentias I/C Clay (areas A11-A12) LEGEND


9 w=8,0%
Terzaghi & Peck (1967) w=12,0%
Stroud (1974)
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 PI (%) 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


Terzaghi & Peck (1967)



6 Stroud (1974) w=25%

5 w=35%
4 w=45%
7 11 15 19 23 27 31 PI (%) 35 39 43 47 51 55 59

Figure 2. Presentation of resulting empirical correlations in chart form for: (a) Kifissias Clay, (b)
D.Plakentias Clay and (c) Mesogeia Marl.
ence of the aforementioned parameters. It seems
(a) The intrinsic variation of geotechnical that the phenomenon is also influenced signifi-
behaviour within each formation even when cantly from the development of suction in the
comprehensive criteria have been set as to what soil samples, which increases scattering in the re-
can be described as ‘the same formation.’ sults.
(b) The fact that during the evaluation of the (c) The fact that the adoption of cu/N ratio
results certain parameters were not taken into ac- as a fundamental parameter is rather arbitrary.
count, such as anisotropy, sensitivity, fracturing, The challenge of correlating the cu/N ratio
overconsolidation ratio (OCR) etc. Nevertheless, with the physical characteristics of the soil ele-
the estimation of the plasticity index and the nat- ment remains open and such correlations are ex-
ural water content includes indirectly the influ-
66 C. Plytas et al. / Empirical Determination of the Undrained Shear Strength

pected to be more credible the larger the number REFERENCES

of used lab and field tests becomes.
[1] Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC),
Design Manual 7.01, Soil Mechanics, 1986, still valid
as an active part of ‘Unified Facilities Criteria UFC 3-
6 CONCLUSIONS AND 220-10N (Soil Mechanics),’ 2005.
RECOMMENDATIONS [2] F.H. Kulhawy & P.W. Mayne (1990). Manual on Esti-
mating Soil Properties for Foundation Design. EPRI
EL-6800, RP 1493-6, Final Rpt. Aug. 1990, Palo Alto,
Based on the presented analysis of the available CA, USA.
data, the following conclusions can be extracted: [3] C.R.I. Clayton, The Standard Penetration Test (SPT):
(a) There seems to be no unified law correlat- Methods and Use”, CIRIA REPORT 143, Construction
ing the cu / N ratio with the index properties of Industry Research Information Association, London,
UK, 1995.
the soil material. [4] M. A. Stroud, “The Standard Penetration Test in Insen-
(b) The proposed relationship in Eq.(1) adopt- sitive Clays and Soft Rocks”. Proc. Eur. Symp. On Pe-
ing both a (PI)- and a (w)- dependent term along netration Testing (ESOPT 1), 1974, pp. 367-75.
with the constant term in the evaluation of [5] K. Terzaghi & R.B. Peck, “Soil Mechanics in Engi-
neering Practice”. 2nd edition, John Wiley, New York,
(cu / N) is an attempt to overcome the existing 1967.
shortcomings. The various units present similar [6] G. F. Sowers, Modern Procedures for underground in-
trend in regards to the cu / N ratio as a function of vestigations, ASCE Journal GE Div., vol. 80 (1954),
PI. The A, B and C parameters differ from one no. 435, p. 11.
[7] E. Schultze & H. Knausenberger, Experiences with Pe-
material to another, their differences being pri- netrometers, 4th International Conference on Soil Mech.
marily attributed to the heterogeneous origin of and Foundation Eng., London, 1957, vol.1, pp. 249-
the formations, but also to other factors such as 255.
anisotropy, overconsolidation ratio, etc. [8] V.F.B. De Mello, “The Standard Penetration Test State-
of-the-Art Report” 4th Pan-American Conf. on Soil
(c) In general this study exhibited that cu / N Mechanics Foundation Engineering, Puerto Rico, 1971,
ratio drops with increasing Plasticity Index (PI), Vol.1, pp.1-86.
which essentially conforms to the recommenda- [9] A.C. Stamatopoulos & C. Kotzias, Refusal to the SPT
tions previously made by [4] and adopted by [3]. and penetrability, Geotechnical Engineering of Hard
Soils – Soft Rocks (Anagnostopoulos et al. – eds), Bal-
(d) The cu / N ratio also drops with increasing kema, Rotterdam, 1993.
natural water content. This has generally been [10] W. J. Djoenaidi, “A Compendium of Soil Properties
neglected so far in the related literature. and Correlations” M. Eng. Sc. Thesis, University of
(e) The Terzaghi - Peck [5] correlation is Sydney, Sydney, 836 p, 1985.
[11] L. Behpoor and A. Ghahramani, Correlation of SPT to
found to be a satisfactory approximation of the strength and modulus of elasticity of cohesive soils.
mean value of the ratio; [cu / N]  6.5 (KPa). 12th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and
(f) It should be rendered acceptable that clas- Foundation Engineering, ISSMFE, Rio do Janeiro,
sification of cohesive formations as a sole func- Brazil, 1989.
[12] T.B. Edil, C.H. Benson, L. Li, D. Mickelson, &
tion of blowcounts N is not feasible; the reason is F.F. Camargo, Comparison of basic laboratory test re-
that a given N value resembles several values of sults with more sophisticated laboratory and in-situ
the undrained shear strength cu, depending on the tests methods on soils in Southeastern Wisconsin, Uni-
Plasticity Index as well as the natural water con- versity of Wisconsin-Madison, Wisconsin Highway Re-
search Program #0092-06-05 Final Report, 2009.
tent of the soil material. [13] A. Hara, T. Ohta, M. Niwa, S. Tanaha &, T. Banno,
(g) It should be considered that equations sim- “Shear Modular and Shear Strength of Cohesive Soils”.
ilar to Eq.(1) may yield generic guidance on a Soils and Foundations, vol. 14, No. 3, Sept. 1974, pp.
broad spectrum of soil materials. It appears 1-12.
[14] H. Hettiarachchi & T. Brown, Use of SPT Blow Counts
though, that formulas of this type seem to be to Estimate Shear Strength Properties of Soils: Energy
more reliable on cases focusing on particular lo- Balance Approach, ASCE J. of Geotechnical & Geoen-
calized soil formations. vironmental Eng. 135 (2009), No.6, pp.830-834.
[15] J.H. Schmertmann, “Statics of SPT,” Journ. Geot. Div.,
Proc. ASCE, vol.105, GT5, May 1979, pp. 655-670.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 67
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Facteur d’influence des paramètres de forage

Influence factors of measuring while drilling method
Ph. Reiffsteck 1
Université Paris Est / IFSTTAR-LCPC, Paris, France

This paper will present a detailed study of influencing factors and possible correlations from the technique of drilling parameters.
Operating parameters of instrumented drilling machine provides a fairly precise idea of the position of transition layers of soil or
rocks of different kinds. Similarly, the combination of these parameters allows to approximate the variation of mechanical and
hydraulic parameters of these ground layers. The work program implemented during this study was as follows:
- Establish the methodology to achieve physical quantities correlated to the mechanical parameters,
- Testing on real sites with different test zones conforming to a program to isolate the influence parameters,
- Apply a statistical analysis to data fields to establish empirical and theoretical relationships.
The results are compared to Standard Penetration Test and static penetrometer profiles.
This paper will try to make a statement of present practices and the importance of writing specific protocol for this test to be
considered as a test of its own and must be adapted to the purpose of investigation.

Cette communication présentera une étude approfondie des facteurs d’influence et des corrélations possibles à partir de la tech-
nique des paramètres de forage. Une sondeuse géotechnique hydraulique instrumentée a été utilisée sur des planches expérimen-
tales constituées de différents matériaux et stratification. L’observation de la variation des paramètres de fonctionnement de la
machine permet d’avoir une idée assez précise de la position des transitions des couches de sols ou de roches de natures diffé-
rentes. De même, la combinaison de ces paramètres permet d’approcher la variation de certains paramètres mécaniques et hy-
drauliques de ces terrains. Le programme de travail mis en œuvre lors de l’étude a été le suivant :
- établir la méthodologie pour aboutir à des grandeurs physiques corrélées aux paramètres mécaniques
- tester sur sites réels différentes planches expérimentales avec un programme d’essai visant à isoler les paramètres d’influence,
- appliquer la statistique à ces champs de données pour aboutir à des relations empiriques et théoriques.
Les résultats sont comparés à des essais de pénétration au carottier (SPT) et au pénétromètre statique avec piézocone.
Cette communication s’attachera à faire un état des pratiques et à présenter l’importance de l’écriture de protocole spécifique à
cet essai qui doit être considéré comme un essai à part entière et doit être adapté à l’objectif de la reconnaissance.

Mots clés : reconnaissance géotechnique, paramètres de forage, corrélations

Keywords: situ testing, drilling parameter recording, correlation

Corresponding Author.
68 Ph. Reiffsteck / Facteur d’influence des paramètres de forage


Les enregistrements de paramètres de forage Chaque paramètre enregistré peut se voir attri-
(MWD pour measuring while drilling) ou dia- buer une signification qualitative en terme de ca-
graphies instantanées sont apparus à l'origine ractéristiques du sol foré ou en terme de fonc-
dans le domaine pétrolier qui s’en servait en tionnement du forage. Durant le forage, chaque
grande partie pour gérer les cadences de forage. changement de couche se traduit généralement
En Génie Civil, ils ont pris, depuis les années par la variation d’un ou plusieurs paramètres [8].
1970, une part grandissante dans les études géo- Toutefois, afin de limiter l’influence de la modi-
techniques ([5] ; [11] ; [3] ; [9] ; [10] ; [13]). fication de l'un des paramètres de fonctionne-
Les paramètres de forage sont les paramètres ment sur les autres paramètres et faciliter
enregistrés directement lors du forage et ayant l’exploitation, il est nécessaire de recourir à des
subi un traitement numérique. Des corrections combinaisons de paramètres appelés : paramètres
sont en effet nécessaires pour prendre en compte composés, quasiment indépendants des condi-
certaines spécificités du système hydraulique tions de réalisation.
ainsi que le poids des tiges, l'influence de la co- Les paramètres composés les plus utilisées
lonne de boue dans le forage, etc. Leur nombre sont rassemblées dans le tableau 1 ([2] ; [1]). Ils
dépend des types d’enregistreurs et des types de sont issus de différentes pratiques européennes,
travaux que l’on souhaite réaliser. La plupart du japonaises, anglo-saxonnes ou scandinaves et
temps de 4 paramètres à 9 au maximum sont en- sont le résultat d’années de pratique et de re-
registrés. Couramment, les suivants sont enregis- cherches sur leur territoire national. Ils sont basés
trés (figure 1) : sur des combinaisons des paramètres bruts et
 La vitesse d’avancement (VA), cherchent à représenter une réalité physique du
 Pression de poussée sur outil (PO)et pres- terrain. Lors de l’élaboration de ces combinai-
sion de retenue (PR), sons, leurs auteurs ont choisi deux voies princi-
 Vitesse de rotation (VR), pales :
 Couple de rotation (CR),  empirique pour se rapprocher de para-
 Pression d’injection du fluide de forage mètres mécaniques d’autres essais comme
(PI), le pénétromètre ou le pressiomètre. C’est le
 Débit du fluide de forage (QI). cas des deux premières combinaisons ;
paramètre (-)
 théorique en construisant des combinaisons
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 basés sur l’énergie dépensée pour désagré-
ger le sol avec l’outil (énergie normalisée)
ou sur l’agitation du signal (entropie).
1 Via (m/h)
Ces relations permettent de disposer de profils
Po ( bar )
Vr ( tr/min )
moins bruités et plus proches des paramètres
Cr ( bar ) ayant une signification physique. Toutefois, il est
Pr ( bar )
important de pouvoir cerner l'influence de cer-
z (m)

Pi ( bar )
Débit l/min tains paramètres qui ne sont pas nécessairement
enregistrés. Par exemple, nous n’avons pour le
moment aucun moyen de mesurer de manière
fiable l’énergie du marteau hydraulique, il est
nécessaire de connaître son importance sur les
paramètres de forage et en particulier sur les
énergies. De même, le type d'outil et son usure
Figure 1. : Exemple de résultat de mesure des paramètres de ne sont pas notés ni vraiment étudiés par la bi-
forage bliographie. A ces fins, un plot expérimental
comportant plusieurs sols a été construit [12].
Ph. Reiffsteck / Facteur d’influence des paramètres de forage 69

Pour cela, nous avons comparé graphiquement

Tableau 1. : Tableau récapitulatif des paramètres composés les paramètres composés de chaque forage avec
Nom Formule Unité Ref. et sans utilisation de la frappe (Figure 2).
En observant les courbes, on remarque que les
résistance à la
RP  (t ) dz 0.2 m s/0.2m [13] énergies enregistrées, pour les forages utilisant le
1 marteau hydraulique, sont moins importantes que
indice de Some- V  2
Sd  PE . R   kPa [17] celle enregistrées sur les forages qui ne l’utilisent
pas. Cette différence est encore plus nette sur les
énergie spécifique PE 2. (VR  C R ) passages durs, car c’est là que le marteau apporte
SDE   . kJ/m3 [18]
de forage S0 S0 VA le plus d’énergie. Il ressort aussi que sur les
courbes des forages avec percussion, la sensibili-
énergie spécifique ES  V
R R C .V
N.m/m [15]
té est moins importante. Ceci s’explique par le
A fait que le marteau diminue le besoin en énergie
énergie norma-  .PE .VA   .CR .2. .VR 
.PM .f de rotation et de poussée. Malheureusement, cela
EN  N.m/m [14]
lisée VA
n'est pas enregistré.
 PE V 
indice d’altération I A  1  k0 .  k1. A  Aucune [15] Toutefois, l’enregistrement de l’énergie déve-
 Pmax Vmax 
entropie mathé-
loppée par le marteau n’est pas une chose facile.
matique du signal L(z )   S z  dz   S z  Aucune [6] Nishi et al. [14] avaient équipé avec succès les
S tiges de forage d’accéléromètres pour quantifier
l’énergie, technique difficilement applicable
2.1 Étude de l'influence de la frappe dans la pratique courante.
Afin de vérifier l’importance de l’utilisation du
2.2 Étude des variations dues au changement
marteau hydraulique, nous avons réalisé pour
d’outils de forage
chaque sol un forage sans utiliser le marteau et
un forage en l’utilisant. Le principal but de cette La figure 3 illustre l'influence du changement
étude est de vérifier l’importance de l’énergie d’outil sur les paramètres de forages. On observe
développée par le marteau. des différences notables, toutes choses égales par
EN (N.m/m)
0 2000
RP (s/0,2m)
4000 6000
ailleurs, entre un forage avec un outil à bouton,
0 200000 400000
0 0 un forage avec un outil à lame et un forage à la
tarière hélicoïdale continue (THC).
0,5 0,5
Il faut noter que la comparaison se fait, pour
1 1 la figure 3, sur trois forages en rotation.
Dans les deux cas (massif 1 et massif 2), il
1,5 1,5
semble que l’énergie fournie lors des forages
2 2 avec un outil à lame soit supérieure à celle four-
nie avec l’outil à bouton. Ceci s’explique par le
2,5 2,5
mode de déstructuration du sol de chaque outil.
3 3 Les deux outils destructifs poinçonnent et cisail-
lent le sol. Cependant, le cisaillement des bou-
3,5 3,5
tons nécessite moins de couple que celui des
4 4 lames en raison de la faible surface sollicitée.
Cette tendance dépend tout de même du type
4,5 4,5
z (m) Rotation z (m) Rotation
de sol rencontré. Il ressort que dans les sols mous
a) 5 Rotopercussion
b) 5 Rotopercussion la différence est moins nette. Le signal obtenu
avec la tarière est plus lissé. Ceci peut être expli-
Figure 2.: Comparaison des paramètres de forage en rotation qué par le frottement généré sur l'extérieur de
et rotopercussion
70 Ph. Reiffsteck / Facteur d’influence des paramètres de forage

Il est évident que les résultats issus de la ta- spécifique de forage et l’énergie normalisée ne
rière hélicoïdale continue ne sont pas exploi- donnent pas de relation claire.
tables pour l’exploitation des MWD.
Le choix du type d’outil est donc important et 30 argile
joue un rôle important dans l’étude des enregis- limon
trements de paramètres. Il n’est pas possible pour 25 sable
le moment de mettre au point une relation qui
permettrait de normaliser les énergies en fonction 20
du type d’outil.

qc (MPa)
Indice de Somerton Indice de Somerton
0 20 40 60 80 0 20 40 60 80
0 0

0,5 0,5 10

1 1

1,5 1,5

2 2 0
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
z (m)

2,5 2,5
Rp (s/0,2m)
3 3
Figure 4. : Relation entre qc et la résistance à la pénétration
3,5 3,5 Rp
14 argile
4 4
12 sable
4,5 4,5
Taillant à lame Taillant à bouton grave
Tarrière hélicoïdale continue Tarrière hélicoïdale continue 10
5 5 craie
a) Taillant à bouton
b) Taillant à lame

Figure 3. : Comparaison des paramètres de forage avec diffé-
rents outils (a) massif 1, (b) massif 2













Nous avons cherché à établir des relations entre rapport Rp/qc

les paramètres de forage et certains essais clas- Figure 5. : Histogramme des fréquences
siques de mécanique des sols. Nous nous
sommes appuyés sur les résultats provenant de Les relations entre les paramètres apparaissent
13 sites ayant fait l'objet de reconnaissances dé- de manière plus lisible sur les histogrammes
taillées. Toutefois, tous ne possèdent pas l'en- dressés sur la figure 5. Il semble exister les rela-
semble des méthodes d'essais en place. Ces sites tions suivantes :
balayent la panoplie des textures de sol classique. argile q c  0,00148.R p et q c  0,9.PE VA
La répartition des points en nuages dispersés,
mais avec une certaine fidélité, est visible sur la limon q c  0,0069.R p et qc  1,4. PE VA
figure 4 pour la résistance à la pénétration au
cône en fonction de R p . Le même genre de rela- sable qc  0,0154.R p et qc  8,7. PE VA
tion est obtenu pour PE VA . Malheureuse-
ment, les représentations de la résistance à la pé- craie q c  0,010.R p et q c  1,1.PE VA
nétration au cône en fonction de l’énergie
Ph. Reiffsteck / Facteur d’influence des paramètres de forage 71

Le même genre de relation peut être obtenu si 30 argile

l'on cherche à comparer le nombre SPT et les dif- limon
férents paramètres composés comme la résis- 25 sable
tance à la pénétration (figure 6). La corrélation craie
obtenue entre le nombre SPT et l’énergie spéci- marne

fique de forage et l’énergie normalisée est assez 15

proche respectivement des valeurs proposées par

[14] et [7]. 10

Cela pourrait permettre de proposer (figure 5

7) :

argile NSPT  0,014.R p et NSPT  8.Po VA











rapport Rp/NSPT

limon NSPT  0,025.R p et NSPT  5,5.Po VA Figure 7. : Histogramme des fréquences

sable NSPT  0,019.R p et N SPT  24,5. Po VA Il est possible de représenter le nombre SPT
en fonction de l’énergie spécifique de forage. On
craie NSPT  0,500.R p obtient la relation suivante pour les sables :
SDE  390.NSPT . Relation qui diffère de celles
grave NSPT  0,037.R p
proposées pour les sols sablo-limoneux par [4] :
180 argile
SDE  800.N SPT et par [7] : SDE  1430.N SPT .
Il convient de préciser que les écart-types ob-
140 grave servés sont relativement élevés et que la qualité
craie de ces corrélations ne peut s’améliorer que par la
marne collecte de données supplémentaires et
NSPT (-)

100 l’application d’un mode opératoire robuste per-

80 mettant de canaliser les pratiques ([16] ; [19]).
60 Plusieurs facteurs peuvent influencer les cor-
40 rélations présentées :
20  la non prise en compte de la correction de
0 surface pour le CPT sur certaines données
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 plus ou moins anciennes,
RP (s/0,2m)  les valeurs SPT ont été obtenues avec di-
Figure 6. : Relation entre NSPT et la résistance à la pénétration vers types de matériel (marteau par
Rp exemple) pas toujours connus, donc on ne
compare pas toujours avec la même éner-
gie. De même, on ne tient pas compte de la
contrainte effective verticale. Si toutes les
données étaient ramenées en terme de
(N1)60, de meilleures corrélations seraient
sans doute possibles,
72 Ph. Reiffsteck / Facteur d’influence des paramètres de forage

4 CONCLUSION works: Principles et applications, Proceedings First In-

ternational Conference on Site Characterization, Atlan-
ta, Robertson et Mayne Eds, 1 (1998) 359-364.
On retiendra que l’influence du type d’outil et de [8] Girard H., Morlier P., Puvilland O., Garzon M., The
l’utilisation du marteau n’est pas négligeable digital enpasol method – Exploitation of drilling para-
bien qu’il semble possible d’en faire abstraction meters in civil engineering, Proceeding 39th Canadian
Geotechnical Conference, Ottawa, (1986) 59-68
en les normalisant, tout du moins pour [9] Gui, M.W., Bolton, M.D., Soga, K., Hamelin, J.P, Hass,
l’influence de la percussion qui peut être norma- G, Burgess, N and Butler, A.P. Instrumented borehole
lisée à partir du moment où l’on enregistre drilling using ENPASOL system. 5th International
l’énergie de percussion. Symposium on Field Measurements in Geomechanics,
Singapore, (1999) 577-581.
La corrélation entre les MWD et les essais in [10] Gui M.W., Soga K., Bolton M.D. Hamelin J.P., Instru-
situ laisse présager qu’il est possible d’obtenir mented borehole drilling for subsurface investigation,
des données quantitatives fiables et utilisables Journal of Geotechnical and Environmental Engineer-
pour les études de sols. ing. ASCE, 128(4) (2002) 283-291.
[11] Hamelin J.P., Levallois, J, Pfister, P., Enregistrement
Cette étude nous a donc permis de mettre en des paramètres de forage : nouveaux développements,
évidence la nécessité d'élaborer des documents International symposium on soil and rock investigations
de normalisation adaptés aux diagraphies instan- by in-situ testing, École Nationale des Ponts et Chaus-
tanées. sées, Paris, 1 (1983) 83-88.
[12] Laudansky G., Les diagraphies instantanées sont-elles
la solution pour un modèle géotechnique plus fiable ?,
Master 2 de l’université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI,
[13] Möller B., Bergdahl U., Elmgren K., Soil-rock sound-
ing with MWD – a modern technique to investigate
L'auteur remercie le ministère français du Déve- hard soils and rocks, Proceedings of the 2nd Interna-
loppement durable (MEDTL) pour le finance- tional Conference on Site Characterization (ISC-2),
ment de ces travaux et ses collègues pour leur Porto, 1 (2004) 773-740.
[14] Nishi, K., Suzuki, Y., Sasao, H., Estimation of soil re-
aide dans la réalisation de ce programme : G.
sistance using rotary percussion drill, Proceedings First
Laudansky, J.L. Tacita, G. Desanneaux, E. Haza- International Conference on Site Characterization, At-
Rozier. lanta, Robertson et Mayne Eds, 1 (1998) 393-398.
[15] Pfister P., Drilling Parameter Recording in Soil Engi-
neering. Journal Ground Engineering, 18(3) (1985) 16-
REFERENCES [16] Reiffsteck P. et coauteurs, Paramètres de Forage en
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rization of Fractured-Rock Aquifers Using Drilling Pa- drilling, Petroleum transaction, AIME, 216 (1959) 92-
rameters, Proceedings of the Fractured-Rocks Aquifers 97.
2002 Conference, Denver, (2002) [18] Teale R., The concept of specific energy in rock drill-
[2] Bourget M., Rat M., Interprétation semi-automatique ing, International Journal Rock Mechanics and Mining
des enregistrements Des paramètres de forage (son- Science, 2 (1965) 57-73.
deuses hydrauliques en rotation), Revue Française de [19] TC341WG1 Geotechnical investigation and testing —
Géotechnique 73 (1995) 3 -14. Field testing — Part X: Measuring while drilling, Draft,
[3] Cailleux J.-B., Étude des diagraphies instantanées en 22476-X, CEN, 2010
forage, Rapport des laboratoires, GT12, 1986
[4] Christie K., Introducing new technologies to in situ
geotechnical testing, Heriot-Watt University 5th Year
MEng Personal Study Project, 2002
[5] Diehl G.W., Automation and optimisation of rock drill
parameters in hydraulic drilling, Mining magazine,
(1978) 38-43
[6] Duchamp J.M., Apport des techniques statistiques pour
l'exploitation des diagraphies instantanées en génie ci-
vil. Doctorat Université Bordeaux I - n° d'ordre : 273.
[7] Fortunati F., Pellegrino G., The use of electronics in the
management of site investigation and soil improvement
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 73
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Geophysical site characterization of a volcanic

massif with combined surface and borehole seismic
Caractérisation géophysiques du site, d'un massif volcanique
avec la combinaison des méthodes sismiques de surface et celle
réaliser dans un trou de forage
R. Rocha, N. Cruz1, C. Rodrigues
Mota-Engil, Engenharia e Construção S.A., Portugal
F. Almeida
Aveiro University, Aveiro, Portugal
Seismic surface methods are widely recognised has being the most cost effective way of evaluating seismic velocity in large ar-
eas, especially in sedimentary deposits were the soil profile is usually characterized by a seismic velocity increase with depth. In
the case of volcanic massifs, it’s common to have volcanic rock layers enclosed in volcanic sedimentary deposits, and in this
case the isolated use of seismic surface methods can provide multiple models for the same field data. In this paper is going to be
described a case study, of the combined use of various surface and borehole seismic techniques, in the determining of the site P
and S wave seismic velocity profile. The results obtained from this tests, allowed the comparing of results and discussing of the
advantages and limitations in its use.

Les méthodes sismiques de surface sont largement reconnues comme le moyen le plus efficace d’évaluer la vitesse sismique
dans de vastes zones, en particulier dans les dépôts sédimentaires ont le profil du sol est généralement caractérisée par une
augmentation de la vitesse sismiques avec la profondeur. Dans le cas des massifs volcaniques, il est courant d’avoir des couches
de roches volcaniques inclus dans les dépôts sédimentaires, et dans ces cas, l’utilisation isolée des méthodes sismiques de
surface peuvent générer des multiples modèles, pour les mêmes données de terrain. Dans cet article il va être décrit un cas
d’étude, de l’utilisation combinée de différentes techniques sismiques de surface ou réaliser dans un trou de forage, pour la
détermination des profils de vitesse sismique P et S. Les résultats obtenus par ces tests, ont permis la comparaison des ces
résultats et la discussion des avantages et des limitations de l’utilisation de ces méthodes.

Keywords: Volcanic environment, dynamic characterization, seismic refraction, MASW, Crosshole tests

1 INTRODUCTION on the site conditions and project requirements

The most recent advances in geophysical site Even tough borehole (invasive) methods allow
characterization armed geotechnical engineering, determining accurately the velocity profile and
with a large offer of tools to determine in situ P detecting small variations in depth, they involve
and S wave seismic velocity profile [9]. Tradi- a larger cost effort and only allow measurements
tionally surface methods and borehole methods in the near surroundings of the borehole.
have been used to determine subsurface seismic On the other hand, surface methods (non-
profile for geotechnical engineering applications. invasive) are more cost effective, have simpler
The choice of the method to use largely depends field equipment and procedures and allow sam-

Corresponding Author.
74 R. Rocha et al. / Geophysical Site Characterization of a Volcanic Massif

pling larger areas. Nevertheless, some methods ronments, SCPT tests are not a solution due to
are completely blind to velocity reductions with the existence of very stiff layers limiting cone
depth (refraction), are less efficient to shallower penetration.
depths and require a larger processing effort (re- In order to find a cost effective and reliable
flection) and can also present a relatively low way, to determine s-wave velocity profile on an
resolution and in some cases may result in multi- large area situated in a volcanic environment, the
ple models for the same field data (MASW) [5]. authors performed two Crosshole tests (with 23m
In volcanic regions, were soil profile is usu- and 27m depth), and P-wave/S-wave refraction
ally characterized by multiple thin and thick lay- and MASW profile on the surface with the bore-
ers of volcanic sediments and volcanic rock lay- holes positioned on the center. The main idea
ers, the use of isolated seismic surface methods was to use S-waves to determine the velocity and
may not be able to provide reliable data. For this thickness of the shallowest layer, in order to re-
reason borehole methods are preferentially used, fine with this information MASW model, reduc-
since they allow the obtaining of a velocity pro- ing it is uncertainty. Crosshole tests were used
file were all the variations in depth can be deter- for control, since this method is the most reliable
mined. However, having in mind that the vol- way to obtain subsurface S-wave velocities.
canic massifs are characterized by marked
vertical and also horizontal heterogeneities, and
if large areas need to be studied, seismic charac- 3 GEOLOGICAL ENVIROMENT
terization usually presents big cost efforts which
in many cases cannot be supported. The studied area is located in the northern limit
of Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira Island, Azores).
According to the geological map of Terceira,
2 OBJECTIVES (Geological Services of Portugal, 1:50 000), the
area is represented by deposits of the trachytic
The combined use of multiple in situ geotechni- complex, characterized by the presence of fine
cal and geophysical site characterization meth- grained pumice/pyroclastic deposits and trachyt-
ods, to determine mechanical properties of soil ic/andesitic lava flows.
and rock massifs, has been largely used in the At test location level, the boreholes performed
Geotechnical Department of Mota-Engil, S.A. for the Crosshole tests, allowed to differentiate
[4]. In this paper the authors intend to propose a two distinct lithologic horizons. A shallower unit
combined methodology of P-wave and S-wave of pyroclastic deposits mainly composed by:
Seismic Refraction with Multichannel Analyses sands, silts and more rarely clays, varying from
of Surface Waves (MASW) has a way to com- 13.5 m to 19.5 m thickness and overlaying tra-
pensate the limitations of each method on the quytic lava flows. The top of the latter unit is
seismic characterization of a volcanic massif. highly weathered (W5), evolving in depth to
Both S-wave and P-wave seismic refraction moderately to slightly weathered massif (W3-W2,
methods cannot characterize velocity reversal, with RQD varying from 50% to 90 %), as pre-
and thus, whenever there is a seismic profile with sented in Figure 1.
a lower under a higher velocity layer the method
doesn’t work. On the other hand MASW method
may be used to profile S-wave with velocity re- 4 CROSSHOLE TESTS
versal [7], but relying only in MASW data can
generate several models [6]. Although each Although Uphole and Downhole tests were also
available borehole technique is able to character- performed on this site [8], only Crosshole tests
ize accurately subsurface profiles with several results will be treated herein.
velocity reversals [8], the high cost associated to Crosshole tests, were performed as suggested
boreholes execution, limits its application to by ASTM [1]. In the present case, two geotech-
large areas. Also in the case of volcanic envi- nical boreholes with continuous sampling and
R. Rocha et al. / Geophysical Site Characterization of a Volcanic Massif 75

SPT tests and another two auxiliary (4 m apart)

were performed, all cased with 87 mm HDPE
tubes, and then filling with grout the space be-
tween the inner side of the boreholes and the
outer side of the casings. In order to determine
the correct distance between each pair of bore-
holes at the same depth, deviation surveys were
performed. Seismic source was a sparker emit-
ting simultaneously P and SH waves (model BIS-
SH, Geotomographie Inc). The used receiver was
a seven channels borehole geophone (model
BGK7, Geotomographie Inc). S wave data was
recorded with polarity inversion (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Source (left) and receiver (right) used in Crosshole
data acquisition.

Figure 1. Results of the geotechnical boreholes.

Seismic compression and shear wave velocity

profiles, of both Crosshole tests are presented in
Figure 3.
These results illustrate the high heterogeneity
of these materials, were the same lithology (py-
roclastic deposits or traquytic layers) can evi-
dence P and S wave velocities values, varying to
Figure 3. VP and VS results obtained in the Crosshole tests
the double and triple, in short distances. CH1 and CH2.
Also it’s quite clear the existence of both P
and S wave velocity reversal in the profile of
CH2 test.
76 R. Rocha et al. / Geophysical Site Characterization of a Volcanic Massif


The acquisition of both surface wave and P wave

seismic refraction data was performed using the
same resources. To perform S wave refraction
data acquisition, special equipment was used.

5.1 P and S wave seismic refraction data Figure 5. S-wave refraction tomography obtained in SRT1
acquisition and interpretation
In the acquisition of P wave refraction data, an
array of 48 vertical 4.5 Hz geophones, disposed
in line with 1 m spacing, was used. The seismic
source was a sledgehammer and a light weight
aluminum plate fixed to the ground surface. Both
SRT1 and SRT2 were disposed with CH1 and
CH2 in the middle. Another 48 horizontal 28 Hz Figure 6. S-wave refraction tomography obtained in SRT2
geophone line was placed parallel at a distance of
approximately 5 cm from the vertical geophone 5.2 Surface wave data acquisition and
line, to perform S wave data acquisition, using interpretation
the same P-wave sledgehammer to hit laterally a After collecting P-Wave refraction data seismo-
wooden block and create polarized shear waves graph was prepared to obtain surface wave data.
(Figure 4). Data acquisition of both P and S- Record length was enlarged to 1 second, chan-
wave was performed in five shot points loca- nels gain was raised up to 48 dB and sample rate
tions, with 12 m spacing. The field procedure to 0.125 ms. The same source and geophone ar-
followed ASTM [2] procedure. ray of P-wave was used, but in this case posi-
tioned 10 m away from the first geophone.
SurfSeis1.80 software (Kansas Geological
Survey) was used to process MASW data. In
Figure 7 and 8 multichannel records and velocity
spectrums with the best fitting dispersion curves
overlaid are presented.

Figure 4. Details of the P and S wave geophone relative posi-

tioning and of the S-wave source.

P wave first arrival picking was performed di-

rectly, while S-wave first arrival was obtained by
getting together both polarized records obtained
in each shotpoint. Seismic tomography inversion Figure 7. Multichannel record and both velocity spectrum and
dispersion curve, MASW1.
for both P and S-waves was carried out using
Rayfract32 software produced by Intelligent Re- The results of P and S wave seismic refraction
sources Inc. Obtained S-wave seismic refraction tomographies, together with the borehole data,
tomographies are presented in figures 5 and 6. were used as a base for the inverse modeling
process of gathering the best fitting 1D VS layer-
R. Rocha et al. / Geophysical Site Characterization of a Volcanic Massif 77

ing model to each dispersion curve, as shown in obtained directly from seismic refraction tomo-
Figures 9 and 10, with Zmax of 30 m and 20, for graphy SRT1 is consistent with the data ob-
MASW1 and MASW2, respectively. tained, due to the absence of a marked velocity
reversal until its maximum depth. However, P-
wave velocity kept increasing below elevation
149.5m in SRT1, while MASW1 and CH1 re-
vealed convergent results.

Figure 8. Multichannel record and both velocity spectrum and

dispersion curve, MASW2.

Figure 9. VS model obtained for MASW1 with inversion con-

sidering 10 layers.

Figure 11. Projection of VP (right) and VS (left) data obtained

from CH1, SRT1 and MASW1.

Concerning to the deepest layer, MASW1 re-

vealed lower velocities than those obtained in
CH1, which may be due to the heterogeneity in
the volume of soil/rock involved in each method.
On its turn, Crosshole data obtained in CH2
location show a highly marked P-wave and
slightly marked S-wave velocity reversal located
at 8 m depth (elevation 145m). At this depth
Figure 10. VS model obtained for MASW2 with inversion
considering 10 layers.
range both MASW2 and SRT2 exhibited lower
velocities than CH2, either in P or S waves.
Again, these divergences could be related to het-
erogeneity in the soil/rock mass volume involved
in each method. Another explanation may arise
from the different influence induced by the bore-
In figures 11 and 12, P and S velocity profiles
hole preparation (grout concentrations), or to dif-
obtained from each method are plotted. MASW1
ferences in material level of compaction.
results for P and S wave are very close to those
obtained from CH1. In this location even VS data
78 R. Rocha et al. / Geophysical Site Characterization of a Volcanic Massif

of investigation depths, when compared to tradi-

tional seismic refraction tomographies. The prob-
lems of non-uniqueness of solutions may be
largely reduced with the combination of multiple
surface methods. In highly heterogeneous envi-
ronments, such as the case presented on this pa-
per, the combined acquisition of several surface
seismic techniques can be a way to reduce uncer-
tainty and more cost effectiveness characterizing
larger areas. It is important to remind that, even
when using several non destructive techniques
it’s always an advantage to have more geological
and geotechnical data (mechanical boreholes, in
situ tests) to support geophysical data, and help
to reduce the referred non-uniqueness of solu-


Figure 12. Projection of VP (right) and VS (left) data obtained [1] ASTM D4428/D4428M-0, Standard Test Methods for
from CH2, SRT2 and MASW2. Crosshole Seismic Testing, ASTM International, West
Conshohocken, 2007.
Within 10 and 17m depth, both VP and VS da- [2] ASTM D5777 - 00, Standard Guide for Using the
ta of MASW2 are consistent with CH2. From Seismic Refraction Method for Subsurface Investiga-
tion, ASTM International, West Conshohocken, 2006.
this depth on, VS of MASW2 is slightly lower [3] Anderson, N., Croxton, N., Hoover, R., Sirles P., Geo-
and VP higher than those obtained from CH2. physical Methods Commonly Employed for Geotechni-
This can have several explanation such as, high cal Site Characterization, Transportation Research
variability of the soils/rocks mechanical proper- Board, Washington, D.C., 2008.
[4] Cruz, N.; Tareco, H; Rocha, R.; Andrade, R. e Cruz, J.,
ties (vertical and horizontal heterogeneity), dif- Caracterização Mecânica de Maciços Rochosos com
ferences in the characteristics of each methodol- Base na Combinação de Prospecção Mecânica e
ogy (volume of soil/rock mass involved in the Geofísica. IV Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Geotecnia,
measurements) and also disturbance induced by Coimbra, (2008), 423-430. (In Portuguese).
[5] Dal Moro, G., Tre divagazioni: Il mito dell’ inversione.
the test preparation (borehole techniques). MASW in Friuli, esemplio di studio congiunto MASW-
Rifrazione, Centro Internazionale di Scienze
Meccaniche (CISM), Udine, 2008. (In Italian).
7 CONCLUSIONS [6] Ivanov, J., Miller R.D., Xia, J. And Steeples, D., The
Inverse Problem of Refraction Traveltimes, Part 1:
The combined acquisition, of both refraction (P Types of Geophysical Nonuniqueness Trough Minimi-
zation, Pure And Applied Geophysics, 2005.
and S) and surface wave data, proved to be use- [7] Park, C. B., Miller, R. D., and Xia, J., Multichannel
ful when compared to the isolated acquisition of Analysis of Surface Waves, Geophysics, (1999), 800-
any of the referred non-invasive methods, both 808.
for interpretation and cost reasons. In fact, instal- [8] Rocha, R., Cruz, N., Almeida, F., Rodrigues C., Cruz,
J., Comparison Between Crosshole, Downhole and Up-
lation of equipments for collecting P-wave ve- hole in Volcanic Massifs, XI Cong. Nacional de
locities can be also used for MASW surveys. Geotecnia, Guimarães, (2008), 101-108. (In
Moreover, with specific S-wave equipments it’s Portuguese).
possible to obtain S-wave refraction data to- [9] Stokoe, K.H. II, John S. and Woods R. D. Some contri-
butions of the in situ geophysical measurements to solv-
gether, allowing for much more useful informa- ing geotechnical engineering problems. Proc of the 2nd
tion at a lower cost. In the first place, MASW International Conference on Geotechnical Site Charac-
method proved to be very useful in the increasing terization. Porto, 2004.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 79
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Investigation of interdependence of map and dis-

tract represented on it at engineering – geological
researches in construction
L’investigation de l'interdépendance de la carte et la localité
représenté sur elle aux reconnaissance du sol de fondation dans
la construction
V.S. Shokarev1, A.S. Shokarev
Scientific – research institute of building constructions, Zaporozhye, Ukraine
A.K Solonetz
CJS CrimeaSROProject, Sevastopol, Ukraine
A. Zhusupbekov
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astan, Kazakhstan

The revealing technique for detecting fractured zones in rocky }djxu`{ is developed. Scheduled positions of fractured zones
marked on map and directly on locality, determined with use of biolocation effect, were identical. Results, which were received
with use of biolocation methods, have confirmed with devices, geophysical researches and scientific experimental works on ce-
mentation detected of fractured zones

Une méthode de découverte des zones rompus craquelées dans une base d’une construit maison d’un centre culturel-touristique
a Zaporigia a ete développée. Avec une utilisation d’un effet bio-localise, les positions planifiées determines de zones rompus et
craquelées sur une carte et directement sur une localité, s’est trouve identique. Les résultats obtenus avec une utilisation des
méthodes bio-localises sont confirmés par un complexe de recherches géophysiques et engineerings et par travaux naturels
expérimentaux en une cimentation de zones rompus craquelées observées.

Keywords: soil-cement, drill-mixing technology, physical and mechanical properties, time of mixture setting, impermeability,
grout curtain, reinforcing the soil massif.

1 INTRODUCTION ple, at diagnostics, search, treatment of the per-

son on distance using image (photo). Such image
Earlier executed researches have shown that each can be protoplast reproduced in brain of the prac-
line, the letter, figure, photo, etc. radiate a physi- ticed person [1, 2].
cal field. Identical or geometrically similar im- Biolocation effect is used for the decision of
ages are united in system inside which all objects similar tasks. Biolocation effect is the act of ra-
connected among themselves by physical beams diation acceptance by men and its indication as
[1]. The given phenomenon is widely distributed formation of ideomotor act causing turn of
in the nature and used by the person, for exam- framework or fluctuation of pendulum, etc. The

Corresponding Author.
80 V.S. Shokarev et al. / Investigation of Interdependence of Map and Distract Represented on It

Phenomenon of the given effect has not satisfac- The complex engineering - geophysical re-
tory theoretical substantiation but there are many searches of fracturing estimation of the given
concepts of work of indicators of effect (a pendu- rocky massif were executed in February …
lum, a framework, a rod, etc.) [3]. The method March 2007 by Zaporozhye branch NIISK. The
based on use of biolocation effect is biolocation primary goal of work was the estimation of frac-
and it is applied for the decision of various tasks turing estimation of rocky massif and elements
including search of deposits and geological map- of an engineering - geological structure of site
ping [4]. taking into account probable natural and tech-
The purpose of the present work is to show an nogenic components.
opportunity of use of biolocation method at work The complex of works including three stages
with a topographical basis, for the decision of has been executed for the decision of tasks.
tasks connected with engineering - geological re- The first stage included performance of engi-
searches in construction. neering - geophysical researches of fracturing es-
timation of rocky massif [5] (fig. 1): remote bio-
location researches on map (a topographical
2 BRIEF CHARACTERISTIC OF INVESTI- basis); direct biolocation researches on locality;
GATION SITE AND TECHNIQUE OF electroprospecting works on locality by method
WORKS PERFORMANCE AND TECH- of vertical sounding (VES); works on locality
NIQUE OF WORKS PERFORMANCE with use of method of passive magnetic- reso-
nant location of subsoil (PMRLS);
The investigation site is located in the central The second stage included experimental re-
part of Zaporozhye on the left coast of Dnepr searches of cracked zones: development of the
valley; this is excavation in rocky massif in project of cementation of the top part of zone
length up to 100m and width up to 30m. The site with increased fracturing of rocky massif [6];
from the north is limited by Tbilisi Street and performance of cementing works on tested site;
from the south borders with the artificial lake lo- cementation of rocky massif; quality assurance
cated on a place of former building quarry with of performance of cementation by direct bioloca-
the water table close to a water level in Dnepr. tion method; additional cementation of rocky
Difference of marks between a water level in massif by results of quality assurance of the exe-
lake and a mark of bottom of excavation makes cuted cementation.
~14m. It is planned to construct a cultural - tour- The third stage included quality assurance of
ist complex on the given site. cementation of cracked zones by carrying out of
seismic prospecting works [7].

Figure 1. The circuit of an arrangement of cracked zones, points of sounding and cementing boreholes on platform of construc-
tion of the cultural - tourist complex in Zaporozhye: I- cracked zones determined with the help of remote and direct biolocation
methods; II-points of electric sounding; III-points of magnetic- resonant sounding; IV-cementing boreholes; V-ledge of quarry;
VI-border of zone with increased fracturing of rocky massif which formed at development of quarry.
V.S. Shokarev et al. / Investigation of Interdependence of Map and Distract Represented on It 81

framework of the š-shaped form was the indica-

tor of effect. The revealed contours of cracked
3 ENGINEERING - GEOPHYSICAL RE- zones were rendered by paint on a surface of
SEARCHES BY FRACTURING ESTIMA- massif. The operator spent 4 hours on revealing
TION OF THE ROCKY MASSIF of cracked zones. Contours of cracked zones and
their scheduled positions which determined by
direct and remote biolocation methods were
3.1 Remote biolocation researches completely identical (fig. 1).
Remote biolocation researches were carried out 3.3 Engineering - geophysical researches
in the building of Zaporozhye branch NIISK to
the address Zaporozhye, Novostroyek 4 Street, The complex of engineering - geophysical works
located on distance 8km from the platform of re- has been executed for the decision of tasks [5]
searches. The topographical survey of site in including:
scale 1:250 was as the basis for performance of x Electroprospecting works by method of
work. The purpose of works was revealing of vertical electric sounding (VES);
cracked zones on topographical survey and draw- x Works by method of passive magnetic- re-
ing of their scheduled arrangement on survey. sonant location of subsoil (PMRLS);
The pendulum of drop-shaped form executed
from rock crystal and suspended on a string in Electric sounding was carried out with use of
length 13 … 14sm was as the indicator of effect. the complete set of the electroprospecting
The technique of work with a pendulum con- equipment of low frequency ELF – 3. Thus the
sists in the following. The operator having taken apparent resistance was measured on earth sur-
in hands a pendulum brings it to a place of re- face at gradual increase of researches depth due
search on map. A method of inquiry receives all to consecutive increase in length of power line
necessary information up to 50m. Works were carried out by symmetric
“Is it cracked zone?” - The pendulum an- Schlumberge installation at maximal spacing of
swers: "No", vibration for example counter- power line above 50m and a receive line 1,0m.
clockwise. The general number of VES points were 19 (fig.
“Is it cracked zone?” - The pendulum an- 1), at a step 7 … 16m and depth of researches up
swers: "Yes", vibration for example clockwise. to 15m. The relative error of individual meas-
Realization of this technique has allowed to urement on VES point did not exceed +\- 5 %.
reveal all existing cracked zones, to define their The received results of electroprospecting
width and length, and to put these zones on a to- works were interpreted in two stages.
pographical basis (fig. 1). Revealed cracked The analysis of VES curves was made at the
zones was located under a corner to a slope; zone first stage of interpretation, qualitative, specific
of increased fracturing which formed at devel- electric resistance (SER) was defined in charac-
opment of quarry with use of explosion energy of teristic points. Basically SER of layers depends
deep charges of explosive was located in parallel on uniformity, a degree of fracturing, minera-
to ledge. logical structure of hollows filling and other pa-
The operator spent 3 hours on remote bioloca- rameters. Presence of humidified filling in frac-
tion researches. turing granitoids results in decrease of SER of
soil and absence of filling - to higher values of
3.2 Direct biolocation researches SER. The second stage of interpretation, quanti-
tative, was characterized by data acquisition
Direct biolocation researches were carried out by
about capacity of layers and their specific elec-
the same operator directly on a platform of re-
tric resistance. The software package of interpre-
searches by the traditional technique [3]. The
82 V.S. Shokarev et al. / Investigation of Interdependence of Map and Distract Represented on It

tation of VES curves was applied to realization ings was executed in not fracturing blocks for
of the second stage in an interactive mode with studying density of granites outside of fractured
the image of interpretive curves on the screen. zones. The arrangement of points of sounding is
The received data of capacities of layers and shown on fig. 1. Results of soundings are pre-
their specific electric resistance were used for sented on schedules of change of density of gran-
construction of geoelectric profiles (fig. 2). ites on depth (fig. 3). Measurements of granite
density were carried out with step 10sm along a
vertical axis at sounding. Thus, according to used
of PMRLS technology, each executed indication
characterizes average density of granite in vol-
ume of the cylinder in diameter 10sm and height
6sm, i.e., if emptiness had been met more than
this size, indication would be zero.

Figure 2. The Geoelectric profile on line -: 1 – VES point

and its number; 2 - SER value of layer in ohm, m; 3 - depth
of geoelectric border in meters; 4 - stratum disagreement of
geoelectric borders.

Deep sounding on technology of PMRLS si-

milarly to standard logging of boreholes allows
to study geological profile in vertical measure-
ment with the help of a measuring complex that
allows to make direct definitions of structure and
the contents of substance [8]. Results of such
soundings are represented as schedules of mass
fractions of the given substance in mass unit of
all soil. The resonant frequency of investigated
substance and conformity of intensity of a meas-
ured signal in accepted units to the contents of
substance is defined for this purpose on artificial
models. The calibration tests are executed for big
amounts of substances and experimental depend- Figure 3. Change of soil density on depth with the data fixed
by method of passive magnetic- resonant location of subsoil
ences of signal strength on the given frequency (PMRLS): `) - point 2; b) point 4; c) - point 6.
from the contents of researched substance were
received. The granites density changes within 2,22-
Deep sounding were carried out on a platform 2,76g/sm3 at average values of 2,49-2,53g/sm3
of researches for studying capacity and condi- according to data of soundings outside of
tions of fractured zones in profile, studying of cracked zones. Constant and unweathered gran-
density change of granites on depth in natural lo- ites have density of 2,58-2,61g/sm3. Their den-
cation. It was 10 sounding up to depth 50m. The sity reduces to 2,2g/sm3 at weathering. Their
points of sounding settled down close to sutural density increases as a result of secondary miner-
line of fracture in its trailing wing for undercut- alization and increase dark-coloured minerals in
ting of fractured zones in profile and studying of structure of granite (migmatites). Therefore the
their conditions of location. The part of sound-
V.S. Shokarev et al. / Investigation of Interdependence of Map and Distract Represented on It 83

presented limits of change of soils density on significant capacity of crushed stone soils in the
PMRLS data in rather monolithic blocks of base of the projected center. Tampons for cemen-
building site are natural and characterize on the tation of boreholes were established directly in
one hand degree of weathering of massif and on concrete preparation.
the other hand – its initial mineralogical hetero- Works of rocky massif fastening were carried
geneity. out in the following sequence:
The granites density changes within 1,80-
2,74g/sm3, at average values of 2,28-2,34g/sm3 A. Preparatory works.
in fractured zones. The change of granites den- x Breakdown and binding of cemented bore-
sity looks as a sawtooth curve with often changes holes (fig. 1);
of the minimal and maximal values of density in x Installation of the process equipment and dis-
fractured zones on schedules of soundings. The tributing of pipelines;
position of fractured zones on schedules is B. Bored works.
shown by additional shading for presentation. x Boring of boreholes ‡ 105mm in depth
Executed instrument geophysical researches 8…11m;
have proved the correctness of drawing of frac- x Boring was carried out with blow of bore-
tured zones on map with use of remote bioloca- holes for removal of sludge with the subse-
tion methods. The specific electric resistance of quent washing by water;
granite is less (110 … 200 Ohm, m) in VES C. Hydraulic sampling.
points located directly in fractured zones, for ex- x serviceability and tightness of cemented sys-
ample ’’ 1,8 … 10, than in points ’’ 4, 5 tem was checked by forcing of water in bore-
(700 … 800 Ohm, m) where fractured zones holes after installation of a tampon in bore-
have not been fixed (fig. 2). hole;
If density of granite changes within1,8 … x Hydraulic sampling was made at pressure
2,74g/sm3 (points PMRLS ’’ 1, 2, 6, 7, 10) in 0.3MPa;
cracked zones, density of granite changes within
x Specific water absorption of rocky soils was
2,22 … 2,76g/sm3 (points PMRLS ’’ 4, 5, 8,
determined by results of sampling;
9) in uncracked zones (fig. 3).
D. Cementation of boreholes.
x The forcing of cement mortal was made by
mortar pump with adjustable drive;
x Cementation of boreholes was carried out by
cement mortal with application of portland
slag cement of 400 mark;
The project of cementation of rocky massif was
x Preparation of mortal was carried out in
developed on the basis of the executed re-
working unit by mixing cement with water
searches [6]. The given project provided fasten-
before reception of homogeneous weight, the
ing of rocky massif by reinforced cementation of
mortal were mixed before receipt in borehole;
granites in fractured zones. Cemented boreholes
were located directly in fractured zones (fig. 1). x Cementation of boreholes was made with the
Works of rocky massif fastening were made following scale of change of the contents of
by Open Company “ZB Hydrospecstroy” from cement in the water-cement relation: 4; 1,33;
July, 25 till September, 5 in 2007, from bottom 0,8; 0,57;
of excavation. x The decrease of the mortal charge to
The work of excavation preparation was be- 5l/minutes at pressure 0,3MPa was accepted
fore cementation of fractured zones which pro- for refusal of mortal absorption.
viding crop of loessial soils, removal of top part
of bark of granite weathering (a disperse zone), Tested cementation was preceded to cementa-
the device of lean concrete. Thickness of lean tion of massif. The tested site settled down in
concrete makes 0,2 … 1,5m. It is connected to axes « 1 … 3 » lines “A...G” (fig. 1). The absorp-
84 V.S. Shokarev et al. / Investigation of Interdependence of Map and Distract Represented on It

tion of cement mortal was insignificant (60l, 20l) CONCLUSIONS

at the maximal charge in 10l/minutes at cementa-
tion of boreholes ’’ 4, 12, located outside of 1. The executed complex of prospecting
fractured zones. The absorption has made 320 … works including remote (on map) and direct (on
546l at the maximal charge 24l in one minute at district) biolocation researches and also electro-
boring of boreholes ’’ 6, 7, 15 in fractured prospecting works by method of vertical electric
zones. sounding, works by method of passive magnetic-
The further cementation of massif was made resonant location of subsoil, cementation of frac-
under the project [6]. Absorption of mortal in bo- tured zones have allowed to establish interde-
reholes was 1000 … 200l at pressure 0,5 … 3,0 pendence of map and the district represented on
atmospheres. it (fig.4).
93 cemented boreholes were bored in the base 2. Remote biolocation method demands the
of the cultural - tourist center at fastening of further development, first of all its theoretical
rocky massif (fig.1). substantiation, and also development of require-
ments to operators who makes the given kind of
Quality assurance of the executed cementation of
the rocky massif was carried out by its seismic [1] Veinik A.I.Thermodynamics of real processes: Mn: Sci-
translucence. 24 - Channel computerized digital ence and technics, 1991. – p. 385-386.
[2] Serdjuk A.A. Deep medicine. Ecology of human body -
seismic station “Laccolite 24 M-2” was used as Donetsk: Nord-pres, 2008. – 284p.
registered equipment. Researches were carried [3] Sochevanov N.N., Stechenko V.S., Chekunov A.Y. Use
out on two structures. The length of arrangement of biolocation method at searches of deposits and geo-
has made 46 meters; a step is 2 meters between logical mapping. - M.: Radio and communication, 1984.
– 56p.
geophones. [4] Puccko L.G.Biolocation for all. - M.: ANS, 2002. –
The analysis of the given geophysical meas- 202p.
urements has shown that the base of builded cul- [5] The report about engineering - geophysical researches
tural - tourist complex is quasi-homogeneous af- according to object « Engineering - geophysical re-
searches by estimation of fracturing of rocky massif on
ter cemented works i.e. zones of fracturing are the site of construction of a cultural - tourist complex on
absent [7]. Tbilisi Street in Zaporozhye », Zaporozhye branch
NIISK, 2007.-48p.
[6] The work design “Cementation of rocky massif in the
base of building of a cultural - tourist complex on Tbilisi
Street in Zaporozhye ». The code 328-1218/07-C_, Za-
porozhye branch NIISK, 2007. – 6p.
[7] The conclusion about results of rocky massif fastening
on the site of construction of a cultural - tourist complex
on Tbilisi Street in Zaporozhye, Zaporozhye branch
NIISK, 2007. – 70p.
[8] Susin O.A., Novik N.N., Shokarev A.S. PMRAM tech-
nology applied to evaluate the geoenvironment pollution
and density when geo-engineering problems are solved //
XIII European conference on soil mechanics and geo-
technical “Geotechnical problems with mam-made and
man influenced grounds”.- Vol.-Praha: The Czech Geo-
technical Society CICE.-2003.-p.481-484.
Figure 4. Work of the operator at remote biolocation re-
searches fractured zone a rocky file on a card (a topographi-
cal basis).
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 85
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Stabilization of gravel deposits using

La stabilisation des dépôts de gravier à l'aide des micro-
W.R.L. van der Star1 & W.K. van Wijngaarden-van Rossum
Deltares, Geo-Engineering, P.O. Box 177, 2600 MH Delft, NL
L.A. van Paassen
Delft University of Technology, Geotechnology, P.O. Box 5048, 2600 GA Delft, NL.
L.R. van Baalen
Visser & Smit Hanab, P.O. Box 305, 3350 AH, Papendrecht, NL
G. van Zwieten
Volker Staal en Funderingen, P.O. Box 54548 3008 KA Rotterdam, NL
One of the techniques used for the construction of underground infrastructure is horizontal directional drilling
(HDD). This trenchless method is complicated when crossing gravel deposits as a borehole in coarse gravel tends
to collapse, causing the drill pipe to get stuck or the failure of installation of the product pipeline due to exceeding
pull forces. In order to find a solution for the problem of borehole instability, the Biogrout process was adapted for
borehole stabilization in gravel. In the Biogrout process, loose sand is converted into sandstone by injection of a
dedicated mixture in the underground, which stimulates micro-organisms to catalyze chemical reactions leading to
the precipitation of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) crystals. These crystals form ‘bridges’ between the grains, increas-
ing the strength and stiffness of the material. After a first successful test on lab scale in 2008 in which gravel was
cemented, a 3 m3 container was treated after which a hole successfully was drilled through it using HDD equip-
ment. Following the success of this container test, two field applications were performed as part of the installation
of two 48 inch steel gas pipelines with a length of 600 and 900 meter near Nijmegen NL. During these field appli-
cations twice a volume of 1.000 m3 gravel was stabilized in only 7 days each time using the Biogrout technique,
after which a HDD was performed successfully.

Une des techniques utilisées pour la construction de l'infrastructure souterraine est le forage horizontal dirigé
(FHD). Cette méthode sans tranchée est compliquée lors du franchissement des dépôts gravier que le fluide de
forage débusque due à une plus grande perméabilité et l'absence de formation de gâteau de filtration. A cause de
l’effondrement du trou de forage, la tige de forage peut se coincer et l'installation de la canalisation peut échouer
en raison du dépassement des forces de traction. Pour trouver une solution pour le problème de l'instabilité de
forage, le processus Biogrout a (spécialement) été adapté pour la stabilisation de forage dans le gravier. Dans le
processus Biogrout, le sable est transformé en grès par l’injection d'un mélange dédié dans le souterrain, ce qui
stimule les micro-organismes afin de catalyser les réactions chimiques conduisant à la précipitation des cristaux
de carbonate de calcium (CaCO3). Ces cristaux forment des «ponts» entre les grains, augmentant la résistance et la
rigidité du matériau. Après un premier test réussi sur l'échelle dans le laboratoire en 2008 dans lequel le gravier a
été cimenté, un conteneur de 3 m3 a été cimenté après lequel un trou a été foré avec succès à l'aide de l’équipement
FHD. Après le succès de cet essai, deux applications sur le terrain ont été effectuées de 600 et 900 mètres dans le
cadre de l'installation d'un gazoduc près de Nimègue NL. Au cours du test sur le terrain, un volume de 1.000 m3 de
gravier a été stabilisée en utilisant la technique Biogrout après quoi un FHD a été effectuée avec succès.

Corresponding Author.
86 W.R.L. van der Star et al. / Stabilization of Gravel Deposits Using Microorganisms

Keywords: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD), Biogrout process, in situ cementation, biological methods, gravel

1 INTRODUCTION jected in the soil after introduction of a suspen-

sion of the naturally occurring soil bacterium
Horizontal Directional Drilling is a method for Sporosarcina pasteurii [2,3]. This bacterium is
trenchless and steerable installation of under- capable of hydrolysis of urea into carbonate
ground pipelines. It enables passage with mini- (CO32-) and ammonium:
mal disturbance of the surrounding areas and/or
where application of continuous trenches is im- CO(NH2)2 + 2H2O › CO32- + 2NH4+
possible or unpractical (Harke Willoughby,
2005). Since the seventies this techniques has The produced carbonate precipitates with the
been used to install pipelines and cables under calcium ions to form calcium carbonate
rivers, canals and major roads. It is applied both
in rocks and in soils composed of porous mate- Ca2+ + CO32- œ CaCO3(s)
rial. When applied in the latter, the stability of
the bore hole after drilling is maintained by a This precipitation leads to an increase in com-
viscous and high density drilling fluid (i.e. con- pressive strength, stiffness and tensile strength.
taining bentonite or xanthane) which aids in sta- The method has been scaled up from 1 L scale in
bilization of the bore hole during the initial 2004 to 100 m3 scale in 2008 [4]. In sandy soils,
smaller (pilot) drilling and the reaming phase of prevention of internal erosion is one of the envi-
the hole to the final diameter, enabling product sioned applications [5,6].
pipeline passage. The method however is notori-
ously problematic when drilling in gravel, since
coarse gravel tends to collapse, causing the drill
pipe to get stuck or the failure of installation of
the product pipeline due to exceeding pull forces.

In this paper we describe the adjustment of bio-

logical sand-strengthening method –the Biogrout
process– as an alternative procedure for the
achievement of bore hole stability in gravel. Af-
ter evaluation of proof of principal, the method
was optimized for application of the crossing of Figure 1 Cementation of 100 m3 sand with the Biogrout
gravel deposits near a river in the Netherlands. process [4].
The procedure was applied in practice prior to
the crossing of two 48 inch steel gas pipelines
with a length of 600 and 900 meter under the 3 BIOGROUT FOR GRAVEL: PROOF OF
river Waal in Summer 2010. PRINCIPLE

2 THE BIOGROUT PROCESS FOR SAND 3.1 Laboratory tests

It was not immediately evident whether the Bio-
The Biogrout process has been developed as a grout process could be adapted for application in
method to strengthen sand through in situ pre- gravel as well. With much less contact points be-
cipitation of calcium carbonate. In the form most tween the individual grains than sand, it was un-
employed, a calcium chloride/urea mixture is in-
W.R.L. van der Star et al. / Stabilization of Gravel Deposits Using Microorganisms 87

clear to what extent calcite precipitation would uniform medium-grained gravel (D50=10 mm,
aid the strength. A preliminary laboratory pro- originating from the Moese river near Maastricht
gram was therefore executed in which 18 kg of (NL)) and the second one containing the same
gravel was treated with the Biogrout process in gravel, mixed with coarse gravel (D50=40 mm).
wooden boxes. After placement of one pore vol- as well as with cobble stones up to 300 mm. The
ume bacteria and subsequent fixation with tests were performed in Papendrecht (NL) using
50 mM calcium chloride, five respectively nine the same on site produced bacteria and cementa-
treatments with 1 mol/L urea/calcium chloride tion solutions as in the 100 m3 sand cementation
solution (the cementation solution) were applied tests performed on the same site [4].
to induce calcium carbonate precipitation. In the
test with nine flushes of the cementation solu-
tion, a second batch of bacterial suspension was
added after the first five treatments with
urea/calcium chloride mixture. In addition, the
test with five treatments of cementation fluid was
also performed in a system where the gravel was
mixed with 1.5 kg coarse sand. After treatment,
the boxes were opened on one side and visually
inspected (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Gravel after application of the Biogrout process for

five (left and middle) and nine (right) flushes. The box in the Figure 3 Drilling tests in a 3 m3 cemented gravel container.
middle also contained 7% sand.
Finally, the containers were put in front of a 100
Calcium carbonate precipitation was visible as ton drilling rig, which drilled through the entire
a white precipitate on the gravel. It was more containers using a 97/8” tri-cone rollerbit. This
abundant on top of the gravel particles than be- resulted in a stable bore hole inside both contain-
low it, indicating that reaction had taken place ers (Figure 3).
mainly within the pore space and the formed cal-
cium carbonate had sedimented by gravity on the
gravel particles. The cemented gravel was strong 4 FIELD APPLICATION
enough to keep its form for several months after
draining of the water and removal of one side (as The tests performed at 3 m3 constituted suffi-
is shown in Figure 2). The absence of a flat top cient proof of principle for the application of the
surface and the strong cementation in the bottom Biogrout process in gravel to proceed with the
rendered the parts however unsuitable for uncon- design and application in the field.
fined compressive strength (UCS) tests.
4.1 Optimization tests
3.2 “Container test”
The number of flushes used for the cementa-
The procedure was subsequently tested on tion is directly correlated to the amount of cal-
3 m3 scale. In this test, two containers were filled cium carbonate precipitation, and therefore to the
with gravel. The first container was filled with a
88 W.R.L. van der Star et al. / Stabilization of Gravel Deposits Using Microorganisms

increase in strength and stiffness. Operationally

it is however also correlated to mobilization time
as well as materials and operational cost. Fur-
thermore, a too much cemented system will lead
to extra power required during drilling, which is
not desirable. It is therefore important to find the
minimum amount of cementation that will lead
to a stable borehole. To that effect tests were per-
formed in boxes with circa 8 kg gravel treated
with only one or two flushes cementation solu-
4 flush
tion at concentrations of 0.7 and 1 mol/L. Also in 30

these tests cementation could be observed. 25

Shear stress [kPa]

3 flush

20 2 flush
1 flush


0 5 10 15 20 25
Displacement [mm]

Figure 5 Shear-box tests of Biogrouted gravel (top) treated

with various amounts of cementation solution resulted in in-
creased maximum shear stress (bottom).
Figure 4 Gravel treated with one or two flushes of
urea/calcium chloride in optimization tests.
4.3 Mathematical modelling
4.2 Shear box tests Another optimization method was the design of
In order to assess whether a physical effect of the liquid injection and extraction system. The
a low number of flushes with cementation solu- form of the treated area could not be estimated
tion was quantifiable, test boxes of 7 kg were straightforwardly using Darcy’s law analytically
produced (similar to those described in 4.1) with because of the threedimensional grid of injection
1, 2, 3 or 4 flushes. After cutting (only the and extraction wells and the potential of gravity
wooden box, Figure 5, top), a shear test was per- driven flow due to the higher density of the in-
formed at a displacement rate of 1 mm/min. The jected solution (circa 1050 kg/m3) compared to
resulting shear stresses were higher with increas- the surrounding groundwater. Mathematical
ing number of flushes, although the residual modeling was used to evaluate how different in-
shear stress seemed to be similar. None-treated jection/extraction strategies and geometries con-
gravel resulted in a lower maximum shear stress tributed to the shape of the area where cementa-
showing the effect of the process (details in [7]). tion took place (Figure 6).
W.R.L. van der Star et al. / Stabilization of Gravel Deposits Using Microorganisms 89

4.5 Biogrout procedure and HDD

At two different locations along the river Waal, a
volume of circa 1000 m3 was treated with the
Biogrout process. In these areas, a single flush of
bacteria solution was followed by a single flush
6h 12
A h of cementation solution. The bacteria suspension
(Sporosarcina pasteurii DSM33) was obtained
from a commercial supplier, as were brines of
urea and calcium chloride, which were diluted
and mixed on site using a concrete mixer. Injec-
tion took place in several injection wells, in-
16 h 24 h stalled directly above the projected pathway of
the pipeline (Figure 8). Extraction wells were
Figure 6 2D model of the treated area during 24 hours. Injec- placed lower and to the sides. The extraction
tion took place at the top and the extraction was performed wells were placed for two reasons:
using the extraction wells placed below the injection wells to x to direct the flow most efficiently –and
both sides.
thus economically– to the location
where the Biogrout process should take
4.4 Site description of field application
place, and
The HDDs at which the Biogrout process was x to remove the residual product of the
applied were part of the construction of a 48” process: ammonium chloride.
steel gas pipeline in the east of the Netherlands The removal of the residual product was
from Groningen to Maastricht (north-south achieved by extracting 3 days longer than the
route). The gas pipeline is part of a program of time needed for the injection of the cementation
Gasunie which will improve the capability of the solution and by extraction at higher flow rates.
Dutch transmission network to increase gas ex- The extracted water was sent directly to the local
port at several border crossings. At Beunin- wastewater treatment plant, which was able to
gen/Slijk Ewijk (near Nijmegen), the river Waal take the water in its normal operation without
is crossed by means of HDD and when descend- further treatment or buffering. The total time in-
ing during that crossing, several gravel lenses or volved in stabilizing the gravel layers at one site
layers needed to be crossed. At this area these took about 7 days.
gravel layers were improved with the Biogrout
process after which the HDD was executed.

Figure 8 Application of the Biogrout process prior to the

HDD: A) the field with injection (middle) and extraction
wells; B) mobilization of tanks for calcium chloride, urea and
mixing equipment; C) monitoring of the effluent prior to
Figure 7 Location of the Biogrouted areas (continuous lines) sending to the wastewater treatment; D) An injec-
to enable passing of the river Waal (dashed line). tion/monitoring well.
90 W.R.L. van der Star et al. / Stabilization of Gravel Deposits Using Microorganisms

During drilling and reaming of both HDDs the 5 CONCLUSIONS

gravel turned out to be stable and the installation
of the two 48-inch gas pipelines using a 450 ton With the successful application of the Biogrout
drilling rig were both successful with no prob- process to achieve bore hole stability in gravel,
lems encountered in the gravel areas (Figure 9). the biocementation process has for the first time
been applied in practice. The application is a
suitable risk-reducing measure when drilling flu-
ids are not expected to be able to stabilize the
bore hole due to high permeability/no filter cak-
ing. Operational and regulatory requirements
could be met by extracting the injected liquids
followed by treatment. The Biogrout applications
have contributed to a controlled crossing of the
river Waal of the North South Route gas line.


The authors wish to thank M. Harkes, M. Blauw,

M. Woning (Deltares), Arno Mulder and Werner
van Hemert (Delft University of Technology) for
their involvement during the laboratory and re-
search stage of the program; as well as all per-
sonnel of VSF/VSH which assisted during per-
formance of the Biogrout process on full scale.


[1] D. Harke Willoughby. 2005. Horizontal Directional

Drilling. McGraw-Hill, New York (U.S.).
[2] V.S. Whiffin, L.A. van Paassen and M.P. Harkes. 2007.
Microbial Carbonate Precipitation as a Soil
Improvement Technique. Geomicrobiol J 24(5): 417-
[3] J.T. de Jong, M.B. Fritzges and K. Nusslein. 2006. Mi-
crobially Induced Cementation to Control Sand Re-
sponse to Undrained Shear. J Geotech Geoenv Eng.
132(11): 1381-1392.
[4] L.A. van Paassen, R. Ghose, T.J.M. van der Linden,
W.R.L. van der Star and M.C.M. van Loosdrecht
MCM. 2010. Quantifying Biomediated Ground Im-
provement by Ureolysis: Large-Scale Biogrout Experi-
ment. J Geotech Geoenv Eng. 136(12): 1721-1728
[5] M. Van, M. Blauw, N. Benhamed, P. Philippe. 2011.
Preventing Internal Erosion Phenomena by Means of
Figure 9 Installation of the 600 m 48-inch gas pipeline (bot- Biogrout. This conference.
tom), using a 60-inch flycutter and 48-inch barrel reamer [6] J.T. de Jong, B.M. Mortensen, B.C. Martinez and D.C.
(top) and a 450 tons drilling rig (middle). Nelson. 2010. "Bio-mediated soil improvement." Ecol
Eng 36(2): 197-210.
[7] L.A. van Paassen et al. 2011. Shearbox tests on biologi-
cally cemented gravel. Manuscript in preparation.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 91
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Effectiveness of CPT-Based classification methods

for identification of subsoil stratigraphy
Efficacité des méthodes de classification basées sur le CPT pour
l’identification de la stratigraphie des sols
M. T. Tumay
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA
and Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey
Y. H. Karasulu
Construction Science & Mgmt. Program, University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
Z. Młynarek1, J. Wierzbicki
Department of Geotechnics, University of Life Sciences, Poznan, Poland

The paper presents an analysis of effectiveness of the application of seven commonly used CPT-Based classification systems for
the assessment of subsoil stratigraphy and lithology. The analysis was conducted with the following classification systems: Be-
gemann 1965, Douglas/Olsen 1981, modified Schmertmann 1985, Robertson et al. 1986, Robertson 1990, Eslami/Fellenius
1997, and, Zhang/Tumay 1999. The analysis was performed for subsoil composed of slightly and strongly overconsolidated mo-
raine tills and glacifluvial sands and gravels. In the investigated area a total of nine piezocone penetration tests, PCPT (or CPTU)
tests were conducted and samples were collected for laboratory analyses. The reference point for soil behavior type classification
systems was provided by the results of grain size distribution of the soil. The basic element in the analysis was to determine the
effect of the type of the applied soil behavior type classification system on the construction of the subsoil stiffness model. Three
systems were selected as best performing for the purpose of this analysis: Douglas/Olsen 1981, Robertson et al.1986, and
Zhang/Tumay 1999. The construction of subsoil stiffness models was based on the statistical Inverse Distance Weighted method
(IDW) by Młynarek, et al., 2007.

La communication présente une analyse de l’efficacité de l’application de sept systèmes de classification basés sur l’essai CPT
communément utilisés pour l’évaluation de la stratigraphie et de la lithologie des sols. L’analyse a été réalisée sur la base des
systèmes de classification suivants : Begemann 1965, Douglas/olsen 1981, Schmertmann modifié 1985, Robertson et al. 1986,
Robertson 1990, Eslami/Fellenius 1997 and Zhang/Tumay 1999. L’analyse a été faite pour des sols composés d’argiles
morainiques à blocs, légèrement et fortement surconsolidées et de sables et de graviers glaciofluviatiles. Dans la zone étudiée, un
total de neuf essais de pénétration au piezocône, PCPT (ou CPTU) ont été réalisés et des échantillons ont été récupérés pour des
analyses de laboratoire. Le point de référence pour évaluer les systèmes de classification des sols a été fourni par les résultats de
l’analyse granulométrique réalisée pour les différents sols. L’élément de base dans l’analyse réalisée a été de déterminer l’effet
du type de système de classification utilisé sur la construction du modèle de raideur du sol. Trois systèmes ont été sélectionnés
comme étant les plus performants pour ce type d’analyse : Douglas/Olsen 1981, Robertson et al. 1986 and Zhang/Tumay 1999.
La construction des modèles de raideur des sols s’est appuyée sur la méthode statistique de l’ « Inverse Distance Weighted »
(IDW) de Mlynarek et al., 2007.

Keywords: cone penetration test, CPT, PCPT, CPTU, soil behavior, soil classsification, soil stiffness, probability

Corresponding Author.
92 M.T. Tumay et al. / Effectiveness of CPT-Based Classification Methods

1 INTRODUCTION x Systems developed by Robertson et al. [5],

Robertson [6], Jefferies and Davis [7], Eslami
The piezocone penetration test, PCPT [1,2] (or and Fellenius [8] and Lunne et al. [9], use cor-
CPTU [3]), simultaneously measuring cone tip rected tip resistance, qt.
resistance, qc, frictional component of penetra- x The systems developed by Begeman [10],
tion resistance, fs, and generated pore pressures, Schmertmann [11], Douglas and Olsen [12],
u, is at present a common approach applied in the Zhang and Tumay [13,14], use directly meas-
assessment of stratigraphy, lithology, behavior ured tip resistance, qc.
and geotechnical parameters of soil substrata. x Douglas and Olsen, Robertson et al., Jeffries
The pore pressures generated during penetration and Davis, Robertson, Eslami and Fellenius,
are measured, depending on the location of the Lunne et al. give consideration to soil compo-
pressure transducer, at the cone face, u1, behind sition, increasing fines content, changes in the
the cone base, u2, or behind the friction sleeve, void ratio, OCR, sensitivity, plasticity, stiff-
u3. Due to the geometric design of the piezocone, ness and ageing.
pore water pressures generated behind the cone x Begemann and Schmertmann classifications
base (u2) may influence the total stress measured consider granulometric composition of soil,
by the cone tip. Therefore, the measured cone tip and composition and stiffness, respectively.
resistance (qc) may have to be corrected for cer- x Zhang and Tumay probabilistic methodology
tain cone configurations to account for the effect addresses the uncertainty of correlation be-
of this pore water pressure developing behind the tween the soil composition and soil mechani-
cone tip. Theoretically, the corrected cone tip re- cal behavior, and the fuzzy approach is fun-
sistance (qt) is given by qt = qc + u2 (1-a), where damentally different in releasing the constraint
“a” is the effective area ratio of the cone, An = of soil composition, and instead is based on
cross-sectional area of the load cell, and Ac = the certainty of soil behavior.
projected area of the cone. This may necessitate
calibration of the piezocone in a pressure cham- When using CPT-based classification charts
ber to account for the actual “effective area ratio” we also have to bear in mind other important li-
of the cone used. Theoretical studies also indi- mitations which are frequently overlooked. All
cate the region “behind the cone base” is unsta- classification systems, as mentioned above, are
ble and may lead to u2 anomalies in some sub- developed based on measured and transformed
strata rendering erroneous soil classifications CPT or PCPT parameters. Studies conducted at
[4].The fact that CPT-based classification sys- the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute and the
tems have been widely investigated and around a Department of Geotechnics of the Poznan Uni-
dozen such systems proposed is a testament of versity of Life Sciences [15] showed that pene-
their paramount role and advantages in geotech- trometers of leading cone manufacturers exhibit
nics. It is important to be familiar with specific different levels of accuracy for measured values
characteristics of the classification systems in or- of cone resistance, sleeve friction and pore pres-
der to recognize their effectiveness and limita- sure measurement. Figure 1 depicts a “differ-
tions, including: ence” trend for corrected cone resistance, qt, for
nine different penetrometers tested. In Figure 2,
x Development of CPT-based classification sys- Młynarek [16] shows differences in the evalua-
tems rely on the results of laboratory analyses tion of undrained shear strength obtained using
conducted on randomly selected soil samples three different penetrometers, that reveals dif-
along penetration path. The proper application ferences by 50%. The quality of penetrometers is
of the system makes it possible to obtain a connected with penetrometer classes in accor-
continuous picture of subsoil structure, taking dance with the TC-16 directive. Figure 3 shows
into consideration its stratigraphy, lithology [17] accuracy for three classes of penetrometers
and engineering behavior; using Robertson 1990 classification. Anomalies
M.T. Tumay et al. / Effectiveness of CPT-Based Classification Methods 93

in “correction” of cone penetrometer parameters consistency of the evaluation of changes in geo-

and/or penetrometer accuracy/quality and cali- technical parameters of soil, which were deter-
bration may significantly change the effective- mined from characteristics of penetration with
ness of the soil classification system. changes in the liquidity index of cohesive soil
and relative density of non-cohesive soil, since
these parameters are strongly connected with
mechanical parameters (i.e behavior) of soil. The
parameter which describes rigidity of both cohe-
sive and non-cohesive soils is a particularly con-
venient parameter for the evaluation of effective-
ness of a given system. Two particularly popular
classification systems used for soils in Poland,
i.e. by Robertson et al. [5] and Douglas and Ol-
sen [12] were selected for the analysis of effec-
tiveness. Due to the fact that the probabilistic and
fuzzy system developed by Zhang and Tumay
[13] lends itself to incorporation of changes in
Figure 1. Calculated trend with offset for cone resistance qt grain size distribution and behavior, this model
for different penetrometers with ± accuracy range for class I was also included in this analysis.
penetrometer (50kPa) (after 15]).

Figure 2. Prediction of undrained shear strength su of Onsöy

clay by different penetrometers (after [16]).

CPT-based classification methods can supply

an extensive body of essential information on
subsoil. It is an open problem how the system Figure 3. CPT accuracy areas for peat and soft clay (after
would respond if interbeddings of soils with dif- [17]).
ferent grain size distributions are found in a ge-
netically homogeneous soil layer. Such a situa-
tion is typical of subsoils found in Poland. By 2 GEOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF
effectiveness of a classification system we un- THE STUDY AREA
derstand the degree of consistency of an evalua-
tion of subsoil stratigraphy and lithology, deter- The test site is located in the middle west of Po-
mined on the basis correlations with reliable data land, within the area of the post glacial moraine
coming from laboratory analyses. Effectiveness plain, formed by the Pleistocene Scandinavian
of a system may also be investigated through the glaciers. The upper part of the Pleistocene pro-
94 M.T. Tumay et al. / Effectiveness of CPT-Based Classification Methods

file, to the depth of 20-30 m, consists of glacial

tills interbedded with glacifluvial sands and gra-
vels (Figure 4). The lower tills, which are the
clay–sand mixtures of low plasticity, are inter-
bedded with some gravel and sandy-silty layers.
These tills are strongly overconsolidated (OCR 5
to 10 at a depth of 15 m) and stiff. They are
overbedded by glacifluvial sands and gravels,
with a thickness of at least 5 to 10 m. The glacif-
luvial deposits are dense to very dense due to the
overloading of the last glacier. The youngest gla-
ciations yielded a layer of upper glacial till, with Figure 4. The PCPT results at the background of geological
grain size distribution similar to the lower one, cross-section of the test site.
but with a higher content of sand admixtures.
The sand content very often situated this soil at
the area of very low plasticity soils. The upper
tills can be generally divided into the stiff, lower
part, and the soft, upper part. The deposits of the
lower part of the upper till profile are overcon-
solidated (as “lodgment” type tills), but their up-
per part are characterized by relatively high po-
rosity and compressibility (as “melt out” type
tills). Figure 4 presents a typical PCPT/CPTU
profile in view of the lithological profile. Soil
classification in accordance with computer-aided
Standardized KT Color System [17] is depicted
in Figure 5. Table 1 summarizes the results of
grain size distribution and the determinations of
the liquidity index and the density index, which
were used in the evaluation of effectiveness for
PCPT/CPTU classification systems.

Table 1. The basic soil properties derived on the basis of la-

boratory tests for the testing point CPTU-3.
Depth Sand Silt con- Clay DR/LI
contents tents contents
1,8 80,0 10,0 10,0 0,23
3,0 79,0 9,0 12,0 0,07
4,3 72,0 13,0 15,0 0,25
5,8 71,0 15,0 14,0 0,35
7,8 97,1 3,0 0,0 >90%
10,2 99,6 0,4 0,0 60%
11,0 99,5 0,6 0,0 60%
13,0 99,0 1,0 0,0 60%
14,0 98,8 1,2 0,0 45%
16,0 63,0 27,0 10,0 <0,00
18,0 66,0 22,0 12,0 <0,00
Figure 5. The soil classifications according the Standardized
KT Color System [18] at CPTU-3.
M.T. Tumay et al. / Effectiveness of CPT-Based Classification Methods 95

3 FOUNDATIONS FOR THE and: a1= -11.345, a2= -3.795, b1= 15.202, b2=
INTERPRETATION OF SOIL BEHAVIOR 5.085, c1= -0.269, c2= -0.759, d1= -2.960, d2=
In this system a probabilistic correlation was
In the development of CPT-based classification established between the U index and the compo-
systems directly measured and/or “corrected” pa- sitional soil type given by the Unified Soil Clas-
rameters are utilized, i.e. qc versus qt, fs and u. sification System (USCS). The CPT-based fuzzy
Significant progress in the identification of soil soil classification methodology, which also uses
behavior type using a PCPT classification system in situ state index, V, is fundamentally different
was obtained by introducing a standardization of in realizing the constraint of soil composition,
cone resistance by vertical effective stress and and instead is based on the certainty of soil be-
the effect connected with the excess pore pres- havior (i.e., cone tip resistance and local fric-
sure in cohesive soils. These effects are included tion).
in the following formulas:

qt  V v 0 (1)
V 'v 0
u 2  u0 (2) LITHOLOGY
qt  V v 0
The potential of individual classification charts
where: qt – corrected cone resistance, Vv0 & V’v0 based on PCPT data for the identification of soils
– total & effective overburden stress, u2 – pore found in the subsoil may be verified as a 1-D or
pressure measured behind the cone, u0 - hydro- 2-D problem [16]. In case of a 1-D model this
static pressure. identification is conducted along the PCPT per-
A different probabilistic to fuzzy approach is formed, while in the 2-D or 3-D models it is
presented by the system proposed by Zhang and through the construction of the so-called geo-
Tumay [13]. In this method conformal mapping technical section. The analysis of the evaluation
was performed on the Douglas and Olsen [12] of soil type was limited to the 1-D model, while
chart to transfer the chart axis from the CPT data the analysis of subsoil rigidity was based on the
(qc and Rf) to the soil classification index U and 2-D model. Figure 5 presents the evaluation of
the in situ state index, V. the structure of subsoil using different systems.
A very good conformity with the results of grain
a1 x  a2 y  b1 c1 x  c2 y  d1 size distribution in the soil was obtained when
c1 x  c2 y  d1 2  c2 x  c1 y  d 2 2 using classification charts by Zhang and Tumay,
as well as those by Douglas and Olsen. It was

a2 x  a1 y  b2 c2 x  c1 y  d 2 (3) particularly evident in the surface zone, where
c1 x  c2 y  d1 2  c2 x  c1 y  d 2 2 clays are strongly interbedded with sands and
silts. The Robertson et al. 1986 system, com-
monly used in Poland, isolates at that depth a
where: layer of homogeneous clays. This fact is clearly
documented in Figure 5. In turn, the potential to
x 0.1539R f  0.8870 log qc  3.35 (4) expose the effect of interbedding in the subsoil
structure was revealed in the recent system pro-
0.2957R f  0.4617 log qc  0.37 (5) posed by Robertson [14], which applies soil be-
havior index Ic.
96 M.T. Tumay et al. / Effectiveness of CPT-Based Classification Methods

The comparison of individual systems sug- of values defined by coordinates xi,yi,z0. Each of
gests one important observation. Figure 5 shows these values affects the interpolated value of v0
that in regions of the analyzed with simple sub- with the weight, wi , which is inversely propor-
soil structure, i.e glacifluvial sand zone and the tional to the distance between these points. The
lower clay layer, less advanced systems such as formula used in Inverse Distance Weighted,
those proposed by Begemann or Schmertmann, IDW, method takes the form:
provide a very good identification of subsoil stra-
tigraphy and lithology, while some recent ad- N ( v0 )

vanced methodologies miss the mark. ¦wv

i 1
i i
v0 N ( v0 )

i 1


BASED ON SELECTED CPTU where ~N(v0)~denotes the number of included
CLASSIFICATION SYSTEMS observations from the neighbourhood of v0, and
weight wi takes the form:
Constrained modulus M was used in the descrip-
tion of subsoil rigidity. Numerical values of this 1
modulus were established for cohesive soils by wi (5)
Kulhawy and Mayne [20]. d i  s

M D qt  V v 0 (6) where the value of di denotes the Euclidean dis-

tance between points (x0,y0,z0) and (xi,yi,z0).
For glacial tills D was assumed to be 8.25,
Values of modulus M were determined for all
while for silts at 6.0. Values of the modulus for
layers, which were isolated by a given classifica-
sands were determined by Lunne et al. [9].
tion system. Figure 6 presents a model of subsoil
Changes in modulus M in subsoil are strongly re-
rigidity, in which two most commonly applied
lated not only with the type of soil, but also with
classification systems, i.e. proposed by Douglas
stress level in the subsoil and its liquidity index
and Olsen as well as Robertson et al., were used
or relative density index. This element facilitates
together with the probabilistic system by Zhang
the evaluation of effectiveness of these systems
and Tumay. Figure 6 makes it possible to formu-
thanks to the evaluation of consistency of
late several interesting and important conclu-
changes in the modulus in the subsoil with
sions, which at the same time will justify the aim
changes in the liquidity index or relative density
of this paper. These conclusions are as follows:
index, which had been determined in laboratory
analyses. Modulus of subsoil rigidity was veri-
fied for the cross-section, which contains CPTU x In homogeneous subsoil zones, which are
nos. 3, 5 and 9. This profile is highly convenient composed of fluviglacial sands and glacial
for analysis, since changes in the values of this tills, the models are almost identical. Models
modulus are connected with the zone structure of of this zone respond in an identical manner to
the subsoil, composed of an interbedded glacial a change in the state of consolidation of sands
till in the surface zone, a homogeneous zone of and the degree of plasticity of clays.
glacifluvial sandy deposits and a homogeneous x In the upper subsoil zone, which is composed
zone of glacial till lying on the profile floor. of glacial tills interbedded with sands, locally
In the construction of the 3-D model the IDW strengthening rigidity of this layer, the model
method was applied [16, 21, 22]. For this method by Zhang and Tumay reflects the above men-
the interpolation value M in a given point with tioned strengthening of this zone. Strength-
coordinates (x0,y0,z0) is established on the basis ened zones are very well identified by the
course of isolines of constant values of M.
M.T. Tumay et al. / Effectiveness of CPT-Based Classification Methods 97

x The model of rigidity based on the system

proposed by Robertson yields a more conser-
vative evaluation of rigidity in the upper sub-
soil zone. It is classified as a zone of smaller
rigidity. The system by Robertson et al. to a
certain degree averages subsoil rigidity in this

Figure 7. Differences between the M modulus profiles, calcu-

lated on the basis of PCPT at the testing point CPTU-3.


Conducted analyses showed that soil behavior

type classification systems from CPTU data are a
convenient method to evaluate stratigraphy of
subsoil with a complex geological structure.
However, the effectiveness of structure evalua-
tion, and first of all in the next stage - geotechni-
Figure 6. The models of subsoil stiffness calculated on the cal parameters, depends definitely on the adopted
basis of PCPT results, using different classification systems. system. If subsoil structure is simple, then the
conducted analyses confirmed that the selection
of a system for the evaluation of stratigraphy and
lithology of subsoil plays a lesser role. In the
These differences are clearly evident in the case when even genetically homogeneous layers
profile of changes in modulus M established at are found in a subsoil, but are interbedded with
the site of CPTU no. 3. Differences in the soils of varying grain size distributions, then
evaluation of rigidity in this zone are as high as each of the systems responds differently to the
50% (Figure 7). identification of these interbeddings. This differ-
The model of rigidity by Zhang and Tumay in ent reaction of the system results in the evalua-
the upper clay zone very clearly reflects also lo- tion of geotechnical parameters of soils in the
cal changes in the state of consistency in clays, subsoil. The analyzed example of a model of
which were highly consistent with excess pore subsoil rigidity showed that the probabilistic sys-
pressure u2 recorded in this zone. tem by Zhang and Tumay best reflects variation
in rigidity, connected with changes in grain size
distribution and the state of soil, well identifies
98 M.T. Tumay et al. / Effectiveness of CPT-Based Classification Methods

the strengthening and weakening zones. This Engineering, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Vol I,
element is particularly important when a designer
[11] J.H. Schmertmann, Guidelines for Cone Penetration
of an object has to analyze in detail the coopera- Test, Performance and Design, Report No. FHWA-
tion of this object with subsoil, taking into con- TS-78-209, U.S. Department of Transportation,
sideration the non-uniformity of settlement for Washington, D.C., (1978), pp. 145.
[12] J. B. Douglas, R. S. Olsen, Soil Classification using
individual foundations. Electric Cone Penetrometer, Symposium on Cone Pene-
tration Testing and Experience, Geotechnical Engineer-
ing Division, ASCE, St. Louis, MO, USA, (1981), 209-
[13] Z. Zhang, M.T. Tumay, Statistical to Fuzzy Approach
toward CPT Soil Classification, ASCE Journal of Geo-
The authors would like to thank HEBO Pozna technical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol.
Ltd. for conducting static probing tests in the 125, No. 3 (1999), 179-186.
analyzed area and making their results available. [14] Z. Zhang, and M. T Tumay, Simplification of soil
classification charts derived from the cone penetration
test," ASTM Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ,
Vol. 19, No.2, (1996), 203-216
REFERENCES [15] T. Lunne, P. Gauer, Z. Młynarek, W. Wołyski, M.
Kroll, Quality of CPTU, Part 2 Statistical evaluation of
differences between the CPTU parameters obtained
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investigation with piezocone penetrometer,” Sympo- technical Institute Report, 2003.
sium on Cone Penetration Testing and Experience, [16] Z. Młynarek, Site investigation and mapping in urban
Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, St. Louis area, Geotechnical Engineering in Urban Enviorn-
MO, USA, (1981), 325-342. ments, V. Cuellar et. al (Eds.) Vol. 1. Millpress Rotter-
[2] H.M. Zuidberg, L.H.J. Schaap, and F.L Beringen , A dam (2007), 175-202.
penetrometer for simultaneously measuring of cone re- [17] M.Th. van Staveren, J.K. Deen, The need for cone pe-
sistance, sleeve friction and dynamic pore pressure,” netration test accuracy classes, Geotechniek, 7(2),
Procedings of the Second European Symposium on Pe- (1998), 12-19.
netration Testing, Vol. 2, Amsterdam, (1982), 963-970. [18] Y.H. Karasulu and M. T. Tumay, Practical visual pres-
[3] R. G. Campanella, and P. K. Robertson, Current status entation approach for CPT-based soil characterization
of the piezocone test, Proceedings Penetration Testing and modeling, Proceedings, of the ASCE Geo-Frontiers
1988, ISOPT-1, Orlando), Vol. 1, Balkema, Rotterdam, Conference: Advances in Geotechnical Engineering,
(1988), 93–116. ASCE Special Publication No. 211, Dallas, TX, (2011),
[4] P.D. Kiousis, G.Z. Voyiadjis, M.T. Tumay, A large pp. 2387-2396.
strain theory and its application in the analysis of the [19 ] P.K. Robertson, Interpretation of cone penetration tests
cone penetration mechanism,” International Journal for – a unified approach, Canadian Geotechnical Journal,
Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 46, (2009), 1337-1355.
Vol. 12, No, 1, (1988), 45-60. [20 ] F.H. Kulhawy, P.W. Mayne, Manual on Estimating Soil
[5] P.K. Robertson, R.G. Campanella, D. Gillespie, J. Properties for Foundation Design, Report No. EL –
Grieg, Use of piezometer cone data, Proc. ASCE Spe- 6800, Electric Power Reseaech Institute (1990
cialty Conference In Situ’86: Use of In Situ Tests in [21] Z. Młynarek, Subsoil contribution to construction fail-
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netration Test, Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 27(1) to 3D subsoil model based on CPTU results, Geotech-
(1990), 151-158 nical Engineering in Urban Enviornment,. V. Cuellar
[7] M.G. Jefferies, M.O. Davies, Soil Classification by the et. al (Eds.) Vol. 3. Millpress Rotterdam (2007), 1721-
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[9] T. Lunne, P. K. Robertson, J. Powell, Cone penetration
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tional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 99
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Problems caused by the presence of hard concre-

tions and lithified beds in the subsoil on the realisa-
tion of geotechnical investigations and infrastruc-
ture projects
Problèmes causés par la présence de concrétions dures et
d’horizons lithifiés dans le sol lors de l’exécution de projets
G. van Alboom 1 , I. Vergauwen,
Geotechnics Division, Flemish Government, Belgium
J. Maertens,
Jan Maertens bvba and Catholic University of Leuven (KUL), Belgium
W. Maekelberg,
Geotechnical design engineer, TUC RAIL n.v., Belgium

The presence of hard concretions and lithified beds in the subsoil can cause serious problems during the realisation of infra-
structure projects. As these concretions do most often not occur as continuous layers, they also are a real challenge for geotech-
nical investigations. This paper gives an overview of geological features and general characteristics of typical hard soil concre-
tions in Flanders. Special attentions is paid to the important interaction between geology and geotechnics. Some typical
examples are given of successful and unsuccessful geotechnical investigation programs and their effects on the realisation of in-
frastructure projects.

La présence de concrétions dures et d’horizons lithifiés dans le sol peut causer de graves problèmes lors de l’exécution de
projets d’infrastructure. Puisque dans la plus part des cas ces concrétions ne se présentent pas comme des couches continues el-
les constituent un défi réel pour les investigations géotechniques.
Cet article donne un aperçu général des caractéristiques géologiques et mécaniques de quelques concrétions typiques pour le
sous-sol Flamand. Un intérêt spécial a été dédié à l’interaction entre la géologie et la géotechnique. Quelques cas représentatifs
sont présentés de recherches géotechniques qui soit ont abouti à des résultats positifs, soit ont mené à un échec.

Keywords: hard concretions, boulders, geology, soil investigation, case studies

INTRODUCTION and gravel sediments with thicknesses up to hun-

dred of meters. The upper Quaternary formations
In Flanders outcrops of Primary bedrock are rare, have been influenced by the glacial periods, re-
and bedrock is covered by Tertiary clay, sand sulting in the formation of marine, coastal, river,

Corresponding Author.
100 G. van Alboom et al. / Problems Caused by the Presence of Hard Concretions and Lithified Beds

lake or wind deposits of sand, clay, peat and heterogeneous. In many cases only the better
loam (silt). A typical soil profile in the Antwerp quality, meaning the rocks used as building
harbour area eg. consists of soft clay and peat, stones, are well described and investigated. Poor
loose Quaternary sands, very dense Tertiary quality rocks have not been studied quite exten-
sands and stiff clay. sively.
Within Tertiary sediments hard concretions This table gives a broad overview of these
can occur as continuous/discontinuous layers or concretions, but is certainly not complete.
as boulders. Their presence in Flemish soils is
certainly not predominant, but can have a major
impact on geotechnical design.
Table 1

Some of these hard concretions (sandstones, In recently updated geological maps and booklets
limestones…) have over the past centuries been with explanatory text the presence of hard con-
quarried for the construction of historical build- cretions is clearly mentioned within the descrip-
ings (cathedrals, beltowers…). The demand for tion of geological units. This was not the case
authentic natural building stones is now growing with the older geological maps, where you had to
rapidly for renovation projects. have knowledge of the presence of hard concre-
Table 1 gives a summary of some typical con- tions to find evidence from specific borehole
cretions in Tertiary layers in Flanders and their logs.
features. The features and compressive strength The Belgian Geological Survey is now draw-
of the described concretions or rocks can be quite ing up a database on hard concretions in the Bel-
G. van Alboom et al. / Problems Caused by the Presence of Hard Concretions and Lithified Beds 101

gian subsoil, including a sheet with technical fea- x retraining walls (all types): eg inadequate
tures (compressive strength…) concrete cover on diaphragm walls [3],
Technical features are at this stage based on sheet piling not suitable due to inadequate
building stones documentation [1], and should be penetration or tearing of interlocks causing
completed with results from project site investi- water infiltration and ground loss
gations. x tunnel boring: increase of wear of tunnel-
ling equipment, lower production rates

HARD CONCRETIONS A CURSE ? Due to a limited geotechnical investigation

hard concretions can be a curse for a project..
The presence of hard concretions in the sub- A geotechnical investigation program with
soil can cause problems for the realisation of in- a special focus on hard concretions can limit
frastructure projects [2], because the contractor is these problems and even show opportunities
faced with: for quarrying building stones needed for resto-
x Lower production rates than expected ration works.
x Inadequate execution techniques that can
only be used if adapted, or should be disre-

This will definitely lead to discussions where In Flanders nearly all site investigations make
following questions need to be addressed: use of CPT, with depths ranging between 20m
x Could the presence, number and hardness of and 40m.
hard concretions be anticipated by the con- The presence of hard stones is marked by an
tractor, based on available information in abrupt increase of cone resistance in the CPT
specifications. diagram, sometimes up to refusal of the equip-
x Were the execution methods proposed by the ment. [4]
contractor fully adapted to the known soil Three situations can occur:
conditions xthe stone is pushed away, or CPT rods are de-
x Could lower production rates or need for flected at the contact point with the stone (
adapted execution techniques be anticipated fig 1 a and b): the CPT profile doesn’t give
x Who is financially responsible for extra costs evidence of the presence of these stones. In
the latter case the CPT might deviate sig-
The presence of hard concretions can have im- nificantly from the vertical
pact on xthe maximum thrust of the CPT is reached,
x groundworks for building excavations: when and further penetration is not possible with-
excavations have to be performed within a out use of special techniques (fig 1 c)
limited space the removal of hard concretions xthe CPT rods do not touch the stone at all, and
can be cumbersome because no heavy equip- there isn’t any evidence of the presence of
ment can be used stones in the CPT-profile. (fig 1d)
x groundwater lowering: the presence of hard
concretion layers can cause problems for in-
stallation of deep wells, and can also influ-
ence waterflow towards the excavation slopes,
requiring additional drains above these layers
x deep foundation techniques: problems
caused by fracture of precast piles, feasibil-
ity of auger piles depending on hardness and
size of concretions
102 G. van Alboom et al. / Problems Caused by the Presence of Hard Concretions and Lithified Beds

(a) (b)

Fig 3 mechanical CPT penetrating different sandstone


Anyhow when refusal is met one can recall to

different techniques to resume CPT. Depending
(c) (d) whether or not intact samples of the stones are
needed, destructive or non destructive methods
Fig 1 Hard concretions vs CPT can be used [4].

Destructive methods:
However a laboratory research at the Catholic
University of Leuven demonstrated that penetra- a) pneumatic hammering
tion of sandstone with a thickness up to 20cm In between thrust column and CPT rods a
might be possible with CPT cones [5]. Electrical framework with a pneumatic hammer is placed
cones being more fragile it is general practice in allowing a pulsating downward movement of the
Flanders to execute mechanical CPT if penetra- rods. By the pulsating force and a limited static
tion of sandstone layers is required. thrust the stone can be crushed. The use of this
technique is limited to rather thin stone layers.
Figure 2 shows a CPT diagrams where an b) Overburden drilling (ODEX)
electrical CPT had to be stopped due to the pres-
ence of a sandstone layer At refusal of the CPT, all rods are removed
and a drilling rig with ODEX-system takes over.
The boring tubes are lowered into the ground
by percussion, combined with an eccentric
movement of the tophammer. After perforation
of the hard concretions the casings and topham-
mer are withdrawn and CPT is resumed. Extra
casings are needed to avoid buckling of the CPT
Fig 2 electrical CPT stopped at hard concretion level rods.

Figure 3 shows a CPT diagram where a me-

chanical CPT could penetrate multiple sandstone Non destructive methods
layers of limited thickness.
a) After interruption of CPT a core drilling
is performed to sample the hard concre-
G. van Alboom et al. / Problems Caused by the Presence of Hard Concretions and Lithified Beds 103

tions; alternately CPT and core drilling

take over about every half a meter.
b) Geophysical methods could be used to
detect hard concretions as they are not
limited to point locations; There is how-
ever little positive experience with this


Sandstone concretions in Ruisbroek sands

Fig 4 Sandstones at diversion Brussel-Schelde canal
During construction of the tunnel under the
Rupel river and the canal Brussels-Schelde in Sandstone concretions in Brussels sands
Boom (1970-1980) the unexpected presence of
sandstone boulders caused serious problems. For the Diabolo project in Zaventem TUC
The tunnel was finished with a delay of 6 RAIL, aware of the impact of sandstone layers in
years at an extra cost of millions of euros. The in Brussels sands, had the intention to compile a
situ test program consisted of 32 CPT and 7 bor- complete soil investigation dossier. Main objec-
ings. Only 3 CPT had to be stopped prematurely, tive was to have a good estimate of the number,
at a level which later proved to correspond with extent and hardness of sandstone layers within
the presence of the sandstones. The geotechnical the excavation volume. Moreover the efficiency
report did not make any comment on this fact, as of executing strutted excavation trenches was
the old geological maps did not draw attention to monitored in a test pit.
the hard concretions (only mentioned in 2 bore- From the test pit (3m x 1,5m and 13m deep)
hole logs). detailed geological profiles ware drawn (see fig
Observations on the project site showed that 5), with focus on sandstone layers and concre-
the concretions consisted of calcareous sandstone tions. Excavation rates (m³/manhour) were also
with dimensions ranging from 1 to 2.5m. The monitored to have an idea of the efficiency of
concretions had a area coverage of about 7%. executing strutted excavation trenches within
This means that CPT, borings or any other part of the tunnelling project, and the amount of
method representative for discrete test locations stones within each excavation phase.
had only a probability of 1/14 to detect the con-
cretions (which corresponds with the 3/39 effec-
tiveness of executed CPT and borings on site).
During dredging activities for the diversion of
the canal Brussels-Schelde the presence of a
“hard layer” was met, which didn’t allow the fur-
ther use of conventional dredging techniques.
CPT and borings revealed the presence of the
calcareous sandstones mentioned above. Again
the presence of the hard concretion layer was not
Suction dredging techniques had to be com- Fig 5 – picture and geological profile of test pit section
bined with backhoe dredging, resulting in lower On about 20 sandstone samples uniaxial com-
production rates and higher cost. presssion tests, Brazilian tests and abrasive tests
were performed to estimate the impact on tunnel-
ling rates and wear of equipment. Tested samples
104 G. van Alboom et al. / Problems Caused by the Presence of Hard Concretions and Lithified Beds

had a heterogeneous structure with laminations, drilling projects. More often they result in sub-
cavities and porous zones. Compressive strength stantial delays and major extra costs.
varied between 30 and 145 MPa, tensile strength
between 3 and 9 MPa.. The question whether or not the presence of
From mineralogy tests heterogeneity was con- hard concretions was unforeseen is an issue for
firmed and stones could be classified as either fierce discussions.
calcareous sandstone or sandy limestone. “Unpredictability” is indeed debatable, and
The specifications on the tunnelling project does not exclusively relate to whether or not their
included general information on geology and presence was anticipated and mentioned in the
complete data on the test pit (geological profiles specifications. Adequacy of information on
and descriptions, test results, efficiency of exe- thickness of continuous layers, area density and
cuted strutted excavations). Moreover TUC dimensions of boulders, hardness of the hard
RAIL organised for all interested tenderers a concretions are quite often discussed, often re-
visit to the site, where samples of different exca- sulting in lawsuits
vated sandstones were exhibited.
Thanks to the extensive investigation and the The case of the tunnelling project in Zaventem
well documented specifications the tunnelling shows however that a well documented dossier
project could be realised without problems re- and geotechnical/geological investigation that is
lated to the presence of sandstones. shared with tenderers can reduce significantly
uncertainties with respect to the presence of hard
concretion and their features.

The presence of hard concretions in the sub- REFERENCES

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And even when detected they can not be pene- nieken. Workshop “Stenen in de grond: nut of
trated or sampled using routine techniques. probleem”, KVIV, Antwerp (15/09/94).
[3] Maekelberg W. et al ‘Observations of anomalies in dia-
Geophysical methods that can investigate lar- phragm walls for deep tunnel excavations’ ECSMGE,
ger areas do not give reliable results or are not Athens 2011
workable on a routine basis. [4] Van Alboom, G. ‘Problemen door versteningen bij geo-
technisch onderzoek. Workshop “Stenen in de grond:
nut of probleem”, KVIV, Antwerp 1994
Therefore a well detailed desk study for any [5] Maertens, J. et al ‘Penetrability of sandstones with a
infrastructure project is essential; recently up- CPT cone’ ICSMGE Hamburg 1997
dated geological and geotechnical maps give [6] Nulens, K. 1996. Aanwezigheid van stenen in de on-
evidence of possible hard concretion layers. dergrond. Onderkenning met behulp van diepsonderin-
gen. M.Sc.thesis. Department of Civil Engineering,
A database is being drawn by the Belgian K.U.Leuven, 107
Geological Survey focussing on features of
building stones, thus representing the better qual-
ity of hard concretions. The project however will
provide a continuous update and an effort should
be made to compile investigation results from in-
frastructure sites.
The presence of hard concretions in the sub-
soil can have a major impact on techniques used
for excavations, groundwater lowering, deep
foundation techniques, tunnel boring, directional
1.2. Laboratory Testing
Essais en laboratoire
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 107
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.




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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 115
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Dynamic Poisson ratio analysis

Analyse du coefficient de Poisson dynamique
M. F. Amaral 1, A. Viana da Fonseca & J. Carvalho
FEUP, University of Porto; Portugal
N. C. Consoli
UFRGS, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul; Brazil

The dynamic Poisson ratio is a complex calculation parameter mainly considering the standard existing equipment in some Geo-
technical laboratories. Nevertheless, this dynamic property can be easily calculated through a simple relationship – based on the
theory of elasticity – between the propagation velocities of two distinct elastic waves. Despite permitting an easy calculation of
the dynamic Poisson ratio, the signals arrival instant – in regard to the above referred waves – are not always identifiable on the
time domain basis of interpretation (Viana da Fonseca et al. [1]). For the analysis of the dynamic Poisson's ratio, three types of
elastic waves were taken into consideration. For soil-cement specimens – studied in this paper – were calculated the compression
wave velocity VP, Bar wave velocity VL and shear wave velocity VS. Properties like the dynamic confined modulus Mdin, dynam-
ic modulus of elasticity Edin and dynamic shear modulus Gdin were also intended. The cross comparison between the dynamic
Poisson ratios computed by different waves is used to ensure the chosen arrival instances based on time domain interpretation. In
this paper it is also preformed a dynamic Poisson ratio recalculation in order to evaluate the parameter sensitivity regarding the
equipment resolution concluding in the possibility   $@
$^din from the presented tests.

Le coefficient de Poisson dynamique est un paramètre de calculs complexes qu’envisage principalement l'équipement standard
en vigueur dans certains laboratoires géotechniques. Néanmoins, cette propriété peut être facilement calculée par une relation
simple - basée sur la théorie de l'élasticité - entre les vitesses de propagation de deux ondes élastiques distinctes. Malgré permet-
tant un calcul facile du coefficient de Poisson dynamique, l'instant d'arrivée des signaux - en ce qui concerne les vagues ci-
dessus visées - n'est pas toujours identifiable sur la base de l'interprétation dans le domaine temporel (Viana da Fonseca et al.
[1]).Pour l'analyse du coefficient de Poisson dynamique, trois types de vagues élastiques ont été tenues en considération. Pour
les spécimens de sol-ciment - étudiés dans le présent document - ont été calculées de la vitesse des vagues de compression VP,
vitesse des vagues Bar VL et la vitesse des vagues de cisaillement VS. Propriétés comme le module dynamique limité Mdin, mo-
dule d'élasticité dynamique Edin et module de cisaillement dynamique Gdin étaient également destinés. La comparaison croisée
entre les coefficients de Poisson dynamiques calculées par les différentes vagues est utilisé pour assurer l'arrivée des cas choisis
en fonction de l'interprétation dans le domaine temporel. Dans cet article, il est également préformé un nouveau calcul de coeffi-
cient de Poisson dynamique afin d'évaluer la sensibilité des paramètres concernant la résolution d’équipements.

Keywords: Soil-cement, seismic waves, dynamic Poisson ratio, ultrasonic transducers, bender elements

Corresponding Author.
116 M.F. Amaral et al. / Dynamic Poisson Ratio Analysis

1 INTRODUCTION shear (Gdin) modulus, respectively. In this paper,

it is per$   ^din computing using P & L
1.1 About soil-cement wave velocities (VP and VL, respectively) and L
& S wave velocities (VS). Then, according to the
Cementation effects in dynamic, hydraulic and
time window test resolutions it is achieved the
mechanic behavior of naturally and artificially
maximum and minimum values not only for Mdin,
cohesive geomaterials have been studied by sev-
Edin and Gdin 
$^din for each wave inter-
eral researchers (e.g. Clough et al. [2], Leroueil correlation.
& Vaughan [3], Coop & Atkinson [4], Gens &
Nova [5], Viana da Fonseca [6], Cuccovillo &
Coop [7], Schnaid et al. [8], Consoli et al. [9],
Consoli et al. [10], Viana da Fonseca & Coutinho
[11], Amaral [12], Amaral & Viana da Fonseca
[13]). These authors established a fundamental
understanding of the behavior of natural soils Specimens were compacted to obtain a cylindric-
and/or develop soil stabilization methods using a al shape; 71mm diameter () and a 136mm
cementation agent (Cruz et al. [14]). length (H). The 12% of water content (w) was
A very good example of soil-cement applying defined by the modified Proctor test.
is the high speed railways embankments, particu- For compaction, an equivalent quantity of
larly the transition zones. As the transition zones fines replaced the necessary cement weight to be
take part as one of the most critical areas in these added. Thus, the macro structural granulometric
engineering works, it is extremely important to curve (see Fig. 1) was kept constant.
study the cyclic and dynamic behavior of these Soil, cement and water were placed on a board
structures. and very well mixed. Then, the resulted volume
To understand bounding effects in dynamic was divided in to three similar portions. The first
properties of a residual granitic soil of Porto portion was placed in a lubricated compacter and
(north of Portugal), artificially cemented speci- statically compressed originating the first speci-
mens were compacted for distinct cement con- men’s layer. After this procedure, the surface was
tents and compaction degrees. scarified to be used as a support for the second
layer. The procedure was repeated for the second
and third layers.
1.2 Seismic waves
At the end of the process, the specimens were
Seismic tests are typically used to detect flaws stored in a humid chamber with a relative humid-
and evaluate the mechanical properties’ degrada- ity of 96%. After a period of 24 hours, the speci-
tion of materials (Bodig & Jayne, [15]). One of men was taken out of the mould and again placed
the most widely used techniques for this type of in the same humid chamber remaining curing for
transducers is the pulse-echo method (Blitz & 28 days.
Simpson [16], Cartz [17]). In addition, the pulse The specimens were suitable considered if re-
velocity test is an ASTM [18] standard for mea- maining in the following tolerances:
suring seismic wave velocities trough concrete. It
is also used for monitoring massive rocks quality Dry Unit Weight (d) ± 1% of target value,
and settlement ranges (Santamarina et al. [19], w ± 1.0% of the target value,
Cascante et al. [20], Landon et al. [21]). Diameter within ± 0.5mm,
In this paper are presented three types of seis- Height within ± 1mm.
mic wave measurements; compression wave (P), Cement content (C) is defined by simple rela-
bar waves (L) and shear waves (S). P, L and S tionship between dry cement weight (WC) and
waves are related among them by the Poisson ef- dry soil weight (Wd) express by Eq. 1.
fect analytically expressed by dynamic Poisson
 ^din). They are also related with the dynam-
ic stiffnesses of confined (Mdin), Young (Edin) and C  WC Wd (1)
M.F. Amaral et al. / Dynamic Poisson Ratio Analysis 117

3 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM Table 1. Specimens’ information

Name C (%) w (%) H (mm) _ { 3)(*) S (%)(*)

The experimental program was carried out in a
very well graded granular soil mixed with ce- 1 2 11.7 136.48 1857 51.1
ment. The physical properties of the soil charac- 2 3 11.3 136.68 2046 63.6
teristics and of the admixture with cement were
3 3 12.7 136.74 2049 69.1
reported by Rios Silva et al. [22]. A significant
amount of tests with ultrasonic compression 4 5 12.1 135.92 1973 59.6
transducers and bender elements were performed 5 7 12.9 136.18 1878 54.4
on specimens with different combinations of ce- |_}Dry unit weight, (*) S = Degree of saturation
ment content and void ratio.
In this study, five soil-cement specimens of Retention curves analysis proved this range of
weathering Porto granite (Viana da Fonseca et al. S promotes a suction variation in 100kPa to
[23]) were molded. The referred soil is classified 200kPa. Thus, it is not expected considerable dy-
as a SM (silty sand). The grain size distribution is namic properties changes because of the distinct
presented in Fig. 1. It reflects a mean effective saturation degrees.
diameter (D50) of 0.25mm and the uniformity and
curvature coefficients are of 113 and 2.7, respec-
tively. Atterberg limits measurements have
shown a non-plastic soil. Particle specific gravity
is 2.72 and mineralogical analysis predominantly
In order to compute the dynamic properties four
presented feldspars, quartz and small portions
type of equipments were used; a signal generator,
an oscilloscope, an acquisition system and an ap-
propriate pair of transducers. For each category
of seismic wave determining (P, L & S) it was
used a different pair of transducers. These last
equipments were placed in the specimens top and
bottom. Thus, the specimens’ lengths (H) are
equivalent to the propagation length of each
seismic wave.

4.1 Compression waves

0.001 0.01 0.1 1

According to Richart et al. [24] there is a type of
wave called compression wave whose velocity is
related with Mdin in the following expression.
Figure 1. Porto residual soil grain size distribution.
M din
The used cement was a rapid hardening CEM I VP  (2)
52.5 R. The cement particle specific gravity is

3.10. Distillated water was used for specimens’
compaction. Where VP may be estimated by
Table 1 shows the essential specimens’ basic
information for dynamic parameters computing. VP  H t P (3)

Where tP is the time of propagation of the

compression wave which was directly measured
from the oscilloscope.
118 M.F. Amaral et al. / Dynamic Poisson Ratio Analysis

The used oscilloscope and the chosen time where tS is the S-wave time of propagation.
window for the VP determining provide a tP accu- The relationship between Gdin and Edin is well
racy of ± 0.2s. These tests were performed using known and it can be written by
a 1MHz nominal frequency compression trans-
ducers. 1
Gdin  Edin (7)
4.2 Bar waves 2(1   din )
According to Graff [25], the use of lower nomin- Then, the association linking Gdin to Mdin is
al frequency transducers converts propagation
medium, of the compression wave, to an asso-
(1  2 din )
ciated constrained environment. Therefore, those Gdin  M din (8)
frequencies enable a bar wave propagation in- 2(1   din )
stead of the – as presented before – traditional
compression wave. Some authors (Graff [25],
The tS determining accuracy was ± 2.0s.
Khan et al. [26], Amaral & Viana da Fonseca
These tests were performed using a pair of bend-
[13]) defend that this physical phenomenon is as-
er elements.
sured whenever the impulse wave length has the
same order of magnitude of the propagation envi-
VL or Bar velocity is expressed by 5 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

5.1 Dynamic stiffness and ȣdin

VL   H tL (4) The unprocessed results either for ultrasonic or
 bender elements tests are the time of propagation
determining. Fig. 2 shows an example of those
Where tL is the time of propagation of the bar raw results, specifically bender element results.
wave. Read times of propagation were corrected by
A relationship between Edin and Mdin is defined subtracting the estimated time delay calculated in
by ^din and expressed by Eq. 5. the calibration standard procedures. The three
pairs of transducers were placed in contact. The
(1   din ) time difference between the wave arrival instant
M din  Edin (5) and the function generator sent pulse instance is
(1   din )(1  2 din ) the time delay. This value was subtracted to each
specimens’ arrival time record. All three pair of
The chosen time window for the VL determin- transducers demonstrated different delay times.
ing provided a tL accuracy of ± 0.5s. These tests
were performed using a 50kHz nominal frequen- 0.15
cy compression transducers.

4.3 Shear waves

According to Richart et al. [24] there is also
another type of wave called S. VS is related with -0.15
the Gdin by Eq. 6.

VS   H tS (6)
 Figure 2. S-wave times of propagation.
M.F. Amaral et al. / Dynamic Poisson Ratio Analysis 119

Tables 2 and 3 indicate not only the speci- Table 4. Dynamic properties minimum values.
mens’ dynamic stiffnesses but also the ^din com- N. Mdin (MPa) Edin (MPa) Gdin (MPa) ^din
puted for each combination of Mdin & Edin and
Edin & Gdin. 1 2467 2000 784 0.227
2 5884 4772 1923 0.172
Table 2. ^din computed by Mdin and Edin. 3 5927 4892 1900 0.216
t VP Mdin tL VL Edin
N. P ^ 4 6729 5355 2092 0.204
 (m/s) (MPa)  (m/s) (MPa) din
5 4832 3664 1378 0.264
1 118 1155 2476 131 1042 2016 0.262
2 80.4 1700 5913 89.5 1536 4825 0.261 Table 5. Dynamic properties maximum values.
3 80.2 1705 5956 88.0 1554 4947 0.252
N. Mdin (MPa) Edin (MPa) Gdin (MPa) ^din
4 73.4 1852 6766 82.0 1658 5421 0.269
1 2484 2031 815 0.295
5 85.7 1608 4855 97.5 1404 3702 0.290
2 5942 4880 2036 0.269

Table 3. ^din computed by Edin and Gdin. 3 5986 5004 2012 0.317

tL VL Edin tS VS Gdin 4 6803 5488 2225 0.312

N. ^
 (m/s) (MPa)  (m/s) (MPa) din 5 4878 3740 1450 0.357
1 131 1042 2016 208 656 800 0.261
Analyzing both Tables 4 and 5 it can be con-
2 89.5 1536 4825 139 983 1978 0.220
clude that Mdin Edin and Gdin do not significantly
3 88.0 1554 4947 140 977 1955 0.265 change with the time window resolution uncer-
4 82.0 1658 5421 130 1046 2157 0.257 tainly. In addition, ^din is to some extent affected
5 97.5 1404 3702 157 867 1413 0.310
by stiffness modifications, taking variations up to
about 20%.
Based on Tables 2 and 3 it can be concluded
that ^  €     cement content
(C) and its values seem to be consistent between 6 CONCLUSIONS
the two conducts of ^din computing.
From the data presented in this paper, the follow-
5.2 ȣdin accuracy determining ing conclusions may be drawn:
It is possible to estimate fair values of ^din val-
Supported on the chosen time window, values of ue from the presented tests. Besides, its compu-
tP, tL and tS were adjusted for ± the presented res- ting represents a very good way to validate VP,
olution !‚† !  ‚!, providing a VL and VS  ^din remains in the interval 0.17
Mdin, Edin and Gdin maximum and minimum val- to 0.36, well in the range of what is commonly
ues. Then, each new dynamic stiffness combina- expected in cemented materials.
tion was interrelated in order to provide max and Dynamic stiffnesses are not very affected by
minimum ^din. For example, a minimum value of the uncertainty of the time window resolution.
Mdin and a maximum Edin value provide (Eq. 5) a
minimum of ^din, and vice-versa. Following
tables show how dynamic properties are able to ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
The authors wish to express their gratitude to the
University of Porto Engineering Faculty Geo-
technical Laboratory personal, to the University
of Waterloo Non Destructive Geotechnical La-
120 M.F. Amaral et al. / Dynamic Poisson Ratio Analysis

boratory and its coordinator Professor Giovanni [13] Amaral, M. F. and Viana da Fonseca, A., Laboratory
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 121
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Estimation of UCS from PLT for sedimentary

rocks, with emphasis to conglomerate and breccias
Estimation de la résistance á la compression de l’essai ponctuel,
avec emphases á conglomérâtes et breccia
A. A. Antoniou1
National Technical University of Athens, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Athens, Greece

The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is one of the main parameter for rock mass characterization and classification, as well
as in rock engineering practice. Although UCS testing has been standardized by the International Society for Rock Mechanics
other parameters such as results from point load test, which is comparatively cheap and easy to apply, are most widely used.
Various studies in the literature propose relationships between Is50 (from point load test) and UCS, thus objective of this study is
to determine conversion factors relating Is50 and UCS for intact sedimentary rocks, as well as for conglomerates and breccias,
since to those rocks, specimen with geometric characteristics for the USC test according to ISRM requirements can not be easily

La résistance á la compression uniaxe est la paramètre essentielle pour définir et classifier la messe rocher. Bien que la résistance
á la compression a été normalisée par la Société International du Mécanique des Roche, autres paramètres telle que l’essai
ponctuel, sont appliquées. Objectif de cette étude est la proposition des facteurs de la conversion entre l’essai ponctuel et la
résistance à la compression aux rocks sédimentés et semblablement aux conglomérâtes et breccias.

Keywords: uniaxial compressive strength, point load test, conglomerate, breccias

1 INTRODUCTION tion while the testing equipment is less compli-

The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) is The aim of this article is to present a relation
the main test in order to determine the strength of between the point load index and UCS for
intact rock materials; therefore this test has been carbonate sedimentary rocks. Besides that
standardized either by [15] and [1]. Although, another main objective of this study is to
the method is relatively simple, it is time con- determine conversion factors relating Is50 and
suming and expensive; since it requires well- UCS for conglomerates and breccias, since to
prepared rock cores [8]. Hence, indirect tests are those rocks, specimen with geometric
often used to predict the UCS, such as point load characteristics for the USC test according to
index. This test is very easy to carry out, even in ISRM requirements can not be easily shaped.
the field, because it requires no sample prepara-

Corresponding Author.
122 A.A. Antoniou / Estimation of UCS from PLT for Sedimentary Rocks

2 BACKGROUND Laboratory core drill and saw machines were

used to cut the samples in order to provide spe-
The point load strength test apparatus was devel- cimens with size, shape and ends geometries ac-
oped at Imperial College, London as an aid to cording to [15] requirements.
core logging. Nevertheless, this technique has
been used extensively as a laboratory research Table 1. Published equations correlating the UCS to the point
load index
tool and as a useful method for field index test-
ing. British Standards refer that the point load Reference Equation
index is only a quick and cheap laboratory and [4] qu=24Is50
filed indicator strength test, useful to core log- [3] qu=23Is50
ging. Its results are considered as input parame- [12] qu=29Is50
ters to Rock Mass Rating (RMR, [2]) rather than [20]
predicting the uniaxial compressive strength of 1) Sedimentary rocks qu=16Is50
2) Basalts qu=20Is50
The development of point loading method by
[4] led many researchers to conclude to a rela- [10] qu=16.5Is50+51.0
tionship between point load index and UCS. In [16] qu=20÷25Is50
particular, [13]; suggested a very simplified table [27] qu=8.6÷16Is50
of site specific conversion factors for core sam- [26] qu=14÷82Is50
ples of sedimentary rocks (in dry and wet condi- [9] qu=16Is50
tions), and finally proposed an increasing value [7] qu=12.5Is50
of the conversion factor as point load index is in-
creasing. [21], presented published data as well
1) Power relation
as his own for sedimentary rocks and showed a
variation of the conversion factor from 14.5 to 27 2) Linear relation qu=7.3(Is50)1.71
for limestones, 12 to 24 for sandstones, 10 to 15 qu=23Is50
for siltstones, and 5 to 10 for chalk and porous
limestone (in [25]). Table 1 summarizes the Table 2. Physical and mechanical properties of sedimentary
equations correlating the UCS to the point load rock materials
index. As shown, the suggested ratios between
Rock Location No of ad ^c ¦s(50)
compressive strength and point load strength ex- Type samples (¥B/m3) (MPa) (MPa)
hibit a very large range; the ratio for the equa- Limestone Athens 65 23.00- 27- 1.3-
tions using the zero-intercept varies between 7.3 27.59 180 6.4
Dolomitic Piraeus 12
and 29. limestone Crete 23
Tripoli 15
Marly li- Piraeus 5 20.0- 26-37 1.3-
Siltstone Nafpaktos 5 25.89- 10-16 0.6-
26.21 1.0
3.1 Carbonate rocks
Rock samples used in this study were obtained The influence of the sample size upon UCS
from exploratory sampling boreholes. The sam- has been extensively discussed and it is generally
pling locations were widely distributed around assumed that there is a considerable reduction in
the Greek territory (Table 2); while the samples strength with increasing sample size, while the
were sedimentary carbonate rocks, since this ratio of height to diameter of the cylindrical rock
type of rocks is the most common one in Greece, cores remains constant. [14] proposed the fol-
comprising almost the 25% of the outcrops. lowing formula for the conversion of the results
obtained for different diameter specimens:
A.A. Antoniou / Estimation of UCS from PLT for Sedimentary Rocks 123

Vc (1) 3.2 Conglomerate and breccia

V c50 0.18
§ 50 ·
¨ ¸
©d ¹
3.2.1 Introduction
Where; Conglomerates are sedimentary rocks consisting
^c50: is the uniaxial compressive strength calcu- of rounded fragments and are thus differentiated
lated for a 50 mm diameter sample, 200
^ c: is the uniaxial compressive strength cal- 160 y = 21,05x
R2 = 0,75
culated for sample which has a different

c (MPa)
core diameter size, 80
d: is the diameter of the specimen in mm. 40
[13] stated that the results of his studies do not 0
support the previous equation; the maximum 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0

strength values for sedimentary samples ranging Is50 (MPa)

from 38 to 54 mm in diameter. Figure 1. Linear function between point loading and uniaxial
In this study, the cylindrical samples had a compressive strength for sedimentary carbonate rocks.
length to diameter ratio of 1.9 to 2.3, avoiding
any uncertainties regarding the influence of the
sample size on the measured strength. The dia- y = 24,82x 0,88
metrical point load test was carried out on cores R2 = 0,77
c (MPa)

having a length to diameter ratio fluctuated from
1.8 to 2.1. Moreover the loading axis was applied 80

perpendicularly to any visible plane of weakness. 40

Finally the result of point load test considered 0

adequate when the failure plane was fresh and 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 6,0 7,0
Is50 (MPa)
not following any discontinuity surface.
Regression analysis was applied to define the Figure 2. Power function between point loading and uniaxial
relation among UCS and point load test data. As compressive strength for sedimentary carbonate rocks.
shown in Figs. 1 and 2 the equation for the re-
gression curve is: from breccias, which consist of angular clasts.
Both conglomerates and breccias are character-
Vc 21.05I s (50) (2) ized by clasts larger than sand. Conglomerates
are cemented by various minerals. Normal ce-
menting agents include calcite, quartz, sand and
clay. When the sediment is first deposited there
Vc 24.82 I s (50 )
(3) are lots of open spaces. Cement can affect the
amount of pore space that is left in a rock as it
Several researchers ([6], [18], [19], [5], [11],
[17], [23], [24]) have investigated the properties
of complex geo-materials such as melanges, or
coarse pyroclastic rocks, while many suggest that
only the matrix of a conglomerate would need to
be tested because failure, if it were to occur,
would be through the matrix. This might be ac-
ceptable where over half of the material is matrix
and no boulders or clasts come in contact, or
when boulder size is small. However if a signifi-
cant number of large boulders are present and are
124 A.A. Antoniou / Estimation of UCS from PLT for Sedimentary Rocks

not accounted for the in strength estimate the

strength of the formation would undoubtedly be Table 3. Mechanical properties of conglomerate and breccia
underestimated [22]. In addition, he referred to materials
an empirical criterion where if more than 10% of Rock type Location No of ^c ¦s(50)
the gradation has a size greater than 50mm, or if samples (MPa) (MPa)
5% is greater than 600mm, then the failure path Conglomerate- Athens 8 7.65- 0.30-
27.74 2.77
would be forced around boulders and along breccias
Drama 15 7.23- 0.36-
boulders-matrix contacts; resulting an irregular 33.30 3.65
failure surface with an apparent roughness. Siatista 5 32.50- 3.09-
38.56 5.45
3.2.2 Test approach
In this study, only the results from diametrical
tests on cylindrical specimens were evaluated.
Moreover, tests were rejected as invalid if the
fracture surface passes through only one loading
point (Fig. 3d, 3e).
Figure 4. Valid conglomerate-breccias specimen

Figure 5. Valid conglomerate-breccias specimen

Figure 3. Typical modes of failure for valid and invalid test;
(a) valid diametric tests; (b) valid axial tests; (d) invalid core
tests; (e) invalid axial tests [16].

The samples were obtained only from ex-

ploratory sampling boreholes which were widely
distributed around the Greek territory (Table 3),
while Figs. 4 and 5 present typical conglomerate-
breccias specimens valid for the tests where less
than 5% is greater than 60mm. In Fig. 6 a non
valid specimen is presented. The cemented mate-
rials were usually calcitic, sandy and in some
places clayey, while rock boulders derived main- Figure 6 . Non valid conglomerate-breccias specimen
ly from limestone, marble, sandstone, siltstone,
and schist. V c 10.46 I s (50) (4)
Regression analysis was applied to define the
relation among UCS and point load test data. As
shown in Figs. 7 and 8 the equation for the re- Vc 11.81I s (50 )
gression curve is:
A.A. Antoniou / Estimation of UCS from PLT for Sedimentary Rocks 125

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 127
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IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 133
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Compression index Cc and recompression

index Cr of Zagreb area clays
Indice de compression, Cc, et indice de recompression, Cr, des
argiles de Zagreb
I. Bradvica 1, G. ‡@ˆ
Institut IGH Zagreb, Croatia

The compressibility properties of Zagreb-area clays are evaluated based on oedometer consolidation test results for 177 undis-
turbed samples tested in the period between 2002 and 2007. The compression Cc and recompression Cr indexes are statistically
correlated (linear regression) with the corresponding classification index properties. Each of these indexes is correlated with the
liquid limit, natural moisture content, plastic limit, void ratio, and their combinations. Derived correlations are compared with
similar correlations for clay found in other countries.

La compressibilité des argiles de Zagreb a été analysée sur la base de 177 essais oedométriques effectués sur les échantillons in-
tacts de sol dans la période entre 2002 et 2007. La corrélation statistique entre l'indice de compression, Cc, et l'indice de relaxa-
tion ou recompression, Cr, a été établie par régression linéaire en utilisant les paramètres de classification appropriés tels que la
limite de liquidité, la limite de plasticité, la teneur en eau naturelle, l'indice des vides, et leur combinaisons. Les corrélations ob-
tenues ont été comparées avec les corrélations similaires utilisées pour argiles dans d'autres pays.

Key words: compression index, recompression index, soil index parameters, linear regression.

1 INTRODUCTION sion index Cr, with classification parameters, ref-

erence [1].
After the Institut IGH's Geotechnical Laboratory
was accredited by the HAA (Croatian Accredita-
tion Agency) in 2002, the classification and oe- 2 PURPOSE OF STATISTICAL ANALYSIS
dometric tests were conducted, in accordance
with British and American standards (BS and This paper does not consider parameters influen-
ASTM) on the first 177 samples of Zagreb-area cing Cc and Cr, such as the type and amount of
clays, taken down to 50m in depth, for various clay minerals and physical properties of soil
builders and clients. Based on these tests, the (density, load history, joints, etc.), i.e. it concen-
correlation was made between oedometric indi- trates only on the correlation by linear regres-
cators of compressive index Cc and recompres- sion, based on some of the selected classification

Corresponding Author.
134 I. Bradvica and G. Mitrović / Compression Index Cc and Recompression Index Cr

tests, which point to the effectively observed Cr H  

natural state of clay. The index Cc provides elas- H  log  (1)
toplastic deformations, while the index Cr gives 1  e0 
elastic deformations that are nonlinear in reality,
due to recompression or additional loading to the The second analysis is the expression for H
preconsolidation level. However, by presentation where the total stress value is greater than the
on the logarithmic scale, they can be shown in preconsolidation stress p.
the linear relationship. For those that will be us-
ing these data in the settlement analysis, a brief
Cr H p Cc H  
reminder of abbreviations used is given below: H  log  log 
1  e0  1  e0 p
’ - geological effective vertical stress,
 - increase of vertical stress due to external Preliminary empirical statistical relationships
load, are used for calculation of consolidation, accord-
p - preconsolidation stress, ing to the above expressions for H in design,
e0 - void ratio, based on rapid classification tests. To establish
w0 - natural moisture content, correspondence of results, the Zagreb-area clay
wl - liquid limit, studies were compared with the published Amer-
wp - plastic limit, ican studies primarily relating to clays from Chi-
Cc - compressibility index cago and Texas.
Cr - index of recompression
Cs - swelling or rebound index
Although the swelling or rebound index Cs,
differs from the recompression index Cr, the
A part of the oedometer test report for one of the
presentation of the oedometric loop of unloading
analyzed Zagreb clay samples is shown in Figure
and recompression is taken, for purposes of en-
gineering simplification, as the loop axis of these
two parameters and Cr is used in this study.
The stress applied on the normally consolidat-
ed clay sample is equal to or greater than the pre-
consolidation stress ( > p), while stress exerted
on a preconsolidated sample is smaller than the
preconsolidation stress ( p < ). Practically all
samples subjected to this analysis were preconso-
lidated. The consolidation value H, as deter-
mined through oedometric testing of clay sam-
ples representing a layer of H thickness, will be
dependent on the value of additional stress,  ,
and on preconsolidation stress that depended on
previous stress, p. Two distinct analyses can be Figure 1. Shape of Cc and Cr indexes for a Zagreb clay sam-
differentiated. The first analysis is the expression
for H, where the total stress value (geological
The relationships established between the se-
effective stress + additional vertical stress) is
lected classification tests and compression index,
smaller than or equal to the preconsolidation
Cc, and recompression index, Cr, are shown in
stress, p. the following tables.
I. Bradvica and G. Mitrović / Compression Index Cc and Recompression Index Cr 135

Table 1. Correlations established for Cc – compression index Table 3. Previously published equivalences for Cc - compres-
for Zagreb-area clays sion index

Table 2. Correlations established for Cr – recompression in-

dex for Zagreb-area clays

The testing of Zagreb-area clays, with establish-

ment of relations for the compression index Cc,
and recompression index Cr, has revealed a rela-
tively wide dispersion of measured values when
compared to values obtained by calculation.
However, for those measured Cc and Cr values
that are lower than the calculated values, we are
on the side of safety, with regard to greater de-
formations or settlements, which is why it is
more significant to concentrate on measured val-
3.1 Correlation between the compression and ues that are greater than the calculated ones.
recompression indexes according to void Seven of Zagreb clay samples with maximum
ratio deviation of measured values with respect to cal-
culated ones (Table 4.), were selected and ana-
lyzed through equivalences established in this

Table 4. Samples with extreme deviations

Figure 2. Correlation between the compression index and re-

compression index, logarithmic presentation
136 I. Bradvica and G. Mitrović / Compression Index Cc and Recompression Index Cr

Table 5. Comparison of calculated and measured Cc values correlations established for other clays, as can be
seen from comparison with previously published
correlations with other coefficients of selected
variables. The authors recommend the use of
equivalencies defined for Zagreb clays for pre-
liminary design purposes, but with precautions as
indicated above. Final correlations are:

Cc = 0.0091 wo - 0.032
Cr = 0.0005 (wle0) + 0.0171
The newly established correlations for Zagreb Cr = 0.117 Cc + 0.0101
clay (equivalence No. 2 for Cc and equivalences
No. 12 for Cr) have revealed the smallest devia- The correlations established for other clays show
tions between the calculated values and meas- greater dispersion of measured values when
ured values. Only one out of the total of 177 tests compared to the above correlations.
exceeded the calculated value by more than two
times. Other correlations established in this study
are similar to previously established relation- REFERENCES
ships, references [2] and [3].
Školska knjiga, Zagreb 1979.
[2] R.D. Holtz, W.D. Kovacs, An Introduction to Geotech-
Table 6. Comparison of typical values of compression index-
nical Engineering, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood
es Cc
Cliffs, New Jersey, 1981.
[3] S. Javed, Prediction of Compression and Recompres-
sion Indices of Texas Overconsolidated Clays, Proceed-
ings of Texas ASCE Spring Meeting, 2005.


The study of Zagreb-area clays, and establish-

ment of relations for compression index, Cc, and
recompression index, Cr, has revealed a relative-
ly great dispersion of measured values when
compared to values obtained by calculation. For
measured Cc and Cr values, that are lower than
calculated values, we are on the side of safety
with regard to greater deformations or settle-
ments, which is why it is more significant to
concentrate on measured values that are greater
than the calculated ones. Measured values com-
pared to calculated ones, with extreme devia-
tions, are given in Table 5. Correlations estab-
lished in this paper point to similarities with
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 137
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 143
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 149
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 155
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Un nouvel essai d’émiettage pour mieux

caractériser l’effet de l’eau sur les sols
An “Enhanced Crumb Test” for better characterizing water
effects on soils
C. Chevalier1, I. Haghighi, T. Martin & P. Reiffsteck
Université Paris-Est, IFSTTAR, département GER, Paris, France

Recent catastrophes occurred in France clearly show the great vulnerability of embankments and dikes to internal erosion or
overtopping. Repeatable tests, examining the effects of water on soil microstructure through small-scale specimens, are essential
to study rapidly and efficiently a large panel of configurations (soil textures and eroding fluid chemistry). The “Crumb Test” as
ASTM standard is a simple, quick and convenient test that can be used both in the laboratory and on field. It is an easily practi-
cable test but with limited capacity because of interpretations based on visual observations.
We propose here to modify the equipment and improve the test protocol by the development of an “Enhanced Crumb Test”. Aim
obtain quantitative results, a new test method is thus developed based on temporal evolution of soil specimen geometry. As an ap
tion, we report in this study the tests of 2 remoulded soil textures in a wide range of water content.

De récentes catastrophes survenues en France montrent la grande vulnérabilité des remblais et digues face à l’érosion interne et à
la surverse. Dans le but de diagnostiquer efficacement la sensibilité des sols aux processus érosifs, des essais répétables sur de
petits échantillons sont indispensables pour étudier un grand nombre de configurations (texture de sols et nature de fluides). Le
« Crumb Test » ou essai d’émiettage tel que normalisé par l’ASTM, est un essai simple et rapide qui peut être utilisé à la fois en
laboratoire et sur le terrain. Il est facilement réalisable mais avec une capacité limitée en raison d’interprétations basées sur des
observations visuelles.
Nous proposons ici de modifier l’appareillage et d'améliorer le protocole d'essai par le développement d'un « essai d’émiettage
amélioré ». Ce dernier est basé sur le suivi de l'évolution temporelle de la géométrie d’un échantillon centimétrique de sol plongé
dans un grand volume d’eau afin d’obtenir des résultats quantitatifs. En guise d’application, nous présentons une campagne
d’essais menée sur 2 textures différentes de sols reconstitués dans une large gamme de teneur en eau.

Keywords: Crumb test, test procedure, dispersion, parametric study, clayey soil
Mots clés : “Crumb Test”, essai d’émiettage, protocole d’essai, dispersion, étude paramétrique, sols argileux

1 INTRODUCTION terne et à la surverse. La susceptibilité de ces ou-

vrages en terre à l’érosion hydrique est
Les catastrophes récentes survenues en France extrêmement dépendante de la texture du sol (en
(Aude, Novembre 1999 ; Gard, Septembre 2002 ; particulier, la présence de particules fines argi-
Vendée, Février 2010) montrent la grande vulné- leuses) et de la sensibilité à la dispersion liée aux
rabilité des remblais et digues face à l’érosion in- caractéristiques physico-chimiques de l’eau envi-

Corresponding Author.
156 C. Chevalier et al. / Un nouvel essai d’émiettage pour mieux caractériser l’effet de l’eau

ronnante (par exemple eau salée). Elle est donc mé à 2 minutes, 1 heure et 6 heures. Selon le
très difficile à prévoir. degré de turbidité du nuage, le sol est classé dans
Dans le but de diagnostiquer efficacement la un des quatre niveaux de dispersion suivants (Fi-
sensibilité des sols aux processus érosifs, il est gure 1) :
essentiel d’étudier les effets de l’eau sur la mi-
crostructure des sols au moyen d’essais simples, x Niveau 1 – Non dispersif : il ne se produit
rapides et répétables sur des échantillons de pe- pas de réaction entre le sol et l’eau ;
tite taille. Le « Crumb Test » préconisé par x Niveau 2 – Intermédiaire : il se produit une
l’ASTM [1] fournit une indication qualitative sur réaction légère avec la formation d’une
la sensibilité à la dispersion des sols argileux. suspension colloïdale de faible turbidité ;
Afin de quantifier les résultats, une nouvelle mé- x Niveau 3 – Dispersif : il se produit une ré-
thode est développée permettant le suivi tempo- action modérée ;
rel de la géométrie d’un échantillon de sol. x Niveau 4 – Très dispersif : il se produit une
On propose de placer un échantillon centimé- réaction forte.
trique et cylindrique de sol non-saturé et com-
pacté dans un grand volume d’eau distillée sans
aucun effort mécanique externe et d’enregistrer
des images de celui-ci au cours du temps. Le pro-
fil vertical de l’échantillon est ensuite extrait en
filtrant les images acquises et des paramètres
quantitatifs en sont déduits.
A l’aide de ce protocole, plusieurs textures de
sol reconstituées sont étudiées. Les phénomènes
d’hydratation et de dispersion d’un sol non-
saturé sont observés comme deux phases consé-
cutives de gonflement puis d’affaissement de
l’échantillon. Figure 1. Essais typiques de « Crumb test », a) niveau 1 : non
dispersif, b) niveau 2 : intermédiaire, c) niveau 3 : dispersif,
d) niveau 4 : très dispersif [1].
Dans la littérature, de nombreux auteurs ont étu- 3 ELABORATION DU NOUVEAU
dié le problème de la sensibilité à la dispersion PROTOCOLE D’ESSAI
par des essais en laboratoire dans le but
d’expliquer et de caractériser le phénomène [2- Le « Crumb Test » est un essai très simple et fa-
4]. Pour l’identification des sols dispersifs, diffé- cile d’utilisation. Il donne une bonne et rapide
rents essais ont été normalisés par l’ASTM : le indication sur la sensibilité à la dispersion de
« Pinhole test » (essai à l’aiguille) [5], le « Dou- l’argile. L’essai n’est pas coûteux, il ne nécessite
ble hydrometer test » (essais sédimentométriques pas d’appareil complexe et il peut être utilisé
en parallèle) [6] ainsi que le « Crumb test » (es- dans n’importe quel laboratoire ainsi que sur site.
sai d’émiettage) [1]. Cependant comme l’essai se base sur
Le « Crumb test » consiste à immerger un l’observation, l’indication donnée est qualitative.
cube de sol naturel ou remanié de petite taille (15 Les résultats dépendent en effet de la couleur de
mm de côté, compacté à la main) dans un volume l’argile, de la lumière dans le laboratoire… mais
d’eau distillée beaucoup plus important (250 ml). aussi de l’opérateur.
L’échantillon est posé sur le fond d’un récipient L’essai ici développé utilise deux caméras qui
cylindrique, à côté du bord. La tendance des par- permettent de suivre l’évolution temporelle de la
ticules du sol à se disperser en suspension colloï- géométrie d’un échantillon cylindrique.
dale est estimée par l’observation du nuage for- L’échantillon est placé dans un récipient en plas-
tique transparent rempli d’eau distillée. Le fond
C. Chevalier et al. / Un nouvel essai d’émiettage pour mieux caractériser l’effet de l’eau 157

et la face arrière du récipient sont recouverts d’« affaissement » dans la mesure où la hauteur
avec des plaques de couleur noire. Une première de l’échantillon diminue. La partie supérieure
caméra est placée face à l’échantillon, enregis- s’aiguise et la pente des dépôts constituant le tas
trant l’évolution du profil ; une seconde est pla- au pied de l’échantillon devient plus régulière.
cée à la verticale afin de vérifier que la symétrie Enfin, sur la plupart des échantillons, au bout
de l’échantillon est conservée au cours de d’un temps « long » (de quelques minutes à plu-
l’expérience (Figure 2). sieurs heures), une structure finale en forme de
cône est atteinte.

3.2 Traitement numérique des images

Tous les essais sont réalisés avec la même confi-
guration (distance de la caméra à l’échantillon,
temps d’exposition, luminosité, balance de cou-
leurs et fréquence d’acquisition des images…).
Un traitement numérique permet d’extraire le
profil de l’échantillon à partir de chaque image
(Figure 4).
Figure 2. Dispositif d’essai.

3.1 Premières observations

Pour la plupart des échantillons testés, plusieurs
phases se succèdent lors de l’essai (Figure 3).
Tout d’abord, une phase d’hydratation de
l’échantillon remarquable par son « gonflement »
Figure 4. Filtrage pour la détection du profil d’un échantillon.
se produit, alors que la forme géométrique glo-
bale reste inchangée. Par la suite, il est possible d’étudier plusieurs
paramètres comme présentés sur la Figure 4 :
x la hauteur de l’échantillon (h), moyenne de
la hauteur sur deux millimètres au centre,
x le temps de gonflement et le temps de sta-
bilisation de la géométrie,
x les rayons gauche (Rg) et droite (Rd),
moyennes des distances entre chaque point
et la ligne centrale de la première image,
x la pente des dépôts (µg et µd) obtenue à
l’aide d’une régression linéaire pour la par-
Figure 3. Vue de profil pour un essai après 0, 10, 30 et 90 tie des dépôts.

La répétabilité et les observations menées sur

Il y a ensuite de premiers décollements : des
différents essais permettent de valider le disposi-
particules de sols, rassemblées en fines pellicu-
tif et le protocole d’essai. Nous les mettons donc
les, tombent de la paroi latérale de l’échantillon
en œuvre, par la suite, dans une étude paramétri-
et commencent à former un petit tas au pied de
que portant sur l’influence de la teneur en eau.
l’échantillon, qui conserve toujours sa forme.
Une chute d’amas de sol plus conséquents
provenant de la partie supérieure de l’échantillon
se produit ensuite, on parlera alors
158 C. Chevalier et al. / Un nouvel essai d’émiettage pour mieux caractériser l’effet de l’eau


K100 K50S50

densité (kN/m )

4.1 Préparation des échantillons 16

Les échantillons de sol sont toujours reconstitués 14

selon la même procédure : (1) faire sécher les
composants sableux et argileux durant 24h à 12
8% 12% 16% 20% 24% 28% 32% 36%
l’étuve à 55°C, (2) verser l’ensemble dans un teneur en eau
malaxeur et ajouter l’eau sur la surface du sol au Figure 6. Evolution de la densité sèche des échantillons en
fur et à mesure, (3) mélanger manuellement pour fonction de la teneur en eau.
éviter perte d’eau et poussières, puis malaxer à la
machine pendant 15min, (4) laisser maturer la La campagne d’essais a été réalisée pour 5 te-
texture durant 48h dans un double sac plastique à neurs en eau de w = 9 à 19% pour la première
la température ambiante. texture et pour 4 teneurs en eau de w = 19 à 36%
Les échantillons sont des cylindres compactés pour la seconde. Il s’agit de plages de teneurs en
dans un moule de 15mm de diamètre et de 20mm eau situées au voisinage du maximum de la den-
de hauteur. Un certain aléa dans la préparation sité sèche observée pour les échantillons cylin-
des échantillons concerne l’énergie de compac- driques statiquement compactés (Figure 6).
tage. Seul l’expérimentateur peut déterminer à
quel point les échantillons qu’il compacte ma-
nuellement le sont avec la même intensité. On
choisit donc une énergie de compaction maxi-
male, et les pesées montrent que pour une teneur
en eau donnée, les échantillons compactés ma-
nuellement ont environ le même poids pour un 5.1 Evolution temporelle de la hauteur
volume identique (un écart type normalisé de
1,7% sur 10 échantillons est observé). Comme précédemment expliqué (section 3.1.),
l’hydratation de l’échantillon commence dès son
4.2 Matériaux testés insertion dans l’eau. Elle se traduit par une aug-
mentation du volume de l’échantillon. Cette
On choisit de faire varier la teneur en eau des phase est suivie par l’affaissement de
échantillons de deux textures sèches (granulomé- l’échantillon : chute d’amas de sol (d’où une di-
tries) différentes : l’une constituée de 50% minution brutale de sa hauteur), étalement hori-
d’argile kaolinite Armoricaine et de 50% de sa- zontal et formation de dépôt autour de
ble de Fontainebleau (K50S50) et l’autre de l’échantillon. Les essais effectués sur chacune
100% d’argile kaolinite (K100) (Figure 5). des textures et pour les différentes teneurs en eau
montrent une bonne répétabilité.
Lors de la phase de gonflement, on suppose
que la pénétration de l’eau en surface de
pourcentage passant (%)

80 l’échantillon se fait suffisamment lentement pour

60 K50S50 permettre un gonflement surfacique et donc on
s’intéresse à la variation des paramètres géomé-
La variation de hauteur (eh : hauteur à un ins-
1 10 100 1000
tant donné diminuée de la hauteur initiale) en
Taille (μm)
fonction de la teneur en eau pendant la phase de
Figure 5. Granulométrie des sols utilisés.
gonflement est représentée sur les Figures 7 et 8.
On observe que la vitesse de gonflement est plus
faible pour des échantillons à teneur en eau éle-
C. Chevalier et al. / Un nouvel essai d’émiettage pour mieux caractériser l’effet de l’eau 159

vée, car l’augmentation de la teneur en eau vo- paramètre eh en racine du temps. Cette considé-
lumique initiale du sol provoque, au cours d’une ration semble être fondée dans les différents cas
infiltration, une diminution de la vitesse étudiés. Ceci est en accord avec l’équation de
d’infiltration d’eau dans le sol. On constate la Richards selon laquelle le profil d’infiltration suit
même tendance dans l’affaissement des échantil- une loi d’évolution en racine du temps [7,8].
lons (matérialisée par la chute de hauteur) : les
échantillons qui contiennent initialement plus 5.2 Grandeurs caractéristiques de l’essai
d’eau s’effondrent plus vite à l’exception de
K100 à 36% de teneur en eau (Figure 8) qui La Figure 9 illustre le changement maximum de
hauteur des échantillons pour tous les essais ré-
s’hydrate très faiblement. Notons que certains de
alisés. On constate qu’indépendamment de la
ces échantillons peuvent ne pas entrer dans la
densité de l’échantillon, plus la teneur en eau est
phase d’affaissement et rester inchangés pendant
plusieurs jours. élevée, moins l’échantillon gonfle. Ce constat est
beaucoup plus significatif pour les échantillons
Enfin, le gonflement des échantillons conte-
purement argileux. Au-delà des teneurs en eau
nant 50% d’argile est plus faible mais légèrement
étudiées le sol devient plastique et non testable.
plus rapide par rapport aux échantillons pure-
ment argileux. Cela est vraisemblablement dû à
3 8
la perméabilité des échantillons : plus le sol con-
tient d’argile, moins il est perméable et plus l’eau 6
hg (mm)

met donc de temps pour s’y infiltrer. 4
0 0
3 18% 9% 11% 13% 15% 17% 19% 18% 22% 26% 30% 34%
15% teneur en eau teneur en eau
h (mm)

2 Figure 9. Gonflement maximum des échantillons : textures
K50S50 (à gauche) et K100 (à droite).
60 90
temps (min)

0 10 20 30 45
temps (min)
Figure 7. Changement de hauteur des échantillons de la tex-
ture K50S50. 15

4 0 0
36% 9% 11% 13% 15% 17% 19% 18% 22% 26% 30% 34%
3 teneur en eau teneur en eau
h (mm)

30% Figure 10. Temps de stabilisation de la géométrie : textures

2 25%
K50S50 (à gauche) et K100 (à droite).
Le temps de stabilisation de la géométrie
0 10 20 30
(après effondrement) est présenté Figure 10. On
temps (min) peut conclure qu’une élévation de teneur en eau
Figure 8. Changement de hauteur des échantillons de la tex- précipite la ruine de l’échantillon. Les échantil-
ture K100. lons s’écroulent plus rapidement et la géométrie
des échantillons se stabilise ainsi plus vite.
Si des échelles logarithmiques sont employées La Figure 11 représente le diamètre final
(non représentées ici), il peut être observé que la (Rg+Rd) des échantillons. Ceux-ci s’étalent beau-
première partie des courbes de ce faisceau est re- coup moins pour les teneurs en eau plus élevées
lativement rectiligne. Une droite de pente 1/2 et cela indépendamment de la compacité du sol.
peut être tracée et permet de vérifier visuelle-
ment que la pente moyenne des portions rectili-
gnes des courbes correspond à une évolution du
160 C. Chevalier et al. / Un nouvel essai d’émiettage pour mieux caractériser l’effet de l’eau

14 24 sol et sa texture. De plus, la cinétique

d’hydratation observée semble en accord avec les
Df (mm)

12 16
modèles d’infiltration communément utilisés.
10 8 La bonne répétabilité des résultats d’un coté et
la bonne discernabilité entre configurations diffé-
8 0 rentes de l’autre sont des atouts de ce nouvel es-
9% 11% 13% 15% 17% 19% 18% 22% 26% 30% 34%
teneur en eau teneur en eau sai. L’essai permet donc de sonder de manière
Figure 11. Diamètre final des échantillons : textures K50S50 intéressante les propriétés du sol.
(à gauche) et K100 (à droite). Le nouveau dispositif et le protocole dévelop-
pé dans le présent article permettent, par ailleurs,
50 50

d’étudier un grand nombre de configurations
rencontrées en pratique. Il est en effet très facile
final (°)

40 40

35 35
de faire varier la nature et les propriétés des sols
30 30
comme illustré ici mais il est également possible
25 25
d’étudier l’influence des caractéristiques physi-
9% 11% 13% 15% 17% 19% 18% 22% 26% 30% 34% co-chimiques de l’eau environnante.
teneur en eau teneur en eau
D’autres études sont envisagées sur différen-
Figure 12. Angle d’inclinaison final des dépôts : textures tes tailles d’échantillon ainsi que différents types
K50S50 (à gauche) et K100 (à droite).
d’argiles pour élargir et compléter les résultats.
Concernant les angles d’inclinaison des dé-
pôts, on remarque visuellement qu’ils convergent REFERENCES
très vite (dès les premiers détachements) vers
leurs valeurs finales. Ces dernières sont plus ou [1] ASTM (2005) Standard test methods for determining
dispersive characteristics of clayed soils by the crumb
moins les mêmes pour tous les échantillons quel- test, Annual book of ASTM standards, Vol. 04.09,
que soit la texture et la teneur en eau (Figure 12). D6572-00.
On distingue cependant une nouvelle fois un [2] Holmgren, G.G.S. and Flanagan, C.P. (1976) Factors
écart notable pour la texture K100 à une teneur affecting spontaneous dispersion of soil materials as
evidenced by the Crumb test, ASTM proceedings on
en eau de 36%. symposium on dispersive clays, Chicago, pp. 218-239.
Etant donnée la diminution du diamètre final [3] Perry E. B. (1979) Susceptibility of dispersive clay at
des échantillons aux teneurs en eau plus élevées Grenada dam, Mississippi, to piping and rainfall ero-
et l’indépendance de l’angle d’inclinaison des sion, Tech Rep. GL-79-14, U.S. Army Engineers, Wa-
terways Experiment station, Vicksburg, 111 pages.
dépôts, on constate que le volume final des [4] Sherard J. L. et al. (1992) Piping in earth dams of dis-
échantillons suit la même tendance que leur hau- persive clay, Geotechnical Special Publication, (32),
teur maximale de gonflement. Ainsi, plus la te- 55-93.
neur en eau est faible et/ou plus le pourcentage [5] ASTM (2005) Identification and classification of dis-
persive clay soils by the pinhole test, standard test
d’argile est élevé, plus le volume final sera method, Annual book of ASTM standards, Vol. 04.08,
grand. D4647-93.
[6] ASTM (2005) Standard test method for dispersive
characteristics of clay soil by double hydrometer, stan-
6 CONCLUSIONS dard test method, Annual book of ASTM standards,
Vol. 04.08, D4221-99.
Dans le but d’améliorer le « Crumb Test », un [7] Richards L.A. (1931) Capillary conduction of liquids in
porous mediums, Physics , pp. 318–333.
nouvel essai d’émiettage a été développé. Grâce [8] Martin T. (2009) Elaboration et analyse d’un nouvel es-
a cet essai, il est ainsi possible de suivre la dy- sai experimental pour comprendre l’émiettage des sols,
namique de gonflement d’un sol non-saturé en Rapport de stage de recherche, École polytechnique, 52
délimitant notamment plus précisément une pages.
phase d’hydratation et une phase d’affaissement.
Une étude paramétrique a montré que la durée
de ces deux phases dépend de la teneur en eau de
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 161
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Influence of fibre inclusion on crack propagation

L'influence d'inclusion de fibre sur la propagation de première
A. Chegenizadeh1, H. Nikraz,
Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia

Desiccation cracking has been a major concern for the proper functioning of clay soils. Reinforcement of sand with discrete fi-
bres has been well investigated in the literature. In contrast, clayey soil reinforced with discrete fibres has been less studied. Fi-
bre-reinforcement has been considered in projects involving slope stabilization, embankment construction, subgrade stabiliza-
tion, and stabilization of thin veneers such as landfill covers. Some recent researches have indicated that benefits may be gained
by inclusion of discrete fibres in clay.
Influence of fibre inclusion on soil compaction parameters and crack propagation pattern have been investigated in this paper.
Different type of clay and fibre were used for this investigation. The main parameters such as fibre length and percentage were
changed. (i.e. Fibre length varied from 5mm to 25mm and fibre percentage varied from 0.1 to 1% as dry weight of soil). Sample
size also was changed throughout this study and crack propagation pattern has been well investigated. Image analysis was used
to evaluate crack percentage. The results showed that crack propagation percentage will be reduced with adding fibre. Further-
more, compaction curve for used samples showed that inclusion of fibre caused a slight decrease in maximum dry density and
increased in optimum moisture content (OMC).

La dessiccation se fendant a été une inquiétude importante pour le fonctionnement nécessaire de sols de glaise. Le renforcement
de sable avec les fibres séparées a été bien enquêté dans la littérature. Au contraire, le sol glaiseux renforcé avec les fibres sé-
parées a été moins étudié. Le renforcement de fibre a été considéré dans les projets impliquant la stabilisation inclinée, la con-
struction de digue, la stabilisation de sous-qualité et la stabilisation de placages fins comme les couvertures d'enfouissement des
déchets. Quelques recherches récentes ont indiqué que les avantages peuvent être gagnés par l'inclusion de fibres séparées dans
la glaise. L'influence d'inclusion de fibre sur le sol compaction les paramètres et le dessin de propagation de première a été en-
quêtée dans ce papier. Le différent type de glaise et de fibre a été utilisé pour cette enquête. Les paramètres principaux comme la
longueur de fibre et le pourcentage ont été changés. (c'est-à-dire. La longueur de fibre variait de 5 millimètres à 25 millimètres et
à pourcentage de fibre varié de 0.1 à 1 % comme le poids sec de sol). La grandeur de promotion a aussi été changée au cours de
cette étude et le dessin de propagation de première a été bien enquêté. L'analyse d'image a été utilisée pour évaluer le pourcen-
tage de première. Les résultats ont montré que le pourcentage de propagation de première sera réduit avec l'ajoutant de la fibre.
En outre, compaction la courbe pour les échantillons utilisés a montré que l'inclusion de fibre a provoqué une augmentation
faible dans la densité sèche maximum et la diminution dans la teneur en humidité optimale (OMC).

Keywords: Crack, Fibre, Compaction

Corresponding Author.
162 A. Chegenizadeh and H. Nikraz / Influence of Fibre Inclusion on Crack Propagation

1 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Soil Type

The soil type in this study was kaolin clay. The
In conventional application of reinforcement in
properties of clay are presented in table 1. This
soil, the inclusion of tire, bars, grids etc are usu-
type of kaolin clay is widely used in industrial
ally in a preferred orientation. The advances of
project and research activities in Western Austra-
these materials have usually been considered by
an increase in their applications. The randomly
discrete fibers are easily added and mixed ran-
domly with soil part, the same way as cement, Table 1. Clay properties
lime or other additives. Some researches have No. Size (cm)
been done on cement additive (Consoli 1 Soil type Clay
2 Liquid Limit 49
2009; Cai 2006; Lorenzo and Bergado, 3 Plastic Limit 23
2004) and can be used as a pattern of additive 4 Pl. Index 26
usage in soil. Fibre reinforced composite shows
more ductility and small losses of peak strength
i.e. in compared to unreinforced material. There- 2.2 Fiber Type
fore, fiber-reinforced soil composite is a practical
solution in civil engineering projects. The main
application of composite soil can be in embank- The plastic fiber has been used for this investiga-
ment, subgrade, subbase, and slope stability tion. Figure1 shows the used fiber. The used fi-
problems. However, the data concerning the ef- ber has good potential to absorb energy and good
fects of fiber inclusion on the characteristics of adhesion with soil particle.
compacted native or virgin soils are limited,
(Maher and Ho, 1993). This shortage is more
considerable in pavement engineering and land-
fill systems in terms of crack control. Limited at-
tempts have been made to control clay cracking
by fibre reinforcement (Allan and Kukacka,
1995; Al Wahab and El-Kedrah, 1995; Ziegler et
al., 1998). Miller and Rifai (2004) studied the ef-
fects of fibre reinforcement on the development
of desiccation cracking in compacted clay sam-
ples. Therefore, the significance this study is to
evaluate the effect of fibre inclusion on crack
propagation in clayey soil. The application of
controlling crack cause significant improvement
Figure. 1 Plastic fiber
in land fill systems and pavement engineering as
cracking which lead these systems to be failed in
the real civil projects.

Test program in this study includes two parts.

First part is series of cracking test were con-
ducted to investigate the effect of fibre inclusion
Composite soils consist of two parts. The first
on cracking phenomenon. The second part is
part is soil part which can be dealt as normal soil.
compaction test to find out the effect of fibre
The second part is reinforcement part which can
content on compaction characteristics of clayey
be made up of any material which helps soil to
have better performance.
A. Chegenizadeh and H. Nikraz / Influence of Fibre Inclusion on Crack Propagation 163

3.1 Main Equipments 5.1 Cracking test

x Metal container for cracking test To run the cracking test following steps were
x Electrical light for cracking test taken:
x Balance for cracking test x Putting soil into container
x Rammer for Compaction test x Making sure that moisture content is as
x Mould for Compaction test what required (i.e. 45%)
x Setting up the height of light faced to sam-
Figure 2 shows the metal container which was ple precisely on 1m
used to run the crack test. x Using digital camera to record image of
soil specimen every hour
x Extracting of images to analysis of crack
x Crack Intensity Factor is considered as ra-
tio of crack area to total surface of sample.
The figure 3 shows the sketch of experimental
set-up which used to run the cracking tests. As
previously mentioned the flood light used to run
cracking test. The soil in metal container is di-
rectly faced to flood light.

Figure 2. Metal Container used for cracking test



The soil was passed through a 4mm sieve in or-

der to obtain a consistent mixture once water had
been added. The cured soil would be sealed in a
couple of plastic bags to prevent moisture loss.
When placing soil at 45% moisture content into
containers, they were continuously tapped to sur-
face any trapped air bubbles in the soil. Cling
wrap was used to smoothen the surface of each
sample as well as provide a cover to prevent
moisture loss when allowing the soil to settle Figure 3. Cracking test procedure sketch
over night. The surface of the sample was a cir-
cle with 50mm and thickness was 10mm. 5.2 Compaction test
Compaction test also conducted to observe the
effect of fibre inclusion on compaction parame-
ters clayey composite.
The test procedure can be listed as:
Experimental program was included two parts:
first cracking tests and secondly compaction test.
164 A. Chegenizadeh and H. Nikraz / Influence of Fibre Inclusion on Crack Propagation

x About 4.5 kg of air-dried soil was put in the A series of cracking tests were conducted and
mixing pan so that it could pass No. 4 following results obtained. Table 2 shows the
sieve. crack density with different fibre content and
x The moisture content was increased by length. Crack density factor was computed based
about 5%. on image processing and obtaining the ratio of
x The weight of empty mould without the crack to total surface area.
base plate and the collar was recorded as
W1 (gr). Table 2. Crack density versus fibre content
x The collar and base plate was fixed and the Fibre Percentage Fibre Crack Intensity Factor
first soil part was compacted with 25 blows length
in proctor mould No fibre 5.28
x Some scratches were put with a spatula 0.1% 5mm 3.4
0.1% 25mm 2.85
forming a grid to ensure uniformity in dis- 1% 5mm 0.37
tribution of compaction energy to the sub- 1% 25mm 0.24
sequent layer. The second and third layer
was placed and 25 blows were applied. Figure 4,5,6,7 and 8 show the images from
x The final layer was placed so that the com- different fibre contents. The results proved that
pacted soil is just above the rim of the with increasing in fibre content and length crack
compaction mould when the collar is still density decreased rapidly.
x The collar carefully was detached without
disturbing the compacted soil inside the
mould and edge was used to trim the excess
soil levelling to the mould.
x The weight of the mould with the moist soil
W2, (gr) was determined.
x Sample was extruded the sample and
evaluated for water content in some cans
x The rest of the compacted soil was broken Figure 4. The crack propagation without fibre
with hand to pass US Sieve No.4. and
moisture content was increased by 2%.
x Steps repeated again for different moisture
x Different fibre contents (i.e. 0.1% and 1%)
were used.
x The dry density plotted versus moisture
contents for unreinforced clay and rein-
forced clay
Figure 5. The crack propagation 0.1% fibre with 5mm


In this section the results of cracking tests and

compaction tests are presented.

6.1 Result of cracking test

A. Chegenizadeh and H. Nikraz / Influence of Fibre Inclusion on Crack Propagation 165

Figure 6. The crack propagation 0.1% fibre with 25mm


Figure. 9 Results of compaction test in different fiber con-

tent (at 25mm)

Figure 9 proved increasing in fiber content

will decrease the maximum dry density and in-
creased OMC.

Figure 7. The crack propagation 1% fibre with 5mm length


A series of cracking on cylindrical clayey soil

with 50 mm diameter and 10 mm thickness, were
conducted and following results obtained:

1- Using fibre caused huge decrease in crack

intensity factor
2- Increasing in fibre length and content di-
rectly decreased the crack
Figure 8. The crack propagation 1% fibre with 25mm length
3- Image processing proved that can be used
as useful tool in further crack analysis
The results from cracking test proved that in-
creasing in fibre content and fibre length de-
Compaction tests were also conducted on
creased the Crack Intensity Factor (CIF). There-
composite clayey soil. This investigation proved
fore, fibre inclusion is good solution to solve the
cracking problem of clayey soil.
4- Maximum dry density showed slight de-
crease due to induction of fiber and with
6.2 Result of compaction test increasing in fibre content maximum dry
Compaction tests were conducted in order to de- density decreased
termine effect of fiber inclusion on compaction
characteristics of reinforced clay. Figure 9 5- Optimum Moisture Content (OMC) in-
showed the compaction curve obtained from the creased with increasing in fiber content.
tests. The presented results in figure 9 are at fiber
length of 25mm.

The technical support from the Curtin University

Laboratory is gratefully acknowledged.
166 A. Chegenizadeh and H. Nikraz / Influence of Fibre Inclusion on Crack Propagation

REFERENCES ment in clays. Soils and Foundations, J of Applied clay

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 167
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Validation of a methodology for reconstituting

weakly cemented sandstones
Validation d'une méthodologie pour la reconstitution
de grès faiblement cimenté
P. A. L. F. Coelho1, V. D. Marques
Dep. of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, CIEC, Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal
P. S. Andrade
Dep. of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal
P. P. Cunha
Dep. of Earth Sciences, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, IMAR-CMA, Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal
One of the limitations to the study of natural materials is the difficulty to obtain similar samples. The reconstitution of samples is
a process used to solve this problem, its applicability to sandstones being discussed in this work. The reconstitution methods pre-
sented here, using material obtained exclusively by the disaggregation of a natural sandstone, seek to reproduce the geological
phenomenon that led to the formation of the sandstone under study, which integrates the Silves Group. After describing the two
procedures used to reconstitute the samples in the laboratory, the behaviour of natural and reconstituted sandstone specimens is
compared. The results allow the evaluation of the capability to reproduce and characterize in laboratory samples of weakly ce-
mented sandstones and contribute to improve our understanding of this important geological formation as well as others with
similar characteristics.

Une des limites à l’ètude des matériaux naturels est la difficulté d’obtenir des échantillons similaires. La reconstitution d
échantillons´est un processus utilisé pour résoudre ce problème, son applicabilité à des grès en cours de discussion dans ce
travail. Les processus de reconstitution présentés ici, en utilisant un matériau obtenu exclusivement par la désagrégation de grès
naturel, cherche à reproduire les processus géologiques qui ont conduit à la formation du grès considéré, qui intègre le Groupe de
Silves. Après avoir décrit les deux méthodes utilisées pour reconstituer les échantillons dans le laboratoire, le comportement
échantillons de grès naturel et reconstitué est comparé. Les résultats permettent l’évaluation de la capacité de se reproduire et de
caractériser des échantillons de grès faiblement cimenté dans le laboratoire et de contribuer à améliorer notre compréhension de
cette importante formation géologique ainsi que d’autres présentant des caractéristiques similaires.

Keywords: sandstone, lightly-cemented, reconstitution, compression, Silves Group, anisotropy..

INTRODUCTION natural state present a marked variability. The

use of reconstituted samples is one of the solu-
One of the biggest obstacles to assessing the in- tions used to overcome this difficulty in soils. To
fluence that certain factors have on the behavior effectively meet the objectives, reconstituted
of a number of soils and rocks is the difficulty in samples must exhibit the fundamental properties
comparing the behavior of materials that in their of natural material and show uniforme behav-

Corresponding Author.
168 P.A.L.F. Coelho et al. / Validation of Methodology for Reconstituting Weakly Cemented Sandstones

iour, which allows parametric studies to be car- spatial variability that limits the value of experi-
ried out on similar specimens. mental analysis intended to evaluate the influ-
The reconstitution of a certain geological ma- ence of some factors on its behavior, from a Civil
terial usually requires the characterization and Engineering perspective.
laboratory replication of the geological processes The sampled sandstone layer shows a pale
that occurred in nature, even if the impossibility pink shad due to the presence of iron oxides
of reproducing the effects of geological time (hematite and goethite) and presents a clastic tex-
must be recognized. This study evaluates the fea- ture with medium sand grains. The stratification
sibility of reconstituting a weak rock, namely a surfaces appear well defined and the layer thick-
friable sandstone, according to the enounced ness is about 0.5 to 0.6 m. The sandstone sam-
principles. The methodology used to reconstitute ples taken from this formation are easily disag-
and verify the two fundamental requirements for gregated by hand and are very sensitive to the
the samples, namely the uniformity of behavior presence of water as well as to vibration, which
and the similarity with the average natural be- is related to the fact that their cementation is
haviour, are described. The study was conducted weak, possibly of clayey nature. The formation
in sandstones of the Castelo Viegas formation, exhibits, in its natural state, high resistance and
which exists in several places in the district of freestanding capacity, as can be seen in the verti-
Coimbra and in other regions of Portugal. cal excavations that can be made. The grains of
This study considers two methods for sand- the studied sandstone are mainly constituted by
stone reconstitution. In a first attempt, the mate- quartz, k-feldspar, plagioclase and micas. The
rial obtained by disaggregation of the sandstone silt-clay matrix is mostly composed of clay min-
was reconstituted simply by using uniaxial con- erals, iron and manganese oxides and, more
fined compression to simulate the load applied to rarely, by carbonates.
the formation in their natural state. On a second
attempt, the material was vibrated and then com-
pressed, in order to include the effects of seismic RECONSTITUTION METHODS IN
events, which certainly occurred at the time of LABORATORY
the formation of the sandstone.
In an initial phase, common to both methods, the
sandstone samples were collected with the neces-
GEOLOGICAL PROCESSES THAT sary care to avoid significant disturbance to the
ORIGINATED THE CASTELO VIEGAS natural material and to obtain samples represent-
FORMATION ing the true behavior in situ. Parts of these sam-
ples were placed in a container with water for
The Castelo Viegas Formation (Upper Triassic) approximately 24 hours to allow smooth disag-
is a fluvial formation with an age of about 200 gregation of the matyerial without applying me-
million years that integrates the Silves Group [1] chanical actions that could break the grains.
[2] [3] [4]. The studied sandstone was collected The compression of the material was executed
from the top layer of the Castelo Viegas Forma- on a Servo Hydraulic Universal Testing Ma-
tion. The sampled site is located on the western chine, within a rigid metal mold built for that
slop of the Miguel Bombarda Street, one of the purpose (Figure 1).
access routes to the Polo II of the University of
Coimbra. Based on the thickness and unit
weights of the various lithostratigraphic units
resting above the sampled layer in the past, it is
estimated that the studied sandstone was sub-
jected to a lithostatic load corresponding to a to-
tal of 648 m of sediments, with an average unit
weight of 21.57 kN/m3. This formation shows
P.A.L.F. Coelho et al. / Validation of Methodology for Reconstituting Weakly Cemented Sandstones 169

comparison, were made with the leftover mate-

rial of the cutting process.

Method 2: reconstitution by compression

following densification by vibration
In this case, the disaggregated material was
placed in the mold, as described before, and then
vibrated for several minutes using a vibration
a) b) needle. The material was uniformly vibrated by
Figure 1. (a) Servo Hydraulic Universal Testing Machine making upward circular motions, to obtain an
and (b) rigid metal mold used to compress the sample.
homogeneous densification. After vibration, the
material was placed on the Universal Testing
Machine and loaded to the estimated 7500 kPa
Method 1: reconstitution by uniaxial confined for 2 days. After this time period of compression,
compression the material was subjected to the same process of
For this first method, the homogeneous mixture cooling performed in Method 1. Once again,
of water and disaggregated material was com- smaller specimens were cut, measured, weighted
pressed in a 0.15 m diameter and 0.30 m high cy- and tested in unconfined compression.
lindrical mold . Geotextile and a paper filter were
placed at the top and bottom of the specimen, to
ensure drainage during the loading process, COMPARISON OF NATURAL AND
without the loss of fine material. An acetate film RECONSTITUTED SAMPLES
was placed between the mold and the mixture to
facilitate the removal of the reconstituted sample. To ensure that it is possible to reproduce a sand-
Given the unit weight and thickness of the rock stone in laboratory with the same natural charac-
units in situ, the specimens were subjected to a teristics, and that the variability exhibited by the
vertical stress of about 7500 kPa, which reflects natural samples was eliminated, it is essential to
the estimated level of vertical effective stress validate the reconstitution processes. To do this,
corresponding to the location from where the it is necessary to compare the reconstituted sam-
natural samples were collected. The sample was ples with the natural material. This validation can
compressed for a 5 day period, registering the be made at a more elementary level, namely by
deformations over time to guarantee that after comparing the appearance and physical features
this period the deformations had stopped. This of both, as well as their behavior in the presence
results from the fact that previous tests carried of water or, at a more advanced level, using un-
out with only 5 hours of compression suggested confined compression tests to identify differ-
that a longer loading period was required. In this ences in mechanical behavior [5].
case, it was possible to observe that deformations
had practically stopped after 2 days of compres- Visual, texture and unit weight comparison
The samples resulting from both of the tested
After the compression process, the samples
methods show some differences relatively to the
were dried, in the mold, at 40° for 6 days. Then,
natural samples. While in the natural samples it
they were removed from the mold, and dried for
is possible to observe and distinguish the con-
4 more days to ensure complete drying. Once the
stituent grains, the reconstituted samples show a
reconstituted samples cooled down, smaller par-
more even tone, being almost impossible to iden-
allelepipedic specimens were cut in the vertical
tify single grains. The first method produces re-
and horizontal directions. After measured and
constituted samples with a less granular appear-
weighted, the samples were tested to failure in
ance as the fines are more distributed in the
unconfined compression. Grain-size analyses, for
mass. The average unit weight of reconstituted
170 P.A.L.F. Coelho et al. / Validation of Methodology for Reconstituting Weakly Cemented Sandstones

specimens is 16.51 kN/m3 whereas in natural Simple compression tests

samples it is about 19.30kN/m3, which suggests
After cutting the natural sample in the horizontal
that the reconstitution did not produce samples as
(Nat-H) and vertical (Nat-V) directions, they
similar to the natural material as desired [5].
were tested in unconfined compression with
Method 2 produced reconstituted samples with a
measurement of applied stress and axial defor-
more breakable appearance, apparently more po-
mations until failure. To validate the reconstitu-
rous due to segregation of fines during vibration
tion methods, the test results were compared for
and with an average unit weight of 16.52 kN/m3.
each direction to those obtained when testing the
reconstituted samples loaded for 5 days in
Grain-size distribution curves
method 1 (Rec5d-H and Rec5d-V) and with den-
No significant effects of disaggregation and re- sification by vibration used in method 2 (Rec-
constitution processes were expected on the Vib- H and RecVib -V) [5].
grain-size curves and, existing, should be due to The stress-strain responses observed clearly
the process of compression and not to the vibra- show that whether in the vertical (Figure 3) or in
tion. Figure 2 shows two grain-size distribution the horizontal direction (Figure 4), the natural
curves of the natural sandstone and one of the samples show, on average, much higher com-
samples reconstituted by method 1. pressive strength than the reconstituted ones. The
It is possible to verify that the curve of the re- conclusions derived from Method 2 are relatively
constituted samples is almost an average of the limited since, due to the fragility of the samples,
curves relating to the natural samples, showing it was not possible to obtain more than 6 speci-
only a very slight increase in the fine content. mens for testing. Another difference that can be
observed is the uniformity of the values of stress
failure in the case of reconstituted samples, both
 in horizontal and vertical directions. This shows
that one of the objectives sought with the recon-


  !" stitution of the samples, namely the elimination

of the great variability of behaviour presented by
the natural samples, was actually achieved.


Figure 2. Grain-size distribution curves of one reconstituted Vertical Samples
10000 Natural
and two natural samples.
8000 Sample
^a (kPa)

6000 Rec5d-V

Behavior in the presence of water 2000
It was experimentally observed that sandstone
0 0,5 1 1,5 2
samples disaggregate relatively easily when im- ¶a (%)
mersed in water. In the case of the intact sample, Figure 3. Stress-strain curves of specimens cut in the vertical
it took several hours before major disaggregation direction
occurred and, at the end of this period, it still
showed some clusters that appeared intact. How-
ever, these were easily disaggregated by weak
hand pressure [5]. All the reconstituted speci-
mens, when submersed in water, underwent
complete disaggregation with no noticeable clus-
ters in only a few minutes.
P.A.L.F. Coelho et al. / Validation of Methodology for Reconstituting Weakly Cemented Sandstones 171

12000 failure (Figure 7), we can once again confirm the

Horizontal Samples
10000 Natural grater variability affecting the values measured
8000 Sample in the natural samples and in the samples recon-
^a (kPa)

6000 Rec5d-H stituted by Method 2.

2000 #
0 Natural

^v failure (kPa)
0 0,5 1 1,5 2  Sample
¶a (%)
Figure 4. Stress-strain curves of specimens cut in the horizon- Rec 5d
tal direction. #

Figure 5 clearly confirms the conclusions 

about the differences of compressive strength be- 0 2500 5000 7500 10000
^h failure (kPa)
tween natural and reconstituted samples: average Figure 6. Relationship between horizontal and vertical stress
values are lower but more uniform in reconsti- at failure of natural and reconstituted specimens.
tuted samples. However, samples reconstituted
by Method 2 exhibit greater variability in terms
of strains at failure. In fact, strains at failure for
this samples vary between 0.30% and 1.76% 1,5
¶v failure (%)

while in the natural ones the variation is only Sample
from 0.64% to 1.50%. 1
Rec 5d
0,5 RecVib

12000 0
0 0,5 1 1,5
)a ¶h failure (%)
P8000 Figure 7. Relationship between horizontal and vertical
(k strain at failure of natural and reconstituted specimens.
re6000 Rec5d-H
ia Rec5d-V
s Table 1 provides detailed values regarding the
2000 RecVib-H
differences between the values plotted in the
0 RecVib-V previous charts. For the compressive strength
0,5 1 1,5 the values obtained in the natural samples are, in
ea failure (%) average, up to 5 times higher than the values ob-
Figure 5. Values of stresses and strains at failure of natural
and reconstituted specimens. tained for the reconstituted samples. The oppo-
site is observed with respect to the strains at fail-
ure. These, in average, show values for the
Figures 6 and 7 clearly show the anisotropic reconstituted samples that are about 1.5 times
behaviour of the natural samples with respect to higher than those measured for the natural sam-
the direction of loading. The natural samples ples. It is possible to confirm once again the low-
show the expected behaviour of greater resis- est variability of compressive strength in recon-
tance under compression in the vertical direction, stituted samples, but, on the contrary, higher
a tendency that is not observed for the reconsti- variability of the deformations measured at fail-
tuted samples. It is clear from Figure 6 that the ure in the samples reconstituted by Method 2.
values of unconfined compression resistance in The Young's Modulus (E0), being a relation-
the reconstituted samples are much lower than ship between stresses and strains shows, as ex-
the ones exhibited by the natural material, even if pected, higher values in the case of natural sam-
variability is much less. In terms of strains at ples, due to the fact that natural samples have
172 P.A.L.F. Coelho et al. / Validation of Methodology for Reconstituting Weakly Cemented Sandstones

higher compressive strength and lower deforma- cut in the vertical direction exceeds the resis-
tions at failure. tance of the ones cut in the horizontal direction,
Table 1. Statistical analysis of the properties of natural and but the opposite seems to happen in the reconsti-
reconstituted samples in terms of compressive strength, strain tuted samples, even if with a smaller magnitude;
at failure and Young's Modulus. • Vibrating the samples during reconstitution
Samples Statistical ^a ¶a E0 is ineffective, as the presence of fines limits the
parameter (kPa) (%) (MPa) resulting densification of the material.
Natural Max. 11392 1.50 1252 The observed differences cannot be fully ex-
Min. 3557 0.64 95
Average 7455 1.03 764 plained. These may simply result from time ef-
Stand. Dev. 2103 0.22 274 fects not being replicated, may be due to some
Reconst. by Max. 1412 1.58 160 underestimation of the lithostatic load or even to
Method 1 Min. 796 0.95 76 the fact that the fines found in the material,
Average 1160 1.34 103
Stand. Dev. 238 0.20 32 which limit vibration effects, were absent at the
Reconst. by Max. 1140 1.76 495 time of the deposition and were generated later
Method 2 Min. 989 0.30 56 (neoformation).
Average 1060 1.05 243
Stand. Dev. 65 0.51 182

The authors are grateful to Prof.s Alexandre Ta-
vares, Luis Gama Pereira and Fernando Carlos
The research herein presented aimed at reconsti-
Lopes for their valuable contribution to the re-
tuting friable sandstone using two different
search, and to Mr. Jose Antonio, technician of
methods. The consolidation of loose material
the Geotechnical Lab of DEC-FCTUC, for his
was carried out through compression under a
generous support with the experiments. The re-
load corresponding to the lithostatic load applied
search was supported by the grant PTDC/ECM/
in situ to the sampled sandstone, in one case also
103220/2008 of the Portuguese Government and
with vibration. The results show that:
the EU (Compete and QREN programs).
• The reconstituted samples have more homo-
geneous texture and color, but a grain size distri-
bution similar to natural samples, except for a
possible small increase of fines, which may be
due to grain fragmentation during reconstitution; [1] C. Palain, Une série détritique terrigéne. Les “Grés de
• The natural samples have higher unit weight, Silves”: Trias et Lias inférieur du Portugal. Memories
which proves that the void ratio of reconstituted of the Geological Services of Portugal, N.S., 1976.
samples is higher and the process of consolida- [2] R. P. Reis, A. Corrochano, C. A. Bernardes, P. P.
Cunha & J. L. Dinis, The Meso-Cenozoic of the Portu-
tion under load cannot fully replicate the struc- guese Atlantic Coast. III Geological Congress of Spain
ture of natural samples, even when vibration is and VIII Latin-American Geological Congress, Excur-
used to simulate the effects of seismic events sions, Salamanca (1992), 115-118 (in Portuguese).
• The natural and reconstituted samples ex- [3] A. F. Soares, J. F. Marques, R. B. Rocha, Contribution
to the understanding of Coimbra’s geology. Memories
hibit qualitatively similar sensitivity to water and News, Publ. Mus. Mineral Geol. Lab. University of
though the disaggregation of the reconstituted Coimbra. nº 100, (1985), 41-71 (in Portuguese).
samples is more extensive and much faster; [4] A. F. Soares, J.F. Marques, J.D.S. Sequeira, Geological
map and explanation notice for region 19-D Coimbra-
• The natural samples show higher compres- Lousã. Department of Geology. INETI. Lisbon, 2007.
sive strength and lower extensions at failure, but (in Portuguese)
exhibit greater variability in their properties; [5] V. Marques, P. Coelho, P. Andrade, P. Cunha, Method-
• The anisotropy in the resistance of natural sam- ology for the reconstitution of sandstones aiming at its
geotechnical characterization. XII Portuguese Geo-
ples is not adequately replicated by reconstituted technical Conference, Guimarães, Portugal, 2010 (in
samples. The resistance of the natural samples Portuguese).
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 173
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

The influence of microfabrics in bonded soils

behaviour, based in laboratorial comparison of
artificially and naturally cemented specimens
L'influence des microstructures dans le comportement des sols
collés, basée sur la comparaison, en laboratoire, de spécimens
artificiellement et naturellement cimentés
N. Cruz 1
Mota-Engil & University of Aveiro; Portugal
C. Rodrigues
Mota-Engil & Polytechnic Institute of Guarda; Portugal
A. Viana da Fonseca
FEUP, University of Porto; Portugal

Cemented soils are often seen as non-textbook materials, since they don´t fit into the usual behaviour of transported soils in the
light of classical Soil Mechanics theories. The major problem of establishing a mechanical behaviour pattern of cemented sandy
soil based on recoiled natural samples is the variability of its fabric and the existence of a dispersion of particulate strength, ag-
gravated by inevitable sampling induced disturbance. The use of artificially cemented soils has been frequently used as a mean
to overcome these drawbacks. However, this approach may be criticized due to an important handicap, that is the difficulty of ar-
tificially recreating natural microfabrics. Herein, a laboratorial framework performed on Guarda granitic residual soils, inte-
grated in a wider research PhD program (Cruz, 2010) is presented, aiming to study the influence of microfabric in artificially and
naturally cemented soils strength and stiffness properties. The program involved an extensive laboratorial testing program per-
formed over remoulded soils of weathered granite mixed with Portland cement under distinct contents. Overall, 50 uniaxial,
diametral and triaxial (CID) compression tests with internal or local instrumentation (LVDT) were executed over these admix-

Les sols cimentés sont souvent considérés comme des matériaux «non-textbook», car ils ne s’ajustent pas dans le comportement
habituel des sols transportés, compte tenu des théories classiques de la Mécanique des Sols. Le problème majeur d’établissez un
modèle de comportement mécanique des sols sableux cimenté, basé sur des échantillons naturels recueilli, est la variabilité du
fabrique et l’existence d’une dispersion de la résistance des particules, aggravée par les inévitables perturbations induites par
l’échantillonnage. L’utilisation des sols artificiellement cimenté a été souvent utilisé comme un moyen de remédier ces inconvé-
nients. Cependant, cette approche peut être critiquée en raison d’un handicap important, notamment, la difficulté de recréer arti-
ficiellement la microstructure naturelle. Ici, un étude de laboratoire intégré dans un plus large programme PhD (Cruz, 2010), ef-
fectuées sur les sols résiduels granitiques de la Guarda (Portugal), est présenté visant étudier l’influence de la microstructure
dans les propriétés de résistance et de rigidité des sols artificiellement et naturellement cimentés. L’étude comprenait un grand
programme d’essais de laboratoire effectué sur des sols remaniés de granite altéré, mélangé avec du ciment Portland en différent
pourcentages. Dans l’ensemble, 50 essais de compression, uniaxiale, diamétrale et triaxiale (CID), avec instrumentation interne
ou locale (LVDT), ont été exécutés au cours de ces mélanges.

Keywords: Residual soils, artificially cemented soils, structure, fabric, bonding.

Corresponding Author.
174 N. Cruz et al. / The Influence of Microfabrics in Bonded Soils Behaviour

1 INTRODUCTION granitic residual soil spot of Guarda (NE of Por-

The residual soils usually exhibit high variability
and spatial heterogeneity, and a complex struc-
tural layout, generated by diverse weathering 2 SAMPLE PREPARATION
In the case of granitic residual soils, as weath- The natural residual soils were collected on the
ering progresses, the primary interparticle bonds surface granitic residual soil massif of Guarda
between the grains are broken and a series of in- (NE Portugal) within 1.5 m and 3.5 m depth. The
tergranular voids are created. Afterwards, weath- respective sampling was carried out using thin-
ering makes the feldspars and micas unstable, al- walled samplers, according to Rodrigues and
lowing leaching to occur, with the creation of a Lemos [10]. A set of artificially cemented sam-
network of intragranular voids. In addition, the ples obtained from the same granitic spot has al-
more stable minerals, mostly quartz grains, are so been prepared (Cruz [9]), which started with
bonded by highly weathered (and therefore un- air drying of unique sample of natural soil, fol-
stable) grains of feldspars and micas to form a lowed by desegregation, mixing and separation
peculiar microfacric. in grain size homogeneous portions. Each of
The structural variability and the known diffi- these samples was then mixed with different por-
culties of sampling these materials usually pose tions of cement and prepared through static com-
serious difficulties in the evaluation of the me- paction in order to obtain a similar void ratio of
chanical behaviour, from laboratory testing. In the respective natural soil. Samples were re-
order to overcome these difficulties Vaughan [1] moulded by static compaction in order to repre-
proposed the use of artificially cemented soils for sent the natural density level.
studying the effects of cementation matrix in Cemented samples were prepared aiming to
mechanical soil behaviour to reduce variability obtain different levels of inter-granular bonding,
and sampling consequences and the approach has representing different levels of the cohesive
been followed in several research programs pro- component of strength. Different percentages of
duced ever since, (Vaughan et al. [2], Viana da cement were mixed with the pre-selected residual
Fonseca [3], Leroueil & Vaughan [4], Coop & soil samples, followed by compaction (directly in
Atkinson, [5], Schnaid et al. [6], Rodrigues [7], the molds). Five groups of cylindrical samples
Viana da Fonseca & Coutinho [8], Cruz [9] with 14 cm height and 7 cm diameter were pre-
among others). However, the application of this pared, in 4 layers of 3.5 cm, statically compacted
procedure implies that the resulting microfabric using a split mold for adequate extrusion.
artificially cemented mixtures should be similar Due to specific reasons of the main experi-
to the structure observed in naturally cemented mental programs, two different types of Portu-
soils, which might frequently be quite difficult to guese cement were used, namely CIM I/52.5R
achieve. In fact, a natural cemented structure is [11] and CIM II/B-L 32.5N [12]. Taking into ac-
represented by a specific weakening condition count the different properties of the cements,
(in the case of granites resulting mostly from the samples were placed in a curing chamber with
weathering of feldspars), which is variable with automatic control of environmental conditions
the specific content of the weathered mineral (or (20r1ºC of temperature and moisture content of
minerals), while in artificial sands cementation 95r5%), with different residence times. Thus,
increases with time until stabilization, globally samples prepared with cement CIM I/52.5R
showing homogeneous distribution. The frame- cured for 14 days while samples prepared with
work presented herein was based in 2 PhD re- cement CIM II/B-L 32.5N remained in the
search programs (Rodrigues [7] and Cruz [9]) chamber for 21 days. Detailed discussion on
and aimed to find out the main differences in these conditions can be found in Cruz [9].
mechanical behaviour arising from naturally and
artificially cemented soils obtained in the same
N. Cruz et al. / The Influence of Microfabrics in Bonded Soils Behaviour 175

3 PRELIMINARY TESTS 4.1 Peak strengths

In Figures 3, 4, 5 and 6 the global obtained re-
An initial set of natural and artificially cemented
sults are presented, by means of stress ratios
specimens were subjected to uniaxial compres-
(q/p’) plotted against axial strains and represent-
sion and indirect tensile tests. The main results
ing destructured, 1% of cement 52.5R, 2% of
can be found in Fig. 1 and 2, respectively.
cement 32.5N and natural soil samples. Obtained
The results in terms of the ultimate stress val-
data reveals some interesting features, as pre-
ues (uniaxial strength, qu, and indirect tensile
sented in the following lines.
strength, qtu) show that the natural soil has uniax- 2.5
ial compressive strength and indirect tensile
strength framed between the soil-cement of 1%

Cem-52.5R and 2% Cem-32.5N, but with clearly 1.5

different stress-strain relationships. 1

p'=25 kPa
p'=50 kPa
350 p'=75 kPa
Uniaxial stress, q (kPa )

p'=300 kPa
Natural residual soil
300 (q/p')max
Cem 1%-52.5R
250 Cem 2%-32.5N
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Cem 2%-52.5R
200 εa (%)
Cem 3%-32.5N
150 Destructured -1
100 0 dmax

50 1
εv (%)

0 1 2 3 4 5
Axial strain, εa (%) 4
Figure 1. Uniaxial compression tests.
45 7
Natural residual
Indirect tensile stress, q t (kPa)

40 soil 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
35 Cem 1%-52.5R εa (%)
30 Figure 3. CID triaxial tests in destructured samples.
Cem 2%-32.5N
20 Cem 2%-52.5R
Cem 3%-32.5N
5 Destructured
q /p'

0 1.5
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 p'=25 kPa
Vertical diametral strain, εd (%) 1 p'=50 kPa
Figure 2. Indirect tensile stress. p'=75 kPa
0.5 p'=300 kPa
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

In order to compare mechanical behaviours, a set -1

of CID triaxial tests was performed on naturally 0 dmax

structured, destructured and artificially cemented 1

εv (%)

samples, all falling within the same void ratio 2

range. All triaxial tests were performed under sa- 3
turated conditions and the shear phase was im- 4
plemented at low strain rates of 0.02 mm/min, in 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
εa (%)
order to ensure drained conditions, in a double
Figure 4. CID triaxial tests in artificially cemented samples
drainage path (Rodrigues [7], Cruz [9]). The ax- with Cem 1%-52.5R.
ial strains were measured externally using a
high-resolution displacement transducer and in-
ternally using submersible LVDT’s.
176 N. Cruz et al. / The Influence of Microfabrics in Bonded Soils Behaviour

2.5 tion for the sample consolidated at lower confin-

ing stress, which show a smooth peak), artifi-
cially cemented samples show clear peaks at

1.5 lower confining stresses and natural samples re-

p'=25 kPa veal the existence of a peak for all confining
p'=50 kPa stresses. It should be noted that in artificially
p'=75 kPa
0.5 p'=300 kPa cemented samples the presence of peak strengths
is related both with cement content and confining
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 stresses. In fact, higher cement content reveals
εa (%) peak strengths up to 75 kPa of confining stress,
-3 while in the sample with lower content peaks are
-2 only observed for 25 and 50 kPa confining
stresses. Finally, peak strengths of natural soils
εv (%)

1 are higher than those observed in artificial mix-

3 Concerning to dilatancy, it can be observed
that for the same levels of confining stresses
6 rates increase with cement content and naturally
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 cemented soils present higher values than the
εa (%) other specimens. Moreover, despite the lower
Figure 5. CID triaxial tests in artificially cemented samples values of uniaxial and diametral strengths (com-
with Cem 2%-32.5N. paring with artificially cemented samples) natu-
2.5 ral soil reveals a dilatant behaviour in all the
tested samples, which doesn´t happen in artificial
1.5 On its turn, in cemented samples the maxi-

p'=350 kPa
p'=25 kPa
mum rate of dilation takes place after the maxi-
p'=50 kPa mum stress ratio, while these two points coincide
0.5 p'=150 kPa
in destructured samples [3]. Results also reveal
0 that increasing cementation level leads to a high-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 er gap between peak and maximum dilatancy re-
εa (%)
lated strains.
-6 Finally, a softening post-peak behaviour is ob-
-5 dmax
served, which is smoother in natural soils. De-
spite the same order of strength magnitude, arti-
ficial and natural sample behaviours are not

similar and thus, the former doesn´t seem to rep-
0 resent with accuracy the latter.
2 4.2 Stress-dilatancy behaviour
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
εa (%) The different behaviours referred above seem
Figure 6. CID triaxial tests natural structured samples. to be highly influenced by volumetric answer
during shear and so, relations between strength
In the first place, results show that globally
and dilatancy were also studied to go further in
strains associated to peak strengths increase with
the understanding of these behaviours. To do so,
increasing confining stresses.
On the other hand, stress ratios of the destruc- dilatancy ratio (dHv/dHs) was plotted against stress
tured samples show a gradual increase up to a ratio, K (=q/p’), as presented in Fig. 7, 8, 9 and
maximum ultimate value (with the only excep- 10. These figures show that the higher dilatancy
N. Cruz et al. / The Influence of Microfabrics in Bonded Soils Behaviour 177

is obtained in natural soils, followed by artificial Figure 9. Stress-dilatancy data for cemented soil with 2% of
cement 32.5N.
mixtures, while in destructured samples the pa- q/p' Frictional trend
rameter is no longer present. In these latter, the Cemented trend
p'=15 kPa
stress paths are almost linear, revealing the ab- 2 p'=25 kPa
p'=50 kPa
sence of a cementation strength, while in artifi- p'=150 kPa
cially or naturally cemented soils the increase of 1.5 p'=300 kPa
p'=500 kPa
cementation strength is represented by an in-
creasing cohesive intercept in shear strength, as 1

discussed in next section.

q/p' 0.5
p'=25 kPa
p'=50 kPa 0
2 p'=75 kPa
p'=300 kPa -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5
Frictional trend Dilatancy, dεv/dεs

Figure 10. Stress-dilatancy data for natural granitic soil.


0.5 These results also show that the initial paths

are clearly different in the several specimens,
0 which suggests initial stiffness of natural soils is
-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 not well represented by artificial ones. Moreover,
Dilatanc y, dεv/dεs in natural soils dilation seems to hide cementa-
Figure 7. Stress-dilatancy data for destructured uncemented tion effects, which is represented by a higher
soil. slope of cemented trend in artificial specimens.
q/p' p'=25 kPa
2.5 p'=50 kPa
p'=75 kPa 4.3 Failure envelope
2 p'=300 kPa
Frictional trend Peak strength envelopes for all tested specimens
Cemented trend
1.5 are presented in Figure 11, respectively, repre-
sented in the form of a q-p’ diagram, [q=V’1–V’3
and p’=1/3(V’1+2V’3)].
0.5 Destructured
1000 Cem 2%-32.5N
Deviatoric stress, q (kPa)

0 Cem 1%-52.5R
800 Natural residual soil
-0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5

Dilatancy, dεv/dεs 600

Figure 8. Stress-dilatancy data for cemented soil with 1% of 400

cement 52.5R.
q/p' p'=25 kPa 200
2.5 p'=50 kPa
p'=75 kPa 0
2 p'=300 kPa 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
Frictional trend Mean effective stress, p' (kPa)
Frictional trend
Figure 11. Peak shear strength envelops of specimens.
1 These diagrams reveal that failure envelopes
for destructured materials are almost linear,
while those for cemented ones are curved. In the
0 case of cemented materials the slope of failure
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 envelope decreases with increasing p’, suggest-
Dilatancy, dεv/dεs ing the breakage of interparticular bonding with
increasing mean effective stress. On the other
178 N. Cruz et al. / The Influence of Microfabrics in Bonded Soils Behaviour

hand, the increase of cementation level generates REFERENCES

failure envelopes located at higher stress do-
mains, highlighting the influence of cementation [1] P.R. Vaughan, Mechanical and hydraulic properties of
on shear strength mobilization. Nevertheless, it is in situ residual soils, Proc. 1st Int. Conf Geomech.
Tropical Lateritic Saprolit. Soils, Brasilia 3 (1985),
also clear that the envelope non-linearity in- 231–263.
creases with cementation level and so the inter- [2] P.R. Vaughan, M. Maccarini, S.M. Mokhtar, Indexing
ception in q axis is closer to the origin, as a con- the engineering properties of residual soils, Q.J. Engng
sequence of dilatancy control. Finally, results Geol, 21 (1988), 69-84.
[3] A. Viana da Fonseca, Geomechanics of Porto residual
also reveal that the interception of naturally ce- soil from granite. Project criteria for direct founda-
mented and destructured soils failure envelopes tions, PhD Thesis, Porto University, Portugal (in Portu-
occurs at higher confining stresses (p’) than guese), 1996.
those related with comparable artificially ce- [4] S. Leroueil, P.R. Vaughan, The General and Congruent
Effects of Structure in Natural Soils and Weak Rocks,
mented mixtures, showing a more effective con- Géotechnique, 40-3, (1990), 467–488.
trol of microfabric in the former. [5] M.R. Coop, J.H. Atkinson, The mechanics of cemented
carbonate sands, Géotechnique, 43-1 (1993), 53-67.
[6] F. Schnaid, P.D.M. Prietto, M.H.T. Consoli, Charac-
terization of cemented sand in triaxial compression, J.
5 CONCLUSIONS Geotech. Geoenv. Engng, ASCE, 127(10), (2001), 857–
The use of artificially cemented soils to study the [7] C.M.G. Rodrigues, Geotechnical characterization and
geomechanic behaviour study an saprolitic granite soils
behaviour of structured soils is very useful, since from Guarda. PhD thesis, Coimbra University, Portugal
it allows separated analysis of cohesive and fric- (in Portuguese), 2003.
tional influence in mechanical behaviour. How- [8] A. Viana da Fonseca, R.Q. Coutinho, Characterization
ever, to simulate the behaviour of natural soils of Residual Soils, Geotechnical and Geophysical Site
Characetrization. Keynote Lecture ISC’3. (2008). 195-
original microfabric should be reproduced, which 248.
seems to be quite difficult to achieve with artifi- [9] N. Cruz, Modelling geomechanics of residual soils by
cial mixtures. DMT tests. PhD dissertation. Faculty of Engineering of
The research presented herein highlighted that University of Porto. Portugal, 2010.
[10] C.M.G. Rodrigues, L.J.L. Lemos, Strength and stress-
even tough artificial mixtures were prepared with strain behaviour of saprolitic granite soils from Guarda
same void ratio and comparable uniaxial and in- – sampling effects. Proc. Int. Symp. Deformation Char-
direct tensile strengths (thus, similar cementation acteristics of Geomaterials – IS Lyon (2003), 663–668.
magnitudes) the behaviour in triaxial testing was [11]
quite different. In fact, naturally cemented soils 513rayzg5JXIPZKU.pdf.
always showed higher levels of dilatancy than
those observed in artificial mixtures, curvature of
failure envelopes is more pronounced in natural
soils and stress-dilatancy paths are quite different
in both materials.


This research was developed under the activities

of CEC, FEUP, namely PTDC/ECM/099475/
2008 project, financed by European Community
(QREN/UE/FEDER), through the Operational
Program for Competitive Factors, COMPETE.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 179
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Determination of the small-strain stiffness of hard

soils by means of bender elements and
Détermination de la rigidité à petite déformation des sols
indurés par bender elements et accéléromètres
C. Ferreira 1, J. P. Martins, A. Gomes Correia
C-TAC – Centre of Territory, Environment and Construction, University of Minho, Portugal

Direct determination of seismic wave velocities in the laboratory is becoming common practice worldwide, given its great poten-
tial in the definition of the stiffness at very small strains. One of the techniques for seismic wave measurement makes use of pie-
zoelectric transducers, such as bender elements (BEs). However, some limitations remain to the applicability of this technique,
namely for stiff geomaterials, such as compacted soils, naturally or artificially cemented soils and soft or weak rocks. For this
purpose, two accelerometers have been used in conjunction with BEs. In the present paper, this combined test setup implemented
on a stress-path triaxial chamber will be detailed. An application study will be presented for a hard soil, prepared by laboratory
compaction and tested in triaxial compression at different isotropic stress levels. The equipments, procedures and interpretation
analyses will also be described. The advantages of this setup are twofold: i) the interpretation of the acceleration measurements
is straightforward, since the signals are of the same nature; ii) these measurements can be used to verify the bender element sig-
nals, and thus minimize the subjectivity of the interpretation of BE results. Additionally, the accelerometers can be used autono-
mously wherever the interpretation of BEs becomes too complex. The results of this research enabled to validate the interpreta-
tion methods used for bender element testing. Moreover, this combined setup of transducers provided a simple yet powerful tool
for eliminating the subjectivity inherent to BE testing, enabling reliable measurements of small-strain stiffness for a wide range
of materials.

Détermination directe des vitesses des ondes sismiques dans le laboratoire est devenue une pratique courante dans le monde en-
tier, compte tenu de son grand potentiel dans la définition de la rigidité à petites déformations. Une des techniques pour la me-
sure des ondes sismiques utilise des transducteurs piézoélectriques, comme des bender elements (BEs). Toutefois, certaines li-
mites restent à l'applicabilité de cette technique, pour les géomatériaux raide, comme les sols compactés, les sols cimentés et des
roches tendres ou faibles. A cet effet, deux accéléromètres ont été utilisés en conjonction avec des BEs. Dans cet article, cette
installation d'essai combiné mise en œuvre sur une chambre triaxial de stress-path sera détaillée. Une étude d'application sera
présentée pour un sol dur, préparé par compactage en laboratoire et testé en compression triaxiale à différents niveaux de con-
trainte isotrope. Les équipements, les procédures et l'interprétation seront également décrits. Les avantages de cette installation
sont de deux ordres: i) l'interprétation des mesures d'accélération est simple, puisque les signaux sont de même nature; ii) ces
mesures peuvent être utilisées pour vérifier les signaux des BEs, et donc de minimiser la subjectivité de l'interprétation des résul-
tats. En outre, les accéléromètres peuvent être utilisés de manière autonome quand l'interprétation des BEs devient trop com-
plexe. Les résultats de cette recherche a permis de valider les méthodes d'interprétation utilisées pour les essais des BEs. En plus,
cette configuration combinée des transducteurs fourni un instrument simple mais puissant pour éliminer la subjectivité inhérente
à les essais des BEs, permettant des mesures fiables de la rigidité à petites déformations, pour un large éventail de matériaux.

Keywords: Small-strain stiffness, hard soils, bender elements, accelerometers.

Corresponding Author.
180 C. Ferreira et al. / Determination of the Small-Strain Stiffness of Hard Soils

1 INTRODUCTION with effective stresses, namely during cementa-

tion, curing, load stabilization and even satura-
In the past couple of decades, it has been recog- tion, are particularly appealing.
nized that the stress-strain response of practically Despite its several advantages, the interpreta-
all soils and soft rocks is in fact highly non- tion of BE results often involves some degree of
linear. This has led to the development of design uncertainty. A number of methods for the inter-
methods that take this into account, such that pretation of bender element results are common-
stiffness non-linearity is now routinely incorpo- ly used, in the time or the frequency domain.
rated into many standard computer codes. These Time domain techniques are generally simpler
achievements have been paralleled by develop- and more straightforward, as the travel time can
ments in both in situ and laboratory testing tech- be directly defined from the measurement of the
niques that allow the details of the stress-strain time interval between characteristic points in the
response to be examined, even at strains as low transmitted and received wave traces. On the
as 10-6 [1, 2]. other hand, frequency domain techniques tend to
Direct determination of seismic wave velocities be more elaborate, as these are supported by sig-
in laboratory specimens is gradually becoming nal processing and spectrum analyses tools, and
common practice worldwide, given its great po- enable automated data acquisition and
tential in the definition of the stiffness at very processing. Many authors have dealt with the dif-
small strains, recognized as a reference parame- ficulties of interpretation of results [5-9]. A prac-
ter in soils. In the laboratory, the most widely tical framework for BE testing was recently pro-
used method of determining VS makes use of posed by Viana da Fonseca et al. [2], combining
piezoelectric transducers, such as bender ele- two distinct interpretation methods, in the time
ments (BEs), shear plates and also bender- and the frequency domain, as an effective means
extender elements. Bender elements, originally of obtaining the most reliable value for the travel
developed for soft soils [3], have opened a new time.
window in laboratory testing, since seismic wave Sample geometry and BE-related phenomena
measurements are performed simultaneously also play a part in the quality and performance of
with standard mechanical static or cyclic tests. BE tests, especially spatial and boundary condi-
These transducers enable transmitting and re- tions, such as alignment of the BEs, wave ref-
ceiving shear and/or compression waves and can lections, coupling, near-field effects (relative dis-
be installed virtually in any conventional soil tance between transmitter and receiver) and
testing device, most commonly in the oedometer overshooting at high frequencies [10].
or the triaxial chamber, but also in more complex However, some limitations remain to the ap-
systems such as calibration chambers, centrifug- plicability of this technique, namely for stiff
es, resonant columns and even cubical true tri- geomaterials, such as compacted soils, naturally
axial apparatuses [2, 4]. or artificially cemented soils and soft or weak
The attraction of the BE technique is its ap- rocks, given the greater stiffness impedance be-
parent simplicity: one of the transducers is ex- tween the transducers and the tested materials.
cited at one end of a specimen using a single In this work, an alternative technique has been
pulse excitation, and the time required for this to developed to overcome this challenge. Two acce-
be registered by the receiving bender element at lerometers (ACs), located at specific points in the
the other end of the specimen can be simply read laboratory specimens, have been used in con-
off an oscilloscope, to obtain the travel time, and junction with the bender elements setup. The
hence the shear wave velocity. Therefore, pie- signal produced by the bender element transmit-
zoelectric transducers are an inexpensive and ter is acquired by the bender element receiver
versatile solution for laboratory seismic wave and by the two accelerometers.
measurement. Furthermore, its capabilities in This combined system of seismic wave mea-
monitoring processes of evolution of stiffness surements enables to obtain additional and com-
C. Ferreira et al. / Determination of the Small-Strain Stiffness of Hard Soils 181

plementary information regarding the validity of

the BE signals and thus minimize the subjectivity
Receiver BE
in interpretation. The advantages of this setup are
twofold: i) the interpretation of the acceleration
measurements can be directly made both in the
time and in the frequency domain, since the sig- Accelerometers
nals are of the same nature, hence directly com-
parable; ii) these measurements can be used to Specimen
check BE results, enabling its validation or, if
necessary, its revision. Additionally, the accele-
rometers can be used autonomously in high stiff-
ness materials where the interpretation of bender
elements tends to be more complex. Transmitter

a) b)
BENDER ELEMENTS AND Figure 1. Setup and installation of the bender elements and
ACCELEROMETERS SYSTEM accelerometers in a soil specimen: a) schematic; b) photo-
graph of setup AC3-13.

The associated electronics equipment include

2.1 Instrumentation of the stress-path chamber a function generator from Thurlby Thandar In-
For the development of this system, a Bishop- struments (TG1010A model) and a National In-
Wesley stress-path chamber, available at the Civ- struments data logger system (SCXI-1600), with
il Engineering laboratory of the University of 16-bit accelerometer cards (SCXI-1531), con-
Minho, was used and adapted to accommodate nected to a portable computer. Data acquisition
the bender-extender elements and the accelero- was taken at a sampling rate of 50 kHz per chan-
meters [12]. New top and bottom platens were nel. A specific LabView interface was developed
designed and manufactured and modifications, for data acquisition and recording. The program
including drilled holes for cable outlet, were operates similarly to an oscilloscope: triggered
made. signals are detected and an average of 16 pulses
The bender-extender elements used in this is displayed; in addition, each channel can be in-
work were manufactured by GDS Instruments dividually amplified by a user-defined factor.
[11]. The accelerometers, from Brüel & Kjær,
are piezoelectric sensors (type 4513-001, 100 2.2 Characterization of the tested material
mV/g sensitivity, ±50 g measuring range, 1 Hz to For the purpose of this work, a well-graded
10 kHz frequency range, 12.7mm in diameter, clayey sand (designated SAE) collected at an ex-
15.65 mm in height, 9 g in weight). In order to perimental embankment in the city of Évora, was
ensure adequate coupling and stability during used. This soil was subjected to extensive physi-
testing, the ACs were fixed to the sides of the cal and mechanical characterization in the la-
specimens at specific points, by means of pins boratory [12].
screwed to the back of the accelerometers. The specimens, of 100 mm in diameter and
The conceived testing system comprises a to- 200 mm in height, were prepared for 97% of the
tal of four sensors: two bender-extender elements maximum modified Proctor compaction, corres-
and two accelerometers, as shown in Figure 1. ponding to a dry volumetric mass of 1991 kg/m3
The transmitter BE sends seismic S-waves, and a void ratio of 0.331.
which travel through the specimen, and are re-
ceived and recorded by the remaining transduc-
ers, the receiver BE and the ACs.
182 C. Ferreira et al. / Determination of the Small-Strain Stiffness of Hard Soils

2.3 Test setup and procedure 2.4 Interpretation of BE and AC results

A pilot test was performed with the aim of defin- The interpretation of the bender elements and ac-
ing the test setup, namely the optimal positions celerometers data was performed in the time do-
of the accelerometers in the sides of the speci- main. As an example, in Figure 2 typical signals
men. For this purpose, seismic wave measure- of BE and accelerometers are shown, from a tri-
ments using BEs and ACs were made on an un- axial test carried out on an unsaturated specimen,
confined specimen. Since the transmitter BE was for 100 and 300 kPa of isotropic confining pres-
installed at the base platen, the ACs were posi- sure.
tioned at the distances of 30, 130, 150 and 180 The identification of the arrival time of the
mm from the base. The first AC at 30 mm from shear waves is not always straightforward, since
the base was kept at that position at all times, direct and reflected compression waves often ap-
while the second AC was successively positioned pear in the received signals. With regards to BEs,
at the other locations, as illustrated in Figure 1b. the first deflection point recorded can be erro-
For each position of the second AC, a series of neously taken as the first wave arrival, however
BE and AC measurements were taken for a range it is caused by near field effect, hence cannot be
of input frequencies. With this experiment, it was considered to correspond to the real shear wave
possible to assess the sensitivity of the sensors to arrival time. The arrival time of shear waves was
the vibrations produced by the transmitter BE as then assumed to be located at the point of clear
a function of its distance. In terms of signal qual- uprising of the signal, as marked in Figure 2.
ity, the differences encountered were minor and Note that the polarity of the input and output sig-
mostly related with the frequency of the input nals is positive, hence the start of the shear wave
signal; the most distant accelerometer provided is expected to be ascending.
clear signals for lower input frequencies than the For accelerometer signals, it is possible to
closest accelerometer, as anticipated, and an identify and selected any similar characteristic
identical signal quality was obtained at each po- points in both signals, defining the travel time as
sition. Based on these results, the positions of 30 the time interval between the two selected in-
and 130 mm from the base were selected as final stants, as shown in Figure 2.
positions for the ACs. These positions were con- It should be noted that this interpretation as-
sidered beneficial for direct comparison of re- sumes that the same travel time is obtained with-
sults, since the distance between the two ACs is in the frequency range, that is, the travel time is
of 100 mm, while the distance between the two frequency-independent.
BEs is of about 200 mm. This means that the tra- Seismic wave velocities (Vs) were calculated
vel time measured by the ACs is expected to be using the travel length and time measured during
half of the travel time measured by the BEs. the triaxial tests, according the following equa-
Having established the test setup, the test pro- tion from wave propagation theory:
cedure followed that of a drained isotropic triaxi-
al compression test, with additional seismic wave L
measurements at unconfined conditions and at VS  (1)
the isotropic effective stresses of 100, 200 and
300 kPa. The transmitter BE was excited with a
sine pulse with a magnitude of 20 V. For each where L is the effective travel distance (tip to
isotropic confining pressure, a range of input fre- tip for BE) and Ts is the travel time of the S-
quencies between 100Hz and 10 kHz was tested waves. The elastic shear modulus (G0) can be de-
in order to define the value which provided rived from the shear wave velocity as follows:
greater amplification in the received signals, that
is, the clearest output signals. G 0   V S2 (2)

where ȡ is the bulk density of the specimen.

C. Ferreira et al. / Determination of the Small-Strain Stiffness of Hard Soils 183

10 100

From these results, it can be concluded that

5 50 the maximum differences observed between BE
and AC results are of 7% in shear wave velocity,

AC amplitude (mV)
BE amplitude (V)

corresponding to 14% in shear modulus. Bearing

0 0
in mind the subjectivity inherent to BE testing
BE and the reported divergences observed from the
-5 -50
application of different interpretation techniques,
BE transmitter BE receiver these differences can be considered small and
AC 3 AC 13
-10 -100 within satisfactory limits. It can also demon-
0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5
a) Time (ms)
strates that the arrival time selected in the BE re-
ceived signal corresponds to the actual first ar-
10 100 rival of the shear wave.
From the analysis of the obtained response
5 50 signals at each stress level (Figure 3a and 3b), it
AC amplitude (mV)

is possible to observe that the amplitude of the

BE amplitude (V)

0 0
BE signal is reduced as stress level increases,
while the AC signals appear to be unaffected by

stress changes. In effect, with the stress increase,
-5 -50
the shear wave may become undetected in the re-
BE transmitter BE receiver
AC 3 AC 13
ceived BE signal, while it is still visible in the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
AC measurements. For this reason, it can be
b) Time (ms) stated that the performance of the accelerometers
is virtually independent of the stiffness of the
Figure 2. Time histories of signals from BEs and ACs at dif-
ferent isotropic confining stresses: a) 100 kPa; b) 300 kPa
tested material.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the com-
Table 1 presents a comparative summary of bined measurement of shear wave velocities by
the results obtained by the BEs and the ACs at bender elements and accelerometers is a valid
the different confining pressure stages, in terms method, providing comparable results. Further-
of travel time, shear wave velocity and shear more, the combined use of BEs and ACs is both
modulus. The differences between the measure- advantageous and complementary: not only in
ments are also indicated in the table. terms of the validation of the BE interpretation,
but also for the determination of shear wave ve-
locities beyond the range of applicability of the
Table 1. Comparative summary of BE and AC results
BE method.
Confining pressure (kPa) This is particularly relevant for testing stiffer
method 0* 100 200 300 materials, such as hard soils (compacted or artifi-
t (ms) 4.25 0.74 0.60 0.50 cially cemented) and soft rocks or for testing at
BE VS (m/s) 47.1 270.3 333.3 400 high stress levels.
G0 (MPa) 4.4 145.5 221.2 318.6

t (ms) 1.98 0.36 0.28 0.24 3 CONCLUSIONS

AC VS (m/s) 50.5 277.8 357.1 416.7
In this paper, the implementation of a combined
G0 (MPa) 5.1 153.4 253.9 345.7
testing system using bender elements and accele-
VS (m/s) 7% 3% 7% 4% rometers on a stress-path chamber has been de-
 scribed. The developed testing system enables
G0 (MPa) 14% 5% 13% 8%
the measurement of shear wave velocities from
*: unconfined; : differences between BE and AC
which the very small strain stiffness, in the form
184 C. Ferreira et al. / Determination of the Small-Strain Stiffness of Hard Soils

of the shear modulus, can be determined. In REFERENCES

short, the system comprises two BEs and two
ACs: the transmitter BE sends a shear wave [1] Gomes Correia, A., Viana da Fonseca, A. and Gambin,
M. Routine and advanced analysis of mechanical in-situ
through the specimen, which are detected by the tests. In: Viana da Fonseca A. and Mayne P.W. (eds.),
receiver BE and the two accelerometers. Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization,
The performance of this new testing setup has Keynote Lecture, Vol. 1, Millpress, Rotterdam, 2004,
been assessed and demonstrated by means of iso- pp. 75–95.
[2] Viana da Fonseca, A.; Ferreira, C. and Fahey, M. A
tropic compression triaxial tests, with measure- framework for interpreting bender element tests, com-
ments of the shear wave velocities at different bining time-domain and frequency-domain methods.
stress levels. The obtained measurements showed Geotechnical Testing Journal, ASTM, 32 (2009), No.
a good agreement between BE and AC results, 2, pp. 1-17.
[3] Dyvik, R. and Madshus, C. Lab measurements of Gmax
thus enabling to validate the interpretation me- using bender elements. Proceedings ASCE Annual
thod used for bender element testing as well as Convention: Advances in the art of testing soils under
the new testing setup and procedure. cyclic conditions, Detroit, Michigan (1985), pp. 186-
During this testing program, it was possible to 197.
[4] Ferreira, C. The use of seismic wave velocities in the
observe that, with the increase of stiffness (inhe- measurement of stiffness of a residual soil. PhD thesis
rent or induced by the stress state), the interpreta- in Civil Engineering. Universidade do Porto, 2009.
tion and reliability of the bender element mea- [5] Viggiani, G.; Atkinson, J.H. Interpretation of bender
surements decreased. On the other hand, the element tests. Géotechnique, 45 (1995), No. 2, pp. 149-
performance of the accelerometers was found to [6] Š@‹ˆ†Œ!‘’“†‡!”!and Simic, M. Objective crite-
be relatively independent of the stiffness of the ria for determining Gmax from bender element tests.
tested material. Géotechnique, 46 (1996), No. 2, pp. 357-362.
Therefore, it is possible to conclude that this [7] Greening, P.D.; Nash, D.F.T.; Benahmed, N.; Viana da
Fonseca, A. and Ferreira, C. Comparison of shear wave
combined setup of transducers provided a simple velocity measurements in different materials using time
yet powerful tool for eliminating the subjectivity and frequency domain techniques, Proceedings of De-
inherent to bender element testing, enabling reli- formation Characteristics of Geomaterials, Lyon,
able measurements of very small-strain stiffness France, September 2003. Balkema, pp. 381-386.
[8] Greening, P.D. and Nash, D.F.T. Frequency domain de-
for a wide range of materials, including stiff ma- termination of G0 using bender elements, ASTM Geo-
terials, such as hard soils. technical Testing Journal, 27 (2004), Nº 3, pp. 1-7.
[9] Arroyo, M., Greening, P. and Muir Wood, D. An esti-
mate of uncertainty in current pulse test practice. Rivis-
ta Italiana di Geotecnica, 37 (2001), Nº1, pp.17-35.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS [10] Rio, J. Advances in laboratory geophysics using bender
elements. PhD thesis in Civil Engineering. University
This work was developed under the research ac- College London, University of London, 2006.
[11] GDS Instruments. Bender elements datasheet.
tivities of C-TAC from University of Minho. The
second author acknowledges the support of FCT (last acessed at February 2011), 2009.
in the form of the PhD scholarship [12] Martins, J. P. Compaction and its influence on the
SFRH/BD/32571/2006. structural behaviour of high speed railways. PhD thesis
in Civil Engineering. Universidade do Minho, 2011.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 185
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Measurement of stiffness of Greek stiff soils

Mesures de rigidité des argiles raides en Grèce
V.N. Georgiannou1
National Technical University, Athens, Greece
P. Ferreira
University College London, U.K.
F. Altuhafi
Imperial College London, U.K.

Research into the stress-strain behaviour of many stiff clays and weak rocks has demonstrated conclusively that it is highly non-
linear. Hence, to calculate ground movements it is necessary to define stiffness parameters at strains which correspond to the
strains caused by the construction. In this paper the stiffness of five soils from various Greek construction sites was evaluated
through improved equipment and test techniques. These included measurement of shear wave velocity and the use of local strain
instrumentation. The latter comprised of miniature inclinometers and LVDTs. Tests were performed on natural (undisturbed)
specimens trimmed from block samples. The specimens were isotropically and anisotropically consolidated and stiffness pa-
rameters were measured for each soil for a range of effective stress levels. Despite the wide variation of the deposits all soils
contain less than 20% clay content and their Atterberg limits plot very close to the A line. The measured stiffness values fall
within the broader band of data reported in the literature for stiff clays.

La recherche sur le comportement contrainte-déformation de nombreuses argiles raides et roches tendres a démontré de façon
concluante qu'il est hautement non-linéaire. Par conséquent, pour calculer les mouvements de terrain, il est nécessaire de définir
les paramètres de rigidité à deformations qui correspondent aux contraintes provoquées par la construction. Dans cet article, la
rigidité de cinq sols provenant de divers sites de construction grecques a été évaluée grâce à l'amélioration des équipements et
des techniques des tests. Ces mesures inclus la vitesse des ondes de cisaillement et de l'utilisation de l'instrumentation des de-
formation locale. Ce dernier comprend des inclinomètres miniatures et LVDT. Des essais ont été effectués sur des spécimens
naturelles (intactes) taillés dans des blocs. Les échantillons ont été isotropiqument et anisotropiqument consolidés et les pa-
ramètres de rigidité ont été mesurés pour chaque sol pour une gamme de niveaux de la contrainte effective. Malgré la grande
variation des sédiments tous les sols contenant moins de 20% la teneur en argile et leurs limites d'Atterberg terrain sont très
proche de la ligne A. Les valeurs de rigidité mesurée se trouvent dans la large evantail de données rapportées dans la littérature
pour les argiles raides.

Keywords: stiffness, shear strength, compressibility, laboratory tests.

1 INTRODUCTION been established through numerical analyses and

in situ measurements that soil behaviour under
The highly non-linear nature of stiffness of stiff working conditions is controlled by its properties
overconsolidated clays at small strain levels has at small strain levels. This paper discusses this
been widely reported in the literature. It has also soil behaviour for five deposits associated with

Corresponding Author.
186 V.N. Georgiannou et al. / Measurement of Stiffness of Greek Stiff Soils

various construction activities all over Greece. cloth. They were stored in a chamber filled with
Block samples were extracted from an area of the water in its lowest compartment. Triaxial speci-
Ionian geotectonic zone studied in connection mens 38mm in diameter and 76mm in height
with the construction of the Egnatia motorway were hand trimmed in a soil lathe from the block
[1], an area in central Greece where a new samples.………………….
motorway (E65) is under construction, from the 100%
base of the Corinth Canal [2], and two locations 90%
in Athens. It is interesting to note that the 80%

Percentage passing (%)

average Atterberg limits for each of the deposits 70% Moshato
all plot very close to the A line on a plasticity
chart and the clay fraction lies in the range of 10- lamia
20%. Hence their behaviour might not show the
40% Egnatia
same coherence with the behaviour of natural
clays in its broader sense. Marousi
10% Corinth
0% marl
PROCEDURES 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
Grain diameter (mm)

Five natural cohesive soils are presented in this Figure 1. Grading curves for natural soils.
paper. To minimize the effects of sampling
disturbance, block samples were extracted from The tested soils were initially saturated, and
vertical faces of cuts, with the exception of the B values measured in the triaxial specimens
Marousi low plasticity clay which was prepared were in excess of 0.95. The initial effective stress
from rotary-cored samples taken from a depth of in each specimen, pi’, was measured by applying
16-18m at the site of Kiffisias avenue in the a cell pressure and allowing the pore pressure to
OAKA area. Large block samples of Egnatia come to equilibrium, usually involving a period
high plasticity silt were extracted from the face of 24 h. Specimens were subsequently
of a tunnel in the Egnatia Motorway at a section consolidated to a range of effective stresses.
located some 35 km east of Igoumenitsa Port in Laboratory tests were carried out in computer
North-West Greece. Blocks of Marl were controlled Bishop and Wesley [3] triaxial stress
recovered from cuttings of the Corinth Canal path cells with an accuracy of ±0.5kPa in
about 60m deep and at elevations close to sea pressure and ±0.1N in load measurements. The
level. Finally, blocks of Moshato low plasticity instrumentation of the triaxial cells included a
clay from Athens and Lamia high plasticity silt pair of local strain measurement transducers,
from central Greece were obtained from a depth either the axial strain electro-level inclinometers
of 5 m after the removal of the overlying [4] or submersible linear variable differential
deposits. The blocks, 50 to 60 cm high, were transducers (LVDTs) mounted diametrically
covered with cling film and covered with wet opposite over a central gauge length of the
Table1. Index properties of the tested soils specimens, and a mid-height pore pressure probe
[5]. The shearing rate was 5%/day for the
w0 (%) Gs wL WP undrained tests and 4%/day for the drained tests
(%) (%) on Marl and Moshato clay. The index properties
Marl 25-26 2.69 31.0 25.0 of the five soils are summarised in Table 1. All
Lamia 27-29 2.62 57.0 32.0 soils apart from the low plasticity clays of
Moshato and Marousi, are silty albeit too close to
Moshato 20-22 2.70 29.9 17.5
the A line. Moreover, Marousi and Egnatia soils
Egnatia 18-20 2.66 53.0 30.0 include a high percentage (>25%) of sand. Their
Marousi 17-18 2.67 37.3 22.2
V.N. Georgiannou et al. / Measurement of Stiffness of Greek Stiff Soils 187

grading curves are shown in Fig 1. All soils have probe and base measurement of pore pressure did
clay contents lower than 20%. not exceed 1% of the current effective stress.
=ct (kPa)

q=1-3 (kPa)
600 400
Fig. 2 shows the oedometer compression curves 400
for the tests carried out on natural intact samples. 200
It can be seen that only the Moshato and Lamia 100
samples, which were obtained from shallow
0 2 4 6 8 10
depth, reach obvious normal consolidation
axial strain (%) (a)
curves with the Marl samples showing the
smallest volume change between subsequent
loading increments. Hence, for the stress range
examined during shearing only Moshato and
volumetric strain (%)
-0,5 0 2 4 6 8 10
Lamia samples are expected to be normally -1,0 p'=ct (kPa)
consolidated. -1,5
-2,0 575
0,80 Marousi 430
Marl 400
0,70 -3,5 240
Egnatia -4,0
Moshato axial strain (%)
0,50 Lamia
Figure 3. (a) Stress-strain and (b) volumetric

against axial strain curves for the Marl.

0,20 With the exception of the isotropically consoli-

dated specimen sheared at an initial effective
stress of pi’=100kPa which exhibits no post-peak
0,00 strength reduction, all specimens showed a sig-
10 100 1000 10000 100000 nificant and rapid reduction in strength after
v '(kPa)
peak, resulting from the formation of a single
Figure 2. Compressibility characteristics of slip surface at 63-650 to the horizontal, after
natural soils. which a plateau is reached such that the deviator
stress remains approximately constant with in-
creasing axial strain. Such brittle stress-strain
4 SHEAR STRENGTH AND STIFFNESS behaviour associated with the formation of single
CHARACTERISTICS slip surfaces has been observed in other stiff soils
described in [6]. In Fig. 3(b) significant dilation
Fig. 3 shows typical drained stress-strain and occurs up to peak, but a sharp reduction is ob-
volumetric against axial strain relationships for served after peak especially when brittleness is
isotropically and anisotropically consolidated introduced.
Marl samples, with the latter following a con- Fig. 4 shows the variations in the shear
stant stress ratio (^3’/^1’=0.46) path that resulted modulus with shear strain, ¶s(%), derived from
in nearly zero lateral deformation. Shearing fol- the local measurements. For the constant p’ tests,
lowed a constant p’=( ^1’+2* ^3’)/3 path at a the shear modulus was obtained as the slope of
shearing rate of 4%/day allowing for top and bot- the appropriate stress-strain curve using the ex-
tom drainage. At this rate the difference between pression:3*G=eq/e¶s.
188 V.N. Georgiannou et al. / Measurement of Stiffness of Greek Stiff Soils

350000 p'=240 kPa, AC average value of these measurements has been

p'=430 kPa, AC indicated in Fig. 7 by an arrow.
p'=400 kPa, AC
Fig. 5 shows the results of undrained tests for
250000 Lamia samples. The effective stress paths in Fig.
p'=570 kPa, AC
G (kPa)

200000 5(a) show initial contraction followed by dilation

p'=100 kPa, IC
500 (a)


q (kPa)
0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
shear strain (%) (a)

1000 p'=240 kPa, AC 200

p'=430 kPa, AC
p'=400 kPa, AC

600 p'=575 kPa, AC


p'=100 kPa, IC 0 200 p' (kPa) 400 600


200 500 (b)

p'=500 kPa
0 400
0,001 0,01 0,1 1
shear strain (%) (b) 300 280 kPa
q (kPa)

200 kPa
Figure 4. (a) Variation of shear modulus with 200
145 kPa
strain and (b) variation of normalised shear 110 kPa
modulus with strain for the Marl. 100

The stiffnesses normalised with respect to effec-
0 5 10 15 20 25
tive stress shown in Fig. 4(b), at ¶s=0.01% vary axial strain (%)
between 370 and 460 for the stress range 100-
570kPa the higher value corresponding to
p’=100-200kPa, indicating that p’ can be suc- 300 (c)
cessfully used as a normalising parameter. The p'=500 kPa
stiffness data derived from the p’=ct tests on
Corinth marl fall within the band of data ob- 200
u (kPa)

tained from in-situ measurements (Gmax=180-

200MPa at a depth of 12.5m) and the broader 280 kPa
band of data obtained from laboratory tests for 100 200 kPa
other stiff clays i.e. Vallericca clay [7] 145 kPa
(G=210MPa at p0’=430kPa), London clay [8]
(Gmax=149-176Mpa at a depth of 54-58m). 110 kPa
Moreover, values of about 180-240MPa were ob-
0 5 10 15 20 25
tained through bender element measurements, for axial strain (%)
a range of frequencies 30-50kHz, performed on
marl samples consolidated in the oedometer cell Figure 5. (a) stress paths, (b) stress-strain curves
at normal stresses 200-400kPa respectively. An and (c) excess pore pressure-strain curves
V.N. Georgiannou et al. / Measurement of Stiffness of Greek Stiff Soils 189

unlike the typical behaviour of normally to a much narrower band compared with the
consolidated clays. However, the stress-strain Marl (Fig. 4(b)).
curves are flat and do not show brittleness at
least for axial strains up to 10%. The diagram of 350000 Marg4, p'=240 kPa, AC
excess pore water pressures shown in Fig. 5(c) Egn1, p'=240 kPa, IC
300000 lamia4, p'=200kPa, IC
indicates that dilative tendencies take over long
Marousi, p'=160 kPa, IC
before peak at about 5% axial strain. Such 250000
Moshato2, p'=200 kPa, IC
dilative tendencies can be attributed to the 200000 London Clay, p'=190 kPa, IC
dominance of silt in this soil. The samples after
slight bulging developed single slip surfaces at 150000
50-530 to the horizontal followed by a conjugate 100000
surface at large strains.

G (kPa)

150000 p'=500 kPa 0

p'=280 kPa 0,001 0,01 0,1 1 10
shear strain (%)
p'=200 kPa
p'=145 kPa
Figure 7. Stiffness values for all soils at a similar
initial effective stress.
G (kPa)

p'=110 kPa

In Fig. 7 stiffness values are compared for the

five soils at similar initial effective stresses.
(a) Similar stiffness variation is observed for both
normally consolidated materials, Moshato and
0 Lamia. The Gmax value (115±15MPa for a range
0,001 0,010 0,100 1,000 10,000
shear strain (%)
of effective stresses 100-200kPa) obtained for
Moshato samples in the oedometer via bender
800 p'=500 kPa elements is indicated by an arrow in this figure.
p'=280 kPa Much larger stiffnesses are associated with the
p'=200 kPa rest of the materials the values being pretty simi-
p'=145 kPa lar for shear strains larger than 0.005% to the
stiffness of the Marl discussed previously in de-
G/p' (kPa)

p'=110 kPa
400 tail. The stiffness measurements for London Clay
also included in Fig. 7 appear to form the lower
band for this bunch of materials. The specimen
200 of London Clay was obtained from rotary cored
(b) samples 100mm in diameter taken from a depth
0 of around 30m at the site of Waterloo Interna-
0,001 0,010 0,100 1,000 10,000 tional Terminal and sheared in the triaxial at an
shear strain (%) initial effective stress of 190kPa under undrained
Figure 6. (a) Variation of shear modulus with conditions.
strain and (b) variation of normalised shear
modulus with strain for Lamia.
In Fig. 6 the stiffness variation with strain is
shown for these tests. Strong non-linearity and The present study has provided some insight
dependence on stress level is evident. The effect into the stress-strain behaviour of five natural
of the latter is taken into account in Fig. 6(b) soils with Atterberg limits close to the A line.
where stiffness has been normalised with respect The intact strength properties of two of the soils
to effective stress and the results are normalised have been studied: a high plasticity silt from La-
190 V.N. Georgiannou et al. / Measurement of Stiffness of Greek Stiff Soils

mia, Greece, and low plasticity Marl from the urements of the Crag and Lower London Tertiaries at
Sizewell, Geotechnique, 47 (1997), 451-474.
Corinth Canal. Both soils developed slip
surfaces, with the Marl exhibiting brittle
behaviour contrary to the less sensitive behaviour
of the soil from Lamia. Small strain
measurements have been used to define the
stiffness for all five soils. Stiffness non-linearity
is evidenced. With the exception of the normally
consolidated Moshato and Lamia soils, which
show smaller stiffness than the other soils, the
stiffnesses of the overconsolidated soils are
similar, at the same effective stress level, and fall
within the band of data obtained from laboratory
tests for stiff clays in the literature.


The work presented in this paper was supported

by the NTUA under the PEVE 2009 Funding for
Basic Research scheme. This support is grate-
fully acknowledged.


[1] V.N. Georgiannou, Tunnelling through varying soil

conditions in north-west Greece, Geotechnical
Engineering, 156 (2003), 97-104.
[2] M.J. Kavvadas, A. Anagnostopoulos, V.N. Georgian-
nou, M.E. Bardanis, Characterisation and engineering
properties of the Corinth marl, Proceedings of a Work-
shop on Characterisation and Engineering Properties of
Natural Soils, Singapore, T.S. Tan et al, (eds), A.A.
Balkema Publishers, 2 (2001), 1435-1459.
[3] A.W. Bishop, L.D. Wesley, A hydraulic triaxial appara-
tus for controlled stress path testing, Geotechnique, 25
(1975), No. 4, 657-670.
[4] J.B. Burland, M.J. Symes, A simple axial displacement
gauge for use in the triaxial apparatus, Geotechnique,
32 (1982), No. 1, 62-65.
[5] D.W. Hight, A simple piezometer probe for the routine
measurement of pore pressure in triaxial tests on satu-
rated soils, Geotechnique, 32 (1982), 396-401.
[6] J.B. Burland, S. Rampello, V.N. Georgiannou, G.
Calabresi, A laboratory study of the strength of four
stiff clays, Geotechnique, 46 (1996), 491-514.
[7] V.N. Georgiannou, S. Rampello, F. Silvestrii, Static and
Dynamic Measurements of Undrained Stiffness on
Natural Overconsolidated Clays, Proceedings, 10th
European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Founda-
tion Engineering, Firenze, 1 (1991), 91-95.
[8] D.W. Hight, J.D. Bennell, B. Chana, P.D. Davis, R.J.
Jardine, E. Porovic, Wave velocity and stiffness meas-
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 191
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Laboratory measurement of shear stiffness of

decomposed granite
Mesures en laboratoire de la rigidité de cisaillement d’un granite
X.Q. Gu & J. Yang 1
Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

Decomposed granite soils, formed by weathering of the parent rock, exist widely in many areas of the world. The mechanical
properties of this type of geomaterial, compared to clay and sand, are less extensively studied. In this study the small-strain shear
modulus (G0) of a decomposed granite soil in Hong Kong was measured for a variety of packing densities and confining pres-
sures, using the resonant column (RC) and bender element (BE) techniques, and the values of G0 obtained by the RC and BE
tests were compared to study the effect of test method. It is found that the small-strain shear modulus of the decomposed granite
soil is considerably lower than that of a benchmark quartz sand. Furthermore, the G0 values of the decomposed granite soil ob-
tained by the bender element tests are significantly higher than those measured by the resonant column tests, whereas for quartz
sand the two test methods are found to provide quite similar results.

Les sols granitiques décomposés, qui sont le produit de la désagrégation de la roche-mère, sont trouvés dans de nombreuses ré-
gions du monde. Les propriétés mécaniques de ce type de géomatériaux ont cependant été moins étudiées que celles de l'argile et
le sable. Les résultats de mesures du module de rigidité de cisaillement aux petites déformations (G0) d'un sol granitique décom-
posé de Hong Kong sont présentés ici pour une variété de densités et de pressions de confinement. Les essais ont été faits par co-
lonne de résonnance (RC) et en utilisant la méthode aux piézocéramiques dits « bender elements ». Les valeurs de G0 obtenues
par les RC et BE tests ont été comparées pour étudier l'effet de la méthode d'essai. Les résultats montrent que le module de ci-
saillement aux petites déformations du granite décomposé est généralement très inférieur à celui des sables quartzitiques. Les va-
leurs de G0 du granite décomposé obtenues par les tests aux piézocéramiques sont nettement supérieures à celles obtenues par les
essais par colonne de résonnance, alors que ces deux méthodes donnent des valeurs assez similaires quand elles sont appliquées
à un sable quartzitique.

Keywords: Shear modulus, wave velocity, bender element, resonant column, decomposed granite

1 INTRODUCTION corresponding shear modulus is referred to as the

small strain shear modulus G0 or the maximum
It is well known that the shear modulus of soil shear modulus Gmax. The small-strain shear mod-
depends on the shear strain amplitude due to the ulus is an important parameter in earthquake
nonlinear behavior of soil in nature. However, at ground response analysis and soil liquefaction
strain levels below 0.001%, the response of soils evaluation ([1-2]). This parameter also plays a
can be reasonably assumed to be elastic and the
Corresponding Author.
192 X.Q. Gu and J. Yang / Laboratory Measurement of Shear Stiffness of Decomposed Granite

key role in the deformations associated with ex- compression waves (P-wave). The apparatus can
cavations and foundations ([3]). accommodate a sample of 50 mm in diameter
Among various methods for laboratory mea- and 100 mm in height and has a cell pressure ca-
surement of shear modulus, the resonant column pacity of 1 MPa. The advantage of this apparatus
(RC) test is recognized to be most reliable. In re- lies in that BE and RC tests can be performed on
cent years, the bender element (BE) test involv- identical specimens, which makes the compari-
ing direct measurement of shear wave velocity son of test results of the two methods more mea-
becomes increasingly popular ([3-4]). Both me- ningful and reliable and benefit the signal inter-
thods have different advantages and limitations. pretation in BE tests [9-10].
For example, while the interpretation of RC tests
has been well established, the BE tests can be in-
corporated in various devices such as triaxial and
oedometer configurations. Nevertheless, the in-
terpretation of BE signals is somehow difficult
involving uncertainty ([5-6]).
In the past several decades, the stiffness of
soils at small strain has been studied extensively.
It is now widely accepted that the value of G0 of
a granular soil mainly depends on the void ratio
(or packing density) and the effective confining
pressure. Research also indicates that the value
of G0 depends on the particle size distribution
Unlike ordinary soils, decomposed granite
soils are formed by weathering of the parent
rock. They exist widely in Hong Kong and many
Figure 1. Schematic illustration of the apparatus used
other parts of the world, and are generally re-
garded as sandy soils. In this study, a series of
bender element and resonant column tests have
been performed on a decomposed granite soil at
various densities and effective confining pres-
The soil in this study, referred to as completely
sures. The objective of the study is to improve
decomposed granite (CDG), was collected from
our understanding of the stiffness property of de-
a loose fill slope in Hong Kong. It is composed
composed soils at small strain.
mainly of quartz and feldspar. Figure 2 shows
the particle size distribution of the soil. The basic
properties are: specific gravity Gs = 2.64, D10 =
0.0035 mm, D50 = 0.60 mm, D60 = 0.83 mm,
coefficient of uniformity Cu = 237, coefficient of
A state-of-the-art apparatus incorporating the curvature Cc = 6.75. The fines content (particle
bender element, slow-rate torsional shear and re- size < 63 m) of the soil is 25.3%.
sonant column functions has been set up at the Each specimen was prepared by the moist
University of Hong Kong, and has been success- tamping method with 5 sub-layers. After sample
fully used in the study of the shear stiffness of preparation, a suction of 25 kPa was applied to
sands under various conditions ([9-10]). The ap- stand the sample and support the weight of the
paratus is schematically shown in Fig. 1. The RC driving arm of the RC. Then, the dimensions of
is of bottom-fixed and top-free configuration the sample were measured accurately and the ini-
with internal LVDT for the measurement of spe- tial void ratio was determined. Finally, the sam-
cimen axial deformation. The BE is able to gen- ple was flushed with CO2 and then with de-aired
erate not only shear waves (S-wave) but also
X.Q. Gu and J. Yang / Laboratory Measurement of Shear Stiffness of Decomposed Granite 193

water. Back pressure was increased accordingly determine the travel time ([4-6]). However, no
to ensure the saturation of the sample until the firm conclusion can be drawn as to which me-
Skempton’s B value was higher than 0.95. In thod is free from the near-field effect.
each test, an isotropic effective confining pres- For dry and wet sand specimens Yang and Gu
sure was applied in four steps, namely 50, 100, [9-10] have shown that performing BE tests at a
200 and 400 kPa. During consolidation, the axial range of frequencies is much helpful for signal
deformation and volume change of the sample interpretation. Following this practice Figure 3
were measured. The void ratio of the sample dur- shows typical wave signals in a CDG specimen
ing consolidation was updated at each loading at the confining pressure of 100 kPa and the void
stage. Then, BE and RC tests were performed to ratio of 0.458, for frequencies ranging from 1 to
determine G0 for each specified stress state. 80 kHz. It is clear that the characteristics of
waveforms in the soil depend on frequency, im-
plying the frequency dependence of the shear
wave velocity in the soil. The near-field effect,
80 which is obvious at low frequencies, tends to de-
Percentage passing (%)

crease with increasing frequency. But, it does not

60 disappear even at very high frequencies where
the ratio of the travel distance to the wavelength
40 is much larger than two. Moreover, as the input
frequency increases, the fast P-wave ([10-11])
20 appears in the output signals.

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
Particle size (mm) 1kHz Saturated
ı ' = 100 kPa
e = 0.458

Figure 2. Particle size distribution of the tested CDG 2kHz




4.1 Wave signals in BE tests 20kHz

In BE tests, the small-strain modulus G0 is de- 30kHz

termined as follows

G0   (Vs )   ( ) 2 2
t 80kHz

where ȡ is the mass density, Vs is the shear wave 508 !

s (from RC)

velocity, L and t are, respectively, the travel dis- 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
tance and travel time of the shear wave. It is well Time (ȝs)
agreed that the distance between the tips of pie-
zoelectric transducers can be taken as the travel Figure 3. Typical output signals with sinusoidal inputs at dif-
ferent frequencies
distance L. However, the determination of the
By analyzing the characteristics of output sig-
travel time t is somehow difficult and subjective,
nals in a whole view and using signals at 10 and
due primarily to the near-field effect. Various
20 kHz specifically, it is reasonable to determine
methods, such as the start-to-start method and the
that the S-wave travel time is around 398 !s. By
cross-correlation method, have been proposed to
194 X.Q. Gu and J. Yang / Laboratory Measurement of Shear Stiffness of Decomposed Granite

comparison, the travel time deduced from the RC

test on the same specimen is around 508 !s, im- 300
plying that the effect of test method may exist for
the soil tested. 250
BE: y = 12.52x
R = 0.99

4.2 Comparison of RC and BE measurements 200

G0 (MPa)
The effect of confining pressure on the small- 150
strain shear modulus of the CDG is shown in
Figure 4 for a specimen at the initial void ratio of 100
0.475. Both BE and RC measurements show that RC: y = 7.52x

G0 values increase with confining pressure at a 50 R2 = 0.99

power function. Particularly, it is found that G0
values from BE tests are consistently larger than 0
0 100 200 300 400
RC measurements over the range of pressures.
Note that the mass density in converting S-wave Effective confining pressure ı' (kPa)

velocity to shear modulus is an effective density Figure 4. Small-strain shear modulus from BE and RC tests
rather than the saturated mass density in order to as a function of confining pressure (e =~0.458)
account for the coupling effect on elastic wave
propagation in porous media ([10-11]). 160
To account for both pressure and void ratio ef-
BE: y=70.51x0.44
fects, a general empirical expression for sand (R2=0.97)
([12]) is adopted here to analyze the test data:
G0/F(e) (MPa)

G0  AF (e)(
)n (2)
RC: y=43.51x0.47
where A is a constant reflecting soil properties
and fabric, ı’ is the effective confining pressure
(in kPa), pa is a reference stress of 98 kPa, n is a 0
stress exponent, and F(e) = (2.17-e)2/(1+e) is a 0 1 2 3 4 5
Normalized pressure ı'/Pa
void ratio function reflecting the effect of pack-
ing density. Note that here G0 value are in MPa. Figure 5. Normalized small-strain shear modulus from BE
Figure 5 shows the normalized small-strain and RC tests
modulus G0/F(e) as a function of the normalized
pressure ı’/pa. Generally, the relation expressed Table 1 Fitting results of small-strain modulus for CDG and
in Equation (2) works for the CDG as well. The Toyoura sand
fitting parameters are given in Table 1. The stress Reference Soil Method Fitting parameters
exponent n is determined to be 0.44 for BE test A n
data and 0.47 for RC data; both values are This study CDG RC 43.5 0.47
BE 70.5 0.44
slightly higher than that for a benchmark quartz [9] Toyoura RC 92.5 0.41
sand, Toyoura sand, see Table 1. However, the BE 95.1 0.41
value of the constant A for the CDG is signifi- [7] Toyoura RC 88.2 0.40
cantly lower than that for Toyoura sand, meaning
that the stiffness of the CDG is quite smaller than
the quartz sand. One of possible explanations for
this observation is that the CDG tested is very
well graded with a large coefficient of uniformity.
X.Q. Gu and J. Yang / Laboratory Measurement of Shear Stiffness of Decomposed Granite 195

400 fines content of about 25%, whereas Toyoura

sand has very uniform sizes (Cu=~1.39) without
y = 1.526x + 8.89 any fines. It is interesting to note that Souto et al.
R2 = 0.991
300 [13] had a similar observation in testing crushed
rock with grain size greater than 8 mm for road
G0 (BE) (MPa)

pavements. More data of high quality is needed

to study this issue.


0 The small-strain shear modulus (G0) of a decom-

0 100 200 300 400 posed granite soil was studied by means of the
G0 (RC) (MPa)
resonant column and bender element tests for a
Figure 6. BE test results versus RC test results: CDG
range of packing densities and confining pres-
sures. Comparisons were made between the stiff-
ness values obtained from these two methods.
The main results of the study are summarized as
(a) The G0 values of the decomposed granite
200 soil obtained by BE tests are consistently
G0 (BE) (MPa)

higher than those obtained by RC tests.

150 The two methods however offer nearly
same results for benchmark quartz sand.
100 This finding suggests that the effect of test
G0(BE)=0.9G0(RC) method depends on the soil properties (e.g.,
50 particle size and uniformity coefficient).
Toyoura sand
(b) The G0 values of the decomposed granite
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
soil are about 50% (based on RC data) to
G0 (RC) (MPa) 75% (based on BE data) of that for
benchmark quartz sand under similar test-
Figure 7. BE test results versus RC test results: Toyoura sand ing conditions, due probably to that the
granite soil is well graded with a large
Figures 4 and 5 have shown that BE tests on range of grain sizes.
the CDG yield G0 values being significantly (c) The existing empirical expression for the
larger than RC test results. Note that this effect small-strain stiffness for sands, accounting
of test method was not observed on Toyoura for both pressure and density effects,
sand [9-10]. To have a further comparison, Fig- works for the decomposed granite soil as
ure 6 presents G0 values of the CDG obtained by well. The stress exponent n determined for
BE tests against those by RC tests, and Figure 7 the decomposed granite soil is in the range
shows the BE and RC data for Toyoura sand. reported in the literature for sands, but the
The values of G0 obtained for the CDG by BE value of the constant A is significantly
are around 52.8% higher than the RC measure- lower.
ments, whereas the two methods offer quite simi- (d) The near-field effect in BE tests on the de-
lar results for Toyoura sand. This finding sug- composed granite soil tends to decrease as
gests that the effect of test method may depend the input frequency increases, but it does
on particle properties of soils, particularly on the not disappear even at much higher travel
particle size distribution. Note that the CDG distance-to-wavelength ratios. Performing
tested has a wide range of particle sizes with a BE tests at a wide range of frequencies can
196 X.Q. Gu and J. Yang / Laboratory Measurement of Shear Stiffness of Decomposed Granite

help determine the travel time of S-wave nical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 131 (2005),
with an increased reliability.
[7] T. Iwasaki and F. Tatsuoka, Effect of grain size and
grading on dynamic shear moduli of sand, Soils and
Foundations 17 (1977), 19–35.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [8] T. Wichtmann and T. Triantafyllidis, Influence of the
grain-size distribution curve of quartz sand on small
strain shear modulus Gmax, Journal of Geotechnical and
The work presented in this paper was supported Geoenvironmental Engineering 135 (2009), 1404–1418.
by the University of Hong Kong under the Seed [9] J. Yang and X.Q. Gu, Dynamic shear modulus of dry
Funding for Basic Research scheme. This sup- sand: effect of test method, Proceedings of the 14th Eu-
ropean Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Ohrid,
port is highly acknowledged. 2010.
[10] J. Yang and X.Q. Gu, Measurement of shear waves in
dry and saturated sand, Proceedings of the 14th Asia
Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotech-
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[11] M. A. Biot, Theory of propagation of elastic waves in a
[1] R. D. Andrus and K. H. II. Stokoe, Liquefaction resis- fluid-saturated porous solid. I. Low frequency range, II.
tance of soils from shear-wave velocity, Journal of Higher frequency range, Journal of The Acoustical So-
Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 126 ciety of America 28 (1956), 168–191.
(2000), 1015–1025. [12] B. O. Hardin and F. E. Richart, Elastic wave velocities
[2] J. Yang and X.R. Yan, Site response to multi- in granular soils, Journal of Soil Mechanics and Foun-
directional earthquake loading: a practical procedure, dation Engineering Division 89 (1963), 39–56.
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 29 (2009), [13] A. Souto, J. Hartikainen, and K. Ozudogru, Measure-
710–721. ment of dynamic parameters of road pavement mate-
[3] J. H. Atkinson, Non-linear soil stiffness in routine de- rials by the bender element and resonant column tests,
sign, Géotechnique 50 (2000), 487-508. Géotechnique 44 (1994), 519–526.
[4] E. G. M. Brignoli, M. Gotti and K. H. II. Stokoe, Mea-
surement of shear waves in laboratory specimens by
means of piezoelectric transducers, Geotechnical Test-
ing Journal 19 (1996), 384–397.
[5] V. Jovicic, M. R. Coop and M. Simic, Objective criteria
for determination of Gmax from bender element tests,
Géotechnique 46 (1996), 357–362.
[6] J.-S. Lee and J. C. Santamarina, Bender element, per-
formance and signal interpretation, Journal of Geotech-
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 197
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 203
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Laterally cyclic loading of monopile in dense sand

Chargement lateral cyclique de monopile dens le sable dense
R. T. Klinkvort1, O. Hededal and M. Svensson
Technical University of Denmark (DTU)

In order to investigate the response from laterally cyclic loading of monopiles a large centrifuge tests series is ongoing at the
Technical University of Denmark (DTU). This paper will present some of the tests carried out with a focus on the influence of
accumulation of rotation when changing the loading conditions. In these tests the load conditions are controlled by two load
characteristics, one controlling the level of the cyclic loading and one controlling the characteristic of the cyclic loading. The
centrifuge tests were performed in dense dry sand on a pile with prototype dimensions as following: The diameter of the pile was
d = 2 m, the penetration depth of the pile was L = 6 d = 12 m and a load eccentricity of e = 15 d = 30 m. The loading of the pile
was performed with a load setup which applies the load on the monopile in a manner that corresponds to the load condition for a
monopile used for wind turbine foundation. This is important in order to get the right failure mechanism in the sand. The load
frame is controlled with a feedback system which enables force controlled load series. A total number of 8 tests have been car-
ried. In all of the tests, the pile was loaded with 500 load controlled cycles and for the entire test series accumulation of rotation
was seen.

Afin d'étudier la réponse de chargement latéral cyclique de monopieux, une importante série d'essais en centrifugeuse est en
cours à l'Université technique du Danemark (DTU). Ce document présente quelques-uns des tests effectués avec un accent sur
l'influence de l'accumulation de rotations pour des conditions de chargement variables. Dans ces essais, les conditions de charge
sont contrôlées par deux caractéristiques de charge, une contrôlant le niveau de la charge cyclique et l’autre contrôlant l'orienta-
tion du chargement cyclique. Les essais en centrifugeuse ont été effectués sur un pieu situé dans du sable dense et sec ; le pieu a
les dimensions suivantes : d = 2 m de diamètre, profondeur de L = 6 d = 12 m et excentricité de la charge de e = 15 d = 30 m.
Le chargement du pieu a été réalisé avec une configuration de charge qui applique la charge sur le monopieu d'une manière cor-
respondant au chargement rencontré lors de l’utilisation d’un monopieu comme fondation d’une éolienne. Ceci est important afin
d’obtenir le mécanisme de rupture correct dans le sable. Ce cadre de chargement est contrôlé à l’aide d’un système de rétroaction
qui permet des séries de chargement contrôlées par la force. Un total de 8 essais a été effectué. Dans tous les tests, le pieu a été
chargé avec 500 cycles contrôlés par la force et une accumulation de la rotation a pu être notée pour toute la série de tests.

Keywords: Foundations, monopiles, centrifuge testing, sand, load-amplitude effects

Corresponding Author.
204 R.T. Klinkvort et al. / Laterally Cyclic Loading of Monopile in Dense Sand

1 INTRODUCTION soil. Here we will focus on the accumulation of

the rotation.
Monopiles are today one of the most popular
foundation methods for offshore wind turbines.
The monopile is a single large diameter tubular 3 DESIGN METHODOLOGY
steel pile driven 5 to 6 times the diameter into the
seabed. The water depth for installation of wind The design method for sand presented here [3] is
turbines is increasing. The design methodology based on the formulation proposed by [4]. As de-
for monopiles therefore needs a reformulation if scribed, the pile is modelled as a beam and the
the monopile concept shall succeed into deeper soil is modelled as non-linear springs. The for-
waters. Monopiles for wind turbines are affected mulation of the spring also known as the p-y re-
by lateral loads from waves and winds which lationship is typically for sand approximated by
subject the pile at seabed with shear forces and
corresponding moments due to the load eccen- ௞ή௭
‫ ݌‬ൌ ‫ ܣ‬ή ‫݌‬௨ ή ‫ ݄݊ܽݐ‬ቂ஺ή௣ ‫ݕ‬ቃ (1)
tricity. The design for these loads is today done ೠ
by model the pile as a beam and the soil as a sys-
tem of uncoupled non-linear springs. From this The value k represents the initial subgrade reac-
e.g. rotation of the monopile can be calculated. tion modulus and z is the distance to soil surface.
This method has successfully been used in pile pu is the ultimate soil resistance as determined by
design for offshore oil and gas platforms. The plasticity theory. A is an empirical constant
design methodology originates from tests on long which is used to fit the test results with theory.
slender piles, [1] & [2]. In the case of monopile For static loading A = (3.0-0.8X/ D) ≥ 0.9. For
foundation for wind turbines the relationship cyclic loading A = 0.9. The non-linear system is
proposed by [3], showed in equation 1, is often typically defined and solved using an FE pro-
used. Even though these curves were originally gram.
calibrated to slender piles, they are still used for
design of large diameter monopiles with a slen-
derness ratio L/D as low as 5. With a slenderness 4 EXPERIMENTS
ratio of 5 the monopile for wind turbine founda-
tion acts as a stiff pile. Therefore it is relevant to The centrifuge test program was performed with
investigate the behaviour of stiff piles in more a solid steel pile. The pile was made of a 24 mm
detail. The tests series presented in this paper are steel core with a 2 mm epoxy coating leading to
a part of a program that intends to investigate the a total diameter of d = 28 mm. The load eccen-
response of monopiles subjected to cyclic loads. tricity e and the penetration depth of the pile was
also kept constant as e = 15d and L = 6d. The re-
sponse of the pile is influenced by load eccen-
2 SCOPE OF WORK tricity and penetration depth which was shown in
[5]. Therefore a load setup which applies the
The loading condition for a monopile for off- load in a way similar to a wind turbine founda-
shore wind turbines is dominated by environ- tion is used. A more detail description of the test
mental loads from waves and wind. These loads setup is given in [6]. A sketch of the pile with
act on the monopile in a cyclic manner with a definitions is shown in figure 1.The centrifuge is
variation in amplitude as well as orientation. This used to increase the gravity so soil stresses corre-
study investigates the effect from load orienta- sponds to a pile with a diameter of 2 meters.
tion and amplitude. For the design of a monopile Scaling laws for the test are quite standard, see
foundation for wind turbines, three issues are e.g. [7].
important; the accumulation of rotation, the
change in secant stiffness and the damping in the
R.T. Klinkvort et al. / Laterally Cyclic Loading of Monopile in Dense Sand 205

thus a measure of how close the cyclic loading is

to the maximum bearing capacity, and ]c is defin-
ing the characteristic of the cyclic loading. From
these non-dimensional parameters a test program
was designed. The procedure for the test program
was to start with a monotonic test (T1). From this
test the maximum bearing capacity was found.
Then four cyclic tests were performed changing
]c, the load orientation (T2-T5). From these four
tests the most critical load orientation was found
and used for the last four cyclic tests (T3, T6-
T8). In this test series the effect of load ampli-
tude is investigated by changing ]b. A total num-
ber of eight centrifuge tests were carried out -
one monotonic and 7 cyclic. All cyclic tests were
carried out with 500 cycles except one of the test
Figure 1. Sketch of pile which was performed with 1000 cycles (T7).

The static and all cyclic tests were performed 4.1 Installation of piles
in dry Fontainebleau sand. The classification pa-
rameters shown in Table 1 are taken from [7]. After the sand is prepared the piles are jacked in-
to the soil at 1g. Figure 2 shows the jacking force
Table 1. Classification parameters for the Fontainebleau sand
measured during installation. It can be seen that
Specific gravity of particles, Gs 2.646 the sand samples are homogeneous and that de-
Minimum void ratio, emin 0.548 viation can be attributed mainly to the variation
Maximum void ratio, emax 0.859
Average grain size, d50, in mm 0.18 in void ratio. From this it is concluded that the
Coefficient of uniformity, Cu 1,6 soil samples for all the performed tests can be as-
sumed identical. The installation data of T6 was
The test pile has a diameter of 22 mm. This not recorded - the relative density for this test
leads to a “model diameter/grain size diameter” was found to ID=0.84.
ratio of 22/0.18 = 122. This ratio should be large
enough to avoid particle size effects when apply-
ing the artificial gravity field according to the
observations described in [8].
A spot pouring hopper was used for the prepa-
ration of the sand sample. After the sand is pre-
pared, the pile is installed at 1 g. Only one test is
carried out per soil sample.
A set of non-dimensional parameters are used
to describe the applied cyclic loads. This ap-
proach is similar to the one chosen by [9].

ு೘ೌೣ ு೘೔೙ Figure 2. Monotonic test results.

ߞ௕ ൌ ǡߞ௖ ൌ  (2)
ு೘೚೙ ு೘ೌೣ
4.2 Monotonic test
Here, Hmon is the maximum bearing capacity
The monotonic test (T1) was performed as a de-
found from a monotonic test, Hmin is the mini-
formation controlled test where the pile was
mum force in cyclic loading and Hmax is the max-
moved at a constant rate until a displacement of
imum force in cyclic loading. The value ]b is
one diameter at sand surface was reached. The
206 R.T. Klinkvort et al. / Laterally Cyclic Loading of Monopile in Dense Sand

displacement, the applied force and the rotation maxima and minima from every cycle can be
were recorded. In Figure 3 the result from the found.
monotonic load test can be seen. Here the rota-
tion of the pile top is plotted against the applied
force. As it can be seen from the figure no max-
imum capacity is reached. Therefore a rotation
criterion was used for define the failure.

Figure 4. Load deflection result for cyclic test T3.

When the extremes are found, deflection, rota-

tion, damping and secant stiffness from every
cycle can be determined. Figure 5 shows the
maximum rotation from every cycle of test T3.
Figure 3. Monotonic test results. The accumulation of rotation may be fitted to a
power function, see equation (3). This corre-
The failure is defined at a rotation of 4 degrees = sponds with observations done in [10].
0.0698 rad. The maximum prototype load is thus
found to be Hmon=2295 kN. The Winkler model ఏ೘ೌೣǡಿ
ൌ ܰఈ (3)
is here fitted to the monotonic test and shows ఏ೘ೌೣǡభ
therefore a good agreement with the experi-
ments. For comparison, the load-displacement Some scatter in the data can be seen, but the
curve for cyclic loading is also shown at figure 3. power function seems to capture the accumula-
Note that the design methodology leads to a gen- tion of rotation quite well, see Figure 5. This is
eral reduction in capacity of stiffness, but does the case for all the cyclic tests performed in this
not take load orientation, load level and number test series.
of cycles into account for cyclic loading.

4.3 Cyclic tests

With the maximum capacity found from the
monotonic test, the values for the cyclic testing
can be determined. The cyclic loading is carried
out using a feedback control system. A sinusoi-
dal signal is generated according to the non-
dimensional parameters wanted. Due to the feed-
back control system it is not always that the pile
response is exactly as wanted. This can lead to
difference between the measured non-
dimensional parameters and the planned. Figure 5. Maximum rotation from every cycle, test T3
In figure 4 an example of a cyclic test series is
shown. A small difference in maximum and min- From Figure 5, it can be seen that an asymp-
imum values can be seen. This is due to difficul- totic value of the rotation is not reached. Even
ties in the feedback control. From a test like this for test number T7 with 1000 identical cycles it
R.T. Klinkvort et al. / Laterally Cyclic Loading of Monopile in Dense Sand 207

was not possible to assess that an asymptotic 4.3.2 Load amplitude, ]b

value was reached. Hence, tests with an even Having identified the most critical load orien-
larger number of cycles should be carried out in tation, the effect from the load amplitude was in-
order to get a more reliable estimate on the ac- vestigated. The non-dimensional cyclic parame-
cumulation law. ters and the results from the four tests can be
seen in Table 4.
4.3.1 Load orientation, ]c Table 4. Centrifuge test program, N = number of cycles
To investigate the load orientation, four cyclic
]c ]b N D Test nr.
tests was performed. Recently, [9] reported that a
-0.36 0.08 500 0.0132 T6
]c value of -0.6 was the most critical one, based -0.31 0.20 500 0.0406 T7
on tests carried out as 1g test. -0.41 0.30 500 0.0696 T3
-0.46 0.38 500 0.1148 T8
Table 3. Centrifuge test program, N = number of cycles
]c ]b N D Test nr. It is clear that an increase in amplitude leads to
-0.84 0.28 500 0.0154 T2 an increase in accumulation of rotation. Even
-0.41 0.30 500 0.0696 T3
0.17 0.30 500 0.0307 T4 though it has not been possible to keep ]c con-
0.55 0.30 500 0.0227 T5 stant for the four tests, it is seen in Figure 8 that
the deviation does not seem to affect the result. A
To investigate this, four tests were performed, power function seems to be a good approxima-
with the non-dimensional cyclic parameters as tion. This deviates with the 1g experiments from
listed in Table 3. ]b is more or less kept constant [9], where a linear relationship is reported. The
and the influence from changing ]c can therefore power function furthermore ensures that no ac-
be seen. cumulations occur for a ]b=0 which seems more
The power function can be written as:

ߙሺߞ௕ ǡ ߞ௖ ሻ ൌ ‫ ܣ‬ή ߞ௕ ஻ሺ఍೎ሻ (4)

A and B was found to A=0.4 and B ]c=-0.41=1.37.

The value A is independent of the load orienta-
tion and amplitude.

Figure 7. Load orientation effects from cyclic tests.

The results from the power fit of the first four

cyclic tests can be seen in Table 3 and Figure 7.
It confirms the observation made by [9]. A cyclic
load situation between one-way and two loading
results in larger accumulation of rotation com-
pared with pure one-way loading. It was there-
fore chosen to continue the cyclic testing with a Figure 8. Rotational accumulation parameter.
]c=-0.4. The value B can be found and calculated from
Figure 7 in the following way.
208 R.T. Klinkvort et al. / Laterally Cyclic Loading of Monopile in Dense Sand

First the D-value for a given load orientation is 6 CONCLUSIONS

found using Figure 7. This value is used in Equa-
tion 5 with the A value found from the test on A series of cyclic centrifuge tests was carried out
load amplitude effects. at the geotechnical centrifuge at DTU. One of the
key issues for the design of a monopile for wind
ഀሺഅ೎ ሻ turbine was investigated. It was clearly seen that
௟௡ቀ ቁ
‫ܤ‬ሺߞ௖ ሻ ൌ (5) the accumulation of rotation is highly affected by
the characteristic of the cyclic loading, and by
When B is found, Equation 4 can be used to de- the load amplitude. A design procedure for
termine the rotational accumulation parameter D monopile with a diameter of 2 m has been given
for the given load situation. and can be applied for any load amplitude, orien-
tation and number of cycles. This is not the case
for the current design methodology.
5 EXAMPLE All the cyclic tests do not reach a steady state
and it can therefore be concluded that 500 cycles
The maximum rotation is wanted for a 2 m in di- is not enough. This should therefore be increased
ameter monopile. The cyclic loading is pure one- in further cyclic centrifuge tests.
way loading (]c=0) and has and amplitude of
25% of the maximum bearing capacity (]b=0.25).
The pile is subjected to 107 cycles which is the
fatigue limit state. The maximum bearing capaci-
[1] L. C. Reese & H. Matlock, Dimensional Solutions for
ty was found to be H=2295 kN, giving Hmax = Laterally Loaded Piles with Soil Pile Modulus As-
2295 . 0.25 = 574 kN. The maximum rotation for sumed Proportional to depth, Proceedings of the 8 th
this load for the first cycle can then be found Conference on Soil Mechanics (1956), 1-41
[2] B. McClelland & J. A. Focht, Soil modulus for laterally
from Figure 3 as: ߠ௠௔௫ǡଵ ൌ ͲǤͲͲͺ. From Figure loaded piles, Journal of the soil mechanics and founda-
7, the rotational accumulation parameter Dfor tion division – Proceedings of the American Society of
]c=0 can be found to D=0.04. This is used in Civil Engineers (1958), 1-22
[3] API RP 2A-WSD, Recommended Practice for Plan-
Equation 5, and the B value is found to:
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forms - Working Stress Design (2000)
௟௡ቀ ቁ [4] J. M. Murchison & M. W. O’Neill, Soil modulus for
‫ܤ‬ൌ ൌ ʹǤͻ (5) laterally loaded piles in sand, Journal of Geotechnical
Engineering Vol.120 (1984), 174-191
[5] R. T. Klinkvort C. T Leth & O. Hededal, Centrifuge
The rotational accumulation parameter D, for the modeling of a laterally cyclic loaded pile, International
given load situation (]b=0.25) can then be calcu- Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics - 7th,
(2010), 959-964
lated by Equation 4: [6] R. T. Klinkvort, Centrifuge modelling of monopiles,
Geotechnical Engineering 20, View of Young European
ߙ ൌ ͲǤͶ ή ͲǤʹͷଶǤଽ ൌ ͲǤͲͲ͹ (6) Geotechnical Engineers (2010)
[7] C. T Leth, A. Krogsbøll & O. Hededal, Centrifuge fa-
cilities at Danish Technical University, 15th Nordic
The maximum rotation for the monopile subject- Geotechnical Meeting (2008)
ed to 107 cycles can then be found using equation [8] J. Garnier et al., Catalogue of scaling laws and simili-
3 to: tude questions in centrifuge modelling, International
Journal of Physical Modelling in Geotechnics Vol 7 III
ߠ௠௔௫ ൌ ͲǤͲͲͺ ή ሺͳͲ଻ ሻ଴Ǥ଴଴଻ ൌ ͲǤͲͲͻ‫݀ܽݎ‬ (7) [9] C. Leblanc, G. T. Houlsby & B. W. Byrne, Response of
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 209
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Evaluation of initial stiffness of natural

overconsolidated cohesive soils
Evaluation de la rigidité initiale des sols naturels, preconsolidés,
‡!Š!•“–{ 1
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Warsaw, Poland
W. ˜€–{
GEOTEKO Geotechnical Consultants Ltd., Poland

The paper concerns evaluation of initial stiffness in natural overconsolidated cohesive soils of various plasticity ranging from 10
to 80 %. Initial stiffness is here represented by shear modulus Gmax determined on the basis of shear wave velocity measured at
the end of consolidation stage during triaxial test. On the basis of representative number of tests it was shown that change in ini-
tial stiffness caused by mean effective stress increase is a soil kind dependent and can be described as a function of plasticity in-
dex. Some consideration concerning value of shear modulus for unconfined are also included. Thus, knowing both the above
components it is possible to evaluate initial stiffness of overconsolidated cohesive soils solely on the basis of index properties.


L’article comporte une etude de la rigidité initiale des sols naturels, preconsolidés, cohérents de la plasticité variable de 10%
jusqu’a 80%. La rigidité initiale est défini ici comme le module de cisaillement Gmax déterminé sur la base de la vitesse d’onde
de cisaillement mesurée à la fin de la phase de consolidation au cours d’essai triaxial. Sur la base du nombre représentatif
d’études on a montré que le changement de la rigidité initiale due à l’increment de la contrainte effective dépend du type de sol
et peut etre décri par la fonction de l’indice de plasticité. L’article contient également quelques réflexions sur la valeur de la rigi-
dité initiale en absence du stress latéral. De cette manière, prenant en compte ces deux éléments, on peut évaluer la rigidité ini-
tiale des sols preconsolidés cohérents seulement sur la base des propriétés physiques.

Keywords : shear modulus, shear wave velocity, overconsolidated natural soils, various plasticity

1 INTRODUCTION progress in enhanced quality of shear wave ve-

locity measurement. This results from wide ap-
An interest in evaluation of initial stiffness of plication of bender elements in geotechnical la-
soils on the basis of shear wave velocity mea- boratories [1] and large improvement in methods
surement has considerably increased during the of identification of an arriving signal [2][3]. The
last three decades. This popularity results from a third cause is a need for increased objectivity of
few facts. The first one is an advantage of small conventional geotechnical tests by accompanying
strain range to which a measurement is referred, independent nondestructive measurements car-
so on the basis of theory of elasticity initial shear ried out on the same soil, thus mechanical para-
modulus Gmax can be simply calculated. The meters determined during tests can be related to
second reason is associated with a considerable measured values of shear wave velocity. At last

Corresponding Author
210 M.J. Lipiński and W. Tymiński / Evaluation of Initial Stiffness

but not least it should be emphasized that shear which might help to select representative value
wave velocity can be measured in the laboratory of stiffness in a layered subsoil. This paper fo-
and in the field, what considerably magnifies its cuses on initial stiffness of natural overconsoli-
usefulness. dated cohesive materials of various plasticity in-
All the above advantages creates sound pre- dex ranging from 10 to 80%. Experimental data
mises for use of shear wave velocity measure- created a basis for derivation of formula for ini-
ment as a versatile tool in solution of practical tial stiffness of natural overconsolidated material
geotechnical engineering problems. This requires on the basis of index properties.
experience in measurement of shear wave veloci-
ty in natural soils. However, the majority of geo-
technical papers concerning measurement of 2 MATERIAL AND METHODS
shear wave velocity do not refer to overconsoli-
dated natural material. Those papers focus on re- Soil for tests were sampled in undisturbed state
constituted academic sands [4] or soft cohesive (standard shelby tube) from various sites located
materials [5]. Little is known about natural over- all other Poland. The soils are of Quarternary and
consolidated cohesive material which in the past Tertiary origin. In general, soil was sampled
were very often subjected to complicated stress from upper moraine deposits, the lower pregla-
history. Influence of stress history on evaluation cial deposits and Pliocene clays. Laboratory tests
of very small strain stiffness has been addressed indicated that all soil can be classified as clays of
in many works [6]. Majority of relationships various plasticity from low through medium to
which have been proposed on the basis of expe- high in case of Pliocene clays. Wide range of
rimental data consist of four elements depending plasticity of tested soil is depicted on Casa-
on: effective state of stress, void ratio, stress his- grande's chart shown in Figure 1.
tory, material constants.
Effective stress can be represented by effec-
tive component of vertical stress, mean stress or
separated vertical and horizontal stress. Void ra-
tio is taken into consideration in the form of var-
ious function depending on the kind of soil.
Stress history is usually represented by overcon-
solidation ratio related to vertical (OCR) or mean
effective stress (Ro). However, there are opinion
that effect of overconsolidation is to large extent
taken into account by void ratio function and ho-
rizontal stress component. There are few works Figure1. Casagrande's plasticity chart of tested soils.
which consistently account for kind of soil [7]. In
this case kind of material is split among expo- State of soil measured by liquidity index IL
nents of stress and overconsolidation ratio (less oscillated around zero, with small positive values
important) and factor A which varies significant- for low plasticity soil and small negative value
ly with plasticity index. Just plasticity index is for high plasticity clays. These values of liquidity
the parameter which can change value of A, and  ™  “  €     šžy range
thus initial stiffness of a soil, even several times 1700÷2000 kPa. So it is quite clear that material
over the range of plasticity feasible to appear in is stiff and heavy overconslidated.
natural soils. All tests were carried out in triaxial apparatus
In case of natural subsoil many different mate- having cell with internal linking bars. Undis-
rials of various plasticity can be distinguished. turbed material was set up in the cell, then satu-
This fact makes difficult to select relevant value rated by back pressure method to achieve full sa-
of stiffness for load carrying structure. Therefore turation and then consolidated to predetermined
it seems advisable to look for certain regularities isotropic stress. Some of specimens were con-
M.J. Lipiński and W. Tymiński / Evaluation of Initial Stiffness 211

solidated in stages. At the end of each consolida-

tion stage shear wave velocity was measured.
Laboratory equipment for shear wave velocity is
shown in Figure 2.

Receiver cell Figure 3. Test results.
IP < 30%
Wave generator 30 < IP <60%
IP> 60%
Figure 2. Laboratory setup for shear wave velocity measure- There are a few observation which can be
done on the basis of these data. The data cover
quite wide range of void ratio (0.3÷0.85), range
of stress (20÷600kPa) and shear wave velocity
Regarding relationship between shear wave
Any presentation of the data should account for
velocity and mean effective stress the data
major variables contributing to state of soil. For a
among plasticity ranges differs significantly. The
given soil these variables are state of stress and
data clearly indicate that shear wave velocity in-
void ratio. Therefore the shear wave velocity da-
creases when plasticity decreases. It can be also
ta are shown in Figure 3 in the form of the fol-
noticed that for a given stress range a gradient of
lowing relationships:
shear wave velocity increases with plasticity in-
- Shear wave velocity against effective stress
dex decrease. It should be emphasized that trends
- Void ratio against shear wave velocity
for all three groups of data are curvilinear. Lower
Since one of the major objective of the paper was
plasticity soils show higher curvilinear trend of
evaluation of soil kind component contribution to
the data. For all soils a curvature of a trend line is
stiffness of soil, the data have been divided into
bigger for smaller stress (ie. less than 100kPa). It
three categories corresponding to various ranges
would be more convenient to analyze trends in
of plasticity index IP i.e
the form of straight lines. It can be done by con-
sidering elastic constant shear modulus G instead
of shear wave velocity. The conversion is based
on the well known formula derived from theory
of elasticity:
G   Vs2 (1)
  _ €$ !
It can be discussed if modulus derived from
shear wave velocity should be marked with sym-
bol G0 or Gmax. For heavy overconsolidated soils
symbol Gmax seems to be quite adequate. In Fig-
ure 4 values of shear modulus Gmax determined
on the basis of shear wave velocity are shown
against mean effective stress. As it was antic-
212 M.J. Lipiński and W. Tymiński / Evaluation of Initial Stiffness

ipated the regression lines for each category of 60÷70%

plasticity are straight. The major observation re- 70÷80% very high plasticity
sulting from the chart is that plasticity index con- 80÷90%
trols to large extent an initial stiffness over the Values of shear modulus Gmax against mean
range of stress which can be encountered in the effective stress in these nine groups of plasticity
routine design. Especially as far as low to me- index are shown in Figure 5.
dium plasticity soils are concerned. On the con-
trary, high plasticity soils show relatively small
change in initial stiffness due to normal stress in-

Figure 5. Gmax against mean effective stress in 9 categories of

plasticity index of natural overconsolidated soils

Linear regression for each category of plas-

Figure 4. Change in initial stiffness due to stress increase for ticity index are also shown in the Figure 5. In
natural overconsolidated soils. spite of scatter of the data, what is explainable in
natural soils, slopes of regression lines exhibit
certain regularity. Applicability of linear regres-
4 ANALYSIS OF THE DATA sion of the data offers advantage of possibility to
characterize shear modulus increase due to stress
application by a single number i.e. slope of the
4.1 Increase of Gmax due to stress application trend line. These slopes (k) are shown in Figure 6
Three arbitrary imposed categories of points against plasticity index. Trend line in the form of
shown in Figure 4 reflects soils of low to me- power function is applied to fit the data.
dium, high and very high plasticity. Since range
of plasticity reaches almost 90 % the data were
divided proportionally to plasticity index. It can
be deduced from the chart that distribution of
shear modulus gradient against these three cate-
gories is not linear. Therefore it is worth trying to
better describe change of initial shear modulus
Gmax against normal stress and with respect to
plasticity index.
In order to realize this the data were divided
into 9 groups characterized by various range of Figure 6. Slope k against plasticity index.
plasticity index IP. These ranges are as follows:
8÷15% The formula describing change of slope
15÷20% low and medium plasticity against plasticity takes the following form:
30÷40% k  41 I P1.57 (2)
40÷50% high plasticity
M.J. Lipiński and W. Tymiński / Evaluation of Initial Stiffness 213

It might be argued if this type of trend line is op- 4.2 Gmax at small normal stress
timal. Especially that value of k changes most in-
The procedure shown in Figure 7 is very clear
tensively in plasticity range not exceeding
and simple. However, degree of credibility of
40÷50%. For high plasticity soils, gradient of
both components contributing to the actual value
Gmax due to stress increase does not seem to vary.
of Gmax is not the same. Different slopes k for
This might suggest to consider value of k in two
various value of plasticity index described by
separate groups i.e. soils of plasticity up to 40%
equation 2 is quite certain. Nevertheless, it is
and very high plasticity clays. Taking into con-
worth to note that various slopes of linear regres-
sideration general behavior of these two groups
sions results in various values of intercept G0.
of soils under stress application such approach
There are two possible ways to determine value
might be rational. However application of power
of G0. The first one is to treat it just as an inter-
function has advantage of applying one formula
cept without any physical meaning. Attractive-
for the whole range of plasticity.
ness of this approach results from its simplicity
Fairly wide range of stress makes possible to
and the fact that actually it relies entirely of mea-
set up slope of linear regression within each
surement of stiffness for various stress level.
small range of plasticity. However it is worth to
However, it is not universal, since each time val-
note that each of these regression lines intersects
ue of G0 should be determined. It is also worth to
vertical axis (Gmax at pž}{Ÿ$$  “!
point out that bigger slope resulting from lower
Therefore, in order to determine value of shear
plasticity is associated with smaller intercept.
modulus (within each of nine small ranges of
Proportions between G0  ¡max changes with
plasticity index) one has to take into considera-
plasticity. In case of small to medium plasticity a
tion two components:
value of intercept is small comparing to increase
G0 which is Gmax “ž}{Ÿ
of stiffness resulting from stress increase. For
high plasticity soil value of initial stiffness G0 is
G max  41 I P1.57 p ' (3) significant comparing the actual value of Gmax.
These geometrical observation can be clearly de-
thus the actual value of Gmax for any stress can be duced from Figure 5. It must be emphasized that
calculated according to the following formula: the term initial stiffness G0 is used here not in a
sense of common meaning i.e. initial value of G
Gmax  G0  41 I P1.57 p ' (4) for smallest strain range. This term is used here
in a sense of notation introduced in Figure 7, i.e.
the first possible way to determine G0.
(value of plasticity index in %)
The second possibility to determine G0 should
The scheme for calculation of Gmax is shown in rely on its physical meaning. However, it should
figure 7. be noticed first, that it is not possible to deter-
mine value of shear wave velocity for effective
Gmax stress equal to zero for heavy overconsolidated
cohesive soil. Apart from experimental problem,
which results from the fact that for small stress

an identification of arriving signal is uncertain,
even for unconfined conditions cohesive soil has
tg = k a certain value of effective stress resulting from
k = f(IP) suction acquired in process of unloading during
G0 sampling. Due to a volume constrains any dis-
cussion on measurement of suction and its fur-
ther interpretation is beyond the scope of this pa-
per. An alternative solution is to select arbitrary
Figure 7. Two components for calculation of shear modulus. value of effective stress. Taking into considera-
214 M.J. Lipiński and W. Tymiński / Evaluation of Initial Stiffness

tion various plasticity of soil and resulting from ticity soils and slightly negative value for high
this experimental problems (saturation, swelling plasticity clays.
etc.) value of 50 kPa of effective stress was se- Increase in stiffness due to stress increment in
lected. Figure 8 shows distribution of Gmax nor- cohesive soils of various plasticity can be de-
malized with respect to 50 kPa and showed scribe by a unique formula (3).
against void ratio within three categories of plas- If value of shear modulus G50 is determined
ticity index i.e. smaller than 20, 20÷40, and within identified plasticity index range from Fig-
higher than 40%. Categories of plasticity index ure 8, then it is possible to evaluate Gmax solely
result from most intense change of stiffness in knowing void ratio and plasticity index on the
the range of plasticity up to 40%. Use of this basis of the formula (5).
chart makes possible to determine initial stiffness
in heavy overconsolidated cohesive soils of vari-
ous plasticity: ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
Gmax  G50  41 I P1.57 ( p '50) (5)
Where G50 is calculated on the basis of regres- This paper was partly supported by the Polish
sions shown in Figure 8, with taking into account Ministry of Science and Higher Education (re-
void ratio value. Values of stress and shear mod- search grant N N506 0989 33).
ulus are in kPa.


[1] E. T. Shirley, An improved shear wave transducer.

Journal of Acoustical Society of America 63 (1978),
[2] E. Brignoli , M. Gotti, K.H. Stokoe, Measurement of
shear waves in laboratory specimens by means of pie-
zoelectric transducers, ASTM Geotech. Testing Jour-
nal, Vol.19 (1996), No. 4, 607-613.
[3] A. Viana di Fonseca, C. Ferreira, M. Fahey, A frame-
work interpreting bender element tests combining time-
domain and frequency-domain methods. ASTM Geo-
tech. Testing Journal, Vol.32 (2009), No. 2, 91-107.
Figure 8. Normalized Gmax with respect to 50kPa against void [4] M. Bellotti, M. Jamiolkowski , D. C. F. L. Presti, D. A.
ratio for various plasticity ranges O’Neill, Anisotropy of small strain stiffness in Ticino
sand, Géotechnique, Vol. 46 (1996), No. 1, 115–131,
[5] M. Jamiolkowski, R. Lancellotta and D.C.F. Lo Presti,
Remarks on the stiffness at small strains of six Italian
5 CONCLUSIONS clays, Proc. of the Intl. Symposium on the pre-failure
deformation characteristics of geomaterials, Hokkaido,
Large body of experimental data concerning la- Japan., Vol. 2 (1995), - 817-836.
[6] B.O. Hardin, The nature of stress –strain behavior for
boratory shear wave velocity measurement was soils. Proc. Geot. Div. Specialty Conf. on Earthquake
the basis to formulate the following conclusions Engng and Soil Dynamics, Pasadena1 (1978), 3-39.
concerning evaluation of initial stiffness in heavy [7] G. Viggiani, J.H. Atkinson, Stiffness of fine grained
overconsolidated cohesive soils. soil at very small strain. Geotechnique 45 (1995), No.2,
It is possible to derive formula for determina-
tion of initial stiffness Gmax in heavy overconso-
lidated cohesive soils of wide range of plasticity
index 8÷90 %. Degree of overconsolidation cor-
responds to €     šžy range 1700÷2000
kPa, and even higher in high plasticity soils,
what results in liquidity index oscillating around
0 with slightly higher positive value for low plas-
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 215
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Some comments on the grading entropy variation

and crushing of various sands
Quelques comments au variation d’entropie granulométrique et
rupture des carbonate sable
J. Lorincz, L. Kárpáti, P. Q. Trang
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
E. Imre1
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Budapest, Hungary
Szent István University, Budapest, Hungary
S. Fityus
The School of Engineering, The University of Newcastle Callaghan, Newcastle, Australia

The well-known theories do not explain/predict the tendency of particle breakage for initially concave grading
curves. The paper presents the interpretation of the results of some particle breakage tests with initially A>0.5 and
with initially A<0.5 grading curves. The explanation seems to be the same for these.

Les théories bien connues n’expliquent (ne prédisent) point la tendance de rupture des particules ayant une courbe
granulométrique initialement concave. Le document présent une explanation aux résultats de quelques essais de
rupture de particules avec courbes initialement A>0.5 and A<0.5. Des explications semble d’être les mêmes pour

Keywords : grading entropy, crushing, soil, grading entropy, fractal dimension

1 INTRODUCTION some artificial, initially optimal, multi-fraction,

unstable mixtures (A<0.5) (which are referred to
In the ongoing research the change in the as concave down grading curves, the optimal
grading curve of a soil during breakage is grading curves with A>0.5 are referred to as
investigated by considering the path of this point convex down curves.) The results showed an
as it moves within the (normalised) entropy initial discontinuity in the normalized entropy
diagram. In this way, the directional properties of path ([2], [3]).
particle breakage can be connected to the In this paper some theoretical issues are
grading entropy through the entropy principle. presented to explain the measured discontinuity
In the first part of the research ([1]) the results by the discontinuity of the normalized
normalized entropy path was considered for the grading entropy map.
breakdown of some initially single-fraction soils.
Then some experimental tests were made on

Corresponding Author.
216 J. Lorincz et al. / Some Comments on Grading Entropy Variation and Crushing of Various Sands

As a result, the distribution of the double cell
To begin, the grading entropy concept is briefly system is known and can be computed if the
summarized, and some mathematical and relative frequencies of the fractions xi (i = 1, 2,
physical features related to the breakage problem 3...N) are specified. The relative frequencies of
are treated in detail. Some aspects of the the fractions xi (i = 1, 2, 3...N) of each grading
previous results (([1]), ([4])) are repeated as curve satisfy the following equation:
needed, for clarity. jmax jmin  N 1
¦ xi 1, x i t 0, N t 1 (2)
2.1 Statistical cells (fractions and elementary cells) i j min

Equation (2) defines an N-1 dimensional, closed

The sieve hole diameters have a multiplyer of simplex (which is the generalised N-1
two while uniform cell system is needed for the dimensional analogy of the 2 dimensional
statistical entropy theory of a discrete triangle or, 3 dimensional tetrahedron) if the
distribution. That is why a double statistical cell relative frequencies xi are identified with the
system is used: a uniform cell system in which barycentre coordinates of the simplex points.
the width, d0, is arbitrary, and a non-uniform The vertices can be numbered ‘continuously’
sized cell system (‘fraction system’) which is from jmin to jmax, and, therefore, it is referred to as
defined on the pattern of the classical sieve continuous.
aperture diameters. The diameter range for The continuous sub-simplexes of a simplex
fraction j (j =1, 2...see Table 1) is: has a lattice structure, as is indicated in Figure 1,
which can be drawn in the two dimensional
2 j d 0 t d ! 2 j-1 d 0 , (1) space (i.e. the edges do not intersect each-other
where d0 is the elementary cell width. except in the vertices).
By specifying the finest jmin and coarsest jmax
2.2 Space of the possible grading curves
= jmin + N -1 non-zero fractions (N is the number
The probabilities are computed from the fraction of fractions between jmin and jmax), a function
information exclusively, applying an extra space is defined – called the spaces of the
assumption, the distribution of the grading curves
grading curves – which be completed by those
is uniform within a fraction. grading curves that are on the ‘boundary’ in the
sense that the finest and coarsest fractions can be
Table 1. Definitions of fractions and elementary cells
j 1 ... 23 24 The set of these spaces (defined by N and jmin)
Limits d0 to 2 ... 222 d0 to 223 223 d0 to 224 have the same structure as the closed simplex
S0j [-] 0 ... 22 23 since each of them can be represented by an N-1
dimensional, continuous closed simplex, defined
by variables N and jmin which are integers from
123456 234567
closed intervals and, therefore, there is a largest
space containing all the others as a sub-space.
12345 23456 34567
2.3 The grading entropy and the entropy coordinates
1234 2345 3456 4567

123 234 345 456 567 2.3.1 Definition of the grading entropy
The grading entropy S can be separated into the sum
12 23 34 45 56 67
of two parts ([1]):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S S 0  'S
Figure 1. The lattice of the continuous sub- simplexes of
a continuous simplex (the one unit integers are serial number
of fractions, the k-unit integers denote k-component
mixtures: kN).
J. Lorincz et al. / Some Comments on Grading Entropy Variation and Crushing of Various Sands 217


Entropy increment, B [-]

¦ xi S0i ,
xi z 0 0.8

(4) B=1 A=0.5

line a 0.4
'S  ¦ xi ln xi .
1' 2' 3'
ln 2 xi z 0 3
1 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(5) (a) Relative base entropy, A [-]
which are referred to as base entropy S0 and Figure 2. The normalized entropy map for one simplex. (a)
The 2D simplex (N=3) and its A=0.5 hyper-plane section. (b)
entropy increment S. S0i is the grading entropy The normalized entropy diagram with points of A = 0.5, B =
of the i-th fraction (see Table 2) is as follows: 1 and B = 1.4. (The inverse image of these points are shown
in the A=0.5 hyper-plane section of the 2D simplex. The
S oi i 1 inverse image of the maximum B line is line a.)
The normalized base entropy, the so-called relative
base entropy, A, is defined as: 2.8 N=7

Entropy increment,'S [-]

S o  S o min 2.4
A= , 2.0 N=4
S o max  S o min 1.6 N=3
(7) 1.2 N=2
where S0max and S0min are the base entropies of the 0.8
largest and the smallest fractions in the mixture, 0.4

respectively. The normalized entropy increment B is 0.0

0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
defined as follows: Base entropy, S 0 [-]

'S (a) (b)

B (8)
ln N Figure 3. The entropy map for the continuous sub-simplexes of a
simplex with N = 7. (a) The normalized entropy map for N varying
from 2 to 7, the coinciding maximum B lines and the approximate
minimum B lines. (b) The non-normalized entropy diagram, the
3 THE ENTROPY DIAGRAMS maximum S lines.

Table 2. Illustration for the discontinuity of the normalised

3.1 Entropy diagram entropy map: various entropy coordinates for the same
Two maps can be defined for a specified simplex , grading curve
the non-normalized entropy map [S0,S] and the N [-] 2 3 3
normalized entropy map fn: [A,B] ([4]). These S0min[-] 2 2 3
maps between the N-1 dimensional simplex and the S0max[-] 3 3 4
two dimensional space of the entropy coordinates are A [-]
continuous on the open simplex and can continuously 0.5 0.75 0.25
B [-] 1/ln2 1/ ln3 1/ ln3
be extended to the closed simplex. Therefore, the
images of normalized and non-normalized entropy
maps - the normalized and non-normalised entropy 1 1 a
diagrams, respectively – are compact, like the x1 , (9)
1 aN
simplex. It follows then, that the image of the compact ¦ a j 1
j 1
sub-simplexes has a maximum and a minimum value
for every possible A or S0. xj x1 a j 1 (10)
where parameter a is the root of the following
3.1.1 Maximum and minimum entropy increment
equation :
lines N
A point of the maximum B line can be best y ¦ a j 1 [ j  1  A( N  1)] 0. (11)
computed by conditional optimization ([1]). j 1

According to the solution, for a fixed N and A Following from the Descartes rule of signs,
the following grading curve or point of the polynomial y has one and only one positive root
simplex maps into this point: for a ([4]). As A varies between 0 and 1 then
positive root a varies between 0 and Õ, extreme
218 J. Lorincz et al. / Some Comments on Grading Entropy Variation and Crushing of Various Sands

values represent the extreme fractions 1 and N 4 THE DISCONTINUITY OF THE

([1]). These points of the simplex constitute a ENTROPY PATH IN THE NORMALIZED
continuous line which can be seen in Figure 2(a). DIAGRAM
The minimum bounding line has a smaller
significance than the maximum bounding line, 4.1 Method of investigation
and therefore generally, instead of the
The path of the grading curve during breakage on the
cumbersome determination of the precise
normalised entropy diagram, as its grading evolves,
conditional minimum, the image of edge 1 – N is will be discontinuous at the instant that new fractions
used as an approximate minimum B (or S) appear, or existing fractions are lost, even if the size
bounding line. of the fraction is zero. In this section, the discontinuity
of the normalised entropy map with respect to the
3.1.2 Multiple diagram fraction number N, and its consequences in terms of
In a multiple diagram, a finite number of the normalized entropy path, are treated.
The method of investigation is illustrated in
continuous simplexes (with various N, dmin
a simple example. Let us consider a two-fraction soil,
values) are represented through the entropy map. with relative frequencies x1 = x2 = 0.5. We can embed
The continuous simplexes (with various values it into a two dimensional simplex (i.e. triangle) in
for N and jmin) are not independent, as for any such way that a larger or a smaller zero fraction is
finite number there is a ‘smallest possible large added, as is done in the data in Table 2.
simplex’ containing all smaller ones as If the value of N is increased from two to
continuous boundary sub-simplexes. three, then the resulting jump in A is either an increase
If these simplexes are connected to each (the zero fraction is added from the smaller side) or a
other, we can refer the continuity of the multiple decrease (the zero relative frequency fraction is added
from the larger side).
diagram at the confluence of the individual
It can be noted this computation is not
simplexes. At the confluence of the individual legitimate in the sense that – by definition – the value
simplexes N changes, due to the emergence or of N cannot be increased from two to three if a zero
disappearance of zero or non-zero fractions. In fraction is added from the smaller or larger side.
this case the non- normalized entropy map is However, we can use arbitrarily small relative
continuous and, therefore, the single and the frequency fractions instead of zero relative frequency
multiple diagrams coincide. fractions.
The normalized entropy map is not
4.2 The discontinuity of the normalised entropy path
continuous (being the non-
normalized/normalized entropy coordinates are Some formulae were derived for the
independent of/dependent on N, respectively). discontinuity of the normalized entropy map as
The discontinuity of the entropy path in the follows. The case is considered, where the zero
normalized diagram is treated in Section 5. fractions are added from the smaller side
In a multiple diagram, the global maximum (degradation). The A changes for i=1, 2…
value of the maximum S lines is lnN/ln2 and additional ‘zero fractions’ through degradation:
the global maximum value of the approximate i>1  A( N )@
A( N  i )  A( N ) = (12)
minimum S lines is In the case of the multiple N  i 1
normalized entropy diagram the range of the The change in B is:
normalised coordinates and the location of the ln N
global maximum point of B are independent of N ln N  i
B ( N )  B ( N  i ) = 'S ( N ) (13)
(B = 1/ln2). For small N values, the maximum B ln N
lines nearly coincide with, and can be
approximated to, the simple specific entropy 4.3 Examples
formula valid for N =2. It follows from the derived formulae that the
discontinuity in the A coordinate in the case
when the zero fractions are added from the
smaller side (degradation) is always an increase,
J. Lorincz et al. / Some Comments on Grading Entropy Variation and Crushing of Various Sands 219

its size is increasing with decreasing A and N, 0.4 and 0.6, the zero fractions were added from the smaller
side. (a) N =2 . (b) N = 6
and increasing with increasing i, the number of
the additional zero fractions.
The discontinuity in the B coordinate is
always a decrease, its size is increasing with
increasing B and decreasing N, and increasing
with increasing i the number of the additional
zero fractions.
In case of N=1 - a single-fraction soil - there
is no discontinuity jump. The discontinuity for Figure 6. Reinforced crushing pot used in the soil crushing
fixed N and i is much larger on the A<0.5 side experiments.
than the A>0.5 side of the diagram, as it can be n=185, n=125, n=85

seen in Figures 4 and 5 for two initial condition

Entropy increment, B [-]

pairs assuming various the numbers for the n=45 2

additional zero fractions. 0.8


1.2 N=2, discontinuity when 0.4
i smaller fractions are
B [-]

0.8 0.0
i=1 0.6 0.8 1.0
i=2 Relative base entropy, A [-]
Figure 7. Normalised entropy path of a one-fraction soil
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
(LÖrincz et al, 2006) (N is the treatment number)
A [-]

(a) Table 3. Initial grading curves

3 and 4 and
1.2 N=6, discontinuity when sample 1 2 6 5 7
i smaller fractions are
added d [mm]
B [-]

4 1 1 1 1 1
2 1 1 1 1 1
0.0 1 0.65 0.83 0.8 0.9 0.7
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
A [-] 0.5 0.38 0.62 0 0 0
(b) 0.25 0.17 0.35 0 0
Figure 4. Computed discontinuity of the normalized entropy 0.125 0 0 0 0 0
diagram for initially optimal soils with symmetric A values
0.1 and 0.9, the zero fractions were added from the smaller
side. (a) N =2 . (b) N = 6
B [-]

5.1 Testing method and soils
N=2, discontinuity when
0.4 i smaller fractions are
added A testing procedure was developed in the frame
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 of this research (LÖrincz et al. 2005). The
A [-]
(a) sample is subjected to a series of crushing
treatments using a specially reinforced crushing
pot, made at the Geotechnical Department of the
Budapest University of Technology and
B [-]


N=4, discontinuity when
i smaller fractions are
Economics with a diameter of 50 mm, a height
of 70 mm and a wall thickness of 3 mm (see Fig.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 6). The tests were made in the laboratory of the
A [-]
(b) Department of Construction Materials and
Figure 5. Computed discontinuity of the normalized entropy Engineering Geology.
diagram for initially optimal soils with symmetric A values
220 J. Lorincz et al. / Some Comments on Grading Entropy Variation and Crushing of Various Sands

Each treatment involves the application of a (b) Test 2, silica sand.

compressive load to the sample contained in the
crushing pot. After the compression, the sample 1.2
is removed from the crushing pot and the 40
particle size distribution is determined by dry

B [-]
0.8 concave
sieving. The grading entropy value is computed 10

after each treatment. 0.4

5.2 Results
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
The results are shown in Figures 7 to 9. The A [-]
result of LÖrincz et al, (2006) for a single
(c) Test 3, silica sand.
fraction soil in Fig 7, shows a monotonic
normalized entropy path which is homothetic to
the A>0.5 side of the upper bounding line (the A 1.2
decreases as B increases). The normalized
entropy paths for the tests on multi-sized soils

B [-]
(Table 3, Fig 8) show a significant jump at the concave 10
start of the test when the new smaller fractions 0.4 (number of
appear (A increases and B decreases). If no new treatment)

smaller fractions appeared then it becomes 0.0

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

monotonic and homothetic to the A>0.5 side of A [-]

the upper bounding line (A decreases as B (d) Test 4, silica sand.

The non-normalized entropy paths are 30
considered also in Fig 9. The results show that 20 10

the non-normalized entropy path during

B [-]

breakage is always monotonic. The entropy initial
increment €S increases as the base entropy S0 0.4
decreases similarly in all cases.
0.0 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.90

0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

A [-]
1.2 10
(e) Test 5, carbonate sand
B [-]


1.2 30
0.4 20 10
B [-]

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
A [-]
(a) Test 1, silica sand
0 0.0 0.10 0.30 0.50 0.70 0.90
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
10 A [-]
(f) Test 6, carbonate sand.
B [-]



0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00
A [-]
J. Lorincz et al. / Some Comments on Grading Entropy Variation and Crushing of Various Sands 221

initial 20
6.1 The interpretation of the entropy path
The non-normalized entropy path during
breakage is characterized by a decrease in the
base entropy So and a monotonic increase in the
entropy increment eS.
A [-] The S0, the weighted mean of the fraction
(g) Test 7, carbonate sand
entropies, is monotonically and uniquely related
to the mean grain size and it follows that a
Figure 8. Normalised entropy path of multi-fraction soils (a)
to (d) Silica sands, (e) to (g) Carbonate sands
decrease in the mean grain diameter should
cause a decrease in the base entropy S0.
The entropy increment S is a measure of the
2.8 N=7 disorder of the grain system, which originates
Entropy increment,'S [-]

N=6 from the mixing of the fractions. It can be
N=5 related to the entropy principle.
2.0 The normalized entropy path has the same
0.4 0.6
1.6 N=3
behavior provided the number of fractions
remains constant. However, it has a
1.2 N=2
discontinuity if the number of fractions increases
0.8 due to the appearance of smaller fractions. In
0.4 this situation, the discontinuity is with ‘opposite
sign’ (A increases, B decreases) if a new smaller
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0
fraction appears.
Base entropy, S0 [-] Comparing the results of the carbonate and silica
sands with the same initial composition it can be
(a) found that the entropy path is about the same
(Fig 10), only the rate of breakage depends upon
2.8 N=7 soil type. The distance along a given entropy
Entropy increment,'S [-]

N=6 path can be measured with the use of the entropy

N=5 coordinates since these are pseudo-metrics in the
N=4 space of the grading curves ([4]).
1.6 N=3
6.2 The discontinuity of the normalized entropy path
1.2 N=2
According to the derived formulae, when N
0.8 0.3
varies (increases) during breakage, the size of
0.4 0.1
the ‘A-discontinuity’ seems to be directly related
0.0 to 1 – A for a given N, being equal to zero if the
0.0 2.0 4.0 6.0 8.0 starting point is a single-fraction 1. The size of
Base entropy, S0 [-] the A-discontinuity decreases with N.
This result is in agreement with the measured
(b) data (see e.g. Fig 10). The size of these jumps
Figure 9. Non-normalized entropy paths for (a) tests 1,2 and seems to be directly dependent on the magnitude
for (b) tests 5, 6,7. of (1-A), which can be traced back better for the
silica sands than for the carbonate sands since
the silica sands less brittle. In particular, it
explains why the discontinuity is not apparent if
the starting point is a single fraction with A = 1.
222 J. Lorincz et al. / Some Comments on Grading Entropy Variation and Crushing of Various Sands

The physical explanation is as follows. As is Concerning the size of the jump, it can be said
well-known ([1]), the relative base entropy A that the soils with unstable structure according to
(the weighted mean of the reduced fraction the well-known A criterion (the grain structure is
entropies) characterizes the stability of the grain unstable if A is less than 2/3, [1]) seem to be
structure, without any knowledge of the actual unstable during breakage having a relatively large
geometrical arrangement. The grain structure is initial jump at the start of the test.
unstable if A is less than 2/3. There is an initial, somewhat surprising result
The change in a soil’s grading, especially concerning the use of both carbonate and silica
through the appearance of some finer fractions, sands. For a given initial mixture composition
may cause a sudden change in the soil’s the entropy path seems to be the same, however,
structure, leading to an increase in its stability. there may be a significant difference in the rate
The relative base entropy A (a stability of breakage depending upon soil type. This fact
indicator) discontinuously increases, and the can be used to elaborate some simple geological
normalized entropy increment B (the ‘disorder’ testing methods to categorize the hardness of the
indicator) discontinuously decreases, if the various rocks.
number of the number of fractions in the grading
curve, N, increases.

The support of the National Research Fund

1.20 Jedlik Ányos NKFP B1 2006 08 was used. This,
the discussions with Professor Itai Einav and the
help of the Department of Construction
B [-]


Materials and Engineering Geology are greatly

continuous breakage path from dolomitic and silica sand data
theoretical jump

0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00

A [-]

Figure 10 The similarity of the breakage path for tests 3 and [1] LÖrincz, J; Imre, E; Gálos, M; Trang, Q.P; Telekes, G;
6 (blue), 4 and 5 (pink), 7 (green). Open circles indicate Rajkai, K; Fityus, I. (2005) Grading entropy variation
silica sand, full circles carbonate sand, the starting point of due to soil crushing. Int. Journ. of Geomechanics. Vol 5.
the solid lines (indicating the jumps) is the initial state, the
Number 4. p. 311-320.
end point of the solid lines is computed.
[2] Lorincz, J. Imre, E. Kárpáti, L. Trang, P. Q. Gálos, M;
Telekes, G. (2009) Entropy concept to explain the
particle breakage. Proc. of 17th ICSMGE, Alexandria, p
[3] Trang, P. Q.; Kárpáti, L. , Nyári, I., Szendefy, J., Imre,
The non-normalized entropy path during E., Lõrincz, J. (2009) Entropy concept to explain particle
breakage is characterized by a decrease in the breakage and soil improvement Proc of Ygec Alexandria
base entropy So and a monotonic increase in the p 87-90.
entropy increment eS. The normalized entropy [4] Imre, E; LÖrincz, J; Trang, Q.P; Fityus, S. Pusztai, J;
path during breakage has the same behavior Telekes, G; Schanz, T. (2009) Some dry density transfer
provided the number of fractions remains function for sands. Invited paper. KSCE Journal of Civil
Engineering 13(4):257-272. DOI 10.1007/s12205-009-
constant. However, it has a discontinuity if the
number of fractions increases due to the
appearance of smaller fractions. In this situation,
the discontinuity is with ‘opposite sign’ (A
increases, B decreases). It is found here that the
discontinuity can simply be computed, on
condition that the number of the new fractions is
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 223
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Effectiveness of microfine cement suspension

Efficacité des ciments très fins en suspension d’injections
I.N. Markou 1 & A.I. Droudakis
Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece

A laboratory investigation was conducted in order to evaluate the influence of parameters pertinent to suspension composition on
the effectiveness of microfine cement suspension grouting. Four gradations each from three different types of cement (CEM I,
CEM II/B-M and CEM IV/B, according to EN 197-1) were used having nominal maximum grain sizes of 100 ¡m, 40 ¡m, 20 ¡m
and 10 ¡m. The effectiveness of cement suspensions with water to cement ratios of 1, 2 and 3 by weight was evaluated by con-
ducting one-dimensional injections into four clean, uniform sands using a specially constructed device and was quantified by
conducting unconfined compression and permeability tests on the resulting grouted sand specimens. Grouted sands obtained un-
confined compression strength values of up to 15 MPa and permeability coefficients as low as 1.3*10-6 cm/s or by up to 5 orders
of magnitude lower than that of ungrouted sands. The water to cement ratio of cement suspensions is the most important of the
investigated parameters since it affects drastically both strength and permeability of grouted sands. Cement type, cement fine-
ness and curing times greater than 28 days, have lower or negligible influence on the effectiveness of grouting.

Une recherche en laboratoire a été effectuée pour évaluer l’influence des paramètres pertinents à la composition de suspension
au sujet de l’efficacité des ciments très fins en injection. Quatre courbes de gradation, chacune composée de trois types de ci-
ment (CEM I, II/B-M et IV/B, conformément à EN 197-1) ont été utilisées avec des dimensions nominales maximales des grains
a 100, 40, 20 et 10 ¡m. L’efficacité des suspensions de ciment ayant un rapport de poids entre eau et ciment de l’ordre de 1, 2 et
3 a été évaluée par injections unidimensionnelles dans quatre sables, purs et uniformes, à l’aide d’un dispositif spécial construit à
ce propos, et a été quantifié, au moyen des essais de compression uniaxiale et de perméabilité sur des échantillons sableux injec-
tés. Les sables injectés ont obtenu des valeurs en compression uniaxiale jusqu’ à 15 MPa, ainsi que, des coefficients de perméa-
bilité aussi faibles que 1.3*10-6 cm/s ou de 5 ordres de grandeur inférieures par rapport aux sables non injectés. Le rapport eau –
ciment en suspension des ciments, est le paramètre le plus important parmi ceux qui ont été examinés, puisqu’ il affecte de ma-
nière drastique aussi bien la résistance, que la perméabilité, des sables injectés. Le type de ciment, la finesse du ciment et le
temps de durcissement supérieur à 28 jours, ont plus faible ou même négligeable influence sur l’efficacité des injections.

Keywords: permeation grouting, suspensions, microfine cements, laboratory injections, grouted sand, permeability, strength

1 INTRODUCTION the mechanical properties and behavior of soils

by permeation grouting using either suspensions
The safe construction and operation of many or chemical solutions. The former have lower
structures frequently requires improvement of cost and are harmless to the environment but can

Corresponding Author.
224 I.N. Markou and A.I. Droudakis / Effectiveness of Microfine Cement Suspension Grouting

not be injected into soils with gradations finer ing a special laboratory mill, to produce three
than coarse sands. The latter can be injected in additional cements with nominal maximum grain
fine sands or coarse silts but are more expensive sizes (dmax) of 40 ¡m, 20 ¡m and 10 ¡m. Charac-
and, some of them pose a health and environ- teristic grain sizes and Blaine specific surface
mental hazard. Efforts have been made to extend values for all cements are presented in Table 2.
the injectability range of suspension grouts by In terms of gradation, all cements with nominal
developing materials with very fine gradations. dmax = 10 ¡m can be considered as “microfine”
As a result, a number of fine-grained cements, since they satisfy the requirements of Standard
called “microfine” or “ultrafine” cements, has EN 12715 (d95 < 20 ¡m and specific surface over
been developed and manufactured. The behavior 800 m2/kg) as well as definitions adopted by
of microfine cements in permeation grouting has ISRM, ACI Committee 552 and PCA [1]. Also,
been the objective of many research efforts. cements with nominal dmax = 20 ¡m have ade-
The experimental investigation reported quately small characteristic grain sizes to be con-
herein is part of an extensive research effort sidered, marginally, as “microfine”.
aimed toward the development of a relatively All suspensions tested during this investiga-
fine-grained material, suitable for permeation tion were prepared using potable water since it is
grouting, obtained by pulverization of ordinary considered appropriate for preparing cement-
cements produced in Greece. Suspensions of based suspension grouts. The suspension W/C
three different cement types, each at four differ- ratio was set equal to 1, 2 and 3 by weight, in or-
ent gradations, were tested. Scope of this presen- der to test both stable and unstable suspensions
tation is to quantify the improvement of the stre- in terms of bleed capacity. A superplasticizer
ngth and permeability of sands by grouting with (patented new generation of admixture based on
these coarse- and fine-grained cements and to polycarboxylate chemistry), at a dosage of 1.4 %
document the effect of cement type and fineness, by weight of dry cement, was used to improve
grout water to cement (W/C) ratio and curing suspension properties. The same dosage was ap-
time. Unconfined compression and permeability plied to all cement suspensions, without optimi-
tests were conducted on grouted sand specimens.
Table 1. Composition of cements.

2 MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES Oxides Cement type Components Cement type

(%) I II IV (%) I II IV
For the purposes of this investigation, three ce- SiO2 19.38 26.67 29.99
Clinker 90.3 63 58
ment types (Portland, Portland – composite and Al2O3 4.28 7.46 11.22
pozzolanic cement, code-named CEM I, CEM Fe2O3 3.24 4.30 3.83
Pozzolan 0 13.5 20
II/B-M and CEM IV/B, respectively, according CaO 64.11 49.37 47.92
to European Standard EN 197-1) were selected MgO 3.43 3.54 2.14
Fly ash 0 10 18
because of production cost differences. The SO3 3.09 3.07 2.60
composition of these cements is presented in Ta- other 1.29 1.96 2.43 Limestone 4.7 8.5 2
ble 1. Each ordinary cement was pulverized, us- LOI 3.73 6.06 2.56 Gypsum 5 5 2

Table 2. Gradation of cements.

Grain sizes Cement type
Specific Surface I II/B-M IV/B
dmax* (¡m) 100 40 20 10 100 40 20 10 100 40 20 10
d95 (¡m) 57.0 22.5 11.5 8.2 45.5 25.8 13.6 9.1 48.0 26.0 12.8 9.8
d50 (¡m) 16.6 8.6 4.2 3.2 14 9.4 5.8 4.2 14.2 9.3 4.4 3.9
d10 (¡m) 3.0 2.0 1.2 1.0 2.2 2.0 1.4 1.1 3.0 2.2 1.3 1.2
Blaine (m2/kg) 384 529 710 920 466 591 735 942 452 582 715 923
*: Nominal maximum cement grain size
I.N. Markou and A.I. Droudakis / Effectiveness of Microfine Cement Suspension Grouting 225

zing the dosage for each specific suspension. All

suspensions were prepared using high speed
mixers, of the type used for the preparation of
soil specimens for hydrometer testing. As rec-
ommended by the superplasticizer producer, the
appropriate amount of cement and 70% of the
required water were placed in the mixer together
with the superplasticizer dosage and mixed for 5
min. Then, the rest of the water was added and
mixing continued for another 5 min.
The grouted soils were clean, uniform, lime-
stone sands with angular grains. Four different
sand gradations were used with grain sizes lim-
ited between sieve sizes (ASTM E11) Nos. 5 and
10, 10 and 14, 14 and 25, and 25 and 50, respec-
tively. The values of the properties of sands are
presented in Table 3. Permeability coefficient
values of the sands were obtained from constant
head permeability tests in dense specimens. The
sands were grouted in dense condition (mean Figure 1. Apparatus for grouting sand columns.
value of relative density, Dr, 98±1%) and were
dry prior to grouting. with a length of 9 cm were utilized for constant
The special apparatus shown in Figure 1 was head permeability testing under water pressures
used for injecting sand columns with cement ranging from 10 kPa to 200 kPa, using a spe-
suspensions. It allows for adequate laboratory cially constructed apparatus which allowed for
simulation of the injection process and investiga- testing of the grouted specimens in the PVC
tion of the influence of the distance from injec- tube. For the investigation of the effect of curing
tion point on the properties of grouted sand. The time on grouted sand properties, selected grouted
grouting column was made of PVC tube with an sand columns were cured for 90 days, uncon-
internal diameter of 7.5 cm and a height of 144 fined compression and permeability tests were
cm. Injection was stopped when either the vol- conducted on the resulting specimens and the re-
ume of the injected grout was equal to two void sults were compared with the ones obtained from
volumes of the sand in the column or when the grouted sand columns with equivalent composi-
injection pressure became equal to 700 kPa. Af- tions, cured for 28 days.
ter curing for 28 days, the grouted columns were
cut in alternating lengths of 16 cm and 9 cm. The
resulting specimens with a length of 16 cm were 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
tested in unconfined compression at an axial
strain rate equal to 0.05 %/min. The specimens The effect of cement type on the strength of
grouted sand is quantified in terms of the uncon-
fined compression strength ratio, defined as the
Table 3. Properties of sands.
ratio of the unconfined compression strengths of
Sand Gradation Permeability Void Ratios equivalent sand specimens, grouted with corre-
Limits d15 Cu Coefficient * emin emax
(mm) (mm) k20 (cm/s)
sponding suspensions of different cement types.
5-10 4.00-2.00 2.25 1.40 2.31 0.66 1.06 The results presented in Figure 2, indicate a
10-14 2.00-1.40 1.48 1.19 0.80 0.67 1.03 strength increase due to grouting with CEM I
14-25 1.40-0.71 0.80 1.43 0.22 0.67 1.07 suspensions. The other two cement types give
25-50 0.71-0.30 0.36 1.56 0.04 0.70 1.06 comparable but inferior results. The superiority
*: Sands in dense condition of CEM I suspensions expands with increasing
226 I.N. Markou and A.I. Droudakis / Effectiveness of Microfine Cement Suspension Grouting

160 2000

Unconfined Compression Strength (kPa)

CEM I / CEM II Cement: II/B-M
U.C. Strength Ratio (%)

140 CEM ¦¦ /CEM IV


Sand: 14-25, W/C: 2
1000 Sand: 10-14, W/C: 2
100 Sand: 14-25, W/C: 3
Cem. dmax: 20¡m
Sand: 14-25
0 1 2 3 4 400 600 800 1000
W/C Ratio 2
Blaine Specific Surface (m /kg)
Figure 2. Effect of cement type on grouted sand strength.
W/C ratio of the grouts and can be attributed to Permeability Coefficient (cm/s)a Cement: II/B-M
the composition of the cements, since CEM I is a Sand: 14-25, W/C: 2
pure Portland cement consisting of a larger pro- Sand: 10-14, W/C: 2
portion of clinker in comparison with the other Sand: 14-25, W/C: 3
two cement types and does not contain poz-
zolanic materials (Table 1).
The effect of cement fineness, expressed as
Blaine specific surface, on the strength and per- 1E-4
meability of sands grouted with CEM II/B-M
suspensions, is shown in Figure 3. It can be ob-
served (Figure 3a) that the unconfined compres- (b)
sion strength of grouted sands is not affected by 1E-5
cement fineness. It is known [2, 3] that use of 400 600 800 1000
microfine cements can lead to higher unconfined 2
compression strength values of grouted soil in Blaine Specific Surface (m /kg)
comparison with ordinary Portland cements. This Figure 3. Effect of cement fineness on (a) strength and (b)
observation was not verified by the findings of permeability of grouted sand.
the present research, possibly due to the high
W/C ratios of the suspensions used. However, it more effective filling of sand voids with grout
must be stated that suspensions with W/C ratio solids. This justification is also confirmed by the
equal to 1 were not used because, in the case of results of the present investigation shown in Fig-
cements with dmax = 100 ¡m, they present low in- ure 4. It is easily observed that permeability co-
jectability in 14-25 sand. efficient values of grouted sands decrease with
As it is shown in Figure 3b, permeability coef- decreasing bleeding capacity of the suspensions
ficient values decrease with increasing cement used in the injections. Therefore, it is evident that
Blaine specific surface, in agreement with the the mechanism of permeability reduction is
observations of other researchers [2, 3]. The ef- based on the reduction rate of soil voids induced
fect of cement fineness on the permeability of by grouting, as it has also been stated by other
grouted sands is attributed to the lower bleeding researchers [4, 5].
capacity (total proportion of the volume of bleed The results of permeability and unconfined
water to the initial volume of suspension) of mi- compression tests conducted on specimens ob-
crofine cement suspensions which leads to the tained from cement grouted sand columns, after
I.N. Markou and A.I. Droudakis / Effectiveness of Microfine Cement Suspension Grouting 227

1E-2 grouted with relatively low injection pressures.

The equation resulting from the correlation of
Permeability Coefficient (cm/s)a

1E-3 unconfined compression strength with W/C ratio

(Figure 5a), is of the same form with the one de-
veloped by Dano et al. [7].

Table 4. Range of strength and permeability values of

1E-5 grouted sands in relation to suspension W/C ratio.
Unconfined Comp. Permeability Permeability
W/C Strength (MPa) Coefficient (cm/s) Reduction *
1E-6 Ratio
min max min max min max
R = 0.81 1 7.20 13.73 1.3*10-6 8.5*10-5 4 5
1E-7 2 1.07 2.86 1.1*10-5 7.2*10-4 3 5
3 0.51 1.61 1.7*10-4 1.4*10-3 2 4
0 20 40 60 80 *: Orders of magnitude
Bleeding Capacity (%)
Figure 4. Effect of suspension bleeding on permeability of Unconfined Compression Strength (MPa) Maximum Injection Pressure:  160 kPa
grouted sand.
. -2.81
qu = 12.03 (W/C)
curing for 28 days, are summarized in Table 4 in 2
relation to W/C ratio of the suspensions. Uncon- 12 R = 0.96
fined compression strength of grouted sand in-
creases and permeability coefficient of grouted 9
sand decreases with decreasing W/C ratio of the
suspensions. More specifically, the permeability 6
coefficient of sands grouted by suspensions with
W/C ratio equal to 1 can be as low as 1.3*10-6 3
cm/s indicating an improvement (reduction) of (a)
sand permeability by 4 to 5 orders of magnitude. 0
The permeability reduction attained with these 0 1 2 3 4
suspensions is by 1 to 2 orders of magnitude W/C Ratio
higher than the ones achieved by suspensions
with W/C ratios equal to 2 and 3. The unconfined 1E-3
compression strength of sands grouted by sus- Maximum Injection
Permeability Coefficient (cm/s)a

pensions with W/C ratio equal to 1 ranged from Pressure:  160 kPa
7.2 MPa to 13.7 MPa (Table 4) and is generally
up to 7 and up to 20 times higher than the ones 1E-4
obtained by suspensions with W/C ratios equal to
2 and 3, respectively. The ranges of strength and
permeability values of grouted sands included in
Table 4 are in good agreement with values found 1E-5
in the literature for cement grouted soils [e.g. 2,
. -6 4.75
4, 5, 6, 7]. Thus, the end effect of grouting with k20 = 2 10 (W/C)
the suspensions used in this investigation is R = 0.94
comparable to that obtained by grouting with 1E-6
other ordinary or microfine cement suspensions.
0 1 2 3 4
As indicated in Figure 5, a good correlation
W/C Ratio
exists between unconfined compression strength
or permeability coefficient of grouted sands and Figure 5. Correlation of suspension W/C ratio with (a) strength
W/C ratio of suspensions, for sand columns and (b) permeability of grouted sand.
228 I.N. Markou and A.I. Droudakis / Effectiveness of Microfine Cement Suspension Grouting

Table 5. Comparison of strength and permeability values of grouted sands after curing for 28 and 90 days.
Cement W/C Unconfined Compression Strength (MPa) Permeability Coefficient (cm/s)
Type dmax (¡m) Ratio 28 days 90 days Increase (%) 28 days 90 days Reduction (%)
I 20 2 14-25 2.22 2.22 0.0 5.7*10-3 5.7*10-3 0.0
II/B-M 20 2 5-10 1.07 1.06 0.0 4.7*10-5 3.8*10-5 19.2
II/B-M 20 2 10-14 1.36 1.51 11.0 4.6*10 3.5*10-5 23.9
II/B-M 20 2 14-25 1.93 2.11 9.3 4.5*10-5 3.2*10-5 28.9
II/B-M 10 2 10-14 1.36 1.46 7.4 5.1*10-5 3.9*10-5 23.5

The strength and permeability values obtained cement suspensions having W/C ratio = 1.
after curing of grouted sands for 28 and 90 days, x Increase of curing time from 28 to 90 days
respectively, are compared in Table 5. The ob- leads to a permeability reduction of grouted
served strength increase is considered as low sands reaching a maximum value of 29%.
since it ranges from 0% to 11%, while the ob-
served permeability reduction attains generally
higher values with a maximum of 29%. There- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
fore, the increase of curing time from 28 to 90
days affects grouted sand permeability more sig- The information reported herein is part of re-
nificantly than it affects grouted sand strength. search project PENED-03ED527 which was co-
Another interesting finding is that both strength financed by the E.U. – European Social Fund
and permeability of sand grouted with CEM I (75%) and the Greek Ministry of Development –
suspension remained unaltered after the first 28 GSRT (25%). TITAN Cement Company S.A.
days of curing, possibly due to the higher hydra- contributed chemical analyses, pulverization and
tion rates of pure Portland cements in compari- grain size analyses of the cements.
son with composite and pozzolanic cements.

[1] Henn, R.W. & Soule, N.C., Ultrafine Cement in Pres-
Based on the results obtained and the observa- sure Grouting, ASCE Press, Reston, Virginia, 2010.
[2] De Paoli, B., Bosco, B., Granata, R. & Bruce, D., Fun-
tions made during this investigation, the follow- damental observations on cement based grouts (2): Mi-
ing conclusions may be advanced: crofine cements and the CemillR process, Proc., Conf.
x Grouting with CEM I (Portland cement) on Grouting, Soil Improvement & Geosynthetics, New
suspensions improves the unconfined com- Orleans, ASCE, GSP No. 30 (1992), Vol. 1, 486–499.
[3] Shibata, H., Study on long – term strength properties of
pression strength of grouted sand. suspension grouts with ultra-fine-grain materials, Proc.,
x Increase of cement fineness improves blee- Conf. on Grouting & Deep Mixing, Tokyo, A.A.
ding capacity of suspensions and, conse- Balkema, (1996), Vol. 1, 71–76.
quently, the permeability of grouted sands. [4] Krizek, R.J. & Helal, M., Anisotropic behavior of ce-
ment grouted sand, Proc., Conf. on Grouting, Soil Im-
x Grouted sand strength increases and grou- provement & Geosynthetics, New Orleans, ASCE, GSP
ted sand permeability decreases with de- No. 30 (1992), Vol. 1, 541–550.
creasing suspension W/C ratio. Good corre- [5] Schwarz, L.G. & Chirumalla, M., Effect of injection
pressure on permeability and strength of microfine ce-
lations were found between grouted sand ment grouted sand, Proc., Geo-Denver 2007, Denver,
strength or permeability and W/C ratio. ASCE, GSP No. 168 (2007).
x Unconfined compression strength values of [6] Zebovitz, S., Krizek, R.J. & Atmatzidis, D.K., Injection
grouted sands ranging from 7 MPa to 15 of fine sands with very fine cement grout, J. Geotech.
Engrg. 115 (1989), 1717–1733.
MPa and satisfactory reduction (4 to 5 or- [7] Dano, C., Hicher, P.Y. & Tailliez, S., Engineering
ders of magnitude) of the permeability of properties of grouted sands, J. Geotech. & Geoenv.
sands can be obtained by grouting with Engrg. 130 (2004), 328–338.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 229
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Reflections on primary and secondary

Réflexions sur la consolidation primaire et secondaire
N. Mortensen
nmGeo / Rambøll DK

The objective of this paper is to establish a simplified model for evaluating whether primary and secondary consolidation may
develop as two simultaneous mechanisms. The classical 1D consolidation theory has been recomputed and used to establish a set
of equations covering an estimate of the theoretical strain rate. The theoretical strain rate, when applied on time-strain curves
from Oedometer testing (Incremental loading) on a high plasticity clay, reveals a match between theory and factual measure-
ments. Referring to the dimensionless time, T, introduced by Terzaghi, the math is typically seen for T < 0.8 considering the
pure 1D consolidation theory. For T > 2 the development of strain rate during secondary consolidation can also be predicted by
the equations introduced. The measured strain rate for the time 0.8 < T < 2.0 is consistently higher than what should be expected
by just using the 1D consolidation theory. Ideas for explaining this observation have been discussed.

L'objectif de cet article est d'établir un modèle simplifié pour évaluer si la consolidation primaire et secondaire peuvent se déve-
lopper comme deux mécanismes simultanés. La théorie de consolidation classique 1D a été recalculée et utilisée pour établir un
ensemble d'équations portant sur une estimation de la vitesse de déformation théorique. La vitesse de déformation théorique sur
une argile très plastique, lorsqu'il est appliqué sur les courbes de temps/déformation des essais oedométriques (chargement par
paliers), révèle une correspondance entre la théorie et les mesures observées. Se référant au facteur temps T sans dimension in-
troduit par Terzaghi, le calcul est généralement effectué pour T < 0.8 en utilisant la théorie de la consolidation pure 1D. Pour T >
2, le développement de la vitesse de déformation lors de la consolidation secondaire peut aussi être prédite par les présentes équ-
ations. La vitesse de déformation mesurée pour le moment 0.8 < T < 2.0 est conséquemment plus élevé que ce qui serait prévu
en utilisant simplement la théorie de consolidation 1D. Un échange d’idées pour expliquer cette observation a été discuté.

Keywords : Primary consolidation, secondary consolidation, creep rate, 1D consolidation theory, degree of consolidation

1 INTRODUCTION The idea with this paper is to follow the 1D

consolidation theory strictly and to evaluate
Vertical settlements of structures with a domi- whether creep may develop as the primary con-
nating static load are traditionally divided into solidation settlements develop.
three contributions: initial settlements, consolida- In order to enlighten the link between theory
tion settlements and creep settlements. These and practice, incremental loading Oedometer
components are usually superimposed to repre- tests on Palaeogene clay from Fehmarnbelt,
sent the total settlement. The initial settlement, have been included.
has not been addressed in this paper.
230 N. Mortensen / Reflections on Primary and Secondary Consolidation

With the objective of studying simultaneous u: Pore overpressure generated by the load
primary and secondary consolidation, only the increase
time-strain curves are discussed and the applied p: Load increase in the load step in question
load has thus no direct importance.
w: Unit weight of water
Section 2 shortly summarizes index properties h: Time dependent pressure head
of the clay investigated. Section 3 briefly touches h0: Pressure head before load increase
the basic principles from the Terzaghi consolida- t: Real time
tion theory including a reformulation into strain ck: Coefficient of consolidation
rates. Time-strain curves and strain rate curves z: Depth within specimen (sign convention,
are introduced in Section 4 with a discussion in- see Figure 1)
cluded in Section 5. H: Half the specimen height for double sided

2 KEY PROPERTIES OF SOIL INCLUDED Figure 1 represent examples of the solved heat
equation showing the development of the nor-
The time-strain curves included in this paper re- malized pore overpressure versus normalized
fer to incremental loading Oedometer tests, per- time for various levels within the soil layer, as-
formed on Palaeogene clay from the glacially suming a rectangular pressure head distribution
folded Roesnaes formation. The tests applied are immediately after the load has been applied.
based on soil specimens characterized by the fol-
T = 0.00
lowing approximate properties: natural water 0.1

content of 38 %, plastic limit of 30 %, liquid lim- T=

it of 90 to 160 %, an effective unit weight of 8.5 0.2

kN/m3, a density of solids of 2.7-2.8 g/cm3 and 0.3

0 5
with a clay content exceeding 50-60 %. T
Specimens tested in the Oedometer cells have 0.4
a 60 mm diameter (trimmed from 100 mm cores)


and an initial height of 20 mm, using a fixed ring


setup. 0.6
T = 0.75



T = 1.000

T = 1.300


0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00
3.1 Governing equations u/p = 1 -  '/p
Figure 1. Normalized pore overpressure versus normalized
The 1D consolidation theory, as established in depth for different time factors T = t ck/H2.
[1], may shortly be summarized by the heat eq-
uation defined in Equation (1): As shown in [1], the solution of the heat equa-
tion may be expressed as a Taylor series (not
"h1/"t1 = ("2h1) / ("z12) (1) shown here). The Taylor series is a number es-
tablished by (in theory) an infinite number of
where: terms. In this paper a sufficient number of terms
h1 = u / p =
w (h – h0) / p is defined by summing the absolute value of each
t1 = t ck / H2 (= T) of the last four terms. The ratio between this sum
z1 = z / H and all the terms used to define the Taylor series,
is established and if it exceeds 1e-5, more terms
The symbols are explained below: are added. Once the ratio < 1e-5, an approximate
N. Mortensen / Reflections on Primary and Secondary Consolidation 231

value of the Taylor series is known. By this ap- Table 1. Constants to be applied in Equation (3).
proach, the examples illustrated on Figure 1 have [3] This paper. Intervals for T
been established. [0.001, 2.000] [0.001, 2.000] [0.010, 2.000]
a -6.0000 -5.1607 -5.1514
3.2 Degree of consolidation b 1.0000 0.9412 0.9408
c 0.5000 0.5103 0.5099
When the effective stresses in a soil layer increa- d -3.0000 -2.6017 -2.5980
ses, the settlement of the soil surface, #(T) will  1.82 0.46 0.26
increase too. The degree of consolidation, U re- : Maximum absolute error [%], relative to Figure 2.
presents a normalized way of illustrating #(T):
3.3 Strain rate
U = #(T)/#100 = $(1-h1) dz1 (2)
The strain rate for a time-strain curve in an incre-
mental loading Oedometer test has been addres-
#100 is the settlement corresponding to end of
primary. The degree of consolidation (Figure 2) sed. Replacing displacements in Equation (3) by
has been computed using the same computer rou- strains lead to U = %(t)/%100 and thus, the strain
tine as applied in establishing Figure 1. The inte- rate for one time-strain curve can be established
gration of Equation (2) is performed using Simp- by:
son’s rule as given in [2].
0.00 ("%t)/("T) = %100 "[U]/("T) (4)
= %100 U c d Td-1 / [a (b+c Td)]

0.30 The symbol %100 represents the strain at end of

0.40 Degree of consolidation, U primary consolidation. Equation (4) is establi-
u/p at centre of sample shed using the normalized time, defined by Ter-
U or u/p

zaghi. The result of this differentiation is illu-
0.60 strated in Figure 3, indicating that the strain rate
decreases linearly with two different tendencies:
one straight line to the left of point A (T  0.75)

0.80 and a second straight line for data below point A.

0.90 10

0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 1 A
T []
(¶%/(¶T) / %&''

Figure 2. Degree of consolidation versus normalized time and

with the normalized pore overpressure being shown in the 0.1

middle of the specimen (two-way drainage).

Brinch Hansen proposed a simple mathemati- 0.01

cal approximation to the degree of consolidation

in [3]: 0.001
0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000
T []
Ua = b + c Td (3) Figure 3. Strain rate normalized with %100 versus normalized
time. Constants a through d from 2nd column in Table 1.
Table 1 (left column) shows the constants “a”
through “d” as proposed in [3]. The two remain- It has been attempted to identify a physical
ing columns identify alternative constants esti- meaning behind the two straight lines, e.g. that
mated by the author using “least square” on data the gradients within the specimen exhibits a si-
from Figure 2. milar tendency, which could indicate that squee-
232 N. Mortensen / Reflections on Primary and Secondary Consolidation

zing out pore water would control the strain rate The time to reach end of primary, t100 is estab-
up to T  0.75. It has, however, not been possible lished in accordance with ASTM D 2435-04, [4].
to identify such an explanation by analyzing the It is seen that almost identical values of t100 are
equations involved. found using the two different methods, whereas
Equation (5) is a reformulated version of equ- the corresponding strains, %100 differ slightly. The
ation (4), where T is expressed by a factor “F” square root time method leads to %100 = 2.03 –
times the real time t. 0.13 = 1.90 % whereas the log time method im-
plies %100 = 2.10 – 0.13 = 1.97 %.
("%t)/("t) = %100 "[U]/("t) (5) The initial deformation on Figure 4 represents
the difference between the measurements within
= %100 U c d Fd td-1 / [a (b+c Fd td)] the presented time-strain series, relative to the
last measurement in the former time-strain series.
“F” is defined utilizing that T = 2 correspond
to end of primary, cf. Figure 2. Since T = t ck/H2 4.2 A strain rate philosophy
it is seen that ck/H2 = 2/t100 = F which represents
Figure 5 shows the strain rate plot from the time-
the transformation from T to t. The values %100 strain series in Figure 4. All plots drawn are ba-
and t100 therefore uniquely defines the theoretical
sed on constants “a” through “d”, extracted from
strain rate during primary consolidation.
the right column of Table 1.
e [%/m


n rra


0 ..01
4.1 Time to end of primary consolidation %%110000:: 1..97
tt100:: 2 285 5mmiin

Figure 4 shows an example of a time-strain cur-

ve, drawn versus log time and square root time. 0..001
(t [min0.5]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
0..00 01
Log time plot
0.2 Square root time
The orre
eo eticca
0.4 Meea
ed vva ue
alu ess ccrre
ee ne
ep lliine
E ua on
attiio n (5)
0.6 1E--0 05

0..01 0..1 1 10 1 00 10 0 0 10 0 0 0
Time [m
me n]
1.0 Figure 5. Strain rate versus time; theory and measured values.
Axial strain [%]


The following comments may be given to Fi-
t100 = 270 min
gure 5:
A) The theoretical strain rate from Equation
(5) is plotted using t100 and %100 as shown on the
2.0 t100 = 285 min Figure (and deduced in Figure 4).
2.2 B) The crosses represent a computed strain ra-
2.4 te, based on measured values of the strain and the
time. The time-strain measurements are filtered
0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 in the following way: Extract three consecutive
Time [min]
Figure 4. Illustration of the evaluation of the time needed to readings of (time, strain); establish best fit re-
reach end of primary, t100 using square root time and log time. gression line, and use the inclination of this line
as the strain rate corresponding to the time defi-
N. Mortensen / Reflections on Primary and Secondary Consolidation 233

ned by the central data set. The smoothening of < 3.1. More plots may be shown revealing the
data is performed to minimize the noise in the same tendencies as already discussed and the
measurements for t > 1000 minutes, where the principles applied seems to imply a transition zo-
change in displacement is close to the accuracy ne where the measured strain rate is higher than
of the transducers. the predicted rate.
C) The line called “Theoretical creep line” has
an inclination of minus unity. For the plot type
used, the rate of secondary consolidation, C = 5 DISCUSSION / CONCLUSION
log10(1+t/ts) will, mathematically seen, plot with
an inclination of minus unity and plus unity for A brief discussion about the principle applied in
loading and unloading, respectively; “ts” is a ref- this paper is included in order to try to evaluate
erence time. how this transition zone may be understood. The
strain rate model as proposed in Equation (5) de-
pends solely on two properties: t100 and %100.
0.2 1

Strain rate [%/min]

Measured values
Equation (5)
Axial strain [%]



t100 = 160 min t100: 160 min

0.001 %100: 1.08 %



0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Time [min]
Figure 6. Illustration of the evaluation of the time needed to 1E-005

reach end of primary, t100 using log time. 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000
Time [min]
Figure 7. Strain rate versus time; theory and measured values.
Despite the simplifications introduced, and the
rigorous assumptions hidden within the 1D con- Looking at Figure 4 indicates that two differ-
solidation theory, Figure 5 shows reasonable ent ways of defining t100 will, for any practical
consistency between the theory applied and the purpose, lead to identical results. Referring to the
measurements established for t < 100 minutes, same figure, it is also seen that the deviation in
corresponding to T = 0.7. Figure 5 also indicates the value of %100 is less than 5 %, so there seems
that the inclination of the theoretical creep line is to be no fundamental difference in the applied
reached for t ) 400 min or T ) 2.8. values of t100 and %100 from the two methods.
The transition zone from Figure 5 is covering Figures 5 and 7 combine two different mecha-
0.7 < T < 2.8. In this zone, the measured strain nisms: a) the 1D consolidation theory formulated
rate exceeds the predicted rate using the consoli- as a strain rate and b) the mathematical conse-
dation theory and the inclination of the theoreti- quence of the applied creep law, revealing an in-
cal creep line has not yet been reached. clination of unity when plotted in log strain rate
Figures 6 and 7 are established for a different versus log time. A smooth transition between the
time-strain curve, using the principles already two theories can thus only be obtained if the
discussed. Figure 7 shows a similar transition zo- theoretical creep line intersects the consolidation
ne, spanning the approximate interval of 0.8 < T strain rate at the time where the inclination of the
234 N. Mortensen / Reflections on Primary and Secondary Consolidation

two rates is identical. This will, however, corres- specimen must be applied instantaneously so the
pond to t100 deviating strongly from the estimates entire consolidation process can be followed.
illustrated in Figure 4 which probably is not rea-
listic. Alternatively, the two theories may inter-
sect at “a random” time. This will imply a first ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
order derivative of the strain rate having two dif-
ferent values at the same time (switching from The author is grateful for being given the oppor-
one mode to another), which is not supported by tunity to utilize and publish selected laboratory
the test results. results financed by the organization Femern A/S,
In conclusion, the theoretical strain rate, as es- [5]. The presented data serves as a sub-group of
timated by the consolidation theory, deviates data established during the laboratory testing
from the strain rate during creep unless some sort programme for the fixed link across Fehmarn-
of transition zone is introduced. Based on meas- belt. In addition, the author is thankful for having
ured data, the strain rate philosophy proposed been given the possibility by Rambøll Arup Joint
seems to be justified for the consolidation pro- Venture for serving in the actual position.
cess with T < 0.7-0.8. Possible explanations for Thanks must also be given to Ph.D. and Asso-
the deviation when T > 0.7-0.8 may be: ciated Professor at the Technical University of
a) The constrained Oedometer modulus will Denmark, Ms. Anette Krogsbøll and Emeritus
vary through the consolidation phase, which is Professor Niels Foged for fruitful discussions on
not included in the theory applied. If Figure 1 is the subject addressed.
studied for T > 0.7-0.8, it is seen that more than The laboratory work is performed by GEO,
80 % of the applied total stress is transferred to Denmark. Finally, the author is very grateful for
effective stresses, and for such a stress change, the financial compensation made available by the
the constrained modulus should also change. It is technical director of the company nmGeo, mak-
not consistent that 1) the major change in effec- ing this paper possible.
tive stresses is seen along the strain rate curve
where the best match is obtained with measured
data and 2) use a change of the constrained Oe- REFERENCES
dometer modulus to argue for deviations between
theory and measured data along the curve part, [1] Hansen, B., Advanced Theoretical Soil Mechanics, The
where the change in effective stresses is reasona- Danish Geotechnical Society, Bulletin 20, Copenhagen
bly small. 2001.
[2] Press, W.H., S.A. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, and B.P.
b) The change in pore pressure during the Flannery. Numerical Recipes, Third edition, ISBN 978-
consolidation phase must, in the end, be affected 0-521-88407-5.
by the creep phase, which must influence the [3] Hansen, J. Brinch. A model law for simultaneous pri-
strain rate. The two phases must interact some- mary and secondary creep. The Danish Geotechnical
Institute, Bulletin 13, Copenhagen 1961.
how. [4] ASTM D 2435-04. Standard test methods for one-di-
c) Although not proven, it cannot be rejected mensional consolidation properties of soil using incre-
that for T < 0.7-0.8, the strain rate may be heavi- mental loading.
ly influenced by the amount of water leaving the [5]
specimen. The consequence is that instead of try-
ing to explain a difference between measured
values and a theory, a new theory should be es-
tablished covering the transition zone and the
secondary consolidation phase. A more detailed
study of such mechanisms should include Oedo-
meter testing in a CRSC-setup where pore pres-
sures can be traced and where the load on the
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 235
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

UCS estimation for Maastricht limestones by

Needle penetration testing
Estimation de la resistance à la compression simple des
calcaires Maastrichtians par le test de resistance à
l’enfoncement d’une aiguille
D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard 1, H.K. Engin, W. Verwaal & A. Mulder
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Geo-engineering
section, Stevinweg 1, PO BOX 5048, 2600 GA Delft, Netherlands.

The Needle Penetration Test (NPT) is used to estimate the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of the Maastrichtian lime-
stones. In parallel to UCS testing, NPT has been conducted for the future A2 tunnel in Maastricht, the Netherlands on borehole
cores ranging from very weak calcarenite to carbonate sands. NPT results are correlated to UCS values and clustered to give a
qualitative material strength estimation. The spatial distribution of the very low NPT values is tentatively related to the occur-
rence of faults. Then, the relationships between UCS and NP resistance observed in the laboratory for calcarenites are analysed.
The spreading of the results is related to the material microstructure. An accurate UCS estimation cannot be derived from a sin-
gle NPT value. To get an insight on the processes taking place during NP testing, the total needle resistance and shaft friction
have been recorded and microstructural damage has been observed. Final damage consists of crushing and compaction, related to
high stresses, rather than de-bounding of grains, observed in UCS testing. Despite this difference in damage type, resistance to
needle penetration and UCS values are related.

Le test de résistance à l’enfoncement d’une aiguille (REA) a été utilisé pour estimer la résistance à la compression simple des
calcaires Maastrichtians (RCS). En parallèle à des mesures RCS, le test REA a été conduit pour le future tunnel A2 à Maastricht
aux Pays-Bas sur des carottes faites de calcarénites de très faible résistance et de sables carbonatés. Les valeurs de REA sont cor-
rélées aux valeurs RCS et groupées pour estimer qualitativement la résistance des matériaux à partir de mesures REA. La distri-
bution des très faibles valeurs REA le long du tracé du tunnel peut être liée à la présence de failles. Ensuite, les relations obser-
vées au laboratoire entre REA et RCS sont analysées. L’éventail des mesures est expliqué par la microstructure des calcarénites
testées. Une détermination exacte de UCS ne peut découler d’une seule mesure REA. Pour mieux comprendre les mécanismes
du test REA, la résistance totale de l’aiguille à l’enfoncement ainsi que la force de friction le long de son corps sont mesurées..
De plus, l’endommagement du matériau a été observé. Autour de l’aiguille, les grains sont écrasés et compactés sous les larges
contraintes imposées par l’aiguille. En compression simple, une décohésion des grains est observée le long du plan de rupture.
Malgré tout, les valeurs de REA et RCS sont reliées.

Keywords: needle penetration test, Maastrichtian limestones, microstructural damage

1 INTRODUCTION penetrate into a lump or a core of rock for a

given depth of penetration. It is a non-destructive
The needle penetration test (NPT) consists of and easy test that was developed in Japan and is
measuring the maximum resistance of a needle to used in Japan and Turkey to predict UCS for

Corresponding Author.
236 D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard et al. / UCS Estimation for Maastricht Limestones by NPT

various rock types, mainly sedimentary and vol- dicating the maximum spring compression ranging from 0 to
8.5 cm.
canic rocks ranging from very weak to strong
rocks [1].
In the Netherlands, a modified version of a
surface hand penetrometer manufactured by Ei- 2 EVALUATION OF LIMESTONE
jkelkamp, the Netherlands [2] has been adopted STRENGTH FOR CUT AND COVER
for indirect estimation of the UCS of extremely TUNNEL DESIGN
weak to very weak (according to [3]) carbonate
materials originating from the same geological For the site investigation for the A2 cut and
formation, the Maastrichtian limestones (Figure cover tunnel project in the city of Maastricht, the
1). The penetrometer is equipped with a spring of Netherlands, the needle penetrometer test was
a given stifnesss. As the needle is pushed into the used to estimate quickly, objectively, and with
limestone, the spring is compressed. The com- minimal material disturbance, the strength of
pression of the spring is read with the help of an borehole cores of Maastrichtian limestone. NPT
indicator ring. As the penetration depth of the readings were taken every 10 cm. As the purpose
needle increases, it increases until reaching a of testing was the detection of very low strength
constant value. The needle penetration resistance material, the penetrometer was equipped with a
(MPa) is obtained by multiplying this value (cm) 1.4 (instead of 1 mm) diameter needle and a soft
by the spring stiffness (N/cm) and dividing it the spring (50 N instead of 100 or 150 N for 10 cm
the cross section area of the needle (mm2). In this compression). Readings of 8.5 cm indicorre-
paper, NPT results obtained for the future A2 spond to a needle penetration resistance is equal
tunnel in Maastricht, the Netherlands are ex- to or greater than 27.6 MPa.
posed and more insight is gained in the labora- In parallel to NPT, a number of cores were
tory on the performance of NPT in these lime- subjected to UCS testing. Figure 2 shows the
stones. correlation between needle penetration readings
and UCS values obtained for the A2 tunnel. Car-
bonate sands (cluster 1), very weak calcarenite
(cluster 2) and weak calcarenite (cluster 3) were
distinguished based on penetrometer values. The
presence of carbonate sands instead of cal-
carenite was tentatively related to faulting (Fig-
ure 3) [4], even if damage caused by rotary core
drilling could not be rejected [5].

Nekum Cluster 3
3 Emael

2 Valkenburg

Cluster 2

Cluster 1

Figure 1. Needle penetration test with the modified Eikel- 0

0 2 4 6 8 10
kamp penetrometer on Maastrichtian limestones. a: Core. b: 1 Penetrometer reading (cm)
mm diameter needles with a flat and 90 and 60o tip. c:
Springs of 100 and 150 N for 10 cm compression. d: Pene- Figure 2. Clustering of the NPT readings and UCS values for
trometer equipped with a 1.4 mm diameter needle and a 60o the limestones of the A2 tunnel in Maastricht, the Nether-
cone and a spring of 50 N for 10 cm compression. e: Ring in- lands.
D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard et al. / UCS Estimation for Maastricht Limestones by NPT 237

3.1 Empirical relationship between NPR and

1 and 1.4 mm diameter needles with a flat or
conical tip with a 90 or 60o cone angle were
pushed in a 500 N servo-controlled compressive
machine at constant displacement rate. The load-
ing direction was better controlled than during
manual penetrometer testing and results were not
affected by friction of the penetrometer spring in
the body of the penetrometer. Moreover, during
pushing, the resistance to penetration was con-
tinuously measured. In some tests, the shaft fric-
tion was also recorded during needle retrieval.
Tests were performed on 36 cores taken from
three blocks with an average UCS of 1.9, 2.8 and
3.2 MPa and a standard deviation of 0.25 MPa.
For each needle, tests were repeated at least five
times in the same core. The following observa-
tions were made. The total needle resistance
(Figure 4) increased constantly as penetration
depth increased, without reaching a stable value,
even after a penetration of 8.5 mm. The increase
was sharp in the first 2 to 3 mm of penetration as
distance to free surface increased and a damaged
zone at the front of the needle tip was formed.
Afterwards, strain hardening occurred at a lower
rate and was of the same order of magnitude as
Figure 3. Occurrence of low NPT readings at a fault zone in- the force needed to pull out the needle (Fig. 4).
ferred from the paleontological description of the borehole Maximum resistance to penetration was arbitrar-
cores in terms of members of the Maastrichtian formation. ily chosen at 8.5 mm penetration. When results
Profile shows adjacent boreholes around Voltastraat. Blue
represents the top soils, purple the gravels, light and, respec-
obtained with any needle were analysed alto-
tively dark green, the younger and, respectively older mem- gether, the variance of the maximum resistance
bers of the Maastrichtian limestones. The black lines per core was between 1 and 9% and the maxi-
represent the NPT readings. The fault has a vertical offset of mum resistance varied between 34 and 40 MPa
about 14 m.
and, respectively 31 to 38 MPa for the blocks
with a 3.2 and, respectively 2.8 MPa average
UCS value [6]. No trend in the maximum resis-
3 NEEDLE PENETRATION TESTING IN tance was visible as a function of needle geome-
THE LABORATORY try and size. Based on the results obtained on 36
cores with UCS values varying between 1.36
In parallel to the routine testing for the A2 tun- MPa and 3.53 MPa and needle resistances vary-
nel, the relation between test procedure, resis- ing between 25.1 and 45.8 MPa, the needle resis-
tance to penetration, material strengths and mi- tance and UCS values were found to be weakly
cro-structural damage was investigated in a linearly correlated with a square of the coeffi-
controlled environment. cient of linear regression (R2) of only 0.453 [6].
When averaged needle resistance per core and
UCS values were averaged per block, the needle
resistance could be expressed with a R2 of
238 D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard et al. / UCS Estimation for Maastricht Limestones by NPT

0.9972 [6] as function of the UCS value as fol- to migrate into the pores of the adjacent intact
lows: material. Crushing and compaction are also ob-
served in compaction shear bands in triaxial test-
UCS = 0.2176 NPT – 5.0816 (1) ing under high confinement. Under UCS condi-
tions, damage is different: cement connections
and more rarely connections between cement
0.08 0.08
fringes and grains are broken and grains remain
intact. Despite this difference in damage type,
Force during needle penetration (kN)

calcarenite- 5 cm diameter core 1 (penetration)

Force during needle retrieval (kN)

calcarenite- 5 cm diameter core 2 (penetration) resistance to needle penetration and UCS values
0.06 0.06
calcarenite- 5cm diameter core 1 (retrieval) are related.

0.04 0.04

0.02 0.02

0 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Penetration (mm)

Figure 4. Needle penetration force as function of penetration

depth during pushing and retrieval of needle in a loading
frame, for a 5 and a 1 cm core. Green and black lines: needle
penetration curves for 1 cm core. Red line: needle penetra-
tion curve for a 5 cm diameter core. Turquoise: force required
to overcome resistance along shaft during needle retrieval.

3.2 Micro-structural damage

A test with a 60o cone needle was also performed
in a mini-core that was scanned before and after
testing in a micro-CT scan to image the micro-
structural damage (Figure 5). After testing the
core was cut at the maximum penetration depth
and observed with the help of a ESEM (Figure
6). The Maastrichtian calcarenite is a well sorted
clastic carbonate rock with sand-sized grains be-
tween 100 to 400 !m. It has a porosity up to
50% and a grained-supported structure with no
mud between grains. Its particles are fragmented
skeletal components of foraminifera, sponges,
bivalves, bryozoa and brachiolods that are rec- Figure 5. Micro-CT scans before and after needle penetration
ognizable on both the micro-CT and ESEM im- in 1 cm diameter. core. Resolution: 7 x 7 x 7 !m3. a) section
ages. Few millimetric and centimetric fossils lay parallel to needle shaft. Zone ahead of needle tip b) before
and c) after needle penetration and retrieval.
horizontally in the calcarenite. Many grains show
a microcrystalline dog-tooth cement growth.
During needle penetration testing, up to 1 mm
ahead of the needle tip, grains were crushed and
compacted in a zone that looks like an extension
of the needle tip. As the needle was pushed for-
ward, the clay-sized crushed material was forced
to compact in a 0.55 mm thick dense powdery
zone surrounding the shaft of the needle and/or
D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard et al. / UCS Estimation for Maastricht Limestones by NPT 239

creasing without reaching a plateau even after

8.5 mm penetration, mostly because of shaft fric-
tion. No relation between needle values after 8.5
a mm penetration and needle geometry or size was
found. For weak calcarenites, UCS values cannot
be derived from a single needle penetrometer
b 1 mm value. The ratio of needle diameter over average
grain size less than 10 and the micro-structural
non-uniformity of the material explain the
spreading of the results. A large number of pene-
c trometer values is needed for a fair strength esti-
mation. During penetration, very high stresses
develop under the needle and stresses normal to
d the needle shaft increase. Final damage consists
of crushing and compaction rather than de-
bounding of grains. Despite this difference in
damage type, resistance to needle penetration
and UCS values can be related.
It is proposed to gain knowledge from nu-
merical simulation of pile driving in weak porous
carbonate rocks to further develop the relation
between needle penetrometer resistance and shaft
friction and material properties.


[1] Z.A Erguler and R. Ulusay. Water-induced variations in

mechanical properties of clay-bearing rocks. Interna-
tional Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences
(2009) 46, 355–370.
P1-53e.pdf (last visited on 15.01-2011).
[3] ISRM. ISRM suggested methods. Determining the
Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability of
Rock Materials (1979).
Figure 6. ESEM observations of the damage caused by nee- [4] D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard, P. Kouwenberg, P.M. Mauren-
dle penetration. Top: view from the imprint of the needle tip brecher, B. Vink. Data integration to assess geo-hazards
(a) to the undisturbed zone (d). Bottom: zooms on (b), in Maastricht A2 tunnel. In:, Proceedings of Eurock
crushed zone, (c) the transition zone between the crushed 2010, Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental En-
and the intact zones, and (d) intact calcarenite grains. gineering, J. Zhao, V. Labiouse, J.P. Dudt and J.F.
Mathier (eds.), CRC Press, Balkema, Leiden (2010),
[5] D.J.M. Ngan-Tillard, W.Verwaal, P.M. Maurenbrecher,
4 CONCLUSIONS L.A. van Paassen, Microstructural degradation of Maas-
trichtian limestones. Proceedings of Eurock 2009, En-
The needle penetration test can be used to distin- gineering in Difficult Ground Conditions Soft Rocks
and Karst, I. Vrkljan (ed.), CRC Press, Leiden (2009),
guish qualitatively carbonate sands from very 321-326.
weak and weak calcarenites. When weak cal- [6] B. Chaudhary, 2004. Correlation between UCS and
carenites were tested in controlled conditions, the Penetration Strength on weak Calcarenite of the Roman
resistance to penetration increased sharply in the mine pillar by TU Delft hand penetrometer. Memoirs,
ITC, Enschede, Netherlands.
first 2 to 3 mm penetration. Then, it kept on in-
This page intentionally left blank
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 241
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Mechanical behavior of microfine cement

grouted sands
Comportement mécanique des sables injectés
par coulis de micro ciment
I. A. Pantazopoulos and D. K. Atmatzidis1
Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Patras, Greece

Microfine cements, produced by pulverizing cements of three different types, were injected into clean sand at a water-to-cement
ratio of 1:1 by weight. Unconfined and triaxial compression, resonant column and bender element tests were conducted to inves-
tigate the stress-strain-strength characteristics and the dynamic properties of the grouted sand. Microfine cement grouting re-
sulted in (a) average unconfined compressive strength of 6.4 MPa, (b) average cohesion of 1.7 MPa, (c) improvement of the in-
ternal friction angle by an average of 5°, (d) significant improvement of the initial modulus of elasticity by up to 25 times, (e)
significant reduction of the strain at failure by up to 10 times, (f) higher shear modulus by up to 25 times, (g) improved damping
ratio by 100%, (h) significantly improved dynamic modulus of elasticity and (i) increased Poisson ratio by an average of 35%.

On a injécté de micro-ciments de rapport eau/ciment 1:1, produits en pulvérisant des ciments de trois types différents dans un sa-
ble propre. On a effectué des essais de compression simple et triaxiale, de colonne résonnante et des éléments piézoelectriques
pour étudier les characteristiques contrainte-déformation-résistance et les proprietes dynamique du sable injecté. L'injection du
micro-ciment a résulté en (a) une compression simple moyenne de 6.4 MPa, (b) une cohésion moyenne de 1.7 MPa, (c) une
augmentation de l’angle de frottement de 5° en moyenne, (d) un module d’ élasticité initial jusqu’à 25 fois plus élévé, (e) une de-
formation à la rupture jusqu’à 10 fois moins grande, (f) un module de cisaillement jusqu’à 25 fois plus élévé, (g) une augmenta-
tion du coefficient d’ amortisement de 100%, (h) une augmentation significative du module d’ élasticité dynamique et (i) une
augmentation du coefficient du Poisson de 35% en moyenne.

Keywords: Grouted sand, microfine cement, unconfined compression, triaxial compression, resonant column, bender elements

1 INTRODUCTION Accordingly, the design of structural grouting

projects is mostly based on results obtained from
A number of microfine cements has been devel- unconfined compression tests and on assumed or
oped over the last decades in order to extend the inferred parameter values, especially for model-
application range of ordinary cement grouts and ing dynamic behavior.
to reduce the use of harmful chemical solutions. The experimental investigation reported
Limited information is available on the behavior herein is part of an extensive research effort to
of microfine cement grouted sands under effec- develop a relatively fine-grained material, suit-
tive stress conditions and on dynamic properties. able for permeation grouting, obtained by pul-

Corresponding Author.
242 I.A. Pantazopoulos and D.K. Atmatzidis / Mechanical Behavior of Microfine Cement Grouted Sands

verization of ordinary cements produced in 1 00

C e m e n t : C E M I I/ B -M
Greece. Scope of this presentation is to enrich N o m i n a l d m ax
the available information on deformability, shear 80
10 m

Finer by Weight (%)

strength parameters and dynamic properties of 20 m
60 40 m
microfine cement grouted sands, to quantify the 100m
improvement of sand properties by grouting with 40
thick suspensions and to document the effect of
cement grain size and type. 20

100 10 1 0.1
2 MATERIALS AND PROCEDURES G ra in S i z e ( m )

For the purposes of this investigation, a Portland, Figure 1. Typical cement gradations.
a Portland-composite and a pozzolanic cement
(CEM I, CEM II/B-M and CEM IV/B according cement suspensions and was grouted at a dense
to Standard EN 197-1) were used. Each cement and dry state (relative density 90 %, angle of in-
was pulverized to produce three additional ce- ternal friction 42.6°).
ments with nominal maximum grain sizes (dmax) Laboratory equipment similar to the arrange-
of 40 ¡m, 20 ¡m and 10 ¡m and average Blain ment described in ASTM D4320-84, was used to
specific surface values of 567, 720 and 928 produce small-size grouted sand specimens
m2/kg, respectively. Cements with dmax = 10 ¡m (height = 112 mm, diameter = 50 mm) ready for
can be considered as “microfine” according to testing. Injection was stopped when the volume
Standard EN 12715 (d95 < 20 ¡m and specific of the injected grout was equal to two void vol-
surface over 800 m2/kg). Also, cements with dmax umes of the sand in the mold or when the injec-
= 20 ¡m have adequately small characteristic tion pressure was equal to 200 kPa. The grouted
grain sizes to be considered, marginally, as “mi- specimens were tested after curing for 28 days.
crofine”. Typical gradations of these cements are Unconfined compression tests and UU and
presented in Figure 1. CU-PP triaxial compression tests (confining
The water-to-cement ratio (W/C) of the grouts pressures of 100, 200 and 400kPa) were con-
was set equal to 1, by weight, to represent stable ducted at an axial strain rate equal to 0.1 %/min.
suspensions in terms of total bleed capacity. A The dynamic properties of the grouted sands
superplasticizer (patented new generation of ad- were investigated at confining pressures up to
mixture based on polycarboxylate chemistry) at a 400 kPa by conducting torsional resonant column
dosage of 1.4 % by weight of dry cement was tests for a shear strain range, a, of approximately
used to improve grout properties. All suspen- 5:10-5 % to 5:10-2 % and bender element tests at
sions were prepared using high speed mixers. As a shear strain of approximately 10-6 %. Testing
recommended by the superplasticizer producer, procedures and interpretation of raw data com-
the total amount of cement, 70 % of the water plied with well established methods [1, 2]. For
and the superplasticizer dosage were mixed for 5 comparison, similar tests were conducted on
min. Then, the rest of the water was added and clean sand and on neat grout specimens.
mixing continued for another 5 min.
The soil used was a clean, uniform, limestone
sand with angular grains and grain sizes limited 3 STRESS-STRAIN-STRENGTH
between sieve sizes (ASTM E11) Nos. 14–25
(d15 = 0.8 mm). This sand was groutable by all The stress-strain curves from unconfined com-
pression tests indicate similar behavior between
grouted sands and neat cement sediment. For the
grouted sand specimens, the strain at failure, ¶f,
ranged from 0.49 % to 1.10 % (av. 0.64 %) and
I.A. Pantazopoulos and D.K. Atmatzidis / Mechanical Behavior of Microfine Cement Grouted Sands 243

the compressive strength, qu, ranged from 4.0 strain at failure ranged, with the exception of one
MPa to 11.2 MPa (av. 6.4 MPa). The respective ordinary cement, from 0.5% to 2.5% (av. 1.0 %),
ranges for neat cement sediments were 0.4 % to with no apparent effect of cement grain size.
0.9 % (av. 0.68 %) and 6.5 MPa to 12.7 MPa (av. These values are in good agreement with those
8.85 MPa). Both grouted sand and neat cement obtained for the neat microfine cement sediments
specimens exhibited brittle behavior at failure. (dmax = 20¡m and 10¡m) which had Ei in the
Similar observations on deformability were made range of 17.9 MPa to 29.0 MPa (av. 23.0 MPa)
on the basis of the results from UU and CU-PP and ¶f in the range of 0.4% to 1.2% (av. 0.8%).
triaxial tests. The effect of grouting on the deformability of the
All initial modulus of elasticity, Ei (slope of sand is significant. The initial modulus of elastic-
the stress-strain curve at the origin) and failure ity of the sand increases by more than one order
strain, ¶f, values obtained from UU and CU-PP of magnitude (av. 12.4) and the failure strain de-
tests are presented in Figure 2 and allow an eval- creases by a factor of 5 to 10.
uation to be made of the effects of cement grada- The results obtained during this investigation in-
tion and triaxial test type. The initial tangent dicate that, in general, the Mohr-Coulomb failure
modulus of the grouted sand decreased with in- criterion represents adequately the behavior of
creasing cement grain size and ranged from 17 to the grouted sand. Accordingly, the shear strength
33 MPa (av. 25.7 MPa), from 14 to 36 MPa (av. of the grouted sand is quantified in terms of the
25.6 MPa), from 13 to 27 MPa (av. 19 MPa) and angle of internal friction, , and the cohesion, c.
from 13 to 20 MPa (av. 16.4 MPa), for nominal However, it should be noted that some of the
maximum cement grain size (dmax) equal to 10, CU-PP tests did not yield a satisfactory failure
20, 40 and 100 ¡m, respectively. The envelope (Kf-line), leading to unexpectedly low
values for the angle of internal friction and, con-
40 sequently, overestimated values for the cohesion
Triaxial test of the grouted sands. As anticipated, grouting
had some effect on the angle of internal friction
W/C=1 of the sands. For the majority of the tests, a value
ranging between +7° and -3° of that of the clean
Ei (MPa)

25 sand was obtained. In general, the values of the

internal friction angle, based on UU and CU-PP
triaxial tests, ranged from 45° to 61° (av. 51°)
15 and from 32° to 55° (av. 43°) indicating the re-
semblance to neat cement specimens which had
0 10 20 40
30 100
40 50
an average of 58.8° (range 53° to 61°) based on
dm ax (m) UU tests. Presented in Figure 3 are the results
obtained for the cohesion of the grouted sands as
Triaxial test a function of the nominal maximum cement
5 UU CU-PP grain size (dmax) and triaxial test type. It can be
W/C=1 observed that, in most cases, the CU-PP tests
yielded higher cohesion values than the UU tests.
f (%)

3 The cohesion values of the grouted sands ranged

from 627 to 863 kPa (av. 781 kPa) for the coarse
2 cement gradations (dmax = 100 and 40 ¡m) and
from 750 to 2694 kPa (av. 1744 kPa) for the fine
cement gradations (dmax = 20 and 10 ¡m). In
0 general, grouting with microfine cements,
0 10 20 40
30 100
40 50
dm ax (m)
W/C=1, provide double the cohesion provided by
ordinary cements.
Figure 2. Deformation characteristics of grouted sands.
244 I.A. Pantazopoulos and D.K. Atmatzidis / Mechanical Behavior of Microfine Cement Grouted Sands

3000 4500
Triaxial test Sand: #14 - #25 (a)
4000 Cement: I/B-M, dm ax=10m, W/C=1
2500 UU CU-PP
W/C=1 Grouted sand
2000 3000

G (MPa)
c (kPa)

Neat grout
1000 1500

500 Clean sand
500 3=400 kPa
3=50 kPa
0 0
0 10 20 40
30 100
40 50 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01
dm ax (m) Shear strain, (% )

Figure 3. Cohesion of grouted sands.

G (MPa) 2000
Presented in Figure 4a are typical results ob-
tained for the shear modulus, G, of grouted sand, dm ax
clean sand and neat grout at two confining pres- 1000 10m
Sand: #14 - #25
20m Cement: I/B-M, W/C=1
sures (50 kPa and 400 kPa) as a function of shear
100m 3=400kPa
strain. It is evident that the shear modulus of 0
grouted sand attains significantly higher values, 1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02
compared to the clean sand, and more than dou- Shear strain, (% )

ble the values of the neat grout. The effect of 4000

confining pressure is pronounced only for the (c)

clean sand and not for the grouted sand or the

neat grout. The neat microfine cement sediments 3500
(dmax = 20¡m and 10¡m) had G values ranging
G (MPa)

from 2.3 GPa to 1.3 GPa for a shear strain range

of 10-4 % to 10-2 % and were not affected by con- Cement type
fining pressure level. Shear modulus values of I42.5
Sand: #14 - #25
the clean sand did not exceed 380 MPa. II32.5 Cement: dm ax=20m, W/C=1
As generally shown in Figure 4, the shear IV32.5 3=400kPa
modulus values decrease with increasing shear
1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02
strain as also observed for chemically grouted [3] Shear strain, (% )
and microfine cement grouted [4] sands. It was
also generally observed that, for shear strain Figure 4. Typical shear modulus values.
ranging from about 5:10-5 % to 10-3 %, the shear
modulus values of the grouted sand are practi- (dmax=10 and 20 ¡m) produced by pulverizing
cally constant indicating a range of elastic behav- the ordinary cements. Differences between ce-
ior where strains are still reversible. Cement ments with dmax=10¡m or 20¡m are insignificant.
grain size has a measurable effect on the shear In terms of cement type, it appears that type I
modulus values of the grouted sand, as typically cement suspensions yield shear modulus values
shown in Figure 4b. Sand grouted with ordinary lower by up to 10% or 15% compared to suspen-
cement grouts (dmax=100 ¡m) has lower shear sions of type II/B-M (Portland composite) and
modulus values, by 25 % to 40 %, compared IV/B (pozzolanic) cements which yield similar
to sand grouted with microfine cement grouts
I.A. Pantazopoulos and D.K. Atmatzidis / Mechanical Behavior of Microfine Cement Grouted Sands 245

results for the full shear strain range and all con- type or confining pressure. As with the shear
fining pressure levels, as shown in Figure 4c. modulus, the E0 values were higher than those
Presented in Figure 5 are typical results ob- obtained for the neat cements (4.0 GPa to 5.8
tained for the damping ratio values of grouted GPa) and significantly higher than those obtained
sand, clean sand and neat grout at two confining for the clean sand (180 MPa to 950 MPa). The
pressure levels (50 kPa and 400 kPa) as a func- computed dynamic shear modulus, G0, values are
tion of shear strain. It can be observed that, up to in very good agreement with values obtained
a shear strain level of about 10-2 %, the damping from resonant column tests for lower (10-5 %)
ratio of the grouted sand has higher values than shear strain levels. Finally, the Poisson ratio of
that of the clean sand, while over this shear strain the microfine cement grouted sand, ranged from
limit this trend is reversed. The neat microfine 0.31 to 0.36, was similar to that of the neat ce-
cement sediments (dmax = 20¡m and 10¡m) had ment sediments (0.28 to 0.33) and higher than
D values which ranged from 0.6 % to 1.9 % for a that obtained for the clean sand (0.24 to 0.26).
shear strain range of 10-4 % to 10-2 % and were For a more comprehensive presentation of the
not affected by confining pressure level. Within effectiveness of grouting on the dynamic proper-
the same shear strain range, clean sand values ties of the clean sands, all results are presented in
ranged from 0.4 % to 2.0 %. Cement grain size Figure 6 in terms of the ratios G/Gs, D/Ds and
did not have a significant or systematic effect on E0/E0,s which are defined as the ratios between
the damping ratio values of the grouted sand. the dynamic properties values of grouted sand to
Usually, sand grouted with microfine cement those of the clean sand at the same shear strain.
grouts (dmax=20 and 10 ¡m) had higher damping Shear modulus improvement decreases as the
ratio values compared to sand grouted with ordi- confining pressure increases. Specifically, for
nary cement grouts (dmax=100 ¡m) but the oppo- confining pressure equal to 50 kPa and 400 kPa
site was also observed in some cases. In terms of grouting improves the shear modulus of the sand
cement type, it appears that grouting with type by an average factor of 25 and 9, respectively.
II/B-M cement suspensions yields damping ratio The improvement in shear modulus is not af-
values higher by up to 100% compared to sus- fected by shear strain.
pensions of type I and IV/B cements. The improvement of the damping ratio is
The dynamic modulus of elasticity, E0, ob- somewhat affected by shear strain and seems not
tained for sand grouted with microfine ce- to be affected by the level of the confining pres-
ments(dmax = 10 ¡m and 20 ¡m) had an average sure. Specifically, the improvement ratio ranged
value of 9.4 GPa, was higher by about 30 % between 1 and 4 (av. 2.2), increased as the shear
compared to sand grouted with ordinary cements, strain increased up to approximately 10-3 % and,
and showed no significant variation with cement then, decreased as the shear strain increased from
10-3 % to 10-2 %. This can be attributed to the
10 significant increase of the damping ratio of the
Sand: #14 - #25
clean sand for shear strains greater than 5:10-3 %.
Cement: I/B-M, dmax=20m, W/C=1
8 The improvement ratio of the dynamic mod-
50 kPa - 

50 KPa
ulus of elasticity, at a shear strain of 10-6 % ob-
3=50 kPa Neat grout
6 50 -  
Clean tained from bender element tests, is affected by
D (%)


kPa -sand
Grouted the level of the confining pressure and ranges
3=400 kPa 400
NeatkPa -
4 from 20 to 26 and from 8 to 10, for confining
400 -  
pressures equal to 50 kPa and 400 kPa, respec-
2 tively. The improvement of the Poisson ratio of
the sand by grouting ranged from 10 % to 60 %
and seems not to be affected by cement type or
1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01
Shear strain, (% ) grain size and confining pressure level.

Figure 5. Typical damping ratio values.

246 I.A. Pantazopoulos and D.K. Atmatzidis / Mechanical Behavior of Microfine Cement Grouted Sands

30 2. The stress-strain-strength behavior of sand

grouted with a thick (W/C=1) grout is similar to
that of the neat cement sediment.
20 3. In terms of improvement, grouting with mi-
crofine cements results, on the average, in (a) in-
G / Gs

crease of the initial tangent modulus of the sands
10 and decrease of the strain at failure of the sands
by up to one order of magnitude, (b) develop-
3 = 50kPa
ment of cohesion up to 1.7 MPa and increased
W/C = 1 1:1 3 = 400kPa
0 internal friction angle by 5°, (c) increase of the
1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 shear modulus and dynamic modulus of elasticity
Shear strain, (% )
by at least one order of magnitude for a confin-
4 ing pressure up to 400 kPa, (d) double the damp-
ing ratio, independent of confining pressure, up
to a shear strain of about 10-2 % and (e) increased
Poisson ratio by 30 %.
4. Compared to ordinary cements, grouting with

microfine cements results in higher initial mod-
ulus of elasticity by 50 %, lower failure strain by
1 20 %, higher cohesion by 100 %, similar angle of
W/C = 1 
3 = 50kPa 3 = 400kPa
1:1 internal friction, higher shear modulus by 25% to
0 40%, similar damping ratio, higher dynamic
1.E-05 1.E-04 1.E-03 1.E-02 1.E-01 modulus of elasticity by 30 % and similar Pois-
Shear strain, (% )
son ratio.
(c) W/C = 1

The information reported herein is part of re-

0/0, s

search project PENED-03ED527, co-financed by
10 the European Social Fund (75%) and the Greek
Ministry of Development (25%).

0 50 100 200
150 400
200 250
Confining pressure, 3 (kPa)

Figure 6. Improvement of dynamic properties. [1] P.L. Lovelady and M. Picornell, Sample coupling in re-
sonant column testing of cemented soils, Dynamic Elas-
tic Modulus Measurements in Materials 1045 (1990),
5 CONCLUSIONS [2] G. Viggiani and J.H. Atkinson, Interpretation of bender
element tests-technical note, Geotechnique 45 (1)
(1995), 149-154.
Based on the results obtained and the observa- [3] M.H. Maher, K.S. Ro and J.P. Welsh, High strain dy-
tions made during this investigation, the follow- namic modulus and damping of chemically grouted
ing major conclusions may be advanced: sand, Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineering 13
1. Grouting with microfine cements, produced by (1994), 131-138.
[4] E. Delfosse-Ribay, I. Djeran-Maigre, R. Cabrillac and
pulverizing different types of ordinary cement, D. Gouvenot, Shear modulus and damping ratio of
improves significantly the stress-strain-strength grouted sand, Soil Dynamic and Earthquake Engineer-
behavior and the dynamic properties of sands. ing 24 (2004), 461-471.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 247
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Essais de cisaillement direct sur interfaces sol

granulaire-structure chargées à très grand nombre
de cycles et interprétation préliminaire
Direct shear tests on granular soil-structure interfaces involving
a large number of cycles and preliminary interpretation
S. Pra-Ai , M. Boulon 1
Universités de Grenoble, Laboratoire 3S-R BP 53 38041 Grenoble cedex 9 France

A series of cyclic direct shear tests on sand (Fontainebleau)/rough material interfaces is presented. These tests simulate the situa-
tion along the shaft of metallic piles subjected to a large number of environmental or anthropic cyclic loads. These cycles (typi-
cally 104) are of small amplitude (10 kPa in shear stress) as the service loads don’t produce an early failure. The problem of loss
of sand between the box and the rough plate, typical phenomenon in this type of test, receives a special attention. It is interesting
to observe that according to the sand density, and to the position of the “center of cycles” in the stress plane, a dilatant or con-
tractant behaviour is exhibited, agreeing, with the characteristic state developed by Luong. The influence of the stress path (con-
stant normal stress or prescribed normal stiffness) is also highlighted. For numerical simulations by the FEM these tests will be
interpreted and formulated in the future according to a visco-plastic framework, the number of cycles being a fictitious time.
This work is part of the french project ANR SOLCYP, acronym of “Research on behaviour of piles subjected to cyclic loading”.

On présente une série d’essais de cisaillement direct cycliques sur des interfaces sable de Fontainebleau / matériau rugueux, re-
présentant la situation le long de pieux métalliques soumis à un grand nombre de cycles d’origine environnementale ou anthro-
pique. Il s’agit d’un grand nombre (104) de petits cycles (10 kPa en contrainte de cisaillement) car les charges de service ne sont
pas supposées conduire à une rupture rapide. Une attention particulière est portée à la prise en compte de la perte de sable entre
boîte et plaque rugueuse, inhérente à ce type d’essais. Il est intéressant de constater, selon la compacité du sable, et la position du
« centre des cycles » dans le plan des contraintes, un comportement dilatant ou contractant, conforme à « l’état caractéristique »
développé par Luong. Le rôle du chemin de cisaillement (contrainte normale constante, ou rigidité normale imposée) est égale-
ment souligné. En vue de simulations par la méthode des éléments finis, ces essais seront interprétés et formulés dans le futur se-
lon un cadre visco-plastique, le nombre de cycles tenant lieu de temps fictif. Ces travaux sont effectués dans le cadre de l’ANR
SOLCYP, acronyme de « Recherches sur le comportement des pieux soumis à des sollicitations cycliques».

Keywords: Direct shear tests, granular soil-structure interface, cyclic loading, mean cyclic path, large number of small cycles,
characteristic state, visco-plasticity

1 INTRODUCTION de la géotechnique. On parle souvent à ce sujet

de « dégradation du frottement », bien qu’on
L’action des sollicitations cycliques sur les fon- sache que le coefficient de frottement sol-
dations, notamment les pieux et micro-pieux, structure varie peu. Le mécanisme de dégrada-
reste un chapitre à écrire, ou du moins à parfaire, tion doit en fait être relié aux variations de con-

Corresponding Author.
248 S. Pra-Ai and M. Boulon / Essais de cisaillement direct sur interfaces sol granulaire-structure chargées

trainte normale sol sur pieu, même pour un petit enregistrées sont le vecteur contrainte appliqué
nombre de cycles (Schlosser et Guilloux, 1981 ; sur l’interface (composantes normale n (com-
Boulon et Foray, 1986 ; Boulon et al, 1986). La pression >0) et de cisaillement , anneaux à
problématique des sols sollicités cycliquement a jauges, résolution 0,5 kPa), ainsi que le vecteur
fait l’objet de très nombreuses publications. Une déplacement relatif sol-structure (composantes
des plus récentes (Wichtmann, 2005) est à men- normale [u] (dilatant > 0) et tangentielle [w],
tionner. Les interfaces sol-structure ont jusqu’ici LVDT, résolution 0,01 mm). La consigne C de
été bien étudiées en laboratoire, pour un petit commande du moteur a pour expression (k rigi-
nombre de cycles, typiquement < 10 2 (Al-Douri dité normale prescrite):
et Poulos, 1991 ; Desai et al, 1985 ; Fakharian et
Evgin, 1997 ; Johnston et al, 1987 ; Tabucanon C   n  k[u ]  0 (1)
et al, 1995). La modélisation des sollicitations
ce qui rend possible les chemins suivants de ci-
cycliques est également assez riche pour les in-
saillement direct :
terfaces sol-structure (Desai et Nagaraj, 1988 ;
 Cas I. k = 0 , contrainte normale constante
Aubry et al, 1990; Boulon et Jarzebowsky,
 Cas II. N ’ , volume constant
1991 ; Shahrour et Rezaie, 2002 ; Mortara, Bou-
lon et al, 2002). En revanche, les cycles sur les  Cas III. k > 0 , rigidité normale prescrite
interfaces sol-structure et sur les pieux ont été re-
lativement peu étudiés en laboratoire et in situ
pour les grands nombres de cycles, en raison de
(3) (2)
la lourdeur des essais (Boulon et Puech, 1984).
Par ailleurs, le sujet a fait l’objet de peu de re-
commandations (API, 1993). L’étude présentée
ici concerne une campagne consistante d’essais
de cisaillement direct sable-structure rugueuse en
vue d’alimenter des simulations numériques, (1)
dans le cadre du projet SOLCYP (ANR et Pro-
gramme National). Il s’agit de grand nombre de
petits cycles, correspondant par exemple aux Figure 1. Dispositif experimental
chargements au voisinage des pieux off-shore
fondations de plateformes flottantes ancrées, ou Le groupe moto-réducteur (3) générant la con-
d’éoliennes. trainte de cisaillement est commandé par micro-
ordinateur. Dans le cas des essais cycliques, deux
seuils (haut et bas, ajustables) de contrainte de
2 DISPOSITIF EXPERIMENTAL cisaillement sont prescrits, provoquant les inver-
sions souhaitées du sens de cisaillement. La vi-
La machine d’essai est une boîte de Casagrande tesse de cisaillement est de 0,05 mm/minute.
modifiée (Figure 1) en vue de simuler et de solli- Pendant le cisaillement, la consigne (1) est appli-
citer le plus généralement possible une interface quée à 0,1 kPa près. La ½ boîte contenant le sol
sol-structure. La première modification a consis- cisaillé a un diamètre de 60 mm.
té à remplacer la ½ boîte inférieure par une
plaque métallique rugueuse (2). Le second dispo-
sitif remplace le poids générateur de la contrainte
normale en bout du bras amplificateur classique. 3 MATERIAUX
Il s’agit d’un moteur électrique à double sens (1)
agissant sur ce bras, et commandé par une con- Le sol cisaillé est un sable de Fontainebleau
signe (1) émise par le micro-ordinateur de com- standard, siliceux, dont les principales caractéris-
mande en fonction de la contrainte normale ins- tiques physiques sont résumées dans le tableau 1.
tantanée à appliquer. Les variables mesurées et Ce sable a été testé aux indices de densité ID =
S. Pra-Ai and M. Boulon / Essais de cisaillement direct sur interfaces sol granulaire-structure chargées 249

30 % (état lâche) et ID = 90 % (état dense). Les de rigidité d’interface normale kn (6), et tangen-
plaques rugueuses utilisées ont été constituées en tielle kt (7), la modification de résistance
collant sur une plaque d’acier d’épaisseur 10 mm d’interface #l (8) au cours des cycles. La granu-
une couche de 0,2 mm d’un mélange d’araldite et lométrie de la zone d’interface est également
de sable de Fontainebleau (60 g d’araldite pour analysée, ce qui est difficile vu la faible quantité
100 g de sable), ce qui donne une forte rugosité. de matériau disponible.
Il est prévu de tester ultérieurement des plaques
d’acier grenaillé de la rugosité d’un pieu modèle [w]cm = [w]cm (ID, n cm, *cm, N) (4)
du laboratoire. [u]cm = [u]cm (ID, n cm, *cm, N) (5)
kn = kn (ID, n cm, *cm, N) (6)
Tableau 1. Sable de Fontainebleau, caractéristiques physiques kt = kt (ID, n cm, *cm, N) (7)
d max
d min emax emin Cu #l = #l (ID, n cm, *cm, N) (8)
(mm) (kN/m3) (kN/m3)
0.22 16.86 13.92 0.862 0.541 1.72


En vue de formuler les résultats de ces essais se-

lon un modèle constitutif visco-plastique dans
lequel le nombre de cycles constitue un temps
fictif, la mémoire des cycles se réduisant au
poids volumique à l’interface sol-structure, le
chemin moyen au cours des cycles nous intéresse
plus que le détail de chaque cycle. Nous avons
Figure 2. Caractérisation des cycles mis en œuvre
décidé de réaliser des essais à N = 104 cycles, du
moins si la rupture n’intervient pas avant cet ob-
jectif. Soient (Figure 2) :
#l et #cr respectivement les angles de frottement
limite (pic) et critique (palier) sol-structure, *l
et *cr les taux de contrainte (*=/ n) corres-
Le mode opératoire découle des données requises
pondants ;
exposées ci-dessus, mais induit des biais expéri-
#ca (0 < #ca < #cr < #l) l’angle caractéristique mentaux inhérents à l’essai de cisaillement direct
d’interface sol-structure (séparant les domaines (cf. § 5.2), car les essais ne sont jamais idéaux, et
cycliques contractant et dilatant du plan des donc non complètement conformes aux souhaits
contraintes) ; de l’opérateur.
n cm et  cm respectivement les contraintes nor-
male et de cisaillement cycliques moyennes, 5.1 Mode opératoire
*cm le taux cyclique myen correspondant
*cm=cm/ n cm=tan(#cm) (2) La procédure d’essai comporte 5
c l’amplitude des cycles en termes de con- phases consécutives:
trainte de cisaillement, et le taux d’amplitude - Phase 1 : compression monotone depuis
cyclique: l’état neutre jusqu’à n cm ;
*c=c/ n cm (3) - Phase 2 : cisaillement monotone jusqu’à  cm
Les résultats visés au cours de ces essais secs - Phase 3 : N petits cycles de cisaillement
(parfaitement drainés) sont les déplacements re- d’amplitude contrôlée c ;
latifs irréversibles ou cycliques moyens tangen- - Phase 4 : un grand cycle de cisaillement,
tiel [w]cm (4), normal [u]cm (5), les modifications pour caractériser l’évolution de #l ;
250 S. Pra-Ai and M. Boulon / Essais de cisaillement direct sur interfaces sol granulaire-structure chargées

- Phase 5 : décharge en contrainte normale l’enchaînement de cycles de caractéristiques dif-

jusqu’à n = 0, pour caractériser l’évolution férentes.
de kn.
Tableau 3. Essais de validation
5.2 Biais experimental ID Chemin n cm (kPa) Uc (kPa)
Les plaques rugueuses (sable collé, paragraphe *cm
3) présentent une amplitude d’aspérités de 30% , KNC 100 , ½ *l 10
90% 1000(kPa/mm) 100 , ½ *l 10
l’ordre de 0,2 mm. Afin que la ½ boîte supé- 2000(kPa/mm) 100 , ½ *l 10
rieure ne frotte pas directement sur la plaque ru- 5000(kPa/mm)
gueuse, un espacement de 0,3 mm, créé par un 30% , CNC 100 , ½ *l 10, 20
clinquant de laiton, est ménagé entre la plaque et 90%
30% , CNC 100 , ½ *l 20, 10
la ½ boîte, lors de la construction de l’échantillon 90%
de sable à la densité désirée. Donc une certaine
« perte de sable » a lieu pendant l’essai entre la 6.2 Premiers résultats typiques
½ boîte et la plaque rugueuse, se manifestant
comme une contractance parasite. Cette perte, Les sollicitations cycliques à contrainte normale,
faible, est mesurée en fin d’essai. Comme cette *cm et * constants telles que décrites ci-dessus
perte intervient aussi pendant la phase 4, des es- conduisent toujours à une accumulation de dé-
sais sans phase 4 ont été réalisés pour isoler la placements relatifs cycliques moyens. A titre
perte spécifiquement due aux cycles. La correc- d’exemple, la figure 3 présente respectivement
tion de [u]cm choisie proportionnelle à [w]cm cu- les déplacements relatifs normal et tangentiel cy-
mulé, est systématiquement appliquée aux résul-
tats bruts.


6.1 Programme d’essais

Ce programme a été bâti en référence aux plans

d’expérience. Les essais sont classés en deux
groupes à deux fins : identification (Tableau 2),
et validation de loi constitutive (Tableau 3).
Tableau 2. Essais d’identification, chemin CNC
ID n cm (kPa) *cm Uc (kPa)
30 % 40 0° 10
90 % 100 1/2 *l 10
300  9/10 *l 10

Les essais d’identification sont à contrainte

Figure 3. Essais CNC: [u]cm et [w]cm fonction du nombre de
normale constante (CNC).Tous les essais sont cycles (N), ID = 30 %, Uc = 10 kPa
prévus à 104 cycles, sauf rupture anticipée (*cm
proche de *l). La première série d’essais de vali- cliques moyens, en fonction du nombre de cy-
dation, à rigidité normale imposée (KNC) vise à cles, pour 3 niveaux de contrainte normale cy-
tester la loi de pseudo-fluage cyclique sur che- clique moyenne (40, 100 et 300 kPa), et pour un
min KNC. Les séries suivantes sont destinées à sable lâche (ID = 30 %), avec une amplitude cy-
tester la mémoire de la loi constitutive, lors de clique de 10 kPa. La figure 4 fournit les mêmes
S. Pra-Ai and M. Boulon / Essais de cisaillement direct sur interfaces sol granulaire-structure chargées 251

informations pour le sable dense (ID = 90 %). à la liquéfaction de l’interface (annulation con-
Pour le sable lâche comme pour le sable comitante de n et ).
dense, on constate une accélération exponentielle
de [w]cm lorsque #cm tend vers #l. L’interface est
toujours contractante à densité faible. Par contre,
à densité forte, l’existence de l’état caractéris-
tique est flagrante, un comportement dilatant se
manifestant aux angles #cm élevés. La figure 5
donne de même, pour le cas dense ( n cm=
40 kPa), l’évolution de la rigidité tangentielle lo-
cale (correspondant à #cm). Si l’on constate un
raidissement de l’interface aux faibles valeurs de
*cm c’est par contre un radoucissement violent, Figure 5. Evolution de la rigidité tangentielle tangente (mesu-
conséquence de la dilatance mentionnée à la fig- rée à l’angle de frottement mobilisé #cm) au cours des
ure 4, qu’on observe lorsque *cm tend vers *l. Un cycles,U+ = 10 kPa, ID = 90 %, n cm = 40 kPa.
important aspect de notre étude a trait au com-
portement particulier d’interface sur chemin cyc- La figure 6 et les suivantes mettent en évi-
lique KNC (à rigidité normale imposée). dence l’influence du niveau de rigidité normale
sur le cisaillement cyclique, selon la densité du
sable. A la figure 6, il s’agit de sable dense (ID =
90%) avec une rigidité normale prescrite kne =
2000 kPa/mm. Un grand nombre de cycles (N =
2500) est nécessaire pour atteindre la liquéfac-
tion. Cette dégradation est bien plus rapide avec
le sable lâche (figures 7 et 8), à tendance plus
contractante que le sable dense. La figure 7, dans
laquelle 15 cycles conduisent à la liquéfaction,
correspond à une rigidité normale prescrite de
1000 kPa/mm, et à une fourchette de contrainte
de cisaillement de 15kPa < cm < 25 kPa. A la fi-
gure 8, avec une rigidité normale élevée
(5000 kPa/mm) et une fourchette de contrainte
de cisaillement voisine de la précédente (10 kPa
< cm < 20 kPa), 6 cycles seulement mènent à la

Figure 4. Essais CNC: [u]cm et [w]cm fonctions du nombre de

cycles (N), ID = 90 %, U+ = 10 kPa

Cette série d’essais a été réalisée à contrainte

normale initiale n cm0 = 100 kPa, et à un taux
initial de contrainte *cm ¢*l. Le principal effet
observé consiste en une dégradation de la con-
trainte normale, et en conséquence de la con-
trainte de cisaillement, le tout résultant de la con-
tractance progressive et accumulée d’interface
soumise aux cycles. On aboutit dans tous les cas Figure 6. Chemin de contrainte, essai KNC, k = 2000
kPa/mm, n0 = 100 kPa, ID = 90 %, Uc = 10 kPa
252 S. Pra-Ai and M. Boulon / Essais de cisaillement direct sur interfaces sol granulaire-structure chargées


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A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

The performance of prefabricated vertical drain

(PVD) preloading with and without vacuum and
Le Comportement du Drain Verticale Prefabriquee (PVD)
prechargee et non precharge avec Vacuum et Chaleur
J. Saowapakpiboon
Department of Highways, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand,
D.T. Bergado 1
School of Civil Engineering, Asian Institute of Technology, P.O. Box 4, Khlong Luang, Pathumthani,
12120, Thailand,
N. Teerachaikulpanich
Maruyama Industry Co., Ltd., 58/1 Wangtonglang, Bangkok 10310, Thailand
P. Voottipruex
Department of Teacher Training in Civil Engineering, King Mongkut’s University of Technology
North Bangkok, Bangkok 10800, Thailand

This paper focuses on the performance of prefabricated vertical drain (PVD) improved soft Bangkok clay in accelerating the rate
of consolidation by using vacuum and heat preloading. Large scale consolidometer tests were performed with PVD improved
reconstituted specimens using surcharge preloading (PVD only), surcharge combined with vacuum pressure preloading (Va-
cuum-PVD) and surcharge combined with heat (Thermo-PVD), respectively. Subsequently, the flow parameters were back-
calculated based on Hansbo (1979) method by expressing in terms of the horizontal coefficient of consolidation (C h) and the ra-
tio between the horizontal hydraulic conductivity in undisturbed zone (kh) to the horizontal hydraulic conductivity in smear zone
(ks) or (kh/ks). The Ch were 1.93 m2/yr, 2.23 m2/yr and 4.17 m2/yr for PVD, Vacuum-PVD and Thermo-PVD, respectively, with
corresponding, kh/ks values of 3.0, 2.7 and 1.4, respectively. Thus, the Vacuum-PVD can increase the horizontal coefficient of
consolidation, Ch resulting in faster rate of settlement at the same magnitudes of settlement compared to PVD. The Thermo-PVD
can increase further the coefficient of horizontal consolidation, Ch with the associated reduction of kh/ks values by reducing the
drainage retardation effects in the smear zone around the PVD and consequently, faster rates of consolidation were obtained.

Cette comunication fait une descripton du drain vertical prefabrique (PVD) pour ammeileure les caracteristiques d' argile de
Bangkok. Le taux de consolidation est accelere par vacuum et precharge avec chaud. Des essais de consolidation sont efectuees
avec echantillons remanies avec surcharge, avec surcharge et vacuum (vacuum PVD) et aussi avec surcharge combine avec
chaleur (Termo PVD). Les parametres de flux ont ete compares avec la methodologie de Hansbo (1979) ,donc le coefficient
horizontal de consolidation (Ch), et la raison entre le coefficient horizontal hydraulic de conductivite de la zone non rema-
nie (kh) avec le coefficente horizontal hydraulic de conductivite de la zone remanie (ks), donc (kh/ks). Les valeurs obtenus de Ch
sont 1.93 m2/yr, 2.23 m2/yr et 4.17 m2/yr, pour le PVD, pour Vacuum-PVD et pour Termo-PVD, respectivement, que corres-
pondent aux valeurs kh/ks de 3.0, 2.7 and 1.4, respectivement. Donc le Vacuum-PVD peut augmenter le coefficient horizontal
de consolidation, Ch et le taux des tassements en comparaison avec PVD. Termo-PVD peut augmenter plus le coefficient hori-
zontal de consolidation, Ch avec reduction de valeurs kh/ks , donc avec reduction des effets des delais de la zone remanie autour
du PVD, et en consequence on obtien des taux de consolidation plus rapides.

Corresponding Author.
254 J. Saowapakpiboon et al. / Performance of PVD Preloading with and Without Vacuum and Heat

Keywords: PVD, Vacuum-PVD, Thermo-PVD, flow parameters, settlement

1 INTRODUCTION ture. Consequently, faster rate of consolidation is

achieved but with larger magnitude of settlement
Prefabricated vertical drains (PVDs) with em- (Pothiraksanon et al., 2008). The effect of higher
bankment preloading method functions by drain- temperature on clay permeability has been stud-
ing the pore water mostly in the horizontal direc- ied previously by many researchers (e.g. Delage
tion from the surrounding soft soil faster during et al., 2000; Abuel-Naga and Bouzza, 2009). The
the consolidation process by shortening the drai- clay permeability increased due to the reduction
nage path and by taking advantage of the higher of pore water viscosity upon heat application. At
horizontal hydraulic conductivity in the soft clay the same time, the clay structure collapses upon
deposit. Then, the pore water can flow freely heat application resulting in higher magnitude of
along the drain vertically towards the permeable settlement. The purposes of this study were to
drainage layers. However, the PVD installation investigate the applicability of using the vacuum
using a mandrel causes disturbances in the clay pressure and/or higher temperature up to 90,C
surrounding the PVD resulting in lower horizon- preloading with PVD as a ground improvement
tal hydraulic conductivity in the smear zone ad- technique in reducing the smear effect and en-
jacent to the PVDs. (Hansbo, 1979, 1981, 1987, hancing the PVD performance. New large con-
1997; Bergado et al., 1991; Indraratna and Re- solidometers were utilized in the laboratory for
dana, 1998; Sharma and Xiao, 2000). Moreover, testing reconstituted soft clay specimens im-
the disadvantage of PVDs with embankment sur- proved with PVD, Vacuum-PVD, Thermo-PVD
charge preloading is the instability problem that and Thermo-Vacuum-PVD, respectively. These
limited the height and the slope of the surcharge large scale model tests were conducted to dem-
embankment. Consequently, PVDs with em- onstrate the benefits of the vacuum pressure and
bankment preloading combined with vacuum heat preloading combined with PVD. Subse-
pressure (called Vacuum-PVD) has been utilized quently, the results were compared with the per-
to minimize the instability problem and to accel- formance of PVD only using conventional sur-
erate the rate of consolidation. Kjellman (1952) charge preloading.
first proposed the vacuum consolidation in early
1950s. Subsequently, the studies of vacuum con-
solidation continued up to the present (Choa, 2 TEST EQUIPMENT
1989; Bergado et al, 1998; Tang and Shang,
2000; Bergado et al, 2006; Chai et al, 2006a, 2.1 New large consolidometer
20080. Vacuum consolidation can reduce the
pore pressure and maintain constant total stress The new large scale consolidometer as shown in
instead of increasing the total stress. The effec- Fig. 1 which consists of a cylinder cell of 0.45m
tive stress is increased due to the reduced (less in inner diameter and 0.95m in height made of
than atmospheric) pressure in the soil mass. On polyvinyl chloride (PVC) with a thickness of 10
the other hand, Thermo-PVD is the combination mm rested on steel base which can resist pressure
of heat with PVD. In this method, the horizontal less than 500 kPa. Silicon grease lubricated “O”
hydraulic conductivity in smear zone, ks, around rings were sealed between the upper pedestal and
the PVD increases with heat application up to the cylinder cell, between the lower pedestal and
90,C which was first proposed by Abuel-Naga et the cylinder cell, between the piston and the cyl-
al. (2006). The PVD combined with heat works inder cell, between the shaft and the upper pedes-
by the reduction of the smear effect due to the tal and between the guide and the shaft. The air
increased clay permeability at elevated tempera- pressure was applied through the upper pedestal
J. Saowapakpiboon et al. / Performance of PVD Preloading with and Without Vacuum and Heat 255

to the top of the piston and the vacuum pressure

is applied through the shaft of the piston to the
bottom of piston and the PVD cap, respectively.
Air pressure was transformed to vacuum pressure
by a vacuum generator which was connected di-
rectly with an air pump during consolidation test.
Dial gauges were placed on top of the shaft for
settlement measurements. A pore pressure trans-
ducer was installed and connected with data log- Figure 3. Locations for measurement.
ger to monitored pore pressure in the specimen
during consolidation. 2.3 Vane shear apparatus
Customized vane shear equipment was used to
measure the undrained shear strength before and
after consolidometer tests. The vane blade made
of stainless steel, is 20mm in diameter and 40mm
in height. It is attached to an adjustable stainless
steel rod 5 mm in diameter, capable of measuring
the shear strengths at different locations and
depths. The vane shear tests were done at radial
distances of 25mm, 50mm, 100mm and 200mm,
respectively, at two different depths.

2.4 Vacuum generator

Figure 1. Large scale consolidometer.
The vacuum generator was utilized to transform
2.2 Heat source the air pressure to vacuum pressure. This appara-
tus was connected directly with air pump during
Flexible heater wire with a capacity of 120°C
consolidation test. The water generated from suc-
and power of 6W per meter was attached to the tion by vacuum pressure was stored in a closed
PVD as shown in Fig. 2 for the reconstituted
specimen improved with Thermo-PVD. Thermo-
couples were installed at radial distances of 25,
50, 100 and 200 mm and were connected to the
digital data logger to monitor the temperature
and heat transfer during the consolidation test
3.1 Test specimen
(Fig. 3). Before and after the laboratory tests, the
water contents and shear strengths were also The soil samples used in this study were obtained
measured at the aforementioned locations, the from a site which is located at the area of Second
temperature sensor boxes were used to maintain Bangkok International Airport (SBIA), Thailand.
the heat temperature at heat source and shut The soft clay samples were collected from 3.0 to
down automatically upon reaching the controlled 4.0m depths. Disturbed samples were obtained
heat of 90,C, at the heat source. by digging the soils up to required depth with a
backhoe. Then, the disturbed soil samples were
placed in covered plastic containers for storage.
Undisturbed samples were collected by 10 inches
piston samples and immediately covered with
Figure 2. Thermo-PVD used in laboratory tests. wax after sampling to prevent loss of moisture.
The physical properties of the soft Bangkok clay
are shown in Table 1. The PVD material used
256 J. Saowapakpiboon et al. / Performance of PVD Preloading with and Without Vacuum and Heat

was CeTeau drain (CT-D911) with 100 mm in were controlled by an electronic thermal-control
width and 3.5 mm in thickness. unit that received the signal from thermocouples.
Drainage was allowed to flow only one way. Set-
The disturbed samples were mixed by using a tlement was monitored during the test until the
mixer. Water was added until the water content soil specimen reached to 90% consolidation. The
was slightly greater than the liquid limit. The method of Asaoka (1978) was used to estimate
mixed soil was placed into the large scale con- the degree of consolidation and the magnitude of
solidometer cell layer by layer until to the de- final settlement.
sired height. The appropriate loads were applied
for the reconstitution process to obtain the de- 3.3 Effect on the coefficient of consolidation,
sired water content and void ratio equal to the Ch, and permeability ratio, kh/ks
initial conditions.
The values of Ch for all tests were back-
Table 1 Physical properties of soft Bangkok Clay in Suvar- calculated using the equations from Hansbo
nabhumi Airport (1979) for radial consolidation with PVD is
given as follows:
Physical properties
2  8Th /
Liquid limit (%) 102.24 U h  1  exp 0 (1)
1 F -.
Plastic limit (%) 39.55

Water content (%) 112.69 where Uh is the degree of consolidation for hori-
zontal drainage; Th is the time factor for horizon-
Plasticity index 62.69
tal drainage; F is the factor which expresses the
Total unit weight (kN/m ) 14.70 additive effect due to the spacing of the drains,
Specific gravity 2.66
F(n), smear effect, Fs, and well-resistance, Fr.
The values of F(n), Fs and Fr are given by the
following equations:
3.2 Consolidometer test program
For the reconstitution using the new large conso- 2D / 3
lidometer, a 50 kPa pressure was applied. Drai- F (n)  ln 0 e -  (2)
nage was allowed to flow to the top and bottom 1 dw . 4
of the apparatus. Silicone grease was applied to
the insides of the large consolidometer to reduce 2k / 2d /
the friction. Throughout the whole process, the Fs  0 h  1- ln 0 s - (3)
settlements were monitored. After reconstitution, 1 ks . 1 d w .
the water content, shear strength, and specimen
height were determined. 2 K
Fr  L2 h (4)
3 qw
The vertical pressure of 50 kPa was increased
to 100 kPa after reconstitution under the applied
where De is the diameter of the equivalent soil
vertical pressure in the specimen improved with
cylinder, dw is the equivalent diameter of the
PVD. For the specimen improved with PVD and
drain, kh is the coefficient of horizontal perme-
vacuum pressure (Vacuum-PVD), a vertical
ability, ks is the horizontal permeability of the
pressure of 50 kPa and vacuum pressure of -50
smear zone, ds is the diameter of the smear zone,
kPa were applied. For the Thermo-PVD, the spe-
z is the distance from the drainage end of the
cimen was improved with PVD combined with
drain, L is the length of the drain for double
vertical pressure of 100 kPa together with appli-
drainage and twice the length of the drain for
cation of heat up to 90 ºC. The temperatures
single drainage, qw is the discharge capacity of
J. Saowapakpiboon et al. / Performance of PVD Preloading with and Without Vacuum and Heat 257

the drain at hydraulic gradient of 1 (one). The at higher the temperature, higher volume con-
time factor, Th, for horizontal drainage can be traction and higher rate of consolidation resulted
calculated using: from the increased hydraulic conductivity. The
compressibility increased due to thermally in-
Ch t duced irreversible contraction of saturated nor-
Th  2
mally consolidated soft Bangkok clay. Further-
more, Abuel-Naga et al. (2006) showed that the
Thermo-PVD indicated substantial amount of
where Ch is the coefficient of horizontal consoli- settlement of about 5 times using undisturbed
dation and t is the time elapsed after the applica- specimen of soft Bangkok clay in the laboratory
tion of the load. model test.

4.2 Heat transfer

The heat transfers in the soil specimens at specif-
4.1 Consolidation behaviour of tested samples ic temperatures with respect to the specific dis-
tances from PVD were observed. Flexible wire
The comparison of settlement of specimens im- heaters attached to the core of PVD were used as
proved with and without vacuum and heat in the heat source to increase the temperature up to
new large scale consolidometers test are shown 90ºC. Temperatures of the heat source were
in Fig. 4. The specimen improved with Vacuum- measured by thermocouples which were embed-
PVD has higher rate of settlement than the ded at 150mm depth and at radial distances of
specimen improved with PVD but the final set- 25mm, 50mm 100mm and 200mm from the cen-
tlement magnitudes are the same. In contrast, ter of the specimen. The temperature variations
much faster and higher settlements were with time in the Thermo-PVD specimen in the
achieved from Thermo-PVD. Similar results large consolidometer are plotted in Fig. 5.
were obtained in experiments by Pothiraksanon
et al. (2008) where the use of the Thermo-PVD 100
resulted in increased settlements by about 30%. Thermo-PVD
Temperature, T (oC)

Time, t (day)
Time, t (days)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60
PVD Improvement 40
Vacuum-PVD Improvement
30 Smear Undisturbed
Thermo-PVD Improvement
40 20 zone zone
Settlement,SS (mm)


0 50 100 150 200 250
Radial distance, r (mm)
120 Figure 5. Heat transfer at radial distances of PVD improved
specimen with Thermo-PVD.
160 The temperature decreased with increasing
Figure 4. Comparison of settlement of PVD improved recon- distances from the heat source. The radius, r, of
stituted specimens with and without vacuum and heat. 25 mm corresponds to the location of the smear
zone with a mandrel dimension of 18.2 mm x
In addition, Saowapakpiboon et al. (2009a) 81.90 mm, and the diameter of the disturbed
showed that the Thermo-PVD has highest vol- zone can be calculated as 87mm. The tempera-
ume contraction and rate of consolidation due to ture of 80 ºC in the smear zone and decreased
thermal effects. These results demonstrated that with distance from the heat source. It took 40
258 J. Saowapakpiboon et al. / Performance of PVD Preloading with and Without Vacuum and Heat

hours for the temperature to reach equilibrium in Time, t (day)

the large consolidometer. The result is consistent 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
with the previous work of Abuel-Naga, et al. 0
(2006) where the temperature around the PVD Measured curve
decreased as the radial distance from the PVD Predicted curve


Settlement, S (mm)
Ch = 1.93 m2/yr
kh/ks = 3.0
4.3 Ch and kh/ks values
The test results from reconstituted specimens
in the new large scale consolidometer are back- 100
calculated to determine the values of Ch and kh/ks
by using the method from Hansbo (1987). The 120
back-calculated values of reconstituted specimen
Time, t (days)
improved with PVD is demonstrated in Fig. 8a,
where Ch value was 1.93 m2/yr with kh/ks of 3.0. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Figure 8b shows the results of reconstituted
specimen improved with Vacuum-PVD, the Measured curve
Predicted curve
back-calculated Ch value was 2.23 m2/yr with
Settlement, S (mm) 40
kh/ks of 2.7. This behavior was observed by Ch = 2.23 m2/yr
kh/ks = 2.7
Mohamedelhassan, E., and Shang, J.Q. (2002) 60
that the vacuum and surcharge preloading of the 80
same magnitude produces similar coefficients of
consolidation. For the reconstituted sample in 100

large consolidometer with heat (Thermo-PVD), 120

the corresponding back-calculated Ch and kh/ks
were 4.17 m2/yr and 1.4, respectively (Fig. 8c). 140

These values show that the thermal effects in- (b)

creased the permeability of the smear zone which Time, t (days)

resulted in the decrease kh/ks values and increase 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

in the Ch values. The result indicated that the in- 0
crease in hydraulic conductivity increased the 20 Measured curve
soil permeability in the smear zone as tempera- Predicted curve
ture increased (Abuel-Naga, et al., 2009). The 40
Ch = 4.17 m2/yr
Settlement, S (mm)

kh/ks = 1.4
values of the Ch and kh/ks for all specimens are 60
also summarized in Table 2.

The vacuum pressure can increase the hori- 100

zontal coefficient of consolidation, Ch because 120
applying vacuum pressure generated negative
pore water pressure along the drain so the effec-
tive stress of soil increased which resulted in 160
faster rate of settlement with the same magni- (c)
tudes of settlement compared to PVD only. Figure 6. The observed and predicted curves for settlements
While, the high temperature can increase the co- of all reconstituted improved specimens
efficient of horizontal consolidation, Ch with the
reduction of kh/ks that means permeability in-
creased by reducing the drainage retardation ef-
fects in the smear zone around the PVD.
J. Saowapakpiboon et al. / Performance of PVD Preloading with and Without Vacuum and Heat 259

Table 2 Summary of changes in flow parameters for speci- duction of kh/ks by the consequent increase in
mens in large scale consolidometer
hydraulic conductivity and subsequently reduced
Flow the drainage retardation effects in the smear zone
PVD Vacuum-PVD Thermo-PVD around the PVD.

Ch (m2/yr) 1.93 2.23 4.17

kh/ks 3.00 2.70 1.40
The authors wish to acknowledge the Royal Thai
Government (RTG) and Maruyama Industry Co.,
Ltd. which support budget in this research.

Base on the analyses and results of this study, the REFERENCES

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 261
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Compaction and liquefaction of sand caused by a

large number of loading cycles
Densification et liquefaction du sable chargé par un grand
nombre des cycles
£!¤{†¥!¦¨–{ 1 ©Š!‡ ¨€–{
Institute of Hydro-(QJLQHHULQJ,%:3$1*GDĔVN3RODQG


Compaction and liquefaction of sand caused by a large number of loading cycles were investigated ex-
perimentally and theoretical models of these phenomena were proposed. The experiments were per-
formed in the cyclic triaxial apparatus Enel-Hydro, which enables sinusoidal changes of the vertical
stress and measurement of both the vertical and horizontal strains. Firstly, the volumetric and deviato-
ric strains were determined for a dry sand, at different initial states. Experimental results were presen-
ted in the form of common curves, and then analytical approximations of these data were proposed as
functions of a number of loading cycles and the cyclic deviatoric stress amplitudes. Incremental equa-
tions describing the cyclic load induced strains, including compaction, were then derived. Secondly,
the saturated samples were investigated in undrained conditions in order to determine curves descri-
bing the pore pressure generation caused by cyclic loadings, up to sand liquefaction. Then, the dry soil
response was linked with the sand behaviour in undrained conditions, through the assumption that the
volumetric strains are zero in undrained conditions. As a result, the incremental equation describing the
pore pressure generation, up to the onset of liquefaction, was derived. It was shown that there was a
fair agreement between theoretical prediction and experimental results.


L’article présente des résultats des assais experiméntaux et la modélisation de la densification et de la

liquefaction du sable causée par un grand nombre des cycles de chargement. Les essais ont éte réalisés
dans un appareil triaxial cyclique avec des échantillons du sable sec et saturé non drainé. La réaction
du sable sec sous la forme des déformations volumiques et deviatoires pour differents états initiaux et
nombre des cycles a formée la base d’établir les équations differentielles. Des équations bien définis
ont servi puor la description de la création de la pression interstitlelle et de la liquefaction des échantil-
lons non drainées.

Keywords: compaction, pore pressure generation, liquefaction, triaxial experiments, constitutive equations

Corresponding Author
262 A. Sawicki et al. / Compaction and Liquefaction of Sand


A simple and effective model for assessment of 2 EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAM

cyclic loading induced compaction and liquefac-
tion of granular soils has been elaborated in the The experiments were performed in the cyclic
Institute of Hydro-Engineering, and then suc- triaxial apparatus Enel-Hydro, as mentioned be-
cessfully applied to the analysis of various prob- fore, which enables investigations of soil
lems of practical importance, cf. [1]. That model samples of 70 mm in diameter and height of 140
is useful in the case of rather low number of mm. The frequency of cyclic loading is up to 2
loading cycles, as in earthquake geotechnics, but Hz, and accuracy of proximity transducers, mea-
should be improved when a number of loading suring displacements and subsequently strains, is
cycles is large, see [2]. Therefore, it was decided 10-5.
to carry on a research program, devoted to the The model quartz sand « Skarpa », used in
behaviour of granular soils subjected to a large experimental investigations, has the following
number of loading cycles, cf. [3, 4]. Some of the characteristics : D50 = 420 !m; CU = 2.5; G =
main results of that program are summarized in 2.65; emax = 0.677; emin = 0.432; =34o and 41o
the present communication. for loose and dense sand respectively.
Compaction and liquefaction of sand caused The experimental results are presented in
by a large number of loading cycles were inves- terms of the following stress and strain va-
tigated experimentally and theoretical models of riables :
these phenomena were proposed. The experi-
ments were performed in the cyclic triaxial appa- p = ( 1 + 2 3)/3, (1)
ratus Enel-Hydro, which enables sinusoidal q = 1 - 3, (2)
changes of the vertical stress at horizontal pres- %v = (%1 + 2%3), (3)
sure ketp constant and measurement of both the
%q = 2(%1 - 2%3)/3, (4)
vertical and horizontal strains.
Firstly, the volumetric and deviatoric strains
where 1 = vertical stress; 3 = horizontal stress;
were determined for a dry sand, at different ini-
tial states. Experimental results were presented in %1 = vertical strain; %3 = horizontal strain; p =
the form of common curves, and then analytical mean stress; q = deviatoric stress; %v = volume-
approximations of these data were proposed as tric strain; %q = deviatoric strain. It is also conve-
functions of a number of loading cycles and the nient to introduce a non-dimensional stress va-
cyclic deviatoric stress amplitudes. Incremental riable :
equations describing the cyclic load induced
strains, including compaction, were then derived. * = q/p. (5)
Secondly, the saturated samples were investi-
gated in undrained conditions in order to deter- The experiments were performed for different
mine curves describing the pore pressure genera- initial stress states, defined by * = *0, as shown
tion caused by cyclic loadings, up to sand in Fig. 1. Strating point for cyclic loading, cor-
liquefaction. Then, the dry soil response was lin- responding to assumed initial stress state in par-
ked with the sand behaviour in undrained condi- ticular test, was achieved after respective isotro-
tions, through the assumption that the volumetric pic compression of the sample followed by
strains are zero when the pore-water flow is pre- conventional triaxial shearing. The initial stress
vented. As a result, the incremental equation states included also the case of zero stress devia-
describing the pore pressure generation, up to the tor (*0 = 0), around the cyclic loading was con-
onset of liquefaction, was derived. It was shown ducted.
that there was a fair agreement between theoreti-
cal prediction and experimental results.
A. Sawicki et al. / Compaction and Liquefaction of Sand 263

In order to express the experimental results

analytically, it is convenient to present compac-
tion curves in the form of common plots. As-
sume that general shape of such a curve is the

%v = %v (q, N, 3), (6)

where 3 = *0/*’ and *’ corresponds to the insta-

bility line.
The instability line is a characteristic geome-
Figure 1. Cyclic stress path around the initial stress state. trical object in the stress space, which describes
some specific properties of granular soils before
the limit state is reached. For example, it is an
3 COMPACTION envelope of maximum shear stresses that can be
supported by saturated sand during undrained
shearing, for details and original literature see
3.1 Basic experimental results [5]. For the sand investigated *’ = 0.96.
Soil compaction (irreversible volumetric 3.2 Compaction after a large number of cycles
changes) depends on the number of loading
cycles N and the amplitude of cyclic stress devia- In order to find a proper shape of relation (6),
tor, as well as on some other parameters as the consider first some data corresponding to com-
initial stress state or the initial void ratio e0. paction %v* after 104 loading cycles, for different
Compaction curves were determined experimen- values of the cyclic shear stress amplitude and
tally, and then they were plotted in the form %v = different 3. Fig. 3 shows some approximation of
%v (N) for different values of the cyclic shear 12 experiments performed at constant mean
stress amplitude q. Fig. 2 shows such curves for stress p0 = 2x105 N/m2, using the following
*0 = 0, e0 = 0.53 and for three different cyclic function:
shear stress amplitudes. Small oscillations
around mean trends were ignored and the num- Aq 2
ber of loading cycles is treated as continuous va- % v*  , (7)
3  Bq
riable. The cyclic loading was carried out up to N
= 104.
where A = 4.48 and B = 0.243 are average values
of these coefficients.

Figure 3. Compaction after 104 cycles as function of 3 for

Figure 2. Compaction curves for medium dense sand. three different cyclic shear stress amplitudes.
264 A. Sawicki et al. / Compaction and Liquefaction of Sand

It is important to note that these values cor- following incremental equation, which enables
respond to stress unit 105 N/m2 and strain unit 10- investigation of sand compaction for an arbitrary
. cyclic stress history:
Eq. (7) can be re-written as:
2 d (% v*  ) % v* /
% v* A d% v  0 ln(1  N )  - dN . (11)
 , (8) 10 dN 1  N .-
q 3 / q  B

which can be presented as a single (common)

curve in the space 3/q, %v*/q, see Fig. 4. This
curve has been obtained by the method of trial
and error, as there is no general recipe of how to
deal with experimental data.

Figure 5. Common compaction curve.



Figure 4. A common plot for compaction after 104 cycles. 4.1 General remarks
3.3 Common compaction curve When saturated sand samples are tested in un-
drained conditions, the pore-pressure is generat-
Assume a common compaction curve in the fol- ed and liquefaction may take place if the initial
lowing form: state of soil is contractive. Fig. 6 illustrates the
effective stress path followed during the cyclic
%v* = %v* f(N), (9) shearing. A characteristic feature of this beha-
viour is that the mean effective stress is decreas-
where %v* is given by Eq. (7) and f(N = 104) = 1. ing due to the pore-pressure generation. When
The following function is a good candidate: the effective stress path reaches the instability
line, two kinds of behaviour may take place. In
f = ln(1 + N), (10) the case of initially contractive soil, the pheno-
menon of static liquefaction takes place. If the
where  = 0.02577 and  = 0.18 for the data ana- initial state of soil is dilative, the other phenome-
lyzed. Fig. (5) illustrates the relations (9) and non, designated as cyclic mobility, can be ob-
(10) against experimental data. served.
It seems that agreement between the analytical It will be shown that there is a link between
approximation (9) and experimental data is ac- the drained and undrained behaviours of sand
ceptable, particularly as geotechnical experi- subjected to cyclic loadings, through the well
ments are subjected to many uncertainties. Diffe- known relation:
rentiation of Eq. (9) with respect to N leads to the
A. Sawicki et al. / Compaction and Liquefaction of Sand 265

dEv = d%v + d%ve = 0, (12) Eq. (16) has been solved numerically, using
where dEv = total volumetric strain increment an explicit, two-step Euler method, [4], [6]. The
and d%ve = volumetric strain increment due to the initial conditions are the following:
change of effective mean pressure
u(N = 0) = 0, p’(N = 0) = 0. (17)
p’ = p0 - u, (13)
The following relation between %v* and p0 was
where p0 = initial mean stress and u = pore pres- assumed after [2]:
sure. The volumetric strain increment d%v is giv-
en by Eq. (11). This equation enables the deriva- 2 p0 /
tion of equation describing the pore-pressure % v*  C1 exp 0 C p (  1)- , (18)
01 p ref -.
generation due to cyclic loadings.

where pref = 105 N/m2, C1 = 1.5 x 10-3 and Cp =

1.52 for “Skarpa” sand. The sand compressibili-
ty was determined experimentally: 4 = d%ve/dp’ =
1.63x10-8 m2/N.

4.3 Numerical results

The first example deals with a direct integration
of equations presented in Section 4.2. Fig. 7
shows respective numerical results against expe-
rimental data.
Figure 6. Effective stress path followed during the cyclic
shearing of undrained sand.

4.2 Basic equations for pore-pressure

Eq. (11) can be re-written in the following form:

2 d% * dp ' df /
d% v  0 v f  % v* - dN . (14)
01 dp ' dN dN -.

There is Figure 7. Pore pressure generation. Numerical results against

d% e experimental data. For the model proposed in 4.2 the onset of
d% ve  v dp ' and dp’ = -du. (15) liquefaction is more rapid than observed in the experiment.
dp '
Note that the numerical procedure ends for N
Eqs. (14) and (15) lead to the following diffe- = 27000 cycles, when the pore pressure rapidly
rential equation for the pore pressure generation: increases, which corresponds to the onset of li-
quefaction. Formally, this means that the deno-
du df 2 d% v* d% ve / minator in Eq. (16) approaches zero.
 % v* 0f  - . (16) The numerical solution can be improved if the
dN dN 10 dp ' dp ' -. dependence of d%ve on the non-dimensional stress
ratio * will be taken into account. Experimental
266 A. Sawicki et al. / Compaction and Liquefaction of Sand

data suggest that the following relation can be 3. Pore-pressure generation, caused by a large
applied: number of loading cycles (6 x 104), was in-
vestigated experimentally and analytically.
% ve ( N )   A1 exp5B1 (* / * ' ' )  16 , (19) 4. Constitutive incremental equation for the
pore-pressure generation and onset of lique-
faction was derived on the basis of assump-
where A1  4x10-3, B1  10 and *’’ = 1.55 which
tion that there is a link between compaction
corresponds to the Coulomb-Mohr yield condi-
in drained conditions and undrained beha-
tion. In this case:
5. Theoretical results are conformable with expe-
d% ve "% ve "% v* d* rimental data with acceptable accuracy.
dp ' "p ' "* dp '

instead of Eq. (15). Results of respective calcula- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

tions are shown in Fig.8. It seems that agreement
between theoretical prediction and experimental This paper was partly supported by the Polish
data is acceptable. Ministry of Science and Higher Education (re-
search grant N N506 072938).


[1] A. Sawicki & W. ¦¨–{† ¤“   

model for assessment of seismic-induced liquefaction
of soils, Jnl Waterway, Port, Coastal & Ocean Eng.,
ASCE, 133 (2007), 50-54.
[2] T. Wichtmann, A. Niemunis & T. Triantafyllidis, Strain
accumulation in sand due to cyclic loading: drained tri-
axial tests, Soil Dynamics & Earthquake Eng. 25
(2005), 967-979.
[3] £!¤{†¥!¦¨–{©Š!‡ ¨€–{†¤
sand due to cyclic loading in triaxial conditions, Arch.
Figure 8. Pore pressure generation and onset of liquefaction.
Hydro-Eng. Env. Mechanics 56 (2009), 85-98.
Acceptable agreement between theoretical prediction and ex-
[4] Š!‡ ¨€–{©£! Sawicki, Pore pressure generation
perimental data. and liquefaction of granular soil tested in triaxial condi-
tions, Arch. Hydro-Eng. Env. Mechanics 56 (2009),
[5] £!¤{©¥!¦¨–{†‡   “ -failure
5 CONCLUSIONS instabilities of sand, Computers & Geotechnics 37
(2010), 781-788.
The main results presented in this paper can be [6] D. Potter, Computational Physics (Polish translation),
summarized as follows: PWN, Warsaw, 1977.

1. Compaction curves were determined experi-

mentally for a large number of loading
cycles, and for different cyclic stress ampli-
tudes and different initial stress states.
2. A common compaction curve was constructed
and respective analytical approximation pro-
posed. Incremental equations for compaction
were derived from analytical approximation
of experimental data.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 267
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

The instrumentation of parameters of thermal

radiation and of acoustic emission as a source of
information concerning the processes of
deformation of soft rock specimens
L'instrumentation des paramètres du rayonnement thermique et
de l'émission acoustique en tant que source d'information
concernant le processus de déformation des échantillons de
roche molle
V.I. Sheinin 1, D.I. Blokhin, A.V. Favorov
NIIOSP Research Institute of PJSC “Research Centre “Civil Engineering”

The paper describes the testing of rock salt samples for monotonic loading under uniaxial compression, which was carried out
with synchronous recording of changes of acoustic emission (AE), infrared radiation (IR) and strain parameters. The purpose of
the work – to justify the effectiveness of techniques developed in NIIOSP for complex geomaterials deformation processes
diagnostic with respect to the considered type of soft rock. The obtained results show that the techniques may be a useful part in
the system of in-situ monitoring of the geomechanical events.

Le document décrit les essais sur des échantillons de sel gemme de chargement monotone en compression uniaxiale, qui a été
réalisée avec l'enregistrement synchrone des changements de l'émission acoustique (AE), les paramètres du rayonnement infra-
rouge (IR) et la souche. L'objectif de l'ouvrage - pour justifier l'efficacité des techniques développées dans NIIOSP pour la dé-
formation des géomatériaux processus complexes de diagnostic à l'égard du type considéré de roche molle. Les résultats obtenus
montrent que les techniques peuvent être un élément utile dans le système de surveillance in situ des événements géoméca-

Keywords: Processes of deformation, axial stress, axial strain, acoustic emission, infrared radiation, rock salt samples,
monitoring of the geomechanical events

1 INTRODUCTION radio-wave pulses [5 – 8], infrared thermal emis-

sion [9 – 13], luminescent flashes [14, etc.], etc.
Deformation and fracture of solids, including Due to the fact that modern high-sensitivity de-
geomaterials, are accompanied by emissions of tectors of acoustic and electromagnetic radiation
different nature, e.g. acoustic emission [1 – 4], can measure the variations of the radiation para-

Corresponding Author.
268 V.I. Sheinin et al. / Instrumentation of Parameters of Thermal Radiation and of Acoustic Emission

meters with a sufficient accuracy, there are a va- is to use AE measurements. The results of the
riety of techniques which are based on the use of measurements allow to monitor the accumulation
these effects and which allow obtaining informa- of cracks and to estimate the crack sizes [17].
tion about the changes of stress-strain state of This approach was tested on different types of
solids, currently offered. However, attempts to geomaterials. On the other hand, in [18] it is
unambiguously identify the changes of the me- showed that the concentration and size of cracks
chanical state of the geomaterials using such in a geomaterial sample strongly determine the
measurements encounter significant difficulties. dynamics of variations in the intensity of the
These difficulties are mainly due to the following infrared (IR) radiation that accompany changes
factors: the complexity of the construction of in the state of stress of the sample. As far as the
adequate theoretical models describing the de- approaching of deformation of geomaterials to
pendence of the measured physical parameters the fracture stage is accompanied by active
on the changes of stresses and strains; the need to cracking, and namely the cracking processes in
solve the reverse problems; the lack of resolution solids are the main source of intensification of
of the available experimental equipment and the heat, so the efficiency of IR diagnosis of the
presence of background and noise components in changes of the mechanical state of geomaterials
the recorded signals. can be enhanced by complexing with the data of
For efficient estimation of parameters of the synchronous measurements of the AE. The aim
deformation processes occurring at different of this work is to elaborate experimental tech-
stages of change of stress state of geomaterials, nique that establishes a set of interrelated para-
an integrated approach is necessary, in which meters of AE and IR signals that carry reliable
these processes are studied by different methods information about the occurrence and the stages
simultaneously. Such an approach enables the of deformation processes in geomaterials.
most efficient use of the potential of each of the
methods at different stages of deformation and at
different loading conditions. 2 METHOD OF EXPERIMENTAL
Earlier in NIIOSP it was shown [9 – 11] that it STUDIES
is a promising approach to use the thermoradia-
tion contactless measurements data for the identi-
fication of "fast" processes of change of elastic 2.1 Setup for testing samples of geomaterials
stresses in geomaterials. The procedure of [9–11] and apparatus for simultaneous recording
makes use of two well-known thermodynamic of changes of measured parameters
effects, namely, the change of temperature of
solids with the adiabatic change of the first inva- The studies were conducted on an experimental
riant of stress tensor [15] and the dependency of stand that allowed to record mechanical, thermo-
the infrared radiation intensity on from the body radiation and acoustic emission parameters syn-
surface temperature [16]. chronously and automatically for various
During the studies that were initiated by these schemes and loading conditions. See the sche-
works, more general methodological problems of matic diagram of experimental stand on Fig. 1.
using different emission effects for the diagnosis A noncontact detector of the changes of the
of the processes of deformation of geomaterials intensity of optical radiation in the infrared wa-
were formulated. velength RTN – 31 [19] was used as a primary
In particular, the possibility of expanding the IR radiation receiver. Detector (1) was set at
range of IR diagnostics usage to non-adiabatic about mid-height of the sample (2) at a distance
deformation conditions and to the values of of 0.5…1 cm from the sample surface. There was
loads, which approach pre-destructive and de- a strain gauge element (6) installed between the
structive values, was considered [11]. plate (4), which supports the sample, and the
The most common approach to diagnose vari- plate (5) to measure changes of the force applied
ous stages of deformation processes of materials to the sample. In addition, the measuring system
V.I. Sheinin et al. / Instrumentation of Parameters of Thermal Radiation and of Acoustic Emission 269

included an indicator for the longitudinal strain 2.2. Methodological features of application
(7), located between the plate (5) and the rolling of the acoustic emission and
cross-arm of the press. thermoradiation measurements for
complex diagnostics of the stress state
changes in geomaterials
One of the methodological issues that were ad-
dressed in the described course of the experi-
ments was to identify the ranges of loading rates
at which one could quite clearly identify the
processes of deformation and their different stag-
es of change using the detected emission parame-
ters. One of the complexities of this choice is that
the informativity of the AE measuring increased
with the loading rate being decreased, while that
of IR measurements, on the contrary, decreased.
Ranges of rates of change of the strains for
different geomaterials, in which the AE mea-
Figure 1. A scheme of experimental setup and location of the
surements are effective, are indicated in several
sensors. publications, e.g. [3, 4 and others]. The same es-
timates for IR measurement that are given, e.g.,
The registration of the activity of the acoustic in [9 – 11, etc], are based on the requirements of
emission dN/dt (the number of pulses per quasiadiabatic deformation during measure-
second), which is one of the most frequently AE ments.
measurements that are used in laboratory and The adiabatic requirement on the deformation
field studies of geomechanical parameters [1 –4], process means, literally, that there should be no
was conducted by a piezoelectric transducer (3) heat transfer between the deformable solid body
connected to the measuring complex A-Line 32D and the environment [15]. Obviously, in the real
[20] that worked in the frequency band from 30 laboratory, as in any natural conditions, this re-
up to 500 kHz. The converter of acoustic signals quirement can be satisfied only approximately.
was placed on the free surface at the same height However, if the rate of change in sample temper-
with the IR radiation sensor. ature due to thermomechanical processes is much
The tests were conducted on cylindrical spe- greater than the speed of the changes due to heat
cimens (diameter 36...38 mm and a height of transfer, the degree of this approximation is quite
66...72 mm) of rock salt, which could be catego- sufficient. The minimum threshold rate of
rized as "weak" rock. Two groups of samples change of stressed state that is necessary for
from two different fields were prepared for the temperature changes speed ratio requirement to
test. Uniaxial compression was performed in two be carried out in fixed conditions of the experi-
different modes: at a constant loading rate ment, can be estimated in laboratory conditions
(d 1/dt = const) (samples of the first group) and by performing a series of tests with different
at a constant rate of longitudinal deformation rates of change in load [9]. It should be noted
growth (d%1/dt = const) (samples of the second however that in recently appeared and technical-
group). ly interesting papers [12 – 13] not enough atten-
tion is paid to the necessary conditions for effec-
tive thermoradiation measurements; thus the time
dependencies of the IR radiation parameters that
are provided in these reports largely loose their
representativeness. Virtually, an experimental
evaluation of the influence of loading rate on the
270 V.I. Sheinin et al. / Instrumentation of Parameters of Thermal Radiation and of Acoustic Emission

particular variation of the parameters of thermal

radiation, i.e. the quasiadiabatic compliance test,
is a necessary step for any methodology of IR di-
agnostics of the stress state changes in geomate-
With the account for the recommendations
[4, 9] during the experiments in the constant
loading rate mode d 1/dt = const the values of
d 1/dt were taken from 0.05 MPa/sec up to 0.5
MPa/sec. In the d%1/dt =const experiments, the
values of rates of change of the longitudinal de-
formation varied between 0.005 and Figure 3. Diagram of « 1-%1 » at d 1/dt =const=0,35 MPa/sec.
0.02 mm/sec.
Analyzing the dependence Vw(t) (Fig. 2, graph
(2)), we can notice that its growth becomes non-
3 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF EMISSIVE linear at a fixed a point 110 MPa. The value of
PROCESSES IN SPECIMENS OF ROCK 1, as it can be seen from the appropriate chart
SALT AT VARIOUS MODES OF « 1-%1» (Fig. 3), corresponds to the elastic limit
CHANGE IN THE AXIAL LOAD OVER of the specimen’s material. The tensile strength
TIME can be fixed even more clear at the point where
plots (1) and (2) reach maxima at the mode
d 1/dt =const cannot be hold any more. Similar
3.1 Results of experiments on uniaxial results were obtained when testing samples with
compression of rock salt samples at a different d 1/dt, in a range from 0,3 MPa/s to 0.5
constant rate of change in load over time MPa/sec. Therefore, in this range of d 1/dt, the
At Fig. 2, the time plots of axial stress 1(t)(1), start of the inelastic deformation of rock salt can
of IR radiation intensity Vw(t) (2) and of AE ac- be identified with the thermoradiation measure-
tivity dN(t)/dt (3) during a deformation of the ments quite reliably.
sample of rock salt at a constant rate of the load
increase 1/dt =const= 0,35 MPa/sec are shown.

Figure 4. The plots of axial stress 1(t) (1) and the AE activi-
ty dN(t)/dt (3) at deformation rate of d 1/dt=const=0,2

Figure 2. The plots of axial stress 1(t) (1), the intensity of IR

radiation Vw(t) (2) and the AE activity dN(t)/dt (3) at defor- The AE measurement results (see graph (3),
mation rate of d 1/dt=const=0,35 MPa/sec. Fig. 2) under such experimental conditions were
less informative; i.e. does not provide a clear
record moments of transition between the stages
V.I. Sheinin et al. / Instrumentation of Parameters of Thermal Radiation and of Acoustic Emission 271

of deformation of test specimen. At the same deformations, corresponding to load range at

time, the records of the AE activity versus time which the heat exchange with the surrounding
(Fig. 4) that were obtained at "low" rates of environment adds noise to the changes in tem-
d 1/dt ) 0,3 allows to "bind" fragments with dif- perature of the sample by the thermomechanical
ferent behavior of the values of dN(t)/dt to the processes.
different stages of deformation of the specimen.
Fig. 4 and 5 for one of the experiments are ob-
tained dependence of dN(t)/dt and the corres-
ponding diagram of « 1-%1» at d 1/dt
=const=0,2 MPa/sec.
Let’s consider the dependence of dN(t)/dt on t
(Fig. 4, plot 1) with a monotonic load increase
over time, as shown in the same figure (Figure
(3)). After a typical burst of AE activity during
the initial load, the values dN(t)/dt remain low
until the time when the stresses 1 increase over
the value of (0,4…0,6)× =. Further, the second Figure 6. The intensity of the IR - radiation from the axial
fragment of increasing AE activity begins, within stress at different loading rates:
which the dN(t)/dt values reach a maximum at 1 – d 1/dt=const=0,5 MPa/sec;
the end of linear elastic deformation zone (see 2 – d 1/dt=const=0,35 MPa/sec;
Fig. 4, 5). The following gradual decrease of the 3 – d 1/dt=const=0,2 MPa/sec;
values of dN(t)/dt ends with brief "lull" that pre- 4 – d 1/dt=const=0,1 MPa/sec.
cedes the "hurricane" AE activity growth after
In these experimental conditions, we cannot
the axial stress reaches the tensile strength = of
the specimen material. fix the transition point + to the zone of inelastic
deformation according to thermoradiation mea-
surements clearly enough. Evaluation of + for
such values of d 1/dt can be obtained from the
results of the AE and (or) strain measurements.

3.2 Results of experiments on uniaxial

compression of rock salt samples at a
constant rate of change of axial strain
Let’s consider the designation of stages of de-
formation of rock salt starting from the results of
the tests in the mode of constant strain rate
Figure 5. Diagram of « 1-%1 » at d 1/dt =const=0,2
d%1/dt =const. In these tests of emissive parame-
ters dependences on time or on load display
The diagnosis of the elastic deformation of somewhat different character than the corres-
specimens of rock salt on the load change rates ponding dependencies obtained at d 1/dt =const.
d 1/dt ) 0,3 MPa /sec using the accompanying Fig. 7 shows the plots of axial stress 1(t) (1),
thermal radiation is uninformative, since the re- the intensity of IR radiation Vw(t) (2) and the AE
quirement of adiabaticity is not satisfied at such activity dN(t)/dt (3) at "high" deformation rate of
speeds the loading process. For example, see Fig. d%1/dt =const=0,01 mm/sec.
6 that represents the plots of the intensity of the
IR radiation versus the load when tested with a
loading rate 0.2 MPa/sec and 0.1 MPa/sec. There
is a "horizontal" fragment in the zone of elastic
272 V.I. Sheinin et al. / Instrumentation of Parameters of Thermal Radiation and of Acoustic Emission

Figure 7. The plots of axial stress 1(t) (1), the intensity of IR

radiation Vw(t) (2) and the AE activity dN(t)/dt (3) at defor- Figure 9. Diagram of « 1-%1 » at d%1/dt =const=0,01 mm/sec.
mation rate of d%1/dt =const=0,01 mm/sec.
In this consideration, the character of the de-
Under such loading schedule, the Vw(t) plot is pendencies Vw( 1) are similar to that of the de-
similar to 1(t) dependency throughout all the pendencies Vw( 1) that are obtained in
stages of "prelimit" strain rather than for 1(t)< e d 1/dt =const, mode. The quasiadiabatic condi-
only. The tensile strength of the tested specimen tion is met for the latter dependency, too (see
material is reliably fixed at simultaneous inflec- plots 1 and 2 at Fig. 6). Consequently, the inflec-
tion point of 1(t) r Vw(t) plots. In addition, the tion point on Vw( 1) plot at 122 MPa can be
dependencies 1(t), Vw(t) and dN(t)/dt are tracea- taken as the elastic limit of the sample, which is
ble on «over – limit» stage. confirmed by the analysis of « 1-%1» chart on
To fix the elastic limit + reliably in tests with Fig. 9. The same value of 1 corresponds to the
d%1/dt =const mode, the dependencies of IR radi- maximum on the dN( 1)/dt plot.
ation an AE level on the axial stress are to be
With decreasing of d%1/dt=const values, as
considered. The plots of Vw( 1) r dN( 1)/dt in
well as with a reduction of d 1/dt, violation of
"prelimit" deformation stage are shown at Fig. 8
the quasiadiabatic condition takes place. The vi-
and the corresponding « 1-%1» diagram is shown olation manifests itself in the appearance of the
on Fig. 9.
typical horizontal segment on the Vw( 1) plots.
The presence of this segment is determined by
heat exchange between the sample and the envi-
ronment; it makes impossible to identify the
processes of deformation in the elastic region
and it decreases the reliability of identification of
the boundaries of the transition between the stag-
es of elastic and non-elastic deformation.


Joint analysis of the experimental curves

Figure 8. The plots of the intensity of IR radiation Vw( 1) (1)
and the AE activity dN( 1)/dt (2) at deformation rate of
simultaneously recorded mechanical (stress and
d%1/dt =const=0,01 mm/sec. axial strain of the sample under uniaxial
compression) and physical parameters (the
intensity of infrared radiation and the AE
activity) from time, as well as physical
parameters from mechanical, has revealed that
the nature of the parameters variations of
V.I. Sheinin et al. / Instrumentation of Parameters of Thermal Radiation and of Acoustic Emission 273

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 275
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 281
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

The effect of mechanical remoulding on the

compression and strength characteristics of a
Mercia Mudstone
L'effet de remaniement mécanique sur les caractéristiques de
compression et la force d'un mudstone Mercia
S. E. Stallebrass1
City University London
L. J. Seward
ETH Zurich
A series of laboratory tests have been undertaken as part of a larger study into the effect of continuous flight auger pile installa-
tion on the soil-pile interface in the Mercia Mudstone Group [1]. This paper reports the results of stress path triaxial tests on
bulk samples of the mudstone which have been subjected to varying amounts of mechanical remoulding representing the re-
moulding that occurs due to the action of the auger. In addition, the water content at which remoulding takes place has been var-
ied. The tests were undertaken to investigate whether the silt sized aggregates of clay particles that exist [2] within this soil
could be broken up by the mechanical remoulding and whether this would affect the compression and strength properties of the
mudstone. It was found that both mechanical remoulding and the water content at which this is carried out affect the subsequent
response of the soil.
Une série de tests de laboratoire a été entreprise dans le cadre d'un plus grande étude sur l'effet de l'installation de pieux fores à
la tarière sur l'interface sol-pieu dans le mudstone Mercia Group [1]. Cet article présente les résultats des tests de chemin de con-
trainte triaxiale sur des échantillons en vrac de la mudstone qui ont été soumis à des quantités variables de remaniement mé-
caniques représentant les remaniement qui se produisent en raison de l'action de la tarière. En outre, la teneur en eau au cours de
laquelle a lieu remaniement a été modifiée. Les essais ont été entrepris afin de déterminer si les agrégats de particules de limon
argileux qui existent [2], dans ce sol pourraiont être divisé par le remaniement mécanique et si cela affecterait les propriétés de
compression et la force du mudstone. Il a été constaté que les deux remaniement mécanique et la teneur en eau au cours de
laquelle ces opérations sont effectuées affectent la réponse du sol.

Keywords: Mudstone, stiff clay, strength, volumetric compression, remoulding, disaggregation

1 INTRODUCTION pile interface in the Mercia mudstone group [1].

About a week after installation the upper halves
In June 2007 a field trial was carried out at the of all four piles were excavated in sections to-
Ibstock Brick Pit in Leicestershire. Four test gether with substantial samples of the surround-
piles were installed at a test site in the brick pit ing soil. These sections and the soil surrounding
using a continuous flight auger piling rig. The them were transported back to City University
aim of the trial was to study the effect of con- London for examination and testing. In addition,
tinuous flight auger pile installation on the soil- a large bulk sample of the soil was also retrieved

Corresponding Author.
282 S.E. Stallebrass and L.J. Seward / The Effect of Mechanical Remoulding

and it is this bulk sample which has been used beds. At certain depths these were interbedded
for the tests reported in this paper. with hard, olive green/grey sandy silt [1]. The
It has been suggested [2] that the Mercia bulk sample of soil which was obtained con-
Mudstone has an aggregated structure, which tained material from all three of the beds de-
means that clay minerals in the Mercia Mudstone scribed above.
are bonded together into silt size particles, such A mineralogical XRD analysis of soil from
that a particle size distribution test will tend to around the piles [1] showed that the clay fraction
greatly underestimate the proportion of clay min- ranges from 0 – 28% with an average of 15% and
erals actually present in the mudstone. If these that in most samples, illite is the most abundant
aggregations are broken up the clay minerals will mineral, making up to 98% of the clay fraction,
be released and it is possible that this will affect and on average between 50-60%. Illite-smectite
the mechanical response of the mudstone. interlayers were present in approximately 50% of
The effect of breaking up aggregations of clay samples tested. The method used to test these
particles on index properties has been investi- samples requires the soil to be ground to a fine
gated for Mercia Mudstone for other sections of powder and it is thought that this would have
the stratigraphy [3] [4] and differing results have caused any silt sized aggregates of clay particles
been obtained both in term of the energy required to have been broken down. Consequently, the
to disaggregate the particles and the effect on the average values obtained from these mineralogi-
index properties. It is likely that the later is cal analyses should give a reasonably accurate
strongly dependant on the clay minerals present, picture of the clay fraction in the bulk soil sam-
which varies significantly across the Mercia ple used in these tests. It should noted that the
Mudstone group. bulk sample contains a representative amount of
This study looked at the effect on strength and the sandy silt material which is unlikely to have a
compressibility of subjecting samples of soil to significant clay content.
varying amounts of mechanical remoulding and Particle size distributions for this soil were ob-
also of varying the water content at which re- tained using wet sieving and sedimentation.
moulding takes place. The mechanical remould- Samples were prepared by soaking the soil and
ing was undertaken to replicate the remoulding then by gentle agitation to separate uncemented
effect of the auger used in continuous flight au- aggregates. Typical particle size distribution
ger piling and the water content was varied to in- curves are given in Figure 1. The distributions
vestigate the effect of ground water entering the vary due to the variability of the bulk sample.
pile bore from more permeable water bearing This shows that in its natural state the mudstone
layers. In the field trial water was added artifi- appears to be sandy silt with a clay fraction of
cially during the excavation of two of the piles. around 10%.



Ibstock Brick Pit is in the Gunthorpe member of 60

the Mercia Mudstone. The typical lithology of

% passing


this member at Ibstock comprises red, and some-
times green and grey mudstones and siltstones 20
ranging from finely laminated to structureless, 10
with thin beds of coarse siltstone and very fine 0
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10
sandstone [5]. particle size (mm)
The stratigraphy logged at the site was consis-
tent with this description with centimetre-scale Figure 1. Typical particle size distribution curves for the un
laminated brick red/brown silty clay beds, inter- remoulded bulk sample
spersed with centimetre-scale red/purple hard
S.E. Stallebrass and L.J. Seward / The Effect of Mechanical Remoulding 283

Comparing the clay fraction observed in Fig- simulate the same churning action that might oc-
ure 1 with the average clay fraction of 15% ob- cur in continuous flight auger pile construction.
served from XRD analyses supports the sugges- All the soil specimens tested were prepared using
tion that the Mercia Mudstone tested contains silt the same approach as described below.
sized aggregations of clay particles [2], that can
broken up under the action of mechanical re- 3.1 Preparation of test specimens
moulding, but is not conclusive due to the vari-
ability of the soil. Further evidence was obtained A sub sample of soil from the bulk sample re-
trieved from site was prepared by soaking in dis-
from particle size distribution tests carried out af-
tilled water for a few days and then being placed
ter the soil represented by the solid line in Figure
in a mixer. The sub sample used in the series A
1 was remoulded, leading to a clay fraction of
tests was mixed to a water content of 18%. The
just over 20%.
The index properties of the bulk sample prior sub sample used in the series B tests was mixed
to remoulding were also obtained. The Liquid to a water content of 19%. This soil was then di-
vided into three batches and in two of these
limit was 27.7%, and the plastic limit 10.0%,
batches the water contents were increased to
giving a plasticity index of 17.7% and an Activ-
22% and 26% respectively. All three batches
ity of 1.42, which compares to the typical Activ-
were then mixed again before being passed
ity for illite of 0.9.
through the meat mincer three times. The soil at
26% was at too high a water content to pass eas-
ily through the mincer and soil became stuck in
the flights of the screw used in the mincer. All
the soil used in the Series A tests was passed
Two series of stress path triaxial tests have been
through the mincer twice. A third of the soil was
carried out on samples of Mercia Mudstone
set aside and the remainder was passed through
taken from the bulk sample described in the pre- the mincer a further two times. Another third
vious section. In both series of tests an effort was set aside and the final third was passed
was made to start with a representative sample of
through the mincer two more times. This left six
the soil. In test series A the soil used in the test
batches of soil as described in Table 1 and these
samples was mechanically remoulded, by pass-
were all separately mixed to a slurry with a water
ing through a meat mincer, at the average natural
contents of 40-60%. The procedures outlined
water content of 18%. In test series B the soil
above were designed to ensure that the tests in
used in the test samples was mechanically re-
each series are comparable despite the variability
moulded at different water contents. Table 1
of the base bulk sample.
summarises the processes undergone by the soil
The 38mm diameter cylindrical specimens re-
used in the various tests.
quired for testing in the stress path triaxial appa-
Table 1. Summary of mechanical remoulding and water con- ratus were prepared from slurry using Perspex
tents for soil samples tested.
floating ring consolidation tubes. The specimens
Test ID No of times soil re- Water content at were consolidated under a maximum vertical
moulded by passing which soil re-
through meat mincer moulded stress of 60kN/m2. Because of the high silt and
Test A2 2 18%
sand content in the Mercia Mudstone it was dif-
Test A4 4 18% ficult to minimise friction between the pistons
Test A6 6 18% and the tube and consequently many of the
Test B3L 3 19% specimens created did not have uniform water
Test B3M 3 22%
Test B3H 3 26%

The use of a meat mincer to mechanically re- 3.2 Testing procedure

mould soil was proposed by Atkinson et al. [4] The reconstituted specimens were carefully
and was adopted for these tests. The aim was to placed in computer controlled Bishop and
284 S.E. Stallebrass and L.J. Seward / The Effect of Mechanical Remoulding

Wesley [6] type stress path triaxial cells as de- It was estimated that the final water content of
scribed by Atkinson [7]. All specimens were the specimens may vary due to water entering the
compressed isotropically to the states given in sample at the base of the specimen by as much as
Table 2 and then sheared under undrained condi- 0.5%. This gives a potential error in the specific
tions at a constant strain rate. volume which is indicated by the vertical line
Water contents were obtained at the start of shown in Figure 2. This error will not only af-
the tests from trimmings from the specimen and fect the position of the curves in terms of an off-
at the end of the test. Due to the problems in set to the specific volume but also to a lesser ex-
specimen preparation outlined above, the final tent the gradient of the curves.
water content was considered to be the most reli-
able and was used to calculate specific volumes. Test B3H
Table 2. Test details Test B3M
1.75 Test B3L
Test ID p' after isotropic
Test A4
Test A6
(kN/m2) 1.7

Specific volume
Test A2 100
Test A4 180
Test A6 155 1.65
Test B3L 150
Test B3M 150
Test B3H 150 1.6

1.55 potential error in specific volume

4 RESULTS caused by 0.5% error in water content

Because of the variability of the soil in the bulk 1.5 2.5 3.5 4.5 5.5
sample each series of tests was effectively under- Lnp'
taken on a unique soil. The compression curves
presented in Figure 2 should therefore be treated Figure 2. Compression data for Series A and Series B tests
as two sets of data; Series A tests for which there
are two reliable compression curves and Series B Despite the potential inaccuracy in the spe-
tests for which three compression curves are pre- cific volumes it is clear that the two Series B
sented. The curve for Test B3H starts from a tests subjected to mechanical remoulding in the
higher value of mean effective stress because the meat mincer at 19 and 22% water content have
first stage of this test was a one step consolida- very similar normal compression lines whereas
tion. the normal compression line for the soil re-
In all cases the soil was only lightly overcon- moulded at a higher water content (26%) charac-
solidated at the start of isotropic compression terises a soil with a lower specific volume or
and all samples reached a normal compression more closely packed grains. It also has a lower
line during the compression stage. As shown in value of λ, indicating the presence of a greater
Figure 1 the mudstone has a very high silt con- proportion of silt and sand sized particles. The
tent and low clay fraction, so it is not surprising gradients of the normal compression lines ob-
that the values of λ derived from the normal tained in the Series A tests are similar, but for
compression lines in Figure 2 are relatively low. these tests it appears that the gradient and spe-
They vary from 0.077 and 0.080 for Tests A4 cific volume increase with greater mechanical
and A6 respectively through 0.068 for Tests B3L remoulding in the meat mincer.
and B3M to 0.046 for tests B3H. Data from the undrained shear stages are pre-
The low compressibility of the soil means that sented in Figures 3 and 4 as q/p' against axial
the compression behaviour is very sensitive to strain. Figure 3 shows data for the Series A tests
the measurement of water contents in the sample. and in these the value of stress ratio at failure in-
S.E. Stallebrass and L.J. Seward / The Effect of Mechanical Remoulding 285

creases steadily with number of passes through Figure 4. Stress ratio against axial strain for Series B tests
the meat mincer from 1.11 through 1.22 to 1.43. The results from the Series A tests are slightly
In all cases the soil has reached a critical state counter intuitive as it might be expected that if
and these values of the critical state friction coef- the mechanical remoulding is causing particles to
ficient are consistent with angles of friction of disaggregate from silt sized to clay, the stress ra-
27.9°, 30.5° and 35.3° respectively. Figure 4 tio at failure should decrease from a value con-
shows stress ratio against axial strain for the Se- sistent with a silt, which would be greater than
ries B tests. The stress ratio against strain re- 1to a value consistent with a clay which would
sponse is not affected by the water content at be 1 or less. This is in contrast to the values of
which remoulding takes place. All the data for q/p' at failure reported earlier. However, this
the Series B tests are very consistent and give a may be explained with reference to the data from
value of stress ratio at failure of 1.31, equivalent the Series B tests
to a critical state angle of friction of 32.5°. The data from the Series B tests appear very
consistent when plotted as normalised stress
strain data as in Figure 4, they are less consistent
1.4 when the stress paths followed during the tests
are plotted in q:p' stress space as shown in Figure
1.2 5.
The stress path for Test B3H is characteristic
Stress ratio, q/p'

of a soil where the dominant particle fraction is,

0.8 sand or silt, whereas the stress paths for Tests
B3M and B3L are characteristic of soils where
0.6 Test A2
the clay fraction is dominating.
Test A4
This indicates that despite the consistent val-
Test A6
ues of stress ratio at failure, in the sample re-
0.2 moulded at the highest water content there has
been less disaggregation of particles. It is possi-
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
ble that in the other two samples the disaggrega-
axial strain, % tion of the silt into clay has not been sufficient to
reduce the angle of friction at failure, but has af-
Figure 3. Stress ratio against axial strain for Series A tests fected the pre-failure deformation.

1.4 140

1.2 120

Stress ratio, q/p'

q' (kN/m2)


Test B3L
Test B3M 40 Test B3L
0.4 Test B3M
Test B3H
20 Test B3H

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 p' (kN/m2)

axial strain, %
Figure 5. Stress paths for Series B tests
286 S.E. Stallebrass and L.J. Seward / The Effect of Mechanical Remoulding

Stress paths for the three Series A tests are the specimen retains the characteristics of the
given in Figure 6. These tests were all com- natural bulk sample. However, the other two
pressed to different initial states before shearing. specimens are not sufficiently affected by the
The curves are a little uneven due to lack of con- remoulding for the critical state friction coeffi-
trol of the stresses, but nevertheless are all essen- cient to change. Pre-failure deformations are al-
tially the same shape and similar to the stress tered by the remoulding resulting in stress paths
paths in test Series B where it appeared that pre which appear more typical of normally com-
failure deformations were dominated by the clay pressed clay.
fraction but failure was dominated by the sandy Further testing is required to establish how
silt fraction. It may be that when the soil is me- sensitive the remoulding is to water content and
chanically remoulded to low levels, aggregations whether prolonged mechanical remoulding
of clay particles are not split up but aggregations would lead to a clay content that would start to
of silt particles are resulting in the higher angles affect the critical state friction coefficient.
of friction.
Test A2
Test A4
Test A6
100 The authors would like to acknowledge the sup-
port of Tony Suckling and Balfour Beatty
q' (kN/m2)

Ground Engineering who funded the PhD re-
search undertaken by the second author. They
would also like to acknowledge the contributions
of Alexandros Galatoulos, Athina-Freskita Konti
and Andreas Trapezaris who undertook much of
0 the laboratory testing reported here.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
p' (kN/m2)

Figure 6. Stress paths for Series A tests REFERENCES

[1] Seward, L.J. The Effect of Continuous Flight Auger

5 CONCLUSIONS Pile Installation on the Soil-Pile Interface in the Mercia
Mudstone Group. PhD thesis, City University, London,
UK, 2009.
Two series of tests have been undertaken on [2] Davis, A.G. The mineralogy and phase equilibrium of
Mercia Mudstone from a bulk sample retrieved Keuper Marl, Quarterly Journal of Engineering geolo-
from the Ibstock Brick pit. The data show that gy, 1, 25-38, 1967.
mechanical remoulding does affect the strength [3] Atkinson, J.H; Fookes, P.G.; Miglio, B.F. & Pettifer,
G.S. Destructuring and disaggregation of the Mercia
and compression characteristics of the soil, but Mudstone during full-face tunnelling; Quarterly Jour-
not by solely breaking up aggregations of clay nal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 36,
particles. The latter would result in a greater 293-303, 2003.
clay content and to the specimen behaving more [4] Chandler, R.J. and Forster, A. Engineering in Mercia
mudstone (C570), Pub; CIRIA, ISBN: 0-86017-570-7,
like clay. The increase in the compressibility of 2001.
the soil with increased mechanical remoulding [5] Howard, A.S., Warrington, G., Ambrose, K. and Rees,
(Series A tests), observed during isotropic com- J.G. A formal framework for the Mercia Mudstone
pression is consistent with this hypothesis. Group (Triassic) of England and Wales; British Geo-
logical Survey Report RR/08/04, 2008.
However the increase in critical state friction co- [6] Bishop, A.W. and Wesley, L.D. A hydraulic triaxial
efficient with mechanical remoulding is not. apparatus for controlled stress path testing. Geotech-
The Series B tests demonstrate that if the wa- nique, 25, 1, 657-670, 1975.
ter content at which remoulding takes place is [7] Atkinson, J.H. Simple and inexpensive pressure control
equipment for conventional and stress path triaxial test-
sufficiently high, remoulding is not efficient and ing of soils. Geotechnique, 35, 1 61-63,1985
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 287
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

An investigation of the long-term engineering

response of intact chalk
Étude de l’influence d’un ouvrage de génie civil à long terme
sur un calcaire intact
K. J. L. Stone1
University of Brighton, UK
K. I. Katsaros
Consulting Engineer, Greece

This paper presents the results of an experimental test programme to evaluate the long-term engineering response of water satu-
rated intact homogeneous samples of high porosity Seaford Chalk. The influence of the in situ stress path was investigated by
replicating idealised stress states adjacent to an underground excavation. Extensional tests were performed using modified triax-
ial cells. Axial and radial strains were recorded continuously over the duration of the tests. From the results of the test pro-
gramme, the response of chalk was both qualitatively and quantitatively assessed. A conceptual micro-mechanical model was
developed to illustrate the complex mechanism of dilation and creep.

Cet article présente les résultats de test expérimental, dans le but d’évaluer l’impact de la saturation en eau d’échantillons à
porosité élevée, intact et homogène de calcaire de Seaford. L’influence du champ de contrainte in situ a été étudiée en
reproduisant l’état de contrainte théorique d’une excavation souterraine. Des tests supplémentaires ont été réalisés utilisant des
cellules triaxiales modifiées. Les déformations axial et radial ont été enregistrées en continues durant les tests. À partir des
résultats, une évaluation qualitative et quantitative de la réponse du calcaire a été faite. Une modélisation du mécanisme
microscopique a été développée afin d’illustrer le mécanisme complexe de la dilatation et de long terme.

Keywords: Soft rock, chalk, creep, stress path testing.

1 INTRODUCTION there is rarely sufficient time within the design

and construction programme for long-term tests
The design life of a structure may range from 25 of more than a few months duration to be con-
to 100 years or more. It is thus necessary that ducted. Thus long-term design often relies on
both short and long-term geotechnical parame- considerable extrapolation of relatively short-
ters are known at the design stage. Whilst the term test data. This paper presents the results of a
short-term design parameters are readily deter- test programme to evaluate the long-term re-
mined from conventional ground investigations sponse of intact homogeneous samples of high
and laboratory testing, the determination of long- porosity Seaford Chalk. The test programme in-
term parameters is more problematic. Although volved stress path testing for loading periods in
long-term laboratory testing can be performed, excess of 630 days.

Corresponding Author
288 K.J.L. Stone and K.I. Katsaros / An Investigation of Long-Term Engineering Response

The influence of the in situ stress path was in- same specimen is subjected to incremental com-
vestigated by replicating idealised stress states pressive loads, i.e. a multi-stage loading. In both
adjacent to an underground excavation, as illus- cases the applied stress paths are normally those
trated in Figure 1. of conventional triaxial compression.
However it is known that for some rocks their
strength is generally less in extension than in
compression. The difference for rock salt for ex-
ample, is up to 4 MPa [6]. It is therefore likely
that the long-term behaviour may be influenced
by the in situ stress paths, and in particular those
leading to extensional behaviour associated with
the reduction in confining stress as in the vicinity
of tunnels and slopes, refer to Figure 1.
In the laboratory test programme, three long-
term conventional axial compression tests, and
three long-term extensional tests were carried
out. The extensional tests were performed using
conventional triaxial cells modified for stress
path testing. The extensional tests followed a
combination of conventional axial compression,
axial extension and lateral extension stress paths.
It should be noted that the tests were con-
ducted at relatively low stress levels correspond-
ing to depths 35-70 m to be consistent with stress
Figure 1a: Stress paths followed by elements of material at levels associated with major civil engineering
three locations adjacent to an excavated cavern. b) Idealised
triaxial extension stress paths to represent locations around
projects and natural features such as cliff faces.
an excavation, and conventional triaxial compression stress
Whilst the short-term strength and deforma-
tion properties of chalk are reasonably well re- Seven static load frames with a cantilever type
ported in the literature and guidance for design arrangement of dead weights were constructed
can be found in Lord et al. [1], there have been and placed in an environmentally controlled
only few studies of the long-term response of laboratory, see Figure 2.
chalk [2], [3], [4] and [5]. Consequently, there
remains little published guidance in terms of the
long-term strength and deformation parameters
especially at low stress regimes (less than 100 m
depth) for use in civil engineering design.

1.1 Stress path testing

Two approaches are usually adopted for deter-

mining the creep parameters of a rock. In the first
case multiple specimens are subjected to differ-
Figure 2: Load frame arrangement and triaxial cell. Total
ent compressive loads ranging from 30-90% of length 1.7 m, width 0.6 m and height 1.6 m (after Katsaros
the short-term strength. In the second case, the [2]).
K.J.L. Stone and K.I. Katsaros / An Investigation of Long-Term Engineering Response 289

Extensional tests were undertaken in modified 2.1 Long term test programme
conventional triaxial cells. The modified cells A total of 6 long-term creep were conducted,
encompass a balanced ram and provide axial four of which are presented in more detail. Load
stresses unaffected by changes in the cell pres- increments were generally held for periods rang-
sure and are described elsewhere [7]. ing from a few days to almost 10 months. Radial
The stress state at any stage of a creep test is and axial strains were recorded together with cell
often expressed as a percentage of the ultimate pressures and environmental parameters. The test
peak failure stress for a corresponding short-term programme is summarised in Table 1.
test. Figure 3 presents the short-term strength en-
velope for the high porosity water saturated Sea-
ford Chalk used in this study. These data

3.1 Long-term compression tests

Figure 4 shows the strains recorded for the con-

ventional compression tests R2 and R4. In test
R2 axial and radial strains were recorded
whereas in R4 only axial strain was measured.
The axial strain response for both tests is very
similar. No discernable axial creep strains were
observed below 92%-99% of the expected peak
deviatoric strength.

Figure 3: Short-term peak strength envelope for Seaford

Chalk and stress paths for test R1, R2, R4 and R7
were derived from the short-term testing pro-
gramme together with additional data from un-
published studies.
The peak strength envelope (PSE) is de-
scribed by Mohr-Coulomb failure criteria inter-
secting the unconfined compression envelope de-
fined by q/p’=3.
Figure 4: Strains recorded for conventional compression tests
Table 1. Summary of creep tests.
___________________________________________________________________________________________________ R2 and R4. The numbers indicate percentage of deviatoric
Test ID Initial stress Stress path strength applied to samples over the expected deviatoric peak
____ __________________ _ _____________________________________________
strength from the PSE (i.e. qapplied/qshort-term).
(stress path*) q (MPa) p’(MPa) Axial Radial
R1 (3) 0.00 1.03 Decr. Const.
The radial strains observed in test R2 show
R2 (1) 0.28 0.70 Incr. Const.
R4 (1) 0.00 0.93 Incr. Const. that dilation occurs from the onset of axial com-
R5 (1) 0.72 0.84 Incr. Const. pression. These dilative strains reduce over the
R6 (2) 0.02 0.98 Const. Incr. course of each load increment, and have effec-
R7 (2) -0.02 0.98 Const. Incr.
* Numbers in brackets refer to stress path types of Figure 3.
290 K.J.L. Stone and K.I. Katsaros / An Investigation of Long-Term Engineering Response

tively ceased towards the end of the 73% load 98% peak strength) as was also observed for the
increment (~ 145 days). In the subsequent load triaxial compression tests R2 and R4.
increment at 92% of the estimated peak strength, Test R7 was a conventional lateral extension
the onset of axial creep strain is associated with (up to 81% peak strength) followed by axial
contractive radial strains. These contractive compression to failure (Figure 3). Figure 6 pre-
strains are also seen to reduce over the load in- sents an overview of the strains recorded. During
crement and become dilative once the creep the 23% load increment the sample contracted
strains seize. The radial strains remain practically and plateaued whereas the radial strain dilated
unaffected at the 101% increment and above. rapidly. At 63% some initial axial expansion

3.2 Long-term extension tests

The results for the extension tests are shown in

Figures 5 and 6 for test R1 and R7 respectively.
Test R1 was a conventional axial extension
test. During the axial extension phase (up to load
increment 53%) the sample is elongating. In the
following two lateral extension increments (43%
and 71%) the axial strain increases and continues
to increase during the conventional axial com-
pression phase as well (from 41% until failure).
The sample was initially consolidated at

Figure 6: Axial and radial strains recorded for test R7

(stress path in Figure 3).
took place primarily due to an unplanned loss of
confining stress. Concurrently lateral contraction
continued until day 105, then becoming dilatant.
At 81% peak strength limited axial expansion
was noted followed by minor axial creep strains.
At 121% peak strength discernable creep strains
were noted coupled with limited lateral contrac-
tion. Further load increments exhibited axial con-
traction without creep and practically no radial
Figure 5: Axial strains recorded for test R1 (stress path in
Figure 3).
^1 =0.74MPa and ^3 =0.93MPa which corre- 4 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION
sponds to an in situ depth of about 40 m. Reduc-
tion in the axial stress to zero results in a devia- In order to research the micromechanical be-
toric stress level which is only at about 50% of haviour of chalk the Scanning Electron Micro-
the estimated peak strength. Consequently, no scope (SEM) has been the main investigative
discernable axial creep strains where observed tool for several studies [9], [10], [11], [12] and
during this stage (Figure 5). Axial creep strains [2]. Figure 7 (a) illustrates the high porosity Sea-
were only observed under axial compression (> ford Chalk matrix which is mainly built up of
fine grained skeletons of calcareous planktonic
algae known as coccolithophorids. These com-
K.J.L. Stone and K.I. Katsaros / An Investigation of Long-Term Engineering Response 291

Figure 7 (b) by thicker lines) conveys the devia-

toric load with high normal contact forces.
The weak force network (depicted by thinner
lines) props the strong one and at the same time
carries low normal forces and high frictional
forces. Such networks of forces shift and rear-
range as the particles of granular materials move
about under load. Similar force networks de-
velop within the chalk matrix where an increase
of the deviatoric stress will initially cause reduc-
tion/breaking of the bond strength followed by
-a- particle segregation/relocation with subsequent
load path alterations. Since chalk particles exert
cohesive forces between them, the changes in the
load paths are likely to be less abrupt.
The load paths may result in crumbling and
segregation of clusters and nannofossils causing
dilation. Figure 9 (a and b) illustrates a simplistic
representation of a crumbling network “column”
leading to dilation in the minor stress direction,
^3. In Figure 7 (b) the crumbling columns are
placed within the contact force network to visu-
alise the proposed model.
-b- If the individual network column constituents
are able to withstand the load and avoid crum-
Figure 7a: SEM image of undisturbed Seaford Chalk (41% bling, then buckling may occur as in Figure 10
porosity). b) Stress visualised as network of contact forces (c). Under low confining stress, conditions that
with hypothetical crumbling network columns (adapted from do not provide adequate propping, the network
Bolton [8]) columns may cause “barrelling” and macro-
prise of calcite tablets/grains (0.5 ¡m across) scopic dilation.
which are the smallest visible particles of chalk
together with grain clusters and nannofossils.
A stochastic model is proposed where the
chalk fabric is represented as a three dimensional
puzzle; the particles being the puzzle pieces and
the puzzle connections represent the bonds be-
tween the particles. These bonds can fail or re-
duce in strength and at the same time particle
breakage may also occur depending on their in-
trinsic strength. This behaviour is stress depend- Figure 9a and 9b: Hypothetical illustration of a crumbling
ent, and highly localised within a sample tested network column comprising of two coccoliths with a calcite
at low confining stresses. The stochastic model grain cluster in the middle. c) Hypothetical illustration of a
pre-supposes that the effective stress tensor de- buckling network column of calcite grains. Arrows represent
the load application (after Katsaros [2]).
volves a pattern of inter-particle contact forces
within the chalk matrix that are analogous to a This is observed in R2 and R7 (Figures 4 and
force network model of granular materials (Fig- 6 respectively) at the early stages of loading
ure 7b). (load increments 73% and 63% respectively).
Studies by Bowman [13] and Bolton [8] have This outward movement will continue until the
shown that a strong force network (depicted in strong network of columns will fail locally under
292 K.J.L. Stone and K.I. Katsaros / An Investigation of Long-Term Engineering Response

buckling with subsequent lateral contraction as also suggested that the same stochastic model
noted in R2 at the start of the 92% and 99% load can be applied to describe he short-term response
increments. The newly formed dilatant voids of chalk at low stress levels.
around the failed columns are slowly occupied
by the segregated loose material resulting in ax-
ial compaction. This material rearrangement is a REFERENCES
time dependant process driven by the weak con-
tact force network and perceived macroscopi- [1] J.A. Lord, C.R.I Clayton and R.N. Mortimore, Engi-
cally as creep. The process will continue until the neering in chalk. CIRIA Publication CP574, London:
CIRIA (2002).
voids are filled and newly formed strong network [2] K.I Katsaros, The long-term stress-strain behaviour of
columns also start to fail. This model is consis- chalk. PhD Thesis, University of Brighton, 2008.
tent with creep stabilisation taking place coinci- [3] M. A. Andersen, N. Foged, & H.F. Pedersen, The rate-
dent with the onset of small dilative strains (see type compaction of a weak North Sea chalk. In: Tiller-
son & Wawersik (eds),. Rock Mech. Proc. of the 33rd
for example R2 at day 179 and 232). U.S. Symp., Santa Fe, New Mexico, June 3-5. Rotter-
dam: Balkema,1992.
[4] A. Dahou, J.F. Shao, & M. Bederiat, Experimental and
5 CONCLUSIONS numerical investigations on transient creep of porous
chalk. Mechanics of Materials, 21, (1995).
[5] E.Maranini, & M.Brignoli, Creep behaviour of a weak
At the low stress levels used of this study, the rock: experimental characterization. Int. J. Rock Mech.
macroscopic deformation is only significant once Min. Sc., 36, (1999).
[6] N. D. Cristescu, & U. Hunsche,. Time Effects in Rock
localisation of deformation has commenced. A Mechanics. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd.,1998.
simple micro-mechanical model is introduced to [7] K. J. L Stone, & K. I Katsaros, A Modified Triaxial Cell
describe the macroscopic response observed. The for Stress-Path Testing of Weak Rock (Hard Soils),
main conclusions for the long-term mechanical ASTM Geotch. Testing Journal, Vol 31, No.5, (2008).
[8] M.D. Bolton, The role of micro-mechanics in Soil Me-
response of chalk under low stress regimes can chanics. International Workshop on Soil Crushability,
be summarised as follows. Yamaguchi University, Japan, (1999).
[9] R.N. Mortimore, & P. M. Fielding, The relationship be-
• At the strain levels experienced in the tests tween texture, density and strength of chalk. In: Bur-
land, J. B., Mortimore, R. N., Jones, D. L., & Corbett,
no significant influence due to the applied B. O., (eds), 1990. Chalk, Proc. Int. Chalk Symp.
stress path was observed. Brighton Polytechnic,Thomas Telford, London, (1989).
• Even in the absence of significant axial [10] D.Petley, M.Jones, C. Fan, C.Stafford, M.Leddra, &
creep strains, radial or dilative strains are N.Kageson-Leo, Deformation and fabric changes in
weak fine-grained rocks during high pressure consoli-
observed. dation and shear. In: Anagnostopoulos, A., Schlosser,
• No axial creep strains are observed below F., Kalteziotis, N., & Frank, R., (eds), Geotechnical
80-90% of the expected peak strength (as Engineering of hard soils-soft rocks. Rotterdam,
determined by conventional testing). Balkema,(1993).
[11] N. M. Kageson-Loe, M.E. Jones, D.N. Petley, & M.J.
• Axial creep strains are relatively small Leddra, Fabric evolution during the deformation of
(<1%). chalk. Int. J. Rock Mech. & Min. Sci. & Geomech.
• The micromechanical processes involved Abstr., 30, (1993).
under deviatoric loading can explain the [12] N. Kageson-Loe, R.N. Mortimore, M.E. Jones & S.
Willis, On chalk fabrics and their influence on defor-
macroscopic experimental observations. mation behaviour. Extended abstract for EAPG Chalk
Conference, Copenhagen. (1994).
In the low stress regime dilation and creep are [13] E. T. Bowman, The ageing and creep of dense granular
intricately intertwined and an attempt to explain materials. Ph.D. Thesis, Cambridge University, 2002
this process with a stochastic model of microme-
chanical deformation has been briefly presented.
Further evidence to support this approach to-
gether with recommendations for further re-
search are presented in Katsaros [2] where it is
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 293
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Statistical evaluation of geotechnical laboratory

round robin tests in Hungary
Evaluation statistique des resultats des tests de plusieurs
laboratoires géotechniques de la Hongrie
A. Takács, A. Mahler 1
Budapest University of Technology and Economics

In year 2005 sixty-six laboratories took part in the round robin test, almost all the laboratories working in the country. Laborato-
ries has analysed the required parameters of artificially produced (or eventually natural) soil samples. The main goal is to get an-
swers to this questions: what is the degree of homogeneity of the physical charactheristics of samples, and the possibly existing
significant differences between laboratories participating in the round robin test. In the paper there is a summary of results of the
most common geotechnical laboratory tests: grain size distribution, plastic limit, liquid limit, plasticity index and Proctor com-
paction tests. The evaluation of the measurements calculated by variance analysis, but used some approximative processes too..

Dans l'année 2005 presque tout les laboratoires notament soixante-six ont participé aux essai. Les laboratoires ont analysé les pa-
ramètres requis de produit artificiel (ou éventuellement naturelles) des échantillons de sol. L'objectif principal est d'obtenir des
réponses à ces questions: quel est le degré d'homogénéité des caractéristiques physiques des échantillons, et les différences signi-
ficative entre les résultats des laboratoires participant aux essai. Dans le document il y a un résumé des résultats statistique des
tests les plus fréquent de laboratoire géotechnique: la distribution granulométrique, la limite de plasticité, la limite de liquidité,
indice de plasticité et des essais de compactage Proctor. L'article contient une évaluation de la fiabilité des résultats de mesure.

Keywords: Laboratory tests, reliability, statistical parameters

1.1 Homogenization
In 2005 a set of round robin tests was performed
The soil samples were taken on sites where large
to evaluate the reliability of the laboratory test
volume of relatively homogenous soil was avail-
results. The 63 participating laboratories have
able. Than the soil sample was placed on a rigid
performed 8 particles size distribution tests, 8 at-
platform, the lumps were broken and the soil was
terberg limits test and 8 modified Proctor tests.
commixed several times. The homogeneity of the
The laboratories received parts of the same soil
large sample was analyzed by the means of soil
classification tests: the large sample was divided
to four parts and one specimen was taken from
each to perform the tests.

Corresponding Author.
294 A. Takács and A. Mahler / Statistical Evaluation of Geotechnical Laboratory Round Robin Tests

In the case of grain size distribution the crite- In the case of the sand and gravel content (i.e.
rion of homogeneity was the following: the in the case of sieving) the coefficients of varia-
measured “percent passed” value for Dmax/2 par- tion range between 0.03 and 0.17 and it has an
ticle size should not deviate from the average average value of 0.08. In the case of fine content
value by more than 10%. In the case of atterberg significantly larger values can be experienced.
limit test, the plasticity index’s maximum ac- The values vary between 0.09 and 0.31 and have
ceptable deviation from the average was 2%. an average of 0.18. This also confirms the pre-
After the homogenization smaller specimens sumed fact that sieve test is more reliable than
were created and then sent to the participating the hydrometer test.
Sample No. 2. 3. 4. 6. 8.
n1 66 66 62 66 66
n2 61 61 61 62 58
average 28.0 23.6 9.1 45.8 56.0
stand. deviation 4.24 5.07 2.83 6.23 4.82
2.1 Particle size distribution test coeff. of variation 0.15 0.22 0.31 0.14 0.09
maximum 39.0 36.0 16.0 63.0 69.0
Altogether more than 500 tests were per-
minimum 16.0 10.0 3.0 29.0 45.0
formed on 8 different sample groups. In this
work the accuracy of the sand+gravel and the range 23.0 26.0 13.0 34.0 24.0
fine content values are discussed. According to Table 2. Summary of fine contents’ results
the Hungarian standard relevant that time, the
sand+gravel content is defined as the percent of A similar trend can be observed in the case of
soil particles larger than 0.1 mm and the fine extreme values. The sand and gravel content’s
content is the particles smaller than 0.02 mm. It maximum deviation from the average is less then
must be noted that the sand and gravel content is ±20% in four cases, only the Sample 2. is an ex-
determined by sieving and the fine content is de- ception; in the case of this soil sample the devia-
termined by hydrometer analysis. So the coeffi- tions were significantly larger for the extreme
cients of variation values refer to the reliability values as well as for the standard deviation val-
of these two different testing methods. ues. The extreme values of the fine content differ
The determined statistical parameters are by about ±40% in general, but in the case of
shown in Table 1. and Table 2., in these tables n1 Sample 3. ±70% deviations can be observed.
represents the total number of tests and n2 is the 0,20
number of the tests taken into account (after eli- 0,16
coefficient of variation, C v

R2 = 0,8801
mination of erroneous results). 0,14

Sample No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 7. 0,08

n1 66 66 62 66 66 0,04
n2 57 59 59 58 60 0,00
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
average 82.2 21.7 47.7 78.5 80,0 Sd>0,1 mm (%)

stand. deviation 4.35 3.79 3.98 2.29 4,67

coeff. of variation 0.05 0.17 0.08 0.03 0,06 Figure 1. Coefficients of variation in the case of sand & gra-
vel content
maximum 91.0 31.0 58.0 85.0 93,0
minimum 72.0 11.0 40.0 73.0 66,0 It is an obvious question if the deviations depend
range 19.0 20.0 18.0 12.0 27,0 on the measured values or not. Therefore the co-
efficient of variation has been plotted against the
Table 1. Summary of sand and gravel contents’ results
average values in both cases (Figure 1. and 2.).
A. Takács and A. Mahler / Statistical Evaluation of Geotechnical Laboratory Round Robin Tests 295

The tendencies are clear: the smaller the average The plastic limit results’ coefficients of varia-
(i.e. gravel & sand or fine content) the larger the tion vary between 0.053 and 0.153 and the aver-
coefficient of variation (i.e. the smaller the reli- age value is 0.105. In the case of liquid limit
ability). these values vary between 0.054 and 0.128 and
0,40 have an average of 0.087.
0,35 These values are similar to the values experi-
coefficient of variation, C v

0,30 enced for the sand and gravel content, so the reli-
ability of the plastic limit and liquid limit are

R2 = 0,8847 similar to that of sieving and are definitely better
than that of hydrometer test.
0,05 Generally the extreme values fall in a range
0,00 ±20%, but in the case of soil Samples 3 and
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Sd<0,02 mm (%)
Sample 5 the extremes differed from the average
by about 30%.
Figure 2. Coefficients of variation in the case of fine content Similarly to the grain size distribution values,
the coefficient of variation values are plotted
2.2 Atterberg limit test against the average values (Figure 3. and 4.). but
in this case no significant correlation can be ex-
The atterberg limits were determined on soils perienced between theses values.
having a plasticity index range of 15-35%. Near-
ly 500 test on 8 homogenized sets of soil sam- Sample No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
ples. The reduced number of tests taken into ac- n1 62 62 62 62
count (n2) was determined as it was described in n2 60 62 62 61
the case of particle size distribution test.
average 54.6 53.5 45.5 48.2
Sample No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
standard deviation 3.61 3.06 5.26 4.02
n1 62 61 59 62 coeff. of variation 0.066 0.057 0.116 0.083
n2 58 54 59 61 maximum 64.2 60.8 54.9 56.0
average 23.3 22.7 27.6 23.6 minimum 47.5 46.3 33.0 39.3
standard deviation 1.87 1.21 4.22 2.42 range 16.7 14.5 21.9 16.7
coeff. of variation 0.080 0.053 0.153 0.103 Table 5. Summary of liquid limits’ results
maximum 27.9 25.2 38.4 30.4
minimum 19.4 20.9 16.4 16.7 Sample No. 5. 6. 7. 8.
range 8.5 4.3 22.0 13.7 n1 62 62 62 62
Table 3. Summary of plastic limits’ results n2 56 61 58 58
Sample No. 5. 6. 7. 8. average 43.3 41.5 40.6 43.3
n1 62 62 62 62 standard deviation 5.52 2.24 2.62 5.52
coeff. of variation 0.128 0.054 0.064 0.128
n2 61 60 60 58
maximum 55.2 46.5 47.2 48.0
average 20.0 19.0 19.8 20.0
minimum 31.5 35.7 34.2 37.8
standard deviation 2.35 1.75 2.50 2.35
range 23.7 10.8 13.0 10.2
coeff. of variation 0.118 0.092 0.126 0.118
maximum 26.6 23.2 26.1 23.8 Table 6. Summary of liquid limits’ results

minimum 15.0 16.2 15.7 17.4

range 11.6 7.0 10.4 6.4

Table 4. Summary of plastic limits’ results

296 A. Takács and A. Mahler / Statistical Evaluation of Geotechnical Laboratory Round Robin Tests

Sample No. 5. 6. 7. 8.
n1 64 64 64 64
coefficient of variation, C v

0,14 n2 63 63 59 64
average 2.25 1.93 2.15 2.25
0,08 standard deviation 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.04
coeff. of variation 0.018 0.015 0.012 0.018
0,02 maximum 2.35 2.00 2.22 1.99
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30
minimum 2.16 1.86 2.08 1.81
plastic lim it, w P range 0.19 0.14 0.14 0.18
Table 8. Summary of maximum dry densities’ results
Figure 3. Coefficients of variation in the case of plastic limit


coefficient of variation, C v
coefficient of variation, C v

0,14 0,03
0,10 0,02
0,06 0,01
0,02 0,00
1,70 1,80 1,90 2,00 2,10 2,20 2,30
40 42 44 46 48 50 52 54 56 r max

liquid lim it, w L

Figure 5. Coefficients of variation in the case of maximum

Figure 4. Coefficients of variation in the case of liquid limit dry density

2.3 Modified proctor test The maximum dry densities’ coefficients of

Altogether more than 500 tests were per- variation are much smaller than that of the other
formed on 8 different sample groups. The deter- tests. The average coefficient of variation is
mined maximum dry density values vary be- 0.017, the maximum is 0.03 and these values do
tween 1.70 and 2.25 g/cm3. The basic statistical not depend on the average values (Figure 5.).
parameters of the results are summarized in Ta-
ble 7. and Table 8.
Sample No. 1. 2. 3. 4.
The Pearson method was used to evaluate the
64 64 64 64 distribution type of the previously shown soil
n2 58 63 64 60 properties. The distribution is evaluated based on
average 1.70 1.80 2.01 1.95 the values of µ1 and µ2 parameters which are the
standard deviation 0.02 0.05 0.04 0.04 functions of the density diagram’s peakness and
coeff. of variation 0.009 0.030 0.020 0.019
skewness. The calculated µ1 and µ2 are plotted in
maximum Figure 6.
1.73 1.92 2.11 2.04
The points are concentrating at point µ1=0 and
minimum 1.66 1.69 1.92 1.88
µ2=3 with some scatter. This point represents the
range 0.07 0.23 0.19 0.16 normal distribution in this interpretation, so the
Table 7. Summary of maximum dry densities’ results
results show that this distribution fits best to the
investigated soil properties.
A. Takács and A. Mahler / Statistical Evaluation of Geotechnical Laboratory Round Robin Tests 297

It is worth noting that the scatter in the case of - In the case of plastic limit, liquid limit and
plastic limit seems definitely larger than that of proctor tests, the coefficient of variation
the other properties, in addition the µ1>0 values do not depend on the measured values.
represent a non-symmetric distribution. - The measured data has shown a distribution
1 that can be best described by normal dis-
I.U tribution, although slightly asymmetric
E distribution has been observed for the
2 lim F (Sd<0,02mm)
of plastic limit results.
II. t he G+S (Sd>0,1mm )
ss max
ib d
3N Be di
ta rib
(U ut
i on
- sh
a pe


This work is connected to the scientific program


- sh

of the “Development of quality-oriented and


harmonized R+D+I strategy and functional mod-




el at BME” project. This project is supported by


6 the New Hungary Development Plan (Project ID:

0 1 2 3 4
Figure 6. The determined values of µ1 and µ2


In this project the reliability of five common [1] L. Rétháti. Probabilistic solutions in geotechnics.
geotechnical laboratory tests (sieving, hydrome- Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest. 1988.
ter test, proctor test, plastic limit and liquid limit [2] L. Nagy. Dike breaches in the Carpathian Basin. Peri-
odica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering 50:(2) pp. 115-
test) was evaluated. Each test types were per- 124. 2006.
formed on 8 different soil types and on more [3] Regulation of control processes. Institute for Transport
than 500 soil samples. Sciences Non-profit Ltd. (KTI), Commitee of Road La-
Based on interpretation of the results the fol- boratory Control (ULEB). (in Hungarian)
lowing conclusions can be drawn:
- The tests of plastic limit, liquid limit and
sieving have nearly the same reliability
(the typical values of coefficients of vari-
ation are between 0.08 and 0.11).
- The reliability of the hydrometer test is def-
initely worse, the average coefficient of
variation was 0.18 and deviation as large
as 70% was also observed.
- The maximum dry density values (deter-
mined by modified Proctor test) are much
more reliable than the other tests. The ex-
perienced coefficient of variation values
are between 0.009 and 0.030.
- In the case of grain size distribution tests
the coefficient of variation depends on the
measured value (sand & gravel content,
fine content) too: The smaller the meas-
ured value the larger is the coefficient of
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 299
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Engineering properties of marls from small to large

Propriétés mécaniques des marnes de petites à grandes
Th. Tika1, P. Kallioglou, & St. Elpekos
Department of Civil Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

The paper presents results from laboratory investigations into the behaviour of marls from small to large strains. In particular, re-
sults are presented concerning the following engineering properties: (a) shear modulus and damping ratio, as determined by
means of resonant column tests, (b) undrained shear strength, as determined by means of triaxial and uniaxial compression tests,
and its correlation with the preconsolidation pressure of the soils, determined by means of oedometer tests, and (c) residual
strength, as determined by means of ring shear tests and its correlation with the critical strength. The implications of the test re-
sults on the engineering behaviour of marls from small to large strains are discussed.

L'article document présente différents résultats de laboratoire qui ont permis d'étudier le comportement des marnes de petites à
grandes déformations. En particulier, on présente les résultats obtenus sur les propriétés mécaniques suivantes: (a) le module de
cisaillement et le coefficient d'amortissement, déterminés par des essais de colonne de résonnance,(b) la résistance au cisaille-
ment non drainé, déterminée par des essais de compression triaxiale et uniaxiale et sa corrélation avec la pression de préconsoli-
dation des sols, déterminée au moyen d'essais d'oedométre, et (c) la résistance résiduelle, déterminée au moyen d'essais de cisail-
lement annulaire et sa corrélation avec l' état critique. On discute également les implications des résultats des essais sur le
comportement mécanique des marnes de petites à grandes déformations.

Keywords: Marls, cementation, shear modulus, damping ratio, undrained shear strength, preconsolidation pressure, residual
strenght, critical strength

1 INTRODUCTION self weight. As a consequence, these soils have

developed interparticle bonding between the in-
Marls belong to hard soils – weak rocks group of dividual particles, as a result of the precipitation
sendimentary geomaterials and are characterized of calcium carbonate, and possess a bonded
by the development of strong structure. Structure structure. Leroueil and Vaughan (1990) hig-
develops during the diagenetic process (forma- hlighted the importance of the effects of structure
tion of cementation bonds), following material in determining the engineering behavior of natu-
deposition and gravitational consolidation under ral soils and weak rocks and concluded that these

Corresponding Author.
300 Th. Tika et al. / Engineering Properties of Marls from Small to Large Strains

effects are as important as are the effects of ini- shear modulus and damping ratio of the soils
tial porosity and stress history. (Drnevich, 1967, Kallioglou, 2003). The tests
Marls are often encountered in Greece and were performed on solid cylindrical specimens of
their behaviour is of great interest in geotechnic- intact soils (diameter: 71.1mm, height:
al engineering dealing with problems, such as 142.2mm), which were consolidated at various
seismic site response analysis, design of founda- levels of isotropic effective stress, o. Two types
tions, deep excavations and tunnels, earthworks, of dynamic torsional excitation were imposed:
slope stability and others (Tika et al, 2010). small strain loading under drained conditions and
Typical strain levels most important to engi- a sequence of loadings with increasing strain un-
neering design are in the range of 10-5 to 10-3 der undrained conditions. As the test is consi-
(Simpson, 1999). Therefore stiffness from very dered to be non-destructive, o, was usually in-
small to medium strains is required for the pre- creased to various levels in order to assess the
diction of soil response to both static and dynam- dependence of dynamic properties on o.
ic loading. On the other hand, the study of the Preconsolidation stress, p, was determined
stability and kinematics of potential sliding soil from conventional incremental oedometer tests
masses requires the knowledge of soil behavior ( /v/ /v=1) on intact soils and reconstituted
post-peak and at large strains. samples, prepared at a water content of about 1.2
The paper presents results from laboratory in- times the liquid limit of the soils. Each load step
vestigations into the behaviour of marls from lasted 24 hours.
small to large strains. In particular results are Undrained shear strength was determined
presented, concerning the following engineering from either uniaxial compression tests, or triaxial
properties: (a) shear modulus and damping ratio, compression tests on isotropically consolidated
(b) the correlation between preconsolidation specimens (UU and CU). Drained shear strength
pressure and undrained shear strength and (c) the was determined from triaxial compression tests
correlation of drained residual and critical state on isotropically consolidated specimens (CU and
strengths with index properties. CD), or shear box tests. Conventional triaxial
(diameter: 35mm, height:70mm) and shear box
(diameter 63.5mm, height 25.4mm) apparatuses
2 SOILS TESTED were used for the above types of tests, carried out
on intact soils.
The soils tested were retrieved from various parts Drained residual shear strength was deter-
of Greece and Cyprus, from quaternary and neo- mined from ring shear tests on remoulded speci-
gene sediments of depth ranging from 3m to mens (Bromhead, 1979). Details for the tests are
105m, using rotary coring and Shelby sampling. given in Elpekos (2010). Test specimens were
The plasticity index, PI, varied between 7% and placed at a water content below or at plastic limit
66% and the overconsolidation ratio, OCR, be- into the annular space of the apparatus (internal
tween 1 and 11. The calcium carbonate content, diameter: 70mm, external diameter: 100mm,
CC, ranged from 26% to 100% and was deter- height: 5mm). After placement, the specimens
mined using HCl or radiographic methods as a were consolidated to the desired level of vertical
percentage of the soil dry mass. The soils had ei- stress (about 400kPa). Shearing was then per-
ther uniform, or layered structure with calcareous formed at a rate of displacement of
concretions in some cases and a variety of co- 0.018mm/min and at various levels of vertical
lours. stress, 400kPa, 200kPa and 100-150kPa, in order
to assess the normal stress dependence of drained
residual strength.

A resonant column apparatus of the fixed-free

type was implemented for the measurement of
Th. Tika et al. / Engineering Properties of Marls from Small to Large Strains 301


Small-strain shear modulus, Gmax (MPa)


4.1 Shear modulus and damping ratio

It has been well established that the stress-strain 100
behaviour of soil at very small shear strains
(10-5) is linear elastic, shear stiffness has its
maximum value, G=Gmax, and damping ratio its
minimum value, DT=DTmin. With increasing
shear strain, the behaviour becomes initially non-
=4x10-7 - 2x10-5
linear elastic and then inelastic and is accompa-
nied by shear stiffness degradation and da-mping
10 100 1000
ratio increase (Jardine, 1992). Isotropic effective stress,  7 (kPa)
Figure 1 shows results from resonant-column
tests for the variation of small-strain shear mod- Soil eo LL(%) PI(%) %<2! m CC(%)
ulus, Gmax, with isotropic effective stress, , af- 0.785 34 10 18 42
ter 24hr confinement for marls of low to high 0.965 39 12 24 86
plasticity. A linear relationship between Gmax and 0.872 63 34 35 40
 in a log-log plot is indicated for each soil for 0.780 44 18 4 31
both normal consolidation and overconsolidation 0.719 52 27 31 31
states. 1.118 59 28 50 28
Kallioglou et al. (2008) proposed the follow- 1.024 58 32 51 52
ing equation for the estimation of Gmax of unce-
mented natural cohesive soils (CC<5%): Figure 1. Variation of small-strain shear modulus, Gmax, with
G max   6290  80 PI  o0.50 e 0.60 (1) isotropic effective stress, , for intact marls

where Gmax and  are expressed in kPa and PI 103

Normalized small-strain shear modulus,

as percentage value (%).

Figure 2 shows the normalized small-strain PI=7-66 %
LL=32-108 %
shear modulus, Gmax/[f(e) g(PI)], versus the es- CF(<2! m)=4-73 %
=4x10-7 - 3x10-5
Gmax /f(e)g(PI) (kPa)

timated in situ mean effective stress, insitu, for 102 CC=26-86 %

thirty intact marls. The above plasticity index, e o=0.504-1.689
g(PI)=6290-80 PI, and void ratio, f(e)=e-0.63, OCR=1-11
functions were used for normalization. All marls
exhibit equal or higher values of normalized Gmax 10
in comparison with the corresponding values
predicted by equation (1) due to cementation. Equation (1)
As far as the minimum damping ratio is con-
cerned, DTmin values at insitu are comparable
with the corresponding values for natural unce-
10 100 1000
mented cohesive soils (CC<5%) with similar Insitu mean effective stress,  7insitu (kPa)
void ratios, Figure 3.
Figure 2. Variation of normalized small-strain shear modulus,
The degradation of normalized shear modulus Gmax/[f(e) g(PI)], with insitu mean effective stress, insitu, for
of marls, expressed by G/Gmax, with increasing intact marls
shear strain, , at insitu is shown in Figure 4a. In
Figure 4a the results of a cyclic triaxial strain that plasticity index is the main parameter con-
controlled test conducted on a k0 consolidated i- trolling degradation of shear modulus with in-
ntact sample of a marl are presented. It is shown creasing shear strain and that the degradation
302 Th. Tika et al. / Engineering Properties of Marls from Small to Large Strains

10 curve is unaffected by the degree of cementation.

The increase of DT with  at insitu for marls
Small-strain damping ratio, DTmin (%)

8 of various plasticities is shown in Figure 4b. It is

Bounds for natural again confirmed that plasticity is the main factor
cohesive soils with controlling the increase of damping with increas-
6 CC<5% ing shear strain, similarly with the uncemented
Kallioglou et al.,2008
cohesive soils.
4.2 Preconsolidation pressure and undrained
shear strength

=4x10-7 - 3x10-5
Insitu preconsolidation pressure is considered as
one of the most important soil properties
representing a yield stress during one-
0 0.5 1 1.5 2
dimensional loading and separating small-strain
Insitu void ratio, e insitu
elastic behaviour from plastic behaviour. It has
Figure 3. Variation of small-strain damping ratio, DTmin, at been also proved particularly suitable as the basis
/oinsitu with void ratio, einsitu, for intact marls
for normalization of the stress-strain behaviour
of cohesive deposits (Ladd & Foott, 1974, Jami-
1.0 (a) olkowski et al., 1985). It is also well known that
0.9 preconsolidation stress, /p, as determined from
0.8 one-dimension consolidation tests with constant
0.7 load step is some-times considerably higher than

0.6 the maximum effective vertical stress imposed to

0.5 the soil over its geological history. This differ-
PI=5%, 25% & 60%
0.4 Kallioglou et al. (2008) ence can be attributed to various factors, such as
soil structure, secondary compression, ageing
Cyclic Triaxial Test and presence of diagenetic and cementation
0.0 bonds among the grains.
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 Figure 5 shows results from oedometer tests
 (%) on an intact marl together with the sedimentation
PI=0, 15%, 30%, 50%, 100% (b) compression (SCL) and intrinsic compression
Vucetic & Dobry (1991) and swelling lines (ICL, ISL) (Burland, 1990).
The latter were obtained from an oedometer test
DT (%)

on reconstituted sample of the marl. The natural
state of the soil at stresses above v0 lies above
4 the SCL line. However, loading beyond p in
Cyclic Triaxial Test
2 the oedometer results in desruption of cementa-
0 tion bonds and fabric of the soil, so that the natu-
0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 ral compression line becomes steeper than the
SCL line and falls towards the ICL line.
Soil   (kPa) e PI(%) CC(%)
Figure 6 shows the variation of the undrained
55 0.615 7 61 shear strength ratio, su/ vo, with overconsolida-
135 0.804 28 60 tion ratio. The log-log plot indicates a linear rela-
159 0.911 66 >35 tionship, expressed by the following equation:
s u / o  A  p /  o 
Figure 4. Variation of normalized shear modulus, G/Gmax, (a) (2)
and damping ratio, DT, (b) with shear strain,
, at /oinsitu for
intact marls where A is the undrained shear strength ratio for
normally consolidated marls (OCR=1).
Th. Tika et al. / Engineering Properties of Marls from Small to Large Strains 303


1.6 SCL intact
PI=22% Back analyses of slides in stiff soils have shown
1.5 LL=53% that the operational strength is mainly controlled
1.4 CF(<2! m)=3%
by strain-softening due to brittleness of the intact
ICL CC=>85%
Void ratio, e

1.3 'vo soil and the presence of fissures and the strength
'p along them (Skempton, 1977, Sotiropoulos &
Cavounidis, 1980, Skempton & Vaughan, 1995).
1.1 Skempton (1977) suggested that for a first-time
slide in stiff fissured clay, the shear strength at
ISL failure can be approximated by the full softened
0.9 or critical state strength. Skempton (1964, 1977)
0.8 also suggested that the strength of a clay will be
1 10 100 1000 10000 at or close to the residual on slip surfaces in old
Vertical effective stress, v'(kPa)
landslides or soliflucted slopes, in bedding shears
Figure 5. Compression curves for a marl in folded strata, in sheared joints, or faults.
Lupini et al. (1981) demonstrated three me-
10 chanisms controlling drained residual shea-ring:
su/ 'vo = A x OCR 0.7 a turbulent mode in soils with high portion of ro-
tund articles, a sliding mode in which a low
strength shear surface of strongly orientated par-
1.2 PI=18-34 % ticles forms and a transitional mode involving
LL=46-73 % both turbulent and sliding shear. They concluded
su/ 'vo

1 0.8 CF=3-51 % that these modes are related to the packing and
A= CC=28->85 %
e o=0.751-1.677 porosity of rotund articles present. Correlations
between drained residual strength of cohesive
soils and index properties are effective in soil
Uniaxial compression test
Triaxial compression test (UU) strata of constant mineralogy.
Triaxial compression test (CU)
Figure 7 shows the variation of residual fric-
0.1 tion angle, r=arctan (r/n), of marls tested in
1 10 30 the ring shear apparatus, with plasticity index at
OCR a normal stress of n=200 kPa. In the same fi-
Figure 6. Variation of undrained shear strength ratio, su/ vo, gure, the critical state friction angle, cs, mea-
with overcosolidation ratio, OCR= /p //vo, for intact marls sured in triaxial compression (CU and CD) and
direct shear tests on intact marls, is also pre-
The value of A depends on the stress path, fol- sented. A good correlation between both the re-
lowed by soil up to failure, and therefore the type sidual and critical state friction angles with plas-
of test used for the determination of undrained ticity index is observed. Similar correlations with
shear strength. A value of A=1.293 was derived the other index properties have been observed. It
from the consolidated undrained triaxial co- is shown that at the above normal stress level, the
mpression tests and a value of A=0.871 from the difference between the two angles and therefore
unconfined compression and unconsolidated un- brittleness increases considerably for marls with
drained triaxial compression tests. The above re- a plasticity index greater than PI 20%. For such
sults indicate that the undrained shear strength marls therefore, the presence of pre-existing
ratio for marls is about 3 to 5 times greater than shear surfaces may be the most influential factor
the corresponding value of su/vo=(0.23±0.04) controlling engineering design.
proposed for uncemented normally consolidated
clays (Jamiolkoswki et al., 1985).
304 Th. Tika et al. / Engineering Properties of Marls from Small to Large Strains

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 305
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 311
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

The transitional behavior of loosely compacted

completely decomposed granite
Le comportement transitoire de granit faiblement compacté
complètement décomposé
J.J. Zhang 1
Research Student, Department of Civil Engineering, The University of Hong Kong, Hong kong
C.Y. Cheuk
Senior Engineer, AECOM Asia Company Ltd., Hong Kong

Recent research reveals that sandy soil with different portions of fines exhibit very different behavior and may not be explained
by established soil mechanics theories. This study aims to shed light on the various aspects of loosely compacted completely de-
composed granite (CDG) through stress-path controlled triaxial tests. A series of consolidated undrained tests (CU) were con-
ducted on remoulded CDG specimens, which were prepared at different densities. It has been observed that the isotropic com-
pression line and critical state line are not unique if soil specimens were prepared at different initial compactions. This behavior
deviates from the critical state soil mechanics framework for pure clays or pure sands. The remoulded soil appears to display
transitional behavior. The second part of the investigation involved stress-path controlled triaxial tests including anisotropic con-
solidated undrained tests (KU) to simulate the stress path of a soil element in a slope subjected to rainfall infiltration.

Des recherches récentes révèlent que les sols de sable avec des parties différentes de l'exposition des amendes des comporte-
ments très différents et ne peut être expliquée par la mécanique des sols mis en place des théories. Cette étude vise à faire la lu-
mière sur les divers aspects de lâche compacté granite complètement décomposé (CDG) à travers le stress-chemin contrôlées des
essais triaxiaux. Une série d'essais non drainés consolidés (CU) ont été effectués sur des échantillons remaniés CDG, qui ont été
préparés à des densités différentes. Il a été observé que la ligne de compression isotrope et la ligne d'état critique ne sont pas un-
iques, si des échantillons de sol ont été préparés à différents compactage initial. Ce comportement diffère du sol cadre critique
mécanique Etat pour les argiles pures ou les sables purs. Le sol remanié semble afficher un comportement de transition. La deux-
ième partie de l'enquête a porté sur le stress-tests chemin contrôlée triaxial, y compris anisotrope consolidés essais non drainés
(KU) pour simuler le parcours de tension d'un élément de sol en pente soumis à l'infiltration des précipitations.

Keywords: Triaxial, transitional behavior, stress path, completely decomposed granite, slopes.

1 INTRODUCTION material in a semi-liquid state [1]. Therefore,

these slopes need to be upgraded to reach a high-
In Hong Kong, there are many man-made loose er standard of safety.
fill slopes, which were generally constructed by Since 1976, many loose fill slopes have been
end tipping loosely compacted completely de- treated by excavating and replacing with well-
composed granite (CDG) or completely decom- compacted soil the upper three meters. However,
posed volcanic (CDV). There have been a few it may be difficult to implement in many cases
major failures of these slopes due to heavy rains- such as limited working space for compaction
torm, showing a sudden rapid moving of failed equipment, which has led to the search for alter-

Corresponding Author.
312 J.J. Zhang and C.Y. Cheuk / The Transitional Behavior of Loosely Compacted CDG

native methods to improve the stability of loose yellowish brown sandy residual soil with some
fill slopes. A possible method is the use of soil amounts of fine contents. The particle size distri-
nails to enhance the stability of these slopes [1]. bution is illustrated in Figure 1.
The soil nail design needs to determine the
steady state shear strength of soil through triaxial
tests. Once the critical state line (CSL) is deter-
mined, the steady state shear strength of soil can
be easily found using the correlation between
specific volume v, mean effective stress p´ and
deviator stress q. However, some researchers [2]
[3] recently found that some soils with an inter-
mediate state between sands and clays display a
characteristic of non-uniqueness of CSL in the
lnp´-v plot. Since some CDG soils are mainly the
mixture of sands and fines, the CSL of CDG may
be also not unique.
For the soil of which the grain size distribu-
tion is well graded, the mechanism is very differ-
ent from pure sands and pure clays. The CSL and Figure 1. Particle size distribution
normal compression line (NCL) on the lnp´-v
plane seems to be not unique. Nocilla et al. [2]
defined this behavior as ‘transitional behavior’ Basic index tests on the soil specimens were
and named this soil as ‘transitional soil’. The key conducted in accordance with BS1377 (BSI
feature of the transitional soil is the non- 1990). The liquid limit is around 37% while the
uniqueness of CSL and NCL. Martins et al. [4] plastic limit is approximate 21%. It has been
also showed that some soils with an intermediate found that the maximum dry density is 1875
state between clays and sands have no unique kg/m3, which is corresponding to the optimum
NCL. Ferreira and Bica [3] extended the work of moisture content of around 13%.
Martins et al. [4] and founded that some reconsti-
tuted soils do not have unique CSL and isotropic
NCL in triaxial tests. 3 TEST PROGRAM
In this paper, two series of triaxial tests (CU
and KU) and a series of odeometer compression Two series of triaxial tests were conducted in this
tests were conducted using reconstituted CDG in study. The first series included 14 isotropic con-
Hong Kong to study the transitional behavior of solidated undrained tests (CU) to investigate the
loosely compacted CDG. The objective of these non-uniqueness of CSL. Soil samples were pre-
tests is to investigate whether the soil has unique pared at different initial relative compactions,
CSL and NCL or not, and look into the loose soil which are defined as the dry densities relative to
behavior subjected to stress paths simulating the maximum dry density determined by stan-
rainfall infiltration in slopes. dard proctor test. Specimens were prepared at
75%, 85% and 90% relative compactions and
these samples were isotropically consolidated to
2 TEST MATERIAL different effective stresses (see Table 1), fol-
lowed by undrained shearing until 30% axial
The CDG taken from Beacon Hill in Hong Kong strain was reached.
were used in this study. The soil samples were The second series contained 8 anisotropic
collected from the site at the depth of 0.5m to 2m consolidated undrained tests (KU) to study the
measured from the ground surface. Visual in- influence of pre-shearing on the CSL and failure
spection indicated that the Beacon Hill soil is
J.J. Zhang and C.Y. Cheuk / The Transitional Behavior of Loosely Compacted CDG 313

Test no. RC (%) vi vc p´(kPa) q(kPa)

CU75_1 75 1.86 1.54 100 0
CU75_2 75 1.86 1.50 200 0
CU75_3 75 1.86 1.45 300 0
CU75_4 75 1.86 1.43 400 0
CU75_5 75 1.86 1.41 500 0
CU85_1 85 1.65 1.51 100 0
CU85_2 85 1.65 1.46 200 0
CU85_3 85 1.65 1.41 300 0
CU85_4 85 1.65 1.39 400 0
CU85_5 85 1.65 1.37 500 0
CU90_1 90 1.56 1.41 125 0
CU90_2 90 1.55 1.37 200 0
CU90_3 90 1.56 1.35 300 0
CU90_4 90 1.56 1.33 400 0
KU75_1 75 1.87 1.51 121 86
KU75_2 75 1.85 1.47 242 136
KU75_3 75 1.87 1.43 366 219
KU85_1 85 1.65 1.45 121 82
KU85_2 85 1.66 1.43 240 133
KU85_3 85 1.66 1.39 365 214
KU85_4 85 1.66 1.37 485 279
KU85_5 85 1.66 1.34 608 358

Table 1. Summary of triaxial tests

Symbols: RC, relative compaction; vi, initial specific volume; vc, final specific volume; p´, mean effective stress before shearing;
q, deviator stress before shearing

mechanism under undrained conditions. Since
the CSL may be affected by different stress paths Soil samples of 76 mm in diameter and 152 mm
and failure mechanisms, results of KU tests can in height were prepared by moist tamping [5],
be compared with CU tests to see whether the which could easily produce specimens of differ-
CSL is unique or not under different stress paths. ent relative compactions. A pre-determined
Soil samples of 75% and 85% relative compac- amount of water (i.e. 13% moisture content) was
tions were pre-sheared to different initial stress added to the oven-dried soil and the mixture was
states (see Table 1), followed by undrained kept in a sealed plastic bag for 24 hrs to obtain
shearing to simulate the stress state of a soil ele- its equilibrium condition. Each specimen was
ment in a slope. compacted in ten layers by dropping a small
Apart from triaxial tests, a series of odeometer hammer from a given height each time. In order
compression tests were also conducted to check to check the uniformity of specimens, the 152
whether the NCL would converge at high stress mm long specimen was cut into three sections
levels. Soil specimens were prepared at different and it was found that the different of density is
relative compactions ranging from 70% to 95% less than 5% [6].
and consolidated up to 1600 kPa.
314 J.J. Zhang and C.Y. Cheuk / The Transitional Behavior of Loosely Compacted CDG

For the preliminary saturation, each specimen mens were prepared at different initial relative
was flushed by CO2 and de-aired water. A cell compactions ranging from 75%, 85% and 90%.
pressure of 30 kPa was applied during the satura- However, if the CSL and isotropic compres-
tion process in order to maintain the stability of sion line (ICL) are plotted in the lnp´-v plane
the specimen while the pressure of CO2 and de- (see figure 3), it seems that each initial compac-
aired water flushing was 20 kPa. After prelimi- tion has its own set of parallel ICL and CSL. It
nary saturation, back pressure saturation was car- can be observed that the ICL and CSL are not
ried out by increasing the pore water pressure unique for specimens with different initial com-
while cell pressure was kept 10kPa greater than pactions, showing a very different behavior from
the back pressure. B-value checking was con- clean sands and pure clays. The reconstituted
ducted for each specimen and the B-value for CDG exhibits the non-uniqueness of CSL and
each specimen was greater than 0.97. ICL, which is the main feature of transitional soil
After saturation, each sample was isotropical- as described by Nocilla et al. [1].
ly consolidated to different initial mean effective
stresses p´ (See table 1) in CU tests. While the
KU tests were first isotropically consolidated to a
given p´, followed by drained shearing to a spe-
cific deviator stress q. The axial strain rate for
CU and KU tests is 0.065% per min in undrained
condition and each specimen was tested up to
30% axial strain.
Final moisture content was obtained after each
test by putting the sample into a freezer for 6 hrs
and then drying it in an oven for 24 hrs. Once the
final water content was determined, the final
void ratio can be calculated. Error in the mea-
surement of volumetric strain due to membrane
penetration was considered by using the method
suggested by Sivathayalan and Vaid [7]. The
maximum error in terms of void ratio is around Figure 2. Critical state of CU tests in p´-q plot
1%, which may have minor influence on the lo-
cation of CSL in lnp´-v plot.
For odeometer tests, each specimen was pre-
pared at 13% moisture content and saturated in
the water for 24 hrs. The loading sequence of
compression was 50kPa, 100kPa, 200kPa,
400kPa, 800kPa and 1600kPa. The unloading
was also conducted from 1600kPa to 50kPa in a
reverse sequence corresponding to compression.


Figure 2 shows the critical states of all CU tests

in p´-q plot and it was found that M value is ap-
proximately 1.48 (i.e. friction angle ’= 34.6°),
which is typical for CDG. In this p´-q plot, the
Figure 3. Critical state line (CSL) and isotropic compression
CSL seems to be fairly unique although speci- line (ICL) of CU tests in lnp´-v plot
J.J. Zhang and C.Y. Cheuk / The Transitional Behavior of Loosely Compacted CDG 315

Figure 4. Odeometer compression test Figure 5. Results of KU tests in p´-q plot

Figure 4 illustrates the results of odeomter

tests and it can be seen that the normal compres-
sion line (NCL) displays a feature of non-
convergence even when the applied confining
stress was up to 1600kPa. For specimens with
different initial compactions ranging from 70%
to 95%, no unique NCL could be identified and
the patterns of NCLs for 75% to 90% compac-
tion seem to be fairly parallel to each other.
For the sample of 95% compaction, it exhibits
a very stiff behavior and no obvious yield point
could be observed. While for the sample of 70%
compaction, it demonstrates a behavior similar to
shear failure with a large amount of settlement
when only 50kPa was applied. Apart from 95% Figure 6. Results of KU tests in lnp´-v plot
and 70% relative compactions, most of the com-
pression paths seems to be initially flat and the certain q value under drained condition and a
gradient increases after yield point is reach once peak q value was observed during undrained
particle breakage starts to take place [8]. It may shearing. After the stress path went through the
be possible that the NCL in odeometer tests and peak q value, it had a slightly drop in q as pore
ICL in tri-axial tests would converge at a very water pressure increased. The slope of the insta-
high stress level, but in the stress region consi- bility line Minst was found to be around 1.0,
dered in this study which is typical stress level in which was also similar to that of CU tests. As the
engineering design, reconstituted CDG displays stress path approached the CSL, a phase trans-
transitional behavior. formation occurred as the specimens changed
from contraction to dilation. But the phase trans-
formation didn’t affect the CSL in p´-q plot since
6 BEHAVIOR UNDER CONTROLLED the q value seemed to have only a slight incre-
STRESS PATH ment along the CSL.
As shown in Figure 6, the initial state (ISL)
For KU tests (see Figure 5), the M value is simi- before undrained shearing and the critical state
lar to that of CU tests and the CSL is also unique for each test were plotted in lnp´-v plane. The in-
in p´-q plot. The specimens were pre-sheared to a itial state lines (ISL) for 75% and 85% compac-
tions after anisotropic consolidation are fairly pa-
316 J.J. Zhang and C.Y. Cheuk / The Transitional Behavior of Loosely Compacted CDG

rallel to each other, which is similar to the ICLs REFERENCES

for CU tests. Again, each initial relative compac-
tion seems to have its own CSL, which is similar [1] Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, Soil nails in loose
to the result of CU tests. It was found that the fill slopes—A preliminary study, 2003, The Geotech-
nical Division of Hong Kong Instituion of Engineers
transitional behavior is independent of the stress [2] Nocilla, A., Coop, M. R. and Colleselli, F., The me-
path through which the critical state is ap- chanics of an Italian silt: an example of transitional be-
proached. havior, Geotechnique 56 (2006), 261-271.
[3] Ferreira, P. M. V. and Bica, A. V. D., Problems in iden-
tifying the effects of structure and critical state in a soil
with a transitional behavior, Geotechnique 56 (2006),
7 CONCLUSION 445-454.
[4] Martins, F. B., Bressani, L. A., Coop, M. R. and Bica,
V. D., Some aspect of the compressibility behavior of a
Reconstituted CDG displays transitional beha- clayey sand, Can. Geotech. J. 38 (2001), 1177-1186.
vior which does not conform to the framework of [5] Junaideen, S. M., Failure of saturated sandy soils due
critical soil mechanics. Triaxial tests have shown to increase in pore water pressure, PhD Thesis, Uni-
that the CSL and ICL are dependent on the initial versity of Hong Kong, 2005.
[6] Ng, W. W., Fung, W. T., Cheuk, C. Y. and Zhang L.,
relative compaction while odeometer tests have Influence of stress ratio and stress path on behavior of
illustrated that the NCL is non-convergent even loose decomposed granite, Journal of Geotechnical and
under a high confining stress of 1.6 MPa. The Geoenvironmental Engineering 130 (2004), 36-44.
CSL and ICL seem to be independent of the [7] Sivathayalan, S. and Vaid, Y. P., Truly undrained re-
sponse of granular soils with no membrane-penetration
stress path through which the critical state is ap- effects, Can. Geotech. J. 35 (1998), 730-739.
proached. [8] Coop, M. R. and Lee, I. K., The behavior of granular
soils at elevated stresses, In Predictive soil mechanics,
proceedings of C. P. Wroth Memorial Symposium
(1993), 186-198. London: Thomas Teldord.

The financial support provided by the research

fund of the University of Hong Kong throughRe-
search Grants HKU 717008E is truly appreciated.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 317
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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1.3. Classification
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 325
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Classification des sols et des roches à partir d’essais

d’expansion cylindrique en haute pression
Soil and Rock Classification Based on High Pressure Borehole
Expansion Tests

J. P. Baud 1
Eurogéo, Avrainville, France
M. Gambin
Apagéo, Magny-les-Hameaux, France

Physical and mechanical properties used to characterize soil and rock are different according to the approaches and targets of the
various activities involved, namely soil mechanics, rock mechanics or engineering geology. The Authors suggest that the data
obtained during a borehole expansion test, which can be summarized by a Ménard E-modulus and a limit pressure, be used in an
overall classification ranging from loose soils to hard rock without any discontinuity, based on the soil Pressiorama® developed
some years ago.

Les propriétés physiques et mécaniques utilisées pour caractériser les sols et les roches sont différentes selon les approches et
les objectifs, ceux de la géotechnique, de la géologie de l’ingénieur ou de la mécanique des roches. Les auteurs suggèrent que les
mesures faites lors de l’expansion de la cavité cylindrique d’un forage, et qui peuvent se ramener aux deux paramètres fonda-
mentaux, un module pressiométrique et une pression limite, soient utilisés pour une classification passant sans discontinuité des
sols aux roches, fondée sur le diagramme Pressiorama® mis au point pour les sols il y a quelques années.

Keywords: Pressuremeter, flexible dilatometer, rock moduli, rock limit pressure, hard soils, weak rocks, weathered rocks.

Mots-clés : Pressiomètre, dilatomètre, modules des roches, pression limite des roches, sols raides, roches tendres, roches altérées.

1 INTRODUCTION. LA FRONTIERE mesure. Pour le géologue depuis l’émergence de

ENTRE SOLS ET ROCHES EST-ELLE cette discipline, tous les constituants de l’écorce
UTILE ? terrestre sont des roches, de l’eau à la matière des
socles continentaux, indépendamment donc de
Définir une limite entre les sols et les roches est leur état, solide ou liquide voire gazeux. Toutes
une démarche qui semble naturelle à tout ces roches ont des histoires et des devenirs parti-
homme, de l’agriculteur néolithique au bâtisseur culiers, plus ou moins essentiels au développe-
du XXIème siècle, et qui pourtant reste une dé- ment mondial plus ou moins durable, à l’exemple
marche sinon subjective du moins contingente, du pétrole, « l’huile-de-pierre ». Pour tout cons-
fonction de la perception d’usage du matériau tructeur, cette classification globale est incon-
naturel sur lequel il évolue et avec lequel il se grue, et la roche se distingue par son caractère
Corresponding Author.
326 J.P. Baud and M. Gambin / Classification des sols et des roches à partir d’essais d’expansion cylindrique

solide des sols qui sont tous les terrains qui ne Un des objectifs du colloque d’Athènes 2011 est
sont pas roches, et caractérisés par leur manque de s’intéresser aux terrains dont le champ
plus ou moins marqué de solidité : altérables, ter- d’action est revendiqué à la fois par la mécanique
rassables, friables, compressibles, mous jusqu’à des sols et la mécanique des roches. Et bien que
la limite de la liquidité. les spécialistes des deux disciplines soient le plus
Historiquement, la définition de Terzaghi [1], souvent dans des rapports cordiaux et fructueux,
à la double culture de géologue et d’ingénieur, et développent leur expertise dans le cadre de
institue la limite mécanique entre sols et roches : lois physiques universelles, la revendication va
« Le sol est un agrégat naturel de grains miné- parfois jusqu’à contester à l’autre la pertinence
raux qui peuvent être séparés par de légères ac- de son approche : « Une forte cohésion et une
tions mécaniques telles que l’agitation dans de fissuration développée, deux critères souvent ci-
l’eau. La roche au contraire est un agrégat natu- tés pour les roches, restent insuffisants. La sépa-
rel de grains minéraux liés par des forces de co- ration entre sols et roches dépend beaucoup de
hésion fortes et permanentes. Comme ces termes l’école de pensée et du domaine d’expérience de
« fort » et « permanent » sont sujets à diverses l’ingénieur ; les congrès qui ont tenté de regrou-
interprétations, la distinction entre le sol et la per les sols raides et les roches tendres n’ont fait
roche est nécessairement arbitraire. En fait, il y a qu’ajouter à la confusion. C’est à la géologie
beaucoup d’agrégats naturels de grains minéraux qu’il appartiendrait de faciliter une clarifica-
qui sont difficiles à classer, soit comme sols, soit tion. » [2]. Le schéma ci-après (Figure 1) se base
comme roches » [1].

Figure 1. Cycle de la matière minérale (et organique) des Modifié et augmenté des concepts géologiques classiques,
roches aux sols. d’après une présentation « à faire hurler un géologue » (sic)
de J. Hurtado [3]
J.P. Baud and M. Gambin / Classification des sols et des roches à partir d’essais d’expansion cylindrique 327

donc sur la distinction que fait la géologie clas- Cette classification est illustrée par exemple dans
sique, avant la tectonique des plaques, entre les le diagramme Pressiorama® [5], et elle est tota-
facteurs de formation des roches de l’écorce ter- lement liée au coefficient de structure  défini
restre, ou géodynamique interne, et les facteurs par Ménard comme le rapport EM/E où E serait
de dégradation des roches et recomposition des un « module d’Young » acceptable [6] [7].
roches sédimentaires, ou géodynamique externe. Le devenir de cette classification, et la perti-
C’est, en première approximation, ce qui forme nence du coefficient de structure  des sols, est
frontière entre les domaines de la mécanique des une question qui se pose lorsque l’essai pressio-
roches et de la mécanique des sols. Le cycle géo- métrique est appliqué à des « sols » de plus en
logiquement très long d’une particule minérale, plus raides, qui peuvent être, soit des terrains sé-
par exemple un grain de silice magmatique au dimentaires dans un état de consolidation géosta-
sein d’un granite, devenant grain d’un sable de tique élevé, soit des roches dans un état
plage avant de retourner à la base de l’écorce ter- d’altération et de décompression plus ou moins
restre, le conduit à être composant de roches et avancé, ou des roches moins altérées, fracturées
de sols de résistances mécaniques extrêmes, ou peu fracturées et enfin aux roches massives.
symbolisées en marge du schéma par le module
de cisaillement de ces formations. La caractéris-
tique génétique essentielle des roches, c’est la 3 LE COMPORTEMENT
liaison de plus en plus forte entre les grains qui la PRESSIOMETRIQUE DES SOLS
composent, par cimentation au cours de la diagé- INDURES, DES ROCHES TENDRES ET
nèse des roches sédimentaires, cristallisation ou DES ROCHES MASSIVES
recristallisation des roches métamorphiques et
magmatiques. Leur devenir à la surface du La loi de comportement hyperbolique des sols
Globe, c’est la destruction de ces structures soumis à un essai de chargement radial, corres-
fortes, progressive jusqu’à la juxtaposition de pond à la mesure globale de la déformation de la
grains sans liaisons. Vouloir comparer les carac- paroi sous la contrainte de cisaillement que subit
téristiques mécaniques d’un sol très raide et le sol. Le réarrangement des grains au cours de la
d’une roche assez altérée, même si elles semblent déformation et de la généralisation de la rupture
presque identiques, doit se faire en gardant en à une zone de sol, est un phénomène dont le
perspective le fait qu’elles sont aux antipodes de principe est bien établi et compréhensible [6] [7],
ce cycle. même si le détail de son apparition et de ses mo-
dalités suivant les sols fera encore longtemps
l’objet de recherches géomécaniques.
2 CARACTERISATION DES SOLS ET DES Lors du passage progressif à des sols de plus
ROCHES PAR LES PARAMETRES en plus indurés, à des roches altérées, et à des
PRESSIOMETRIQUES CLASSIQUES roches fracturées, le comportement en expansion
radiale des terrains ne change pas brutalement de
La loi de comportement de tout matériau nature, mais l’échelle des contraintes associées
soumis à l’expansion d’une cavité cylindrique change progressivement d’une ou deux puis-
peut se ramener essentiellement à une règle hy- sances de 10 par rapport aux sols « meubles », et
perbolique assez simple [4]. la limitation des essais à 5 MPa due au matériel
Dans les sols les deux paramètres fondamen- disponible ne permet plus que d’accéder à la
taux EM et p*LM (module pressiométrique et phase initiale des déformations. L’essai ne com-
pression limite) qui s’en déduisent permettent porte alors que la mesure d’un module sur cette
une classification des sols, en raison de la rela- plage limitée de contraintes, sans connaissance
tion étroite entre le rapport EM/p*LM, et le type de de la pression limite de l’évolution du module
comportement des sols, entre les pôles extrêmes sous contraintes plus élevées. La mise au point
sableux et argileux, fonction de la proportion et de matériel pressiométrique rendant possible
de la granulométrie des composants des sols. d’atteindre des pressions d’essai de 25 MPa [8],
328 J.P. Baud and M. Gambin / Classification des sols et des roches à partir d’essais d’expansion cylindrique

on peut commencer à entrevoir si le mode de 3.2 Comportement pressiométrique des

rupture des matériaux situés dans la plage de roches altérées ou fracturées
pressions commune entre sols et roches reste
La fracturation des roches se manifeste sur
comparable à celui des sols.
la courbe pressiométrique de façon très claire,
par la présence d’une très longue phase de dimi-
3.1 Mode de cisaillement et de rupture des
nution de la pente de la courbe lors de
sols indurés et des roches
l’augmentation de la pression, qui correspond à
L’accroissement du rapport EM/p*LM avec la fermeture progressive des fissures proches du
p*LM est une observation courante. Sur la courbe forage, puis la prise en compte par l’essai de fis-
pressiométrique cela correspond à une augmenta- sures de plus en plus éloignées du forage.
tion du rayon de courbure des tracés, et à une Quelle que soit la pression finale atteinte,
tendance pour le coefficient de structure  des entre 5 et 25 MPa, on trouve comme pour les es-
sols très indurés à se rapprocher de 1 ; autrement sais pressiométriques standards, trois types de
dit dans les roches massives non fracturées, il est courbes d’essai au moment de leur interruption :
d’usage de penser que l’essai d’expansion me- celles qui sont encore en phase de fermetures des
sure directement un module d’Young : fissures et de diminution de la pente DV/DP,
- la cimentation entre leurs composants miné- celles pour lesquelles un point d’inflexion a été
raux limite un réarrangement de ces miné- passé avec croissance de DV/DP sans fluage, et
raux sous les contraintes de cisaillement enfin celles pour lesquelles apparaît en fin
fortes ; d’essai une amorce de fluage et de plus grandes
- la densité, la continuité, l’ouverture et l’état de déformations.
surface des épontes, et le remplissage de Figure 2. Classification des roches et des sols à l’aide de
cette fracturation influencent la déformation leurs caractéristiques pressiométriques. Le cycle génétique
de la paroi d’un forage en expansion radiale. des unes aux autres est celui de la figure 1.
J.P. Baud and M. Gambin / Classification des sols et des roches à partir d’essais d’expansion cylindrique 329

Ces 3 types de courbes permettent une classifica- sols, avec une phase de fluage et de grandes dé-
tion basique : formations.
- roches massives plus ou moins fracturées ; La différence notable est la tendance à
- roches fracturées et altérées, mais dont la l’augmentation du rapport EM/p*LM avec la pres-
matrice rocheuse reste peu compressible ; sion limite, qui dépasse rapidement les valeurs
- roches altérées et décomposées évoluant en usuelles des sols meubles, pour atteindre 50 ou
un comportement de type sol. 100, et même 200. Les courbes pressiométriques
correspondant à de telles valeurs élevées de
EM/p*LM présentent une « pliure » de plus en plus
4 PASSAGE SOL INDURE / ROCHE nette entre les deux phases, avant et après appari-
TENDRE ET ROCHES ALTEREE / SOL : tion du fluage.

4.1 Utilisation du diagramme spectral

[EM/p*LM , p*LM] pour visualiser la
transition sols-roches (fig. 2 et 3)
Nous proposons, à titre de cadre de réflexion,
l’extension au domaine des pressions d’essai su-
périeures à 10 MPa, le diagramme spectral
[EM/p*LM , p*LM] ou Pressiorama® que nous uti-
lisons habituellement dans les campagnes de re-
connaissance au pressiomètre [5], d’une part
pour détecter les anomalies dans la réalisation
des essais ou dans le sol proprement dit, et sur-
tout pour classer les terrains rencontrés.
Les cas réels de sols très indurés et roches al-
térées que nous pouvons positionner dans cette
extension du diagramme au domaine rocheux
sont assez nombreux jusqu’à des pressions li-
mites extrapolées vers 15 à 18 MPa. Au-delà, les
premiers essais Hyperpac [8] nous donnent des
points à 25 MPa et permettent d’envisager des
extrapolations possibles de pressions limites
jusque vers 30 à 40 MPa, si du moins la corréla-
tion pF-pLM des sols reste validée. Au-delà en- Figure 3. Quelques exemples de roches tendres ou altérées, et
de sols consolidés à raides. Par comparaison, module
core, les essais au dilatomètre réinterprétés selon d’Young de deux matériaux du génie civil, le béton et l’acier.
la méthode pressiométrique peuvent donner des
modules EM supérieurs à 105 MPa, mais dans ce Au fur et à mesure de la progression des investi-
type d’essai on est très loin de l’estimation de la gations vers les roches massives, il semble appa-
pression limite [9]. raître que le comportement du matériau se rap-
proche du type « fragile » dans lequel la rupture
4.2 Rupture fragile ou ductile en essais se produirait pratiquement sans prémices au
d’expansion in situ terme d’une plage quasi-élastique. Cette intuition
est généralement partagée, par exemple par la
Les exemples précédents montrent que, lors- crainte exprimée à l’encontre d’essais à 25 MPa
que l’on peut pousser suffisamment loin en pres- dans le béton (cas de pieux ou de colonnes), et
sion l’essai de type pressiométrique, les terrains Ménard lui-même envisageait « d’éclater » la
raides ou rocheux suffisamment tendres présen- roche [10]. Pour l’instant, même dans les me-
tent un comportement assez peu différent des
330 J.P. Baud and M. Gambin / Classification des sols et des roches à partir d’essais d’expansion cylindrique

sures poussées à 25 MPa, ce type de comporte- geons assez rapidement de porter les pressions
ment n’a pas été observé, et tous les matériaux d’essai jusque vers 50 MPa.
testés présentent un fluage progressif annonçant Le diagramme de classification continue des
le début d’une phase de rupture. sols et des roches par les valeurs pressiomé-
A des pressions supérieures, la rupture de la triques nous sert de cadre pour ces travaux, ainsi
roche par expansion en forage peut être obtenue, que la mise au point parallèlement, de lignes
de façon industrielle, par les procédés d’injection d’isovaleurs du coefficient rhéologique  compa-
de mousse expansive sous pression (tel le procé- tibles avec la pratique des méthodes pressiomé-
dé DMX de Colas-Rail). Dans ce type triques Ménard [7].
d’arrachement de zones rocheuses proches de la
surface d’un front de taille, avec mise en pres- REFERENCES
sion rapide sous environ 50 à 60 MPa, on peut
[1] K. Terzaghi et R.B. Peck, Mécanique des sols appli-
observer deux modes distincts de rupture du ro- quée, traduction française J. Baudrillard et C. Meunier,
cher : la plus fréquente est la décomposition im- Dunod, Paris (1957).
médiate en blocs polyédriques découpés par [2] Comité Français de Mécanique des Roches, Manuel de
l’ouverture de fractures fermées préexistantes ; mécanique des roches, tome I, Presses de l’Ecole des
Mines, Paris (2000).
plus rarement, dans les roches moins fissurées, [3] J. Hurtado, Introduction à la géomécanique, Sols et
l’expansion provoque un déplacement de la paroi structures ed., Paris (1988).
pendant quelques secondes, avant un émiette- [4] J.-P. Baud et M. Gambin, Déduction d’une loi de ré-
ment de la masse rocheuses en éléments dont ponse hyperbolique unique par compilation de courbes
pressiométriques dans un sol de lithologie homogène,
toutes les faces ne sont pas planes et semblent ISP5 – PRESSIO 2005, Vol. 1. Gambin, Magnan et
correspondre à l’ouverture de joints intergranu- Mestat (ed.), Presses ENPC, Paris (2005), 175-186.
laires (Delaporte, communication orale, [11]). [5] J-P. Baud, Analyse des résultats pressiométriques Mé-
nard dans un diagramme spectral [Log(pLM), Log
L’état des connaissances sur la rupture sous
(EM/pLM)] et utilisation des regroupements statistiques
contrainte triaxiale d’échantillons de roches non dans la modélisation d’un site, ISP5 – PRESSIO 2005,
fracturés, et sur la résistance au glissement des Vol. 1. Gambin, Magnan et Mestat (ed.), Presses
joints rocheux est résumé par Parriaux [12] et dé- ENPC, Paris (2005), 167-174.
[6] L. Ménard et J. Rousseau, L’évaluation des tassements,
taillé dans une abondante bibliographie par Al
tendances nouvelles. Sols-soils, n°1, (1962), 167-174.
Bied [13]. La rupture de la matrice se fait par ap- [7] M. Gambin, Le pressiomètre, in I. Sharour et R. Gour-
parition de bandes de cisaillement dans les zones vès, Reconnaissance des terrains in situ, Hermès
de concentration de contraintes. Sciences - Lavoisier Ed. (2005), Chapitre 4, 104-146.
[8] G.Arsonnet, J.-P. Baud, M. Gambin, R. Heintz,
Au cours d’un essai d’expansion sous très
L’HyperPac 25 MPa comble le vide entre le pressio-
haute pression, le confinement assuré par la mètre Ménard et le dilatomètre flexible, Geotechnics of
masse rocheuse environnante devrait donc con- hard soils and weak rocks, XV ECSMGE, Athens
duire à une rupture combinant à la fois la mise en (2011).
[9] M. Galera, M. Alvarez, Z.T. Bienawski, Evaluation of
jeu des glissements selon les joints préexistants,
the deformation modulus of rock masses. Comparison
et la formation près de la paroi de bandes de ci- by pressuremeter and dilatometer test, ISP5 – PRESSIO
saillement, permettant de garder dans les roches 2005, Vol. 2. Gambin, Magnan et Mestat (ed.), Presses
la notion de pression de fluage pressiométrique. ENPC, Paris (2005), 239-256.
[10] L. Ménard, Le pressiomètre éclateur de roches, Notice
technique Etudes Pressiométriques Louis Ménard D23
DEVELOPPEMENTS FUTURS [11] T. Delaporte, Process DMX (Démoliton par Mousse
eXpansive), Abattage de roche sans emploi d’explosifs,
La mise au point récente de matériel d’essais DVD de démonstration et notice technique (2009).
d’expansion en forage à 25 MPa doit encore [12] A. Parriaux, Géologie, bases pour l’ingénieur, Presses
donner lieu à des mesures dans des conditions de Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 2e éd.,
Lausanne, (2009).
terrain variées pour que le retour d’expérience [13] A. Al Bied, Etude expérimentale et modélisation du
vienne étayer les hypothèses faites ici sur la rup- comportement des roches granulaires : écrouissage, ra-
ture des roches par cisaillement. Nous envisa- doucissement et rupture en mode localisé. Thèse Doct.
LCPC, Paris (2002).
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 331
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Rock mass characterization for tunnels in

limestone in Copenhagen and Malmö area
Caractérisation de Massifs Rocheux Calcaires pour de Tunnels à
Copenhague et dans la Région de Malmö
N. Foged 1
Technical University of Denmark, Department of Civil Engineering
S. Stabell and B. Foged
COWI A/S, Denmark

Rock mass classification in limestone in Denmark and Scania are described in relation to tunnelling underneath Copenhagen and
Malmö. Recent developments using face logs and optical and acoustic televiewer borehole logging (OATV) in order to cope for
core sample disturbance from drilling and huge variations in induration and fissuring are discussed with reference to new tunnels
in the area.

Les classifications de massifs rocheux calcaires du Danemark et de Scania sont appliquées aux tunnels sous Copenhague et
Malmö. Des développements récents sont réalisés en utilisant des levés de front et un examen en forage par imagerie OATV (op-
tique et acoustique) afin de pallier les perturbations des échantillons par le forage et les énormes variations d’induration et de fis-
suration. Ils sont discutés dans le cas de nouveaux tunnels dans la région.

Keywords: Rock mass characterization, limestone, induration, fissuring, RQD, face logs, OATV- logging, GSI-evaluation.

1 BACKGROUND favourable geological conditions for tunnels with

stiff glacial tills overlying the Danian Limestone.
Tunnels in the Copenhagen and Malmö area in It is however, a sensitive environment for tunnel-
Southern Scandinavia are drilled through highly ling as the centre of the city contains many his-
anisotropic limestone comprising alternating toric buildings which are sensitive to settlement
strongly lithified and less lithified parts. The and ground water lowering, constructing tunnels
mass quality of the limestone is usually defined beneath the city must therefore be carried out
from fracture spacing in core samples. The depo- with great caution. This contribution will de-
sit is, however, affected destructively by drilling scribe tunnel in the Øresund region and relates to
activity, and samples are artificially fractured upscaling from element tests and core evalua-
yielding a low RQD. However, in-situ observa- tions to rock mass properties of very inhomoge-
tions of the limestone in excavations, face logs in neous and fractured limestone.
tunnel exposures and televiewer logs reveal only The Citytunneln project in Malmö, Sweden,
few natural discontinuities, indicating a very is constructed from the existing Malmö Central
good suitability for tunnelling. It has relatively Station to the junction with the Øresund Link and

Corresponding Author.
332 N. Foged et al. / Rock Mass Characterization for Tunnels in Limestone

consists of 12 km of double track railway where with 8.4 km of twin bored tunnel. Project and the
6 km is in bored tunnels approx. 20 m below the experiences from the construction are described
ground surface through Bryozoan Limestone. in the Proceedings of the Copenhagen Metro In-
The tunnels were constructed using tunnel boring auguration Seminar [6]. DGF 19 [7] is a mono-
machines (TBM) and a major underground sta- graph on earlier and new findings on engineering
tion at Triangeln was constructed as a rock ca- geology in Copenhagen gained through this
vern being 12 m high, 27 m wide and 250 m long project.
with a limited weak rock cover under the cultural A new district heating tunnel was constructed
center of Malmö involving significant engineer- in the period 2005 to 2008 that links Amager
ing challenges. The engineering geological mod- Power Plant with the central Copenhagen district
el applied and the investigations carried out be- heating system crossing beneath the harbour and
fore construction has been discussed by Jackson the old town. The tunnel is 4 km long and has
et al. [1] and Stabell [2] and comparison between three shafts and was constructed using an earth
core logging and face logging results during con- pressure balanced TBM. Project investigations
struction are reported by Pade [3] and Wilhelm and detailed face logging carried out in the shafts
[4] in 2006. and comparison to the Metro Cross-over Cavern
In Copenhagen a number of existing tunnels at Sjæleboderne have been discussed by Foged et
have been constructed in Danian Limestone. The al. [8] and by Pade [3] in order to develop a base
first rock tunnel in Denmark was done in 1856 to for upscaling towards rock mass properties using
1858 for water and gas pipe lines below the Co- the Palmstrøm Jv-method [9] and the GSI-
penhagen Harbour. The total list of old tunnels method described by Marinos et al.[10].
includes further 3 tunnels build between 1900 Based on the experiences from Malmö and
and 1942 bored by hand assisted by drill and from the last two projects we developed metho-
blast under the Harbour with cross sections be- dologies for weak rock tunnelling which formed
tween 5 and 10 m2. The first modern bored rock the base for the ongoing investigations for a ma-
tunnel in Copenhagen was the old heat transmis- jor extension of the Copenhagen Metro system
sion tunnel bored with a road header tunnelling (Cityringen) including 17 km tunnels, 17 sta-
machine without use of shields with a horseshoe tions/shafts and 5 larger cross-over and bifurca-
face area of 25 m2 and a length of 1600 m. It tion chambers to be carried out in the coming 7
passes from a shaft at Amager Power Plant under years.
Urban districts and the harbour to a shaft at
Østerport and was constructed from 1984 to
1986, [5]. Based on an extensive ground investi-
gation it was possible to evaluate rock mass
properties and inflow of water to the unlined
tunnel during construction and to design and
construct the water tight liners for tunnels and
shafts with local dewatering. Rock mass proper-
ties were conservatively evaluated from RQD on
double barrel drilled cores especially in biotur-
bated sections of the Middle Copenhagen Limes-
The Copenhagen Metro was predominantly
founded on or bored through the Upper and Mid-
dle part of Copenhagen Limestone with a major
construction period from 1996 to 2001. The work
comprised of 5 deep stations constructed using Figure1. Alignments of the major tunnelling
secant piled retaining walls, nine shafts and three projects in Copenhagen. Scale ~1:100.000.
major sprayed concrete lined caverns together
N. Foged et al. / Rock Mass Characterization for Tunnels in Limestone 333

2 ENGINEERING GEOLOGY The Copenhagen limestone overlies the bryo-

zoan limestone. It is characterized by alternating
The bed rock under the glacial and postglacial indurated and less indurated beds and can gener-
deposits in the eastern part of Denmark and the ally be classified as a biomicrite of carbonate
adjacent southern part of Scania consists domi- mud made up of coccoliths with a minor propor-
nantly of Tertiary deposits of Danian limestone tion of foraminifera which may give it a sandy
and Selandian Greensand. The interface to Qua- appearance. The Copenhagen Limestone is sub-
ternary deposits is often glacially disturbed, i.e. divided into three informal units originally set up
showing evidence of glacial shear and compres- by Stenestad [12] as shown in Fig. 2. The lower
sion but with original stratigraphy preserved. The Copenhagen Limestone is characterized by the
bed rock is divided into three lithostratigraphical frequent occurrence of indurated beds and flint-
units; Selandian Lellinge Greensand and Copen- rich layers being relatively dark in colour and
hagen Limestone and informally Bryozoan Li- laminated with relatively high content of glauco-
mestone which in Scania is denoted Limhamn nite and pyrite. The overlying middle Copenha-
formation. In Fig. 1 the geological subdivision is gen Limestone has fewer indurated beds and has
illustrated and logging characteristics stated [11]. often a nodular appearance due to burrowing an-
imals and variations in induration as the flint oc-
curs as silicified burrows and nodules together
with opal flint (such limestone variety is in Da-
nish nick-named “krøllekalk”). The upper Co-
penhagen Limestone is horizontally bedded with
layers of different induration and thickness from
a few centimetres up to one meter. The variable
flint content (up to 20%) indicates that the origi-
nal unconsolidated carbonate mud had a high
content of siliceous sponges. Some flint beds
may be followed continuously over long dis-
tances > 500m. The Upper and Middle forma-
tions are used for most tunnelling in Copenha-
The Lellinge Greensand overlies Copenhagen
Limestone with a contact developed as an indu-
rated conglomerate rich in fossils overlain by
Figure2. Geological outline of chalk, limestone slightly indurated calcareous sand rich in glauco-
and greensand deposits in Øresund area [11]. nite and glauconitic silt and clay. The maximum
thickness of Greensand deposits is up to 4 to 6m.
The bryozoan limestone forms an approx- Most occurrences are partly eroded and found in
imately 60 m thick unit resting on the Maastrich- shallow synclines in the Copenhagen limestone
tian white chalk found ca. 80 to 100m below sur- surface.
face level in Copenhagen but is outcropping at The rock mechanical description of the be-
Stevns Klint (60 km south of Copenhagen) The drock is determined using the Danish classifica-
bryozoan limestone is very variable as it is for- tion system as defined in Larsen et al. [13]. The
med by asymmetrical mound structures with am- rock mechanical properties are evaluated go-
plitudes of 5-10 m and width and length of 20 to verned by the degree of induration related to cal-
100 m being subdivided in three bioherms or cite cementation and silification and the charac-
mound complexes divided by hardgrounds. The ter of fracturing mainly as observed on rock
bryozoan limestone could be used as rock type cores but also as seen doing facelogs during ex-
for tunnelling in Malmö. cavations and in open profiles. The induration
processes are extreme variable; being weak dur-
334 N. Foged et al. / Rock Mass Characterization for Tunnels in Limestone

ing periods of rapid sedimentation and strong in a minimum in conductivity and a maximum on
periods of little or no sedimentation which cause resistivity log and a distinct maximum on the
establishment of “hardground”. However, there gamma log GM3 3 m above. Based on the GM3
is often a clear relation between induration and marker a structural outline in the central Copen-
bulk density of limestone and by that towards the hagen area indicates gently folded structures with
strength and deformation properties. Conse- fold axes oriented in a NNW-SSE direction. The
quently, the limestone formation may vary sub- most pronounced syncline is observed running
horizontally and/or in space (“krøllekalk”) which west of Rådhuspladsen. In the Frederiksberg area
calls for detailed descriptions on cores including the Copenhagen Limestone is steeply inclined
a determination of induration grade (H1 to H5) (1:40) alongside the NNW–striking Carlsberg
and fissuring (S1 to S5) for each 50 mm of cores fault approx. 500 m west of coming tunnel
or open profile together with core loss and RQD. alignments. Some local discontinuities in the
The geological model set up for the Copenha- GM3 marker could be interpreted as minor faults
gen area has been updated concurrently and in- or ondulations / erosional variations in the limes-
cludes at present information from about 5000 tone formation, DGF Bulletin 19 [7].
boreholes, 13 km of refraction seismic data and Many of the fractures observed in cores are
257 geophysical borehole logs integrated in a likely to be caused by the coring process either
combined engineering geological and hydrogeo- due to damage induced by the drilling technique
logical model in a geotechnical data management or due to opening of incipient fractures once the
system Holebase easily available to end-users, in-situ confining stress is removed. Especially,
Hansen & Nielsen [14]. very variable local changes in indurations as in
the so-called “krøllekalk” in middle Copenhagen
Limestone and passage of thin flint layers may
3 FIELD INVESTIGATIONS be destructive compared to in-situ face logs dur-
ing construction, Foged et al. [8]. The core de-
Recent project investigations of the limestone scription often states “crushed and rolled” for in-
in the Copenhagen area have been carried out ei- tervals of the core indicating that the engineering
ther using the Geobor S wireline coring system geologist estimates drilling disturbances. Con-
or with the “down the hole hammer” (DTH) servatively, it is included in the S5 fraction of the
drilling system, the latter for establishing large cored length, i.e. the fracture distribution ob-
diameter holes for ground water lowering and served in the cores is only indicative of the quali-
other special purposes. Only coring provides ty of the intact limestone. The disturbance is va-
core samples for rock mechanical classification riable and highly dependent on the skill of the
and testing. The cores from the Geobor S system driller and quality of the coring equipment used.
are 100mm in diameter and are described in de- The less indurated horizons may be eroded by
tail on the borehole logs. A suite of geophysical the drilling process and are therefore often un-
logs have been run in the cored boreholes and in derrepresented in the logged core. The majority
some of the DTH boreholes. These allow for the of lost core is believed to represent H1 and H2
identification and correlation of geophysical log material or the “krøllekalk”. General experience
markers and for correlation of the stratigraphical with Copenhagen and Bryozoans limestone has
units between boreholes. shown that the RQD values found from the cores
The division in units in Copenhagen Limes- are likely to underestimate the rock mass quality
tone is based on lithological identifiers and geo- due to the before-mentioned sample disturbances
physical log stratigraphy, DGF Bulletin 19 [7]. from the drilling activity, Kryger & Foged in
The strongly indurated limestone or flint layers DGF Bulletin 19 [7], Stabell [2], Pade [3] and
are seen as intervals of relatively high resistivity Wilhelm [4]. These values should not be used di-
and low porosity on the geophysical logs. The rectly to classify the limestone as field face log-
transition between upper and middle Copenha- ging shows in-situ RQD being a factor of ca. 3
gen Limestone is found using log marker H1; higher than the laboratory assessment of cores.
N. Foged et al. / Rock Mass Characterization for Tunnels in Limestone 335

4 OATV (OPTICAL AND ACOUSTIC logged with OATV and core photos and charac-
TELEVIEWER LOGGING) terization have been added to the OATV logs. A
preliminary evaluation shows a rise in GSI from
In order to provide a better visualization of the 20-50 on recovered cores to 40 to 75 based on
fractures and lithology in the boreholes we have OATVs and a much more distinct positioning of
introduced image logging of the borehole walls real fractures. An example on a section of a typi-
providing much more detailed information about cal reported OATV is shown in Fig. 3.
the penetrated rock mass. Using an optical and The acoustic televiewer transmits ultrasonic
acoustic televiewer (OATV) in combination with vibrations from a transducer and the sound is re-
traditional borehole logs in Malmö Citytunneln flected by the borehole wall by a rotating acous-
and the Copenhagen District Heating Tunnel a tic mirror and the reflections are registered as
much more relevant fracture description could be amplitude and travel time. These parameters de-
developed, Stabell, [2]. The OATV method was scribe the shape of the borehole wall and local
further developed during the investigations and diameter and allow for identification of brea-
construction of the Copenhagen District Heating kouts, open and closed fractures and their linea-
Tunnel, Foged et al. [8], Fugl-Meyer [15] and tion. The amplitude log illustrates the reflection
Pade [3]. The OATV’s were carefully compared response indicating induration and fracturing lo-
with face logs in all three shafts, which provided cally by coloring. The optical televiewer pro-
a better method analysis and by this the rock vides a continuous optical image of the borehole
mass evaluation in the frames of Palmstrøm Jv wall to be used for identification of lithology and
[9] and the GSI method (Geological Strength In- structures such as fractures, bedding planes and
dex) [10] was improved too. For Cityringen 40 foliation.
boreholes have been

Figure 3. An example of an OATV log with from left an acoustic caliper log including a natural
gamma track (red). It shows also area pictures of the wall smoothness, its reflectivity and the optical
image (360 degrees around up-folded). Furthermore, a track of relative induration (purple), core pho-
tos, fracturing and induration indexes from cores and geological evaluations and GSI-grading.
336 N. Foged et al. / Rock Mass Characterization for Tunnels in Limestone

5 CONCLUSION [3] Pade, E.: “M.Sc. thesis; Parameter study based on

jointed limestone” Technical University of Denmark,
April 2006 (Unpublished).
In conclusion, we were facing severe prob- [4] Wilhelm, D.: “M.Sc. thesis; Comparison between
lems in up-scaling rock mechanical properties core logging and face logging results. An example of
from laboratory element tests to rock mass prop- the Malmö City Tunnel.” Technical University of
Hamburg–Harburg and Technical University of
erties due to the very variable rock element and
Denmark, 2006 (Unpublished).
rock mass properties. Most methods available in- [5] Hansen, H.K., Baumann, J., Bjørn, O. & Larsen, G.:
clude RQD or similar parameter as scaling fac- “Ground investigations for a tunnel below urban dis-
tor. We have used the Hoek-Brown approach us- tricts and harbour”. Proc. IX ECSMFE, Dublin, pp
ing the Hoek-Brown failure criterion [17] in [6] Proceedings of the Copenhagen Metro Inauguration
combination with the computer program ”Roc- Seminar, COWI A/S 2002.
Lab” ( using the geologi- [7] Frederiksen, J.K., Eriksen, S.E., Kryger Hansen, H.,
cal strength index GSI as discussed Marinos et Knudsen,C., Jørgensen, M.E., Friis Møller, H.M. &
Brendstrup, J.: “Ingeniørgeologiske forhold i
al. [10]. By combination of Palmstrøm´s Jv index København” Danish Geotechnical Society, DGF-
[9] with the Marinos and Hoek estimation of GSI Bulletin 19, pp 1-254. December 2002.
for limestone we assume to have established a [8] Foged, N., Jacobsen, L., Jackson, P. & Erichsen, L.:
more realistic rock mass modeling of limestone “Rock mass characterization for tunnels in the Co-
penhagen limestone”, Proc. 11th ISRM Congress,
in Malmö and Copenhagen. The methodology Lisboa, 2007.
used to derive rock mass strength and deforma- [9] Palmstrøm, A.: “Measurements of and correlation be-
tion properties from element tests includes the tween block size and rock quality designation
density, induration, fracturing and weathering (RQD).” Tunnel and Underground Space technology,
20: 362-377, 2005.
evaluated taking in consideration sample distur- [10] Marinos, V., Marinos, P. and Hoek, E.: “The geolog-
bance from face logs and OATV. ical strength index: applications and limitations” Bul-
letin of Engineering Geology and the Environment,
Vol. 64, Number 1: 55-65, April 2005.
[11] Knudsen, C., Andersen, C., Foged, N., Jakobsen,
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT P.R., Larsen, B.: ”Stratigraphy and engineering geol-
ogy of København Limestone”, Proc. 11th Eur. Conf.
More than 10 years developments discussed in Soil Mech. Fndn. Eng., Copenhagen, 28 May - 1 June
this overview should be acknowledged to the co- 1995, DGF-Bul.11 Vol. 5, pp 5.117-5.126.
[12] Stenestad, E.: “Københavnsområdets geologi især
operation between the Technical University of baseret på Citybane-undersøgelserne,” Danmarks
Denmark and Institutions (GEO – Danish Geo- Geol. Unders. 1976, Series 3, Vol.45, pp 1-149.
technical Institute, GEUS- Geological Survey of [13] Larsen, G., Frederiksen, J., Villumsen, A., Fredericia,
Denmark and Greenland), consulting engineers J., Graversen, P., Foged, N., Baumann, J.: ”A guide
to engineering geological soil description”, Danish
(COWI and RAMBØLL and SWECO) and con- Geotechnical Society, DGF-Bulletin 1, Copenhagen
tractors (COMET – Metro Construction Group, 1995.
MCG – Malmö Citytunnel Group, Aarsleff, Pihl [14] Hansen, S.L. & Nielsen, O.F.: “Building a geological
&Søn and M.T.Højgaard). Thanks to Metrosels- Model of the Copenhagen area using HoleBASE,
MIKE Geomodel and KeyHOLE”, Proc. ICITG-
kabet for support during the Cityringen studies. Shanghai, 2010.
[15] Fugl-Meyer, A.:”M.Sc.thesis; Optical and Acoustic
REFERENCES Televiewer – Limestone classification in the Copen-
hagen region by use of borehole geophysics”. Tech-
nical University of Denmark, 2007.
[1] Jackson, P.G., Steenfelt, J.S., Foged, N. & Hartlén, J.:
[16] Ulusay, R. & Hudson, J.A., Ed.: “The complete
“ Evaluation of Bryozoan limestone properties based
ISRM suggested methods for rock characterization,
on in-situ and laboratory element tests. Proc.ISC-2
testing and monitoring: 1974-2006”. ISRM, Ankara,
Geotechnical and Geophysical Site Characterization,
Turkey, 2007.
19-22 September 2004, Porto.
[17] Hoek, E. and Marinos, P.: “GSI. A geologically
[2] Stabell, S.R.: ”M.Sc. thesis; Rock mass classification
friendly tool for rock mass strength estimation”,
for construction in the Øresund region”, Technical, February 2009.
University of Denmark, March 2004 (Unpublished).
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 337
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Specific features of weak rock laboratory testing

Les caractèristiques spéciales des essais de laboratoire des
roches faibles
J. Frankovská 1
Slovak University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Slovakia
T. Durmeková
Comenius University in Bratislava, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Slovakia

The paper deals with laboratory testing of weak rocks. Circumstances influencing the laboratory research, quantity and quality of
obtaining geotechnical characteristics are specified as well. For many lithological types of weak rock it is impossible to specify
in advance the total range of properties which can be obtained by the laboratory research. Generally, the laboratory investigation
begins by sampling and preparing the testing specimens. The choice of the test methods for determination of the geotechnical
properties depends on the ability to prepare regular (prismatic or cylindrical shapes) or irregular specimens and on the stability in
contact with water. The necessity of individual approach when determining geotechnical characteristics of weak rocks is
documented on the example of Neogene siltstones from the territory of Slovakia that have been suggested as a host rock
environment for the perspective deep geological repository of the high-level radioactive waste. They represent rock material with
uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) about 30 MPa that is unstable in water. General chart for the identification of ambiguous
rocks is presented in the paper. The Point load test was evaluated as suitable tests for identification and characterization of this
rock type. The correlation of the Point load test index (Is50) with the UCS was analysed to propose appropriate Is50 to UCS
conversion factor for weak rocks.

Ce document concerne des analyses de laboratoire des roches faibles. Il spécifie des conditions qui influencent la récherche de
laboratoire, la quantité et qualité de l’obtention des caractèristiques géotechniques étant spécifiées. Dans le cas de plusieurs types
lithologiques des roches faibles, il est impossible de spécifier en avance l’étendue totale des propriétés qui peuvent être obtenues
par une récherche de laboratoire. En général, l’investigation au laboratoire commence par la collection des échantillons et par la
préparation des échantillons d’essai. Le choix des méthodes d’essai pour la détermination des propriétés géotechniques dépend
de la capacité de préparer des éprouvettes régulières (de forme de prisme ou cylindrique) ou irrégulières et de la stabilité ou
instabilité dans le contact avec de l’eau. La nécessité d’une approche individuelle pour la détermination des caractéristiques
géotechniques des roches faibles est documentée sur l’exemple des siltstones du Néogène du territoire slovaque. Ces siltstones
ont été proposés comme l’environnement de roche pour un dépôt profond géologique perspectif du déchet radioactif de haut
niveau. Ils représentent des matériels de roche avec résistance à la compression uniaxiale (RCU) d’environ 30 MPa qui ne sont
pas stabiles dans l’eau. Le tableau géneral pour l’identification des roches ambigues est présenté dans le document. L’ Essai de
charge ponctuelle a été évalué comme un essai convenable pour l’identification et caractérisation de ces types de roches. La
corrélation de l’ Essai de charge ponctuelle (Is50) avec RCU a été analysée afin de proposer Is50 à RCU facteur de conversion
approprié pour les roches faibles.

Keywords: weak rock, rock identification, laboratory testing, Point load test

Corresponding Author.
338 J. Frankovská and T. Durmeková / Specific Features of Weak Rock Laboratory Testing


Weak rocks occur almost in all lithological The value of K is not universal for all types of
formations in the territory of the Western rocks, and it is often questionable and discussed.
Carpathians in Slovakia, either as a final product The conversion of the Point load index Is(50) to
of lithogenesis or as a result of retrograde the UCS value is required in consideration of the
changes of originally hard rocks. In general the rock strength classification.
occurrence of these rocks shows the rising trend
towards younger geological units. With regard to
their variability and transition position between 2 LABORATORY RESEARCH OF
soils and rocks are also named as borderline NEOGENE SILTSTONES - EXPERIENCE
geotechnical materials [1, 2]. They are
characterized by significantly changeable The necessity of individual approach when
properties under external moisture and stress determining geotechnical characteristics of weak
conditions, low strength, high deformability, rock is documented on the example of Neogene
anisotropy of properties and often also by silts or siltstones from the southern Slovakia that
instability or volume changes in contact with have been suggested as a host rock environment
water. It is almost impossible to avoid these rock for the perspective deep geological repository of
materials in contemporary engineering a high-level radioactive waste [4, 5]. In the first
construction in the territory of Slovakia [3]. They stage of the engineering geological research for
require a specific approach in the assessment of site selection, basic physical and mechanical
their geotechnical properties and engineering characteristics have been determined. Rock
behaviour. Predominantly their behaviour in samples have been taken from various depth of
contact with water is very important for further a borehole 250 m deep. Lithologically
laboratory testing and geotechnical properties monotonous clastic sediments with sufficient
determination. thickness for a construction of a geological
For many weak lithological types of rock, it is repository are a typical example of rock material
impossible to specify the total range of properties from the group Hard Soils - Weak Rocks. The
that can be obtained by the laboratory research in evaluated rock material was identified and
advance. Generally, the laboratory investigation described as the fine-grained sedimentary rock -
begins by sampling and testing methodology siltstone, sporadically with higher content of
specified in standards. The choice of testing sandy fraction, light brownish grey or grey
methods for determination of geotechnical colour.
properties depends on the ability to prepare At the beginning 13 samples have been taken
regular prismatic or cylindrical specimens. away from various depths of the exploratory
The point load test (PLT) is often the only borehole RAO-5 for laboratory research. The
possibility to obtain strength parameters of rock, borehole diameter was changing with depth,
primarily because of the specimen’s shape and from 113 mm to 87 mm. Regular cylindrical
dimensions requirements for testing. Rock specimens were prepared (dry sawing was used)
specimens in the form of core, cut blocks, or to determine standard mechanical properties
irregular lumps may be used for field or including the modulus of elasticity and modulus
laboratory testing. Test specimens for the of deformability. The determination of some
uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) physical and durability properties turned out to
determination should be cubes or right circular be problematic. Because of rock instability in
cylinders having a diameter not less than 50 mm. water, it was impossible to perform the
Relationship between the UCS and PLT could determination of water absorption, index
be expressed by the conversion factor K using durability by Slake durability test or frost
the following equation: resistance. On the other hand, because of total
slaking of rock in water it was possible to
J. Frankovská and T. Durmeková / Specific Features of Weak Rock Laboratory Testing 339

complete the general characteristics of rock by

soil mechanics testing – to determine the grain
size distribution, the plasticity and the
consistency of the samples. Results of performed
laboratory tests are given in Table 1. Figure 1
shows the grading curve of specimens after their
disintegration to soil. Classification of samples
based on particle size distribution alone is fine
soil (clay or silt). The degree of plasticity of the
sample can be classified according to their
plasticity characteristics (the liquid limit wL and
plastic limit wP) as intermediate plasticity.
Table 1. Properties of the Neogene siltstone
Min – max value
Dry density ( 2.10 – 2.30
Moisture content (%) 6.1 – 9.3
Porosity (%) 15.2 – 22.9
UCS (MPa) 16.4 – 34.1 Figure 1. Grading curves of Neogene siltstone
Tensile strength (MPa) 1.6 – 2.6
Young´s modulus (MPa) 2071 - 4459
Deformation modulus (MPa) 1478 – 3449
Poisson´s ratio 0.10 – 0.18
Liquid limit (%) 39 – 44
Plasticity limit (%) 22 – 24 The laboratory research of the rock material from
the group Hard Soils - Weak Rocks, quantity and
Based on the macroscopic evaluation it could quality of their determined geotechnical
be stated that the rock material from any depth of characteristics are influenced by two main
the drill hole was all alike. According to the circumstances: ability to prepare specimens with
results of laboratory determination of the regular geometrical shapes (prismatic or
physical properties, small differences were cylindrical) and their eventual stability in contact
observed in rock material from different depths. with water.
These small differences were caused probably by Occurrence of anisotropy planes in rock
changing of beds with different proportional causes another complication in laboratory testing
content of silty and sandy fractions, as well as by and determination of their physical and
greater consolidation of rock material with depth. mechanical properties.
Total porosity of the rock material is relatively
high, from 15 up to 23 %. The rock is very 3.1 Rock identification and classification
sensitive in contact with water – all samples have
been totally disintegrated in water to individual Another question come out from the
grains after 24 hours. The uniaxial compressive identification and classification of the tested
strength of rock material ranges between 16 and Neogene sedimentary rocks. Can it be identified
34 MPa and together with results from other as silt or siltstone? Which conditions are
strength tests it shows relative homogeneity of determinative for the rock identification – dry or
the studied rock environment. The Point load wet?
tests have been carried out on the remaining According to the standard EN ISO 14 689-
fragments of the borehole cores. Results of the 1:2003 [6], the tested rock is unstable in water
PLT can be considered only as additional values. (grade 5) with weak or medium strong
In this case they are not representative because of compressive strength in dry condition, it means it
insufficient number and size of specimens is classified as siltstone. The behaviour of the
suitable for the test. rock in contact with water was quickly changing.
The weak rock becomes muddy and disintegrates
340 J. Frankovská and T. Durmeková / Specific Features of Weak Rock Laboratory Testing

to soil and as soil it can be classified as fine- 3.2 Point load test suitability for weak rocks
coarse soil. According to the Slovak technical
Despite the great territorial occurrence of weak
standard STN 72 1001:2010 [7], the sample is
rocks on the surface, there is relatively little
classified as clay with medium plasticity,
information about their mechanical properties. It
according to European standard EN ISO 14 688-
is probably caused by their frequent decay during
1:2002 [8] it is identified as the fine sandy silt –
the sampling and consequently by difficulties of
laboratory determination of particular strength
The proposal of the identification chart based
and deformation characteristics.
on rock behaviour in contact with water and
The Point Load Test is an important index test
consequently on the value of the UCS is
for determination of rock strength. It is
presented in Figure 2. Both laboratory
frequently used, as the preparation of regular
determined characteristics are important for
specimens is too demanding as regards time and
correct identification of rocks and further
expenses, often to the point of being impossible
selection of laboratory testing methods.
because of low rocks strength and their tendency
to fall apart in contact with water. PLT appears to
Rock material be an ideal method to discover the strength
characteristics of the rock, although some
authors, as Bieniawski [9], Hawkins [in 10], or
Stability in water Hoek & Brown [11], state that in the case of the
rocks with pressure strength lower than 15 to 25
MPa, the testing of strength with the PLT method
Stable Fairly stable Unstable
Grade: 1 Grade: 2, 3
is not satisfactory. This statement has been made
Grade: 4, 5
obsolete by newer experimental research [10],
Hard or Weak rock Soil or Generally the value of conversion factor K
Weak rock Weak rock from Is(50) to UCS for all rocks type is suggested
to be 22 [13, 14]. Experience with weak rocks
testing shows that such value of conversion
UCS factor K is not always suitable.
In case of weak rocks, a significant problem
of strength characteristics determination is rock
anisotropy, as it complicates the correlation
> 50 MPa 1 - 50 MPa < 1 MPa relations between point load index and UCS.
Point load strength reaches its maximum at a
loading direction normal to the planes of
Hard rock Weak rock Soil weakness, and its minimum parallel to the planes
of weakness [15]. In case of minimal uniaxial
compressive strength it cannot be expressed that
simply. Greminger states in his paper that the
Rock Soil UCS normal to the planes of weakness is
mechanics mechanics
methods methods
generally higher than that parallel to it.
However, the minimal value UCS is generally
Figure 2. Rock material identification chart according to the observed and also predicted by the Mohr-
results of laboratory tests. Coulomb criterion, i.e. for a load direction in the
angle of 45, - /2 to the planes of weakness ( is
the angle of sheer strength). Mentioned author
supports his statements by experimental research
of 4 lithological types, where the differences in
J. Frankovská and T. Durmeková / Specific Features of Weak Rock Laboratory Testing 341

achieved strength were more than 60% between state, is presented on the Figures 4 and 5. The
the measured and expected values. His research conversion factor ranges from 12 to 27 (see fig.
leads him to a conclusion that in case of 4), at average 18,5 [17]. Tested sample set was
anisotropic rocks (gneiss, shales etc), the stating not very large, but it is evident from results, that
of their uniaxial compressive strength from the K is lower for weak and weathered granitoids
values of Point Load Index may lead to with lower strength to 50 MPa than for strong
significant errors. and very strong rock types (see fig. 5).
The strength determined by the point load test
is therefore recommended to be used only as an
independent, additional, easily performed
strength parameter. It implies the necessity to
state the index of rock anisotropy, as the ratio of
index of strength in the strongest and the least
strong direction.
Based on the studies of weak rock samples,
the value of K is always lower than 22 or 24, it is
in the range from 10 to 20. Rusnak & Mark [16]
found that a conversation factor K = 21 worked
Figure 4. The range of conversation factors K between the
well for a variety of sedimentary rock types and uniaxial compressive strength and Point load index for
geographic regions in USA (shale, siltstone, granitoids from Western Carpathians in Slovakia.
sandstone and limestone).
Strength properties of Neogene siltstones from
southern Slovakia have been determined by the
standard UCS test on regular geometrical
specimens and by the Point load test with using
irregular lumps. Test results and the regression
equation are illustrated on the Figure 3. For these
rocks the conversion factor varies between 16
and 27. The mean value of K is 20,4. However,
the higher number of tested samples would be
needed for clear conclusions.

Figure 5. Correlation between the uniaxial compressive

strength and Point load index of granitoids from Western
Carpathians in Slovakia.


Weak rocks present problematic types of rock

because of their unfavorable properties that need
to be considered for civil engineering purposes.
The selection of testing methods for strength and
Figure 3. Neogene siltstones – relationship between the deformation properties depends on the possibility
uniaxial compressive strength and Point load index. to prepare the required specimens and on their
behavior in contact with water.
It is necessary to combine both rock
Another study of 15 samples of granitoid mechanics and soil mechanics methods for
varieties that were tested in various weathering
342 J. Frankovská and T. Durmeková / Specific Features of Weak Rock Laboratory Testing

complex evaluation of behavior and mechanical

[4] J. Frankovská, T. Durmeková & I. Slaninka, 2008:
Engineering geological characteristics of host rock
The PLT is often the only suitable test for environment for deep geological repository of
strength determination for weak rocks. Generally radioactive waste in Slovakia. Geotechnika, 1, (2008),
used value of K between 22 and 24 is considered 17 – 22.
[5] R. Adamcová, J. Frankovská & T. Durmeková,
not always applicable, based on comparable Engineering geological clay research for a radioactive
experience with testing of weak rocks. To waste repository in Slovakia. Acta Geologica Slovaca,
minimize errors when determining the strength AGEOS (2009), 1, 2, 71- 82.
of weak rocks, it is recommended to reduce the [6] EN ISO 14689-1: 2003 Geotechnical investigation and
testing. Identification and classification of rock. Part 1:
value of K below 20, to test larger amount of Identification and description.
specimens and to present the resulting pressure [7] STN 72 1001: 2010 Classification of soil and rock (in
strength as a possible range, not as an exact Slovak).
number. [8] EN ISO 14688-1: 2002 Geotechnical investigation and
testing. Identification and classification of soil. Part 1:
Identification and description.
[9] Z.T. Bieniawski, The point load test in geotechnical
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT practice, Engineering Geology, 9 (1975), 1-11.
[10] G.R. Lashkaripour, Predicting mechanical properties of
mudrock from index parameters, Bull Eng Geol Env 61
The authors thank to the Ministry of Education, (2002), 73-77.
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Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, 185-191. Environment (2002), Bratislava, 7-10 (in Slovak).
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 343
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Classification et caractérisation d’une craie blanche

sénonienne pour la réalisation de deux tranchées de
grande profondeur
Classification and characterization of an upper white chalk for the
construction of two deep railway cuts
M. Haghgou
ARCADIS France: 9 Avenue Réaumur 92354 LE PLESSIS-ROBINSON Cedex FRANCE

The construction of the East European High speed Line (LGV Est), comprised the realization (in the south of Rheims-France) of two
deep railway cuts: the steeped slope cut of “Trois Puits”, 1500m length, 28 m depth; and the “Taissy” cut of 1700 m length, 27 m depth,.
These cuts were located in the upper chalk, with variable thicknesses (and locally important thickness) of highly weathered chalk. For the
design and the optimization of the nailed walls works of Taissy and steeped slope cuts of Trois Puits, it was necessary to proceed to a suf-
ficiently detailed classification of the chalk substratum (with mechanical characterization of different classes).
This paper presents the engineering grading of the white chalk substratum established for the site (inspired from the French and English
classifications), the mechanical characterization of these different grades for their use in the stability analyses, and the definition of the
variation of the stratigraphy and the thickness of different chalk grades along the two hills where the cuts were located.

La construction de la Ligne LGV Est européenne, a comporté la réalisation (au sud de Reims) de deux tranchées de grande profondeur
dans la craie blanche : la tranchée raidie de « Trois Puits » de 1500m de longueur et 28 m de profondeur, et la tranchée de Taissy de 1700
m de longueur et 27 m de profondeur. Ces ouvrages étaient implantés dans la craie blanche sénonienne, avec des épaisseurs variables et
par endroit importantes de craie altérée. Pour la conception et l’optimisation de ces ouvrages, il s’est avéré nécessaire de procéder à une
classification puis à une caractérisation mécanique des différents faciès de la craie plus détaillées que celles initialement envisagées dans
le cadre du projet.
Cet article présente la classification géotechnique de la craie blanche établie pour ce site (inspirée des classifications françaises et an-
glaises existantes), ainsi que la caractérisation mécanique de ces différentes classes utilisée dans les calculs de stabilité, ainsi que pour le
modèle géotechnique représentant la variation de la stratigraphie et de l’épaisseur des différentes classes de craie le long des ouvrages.

Keywords: weathered chalk, geotechnical grading of the chalk, mechanical properties of the white chalk, deep excavation, nailed wall-
Mots clés : craie altérée, classification géotechnique de la craie, caractéristiques mécaniques de la craie blanche, tranchée profonde, paroi

1 INTRODUCTION de Trois-Puits et de Taissy . Afin de limiter

l’emprise de l’ouverture de ces tranchées pro-
Le tracé de la Ligne LGV Est européenne con- fondes (jusqu’à 27 à 28 m) pour préserver au
tourne la ville de Reims par le sud en traversant maximum les terrains viticoles, RFF (Réseaux
en tranchée, dans sa section Est, deux coteaux vi- Ferrés de France) a prévu des aménagements
ticoles AOC, respectivement sur les communes particuliers pour ces deux tranchées.
344 M. Haghgou / Classification et caractérisation d’une craie blanche sénonienne

Des talus raidis ont été prévus pour la tran- En effet, dans le dossier « projet », le substra-
chée de Trois puits, de 1500 m de longueur [1]. tum crayeux avait été subdivisé seulement en
La tranchée de Taissy longue d’environ 1 700 m, deux classes (craie altérée et craie saine), avec
coupe les vignobles sur près de 700 m. RFF a attribution à chaque classe de caractéristiques in-
décidé de traverser ce secteur de vignes de renom trinsèques jugées très conservatrices.
par le biais d’une tranchée couverte de 500 m de En phase études d’exécution du projet, une
long, prolongée par des murs de soutènement. En subdivision plus détaillée du massif crayeux a
fin de travaux, le terrain naturel a été reconstitué donc été définie. Pour cela, des investigations
au-dessus de l’ouvrage béton, pour pouvoir être complémentaires in situ ont permis d’établir une
replanté. Afin de minimiser l’emprise des terras- subdivision plus fine du massif crayeux au droit
sements dans les vignobles, la tranchée de Taissy des futurs ouvrages, tout en se référant aux clas-
(ouvrage provisoire) a été réalisée à l’abri de pa- sifications françaises et anglaises existantes.
rois clouées verticales en partie basse (sur une Chaque classe a fait l’objet d’essais triaxiaux en
hauteur de 10,6 m) et avec une pente très raide laboratoire afin de pouvoir lui attribuer des ca-
(10V/1H) en partie haute. La figure 1 montre la ractéristiques de résistance au cisaillement, en
tranchée de Taissy en cours de construction. mettant également à profit les données dispo-
nibles dans la littérature scientifique.
L’application de cette méthodologie a permis
d’optimiser la réalisation de ces ouvrages (cons-
truits essentiellement en 2004).


La craie est un matériau spécifique en géotech-

nique par sa nature, la complexité de son com-
portement, sa porosité généralement élevée, sa
friabilité, ainsi que la variété des états méca-
niques sous lesquels elle se présente. On désigne
en fait sous l’appellation de craie suivie d’un
qualificatif, des terrains qui peuvent varier d’un
sol mou à une roche résistante.
Chimiquement et minéralogiquement, la craie
blanche est une roche presque entièrement for-
mée de carbonate de calcium CaC03, à l’état de
calcite. L’altération de la craie blanche se dis-
Figure 1: La tranchée de Taissy en cours de construction tingue de la plupart des autres roches par le fait
que le produit de l’altération est également de la
Ces ouvrages sont implantés dans la craie craie (remaniée, déstructurée et/ou avec une den-
blanche sénonienne, avec des épaisseurs va- sité plus faible).
riables et par endroit importantes de craie altérée Pour les travaux de terrassements, la norme
atteignant la base des terrassements. Pour la con- française NF 11300 [2], ainsi que le GTR
ception et l’optimisation de ces ouvrages, il s’est « Guide Technique – Réalisation des remblais et
avéré nécessaire de procéder à une classification couches de forme » [3], fournissent une classifi-
et une caractérisation mécanique des différents cation de la craie qui est basée sur sa densité
faciès de la craie plus détaillées que celles initia- sèche ( d) :
lement envisagées dans le cadre du projet.
 d > 1,7 : craie dense (classe R11)
M. Haghgou / Classification et caractérisation d’une craie blanche sénonienne 345

 1,5 < d 
: craie de densité moyenne tructurée très altérée. Les critères de classifica-
(classe R12) tion utilisés pour la craie structurée sont :
 : craie peu dense (classe R13) l’espacement et l’ouverture des fissures, le degré
Une classification similaire (basée sur d) a d’altération, et dans une moindre mesure : la ré-
été également établie en Grande Bretagne (G.B.). sistance des blocs (essentiellement pour la dis-
La craie est toutefois subdivisée en quatre classes tinction des deux premières classes I et II, avec
(avec ajout d’une classe de craie très dense : d > les joints fermés et espacés à plus de 200 mm).
1,95). Une sixième classe (VI) a été ajoutée plus tard
En France, l’ingénieur géotechnicien dispose par Wakeling en 1970 [6], correspondant à la
aussi de la classification fournie en annexe E1 du craie déstructurée complément altérée (craie
Fascicule n° 62 Titre V [4], dans laquelle le mas- molle ou craie sol).
sif crayeux est subdivisé en trois classes (A à La classification de Mundford a été reprise par
C) en se référant essentiellement aux résultats de le BS 8004 [7], en fournissant des gammes de
l’essai pressiométrique (la valeur de la pression variation de portance pour différentes classes de
limite nette Pl*) et dans une moindre mesure à la craie.
valeur de la résistance de pointe (qc) de l’essai au Wakeling [6] a également attribué des
pénétromètre statique (cf. tableau 1). gammes de valeurs N de l’essai SPT (« Standard
Penetration Test ») à chaque classe du massif
Tableau 1: Classification géotechnique française du massif
crayeux (pour dimensionnement des fondations) crayeux, ainsi que des valeurs de module de dé-
formation reliées à N, essentiellement en se ba-
Description Classe Pl* qc
sommaire (MPa) (MPa) sant sur les résultats obtenus sur le site de Mund-
Craie molle A <0,7 <5 ford.
Craie altérée B 1-2,5 >5 La classification de Mundford a été largement
Craie compacte C >3,0 - utilisée en GB par les géotechniciens, en utilisant
les valeurs de N pour distinguer les différentes
A partir de cette classification, des recom- classes de craie, et par voie de conséquence le
mandations sont fournies (formules empiriques dimensionnement des fondations. Cette dernière
basées sur les résultats d’un nombre significatif pratique a été par la suite critiquée par plusieurs
d’essais de chargement in-situ en vraie grandeur) auteurs (e.g. Dennehey, 1975[8]; Lord et Smith,
pour le dimensionnement des fondations superfi- 1976 [9] ; Burland, 1990 [10]), en concluant que
cielles et des fondations profondes (pour diffé- la valeur N, qui dépend en particulier de la densi-
rents types de pieux), ainsi que pour le calcul des té de la craie, n’est pas bien adaptée pour déduire
tassements. une classification du massif crayeux du type de
Mais ces données sont insuffisantes quand il Mundford.
s’agit de dimensionner des soutènements pour Power, 1982 [11] a proposé des corrélations
lesquels il est nécessaire de définir les caractéris- pour distinguer différentes classes de craie
tiques équivalentes de résistance au cisaillement d’après les résultats de l’essai au pénétromètre
de chaque classe du massif crayeux (par exemple statique (la résistance de pointe qc et le rapport de
pour les calculs de parois clouées, murs de sou- frottement Rf), en se basant essentiellement sur
tènement, ou calculs de stabilité de pente). des données issues du site de Mundford. Powell
En G. B., les travaux de recherches effectués et Quarterman, 1994 [12] ont présenté des résul-
dans les années 1960 à Mundford (Norfolk) dans tats provenant de plusieurs sites, y compris le site
la craie turonienne (« middle chalk »), ont consti- de Mundford. D’après ces auteurs, les corréla-
tué la base de la pratique courante pour la des- tions proposées par Power sont globalement véri-
cription et la classification du massif crayeux. Le fiées (augmentation de qc et de Rf en passant des
massif crayeux à Mundford a été subdivisé au classes V à II) ; néanmoins, les gammes de varia-
départ en cinq classes ou « Grade » par Ward et tion de qc et de Rf pour une classe donnée peu-
al en 1968 [5]. Les classes I à IV comprennent vent se différencier d’un site à un autre, avec une
les craies structurées, et la classe V la craie dés- tendance d’accroissement de qc avec
346 M. Haghgou / Classification et caractérisation d’une craie blanche sénonienne

l’augmentation de la densité de la craie. pour essais en laboratoire, des puits de recon-

D’autres résultats ont été publiés et il est actuel- naissance relativement profonds (5 à 10 m), ainsi
lement admis que les résultats de l’essai péné- que des sondages pressiométriques et pénétromé-
trométrique (CPT) ne permettent pas, à eux triques (pénétromètre statique).
seuls, de définir de manière fiable la classifica- Des doublets de sondages carottés- pressiomé-
tion du massif crayeux, à l’exception de la classe triques et pressiométriques–pénétrométriques
VI (craie sol), avec qc < 4 à 5 MPa. sont également réalisés pour la comparaison et
Le schéma de Mundford a été établi pour la le calibrage de ces derniers. Les relevés
craie turonienne («midle chalk »). Dans son ap- d’excavations déjà réalisées à proximité des deux
plication à la craie sénonienne (« upper chalk »), sites (par exemple pour la réalisation d’un pont
souvent une classe supplémentaire III/IV a été provisoire) sont également utilisés pour le cali-
utilisée, liée à une ouverture de fissure habituel- brage des profils pressiométriques.
lement plus faible pour la craie sénonienne ([13] Les essais en laboratoire ont comporté en par-
et [14] ). ticulier la réalisation d’essais triaxiaux CD et
Spink & Norbury, 1990 [13] ont amélioré le CU+U, sur différentes classes de craie, avec dif-
schéma de Mundford et ont apporté des préci- férents diamètres d’éprouvettes testées (essentiel-
sions et des indications utiles pour la description lement 35 et 70 mm).
et la définition de différentes classes de la craie.
Dans le rapport n° 11 de CIRIA (Construction
Industry Research and Information Association), 4 CLASSIFICATION ET STRATIGRAPHIE
Lord et al ont présenté en 1994 [15] un nouveau DU MASSIF CRAYEUX
schéma de classification plus détaillé du massif
crayeux en prenant toutefois comme base celui Pour établir une subdivision du massif crayeux, il
de Mundford. La classification de CIRIA se dis- a été d’abord procédé à l’analyse et la comparai-
tingue de celle de Mundford essentiellement en son des résultats de différents types de sondages
ce qui concerne la craie structurée (classes I à réalisés à faible distance, ainsi que des relevés
IV). Les deux classes V et VI de la craie dés- d’excavations déjà réalisées à proximité des deux
tructurée très altérée à complètement altérée sont sites. Globalement, une assez bonne concordance
maintenues en les désignant respectivement par est observée pour ce site entre les classes A et B
Dc (matrice crayeuse<35%) et Dm (matrice de la classification française (tableau 1) et les
crayeuse>35%). Les craies structurées sont dési- « grades » VI et V de la classification anglaise.
gnées par les classes A à C (en fonction de Le « grade » III s’est avéré peu présent au droit
l’ouverture des fissures), suivies d’un chiffre (1 à du site. Les deux grades III et IV de la craie
5) en fonction de l’espacement des fissures. structurée plus ou moins altérée sont regroupés
Toutefois, la méthodologie et la terminologie ensemble dans le cadre de cette étude, sous la
fournies par Spink et Norbury [13] sont jugées nomination de « craie de transition ». Le grade I
plus rigoureuses (Spink, 2002, [16]) et plus pra- de Mundford (craie peu fissurée, identique au
tiques, et sont utilisées dans le cadre de cette grade II, mais dure) n’a pas été détecté au droit
étude. La « classification de Mundford » ou du site. Le massif crayeux a donc été subdivisé
« classification anglaise » citée ci-après est celle en quatre classes, en établissant également des
décrite par Spink et Norbury [13]. équivalences avec la pression limite nette de
l’essai pressiométrique (pl*). Les profils péné-
trométriques se sont avérés utiles pour la détec-
3 INVESTIGATIONS tion de la craie sol (qc< 4 MPa) ; mais au-delà il
COMPLEMENTAIRES est apparu difficile d’établir une bonne corréla-
tion entre les classes de la craie et qc (les chevau-
Les investigations de la phase réalisation pour les chements sont fréquents). La description de
études d’exécution ont comporté des sondages chaque classe est présentée ci-après (la four-
carottés avec prélèvement d’échantillons intacts chette de valeurs approximatives de Pl* établie
M. Haghgou / Classification et caractérisation d’une craie blanche sénonienne 347

dans le cadre de cette étude pour chaque classe d’après la norme française NF P11-300 [2], la
est également indiquée): craie du site a été majoritairement classée en R13
(craie peu dense), et pour partie R12 (craie de
 CR1 – Craie pâteuse (Pl*< 0,9 à 1 MPa): densité moyenne, en partie inférieure des dé-
cet horizon correspond à la classe A de la blais).
classification française, et le "grade VI" de Les conditions stratigraphiques au droit des
la classification de Mundford. Il s'agit de la déblais Taissy et Trois Puits se caractérisent par
craie complètement altérée, totalement dés- la présence d’un substratum crayeux sénonien
tructurée (craie sol) constituée d'une pâte surmonté de terrains quaternaires. D’après les
crayeuse abondante, enrobant des nodules investigations de sol effectuées (cf. figures 2 et
et morceaux de craie rocheuse tendre plus 3), l’épaisseur des terrains quaternaires est faible
ou moins fréquents : le comportement de pour Taissy (environ 1 à 2 m de limon graveleux
l'ensemble est conditionné par la matrice à limon crayeux), elle est plus variable pour le
crayeuse, déblai Trois Puits (0,5 à 6 m de limons et « gra-
 CR2 – Craie très altérée fragmentée à mor- veluches », avec de faibles épaisseurs pour le
celée (1 à 1,2< Pl*<2,5 MPa): cet horizon versant Ouest et des épaisseurs plus importantes
correspond à la classe B suivant la classifi- pour le versant Est).
cation française, et le "grade V" de la clas- PS 1901
sification de Mundford. Il s'agit de la craie 140 PR 513-1
PR 1938 PR 513-3 PS 1939
SC 901 TH 938 PR 1939 PR 513-4
PM 513-2 SC 1939 PM 513-3
très altérée, déstructurée (les surfaces de 135
SC 513-1
T 939 PR 1902
TH 1940
SC 902
discontinuité de la roche mère sont ab- 130
TH 937
Craie CR 2 Graveluche
PR 513-2
PM 513-4
SC 903
sentes) où coexistent la matrice crayeuse 125
PR 1936
TH 936
PR 1904
PR 1905
PM 513-5

avec des fragments et morceaux (plus ou 120

PS 1936
SC 1936 Craie CR 3
TH 1942
Cote (NGF)

PMP 513-1
moins angulaires) de la craie rocheuse 115 TH 935
PM 513-1
tendre. Le pourcentage de fines (<35 % en- 110
Ligne rouge de Projet
viron, d'après la classification anglaise) dé- 105
Craie CR 4

croît avec la profondeur et devient généra- 100

Inclusion CR 3
dans CR 4
lement faible vers la base de cet horizon, 95

 CR3 – Craie de transition (2,5< Pl*<4,5 90

MPa) : les franges séparant la craie altérée 20 120 220 320 420 520 620 720
Distance (m) depuis KM Tronçon 51+ 737.474
820 920 1 020 1 120 1 220 1 320

de la craie franche, sont placées sous cette Figure 2: stratigraphie le long de la tranchée de Trois puits
nomination (grades IV et III de la classifi-
cation anglaise). Il s'agit de la craie partiel- 150
Représentation stratigraphique schématique deTaissy
PR 905 PR 515-1
lement altérée à saine, morcelée à fractu- SC 904
145 PROP 1
PROP 2 PR 906
L 515-2
rée : la structure de la roche mère (surfaces PM 515-4 PM 515-5
SC 515-2
de discontinuité) est présente. Les joints,
Cote toit paroi verticale PR 515-3
faiblement espacés, sont généralement peu 135
CR1 PMP 515-2
SC 907
cote (NGF)

ouverts dans le cas présent (ouvertures gé- 130 CR4


néralement inférieures à quelques mm), 125


 CR4 – Craie saine fissurée (Pl*>4,5MPa): 120

Base excavation
cet horizon correspond à la craie franche, 115

rocheuse, saine à faiblement altérée (grade 110

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

II de la classification anglaise), les joints 0 50 100 150 200

Distance en mètre depuis la tête Ouest et n° de section de
250 300 350 400 450 500

sont moyennement espacés à espacés (plus calcul

de 200 mm) et fermés. Figure 3: stratigraphie le long de la tranchée de Taissy

Comme déjà mentionné, l’équivalent de la Au droit des versants Est des deux déblais,
classe I de la classification anglaise (craie dure) l’épaisseur de la craie très altérée mise en évi-
n’a pas été rencontré par les sondages de recon- dence par les investigations complémentaires est
naissance réalisés au droit du site. En effet, nettement plus élevée que celle prévue dans le
348 M. Haghgou / Classification et caractérisation d’une craie blanche sénonienne

"Mémoire de synthèse géotechnique" (base de la

craie très altérée détectée à plus de 10 m pour le
Craie CR2 (essais trixiaux CD)
déblai Taissy, et 15 à 19 m pour Trois Puits par 1200

les investigations complémentaires). 1000

Phi' = 39° ; c' = 18 kPa

t' (kPa)
R2 = 0.991


Le programme des essais en laboratoire compor-
tait la réalisation de plusieurs séries d’essais 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

triaxiaux : essais UU (sur la craie très altérée), s' (kPa)

CU+U et CD. Les principaux résultats des essais

Figure 5: Résultats des essais triaxiaux CD sur la craie CR2
CD, réalisés sur des éprouvettes de diamètre 70
mm (hormis pour la craie CR1, diamètre 35
Craie CR 3 ( essais triaxiaux CD)
mm), sont analysés ci-après. Trois à quatre essais 1200

CD ont été réalisés sur chaque classe de craie, 1000

avec trois éprouvettes testées par essai.

Pour différentes classes de craie, les résultats Phi' = 40° ; c' = 28 kPa
R2 = 0.996
t' (kPa)
des différentes éprouvettes d’un même essai CD 600

ont montré une bonne cohérence (coefficient de 400

corrélation proche de l’unité pour les trois points 200

portés sur le diagramme de Lambe), à 0

l’exception des essais sur la craie plus rocheuse 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800

s' (kPa)
CR4, comme on pouvait s’y attendre.
Pour chaque classe de craie, les valeurs de pic Figure 6: Résultats des essais triaxiaux CD sur la craie CR3
de s’ et t’ mesurées pour différentes éprouvettes
testées ont été portées sur le même diagramme Pour les craies CR1 à CR3, les résultats des
afin de définir la droite moyenne (régression li- différentes éprouvettes testées sont assez bien re-
néaire) correspondant à l’ensemble des points de groupés autour de la droite moyenne, avec des
mesure. Les figures 4 à 7 montrent les résultats coefficients de corrélation (R² sur les graphiques
des essais triaxiaux CD (Consolidé-Drainé) sur présentés) proches de 0,99.
les classes de craie CR1 à CR4. On observe également une bonne cohérence
Le tableau n° 2 résume les résultats bruts dans la succession des valeurs mesurées pour les
fournis par les droites moyennes des différentes différentes classes de craie.
classes de craie.
Craie C1 (essais triaxiaux CD) Craie CR4 (essais triaxiaux CD)

800 1200


600 Phi' = 32,5° ; c' = 30 kPa

R2 = 0.986
t' (kPa)

600 Phi' = 40° ; c' = 62 kPa

t' (kPa)

400 R = 0.897


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
s' (kPa)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
s' (kPa)
Figure 7 : Résultats des essais triaxiaux CD sur la craie CR4
Figure 4: Résultats des essais triaxiaux CD sur la craie CR1
M. Haghgou / Classification et caractérisation d’une craie blanche sénonienne 349

Tableau 2 : Valeurs fournies par les essais triaxiaux CD repos, la craie remaniée peut présenter une cohé-
(droites moyennes)
sion apparente de 10 kPa (par recimentation de
Classe de Craie c’ (kPa) 

 calcite aux points de contact des particules de

CR1 30 32,5 craie).
CR2 18 39
Pour la craie structurée, l’angle de frottement
CR3 28 40
CR4 62 40 mesuré au droit des discontinuités de la craie
blanche est généralement élevé ; Cawsey et Far-

rar [21] ont mesuré des valeurs de 37 à 38° pour
kPa fournie par la droite moyenne (figure 4) pa- le premier glissement sur une surface lisse entre
rait surestimée ; en effet, l’essai effectué sur les les blocs de craie. D’après Lord et al [14],
éprouvettes de la craie sol reconstituée a fourni : l’angle de frottement effectif de la craie séno-
#^ `

@@. nienne varierait entre 36° et 42°. Ils proposent le



valeurs plutôt conservatives. Pour la craie ro-

6 CARACTERISTIQUES DES cheuse massive des valeurs nettement plus éle-
DIFFERENTES CLASSES DE CRAIE vées de c’ sont mesurées (supérieures à 100 kPa).
Les valeurs retenues pour le massif crayeux
Malgré la cohérence des résultats des essais intact, issues des résultats des essais triaxiaux et
triaxiaux, il ne faut pas oublier l’effet d’échelle des considérations précédentes, sont reportées
entre la résistance au cisaillement, mesurée au dans le tableau n° 3.
laboratoire sur des éprouvettes de taille réduite, Tableau 3 : Valeurs retenues pour les calculs de stabilité
et le cisaillement in-situ en grande masse. Il a Classe Pl * (MPa) c’ (kPa)  (°)
donc été décidé de ne pas utiliser directement les craie
CR1 <0,9 à 1 10 32
résultats bruts issus des essais triaxiaux pour les
CR2 1 à 1,2-2,5 15 36
calculs de stabilité du massif crayeux. Ce pro- CR3 2,5- 4,5 30 37
blème d’effet d’échelle se pose plus particuliè- CR4 >4,5 45 à 60 38
rement pour les craies CR3 et CR4, pour les-
quelles il s’agit de sélectionner des Ces valeurs jugées plutôt conservatives sont
caractéristiques équivalentes en grande masse du nettement plus élevées que celles de la phase
massif semi-rocheux à rocheux fracturé. La prise projet (avec subdivision du massif crayeux en
en compte de l’effet d’échelle, pour le passage deux classes).
des valeurs brutes fournies par les essais aux va-
leurs jugées caractéristiques du massif in-situ, est 4m 140,8 NGF

empirique et approximative. Les données dispo- 2m

nibles dans la littérature scientifique ont égale-
2m 4m Craie CR1
ment été prises en compte, en particulier celles
des documents de synthèse présentés par Clayton
[17] et Lord et al [14].
D’après Clayton (1978, [18]), en se basant sur
10 °

Craie CR2
un nombre important d’essais effectués sur des 5H
craies avec des teneurs en Ca CO3 variables, la



Craie CR3
craie totalement remaniée (« pâte de craie ») va-
rierait peu pour différents types de craie : essen-
tiellement entre 31 et 33°. Des valeurs plus éle- Craie CR4
vées sont néanmoins rapportées par d’autres 120,7 NGF

auteurs : Fletcher et Mizon [19], Twine et Wrigth

[20]. Par ailleurs, d’après Clayton [17], après Figure 8 : Plan de clouage d’une section de la tranchée de
350 M. Haghgou / Classification et caractérisation d’une craie blanche sénonienne

La figure 8, présentée ci-dessus montre le plan [5] WARD, W. H.; BURLAND, J. B. & GALLOIS, R. W.:
“Geotechnical assessment of a site at Mundford, Nor-
de clouage retenu pour une section de calcul de
folk for a large proton accelerator”; Geotechnique, vol.
la tranchée de Taissy, avec une épaisseur signifi- 18, n° 4 (1968), 399-431.
cative de craie très altérée (CR1+CR2). [6] WAKELING, T.R.M.: “A comparison of the results of
standard site investigation methods against the results
of a detailed geotechnical investigation in Middle Chalk
at Mundford, Norfolk”. ln: Proc Conf In-situ Investiga-
7 CONCLUSION tions in Soils and Rock Brit. Geol. Soc., London, 1969
(published: 1970), 17-22.
La réalisation de deux tranchées profondes dans [7] BRITTSH STANDARDS INSTITUTION: “BS 8004:
Code of practice for Foundations; Formerly CP 2004”;
la craie sénonienne, dans le cadre de la construc- British Standards Institution, London (1984).
tion de la LGV est européenne, a permis de [8] DENNEHY, J.P.: “Correlating the SPT N value with
mettre au point une méthodologie pour chalk grade for some zones of the Upper Chalk », Geo-
l’optimisation des ouvrages de soutènement dans technique, vol. 25 (1975), 610-614.
[9] LORD, E. R. F. & SMITH, W. E. “The misuse of SPT
ce type de matériau. N value correlations with Upper Chalk grades”, Geo-
La réalisation de sondages carottés, de technique, vol. 26 (1976), 217-220.
fouilles, de forages pressiométriques et pénétro- [10] BURLAND, J.B.: Preface in: “CHALK”: Proc Int.
métriques, d’essais en laboratoire (surtout essais Chalk Symp. , Brighton, 1989; Thomas Telford, Lon-
don (1990), 1-4.
triaxiaux) ont permis d’une part de définir quatre [11] POWER, P.T.: “The use of the electric static cone pene-
classes de craie avec leurs caractéristiques intrin- trometer in the determination of the engineering proper-
sèques équivalentes, d’autre part la stratigraphie ties of chalk”, Proc. 2nd Eur. Symp.: Penetration Test-
correspondante au droit des ouvrages à cons- ing, Amsterdam (1982), vol. 2, 769-774.
[12] POWELL, J. J. M. & QUARTERMAN, R. S. T.: “A
truire. reappraisal of CPT testing in chalk”, BRE Report No
Ces données géotechniques ont permis G/GP/9412 (1994).
d’optimiser le dimensionnement des ouvrages de [13] SPINK, T.W. & NORUBY, D: "The engineering geo-
soutènement. logical description of chalk", In CHALK. proc. Int.
Chalk Symposium, Brighton, Sept. 1989, Thomas Tel-
Cette méthodologie peut être appliquée à ford, London (1990), 153-159.
d’autres ouvrages à construire en site crayeux, [14] LORD, J.A.; CLAYTON, C.R.I. & MORTIMORE,
pour lesquels il est nécessaire de définir la varia- R.N.: “Engineering in chalk”, CIRIA, London, 2002.
tion stratigraphique et les caractéristiques de ré- [15] LORD, J. A.; TWINE, D. P. & YEOW, H.: “Founda-
tions in chalk”, Project Report 11, CIRIA, London,
sistance au cisaillement de différentes classes du 1994.
massif crayeux. [16] SPINK, T.W.: “The CIRIA Chalk description and clas-
Cette étude a également montré l’intérêt d’une sification”, Quarterly J. of Engineering Geology and
classification suffisamment détaillée du massif hydrogeology, Vol. 35 (2002), 363-369.
[17] CLAYTON, C.R.I.: “The mechanical properties of the
crayeux. chalk”, In CHALK proc. Int. Chalk Symp., Brighton,
Sept. 1989, Thomas Telford, London (1990), 213-232.
[18] CLAYTON, C.R.I.: “Chalk as Fill”, PhD thesis, Uni-
versity of Surrey, 1978.
REFERENCES [19] FLETCHER, M. S. & MISON, D. H. (1984): "Piles in
chalk for Orwell Bridge", proc. Instn. Civ. Engrs. Conf.
[1] HAGHGOU, M. & ROSSI, P.: “Technique nouvelle Piling and Ground Treatment, Thomas Telford, Lon-
pour la réalisation de talus raidis dans la craie altérée », don, 203-209.
15th ECSMGE, Athènes sept. 2011. [20] TWINE, D. & WRIGHT, R.H.: “Farmers Avenue Road
[2] NF P 11-300, norme française : « Exécution des terras- Crossing, Castle Mall development, Norwich”, Proc.
sements- Classification des matériaux utilisables dans la 4th Int. Deep Foundations Conf., Stresa, AA Balkema,
construction des remblais et des couches de forme Rotterdam (1991), 147-155.
d’infrastructures routières », sept. 1992, AFNOR, 21p. [21] CAWSEY, D. C. & FARRAR, N S: “A simple sliding
[3] LCPC-SETRA : « GTR : guide technique- Réalisation apparatus for the measurement of rock joint friction”,
des remblais et couches de forme », septembre 1992. Geotechnique, Vol. 26 (1976), 382-386.
[4] “Fascicule n°62- Titre V : Règles techniques de con-
ception et de calcul des fondations des ouvrages de gé-
nie civil» : Ministère de l’équipement, du logement et
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 351
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Some basic trends on the geotechnical

characteristics of Lisbon Miocene clays
Certaines tendances de base sur les caractéristiques
géotechniques des argiles du Miocène de Lisbonne
M. Lopes Laranjo1
Viana do Castelo Polytechnic Institute, Portugal
M. Matos Fernandes
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto, Portugal
J. Almeida e Sousa
Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra, Portugal
This paper presents a collection of data obtained at different locations concerning Miocene clays, which form a significant part
of Lisbon subsoil. The data includes both laboratory and in situ tests, namely: mineralogical characterization; determination of
index properties; grain size distribution; natural water content and Atterberg limits; uniaxial compression tests; triaxial compres-
sion tests; SPT and cross-hole seismic tests. The characterization of a particular site concerning Miocene clays and including
both laboratory and in situ tests is presented. The amount of information is very significant allowing for the establishment of
some basic trends on the geotechnical characteristics of these soils.

Cet article présente une collection des données obtenues à différents endroits sur les argiles du Miocène, qui forment une partie
importante du sous-sol de Lisbonne. Les données comprennent essais en laboratoire et essais in situ, à savoir: caractérisation mi-
néralogique; détermination des paramètres physiques, détermination de la distribution granulométrique; détermination du teneur
en eau et des limites d’Atterberg; essais de compression simple; essais triaxiaux; SPT et essais cross-hole. Cet article présente
également la caractérisation d'un site où ils ont exécuté des essais en laboratoire et essais in situ. La quantité d'information est
importante et il est possible d’établir certaines tendances dans les caractéristiques géotechniques de ces sols.

Keywords: Miocene clays, mineralogy, physical properties, mechanical characteristics

1 INTRODUCTION information is very considerable, results have not

yet been compiled and treated in order to allow
Miocene clays form an important part of Lisbon the establishment of some basic trends on the
subsoil, where many relevant constructions have geotechnical characteristics of Miocene clays.
been undertaken in the last decades. These in- This paper focuses on the main characteristics
clude the extension of some subway lines, deep of Lisbon Miocene clays, namely their geological
excavations for buildings and underground park- history, physical properties and some aspects of
ing facilities, road tunnels, among others. The their mechanical behaviour.
design of such works has naturally required de- The characterization of a particular site in-
tailed ground investigations, including both in volving both laboratory and in situ tests is pre-
situ and laboratory tests. Although the amount of sented.

Corresponding Author.
352 M. Lopes Laranjo et al. / Some Basic Trends the Geotechnical Characteristics

2 BACKGROUND soils the shrinkage due to air-drying does not

seem to affect microstructure [4].
All the minerals identified by X-Ray diffrac-
2.1 Geology tion were observed in the Optical Microscope,
together with a very significant number of micro-
The Lower Tagus basin is situated in the western fossils, as shown in Figure 1. In these formations,
margin of the Iberian plate. Its geological history carbonates can appear as fossils, as calcareous
is very complex and derives from the interaction concretions or carbonated minerals such as cal-
between tectonic events and variations on the sea cite and dolomite.
level. The basin was formed in the beginning of
the Tertiary when the region sank between faults
and was filled with detritic sediments from pe-
ripheral areas. This sedimentation is believed to
be a continuous phenomenon that is still active
[1]. The Lisbon Miocene Series has been used in
the Western Europe referential due to its geo-
graphical location and the alternation of conti-
nental and marine deposits, allowing the identifi-
cation of a rigorous chronologic series of events.
The Miocene Series, which results from about
16 Million Years of sedimentation, is around
300 m thick and comprises several geological Figure 1. Microfossil
formations that include hard soils and soft rocks.
In this paper only clayey layers have been con- 2.3 Fabric and microstructure
sidered. The main clayey formations are: The spatial arrangement of solid particles and
Prazeres clay and Forno do Tijolo clay. Prazeres aggregates and the size and shape of voids is of-
clay form the base of the Miocene Series and in- ten referred to as fabric, and its importance is
clude argillites, silty argillites, marly argillites, well recognized, as it influences the mechanical
marls and limes [2], and Forno do Tijolo clay behaviour of natural soils [5, 6]. In sedimentary
comprise fine silts with fossils, clays, marls and formations the speed of deposition and the still-
fine stoneware clay. ness of the water in which it occurs cause distinct
These formations occupy an important part of types of fabric: more open when the deposition is
Lisbon subsoil, including areas of historical in- slower, leading to lamination, and more compact
terest, as shown in the Lisbon Geological Chart and oriented when the deposition is turbulent [7].
[3]. On the other hand, post-depositional events, as
cementation or bioturbation contribute to alter
2.2 Composition microstructure, providing natural soils with
To determine the mineralogical composition higher pre-yielding stresses, higher stiffness and
of Miocene clays, several X-Ray diffraction fragile behaviour [6].
analyses have been undertaken. The results show In order to study fabric and microstructure, six
a large percentage of phyllosilicates (mica) and samples of Prazeres clay were observed using
quartz, and the presence of sodium and potas- SEM. Sample preparation is very simple con-
sium feldspar, chlorite, pyrite and gypsum in sidering such sophisticated instrument. The sam-
smaller quantities. ples were mounted directly on the stub, an alu-
The mineralogical composition of these sam- minum disc of about 15 mm diameter, and using
ples was observed using both Optical Microscope an epoxy resin as embedding medium. Since
and SEM. The soil was air-dried to preserve its clays are nonconductors of electrons, the samples
original structure. In soft soils this is usually were coated with a thin layer of gold-palladium
done by freeze-drying the samples, but in stiff by evaporation under high vacuum to avoid
M. Lopes Laranjo et al. / Some Basic Trends the Geotechnical Characteristics 353

charge build-up [8]. This thin coating does not edge-to-face contacts were observed, as shown in
modify the surface details nor hinders viewing, Figure 3. This can be explained by the variety of
since the resolution of the SEM equipment over- particles in grain size and composition. The pres-
comes the thickness of the coating layer. ence of pyrite (iron sulfide) was very strong, and
Results from the observation show a large va- different crystalline structures of iron sulfide
riety of contacts between particles. The overall were detected, as shown in Figure 4. Post-
structure seems to be of a honeycomb (Figure 2), deposition events, such as oxidation and dissolu-
suggesting that deposition has occurred quickly tion of pyrite debris can lead to the formation of
in a turbulent environment. Both face-to-face and marcasite.


The collection of data concerned 250 different

sites of construction works in Lisbon carried out
between 1975 and 2008, in which laboratory and
in situ tests were performed. Identification tests
are more common, and data comprises 452 sam-
ples, being 345 from Prazeres clay and 107 from
Forno do Tijolo clay. Depth varies significantly
between 1 m and 58 m, as does the ground eleva-
Figure 2. Honeycomb-type structure tion.
The results presented herein include grain size
distribution, water content, Atterberg limits, par-
ticle specific gravity and soil unit weight.

3.1 Grain size distribution

Prazeres clay shows a significant variety of parti-
cle sizes, being silt the most significant fraction.
The clay fraction was not available for every
sample, and to evaluate it a linear correlation
between the clay (CF) and the fine fraction (FF)
was used [9]:
Figure 3. Face-to-face and edge-to-face contacts;
CF 0.414 * FF  0.263 (1)

Using the above correlation to classify the

samples it is possible to identify silty clays
(68 %) and clayey silts (about 20 %), the re-
mainder being silty and clayey sands (12 %).
The grain size distribution in depth shows that
the percentage of clay does not significantly
vary, unlike the percentages of silt and sand. The
latter tends to diminish in depth, although the
number of samples analysed diminishes too.
Forno do Tijolo unit is typically more clayey
Figure 4. Different forms of iron sulfide (pyrite and marca- than Prazeres, although the grain size distribution
site) in depth is more variable.
354 M. Lopes Laranjo et al. / Some Basic Trends the Geotechnical Characteristics

The number of samples (n), the mean value
(P) and standard deviation (V) of the clay, silt 50
and sand fraction for both units are summarized
in Table 1. 40

IP (%)
Table 1. Descriptive statistics for grain size distribution 30
Prazeres clay Forno do Tijolo clay
Clay Silt Sand Clay Silt Sand 20
(%) (%) (%) (%) (%) (%)
n 304 102 10 Prazeres clay
P 33.8 49.9 15.9 40.0 49.3 13.9 Forno do Tijolo clay
V 10.2 10.9 16.8 18.6 19.9 14.8 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110
wL (%)
3.2 Water content
Figure 5. Casagrande plasticity chart for 300 samples of
Water content was determined for a very signifi- Prazeres clay and 102 samples of Forno do Tijolo clay
cant number of samples. The statistical values
are shown in Tables 2 and 3 for both Miocene 3.3 Soil weight
clays. The values are typical of low plasticity Soil unit weight and particle specific gravity do
stiff soils. not show significant variation either between dif-
Table 2. Descriptive statistic values for water content and At- ferent formations or within the same layers.
terberg limits - Prazeres clay
Mean values are as expected and follow the
w (%) wL (%) wP (%) IP (%) Ic (%) ranges reported in the literature [9]. Descriptive
n 299 301 301 304 255 statistic values are summarized in Table 4.
Min. 7.50 19.00 13.00 4.00 0.06
Max. 53.50 77.00 53.00 66.00 2.23 Table 4. Descriptive statistic values for soil unit weight and
P 19.91 40.38 20.41 20.27 1.06 particle specific gravity
V 5.29 11.80 5.15 9.42 0.29
Prazeres clay Forno do Tijolo clay
Table 3. Descriptive statistic values for water content and At- J (kN/m3) Gs J (kN/m3) Gs
terberg limits - Forno do Tijolo clay n 164 139 74 20
Min. 16.13 2.33 16.50 2.57
w (%) wL (%) wP (%) IP (%) Ic (%) Max. 23.76 2.76 23.60 2.78
n 102 103 103 103 98 P 20.37 2.64 20.28 2.70
Min. 5.70 21.00 9.70 2.00 0.03 V 1.02 0.09 1.10 0.06
Max. 33.50 65.00 32.00 41.00 2.30
P 19.92 38.65 21.22 17.43 1.10
V 4.47 9.74 3.71 8.08 0.31
Using Casagrande’s plasticity chart, as shown 4 MECHANICAL PROPERTIES
in Figure 5, it is possible to observe that most of
the samples are classified as CL and CH. A The mechanical properties of Prazeres clay pre-
linear correlation between the plasticity index sented herein derive from both laboratory and in
and the liquid limit can be established for situ tests. Laboratory tests comprise uniaxial
Prazeres clay (2) and for Forno do Tijolo clay (3) compression and triaxial compression. The in
as follows: situ tests here reported concern cross-hole seis-
mic tests and SPT tests. The latter are typical for
stiff clay. Nevertheless, on top of the Miocene
IP 0.78 * ( wL  13.8) (R2=0.93) (2)
layers there is usually some decompression and
N60 values are often lower than 60.

IP 0.77 * ( wL  16) (R2=0.87) (3) 4.1 Uniaxial compression tests

Several uniaxial compression tests were under-
taken in samples from both Prazeres and Forno
M. Lopes Laranjo et al. / Some Basic Trends the Geotechnical Characteristics 355

do Tijolo clays. Uniaxial compression strength
values (qu) in depth are shown in Figure 6.
qu (kPa) 1000
y = 0,581x + 5,855
0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 R2 = 0,956

800 Prazeres clay

Forno do Tijolo clay

s (kPa)
10 600

y = 0,545x + 30,000
400 R2 = 0,838

200 Prazeres clay

Depth (m)

30 Forno do Tijolo clay

0 500 1000 1500 2000
t' (kPa)
40 Figure 7. Failure envelope for Prazeres clay and Forno do Ti-
jolo clay

50 4.3 An example of characterization

Prazeres clay
Forno do tijolo clay
Some physical and mechanical parameters
obtained during geotechnical investigations for
the construction of Terreiro do Paço metro sta-
Figure 6. Uniaxial compression strength values
tion in Lisbon, which involved both laboratory
Despite the scatter for both units, uniaxial and in situ tests, are presented in this section. The
strength values are generally lower for Forno do
Miocene unit is Forno do Tijolo clay, and the re-
Tijolo clay. sults presented in Figure 8 include natural water
content and Atterberg limits, SPT results,
4.2 Triaxial compression tests undrained shear strength from triaxial compres-
Data presented herein include triaxial compres- sion tests and deformation modulus (E0) obtained
sion tests performed on 50 samples of Prazeres from cross-hole seismic tests.
clay and 24 samples of Forno do Tijolo clay. Natural water content results tend to decrease
Some were isotropic consolidated and others in depth, as expected, and clearly indicate a stiff
were sheared after K0 consolidation. Prazeres clay, with Ic higher than or equal to 1.0. The
clay samples were collected at depths between standard penetration tests generally provided
2 m and 34 m in 14 different locations and Forno values over 60 blows.
do Tijolo clay samples were collected in 5 differ- Undrained shear strength values range from
ent locations and at depths varying between 13 m 200 kPa to 560 kPa, and do not show a clear
and 35 m. trend of variation with depth. The higher values
Figure 7 shows the failure envelope for effec- correspond to tests under higher consolidation
tive stresses for both clays. The linear correla- pressures.
tions presented provide values of 34 º and 33 º E0 results range from 2400 MPa to 6600 MPa
for the angle of shearing resistance and 15 kPa and tend to increase with depth, especially if
and 36 kPa for the effective cohesion, for minimum and mean values are considered. In-
Prazeres clay and Forno do Tijolo clay, respec- terestingly, the evolution in depth seems to be
tively. consistent with the one of SPT results.
356 M. Lopes Laranjo et al. / Some Basic Trends the Geotechnical Characteristics

w, wL, wP (%) N60 cu (kPa) E0 (MPa)

0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 200 400 600 0 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500


Depth (m)






Figure 8. Geotechnical parameters for Forno do Tijolo clay in the site of Terreiro do Paço station of Lisbon metro
Mota-Engil for providing access to their geo-
technical database.

The paper presented some general trends of the REFERENCES

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A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
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© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 363
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

On the properties of Cambrian clay and sandstones

Les caractèristiques de l'argile Cambrien et les pierres calcaires
M.Mets 1, J. Miljan
Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia
R. Raudsepp
Tallinn University of Technology

In present paper a overview of properties of Cambrian clay and sandstone in Estonia is given.

Les caractèristiques de l'argile Cambrien et les pierres calcaires poreuses.

Keywords: over consolidated clay, soft sandstone

1 GEOLOGICAL SITUATION method entails determining the distinctive points

on the stress definition graphs from the compara-
The 500 million years old Cambrian sediments tive analyses of the shear test and plate load test
have been subjected to various geological situa- results that show fundamental change in devel-
tions and conditions and the variety of this his- opment of deformations. In order to evaluate
tory is the reason why Cambrian sediments and these changes the method of settlement temporal-
their behaviour under stress is very hard to pre- ity is used [2]. This allows us to consider the ini-
dict. The formation of Cambrian sediment prop- tial deformation and the variations in settlement
erties has been vastly influenced by the last ice speed. The structural strength (the pressure under
ages. The huge pressure induced by the weight of which the soil does not deform), the end of linear
the ice cap surely compacted the Cambrian clay. deformation (creep point), the maximum strength
However, large vertical stress and the tempera- and residual strength are distinguished.
ture variance due to the ice load caused micro
cracks both in clay and in sandstone. The me-
chanical properties of Cambrian sediments vary 2 CAMBRIAN CLAYS
to a remarkable degree because of the micro
cracks. Cambrian clays crop out at the foot of the Klint
The method of distinctive points [1] has been in Northern Estonia. In other parts of Estonia,
used to describe Cambrian sediments. This they are covered by later Palaeozoic sediments.

Corresponding Author.
364 M. Mets et al. / On the Properties of Cambrian Clay and Sandstones

The thickness of Cambrian clay sediments is tions accompanied with the movement of
50…60 meters and it is made up by highly over- glacier (the majority of them must have ini-
consolidated layer. Natural water content at the tially been quite elastic). The surface of
saturation degree of of 1 is Wn=8…20%, which these clays (in outcrops) has weathered
is lower than Wn=20…23% that was attained in even more in the depth of 2…3 m and the
the course in the course of a Proctor test at water content is Wn= 18…20%. This is
maximum compaction. This fact indicates that connected with annual temperature influ-
the Cambrian clay has compacted under very ences.
high pressures.
The weathering processes have influenced the  The micro-fissured clays that crop out on
properties of Cambrian clays to the depth of a slopes and in pre-glacial relief deforma-
couple of meters and have given rise to a signifi- tions. Among those there are the clay mas-
cant web of micro cracks that determines their sifs displaced in the course of old land-
further activities. The formation of micro cracks slides - fissured material with the water
has been evoked by the movement of glaciers content of 22…24% and the strength con-
above them or the rocks covering them. This was siderably smaller than the others described
accompanied by changes in temperature and wa- above. These varieties have been influ-
ter content, as well as the earth respiration and enced by the shear deformations with the
the subsequent changes in temperature. The an- plastic character accompanied brought
about by the movement of glaciers and the
nual temperature changes sporadically affect the
layers in the depth of up to 10 m. rotational deformations accompanied with
them later. They have doubtless also been
Depending on the geomorphology, the follow-
ing varieties among the Cambrian clays may be influenced by the development of slope de-
formations, especially in the sea.
differentiated according to their weathering de-
gree:  The fourth variety of clays occurs only in
the Cambrian clays on the coast of the Bal-
 The clays that lie deeper than 20…25 m are
tic Sea – in the area that gets incendated
very strong varieties and micro fissures oc-
cur in them only in case of geological dis- during the storms. Due to the salty water
orders. Their strength can rather accurately the Cambrian clays swell up with greater
be estimated by the drained test and on the intensity, their micro fissures widen and the
water content increases Wn= 28…30%. The
bases of laboratorial testing, their com-
strength of these clays regardless of their
pressibility usually appears much higher
than it is in reality. The building of the un- hard consistency does not differ from the
strength of weak soils. The Devonian clays
derground in St. Petersburg and the founda-
tion of tunnels in Talinn have corroborated that have been in the outcrop for a long
time, also belong among this clay type.
the last assertion. The water content of
these clays is Wn= 8…12%. These clays have strongly been weathered
by cold and water and that has affected
 The micro-fissured clays that crop out in their bearing capacity.
the horizontal part of the relief or are cov-
ered with a few meters thick Quaternary
sediment layer. The greater water content
(Wn= 14…18%) is connected with the de-
velopment of micro fissures; due to these,
the strength of those clays is considerably
smaller than that of the previous variety.
Their strength has been influenced by cen-
turies – long changes in temperature and
the moisture regime and the shear deforma-
M. Mets et al. / On the Properties of Cambrian Clay and Sandstones 365

Table 1. The geotechnical properties of Cam- achieved using creep point. An example is given
brian clay. in what follows.
Wn,% 8-10 14-18 23-28 30-32 The Toolse castle was founded in the 15th
WL,% 38 38 40 43 century and immediately after the constuction
WP,% 24 26 28 30 works had ended,, the cracking and the horizon-
IP 14 12 12 13
’ƒ 26 30 28 28 tal settling of walls could be observed. These
C’ƒ, kPa 250 100 50 40 have lasted for five hundred years and are still
Yr 16 15 14 12 going on today. The reasons are simple enough:
Cuy, kPa 140 60 30 20 the castle of Toolse was built on Cambrian clay
Cuƒ, kPa 180 100 55 40
qy, MPa 1.0 0.4 0.15 0.1 near the sea. The clay layer is inclined towards
qƒ, MPa 1.4 0.8 0.6 0.3 the sea (inclination 1:5), this layer is covered
E0-pr, MPA 75.0 30.0 10.0 5.0 with a gravel layer (thickness 5…10 cm) and to-
M, MPa 20.0 10.0 8.0 5.0 wards the water flow to the sea. The upper layer
R, MPa 1.8 0.92 0.45 0.40
N0, MPa 7.8 3.5 1.4 1.2 of the Cambrian clay is decomposed and its
properties are given in the following table (table
Signs given in the tables: 2):
’ƒ – angle of internal friction of the so il, WL = 47…45% WP = 30…32% IP = 14…16%
drained test
C’ƒ – soil’s cohesion, drained test Table 2.
M – soil’s deformation modulus on the com- Layers Wn Cuy Cuƒ Y C’
pression test depth % kPa kPa kPa
0-1.0 30 20 40 28 40
R – bearing capacity calculated by the formula 1-3.0 25 30 50 - -
7 of SNiP Over 3.0 22 40 70 28 50

N0 - bearing capacity calculated by the formu-

la 16 of SNiP (    
  TC?CL /
bigger than Cuy and smaller than Cuƒ and namely
E0-pr – deformation modulus with the test on this has caused the creep process during the cen-
the proportionality limit turies; that may be influenced also by the higher
value of the residual shear strength  r =14.
qy – proportionality limit fixed by the test
The assessment results of undrained strength
and water content are given in figure 1. The data
qƒ – pile-driving load fixed by the test plate shows a good correlation between strength and
water content. On this figure, two areas can be
Cu – undrained shear strength on the creep
distinguished with Wn>13% and Wn13%. The
first area represents one with micro fissures,
Cuƒ – undrained shear strength. where the water content is connected with the
spreading of the cracks. This spreading is always
An analysis of the data from the table shows that accompanied by a loss in strength and in this
if one uses parameters obtained by undrained area Cuƒ can be determined on the bases of the
tests, the parameters are equal to the parameters water content.
obtained from field tests (creep point and ulti-
mate load). If using the parameters obtained by
drained tests, the bearing capacity (plate load
test) becomes overestimated multiple times. Also
for estimating slope stability, the only suitable
parameters are the undrained ones. Slope analy-
sis has shown that better results have been
366 M. Mets et al. / On the Properties of Cambrian Clay and Sandstones


The properties of Cambrian sandstone are highly

variable (uniaxial strength varies between
0,2…20 MPa) and they depend on the geological
history and also the gradation of sand and ce-
ment. The strongest sandstones can be found in
plains and the sand in it is coarse or medium
grained and combined with with iron cement.
The uniaxial strength of this sandstone is 10…20
MPa. The sandstone near the Klint are consid-
Figure 1. Cuƒ = f(Wn).
erably weaker, because of the micro cracks in-
duced by glacier movement. The uniaxial
If the water content is 13% or less, then there are strength of coarse grained sandstone is 5…8
few or no micro fissures. In this area, strength is MPa, fine grained sandstone 2.5…6 MPa and
determined by sandy interlayers which have usu- siltstones (great content of silt and clay cement)
ally become cemented. Cementation improves 0.2…2.0 MPa.
strength parameters and these parameters are not In spite of the weakness of sandstone, no
determined solely by water content. problems with the bearing capacity or settle-
The bearing capacity of piles in Cambrian ments occurred when constructing 2…7 storey
clay is determined by geological and geomor- buildings on shallow foundations. However, es-
phological factors. In the lowland in front of the timating slope stability and the excavation of
Klint, Cambrian clay with the water content of deep pits remains a greater problem.
14…16% can be found. A decrease of micro Laboratory tests overestimate the strength of
cracks can be observed when using the Vibrex or sandstones, due to the fact that the weaker parts
the driven pile method, due to caused the ex- of sandstone do not end up in the laboratory as
pense of consolidation during pile works. The they tend to disintegrate during field-works.
side friction of a pile can rise up to 1 MPa and A study of extremely weak sandstone showed
the pressure under the pile's tip increases up to that Cuƒ=50…60 kPa was achieved during field-
7.5…8.5 MPa at creep limit and up to 100…120 works and in the laboratory the respective value
MPa in the ultimate load. Near the coastline the was Cuƒ=90…140 kPa. The direct shear test in
proportion of micro fissures is greater, probably the laboratory showed the resultsTDL 
caused also by sea water. At the water content of C=40 kPa (repeated shear test r=22…25I (
18% and above, the side friction of a pile is back calculations of a collapsed slope showed
0.02…0.05 MPa and at the water content above the suitability of using back calculated shear
25%, side friction is 0.15 MPa. Pressure under strength when evaluating slope stability.
the pile tip at creep limit is 4 and 2.5 MPa re- A field study of weak sandstones showed the
spectively. Many settlements are recorded near values of Cuƒ=800 kPa and in the laboratory
the shore line under the pressure that is less than Cuƒ=1700 kPa. During the inverted shear test the
the creep limit. Hence, there must have been a values of =26…28 - 
decrease in the creep limit and an increase of set- with slope stability can be found in those sand-
tlement in time. There are many different expla- stones and hence no inverted calculations have
nations proposed by several authors, nevertheless been made.
there is still a long way to go to the final conclu- The study of siltstone turned out to be more
sions. complex. The strength of siltstone is greatly af-
fected by their silt and also water content. The
water content of siltstone may vary vastly; the
natural water content of siltstone is
Wn=12…25%; WP=19%; WL=29%; IP=10%.
M. Mets et al. / On the Properties of Cambrian Clay and Sandstones 367

Based on field tests Cuƒ=40 kPa (Wn=18%) and

laboratory tests Cuƒ=200 kPa (Wn=18%). This
indicates a large difference between field and
laboratory test results and also the impact of wa-
ter content.
The laboratory tests of particular interest were
the ones in which soil was loaded with 0.7 of the
ultimate stress (water content was constant). As a
result, deformations subsided during these test.
However, when the sample was skirted with a
saturated towel, a break in the sample occurred
in 3…16 hours. The back calculated shear
strength of siltstone was r =14…16
Also in siltstone the suitable properties for
slope calculations is r and Cuƒ in case of field
tests. The pile load test carried out in sandstone
revealed that the ultimate bearing capacity of the
pile tip is bigger than it should be according to
Skempton’s formula. Pressure under the pile tip
%   ^u=20…40 MPa.


[1] M. Mets, Iseloomulike punktide meetod, V Eesti Ehi-

tusgeoloogia kogumik (1991), 42-63.
[2] M. Mets, The soil’s strength, Baltic Geotechnics ’95
(1995), 35–39.
[3] M. Mets, P. Talviste, H. Torn, Strength of Paleozoic
clays, Baltic Geotechnics ’95 (1995), 43-46.
[4] M. Mets, A. Niin, L. Smirnov, Tiskre kihistu savika lii-
vakivi tugevusest, IX Eesti Geotehnika Konverents,
Teesid (1988), 66-67.
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 369
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Les “Terres Noires” du Dauphiné, un cas de roche

très sensible aux variations climatiques
The Dauphiné “Black Marls”: a very sensitive weak rock
J. Monnet1
UJF-Grenoble 1 , CNRS UMR 5521, 3SR, Grenoble F-38041, France
D. Fabre
CNAM-Chaire de Géotechnique, Paris, France
M. Zielinski
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Strathclyde, UK

The Black Marls extend about a hundred of square kilometer in the South East of France. This Jurassic geological formation is
locally known under the name of “Black Marls”. The altered section of this formation is subject to many instability phenome-
non: slow and regular erosion of the bare sectors, slide slopes, mud flow. To understand the spatial extension and the evolution
mechanisms of this material, it was decided within the GIS Draix organization to carry out measurements by geological surveys,
, in-situ geo-mechanical tests and laboratory tests. To measure the vertical extension of the altered section of the Black Marl, it
the University of Grenoble carried out a series of in situ tests with the dynamic penetrometer Panda. These tests were completed
with laboratory experiments for geotechnical classification. Measurements of degradation under cycle drying-saturation follow-
ing standard NFP 94-067 were carried out and it was developed a new test of degradation under the influence of the cycle freez-
ing-thawing. The results indicates that the Black Marl is a rock which is altered along a decimeter vertical extension, with a geo-
technical classification SC (USCS) and A1-A2 (GTR).The results show an evolutive rock, very sensitive to the conditions of
water and freeze. The tests of degradation indicate a degradable rock under the cycle of water, but more degradable under the ac-
tion of freezing. The prevention of its evolution should be conducted by a spatial protection preventing it from the saturation-
dessiccation and freeze-thaw mechanism. This could be achieved by a surface filling of earth, whith a sufficient thickness to pre-
vent the observed degradations
Les Terres Noires couvrent plusieurs centaines de km2 dans les Alpes du Sud. Il s’agit d’une formation géologique jurassique,
connue localement sous le nom de “Terres Noires”. La tranche altérée de cette formation est sujette à de nombreux phénomènes
d'instabilité: érosion lente et régulière des secteurs non végétalisés, glissements de versants, coulées boueuses. . Pour mieux
comprendre l’extension spatiale et les mécanismes de l’évolutivité de ce matériau, en liaison avec les travaux du GIS Draix, il a
été décidé de réaliser à la fois des reconnaissances géologiques, géomécaniques in situ et des essais de laboratoire. Pour mesurer
l’extention verticale de la couche altérée des Terres Noires, il a été entrepris par l’Université de Grenoble une série de mesures in
situ au pénétromètre dynamique léger Panda. Ces essais ont été complétée par des expériences au laboratoire de classification
d’après les propriétés physiques. Des mesures de dégradalités sous cycle dessication-saturation selon la norme NFP 94-067 ont
été réalisées et il a été mis au point un nouvel essai de dégradabilité sous l’influence du cycle gel-dégel. L’ensemble de ces résul-
tats indique que la Terre Noire est une roche qui se présente sous un aspect dégradée selon un extension verticale décimétrique
de classe SC (USCS) et A1-A2 (GTR). Les essais de dégradabilité indique une roche peu dégradable sous le cycle de l’eau, mais
plus dégradable sous l’action du gel. La prévention de son évolutivité passe par une protection efficace contre les phénomènes de
saturation-désaturation réalisée par des couches protectrices de terre végétale suffisamment épaisse et plantée pour permettre la
prévention des mécanismes de dégradation identifiés.

Keywords: Weak rock, Weathering, Geotechnical properties, hydric cycle, freeze-unfreeze cycle
Mots clés : Roche tendre, Altération, Propriétés géotechniques, Cycle hydrique, Cycle gel-dégel

Corresponding Author.
370 J. Monnet et al. / Les “Terres Noires” du Dauphiné

1 INTRODUCTION L’épaisseur de la série est de plusieurs centaines

de mètres et atteint même 2000 m dans le Diois.
Les Terres Noires couvrent une superficie de
plusieurs centaines de kilomètres carrés dans le
Sud-Est de la France. Cette formation géologique
se présente sous la forme d’une roche tendre fi-
nement stratifiée à l’état intact. Sa composition
argilo-marneuse la rend très sensible à l’érosion
et elle se dégrade rapidement en formant un sol
composé de grains en plaquettes plus ou moins
argileuses et évolutives. Les Terres Noires sont
le siège de plusieurs grands glissements de ter-
rain notamment dans la région de Barcelonnette
(La Valette, Super Sauze…) ; et, plus générale-
ment, de phénomènes d’érosion de surface in- Figure 1 : Localisation des Terres Noires / Location of the
tense, maintenant bien étudiés sur le bassin ver- Black Marl
sant de recherche expérimentale de Draix près de
Digne, avec ravinement des versants et création
de nombreux chenaux de ruissellement.
Pour mieux comprendre l’extension spatiale et
les mécanismes de l’évolutivité de ce matériau,
en liaison avec les travaux du GIS Draix [1], il a
été décidé de réaliser à la fois des reconnaissan-
ces géologiques, géomécaniques in situ et des es-
sais de laboratoire. Les différents objectifs de
cette recherche ont portés successivement sur, la
reconnaissance de l’extention verticale de la cou-
che altérée par la résistance à la pénétration dy-
namique, sur la classification géotechnique de la
tranche altérée par identification physique, sur
les mécanismes d’altération de ce matériaux par
mesure de la dégradabilité sous le cycle de l’eau
et sous celui du gel.
Figure 2 : Paysage typique de “badlands” dans les Terres
Noires de la region de Draix / Typical landscape of badland

Les principales régions où affleurent les Terres

Noires sont, du Nord au Sud ([2] et Figure 1), le 3 PROBLEMES RENCONTRES
Trièves, le Diois, le Gapençais, les secteurs de
Barcelonnette, Laragne et Digne. Des variations Les phénomènes d’érosion régulière y sont im-
de faciès (intercalation de lits plus calcaires) sont portants et donnent des paysages de « badlands »
surtout présentes à la base de la série (Batho- (Figure 2) avec de nombreux ravinements ; le
nien), à son sommet (Oxfordien moyen) et au maintien de la végétation y est difficile. Des glis-
milieu (marno-calcaires du Bathonien sup. et sements et des coulées de toutes tailles s’y pro-
Callovien inf.). Ce dernier niveau sépare la série duisent également, mettant en danger les voies de
en un « membre inférieur » et un « membre supé- communications, les aménagements hydrauli-
rieur » tous deux presque uniquement marneux. ques, les aires de loisir (nautisme au Lac de
Serre-Ponçon, stations de ski des Orres, de Pra-
J. Monnet et al. / Les “Terres Noires” du Dauphiné 371

loup et du Sauze). De grands glissements de ter- % selon les secteurs pour les marnes saines. Les
rain sont notamment observés dans la région de autres composants minéraux sont le quartz, les
Barcelonnette (La Valette [3], Super Sauze [4]) micas, les argiles.. ; ceux-ci, déterminés aux RX
sur la fraction inférieure à 2μ sont l’illite (40 à
80 %), la chlorite (10 à 40 %) et les interstratifiés
4 CARACTERISATION GEOTECHNIQUE illite-smectite (< 30 %). Ces derniers ne sont tou-
tefois pas toujours présents.
Les Terres Noires non altérées peuvent être con-
sidérées comme des roches tendres [5]. Dans cet 4.2 Granularité
état leur résistance à la compression est de quel-
ques MPa. A l’interface avec l’atmosphère, elles Concernant les analyses granulométriques de la
s’altèrent rapidement en réponse aux conditions tranche altérée, une grosse différence existe entre
hydriques et aux cycles gel-dégel (voir plus loin). les résultats des essais « à sec » et « par voie
Elles deviennent alors un sol de moins en moins humide » ; car ces derniers perturbent davantage
dur, au fur et à mesure que progresse l’altération. la structure de l’échantillon, tandis que les résul-
Ce sol est constitué de grains en plaquettes plus tats à sec sous-estiment largement les fines. Il est
ou moins argileuses. La détermination de donc difficile d’indiquer des valeurs caractéristi-
l’épaisseur de la tranche altérée (le plus souvent ques : globalement, il y a peu de fines « libres »
de l’ordre de 1 à 2m) a fait l’objet d’études sys- dans les essais à sec (30% < 2μ ) et elles appa-
tématiques à Draix, où l’on a utilisé conjointe- raissent nettement pour les essais par voie hu-
ment des méthodes géophysiques (sismique, mide où le pourcentage inférieur à 2μ peut at-
électrique) et géomécaniques avec notamment de teindre 70 %.
nombreux essais [6] au pénétromètre dynamique
léger de type Panda (Figure 3).
4.3 Limites d’Atterberg. Valeurs de Bleu

Sur un ensemble de 52 échantillons [8],

l’interprétation des caractéristiques physiques
des Terres Noires montre une grande variabilité
des caractéristiques selon les échantillons choi-
sis. En général il s’agit de matériaux peu plasti-
ques (IP moyen de 11%) avec une limite de li-
quidité moyenne (wL moyen de 30 %).
On trouve également une Valeur de Bleu
moyenne (1,5 cm3/100g) qui est en concordance
avec la valeur moyenne de l’indice de plasticité.
L’étude de l’ensemble des résultats conduit à
bien distinguer deux états d’altération. Dans le
premier cas (régolite peu altéré), il s’agit d’un
matériau très granulaire et très peu plastique dont
Figure 3 : Exemple de diagramme de pénétration dans la le comportement s’apparente à celui d’une grave
tranche altérée des marnes / Example of penetration diagram
into altered marl
très compacte. Dans le second cas (tranche alté-
rée), le matériau est décomposé et fin, et son
comportement est globalement celui d’un limon
4.1 Minéralogie peu plastique de classe USCS « SC » (sable argi-
leux) et de classe GTR « A1-A2 » sol fin peu
Sur le plan de la composition minéralogique [7], plastique à plastique)
nous retiendrons d’abord les valeurs caractéristi-
ques de la teneur en CaCO3 qui varie de 33 à 45
372 J. Monnet et al. / Les “Terres Noires” du Dauphiné

5 ESSAIS MONTRANT LA SENSIBILITE hydriques ont une influence sur la granulométrie

AUX VARIATIONS CLIMATIQUES des Terres Noires sans doute par l’action de la
tension superficielle de l’eau. Cette dégradation
se traduit par une évolution du diamètre d10 qui
5.1 Programme expérimental est mesuré avant et après l’application des 6 cy-
Pour mesurer le caractère évolutif de cette for- cles [10].
mation [9], il a été décidé de réaliser des pré-
lèvements d’échantillons intacts, sur le site de
Draix, et de déterminer leur susceptibilité à la
dégradation de deux points de vue différents,
d’abord par rapport aux cycles dessication-
saturation qui sont le plus fréquents, et aussi par
rapport aux cycles gel-dégels qui se produisent
en hiver. Les échantillons ont été prélevés à la
pelle, pour 11kg, et divisés en deux parts, l’une
de 5,65kg et l’autre de 5,35kg.

Figure 5 : Etat initial avant essai de dessication-saturation /

Initial state before the dessication-saturation test

Figure 4 : Principe de l’essai de dessication-saturation / The

test of drying – saturation

5.2 Essai dessication-saturation

La Figure 4 montre le principe de l’essai réalisé
selon la norme NFP94-067 [10]. La granulomé-
trie de l’échantillon est mesurée avant l’essai de
dégradation en dessiccation-saturation pour con-
naitre la distribution de la taille des particules de
sol. Pour mesurer la susceptibilité de cette roche
sous condition hydraulique, l’échantillon est
soumis à 6 cycles de dessiccation-saturation. La Figure 6 : Etat final après essai de dessication-saturation /
Final state after the dessication-saturation test
dessiccation est obtenue par passage au four à
103°C pendant 16h, et la saturation est obtenue
5.3 Essai gel-dégel
par immersion de l’échantillon dans l’eau pen-
dant 8h. La figure 7 présente le principe de cette nouvelle
L’évolution de la granulométrie peut expérience qui permet d’estimer l'influence du
s’observer visuellement (Figure 5 et 6). Avant cycle gel-dégel sur la dégradation des Terres
essai l’échantillon est composé essentiellement Noires. Comme pour le premier échantillon, une
de grosses particules, et après les 6 cycles analyse granulométrique initiale a été effectuée
d’essai, la part de fines dans l’échantillon est pour connaitre la distribution en taille des parti-
plus importante. Ceci montre que les variations cules de sol. L'échantillon a ensuite été disposé
J. Monnet et al. / Les “Terres Noires” du Dauphiné 373

dans un conteneur en plastique et placé au congé- grande augmentation de la partie fine de

lateur à -8°C. Après 16 h de gel, l'échantillon a l’échantillon. Cet essai montre l’influence
été dégelé et saturé entièrement par immersion qu’exerce la température et notamment le pas-
dans l’eau pendant 8h. La même procédure a été sage du gel au dégel sur la dégradation des Ter-
répétée 6 fois res Noires
Tableau 1 : Résultat des essais / Results of the tests
d10 d10 DG
avant essai après essai
mm mm
Essai dessica- 2,62 1,31 2
Essai gel- 2,94 0,51 5,8

Figure 7 : Principe de l’essai de gel-dégel / The test of freez-

ing-unfreezing Avant
Dessication- 100
saturation 70
% Tamisat

0,1 1 10 100
Log(D) mm

Figure 8 : Etat initial avant essai de gel-dégel / Initial state

before the freeze-unfreeze test Figure 10 : Granulométrie avant et après essai de dessication-
saturation / Initial and final curves for the dessication-
saturation test

Avant Gel
AprEs Gel 90
% Tamisat

0,1 1 10 100
Figure 9 : Etat final après essai de gel-dégel / Final state after
the freeze-unfreeze test Log(D) m m

Figure 11 : Granulométrie avant et après essai de gel-dégel /
L’évolution de la granulométrie peut Initial and final curves for the freeze unfreeze test
s’observer visuellement (Figure 8 et 9) avec une
374 J. Monnet et al. / Les “Terres Noires” du Dauphiné

5.4 Résultats des essais nements souples et la constitution de terrasses

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 375
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IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 381
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

A new concept to identify and characterize active

Un concept nouveau d’identifier et caracteriser les argiles
A. Stanciu, 1 I. Lungu, L. Ciobanita & M. Aniculaesi
Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi, 43 D. Mangeron, 700050 Iasi, Romania

The paper proposes to geotechnical engineers a new concept to identify active clays based on the meaning of a graphical repre-
sentation – the soil chart – originated from a Romanian Standard, that unifies the Casagrande’s chart (LL-PI), the Skempton’s
chart (IA) with the granulometric curve of the investigated soil. The normalized area of the soil chart An = f(LL; PI; IA;P90 ;A2P)
is considered a composite indicator of the soil swelling-contraction potential. Thus, a new index is proposed, based on a similar
structure with the soil liquidity index (IL=1-IC) to estimate the soil swelling-contraction potential, as the activity coefficient. This
one correlates the normalized areas of the soil chart for two clays developing extreme behaviour, kaolinitic clay ( ACn ) and
montmorillonitic clay respectively ( AMn ), with the normalized area of the investigated soil ( AOn ), resulting in the activity coeffi-
cient (CA). This new and original concept has been calibrated by laboratory tests using kaolinitic and montmorillonitic clays
from Romania and as the investigated soil, and active clay present in the flat area of the Bahlui River, frequently found as the
foundation soil in Iasi city and county. The obtained results compared with the other indices ( UL; IA; A2¡; Cp; ws; Cv, w15; qmax;
pu) presented in the corresponding literature are considered relevant and useful to acknowledge the activity coefficient (CA) as a
new physical parameter integrating all the other classical ones, that characterizes the intensity of the swelling-contraction phe-
nomena anticipated during the geotechnical design on construction sites on active clays.

A partir de l'interprétation d'une représentation graphique appelée l'empreinte du sol, propre à un standard roumain, qui réunit le
diagramme Casagrande (LL - PI), le diagramme Skempton (IA) et la courbe granulométrique du sol étudié, le papier soumet a
l'attention des géotechniciens un nouveau concept d'identification des argiles actives. La taille de la superficie normalisée de
l'empreinte An = f(LL; PI; IA; P90 ;A2P) est considérée comme un indicateur composite du potentiel de gonflement-contraction
d'un sol. En conséquence, par la similitude de structure avec l'indice de liquidité (IL = 1-IC) des sols, on propose une nouvelle
grandeur physique pour l'estimation du potentiel de gonflement-contraction des sols, sous la forme d'un coefficient d'activité. Ce
coefficient met en corrélation les superficies normalisées de l'empreinte pour deux argiles avec des comportements extrêmes, ar-
gile kaolinique ( ACn ) et respectivement argile montmorillonique ( AMn ), avec la superficie normalisée du sol étudié ( AOn ), en ob-
tenant un coefficient d'activité (CA). Ce nouveau concept original a été calibré par des tests de laboratoire, utilisant les argiles
kaoliniques et montmorilloniques en provenance de Roumanie. Le sol étudié a été une argile active présente dans les plaines de
la rivière Bahlui, fréquemment rencontré comme terrain de fondation dans la ville et le comté de Iasi. Les résultats obtenus,
comparés avec d'autres indices (UL; IA; A2¡; Cp; ws; Cv, w15; qmax; pu) présents dans la littérature, sont considérés relevants et
utiles pour consacrer le coefficient d'activité (CA) comme une nouvelle grandeur physique intégrant les grandeurs classiques qui
caractérisent l'intensité des phénomènes de gonflement-contraction anticipés dans la fondation sur des emplacements contenant
des argiles actives.

Keywords: active clay, kaolinitic clay, montmorillonitic clay, soil chart, new and original coefficient of activity

Corresponding Author.
382 A. Stanciu et al. / A New Concept to Identify and Characterize Active Clays

1 GENERALITIES accompanying the soil saturation. It cannot be

explained still, according to this hypothesis why
Soils with high swells and shrinkages (active soils display larger swells than shrinkages when
clays) can determinate, when moisture content the last ones, as elastic recoveries, should be
varies, volume variations (swells-shrinkages) of smaller due to the permanent deformations.
the foundation soil, generally non-uniform both Swell and shrinkage, based on the electro-
in plan and depth. Constructions founded directly molecular hypothesis [1], [6], are determined by
on these soils are subjected to supplementary ac- the modification of the particle inter-distances,
tions because of the swelling pressure and/or based on the wedge effect induced when the
support failure (settlements due to shrinkages) layer thickness of the adsorbed water increases
that can determinate in some situations failure or or decreases, as consequence of the system equi-
severe alteration of the functionality or stability librium tendency, as to provide the same neu-
of these constructions. Assurance against the oc- tralization degree of the electrostatic fields
currence of such phenomena requires a set of around particles, and implicitly to create equal
measures regarding both the foundation soils and adsorbed water envelopes around them. When
the construction structures. These measures need soil swell would be detained, then swelling pres-
to be designed as adaptable according to the es- sures (pu) develop on the restricting element as
timated volume variations, without endangering larger (2-3 daN/cm2) as the initial soil moisture
the service state, stability and bearing capacity. content is reduced and the thickness of the ad-
Consequently, the identification and characteri- sorbed water layer according to the soil type is
zation of these soils is required, since they are higher.
similar with others from the granulometric view-
point but they display a swell-shrinkage poten- 2.1 Factors influencing the swell-shrinkage
tial, and at the same time the quantification of potential
this potential based on certain parameters estab-
lished either theoretically or experimentally. The
The soil volume variations, in the same condi-
available investigation options [1], [2], [3], [4],
tions of moisture content variations, are differen-
are not only very diverse, but they also provide
tiated by the interfacing phenomena intensity,
many times controversial results.
displayed as thickness of the adsorbing complex.
Consequently, the factors determining the swell-
shrinkage potential of a certain soil are [1], [5],
2 HYPOTHESES ON THE SOIL [6] the same factors that induce the thickness of
SWELLING AND SHRINKAGE the adsorbing complex which are: particle di-
mensions and shape, mineralogical composition,
Swelling and contraction of clayey soils, as dis- environment conditions (electrolytic concentra-
plays of the solid-liquid-gas interface phenom- tion, pH, salinity), nature of the adsorbed cations.
ena, have been and are still explained based on These factors provide the soil with a certain
the following hypotheses: [1], [5], [6]: the capil- value of the swell-shrinkage potential, which can
lary pressure hypothesis and the electro- be activated or not depending on the existence or
molecular attraction hypothesis. According to the not of the moisture content variations. The swell
capillary pressure hypothesis [1], [5], the soils potential activation is determined by the follow-
shrinkage would develop due to the deform- ing factors [1], [4]: the climatic factor, that im-
ability of the mineral skeleton/reduction of po- poses the temperature and moisture content
rosity under the induced capillary pressures variations within the soil; the hydrological condi-
within their mass by the capillary meniscuses. tions; the densification state; the vegetation on
The soil swell, according to this hypothesis the site location; the moisture content variation
would develop mostly due to the elastic recovery during the construction process or during the
of the solid skeleton, by the capillary meniscus service period.
disappearance, the capillary pressure respectively
A. Stanciu et al. / A New Concept to Identify and Characterize Active Clays 383


The swell-shrinkage potential is dependent on

the granulometric composition (as available spe-
cific surface for the interfacing phenomena to
manifest) directly correlated with the chemical
and mineralogical composition of the solid parti-
cles (montmorillonite displays the largest avail-
able adsorption potential of the hydrated ions and
the Van der Waals forces between the threefold
platelets [1], [5], [6] are reduced). Indirectly, this
causality can be considered as explicated by the
value of the liquid limit (LL), the one displayed
in the Casagrande’s chart (PI, LL) developed
later with the location of the main clayey miner-
als by Chleborad [7], and by Skempton (IA =
PI/A2¡) with later adaptations of the domains
given by Seed [4], Van der Merwe [8].
In all cases, the fundamental indices (PL, LL,
A2¡) are correlated with the derived indices (PI, Figure 1. Soil chart structure according to Silvan Andrei
IA) in order to estimate for a particular clay the
activity level as swell-shrinkage potential. The
first step towards structuring a composite index
was made for the first time graphically [2] [3], by
charts unification in a single structure, the soil
chart (figure 1). This one includes the identifica-
tion Casagrande’s chart, the Skempton’s chart
and the granulometric curve. The size of its area
constitutes a prime criterion to characterize the
swell-shrinkage potential of a certain soil [2],
[1]. A reference circle is introduced to scale the
drawing along the four axes, intercepting the
points for 50% value of LL, PI, Xd and 1mm di-
ameter along the diameter axis, with the corre-
sponding surface considered to compute the
normalized surface of the chart ( An A Acircle ).
Compared to the classical display of the soil
chart (figure 1) [3], the present paper introduces
several improvements (figure 2). Thus,
Casagrande’s – Chleborad’s chart is proposed
within the Ist quadrant [7] and Skempton’s chart
in Van der Merwe’s form [8] within the IInd
quadrant. Two soils with extreme behaviours are Figure 2. Soil chart structure according to Stanciu et all
considered to establish the variation limits of the developed with a maximum content of kaolin,
minimum and maximum soil chart surface. Thus, the clayey mineral that induces a certain rigidity
soil charts from each specific country will be of the clayey soil structures against water action.
384 A. Stanciu et al. / A New Concept to Identify and Characterize Active Clays

These are presently used for pottery making, be- The extreme values of the activity coefficient
cause it is considered that they provide a negligi- for a specific soil with the normalized surface of
ble shrinkage potential during the burning proc- the chart result as:
ess. x CA  0 – for AOn d ACn , fact that would in-
The average value of these charts will be de-
dicate that the soil does not possess a
noted with AC and normalized by being divided swell-shrinkage potential / inactive or at
to the reference circle surface, resulting in the most to the level of the kaolinitic clay.
ACn AC Acircle . For soils that would display x CA = 1 – for AO
AMn , fact that would
maximum variation of volume, the ones with indicate that the soil possess a maximum
montmorillonite with sodium complex will be swell-shrinkage potential, to the level of
considered. The average normalized surface of the montmorillonitic clay with a sodium
these soils corresponding chart will be denoted complex.
as AM AM Acircle . For values 0 < CA < 1 the activity domain has
An ordinary soil considered as the foundation been divided in 4 zones and thus:
soil ( AOn ), will behave, depending on the mois- x 0 < CA < 0.25 – soils with low activity;
x 0.25  CA < 0.50 – soils with medium ac-
ture content variation, in between the behaviour
of the kaolinitic clay and the montmorillonitic
clay respectively. Thus, one considers that the x 0.50  CA < 0.75 – soils with high activ-
normalized surface of this soil ( AOn ) will fit in x 0.75  CA < 1.00 – soils with very high
between the two limits previously established, activity.
similar to the soil moisture content between the
two limits of plasticity ( PL d w d LL ) and re-
spectively ( ACn d AOn d AMn
Representing the values of these normalized KAOLINITIC CLAY FROM SUNCUIUS
surfaces along the axis (figure 3) one can define
an activity coefficient ( C A ), similar as structure Samples have been extracted from deposit of
kaolinitic clay (kaolinite) located in the village
with the liquidity index ( I L 1  I C ), that would Suncuius, Romania, to establish the chart of the
characterize the swell-shrinkage potential for a n
kaolinitic clay ( AC ) that enters the relationship
certain clay with a relationship as it follows:
Laboratory investigations resulted in characte-
ristic geotechnical indices for the kaolinitic clay
with the following mean values:
x granulometric fraction less than 2 ¡
A2¡ = 18.45%
x plasticity index PI = 20.74%
x activity index IA = 1.12
x plasticity criterion Cp = 14.84
x free swell UL = 78.33%
One can conclude that by activity, depending
on the classical indices, the kaolinitic clay would
fit between the active and less active soils. Fig-
ure 4 presents the kaolinitic clay chart with the
Figure 3. Defining the activity coefficient and
characterization of soils activity according to Stanciu et all normalized dimensionless surface ACn 2.43 .
A. Stanciu et al. / A New Concept to Identify and Characterize Active Clays 385

Figure 5. Chart of the montmorillonitic clay with sodium

complex (bentonite) from Valea Chioariului, Romania
Figure 4. Chart of the kaolinitic clay from Suncuius, Romania


The Bahlui clay is present in 5-9m thickness
within an alluvium complex from the plain of the
Samples have been extracted from the deposit of
Bahlui River – Iasi. The chemical analyses per-
montmorillonitic clay (sodium bentonite) located
formed on the Bahlui clay [9] indicate the mas-
in Valea Chioariului, Romania, in order to de-
sive participation of the montmorillonite – figure
termine the maximum values of the soil chart.
6, the Ist quadrant. Laboratory investigations re-
Laboratory investigations resulted in charac-
sulted in characteristic geotechnical indices for
teristic geotechnical indices for the sodium ben-
the Bahlui clay with the following mean values:
tonite with the following mean values:
x granulometric fraction less than 2 ¡
x granulometric fraction less than 2 ¡
A2¡ = 69.68%
A2¡ = 44.68%
x plasticity index PI = 59,89%
x plasticity index PI = 99.48%
x activity index IA = 0,90
x activity index IA = 2.24
x plasticity criterion Cp = 52.27
x plasticity criterion Cp = 81.81
x free swell UL = 185.33%
x free swell UL = 633.33%
To predict and characterize the Bahlui clay,
Thus, the sodium bentonite is included in the
classical indices with their mean values have
category of very active soils, with the highest ac-
been analyzed against activity limits for clay
tivity from all investigated soils. The chart of this
characterization [1], [3]. Thus, the Bahlui clay is
soil is presented in figure 5, with the normalized
very active A2¡ = 69.68% > 30%; PI = 59.89% >
dimensionless surface AM 7.21 . 35%; PI = 59.89% > Cp = 52.27%; UL =
185.33% > 140% and only active based on the
386 A. Stanciu et al. / A New Concept to Identify and Characterize Active Clays

Skempton’s activity index IA = 0.9, as being be- garding the scaling of the activity potential (e.g.:
tween 1.00 and 1.25. One can conclude that the after Van der Mewre – very high, after Skempton
clay from the Bahlui plain is very active. The – medium). The proposed activity coefficient
Bahlui clay chart is presented in figure 6, with a ( C A ), as a composite index that integrates the
normalized dimensionless surface AOn 5.09 . updated charts of Casagrande-Chleborad and
Skempton-Van der Merwe with the granulomet-
ric curve, is considered to better describe the in-
timacy of the swell/shrinkage phenomena and
that to provide a higher reliability than the previ-
ous ones. As a consequence of the above men-
tioned issues and in order to take into account the
specific characteristics specific to the formation
of each sedimentary deposit of clay, it is neces-
sary for using CA to establish the extreme nor-
malized surfaces of kaolinitic ( ACn ) and mont-
morillonitic with sodium complex ( AM ) clays.
These will be reference elements for clay activ-
ity, an intrinsical property as plasticity. C A in-
dex is alike as structure with I L 1  I C , the
and calculus requires only routine geotechnical
laboratory tests.

Figure 6. Chart of the Bahlui clay, Romania
[1] A. Stanciu, I. Lungu, Foundations – I, Technical Pub-
The activity coefficient of the Bahlui clay, ac- lishing House Bucarest, Romania, 2006 (in Romanian)
cording to relationship (1) is based on the nor- [2] S. Andrei, S. Manea, - La systematisation, le stokage,et
la reutilisation de information geotechniques, Revue
malized surfaces of the kaolinite and sodium française de Géotechnique 78 (1997)51-61
bentonite charts (figure 4 and 5), resulting in: [3] *** STAS 1913/12, Determination of the physical and
mechanical characteristics for soils with swellings and
AOn  ACn 5.09  2.43 shrinkages, Romanian Standardization Institute, 1988
CA 0.556
 ACn 7.21  2.43 [4] C. Lucian - Geotechnical Aspects of Buildings on Ex-
pansive Soils in Kibaha, Tanzania:, Preliminary Study -
Based on the value ( C A 0.556 ) of the new Licentiate Thesis, Royal Institute of Technology Stock-
activity coefficient defined as a composite- holm, Sweden, 2006
[5] De Rattan Lal - Principles of Soil Physics, Taylor Fran-
integrating index (PI, IA, LL) and the proposed cis Publisher, 2004
characterization (figure 3) the clay from the plain [6] A.A. Abed - Numerical Modeling of Expansive Soil Be-
of the Bahlui River is a clay with high activity. havior - Institut für Geotechnik der Universität Stutt-
gart , Germany, 22, 2008
[7] A.F. Chleborad, M.A. Osman, E.M. Ali, Geotechnical
properties of selected materials from the Slimgullion
7 CONCLUSIONS landslide,
[8] D.H. Van der Merwe, Contributions to Speciality Ses-
sion B, Current theory and practice for building on ex-
It often resulted from the analysis of the existing pansive clay: Proceedings of the 6th Reg. Conf. for Af-
indices from literature where active soils are rica on SMFE,(1975), Durban, vol.2
[9] N. Boti, Contributions on studying the shrinkage soils
identified and characterized, that there are some from the foundation ground in the Iasi city area, Doc-
contradictions on the final results, especially re- toral Thesis, Romania, 1974 (in Romanian)
2.1. Selection of Parameters
Sélection des paramètres
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 389
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Foundation of a gravity dam on layered soft rock.

Shear strength of bedding planes in laboratory and
large “in situ” tests
Fondations d’un barrage en arc sur des bancs de roc tendre.
Resistance en cisaillement des plans de stratification en
laboratoire et essais in situ à grande échelle
E.E. Alonso1, N.M. Pinyol and J.A. Pineda
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Dep. Ingeniería del Terreno, Cartográfica y Geofísica,
Barcelona, Spain
A 100 m high gravity dam (Castrovido dam, Burgos, Spain) is founded on a soft Weald red siltstone with interbedded sandstone
strata. Dam stability is essentially controlled by the available shear strength of sedimentation planes. Block samples were recov-
ered for the different types of contact identified. They were tested in high capacity shear box machine (30x30 cm) and in large
scale shear tests. The roughness of the sheared plane was determined after each one of the tests. Additional information includes
the results of residual strength tests performed on clay fillings on a ring shear apparatus.
The results of all the tests performed are compared in the paper showing the effect of field surface roughness. The paper also
discusses the procedure followed to select an appropriate strength envelope for design purposes on the basis of all the available
information. The case points out the difficulty to select unambiguously a suitable design strength for the critical sedimentation
surfaces despite the efforts displayed in the field and in the laboratory.

Un barrage en arc de 100 m d’hauteur (Barrage de Castrovido, Burgos, Espagne) a été fondé sur de limonites Weald rouges et
tendres avec des bancs inter stratifiés en grès. La stabilité du barrage est essentiellement contrôlée par la résistance au cisaille-
ment disponible des plans de sédimentation. Des échantillons en bloc ont été récupérés pour les différents types de contact iden-
tifiés. On les a testés dans une boîte de cisaillement d’haute capacité (30x30 cm) et dans des essais à grande échelle. La rugosité
du plan de cisaillement a été déterminée après chacun des essais. L’information additionnelle inclut les résultats de tous les es-
sais de résistance résiduelle effectués sur les remblais en argile dans un appareil de cisaillement annular.
Les résultats de tous les essais effectués sont comparés dans cet article, qui montre l'effet de la rugosité de surface. L’article
traite également de la procédure suivie pour sélectionner une enveloppe de résistance appropriée à des fins de conception sur la
base de toutes les informations disponibles. Le cas souligne la difficulté de choisir sans ambiguïté un calcul de résistance appro-
priée pour les surfaces de sédimentation critique malgré les efforts sur le terrain et en laboratoire.

Keywords: shear strength, sedimentation planes, dam foundation, insitu shearing tests.

1 INTRODUCTION At the site of the dam, the rock structure is

dominated by the sedimentation planes. This is
Castrovido gravity dam, a 100 m high structure shown in Figure 1a. The plot provides density
in its central part, is founded on sedimentary contours of 194 discontinuity planes taken during
rocks deposited in the upper Jurassic, lower Cre- a geological survey of the excavation for the dam
tacic period (Weald facies). Rocks are dominated foundation. The dominant orientation corre-
by siltstones and interbedded sandstones. sponds to sedimentary planes, which dip on av-

Corresponding Author.
390 E.E. Alonso et al. / Foundation of a Gravity Dam on Layered Soft Rock

erage 18º. Figure 1a shows also the orientation,

in plan view, of the dam. Dam thrust is therefore
directed against the dip of sedimentation planes.
The situation in a cross-section of the dam is
given in Figure 1b. It is clear that the dam stabil-
ity is essentially controlled by the shear strength
available on sedimentation planes.

Family orientations
1m 20/154
3m 26/246
6m 75/266

Dam orientation

Equal angle Figure 2. A representative cut of the Weald formation up-

Lower hemisphere
194 poles stream of the dam.
194 entries

(a) This paper describes the methodology fol-

lowed to obtain the representative shear strength
of these planes. Excavations for the dam founda-
tion offered an excellent opportunity to observe
“in situ” the geomechanical characteristics of the
sedimentation planes. Block samples including
discontinuities could be taken at different loca-
tions and tested in a 30×30 cm shear box. In ad-
dition, large scale “in situ” test (80×80 cm) were
also performed on sandstone- siltstone planar
transitions. These basic tests were completed by
additional information coming from annular
shear tests on remolded samples taken from
some joint infillings and also from an evaluation
Figure 1. (a) Density contours of sedimentation planes; (b) of the roughness of some sedimentation planes.
Cross-section of the dam showing the dip of sedimentation The set of results exhibited a significant scatter
but it helped to adopt a shearing strength crite-
rion adopted later in dam stability calculations.
A representative cut of the weald formation
immediately upstream of the dam position is
shown in Figure 2. The photograph shows the
sequence of siltstone and sandstone layers. The
photograph illustrates also the expected contacts
between the lithological units. Sedimentation
contacts are expected inside the siltstone and the
sandstone banks. In addition, a frequent contact
is given by a sharp transition between sandstone
levels and clays.

Figure 3. Sedimentation planes inside sandstone banks with

high content of mica.
E.E. Alonso et al. / Foundation of a Gravity Dam on Layered Soft Rock 391

2 FEATURES OF SEDIMENTARY PLANES mum dimension of 30×30 cm. Often, available

blocks had smaller dimension. In this case the
It is useful, before examining the results of shear test required a previous conditioning of the sam-
tests, to present some “in situ” observations on ple. Each of the blocks separated by the joint was
the geometry, texture and materials exposed on placed in a mould, in which a mortar was poured.
sedimentation discontinuities. In this way the irregular rock sample would fit
Consider first the sedimentation planes sepa- precisely into the shear box. The lower half of
rating beds of sandstone. They are often covered the sample was first prepared. After a 24 hour
by high concentrations of muscovite mica (Fig. curing period, a fine sand layer was placed on
3). Mica was a mineral present also in the silt- top of the concrete to separate the lower and up-
stone levels, but it seemed to concentrate on per blocks. This thin intermediate sand layer
sandstone layering planes. An x-ray diffraction marks the position of the shear plane.
analysis of the filling of a sandstone sedimenta-
tion plane provided de following results: musco-

Tensión de corte (kg/cm2)

vite (high content), quartz (medium), caolinite, 3 J10
chlorite, albite and microcline (low). The lateral 2 J15 20º
extent and persistence of mica concentrations in
sandstone layers was difficult to establish, how-
ever. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Sedimentation surfaces in the siltstone were Efective normal stress (kg/cm2)

rougher. When wetted, the surfaces had a shiny

Figure 7. Direct shearing test on siltstone - siltstone contacts.
appearance although no clear evidence of pre-
shearing was found.
The strength envelopes of siltstone - siltstone
Contacts between sandstone layers and silt-
contacts are given in Figure 7. Three of the joints
stone received special attention. Large scale
tested exhibited friction angles in the vicinity of
shearing tests concentrated on these surfaces. In
24º. In one additional sample (J10) the friction
one of the test emplacements, a relatively large
was lower (# 19º). In all cases joints were soaked
area (10×5 m) was excavated to show the scale
for a 24 hour period before testing. Relative dis-
of roughness of the sedimentation plane. Jumps
placement rates were very low to ensure drained
providing some interlocking could be observed.
conditions. No apparent cohesion was measured
Some of the shear tests performed included one
in all the tests performed on the 30×30 cm shear
of these features within the 80×80 cm test sur-
box. Table 1 provides a summary of the tests per-
face. In other locations, the sandstone- siltstone
contact was shown to be planar. Again the lateral
Ring shear tests on the joints infillings were
continuity of the planar joints was difficult to es-
also performed. Results are also given in Table 1.
Mica content has a definite effect in reducing
The mineralogy of the siltstone was investi-
friction. Smooth planar planes within the sand-
gated by x-ray tests: quartz (high concentration),
stone banks exhibit frictions equal to residual
illite or mica (medium), calcite (medium), chlo-
values. On the other hand, the rougher sedimen-
rite and caolinite (low concentration). This com-
tary surfaces within the siltstone reach higher
position can be attributed to the planes siltstone
friction angles (24º). Residual friction of the rock
matrix material in these cases is again controlled
by the mica content. Some comments on the
3 DIRECT SHEAR TESTS ON BLOCK scale effect on strength, inspired by the results
SAMPLES obtained, are also given in the table.

Block samples containing a discontinuity were

often irregular. They were first cut to a maxi-
392 E.E. Alonso et al. / Foundation of a Gravity Dam on Layered Soft Rock

Table 1. Direct shear laboratory tests on sedimentary planes. A plot of shear load-shear displacements for
30×30 cm shear test box.
test MD-1 on the right abutment of the dam is
Type of Friction Residual shown in Figure 9. Shear behavior was ductile in
joint angle friction
all the tests performed. A limiting shear-stress
14º 14º Limited scale effect was usually found for very small relative dis-
+ mica
Sandstone- Residual friction placements (a fraction of 1 mm). In the case rep-
siltstone 19º 13º18º controlled by con- resented in Figure 10, four loading stages were
contacts tent of mica applied within the first 2 mm of shearing relative
Friction angle con-
Planes in- trolled by rough-
side silt- 24º 14º20º ness/dilatancy
stone Residual friction
controlled by mica

Shear load (Ton)




A testing protocol was established to define the
preparation of the specimen, the methodology to 0 2 4 6
apply loadings and to measure displacements, Displacement (mm)

and the presentation of results. In all cases, sand- Figure 9. Insitu shear test results of sample MD-1 (right ab-
stone- siltstone contacts were selected. This utment of the dam).
choice facilitated the arrangement of the tests. 8
Sample MD-1
The joint was located on top of a sandstone layer, 7 Sample MD-2

which constituted the lower immobile shearing 6

Sample MD-3
Shear stress (kp/cm2)

Sample MI-1
block. Shear forces were applied in the direction Sample MI-2
5 Barton
of the dam thrust. The square 800×800 mm Sample MI-3

Barton-Choubey Criterion
“sample” was aligned with the direction of dam
thrust. The rock was cut by means of a continu-
ous diamond-wire saw device, often used in 2

marble and granite quarries. 1

The normal load was applied by jacks reacting 0

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
against reaction beams, which were connected to Normal stress (kp/cm2)
rod anchors away from the testing area. Samples
were confined by a rigid steel frame and a mortar Figure 10. Shear strength envelope from insitu shear tests in
right (MD) and left (MI) abutment. Barton-Choubey Crite-
filling. The steel frame received also the jacks’ rion calculated is also indicated.
loading. Shear loading was applied in the direc-
tion of the plane investigated, at a short distance The failure envelopes of the three multistage
normal to the plane to minimize overturning tests performed on the right abutment of the dam
moments. Displacements in the direction of the are plotted together in Figure 10. The maximum
normal and shear loading were measured by a set applied vertical stress was 0.62 MPa, somewhat
of transducers installed in several positions cov- smaller than the maximum calculated effective
ering the block. normal stress applied by the dam under full hy-
A multistage shear testing technique was ap- drostatic load. Despite the close proximity of the
plied in all cases. Shear loading followed the ap- three tests, the measured failure envelopes were
plication of each new increment of normal load. significantly different. This result created a diffi-
Every new application of a normal load was fol- culty to select the appropriate design strength
lowed by a consolidation period. envelope.
E.E. Alonso et al. / Foundation of a Gravity Dam on Layered Soft Rock 393

Figure 11 shows the sheared plane, after the ª § JCS · º

test for test #MD3. It may be considered as the W V nc tan «Ir  JRC log 0 ¨ ¸» (1)
“rough” surface because of the ridges crossing ¬« © V nc ¹ ¼»
the plane in different directions. This geometry where Irc is the residual friction angle; JRC, the
led to the highest strength (Fig. 11). Figure 12 roughness value (in degrees), and JCS, the un-
shows a profile of the shear plane in the direction confined compressive strength of joint walls.
of the applied shearing displacements determined Hoek [2] introduced a scale effect that modifies
by a laser scanner device.
JRC and JCS as follows:
0.02 JRCLo
§L ·
JRCLn JRCLo ¨ n ¸ (2)
© Lo ¹
0.03 JRCLo
§L ·
JCS Ln JCS Lo ¨ n ¸ (3)
© Lo ¹
where Lo is the reference distance for JRCLo and
JCS Lo and Ln the reference length of the proto-
type structure. In our case Lo = 0.80 m. The re-
sidual friction angle for the siltstone was deter-
mined as 18º. This value may be taken as a
Figure 11. Sheared plane of sample MD3 after insitu shear suitable approximation for the residual friction
test. angle of siltstone sedimentary planes.
Then, for estimated values JCS Lo = 20MPa
and a JRCLo = 13, based on the measured
roughness profiles, Figure 10 gives the Barton-
Choubey strength envelope. The secant friction
angle for Vn = 0.8 MPa is 22º in this envelope.


Figure 12. Profile of the shear plane of sample MD3 in the di-
rection of applied shearing obtained by laser scanner device.
Detailed field survey of the dam foundation ex-
cavations allowed the definition of main types of
The three large scale tests performed on the left sedimentary planes, which control dam stability.
margin provided the strength envelopes plotted Joints in siltstones or sandstone- siltstones con-
in Figure 10. This time the maximum applied tacts had friction angles of 17º23º. Residual
normal stress reached 1 MPa. Again the scatter is friction for the siltstone reduces to 15º18º. This
significant especially because of the short dis- variability reflects changes in mineral composi-
tances (# 2 m) among sample positions. Rough- tion. High mica contents explains the low resid-
ness profiles showed in occasions an “inter- ual friction in clay materials having a relatively
locked” geometry. However, the effect of this low plasticity (IP = 1012%). The lowest meas-
geometry was not very marked in the overall ured joint friction angles (13º) are found in joints
shear strength behavior. having a high concentration of mica minerals.
The measured roughness profiles provided al- Shear box and ring shear cells provide the same
so an opportunity to derive a strength envelope friction values in these cases.
following Barton & Choubey [1]. They propose: Large scale shear tests are more representative
of field conditions. They were performed on
394 E.E. Alonso et al. / Foundation of a Gravity Dam on Layered Soft Rock

sandstone- siltstone contacts. A ductile response ring shear tests performed, despite the low plas-
was obtained in all cases. In general, the multi- ticity of the clay friction of siltstone.
stage testing technique provided non-linear enve- The proposal for a suitable strength envelope
lopes. Friction angles were relatively high for the sedimentation planes is given in Figure
(30º45º) for confining stresses in the range 16. It provides a variation of secant friction angle
00.1 MPa. However dam foundations are ex- with normal stress. It was obtained favoring the
pected to apply reflective normal stresses reach- large scale in situ tests and disregarding extreme
ing 1 MPa on the sedimentary planes immedi- values.
ately below the concrete foundations.


Secant friction angle (º)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Efective normal stress (kp/cm2)

Figure 16. Secant friction angle variation with normal effec-

tive stress.
Figure 15. Measured shear strength envelopes on natural
All measured shear strength envelopes on nat-
ural joints are collected in Figure 15. The small The authors would like to acknowledge the sup-
dimension (< 30×30 cm) of samples tested in the port of Proyecto del Plan Nacional de I+D+i
laboratory does not include the effect of natural BIA2008-06614 del Ministerio de Educación y
undulations of large wavelength. This may affect Ciencia (Gran Riesgo-BIG RISK), Fomento,
the differences observed in Figure 15. However, Construcciones y Contratas (FCC) and Insitu
sandstone layers are often separated by siltstone Testing.
layers, a few centimeters thick, which may ac-
commodate the wave amplitude of a true sedi-
mentation surface. Despite the roughness ob- REFERENCES
served in the sheared planes, the actual friction
angles were relatively low and the stress-strain [1] Barton, N.R., and Choubey, V. (1977) The shear
response was ductile in all cases. The ubiquitous strength of rock joints in theory and practice. Rock Me-
chanics, 10, 1-54.
presence of mica in all the weald materials stud- [2] Hoek, E. (2000) Practical rock engineering. Published
ied is probably the most characteristic and singu- online
lar aspect of this case. Muscovite mica has a low
basic friction angle (12º). In addition, mica plate-
lets align themselves parallel to joints.
Mica is present in thin interstratifications be-
tween sandstone banks, in infillings and inter-
stratifications of siltstone and, also, disseminated
in the siltstone matrix. The high mica content
explains the low residual friction measured in
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 395
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Deformation of cylindrical cavities in cross-

anisotropic rock
Déformation de cavités cylindriques dans la roche anisotrope
A. Blioumi 1 and D. Kolymbas
University of Innsbruck, Division of Geotechnical and Tunnel Engineering

Rocks composed of parallel layers (sedimentation or schistosity) belong to the so-called cross-anisotropic materials. The deter-
mination of the material properties of these rocks requires laboratory tests in samples whose foliation has variable orientations
with respect to the loading axes. However this is often not feasible for rocks with pronounced foliation: the rock disintegrates
during the extraction of the samples.
Another possibility for the estimation of the material properties could be the execution of field tests which capture the beha-
vior of the rock mass in-situ, e.g. cavity expansion tests. An analytical solution describing the displacements of the cavity wall
with respect to the applied pressure and the orientation of the foliation is still missing. Thus, the determination of the material
properties by means of in-situ measurements has been impossible.
A new approximate solution is presented in this paper. Based on the known analytical expression for the ground line in elastic
isotropic rock, it is observed that the displacement of the cavity wall can be obtained by considering the stress state in the rock
adjacent to the cavity wall, i.e. the consideration of the entire stress field in the rock is not required. This result was transferred to
the case of linear-elastic cross-anisotropic rock and thus, yielded the approximate solution. Measurements from large-scale cavi-
ty expansion tests (radial jack tests) were used to back calculate the material constants.

Des roches composées de couches parallèles (sédimentation ou schistosité) font par des matériaux que l’ on appelle anisotropes
transverses. La détermination des propriétés des matériaux de ces roches nécessite des tests de laboratoire avec des échantillons
dont l’ orientation de la foliation est variable par rapport aux axes. Toutefois, ce n’ est souvent pas possible pour les roches avec
foliation prononcée: la roche se désintègre lors de l’ extraction des échantillons.
Une autre possibilité pour la définition des propriétés des matériaux pourrait être des essays sur site qui capture le comporte-
ment de la masse rocheuse in-situ, par exemple des tests à expansion de la cavité. Une solution analytique décrivant le displace-
ment de la paroi de la cavité par rapport à la pression appliquée et l’ orientation de la foliation est encore manquante. Ainsi, la
détermination des propriétés des matériaux a été jusqu’ à présent pas possible.
Une nouvelle solution approximative sera présentée dans se document. Sur la base de l’ expression analytique connue pour la
ligne de charactéristique du terrain pour la roche élastique isotrope, on constate que le déplacements de la paroi de la cavité peut
être obtenus en considérant l’ état de tensions dans la roche adjacente à la paroi de la cavité, c’ est à dire la prise en compte de l’
ensemble du champ de tensions de la roche n’ est pas nécessaire. Ce résultat a été transféré pour le fait de roches linéaires-
élastiques anisotropes transverses et a donné ainsi la solution approximative. Des mesures sur des tests d’ expansion de la cavité
à grande échelle (tests de la presse radiale) ont été utilisées pour recalculer les constantes du matériau.

Keywords: Cross-anisotropy, foliated rock, field tests, cavity expansion, material properties, back analysis

Corresponding Author.
396 A. Blioumi and D. Kolymbas / Deformation of Cylindrical Cavities in Cross-Anisotropic Rock

To determine the elastic constants in-situ the

following tests are available: uniaxial flat jack
1 CROSS-ANISOTROPIC ROCKS tests, radial jack tests, flat jack tests, dilatometer
tests, borehole seismic tests etc. In this paper,
cavity expansion tests are considered. During
1.1 Definition cavity expansion tests an internal pressure is ap-
plied into a cavity and the displacements of the
Anisotropic rocks have different properties in cavity wall are measured. Such tests are radial
various directions. These properties can be me- jack tests [1], hydraulic chamber tests [2], dila-
chanical, hydraulic or thermal. In some engineer- tometer tests [3] etc. The basic mathematical
ing problems, the anisotropy of rock may consti- principles describing cavity expansion tests fol-
tute an important part of the engineering low in Section 2.
planning. Anisotropy can strongly affect the
properties of the rock and, in many cases, it is
not acceptable to be considered as isotropic.
Rocks composed of parallel layers (due to se-
dimentation, schistosity, etc.) are cross-
anisotropic materials. Throughout this paper, the
term foliation will be used to denote the parallel
layers of such rocks regardless of their precise
geological determination. To define the arrange-
ment of the foliation planes in the three-
dimensional space, the strike and the dip angles
as defined in Figure 1 are used. The unit vector n
normal to the foliation planes (Fig. 1) is given by
n=( cosĮ• sinȕ, -sinĮ• sinȕ, cosȕ). Cross-anisotro-
pic rocks exhibit no variation of their mechanical
properties while rotating around the unit vector

1.2 Determination of the material properties Figure 1. Definition of vector n, as well as strike and dip an-

For the determination of the elastic constants

of cross-anisotropic rocks, laboratory and field 2 THE MATHEMATICAL PROBLEM
tests are used. Uniaxial compression tests, triaxi-
al compression tests, Brazilian tests and hollow
cylinder tests belong to the mostly used static la- 2.1 The boundary value problem
boratory tests, while ultrasonic measurements
and resonant bar tests are the commonest dynam-
ic laboratory tests used for this reason. Laborato- A cylindrical cavity (e.g. tunnel) with circular
ry tests on rocks are however problematic. They cross-section, radius r0 and infinite length in a
involve scale effect problems and require special weightless medium is considered in this study.
and expensive sampling equipment. Especially The definition of the used Cartesian coordinate
for cross-anisotropic rocks, the execution of la- system x1, x2, x3 and the corresponding cylindric-
boratory tests is often impossible as the material al coordinate system r, , z are given in Figure 2.
fails along the foliation planes during extraction The tunnel axis coincides with the direction x2.
and preparation.
A. Blioumi and D. Kolymbas / Deformation of Cylindrical Cavities in Cross-Anisotropic Rock 397

9  p r02
ur  . (1)
2G r1

Thus, the stiffness ˜p/˜ur reads

"p 2G
 . (2)
"u r r0

The same stiffness ˜p/˜ur is obtained by ob-

serving an element of rock at the tunnel wall.
The radial stress acting on a rock element is giv-
en by

Figure 2. Cartesian and cylindrical coordinate system in re-

spect to the infinite cylindrical cavity. r  p (3)

The assumption of a hydrostatic internal pres- and its deformation reads:

sure p applied into the cavity (Fig. 3) is made.
The pressure results in a radial displacement ur in 2% 0 0/
the x1-x3 plane. Eij  00 0 - % 0 -- (4)
01 0 0 0 -.

where (İ=-ur/r0).
With Hooke’s law the radial stress is then ob-
tained as

r  2G%  2G r . (5)

Combining Equations 3 and 5 yields the stiff-

ness ˜p/˜ur as follows:

"p 2G
 . (6)
"u r r0

Figure 3. Cross-section of the loaded cylindrical cavity.

2.2 Constitutive equation
In case of linear-elastic cross-anisotropic materials
The displacement ur is given by the solution the stress T depends on the strain E and the unit
of Lamé for a thick linear-elastic cylindrical tube vector n according to the function:
under internal and external pressure [4] when the
external radius of the tube tends to infinity and
the external pressure to the primary hydrostatic T  f(E, n) . (7)
pressure ı’ as [5]:
398 A. Blioumi and D. Kolymbas / Deformation of Cylindrical Cavities in Cross-Anisotropic Rock

The tensorial Equation 7 must fulfill the gen- A1 : a1  2a 2  a3  a 4  2a5

eral principle of objectivity [6] and for the spe- A2 : a1  a 2
cial case of linear elasticity, it reads: A3 : a1  a3
A4 : a1
T  (a1trǼ  a2n En)1  a3Ǽ  (a4 trǼ
(8) A5 : a3  a5  2 .
 a5n En)n : n  a6 (n : En  En : n)

with 6 material constants, a1 , a2 , . . . a6 . Thus, it 3 THE APPROXIMATE SOLUTION

is obtained
To derive the approximation, the cavity expan-
"Tij sion in a cross-anisotropic rock is considered as a
 ( a1# kl  a 2 nk nl )# ij
"E kl plane strain problem. A material element adja-
 a3 1
# ik # jl  # il # jk  cent to the tunnel wall undergoes deformation
similar to that in Equation 4. Now, the difference
 a 4# kl  a5 nk nl ni n j (9)
is that the displacement ur may depend on the
 a6 12 (# jk ni nl  # ik nl n j angle ; of the cylindrical coordinate system.
 # jl ni nk  # il nk n j ) . Imagine the two unit vectors m=(0, 1, 0) and
k0=(1, 0, 0) as shown in Figure 4. If k0 rotates
By using hyperelasticity, the indices ij and kl around m, then for every ; the wall stiffness can
are interchangeable, and thus, a2=a4. In this case, be obtained from Equation 8
the number of the coefficients ai is reduced by
one. S ubstituting a4:=a2, a5:=a4 and a6:=a5 in 1  "T11 "T11 
"p "u      . (11)
Equation 9 returns: r0  "E11 "E22 

"Tij ˜711/˜(11 and ˜711/˜(22 are the only non vanish-

 (a1# kl  a2 nk nl )# ij
"Ekl ing components of the stiffness matrix and read
 a3 1
# ik# jl  # il# jk 
 a2# kl  a4 nk nl ni n j (10)

 a5 12 (# jk ni nl  # ik nl n j
 # jl ni nk  # il nk n j ) .

In the usual contracted index notation the

stiffness matrix is given as follows:

2 A3 A4 A2 0 0 0/
2T11 / 0 - 2 E11 /
0 - 0 A4 A3 A2 0 0 0 -0 -
0 22 - E22 -
0 A2 A2 A1 0 0 0 -0
0T33 - 0 - 0 E33 -
0 -0  A3  A4  0
0 0 - 0 E12 -
0T12 - 0
0 0 0
0T - 2
0 - 0E -
0 23 - 00 0 0 0 A5 0 - 0 23 -
1T13 -
. 0 0 A5 -
0 . Figure 4. Vectors m and k0 .
1 E13 -
10 0 0 0 .

A. Blioumi and D. Kolymbas / Deformation of Cylindrical Cavities in Cross-Anisotropic Rock 399

"T11 between the theoretical predictions, as calculated

 a1  a2 (n1n1  n1n1 ) using Equation 14, and the measurements.
"E11 (12)
 a3  a4 n1n1n1n1  2a5 n1n1 ,

 a1  a2 (n1n1  n2 n2 )
"E22 (13)
 a4 n1n1n2 n2 .

In the usual geotechnical engineering praxis

compression is taken positive (İ=ur/r0). Hence
the displacement ur( ; ) is given as

p r0
u r ;   .
"T11 "T11 (14)

"E11 "E22

The unit vector n, i.e. the orientation of the fo-

liation, must be also expressed in the cylindrical Figure 5. 3-D model of the TIWAG radial jack.
coordinate system (the symbol k is used to ex-
press the rotated vector k0,):

nr  n k , n  n (m  k ), n z  n m .



To back calculate the material parameters, data

from cavity expansion tests executed with the
TIWAG radial jack in several hydroelectric pow-
er plants were used. During such a test a gallery
with 2.50 m excavation diameter and 2 m length
is radially loaded with flat jacks. A 3-D model of
the TIWAG radial jack is illustrated in Figure 5.
The corresponding displacements of the rock Figure 6. Radial displacement curve (in mm) obtained from
mass are measured in several directions. The dis- radial jack tests in calc-mica phyllite at the power plant Kau-
placement curves obtained from radial jack tests
are rarely smooth (Fig. 6).
The back calculation of the material constants
It turns out that the obtained solution is not
has been attempted. With the internal pressure p,
unique [7]. The resulting system of 5 linear equa-
the radius r, the orientation of the foliation as
tions has a rank of 3. Hence, many combinations
well as the field measurements ur( ; ), the values
of ai-values produce radial displacement curves
a1 ,..., a5 can be obtained by means of a least which agree with the in-situ measurements. Ad-
square optimization to minimize the difference
400 A. Blioumi and D. Kolymbas / Deformation of Cylindrical Cavities in Cross-Anisotropic Rock

ditional measurements are required to calibrate of the International Society of Rock Mechanics Vol. 2.
Beograd, 1970, 509-516.
all 5 material constants.
[4] L. E. Malvern, Introduction to the mechanics of a con-
tinuous medium, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs,
CONCLUSIONS [5] D. Kolymbas, Tunnelling and tunnel mechanics: a ra-
tional approach to tunneling, Springer, Berlin, 2008.
[6] C. Truesdell & W. Noll, The Non-Linear Field Theories
This paper deals with the problem of the deter- of Mechanics (2nd ed.), Springer, Berlin, 1992.
mination of the material constants of cross- [7] D. Kolymbas, P. Wagner & A. Blioumi, Cavity expan-
anisotropic rock. For this purpose, in-situ cavity sion in cross-anisotropic rock, International Journal of
Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics
expansion tests, e.g. radial jack tests, are sug- n/a, doi :10.1002/nag.998.
gested. The mathematical problem is presented
and a new approximate solution is introduced.
The new method aims at assessing the mate-
rial properties by assuming linear-elasticity and
plane strain deformation around the cavity. The
attempt to back calculate the material properties,
by means of the approximate solution and data
from radial tests, proved that measurements from
only one test are insufficient for the calibration.
We are currently trying to obtain the unique solu-
tion of the problem by consideration of con-
straints or by using data from other tests done in
the same material.


The work has been financially supported by the

Austrian Science Fund (FWF): I 703-N22 and
the vice-rectorate for research of the university
of Innsbruck through the Young Researcher’s
Grant 2009 to A. Blioumi. The authors also wish
to thank the electricity company TIWAG for the
provision of the data.


[1] H. Lauffer, Ein Gerät zur Ermittlung der Felsnachgie-

bigkeit für die Bemessung von Druckstollen und
Druckschachtauskleidungen. Geologie und Bauwesen
25 (1960), Nr,2-3, 114–129.
[2] G. Oberti, L. Goffi & P. Rossi, Study of stratified rock
masses by means of large-scale tests with a hydraulic
pressure chamber. In Proc. 5th Congress of the Interna-
tional Society of Rock Mechanics Vol. 1. Melbourne,
1983, 133-141.
[3] M. Rocha, A. Da Silveira, F. P. Rodrigues, A. Silverio,
& A. Ferreira, Characterization of the deformability of
rock masses by dilatometer tests. In Proc. 2nd Congress
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 401
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Re-assessment of the shear strength of the

oligocene clay from the Buda area based on the site
investigation of the Metro line 4
Re-évaluation de la résistance au cisaillement de l'argile
oligocène de la région de Buda basée sur l'étude du ligne 4 du
Gy. Horváth, B. Móczár1
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Geotechnics

On the Buda side of Budapest the Metro line 4 is constructed in a length of several kilometres in the Oligocene clay forma-
tion known as Kiscell clay. For the line and the stations a great number of boreholes with continuous sampling was carried out.
Using core samples taken from depths of 10 to 40 metres triaxial compression tests were carried out on large diameter (10 cm)
specimens. The original objective of the tests was to obtain geotechnical parameters required for the design of the tunnel and the
station structure. The processing and evaluation of the results of the great number of tests made it possible to re-assess on the ba-
sis of available former investigations the shear strength, deformations and existing state of the highly overconsolidated stratum
which is as firm as soft rocks, which however experienced expansion to a degree decreasing with depth.
Our investigations have revealed that the in situ state of stress in the Kiscell clay is not exactly known and therefore the in-
terpretation of the obtained shear strength parameters is ambiguous and based on assumptions. In this clay, which appears ho-
mogeneous on the basis of the soil identification parameters, the strength and deformation characteristics may differ significantly
from the expected values depending on the location and the depth. The paper gives an explanation among others for the varying
degree of overconsolidation, the existing vertical-horizontal stress proportions, the interpretation of how shear strength parame-
ters develop during failure and the associated strains

La nouvelle ligne de metro M4 de Budapest coté Buda, traverse sur plusieurs km la formation geologique de l’argile oligo-
cène, appelée argile de “Kiscell“. L’étude des tunnels et des ouvrages des stations avait demandé de nombreux sondages per-
mettant la prise d’échantillons continus les cehantillos de 10 cm de diamétre prélevés des profondeurs de 10 à 40 m ont été sou-
mis à des essais triaxiaux. Le but initial de ces essais était de déterminer les paramétres néccesaires à l’étude des tunnels et des
stations. L’étude détaille des résultats de ces essais nous a rendu possible de réviser la résistance au cisaillement, les déforma-
tions at l’état actuell (K0) de l’argile fortemenet surconsolidée et très expansible dansles zones plus profondes.
les résultats de nos essais récents ont mis évidence que, l’état de contrainte de l’argile “Kiscell“ située dans la zone des for-
mations originales, n’est past conne actuellement. Il en résulte que l’interprétation classique des paramétres de résistance au ci-
saillement nous est impossible. L’explication en est que les caractéristignes de contrainte et de déformation de l’argile jugée ho-
mogéne auparavant varient dans une large mesure en fonction de la profondeur et différent des valeurs attendus. Dans cette
exposée nous essayons de formular une explication entre autre sur le degré de surconsolidation sur l’état actuel de K0, sur
l’interprétation des paramétres observés au cours des essais à la rupture et sur les déformations des échantillors.

Keywords: oligocene clay, overconsolidation, shear strength, K0 state

Corresponding Author.
402 Gy. Horváth and B. Móczár / Re-Assessment of the Shear Strength of the Oligocene Clay


In Budapest, the Metro line 4 on the Buda side
was mainly constructed in an oligocene forma- Borings were made by Wireline technology,
tion locally known as Kiscell clay. For the struc- with continuous core sampling using Geober S
tural design of the underground stations the so type triple wall core barrels. The site investiga-
called hardening soil model - isotropic hardening tions on the Buda section from Etele square to
was applied. The required soil physical parame- Gellért Square were carried out between 2004
ters (M, c, E50, Eur,m etc.) were determined on and 2008. On completion of each borehole, the
large specimens (d = 10cm, h = 15 to 20 cm) in barrels containing continuous samples were
the triaxial apparatus according to requirements. transferred to the lab, split open and sound, un-
During performing and evaluation of the tests we disturbed parts fit to testing were removed on
experienced that the tested oligocene Kiscell clay which the required test were carried out within
often exhibited a behaviour different from the as- the shortest time (max. 1 day).
sumed model. It turned out from the tests that The lab tests were aimed at determining the
this very hard, almost soft rock like soil thought parameters required for a hardening-soil model.
to be homogeneous in macro dimensions exhib- However, during the tests we noticed that with
ited a behaviour significantly different from the samples looking almost identical on the basis of
assumed failure mechanism. These observations visual inspection and the usual identification
prompted us to try and re-interpret the properties tests the strength and deformation parameters
and physical characteristics of this oligocene showed substantial differences up to several
clay. hundred per cent in certain cases within the
tested cca. 20 m depth. These anomalies
prompted us to revise from a different view and
2 GROUND CONDITIONS AT THE reassess the results of all the tests on the Kiscell
INVESTIGATED SECTION OF THE LINE clay samples that were taken at several station
sites during the 3 to 4 years time interval.
The typical soil profile is as follows. Under a
flat ground surface with elevation changing from
105 to 115 mBf, in the vicinity of the stations the 4 PROCESSING OF TEST RESULTS
top layer consists of a mixed man made fill in an
average thickness of 1 to 3 m, underlain by a se- At the start of the re-evaluation we gave due
ries of quaternary (holocene) layers: silt, clay, consideration to the geological features, descrip-
gravel and silty fine sand to the depth of 5 to 8 tion of the origin of the Kiscell clay and the geo-
meters. Below the quaternary layers a tertiary logical profiles constructed for the station sites
formation, the Kiscell clay mainly of mid- and the intermediate tunnel sections.
oligocene, partly of upper-oligocene facies oc-
curs. This sediment layer in a thickness of ap-
proximately 150 to 200 m is made up of hard and
very firm clay changing downwards to clayey
marl which however can be considered in a
macro scale as a homogeneous entity.

Figure 1.Change in moisture content with depth

Gy. Horváth and B. Móczár / Re-Assessment of the Shear Strength of the Oligocene Clay 403

We studied the lab test results from all bore- shows again as a function of depth, the major
holes made at four consecutive stations, involv- stress at failure V1 derived from a test starting
ing altogether some 60 samples covering a depth from hydrostatic stress conditions corresponding
domain of 10 to 36 m. Figure1 shows the change to the respective depth.
in moisture content with depth. Note, that almost
all the samples were quasi-saturated (Sr >0,9).
Figure 2 shows the change in density in terms of
void ratio.

Figure 4.Major stress at failure (V1) with depth

Note that here also a tendency can be ob-

served in that both strength values and deforma-
Figure 2.Change in density in terms of void ratio with depth tion characteristics tend to increase significantly
with depth, though with a narrower scatter.
A tendency can be observed that with the
width both the moisture content and the void ra-
tio significantly reduce approximately to the half
within the depth tested. At the same time, it is
conspicuous that there is a wide scatter of accu-
mulated results even at a given depth. On graphs
constructed for individual boreholes, the same
tendency can be observed but with a narrower

Figure 5.Clay specimen from 13 m depth

As an illustration, Figs. 5 to7 show pictures of

failures of three clay specimens taken from dif-
ferent depths (Fig.5: 13 m, Fig.6: 21 m and
Fig.7: 32 m).

Figure 3.Relation between the values of E50 and Eur in func-

tion of depth

Figure 3 shows the relationship between the

values of E50 and Eur associated with the harden-
ing soil model and the depth, while Figure 4
404 Gy. Horváth and B. Móczár / Re-Assessment of the Shear Strength of the Oligocene Clay

difference was then accepted as representing the

Ko state of stress for the respective depth. The
variation of Ko as obtained by this interpretation
is shown as a function of depth in Fig. 8.

Figure 6.Clay specimen from 21 m depth

Figure 8.K0 as a function of depth

With a rather wide scatter of overall data, a

tendency can also be observed here, just as in the
previous cases. But again, the scatter is consid-
erably narrower if a graph is plotted with data of
a single borehole as is shown by the respective
curve in the figure.
The tendency shown in Fig. 8 is of great im-
portance and provides an evidence that the pre-
history of the clay caused major changes in K0
ranging from 0,1 to 0,4 in the relatively small
Figure 7.Clay specimen from 32 m depth. upper part of the clay stratum having a total
thickness of several hundreds meters, while the
Both the diagrams and the failure patterns
lower part remained virtually less affected . This
evidence that within the tested depth domain the
means that in the Kiscell clay, over geological
Kiscell clay cannot be treated as a homogeneous
times up to now, different stages of preconsolida-
tion (initial- denudation-current state) may have
taken place in the depth domain tested. This is
5 EVALUATION OF RESULTS evidenced by Fig. 9 where in a V vs. V1 diagram
stresses pertaining to K0 state and failure state,
The non-homogeneity of the Kiscell clay respectively, are plotted.
within the given small depth domain is evidently
related to the prehistory of the clay.
During the failure tests, we also measured the
lateral strains which are required for the determi-
nation of the Poisson number. The lateral strain
was obtained by way of measuring the change in
the length of the perimeter of the specimen. The
measurement error was less than one thousandth.
Thus, while observing the failure mechanism
during a test, it became possible to read the max.
deviatoric stress value (V1 - V ) at which no
measurable lateral strain occurs yet. This stress Figure 9.V vs. V1 diagram
Gy. Horváth and B. Móczár / Re-Assessment of the Shear Strength of the Oligocene Clay 405

A probable explanation of events leading to 20 meters is grey in colour, is generally uniform

the present state is as follows. and has a sound, compact state. At that depth the
The Kiscell clay was initially formed by destructive climatic agents were less effective or
sedimentation and compaction under natural Ko not felt at all. Naturally the load relief due to de-
conditions. nudation reached that zone as well and at loca-
Under lasting great pressure and normal tions where the bonds were weaker or did not ex-
stress, the particles of the clay were caused to re- ist at all a certain expansion may have occurred
arrange and with the formation of new contact to an extent permitted by bonds in the environ-
points between particles and governed by laws of ment. Samples taken from this zone behaved in a
physics, chemistry, electrical actions and heat rocklike manner. (See picture of failure in Fig.
brought about strong interpartical bonds during 7.)
consolidation of the clay. The likely prehistory of the Kiscell clay out-
Due to subsequent denudation the clay was re- lined in the preceding and the different failure
lieved from overburden pressure. This denuda- mechanisms have been processed also in terms
tion (which according to some geologists may of the Mohr-Coulomb relationship. Fig. 10
have amounted to several hundred meters) re- shows the Mohr-circles at failure from points
sulted in expansion. However, besides the elastic plotted in Fig 9. for all the tests carried out in the
rebound due to the load relief significant perma- investigations. As can be seen from the rather
nent deformations remained since a great part of chaotic scatter of data it would be extremely hard
the bonds formed during consolidation were irre- to obtain any tangent Coulomb line of best fit,
versible. As a result of load relief, the weaker in- thus the shear strength parameters required for
terparticle bonds were broken or relaxed, while structural design are practically impossible to de-
numerous stronger bonds continued to exist. fine. Interestingly, when p and q values based on
Thus, an overconsolidated state was formed. all the points in Fig 9 are plotted in Fig 11 a
During an ice age subsequent to denudation the straight line with very closed scatter would re-
lasting frost alternating with periods of thermal sult.
changes (thawing and freezing) led to gradual
break down or complete loss of remaining strong
bonds. This degradation is depth-dependent and
as a result of the abovementioned agents the up-
per 1 to 5 meters of the Kiscell clay became
completely weathered, and its colour changed
from grey to yellowish-greyish brown. The for-
mer strong bonds responsible for the overcon-
solidation of the stratum were almost completely
destroyed and the clay in the affected upper zone
Figure 10.Mohr-circles at failure from points plotted in Fig-
behaves like strain-hardening clays during failure ure 9.
mechanism. In the underlying zone to a depth of
5 to 15 m the destructive agents were less de-
structive. Naturally, the strength of the interparti-
cle bonds formed during the sedimentation of the
clay was not uniform. Therefore the lesser strong
bonds ceased to exist under the action of destruc-
tive agents, fell apart and a macroscopically frac-
tured, fissured zone with strongly heterogeneous
state of stress was formed. Some of the test
specimens failed like clays others failed like
rock. (See fracture photos in Figs. 5 – 6.) The Figure 11.p and q values based on all the points in Figure 9.
clay stratum from a depth of approximately 15 to
406 Gy. Horváth and B. Móczár / Re-Assessment of the Shear Strength of the Oligocene Clay

Fig. 12. shows the Mohr circles obtainable

from the trend line pertaining to failure in Fig. 9,
based on which to by way of fitting a tangent
Coulomb envelope can be identified. The slope
of the Coulomb envelope increases rapidly indi-
cating that the Kiscell clay within the depth do-
main investigated cannot be regarded as a uni-
form entity also in respect to shear strength. Each
point on the curvilinear tangent Coulomb enve-
lope represents the shear strength of the Kiscell
clay as a function of the respective principal
stresses. However, in the present case this shear Figure 13.The trend line (curve) on the p-q chart according to
strength cannot be divided in the classical con- Figure 9.
ventional sense into the two usual components After several years on investigations involving
i.e. internal friction and cohesion, since in certain the upper approximately 25 to 30 m thick layer
stress intervals it would result in very high inter- of the tested Kiscell clay we arrived at the fol-
nal friction and negative cohesion. lowing conclusions.
The Kiscell clay regarded in macroscopic di-
mensions as a homogeneous stratum in reality
exhibits significant variations in soil mechanical
- The degree of overconsolidation reflect-
ing the prehistory of the stratum
changes with depth.
- The Ko values characterising the aggre-
gate states of stress that may have de-
Figure 12.Mohr-circles from the trend line veloped during the prehistory of the
Kiscell clay also vary significantly with
The same follows from Fig 11. and Fig 13.
depth (Ko = 0,1 to 0,4).
where the trend line (curve) on the p-q chart was
- The shear strength of the stratum in-
drawn according to the trend line of Fig.9. In re-
creases exponentially while Ko values
ality, the stresses eventually leading to failure
reduce logarithmically with depth.
first have to overcome the internal resistance due
- These findings imperatively call for a
partly to strong bonds between clay particles and
new approach to find another model
partly to suction which combined action can ini-
with (new) parameters which more truly
tially, up to a certain strain, be interpreted as co-
characterise the behaviour of the stra-
hesion and then with increasing movement the
resistance initially exerted by cohesion will
gradually passed over at an increasing rate to
friction. At the final stage of the failure mecha- REFERENCES
nism when a sliding surface is formed the shear
strength of the stratum can overwhelmingly be [1] Kézdi, Á., Talajmechanika I-II., Tankönyvkiadó,
attributed to internal friction. Budapest, 1970.
[2] PLAXIS 3D Handbook, The hardening-soil model, 5.1-
[3] Nagymarosy, A., Magyarországi oligocén, nanoscript
[4] Görög, P., Budai eocén és oligocén korú agyagtartalmú
k‰zetek mérnökgeológiai értékelése, PhD. Thesis
[5] Laczó, A., Jámbor, Á., A vitrinreflexió-mérések mag-
yarországi vonatkozásai, MÁFI évi jelentése az 1986-
as évrÖl, 1988.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 407
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Advances in tunneling simulation-

a probabilistic approach
Des progrès dans la simulation des tunnels-
une approche probabilistique
M. Huber 1 , P. A. Vermeer, P. M. Stroehle, C. Moormann
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Balancing risk and reliability engineers have to take variability of soil properties into account within the design process.
Reliability based design offers a scientific base, which is explained exemplarily within the evaluation of the tunnel face stability.
Within this framework, the variability of soil, geometry and construction process is considered in a comprehensive way.
Parametric studies enlighten the evaluation of the failure probability and help to understand this concept via showing the
influence of the different sources of variability.

Équilibrant les risques et la fiabilité, des ingénieurs doivent prendre en considération la variabilité des propriétés du sol déjà au
sein du processus de conception. Une base rationnelle et scientifique est offerte par une conception basée sur la fiabilité, ce qui
est expliqué de façon exemplaire au sein d’une évaluation de la stabilité du front de taille d’un tunnel. Dans ce cadre, la variabili-
té du sol, de la géométrie et du mode de construction est considérée en manière globale. Des études de cas mettent en évidence
l’évaluation de la probabilité de défaillance et aident à saisir ce concept en démontrant l’influence des diverses sources de

Keywords: tunnel face stability, soil variability, reliability based design, partial safety factors

1 INTRODUCTION offers an alternative way to deal with soil vari-

ability. Herein, probabilistic techniques are used
The variability of soil has to be considered by the to evaluate the reliability of a system and the
geotechnical engineer. In the past global safety probability of failure instead of the determining a
margins offered the possibility to take variability deterministic factor of safety.
of soil into account. Later, this concept was Within this contribution, the basics of reliabil-
substituted by partial safety factors, which cover ity based design are presented within two para-
uncertainties of actions and material resistances. metric studies in tunneling. The evaluation of the
These safety factors are derived through deter- face stability is based on numerical simulations
ministic or probabilistic methods, as described in carried out by VERMEER ET AL. [19]. The stabil-
CEN (2002) [1]. Reliability based design, which ity of a tunnel face is calculated considering the
is presented amongst others by PHOON [13], variability of soil, of the geometry and of the

Corresponding author.
408 M. Huber et al. / Advances in Tunneling Simulation – A Probabilistic Approach

construction process. The influence of these q

variabilities on the probability of failure is
discussed. H J’c’, M’

D p
CIRCULAR TUNNEL Figure 1. Geometry of the tunnel.

During construction of shallow tunnels using § 1 ·

p collapse = -cc cot M ' + a' D ¨  0.05 ¸ (1)
earth pressure balanced machines, the face © 9 ˜ tan M ' ¹
stability is an important issue. To minimize the soil and D the diameter of the circular tunnel
settlements at the ground surface and to prevent (Figure 1). Is the ratio of overburden and diame-
an uncontrolled collapse of the soil, the tunnel a ter of the tunnel D bigger than H/D  1.5, the
necessary support pressure must be calculated. overburden and the load q at the surface have no
This estimation of the required support pressures influence onto the failure pressure pcollapse as well
for e.g. earth pressure balance (EPB) shields to as the stiffness, the dilatation angel and the
ensure the stability of the face has been a topic of Poisson’s ratio of the soil [19].
research until the present day [3, 8, 9, 12, 16, 17,
LECA & DORMIEUX [9] present an upper
bound solution for the face stability of shallow
As an alternative to the partial safety factors, the
tunnels by using a kinematic approach. This
EUROCODE 7 [1, 2] offers reliability techniques
upper bound solution involves three solutions
to take the variability of the parameters into
based on consideration of three mechanisms,
which are derived form the motion of rigid
The evaluation of the probability of failure pf
conical blocks. They identified three collapse
is defined as the occurrence of a negative per-
mechanisms including two active and one pas-
formance function (equation 2) describing the
sive mechanism. The passive blow-out mode of
collapse of the system. For the evaluation of the
failure does not occur for the cases currently
probability of failure pf (equation 3) different
encountered in practice, as reported by MOLLON
methods like Monte Carlo Simulation, First-
ET AL. [12]. Therefore this collapse mechanism is
Order-Reliability-Method (FORM), Importance
not investigated within this contribution. The
Sampling, Directional Sampling, Subset Simula-
concept of the limit state design has been picked
tion or Line Sampling can be used amongst
up by ANAGNOSTOU & KOVÀRI [3] later. Re-
others according to BUCHER [5]. Within this
cently SOUBRA [17] and MOLLON ET AL. [12]
contribution FORM will be used to evaluate the
presented elaborations on this limit state design.
time invariant structural reliability of the tunnel
VERMEER ET AL. [19] as well as RUSE [16]
face because of its robustness and simplicity.
followed a different approach in evaluating the
stability of a tunnel heading. Herein, no assum- g = p/pcollapse-1 (1)
tions on the shape of the collapse mechanism are
p f = P r o b ª g X 1 ,X 2 ,....X n d 0º
made. By using Finite Element Method (FEM) a
formula was derived for the failure pressure
= ³ ... ³ f X (x )d x
g (X ) d 0
pcollapse of the tunnel face (equation (1)). For this FORM aims at using a rst-order approximation
purpose a 3D FEM program was used to model of the limit-state function in the Gaussian space
the stability of a tunnel heading under drained at the so-called most probable point (MPP) of
conditions using the Mohr-Coulomb failure failure pf (or design point), which is the limit-
criteria. Herein c’ is the effective cohesion, M’ state surface closest point to the origin (Figure
the effective friction angel, J the unit weight of
M. Huber et al. / Advances in Tunneling Simulation – A Probabilistic Approach 409

2). Finding the coordinates of the MPP consist in Gaussian space

solving a constrained optimization problem [4]. uM’
In case of dependent variables, the Cholesky original space uc’
decomposition of the correlation matrix is used
to transform the dependent into independent DM’
variables in the Gaussian space [5]. In addition to E
the coordinates of the MPP, also the influencing
factors c’ and M’ can be evaluated via FORM, PM’

which describe the contribution of the random

variable to the probability of failure. This can be

g>0 g<0
interpreted also in a graphical way, as shown in g<0
Figure 2. The reliability index µ represents the Pc’
distance from the origin to the MPP in the
Gaussian space. The rst-order approximation of
the failure probability is then given by Figure 2. Definition of the design point within the FORM.
pf = (µ), where (•) is the standard normal
cumulative distribution function [5]. The values used in this paper for the statistical
The values c’* and M’* of the MPP corre- moments of the shear strength parameters belong
sponding to the tunnel face pressure p give an to the intervals proposed by the above cited.
idea about the partial safety factors of each of the
strength parameters in equation (2). 4.2 Reliabiltiy calculations
Jc = ¡c’/c’* The aim of the presented parametric studies is to
(2) evaluate the reliability of the face stability and to
JM = tan ¡M’/ tan M’* quantify its influencing factors.

4.2.1 Parametric study 1

4 PROBABILISTIC NUMERICAL As a first step, just the soil parameters of the
CALCULATIONS limit state equation are treated as random vari-
abiles as summarized in Parametric 1, to show
4.1 Soil characteristics the influence of the soil strength on the probabil-
For the stochastical soil properties, PHOON & ity of failure pf. As shown in Figure 3, the
KULHAWY [14] stated from an exhaustive study probability of failure pf decreases with an in-
of cone penetration test and triaxial tests results creasing face pressure p and vice versa in case of
that the coefcient of variation (COVc’ = the reliability index µ.
^c’/¡c’) of the cohesion c’ could vary from 10 % In Figure 4 the influence of the coefficient of
to 55 %; CHERUBINI ET AL. [7] recommended the variation on the probability of failure is shown.
interval COVc’ = 12 - 45 % for the stiff clays and
Table 1. Soil properties of the parametric study 1.
a higher limit of 80 % for very soft clays. For the
COVM’ of the friction angle M’, PHOON & c’ = 2.5 kN/m² COVc’ = lognormally
KULHAWY [14, 15] proposed the interval of 10 / 20 / 40 / 60 % distributed

COVM’ = 5 – 15 %. COVM’ = lognormally

M’ = 35 °
5 / 10 / 20 / 30 % distributed
The correlation between cohesion and friction
angle was found by CHERUBINI [6] ©c, = - 60 %, J’ = 18 kN/m² deterministic
LUMB [10], PHOON & KULHAWY [14], WOLFF D = 10 m deterministic
[20], YUCEMAN ET AL. [21] and SPEEDIE [18]
p = 0 – 160 kN/m² deterministic
amongst others to vary between ©c, = 0 % and
©c, = - 70 %.
probability of failure pf [-] M. Huber et al. / Advances in Tunneling Simulation – A Probabilistic Approach

0 (a)

friction angel M’ [°]

25 (a)
-10 20
10 5
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 1 2 3 4 5
cohesion c’ [kN/m²]

probability of failure pf [-]

face pressure p [kN/m²] (b)
(b) 10
reliability index E [-]

0 10
-60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60
-5 correlation coefficient between
0 10 20 30 40 50 cohesion c’ and friction angel M’
face pressure p [kN/m²] Uc’M’>@
Figure 3. Probability of failure pf in (a) and reliabiltiy index µ
in (b) versus increasing face pressure p by using a Figure 5. Limit state surfaces for p = 40 kN/m² , 70 kN/m²,
COV c’ = 10% and a COV M’ = 20 %. 100 kN/m² and 130 kN/m² in (a) and probability of failure
and correlation coefficient between cohesion c’ and friction
angel M’ for tunnel different face pressure p.
partial safety factors

0 1.6
Jc’ [-]

10 1.4
probability of failure pf [-]

-4 1.0
0 10 20 30 40 50
-8 face pressure p [kN/m²]

partial safety factors

-16 3
0 40 80 120 160 2
JM’ [-]

face pressure p [kN/m²]

Figure 4. Variation of the COV of the cohesion c’ and of the 0.5
friction angel M’ versus probability of failure pf. 0 10 20 30 40 50
face pressure p [kN/m²]
Figure 6. Partial safety factors for cohesion c’ (a) and friction
angel M’ (b) versus face pressure p in comparison to the
partial safety factors of the EC7 as grey shaded area.
M. Huber et al. / Advances in Tunneling Simulation – A Probabilistic Approach 411

Table 2. Soil properties of the parametric study 2 correlation between the cohesion c’ and the
lognormally friction angel ’ can be seen cleary. A positive
c’ = 2.5 kN/m² COVc’ = 20% distributed correlation ©c’,’ increases slightly the probability
lognormally of failure pf. The influence of a negative correla-
M’ = 35 ° COVM’ = 10 % distributed
lognormally tion is more severe. In this parametric study it
J’ = 18 kN/m² COVJ’ = 10 % can be found to be conservative to neglect a
lognormally negative correlation ©c’,’, because the probability
D = 10 m COVD = 10 % distributed of failure pf is higher in the presence of ©c’,’ = 0.
p = 50 kN/m² lognormally
COVp = 10 % distributed In Figure 6 the influence of cohesion c’ and
friction angle ’ on the probability of failure in
Table 3. Sensitivity factors i values of parametric study 2
relation to the face pressure p is clearly depicted.
The influence is shown via the partial safety
friction angle M’ -1.30 10 factors Jc’ and JM’ derived in equation (2) in
-1 comparison to the partial safety factors presented
cohesion c’ -6.16 10
face pressure p
-1 in the DIN EN 1997 [1]. The comparision of
-7.77 10
Figure 6 a and Figure 6 b proves that the failure
diameter D’ 4.58 10 probability pf is more sensitive to the friction
soil unit weight J’ 4.58 10 angel ’ than to the cohesion c’. The scatter of
the partial safety factors in Figure 6 b can be
0 neglected. The comparison of Figure 4 and
Figure 6 clarifies the higher probability of failure
probability of failure pf [-]

in the presence of high scatter of the friction

angle ’, which is also reported by MOLLON ET
10 AL. [11].

COVp = 20 % 4.2.2 Parametric study 2

10 COVp = 40 % In an additional probabilistic investigation all
COVp = 60 % parameters have been treated as random vari-
COVp = 80 % ables in order to investigate the consequences of
-5 COVp = 100 % variability of soil properties (c’, M’, J’), of
10 geometry (represented by the tunnel diameter D
20 30 40 50 60 70
coefficient of variation COVc’ [%] and by the construction process represented by
the face pressure p. The stochastic properties are
defined in Table 2.
10 15 20 25 30 35 The reliability assessment has been carried out
coefficient of variation COVM’ [%]
by using FORM. The sensitivity of each random
Figure 7. Variation of the coefficients of variation for the
coehsion c’, the friction angel M’ and the tunnel face pressure
variable is listed in Table 3. One can deduce that
p together with the corresponding probabilites of failure pf. the cohesion c’ and the friction angle M’ have the
largest influence on the probability of failure of
For this purpose, the ratio between COVc’ and pf = 1.48·10-5. This probability of failure is much
COVM’ was varied. It can be deduced that the higher than the probability of failure
higher the coefficient of variation the higher is pf = 1.17·10-13 including solely the variability of
the probability of failure pf. The limit state the strength parameters. Additional calculations
surfaces for different face pressures p are shown have to be carried out to get a more detailed
in Figure 5 (a) and emphasis the key message in insight into this problem. For this purpose, the
Figure 3: the higher the face pressure p, the more influence of the soil variability (c’, M’) and of the
unlikely is the collapse of this system. In process (p) has been evaluated in additional
Figure 5 (b) the effects of positive and negative calculations. The results of this study are shown
412 M. Huber et al. / Advances in Tunneling Simulation – A Probabilistic Approach

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technical property variabaility. Canadian Geotechnical
clearly showed the severe influences of soil
Journal, 36:625–639, 1999.
variability on tunneling. Therefore additional [16] N.M. Ruse. Räumliche Betrachtung der
studies will be carried out to get more experience Standsicherheit der Ortsbrust beim Tunnelvortrieb.
in modeling variability in geotechnical problems. PhD thesis, Institute of Geotechnical Engineering,
University of Stuttgart, 2004.
In addition to this, benchmark studies will be
[17] A.H. Soubra. Kinematical approach to the face
carried out to study the effects of spatial variabil- stability analysis of shallow circular tunnels. In 8th In-
ity. ternational Symposium on Plasticity, British Colum-
bia, Canada, pages 443–445, 2000.
[18] M.G. Speedie. Selection of design value from shear
REFERENCES test results. In Proceedings of the 2nd Australia-New
Zealand Conference on Soil Mechanics and Founda-
[1] CEN (2002): Eurocode: Basis of structural design. tion Engineering, pages 107–109, Wellington, 1965.
European standard, EN 1990: 2002, April 2002. [19] P.A. Vermeer, N. Ruse, and T. Marcher. Tunnel
[2] CEN (2004): Eurocode 7 Geotechnical design - Part 1: heading stability in drained ground. Felsbau, 20(6):8–
General rules. EN 1997-1:2004, November 2004, 18, 2002.
European Committee for Standardization: Brussels, [20] T.F. Wolff. Analysis and design of embankment dam
November 2004. slopes: a probabilistic approach. PhD thesis, Purdue
[3] G. Anagnostou and K. Kovari. Face stability condi- University, Lafayette, Ind., 1985.
tions with earth-pressure-balanced shields. Tunnelling [21] M.S. Yucemen, W.H. Tang, and A.H.S. Ang. A
and Underground Space Technology, 11(2):165–173, probabilistic study of safety and design of earth slopes.
1996. Technical report, University of Illinois Engineering
[4] J.-M. Bourinet, C. Mattrand, and V. Dubourg. A Experiment Station. College of Engineering.
review of recent features and improvements added to University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1973.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 413
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Mechanical behaviour of disintegrated rockfill

Comportement mécanique d´enrochement désagrégé

K. Kast
Dr.-Ing. Karl Kast + Partner, Ettlingen, Germany


An important factor of the material behaviour of rockfill is the influence of the disintegration of the
rock grains, caused by geological processes. With the help of appropriate test methods, it is possible to
c1assify rock materials with regard to the micro-mechanical as well as the chemical degree of disinte-
gration. Investigations in the field of rockfill technology of three selected types of granite material,
covering the range of variations, from fresh to severely decomposed rock, provided quantitative infor-
mation regarding the influence of the geological degree of disintegration on the mechanical properties
of the fills. In addition to fundamental results regarding the different conditions in the stress-strain be-
haviour of dry and water-saturated materials, findings related to the influence of precompaction were
also obtained. In this case it was important to be able to produce realistic rockfill samples by using
suitable testing apparatus with sample diameters up to 800 mm.

L´influence de la désagrégation des grains de roche, provoquée par des processus géologiques, est un
facteur important du comportement des matériaux d´enrochement. Avec l´aide de mesures de test ap-
propriées, il est possible de classifier les matériaux rocheux en ce qui concerne la micromécanique aus-
si bien que le degré chimique de désagrégation.
Des investigations dans le domaine de la technologie d´enrochement menées sur une sélection de trois
types de granit, couvrant toute la plage de variations -d’un degré de décomposition léger à fort-, ont
fourni des informations quantitatives quant à l´influence du degré géologique de désagrégation sur les
propriétés mécaniques des remblais.
En plus de résultats fondamentaux relatifs aux différentes conditions dans le comportement « con-
trainte - déformation » des matériaux secs et saturés d´eau, des découvertes concernant l´influence de
la surcompression ont également été faites. Dans ce cas, il était important d’être capable de produire
des échantillons d´enrochement réalistes en utilisant des équipements de test appropriés avec des di-
amètres d’échantillons allant jusqu´à 800 mm.
Keywords : rockfill, disintegration, compaction, stress strain behaviour, saturation behaviour, point load test, compression test,
granite quality, decomposition
414 K. Kast / Mechanical Behaviour of Disintegrated Rockfill

1 CLASSIFICATION OF breakdown, is not possible in the lab only by


To classify the disintegration it was found, that it

is helpful to use two key performance indicators:
One to describe the chemical disintegration
and another to describe the mechanical disinte-

The Chemical Disintegration can be de-

scribed with the help of the so called Differen-
tial-Thermo-Analyses (DTA) [1] and its result,
the key figure Ivc , the chemical degree of weath-
The Mechanical Disintegration can be de-
scribed by the intensity of micro fractures and Fig. 2: Differences in stress strain curves: triaxial tests with
thereby the key figure Imf , which is a result of an different sample preparation, ©d= 1,77 g/cm³, ^3 = 0,2 MN/m²
evaluation of thin section technique as numbers
of micro fractures per cm. The mechanical be- The inner structure of lab samples, prepared only
haviour of the rock grains corresponds to the re- by vibration, is not found to be similar to the
sult of the well-known point load test as shown structure given in real embankment structures
in fig. 1 [2]. [3]. The differences found in comparison tests
(e.g. in triaxial tests) are evident (see fig. 2)
As a result it was suggested to develop a tech-
nique in order to prepare realistic samples [4].
All reported results of the lab tests were prepared
with such improved sample techniques.


3.1 Behaviour under first saturation

Figure 1. Results of point load tests. Tests with different dis-
integrated materials.
Extended experimental oedometric compression
tests approved, that for weathered rockfill mate-
In this study, all the tests were realized with 3 rials the compressibility is significantly higher
different rockfill types, named A, B and C in for a wet, than for a dry material as illustrated in
their different weathering states as indicated in fig. 3.
fig. 1. For a pre-compressed material under dry con-
ditions (path A-B) a following wetting leads to
an additional settlement along the path B-C. For
2 COMPACTION OF ROCKFILL, NEED OF a continuing loading, the load-displacement
curve (path C-D) follows the curve A-D obtained
for an initially wet material, i.e. the memory of
the material of the pre-compaction under dry
In extended tests it was found, that an effective
conditions is swept out, if the load-displacement
compaction of disintegrated rockfill, which gen-
curve, obtained for the wet material (path A-D),
erally shows the well-known effect of particle
K. Kast / Mechanical Behaviour of Disintegrated Rockfill 415

starts from the same initial density. In this con- 4 BEHAVIOUR UNDER TRIAXIAL LOAD
text it is important to note, that for different ini-
tial densities the compression curves are different
for both dry and wet states of the material [3]. 4.1 Sample diameter and test conditions
It is well known that the results in the stress
strain behaviour and shear resistance of triaxial
tests with rockfill material depend also on the
sample dimensions (diameter [6] and the diame-
ter/height relation [7]).
Fig. 5 shows that the largest sample dimen-
sion (800 mm sample diameter) leads to the low-
est shear resistance. That means, that in the given
case, all other tests with smaller samples lead to
an overestimation of the shear strength.
It should be mentioned, that all the test series
conducted in the study were done with an
equipment of lubricated end plates and D/H rela-
Figure 3. Compression behaviour of weathered rockfill in dry tions of 1/1. However, the tests were realized
and wet states
with a deviatoric stress path.

3.2 Time dependency during first saturation

The settlement caused by a first water satura-
tion (path B-C in fig. 3) is a time dependent
process (see Fig. 4). This time dependency origi-
nates from the activation of grain breakage due
to weak grains in connection with the disintegra-
tion of the materials (see chapter 1, for further
details see [5]).

Fig. 5: Deviatoric triaxial test on granite rockfill. Results de-

pending on different sample dimensions (diameter D and the
Figure 4: Time dependency of saturation settlements (granite diameter/height relation), source [5].
type B) under oedometric load during first inundation
416 K. Kast / Mechanical Behaviour of Disintegrated Rockfill

One of the aims in this connection was to get with

data for the development of a constitutive law for Ts = (^1 – ^3)saturation / (^1 – ^3)¶1=10% (1)
the stress strain behaviour of rockfill with respect
to the behaviour during first water satura- it can be seen that, similar with the behaviour
tion/inundation of a rockfill embankment. of the oedometric compression stress path, the
time dependent axial deformation due to first sa-
4.2 Test results turation, regains the axial strain difference be-
tween dry and, right from the beginning water
In this paper it is not possible to show the full
saturated samples.
range of the tests, done on all granite types and
With the completion of the test results in the
all test parameters. A good presentation can be
stress path of the isotropic load, it is possible to
gathered from [5].
develop the parameter for a stress strain law from
Fig. 6 shows, as an example, the result of a se-
the set of the test. This parameter is needed for
ries of deviatoric triaxial tests on the different
an extended finite element calculation to predict
disintegrated granite types A, B and C in dry and
the behaviour of an embankment-dam during the
water saturated condition.
load of the first inundation.
The influence of the disintegration of the ag-
gregates of the rockfill types A, B, and C is ob-
vious in the expected decreasing of the shear
strength but also in the stress strain behaviour 5 CONCLUSIONS
and the volume changes during shearing. This
behaviour is accompanied with an increasing The objective of this paper deals with the in-
particle breakage during the test. fluence of the disintegration of different

Figure 6: Stress-strain-curves of deviatoric triaxial tests on Figure 7: Stress-strain-curves of deviatoric triaxial tests (gra-
the different disintegrated granite types A, B and C in dry and nite type B) in different conditions (dry, water saturated and
water saturated condition as well. meanwhile saturation in different stages shear loading Ts)

Looking at fig. 7 at the behaviour of the satu- granitic rockfill qualities (caused by geological
ration effect in different shearing stages Ts = processes) on the mechanical behaviour of those
33% or 66 % of the shear resistance, fills.
K. Kast / Mechanical Behaviour of Disintegrated Rockfill 417

The first step was to determine the degree of pected in large areas of a dam body – the
geological disintegration. With the help of ap- rockfill shows mainly oedometric deforma-
propriate test methods, it was possible to classify tions, which means, that deformations occur
the tested rock materials with regard to the mi- only in the direction of the greatest main
cro-mechanical as well as the chemical degree of stress.
disintegration. Investigations in the field of rock-
f) Deformations due to saturation may be influ-
fill technology on three selected types of granite
enced by the application of “breakdown”
material covering the range of variations from
compaction and, if necessary, can be largely
fresh to severely decomposed rock, provided
avoided. Here, the inner structure resulting
quantitative information regarding the influence
from compaction is of great importance. In
of the geological degree of disintegration on the
general, in case of use of geologically disin-
mechanical properties of the fills.
tegrated rocks, the structure should have a
In addition to fundamental results regarding
low porosity, which provides almost no op-
the different conditions in the stress-strain behav-
portunity for the occurrence of deformations
iour of dry and water-saturated materials, find-
due to saturations. This is due to the wide
ings related to the influence of precompaction
spread gradation, which initially exists or is
were also obtained. In this case it was important
caused by the grain breakage due to the low
to be able to produce realistic rockfill samples by
strength of the rock aggregates.
using suitable testing apparatus with sample di-
ameters up to 800 mm.
The results can serve as a basis for further in-
The following main conclusions can be de- vestigations, to improve the results of numerical
rived from the investigations. analyses regarding the mechanical behaviour of
embankments compounded with rockfilI. There
is a need to integrate the relationships found in
a) During compaction, rockfill shows a more or
stress strain laws [7].
less intensive particle breakdown behaviour,
Within the framework of the given study, it
which depends on the specific geological de-
was possible to prepare analytical calculation
gree of disintegration.
methods to estimate saturation settlements of
b) By applying further compaction energy, the rockfill, which are to be expected due to initial
porosity of the rockfill decreases, due to fur- water-saturation.
ther grain breakage.
c) In general, water-saturated rockfill is more
deformable and has smaler shear strength
than dry one. An initially dry fill deforms so [1] SMYKATZ-KLOSS, W & GÖBELBECKER, J: Au-
much when first saturated, that it equals the thor, Der chemische Verwitterungsgrad von Gesteinen
larger deformations, which would occur in als Maß für ihre Ingenieurgeologische Verwendbarkeit.
fills, if saturated from the start. In the case of Ingenieurgeol. Probl. im Grenzbereich zw. Locker- und
Festgesteinen, K.K. Heitfeld (Publisher), Springer Ver-
a further increase of stress, the saturated ma- lag, Berlin, Heidelberg , 1985.
terial follows the initially saturated curve of [2] KAST, K., BLINDER, A:, BRAUNS, J.: Verdichtungs-
the fill. , Verformungs-, und Sättigungsverhalten von Schüttun-
gen in Abhängigkeit von der geolog. Gesteinsentfesti-
d) Regarding similar stress levels, rockfill under gung. Ingenieurgeol. Probl. im Grenzbereich zw. Lo-
shear stress shows essentially more deforma- cker- und Festgesteinen, K.K. Heitfeld (Publisher),
tions due to saturation, than under isotropic Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1985.
[3] MARSAL, R.: Mechanical Properties of Rockfille Ma-
stress. terials. Embankment-Dam Engineering. Casagrande
Volume John Wiley a. Sons, New York, 1973.
e) In the case of shear stress - with an approxi- [4] KAST, K., BRAUNS, J.: Dynamic Compaction of
mate ratio of the main stresses as can be ex- Rockfill samples. Proc. X ICSMFE, Stockholm, 1981.
418 K. Kast / Mechanical Behaviour of Disintegrated Rockfill

[5] KAST, K.: Mechanisches Verhalten von Granitschuet-

tungen. Heft 125: Veroeff. Inst. f. Bodenmech. u. Fels-
mech. der University Fridericiana, Karlsruhe, Ger-
many, 1992).
[6] MARACHI, N.D., CHAN, C.K., SEED, H.B.: Evalua-
tion of Properties of Rockfill Materials. PASCE 98,
SM1, 01/1972.
KAST, K.: Modeling Rheological Properties of materi-
als for rockfill dams. Zhu, Liu & Qiang (eds) © 2008.
Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Long Time
Effects and Seepage Behavior of Dams (LTESBD08),
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 419
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Vibrational reliability of rigid structures on soil

with random elastic parameters
La fiabilité de vibration de structures rigides sur le sol avec
paramètres élastiques aléatoire
M.L. Kholmyansky 1
NIIOSP Research Institute of PJSC “Research Centre “Civil Engineering”

A probabilistic problem of vibrational reliability of structures on the soil with significant uncertainty is stated. For the simplest
dynamic models the dependence of the response on the level of the elastic stiffness is investigated. The problems of reliability
determination for the deterministic and random loads are solved. The numerical results are obtained and analyzed.

Un problème de fiabilité probabiliste de vibration de structures sur le sol avec une grande incertitude est indiqué. Pour les plus
simples des modèles dynamiques de la dépendance de la réponse au niveau de la rigidité élastique est étudié. Les problèmes de
détermination de la fiabilité pour les charges déterministes et aléatoires sont résolus. Les résultats numériques sont obtenus et

Keywords: Deterministic dynamic models, random system parameters, probabilistic model, failure probability, reliability, ma-
chine foundations, soil elasticity

1 INTRODUCTION safe side" is generally impossible. For example,

reducing the soil stiffness in the calculation may
Uncertainty plays a significant role in geotechni- lead to both increase and decrease of the ampli-
cal engineering [1]. That is particularly true for tude; in the latter case vibration level underesti-
dynamic problems [2] because soil dynamic pa- mation is possible that is non-conservative. Pro-
rameters are often left undetermined in course of viding reliability through sound allowance for
geological survey. Generally, the only way to ob- uncertainty in structural vibration calculation re-
tain the parameters for the vibration calculation quires the development of new methods of calcu-
is using of correlation dependencies for dynamic lation.
parameters. This may lead to significant errors. Probabilistic approach to uncertainty is used
Uncertainty is usually accounted for using as the most developed in geotechnical engineer-
partial safety factors for soil parameters [3, 4]. ing [5, 6]. It consists in representing soil parame-
Nevertheless, in the problems of vibration calcu- ters by random variables having specific distribu-
lation the selection of input parameters "on the tion laws instead of taking soil variability into

Corresponding Author.
420 M.L. Kholmyansky / Vibrational Reliability of Rigid Structures on Soil

account by introducing partial safety factors for In case of harmonic dependence of excitations
soil parameters. Some publications based on that and responses on time t with angular frequency
approach are reviewed in [2]. This approach de- ω, i.e. Q = P exp(iωt), q = U exp(iωt) one ob-
scribes reliable operation by the condition of re- tains
liability [7], when the norms are set for probabil-
U = ( −ω 2 M + iωB + K ) P .
ity of failure or of reliable operation. −1
The paper is devoted to studying of failure
probability dependence of soil random stiffness.
In necessary cases dynamic load amplitude is Under linear dependence of all the compo-
supposed a random variable. The structure is nents of generalized force vector on one scalar
supposed rigid that is made rather often, for ex- value (Q = fg, f = F exp(iωt) and with single ob-
ample in vibration calculation of massive and served quantity u linearly dependent on general-
wall-like machine foundations [8]. ized displacement vector (u = lTq), the expres-
To achieve the stated goal the first task is es- sion u = A exp(iωt) is derived. The complex
tablishing a possibly simple dependence “system amplitude A is determined using the scalar trans-
response - soil stiffness level” in deterministic fer function:
The second task is the probabilistic problem A = A(ω ) = HF = H (ω ) F (ω ) ; (3)
statement. Due to the shortage of data it is expe-
dient to choose the simplest models. Then the the expression for the transfer function (imped-
techniques for probabilistic problem solutions ance) may be found in [9]:
are developed, solutions obtained and analysed.
H (ω ) = l T ( −ω 2M + iωB + K ) g .
STIFFNESS LEVEL 2.2 The single parameter of soil stiffness
Only simple dynamic models from the code [8]
are considered below. They imply the propor-
2.1 General equations
tionality of all the components of soil stiffness to
The matrix equation of small vibrations of the the main elastic characteristic of soil for spread
soil-structure system (a rigid body on a viscoe- foundations — coefficient of elastic subgrade re-
lastic soil mass) reads as follows: action Cz = C.
Elastic soil parameters determine not only
&& + Bq& + Kq = Q
Mq (1) system stiffness but its damping also. In dynamic
models [8] it is supposed that damping ratios are
where q and Q are column vectors of generalized dependent only on foundation inertial parame-
displacements and forces, M, B and K are the ters. This implies that damping matrix is propor-
matrices of inertia, damping, and stiffness of soil tional to C½. Therefore
A = l T ( −ω 2 M + iωC 1/ 2 B0 + CK 0 ) gF ,
Generally the system has 6 degrees of free- (5)
dom (3 translational and 3 rotational displace-
ments). In case of symmetry instead of vector
equation (1) several equations for vectors of where the matrices B0 and K0 do not depend on
lower dimension (or for scalars) may be derived; C = Cz.
the code [8] contains some solutions for the case It is easily established that the complex ampli-
of harmonic excitation. tude A is equal to the ratio of two homogeneous
polynomials of ω and C½; the degree of the nu-
M.L. Kholmyansky / Vibrational Reliability of Rigid Structures on Soil 421

merator polynomial is (2n–2), and the degree of R = Prob[a ≤ au ] ≥ Ru , (9)

the denominator polynomial is 2n; n — amount
of system degrees of freedom, i.e. the order of i.e. sufficiently large probability of no failure.
the matrices M, B and K. In case of single de- The equivalent condition of smallness of failure
gree of freedom system the complex amplitude is probability is
the inverse of the homogeneous polynomials of
the second degree of ω and C½.
Prob[a > au ] = Pf < Pu = 1 − Ru . (10)

2.3 Complex dynamic stiffness of the system Here au — vibration amplitude a limiting value,
Ru — reliability, Pf — failure probability, Ru —
Instead of using impedance, its inverse value, limiting reliability, and Pu — limiting failure
scalar dynamic stiffness D = D(C,ω) may be probability.
3.2 Deterministic parameters
A = F / D (C , ω ) ; (6)
Damping ratio depending both on damping and
stiffness is taken deterministic. That fact pro-
it is a complex quantity.
vides the correctness of equation (5) which gives
The most important variable describing sys-
the general dependency of response on soil elas-
tem response is the real amplitude a = |A|. It is
tic stiffness.
found by the equation
Remaining parameters of the soil-structure
system (dimensions, densities of structural mate-
a = F / D (C , ω ) . (7) rials and soil, machine parts masses) have sig-
nificantly less uncertainty and also are supposed
The dynamic stiffness is the ratio of a homo- deterministic.
geneous polynomial of degree 2n to a homoge-
neous polynomial of degree (2n–2) of C½. Hence 3.3 Dynamic load
follows that for large values of C dynamic stiff-
The amplitude of harmonically time-dependent
ness along with its modulus are is asymptotically
dynamic load may be taken deterministic. In case
proportional to C.
of machine foundations this assumption corre-
Henceforth we do not take into account the
sponds to crank mechanisms, cone and jaw
phase lags, suppose that the force amplitude F is
crushers etc.
real and consider only the real amplitude a.
The random amplitude of harmonically time-
dependent dynamic load corresponds to the ac-
tion of theoretically balanced machines with uni-
3 PROBABILISTIC PROBLEM formly rotating parts. There are some reasons to
STATEMENT AND MAIN FORMULAE suppose that this amplitude is a random variable
with well-known Rayleigh distribution. In par-
ticular, it may be derived with supposition that
3.1 Sufficient reliability condition the load is caused by random variations of iner-
The common condition of no failure [8] reads as tial and geometrical properties of the rotating
follows: parts. The random load is assumed statistically
independent of soil stiffness.
a ≤ au . (8)
3.4 Random stiffness
Under probabilistic problem statement it is Determining of failure probability requires estab-
changed for the condition of sufficient reliability: lishing the law of distribution of random parame-
422 M.L. Kholmyansky / Vibrational Reliability of Rigid Structures on Soil

ter C, determining the stiffness matrix. Earlier The method of determining of failure prob-
in [10] uniform and normal laws of distribution ability Pf depends on the type of the random
were adopted. load; the load may be either deterministic or ran-
Due to some limited experimental data [11] it dom variable.
may be supposed that the soil elastic stiffness
(affecting the vibration amplitudes) is log-
normally distributed random variable (i.e. with 4 FAILURE PROBABILITIES FOR
normally distributed logarithm) with the coeffi- DIFFERENT TYPES OF LOADS
cient of variation close to 0.3 [9]. This distribu-
tion law corresponds to elastic stiffness deter-
mining using its correlation [8] to soil 4.1 Deterministic load
deformation modulus.
In case of deterministic dynamic loads (say, for
3.5 Sufficient reliability condition in terms of machines with crank mechanisms) the failure
loads probability is

The condition (8) may be written down in an nS U j nS

equivalent form [12, 2] using (6): Pf = ∑ ∫ pC (C )dC = ∑ ⎡⎣QC (U j ) − QC ( L j ) ⎤⎦ ,(15)
j =1 L j j =1

F ≤ Fu = Fu (C ) , (11)
where Lj and Uj are lower and upper bounds cor-
where respondingly of nS failure intervals (Lj, Uj) of
stiffness axis where F > Fu(C);
Fu (C ) = au D (C , ω ) (12) (Fu(Lj) = Fu(Uj) = 0; see figure 1); QC(C) is the
cumulative distribution function for log-normal
distribution of C.
is the limiting value of the load. Figure 2 shows special cases for single degree
Equation (10) implies the following form of of freedom systems:
the condition of reliability: (a) L1 = 0: for zero stiffness the dynamic load
exceeds the limiting value;
Pf = Prob[ Fu (C ) < F ] < Pu . (13) (b) nS = 0, i.e. for any stiffness the load is
lower than the limiting value;
The problem of reliability determination is re- (c) general case.
duced to calculation of random event probability
(failure) and testing of sufficient smallness of
that probability. The failure consists in that the
load F, being a random variable in general, ex-
ceeds its limiting value Fu.
The domain SCF of random parameters C and
F corresponding to failure is introduced and a se- F
ries of equations is derived:

Pf = ∫SCF
pC (C ) pF ( F ) dF dC =

= ∫0

pC (C ) {∫ ∞

Fu ( C ) }
pF ( F )dF dC = . (14) L1 U1 L2 U2 C

= ∫ pC (C )Prob [ F > Fu (C )] dC Figure 1. Failure intervals of stiffness axis for deterministic
0 loads and random stiffness.
M.L. Kholmyansky / Vibrational Reliability of Rigid Structures on Soil 423

where pC(C) is the probability density function

for log-normal distribution of C:

1⎛ ( ln(C ) − μ )2 ⎞
pC (C ) = exp ⎜ − ⎟. (18)
Cσ 2π ⎜ 2σ 2 ⎟
⎝ ⎠

The distribution parameters σ and μ define the

stiffness expectation C0 and coefficient of varia-
tion CV:

C0 = e μ +σ ; CV = eσ − 1 .
2 2

Since for large values of C the dynamic stiff-

ness (and consequently the limiting load) is as-
ymptotically proportional to C, the argument of
Figure 2. Special cases for failure intervals of the stiffness exp function in (17) is proportional to C2 and the
axis (deterministic loads and random stiffness for single de- integral converges rapidly.
gree of freedom systems): (a) L1 = 0, for zero stiffness the
dynamic load exceeds the limiting value; (b) nS = 0, i.e. for
any stiffness the load is lower than the limiting value;

4.2 Random load

5.1 Deterministic load
In case of dynamical action of machines with ro-
tating parts the load amplitude F in accordance The simplest case is considered when the system
with the adopted Rayleigh law is supposed to has a single degree of freedom. Figure 3 shows
have the following cumulative distribution func- the family of domains for dimensionless parame-
tion: ters that provide reliable operation or failure for
the various levels of desired limiting probability
⎛ πF2 ⎞ of failure Pu under deterministic dynamic loads.
QF ( F0 ) = Prob [ F < F0 ] = 1 − exp ⎜ − 02 ⎟ . (16) The dimensionless parameters are Φ = F/(auK0),
⎝ 4F ⎠ Ω = ω/ω0 and the damping ratio ξ; K0 is the sys-
tem stiffness mathematical expectation and ω0 —
In this equation F0 > 0; F is the mathematical corresponding system non-damped frequency.
expectation of the random load amplitude F; co- For Pf > Pu we have failure domain, and for
efficient of variation of F equals 0.523. The ran- Pf ≤ Pu — the domain of reliable operation. The
dom load is supposed stochastically independent coefficient of variation of soil stiffness CV = 0.3.
of soil stiffness. The load growth expectedly lowers the reli-
Failure probability in this case is given by the ability. For high damping ratio (ξ = 1) the fre-
following integral: quency growth always causes the reliability
growth (meaning that resonant phenomena are
∞ ⎛ π F 2 (C ) ⎞ absent), and for small and medium damping ra-
Pf = ∫ pC (C ) exp ⎜ − u 2 ⎟ dC . (17) tios the dependence of reliability on frequency is
⎝ 4F ⎠ non-monotonic.
424 M.L. Kholmyansky / Vibrational Reliability of Rigid Structures on Soil

ξ = 0.1

CV = 0.1

ξ = 0.3

CV = 0.5


Figure 4. Domains of failure and reliable operation for single

degree of freedom system with deterministic load for differ-
ent levels of limiting probability of failure: 0.01; 0.25; 0.50;
0.75; 0.80; 0.85; 0.90; 0.95; 0.98 and 0.99 with coefficients
of variation of soil stiffness CV = 0.1 and CV = 0.5; ξ = 0.3.

Figure 3. Domains of failure and reliable operation for single

degree of freedom system with deterministic load for differ-
ent levels of limiting probability of failure: 0.01; 0.25; 0.50;
0.75; 0.80; 0.85; 0.90; 0.95; 0.98 and 0.99.
M.L. Kholmyansky / Vibrational Reliability of Rigid Structures on Soil 425

5.2 Stiffness variability effect ξ = 0.1

Stiffness variability effect is of certain interest.
Figure 4 shows different reliability levels for
lowered and increased coefficients of variation of
soil (CV = 0.1 and CV = 0.5); damping ratio ξ is
taken 0.3.
The results of the calculations show that
change of the coefficient of variation for soil
stiffness do not influence qualitatively the gen-
eral dependence of reliability on system parame-
For small stiffness variability the interface be-
tween domain of failure and domain of reliable
operation moves insignificantly with limiting
probability of failure change.
ξ = 0.3
5.3 Random load
Figure 5 shows the results for random loads in
case of system with single degree of freedom for
the coefficient of variation of soil stiffness hav-
ing standard value of 0.3; in this case
Φ = F /(au K0 ) .
It is seen from the results that except for large
damping (ξ = 1) the least adoptable load expec-
tancy corresponds to certain non-zero frequency
(resonance). The analogous phenomenon was
observed for the deterministic load.


For examining vibrational reliability of rigid

structures on soil it is necessary to consider inde-
terminacy of elastic soil properties. That purpose
may be obtained by using probabilistic problem
statement with simplest dynamic models of soil-
structure system.
The paper contains the analysis of dependence
of system vibrational behaviour on the single pa-
rameter of stiffness — coefficient of elastic sub-
grade reaction (or some other, say soil elastic
modulus). Time harmonic loads of two types are
considered — with deterministic amplitudes and
with random amplitudes distributed according to Figure 5. Domains of failure and reliable operation for single
the Rayleigh law. degree of freedom system with random Rayleigh load for dif-
ferent levels of limiting probability of failure: 0.01; 0.25;
0.50; 0.75; 0.80; 0.85; 0.90; 0.95; 0.98 and 0.99.
426 M.L. Kholmyansky / Vibrational Reliability of Rigid Structures on Soil

For the both types of load closed form formu- [5] N.N. Yermolaev, V. V. Mikheev, Reliability of struc-
ture foundations, Stroyizdat, Leningrad, 1976. (In Rus-
lae are derived, calculations performed and their sian).
results analysed. [6] V.I. Sheinin, Yu. V. Lesovoi, V.V. Mikheev,
The results found provide the possibility of N.B. Popov, An approach to reliability assessment in
more sound decision making when designing engineering calculations of foundation beds, Soil Me-
with required reliability; fore some cases eco- chanics and Foundation Engineering, 27 (1990), 32–
nomic benefit may be obtained by removing un- [7] V.V. Bolotin, Random vibrations of elastic systems, Ni-
necessary reserve. jhof, Hague, 1984.
[8] SNiP 2.02.05-87, Foundations for machines under dy-
namic loadings, TsITP, Moscow, 1988. (Soviet Build-
ing Code; in Russian).
REFERENCES [9] M.L. Kholmyansky, Vibration calculation of founda-
tions for machines with random dynamic loads as sys-
[1] F. Nadim, Tools and Strategies for Dealing with Uncer- tems with random parameters, Earthquake Engineering,
tainty in Geotechnics, Probabilistic Methods in Geo- 1998, 6–8. (In Russian).
technical Engineering (eds. D.V. Griffiths, V.A. Fen- [10] A.I. Tseytlin, N.I. Guseva, Statistical methods for cal-
ton), 2007, 71-95. culations of structures under group dynamic loading,
[2] M.L. Kholmyansky, Dynamic soil-structure interaction Stroyizdat, Moscow, 1979. (In Russian).
considering random soil properties, Proceedings of the [11] D.D. Barkan, Yu.G. Trofimenkov, M.N. Golubtsova,
12th International Conference of IACMAG, 2008, Relation between elastic and strength characteristics of
2704–2711. soils, Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, 11
[3] GOST 27751-88, Reliability of constructions and foun- (1974), 51–54.
dations. Principal rules of the calculations, Izdatel’stvo [12] M.L. Kholmyansky, Probabilistic method of calculation
Standartov, Moscow, 1989. (Soviet Standard; in Rus- of machine foundations under periodic loading, Proc.
sian). Russian Conference on Soil Mech. and Foundation
[4] EN 1997–1, Eurocode 7 – Geotechnical design, Part 1: Engng, 4 (1995), 669-674. (In Russian).
General rules, European Committee for Standardiza-
tion, Brussels, 2004.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 427
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Triaxial, DSS, CRS tests and numerical

simulations of soft soils at river dike
Essais triaxiaux , essais de cisaillement direct, essais de
cisaillement à taux constant de déformation, et simulations
numériques de sols mous pour une digue fluviale
H.J. Lengkeek 1, R. Bouw
Witteveen+Bos, Deventer, The Netherlands

Within the framework of the Dutch SBW project “Strength and Loads on Dikes” extensive soil investigations, analysis, numeri-
cal simulation and stability calculations have been performed. The aim of the project is to investigate the design method for a
dike slope failure in a high water situation. Various locations in The Netherlands have been selected where the stability is criti-
cal. The authors are involved in a project concerning the Northern dike of the river Lek, east of Rotterdam.

One of the unique aspects of this project is that different tests have been performed on one same set of samples for two main soil
types, for example Classification tests, Constant Rate of Strain tests, Oedometer tests, Anisotropic Consolidated Undrained Tri-
axial tests and Direct Simple Shear tests. The main soil types are Holland peat (11 kN/m3) and Tiel Clay (16 kN/m3). Both layers
are Holocene deposits, very compressible, organic and anisotropic.

The strength and stiffness parameters have been derived from the laboratory tests. In addition, the advanced model parameters
have been adjusted by numerical simulation of the soil tests. Two sets of strength parameters are finally used in a stability analy-
ses of the river dike, both for drained as undrained conditions.

Dans le cadre du projet Hollandais "SBW - Strength and Loads on Dikes" (Résistance de rupture et Contraintes sur les Digues),
de nombreuses investigations de sols, analyses, simulations numériques et calculs de stabilité ont été effectués. L'objectif du pro-
jet est d'étudier la méthode de design pour une rupture de digue dans une situation où le niveau d'eau est élevé. Plusieurs endroits
des Pays-Bas ont été sélectionnés pour leur stabilité critique. Les auteurs sont impliqués dans le projet de la digue Nord de la ri-
vière Lek, à l'est de Rotterdam.

Un des aspects uniques de ce projet est que beaucoup d'essais différents ont été effectué sur un même set d'échantillons, pour
deux principaux types de sols, notamment des essais de classifications, essais de cisaillement à taux constant de déformation, es-
sais œdométriques, essais triaxiaux consolidés non drainés anisotropes, et des essais de cisaillement direct. Les principaux types
de sols sont Holland peat (tourbe) (11 kN/m3) et Tiel Clay (argile) (16kN/m3). Tous deux sont des dépôts Holocène, très com-
pressibles, organiques et anisotropes.

Les paramètres de résistance de rupture et de rigidité du sol sont dérivés des essais de laboratoire. De plus, les paramètres de
modélisation avancée ont été ajustés par simulation numérique des essais de sols. Deux sets de paramètres de résistance de rup-
ture sont ainsi utilisés dans les analyses de stabilité de la digue fluviale, autant pour les cas drainés que non drainés.

Keywords: Triaxial test (TA), Direct Simple Shear test (DSS), Constant Rate of Strain test (CRS), Soft soil, Organic clay, Peat,
Stability, River dike

Corresponding Author
428 H.J. Lengkeek and R. Bouw / Triaxial, DSS, CRS Tests and Numerical Simulations of Soft Soils


The Dutch SBW program “Strength and Loads An extensive geotechnical investigation program
on Dikes” is a research program for improve- is conducted, consisting of seven CPT’s and five
ment of knowledge of present defences. Within Boreholes with continuous sampling in one cross
the framework of the program a new calculation section of the dike. After the field work the fol-
method for macro-stability of inner slopes is va- lowing laboratory tests have been performed on
lidated. The new method consists of: the subsoil’s and dike material:
 Slip plane analyses with Bishop and Finite  Classification tests (50x)
Elements Methods.  Conventional Oedometer tests (15x OED)
 Shear strength model based on Critical  Constant Rate of Strain Oedometer tests
State Soil Mechanics (CSSM). (15x CRS)
 Single stage Triaxial tests and DSS tests for  Anisotropic Consolidated Undrained Tri-
peat. axial tests (40x ACU-TA)
 Shear strength at failure in combination  Direct Simple Shear tests (40x DSS).
with a check of the deformations of the
dike. The main soil types are Holland Peat and Tiel
Clay (Figure 1). The typical unit weight of Hol-
Several specific locations in The Netherlands land Peat is 11 kN/m3 and of Tiel Clay 16 kN/m3.
have been selected where the stability is critical. Within a geological deposit the density (), water
The authors investigated the Northern dike along content (w) and the organic content (org) varies
the river Lek, east of Rotterdam [1]. The pore rather strong. Below the dike the unit weight is
pressure and deformation data from this location higher, beside the dike the water content and or-
are known over the period 1994-2000. ganic content are higher. In Table 1 and 2 some
The deformation measurements showed the statistics of both layers are given.
start of a slip plane, indicating that the stability is Both Holland Peat and Tiel Clay are Holocene
close to unity. Around 1999 the stability of the deposits, compressible and organic. The proper-
dike has been improved by reprofiling. The vali- ties under the dike are however much better than
dation has been done for the situation during the in the floodplains due to the high overburden
high water of 28 January 1994. pressure of the dike. This should be taken into
account in the design calculations.

Figure 1. Schematization soil profile

H.J. Lengkeek and R. Bouw / Triaxial, DSS, CRS Tests and Numerical Simulations of Soft Soils 429

Table 1. Statistics Clay Tiel

Parameter Unit Minimum Average Maximum
 kN/m3 12,1 15,7 17,9
w % 36 64 144 0,1
org % 1 7 16
loading phase
Table 2. Statistics Holland Peat

Hencky strain [-]

Parameter Unit Minimum Average Maximum
 kN/m3 9,9 11,1 13,6 0,3
w % 102 338 637
org % 12 44 78
relaxation phase
2.1 CRS test un-/reloading cycle
The CRS test is a more advanced oedometer test. 0,5
In this test method the sample is constrained
axially between two parallel, rigid platens and
laterally to remain the cross sectional area con-
1 10 100 1000
stant. The top site of the sample is axially
axial stress [kPa]
drained and the fluid pressure is measured at the
sealed base. A back pressure is applied to satu-
Figure 2. Result CSR tests on sample of Holland Peat
rate both the sample and the base pressure mea-
surement system. The sample is deformed axially
The CRS tests are executed on samples of the
at a constant rate while measuring the time, axial
same soil layer as the samples for the ACU-TA
deformation, reaction force and base pressure.
and DSS tests. The initial height of the samples
Within the project the following loading sche-
(before consolidation) was 25.4 mm and the di-
dule was followed during the CRS tests:
ameter 63.5 mm. The rate of strain during the
 Start at a stress of 2 to 5 kPa. test was approximately 1 %/hour. Both the com-
 Increase the load until 6 to 10 times the ini- pression parameters and the pre-consolidation
tial vertical effective stress (with a maxi- stress have been derived.
mum of 300 kPa).
 Relaxation during 16 hours. 2.2 Triaxial test
 Reload until 8 to 14 times the initial vertic- The ACU-TA tests are executed as single stage
al effective stress (with a maximum of 400 test with consolidations pressures above the pre-
kPa). load to avoid over-consolidated (OC) behavior.
 Unload until 40 % of the maximum vertical The aim of the tests is to find the Critical State
effective stress. Line (CSL) for the soil layers. The following
 Reload until at least the maximum vertical steps have been completed to find the CSL:
effective stress.
 Estimate the pre-consolidation of the sam-
As example the results of one CRS test on a ple using the results of the OED and CRS
Holland Peat sample under the dike is plotted in tests.
Figure 2.  Define the anisotropic consolidation stress
(1.2 to 3 times the preload with a maximum
of 300 kPa).
 Prepare the undisturbed sample (height
76 mm and diameter 38 mm).
430 H.J. Lengkeek and R. Bouw / Triaxial, DSS, CRS Tests and Numerical Simulations of Soft Soils

 Consolidate the sample isotropic with a cell 0,6

pressure of half the anisotropic consolida-
tion stress.
 Continue to consolidate the sample to ani- 0,4

CR, RR [-]
sotropic stress level (K0 = 0.5). 0,3
 Execute Triaxial test until failure (strain
rate 1 %/hour) or 20% axial strain, to de-
rive peak and ultimate strength parameters. 0,1
10 100 1000
2.3 DSS test
w [%]
The DSS tests are executed on samples of the
same soil layer as the samples for the ACU-TA Tiel Clay, CR Holland Peat, CR
tests. Therefore the same consolidation stresses Tiel Clay, RR HollandPeat, RR
are applied to the saturated samples. The consol- CR Correlation
idation periods were typically 1 day. The initial Figure 3. Results CRS tests
height of the samples (before consolidation) was
25.4 mm and the diameter 63.5 mm. The rate of 3.2 Triaxial test
strain during the test was approximately 0.02
mm/min. The test is performed to a shear strain Thirteen samples were tested from the layer Tiel
of 40% to derive peak and ultimate strength pa- Clay and twelve samples from the layer Holland
rameters. Peat. The results (ultimate strength) are plotted in
Figure 4. Besides the test results, the linear trend
line per layer is shown.

3.1 CRS test 80

t [kPa]

The CRS tests are executed on five samples of

Tiel Clay and seven samples of Holland Peat.
The pre-consolidation (pc) stress below the dike
is approximately 10 kPa (Holland Peat) to 40 kPa
(Tiel Clay) above the vertical stress, beside the
dike this is 10 kPa. The compression results are
plotted in Figure 3.
The CR values of the tests on both layers fit
0 50 100 150 200
well with the correlation of Figure 22.1c of
Lambe [3]. The CR/RR ratio is approximately 9, s' [kPa]
which is lower (stiffer) than generally for soft Tiel Clay Holland Peat
clay. The C/CR ratio is approximately 5 % for Trend (clay) Trend (peat)
Tiel Clay and 7 % for Holland Peat, with a few
Figure 4. Results ACU-TA tests (ultimate strength)
higher values of 10 %.
The cohesion (c) and the angle of internal fric-
tion () for the peak and ultimate strength are
listed in Table 3 and 4. In the -line no cohesion
is assumed, in the trend line the cohesion is de-
H.J. Lengkeek and R. Bouw / Triaxial, DSS, CRS Tests and Numerical Simulations of Soft Soils 431

rived from the intersection (see figure 4). It can 120

be argued that the -ultimate is also the CSL, as
the samples are consolidated ( c) tested well 100
beyond the pre-consolidation stress (pc) with
shearing up to 20% strain and no significant pore 80
pressure change occurring at large strains.

Table 3. Peak strength parameters ACU-TA tests
Soil c’ ’ cu/ c 40
[kPa] [,] [-]
Tiel Clay (-line) 0 44.0 0.46 20
Tiel Clay (Trend) 5.7 37.6
Holland Peat (-line) 0 60.4 0.50 0
Holland Peat (Trend) 0 61.0 0 50 100 150 200 250
v '[kPa]
Table 4. Ultimate strength parameters ACU-TA tests Tiel Clay Holland Peat
Soil c’ ’ cu/ c Trend (clay) Trend (peat)
[kPa] [,] [-]
Tiel Clay (CSL) 0 40.8 0.41 Figure 5. Results DSS tests (ultimate strength)
Tiel Clay (Trend) 7.9 32.8
Holland Peat (CSL) 0 56.3 0.43
Holland Peat (Trend) 0 55.0 Table 5. Peak strength parameters DSS tests
Soil c’ ’ cu/ c
[kPa] [,] [-]
The angle of internal friction and cu ratio are
large compared to soft soils, but not uncommon Tiel Clay (-line) 0 25.4 0.33
for organic soils, reference is made to Den Haan Tiel Clay (Trend) 14.1 20.5
Holland Peat (-line) 0 29.3 0.40
[2]. The cohesion is limited as can be expected Holland Peat (Trend) 2.5 26.2
for tests in the normal consolidated (NC) range.
The unit weight of the thirteen TA samples of
Table 6. Ultimate strength parameters DSS tests
Tiel Clay depends in a large extent on the organ-
ic content and varies from 12.3 kN/m3 to Soil c’ ’ cu/ c
17.7 kN/m3. The organic content also influences [,] [-]
the angle of internal friction. The angle of the Tiel Clay (CSL) 0 24.9 0.25
Tiel Clay (Trend) 9.4 20.7
CSL becomes for example 36.9, instead of Holland Peat (CSL) 0 31.7 0.39
40.8,, if the samples beside the dike with a unit Holland Peat (Trend) 5.4 26.2
weight below 14 kN/m3 (four in total) are not
taken into account. The DSS undrained shear strength is approx-
imately 75% of the TA undrained shear strength,
3.3 DSS test which is in line with literature. The DSS angle of
internal friction is significantly lower than for the
The DSS tests are executed on fifteen samples of
ACU-TA tests. The cohesion on the other hand is
Tiel Clay and eighteen samples of Holland Peat.
higher. The difference (approximately 50 %) in
The results (ultimate strength) are plotted in Fig-
angle of internal friction is expected to be largely
ure 5 and the strength parameters are given in
determined by anisotropy. This Holland Peat
Table 5 and 6. The effective strength parameters
layer and organic Tiel Clay have predominantly
are derived using Coulomb’s failure envelope:
horizontal oriented fibers, parallel to the DSS
shear plane and across the TA shear plane. The is
  c' v' tan  ' (1) causing a reinforcing effect for the TA test more
then for the DSS test.
432 H.J. Lengkeek and R. Bouw / Triaxial, DSS, CRS Tests and Numerical Simulations of Soft Soils

In addition another factor might be of influ- In the approach of the authors the E’50;ref is fit-
ence. In a ACU-TA test the total and effective ted with the SoilTest program to the laboratory
vertical stress increases. In an “undrained” DSS TA-test. To achieve the significant shear induced
test the height is kept constant. But due to the pore pressures as in the laboratory tests, the
consolidation beyond the pre-consolidation E’50;ref needed to be as high as possible, a factor
stress, the organic samples continues to creep 2.5 compared to the E’oed;ref. Also the model pa-
during shearing. To compensate this, the vertical rameter K0;nc has been increased compared to the
stress is automatically reduced. The reduction in default to achieve stiffer undrained behavior (Eu)
effective vertical stress is almost the same as the and lower undrained shear strength. The model
applied shear stress and almost 50% of the initial parameter Rf (hyperbolic factor) has been re-
vertical stress. Both effects, the reinforcing and duced compared to the default to achieve a peak
the creep account for the significant anisotropy strength at approximately 10% shear strain.
in angle of internal friction, more then for non
organic soils.


The main challenge is to come to one set of de-

sign parameters for the two calculation methods:
Bishop and Finite Element Method (Plaxis). To
derive the best set of parameters, firstly a basic
set of strength, stiffness and model parameters
have been derived from the laboratory tests, ex-
tended with default model parameters. Secondly,
the actual laboratory tests have been simulated in
Plaxis SoilTest (Figure 6) and the parameters
have been adjusted such that the various tests and
stress paths are best simulated.
Two parameter sets have been derived, one
for Mohr-Coulomb (MC) model and one for
Hardening-Soil (HS) model, reference is made to
Brinkgreve [4].
The SoilTest module appears to be a very use- Figure 6. ACU-TA simulation Plaxis SoilTest
ful tool to match the drained and undrained
stress-strain paths of the laboratory tests with the Figure 5 presents the Plaxis SoilTest output
input parameters, in particular for an advanced for the simulation of a Triaxial test in MC model
constitutive model as the HS model. (bold straight lines) and HS model (curved lines)
The CR value has been used as input for the of Tiel Clay. With the fitted parameter set and
E’oed;ref together with the effective strength para- the formulation of the HS model, the stress-strain
meters to get a good fit with the DSS and ACU- behavior and excess pore pressures due to shear-
TA test. The RR value has been used to derive ing are correctly modeled (stress path bends to
E’ur;ref. The E’50;ref cannot be derived directly, as the left with lower undrained shear strength). It
the ACU-TA tests provides the undrained stiff- can be concluded that undrained analyses of this
ness. The ratio of undrained to drained stiffness stress path with effective stress parameters are
for actual soils is approximately a factor 3, as can not well predicted with an isotropic linear elastic
be find in Lambe[3]. Also, the ratio’s of stiffness perfectly plastic MC model.
parameters within the HS-model is restricted. To get a good fit with the DSS test, the same
parameters are used as for the ACU-TA test, ex-
H.J. Lengkeek and R. Bouw / Triaxial, DSS, CRS Tests and Numerical Simulations of Soft Soils 433

cept for effective strength parameters. From the match well. The laboratory test however tends to
SoilTest module it appears that the angle of in- soften more, which is probably due to the ten-
ternal friction should not be derived with equa- dency of the sample to creep, as discussed in 3.3.
tion (1) but with the following equation:

 sin   (2)
'v The inner slope stability is calculated with the
computer program MStab (Bishop slope stability
Equation (2) is correct in case the shear stress calculation with uplift) and Plaxis (Finite Ele-
() is equal to the t’=( 1’- 2’)/2 and s’v is equal ment Method). Two constitutive models have
to s’=( 1’+ 2’)/2. This condition appears to be been used, the MC and HS model. The MC mod-
the case in SoilTest simulations, for typically this el has been used in undrained stability analyses
set of parameters and the HS-model. Care should (type b) in which stiffness is defined in terms of
be taken for other parameter sets of other soils effective properties and strength is defined as
and other constitutive models to generalize this undrained shear strength. The HS model has
condition. been used for drained and undrained stability
It should be noted that the values in Table 5 analyses (type a) in which stiffness and strength
and 6 have been derived with the Tangent (Cou- are defined in terms of effective properties. The
lomb criterion, project convention) instead of the stability factor in Plaxis has been determined
Sinus and underestimate the strength properties phi-c-reduction.
with approximately 15%. Reference is made to The advantage of the HS model type a
Wroth [5] on this subject. This also contributes undrained analyses is that both the deformations
to the large difference found with the ACU-TA and also generation of excess pore pressures due
angle of internal friction test results. to shearing are better calculated then in a MC
model. The advantage of the MC model type b
100 analyses (and also MStab) is the robustness of
the calculation. Due to near uplift behind the
dike the effective stresses are low and also the
stability factor is near unity. This creates numeri-
cal problems within the HS model. Additional

50 calculations where the angle of internal friction

is combined with the cohesion in Table 3 to 6
provide more stability, both numerical as the
25 overall stability factor.
The initial conditions are considered to be
drained. The river high water is typically a few
weeks event with the maximum water level for a
0 50 100 150 200 250
few days. Therefore the river high water case is
'v [kPa] modeled as both drained and undrained condition
Plaxis Soiltest, Tiel Clay in Plaxis. The stability calculations have been
Labtest B2-6656, Tiel Clay executed for both the parameters based on ACU-
sin(phi=28), tan(phi=25) TA and DSS test.
The actual stress paths in the dike deviates
Figure 7. Comparison DSS laboratory test and Plaxis SoilTest however from the standard Triaxial compression
test, which is in particular important for aniso-
Figure 7 presents the comparison between the tropic soils. A river high water case causes main-
laboratory test result and the simulation of the ly changes in water pressures, combined with up-
DSS test for a Tiel Clay sample. The stress paths lift at the flood basin. There is no significant
434 H.J. Lengkeek and R. Bouw / Triaxial, DSS, CRS Tests and Numerical Simulations of Soft Soils

loading as in case of a new embankment. Based 6 CONCLUSIONS

on a stress path analyses of the Plaxis calcula-
tions it is concluded that at the crest of the dike Based on the reported analyses it is concluded
the actual stress path corresponds better with a that:
Triaxial compression test with a decreasing cell  The strength parameters based on the
pressure. At the toe of the dike and flood plane ACU-TA test give significant higher stabil-
the actual stress path corresponds better with a ity factors then based on the DSS.
Triaxial extension test with a decreasing vertical  The DSS results should however be in-
pressure. In the deeper section which is the main creased with approximately 15% as angle
part, the DSS test corresponds best with the ac- of internal friction should be derived with
tual stress path. the Sinus.
The stability factors are presented in Table 7.  Various deformation measurements in the
A typical slip plane, calculated with the program past showed the start of a slip plane, indi-
MStab, is given in Figure 8 and with Plaxis in cating that the stability is close to unity. It
Figure 9. is concluded that the strength parameter set
based on correctly interpreted DSS test
Table 7. Stability factors gives therefore the best prediction of the
Analyses ACU-TA DSS stability.
Drained (MStab) 1.90 0.96  The Plaxis drained analyses give slightly
Undrained type b (MStab) 1.56 1.04 lower stability factors then undrained,
Drained (Plaxis HS) >1 <1 which can be expected in a more unloading
Undrained type a (Plaxis HS) >1 1,14
Undrained type b (Plaxis MC) >1 1.04 then loading situation.
 The MStab and Plaxis results correspond
reasonably well.
 The SoilTest module appears to be a very
useful tool to match the drained and un-
drained stress-strain paths of the laboratory
tests with the input parameters, in particu-
lar for an advanced constitutive model as
the HS model.
 It is advised to verify the stability of the
river dikes in case of high water with the
correctly derived DSS parameters, in both
Figure 8. Slip plane MStab (Undrained, DSS) drained (HS model) and undrained condi-
tion (MC model).


[1] M.G. Kruse, Deformation of a river dike on soft soil,

Netherlands Geographical Studies, Utrecht, 1998.
[2] E.J. Den Haan and S. Kamao, Obtaining isotache para-
meters from a CRS K0-Oedometer, Soils and Founda-
tion, Vol 43, 2003.
[3] T.W. Lambe and R.V. Whitman, Soil mechanics, 1979.
[4] R.B.J. Brinkreve and W. Broere, Plaxis Manual 2D V9,
Figure 9. Slip plane Plaxis (Undrained MC)
[5] C.P. Wroth, The interpretation of in situ soil tests, Géo-
technique 34, No 4, 1984.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 435
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Estimation of geotechnical properties and

classification of geotechnical behaviour in
tunnelling for flysch rock masses
Estimation des propriétés géotechniques et classification du
comportement des massifs rocheux du flysch aux tunnels
V. Marinos 1
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
P. Fortsakis & G. Prountzopoulos
National Technical University of Athens
Flysch formations are generally characterised by diverse heterogeneity, presence of members with low strength and tectonically
disturbed structures. The complexity of these geological materials demands a more specialized research and geological characte-
rization, due to the special features of their rock mass types regarding both their structure and their lithological characteristics.
The present paper proposes a standardization of the qualitative engineering geological characteristics, the geotechnical classifica-
tion, the assessment of the behaviour in underground excavations and the qualitative instructions-guidelines for the primary sup-
port measures for flysch rock masses. In order to investigate flysch rock mass properties, 12 tunnels of Egnatia Highway, in
Northern Greece, were examined taking into account data from their design and construction records. More specifically, flysch
formations are classified here in 11 rock mass types (I to XI), according to the siltstone-sandstone participation and their tectonic
disturbance. A modified GSI chart for heterogeneous rock masses such as flysch is presented, where a certain range of GSI val-
ues is proposed for every rock mass type. The engineering geological behaviour of flysch in tunnel excavation lies within a large
spectrum. A further classification of every flysch rock mass type based on their geotechnical behaviour during tunnel excavation,
in relation to categorised failure mechanisms (deformation due to overstressing, overbreaks or wedge failure, “chimney” type
failure, ravelling ground) and in situ stresses, is presented. Finally, general principles and guidelines for the selection of the im-
mediate support measures are proposed.

Les formations de flysch sont généralement caractérisées par une hétérogénéité diverse et la présence de membres de faible ré-
sistance avec une structure tectonique perturbée. Ce développement de caractéristiques spéciales de massif de flysch au niveau
de sa structure et sa lithologie exige une caractérisation géologique plus délicate. Dans un premier temps ce document propose
une normalisation des caractéristiques géologiques qualitatives et une classification géotechnique. Or, dans un deuxième temps,
il présente une méthode d’évaluation de leur comportement pendant les excavations souterraines et une approche qualitative de
direction concernant les mesures de support principal pour les masses de flysch rocheux. Afin d'étudier les propriétés de flysch,
12 tunnels de l'autoroute d’Egnatia, dans le nord de la Grèce, ont été examinés prenant en compte les données de leur conception
et leur construction. Plus précisément, les formations de flysch sont ici classées dans 11 différents types des roches (I à XI) en
fonction de la participation de siltstone-grès et de leurs perturbations tectoniques. Un nouveau diagramme pour le GSI des roches
hétérogènes telles que le flysch est présenté, où un certain éventail de valeurs est proposé pour chaque type. Le comportement de
flysch en cours d’excavation du tunnel présente une large gamme, principalement en raison de l'hétérogénéité de la masse ro-
cheuse et ses perturbations tectoniques. En outre, pour chaque type du massif de flysch rocheux, un classement additionnel est
proposé par rapport à son comportement géotechnique, au cours d’excavation de tunnel, lié aux mécanismes de rupture (défor-
mation due à la surcharge, hors profils, chute de dièdres ou de type cheminée, on éboulement) et aux contraintes développées in
situ dans chaque cas. L’article conche avec des principes généraux et des recommandations pour le soutènement immédiat.

Keywords: Flysch, tunnel, GSI, tunnel behaviour, temporary support

Corresponding Author.
436 V. Marinos et al. / Estimation of Geotechnical Properties

1 INTRODUCTION The variety of geological conditions under

different in situ stresses, in mild and heavy tec-
In the last decades there has been a rapid devel- tonism, provided significant amount of informa-
opment in almost all stages of geotechnical de- tion regarding the engineering geological condi-
sign. Analysis and computational methods are tions and geotechnical behaviour of several
fields where great progress has been made. How- flysch rock mass types. These behaviours were
ever, regardless the great capabilities offered by analysed and evaluated so as to define the geo-
the state of the art computational tools, the re- technical characteristics for every flysch type.
sults still involve uncertainties due to the diffi- In order to investigate the rock mass proper-
culties in defining design parameters. Hence, at- ties of flysch, 12 tunnels driven in various geo-
tention should be given to the definition of the logical environments were examined. The 2001
geotechnical parameters and behaviour of the chart [3] is being revised here with adjustments
rock mass in engineering works. in values and additions of new rock mass types.
Flysch formations are generally characterized Flysch formations are classified into 11 rock
by diverse heterogeneity, presence of members mass types (I to XI) according to the siltstone-
with low strength and tectonically disturbed sandstone participation and their tectonic distur-
structures. Such formations are classified here in- bance. Hence, a new GSI diagram for heteroge-
to certain rock mass types according to the silt- neous rock masses such as flysch is presented,
stone-sandstone participation and their tectonic where a certain range of GSI values for every
disturbance and a new GSI chart for heterogene- rock mass type is proposed (Figure 1). In the new
ous rock masses such as flysch is presented. diagram, GSI values are increased from 10 to 35
A further classification of flysch rock masses units for the “Blocky” to “Undisturbed” struc-
based on their geotechnical behaviour (deforma- tures, respectively, particularly for the siltstone
tion due to overstressing, overbreakes or wedge type. The high presence of siltstone beds does
failure, “chimney” type failure, raveling ground not decrease the GSI value, but only in the highly
and their equivalent scale) is presented hereafter. disturbed forms. When a rock mass is undis-
Finally, temporary support measures concept and turbed or slightly disturbed, independently of
principles for every rock mass type are presented siltstone or sandstone predominance, high GSI
based on the available tunnelling experience. ratings have to be considered. This was con-
A fundamental tool of this research was the firmed from tunnel construction, where lighter
TIAS database (Tunnel Information and Analysis temporary support categories (correlated with
System – [1], [2]), with a great number of geo- high GSI values) were implemented and margin-
logical and geotechnical data from the design al measured deformations were observed.
and the construction of 12 tunnels of Egnatia Another addition to the GSI chart is the bed-
Highway in Northern Greece, driven in flysch ding thickness consideration of the competent
environment. sandstone beds. In types IV and V (slightly dis-
turbed structures) when the thickness of sand-
stone beds exceeds 50cm, an increase of the GSI
2 GEOTECHNICAL CLASSIFICATION value by 5 is suggested.
In addition, it is necessary to consider values
Flysch is composed of varying alternations of of the “intact” rock properties ^ci, mi and Ei for
clastic sediments that are associated with oroge- the heterogeneous rock mass as a unit. Some
nesis, since it ends the cycle of sedimentation be- quantitative estimates of heterogeneous intact
fore the paroxysm folding process. It is characte- rock properties via laboratory tests [4], [5] have
rized mainly by rhythmic alternations of already been presented. For cases when labora-
sandstone and pelitic layers (siltstones, silty or tory tests are not feasible, a “weighted average”
clayey shales). The thickness of sandstone or of the intact strength properties of the strong and
siltstone beds ranges from centimeters to meters. weak layers is proposed in Table 1.
V. Marinos et al. / Estimation of Geotechnical Properties 437

Figure 1. A new GSI classification chart for heterogeneous rock masses such as Flysch

Table 1. Suggested proportions of values for the “intact rock” properties estimation of each flysch rock type
Flysch type Proportions of values for the weighted “intact rock” property estimation
I, III Use values for sandstone beds
II, VI, XI Use values for siltstone or shale
Thin beds: Reduce sandstone values by 10% and use full values for siltstone
Thick beds: Use equivalent values for siltstone and sandstone beds
V, VII, VIII Reduce sandstone values by 20% and use full values for siltstone
IX Use initial values for siltstone and sandstone beds without reduction according to their participation
X Reduce sandstone values by 40% and use full values for siltstone
Note: if adjusted values are found lower than the value of the weak layer, use that value.

3 ENGINEERING GEOLOGICAL viour of various flysch types was based on a

BEHAVIOUR DURING TUNNELLING large set of data (TIAS database) from excava-
tion face mapping, rock fall records, convergence
Flysch can be stable, even under high overbur- measurements and in-situ observation of many
den, exhibit wedge sliding and wider chimney excavation faces. A range of geotechnical beha-
type failures, or cause serious deformation even viour during tunnelling for a number of flysch
under low to medium overburden. Its behaviour rock mass types (I to IX) is presented hereafter.
is controlled by its main geotechnical characte- Types I and III. The rock mass behaviour is
ristics, as well as by the in-situ stress and purely anisotropic and is controlled by the orien-
groundwater conditions. The study on the beha- tation of discontinuities, mainly the bedding, in
438 V. Marinos et al. / Estimation of Geotechnical Properties

relation to the orientation of the tunnel. As a re- may locally occur. As a result of the relatively
sult, there is a possibility of wedge detachment good “interlocking” of the rock mass due to its
and sliding. Sliding can occur along thin siltstone folded structure, extended falls are only expected
layers with low shear strength that are often in weathered parts in very small depths. Such
present on bedding planes, especially in Type III. cases need great care, as extended overexcava-
Type II. The behaviour of the rock mass is tion and chimney failures can be observed, due
controlled by the low strength of the siltstone and to weathering and foliated structure.
the excavation depth. In great depths limited de- Type IX. This rock mass type is not characte-
formation can develop, whereas in small depths ristic of a typical flysch, as siltstone formations
the tunnel is generally stable and, depending on do not usually exhibit brittle behaviour. It is
the orientation of the tunnel and the discontinui- however often encountered in meta-flysch like
ties, sliding and fall of wedges can occur. series, such as the “Athenian Schist” excavated
Type IV. The behaviour of the rock mass is for the Athens metro. The behaviour of the rock
anisotropic. In case of unfavourable discontinuity mass is isotropic, governed by the disintegrated
orientation, mainly of the bedding, in relation to structure, and after excavation it can start to col-
the tunnel orientation, detachment and sliding of lapse. Although the equivalent friction angle is
blocks can be observed, possibly along siltstone high, the equivalent cohesion of the disintegrated
layers. When the layers are close to horizontal mass is practically negligible, except if some
and especially when the rock mass is thin- secondary fine binding material gives a small
bedded, overexcavation problems can appear. In cohesion to the rock mass. In cases of open struc-
places where the rock mass is locally more loose ture and strong presence of water, raveling is
and weathered with no significant confinement, immediate and extensive and can not be easily
limited chimney type failures can occur. limited until the induced void creates a ground
Types V and VI. The rock mass behaviour is arch or reaches the ground surface. In great
close to isotropic concerning deformation. Beha- depths, as the intact rock has a considerable
viour is controlled by the low strength of silt- strength, no significant deformation is expected.
stone and limited deformation can develop under Types X and XI. The behaviour of the rock
medium overburden. In small depths the tunnel is mass is clearly isotropic, controlled by its low
generally stable, but depending on the orientation strength and high deformability that are respon-
of discontinuities, sliding and fall of wedges can sible for the development of important deforma-
occur. Close to the surface extended overexcava- tion, even under low to medium overburden. In
tion and chimney type failures can appear, due to greater depths, squeezing conditions can be ad-
weathering and foliation, especially in Type VI verse [6], [7], [8], causing sometimes failure of
(reduced sandstone presence). rigid support sections due to overloading of the
Type VII. The behaviour of the rock mass shell, especially in Type XI. This can lead to
can be well considered as isotropic. It is con- adoption of a yielding support that can undertake
trolled by the low strength of the intact rock and the high loads without failing. Additionally, par-
limited deformation starts to develop under me- ticular care is needed close to the surface, where
dium overburden. Yet, there is a possibility of important overexcavation can occur, due to wea-
local wedge detachment and sliding, enhanced thering and the foliated, fragile structure. Finally,
by the siltstone layers, if the geometry of joints an additional problem arises, regarding estima-
favours it. As a result of the relatively good “in- tion of intact rock parameters, as it is difficult to
terlocking” of the rock mass due to its folded take representative intact samples. Marinos et al.
structure, no extended falls are expected, except [6] and Grasso et al. [7] propose geotechnical pa-
only in weathered zones close to the surface. rameters values for flysch rock masses of Type
Type VIII. The rock mass behaviour is clearly XI through back analyses.
isotropic. Due to the low strength of the siltstone,
deformation starts to develop under medium
overburden. Detachments and slides of blocks
V. Marinos et al. / Estimation of Geotechnical Properties 439

Figure 2. General directions for the immediate support measures for every flysch type
440 V. Marinos et al. / Estimation of Geotechnical Properties


The authors would like to acknowledge Ms. D.
The wide range of engineering geological beha- Papouli, Geologist, MSc for her assistance in the
viour leads to a corresponding range of tempo- editing of the paper.
rary support measures that can be applied in
flysch rock masses. The temporary support pro-
posed in the specific tunnels examined in the REFERENCES
present paper varies from very light to very rigid
or yielding for severe squeezing conditions. [1] V. Marinos, Geotechnical classification and engineer-
Some indicative suggestions for the philosophy ing geological behaviour of weak and complex rock
masses in tunneling, Doctoral thesis, School of Civil
of temporary support in tunnel excavation Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering Department,
through each flysch type are presented in Figure National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Ath-
2. These proposals take into account both the ens, 2007. (In greek)
rock mass behaviour and the critical failure me- [2] V. Marinos, P. Fortsakis, G. Prountzopoulos, P. Mari-
nos, K. Korkaris, K. Mirmiris & D. Papouli. TIAS
chanism, but do not replace the detailed design database: A tunnel information and analysis system. In
analysis of the tunnel support, adjusted to the in Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress, Auckland, New
situ conditions and particularities of each project. Zealand, 2010.
[3] P. Marinos and E. Hoek, Estimating the geotechnical
properties of a heterogeneous rock mass such as flysch,
Bulleting of Engineering Geology and the Environment,
5 CONCLUSIONS 60 (2001), 82-92.
[4] I. Mihalis, A. Parathyras, G. Prountzopoulos, A. Pa-
pazachariou and L. Schwarz, 2010. “The Tunnels of
The present paper presents a new GSI chart for Panagia-Anilio Section of the New Kalambaka-
heterogeneous rock masses such as flysch, de- Ioannina-Igoumenitsa Railway. Evaluation of Geotech-
scribes the critical failure mechanisms in tunnels nical Investigation”. Proceedings of the 6th Hellenic
and proposes guidelines for the immediate sup- Conference on Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
Engineering, Volos 29 September – 1 October 2010, 2,
port for each flysch rock mass type. 343-350. (In Greek)
New rock mass types are included in the new [5] H. Saroglou and H. Steiakakis, Prediction of strength of
GSI chart, compared to the initial proposed for anisotropic and layered flysch-type rocks, Proceedings
flysch-like rock masses by Marinos & Hoek in of the 6th Hellenic Conference on Geotechnical and
Geoenvironmental Engineering, Volos 29 September –
2001 [3], whereas increased GSI values are gen- 1 October 2010, 2, 243-249. (In Greek)
erally assigned to undisturbed rock masses, even [6] V. Marinos, P. Fortsakis and G. Prountzopoulos. Esti-
if they are dominated by siltstone. mation of rock mass properties of heavily sheared
Concerning its geotechnical behaviour, flysch flysch using data from tunnelling construction. Pro-
ceedings of the 10th IAEG International Congress, Not-
can be stable, exhibit wedge sliding and wider tingham, United Kingdom, 2006.
chimney type failures or raveling, or develop se- [7] P. Grasso, G. Scotti, G. Blasini, M. Pescara, V. Floria,
rious deformation even under low overburden. and N. Kazilis, Successful application of the observa-
Its behaviour is controlled by the siltstone- tion design method to difficult tunnel conditions -
Driskos Tunnel, Underground Space Use: Analysis of
sandstone participation and the tectonic distur- the Past and Lessons for the Future, London, Erdem &
bance, as well as by the in-situ stress and Solak (eds), 463–470, Taylor & Francis Group, 2005.
groundwater conditions. [8] C.P. Tsatsanifos, P.M. Mantziaras and D. Georgiou
Finally, conceptual temporary support meas- Squeezing rock response to NATM tunneling: A case
study, Proceedings of the International Symposium on
ures are proposed based on both the expected Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in
failure mechanism and some indicative geotech- Soft Ground, Japan, Kusakabe, Fujita & Miyazaki
nical parameters values for intact sandstone and (eds), 167-172, Balkema, Rotterdam, 2000.
siltstone. Yet, they cannot replace the detailed
analysis and the application of engineering
judgement adjusted for each particular project
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 441
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Determination of the physical parameters of soil from

pressuremeter tests
Calcul des paramtres physiques des sols à partir des résultats des
essais préssiométriques

J. Mecsi
University of Pécs, Faculty of Engineering and Informatics

The paper deals with the application of the cavity expansion theory for the determination of soil strengths and non linear deformation
parameters using pressuremeter tests. The developed cavity expansion theory takes into consideration the facts that even the initial soil
stress-strain state itself is anisotropic, and that due to expansion soil density increases. The deformation modulus is not in a linear cor-
relation with the soil pressure. By having introduced the deformation modulus, we have introduced two soil constants; (EO) that is the
basic deformation modulus, and (a): an exponent. The basic value of the deformation modulus depends first of all on the initial density
of the soil, and the exponent value “a” is in very close correlation with the angle of friction of the soil. The soil strength parameters,
namely cohesion (c) and angle of friction (I), as well as the deformation parameters represent the soil properties. We can determine
the combination of the interrelated and suitable soil parameters from the pressuremeter test. The paper presents an example, and
proves that the measured diagram very well approximates the theoretically calculated diagrams with different cohesion - basic defor-
mation modulus combinations.

L’exposé a pour objet le calcul des caractéristiques de résistance au cisaillement et de deformation non linéaire des sols. Ces calculs
reposent sur les résultats d’essais préssiométriques en exploitant la théorie des cavités cylindriques élargies dans le sol.
La corrélation entre modul de déformation et contrainte n’est pas linéaire. Avec la présentation de la correlation du modul de déforma-
tion, il convient d’introduire deux caractéristiques neufs, à savoir, deux constant (Eo) la valeur de base du modul de déformation du
sol et (a) une puissance. (Eo) sera fonction avant tout de la grandeur de la densité initiale, et (a) est en liaison étroite avec l’angle de
frottement du sol. Les paramèters de résistance, à savoir, la cohesion (c) et l’angle de frottement (I ainsi que ceux de déformation re-
présentent les propriétés de résistance et de rigidité des sols. Les corrélations théoriques traitées dans l’exposé permettent de détermi-
ner les différentes combinaisons des caractéristiques de sol, en exploitant les résultats des essais préssiométrques. Dans cette exposé
on trouve un exemple praqtique déjà publié dans la littérature précedente et on va démonstrrer que les diagrammes de cohésion/modul
de déformation établis suivant la théorie, coïncident bien avec les diagrammes basés sur les mesures praqtiques.

Keywords: pressuremeter test, plastic stress state, Mohr-Coulomb theory, non-linear deformability, volume change of soil.

1 INTRODUCTION interpretations, based on constitutive models for

soils. The expansiometric characteristic of the
The pressuremeter test covers the in situ measu- test has a good agreement with the expansion of
rement of the deformation of soils and weak rock cylindrical cavity. The parameters identification
to the expansion of a cylindrical flexible mem- by inverse analysis of pressuremeter test for soil
brane under pressure. The pressuremeter is re- strength and deformation parameters renders it
cognized as a field test applied worldwide, with a possible to interconnect the conventional geo-
good potential to be used together with analytical technical models to the in situ tests.
442 J. Mecsi / Determination of the Physical Parameters of Soil from Pressuremeter Tests

The pressuremeter tests involve a fairly large vo- on of the diagram as ’quasi elastic’. In every ca-
lume of soil in its in situ condition and may be se, if the soil stresses increase in a way that this
the most suitable method for ground which is dif- stress level has never been reached before, an
ficult to sample. ’energy loss’ develops, that is a non-linear corre-
The Mènard type pressuremeter is popular in the lation occurs between the growing stress and the
geotechnical praxis. specific compaction.
Two basic test procedures can be differentiated: If we want to determine the diagram demon-
a procedure to obtain a pressuremeter modulus strating the expansion process of the basic (not
EM, and limit pressure, pLM, that may be used in derived) properties of the soil, we need to carry
design procedures formulated for the Mènard out a detailed analysis of the volumetric changes
pressuremeter; and a procedure to obtain other of the soil.
stiffness and strength parameters. The parameters of soil are in correlation with
This paper presents the possibility to determine each other. The deformation parameters are not
the soil strength and deformation paramameter independent from the soil strength parameters.
combinations by using the cavity expansion the- The relation between soil stress and specific
ory. compression is not linear, that is the deformation
modulus of the soil is not permanent, it depends
on the applied stress level and the stress envi-
2 SOME ELEMENT OF THE CAVITY ronment, too. The specific deformations are con-
ceived as macro-variations and not micro-
Let us assume an axial symmetric stress conditi- variations, but the change in density results from
on in normally consolidated soil with incompres- the micro-movements of the individual soil
sible soil grains. At the initial stage we can find grains.
the compressive stresses in vertical direction
(Vv), and earth pressure at rest in horizontal di- 2.1 Mohr –Coulomb relationship
rection (VH), which means that the soil is an By making use of the unconfined compressive
anisotropic stress/strain condition, and that due
strength, Vu, (i.e. the maximum axial stress on an
to the expanding process enforces to increasing axially symmetric soil cylinder) we can derive a
of the extension of the zone where the soil densi- new expression for the relationship of the princi-
ty increases. The multi-phase granular or slight- pal stresses.
ly bonded media (soil) have a special behaviour,
which differs from that of solid and rigid bodies.
In the soil, a relatively small force may produce
plastic stress conditions whereby the density of
the medium increases.
It is evident that the pressure equals the stress ac-
ting along the surface of the cylinder and that the
radial displacement of the soil at the shaft of the
cylinder equals the expansion rate of the cylin-
The expansion of the cylinder has a complex ef-
fect on the stresses, the displacement of soil gra-
nules and the soil compaction as well; the cavity
stress/-strain diagram is obtained as a result and
consequence of these effects. Figure 1. Mohr-Coulomb relationship.
In this diagram, we can not distinguish elastic or Let us write from the right-angled triangle ABC:
plastic sections, nevertheless, professional engi-
neering literature often refers to the initial secti-
J. Mecsi / Determination of the Physical Parameters of Soil from Pressuremeter Tests 443

V1  V 3 / 2  V u / 2 dVr Vr  Vt
 0 Ÿ Vt [ ˜ Vr  Vu Ÿ Vr
sin I (1)

V1  V 3 / 2  V u / 2 dr

V3 1  sin I 2˜c 2˜sin I

where V u (2,3)
§ c · § U ·1sin I c
V1  V u 1


I [ Ÿ V r ¨¨ V UH  ¸¸ ˜ ¨ ¸  (7)
[ © tan I ¹ © ¹r tan I
Vu is the (theoretically) unconfined soil strength, Where U is the radius of the compacted (plastic
and [ 1  sin I / 1  sin I . (4) stress) zone, and VUH is the soil stress at the radial
(horizontal) direction. If rSU the ring (tangential)
For the pressuremeter test V1 V r , V3 Vt stresses can be determined on the assumption of
Near the expanded cylindrical cavity in the sub- constancy of the volume (density) of the soil.
soil this ratio tends to achieve its minimal value,
because it can be conceived that the ratio of the 2.3 Specific soil strains
reduced principal stress decreases until it reaches
the achieved stage, where it then remains con- Specific deformations are always conceived as
stant. The Mohr-Coulomb relationship represents changes in the dimensions of a soil mass. Clear-
a constant ratio between the minor and maximum ly, change in density due to changes in the com-
reduced principal stresses. (Mecsi 1992,1993). plex state of stress results from the micro-
The Mohr-Coulomb relationship shown with the movements of the individual soil grains. The mi-
cro-movements of the grains are determined by
V3-V1 principal stress coordinations in the Fig.2.
themselves and occur at random, but as the result
V1 =Vu +1-sin
Compacted soil
I+ of the cumulative movements they are useful for
mr > 0 W V t
1+sinI  I
Shear stress

V1 1-sinI 3
ed the engineering calculations.
2 The specific deformations (strains) are defined
1 mr=0 as the compression (or dilation as the case may
mr=0 1 be) of a layer of soil of unit thickness. By con-
Initial stage
2 c Cohesion
Volume change
vention, compression of the soil is taken as a po-
V -V V3
mr = i o minimum Normal stress sitive value, while loosening (expansion) will
Vu 1 Initial stage have a negative sign.
When the cylindrical hole in the soil is expanded,
Vu 2
At the beginning whwn the soil
unconfined compacting
compression strength
3 In the plastic stress/strain condition
and a certain grade of radial stress is reached, the
Vu V3 V3 plastic stage begins to develop.
Initial stage The radius to the boundary of the zone in which
Figure 2. Mohr-Coulomb relationships in the principal stress the plastic condition developed shall be identi-
coordinations. fied by U.
Along with increasing the continuous increase of
2.2 Force equilibrium the external pressure on the wall of the cylinder,
The force equilibrium differential equations on the pressures in the elementary soil cube also in-
the basis of the balance of forces exerted on the crease proportionally and the soil becomes ever
element of soil: denser and less compressible.
dV r V r  V t The basis of the Mohr-Coulomb condition,
 0 (5) that increments of the radial and tangential
dr r (ring-) stresses are in linear relationship with
The distribution of soil stresses within the com- each other, therefore, the relationship correlation
pacted (plastic stress) zone is statically determi- between the average soil pressure and volumetric
ned from the force equilibrium and the Mohr- deformation of the soil is similar to the correlati-
Coulomb condition (if rU : on which evolves between the radial pressure
and the radial specific deformation.
444 J. Mecsi / Determination of the Physical Parameters of Soil from Pressuremeter Tests

While the expansive pressure is increased, the • There is no volume change, no density chan-
radius of the compressed zone becomes ever ge
longer. So, the relation between specific radial At the border of the plastic stress zone:
deformation and radial soil stresses can be de- • The same effects apply as for the area outside
scribed in the following form: the zone, but they are supplemented
§ V ·
a2 • the Mohr-Coulomb relation has an effect.
H r a1 ˜ ¨¨ ¸¸ (8)
© Vref ¹ Effects applied within the plastic stress zone:
Vref is the reference stress introduced to keep • Force equilibrium differential equation,
dimensional consistency between the two sides • the Mohr-Coulomb relation,
of the equation. (Vref =100 kN/m2 ) • nonlinear relation between radial deformati-
By derivation and reversed we get ons and stresses (compression),
1 a
dV r Ve § V ·
(9,10) • nonlinear or linear relation between stress
˜ ¨ ¸ Ÿ E r E o ˜ ¨¨ ¸¸
dH r a 1 ˜ a 2 ¨© V e ¸¹
and deformation depending on whether the
© e¹
stresses exceed the initial stress.
Er Eo

By having introduced the deformation modulus,

2.6 At the boundary of the plastic stress zone
we have introduced two soil constants: - (Eo):
the initial deformation modulus, and (a): the stif- The radial soil stress due to the expansion is con-
fness exponent. These soil constants are in close tinuously increasing, and the tangential stress at
connection with the shear strength parameters of the beginning of the expansion phase is decrea-
the soil. In the case of normally consolidated soil sing, and achieves a minimum value, after incre-
we can calculate with a value of a=0.35-0.7, asing and beginning the soil compaction. At the
while in overconsolidated or preloaded soils the boundary of the compacted zone we can derive
value is a0. the volume change of the soil (mr=0) from the
combination of the soil parameters and initial
2.4 Volume change (density change) of soil stresses.
V Q Mohr Coulomb
The volume change of the soil (the change of
density) can be derived from its specific defor- 0

1 a
^ H
1 a

^ H  [ ˜ ^©  ^ u
Ÿ ^© (13)
mation. We can approximately calculate with the 1 a ˜ Eo

^H ˜ Eo

a H

sum of three specific deformation changes de- 'H r 'H Q ( 'HE 0 )

termined at normal angles to one another. Compression Expansion

V  Vo
mr | 'H r  'H t  'HE (11)
Vo , 2.7 Determination of cavity expansion
The soil displacements are interconnected with
2.5 Conditions applied for the model the soil strains, in that they are the integrated
values of the strains.
Possible effects applied to the area outside the The radial displacement vector is:
plastic stress zone (compaction zone): - Mohr  Coulomb -
mr 0
1 a 1 a 1 a 1 a
• Force equilibrium differential equation, U V V vV V
• Nonlinear relation between radial deformati- uro ³ro r1 a ˜ Eo H ˜ dr  ³U r1 a ˜ EH o ˜ dr (14)

ons and stresses (compression), inside of the comp. zone outside of the comp. zone
• Linear relation between circumferential stres- n
§ 'H ri  'H ri1 ·
ses and deformations (expansions), uro ¦ ¨¨ ¸¸ ˜ ri  ri 1 (15)
i 1© 2 ¹
VH  Vt
'H t  (expansion) (12) where n is the number of the segmentation of the
Eo ˜ VH
J. Mecsi / Determination of the Physical Parameters of Soil from Pressuremeter Tests 445

It is practical to represent the sum of the com- The indirectly measured soil displacements, at
pression of the individual soil segments by be- the pressuremeter surface are:
ginning at the initial radius, because it is clear
that beyond a certain range the extent of soil Calculated
compression is not considerable; therefore we uro ˜ Eo
, ¦A1
i Ÿ (18)
can draw an asymptote to the curve of the aggre- measured
gate compression values. Figure 3. where n is the number of the sections of the ra-
§§ § ··
¨ ¨ V 1a  V 1a ·¸ ¨ V 1a  V 1a ¸ ¸
n n
r r
¦1 A i ¦1 ¨¨ ¨¨ 1  a ¸¸  ¨¨ 1  a ¸¸ ¸¸ ˜ i 2 i1
ri H ri  1 H

¨ ¨©
¸ ¨

¹ ©
© 'Hr 'Hri 1 ¹¹

Calculated N

¦ A the average is
Eo (19,20,21)
Eoi 1

Where N is the number of the measured points of

the pressuremeter curve.
Remark: Different n- the number of the segment
of the radial strain section, N- number of the
measured points)
To sum up the essence of the presented method
is: we first assume the soil strength parameters
(I, c), and the power index “a” and we determine
only the unknown value Eo. The result of gradual
Figure 3. Determination of the cavity expansion. approximations is to determine the value of Eo
which most closely approximates the calculated
chart diagram of the measured, i.e., where the
standard deviation is minimum.
The measured pressure, can be determined with
the combination of the soil strength parameters A talajszámítás néhány
in the following equation:
The initial data source:Reiffsteck P. (2005)

from the soil parameters
2˜sin I ISP5 Pressio 2005 Symposium international 50
§ c · § U ·1sin I c (16)
p { V ro ¨¨ V UH  ¸˜¨ ¸  ans de pressiométres. Marne–la Vallée 22-24
© tan I ¸¹ ¨© ro ¸¹ tan I août 2005. Edited by M. Gambin, J.P. Magnan,
The measured values of the pressuremeter curve P. Mestat ISBN 2-85978-417-9 Volume 2.
are the water pressure p=Vro, and water volume pp521-535.
that must be conversed to the cavity expansion Some details of the computer program results are
V  Vo Ÿ u ro ) shown by Table 1. and Figure 4.
The interpretation of the pressuremeter test data
The radius of the plastic zone is: is based on the assumption of a cylinder of infi-
1  sin M
§ c · 2 ˜ sin M nite length expanded in the soil, while in reality
¨ V ro  ¸
M the expanded cylinder has finite length. At the
ro ˜ ¨ ¸
U (17)
¨ c ¸ ends of the probe the strain conditions do not ex-
¨ V UH  ¸
© tan M ¹ hibit axial symmetry, the soil can up lift.
446 J. Mecsi / Determination of the Physical Parameters of Soil from Pressuremeter Tests

Table 1. Some details of the pressuremeter curve analysis 4 SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS

The pressuremeter is a well-known, but not often

used in-situ method. The limitation of its applica-
tion isthe using is, that the classical civil engi-
neering models do not use the pressuremeter pa-
rameters, and so far we did not had a reliable
method for determining the shear strength and
deformability parameters of the soil.
The developed cylindrical cavity theory renders
it possible to determine more details of soil pro-
perties characteristics combinations.
The paper presents the major elements of the ca-
vity expansion theory, namely the Mohr-
Coulomb theory, non-linear deformability, densi-
ty change of soils, and using these elements it
presents a calculation model for determining the
strength and deformation soil parameter combi-
The foundation values of the deformation relati-
onship (Eo) is close to the cohesion and the initial
density of the soil, and the power index (a) de-
pends on the angle of friction of soil.
We achive the best fit to the meausured curve by
using the soil parameters at the different cohesi-
on-Eo combinations.
We do not use the end of the measured curve,
because the cylinder of infinite length expanded
in the soil, but the theory of the expanded cylin-
76 Cavity expansion curve der has finite length.
Expanded probe diameter mm

74 RR Vo
10 ˜
28,5m m
S ˜L 3,14 ˜ 21 74,07mm
72 Vro uro o
Vo 535 cm 3

63,78mm [1] J. Mecsi, Stress-strain condition around an expanded
62,05mm cylinder in the soil. PhD. Dissertation Hungarian
62 61,06mm
Initial diameter of the probe at σ Ho Academy of Sciences.1993 (In Hungarian)
58,00mm Pressure kPa [2] J. Mecsi, Stresses, displacements, volume changes
58 around the expansion cylinder in the soil. Proc of the
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
10th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Measured and from the theory fitted curves 6,09mm Foundation Engng. Florence. Volume IV. Special Bul-
Horizontal displacement [mm]

6 letin. 1992
Combination of soil parameters Infinite-finite length effect
5 Angle of friction φ=23,4o
[3] J. Mecsi, Some inspiring ideas for the application of the
Cohesion c=102 kPa cylindrical cavity theory, The Pressuremeter and its
4 Eo =16,5 MPa, a=0,44
Deformation modulus at
New Avenues, Ballivy (ed.) 1995. Fourth International
3,10mm 3,59mm
σ=228kPa Es =23,7 MPa Symposium of Pressuremeters (1995 May 16-19. Sher-
Measured 1,90mm
brook, Canada), Balkema, Pages 461-471. ISBN 90-
2 1,37mm 1,91mm 5410 545 3
1 0,46mm
1,19mm [4] O. Reiffsteck, Bearing capacity and settlement of a
0,00mm 0,40mm 0,87mm Pressure kPa deep foundation presentation of the results of the pre-
diction exercise, ISP5 International Symposium of pres-
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
suremeters. Paris Aug. 2005. Vol. 2. pp. 507-535
Figure 4a,4b,4c. Approximation of the pressuremeter curve.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 447
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Geotechnical mapping of the SGGW Campus

in Warsaw applying the Bayesian approach
La cartes géotechniques du Campus SGGW à Varsovie
an appliquant de l'approche bayésienne
S. Rabarijoely1, K. Garbulewski & J. Rajtar
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Warsaw, Poland
S. Jabłonowski
Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Department of Informatics, Warsaw, Poland

This paper addresses the applicability of geotechnical mapping using the Bayesian approach to compilate geotechnical informa-
tion obtained from comprehensive investigation of the SGGW Campus in Warsaw. The main engineering problem identified in
the case of deep excavations is the swelling of Warsaw clays and the effect of potential swelling on behavior of the clay. There-
fore, geotechnical design of deep excavation in Warsaw areas is widely regarded as being difficult engineering task. In order to
determine geotechnical parameters of layers distinguished in the foundations of Campus buildings the archival documentation,
aerial photographs, resistivity measurements, borehole data logging, and CPT, DMT tests results were all taken into account.
The first part of this paper focuses on the geological and geotechnical conditions in the SGGW Campus area and the theoretical
foundation of the Bayesian approach. In order to collect data for geotechnical mapping, integrated geospatial databases will be
transcribed generating the soil profile, including the accuracy of the soil classification and comparison between the results ob-
tained from the DMT and CPT experiments. The second part involves the application of the Bayesian theory to evaluate the cha-
racteristic strength and deformation properties for two layers of boulder clay existing in the SGGW Campus area using the dila-
tometer DMT and CPT test results and its variability in a given area. This paper is supplemented with conclusions and future
prospects. In general the conclusion is that all examples of applying Bayesian analysis show that it is a powerful and promising
statistical tool in decision-making processes related to geotechnical problems.

Cet article traite de l'applicabilité de la cartographie géotechnique an appliquant de l'approche bayésienne pour compiler
l’informations géotechniques obtenus à partir de l'enquête globale du Campus SGGW à Varsovie. Le principaux problème
d'ingénierie identifiés dans le cas des excavations profondes est le gonflement des argiles de Varsovie et l'effet de potentiel de
gonflement sur le comportement de l'argile. Par conséquent, la conception géotechnique des travaux d'excavation profonde dans
les zones de Varsovie est largement considérée comme étant la tâche difficile d'ingénierie. Afin de déterminer les paramètres
géotechniques des couches de distinguer dans les fondations des bâtiments du campus de la documentation d'archives,
photographies aériennes, des mesures de résistivité, les données diagraphie et CPT, tests DMT résultats ont tous été pris en
compte. La première partie du présent document se concentre sur les conditions géologiques et géotechniques dans le domaine
SGGW Campus et le fondement théorique de l'approche bayésienne. Afin de recueillir des données pour la cartographie
géotechnique, bases de données géospatiales intégrées seront transcrites pour créer le profil du sol, y compris la précision de la
classification des sols et la comparaison entre les résultats obtenus à partir des expériences DMT et CPT. La deuxième partie
porte sur l'application de la théorie bayésienne pour évaluer la caractéristique de cisaillemnt et les propriétés de déformation pour
deux couches d'argile à blocaux vigueur dans le domaine SGGW Campus en utilisant le dilatomètre DMT et les résultats des
essais CPT et de sa variabilité dans une zone donnée. Cet article est complété par les conclusions et les perspectives d'avenir. En
général, la conclusion est que tous les exemples d'application montrent analyse bayésienne qu'il est un outil puissant et
prometteur statistiques dans les processus décisionnels liés à des problèmes géotechniques.

Keywords: geotechnical mapping, field investigation, CPT & DMT tests, Bayesian approach

Corresponding Author
448 S. Rabarijoely et al. / Geotechnical Mapping of the SGGW Campus in Warsaw


The key element for successful in geotechnical design 38

is a combination of mapping and logging plus analysis
specialised geological, structural and geotechnical
37 34
maps. These are carried out with geophysical surveys
by in situ investigation using different sounding meth-
ods and laboratory tests on disturbed and undisturbed
soil samples. During the mapping a collection of
measurement data systematically expands, therefore, 32 22
without going into detail, it can be seen that the Bayes-
ian approach may be useful to integrate new and exist- 49
ing data and to detect the changes in probability of
analysed phenomena. Deduction in classic mathemati- 23
cal statistics is based on a random sample drawn from
the population. In an alternative approach, derived
from the Bayes’ theorem, deduction can be based not
only on a random sample but also on so-called a priori Figure 1. Plan of the SGGW campus under development
information. It allows the designers to combine new (campus number 22 – Clinic for Small Animals, 23 – Faculty
data with their existing knowledge and explains how of Veterinary Medicine, 26 – Sport Hall, 32 – Faculty of
their beliefs should be changed in the light of new evi- Food Science & Faculty of Human Nutrition and Consumer
dence. In recent years we have observed more and Science, 34 – Faculty of Forestry & Faculty of Wood Tech-
more trials using Bayesian analysis to solve geotech- nology, 37 – Faculty of Horticulture and Landscape Architec-
nical issues [1][2][3][4]. Posteriori information is gen- ture & Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, 38 – Limba Dor-
mitory & Ambulatory, 48 – Main Library and Archive, 49 –
erated from these two sets of data. A priori knowledge
Water Center, recently established)
may be so-called expert knowledge, it may derive
from earlier investigation, from which results are
known but data is incomplete. The nature of the
knowledge character does not allow us to make use of 2 GEOTECHNICAL CONDITIONS AT
it in the classic approach. The Bayesian approach SGGW CAMPUS
should then be used. The population parameters to be
estimated e.g. parameter ¬ (for example mean, stan- The geological characteristics of grounds in the
dard deviation, specified type fraction of elements) are buildings designed in the frame of SGGW campus de-
treated differently in the both cases. In the classic ap- velopment were recognized by the interpretation of
proach, the values of parameters are specific although boring data (102 boreholes), CPT & DMT tests (69
not known. In Bayesian analysis they are treated as and 41 profiles, respectively) and comprehensive labo-
random variables. The statistical methods prove highly ratory investigation. Analysing data gathered in the
useful in the selection of characteristic values for Ground Investigation Report, five geotechnical layers
ground properties [5]. were identified in the campus test site (Fig. 2), includ-
In order to determine geotechnical parameters of ing a layer of brown glacial boulder clay noted in this
layers distinguished in the foundations of SGGW paper as layer No. III (acc. to geotechnical classifica-
Campus buildings (Fig.1): civil engineering structures, tion sandy clay - saCL and sasiCL) of the Warta gla-
transportation infrastructure, underground car parking, ciation (gQpW), for which liquidity index values IL =
a water centre plus student and faculty accommodation (0.0÷0.11) and a layer of grey glacial boulder clay of
the archival documentation, aerial photographs, resis- the Odra glaciation (gQpO), sandy clay with boulders
tivity measurements, borehole data logging, and CPT, as layer No. IV, for which IL = (0.0÷0.12). The layers
DMT tests results were all taken into account. To eva- III and IV were pointed out as layers with comfortable
luate the characteristic strength and deformation prop- geotechnical conditions for foundation of the Campus
erties for two layers of boulder clay existing in the buildings.
SGGW Campus area using the dilatometer DMT and In order to create the 3 dimensional model of geo-
CPT test results and its variability in a given area the technical layer distribution in the ground tested the
Bayesian theory was applied. Surfer software program v. 8.0 was applied. Each geo-
technical layer was drawn by the program separately
and then all layers were jointed together.
S. Rabarijoely et al. / Geotechnical Mapping of the SGGW Campus in Warsaw 449

qc [MPa]
B34 Parking
[m] B22 B33 48
38 0 10 20 30
B23 24

layer No III 21

Elevation [m a. s. l]
layer No IV


Figure 2. 3D geotechnical model of the SGGW campus, nota-
tions like Fig. 1. 17

The depths of layers Nos III and IV and their thick-
nesses were determined using the kriging approach in 15
the Surfer program. The distribution of isolines show- 14
ing the thickness of layer No III - brown boulder clay
was presented in figure 3. Figure 4. Results of CPT tests at the SGGW campus

[m] The results of selected DMT tests at the SGGW

campus are shown in figure 5. Based on the two cor-

2700 rected pressures p0, p1 obtained from DMT tests three


DMT indexes were calculated further using the well


known formulae [7][8][9]. The distributions of dila-


2600 ul.

N ow


rs yn
ow tometer modulus (ED) in ground tested were presented
B22 ska
2500 in figure 5.
B23 Ce
B33 B34
2400 DMT 2/H

OW 30/H
Material index ID Dilatometer modulus ED [MPa]

Hala "L" C PT5/H 0 1 2 0 50 100 150


Parking Biblioteka
2300 OW1/L

"F" "D" 0 0

OW 12/F










ID=0.6 ED_DMT3
B37 "N"

2 2
OW 10/N

Ka C P T2/N

2100 ba
3 3

2000 wic

no 4 4
dy" Limba "G"
D e p th [m ]

1900 ntr OW 3/G

um C PT4/G

5 5
-8900 -8800 -8700 -8600 -8500 -8400 -8300

6 6
Figure 3. Distribution of isolines showing the thickness of
boulder clays - layer No. III 7 7

To recognize the geotechnical conditions of ground 8 8

at the SGGW campus the CPT and DMT tests were
9 9
carried out. The distribution of cone resistance qc for
selected CPTs was presented in figure 4. The CPT test 10 10
results were applied to determine undrained shear
strength (Wfu) distribution in the foundations of the Figure 5. Results of DMT tests at the SGGW Campus.
SGGW campus buildings, according to the well
known formulae [5][6] with assumption of empirical Because of the availability of all test data both the
cone coefficients (NK) equal 20. classical and Bayesian approach could be applied.
450 S. Rabarijoely et al. / Geotechnical Mapping of the SGGW Campus in Warsaw

3 SELECTION OF CLAY PARAMETERS applied, as specified for such a situation (normal dis-
WITH APPLICATION OF BAYESIAN tribution of the parameter).
3.2 Design values of Wfu and M parameters
Statistical analysis has been applied to measure-
3.1 Background ment results obtained from the CPT/DMT field tests.
In the first case, CPT field tests’ results have been ana-
In the present paper Bayesian analysis has been
lyzed. The cone resistance (qc) has been measured 64
adopted for a case when an unknown distribution pa-
times in 5 profiles in the layer III (first group of tests)
rameter is to be estimated and T is the mean in a nor-
and 71 times in 5 profiles in the layer IV (second
mal population. The standard deviation V0 is known, group of tests) at SGGW campus. As a second case,
on the other hand. It is derived from the prior knowl- DMT field tests’ results have been analysed. Besides
edge that the mean ¬ is a normal random variable with A, B, p0 and p1 coefficients, material index (ID), dila-
parameters m1 and V1. If, in turn, the average of an n- tometer modulus (ED) and horizontal earth pressure
element sample drawn from the population is equal to index (KD) have been measured. For each of indicators
m2, the posterior distribution of the random variable ¬ there were 239 measurement results (in 17 screenings)
is also normal, with mean m and standard deviation V, in the layer III (third group of tests) and 320 results (in
calculated as follows: 15 tests) in the layer IV (fourth group of tests). The
§ 1 · § n · (1) measurement results can be treated as observations of
¨ ¸˜m  ¨ ¸˜m
¨ V2 ¸ 1 ¨ V2 ¸ 2

m © 1¹ © 0¹ continuous random variables with specific probability

§ 1 · § n · distributions. For each profile there were from 12 to 14
¨¨ 2 ¸¸  ¨¨ 2 ¸¸
© V1 ¹ © V 0 ¹ results in the layer III and from 6 to 19 results in the
(2) layer IV for CPT tests and for DMT tests from 6 to 35
1 results in the layer III and from 9 to 33 results in the
V layer IV.
§ 1 · § n ·
¨¨ 2 ¸¸  ¨¨ 2 ¸¸ The Bayesian approach was used in the calculation
© V1 ¹ © V 0 ¹
of credible sets of parameters (highest posterior den-
sity set). Below, some of our results of Bayesian
Bayes’ theorem gives a valuable practical possibility analysis for layers no. III and IV are summarized (Fig.
to include new information successively coming from 6 & Fig 7).
consecutively drawn random samples. On a consecu-
tive step, the knowledge of the T parameter in the pos-
Statistical parameters

terior distribution is treated as a priori knowledge of

this parameter. An instruction to include new portions
of information does not affect the final result. When
the normal distribution of the parameter under exami-
nation has been estimated a credible set of parameters
can be built. The credible set (highest posterior density
set) is an interval to which the value of the parameter tests consecutively included to
drops with a defined probability. This is an analog of a calculations; the final credible
set: (10,46; 11,93), prob.: 0,95)
confidence interval idea used in classic statistical
analysis. The confidence interval covers unknown pa- Figure 6. Statistical parameters calculated for the mean of in-
dicator qc on Bayes" approach basis (layer III).
rameter values with an assumed probability. 10
tic a l p ar am e te rs

The Bayesian approach was used in the calculation

s ta tisparameters

of credible sets of parameters (highest posterior den-

sity set), as opposed to the confidence intervals used in
classical statistical analysis. In the case of CPT tests
the value of qc was taken into account. In the case of

DMT tests similar analysis was performed for the pa-
rameter KDMT and quantities IDMT, EDMT , in the teststests
consecutively included to
consecutively included to
layer lll and layer IV. calculations; the final credible
calculations; the final credible
Some assumptions about parameter distributions set: (7,88; 8,70), prob.: 0,95)
set: (7,88;8,70), prob.:0,95
were checked and formulae from Bayes’ theorem were Figure 7. Statistical parameters calculated for the mean of in-
dicator qc on Bayes' approach basis (layer IV).
S. Rabarijoely et al. / Geotechnical Mapping of the SGGW Campus in Warsaw 451

The credible sets (based on the final results of cal-

culations provided) with a probability of 0.95 for aver-
age value of qc for the layers no. III and IV are as fol-
lowing: (10.46, 11.93) MPa for layer III and (7.88,
8.70) MPa for layer IV (Fig. 8).

Fig. 9. Characteristic values of constrained modulus recom-

mended for geotechnical design

For comparison, the confidence intervals for the means

of the indicators with confidence coefficient = 0,95 for
the mean of indicator ED on Bayes’ approach basis
was presented in figure 10.

Figure 8 Characteristic values of shear strength recommended

for geotechnical design

In the case of DMT tests similar analysis was per-

formed for the distribution of the constrained modulus
(M) in ground tested. The distributions of M values
were calculated using the following correlations [9]:
M RM ˜ ED (3)
where RM was obtained using proposed by Mar-
chetti, (1980) formula:
R M 0.14  0.15 I D  0.6  (4)
>2.5  0.14  0.15 ˜ I D  0.6 @ ˜ log K D
Figure 10. Final estimators of statistical parameters for the
The credible sets of M parameters for the layer lll mean of indicator ED calculated on Bayes' approach basis
and layer IV are as follows respectively (Fig. 9): (layers III & IV)
MIII = 95,168 ± 0,14 MPa; MIV = 125,444 ± 0,06
452 S. Rabarijoely et al. / Geotechnical Mapping of the SGGW Campus in Warsaw


This research was supported by two Grants no.
When some prior knowledge is available and which N N506 432436 and N N506 218039 from the Minis-
cannot be adopted in a classical statistical approach, try of Science and Higher Education, Warsaw, Poland.
that is, it does not derive directly from a random sam-
ple possible to be drawn, the Bayesian approach are
very promising.
In this paper Bayesian analysis has been used to REFERENCES
improve knowledge of mean values of geotechnical
parameters measured on the CPT & DMT tests bases. [1] C.G. Alén, On probability in geotechnics. Random cal-
Due to the availability of all test data both the classical culation models exemplified on slope stability analysis
and Bayesian approach could have been applied and and ground-superstructure interaction. PhD thesis.
the latter has been presented to illustrate its use, par- Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, 1998.
ticularly the possibility of successively including new [2] R. Frank, C. Bauduin, R.Driscoll, M. Kavvadas, N.
portions of data into the calculations. Some assump- Krebs Ovesen, T. Orr, B. Schuppener. Designers’
tions about the distribution of parameters were Guide to EN 1997-1 Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design –
checked and formulas derived from Bayes’ theorem General rules. Thomas Telford, 2004.
[3] K. Garbulewski, S. Rabarijoely, S. Jabłonowski: Bayes-
specified for such a situation have been applied. ian approach in interpretation of CPT/DMT tests. Proc.
Based on statistical studies presented in this paper the of the 11th Baltic Sea Geotechnical Conference, Geo-
main following conclusions can by drawn. technics in Maritime Engineering, GdaŠsk, Poland.
The geotechnical mapping consists: 1) the data ga- (2008), 391-398.
thering or desk study, 2) reconnaissance survey, 3) [4] B. Schuppener, A. J. Bond, P Day, R Frank, T. L. L.
field mapping, 4) laboratory analysis, 5) compilation Orr, G. Scarpelli, B. Simpson, Eurocode 7 for geotech-
of the geotechnical map and 6) report writing. During nical design – a model code for non-EU countries?
the mapping a collection of data expands, therefore the Proc. of the 17th International Conference on Soil Me-
chanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Vol. 2, (2009),
Bayesian approach may be useful to integrate new and 1132 – 1135.
existing data. The 3-D model gives the picture of [5] Zb. Młynarek. Site investigation and mapping in urban
changes in subsoil properties and is the most expected area. Proc. of the 14th European Conference on Soil
model when designing the foundation for a given ob- Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. Madrid,
ject. Geotechnical parameters determined using differ- Vol. 1, (2007), 175-202.
ent in-situ techniques are a collection of oriented [6] P.W. Mayne, (2006). "Interrelationships of DMT and
points in the 3-D half-space of subsoil. CPTU readings in soft clays", Flat Dilatometer Testing
(Proc. 2nd Intl. Conf. DMT), Washington, DC: 231-236.
The application of the Bayesian theory to evaluate
[7] J. Briaud, J. Miran, The flat dilatometer test. The Fed-
the characteristic strength and deformation properties eral Higway Administration. TX, USA, 1992.
of soils required for design verification should be [8] A. J. Lutenegger, M.G. Kabir, Dilatometer C-reading
treated as a promising statistical tool. In the case of to help determine stratigraphy. J. de Ruiter (ed.) Proc.
SGGW Campus the characteristics strength Wfu and of the First International Symposium on Penetration
constrained modulus M were obtained using the Baye- Testing ISOPT-1, Orlando. Balkema, Rotterdam, 1
sian theory for two boulder clay layers based on the (1988), 549–553.
DMT and CPT test results and its variability in a given [9] S. Marchetti, In situ tests by flat dilatometer. Journal
of Geotech. Eng. Div. ASCE, 106, GT3, (1980) 299 -
area. The Wfu and M values recommended for III & IV 321.
layers obtained using Bayes theories are as follows:
(Wfu_III = 640 ± 0,75 MPa; Wfu_IV = 420 ±0,28 MPa,
MIII = 95,168 ± 0,14 MPa; MIV = 125,444 ± 0,06
In general the conclusion is that all examples of
applying Bayesian analysis including SGGW Campus
case show that it is a powerful and promising statisti-
cal tool in decision-making processes related to geo-
technical problems.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 453
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Aspects on the laboratory frost heave testing

Aspects sur la procédure d'essai de laboratoire de soulèvement
dû au gel
S. Saarelainen, H. Gustavsson 1
Aalto University, Finland
T. Ono
Hokkai-Gakuen University, Japan

In this paper, some general features of freezing behaviour of frost susceptible soils are presented and discussed to improve the
compatibility between field and laboratory characteristics. As an engineering approach, a theory for establishing frost-heave pa-
rameters is a modified segregation potential theory. The model of frost heaving at a site, back-calculation of frost heave co-
efficient, as well as estimation of the parameter from the results of frost heave testing in the laboratory is discussed.

Dans cet article, certaines caractéristiques générales du comportement de gel, le gel des sols sensibles sont présentés et discutés
pour améliorer la compatibilité entre les caractéristiques de terrain et de laboratoire. Comme une approche d'ingénierie, une
théorie pour établir les paramètres de soulèvement dû au gel est une théorie modifiée du potentiel de ségrégation. Le modèle de
soulèvement dû au gel sur un site, le rétro-calcul du coefficient de soulèvement dû au gel, ainsi que l` estimation du paramètre à
partir des résultats des tests de soulèvement dû au gel en laboratoire sont discutés.

Keywords: Laboratory tests, frost heave, frost susceptibility, freezing index, segregation potential

1 BACKGROUND The frost heaving susceptibility is an impor-

tant parameter for many earth structures and
Expansion due to ice segregation and lensing is foundations, and the amount of critical heave
characteristic for a freezing, frost susceptible soil varies. Thus, heaving characteristic should be a
material. A freezing soil may expand also result- continuously varied parameter and based on a
ing from other phenomena: verified model theory to ensure the compatibility
- expansion of a saturated, freezing soil may be between laboratory test and field behaviour. At
about 9% of the freezing pore water volume this moment, it would be preferable to make
- heaving has been observed also in a non separation between freezing (frost heaving) and
frost-susceptible crusher-run embankment on a thawing (thaw weakening).
blasted rock base, where pressurised ground wa-
ter is anticipated to flow up to the freezing front.

Corresponding Author
454 S. Saarelainen et al. / Aspects on the Laboratory Frost Heave Testing Procedure


2.1 Natural freezing and frost heaving

Frost penetration in a uniform subsoil can be re-
lated to the square root of surface freezing index
according to site observations 1958-1983 [1], [2]
(Fig. 1). Frost heave also is related to the square
root of surface freezing index (Fig.2). The ratio
between frost heave and frost penetration is Figure 1 Frost heave and frost penetration vs. square root of
somewhat constant. freezing index in the years of 1959-1982 Alajärvi, Finland
[1], [2].
Frost heaving starts, when frost penetrates into
a frost-susceptible layer (Fig. 2) Frost heave ratio
is a site characteristics, and as such, less varied
(Fig. 1).
The local parameters describing frost penetra-
tion are the surface freezing index F, the tem-
perature gradient of the frozen layer gradT and
frost penetration coefficient k.
The local parameters describing frost heaving
are F, gradT, k, frost heave factor m and frost
heave coefficient SP.
The frost heave coefficient SP can be ap-
proximated from site observations using eq. (1):

k2 h (1)
SP  (  0.09wvol )
2 ( z  z0 ) Figure 2 Frost heave and frost penetration in situ vs. square
where root of freezing index. Joensuu, snow-free street 1982-83 [2].
SP Frost heave coefficient, mm2/Kh
k Frost penetration coefficient, mm/ Kh
wvol Volumetric moisture content
z0 Thickness of the non frost-susceptible 3 ESTIMATION OF FROST HEAVE CO-
z Frost penetration k F , mm
h Frost heave, mm
Frost heave coefficient SP can be estimated us-
F Freezing index, Kh
ing the characteristics of the freezing soil [3], [4].
In Finland, the relationship between SP and clay
content, based on back-calculated values from
site observations, confirmed using laboratory
testing is illustrated in Fig. 3 ([4], representative
specimens). Estimation may be applied for pre-
liminary design, in the generalisation of labora-
tory test results as well as in the quality control
of laboratory testing.
S. Saarelainen et al. / Aspects on the Laboratory Frost Heave Testing Procedure 455

quantitatively (model test). A model test can be

defined on the basis of an approved frost heave

Figure 3. Frost heave coefficient vs. clay content [4].

Konrad [3] presented an estimation procedure,

where the normalised frost heave coefficient can
be related to the normalised specific surface of
the soil (Fig.4).

Figure 5. Procedures fo estimating and determining the frost

susceptibility [5]. .

According to the original definition, the seg-

Figure 4. Normalized segregation potential vs. normalized
specific surface area [3]. regation potential described the rate of water
flow to the frozen fringe. Later applied frost
heave coefficient describes the resulting rate of
expansion (heave), and it is analogical with the
4 LABORATORY TESTING OF FROST segregation potential (1.09x).
HEAVING 4.2 Specimen preparation
The procedure was developed applying the Ca-
nadian test [6]. An undisturbed, natural, frozen
4.1 General specimen or a reconstituted, frozen specimen,
Procedures for the estimation and determination simulating natural soil, was installed in a ther-
of frost susceptibility applying different ap- mally insulated split-barrel cell, where the wall
proaches are illustrated in Fig. 5. Frost suscepti- supports the specimen during thawing and freez-
bility can be tested qualitatively (index test) or ing. The specimen can be drilled from a frozen
456 S. Saarelainen et al. / Aspects on the Laboratory Frost Heave Testing Procedure

ground (clay, silt or sand, Fig. 6) or mixed and

compacted into a mould to a given density and
moisture content. The specimen is then frozen in
the mould, and installed as frozen into the test
cell as above, thus ensuring that the specimen
properties correspond to those in situ. In this
manner the side friction between the specimen
and cell wall can be kept in minimum. Determi-
nation of frost heave coefficient in the laboratory
in various countries and during recent decades, Figure 6. A drill for sampling in frozen soils [2].
various procedures and equipments have been in-
stalled for use, but they are not based on no con- In the frost heave test, the testing procedure is
sistent, verified, physical theory. In the following determined so that frost heaving will be con-
a procedure, based on the segregation potential trolled and simulates site conditions (Fig. 7).
theory is illustrated [6], [7].

Figure 7. Scheme of a frost heave test installation [2], [8].

For a good practice of frost heave testing, fol-  Reconstituted, not bound (laboratory
lowing aspects should be considered: compacted)
Installation in the cell
Specimen preparation  Unfrozen specimen
 In situ- specimen, unfrozen  Frozen specimen
 Frozen, drilled from frozen ground Testing conditions
 Reconstituted, bound (stabilised etc.) o Temperature scale (minimum and maxi-
mum temperature, precision)
S. Saarelainen et al. / Aspects on the Laboratory Frost Heave Testing Procedure 457

o Low thermal gradient An example of test results from the VTT

o Access to external water procedure is presented in Fig. 8. SP is esti-
o Uniaxiality (minimised radial heat flow) mated, when the net frost penetration (z-h) ap-
o Stress state proaches zero.

Figure 8. An example of the results of a frost heave test [8].

tory test data. It has not yet been, however, ap-
In the thawing mode, thaw-consolidation be- plied to natural frost heave design.
haviour can be measured. It can be used to de- U0
termine thaw consolidation coefficient, which 3 3 0 0 (1  ) (2)
can be used in estimating pore pressure devel-
opment during thaw. It is one of the key parame-
ters controlling post-consolidation and strength- 3 Frost heave ratio (frost heave/original
ening (resilient modulus) of the thawed soil layer thickness),
Overburden pressure (kPa),
U Rate of frost penetration (mm/hour),
5 OTHER ESTIMATION METHODS 3 0 , 0 , U0 Model parameters.
A series of one-dimensional frost heave tests
Various testing procedures are used in different with different applied stress and freezing rate are
countries (e.g. CRREL, Norway, Germany, carried out to determine soil constants using sa-
United Kingdom, Austria etc.), but test results turated undisturbed specimen, or appropriate in-
have not been mutually compared. It would be formation is retrieved from a data base. Applied
useful to know, for reference, about frost heave stresses and freezing rates for the tests are deter-
estimation models, others than the SP model ap- mined according to the site conditions. Freezing
plied in other countries. rate is kept constant during test by decreasing
As an example, a model (Eq. (2)) is described temperature of one end of specimen, and keeping
which has been frequently used for more than 40 it constant on the other end.
years in Japan at various construction sites, ap-
plying ground freezing method [9], [10]. It is an
experimental formula, based on plenty of labora-
458 S. Saarelainen et al. / Aspects on the Laboratory Frost Heave Testing Procedure

 In order to improve the comparison between  The size of the specimen height, di-
results from different test procedures, a mutually ameter) should be related to the
approved frost heave theory is needed. maximum grain size of the tested ma-
 The needed resulting test parameters
6 CONCLUSIONS should be determined.

According to the above description, following

basic lines may be recommended as characteris- 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
tics of a good frost heave test in the laboratory:
Authors will express their gratitude for the sup-
 The test procedure should be a model port from the frost committee of the Finnish
test that simulates field process and is Geotechnical Society in preparing the early
described using verified physical drafts of this paper.
model both in situ and in the labora-
 The test equipment should be techni- 8 REFERENCES
cally simple and economical.
 The basic test parameters like depth [1] Kivikoski 1983. On factors influencing on frost depth
of frost penetration and frost heave and frost heave at observation sites in Finland (in Finnish
with English summary). Tampere University of Technol-
should be determined.
ogy, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Diploma thesis. 112p.
 The specimen should correspond to [2] Saarelainen S. 1992. Modeling frost heaving and frost pe-
the material simulated and its charac- netration at some observation sites in Finland. The SSR
teristics should be well known and model. VTT Publications 95. 120p +app. 1p.[3] Konrad
J-M. 2005 Indirect estimation of segregation potential
based on soil index properties. Proc Int Conf on SMGE,
 The impacts from the test equipment Osaka 2005. 4p.
and procedure on the determined [4] Saarelainen S. 2001. Determination of frost heaving coef-
frost heave characteristics should be ficient (in Finnish). Finnish Road Administration, TPPT
method description 7. 13p.
minimised and known. [5] ISSMGE, TC8 on Frost 1989. Slunga E. & Saarelainen
 The stress state should be basically S. (eds.) 1989. Work Report. ISSMFE, Technical Com-
pre-stated, and stress-dependence of mittee on Frost TC8. 13 p. + app. 34p.
frost heave could be an option. [6] Konrad J-M, Morgenstern NR. 1981. The segregation po-
tential theory. Can. Geot. Jrnl. vol 18, pp. 482-491.
 The hydraulic head should be con- [7] Konrad J-M, Morgenstern NR. 1980. A mechanistic the-
sidered. ory of ice lens formation in fine-grained soils. Can. Geot.
 The cell wall friction should be Jrnl. vol 17, pp. 473-486.
[8] Onninen H. 2001 Frost heave test. Determination of
minimised. frost heave coefficient (SP) in the laboratory (translated in
 The thermal gradient over the test English). Finnish Road Administration, Method descrip-
specimen should be controlled, small tion TPPT 6.15p.
and in a scale with that in situ. [9] Takashi T., Yamamoto H., Ohrai T. and Masuda M. 1978
Effect of penetration rate of freezing and confining stress
 The heave resulting from the expan- on the frost heave ratio of soil, Proceeding of 3rd Interna-
sion of in situ pore water may also be tional Conference on Permafrost, Vol.1, 737-742.
large, and thus should be considered [10] The Japanese Geotechnical Society 2009. Test method
in the testing. for frost heave prediction of soils, JGS0171-2009.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 459
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Propriétés mécaniques d'une marne

Mechanical properties of a marl
JF Serratrice 1
CETE Méditerranée, Aix en Provence, France

This paper presents the results from high pressure triaxial tests, creep tests and swelling tests performed on a clayey marl to mar-
ly sandstone within a tunnel project. Analysis of deformability, strength, creep and swelling properties is based on the know-
ledge of marls behaviour as well as the experimental results obtained on similar hard soils. Part of the mechanical properties
scattering in each type of test is explained by the variability of the marl density. But it depends also on local variations of the ma-
terial lithology.

La communication présente les résultats d'essais triaxiaux à haute pression, de fluage et de gonflement qui ont été réalisés sur
une marne argileuse à gréseuse dans le cadre d'un projet de tunnel. L'analyse des propriétés de déformabilité, de résistance de
fluage et de gonflement s'appuie sur la connaissance du comportement des marnes et fait référence à des résultats expérimentaux
obtenus sur des sols indurés similaires. La dispersion des propriétés mécaniques observée dans chaque type d'essais s'explique en
partie par la variabilité de la compacité de la marne. Mais elle dépend largement aussi des variations lithologiques locales du ma-

Keywords: Marl, Laboratory tests, Strength, Creep, Swelling

1 INTRODUCTION tantes variations latérales de faciès. Les maté-

riaux fins sont décrits comme des argiles plas-
Les propriétés physiques et mécaniques d'une tiques jaunes bariolées de gris et bleu, com-
formation marneuse ont été recueillies à l'occa- pactes, plus ou moins marneuses à passées
sion de l'étude du tracé d'un tunnel dans la région sableuses et des niveaux calcaréo-gréseux
des Pyrénées (France). Le tracé du tunnel re- minces.
coupe des formations molassiques tertiaires Des essais triaxiaux à haute pression, des es-
d’âge Miocène-Pliocène qui forment un en- sais de fluage et des essais de gonflement, ac-
semble consolidé de piémont représenté par des compagnés par des essais d'identification, ont été
argiles sableuses, des marnes, des molasses, des réalisés en laboratoire sur ces matériaux prélevés
poudingues et, localement, des petits éléments dans des sondages profonds. Cette communica-
calcaires. L'ensemble se caractérise par d'impor- tion résume les principales caractéristiques géo-

Corresponding Author.
460 J.F. Serratrice / Propriétés mécaniques d’une marne

mécaniques mesurées à l'occasion de ce pro- tillon. Mais la plupart des mesures ont été effec-
gramme expérimental. Dans ce qui suit, pour tuées sur les éprouvettes découpées dans les
simplifier, l’ensemble des divers faciès molas- échantillons.
siques sera dénommé marne.
Des analogies étroites peuvent être établies à
l'issue de ce travail entre les propriétés des ter-
rains marneux étudiés ici et ceux rencontrés sur
un site de tunnel en Savoie [1].



2.1 Description des terrains

L'étude porte sur près d'une quarantaine d'échan- Figure 2. Histogramme des poids volumiques.
tillons carottés dans six sondages profonds (jus-
qu'à 108 m), réalisés dans le cadre des reconnais- Le poids volumique
et le poids volumique
sances géotechniques du site. Une description sec
d sont calculés avec g = 9,81 m/s2. L'indice
précise des échantillons carottés est effectuée à des vides e et le degré de saturation Sr sont calcu-
l'ouverture des conteneurs. Les molasses sont lés avec une masse volumique solide
qualifiées de marnes beiges argileuses à silto- s = 2,70 Mg/m3, soit un poids volumique solide
sableuses, avec des passages argilo-gréseux et de
s = 26,5 kN/m3.
rares passages de poudingue. De nombreuses La figure 1 représente l'histogramme de la te-
concrétions carbonatées blanchâtres tendres, mil- neur en eau des marnes. La figure 2 montre l'his-
limétriques à centimétriques apparaissent, dissé- togramme des poids volumiques. Le tableau 1
minées dans la marne. Il apparaît aussi des pas- récapitule les caractéristiques moyennes. Le ta-
sages vert-grisâtres ou des passages de teinte bleau 2 donne les caractéristiques d'état
rosée à lie de vin, plus ou moins étendus et per- moyennes des marnes, d'après le tableau 1.
sistants. Les terrains ne sont pas fissurés.
Table 1. Teneurs en eau et poids volumiques.
teneur en eau w (%) poids volumique
n x s n x s
352 14,2 2,3 155 21,7 0,57
N : nombre de mesures, x : moyenne, s : écart-type

Table 2. Caractéristiques d'état.


d e Sr
(%) (kN/m3) (kN/m3) (-) (%)
14,2 21,7 19,0 0,39 98

Figure 1. Histogramme des teneurs en eau.

2.3 Propriétés physiques
2.2 Caractéristiques d'état
Les valeurs au bleu de méthylène VB mesurées
Quelques mesures des caractéristiques d'état des sur les molasses sont comprises entre 1 et
marnes sont réalisées sur des fragments d'échan- 5 g/100 g. Les teneurs en carbonates (% CaCO3)
J.F. Serratrice / Propriétés mécaniques d’une marne 461

sont comprises entre 0 et 80 %. Pour beaucoup autre) des matériaux testés dans une large
de mesures, ces grandeurs sont complémentaires gamme de pressions [2].
(% CaCO3 = 100 – 17 VB).

2.4 Propriétés minéralogiques

Vingt-cinq analyses minéralogiques semi-
quantitatives par diffraction X ont été effectuées
sur des fragments d'échantillons issus des son-
dages carottés. En moyenne, le quartz, la calcite
et les argiles se répartissent en parts à peu près
égales (33 % environ). Néanmoins, en comparant
entre-elles les différentes analyses, le quartz et la
calcite apparaissent en proportions variées (de 16
à 72 % et de 0 à 62 % respectivement), contrai-
rement aux argiles (de 20 à 50 %). Les smectites
et les interstratifiés contenant de la smectite
constituent la phase dominante des argiles (67 % Figure 2a. Courbes contrainte-déformation.
en moyenne, contre 20 % d'illite et 13 % de kao-
En considérant les pourcentages de quartz
(Qz), de calcite (Ca) et des argiles (Ag) qui cons-
tituent la roche totale, puis, parmi les argiles, les
smectites (Sm) associées à l'ensemble des inters-
tratifiés (smectite, illite/smectite et kaolo-
nite/smectite), l'illite (Il) et la kaolinite (Ka), des
tendances entre les proportions des constituants
peuvent être établies.
Ces relations sont identiques à celles obtenues
à partir des analyses minéralogiques réalisées sur
les molasses prélevées en Savoie [1]. Les propor-
tions variables du quartz et de la calcite, pour une
proportion plus homogène d'argiles, justifient
l'appellation de marnes argileuses à silto-
Figure 2b. Chemins des contraintes effectives.
sableuses données aux molasses. Ces analyses
soulignent la variabilité de la composition des
molasses au sein du massif.



3.1 Programme d'essais et exemple

Les essais triaxiaux à haute pression ont pour but
de mesurer les propriétés de déformabilité (mo-
dule de Young, coefficient de Poisson, dilatance)
et les résistances (critère de Mohr-Coulomb ou
Figure 2c. Pressions interstitielles.
462 J.F. Serratrice / Propriétés mécaniques d’une marne

Le programme d'essais comprend des essais Les essais triaxiaux UU HP, réalisés pour des
triaxiaux CD, CU+u et UU à haute pression (HP) pressions de confinement comprises entre 1 et
en compression, pour des pressions effectives 4 MPa donnent des cohésions non drainées com-
moyennes comprises entre 0,5 et 10 MPa (CD prises entre 270 et 1400 kPa. Malgré une grande
éprouvettes consolidées drainées, CU+u éprou- dispersion, les résistances en compression
vettes consolidées non drainées avec mesure de uniaxiale c dépendent de l'indice des vides e,
la pression interstitielle, UU éprouvettes non c  -8 e + 3,1 (en MPa), ce qui est un signe sup-
consolidées non drainées). plémentaire de l'analogie entre ces terrains et
Les graphiques de la figure 2 montrent les ré- ceux prélevés en Savoie.
sultats d'un essai triaxial CU+u réalisé sur six
éprouvettes consolidées sous des pressions effec-
tives isotropes comprises entre 0,7 et 10 MPa.
Deux cycles de chargement-déchargement ont
été effectués sur l'éprouvette consolidée sous
6 MPa (au début et en fin de chargement).
Les chemins des contraintes effectives (p, q)
de la figure 2b (p pression effective moyenne, q
déviateur) montrent une réponse typique de la
marne, de type surconsolidée à basse pression
(pics de résistance et dilatance) et normalement
consolidée à haute pression (pas de pic et con-
tractance). La droite de Coulomb représentée sur
le graphique a pour pente Mc = 0,79, soit un
angle de frottement interne ' = 20,4 °, sans co-
hésion (c' = 0).
Figure 3a. Résistances dans le plan des contraintes effectives.
3.2 Récapitulation des résistances
La figure 3a récapitule les résistances de la
marne dans le plan des contraintes effectives
(p, q) et pour l'ensemble des éprouvettes testées
au moyen d'essais triaxiaux CD HP et CU+u HP.
Quelques points ont été écartés, qui représentent
des marnes plus denses et gréseuses ou des
marnes fissurées (losanges creux). Des enve-
loppes de forme parabolique encadrent les résis-
tances à basse pression et se raccordent sur la
droite de Coulomb de pente Mc = 0,79 à haute
pression. Ces enveloppes courbes représentent le
dos de la courbe d'état limite de la marne en
compression [3], [4], [2].
La figure 3b récapitule les résistances mesu-
rées pendant les essais triaxiaux CU+u HP (lo-
sanges) et pendant les essais de compression Figure 3b. Résistances dans le plan des contraintes totales.

uniaxiale (triangles) dans le plan des contraintes

Les courbures exprimées par ces différentes
totales (pT, q). Deux expressions paraboliques
enveloppes indiquent que les paramètres c' et '
encadrent ces résistances sur l'ensemble de la dépendent de la pression moyenne dans le do-
plage des contraintes totales appliquées. maine des basses pressions.
J.F. Serratrice / Propriétés mécaniques d’une marne 463


Les essais de fluage en compression uniaxiale

sont réalisés simultanément sur trois éprouvettes
qui sont soumises à des taux de chargement dif-
férents (le taux de chargement est exprimé en
pourcentages de la résistance). Les éprouvettes
sont montées dans une cellule triaxiale, qui as-
sure le guidage de la charge axiale, et sur un bâti.
Elles sont chargées sous un palier de fluage pen-
dant une durée de un mois au moins. Le dépla-
cement axial est mesuré manuellement à l'aide de
comparateurs. Les essais se terminent par une
phase de déchargement. Puis les éprouvettes sont
cassées en compression uniaxiale afin de mesurer Figure 4a. Déformation axiale en fonction du temps pour la
leur résistance. Les essais de fluage ont pour but durée totale des essais.
de mesurer l'amortissement progressif des vi-
tesses de déformation sous différents taux de
Le graphique de la figure 4a montre l'évolu-
tion de la déformation axiale pendant toute la du-
rée de l'essai sur trois éprouvettes chargées à
30 %, 40 % et 48 % de leur résistance en com-
pression uniaxiale. Un premier palier de
quelques kilo-pascals et d'une centaine d'heures
est appliqué au début de l'essai afin d'ajuster le
zéro des déformations pour la suite de l'essai.
Puis le palier de fluage est effectué sur les
trois éprouvettes simultanément pendant
42 jours. Les déformations axiales enregistrées
au cours de cette phase d'essai sont représentées
en fonction du temps sur la figure 4b en échelles Figure 4b. Déformation axiale en fonction du temps pendant
la phase de fluage.
semi-logarithmiques. Le temps, est compté à par-
tir du début du palier de fluage. La comparaison
des figures 4a et 4b montre que l'évolution de la
déformation axiale est amortie, mais elle est lé-
gèrement plus rapide qu'une évolution logarith-
Les éprouvettes sont déchargées ensuite, ce
qui permet d'observer la recouvrance et les dé-
formations irréversibles en fin d'essai.
La figure 4c montre la vitesse de déformation
axiale en fonction du temps en échelles loga-
rithmiques pendant la phase de fluage. La pente
de ces courbes, qui représente l'exposant d'une
loi puissance du temps, vaut –0,85 au début du
fluage, puis –0,70 au bout de 1000 heures. Cette
évolution traduit un amortissement non loga- Figure 4c. Vitesse de déformation axiale en fonction du
temps pendant la phase de fluage.
rithmique de la déformation.
464 J.F. Serratrice / Propriétés mécaniques d’une marne

5 ESSAIS DE GONFLEMENT de l'imbibition et la fin du palier, en fonction de

la contrainte axiale, en échelles semi-
Les essais oedométriques de gonflement en pa- logarithmiques. Deux droites encadrent les don-
rallèle sont réalisés sur quatre éprouvettes simul- nées, qui sont de la forme %a = K lg( a/ ag) où
tanément qui sont soumises à des contraintes dif- K est le potentiel de gonflement et ag la pression
férentes. Ces essais ont pour but de mesurer une de gonflement associée. Ces droites sont telles
pression de gonflement et un potentiel de gon- que 0,008 < K < 0,015 et 670 < ag < 950 kPa.
flement. Ces résultats montrent à nouveau la dispersion
Sept essais ont été réalisés à partir de diffé- des propriétés des marnes.
rents échantillons carottés. Après découpage, les
éprouvettes sont montées dans les cellules oedo-
métriques sur des plaques poreuses sèches, qui 6 CONCLUSION
sont placées à leur tour sur les bâtis de charge-
ment. Un premier cycle de chargement- Cette étude expérimentale présente divers as-
déchargement par paliers est appliqué sur cha- pects du comportement mécanique d'une marne
cune des éprouvettes dans leur état naturel jus- prélevée dans le Pyrénées. Les propriétés phy-
qu'à une contrainte axiale 'a = 1500 kPa envi- siques et mécaniques sont dispersées et elles
ron. Puis les éprouvettes sont chargées sous des s'apparentent aux propriétés mesurées sur un ter-
contraintes égales à 'a = 30, 100, 400 et rain similaire prélevé dans les Alpes. Dans les
1500 kPa environ et laissées sous ces différentes deux cas, la dispersion des propriétés méca-
charges pendant deux à quatre jours, jusqu'à la niques observée dans tous les essais s'explique en
stabilisation de la déformation axiale %a. Elles partie par la variabilité de la compacité de la
sont mises alors en imbibition avec de l'eau dé- marne. Mais elle dépend largement aussi des va-
saérée par les plaques poreuses de pied et de tête riations lithologiques locales du matériau. Ces
et maintenue dans cet état pendant une durée de nouvelles données expérimentales contribuent à
trois semaines à un mois. La déformation axiale améliorer la connaissance du comportement des
est enregistrée à l'aide d'une chaîne de mesures sols indurés et des roches tendres dans leur état
pendant toute la durée de l'essai. naturel [5].


[1] B. Gaudin, J.F. Serratrice, Etude en laboratoire du

comportement mécanique d’une molasse, 2nd. Int.
Symp. on Hard Soils and Soft Rocks, Naples, tome 1
(1998), 173-1810.
[2] J.F. Serratrice, Outils et procédures de caractérisation
des sols indurés et des roches tendres : l'expérience du
LRPC d'Aix en Provence, Symp. Int. Identification et
détermination des paramètres des sols et des roches,
PARAM2002, Paris (2002), 313-326.
[3] J.F. Serratrice, Essais de laboratoire à haute pression
sur des marnes, Colloquium Mondanum, Bruxelles
(1995), 1.1.61-1.1.70.
[4] J.P. Magnan, J.F. Serratrice, Détermination de la courbe
d'état limite d'une marne, Proc. 11th ECSMFE, Copen-
Figure 5. Déformation axiale de gonflement en fonction de la hague, vol. 3 (1995), 167-172.
contrainte axiale. [5] C.R.I. Clayton, J.F. Serratrice, Les propriétés méca-
niques et le comportement des sols indurés et des
roches tendres. Rapport général de la session 2. Symp.
Les courbes de la figure 5 montrent la défor- Int. sur les sols indurés et les roches tendres, Athènes,
mation axiale de gonflement %a, entre le début vol. 3 (1993), 1839-1877.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 465
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Stiffness of the soil determined from in situ testing

La raideur du sol déterminé sur des essais en place
Z. Skutnik 1, M. Bajda & M. Lech
Warsaw University of Live Sciences, Department of Geotechnical Engineering, Poland

The geotechnical engineering parameters determined from in situ testing are not affected by the level of disturbance and degra-
dation then results of laboratory testing of soil samples obtained from conventional soil borings. In this paper talk will focus on
the Piezocone Penetration Test (CPTU), Seismic Cone Penetration Test (SCPTU), Resistivity Cone Penetration Test (RCPTU)
and Dilatometer Test (DMT). The tests were performed in the Warsaw area subsoil which is located within the tectonic unit
known as the Mazovian Basin, a vast depression developed during the Tertiary glaciation’s period. Tertiary comprises the Pli-
ocene deposits represented by clays, silts and locally sands. Pliocene clay behavior constitutes a significant threat to foundation
systems and underground structures. In DMT test the pressures required to expand the membrane provide a direct measurement
of the soil modulus (stiffness). Shallow and deep foundation design can then be performed by using the derived geotechnical da-
ta. A main benefit of the dilatometer test is that it directly measures the soil modulus (stiffness). This parameter controls founda-
tion design since almost all foundations are designed based on their potential for settlement and not bearing capacity (i.e. fail-

Les paramètres géotechniques de sols déterminés sur l’essais en place ne sont pas dérivés par l’influence des perturbations pos-
sibles au cours du prélèvement des échantillons. Ce papier se fixe sur le Test de Pénétration de Piezocone (CPTU), le Test de
Pénétration de Cône Sismique (SCPTU), le Test de Pénétration de Cône de Résistivité (RCPTU) et le Test de Marchetti de Dila-
tometer (DMT). Les essais ont été faire in Varsovie, sur les sols formés pendant la période de la glaciation Tertiaire et localisés
au Basin de Mazovien. Ces dépôts sont représentés par des argiles, des limons et localement des sables, en général définies
comme les argiles bariolées. Le comportement des argiles pliocène a influence sur les systèmes de fondations et les structures
souterraines. Le DMT test, par le rembourrage de la membrane, laisse mesurer en directe du modulus de sol (la raideur). C’est la
principale valeur du DMT test parce‘que presque toutes les fondations on n’est pas projeté sur leur capacité portante (c.-à-d.
l'échec) mais sur leur potentiel tassement.

Keywords: Soil stiffness, in situ testing, cone penetration test, dilatometer test, initial shear modulus.

1 INTRODUCTION struction of many high-rise buildings, pavement

roads and extension of subway lines. Recently,
The last few years have shown dynamic devel- after the UEFA decision on the organization of
opments of the Warsaw City, involving the con- the EURO’2012 Cup by Poland and Ukraine, the

Corresponding Author
466 Z. Skutnik et al. / Stiffness of the Soil Determined from in Situ Testing

need for construction of playing fields and sport

infrastructure is receiving considerable attention.
Therefore, numerous planned projects require
geotechnical data, soil parameters and the history
of subsoil deposits. In situ testing of soil, which
essentially consists of evaluating the geotechnic-
al engineering properties of soil in their natural
environment instead of the laboratory, has been
proven to be a cost effective means of develop-
ing economical foundation engineering design
Geotechnical engineering parameters are
therefore more representative of actual in situ
strength and stiffness than commonly determined
from laboratory testing. In situ testing has been
used to provide economical foundation design by
substantiating the use of higher foundation bear-
ing pressures than typically developed from la-
boratory testing. The higher foundation bearing
capacities generally result in significant savings
to the owner.
Figure 1. The map of Warsaw – location of tested sites and
borehole profiles.

The second study area is located in Bielany in
the northern part of Warsaw. On the basis of the
2.1 Tested sites
results of field investigations (boreholes, RCPTU
tests, SDMT tests) and laboratory investigations
The study area lies within a regional geomorpho- the surface soil conditions should be regarded as
logic unit called the Warsaw Basin. The test sites complex. The stratigraphy consists of Quaternary
are located in Warsaw in the Vistula River valley deposits. Generally, they are represented by
(Fig. 1). boulder clay described as grey and dark grey,
The Stegny site is the place where for the last clayey sands and sandy clays. To the depth of
few years a wide research program is executed approximately 10 – 15 m under the ground sur-
by the Warsaw University of Life Sciences and face there are lacustrine sandy deposits which are
other research institutions. The main purpose of not suitable for any construction purposes. The
these investigations is the estimation of the phys- water table stabilizes at depths from 4 m below
ical properties and mechanical parameters of Pli- ground surface to 6.3 m below ground surface.
ocene clays. The Stegny site is located in the Typical borehole profiles from Stegny and Bi-
southern district of Warsaw. The stratigraphy elany sites are shown in Figure 1.
consists of Quaternary deposits developed as fine
and medium dense sand layers of thickness not
2.2 Test procedures and equipment
exceeding 4,5 m, underlain by overconsolidated
Pliocene clays. The clay beds reveal a clear The in-situ testing program was very extensive
layered structure characterized by different color and depends on the site. It consisted of both pie-
of the particular layers. The free groundwater ta- zocone penetrometer tests (RCPTU and SCPT)
ble is at a depth of 3.2 m. and dilatometer tests (DMT and SDMT), which
are continuous or at least near continuous soil
profiling techniques to delineate subsurface stra-
tigraphy and soil properties. The CPTU data re-
Z. Skutnik et al. / Stiffness of the Soil Determined from in Situ Testing 467

quires a good estimation of correlation coeffi- Elastic wave theory relates the small strain
cients to determine geotechnical parameters [1]. shear modulus (G0) using:
These coefficients depend on the geologic forma- G 0   Vs 2
tion and can be site-specific. The DMT is a cali- (2)
brated static deformation test. The lift-off pres- where: G0 – initial shear modulus [MPa],  – soil
sure, p0, and the pressure at full expansion, p1, mass density [Mg/m3], Vs – shear wave velocity
are measured. These two independent parameters [m/s].
are used to compute other soil parameters The RCPTU cone is equipped with the mod-
through triangulation (two variables to get a third ule made of two electrodes separated by insula-
variable). Marchetti’s correlation [2] was used to tors. The measuring system of the penetrometer
calculate the constrained modulus and shear enables registration of electrical conductivity
modulus. These module are obtained after com- within the range from 0 to 400 mS. The mea-
bining the dilatometer modulus, ED, with the ho- surement is carried out with AC current at the
rizontal stress index, KD, which is an indicator of frequency level of 2000 Hz. The conductivity
stress history. measurement gives additional information about
There are several kinds of geophysical tests the type of soil or sometimes allows for the de-
that can be used for the delineation of stratigra- tection of the probable presence of certain sub-
phy and determination of soil parameters. Re- stances (conatamination).
cently, techniques, which are the combination of SCPT and RCPTU cones have the advantage
standard geotechnical tests with the geophysical of providing continuous shear wave velocity and
module, have been used in the field. The combi- electrical conductivity measurements in combi-
nation of seismic measurements and standard pe- nation with all traditional CPTU data.
netration tests and Marchetti’s dilatometer has
cable oscilloscope
made a significant improvement to the CPTU
and DMT test. The measurement of shear wave hammer
velocity gives the possibility to obtain the initial
shear modulus of soil at a very low strain level. upper
Knowledge about the G-modulus is important in
practical geotechnical solutions, particularly in
the prediction of soil structure interaction [3],
[4]. The shear wave velocity is calculated from
the fundamental relationship: geophone
h shear
Vs  (1) slope
sensor wave
where: Vs – shear wave velocity [m/s], t – travel
strain guages for
time of seismic waves between the transmitter friction load cell
(hammer) and the receiver (geophone) [s], or in friction sleeve
the case of SCPT with two geophones – travel strain guages for lower
cone load cell geophone
time from 1st (upper) to the 2nd (lower) geo- pressure transducer
phone, h – distance between transmitter and re- porous filter
ceiver (geophones) [m] (Fig.2). conical tip
The seismic dilatometer is the combination of cone
the traditional flat dilatometer with a seismic
Figure 2. Schematic diagram of SCPT probe (a) and schemat-
module placed above the blade. The SDMT ic layout of the SCPT test (b).
module is a probe equipped with two geophones
spaced 0,5 m. The SDMT procedure for obtain-
ing the shear wave velocity is the same as SCPT
468 Z. Skutnik et al. / Stiffness of the Soil Determined from in Situ Testing

2.3 Tests results The CPT, RCPTU and SDMT tests at Bielany
site were carried out in 11 profiles to the depth of
The example of CPT and RCPTU tests results
about 20 m (CPT and RCPTU tests in 9 profiles
carried out at Bielany site are presented in Fig-
and SDMT tests in 2 profiles). The selected re-
ures 3 and 4. The in situ penetration tests were
sults of SDMT performed at Bielany site are pre-
carried out by using Van den Berg Penetrometer
sented in Figures 5 and 6.
type Hyson 200kN.

qt (qc) [MPa] ID [-] ED [MPa] KD [MPa]

Rf [-] fs [MPa]
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0 1 10 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 5 10 15 20 25
0 0

5 4

6 5

11 9

13 11


18 15
19 16

24 20

Figure 3. Example of RCPTU soundings at Bielany site. Figure 5. Example of SDMT soundings at Bielany site.

MDMT [MPa] Vs [m/s] G0 [MPa]

Conductivity [mS/m] u [MPa] G0 [MPa]
0 50 100 150 200 0 100 200 300 400 0 100 200 300
0 20 40 60 80-0,05 0 0,05 0,1 0,15 0 100 200 300 400
0 0
1 1


6 5
7 6

11 9
12 10


17 14
18 15
19 Rix and Stokoe (1991)
20 Sanneset et al. (1988)
21 Mayne and Rix (1993)
22 18 elastic wave
23 19
Hryciw (1990)

Figure 4. Plots of conductivity, pore water pressure and esti- Figure 6. Plots of constrained modulus shear wave velocity
mated shear modulus from RCPTU at Bielany site. and estimated shear modulus from SDMT at Bielany site.
Z. Skutnik et al. / Stiffness of the Soil Determined from in Situ Testing 469

Measurements of conductivity and pore water GDMT  M /[2(1   8&  R 6 (3)

pressure during RCPTU tests at Bielany site (Fig.
and next assuming  = 0,20 and MDMT using eq.
4) were very useful for soil stratification and it
was much easer to distinguish sometimes very
thin layers in alluvial deposits. Deformation cha- GDMT  M DMT / 2.67 (4)
racteristics from SDMT tests such as constrained The ratio GDMT/M0 has been calculated and plot-
modulus M and shear modulus G0 (Fig. 6) were ted vs. KD for sand and clay (Fig. 11).
calculated according to the elastic wave theory qt [MPa] Rf [-] fs [MPa]
and formula given by [5]. For comparison the G0 0 5 10 15 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 120 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4
modulus were also estimated from qc measure-
ments in CPT tests based on formulas given by
[6], [7] and [8] and are presented in Figure 4.
The example of RCPT & SCPT tests results
carried out at Stegny site are presented in Figures
7 and 8. Figure 7 shows the example of RCPT
test results in the form of continuous soil profiles
of cone resistance qc, friction ratio Rf, sleeve fric-
tion resistance fs. Values of cone resistance for
sand vary from about 8 MPa to 25 MPa while for
clays from 2 MPa to 5 MPa. The type of soil can
be classified using friction ratio Rf. It sharply in-
creases from 1 to 8 at the depth of about 4.2 m
and it separates sands and clays. Similarly as
cone resistance and friction ratio results, the con-
ductivity and shear wave velocity plots show dif-
ferences between soil layers. In Figure 8 sands Figure 7. Example of RCPT soundings at Stegny site.
showed lower conductivity (higher resistivity)
values than clays. Also in Figure 8 there is a sig- 0
Conductivity [mS/m]
50 100 150 200 2500 200
Vs [m/s]
400 600 800 0 250
G0 [MPa]
500 750 1000

nificant difference between values of shear wave 0

velocity at the depth of about 4 m due to effect of 1

soil type changes and influence of ground water 2

table. Values of shear wave velocity in sands ex- 3

ceed 500 m/s while in cohesive soils vary from 4

150 to 200 m/s. It was also noticed that conduc- 5

according to
tivity plot correlates with shear wave velocity, 6 elastic wave
cone resistance and friction ratio plots. The shear 7

modulus G0 calculated directly from shear wave 8

velocity measured during SCPT test gives values 9

in range of about 70 to 85 MPa for clays and 10

from 450 to 1000 MPa for sands. 11

In Figure 9 the results of DMT tests at Stegny 12

site are shown. The diagrams in Figure 10 have 13

been constructed using same-depth values of G0 14

(from Vs measured during SCPT) and MDMT and 15

ED (average values for one-m soil intervals) for

Figure 8. Plots of conductivity from RCPT, shear wave ve-
sand and clay. Next diagram involves the addi- locity and estimated shear modulus from SCPT performed at
tional modulus GDMT using the formula of linear Stegny site.
elasticity (3):
470 Z. Skutnik et al. / Stiffness of the Soil Determined from in Situ Testing

ED [MPa] KD [MPa]

0,1 1
ID [-]
10 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 5 10 15 20 25
is very difficult to collect a good quality undis-

turbed soil sample for laboratory tests.
2 The Bielany site is located near the second

4 line of Warsaw Subway and it was necessary to


investigate the dynamic interaction between soils
7 and foundations [9]. The value of the shear mod-

ulus G0 received by means of empirical formulas

from CPT and DMT results differ from values
12 obtained on the basis of direct measurement of

the seismic wave velocity in SDMT. The value
15 of G0 for sand and clay at Stegny site was calcu-

17 lated from shear wave velocity during SCPT.


The MDMT, ED and GDMT were obtained from
20 DMT results. Figures 10 and 11 confirm the ap-
plicability of Hryciw formula [5] for G0 estima-
Figure 9. Example of DMT soundings at Stegny site. tion from DMT results if the subsoil is homo-
14 25
12 sand
clay 20


6 10 [1] T. Lunne, P.K. Robertson, & J.J. M. Powell, Cone Pe-

4 netration Testing in Geotechnical Practice, Blackie
2 Academic and Professional, London, 1997, pp.312.
0 0 [2] S. Marchetti, In Situ Tests by Flat Dilatometer, Journal
0 5 10 15 20 25 0 5 10 15 20 25 of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASCE, Vol.
KD KD 106, No. GT3, Proc. Paper 15290, (1980), 299-321,
[3] D.C.F. LoPresti, O. Pallara, M. Jamiolkowski, A. Ca-
Figure 10. Ratio G0/MDMT vs. KD and ratio G0/ED vs. KD for vallaro, Anisotropy of small stiffness of undisturbed
sand and clay from Stegny site. and reconstituted clays. Pre-failure Deformation of
Geomaterials, Jamiolkowski, Lancellotta&LoPresti
1 (eds), Balkema, 1999, 3-10,
0,8 sand
[4] K.H.II Stokoe, E.M. Rathje, P.J. Axtell, Development
of an in situ method to measure the nonlinear shear

0,6 clay
modulus of soil. Proceedings of the 16th International
0,4 Conference on Soil Mechnics and Geotechnical Engi-
0,2 neering, Osaka, Millpress, Rotterdam, 2005, 751-754,
[5] R.D. Hryciw, Small Strain Shear Modulus of Soil by
0 5 10 15 20 25
Dilatometer, JGED, ASCE, Vol. 116, N°. 11 (1990),
[6] G.J Rix, & K.H. Stokoe, Correlation of initial tangent
Figure 11. Ratio GDMT/M0 vs. KD for sand and clay from modulus and cone resistance, Calibration Chamber
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[7] K. Senneset, N. Janbu & G. Svanø, Strength and de-
formation parameters from cone penetration tests. Pro-
ceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Penetra-
3 CONCLUSIONS tion Testing, Vol. 2, (1982), 863-870,
[8] P. W. Mayne, & G. J. Rix, Gmax and qc Relationships for
Clays, Geotechnical Testing Journal, 16(1), (1993), 54-
In situ tests CPTU and DMT supplemented with 60,
additionally measured parameters like resistivity [9] R.J. Jardine, D.M. Potts & A. Fourie, & J.B. Burland,
in RCPT, shear wave velocity in SCPT or SDMT Studies of the Influence of Non-Linear Stress-Strain
is probably the best way of geotechnical parame- Characteristics in Soil-Structure Interaction, Geotech-
nique, Vol. 36, N°.3 (1986), 377-396.
ters estimation. Especially for soils from which it
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 471
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 477
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

On the shear strength of weak rocks

Sur la résistance de cisaillement des roches tendres
E. Togrol1
Istanbul Technical University
STFA Soil Investigation

The study evaluates the value of the correlation factor between unconfined compressive strength and the point load index for five
different rocks encountered in North Africa through statistically sufficient number of field and laboratory tests.

Cette étude évalue la valeur du coefficient de corrélation entre la résistance à la compression simple et l'indice de charge ponc-
tuelle pour cinq types de roches différents en Afrique du Nord par un nombre statistiquement suffisant d' essais in situ et en labo-

Keywords: Weak rocks, unconfined compressive strength, point load index

1 INTRODUCTION The situation is further complicated by the

imprecise distinction between hard soils and soft
Foundations on rock must satisfy the same de- rocks. Pease and Kulhawy (1984) define rock as
sign principles as do any other type of founda- a substance with an unconfined compressive
tion: reliability, adequacy and economy. In geo- strength of 1 MPa or higher. They also exclude
technical terms a foundation must have adequate porous, crushable materials such as some sand-
bearing capacity, its deformations must be within stones and limestones from that definition. Our
tolerable limits and its construction must be cost- intention is to concentrate on weak rocks since
effective. they are encountered in many areas of the world
Weak rocks are usually anisotropic and non- and to establish their engineering properties.
homogeneous, possessing variable weathering Field investigations for the characterization of
with depth beneath the ground surface and natu- rock include geophysical methods, rock core
rally occurring discontinuities such as joints, drilling, and in situ testing. Rock core drilling
seams, faults, shear surfaces and bedding planes provides direct information about subsurface
(Kulhawy and Goodman, 1980). Such divergent conditions. Such data also provide means to de-
characteristics thus often inhibit a reliable deter- termine equivalent rock mass properties.
mination of mass properties of weak rocks.

Corresponding Author.
478 E. Togrol and F. Kıran / On the Shear Strength of Weak Rocks

In order to determine the behaviour of the causing failure by the development of tension
rock mass it is important to know its mass prop- cracks parallel to the axis of loading (ASTM
erties. Such properties are determined by the D5731-95). The load is steadily increased to
combined properties of the intact rock and natu- reach failure in 10 to 60 s.
rally occurring discontinuities. To exacerbate as- The point load index is given by
sessment, classification systems for intact rock
and rock mass do not always coincide.
This study compares sample data obtained (2)
from weak rocks encountered in North Africa.
Unconfined compressive strength obtained from
point load tests was compared with unconfined where P is the load at rupture, and D is the
compressive strength as determined from uniaxi- distance between the cones. The point load index
al tests. is reported as the point load strength of a 50 mm
It is interesting to note that the value of C was rock core.
found to be much smaller than the generally rec- The point load index is correlated to uncon-
ommended value of 24 for weak rocks. fined compressive strength by


Where qu is the unconfined compressive
The description of a rock mass depends on strength, and C is a correlation factor that should
rock material properties, discontinuities, type of be determined on a site specific basis by con-
infilling, and groundwater. ducting a number of unconfined compression
Strength properties of intact rock are ex- tests on core samples. ASTM D5731 recom-
pressed in terms of unconfined compressive mends the use of 24 for C for a 54 mm (NX core
strength (qu) and deformation modulus (Em). size) sample. According to ISRM the value of C
Weak weathered rocks and rocks with open dis- varies between 17.5 to 24.5 according to the
continuities possess a degree of compressibility. core size.
The deformation modulus of rock mass is ob- Another valuable source of information on the
tained from the relationship properties of rock mass is obtained through the
determination of RQD (rock quality designation)
value of the rock core. RQD is equal to the sum
of the lengths of recovered sound core pieces
greater than 100 mm in length, expressed as a
percentage of the total length of the core.
where j is a mass factor related to the discon-
tinuity spacing in the rock mass, Mr is the ratio
between the deformation modulus and the uncon-
fined compression strength qu of the intact rock. 3 GENERAL GEOLOGY OF THE
The common laboratory tests for intact rock INVESTIGATION AREA
samples are as follows: (1) unconfined compres-
sion test, (2) split tensile test, (3) point load test, A large number of samples recovered from
(4) direct shear test, and (5) durability test. For sites at North Africa were tested in this study. In
foundation engineering purposes, laboratory tests those sites, especially in northern and eastern
on rock cores are usually limited to point load parts of the Tarabulus sheet the Quaternary de-
tests and uniaxial compression tests (Tomlinson, posits cover large areas. During the early Qua-
1995). ternary period, the marine Gargaresh Formation
The point load test is conducted by compress- was deposited along a narrow coastal region,
ing a core sample between hardened steel cones, then overlaid and interfingered by Jeffara Forma-
E. Togrol and F. Kıran / On the Shear Strength of Weak Rocks 479

tion sediments and which unconformably settled Overlying sandstone layers are encountered at
down on the Al Khums Formation. various depths and are occasionally interbedded
The Gargaresh Formation makes steep cliffs by sand as well as silty sand layers.
along the shore of the Mediterranean coastline. Claystone layers are commonly encountered
The Formation typically consists of calcarenite, between sandstone layers.
calcareous sandstone, detrital limestone, thin Comparison of unconfined compression test
layers of siltstone and claystone including shell and point load test results
fragments and minor sandy grains which are in- Point load tests and unconfined compression
terbedded with occasionally silty sand, sandy tests were performed on a sufficiently large
lean clay and silty clayey sand layers. number of calcarenite, calcareous sandstone,
The Calcareous Crust mainly consists of ca- claystone, detrital limestone, and caliche sam-
liche. These sediments are derived from the sur- ples. Except for caliche samples, test results of
face weathering of rocks under arid conditions all samples recovered both from depths above
and subsequent cementation of the weathered and below ground water level were evaluated
material. separately. The results of the unconfined com-
Al Khums Formation typically comprises pression tests and point load tests are given in
slightly to highly weathered layers of calcareous Table 1.
sandstone, siltstone and claystone. The color of Unconfined compressive strengths and point
this unit varies from light green to light grey, and load indices of samples recovered from levels
is generally strong with the inclusion of shelly above and below ground water level varied as
fossil fragments with solution cavities. The For- well (Table 2).
mation is also generally composed of calcareous
sandstone and sandy limestone with gypsum

Table 1 Unconfined compression and point load test results

Rock Above GWL Below GWL

qu (MPa) Is (Mpa) C qu (Mpa) Is (Mpa) C
Calcarenite 6.27 ± 0.47 0.74 ± 0.03 8 3.27 ± 0.59 0.44 ± 0.06 7
Calcareous 5.65 ± 0.04 0.40 ± 0.05 14 5.22 ± 0.96 0.33 ± 0.05 16
Claystone 16.16 ± 2.07 0.88 ±0.09 18 3.83 ± 0.51 0.41 ± 0.23 9
Detrital limes- 17.88 ± 1.05 2.39 ± 0.14 7 6.20 ± 0.23 1.17 ± 0.34 5
Caliche 29.07 ± 2.64 3.53 ± 0.22 8 - - -

Table 2 Influence of GWL on test results

Rock qu-above /qu-below Is-above /Is-below RQDabove/RQDbelow RQDabove/RQDbelow
(Related to qu) (Related to Is)
Calcarenite 1.92 1.68 1.06 1.13
Calcareous sandstone 1.08 1.21 1.13 1.11
Claystone 4.21 2.15 0.86 1.05
Detrital limestone 2.88 2.04 0.75 1.02
480 E. Togrol and F. Kıran / On the Shear Strength of Weak Rocks

Table 3.Variation of RQD

Above GWL
Rock qu (Mpa) Related to qu Is (Mpa) Related to IS Reliability
RQD (%) RQD (%) of RQD (%)
Calcarenite 6.27 ± 0.47 0.76 ± 0.03 0.74 ± 0.03 0.72 ± 0.04 0.05
Calcareous sandstone 5.65 ± 0.04 0.71 ± 0.03 0.40 ± 0.05 0.63 ± 0.05 0.05
Claystone 16.16 ± 2.07 0.65 ± 0.05 0.88 ± 0.09 0.61 ± 0.01 0.05
Detrital limestone 17.88 ± 1.05 0.50 ± 0.03 2.39 ± 0.14 0.44 ± 0.03 0.05
Caliche 29.07 ± 2.64 0.25 ± 0.06 3.53 ± 0.22 0.32 ± 0.03 0.05
Below GWL
Calcarenite 3.27 ± 0.59 0.58 ± 0.05 0.44 ± 0.06 0.47 ± 0.04 0.05
Calcareous sandstone 5.22 ± 0.96 0.63 ± 0.03 0.33 ± 0.05 0.57 ± 0.03 0.05
Claystone 3.83 ± 0.51 0.74 ± 0.03 0.41 ± 0.23 0.59 ± 0.05 0.05
Detrital limestone 6.20 ± 0.23 0.67 ± 0.05 1.17 ± 0.34 0.57 ± 0.03 0.05

RQD values at the same depths as unconfined means (i.e., for RQD values, one relates to un-
compressive strength test samples or point load confined compression test results, the other, to
test samples are also compared (Table 3). point load indices), and that the difference found
To use singular ratios in comparing uncon- between measurements is, therefore, accidental
fined compressive strength as obtained from un- and insignificant. It is shown that two RQD
confined compression tests and unconfined com- populations belong to the same gross population
pressive strength calculated from point load with a level of significance of 0.05 (Table 3).
indices may be somewhat misleading. Hence un- From that result we can infer that Table 1 corre-
confined compressive strength and point load in- lation factors, between unconfined compressive
dex were determined on a large number of sam- strength and point load index are reliable.
ples. In order to discover whether two groups
differ sufficiently in mean performance, we
compared their RQD values which are related to 4 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS
samples used in tests to determine unconfined
compressive strength and point load index. The In this study a large number of field and labora-
confidence with which the results will be re- tory tests were evaluated in order to determine
jected or retained depended upon the level of the correlation factor C between unconfined
significance reached. compressive strength and point load index of five
The reliability of the RQD mean value de- different weak rocks, namely, calcarenite, calca-
pends upon the variability of the separate meas- reous sandstone, detrital limestone, claystone and
ures around the obtained mean. Reliability is thus caliche. It is shown that the value of C could be
always relative and can be stated in terms of very different from the commonly used value of
probability. A given difference is called reliable 24.
or significant when probability is high and dif-
ference cannot be explained as temporary or ac-
cidental. Several arbitrary standards of levels of
significance, of which 0.05 and 0.01 levels are [1] [1] Pease, K.A. , F.H. Kulhawy (1984). “Load transfer
the most frequent, were used. The confidence mechanisms in rock sockets and anchors”, EL-3777,
with which the results are rejected or retained Research Project 1483-1, Electric Power Research In-
depends upon the level of significance reached. stitute, California,
[2] [2] Kulhawy, F.H., G.E. Goodman (1980). “Design of
In other words we assert that both RQD popula- foundations on discontinuous rock”, Proc.Int.Conf.on
tions belong to the same gross population. There Structural Foundations on Rock, Sydney, Vol.1,
is no true difference between two population pp.209-222.
[3] [3] Tomlinson, M.J. (1995). Foundation Design and
Construction. 6th Ed. Longman, 536p.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 481
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Geotechnical experiences with Most clay

Expérience de Géotechnique avec Most argile
I. Vaníek1
Czech Technical University in Prague. Czech Republic

Large area of the north part of the Czech Republic is covered by Most clays, tertiary over consolidated fissured clays, stiff to
hard consistency, thickness of which is up to 400 m. Very often this clay overlays brown coal seams. Geotechnical problems are
not only connected with material properties in situ but also after the excavation and re-deposition. Therefore the clay properties
as a function of depth will be described in more detail as well as the problems of stability of high excavation slopes or the set-
tlement of structures situated on this material. Special attention is devoted to the changes of properties after excavation and also
to the changes after re-deposition, as the amount of excavated material is extremely high, part of the material is deposited in the
form of outer spoil heaps and limited part is used for other purposes. Therefore the problems of spoil heaps deformation and sta-
bility will be mentioned together with problem of utilization of surface of spoil heaps for new construction as well as the utiliza-
tion of this material as construction material even for geo environmental earth structures.

Une grande partie de la région nord de la République Tchèque est constituée d’argile de Most, argile tertiaire reconsolidés
dont la consistance va de solide à dur. Son épaisseur peut aller jusqu’à 400m. Très souvent, cette argile recouvre des veines du
charbon brun. Les problèmes géotechniques ne sont pas seulement liés aux propriétés matérielles de l’argile sur site mais aussi
après son extraction et sa réimplantation. Par conséquent, les propriétés de l’argile en fonction de la profondeur seront décrites
en détails ainsi que les problèmes de stabilité des pentes d’excavations hautes ou les contraintes sur les structures situées sur ce
matériau. Une attention particulière est portée au changement des propriétés de l’argile après l’extraction ainsi qu’aux
modifications après réimplantation car la quantité de matériaux d'excavation est extrêmement élevée. La majorité de la matière
est déposée sous forme de terrils et une petite partie est utilisée à d’autres fins. En conséquence, les problèmes de déformations
et de stabilités des terrils seront décrits plus précisément. L’utilisation des surfaces des terrils pour de nouvelles constructions ou
l’utilisation de l’argile extrait comme matériaux de construction (par exemple pour les constructions de terre géo-
environnemental) est aussi discutée.

Keywords: tertiary over consolidated fissured clays, mechanical properties, slope stability, deformation characteristics after re-

Corresponding Author.
482 I. Vaníček / Geotechnical Experiences with Most Clay

1 INTRODUCTION parameters are strongly influenced by the depth

of deposition:
North – western part of the Czech Republic is  Bulk density U increases from the value of 1
called also as North – Bohemian Brown-Coal 800 kg.m-3 near the surface to 2 100 kg.m-3 for
Basin. This brown coal is the main source of en- the depths of 70 – 100 m,
ergy and many electric power stations and  Moisture content decreases approximately
chemical factories are situated in this region. from 20 – 45 % for the depth up to 30 m to the
This basin is roughly 80 km long and 15 km value 13 – 32 % for the depths 30 – 60 m,
wide and the north boundary are composed by  Porosity decreases from roughly 45% near the
rock massif of Krusne Hory Mountains, which surface to 30 – 37 % for the depth up to 100
are crystalline origin. Typical geological profile m,
is composed from the surface by quaternary de-  Degree of saturation Sr is close to 1,
posits, mostly colluvial and fluvial sediments  Unconfined strength increases with depth and
coming from the weathered parts of the Krusne for the depths around 40 – 80 m is in the range
hory Mountains, followed by tertiary sediments of 1-3 MPa.
where brown coal seam is situated as well. The Generally we can say that the overlying clays
thickness of the tertiary sediments reaches 150 m have a character of overconsolidated fissured
in average with maximum up to 400 m. Under soils with stiff to hard consistency.
most part is composed by crystalline complex of
the same character as Krusne Hory Mountains.
The thickness of the tertiary sediments Mechanical properties
reaches 150 m in average in the North-Bohemian As the sampling and following laboratory tests
Brown-Coal Basin. Besides brown coal this layer are influenced by many different factors, the me-
is composed mainly of clays and of claystones. chanical properties will be specified from field
But sand, underclay, slate coal, sandy clay and experiments.
sandy claystone are also present. 50 m high earth fill dam Nechranice was situated
The properties of tertiary clays have signifi- on these tertiary clays, e.g. , [1] ; [2] . Subsoil
cant impact on many construction and mining ac- settlement was measured during the phase of
tivities in this area. Therefore the good knowl- construction and also over some following years.
edge of geotechnical properties in natural state or At the footing bottom steel plates were situated
after excavation and re deposition is very impor- and their settlements measured via steel tube
tant and will be briefly described in this paper. passing through dam fill so that it was possible to
obtain settlement of the subsoil in different cross
sections. Total maximum settlement 163 cm was
2 GEOTECHNICAL PROPERTIES IN SITU calculated based on laboratory tests. After 14
years of measurement the total maximum settle-
Index properties ment was recalculated to an expected value 137
cm. Therefore the prognosis and expected reality
Clays and claystones have the following char- are rather close to each other. However settle-
acteristics: ment in time calculated and measured had higher
 Plasticity limit wp = 30-35% difference, as the subsoil consolidated more rap-
 Liquidity limit wL = 70-80% idly as expected.
 Plasticity index Ip = 35 – 50 Additionally in boreholes drilled below the dam
From clay minerals mainly the kaolinite and plan fixed marks were situated in different
illite are in abundance, montmorillonite is also depths. Deepest marks situated in depth 80 m
present but with variable low percentage. The showed settlement 8 cm after 4 years. For esti-
proportion of clay particles ranges from 10 to 40 mated imposed load it was possible with the help
% and silt particles from 20 to 60 %. The other of back calculation to determine 1 D modulus of
I. Vaníček / Geotechnical Experiences with Most Clay 483

deformation, roughly in the range of 14 to 22 wp = 40.2 %; Ip = 55.9; w = 32.7 %; Ic = 1.14; Sr

MPa, depending on the range of loading. = 1.0.:
Shear strength was determined by field tests on Shear strength of intact soil/rock (compact
block samples, with area about 2500 or 5 000 strength):
cm2, and with high about 16 to 20 cm. Blocs are  = 170 c = 120 kPa
usually prepared in excavated trench or gallery. Residual strength – shearing close to 30 mm:
Seyek [3] determines two basic types of field r = 7.80 cr = 43 kPa
tests – with directed stress or with directed Post peak strength (disturbed strength after
strains and prefer the last one. Vertical loading is shearing 7 mm):
arranged via loading bridge and shear stress ap- d = 7.40 cd= 77 kPa
plied by press in inclined direction so that no From the results we can see that the angle of in-
moment loading. For tests with directed stress, ternal friction is very early close to the residual
vertical loading is increased up to demanded one and cohesion is strongly falling down with
value. Shearing phase starts when vertical set- shearing. The peak strength can be used only for
tlement is smaller than 0.01 mm/min what is short stability, for longer one post peak values
roughly 1 hour. Rate of shearing is limited by are generally applied in this region. The residual
shear deformation 0.03 mm/min. After reaching strength can be used only in the case when older
the peak resistance vertical load is decreased step shear planes were determined.
by step and for each step the shearing resistance
is determined when the rate of shearing is steady.
Shear strength determined from this procedure is 3 PROPERTIES AFTER EXCAVATION
called as post peak value. For claystones the ob- AND RE-DEPOSITION
tained values are considered as effective values,
even the tested material is fully saturated. From the place of excavation to the place of
Tests with directed rate of shearing are prepared deposition into spoil heap body the clayey mate-
and arranged similarly however supplemented rial is transported by train or by belt, during last
with units enabling constant rate of shearing. period preferably by belt.
Maximum shear deformation is about 30 mm.
Final resistance is called the residual one.
There is a significant discussion what type of the
shearing resistance can be used for the calcula-
tion, which are in this area mostly connected
with the stability of excavated slopes. Peak value
is called also shear strength of intact soil/rock but
only in the case if tested samples were not dis-
turbed by any previous activity e.g. by tectonics,
deep mining, blasting on one side or by block
disturbance during its preparation, e.g. by exca-
vation or wetting on the other one. Post peak
shear strength characterizes the strength with dis-
turbed structure, for short with disturbed
strength. Therefore the peak resistance can in
some cases corresponds as to this disturbed Fig. 1. Transport of clayey clods and spoil heap filling.
strength or to the shear strength of intact
soil/rock depending on the previous disturbance
and therefore the results are in rather wide range.
Nevertheless one result is shown for claystone
with following index properties: wL = 96.1 %;
484 I. Vaníček / Geotechnical Experiences with Most Clay

Before the belt transport (width of belt roughly

2-3 m) the excavated great clods are in some
cases crushed down. During this transport the in- 4 SPOIL HEAP SLOPE STABILITY AND
dividual clods are round off and during wet SHEAR PARAMETERS
weather their moisture content is increased. At
the end of the transport the individual clods are Soil sampling and laboratory testing is again
partly compacted by free fall (for overburden very complicated problem. Therefore field ex-
conveyor bridge it is up to 20 m), (Fig. 1). periments are often utilized for solving new
By free fall individual clods are partly crushed problems.
and compacted but their bulk density is approxi- From the view of slope stability there are two
mately 1500 – 1600 kg.m2 and so the macro po- contradiction factors:
rosity is around 30 %. The individual macro - The demand to store on limited area as much
pores between the individual clods are intercon- of the excavated materials (in this region it is
nected and air is in continuous form and so the roughly 200 mil. m3 per year) – which leads to
permeability of soil for air is relatively high. he very steep slopes, thereafter very sensitive to
Character of the fill is close to rock fill. Under sliding.
this condition an air pore pressure is relatively - The demand to satisfy long term stability as
quickly equalized to the atmospheric pressure. the surface of spoil heaps have to be utilize for
On the contrary the pore water pressure inside of future construction.
individual clods is negative due to great unload- The long term experiences in this area lead to
ing. Under this condition such soil will easily ab- the following recommendations:
sorb water – free water or water from saturated - Material should be deposited on the dry sub-
air – even from air inside of the spoil heap’s soil and the surface of the spoil heap should be
body – [4] . rearranged in such a way that a penetration of
Important role is there connected with possibility rain water into spoil heap body is reduced as
of direct contact of deposited clay clods with wa- much as possible;
ter as the properties of the deposited clayey soils - Slopes inclination should be decreased from
are changing with time due to two basic contra- the first phase of filling to prevent sliding and so
diction aspects: development of slip surfaces where shear
- process of softening as a result of strength can fall to the residual one.
weathering, moisture content increase These two recommendations were accepted after
and kneading, some problems with slope stability as slopes
- process of hardening as a result of sur- were at the beginning very steep (even 1:1 as
charge by new deposited layers. clay clods behaves as rock fill –( Fig. 2) and final
Result of these contradictory processes is a sig- inclination was the result of many local land-
nificant heterogeneity of the deposited material. slides. At the end of eighties four large landslides
Therefore also spoil heap sampling is a rather occurred in this region each with moving vol-
difficult task as the character of the deposited umes more than 50 mil. m3. Final slope was very
material is changing very quickly from one place slow, even 1:18.
to the other one.
I. Vaníček / Geotechnical Experiences with Most Clay 485

c Upper layer saturated by rainfall

d Layer with interconnected air pores – ua > uw
e Fully saturated layer.
Fig. 3. Modelled layers distribution for long term stability



Specification of deformation characteristics was

performed along two main lines, with the help of
laboratory tests on the large volume oedometer
or with the help of back analysis of the settle-
ment of the spoil heap surface.
Fig. 2. Initial character of clay clods While the laboratory tests make possible to ob-
serve the influence of individual factors as range
With the help of back calculation and laboratory of loading, sample wetting etc. e.g. [6] ; field in-
tests on large volume shear boxes, angle of the vestigation make possible to define practical
internal friction ef = 13-170 was determined and findings. Nevertheless for example for estimation
residual angle r = 7 – 110. Later on a special at- of the settlement of the Ervenice corridor (which
tention was devoted to the long term stability, for is probably largest earth structure in the world –
final groundwater table and for heavy rainfalls – ca 540 mil. m3) as a function of time for the indi-
[5] . For this case we assumed that intermediate vidual cross sections there were documented
layer, which was up to now partly saturated, is very good agreement between settlement based
closed between two layers which are fully satu- on calculation utilizing laboratory tests and
rated and therefore the air pore pressure inside of measured settlement – [7] ; [8] .
this layer is directed by pore water pressure of Reference values of spoil heap surface settlement
the upper layer (in the extreme case by geostatic based on experience gained in various sites are:
vertical pressure) and is therefore increasing pore  Final value of settlement s = (0.02 -0.03) H
water pressure in the lower layer, (Fig. 3). The where H is total height of spoil heap
final recommendation is to construct the spoil Lower values are valid for lower soil heaps
heaps with general inclination roughly in the roughly H =30 m a higher values are valid for
range of 1:6 – 1:7 where steeper lower slopes are higher spoil heaps H = 100 m.
combined with benches. From the time path the settlement is estimated as:
 25 – 50 % of the final value during first year,
 70 – 75 % within 5 years,
 85 – 90 % within 10 years
When the construction of spoil heap is com-
pleted then the most specific forecast of further
course of the surface settlement could be based
on geodetic monitoring. Theoretically this moni-
486 I. Vaníček / Geotechnical Experiences with Most Clay

toring can start immediately after the end of fill- [5] I.Vaníek, S. Chamra. The influence of extreme rainfall
on the stability of spoil heaps.In: Proc. 10th Int. Symp.
ing but in fact the initial (zero) measurement is
on Landslides and Engineering Slopes. Xian, 2008,
usually done after certain time delay. The accu- Chen et al. (eds), Taylor and Francis Group, London,
racy to forecast the further settlement develop- pp. 1653 – 1658.
ment depends on the duration of monitoring. 5 [6] I.Vaníek. Behaviour of soil of the high clayey spoil
heap. In: Proc. 8th DEC SMFE, Nurnberg, DGD,
years seams to be minimum time.
Different functions st = f(t) was checked, es- [7] I. Dykast. Properties and behaviour of high clayey spoil
pecially these in which the accession of settle- heaps in the North-Bohemian Brown-Coal District. (In
ment drops down logarithmically of exponen- Czech), Ph.D. thesis, CTU Prague, 1993, 126 p.
[8] I. Dykast, R.Pg ímek, E.Pichler, M. !eho ,
tially. Now the equation
M.Havlíek, I.Vaníek. Ervenice corridor – 130 , high
spoil heap from clayey material – with transport infra-
st = a + b. ln t ( on its surface. In: Proc. XIIIth EC SMGE,
Prague, 2003, Vol. 4, pp. 57-76
is recommended in which a and b are parame-
ters determined from the firsts measurements,
[7] .

During last two decades the greatest attention is

devoted to the foundation of new structures on
the surface of spoil heaps. A special care is con-
nected with surface of spoil heap improvement to
be able reduce especially differential settlement.
Also appropriate selection of the construction
system can help in the case when settlement is
higher then usually demanded.


The paper was written with support from the re-

search project MSM 6840770005 “Sustainable
construction”, which is supported by the Czech
Ministry of Education.


[1] J. Škopek, Deformation of the earth fill dam Nech-

ranice subsoil, In: Proc. of the Terzaghi memorial
symposium – New achievements in soil mechanics,
Vol. 2, 1969, Prague
[2] J. Seyek. Measured settlement of clayey dam subsoil
and calculated based on oedometric tests. (in Czech).
In: Proc. Seminar “Field and laboratory tests of soils”
VÚHU, Most, 1975,p.1-10.
[3] J. Seyek. Field shear tests on blocks with directed
strain. (In Czech). Research report, Stavebni geologie,
Prague, 1989, 42 p.
[4] I.Vaníek , M. Vaníek. Earth Structures in Transport,
Water and Environmental Engineering. Springer, 2008,
637 s.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 487
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 493
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Petrographic and textural characteristics and

mechanical behaviour of Sicilian calcarenites
Caractéristiques pétrographiques et structurelles et
comportement mécanique des calcarénites de Sicile
M. Zimbardo1, N. Nocilla & L. Ercoli
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Strutturale, Aerospaziale e Geotecnica, Università di Palermo

This study reports about the correlation between the petrographic and textural characteristics of some Sicilian calcarenites of
Quaternary age and their mechanical behaviour. The composition and the texture of the different lithotypes are analysed by
means of optical microscopy. The pores texture is the basis of the proposed classification. Laboratory tests are carried out for the
determination of physical properties such as porosity; the mechanical behaviour is assessed by isotropic tests. Results indicate
that the type and the distribution of the pores between the grains greatly influence the mechanical behaviour, specifically at the
onset of yielding.

Cette étude présente la corrélation entre les propriétés pétrographiques et la structure de certains calcarénites siciliennes du Qua-
ternaire et le leur comportement mécanique. La composition et la structure des différents lithotypes ont été analysées par micro-
scope optique et elles sont à la base de la proposition de classification décrite dans la mémoire. Autres investigations de labora-
toire ont été effectuées pour la détermination de propriétés physiques, parmi lequel la porosité. Le comportement mécanique a
été évalué avec des d'essais isotropes. Les résultats indiquent que le type et la distribution des pores entre les grains influence
grandement le comportement mécanique au début de la limite d’élasticité.

Keywords: calcarenites, texture, yielding, destructuration.

1 INTRODUCTION the structure begins to decay. The position of the

yield point with respect to the normal compres-
In structured soft rocks, the original structure sion line (NCL), in the plane Q - ln p’, specific
due to fabric, i.e. orientation, distribution and volume vs mean effective stress, is a measure of
density of particles and / or bonding, coming bonding. In fact, strong or weak bonding be-
from any type of interparticle bonding ([1],[5]), tween the particles is detected, respectively, by
is responsible for an increase in strength com- yielding occurring to the right or to the left of the
pared to the same non-structured material [6]. NCL [3]. In the first case, yield is assumed to be
These rocks subjected to compressive stresses associated to the simultaneous rupture of cement
show an initial almost linear behaviour up to a and particles. On the contrary, in the case of
value of effective stress, the yield point, at which weak bonding, after initial failure of the cement

Corresponding Author
494 M. Zimbardo et al. / Petrographic and Textural Characteristics and Mechanical Behaviour

at a point called true yielding, there will be a 2.1 Materials and methods
second yield point, or gross yielding, at the onset
Samples of calcarenites from the different loca-
of particle breakage [2].
tions were retrieved from hand corings, commer-
According to [1], the yield stress, as well as
cial ashlars, and drilling holes. Specimens for the
the position of the NCL, depends on the grains
laboratory tests were prepared by means of hand-
strength, hence on the mineralogical composition
saw and diamond disk saw. The petrographic and
of the rock, on the initial void ratio, which is a
textural characterization was carried out by
measure of the number of contacts between the
means of reflected light optical microscopy
grains, and on the grains contact stress. At low
(O.M.) on selected specimens and by transmitted
void ratio, the number of contacts between parti-
light microscopy (PPL: plane polarized and XPL:
cles increases. The external load is distributed
cross polarized light) on thin sections. Thin sec-
over larger contact areas, and lower contact
tions were prepared from samples of the natural
stresses result. It follows that the individual par-
rock before testing, and, in some cases, also from
ticles, subjected to the same external loads, are
the specimens subjected to mechanical tests. In
less susceptible to breakage. The contrary occurs
addition to the mineralogical composition, great
when the void ratio is high [3].
care was taken in the qualitative analysis of po-
An experimental investigation was carried out
rosity. In particular, the pores were classified on
on different Sicilian calcarenites outcropping in
the basis of their size compared to grain size, and
Sicily, to verify whether the previous theoretical
with reference to their textural location, inter-
framework may be adopted to describe their me-
granular or intragranular. Pore size is referred to
chanical behaviour. The present contribution re-
the area intersected by the plane of the thin sec-
fers to the studies conducted up to now on some
tion. Those pores whose area is almost five times
calcarenitic lithotypes coming from the territo-
the characteristic grain size were classified as
ries of Palermo and Marsala (Fig.1).
macropores; the ones having size comparable to
that of the grains were identified as mesopores.
Micropores are not visible at the microscope
maximum magnification (200x). On the basis of
the previous size classification, the ratio between
macropores and mesopores was evaluated. In the
following paragraph, the different textural types
of calcarenites are labelled with capital letters.
Physical and mechanical characterisation was
performed by means of determination of particle
Figure 1. Location of the Calcarenites density and dry unit weight, Js, Jd, uniaxial com-
pression tests and isotropic tests. For the iso-
2 SICILIAN CALCARENITES tropic compression tests, a testing programme
using triaxial apparatuses with maximum confin-
Calcarenitic lithotypes of Quaternary age widely ing pressure of 10 MPa or 70 MPa was carried
outcrop in the coastal plains and low hills of Sic- out [7]. In both cases increments of stress be-
ily. Since ancient ages, most of them are being tween 0.5 MPa and 1 MPa were applied, and the
extracted as construction materials to produce stress increment was kept constant for time peri-
ashlars for masonry. Besides calcarenite forma- ods ranging from 1 day to 5 days, depending on
tions constitute the bedrock of many important the variation of specific volume.
towns near to the sea coast. Table 1 lists the initial void ratio of the sam-
The wide natural outcropping formations, to- ples tested in isotropic compression. The label
gether with quarries and drilling holes for foun- indicates the provenance of the samples, which
dation purposes, allow sampling of different are subdivided according to the textural classifi-
lithotypes in Western Sicily. cation described in the following.
M. Zimbardo et al. / Petrographic and Textural Characteristics and Mechanical Behaviour 495

Table 1. List of isotropic compression test bridges between grains are from 0.025 to 0.1 mm
Litothype Provenance code v0 thick. Porosity is due to uniformly spreaded
10ic 1,38 mesopores, while macropores are rare, less than
Palermo c14 1,29
A Cala 2%.
15ic 1,25
c8 1,35
mb1 1,72
B1 Marsala cmb2 1,71
mb3 1,70
ma1 2,03
B2 Marsala ma1b 2,18
ma2 1,99
mc1 2,60
C Marsala mc2 2,64
mc3 2,63
mc4 2,68

Figure 2. Textural classification. Type A “dense” ; Type B
3.1 Textural and petrographic characterisation
“sponge”: B1 total area of macropores << mesopores; B2 total
Three main textural groups (fig.2) have been area of macropores > mesopores; Type C “card-house” total
area of macropores >> mesopores
identified on the basis of macropore/mesopore
evaluated ratio:
A) dense: no or rare macropores are present, in
any case less than mesopores. Intergranular In the lithotipes B1 e B2, 60% of clasts are
interstices and intragranular voids are almost rounded fragments of rhodolites, with micritic
or totally obstructed by carbonatic cement, texture, 30% are foraminifera, fragments of
with few spread mesopores; shells (mollusca, anellida, echinodermata, brio-
B) sponge: macropores are a little less (Type B1), zoa), and the grains of carbonatic rocks are about
as much as or a little more (Type B2) than 8%. Quartz monocrystalline grains, high in
mesopores. Mesopores are widespread since sphericity and medium in roundness, are no more
the cement patina that wraps the grains does than 2%. The grain size varies from 0.025 to
not fills totally the intergranular interstices; 1.5 mm, the mode is about 0.05 mm. The contour
intragranular voids are open or partially filled of the clasts is not sharp because of muddiness of
or obstructed; cement and indentation between the grain sur-
C) card-house: macropores are widespread and face and the microsparitic crystals of the cement.
much more than mesopores; intragranular In B1 macropores are rare, less than 5%. On the
pores are open. contrary, mesopores are numerous because they
are localized in the areas of divergence of granu-
In the lithotype A, 50% of clasts are quartz lar contours, even though many of the inter-
monocrystalline grains, highly spherical and granular voids are filled by cement. The cement
rounded; 40% are rounded fragments of bridges have a thickness of 0.025 mm to 0.3mm.
rhodolites, with micritic texture, and the last 10% The lithotipe C is composed of about 45%
are foraminifera, fragments of shells (mollusca, fragments of rhodolites, few molluscs fragments
anellida, echinodermata) with some grains of (prevali lamallibranca), with not more than 10%
carbonatic rocks. The grain size varies from entrochs and anellida. Quartz monocrystalline
0.025 mm to 1 mm, the mode is about 0.035 mm. grains, are very rare (0,1%) and their size is
The contour of the clasts is very sharp. Cementa- about 0.05 mm. Grain size varies from 0.8 to
tion is made of microsparitic calcite. It forms a 0.15 mm, with mode at about 0.25 mm. The po-
thin coating all around the grains. The cement rosity is mainly due to macropores.
496 M. Zimbardo et al. / Petrographic and Textural Characteristics and Mechanical Behaviour

In all the calcarenite lithotypes, the thin coat- as EM and EL. Their strength and stiffness are
ing of clear microspar cement (dog tooth shaped) clearly influenced by the structure of the material
wrapping the clasts could be interpreted as pri- (Zimbardo et al, 2010).
mary cement; in the lithotypes A and B this pat-
ina is 25- 27 Pm thick, in C its thickness is not
more that 10 Pm. The microspar mosaic which
fills intergranular voids, could be originated in a
secondary phase of cementation (i.e. vadose).


Figura 3. Microphotographs from XPL, 144X, of the cement

in lithotypes A,B,C.

3.2 Physical characterization Figure 4. Miller Diagram

Particle density and dry density of the lithotypes 3.4 Yielding of the Calcarenites in isotropic
investigated are summarised in Table 2. compression
The data indicate slight differences in specific
weight. In particular, for the calcarenites of the Specific volume recorded with time at increasing
groups B2 and C specific weight is identical to cell pressure on the sample c14 (lithotype A) is
that of calcium carbonate. Slightly higher values shown in the diagram (Q-log t) in Figure 5. The
were determined, however, for the calcarenites of curves show the onset of a destructuration proc-
the groups A and B1. ess at a cell pressure of 18 MPa, which further
developed at the pressures of 22 MPa and 26
Tab. 2. Mean unit weights of the four lithotypes. MPa.
lithotype Js (kN/m3) Jd (kN/m3)
A 27,6 20
B1 27,5 17
B2 27,4 14
C 27,4 10

3.3 Uniaxial compression tests

The average value of uniaxial strength of cal-
carenites equals 0.8 MPa for group C, 2.5 MPa
and 6 MPa respectively for group B2 and group
Figure 5. Specific volume changes during isotropic compres-
B1, and 15MPa for group A. The stiffness sion for test c14
modulus ranges between 200 MPa and 1800
MPa. In the Miller diagram, the experimental The compression curves of all samples are
points related to the calcarenite A fall in the summarised in the diagrams Q-ln p’ (Fig.6). In
range of high modulus ratio, and the rock is clas-
the same figure the average values of yield stress
sified as EH (Fig.4). The lithotypes B1 and B2
for each lithotype are also reported and the NCLs
fall in the range of medium values and the rocks
obtained by interpolating the data of the last 3-4
are classified as EM, while the calcarenites of
increments of the applied stress for each iso-
group C fall in the range of medium and low
tropic test are represented.
modulus ratio range, and they may be classified
M. Zimbardo et al. / Petrographic and Textural Characteristics and Mechanical Behaviour 497

Moreover irregular microcracks arise between

grain contacts and develop for a length more than
50 times the grains diameter. The grain contour
becomes very sharp, because the coating of clear
primary cement, 25 Pm thick, remains tied to the
grain. On the contrary, the cement filling the in-
tergranular voids becomes more turbid, and ac-
quires typical birefringence of aggregate possibly
because the forming a fine inter-crystalline mor-
tar (Fig.7).
The lithotype C, after isotropic compression,
becomes a loose sand, made of grains with ir-
Figure 6. Isotropic compression data for lithotype A,B1,B2,C regular shape, therefore unsuited for thin sec-
and determination of the respective NCL. tions. For this reason observation was performed
in reflected light by means of a stereoscopic mi-
Two intervals are obtained for the NCLs of croscope. Grains surfaces are entirely coated by
the different samples. The first one, delimited by calcitic cement and no fresh broken surface is de-
the straight lines tectable.
Q= 2.20 – 0.098 ln p’; Q = 2.29 – 0.09 ln p’, (1)
concerns the results of the isotropic tests on the
lithotypes C, B1 and B2. The second one is
bounded by straight lines
Q = 3.59 – 0.230 ln p’; Q = 3.85 – 0.234 ln p’ (2) Figure 7. Microphotographs of the different lythotipes after
isotropic tests in XPL.
and describes the results of the isotropic tests on
the lithotype A. The stress-paths of lithotypes C,
B2 , and in part B1, reach stress states beyond the 4 DISCUSSION
assumed isotropic compression lines, while those
of lithotype A lie below the corresponding NCL. The destructuration mechanism, as detected from
the shape of the stress-strain curves of lithotypes
3.5 Destructuration’s effects B and C, which is compatible with the micro-
scopic observations on thin sections, can be in-
The microstructural effects of the destructuration terpreted as follows. For these lythotypes, the de-
process, for lithotypes A and B1, were studied in structuration process is promoted by a fracture
O.M. in transmitted light by means of thin sec- mechanism of the cement, which is softer than
tions. the grains, occurring in correspondence of the
In the lithotype A , the isotropic compression, knee of the compression curves. The grains re-
at the stress level achieved, induced no substan- main perfectly intact.
tial changes of the original texture: the size, the Starting from this point, the curves of any
shape and the contour of the clasts are unaltered, lithotype converge towards a single band, which
that is the grains are absolutely intact. Mesopores should be identified with the NCL of the inter-
keep open, perhaps a barely detectable reduction granular material, as confirmed by the observa-
of pores volume occurs (Fig.7). tion in optical microscopy. At further stress in-
In the same way, in the lithotype B1 the clasts crease, the volume of the mesopores reduces, and
are absolutely intact, but marked changes occur the material becomes stiffer.
in the texture. In fact, even though macropores In the lithotype A, whose original texture is
and intragranular mesopores persist, more than uniform and characterised by bridges of inter-
90% of intergranular mesopores disappears. granular cement of small thickness (often made
498 M. Zimbardo et al. / Petrographic and Textural Characteristics and Mechanical Behaviour

of the primary coating of dog tooth crystals), intergranular cement, since the coating of pri-
yielding occurs at very high stress levels. The mary cement keeps tied to the clasts surfaces.
low slope of NCL indicates a different deforma- Because the clasts are not affected by fractur-
tion mechanism which, anyway, does not cause ing, the mineralogic composition of the studied
grains breakage, and which gives no evident ef- calcarenites, both for quartz rich calcarenites and
fects on the texture of the pores, as confirmed by carbonate biocalcarenites, does not influence the
O.M. observations. deformation process during isotropic tests.
The position of the yield points with respect to With respect to the previous technical litera-
their own NCL is the main difference between ture, particularly as for the conceptual behaviour
the studied lithotypes. To stick with the settled ascribed to strong and weak bonding, the results
nomenclature of the pertaining literature [3], cal- of the study suggest to consider in deeper detail
carenites B and C fall in the category of strong the role of the cementing pattern, rather than
bonding, while type A in the category of weak simply the clasts/cement relative strength.
bonding, even if its yield stress is higher than
that of the B and C types.
In the cases studied, strong or weak deforma- ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
tion process, do not concern the strength of the
This research was supported by the Università
grains. In fact they keep intact both in the case of
degli Studi di Palermo with its share of the re-
rich quartz calcarenite, and in the case of prevail-
search funds assigned by the MIUR – Ministero
ing carbonate bioclasts. The mechanism of de-
Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (Ercoli and No-
formation involves only the cementing pattern.
cilla - Miur ex 60%). Regrettably, this and other
research works could be not further developed
5 CONCLUSIONS due to the drastic cuts - made for the years from
2010 onwards - by the Government and the Par-
The analyses performed by optical microscopy liament of the Repubblica Italiana to the funds
corroborate the interpretation of the results of the for University, Public Education and Scientific
isotropic tests, since they allow for correlating Research.
the observed mechanical effects to the primitive
texture of the calcarenites, and to explain
changes occurring in porosity during the iso- REFERENCES
tropic tests. Optical microscopy highlighted that, [1] M.R. Coop, J.H. Atkinson, The mechanics of cemented
for the stress levels achieved, the textural charac- carbonate sands, Gèotechnique 43 (1993), 53-67.
teristic sensitive to isotropic compression, in the [2] M.R Coop, S.M. Willson, On the behaviour of Hydro-
different calcarenitic lithotipes of Sicily, is the carbon Reservoir Sands and Sandstones, ASCE, J. of
Geot. and Geoenvi. Eng. 129 (2003), 1010-1015.
intergranular mesoporosity. This is due to the [3] T.Cuccovillo, M.R. Coop, Yielding and pre-failure de-
pattern of cementing, while the intragranular po- formation of structured sands, Gèotechnique 47
rosity and the macroporosity do not undergo any (1997b), 491-508.
striking influence. The intragranular voids keep [4] T.Cuccovillo, M.R. Coop, On the mechanics of struc-
tured sands, Gèotechnique 49 (1999), 741-760.
open because fragmentation of hollowed grains [5] R. Lagioia, R. Nova, An experimental and theoretical
does not occur. Moreover, macropores do not study of the behavior of a calcarenite in triaxial com-
collapse up to 50 MPa, which is the maximum pression. Gèotechnique 45(1995),633–648.
stress reached in the present investigation. [6] S. Leroueil, PR Vaughan, The general and congruent
effects of the structure in natural soils and weak rocks,
For the Sicilian calcarenites, with non uni- Geotechnique 40 (1990),467–488.
formly distributed pores of variable size (types B [7] M.Zimbardo, Comportamento meccanico di rocce
and C), the NCL should not be referred to the tenere: le calcareniti di Palermo e Marsala, Phd. Thesis
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II (2010).
clastic component, which does not undergo any
[8] M.Zimbardo, N.Nocilla, A.Evangelista, M.Ramondini,
breakage. It should be better related to the aggre- A. Scotto di Santolo, Destructuration of typical Sicilian
gation state of the crystals forming the secondary calcarenites, Bull. of Eng. Geol. and the Env. (2010).
2.2. Modelling
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 501
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 507
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Application of a constitutive model for structured

soils in hard soils
Application d’un modèle de comportement pour les sols
structurés dans les sols durs
G. Belokas 1, M. Kavvadas
National Technical University of Athens (N.T.U.A.), Greece

The combination of the micro- and macro- structural characteristics of hard soils – soft rocks control their mechanical behaviour.
In the absence of macro fissures, the micro structural characteristics have a dominant role and the use of soil mechanics ap-
proaches surpass those of rock mechanics. In particular, the concept of soil structure is applicable to the modelling of their me-
chanical behaviour. To portray this, the recently proposed constitutive Model for Structured Soils – 2 (MSS-2) was applied to
the modeling of the laboratory test data of a hard soil (Todi clay). The model simulated satisfactorily the mechanical behaviour
of both reconstituted and natural soil samples.

La combinaison des caractéristiques micro- et macro- structural des sols dures - roches tendres désigner leur comportement mé-
canique. En l'absence de fissures macro, les caractéristiques micro structurelles ont un rôle dominant et l'utilisation d'approches
de mécanique des sols dépassent les roches mécanicien. En particulier, le concept de la structure du sol est applicable à la modé-
lisation de leur comportement mécanique. Pour illustrer cela, la récente proposition de modèle de comportement pour les sols
structurés - 2 a été appliqué ici aux données expérimentales matériau de sol dur (Todi clay). Le modèle simule de façon satisfai-
sante le comportement mécanique à la fois des échantillons reconstitués et naturels du sol.

Keywords: hard soils, soft rocks, structure, plasticity, constitutive model

1 INTRODUCTION mechanics approaches, such as the ones that em-

ploy the concept of soil structure [3].
The modelling of the mechanical behaviour of According to this concept, a soil material is at
hard soils and soft rocks is traditionally placed a structureless state, when its mechanical re-
on the border line of soil and rock mechanics sponse can be completely defined by its current
(e.g. [1], [2]). In the absence of macro fissures state, i.e., the current effective stresses and void
(e.g. discontinuities), the micro structural charac- ratio ([4]). On the contrary, a structured material
teristics have a dominant role in the overall me- has components of stiffness, strength, dilatancy
chanical response of the material. These charac- and anisotropy that cannot be described solely by
teristics can be described by means of soil the current state ([3]). Typical structure-inducing
agents are stress history (e.g. overconsolidation)
Corresponding Author.
508 G. Belokas and M. Kavvadas / Application of a Constitutive Model for Structured Soils

and bonding (e.g. cementation, aging, thixotro-  one reference surface: the Intrinsic Strength
py), which result in increased interparticle resis- Envelope (ISE) to model the characteristics
tance (compared to the corresponding structure- of the corresponding structureless state.
less state) and can influence the anisotropic M
characteristics of material response. L M
The effect of bonding has been experimentally s SE c

investigated by comparing the mechanical re-

sponse of natural samples with that of the recons- L M

tituted material (e.g. [5]). This provided data for
the development of a series of bounding surface PYE

plasticity constitutive models for the description K L c

 = +

of structured soils behaviour (e.g. [6], [7], [8]).

These models can also be used to hard soils –  * =
= * +


soft rocks, provided that macro fissures do not  *

exist. Most of these models use a bounding sur- 

face, which models the effects of structure, and a

Figure 1. Characteristic surfaces of the MSS–2 model.
reference surface, which corresponds to an
equivalent structureless state and presents a low-
The model is described in detail by Belokas
er limit for the bounding surface. Such a model
and Kavvadas [9] and therefore only its basic
was recently proposed by the authors [9] under
principles are presented herein.
the name Model for Structured Soils 2 (MSS-2)
to model the influence of stress history and bond-
ing on soil stiffness, strength, dilatancy and ani- 2.1 Intrinsic Compressibility
sotropy. A variance of an Intrinsic Compressibility
The MSS-2 model has been herein in order to Framework presented by Belokas & Kavvadas
simulate the experimental test data of Todi clay [10] is employed (Figure 2 and Equation 1).
presented by Burland et al [5], which can be
classified as a hard soil. n
 s:s / 
lnȃ*  lnS  (ln1 iso  lnS ) 1 
* * * *
where S* and N** define the position of the Criti-
The MSS–2 is an incremental plasticity, bound- cal State and Intrinsic Compression Lines in the
ing surface, critical state model. The model has ln - lnv plane.
been formulated using tensorial effective stresses
= &+s) and strains (%=%&+e), where "p is the
(  or lnv
ICL1: Isotropic Intrinsic
isotropic mean effective stress, s is the deviatoric N1=Niso
Compression Line = ICLiso
stress tensor, Ž=Žv is the volumetric strain and e is
the deviatoric strain tensor. Three characteristic N3 , c
surfaces (distorted ellipsoids) are used (Fig 1) :
N4 , c 1
 two kinematic yield envelopes: the internal N5=
, c 2
Plastic Yield Envelope (PYE) to bound the ICL3
, c 3 ICL4
elastic states and the external Structure , c
Strength Envelope (SSE) to describe the ICC5: Critical State
magnitude of structure and bound all possible Line (CSL) lnp
states, 1kPa

Figure 2. Intrinsic Compressibility Framework for Intrinsic

Compression Curves (ICC˜) dependence on stress ratio *=q/p
G. Belokas and M. Kavvadas / Application of a Constitutive Model for Structured Soils 509

Each Intrinsic Compression Line corresponds Žvp is the plastic volumetric strain increment,
to a radial stress path *=s/ =constant or
*=(s:s/ 2)0.5=constant, where “:” stands for the Žqp U 2

e p : e p  is the modulus of the plastic
internal tensorial product.
deviatoric strain increment), ( Žvp , Ž qp ) are the ac-
2.2 Characteristic surfaces properties cumulated plastic and deviatoric strains, c and
s are the intrinsic compressibility parameters
The SSE defines the region of all possible ma-
terial states and it generally encompasses ISE (as during virgin compression and rebound and Vv,
it happens in structured soils), while ISE *v, Wq, Vq, *q, are structure degradation constants.
represents a lower boundary of the SSE (when all Equation (3) ensures that as plastic strains ac-
cumulate the scalar (– ) diminishes towards
effects of structure are eliminated – typically by
intense straining). Thus, in structureless soils, the zero upon complete destructuring.
SSE and ISE coincide and the model reduces to a The kinematic hardening rules control the
Cam-Clay type twin-surface model with a ro- evolution of the kinematic hardening variables
tated-distorted bounding surface (ISE) and an in- ( K) and ( L) of SSE and PYE respectively ([9]).
ternal bubble (PYE). Hardening variable ( K) controls the orientation
Therefore, for the structured material the size of SSE and therefore both stress and structure in-
( o= K+) of the SSE is greater than the size duced anisotropy. Hardening variable ( L) con-
( o*= K*+*) of the ISE, and the scalar (–*) is trols the position of the PYE (i.e. the elastic re-
a measure of the magnitude of structure. The size gion) within the SSE ([9]).
(*) corresponds to an equivalent structureless
state ([9]) given by: 2.4 Dilatancy
The plastic flow rule incorporates a phase para-
1  ln v  ln N ˜*  meter (X ), with respect to a Phase Transition
 *  ™ o* / 2  exp   (2)
2  c Line (PTL, see Figure 3):
X =1- PTC/ (4)
2.3 Destructuring
The above features are modeled by coupled iso- N* X =1- A< PTC: X A<0
tropic and kinematic hardening rules for the yield N** B= PTC: X B=0
surfaces. Following classical plasticity, it is as- S C> PTC: X C>0
sumed that the material hardens only during plas- S* X >0
tic deformation. X <0
The isotropic hardening rule controls the evo- vcurrent
lution of the size () by an exponential structure SCL
degradation mechanism ([6], [9]) of the SSE: ICL
 1  p A B= PTC C o ln
   T   Žv  (  * )( Av Žvp  Aq Žqp ) (3)
 c   s  Figure 3. Definition of the Phase Transition Line.

where, Its sign distinguishes contractant behaviour

Aq  “q  š q exp( ˜q Ž qp ) (X >0, for states to the right of PTL) from dila-
tant behaviour (X <0, for states to the left of
Av  š v exp(˜v Žvp ) , PTL). A conceptual differentiation from the cor-
responding state parameter defined by Been &
510 G. Belokas and M. Kavvadas / Application of a Constitutive Model for Structured Soils

Jefferies [10] is that the phase parameter (›™) de- 3 SIMULATION OF STIFF TODI CLAY
pends on the magnitude of bonding. This is con-
trolled by the position of the PTL in the ln - lnv Experimental data of the hard Todi clay have
plane (variable S) with respect to a Structure been chosen as an application of the model. Ac-
Compression Line (SCL, see Figure 3), which cording to Burland et al [5], Todi clay has the
depends on the size ( o) of SSE: index properties shown in Table 1.

lnS=lnN*– (lnN**–lnS*) (5) Table 1. Index properties of stiff Todi Clay according to Bur-
land et al [5]
where N*=exp(lnvcurrent–cln o) is for the SCL. wL (%) wP (%) Ip (%) Gs
Moreover, X is defined with respect to stresses. 67.2 39.1 28.1 2.78

2.5 Elasticity Herein, only the directly estimated model con-

stants are presented. For further reference about
A variance of hyperelasticity [9] is used herein: the procedure reader is referred to the one out-
lined by Belokas and Kavvadas [12].
™ e $™
™  Žv  s:e e (6)
ȡs ȡs ( $™  %) 3.1 Intrinsic properties constants
These include the constants of Equation 1. The
data presented by Burland et al [5] lead to a criti-
A™ cal slope of M=1.05 and to the constants of the
s  sŽve  2G ee e , one dimensional intrinsic compression line (i.e.
ȡs ( A™  B)
Ko): a) NKo=3.861 or lnNKo=1.351 (position of
A2 s:s curve in the lnv – lnp plane) and b) constant
2G e  2( A™  B )  ™ (7)
ȡs ( A™  B ) 2 c=0.115 (slope of curve in the lnv – lnp plane).
Applying Jaky’s equation it gives a coefficient of
where A, B and s are the elastic constants. earth pressure at rest Ko=1-sin =0.5532 or
*o=(q/p)o=0.6364. The available compression da-
2.6 Model constants ta are in v, v pairs and therefore the validity of
these constants is checked by the model predic-
The implementation of the MSS-2 model requires tions.
the initial state which is described by the follow- As there is no available data of intrinsic com-
ing state variables: initial stress and specific vol- pression lines for *=0 (isotropic) and *=M (criti-
ume ( , v), location and size of the SSE ( K, ), cal state), constants Niso and ī were estimated
location of the PYE ( L) and the values of the with the help of the empirical equations proposed
material constants (for more details on their se- by Belokas and Kavvadas [10]. Intrinsic constant
lection see Kavvadas & Belokas [9], [10], [12]): n of Equation 1 is determined from the constants
ƒ eleven (when using poro-elasticity) or twelve Niso, NKo, ī, *o, c (see [12]). All intrinsic con-
(when using hyper-elasticity) material constants stants for Todi clay are summarized in Table 2.
estimated directly from standard laboratory tests
ƒ ten material constants estimated indirectly
Table 2. Addopted intrinsic properties of stiff Todi Clay
from laboratory tests or empirically.
In the following simulations, the constitutive c M Niso NKo ī M Ko
model parameters have been determined accord- 0.115 1.05 4.015 3.861 3.706 1.05 0.5532
ing to the procedure outlined by Belokas & Kav-
vadas ([9] and [12]). 3.2 Elastic constants
A recompression index s=0.035 resulted
from the one dimensional unloading and reload-
G. Belokas and M. Kavvadas / Application of a Constitutive Model for Structured Soils 511

ing curve of the reconstituted soil. However, data

from isotropic unloading - reloading would be
more appropriate.
Moreover, constants A=30 and B=50000 have
been chosen based mainly on the simulation of
the initial portion of the undrained stress paths.

3.3 Simulation results

The simulated experiments include both reconsti-
tuted (unbonded) and natural (structured) soil
samples tested in one dimensional compression
and triaxial undrained shear conditions. All dia-
grams presented hereafter compare the experi-
mental test data with the MSS-2 model predic-
The one dimensional compression test on nat- Figure 5. Simulated undrained stress paths of reconstituted
ural soil sample extends up to 10MPa vertical ef- Todi clay.
fective stress. However, it exhibits small struc-
ture degradation (Figure 4), as it barely passes The undrained triaxial shear tests on natural
the apparent preconsolidation stress (about soil include three samples tested at mean effec-
8MPa). That means that the material is strongly tive stresses lower than 600kPa, which result in
structured and can be therefore classified as a apparent OCR=pmax/pcurrent S ?E in terms of mean
hard soil. The model simulates satisfactorily the effective stress. As expected, the material exhi-
one dimensional curves on both reconstituted and bits strongly dilatant behaviour. The model has
natural soil samples (Figure 4). reproduced satisfactorily the undrained stress
paths (Figure 6) and the excess pore pressure dis-
tribution (Figure 7), while it did not reproduce
that well the deviatoric stress – strain response
(Figure 8), which was extremely brittle.

Figure 4. Simulated compression curves of reconstituted and

stiff intact Todi clay.

Moreover, the model has reproduced well the

undrained stress paths (Figure 5) for the various Figure 6. Simulated undrained stress paths of stiff natural
overconsolidation ratios. Todi clay.
512 G. Belokas and M. Kavvadas / Application of a Constitutive Model for Structured Soils

where macro fissures are absent and therefore the

micro structural characteristics have a dominant


The authors acknowledge the assistance of their

colleague at NTUA, Prof. V. Georgiannou, who
kindly provided the laboratory test data on Todi

Figure 7. Simulated undrained tests of stiff natural Todi clay:

excess pore pressure response

[1] L. Dobereiner and M.H. de Freitas. Geotechnical prop-

erties of weak sandstones. Géotechnique 36 (1986), 79
[2] I.W. Johnston and E.A. Novello. Soft rocks in the geo-
technical spectrum. Proc. Int. Symp. on the Geotech-
nical Engineering of Hard Soils – Soft Rocks, in
Athens. Balkema. Rotterdam. Vol.1 (1993), 177–183.
[3] S. Leroueil and P.R. Vaughan, The general and congru-
ent effects of structure in natural soils and weak rocks,
Géotechnique 40 (1990), 467–488.
[4] G. Belokas & M. Kavvadas. An intrinsic compressibili-
ty framework for clayey soils. Geotechnical and Geo-
logical Engineering. (2011). Accepted for publication.
[5] J.B. Burland, S. Rampello, V.N. Georgiannou and G.
Calabresi, A laboratory study of the strength of four
stiff clays, Géotechnique 46 (1996), 491–514.
[6] M. Kavvadas and A. Amorosi, A constitutive model for
structured soils, Géotechnique 50 (2000.), 263–273.
[7] R. Lagioia and R. Nova, A constitutive model for soft
Figure 8. Simulated undrained tests of stiff natural Todi clay: rocks, Proc. Int. Symp. on the Geotechnical Engineer-
stress – strain response ing of Hard Soils – Soft Rocks, in Athens. Balkema.
Rotterdam. Vol.1 (1993), 625–632.
[8] M. Rouainia and D.M. Wood, A kinematic hardening
model for structured clays, Proc. 2nd Int. Symp. on
the Geotechnics of Hard Soils – Soft Rocks. in
Napoli, Balkema, Rotterdam 2 (1998), 817–824.
The recently proposed Model for Structured [9] G. Belokas and M. Kavvadas, An Anisotropic Model
Soils 2 MSS-2 ([9]) was applied to simulate for Structured Soils. Part I: Theory, Computers and
some experimental data of the hard strongly Geotechnics 37 (2010), 737–747.
[10] G. Belokas and M. Kavvadas, An intrinsic compressi-
structured Todi clay. The model was able to re- bility framework for clayey soils, Submitted for possi-
produce well the experimental results of both re- ble publication in Geotechnical and Geological Engi-
constituted and natural soil samples satisfactorily neering. 2009
enough. [11] K. Been and M.G. Jefferies. A state parameter for
sands, Géotechnique 35 (1985), 99–112.
It has been therefore portrayed that structured [12] G. Belokas and M. Kavvadas, An Anisotropic Model
soil models can be applied not only to natural for Structured Soils. Part II: Verification, Submitted for
soft soils or lightly structured soils, but also to possible publication in Computers and Geotechnics
hard soils – soft rocks, which exhibit little de- (2011).
structuring. Such an approach applies to the case
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 513
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Mechanisms of hydraulic fracturing in clay, sand

and rock
Mécanismes de fracturation hydraulique dans l'argile, le sable
et la roche
A. Bezuijen1, A.F. van Tol
Deltares / Deft University of Technology

Hydraulic fracturing is studied, mainly in the context of compensation grouting. It appeared that different from hydraulic fractur-
ing in rock and clay, the flow from the fracture to the surrounding subsoil cannot be neglected. Due to this flow there is a mini-
mum thickness over length ratio of a fracture in sand, which is a function of the drainage of fracture fluid and the percentage of
solid material in the fracture fluid. A description will be given as well as experimental results confirming the theory developed.
The necessary injection pressure and the shape of the fracture, depends on the properties of the injection fluid, the permeability
of the surrounding soil material and the discharge rate during injection. A consequence is that the grout bodies made in compen-
sation grouting differ from what is usually assumed.

La fracturation hydraulique est étudiée, principalement dans le cadre de la compensation par cimentation. Il est apparu que
contrairement au cas de la fracturation dans la roche ou l’argile, le débit de la fracture vers le sous-sol environnant ne peut pas
être négligé. En raison de cet écoulement il y a un minimum pour le ratio largeur sur longueur de la fracture dans le sable, qui
est une fonction du drainage du fluide de fracture et du pourcentage de solides dans le fluide de fracture. Une description sera
donnée ainsi que des résultats expérimentaux confirmant la théorie développée. La pression d'injection nécessaire et la forme de
la fracture, dépend des propriétés du fluide injectée, de la perméabilité du sol environnant et du debit d'injection. Une consé-
quence est que les corps de coulis dans le cas de la compensation par cimentation diffèrent de ce qui est habituellement estimé.

Keywords: Hydraulic fracturing, compensation grouting, model tests.

1 INTRODUCTION avoided, for example in tunnelling, horizontal di-

rectional drilling and permeation grouting.
Hydraulic fracturing of soils is sometimes a nec- The importance of hydraulic fracturing for
essary process to achieve a certain goal. In com- various situations has resulted in research on the
pensation grouting it is used to create heave. At a mechanisms of fracturing in rock, clay and sand.
different scale and at larger depths it is used to Experimental research has shown that the frac-
increase the productivity of oil wells, or more in ture mechanisms in stiff clay and rock are com-
general to increase the permeability of soils. In parable. However, for hydraulic fracturing in
other situations it is a process that has to be sand the fracture mechanism is different. Rea-
sons for this difference are that sand is a friction

Corresponding Author.
514 A. Bezuijen and A.F. van Tol / Mechanisms of Hydraulic Fracturing in Clay, Sand and Rock

material without cohesion, like in clay and rock, The theory describing the mechanisms that
and that sand has a much higher permeability play a role (Smith and Shlyapobersky, 2000) as-
than clay of rock. sumes that the fluid exerts a pressure on the two
Due to the higher permeability of sand, the sides of a fracture and this pressure cause the
fracturing process will be (partly) drained. Con- fracturing of the rock. The width of the fracture
sequence of this drained behaviour is that when a is determined by the viscosity of the fracture
liquid is injected in sand to create a fracture, the fluid and the pressure necessary to propagate the
first result will be that due to the increased effec- fracture and the elastic properties of the rock, see
tive stress at the injection point, the strength of Figure 1.
the sand against plastic deformation increases. Vsoil
Another consequence is that there will be an in-
teraction between the injected liquid and the soil, s
as will be explained later. d Pnet=P-Vsoil
Experiments on sand fracturing have been P fracture
performed to study compensation grouting in 'P pressure in fracture
sand. In compensation grouting bentonite-cement
slurry is used as fracturing fluid. This slurry
normally has a significant solid particle content Vsoil
that appears to influence the fracture properties Figure 1. Definition sketch, fracture dimensions stresses and
and the injection pressure. Experiments have pressure distribution.
shown that the injection pressure can be a factor
4 different when fracturing sand with the same According to Smith and Shlyapobersky, the
relative density and confining stress (see for ex- following relations apply:
ample Figure 6 that will be discussed later). The
difference is caused by differences in the injec- s/d 'P /(2W y ) (1)
tion fluid only.
This paper briefly describes the fracture for the fluid flow and for the width:
mechanisms that can be expected in clay and
d max 2 Pnet L / E ' (2)
rock and focuses on the fracture mechanism in
sand, especially on the interaction between sand Where s the length of the fracture, d the width of
and the injection liquid, the influence of cake the fracture, 'P is the pressure drop in the frac-
building in a fracture on the injection pressure ture, Wy the yield stress, dmax the maximum width,
and the fracture shape. Experiments will be pre- Pnet the fracture pressure minus the minor in situ
sented that show the various mechanisms. soil stress, L the largest length in the fracture
(can be length or height) and E’=E/(1-Q2), the
plain strain modulus. Q is Poisson’s ratio. In frac-
ture experiments in rock the injection pressures
will be at least in the order of 10-100 MPa, the
yield stress of the usually used injection fluid is
2.1 Hydraulic fracturing in rock less than 1 kPa. Assuming a pressure drop of
Hydraulic fracturing of rock is a quite often used 20% in the fracture, according to Eq. 1, the frac-
in oil industry. The purpose is to enhance the tures will be very thin with a thickness that is
flow of oil from a reservoir to an oil well. Frac- only 0.1% of the length. Thus a fracture with a
turing increases the surface area in the reservoir. length of 1 m has a width of only 1 mm or less.
This facilitates the flow of oil from the reservoir According to (Eq. 2) such a fracture would need
to the well. After hydraulic fracturing, the frac- an average net injection pressure of approxi-
ture is kept open by injection of permeable sand. mately 65 kPa above the minor initial soil stress.
In reality also the ‘fracture toughness’ of the rock
A. Bezuijen and A.F. van Tol / Mechanisms of Hydraulic Fracturing in Clay, Sand and Rock 515

plays a role and the fluid tip does not reach the that fluid will penetrate into the soil around the
end of the fracture. Therefore, the injection pres- fracture; see Figure 2, where a fracture is created
sure will be higher and a fracture starts around by the injection of cement-bentonite slurry. The
1.5- 2 times the confining pressure. water from the slurry and some (small) bentonite
Smith and Shlyapobersky (2000) describe the particles penetrate into the sand. The larger ce-
possibility of fluid loss and how this can be re- ment particles will be blocked by the sand grains
duced by using a ‘wall building’ fracture fluid and make a filter cake with the bentonite parti-
that makes an external (in the fracture itself) and cles in the slurry. A calculation model has been
internal (in the soil around the fracture) filter developed to understand the mechanism during
cake. However, the possible consequence that the grout injection and the resulting injection pres-
thickness of the filter cake determines the shape sure. The model, see Bezuijen et al. (2010) for
of the fractures is not considered. details, describes the deformation of the sand as-
suming cavity expansion around the fracture, and
2.2 Hydraulic fracturing in clay thus elasto-plastic soil behaviour around the frac-
ture and not only elastic behaviour as in the
Fracturing clay is done in compensation grouting
model described for rock. It further assumes that
or occurs as an unwanted mechanism in tunnel-
the fracture is wide enough for full filter cake
ing and horizontal directional drilling.
development. Also in this model, as in the elastic
When fracturing clay, the permeability of the
model shown in Eq. 2, the injection pressure will
soil material will be too low to have direct inter-
be higher as the d/s becomes larger and thus a
action between the fluid in the fracture and the
thicker filter cake will lead to higher injection
soil to be fractured, therefore thin fractures are
possible (Jafari et al. 2001).
Here another interaction was found. The de-
formation induced by a hydraulic fracture into
normally consolidated clay may lead to excess
pore pressures (Jafari et al. 2001). Consolidation
of these excess pore pressures will lead to long (external filter cake)
term settlements. It was shown that the applica-
tion of compensation grouting in soft normally
consolidated clay may lead to a temporary heave,
but that at the end it has only increased settle-
ments. It is therefore advised by Au et al. (2002)
that when compensation grouting is necessary in
soft unconsolidated clay, to create only limited (internal filter cake)
heave with each injection and to try to heave the
surface that has to be heaved as horizontal as
possible and avoid the generation of shear
Figure 2. Sketch of the formation of a filter cake (the larger
stresses in the clay. grout particles filtered by the sand) (Gafar et al. 2008).

3.2 Compensation grouting

As mentioned in the introduction, fracturing in
3.1 Principle sand was studied in the context of compensation
grouting. This context is of importance because
In relatively permeable soils like sands, the in different applications the properties of the
flow from injection fluid into the sand during in- fracture fluid are different. The principle of com-
jection to create a hydraulic fracture has an influ- pensation grouting, the installation procedure and
ence on the fracture shape. During injection, the an injection is sketched in Figure 3.
injection fluid itself and some smaller particles in
516 A. Bezuijen and A.F. van Tol / Mechanisms of Hydraulic Fracturing in Clay, Sand and Rock

heave. The unloading of the soil decreases the in-

jection pressure and leads to thinner and longer
fractures (Bezuijen and van Tol, 2011).


Tests were performed in a pressurized container

at 100 kPa effective stress and approximately 10
kPa of pore pressure. to investigate the shape of
the grout body for different grout mixtures.
The results of some of these tests can be used to
check the model. A sketch of the container with
its dimensions is shown in Figure 4. The sand
used was Baskarp sand with a d50 of 135 Pm.
The sand was wet pluviated and densified to a
relative density of 65%. The method used, is de-
scribed by Rietdijk et al. (2010) and results in
homogeneous sand samples. The sand was pre-
loaded to 300 kPa vertical stress before the test.
The preload was removed before start of the test.
The idea was to increase the horizontal stress as
could also be the case during pre-grouting. In the
field pre-grouting is executed before the actual
compensation grouting to increase the horizontal
stress to values above the vertical stress, which
should lead to horizontal fractures. In our ex-
periments however, this influence of stress ratio
on the fracture direction was not found.
Three test series were performed with this set-
up, more details can be found in Bezuijen et al.
(2010) and Bezuijen (2010).
Figure 3. Three stages during compensation grouting: the in-
Experiments in this set-up by Sanders (2007)
stallation of the TAM (inner tube) with a casing to protect the
rubber sleeves (top), the retraction of the casing after injec- show the relation between the injection pressure
tion of sleeve grout (middle) and injection of grout (bottom). and the shape of the fractures. See Figure 5 and
Figure 6. The results of these tests show that a
The figures show an artist impression of a more permeable filter cake and more solid mate-
cross-section through a TAM (tube-á-manchette) rial in the injection fluid (grout) leads in most
and the soil during installation and compensation tests to a higher injection pressure corresponding
grouting. First the TAM is installed by pressing with shorter and thicker fractures. Only Test 2-10
it, together with a protective casing into the soil is an exception, probably due to a sand sample
horizontally. Bentonite slurry is used to lubricate with a bit lower relative density.
the casing. After installation, sleeve grout is in- Figure 6 shows that the injection pressures are
jected in between TAM and the casing to prevent relatively high. The ratio between the injection
soil settlement and after that the casing is re- pressure and the confining stress (100 kPa) is al-
tracted. The retraction and the consolidation of ways more than 10 and thus much higher than
the grout will lead to unloading of the surround- the ratio found in rock, except for Test 2-4. This
ing soil. In the next stage a packer is installed test was not performed with grout but with x-
and the grout is injected to create the necessary linked gel solved in water, a material used in the
A. Bezuijen and A.F. van Tol / Mechanisms of Hydraulic Fracturing in Clay, Sand and Rock 517

oil industry capable of building a rather thin and The results of the calculation model have
impermeable filter cake. been compared quantitatively with results of
model tests. Only four suitable tests (Kleinlug-
tenbelt, 2005) could be selected from the model
tests series performed in Delft, because the
model only simulates the external filter cake and
not the internal. The tests of Sanders (2007) were
performed with a higher WCR (water cement ra-
tio) value and had, due to infiltration of fines also
an internal filter cake and could therefore not be
used for the comparison. Since the shear
modulus of the sand was not known, this value
was used as a fit parameter. For one of the tests,
the value of the shear modulus in the calculation
was adapted in a way that the calculated injection
pressure corresponded with the measured one.
The sand preparation procedure and relative den-
sity was the same for all tests selected and there-
Figure 4. Set-up of the experiments. Note that changes in fore it was assumed that also the shear modulus
pore volume and sand volume can be measured as changes in was the same for all tests. The parameters from
the water levels. (dimensions in mm) Table 1 were used in all tests and furthermore for
each test the values presented in Table 2 were
used to calculate the injection pressure. These re-
sults were compared with the measured values –
see Figure 7 - and although quite different con-
fining stresses were applied and the permeability
of the grout cake (which was measured for each
experiment) also varied quite significantly, there
was reasonable agreement.

test nr:
injection pressure (kPa)

2,000 2-8


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
time (s)

Figure 6. Injection pressures in various tests.

From the comparison with tests results it can

Figure 5. Shape of fractures for increasing cement content. be concluded that there is qualitative agreement
The tube in the figures is the injection tube, see Figure 4. found with the tests of Sanders and reasonable
WCR = water-cement ratio (by weight).
quantitative agreement with the tests of Kleinlug-
518 A. Bezuijen and A.F. van Tol / Mechanisms of Hydraulic Fracturing in Clay, Sand and Rock

In field tests there is a significant variation in 1-7

injection pressures even when the same TAM is
used several times (Bezuijen, 2010). Unloading 1,750
of the soil around the TAM, see Section 3.2, may 1,500

P_theory (kPa)
lead to lower injection pressures. The formation 1,250
of a thick filter cake as described in this section 1-6
1,000 1-5
will lead to high injection pressures. Since a high
injection pressure leads to a thicker filter cake 750
because the driving force for filtration, the injec- 500
tion pressure, is higher, small differences in cir- 250
cumstances can lead to significant differences in
injection pressure.
0 1,000 2,000
P_test (kPa)
Table 1. Parameters with constant values in the calculations.
Figure 7. Calculated maximum pressures compared with
Parameter Value Dimension measurements, calculation fitted for Test 1-8.
shear modulus 125 MPa
injection speed 10 l/min
height of fracture 0.5 m
Friction angle 40 deg. REFERENCES

Table 2. Parameters used to calculate injection pressures. [1]. Bezuijen A., Tol A.F. van, (2011). Compensation grout-
ing, Mechanisms determining the shape of the grout
No ne ni Permeab. Conf. Press. Press. body. To be published proc. IS TC28 Roma.
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(-) (-) (m/s) (kPa) (kPa) (kPa) Compensation grouting research, the influence of the
1-5 0.53 0.74 9.6*10-8 24 500 845 physical model. Proceedings of the International Con-
1-6 0.55 0.77 4.7*10-8 50 1000 1000 ference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics 2010
1-7 0.55 0.77 4.7*10-8 100 1400 2002 (ICPMG 2010).1309-1314
1-8 0.59 0.8 2.7*10-8 116 1500 1500 (fit) [3]. Bezuijen A., (2010). Compensation and corrective grout-
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nisms. Phd-Thesis. Delft University of technology.
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5 CONCLUSIONS Tol A.F. van, (2008). “Fracturing of sand in compensa-
tion grouting.” Proc. 6st Int. Symposium on Geotch. As-
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Shanghai. 281-286
comparable in rock, clay and sand, the dominant [5]. Jafari, M.R., Au, S.K.A., Soga, K., Bolton, M.D. and
mechanism is different. The fracture in rock and Komiya, K. (2001). “Fundamental laboratory investiga-
clay will have a small d/s ratio and the soil de- tion of compensation grouting in clays,” Geotechnical
formation can be approximated with an elastic Special Publications No. 113, American Society of Civil
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model. Fracturing sand with grout as normally [6]. Kleinlugtenbelt, R. (2005). Compensation grouting,
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to relatively high injection pressures. This is be- Technology.
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Bezuijen, A., (2010). The drizzle Method for Sand Sam-
during fracturing and requires wider fractures in ple Preparation. Proceedings of the International Con-
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laboratory tests in sand. MSc thesis. Delft University of
likely because of variations in the thickness of Technology.
the external filter cake. This will lead to varia- [9]. Smith M.B. and Shlyaporbersky J.W. (2000) Basics of
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ISBN 0471491926
injection location.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 519
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Use of a damage parameter to model the

mechanical behavior of marls
Utilisation d’un paramètre de dommage pour modeler le
comportement mécanique des marnes
L. Caldeira
National Laboratory for Civil Engineering, Lisbon, Portugal
E. Maranha das Neves, R. Cardoso 1
Instituto Superior Técnico, TULisbon, Lisbon, Portugal


Hard soils/ soft rocks (HSSR) are natural materials where the bonds between particles have important contribution
to their strength and stiffness. Progressive rupture of these bonds affects irreversibly the hydro-mechanical beha-
vior of these materials. Most of the existing models follow the idea that bond degradation depends on accumulated
plastic strains. Such is the case of the model used to describe the mechanical behavior observed in oedometer and
isotropic compression tests performed on marls.


Les roches tendres/sols durs sont des matériaux naturels ou ses particules minérales ont des liaisons permanentes
qui contribuent de façon importante pour sa résistance et rigidité. La rupture progressive de cette structure affecte
irréversiblement le comportement hydromécanique de ces matériaux. La majorité des modèles actuels suit l'idée
d’une dégradation de liaisons, associé aux déformations plastiques accumulées. Tel est le cas dans le modèle utili-
sé pour décrire le comportement mécanique observé dans les essais de compressibilité exécutés sur des marnes.

Keywords: marls, constitutive model, debonding, structure loss, evolving rocks

1 INTRODUCTION bonding material. As the mechanical properties

of this type of materials degrade with bond brea-
Hard soils/ soft rocks (HSSR) are often treated as kage, the way how the main part of the existing
bonded materials in which bonds provide models use to describe the behavior of soft rocks
strength and stiffness to soil structure. Progres- follows the idea of bond degradation.
sive rupture of these bonds, caused by stress and The definition of damage laws depending on
suction changes, affects irreversibly the hydro- accumulated plastic strain was introduced by
mechanical behavior of these materials. Gens & Nova [1]. The authors defined an elasto-
Several different constitutive models for plastic constitutive framework for saturated
HSSR can be found in the literature. Soft rocks, HSSR. This approach is equivalent to say that
in particular, are often treated as composite mate- the stress yield space of the bonded material is
rials made of a clay matrix interlocked with a larger than the corresponding space of the com-

Corresponding Author.
520 L. Caldeira et al. / Use of a Damage Parameter to Model the Mechanical Behavior of Marls

pletely destructured material. Size difference re- relatively high plasticity (wL=49% and PI=25%)
duces for decreasing bonding. Several other au- consistent with the nature of the minerals present
thors [2,3,4] reproduced the transition between (mainly chlorite, kaolinite, bentonite, illite and
elastic and elasto-plastic behavior by adopting gypsum, quartz, feldspar, calcium carbonate and
kinematic hardening models with bounding sur- mica) [8]. Some other relevant properties are a
face plasticity (bubble models). porosity of 37% for in situ water content of 17%
Bond loss can also be introduced in constitu- (saturation degree of 77%) and unit weight of
tive models by considering explicitly the rupture 27.4kN/m3. The saturated permeability is
of connections. This micromechanical approach k=810-14m/s.
was used by Alonso & Alcoverro [5] adopting a A marked volume dependence on water con-
model for double structured materials, in which tent was registered [8]. Also, when wetted the
the microstructure represents the bonded clay material exhibits volume increment and micro-
minerals of the HSSR, where bonds act restrain- cracking (porosity increment). The water reten-
ing their swelling deformations, and the macro- tion curve was measured for three drying-wetting
structure is the rock matrix. Progressive bond cycles (Fig. 1), in which degradation due to wet-
breakage caused by loading history (both stress ting with the increment of the saturated water
and suction changes) allows larger deformations content was observed. This physical degradation
and therefore it results in increasing irreversible was confirmed in Environmental Scan Electron
deformations of the matrix. Another approach Microscope photographs.
can treat HSSR as composite materials made of a
clay matrix interlocked with a bonding material 1000.00 Rock - drying
(cement) [6,7]. The clay matrix is described with Rock - wetting
a constitutive model for unbonded clayey soils 100.00 Rock after 3 cycles - drying
Rock after 3 cycles - wetting
such as Cam Clay Model. The behavior of the
Total suction (MPa)

Remoulded - drying
bonds or cements is described by an elastic dam- 10.00
Remoulded - wetting
age law typical of quasi-brittle materials. The
elastic stiffnesses are therefore reduced with remoulded
damage, which is considered in the definition of
the elastic mechanical properties of the bonds as
if it was reducing the bonded area which is re- 0.01

sisting to loading. ?
Rock (3 cycles)
This paper presents the results of oedometer 0.00
tests and isotropic compression tests performed 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 56
water content (%)
in samples dried in laboratory environment. The
results of the tests are reproduced using a consti-
Figure 1. Evolution of the water retention curve [8].
tutive model for structured materials incorporat-
ing a damage parameter to reproduce structure
Figure 1 shows the evolution of the curves
loss caused by loading. The model adopted in the
with increasing cycles, as well as the curve
work presented is accordingly to the proposal by
measured for the material prepared with water
Alonso & Alcoverro [5] and will be described
content w=1.5wL (destructured material). The
with some detail in the paper. It is shown that the
convergence of the curves to this boundary case
model is able to reproduce the main features of
in terms of bonding (complete breakage of bond
the behavior observed in the tests.
connections) illustrates well the structure loss
suffered by the marls when subjected to suction
cycles. The curves were fit using Van Genuchten
[9] expression (Sr definition in Eq. 1) (drying:
P=0.3MPa, Y=0.2; wetting: P=0.9MPa, Y=0.2).
Abadia marls studied (upper Jurassic formation
Swelling tests were performed on specimens
of Abadia, Arruda dos Vinhos, Portugal) have a
L. Caldeira et al. / Use of a Damage Parameter to Model the Mechanical Behavior of Marls 521

with different initial suctions and under different values of 4 (0.003, 0.004 and 0.005 for the first,
vertical stress [8]. The results of these tests al- second and third cycles) and Y (Y=0.015) were
lowed the quantification of constant  necessary measured. Then the specimen was reloaded to
to calculate effective stresses (Eq. 1) [10]. In the vertical stress of 7.4MPa and then fully satu-
Equation 1, p’ is the isotropic effective stress, p rated and unloaded (4=0.017). This last part of
is isotropic total stress, s is suction and Sr is the the test was performed to show the high sensi-
saturation degree (Eq. 1) calculated with the wa- tivity of the marls to suction changes. Figure 2
ter retention curve for the bonded material (first shows the large contrast between the elastic
cycle). It was found =4.56 [8]. compressibility indexes obtained before and after
full saturation.
2 1 /
 0  X  1Y -
p '  p  sS r with Sr  1    (1) 1.31
0 P -
10 .- 1.30

specific volume, v


Full saturation
Several oedometric tests were performed in sam- followed by collapse
ples (3cm diameter, 1.8cm high, initial void ratio 1.24
0 1 10 100 1000 10000
e=0.29) where different loading cycles (including
net mean stress, p (kPa)
stress and suction) were applied. In a first set,
three specimens were initially dried (relative
Figure 2. Oedometric test of specimen S4 [8].
humidity RH=45%, s=124MPa, w=3.4%) and
then vertical stress was applied in dry (specimen The compressibility of the destructured ma-
S1) and in fullt saturated conditions (S2), or after terial was also investigated because it corres-
partial wetting to s=0.5MPa (S3) [8]. A marked ponds to the situation when the bonding effect
swelling deformation was observed when the restraining the deformations of the clay minerals
marl was fully saturated under small vertical in the rock matrix is lost. It was found Y=0.250
stress, which allowed to measure the elastic and 4=0.030.
compressibility index for suction changes Isotropic compression tests were also per-
4s=0.007 [11]. The horizontal stresses were as- formed (see the companion paper [12]). The spe-
sumed to be half of the vertical stresses. As ob- cimens (approx. 5cm diameter, 10cm high, initial
served for unsaturated materials, stiffness in- void ratio e=0.29) were dried in laboratory envi-
creases with suction, as well as the size of the ronment before testing, which corresponds to
elastic space measured by the yielding stress. s=100MPa. Maximum isotropic stress applied
BBM constants [11] were determined with the was 12MPa and loading cycles were applied at
results of these three tests (Y(0)=0.027, r=0.65, 4MPa, 8MPa and 12MPa (Fig. 3).
b=0.05MPa-1, p0*=858kPa, pc=280kPa). The test allowed to obtain 4 (increasing aver-
In a second set of tests, the specimens were age values: 0.002, 0.003 and 0.004) and Y
initially dried to s=124MPa and then subjected to
(Y=0.017). As observed when loading cycles
different loading paths [8]. Only one test where were applied in oedometric conditions, elastic
stress cycles were applied under this constant stiffness reduces with increasing cycles. The val-
suction is studied in this paper (S4). The speci- ues found in this test are very similar to those
men was loaded until 7MPa but three unload- measured in the oedometric test.
reloading cycles were applied for increasing
stresses of 2.2MPa, 4.4MPa and 7.4MPa. The
522 L. Caldeira et al. / Use of a Damage Parameter to Model the Mechanical Behavior of Marls

are assumed null although this is only rigorous

for isotropic compression. b=0 when the bonds
specific volume v

1.290 are completely broken and no longer restrain the

1.285 swelling deformations of the clay minerals.
Damage quantified through b affects the two
structural levels: in the microstructure, to ac-
1.275 count with the progressive loss of restraints of
1.270 the clay minerals; in the macrostructure, to simu-
late softening with increasing degradation. Con-
cerning the macrostructure, this parameter is in-
0.1 1 10 100
troduced in the definition of the saturated
net mean stress p (MPa) yielding stress pob* (Eq. 3) until the minimum
Figure 3. Results of the isotropic compression test. value po* is reached, which corresponds to the
saturated yielding stress of the fully debonded
material (the reference material).
p ob *  p o * (1  b) (3)
The model adopted is defined for unsaturated
materials with double structure previously de- For bonded saturated materials it can be as-
scribed. The microstructural volume changes sumed the existence of a limiting tensile strength
correspond to the swelling deformations of the named ptb. Its evolution with debonding (strength
bonded clayey materials, which increase with reduction) is defined with an expression similar
bond breakage. Progressive bond breakage al- to Equation 3. It is not presented in this paper
lows larger microstructural deformations and re- because it is not important for the cases studied.
sults in irreversible deformations with amplitude When the material is fully saturated the elastic
increasing with bond breakage. Global effect of space for the macrostructure is limited by the
debonding is introduced in the definition of the values of pob* and ptb. The extension to unsatu-
interaction between the two structural levels. rated cases is identical to the one adopted in
The model considers e as total void ratio de- BBM [11] but now the definition of the yield
fined by the usual manner for materials with surface in s:p space depends on parameter b.
double structure (e= eM + em where eM and em are
the macrostructural and microstructural void ra- F(s, p, % vp )= p - p ob * = p - p o * (1+b)= 0 (4)
tios, respectively). BBM is adopted as constitu-
tive model for the macrostructure and a non li-
near elastic law is adopted for the microstructure, The hardening law (Eq. 5) is obtained through
besides stiffness dependence on current bonding. the consistency equation, where e is the total
Structure loss is simulated through changes in void ratio, Y(0) and 4 are the saturated elastop-
a bonding parameter named b (Eq. 3) [1] lastic and elastic compressibility indexes respec-
(b0=0.80, h1=0.02) tively, for defined for the macrostructure. The
values for these constants were obtained from the
tests performed in undisturbed rock previously
b  b0 e $ $ d% s
 h1 d% v p
h2 p

(3) described.

which depends on the plastic volumetric strain

d% vp and plastic shear strain d% sp experienced by
the material during loading. b0 is the initial bond-
ing and parameters h1 and h2 provide the rate of
debonding as damage accumulates. Shear strains
L. Caldeira et al. / Use of a Damage Parameter to Model the Mechanical Behavior of Marls 523

1 dp ob * The first term in Equation 9 gives the strains

d% vp   associated with isotropic unloading. The second
(1  b)(1  e) p *
 b0 h1 ob term gives the contribution of the induced dam-
Y ( 0)  4
(5) age (debonding).
p c Y (0)r  p * As the stress paths simulated do not include
log o c 
p o * Y (0)  4  p  ds suction changes, the use of the interaction func-
 tions defined in double structure constitutive
(1  b)(1  e)
 b0 h1 models [5] was not necessary although the influ-
Y (0)  4 ence of the microstructural deformations are con-
sidered in global changes in void ratio.
The definition of the LC yielding curve for
current bond b is given by Equation 6 (BBM).
Y ( 0 ) 4
 p * Y ( s ) 4 TESTS
pob  p c  obc  (6) (7.14)
 p  Only two constants are different for fitting both
tests with the model presented. As a matter of
For the microstructure, bonding affects the fact, the model does not account explicitly with
elastic compressibility of the material given by the deviatoric component applied during the oe-
the elastic compressibility index 4m (b) (Eq. 7). dometric test. Consequently, different saturated
A linear variation of 4m (b) with b is proposed, yielding stresses were adopted (p0b*=858kPa for
where 4mfd is the microstructural compressibility the oedometric tests and p0b*=1440kPa for the
for the destructured material and bi is a constant. isotropic compression tests), which affects the
evolution of bonding and hardening. For the
same reason, a larger value for the initial bond-
4 m (b)  4 mfd 1   (7) ing parameter bi was necessary to fit the isotropic
 bi  compression tests (bi=0.60 for the oedometer
tests and bi=0.72 for the isotropic compression
The microstructural void ratio em is given by tests). A small difference in initial void ratio
Equation 8 where emo is its initial value and p´ is (0.008) was needed to best fit the results.
the effective stress at this structural level given Figure 4 presents the results obtained on the
by Equation 1. oedometric test S5, obviously without including
final full saturation.
p' (8)
e m  e m 0  4 m (b)  ln
p ' max 1.290
Equation 8 assumes that p’max acting in the 1.280
microstructure is always below a maximum val- 1.275
ue above which no deformations can occur for 1.270

high confining stress irrespective of the current 1.265

bonding. The deformations of the microstructure 1.260
d%m are given by Equation 9. 1.255 s=124MPa, 3 cycles dry
1.250 Model fitting
d% m   1.245
1 e (9) 0 1 10 100 1000 10000

4 (b) dp' 4 mfd p' b

p (kPa)
 m  ln h1 d% vp
1  e p ' 1  e p 'max bi Figure 4. Results of the oedometric test.
524 L. Caldeira et al. / Use of a Damage Parameter to Model the Mechanical Behavior of Marls

Figure 5 presents the results found for the iso- REFERENCES

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stresses as a result of debonding phenomena. Be- [12] J. Muralha, R. Cardoso, E. Maranha das Neves & L.
ing able to describe this behavior, the model can Caldeira, Hydro-mechanical characterization of structu-
be considered highly promising. rally instable Jurassic marls considering suction history.
Its ability to reproduce explicitly deviatoric Proc. ECSMGE 2011, Greece, 2011
stresses and suction changes will allow its future
application to mimic more complex situations
simulating real cases.


The authors acknowledge Researcher José Mu-

ralha from LNEC for his participation in the iso-
tropic compression tests presented.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 525
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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530 F. Cotecchia and C. Vitone / On Model Requirements to Predict Behaviour of Fissured Clays

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 531
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 537
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

An extended Drucker-Prager hardening model for

cross-anisotropy of soft rocks
Un modèle de comportement à écrouissage de type Drucker-
Prager pour roches tendres à anisotropie transverse
B. François 1
Building, Architecture & Town Planning Department, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
F. Collin, A. Dizier
Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique - ArGEnCo Department, Université de Liège, Belgium
R. Charlier
ArGEnCo Department, Université de Liège, Belgium

The mechanical behaviour of natural geomaterials is often anisotropic. Sedimentary rocks usually show a limited form of aniso-
tropy, called cross-anisotropy. This paper presents an original constitutive model based on a hardening Drucker-Prager elasto-
plastic framework that has been adapted to consider cross-anisotropic elasticity as well as an anisotropic plastic criterion. The
cohesion is a function of the angle between the direction of the major compressive stress and the normal to the bedding plane.
This original model consists in a relatively simple upgrading of a well-known elasto-plastic model, well-adapted for sedimentary
hard soils or soft rocks. The ability of the model to reproduce the directional dependency of the elasto-plastic response of clay
rocks, as observed in triaxial tests, is proved by numerical simulations of experimental tests.

Le comportement mécanique de géomatériaux naturels est souvent anisotrope. Les roches sédimentaires ont la plus part du
temps une forme d’anisotropie limitée, appelé anisotropie transverse. Ce papier présente un modèle de comportement original
basé sur un modèle élasto-plastique de type Drucker-Prager à écrouissage qui a été adapté pour considérer l’élasticité anisotrope
transverse ainsi qu’un critère de plasticité anisotrope. La cohésion dépend de l’angle entre la direction de la contrainte majeure
de compression et la normale au plan de stratification. Ainsi, ce modèle original constitue une adaptation relativement simple
d’un modèle élasto-plastique bien connu, bien adapté pour les matériaux sédimentaires tels que les sols indurés ou les roches
tendres. La capacité du modèle à reproduire la dépendance directionnelle de la réponse élasto-plastique des roches argileuses,
comme observé dans les essais triaxiaux, est évaluée grâce à des simulations numériques.

Keywords: Cross-anisotropy, mechanical behaviour, hardening, elasto-plasticity, sedimentary rocks

1 INTRODUCTION bedding plane. This type of anisotropy is called

transverse isotropy or cross-anisotropy.
Anisotropy is an important factor determining This work presents the development and the
the behaviour of clay soft rocks. Clay rocks, as validation of a mechanical constitutive model
most of the sedimentary rocks, exhibit anisotropy that extends the symmetric Drucker-Prager yield
mainly related to their bedding plane orientation criterion [1] to cross-anisotropic materials [2]
due to their depositional nature. The properties of and that is coupled with the classical cross-
such materials are usually independent of rota- anisotropic elasticity [3]. The new criterion as-
tion about an axis of symmetry normal to the sumes that the strength of materials may vary ac-
Corresponding Author.
538 B. François et al. / An Extended Drucker-Prager Hardening Model for Cross-Anisotropy

cording to the orientation of the principal com-

pressive stress with respect to the bedding plane
orientation. Such a criterion remains in agree-
ment with cross-anisotropy in the sense that it is
unaffected by the rotation around the normal of
bedding plane (axe e3 in Figure 1). In addition,
the developed model allows a progressive har-
dening or softening process through the evolu-
tion of the mobilized cohesion and friction angle
with plastic strain. The ability of the model to re-
produce the directional dependency of the elasto-
plastic response of clay rocks is proved by the
means of comparison between numerical predic-
tions and experimental results of triaxial tests.

2 MECHANICAL CONSTITUTIVE MODEL Figure 1. Transformation of the global axis (E1, E2, E3) into
anisotropic axes (e1, e2, e3). e1 and e2 are orthogonal axis in
Because of elastic anisotropy, the elasto-plastic the bedding plane while e3 is the normal to bedding plane.
The elastic component of the strain rate %ij is
stress-strain relations are more convenient to be
expressed in the anisotropic axis, as indicated by
linked to stress rate through the Hooke law :
the star in exponent ( ij and % ij ). In the more
general situation, the reference axes do not coin-
%ij  Dijkl  kl
*e e T
cide with the axes of anisotropy and the expres-
sion of ij and % kl can be obtained from ij

The Dijkl matrix considers cross-anisotropic
and % kl expressed in the system of reference:
elasticity which requires 5 independent parame-
ters [3]. The elastic compliance matrix is:
ij  Rki Rlj kl ; % ij  Rki Rlj % kl (1)
2 1  ////  Z // /
with R being the rotation matrix: 0 E E// EZ -
0  // 1  Z // -
0 //// 0 -
2 cos  cos  sin  cos  sin  / 0 E// E// EZ -
0  // Z  // Z 1 -
R  0 sin  cos W cos  cos W sin W cos  - (2) 0 -
0  sin W sin  cos   sin W sin  sin 
- e
Dijkl  0 E// E// EZ
1   //// - (4)
01sin W sin   sin  sin  cos W cos  cos W - 0 -
 cos  sin  cos W  sin W cos  . 0 E// -
0 1 -
0 0 -
 is the rotation angle around the axes E 3 2G// Z
0 1 -
(rotation in the ( E 1 , E 2 ) plane), the angles  0 -
1 2G// Z .
and W defines the rotation around the axes e 2
where the subscripts // and Z indicates, re-
and e1 , respectively (Figure 1). The positive di-
spectively, the direction parallel to bedding (di-
rection of rotation is counter-clockwise. rections 1 and 2) and perpendicular to bedding
 E1 , E2 , E3  and  e1 , e2 , e3  are the reference (direction 3). The symmetry of the stiffness ma-
axes and the anisotropic axes, respectively. trix imposes that
B. François et al. / An Extended Drucker-Prager Hardening Model for Cross-Anisotropy 539

 Z //  // Z (5) where X is the dilatancy angle.

EZ E// The plastic multiplier Y is obtained from the
consistency condition:
The limit between the elastic and the plastic
domain is represented by the Drucker-Prager
"f  "f d  "f dc  3 Y  0
yield surface f [1]: T p 
" ij  " d % eq "c d % eq  3

2 sin  I  3c   0
f  II ˆ   tan  (6) The used model is a hardening Drucker-
3  3  sin    Prager model that allows hardening/softening
processes during plastic flow. This is introduced
where c and are the cohesion and the fric- via an hyperbolic variation of the friction angle
tion angle. I and II ˆ are the first stress tensor and the cohesion between initial ( 0 and c0 ) and
invariant and the second deviatoric stress tensor critical state ( f and c f ) values as a function of
invariant, respectively.
the Von Mises equivalent plastic strain % eq [4]:
The material cohesion depends on the angle
between major principal stress and the normal to
the bedding plane (  ). Three cohesion values   0  % eq
c  c0  % eq

 0  ; c  c0 
1 f f

are defined, for major principal stress parallel B p  % eq Bc  % eq

p p

(   0, ), perpendicular (   90, ) and with

1 1

an angle of 45° (   45, ) with respect to the where B p and Bc are materials parameters.

normal to bedding plane. Between those values,

cohesion varies linearly with  (Figure 2).

In the following, two series of triaxial tests are

analysed and numerically simulated: (i) on Tour-
nemire shale [5] and (ii) on Opalinus clay [6].
Both series of tests clearly underline that the me-
chanical response of the clay is highly affected
by the direction of loading with respect to the
bedding plane. Figure 3 shows the evolution of
the peak strength of Tournemire shale as a func-
tion of the confining pressure and the loading
orientation as observed experimentally [5] and
Figure 2. Schematic view of the cohesion evolution as a func- compared them with the predictions of the mod-
tion of the angle between the normal to bedding plane and the el. Figures 4 and 5 compare the result of numeri-
direction of major principal stress. cal simulations with the experimental results at 1
MPa of confining pressure for Tournemire shale
A general non-associated plasticity framework and 15 MPa for Opalinus clay, respectively. For
is considered with the plastic potential g : both materials, the elastic rigidity of the sample
is affected by the direction of loading. The sam-
ples loaded parallel to the bedding (   90, )
2 sin X 1

g  II ˆ  I  0 (7) exhibit the highest rigidity but they are more brit-
3  3  sin X  tle. For the Tournemire shale, the shear strengths
540 B. François et al. / An Extended Drucker-Prager Hardening Model for Cross-Anisotropy

of samples loaded in the direction of bedding 50

(   90, ) and perpendicular to bedding  1 = 90°

1 40  1 = 0°

Deviatoric stress [MPa]

(   0, ) are approximately equal. However,
1 30
for Opalinus clay, the maximum shear strength is
observed for   90, . For both materials, the 20
 1 = 30°

minimum strength is obtained for loading direc- 10  1 = 60°

tions around 45° with respect to the bedding

plane orientation. The model reproduces well the 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0.012 0.014 0.016
anisotropic response of the materials, at least be- Axial strain [-]

fore the peak. In the post-peak behaviour, insta-

bility phenomena make the processes much more Figure 4. Numerical modelling of triaxial compression tests
complex. with a confining pressure of 1 MPa on Tournemire shale.
Thin lines: Experiment; Bold lines: Modelling.

 1 = 90°
Deviatoric stress [Mpa] 40
In many applications the anisotropic character of  1 = 0°

the natural hard soil or soft rock must be careful- 30

ly considered. Consequently, in addition to cross- 20

anisotropic elasticity the Drucker-Prager plastic  1 = 45°
criterion has been upgraded considering that the 10

cohesion depends on the angle between the di- 0

rection of the major compressive stress and the 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
normal to the bedding plane. Numerical simula- Axial strain [-]

tions of triaxial tests of sedimentary rocks have

shown that the model is able to reproduce the Figure 5. Numerical modelling of triaxial compression tests
strong elastic and plastic anisotropy of sedimen- with a confining pressure of 15 MPa on Opalinus clay. Lines
tary soft rocks. with points: Experiment; Bold lines: Modelling.

3 = 20 MPa
Peak strength [MPa]

[1] D.C. Drucker, W. Prager. Solid mechanics and plastic

3 = 5 MPa
60 analysis for limit design. Quarterly of Applied Mathe-
matics 10 (1952), 157-165.
40 [2] B. François, F. Collin, A. Dizier, R. Charlier. Develop-
3 = 1 MPa ment of an extended Drucker-Prager hardening model
for cross-anisotropy of soft rocks, 2nd International
Conference COMGEO (2011).
[3] J. Graham J., G.T. Houlsby. Anisotropic elasticity of a
0 natural clay. Géotechnique 33 (1982), 165-180.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Orientation of the normal to the bedding plane,  1 [°]
[4] J.D. Barnichon, Finite element modelling in structural
and petroleum geology. PhD Thesis, ULg (1998).
[5] H. Niandou, J.F. Shao, J.P Henry, D. Fourmaintraux.
Figure 3. Evolution of the peak strength of Tournemire shale Laboratory investigations of the mechanical behaviour
as a function of the confining pressure and the orientation of of Tournemire shale, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 34
the bedding plane. Experimental results from [5] (points) (1997), 3-16.
compared with model predictions (lines). [6] L. Laloui, B. François, Benchmark on constitutive
modelling of the mechanical behaviour of Opalinus
clay – Focus on the material anisotropy. Internal report.
EPFL (2008).
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 541
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Long term accumulation of deformation in granular

soils under multi-axial cyclic loading
Accumulation de déformation à long terme dans les sols
granulaires sous chargement cyclique multi-axiale
S. François 1, P. Franken, and G. Degrande
K.U.Leuven, Department of Civil Engineering, Kasteelpark Arenberg 40, B-3001 Leuven
W. Haegeman
Department of Industrial Sciences, KHBO, Zeedijk 101, B-8400 Oostende, Belgium
Laboratory of Geotechnics, Ghent University, Technolgiepark 905, B-9052 Gent-Zwijnaarde, Belgium

Repeated small amplitude dynamic loading of the soil in the vicinity of buildings, as arising from traffic or construction activi-
ties, may cause differential foundation settlements and structural damage. In this paper, an accumulation model for settlements
due to vibrations at small strain levels in granular non-cohesive soils is proposed. It is assumed that the dynamic part of the
stresses is small with respect to the static part. As plastic deformation in the soil is only observed after a considerable amount of
dynamic loading cycles, only the accumulation of the average plastic deformation is considered. The accumulation model is ca-
librated by means of cyclic triaxial tests. However, the stress conditions in the cyclic triaxial tests are an approximation of the
complex loading paths in the soil under traffic induced vibrations, that are intrinsically multi-axial and transient signals. There-
fore, a rainflow counting algorithm is used to relate traffic induced vibrations to the triaxial test conditions. The model is applied
to compute the differential settlement of a two-story building founded on loose sandy soil under repeated passages of a truck on
a nearby speed table. Results demonstrate that vibrations may give rise to significant long term settlement of structures.

Un chargement dynamique répété du sol à proximité de bâtiments, dû au trafic ou à des activités de construction, peut produire
des tassements différentiels et des endommagements structuraux. Dans cet article, un modèle est proposé pour estimer l'accumu-
lation de déformations dans les sols granulaires non-cohésifs sous chargement dynamique répété de basse amplitude. Il est sup-
posé que la partie dynamique des contraintes est négligeable par rapport à la partie statique. Comme la déformation plastique
dans le sol n'est observée qu’après un nombre important de cycles de chargement dynamique, seule la valeur moyenne de la dé-
formation plastique est considérée. Le modèle d'accumulation est calibré à l'aide d'essais triaxiaux cycliques. Toutefois, les con-
ditions expérimentales, liées à l’utilisation d’essais triaxiaux cycliques, diffèrent des conditions de chargement complexes ren-
contrées dans le sol sous l’effet de vibrations, induites par le trafic, qui sont intrinsèquement des signaux multiaxiaux et
transitoires. Par conséquent, un algorithme rainflow est utilisé pour relier les vibrations induites par le trafic aux conditions de
l'essai triaxial. Le modèle est appliqué pour calculer le tassement différentiel d'un bâtiment sous l’effet du passage répété d'un
camion. Les résultats montrent que les vibrations peuvent donner lieu à d'importants tassements à long terme des structures.

Keywords: Strain accumulation model, low level vibration, granular soil, long-term behavior

1 INTRODUCTION terest [1, 2, 3, 4]. Low amplitude ground vibra-

tions are generated by road and railway traffic,
Repeated dynamic loading of soils under low subways, construction works or heavy industry.
amplitude vibrations is a subject of growing in- These vibrations propagate through the soil and

Corresponding Author.
542 S. François et al. / Long Term Accumulation of Deformation in Granular Soils

impinge on the foundations of nearby structures. paths in the soil under traffic induced vibrations,
For small amplitude dynamic loading with result- that are intrinsically multi-axial and transient
ing strain amplitudes below , no (measura- signals. In order to demonstrate this, the free
ble) residual deformation is observed for a single field vibrations during the passage of the truck
load cycle and the constitutive behavior of the over a speed table is computed with the numeri-
soil can be described by linear visco-elastic cal prediction model proposed by Lombaert [7].
models. After a large numbers of events, howev- A two-axle truck with a wheel base of
er, permanent deformation is observed in many passes at a vehicle speed on the
cases. speed table. Figure 1 shows the vertical dis-
To describe the long term accumulation of de- placement at the point in
formation, a number of constitutive models have the free field. The four peaks correspond to the
been developed that only describes the accumu- front and rear axles driving on and off the speed
lation of the average permanent deformation per table. The stress and strain history during the
load cycle. In this paper, the accumulation model passage of the truck is follows a similar complex
developed by François et al. [2] and Karg et al. loading path.
[5] is employed.
The results of cyclic triaxial tests are used to
calibrate phenomenological models for the calcu-
lation of foundation settlements. However, the
stress conditions in the cyclic triaxial tests are
only an approximation of the complex loading
paths in the soil under traffic induced vibrations,
that are intrinsically multi-axial and transient
Niemunis et al. [6] have proposed a metho-
dology to relate complex loading signals to the Figure 1. Displacement history at the point
cyclic loading amplitude in a cyclic triaxial test in the free field.
by means of a tensorial amplitude. However, the
tensorial amplitude is not particularly suited for In order to adopt the one-dimensional accu-
transient signals, since only the peak value of the mulation model to the multiaxial loading as ob-
time history of the signal is accounted for, neg- served in practice, the loading history should be
lecting the fact that a transient signal is a compo- represented as a one-dimensional measure of
sition of cycles with small and large amplitudes. stress or strain. In this paper, the signed Von
Therefore, an alternative methodology is pro- Mises strain is used, which is defined as the Von
posed, based on a rain flow counting algorithm, Mises strain that takes the sign of the maximum
decomposing the transient loading signal into a absolute principal strain. Figure 2 shows the
number of equivalent sinusoidal signals. signed Von Mises strain history at the point
The proposed accumulation model is imple- (Figure 4) in the free field.
mented in a finite element framework. The Next, a rainflow counting algorithm is applied
model is applied to compute the differential set- that decomposes the signed Von Mises strain his-
tlement of a two-story building founded on loose tory into a number of simple cyclic loads [8].
sandy soil under repeated passages of a truck on Figure 3 shows the histogram of strain amplitude
a nearby traffic plateau. for a single passage of a truck as obtained with
the rainflow counting algorithm. Miner’s rule [6]
is applied that states that the sequence of the load
2 RAINFLOW COUNTING ALGORITHM cycles has no influence on the total accumulation
of deformation.
The stress conditions in the cyclic triaxial tests
are an approximation of the complex loading
S. François et al. / Long Term Accumulation of Deformation in Granular Soils 543

Figure 2. Signed Von Mises strain at the point

in the free field.

Figure 4. The masonry building excited by the traffic in-

duced wavefield.

The peak particle velocity decays as where

is the horizontal coordinate perpendicular to
the road, as a result of geometric attenuation of
Rayleigh waves. The strain amplitude also de-
cays with this factor.
The building has dimensions
Figure 3. Histogram of strain amplitude for a single pas- (Figure 4). The structure is modelled with 4-node
sage of a truck as obtained with the rainflow counting shell elements with an element size .
algorithm. The masonry building is founded on a layer of
loose sandy soil, for which the accumulation
Current research involves the validation of the model is adopted.
proposed rainflow counting algorithm. In order After the application of the gravity load, a to-
to apply multi-axial loading paths in the cyclic tal number of vehicle passages is con-
triaxial test, the classical setup is currently being sidered, and the quasi-static response of the soil
modified where both the hydrostatic confining and the structure is computed with the finite ele-
pressure and the vertical stress on the soil sample ment package ANSYS. Figure 5 shows the de-
are independently and cyclically varied. formation of the line AB in the ( , )-plane
(Figure 4) after the application of the gravity
load, and after the passage of 10000, 500000 and
3 NUMERICAL EXAMPLE 1000000 vehicles. The initial vertical displace-
ment is much smaller than the vertical displace-
In this section, the accumulation model is used to ment after the load events have taken place. Fur-
assess the settlement of a masonry building due thermore, most of the soil deformation takes
to repeated vehicle passages. Figure 4 shows the place during the first 10000 load events, which is
structure, located at a distance from a in correspondance with the logarithmic shape of
road. accumulation curves of cyclic triaxial tests.
544 S. François et al. / Long Term Accumulation of Deformation in Granular Soils


In this paper, an accumulation model for defor-

mation in granular soils under multi-axial cyclic
loading has been presented. The accumulation
model is calibrated by means of cyclic triaxial
tests. However, the stress conditions in the cyclic
triaxial tests are an approximation of the com-
plex loading paths in the soil under traffic in-
duced vibrations, that are intrinsically multi-axial
Figure 5. Vertical displacement along the line AB before and transient signals. Therefore, a rainflow
accumulation (dashed line), and after 10 000 vehicle passages
(light grey line), 500 000 vehicle passages (dark grey line) counting algorithm is used to relate traffic in-
and 1 000 000 vehicle passages (black line). duced vibrations to the triaxial test conditions.
The model has been applied to compute the dif-
As a result of the differential foundation set- ferential settlement of a two-story building
tlement, the stress distribution in the structure is founded on loose sandy soil under repeated pas-
modified. Figure 6a shows the first principal sages of a truck on a nearby speed table. Results
stress in wall I after the application of the gravity demonstrate that vibrations may give rise to sig-
load, and figure Figure 6b shows the first prin- nificant long term settlement of structures.
cipal stress after the passage of 1000000 ve-
hicles. The differential foundation settlement
causes a global bending of the wall. At the bot- REFERENCES
tom of the wall, the principal stress increases to
reach a maximum value of about and [1] M. Abdelkrim, G. Bonnet, and P. de Buhan. A compu-
may result in cosmetic damage. tational procedure for predicting the long term residual
settlement of a platform induced by repeated traffic
loading. Computers and Geotechnics, 30:463–476,
[2] S. François, C. Karg, W. Haegeman, and G. Degrande.
A numerical model for foundation settlements due to
deformation accumulation in granular soils under re-
peated small amplitude dynamic loading. International
Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geo-
mechanics, 34(3):273–296, 2010.
[3] C. Karg. Modelling of strain accumulation due to low
level vibrations in granular soils. PhD thesis, Laborato-
ry of Geotechnics, Ghent University, 2007.
[4] T. Wichtmann. Explicit accumulation model for non-
cohesive soils under cyclic loading. PhD thesis, Ruhr
Universität Bochum, Germany, 2005.
[5] C. Karg, S. François, W. Haegeman, and G. Degrande.
Elasto-plastic long-term behavior of granular soils:
modeling and experimental validation. Soil Dynamics
and Earthquake Engineering, 30:635–646, 2010.
[6] A. Niemunis, T. Wichtmann, and T. Triantafyllidis. A
high-cycle accumulation model for sand. Computers
and Geotechnics, 32:245–263, 2005.
[7] G. Lombaert and G. Degrande. Experimental validation
of a numerical prediction model for free field traffic in-
duced vibrations by in situ experiments. Soil Dynamics
Figure 6. First principal stress in wall I (a) after the appli- and Earthquake Engineering, 21(6):485–497, 2001.
cation of the gravity load and (b) after the passage of [8] American Society for Testing and Materials. Standard
1000000 vehicles. Practices for cycle counting in fatigue analysis, 1997.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 545
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 551
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Elasto-viscoplastic modeling of soft rock time

dependent behavior
Modelisation elasto-viscoplastique du comportement dependent
du temps de rocher mou
F.E. Karaoulanis 1 & Th. Chatzigogos
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

In this article, the modeling of soft rock time dependent behavior is studied within the framework of the Finite Element Method,
in a thermodynamically consistent manner. The well known Hoek-Brown failure criterion, which is a nonsmooth yet convex mul-
tisurface plasticity model, is adopted to define the yielding of the rock mass. The nonsmoothness of the elastic domain introduces
severe numerical complexities, that are bypassed by integrating the constitutive equations in the principal stress space. Post-yield
behavior is assumed to be characterized by perfect plasticity and the rate-dependent behavior is accomodated by a suitable genera-
lization of the Duvaut-Lions viscoplastic model. Aspects referring to overstress functions, dilatancy and brittleness are also ad-
dressed. Two numerical examples are provided to demonstrate and validate the proposed model.

Dans cet article, on étudie dans le contexte de la méthode aux éléments finis et de manière consistent du point de vue de la ther-
modynamique, le comportement dépendent du temps de rocher mou. Le critère de rupture de Hoek-Brown, critère convexe mais
non régulier, est adopté en tant que critère de résistance pour le rocher. Les difficultés numériques dues à la présence de points
non réguliers sur le contour du domaine élastique sont surmontées en intégrant les équations du modèle dans l’espace des con-
traintes principales. Le comportement anélastique est caractérisé par un modèle de plasticité parfaite et la dépendance par rapport
au temps est régie par une généralisation du modèle viscoplastique de Duvaut-Lions. Quelques questions concernant les fonctions
d’overstress, la dilatation et la fragilité sont adressées. Deux exemples numériques servent pour la validation du modèle proposé.

Keywords: Soft rock, viscoplasticity, perfect plasticity, Hoek-Brown, Duvuat-Lions, principal stress space.

1 INTRODUCTION have been proposed, most of which fall into three

main categories: viscoelastic models, elasto-
It is well known that soft rock is a rate sensitive viscoplastic models and empirical models. Vis-
geomaterial that often exhibits time-dependent coelastic models are usually defined as rheologi-
behavior, such as creep and relaxation [1]. Mod- cal models consisting of simple mechanical
eling such behavior is of great importance for the models (see e.g. Burgers model [2]), elastovis-
design of structures built in soft rock and could coplastic models generally follow the Perzyna
be a rather challenging task. approach and empirical models are commonly
In order to describe the time-dependent beha- derived from the observed stress-strain-time rela-
vior of soft rock, many mathematical models tionships in creep tests [3].

Corresponding Author.
552 F.E. Karaoulanis and Th. Chatzigogos / Elasto-Viscoplastic Modeling

In this article, the modeling of soft rock time smoothness of both yield criteria introduce se-
dependent behavior is studied within the frame- vere complexities that lead to different numerical
work of the Finite Element Method, in a thermo- approaches, proposed algorithms and computer
dynamically consistent manner. A nonsmooth implementations [15].
convex multisurface yield criterion, namely the The extension of classical plasticity models to
Hoek-Brown failure criterion, is adopted to de- accommodate non-smooth yield surfaces goes
fine the elastic domain. Post-yield behavior is as- back to the fundamental work of Koiter [16].
sumed to be characterized by perfect plasticity Later formulations of plasticity employing con-
while the rate-dependent behavior is accommo- vex analysis as in Moreau [17] encompass these
dated by a suitable generalization of the Duvaut- classical treatments as a particular case. Recent
Lions viscoplastic formulation. formulations are usually based on the work of
Simo [8] where the standard Kuhn-Tucker com-
plementarity conditions are used to provide the
2 STATE OF ART characterization of plastic loading/unloading.
In this work, the above treatment is reformu-
Several authors have employed elastic visco- lated and implemented using the spectral decom-
plastic models to predict the stress-strain-time position of the stress tensor. It is then applied to
behavior of rock either excluding [4] or includ- the elastic-perfectly plastic Hoek-Brown yield
ing some form of hardening [5, 6, 7]. The yield criterion and finally is extended to accommodate
criteria and the corresponding plastic potentials rate-dependent behavior, following the Duvaut-
used involve either single [6] or multiple surfac- Lions approach [18]. All the complexities intro-
es [4, 5, 7]. However, all the above mentioned duced by the non-smooth yield surface eliminate
approaches follow the Perzyna formulation, and a general, simple and extremely robust algo-
while it can be proven not always to reduce to rithm is obtained, capable of modeling soft rock
the rate-independent solution [8]. time dependent behavior.
The original Hoek-Brown yield criterion was
introduced in 1980 [9], focusing on the design of
underground structures. Based on similar yield 3 NUMERICAL IMPLEMENTATION
criteria for concrete, the significant contribution
that E. Hoek and E.T. Brown made was to link
the equation to geological observations, initially 3.1 Governing equations
to Bieniawski’s Rock Mass Rating and later to
the Geological Strength Index GSI [10]. The Let İ\^ denote the total strain tensor at a fixed
original criterion is considered strongly biased point of a solid ȋ\Ǻ, Ǻ\^ndim, where
towards hard rock, therefore a generalized ver- ndim\{1,2,3}. In the infinitesimal case, the
sion was subsequently introduced [11], which is strains İ are simply identified as the symmetric
a superset of the original one but can also de- part of the gradient of the displacement vector
scribe the behavior of poor or extremely poor and are assumed additively decomposed, as
rock masses.
From a computational standpoint, limited ef- İ  İe  İe (1)
fort was made towards the implementation of the
Hoek-Brown yield criterion (see e.g. [12] for a where İe and İp are referred to, as the elastic and
smoothed approximation or [13] for an algorithm plastic strain parts respectively. Assuming a
based on the geometrical properties of the crite- hyperelastic material, İe is related to the stress
rion). The main research was focused on using tensor through a stored energy function,
the Mohr-Coulomb criterion with parameters
based on curve fitting processes between the "W
Mohr-Coulomb and the Hoek-Brown surfaces ı  Cİ e (2)
"İ e
[14]. However, singularities rising due to non-
F.E. Karaoulanis and Th. Chatzigogos / Elasto-Viscoplastic Modeling 553

while the plastic part is given from the flow rule, 3.2 Numerical integration
which according to Koiter [16] reads for the mul-
If isotropy in the elastic response is assumed,
tisurface plasticity:
then it can be easily shown that the strain spec-
tral directions coincide with the stress spectral
"g (ı )
İ p  Y (3) directions and therefore a solution algorithm can
"ı be formulated in the principal stress space. Em-
ploying a backward Euler integration procedure
Functions gĮ(ı):^Qı_^, Į , define a plastic and a Newton-Raphson integration scheme the
potential, which dictates the direction of the plas- following residual vector, Jacobian matrix and
tic flow. The parameters Ȝ“ are nonnegative sca- vector of unknowns yield:
lars, called the consistency parameters, which
are assumed to obey the following Karush– 2 e mact
(k )

0% A  % A   Y " ı A g -
e ,trial a a
Kuhn–Tucker complementarity conditions and
the consistency requirement: r (k ) 0 a 1 - (8)
0f a -
1 . n1
Ya ` 0, f a ) 0, Ya f a  0, ” a f a  0 (4) (k )
2 1 mact a /
0c   Y " ı Aı A g "ı A g -
a a
J (k ) 0 (9)
Finally the functions with fĮ(ı):^Qı_^, Į , a 1 -
are usually known as yield functions, assumed to 01 "ıA f  0 -.
n 1
intersect non-smoothly in what follows and de- (k ) (k )
fine the so called elastic domain, i.e. the follow- 2#ı A / 2ı trial /
x (k )
0 a- x (0)
 0 A,n1 - k d k 1 (10)
ing convex set, 1#Y . 010 -.

b  {ı \ ^ n : f (ı ) ) 0, aa \ [1,2, m]} (5) The working set of the active yield surfaces is
assumed fixed during the iteration procedure.
m being the number of the active constraints. Of Admissibility of the solution is checked w.r.t. the
special importance is the case where fĮ U gĮ, Karush–Kuhn–Tucker complementarity con-
which goes by the name associative flow rule. dtions and the set of active yield surfaces is up-
Now recall that according to the Spectral dated accordingly.
Theorem, the spectral decomposition of the
stress tensor is given as: 3.3 Viscoplasticity
It can be easily proven that the Perzyna viscop-
ı n1  ı c ( n1) m ( A) , m ( A)  n ( A) : n ( A) (6) lastic formulation is not suitable for multisurface
plasticity, since it does not always reduce to the
where ıǹ and nA are the principal Cauchy rate-independent case [8]. Therefore a viscoplas-
stressses and directions respectively, A={1,2,3} ticity formulation, closely related to a model
and Einstein’s summation convention is as- originally developed by Duvaut-Lions [18] is uti-
sumed, except for indices in parentheses. There- lized, which in first order accuracy gives for the
fore, gradients of f and g, may be defined as: stresses:

"f "g A n 1  ( t / * ) ı n 1
ı trial
" f  m A , " g  m (7) ı n 1  (11)
"ı A "ı A 1  t / *

where Ș is a fluidity parameter, •t the corres-

ponding timestep and ı n1 the time-independent
554 F.E. Karaoulanis and Th. Chatzigogos / Elasto-Viscoplastic Modeling

(inviscid) solution. Furthermore, the above for-

mulation can be further extended to include more
elaborate models, employing any type of C1 mo-
notonic functions, typically exponentials and
power laws [8].

3.4 The Hoek-Brown yield criterion

The generalized Hoek-Brown yield criterion is
usually given in the following form [9],

f  1  3  ci  mb 3  s  (12)
 ci  Figure 1. The Hoek-Brown yield surfaces in the Haigh-
Wastergaard stress space.
where ıci is the uniaxial compressive strength of
the impact rock and mb, s and Į empirically de-
termined parameters [11]. Considering the sign
convention used in rock mechanics, the follow-
ing six equations can be used, to describe the
yield criterion in the principal stress space (see
Fig. 1). However, assuming that ı1 ı2 ı3, only
the following three equations can be used [19],
namely f1, f2 and f3, defining the sextant shown in
Fig. 2.

f1  1  3  ci  s  mb 1 

f 2  2  3  ci  s  mb 1 
Figure 2. The Hoek-Brown yield surfaces in the ʌ-plane.
f 3  1  2  ci  s  mb 1 

Dilatancy can be included in the model, as-
The proposed model has been incorporated into
suming g–f and supplementing an additional set
the general purpose finite element program ne-
of the empirically defined parameters, namely
mesis [20], developed by the first author. In order
mbg, sg and Įg. Finally brittleness is introduced
to study the hard soil/soft rock time dependent
using a reduced set of material parameters, after
behavior, a material with properties given in Ta-
the initial yield [4].
ble 1 is chosen and subjected to two numerical
experiments. The first one refers to a typical tri-
axial test, while the second one examines the
case of a cylindrical hole in an infinite elastop-
lastic medium.
F.E. Karaoulanis and Th. Chatzigogos / Elasto-Viscoplastic Modeling 555

Table 1. Material properties used for the numerical examples.

Parameter Value
Young modulus E 6913.7 MPa
Poisson ratio Ȟ 0.2
ıci 85.0 MPa
mb 1.40
s 0.0022
Į 0.5
•t/Ș 10.

4.1 Triaxial test

The finite element model of a typical triaxial test
is shown in Fig. 3 and the results for 8 equally Figure 5. Top vertical displacement vs. time plot.
spaced values of ı3 in the range [0, 0.25·ıci]
along with the analytical solution are plotted in
Fig. 4. In Fig. 5 the top vertical displacement is 4.2 Tunnel excavation
plotted w.r.t. time for a loading of (ı1,
ı3)=(22.45, 0.5) which leads to yielding of the A classical axisymmetric problem closely related
material and to a post yield behavior consistent to a tunnel excavation is examined next, consi-
with that of a Maxwell viscoelastic material. dering the case of a cylindrical hole (ri=1.0) in an
infinite elastoplastic medium (Fig. 6). The me-
dium is subjected to a constant in-situ hydrostatic
pressure equal to 3.0 MPa and an equivalent in-
ternal pressure, which is gradually released in a
stepwise manner, until it reaches zero.

Figure 3. Numerical simulation of a triaxial test.

Figure 6. Axisymetric model of a tunel excavation.

In Fig. 7 the radial and tangential stresses are

plotted, which are in good agreement with the
analytical solution, while in Fig. 8 the develop-
ment of the plastic deformation is shown with re-
spect to time. As it can be seen, the elastic part of
the deformation is recovered instantaneously,
while the plastic part exhibits rate dependence.
However, depending also on the viscosity para-
meter the inviscid case is finally fully recovered.

Figure 4. ı1 – ı3 plot for the triaxial test..

556 F.E. Karaoulanis and Th. Chatzigogos / Elasto-Viscoplastic Modeling


[1] N.D. Cristescu and U. Hunsche, Time Effect in Rock

Mechanics, Wiley, New York, 1998.
[2] R.E. Goodman, Introduction to rock mechanics (2nd
ed.), New York, John Wiley & Sons, 1989.
[3] I. Farmer, Engineering Behaviour of Rocks (2nd ed.),
Chapman & Hall, London, 1983.
[4] M.B. Reed, A viscoplastic model for soft rock, Eng.
Comput. 70(1998), 65-70.
[5] N. Cristescu, Elastic/Viscoplastic Constitutive Equa-
tions for Rock, Int. J of Rock Mech and Min Sc & Geom
Abs, 24(1987), 271-282.
[6] C.S. Desai and D. Zhang, Viscoplastic model for geo-
logic materials with generalized flow rule, Int J Numer
Anal Met Geomech, 11(1987), 603-620.
Figure 7. Radial and tangential stress distribution. [7] M. Datcheva, R. Charlier, and F. Collin, Constitutive
equations and numerical modelling of time effects in
soft porous rocks, Numerical Analysis and Its Applica-
tions, 1988(2001), 1-21.
[8] J.C. Simo and T.J.R. Hughes, Computational Inelastici-
ty, Springer-Verlag, 1998.
[9] E. Hoek and E.T. Brown, Underground Excavations in
Rock. London Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy, 1980.
[10] E. Hoek and P. Marinos, A brief history of the devel-
opment of the Hoek-Brown failure criterion. Soils and
Rocks 2(2007).
[11] E. Hoek, Strength of rock and rock masses, ISRM News
Journal 2(1994), 4–16.
[12] R.G. Wan, Implicit Integration algorithm for Hoek-
Brown Elastic-Plastic Model, Computers and Geotech-
nics 14(1992), 149–177.
[13] J. Clausen, L. Damkilde, An Exact Iimplementation of
the Hoek–Brown Criterion for Elasto-Plastic Finite
Element Calculations, Intl J Rock Mech Min, 45(2008)
Figure 8. Normalized radial displacement vs. time. [14] E. Hoek, Estimating Mohr-Coulomb Friction and Cohe-
sion Values from the Hoek-Brown Failure Criterion,
Intnl. J. Rock Mech. & Mining Sci. & Geomechanics
Abstracts 12(1990), 227 – 229.
[15] F.E. Karaoulanis, Multisurface elastoplastic yield crite-
5 CONCLUSIONS ria. Numerical implementation in principal stress space
and application in Geotechnical Engineering problems,
PhD Thesis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2010.
Time-dependent behavior such as creep and re- [16] W.T. Koiter, General Theorems for Elastic-plastic Sol-
laxation is often exhibited by soft rock. In this ids. Progress in Solid Mechanics 6(1960) 167–221, eds.
work the viscoplastic modeling of this class of I.N. Sneddon and R. Hill, North-Holland Publishing
materials is addressed, adopting the Hoek-Brown Company, Amsterdam.
[17] J.J. Moreau, Application of Convex Analysis to the
failure criterion to define the elastic domain. Treatment of Elastoplastic Systems, in Applications of
Post-yield behavior is assumed to be characte- Methods of Functional Analysis to Problems of Me-
rized by perfect plasticity while the rate- chanics, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1960.
dependent behavior is modeled by a suitable ge- [18] G. Duvaut and J.L. Lions, Inequalities in Mechanics
and Physics, Springer-Verlag, 1976.
neralization of the Duvaut-Lions viscoplastic [19] F.E. Karaoulanis, An Efficient Algorithm for Non-
model. The proposed model is then demonstrated smooth Multisurface Plasticity, COMPLAS X, CIMNE,
and validated through two numerical examples. Barcelona, 2009.
[20] F.E. Karaoulanis, nemesis, an experimental finite ele-
ment code,, retrieved
on February 2011.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 557
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Analysis of the behavior of massive plate

foundations on viscoelastic base
Analyse du comportement des massifs plaque
fondations sur la base viscoélastique
Y. Kirichek
Prydniprovs'k State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture

New constructions of foundations for rotating and reciprocal machines are offered. These constructions are called the combined
massive plate foundations. They consist of deepened massive rigid blocks or a rigid frame with attached thin horizontal plates at
various levels. The finite element dynamic analysis is conducted using the SAP4 package. Experimental investigation of the
foundations is provided to verify the obtained solution. New calculation methods for combined massive plate foundations are

Des nouvelles configurations des fondations pour les machines à piston à mouvement rectiligne et avec des organes en mouve-
ment rotatifs sont proposées. Des fondations combinées à blocs et plaques se composent de blocs pas grands noyés ou de cadres
indéformables, auxquelles des plaques horizontales effilées sont attaches à quelques niveaux. L’analyse dynamique par éléments
finis est effectuée en utilisant le programme SAP4. Des recherches expérimentales sur les nouvelles fondations sont présentées
également. Des méthodes de calcul des fondations combinées à blocs et plaques ont été développées.

Keywords: Combined massive plate foundations, viscoelastic bases, vibrations of foundations, finite element dynamic analysis

1 INTRODUCTION assumptions. It is assumed that only concentrated

masses on elastic or viscoelastic media are con-
Massive rotating and reciprocal machines require sidered. Accurate determination of dynamic soil
foundations that can withstand large dynamic characteristics is a major problem for a practical
loadings and damp out the resulting vibrations. application of such methods. These foundations
Design of this type of foundations is not explicit- must have big mass to damp out significant dy-
ly regulated by norms and legislation. Calcula- namic loadings. Therefore, their eigenfrequency
tion of complex dynamic constructions on an has to be small. Massive foundations for ma-
elastic half-space is a complex problem. In order chines with low frequency loadings have a small
to validate the obtained solution, numerical me- ratio between the forced frequency and eigenfre-
thods are employed. Analytical solutions are de- quency of the system. In this case, the emitted
rived for simple models. Conventional methods vibrations are significantly high and the efficien-
are used for dynamic calculation of massive cy of the massive foundations is low. It is
foundations. Such models are based on certain known, that plate foundations are more effective
558 Y. Kirichek / Analysis of the Behavior of Massive Plate Foundations on Viscoelastic Base

under dynamic loadings. Plate foundations re- problem is studied, and then perturbation method
quire more complex calculations as any system is used to take into account the influence of resi-
with distributed parameters. A problem of devel- dual factors. The mathematical model of MPF
opment and investigation of dynamic calcula- vertical oscillations is a concentrated mass with
tions for plate foundation on an elastic half-space either plates or beams on a viscoelastic base.
is still an important issue. However, the applica- Integral transformations for horizontal oscilla-
tion of plate foundation for machines with dy- tions of the frame and plates are considered as a
namic loading is quite limited due to plate flex- problem of beams or plates on a viscoelastic base
ibility. Recently it was shown that massive plate using asymptotic and transformation methods.
foundations (MPF) are much more efficient The advantage of such mathematical models is
compared to conventional block-type founda- that they allow calculation of the MPF free and
tions. A simple sketch of an MPF is presented in forced oscillations as well as its eigenfrequen-
Fig. 1. Frequency response of the MPF has lower cies. Analytical solutions for the MPF dynamic
vibration level due to optimal choice of construc- behavior were derived for the following cases:
tional foundation characteristics. Vertical and horizontal forced oscillations
The MPF is deepened into a soil and consists of an MPF on a viscoelastic base;
of either light solid blocks or rigid frame with Free vertical oscillations of an MPF on a
horizontal thin plates attached at different levels. viscoelastic base;
The dynamic characteristics of these foundations Vertical and horizontal forced oscillations
vary based on the size and position of the plates. of group block foundations coupled by a
plate on a viscoelastic base;
Vertical and horizontal forced oscillations
2 METHODS of block foundations coupled by an in-
finite plate on a viscoelastic base;
In this paper, an analytical method of dynamic Forced vertical oscillations of an MPF on a
analysis of massive plate foundations for rotating viscoelastic inertial base.
and reciprocal machines under dynamic loadings
is applied. The considered spatial construction 2.1 Finite element analysis of the massive
consists of a rigid frame with attached flexible plate foundations
plates on a viscoelastic base. Therefore, the dy-
namic contact problem for spatial viscoelastic 2D finite element analysis of the MPF for ma-
system with distributed parameters has to be chines with periodic loading is conducted using
solved. In order to derive the solution, the fol- the SAP-IV package. A foundation in the plane
lowing assumptions are used. Plates can be con- stress state is modeled for various sizes of plates
sidered as plates or beams. Sharp distinction be- and blocks.
tween blocks and thin plates is used and
asymptotic method is applied. First, a simple

V(t) V(t) V(t)

H1(t) H1(t)

Figure 1. Sketch of a massive plate foundations for machines

Y. Kirichek / Analysis of the Behavior of Massive Plate Foundations on Viscoelastic Base 559

The finite element analysis revealed the fol-

Mass and size of foundation blocks has to
be minimal for low frequency machines
For machines with vertical dynamic load-
ings, MPF with two thin plates should
be taken. One plate has to be positioned
at the top of the foundation and the oth-
er one at the bottom level. The distance
between the plates is equal to one or
two plate width. It is shown that a big
number of plates and smaller distance
between them does not provide neces-
sary damping of vibrations
Deepened thin plates effect the level of
Figure 2. 2D strain analysis of the combined massive plate MPF vertical oscillations
foundation with two plates under a vertical dynamic load One plate at the bottom level of a founda-
tion is sufficient for foundations with
vertical loadings
Horizontal vibrations at the top of MPF are
much bigger than at the bottom. In this
case, MPF with a plate at the top is the
optimal choice.
MPF with plates located at the top and bot-
tom level are recommended for ma-
chines with vertical and horizontal load-

Figure 3. 2D strain analysis of the combined massive and

plate foundation with one plate under a vertical dynamic load

Foundation oscillations under vertical and ho-

rizontal periodic loadings are considered. The
dynamic characteristics of the MPF have been
studied. The finite element analysis allows de-
termining the dynamic characteristics of founda-
tions for a wide range of foundation and plate
sizes and different number of plates. In this
study, the number of plates is limited to 5. Fig-
ures 2-5 show the vertical dynamic displacement Figure 4(a). 2D strain analysis of the combined massive plate
and corresponding stresses (normal stresses for foundation with five plates under vertical dynamic loading
the vertical oscillations and tangent stresses for
the horizontal ones).
560 Y. Kirichek / Analysis of the Behavior of Massive Plate Foundations on Viscoelastic Base

ulator (4) varied the rotation frequency of the di-

rect current motor (2) from 6 to 56 Hz. Vibration
sensors (7, 11, 12) recorded the displacements of
block and plates. Dynamic characteristics of soil
base of thin plates were analyzed in situ.
Dependence of the forced oscillation ampli-
tudes and eigenfrequencies of the foundation
were studied using deterministic and stochastic
theory. The obtained results were compared with
analytical and numerical solutions. The influence
of thin plates on the dynamic characteristics of
foundations and the dynamic characteristics of
the soil base were determined. Figs. 7 and 8
present the MPF dynamic characteristics and an
ordinary block-type foundation of the same size.

Figure 4(b). 2D strain analysis of the combined massive plate

foundation with two plates under horizontal dynamic loading

Figure 5. 2D strain analysis of the combined massive plate

foundation with one plates under horizontal dynamic load
Figure 6. Sketch of a combined massive plate foundation
2.2 Experimental investigation of the
combined massive and plate foundations
The analytical and numerical results are com-
pared with large-scale models. Experimental in-
vestigation of the MPF interaction with a soil
base was performed on large-scale models in the
open ground (Figure 6). The experimental foun-
dations consisted of horizontal deepened plates
coupled either with blocks or rods. Some expe-
riments were done in order to investigate the ef-
fect of thin plates on block vibrations. Figure 7. Amplitude-frequency response of a block-type
Vertical and horizontal periodic loadings foundation (1) and MPF (2) under horizontal loading
were forced by a vibrator (1). Direct current reg-
Y. Kirichek / Analysis of the Behavior of Massive Plate Foundations on Viscoelastic Base 561

The regression equations show the influence

of number of plates (n), area of the plates (s), dis-
tance between plates (h) on vertical and horizon-
tal displacements amplitudes (A) and eigenfre-
quency (f). These parameters correspond to the
maximum, medium and minimum periodic force

Pmin : Pmed : Pmax  1:1.49 : 2 (1)

Figure 8. Amplitude-frequency response of a block-type The MPF amplitude-frequency response for

foundation (1) and MPF (2) under vertical loading various loadings is shown in Figures 9 and 10.
 i
The massive plate foundation amplitude in a
300 3
zone of medium frequencies (from 18 Hz up to
30 Hz) is two times lower then the block-type
200 2
foundation amplitude.
150 1
The influence of the MPF characteristics on
the foundation vibrations are estimated using the
regression analysis. Parameters used for the re-
0  šm
gression analysis are provided in Table 1. 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46
Table 1. Source data of the regression analysis
Figures 9. Amplitude-frequency response of the combined
Parameters of the Max. Min. massive and plate foundations under vertical periodic forces:
foundations 1 – ‹min ; 2 – ‹med; 3 – ‹max..
Number of plates N=3 N=2
Area of the plates S=2 S=1 The MPF experimental amplitude-frequency
(m2) response under different loadings implies a linear
Distance between H=1 H = 0.5 dependence between the displacement and forc-
plates (m)
ing. Figure 11 and 12 depict the MPF dynamic
dependence on the distance between the plates.
The regression equations read  i
A20v ( Pmin )  17.4  2.6 s  2.1hs 140
A20v ( Pmed )  21.4  2.4 s  2.6hs 100
A ( Pmin )  26.6  3.6h
20 60 2
A ( Pmed )  39  8h
h 40
20 20
Arez ( Pmin )  110  26.4h  18.6 s 0
6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45 48
A ( Pmin )  241.5  50.8h  62.25hs  55sn  33hsn
rez Figures 10. Amplitude-frequency response of the combined
Arez ( Pmed )  285  45.5h  40hs  47.5hsn massive plate foundations under horizontal periodic loadings:
1 – ‹min; 2 – ‹med; 3 – ‹max.
f1v ( Pmin )  41.9  4.6hs  3.1hn  2.9 sn  2.6hsn
f1v ( Pmed )  41.1  4.4hs  2.9hn  1.6 sn  1.9hsn The influence of the dimension and location
of the plates, elastic and damping characteristics
f1h ( Pmin )  36.1  2.6n  3.6hs  2.6hn  1.6 sn of soil on the dynamic response of foundations
f1h ( Pmed )  32  1.8h  3.75n  3.75hs  1.5hn  3.25sn were experimentally and theoretically investi-
gated. Moreover, the effect of the inertia of thin
plates was studied.
562 Y. Kirichek / Analysis of the Behavior of Massive Plate Foundations on Viscoelastic Base

i periments were carried out. This analysis allows

to determine the actual dynamic characteristics
1 of the combined massive plate foundation and
2 the soil base, as well as to validate the used ap-


6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44

Figures 11. Amplitude-frequency response of the combined

massive plate foundations under horizontal periodic loadings: The proposed combined massive plate founda-
1- distance between plates – 0.5 m; 2 – 1m. tions are highly efficient under low frequency
periodic loadings. The vibration level of massive
i plate foundations is much lower than the one of
the block-type foundations. The MPF may be
suggested as the optimal foundation type for dy-
namic machines, such as turbo-pumps, compres-
60 sors, fans, centrifuges, compressors, etc.
40 2
8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

Figures 12. Amplitude-frequency response of the combined [1] D.D. Barkan, Dynamics of Bases and Foundations,
massive plate foundations under vertical periodic loadings: 1- MCGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 1962.
distance between plates– 0.5 m; 2 – 1m. [2] O.A. Savinov, Foundations under Machineries
SPCLCiv.Eng.@Arc, Moscow, 1955.
The vibration experiments of a soil base were [3] Y. Kirichek, Combined Massive and Plate Foundations
for Dynamic Loaded Machines, Soil Mechanics and
conducted using a die. The soil characteristics Foundations 5 (2000), 292-299.
were determined using the compression dynamic [4] I. Andrianov, J. Awrrejcewich, Y. Kirichek, G. Koblik,
tests. Asymptotyc Study of Half-plane with Embedded
The effective massive plate foundations allow Punch, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
45 (2007), 5-14.
adjusting the dynamic characteristics in a wide [5] Y. Kirichek, V. Bolshakov, About oscillations of dee-
range in correspondence with the current dynam- pened combined massive and plate bodies on visco-
ic loadings. This permits to minimize the vibra- elastic basement, Proceedings for 4-th Euromech Solid
tion of machines under dynamic loadings. Mechanics Conference in Metz (2000), 632-640.
[6] Y. Kirichek, Construction of Combined Massive and
Hence, theoretical investigation of the com- Plate Foundations under Dynamic Loaded Machineries,
bined massive plate foundations is conducted us- Civil Engineering, Material Science and Machinery
ing analytical and numerical methods. To verify construction 5 (1998), 16-21.
the obtained results, the field and laboratory ex-
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 563
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Elasto-viscoplastic constitutive modeling of soft

sedimentary rocks
Elasto-viscoplastic modelage constitutif de pierres
sédimentaires douces
F. Oka 1 and S. Kimoto
Department of Civil and Earth Resources Engineering Kyoto University
Q.H. Nguyen,
Former PhD Student of Kyoto University

Behavior of bonded geomaterials such as soft rocks and sensitive clay is characterized by the yielding and structural degrada-
tion. Leroueil and Vaughan(1990) pointed out the congruent effects in two materials, soft rocks and sensitive structured clay
based on the experimental laboratory test results. Kimoto and Oka(2005) developed an elasto-viscoplastic model for soft clay
considering rate dependency and degradation due to straining. Then the model can describe the strain softening and rate depen-
dency due to the structural change and degradation and it has been successfully applied to the analysis of soft clayey ground
such as consolidation and excavation. In this paper considering the congruent behavior of soft rocks and structured clay, we have
applied the elasto-viscoplastic constitutive model for clay to the triaxial compression behaviors of sedimentary soft rock called
Ohya stone in Japan with different confining pressures, which exhibits both distinctive strain-softening under the low confining
pressures (Adachi and Oka,1995). Simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results. For example, Fig. 1
shows the simulated and experimental results for Ohya stone under the confining pressure of 5 kPa. We have found the model
can applicable to both soft clay and soft rocks. The model is numerically stable, and is thus highly suitable for computational
analysis and design tools.

Comportement de geomaterials en liaison tel que pierres douces et l'argile sensible est caractérisée en le cédant et déchéance
structurelle. Leroueil et Vaughan (1990) ont signalé les effets conformes dans deux matières, les pierres douces et argile structu-
rée sensible ont basé sur les résultats de l'épreuve du laboratoire expérimentaux. Kimoto et Oka (2005) ont développé un modèle
de l'elasto-viscoplastic pour argile douce étant donné dépendance du taux et déchéance dû à tendre. Alors le modèle peut décrire
l'adoucissement de la tension et dépendance du taux dû au changement structurel et déchéance. Il a été appliqué avec succès à
l'analyse d'argileuse terre douce tel que consolidation et excavation. Dans ce papier étant donné le comportement conforme de
pierres douces et argile structurée, nous avons appliqué l'elasto-viscoplastic modèle constitutif pour argile aux comportements de
la compression du triaxial de pierre douce sédimentaire appelés qu'Ohya lapident au Japon avec pressions confinant différentes
qui exposent les deux tension-adoucissement distinctif sous les basses pressions confinant (Adachi et Oka,1995). Les résultats de
la simulation sont dans bon accord avec les résultats expérimentaux. Par exemple, Figue. 1 spectacles les résultats simulés et ex-
périmentaux pour Ohya lapident sous la pression confinant de 5 kPa. Nous avons trouvé la boîte modèle applicable à argile
douce et pierres douces. Le modèle est numériquement stable et est donc très convenable pour analyse computationelle et outils
du dessin.

Keywords: Soft rock, Constitutive model, elasto-viscoplasticity, bonding, degradation, strain softening

Corresponding Author.
564 F. Oka et al. / Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Modeling of Soft Sedimentary Rocks

1 INTRODUCTION The elastic deviatoric strain rate is defined as:

In the present paper, an elasto-visoplastic consti- 1

eij  S ij
e (4)
tutive model for soft rocks is presented. The elas- 2G
to-viscoplastic constitutive model proposed by
Kimoto and Oka (2005) which can effectively
describe the effect of structural degradation on where Sij is the deviatoric stress, and G is the
behavior of clay during consolidation. This mod- elastic shear modulus, which is given by
el is extended and utilized to simulate drained
triaxial behavior of soft rock, namely Ohya por- m
G  G0 (5)
ous tuff.

2 ELASTO-VISCOPLASTIC where m is the mean effective stress, G0 is the

CONSTITUTIVE MODEL value of G when m  m 0 .
On the other hand, the elastic volumetric
strain rate can be obtained as:
2.1 General setting
4  m
Terzaghi’s effective stress is used throughout this % ev  (6)
paper 1  e0 m

ij  ij  uw# ij (1) where 4 is the swelling index and e0 is the ini-

tial void ratio.
Substituting Equations (4) and (6) into Equa-
where ij is the total stress tensor, ij is the ef-
tion (3), we get
fective stress tensor, uw is the pore water pres-
sure and # ij is Kronecker’s delta. It is assumed
1 1 4  m (7)
that the strain tensor consists of the elastic com- % ije  S ij  # ij
ponent and the viscoplastic component, then 2G 3 1  e0 m

% ij  % ije  % ijvp (2)

2.3 Overconsolidation boundary surface
where % denotes the elastic strain rate tensor
ij The model assumes that there exists a boundary
and % ijvp denotes the viscoplastic strain rate ten- surface that separate the OC region ( f b e 0 )
sor. Throughout this paper, the superimposed dot and the NC region ( f b ` 0 ), namely overconso-
indicates time differentiation. lidation boundary surface, which is defined by
the following function as:

2.2 Elastic strain rate fb  * T(0)  M mT ln( m 8 mb )  0 (8)

The elastic strain can be decomposed into a de-
viatoric component, % ij , and a volumetric com-

ponent, % v
e in which * T(0) is the relative stress ratio defined
1 (3)
% ije  eije  % ve# ij
3 * T(0)  (*ijT  *ijT(0) )(*ijT  *ijT(0) ) (9)
F. Oka et al. / Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Modeling of Soft Sedimentary Rocks 565

where *ij is the stress ratio tensor ( Sij 8 m ) and

where mai and maf are the initial and final
subscript (0) denotes the initial state before de-
formation occurs; M mT is the value of values of ma respectively. According to Equa-
* T ( *ijT*ijT ) at the maximum compression and tion (12), as viscoplastic strain increases, ma
mb is a hardening parameter.
Due to chemical bonding and secondary con- decreases, thus ‘softening’ occurs. In this equa-
solidation, a soft rock can be considered a quasi- tion,  is a structural parameter signifying the
overconsolidated soil, i.e. the consolidation yield rate of structural changes and z is the accumula-
stress exceeds the largest stress it has ever expe- tion of the second invariant of the viscoplastic
rienced. The quasi-overconsolidation ratio is de- strain rate as:
fined as the ratio of consolidation yield stress
mbi to the mean effective stress at the end of  ,
z  $ zdt z  % ijvp% ijvp (12)
consolidation, namely, OCRT  mbi 8 m 0 .
When consolidation is just completed and be-
fore any deformation occurs, i.e. z =0, ma =
mai . Also, before deformation occurs, assum-
ing that the value of mb coincides with the
consolidation yield stress mbi , then

mbi  mai (13)

2.5 Yield function

The Cam-clay type of yield function model is
used to describe the mechanical behavior of clay
at its static equilibrium state. The static yield
function is expressed as:
Figure 1. OC boundary surface under triaxial conditions (af-
ter Kimoto 2002).
f y  * T(0)  M T ln( m 8 my( s ) )  0 (14)

2.4 Hardening and softening rule where my( s ) denotes the mean effective stress in
the static equilibrium state, in which no viscop-
The hardening - softening rule for the OC boun-
lastic deformation occurs.
dary is defined as:
The volumetric strain hardening - softening
follows the following rule

1  e0 vp  maf  ( mai  maf )exp(  z ) ( s )
mb  ma exp  %v  (10)
my( s ) 

myi exp 
1  e0 vp 
 Y 4 
  mai  Y 4

in which Y and 4 are the isotropic consolida- It can be seen that if my decreases, the static
tion compression and swelling indices. yield function shrinks due to structural collapse.
The parameter ma is defined as: The parameter M T in Equation (16) is assumed
ma  maf  ( mai  maf )exp(  z ) (11) to be constant in the NC region. In the OC re-
gion, it varies as follows:
566 F. Oka et al. / Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Modeling of Soft Sedimentary Rocks

f M mT if f b `0 As it is shown, both the static yield and the

g (16)
viscoplastic potential functions transform
M  h
smoothly between NC and OC regions so that
g if fb e 0 calculations can be conducted continuously.
i ln( m 8 mc )
2.7 Viscoplastic flow rule
where mc denotes the mean effective stress at
Perzyna type of elasto-viscoplastic theory (Per-
the intersection of the OC boundary surface with zyna 1963) is applied, according to which vis-
the m axis, thus: coplastic strain rate is determined by

"f p (19)
*ijT(0)*ijT(0) (17) % ijvp  Cijkl
j ( f y )
mc  mb exp " kl
M mT
In case of isotropic consolidation, *ijT(0)  0 .
Hence, mc = mb . fj ( f y ) if f y k 0 (20)
j( f y )  h
i 0 if f y ) 0l

2.6 Visoplastic potential function in which j is a material function for rate sensi-
The viscoplastic potential function is given as tivity, f y  0 denotes the static yield function
follow: and f p  0 denotes the viscoplastic potential
function. The value of f p is assumed to be posi-
tive for any stress state in this model. In other
f p  * T(0)  M T ln( m 8 mp )  0 (18)
words, the stress state always locates outside the
static yield function, thus the viscoplastic defor-
Figures (2) shows the shape of the OC boun- mation always occurs. Based on experimental re-
dary surface f b  0 , the static yield function sults of constant strain rate triaxial tests (Adachi
f y  0 , and the viscoplastic potential function and Oka 1982, Kimoto and Oka 2005), the ma-
f p  0 for *ijT(0)  0 in NC region and OC re- terial function j can be defined as:
gions. 2  T /
* (0)  M ln( m( s ) )  -

j( f y )  C m exp 0 m
10  my  .-
 C0 m exp[m (* T(0)  M T ln( mai ) )]
myi( s ) ma exp( A3% vvp )

1  e0 (22)
Y 4

Assuming mai  mbi , then

2  m  / (23)

j ( f y )  C0 m exp 0 m * T(0)  M T ln( ) -
Figure 2. OC boundary surface, static yield and potential
1  mb  .
functions (after Kimoto 2002).
F. Oka et al. / Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Modeling of Soft Sedimentary Rocks 567

Substituting Equation (22) into Equation (19) we

2  T  / "f p
% ijvp  C0 m exp 0 m * (0)  M ln( m )  -

1  mb  . " ij

The viscoplastic deviatoric strain rate and the

viscoplastic volumetric strain rate are then

m  m *ij  *ij (0) (25)

f  T
eij  C0 exp hm
ln  n T
i  mb  o * (0)
Figure 6. Results at confining pressure mo = 1 (kgf/cm2)

m  m   T  *ij (*ij  *ij (0) ) 

% vp  T ln
v  C0 exp h m * (0)  M n  M 
i  mb  o  * T(0) 


Table 1 Material parameters for Ohya soft rock

Parameters CD-1 CD-5 CD-10 CD-20
Initial void ratio e0 0.72 0.72 0.72 0.72

Confining stress 22(0) 1.0 5.0 10.0 20.0

Initial shear modulus
7567 4651 5900 7992
G0 (kgf/cm2)
Stress ratio at max. com- mo
1.97 1.61 1.42 1.26 Figure 7. Results at confining pressure = 5 (kgf/cm2).
pression M mT
Compression index Y 0.031 0.035 0.009 0.023
Swelling index 4 0.008 0.009 0.006 0.018
Compression yield stress
150 150 150 150
mai (kgf/cm2)
Structural parameter
2 10 10 10 10
maf (kgf/cm )

Structural parameter  1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

Viscoplastic parameter
29 29 29 29
Viscoplastic parameter
3.7x10-6 3.3x10-6 2.5x10-6 1.3x10-6
C01 (1/s)
Viscoplastic parameter
7.5x10-6 3.9x10-6 0.7x10-6 1.3x10-6
C02 (1/s)
Figure 8. Result at confining pressure mo = 10 (kgf/cm2).
568 F. Oka et al. / Elasto-Viscoplastic Constitutive Modeling of Soft Sedimentary Rocks

2.8 Numerical results and discussions In the present paper, we have found that the elas-
to-viscoplastic model is applicable for the soft
Oka and Adachi (1985) proposed an elasto-
sedimentary rocks , which can describe degrada-
plastic constitutive model for soft rocks and car-
tion of the material, i.e., strain softening. In the
ried out a series of test on Ohya porous tuff (To-
future study we will reconsider the material pa-
chigi, Japan) in order to validate the model. Four
rameters and the behavior with different strain
triaxial drained test series were carried out at the
same strain rate of 0.025%/min. under four dif-
ferent confining pressures.
est results as well as Adachi and Oka’s simula-
tion results are shown in Figures 6, 7, 8, 9. REFERENCES
The experimental results clearly showed that
[1] S. Leroueil and P. Vaughan, The general and
both strain softening and dilatancy are evident in
congruent effects of structure in natural soils and
the cases of CD-1 and CD-5. As confining pres- weak rocks, Geotechnique, 40, 3, 1990, 467-488.
sure increases, dilatant behavior gradually be- [2] F. Oka and T. Adachi, An elasto-plastic constitu-
come insignificant. Strain softening still exists tive equation of geologic materials with memory,
under high confining pressures, however the sof- Proc. 5th Int. Conference on Numerical Methods
tening scales are significantly reduced. in Geomechanics, Nagoya, Kawamoto, T. and
Ichikawa, Y. eds., Balkema, 1, 1985, 293-300.
In the following, numerical simulation using [3] T. Adachi and F. Oka, An elasto-plastic constitu-
tive model for soft rock with strain softening, Int.
the model by Kimoto (2005) will be presented. J. N. Anal. Meth. in Geomechanics, 19, 1995,
The experimental results by Oka and Adachi 233-247.
(1995) will also be used for the validation of the [4] S. Kimoto and F. Oka, An elasto-viscoplastic
model. Table 1 shows the parameters used for model for clay considering destructuralization
the simulation. Besides the parameters already and consolidation analysis of unstable behavior,
determined by Oka and Adachi (1995), the newly Soils and Foundations, 45, 2, 2005, 29-42.
introduced parameters: Viscoplastic parameters
m and C0 can be obtained from undrained tri-
axial tests with different strain rates; structural
parameters maf and  are selected by curve
fitting methods, as mentioned previously.

Figure 9. Results at confining pressure mo = 20 (kgf/cm2).

Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 569
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

A multilaminate soil model for highly

overconsolidated clays
Un modèle de sol multi-plan pour les argiles fortement
B. Schädlich 1 & H. F. Schweiger
Institute for Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Graz University of Technology, Austria

This paper presents a novel approach to model the shear strength of highly overconsolidated, stiff clays in numerical analysis.
The multilaminate framework of the model is explained, and details of the yield surfaces, plastic potential functions and harde-
ning rules are given. Comparison of undrained stress paths predicted by the model and laboratory test results shows that the mo-
del is well suited to predict peak strength and dilatant behavior typical for overconsolidated soils.

Cet article présente une approche originale pour modéliser numériquement la résistance au cisaillement des argiles raides forte-
ment surconsolidés. Le modèle multi-plan est expliqué et les surfaces seuils de plasticité, les potentiels plastiques et les lois
d’écrouissage sont détaillés. La comparaison des chemins de contrainte non-drainés prédits par le modèle d’une part et résultants
d’un essai de laboratoire d’autre part, montre que le modèle est bien adapté à la prédiction du pic de résistance et du comporte-
ment dilatant typique des sols surconsolidés.

Keywords: Hvorslev surface, overconsolidated clay, multilaminate soil models

1 INTRODUCTION mental testing, taking all these aspects into ac-

count in constitutive modeling proved to be ra-
The behavior of highly overconsolidated, stiff ther difficult. Furthermore, performing strain sof-
clays differs substantially from normally consol- tening analysis with conventional Finite Element
idated soils: Overconsolidated clays are characte- programs causes additional problems due to se-
rized by lower void ratio, higher shear strength vere mesh dependency, if no appropriate regula-
and usually anisotropic material parameters. In rization technique is employed. As a result, the
natural, undisturbed samples shear strength can number of constitutive soil models accounting
be further increased by inter-particle bonding and for all these characteristics is limited, and appli-
cementation, resulting in gradual transition to cation to practical boundary value problems is
soft rock materials. After reaching peak strength, still rare.
strain localization occurs and shear strength re- In this study an extension of existing multila-
duces with increasing plastic deformation (strain minate soil models [5] is presented, which ac-
softening). Although noted very early in experi- counts for peak strength and its dependency on

Corresponding Author.
570 B. Schädlich and H.F. Schweiger / A Multilaminate Soil Model for Highly Overconsolidated Clays

volume change by utilizing the concept of a q/p'e critical

Hvorslev-type strength surface. Model predic- state line MCS
tions are compared with experimental data on & Roscoe-
Vallericca clay.
ev surf Rendulic
rs l
Hvo mHV surface
OVERCONSOLIDATED CLAYS Highly overconsolidated Lightly overcons. p'/p'e
With respect to the pioneering work of Hvorslev Figure 1: Normalized shear strength contours
the envelope of shear strength on the highly
overconsolidated side of the critical state line is
commonly termed Hvorslev surface. On a line of 3 BASIC MULTILAMINATE MODEL
constant volume in the V-p-q space (which is
equivalent to an undrained stress path) the Multilaminate constitutive models are based on
Hvorslev surface can be plotted as a straight line the concept that the material behavior can be
with a cohesion intercept at p’ = 0 and inclina- formulated on a distinct number of local planes
tion mHV. with varying orientation. Each plane represents a
At the intersection with the critical state line sector of a virtual sphere of unit radius around
the Hvorslev surface is connected to the Roscoe the stress point and is assigned a weight factor
– Rendulic surface. The cohesion intercept is no according to the proportion of its sector with re-
material constant but depends on the current void gard to the volume of the unit sphere. The global
ratio e. As the soil volume differs along the un- response of the material to a prescribed load is
loading/reloading line, also qHV changes with va- obtained by summation of the contributions of all
rying level of overconsolidation. By normalizing planes.
the shear strength qmax to the equivalent pressure Within the multilaminate concept the local
pe on the isotropic compression line (ICL), de- stresses are assumed to be a projection of the
pendency on soil volume can be extracted and a global stress state (static constraint). Conceptual-
unique contour of shear strength is obtained ly similar models based on the kinematic con-
(Figure 1). straint (local strain increments are a projection of
the global strain increment) are the so-called mi-
q max p' croplane models.
 m HV  q HV (1) The multilaminate constitutive model pre-
p' e p' e
sented in this study is an extension of existing
The projection of the shear strength envelope elastoplastic models of this type [5]. In the fol-
above an unloading reloading line in the p-q- lowing the stress point algorithm for initially iso-
space plots as a curved line, touching the critical tropic material is briefly explained.
state line at the origin of axis and at the intersec- The macroscopic trial stress gl,trial is calcu-
tion with the Roscoe-Rendulic surface. lated from the global elastic compliance matrix
It is worth noting that also for rock materials Cgl and the global strain increment d%gl, which is
the concept of a Hvorslev envelope has been assumed to be elastic in the first iteration. Cgl is
found suitable to some extent to describe the derived as the weighted sum of the local com-
strength and deformation behavior [4]. pliances Cloc. In the case of isotropic linear elas-
tic material, Cloc is equal for all planes.

ı gl ,trial  C gl dİ gl  ı gl , old (2)

B. Schädlich and H.F. Schweiger / A Multilaminate Soil Model for Highly Overconsolidated Clays 571

C gl  3  Ti C i,loc TiT wi  (3) dİ ipl,loc  Yi
"g i
i "ı i ,loc
f trial
 Cnn 0 0  Yi  (9)
  "f i 1 "g i "f i "g i
C loc   0 Ctt 0  (4) C i,loc 
 0 "ı i,loc "ı i,loc "İ pl "ı i,loc
 0 Ctt  i ,loc

1 2 1 3
; Ctt 
dİ gl  3  Ti dİ ipl,loc wi (10)
The factor of 3 in front of the summation can be
derived from the principle of virtual work by The new global trial stress is then calculated with
comparing the sum of local work contributions the difference of the total strain increment and
and the macroscopic work. The weight factors wi the plastic strain increment.
depend on the chosen integration rule. In this
study an integration rule based on 2 × 33 planes
[1] is used, which proved to balance well be-
ı gl ,trial  C gl dİ gl  dİ gl  ı gl ,old  (11)
tween accuracy and computational cost. This iterative procedure is repeated until the
The transformation matrix Ti contains the de- plastic strain increment of the current iteration is
rivatives of the local stress components with re- less than 1% of the total plastic strains calculated
spect to the global stress state. Using a fixed set in that step.
of local coordinates represented by the unit vec-
tor niT = (ni,1, ni,2, ni,3) normal to the plane i and
two unit tangential vectors within the plane, siT =
(si,1, si,2, si,3) and tiT = (ti,1, ti,2, ti,3), these derivates
take on constant scalar values.
4.1 Yield functions and hardening rules
"ı i,loc
"ı gl The yield surfaces are defined on plane level in
local tangential (shear) stresses  and normal
 ni2,1 ni,1 s i,1 ni,1 t i,1 
  (6) stresses n. Plastic strains and mobilization of the
 n2 ni,2 s i,2 ni,2 t i,2 
 yield surfaces are allowed to differ from plane to
 n i ,3 n i ,3 s i ,3 n i ,3 t i ,3  plane, resulting in strain induced anisotropy dur-
 2ni,1 ni,2 ni,1 s i,2  ni,2 s i,1 ni,1 t i,2  ni,2 t i,1  ing plastic loading.
 2 n i , 2 n i ,3 n i ,3 s i , 2  n i , 2 s i ,3 n i ,3 t i , 2  n i , 2 t i ,3  In the model three yield surfaces are defined.
 n i ,1 n i , 3 n i , 3 s i ,1  n i ,1 s i , 3 n i , 3 t i ,1  n i ,1 t i , 3  The elliptical, strain hardening cap yield surface
By projecting the global trial stress vector gl,trial controls compression behavior in the normally
with the transformation matrix T i on plane i, the and lightly overconsolidated range.
local trial stress vectors i,loc are obtained for all 
 n ,i  e 'CS
ı i,loc    s,i   Ti  ı gl ,trial T ilu
(7) MCP· nc fa
  t , i 
Plastic strains are calculated locally based on
elastic fcap
strain hardening elastoplasticity. Back- fcone
transformation and summation of all local plastic
strains delivers the global plastic strain incre- n,CS nc - n
ment. Figure 2: Local yield surfaces
572 B. Schädlich and H.F. Schweiger / A Multilaminate Soil Model for Highly Overconsolidated Clays

n2 2 f cone    n tan  m (16)

f cap   1 (12)
nc M CP nc 2 The hardening rule (eq. 17) controlling mobiliza-
tion of the cone yield surface contains the har-
The position of the cap yield surface is defined dening parameter Amat, which defines the local
by the intersection with the n –axis and the cap shear strain at which the maximum friction angle
shape parameter MCP, which controls the inter- max is mobilized. The maximum friction angle
section with the -axis. The value of MCP is de- max depends on the position of the Hvorslev
termined beforehand in an iterative procedure yield surface at the current stress (Figure 5).
such that in normally consolidated, oedometric
conditions h = K0 v is ensured. The initial size tan  m,i 1  tan  m,i 
of the cap yield surface is defined by the initial
stresses and the degree of overconsolidation 

tan  max  tan  m,i  (17)
OCR. For OCR = 1, the cap yield surface is posi-
pl A tan  max  tan  0 
tioned at the initial stress state. If plastic normal 
strains occur locally, increase or reduction of the 3 
tan  max  tan  m,i 
cap yield surface is controlled by the correspond-
ing hardening rule (eq. 13). The hardening para- The strain hardening cone yield surface is active
meter K contains the volumetric stiffness in pri- in deviatoric loading until the stress path reaches
mary loading Eoed and the elastic the Hvorslev strength surface. The principle de-
unloading/reloading Young’s modulus Eur, both finition of the Hvorslev surface (eq. 1) is adapted
at reference pressure pref. Dependency of stiff- to the multilaminate definition of local stresses
ness on stress level is taken into account by an by substituting q with  and p with n. The
exponential law using the power index m (shown equivalent normal stress n,ve at the isotropic
for Eoed in eq. 15). compression line is calculated from the current
normal stress n and the pre-consolidation stress
2 / 1 m nc.
1 m (m  1)
nc,i 1   0 nc,i K % npl - (13)
0 m 1
p ref - f HV    n tan  e  c HV (18)
1 .

 tan  e 
(14) c HV  B   1 n,ve (19)
2 1  tan  CS 
3 1  2  /-
p ref 0 
0 E ref ref
E ur - ref
1 oed . 1 m E
n,ve   2 nc  oed ...
01 ref
E ur (20)
E oed ref
 E oed  
 p ref 
...31  2  1n m  1nc m 6 1 /(1 m )

For updating the local pre-consolidation stress

The cone yield surface is defined by a straight nc all normal plastic strain contribution of the
line and governs plastic deformation in deviator- current plane are taken into account. Positive
ic loading below the Hvorslev surface. In the plastic normal strains, caused by dilatancy at the
normally and slightly overconsolidated range the cone or the Hvorslev yield surface, reduce nc,
cone yield surface finally equals the Mohr- whereas negative plastic normal strains enlarge
Coulomb failure line for m = CS. nc.
B. Schädlich and H.F. Schweiger / A Multilaminate Soil Model for Highly Overconsolidated Clays 573

8 n,ve 
critical 'CS 'max
state line
fHV ac
e 'm
fcap surf Xm ine
'e B lev tate l
v ors al s
cHV H ritic
B/tan 'CS & n8 n,ve Xmax
Figure 3: Normalized local shear strength contours

current normal stress - n

In undrained conditions volumetric plastic strains
are compensated on global level by elastic volu- Figure 5: Mobilized and maximum angle of dilatancy
metric strains of equal magnitude, such that the
volume remains constant (%vol = 0) and therefore The maximum angle of dilatancy Xmax is calcu-
p’ changes. In that case n,ve remains constant, lated from the difference between the critical
state line and the Hvorslev surface at to the cur-
although nc gradually decreases throughout the
rent local stress state (Figure 5, eq. 22). With that
test. In drained conditions strain softening is
approach a smooth transition from dilatant beha-
triggered by the increase in volume und the sub-
vior in the heavily overconsolidated to non-
sequent reduction of n,ve, which results in de-
dilatant behavior in the normally consolidated
creasing cHV and hence in lower shear strength.
range is achieved. With increasing stress level
and accumulating plastic strains Xmax reduces,
4.2 Plastic potential functions
eventually resulting in m = CS and Xmax = Xm =
Plasticity resulting from the cap yield surface is 0 at critical state.
fully associated, which means that the plastic po-
tential function is the same as the cap yield func- X max   max  CS (22)
tion. Cone and Hvorslev yield surface are non-
associated. The cone plastic potential function
equals the cone yield function with the friction
angle m being replaced by the mobilized angle
of dilatancy Xm (eq. 21). Mobilization of dilatan- DATA
cy is modeled by a cubical function in dependen-
cy on the mobilized friction angle m (Schweiger Burland et al. [2] conducted an extensive re-
et al. 2009, Figure 4). search program on the strength properties of four
overconsolidated clays, on both intact (natural)
g cone  g HV    n tan X m (21) and reconstituted samples. The comparison fur-
ther on focuses on triaxial test results on recons-
Xm tituted samples of normally and overconsolidated
Vallericca clay.
Xmax The overconsolidated samples were com-
pressed to an isotropic pre-consolidation pressure
'1 of 2000kPa and then swelled isotropically to ini-
tial stresses of p’0 = 100, 200 and 400kPa. The
'CS max m
intrinsic stiffness parameters Y and 4 (Table 1)
are converted to Eoed,ref = pref (1+e)/Y = 1090kPa
Xmin and Eur,ref = 3pref (1-2) (1+e)/4 = 10140kPa cor-
responding to the void ratio at the pre-
Figure 4: Mobilization of dilatancy consolidation pressure of 2000kPa.
574 B. Schädlich and H.F. Schweiger / A Multilaminate Soil Model for Highly Overconsolidated Clays

Table 1. Intrinsic material parameters of Vallericca clay (after 1.0

[2] and [3]) experim. OC
experim. NC critical
CS e Y 4 e1kPa 0.8 state line
26.7° 22.6° 0.145 0.028 1.68
0.6 Hvorslev sur.

q/ e [kPa]
Experimental and calculated undrained stress
paths for the normally and overconsolidated
samples are compared in Figure 6. The model
predicts the dilatant/compressive behavior of the
overconsolidated and normally consolidated
samples with good accuracy. If normalized by 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
the equivalent pressure pe, both experimental and
p/pe [kPa]
calculated overconsolidated stress paths do not
reach the critical state line (Figure 7). In the ex- Figure 7: Normalized undrained stress paths
periment such behavior can be attributed to the
formation of shear bands, triggering local in-
crease in volume and subsequent loss of shear 6 CONCLUSION
strength. Similarly, in the calculations planes at
the most critical orientation preferably develop A novel approach to model deformation behavior
plastic normal strains, resulting in reduced and strength characteristics of highly overconso-
strength on these planes. lidated, stiff clays has been presented. The model
is based on the multilaminate framework and au-
tomatically takes into account anisotropy in-
duced by plastic strains. Peak shear strength in
(a) the highly overconsolidated range is defined by a
600 Hvorslev surface whose size depends on the de-
q [kPa]

gree of overconsolidation and the development

400 of volumetric plastic strains. Dilatancy in the
experiment highly overconsolidated range is controlled by
200 calculated the distance between Hvorslev surface and criti-
CSL cal state line, which is in good agreement with
0 experimental data.
0 -200 -400 -600 -800
800 experiment
calculated (b) [1] Bažant, Z.P. & Oh, B.H. 1986. Efficient Numerical In-
CSL tegration on the Surface of a Sphere, Z. Angew. Math.
600 Mech. 66 (1) 37-49
q [kPa]

[2] Burland, J.B., Rampello, S., Georgiannou, V.N. &

400 Calabresi, G. 1996. A laboratory study of the strength
of four stiff clays. Geotechnique 46 (3), 491-514.
[3] Callisto, L. & Rampello, S., 2004. An interpretation of
200 structural degradation for three natural clays. Can. Geo-
tech. J. 41 (6), 392-407.
[4] Price, A.M. & Farmer, I.W., 1981. The Hvorslev Sur-
0 face in Rock Deformation. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci.
0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 -1200 & Geomech. Abstr. 18, 229-234.
p [kPa] [5] Schweiger, H.F., Wiltafsky, C., Scharinger, F. & Gala-
vi, V. 2009. A multilaminate framework for modelling
Figure 6: Undrained triaxial stress paths of overconsolidated induced and inherent anisotropy of soils. Geotechnique
(a) and normally consolidated (b) Vallericca clay 59 (2), 87-101.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 575
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Research on hydraulic heaves at excavations with

surcharge filters
Recherche sur la stabilité contre des soulèvements d’eau les de
l’excavation avec un filtre de surcharge
P. Schober1 & C. Boley
Bundeswehr University Munich, Neubiberg, Germany
B. Odenwald
Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute, Karlsruhe, Germany

When designing deep excavation pits next to waterways that are still being operated, verifying hydraulic heave safety is crucial
to determine the necessary length of the pit walls. To reduce their embedment depth, a surcharge filter can be installed.
However, studies based on numerical groundwater computations show that verification standards for hydraulic heave safety are
not applicable for excavation pits with an installed surcharge filter. Standard approaches neglect significant vertical flow below
the wall toe. A method which considers these flow forces was developed based on the numerical flow computations to determine
reliably the necessary thickness of the surcharge filter. To examine this theoretical approach and the failure mechanism, several
laboratory tests were performed which were evaluated with various methods.

Pour des excavations à proximité immédiate des canaux de navigation en service, la vérification de la stabilité contre des renards
est déterminante pour la longueur nécessaire de la cloison de l’excavation. En installant un filtre de surcharge au fond de
l’excavation, on peut réduire la profondeur nécessaire de la cloison. Pourtant, analyses conduites sur la base des calculs
numériques des courants de l’eau souterraine montrent que les vérifications conventionnelles ne sont pas applicables pour des
excavations avec un filtre au fond de l’excavation, parce qu’elles ne prennent pas les courants verticaux au-dessous du pied de la
cloison en compte, qui, en ce cas, sont très signifiants. C’est pour cette raison qu’une méthode fiable a été développée sur la base
des calculs numériques des courants de l’eau souterraine pour déterminer l’épaisseur nécessaire du filtre de surcharge qui prend
les forces des courants en compte. Pour vérifier cette approche et analyser le mécanisme de la défaillance, de nombreux d’essais
de laboratoire ont été exécutés et exploités moyennant de différentes méthodes.

Keywords: safety, groundwater, hydraulic heave, laboratory test, filter

1 INTRODUCTION reduce the embedment depth of the walls, a

surcharge filter can be installed at the pit bottom.
Installing deep excavation pits next to waterways Due to current construction measures on German
which are still being operated has become a more waterways, the German Federal Waterways
and more frequent practice for construction Engineering and Research Institute performed
measures to allow continued ship traffic. numerical groundwater flow computations.
Verification of hydraulic heave safety is required However, these brought up general questions on
to determine the length of the pit walls. To hydraulic heave safety in cases of a reduced

Corresponding Author.
576 P. Schober et al. / Research on Hydraulic Heaves at Excavations with Surcharge Filters

embedment depth of the pit walls due to a filter. The relevant width, however, according to
surcharge filter installed inside the excavation [3] corresponds only to a half of the embedment
pit. Odenwald and Herten [2] already depth of the wall below the pit bottom. In this
documented the results of the performed analyses case, the weight of the surcharge filter needs to
in detail. Based on these, the Bundeswehr be considered as an additional stabilizing force.
University Munich conducted comprehensive The installed surcharge filter needs to be filter
laboratory tests and evaluated these using various stable against the soil below the pit bottom and
methods. may only cause a slight decrease of the
groundwater potential.

Lowering the groundwater level inside an
excavation pit down to its bottom leads to
groundwater flow to the excavation pit with an 3.1 General
upward flow direction from the wall toe to the The numerical groundwater flow computations
bottom of the excavation pit. If the thus caused were performed based on a steady state, vertical-
flow force S suspends the buoyant weight of the plane groundwater model under simplified
soil G’ as well as other possible stabilizing forces assumptions. This refers in particular to the
R, hydraulic heave results. This can lead quickly assumptions of a groundwater potential at both
to the flooding of the excavation pit due to sides of the pit wall at the height of the terrain or
regressive erosion around the toe wall as well as pit surface (below the surcharge filter) and of a
to the collapse of the excavation pit. homogeneous and isotropic ground. Thus, in
Based on the German geotechnical codes, cases of flow in direction of the pit, the
hydraulic heave safety is verified according to groundwater potential can be described by only
approaches by Terzaghi-Peck [3] or Baumgart- considering the quotient of the pit wall’s
Davidenkoff [1] they use a simplified unstable embedment depth below the pit bottom and the
block to determine the relevant forces. Both groundwater potential difference 'h.
methods only compare the flow force S and the According to Terzaghi-Peck’s or Baumgart-
buoyant weight of the soil G’. Possible friction Davidenkoff’s approaches, the flow force results
forces are neglected. Terzaghi-Peck’s approach from the residual potential difference 'hr
determines the forces with the help of a prismatic between the lower edge of the unstable block at
soil block whose height corresponds to the the wall toe and the pit bottom. Considering the
embedment depth t of the wall below the pit applied simplified assumptions, the ratio of the
bottom and whose width corresponds to half of residual potential difference and the total
the embedment depth (b = t/2). Baumgart- potential difference 'hr/'h can be specified as a
Davidenkoff’s approach uses a block whose function of t/'h (Figure 1). As the length of the
width is negligible and whose height is also the applied unstable block only corresponds to the
distance between the pit bottom and the wall toe. distance from the pit bottom to the lower edge of
Since, in cases of undercurrent flow, the the wall, the residual potential difference drops
groundwater potential at the wall toe is always down to zero with decreasing embedment depth
higher than the mean potential at the lower edge t. If an unstable block starting at the wall toe is
of the unstable block according to Terzaghi- used for the computations, vertical flow in the
Peck’s approach, Baumgart-Davidenkoff’s ground below the wall toe is not considered.
approach is always more conservative.
Applying the functional relation of 'hr/'h and
When using a surcharge filter, the height of
t/'h also allows determining the necessary
the unstable block is the distance between the
thickness of the surcharge filter dF depending on
wall toe and the upper edge of the surcharge
P. Schober et al. / Research on Hydraulic Heaves at Excavations with Surcharge Filters 577

t/'h. For the equilibrium state without any safety continuously decreasing embedment depth down
factors, a dimensionless variable including the to zero. Apparently, verifying hydraulic heave
quotients dF/'h and JF/JW (JF: unit weight of the safety for a construction which involves a
surcharge filter material; JW: unit weight of surcharge filter by using an unstable block that
water) is specified for a ratio JS’/JW = 1.0 (JS’ only reaches to the wall toe is inadequate to
buoyant unit weight of the soil) depending on determine the necessary wall embedment in the
t/'h (Figure 2). ground.

3.2 Approach with an extended unstable block

The analyzed undercurrent flow below the walls
of an excavation pit included flow in an upward
direction below the wall toe. The performed
numerical computations showed that in case of a
surcharge filter installed on top of the pit bottom
and pit walls with reduced embedment depth,
significant vertical gradients may develop below
the pit bottom, which partially lie significantly
above the limiting gradient igr = JS’/JW.
To determine an unstable block which
considers vertical flow in the ground in a
sufficient manner, an area below the wall toe
needs to be defined where the vertical
Figure 1. Residual potential difference 'hr
component of the specific hydraulic gradient iz is
higher than the limiting gradient igr. Below this
area, the specific soil weight is always higher
than the specific flow force, so, for the
verification of hydraulic heave safety, the
equilibrium in this area is not exceeded.
Hydraulic heave safety needs to be verified
based on an unstable block that also covers the
distance between the wall toe and the critical
depth (iz = igr). In the following, the new
verification approach (based on Baumgart-
Davidenkoff’s approach) which involves the
adapted unstable block is illustrated.
Using the extended unstable block, a corrected
residual potential difference can be determined.
This time, we did not consider the distance
between the wall toe and the pit bottom but the
Figure 2. Required thickness of the surcharge filter dF distance between the critical depth (iz = igr)
below the wall toe and the pit bottom. The
As expected, according to the two approaches functional relation between the necessary
by Terzaghi-Peck and Baumgart-Davidenkoff, thickness of the surcharge filter relating to the
the necessary filter thickness initially rises with total potential difference dF/'h and the quotient
constant potential difference and decreasing of embedment depth and potential difference
embedment depth. After reaching a maximum, t/'h can be determined in the same way as for
however, the necessary filter thickness drops the conventional unstable block. This is
with constant potential difference and illustrated in Figure 3 for the equilibrium state
578 P. Schober et al. / Research on Hydraulic Heaves at Excavations with Surcharge Filters

and a quotient of the buoyant unit weight of the depth t of the wall and the thickness of the
soil and the unit weight of water JS’/JW = 1.0. As surcharge filter dF were varied.
opposed to the approach using an unstable block
that starts at the wall toe, computations based on 4.1 Experimental observations of failure mode
the new approach, using an extended unstable
block, concluded that even if the embedment We observed the failure mode of the hydraulic
depth is reduced down to zero a surcharge filter heave during the test series using several
is still needed. However, a maximum is also measurement techniques. The used measurement
reached here, which means that at constant techniques and instruments were: 3 water
potential difference, a further reduction of the pressure sensors around the base of the partition
embedment depth requires a less thickness of the panel, 3 displacement sensors in the middle of
surcharge filter. To verify this apparently the test box, fluid flow meter behind the outlet of
contradictory statement, laboratory tests were the test box and the Particle Image Velocimetry
performed that are described in the following. (PIV) method.
Two different temporal failure processes of
hydraulic heave, depending on the thickness of
the surcharge filter dF, were observed. During the
tests with a thickness of the surcharge filter dF =
2 cm, relevant elevations were already detected
some potential steps before the hydraulic heave
occurred. As for the tests with the surcharge
filter sizes dF = 4 cm or dF = 6 cm, the hydraulic
heave occurred 1 to 3 minutes after the first
elevation could be observed. Therefore, it can be
assumed that the thickness of the surcharge filter
dF has a significant influence on the fracture

4.1.1 Illustration of failure figure by Particle

Figure 3. Required thickness of the surcharge layer dF Image Velocimetry (PIV) method
(conventional and extended unstable block) During these laboratory experiments, we
The detailed computation basis for the observed fracture mechanics with the PIV
verification of hydraulic heave safety using the method. Small displacements of the sand could
method described above, also regarding relevant be identified and their direction and amplitude
safety factors, as well as the determination of the could be determined. Figure 4 shows absolute
necessary dimensions of the surcharge filter, displacements around the base of the partition
with or without considering friction forces in the panel for different potential differences with an
filter material, were described in [2]. embedment depth t of 4 cm and a thickness of
the surcharge filter dF of also 4 cm.
Figure 4 underlines that the displacements
4 VISUALIZATION OF FAILURE BY begin under the base of the partition panel at a
LABORATORY TESTS potential difference 'h of 42 cm. Later on, the
displacements spread to the downstream side of
To verify the theoretical approach, the Institute the partition panel ('h = 46 - 50 cm). If the uplift
for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical on the upstream site of the panel has a certain
Engineering of the Bundeswehr University value, the displacements spread to the backside
Munich carried out numerous laboratory tests in of the wall and the hydraulic heave is initiated
a specific box to simulate hydraulic heaves.
('h = 50 cm - 54 cm). The last two images in
During the experimental series, the embedment
Figure 4 show the displacements at the same
P. Schober et al. / Research on Hydraulic Heaves at Excavations with Surcharge Filters 579

potential difference. The penultimate image the test box. The displacements were detected by
displays the displacements at the beginning of displacement transducers. Transducer 1, which is
the potential step, the last image show it briefly located at a distance from the partition panel of 5
before the hydraulic heave occurs. The same cm, also shows the first significant elevations at
failure behavior was observed in almost all tests. the potential difference of 'h = 48 cm - 50 cm.
Furthermore, the yield line of the unstable This corresponds to the observations in Figure 5.
block can be visualized by the PIV method for
all potential differences. Hence, the geometry of
the unstable block for several potential
differences 'h can be determined. For further
investigation, the results of the analysis can be
used as a basis to develop the theoretical
approach and adapt the unstable block.

Figure 5. Vertical displacements z [mm] at the sand surface

Figure 6. Vertical displacements z [mm] at the filter surface

Transducer 2, at a distance of 10 cm from the

Figure 4 Absolute displacements partition panel, displays smaller elevations than
transducer 1. However, the significant elevations
4.1.2 Vertical displacements in front of the begin at a potential difference of 'h = 52 cm.
partition wall Transducer 3, at a distance of 15 cm from the
partition panel, displays no significant
Figure 5 shows vertical displacements on the elevations.
surface of the sand in front of the partition panel
measured by the PIV method. The diagram
shows that the first significant vertical elevations
happen at the potential difference of 'h = 50 cm.
This corresponds to the results illustrated in
Figure 4 which show that the significant
displacements at the downstream of the partition Figure 7. Bulking of sand in front of the partition panel
panel start at the same potential difference.
Furthermore, the diagram visualizes the shape Additionally, the phenomenon of bulking
and the length of the unstable block. could be observed during the test series
Figure 6 shows vertical displacements on the (Figure 7).
surface of the surcharge filter in the middle of
580 P. Schober et al. / Research on Hydraulic Heaves at Excavations with Surcharge Filters

4.1.3 Water pressure conditions considered. The assumption and the idealized
The recorded pressure curves were used to unstable block in the theoretical approach cause
control the duration of a potential step. the differences between the theoretical approach
Comparing the curves of the water pressure and the experimental tests.
sensors with the illustration of the absolute
displacements detected with the PIV method
(Figure 4), it can be seen that the first relevant
displacements in front and at the base of the
partition panel occur at the potential difference
of 'h = 42 cm where the irregular run of the
curves begins (sensor 1 and 2 in Figure 8).
Hence, relocations and/or displacements in the
test sand can be detected by observing water
pressure curves. At the beginning of the test, the
hydraulic differences are relatively small. Hence, Figure 9. Results of experimental series
no relocations or displacements occur and the
pressure curves run regularly ('h = 12 cm – 42
cm in Figure 8). If the curves show jerky leaps or
run irregularly, it can be assumed that relocations The result of the numerical computation with
and/or displacements occur around the pressure an extended unstable block and the results of the
sensor ('h = 42 cm – 54 cm in Figure 8). experimental series show qualitative similar
results. If the ratio between the embedment depth
of the wall and the potential difference t/'h falls
below a defined value, the required thickness of
the surcharge filter dF drops. The relatively high
quantitative difference between the results of the
numerical computation and the experimental
tests causes from assumptions in the theoretical
approach. The development and the adaptation of
the theoretical approach will be object to further
investigation. With the applied measurement
Figure 8. Water pressure u [mbar] techniques, the failure figure could be visualized
and the failure mode was observed.
4.2 Results of experiments
Figure 9 shows the results of the experimental
series and the theoretical approach as a function The project was sponsor by the Federal
of dF/'h and t/'h. Similar to the results of the Waterways Engineering and Research Institute
theoretical approach, the test results show that Karlsruhe, Germany.
the required thickness of the surcharge filter dF
drops down from a defined ratio between the
embedment depth of the wall and the potential REFERENCES
difference t/'h. [1] Davidenkoff, R., 1970. Unterläufigkeit von
The results of the test series are clearly below Stauwerken, Wernerverlag, Düsseldorf
the results of the theoretical approach. Hence, the [2] Odenwald, B., Herten, M., 2008. Hydraulischer
theoretical approach can be assessed as being Grundbruch: neue Erkenntnisse, Bautechnik 85, Heft 9,
S. 585 -595
very conservative. In the theoretical approach, [3] Terzaghi, K, Peck, R. B., 1948. Soil Mechanics in
only the weight of the unstable block is Engineering Practice, John Wiley and Sons, New York
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 581
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Triaxial test simulation on Erksak sand using

hardening soil model
Simulation des essais triaxiaux sur le sable Erksak avec le
modèle Hardening Soil
{Ÿ 1
Faculty of Civil Engineering, University of Zagreb, CROATIA

Hardening Soil model (HS) available in numerical computer program Plaxis is widely used in geotechnical practice for modeling
both cohesive and non cohesive soils. The basic characteristics of the model are stress dependent stiffness according to a power
law, plastic straining due to primary deviatoric loading, plastic straining due to primary compression, elastic unloading/reloading
and failure according to the Mohr-Coulomb model. In this paper parameters of HS model are evaluated for Erksak sand. The tri-
axial tests database used consists of 15 drained and 31 undrained tests and it covers wide range of sand density and isotropic
consolidation pressure. Results of simulations show that relative density has to be accounted for to be able to simulate the sand
behavior for different states. Some relationships to relative density are proposed for reference secant stiffness, effective angle of
internal friction and angle of dilatancy. Great advantages of HS model, but also some limitations are presented in this paper, both
for drained and undrained conditions.

Le modèle Hardening Soil (HS), disponible dans le code de calcul Plaxis, est largement utilisé pour modeler le comportement
des sols cohérents et incohérents. Les caractéristiques essentielles du modèle sont la rigidité qui dépend des contraintes selon une
loi de puissance, les déformations plastiques dues au chargement déviatoir primaire, les déformations plastiques dues à la com-
pression primaire, le chargement/déchargement élastique et la loi de rupture selon Mohr-Coulomb. Dans cet article les para-
mètres du modèle HS ont été évalués pour le sable Erksak. On a utilisé les résultats des essais triaxiaux, 15 essais drainés et 31
essais non drainés, avec une grande variété de la pression de consolidation isotrope, sur les échantillons du sable ayant une
grande variété de la densité. Les résultats des simulations ont montré que pour le propre comportement calculé du sable aux états
différents, on doit prendre compte de l’indice de densité. On propose des relations entre l’indice de densité d’une part et la rigidi-
té sécante de référence, l’angle de frottement effectif et l’angle de dilatance d’autre. Les grands avantages et aussi quelques limi-
tations du modèle HS sont présentés pour les conditions drainées et non drainées.

Keywords: sand modeling, hardening soil model, triaxial test, critical state, dilatancy, Plaxis software

1 INTRODUCTION magnitude of deformation. One of the main be-

haviors that differs sand from other materials is
Modeling of complex sand behavior is great its characteristic to change the volume due to
challenge for advance numerical soil models. pure shearing, which is called dilatancy [1]. The
The extremely nonlinear behavior depends not dilatancy of sand is known to be positive for in-
only on the intrinsic properties of the sand but al- itially dense sand, causing extension of the sam-
so on the density of sand, state of stress and the ple, and negative for loose sand causing contrac-
Corresponding author
582 I. Sokolić and Ž. Skazlić / Triaxial Test Simulation on Erksak Sand Using Hardening Soil Model

tion. It can be observed from drained triaxial where Rf is failure ratio (ultimate deviatoric
tests on the dense and loose sand, starting from stress qf divided by asymptotic stress qa), while
the same isotropic consolidation pressure, that E50 (the confining stress dependent stiffness
for high rate of shear deformation both samples modulus for primary loading) and qf (the ulti-
dilate toward the same final density reaching the mate deviatoric stress) are given by:
critical state [2]. In the critical state the sand is
shearing under the constant rate of stresses re- m
 c cos   '3 sin  
taining the same volume. For different isotropic E50  E50ref   (2)
 c cos   p sin  
pressures different critical state voids are
reached, that can be well approximated by the
critical state line [3-5]. For dense sand it is cha-
racteristic to reach the peak strength at relatively 2 sin 
small shear deformation and to reduce the q f  (c cot   ' 3 ) (3)
strength for further shearing, while the loose
1  sin 
sand reaches the critical state strength gradually.
The effect of peak strength caused by dilatancy is where E50ref is a reference stiffness modulus cor-
less pronounced at higher isotropic pressure [6]. responding to the confining pressure pref, power
For both dense and loose sand the stress-strain m is amount of stress dependency and c and 
relationship can be relatively good approximated are strength parameters (see Figure 1).
by hyperbola [7]. The shear hardening flow rule in HS model is
All the characteristic of real sand behavior linear and depends on mobilized dilatancy angle
mentioned above can be well observed on triaxi- Xm which takes value:
al tests on Erksak sand [5]. The database of tests - for  = 0 and sinm < 3/4 sin, Xm =0
consist of 15 drained and 31 undrained triaxial - for sinm ` 3/4 sin and X ) 0, Xm = X
tests in wide range of sand density and consoli- - for sinm ` 3/4 sin and X > 0
dation pressure which gives the great opportunity
to validate the capabilities of Hardening soil  sin  m  sin  cv 
model (HS) to model the real sand behavior. sinX m  max ,0  (4)
 1  sin  m sin  cv 

2 HARDENING SOIL MODEL where cv is critical state friction angle, X is soil
parameter and m is mobilized friction angle
HS model available in numerical computer pro- adopted from stress-dependent theory [10]:
gram Plaxis was originally developed for model-
ing real sand behavior [8]. The basic characteris- '1  ' 3
tics of the model are stress dependent stiffness sin  m  (5)
according to a power law, plastic straining due to '1  ' 3 2c cot 
primary deviatoric loading, plastic straining due
to primary compression, elastic unloading and
reloading, dilatancy and failure according to the
Mohr-Coulomb criteria [9]. The basic idea for
the formulation of the HS model is the hyperbol-
ic relationship between the vertical strain %1 and
the deviatoric stress q in drained triaxial loading:

1 q
 %1  (1)
2 E50 (2  R f ) 1  qR f / q f
Figure 1. Hyperbolic stress-strain relation for HS model [9].
I. Sokolić and Ž. Skazlić / Triaxial Test Simulation on Erksak Sand Using Hardening Soil Model 583

3 TRIAXIAL TESTS ON ERKSAK SAND The limiting void ratios are emin = 0.521 and emax
= 0.747, average grain size D50 = 0.33mm, con-
The database of triaxial test on Erksak sand con- tent of fines 0.7 % and critical state friction angle
sists of 15 drained and 31 undrained triaxial tests cv = 31.5 degrees.
in the wide range of effective isotropic consoli-
dation pressure (60kPa < p’0 < 8100kPa) and ini-
tial void ratio (0.588 < ei < 0.820). The change of 4 TRIAXIAL TEST SIMULATION
void ratio of samples and the effective isotropic
stress due to shearing in drained and undrained The results of triaxial tests on Erksak sand were
conditions are shown on Figure 2. It can be seen used to calibrate the parameters of HS soil model
that all the samples are changing the initial void and to evaluate the capabilities of HS model to
ratio ei towards the critical state line (CSL) ap- simulate the behavior of Erksak sand for differ-
proximated by log-log relationship [11]. In ent initial densities, in wide range of initial con-
drained conditions initially dense samples below solidation pressure and for different type of drai-
the CSL line (‘dry’ region [3]) are dilating, while nage conditions.
the loose samples above the CSL line (‘wet’ re- As hyperbolic stress-strain relationship of HS
gion) are compacting. In undrained conditions model is defined for drained shearing, the results
the volume of the initial sample remains constant of drained triaxial test were used to derive the
while the isotropic pressure is increasing for parameters of the model. For each drained triaxi-
samples in ‘dry’ region or reducing for samples al test the stress-strain results were used to define
in ‘wet’ region. the ultimate friction angle , ultimate shear stress
For all the tests in database the stress-strain qf, 50% of ultimate strength qf(50) and corres-
relation is available together with basic mechani- ponding axial deformation %1(50). The confining
cal and physical characteristics of Erksak sand. stress dependent stiffness modulus for primary
loading E50 was calculated using the equation:

q f (50 )
E50  (6)
% 1(50)

For all drained tests the stiffness modulus E50

and ultimate friction angle vary in the range
15.290kPa < E50 < 254.056kPa and 26.9o <  <
39.3o. To define the parameters of Erksak sand
for whole range of the results it was necessary to
account for confining pressure influence and for
sand density.
The reference stiffness was first calculated for
three samples with the same initial void ratio ei
= 0.68 at different initial isotropic pressure p’0 =
140; 60; 300 by using the equation (2). Changing
the power parameter m in the range of 0.5 <m <
1.0 it was found that best fit was achieved for m
= 1.0. Assuming that the power parameter does
not depend on the soil density the same value
was used to define the reference pressure for dif-
ferent isotropic pressure.
Figure 2. Critical state line for Erksak sand.
584 I. Sokolić and Ž. Skazlić / Triaxial Test Simulation on Erksak Sand Using Hardening Soil Model

For each drained test the initial relative com-

pactness was calculated using the equation:

emax  ei
ID  (7)
emax  emin

It can be seen from Figure 3a that the refer-

ence stiffness E50ref depends on initial relative
compactness of sample and can be approximated
by linear equation:

E50ref  51.4 I D  19.9 (8)

Looking at the ultimate friction angle  it can

be also found that it depends on the initial rela-
tive compactness while the linear correlation is
much better (Figure 3b):

  12.9 I D  31.0 (9)

The remaining strength parameter for Erksak

sand, the dilatancy X, can be calculated by equa-
tion (4) using the ultimate friction angle  and
the critical state friction angle cv. The correla-
tion with relative initial compactness is also li-
near (Figure 3c):

X  12.9 I D  0.5 (10)

Using the correlations (8), (9) and (10) all tri-

axial tests were simulated by computer program
Plaxis using the SoilTest procedure. The proce-
dure enables the quick simulation of strain con-
trol triaxial test using HS model. The results of
simulations for one dense sample and loose sam-
ple are shown on Figure 4. Different combination
of strength parameters  and X, were used to
present their influence on the results. It can be
seen from Figure 4a. that it is necessary to use
ultimate friction angle  as input parameter to
achieve the ultimate strength qf for given sample.
To achieve the dilatation of the dense sample,
positive value of dilatancy parameter X must be
used, and negative for compactness of loose
sample. For both dense and loose sample it can Figure 3. Effect of relative density compactness on a) stiff-
be seen that the hyperbolic relationship can well ness; b) strength and c) dilatancy of Erksak sand.
I. Sokolić and Ž. Skazlić / Triaxial Test Simulation on Erksak Sand Using Hardening Soil Model 585

Figure 4. Drained triaxial test for a) dense; b) loose sample.

Figure 5. Undrained triaxial tests a) dense; b) loose sample.

586 I. Sokolić and Ž. Skazlić / Triaxial Test Simulation on Erksak Sand Using Hardening Soil Model

approximate stress-strain curve. Compared to the

real sand behavior the HS model of soil is not
able to simulate the strength reduction for dense
samples after reaching the ultimate strength.
The same strategy was used to simulate the
undrained triaxial tests on Erksak sand. The re-
sults of simulation for one dense and one loose
sample are shown on Figure 5. It can be seen that
the results of simulation show large deviation
from measurements both in effective stress pass
and in stress-strain relationship. The deviation is
much pronounced for loose samples for which
the effect of dilatation is less pronounced then in
measurements, leading to much bigger maximum
undrained strength. The reason can be found in
the way the mobilized dilatancy Xm is defined,
because it is active just for sinm ` 3/4 sin.
Another problem caused by mobilized dilatancy Figure 6. Drained triaxial test simulation on Erksak sand.
is that its value remains constant after reaching
the ultimate mobilized friction angle leading to
infinite undrained strength of dense samples and REFERENCES
zero final undrained strength for loose samples.
Comparing the results up to mobilized friction [1] O. Reynolds. On the dilatancy of media composed of
rigid particles in contact, with experimental
angle m = 0.5cv it can be seen that the simula- illustrations. Philosophical Magazine (1885), 20, 469-
tion fits well to the measurements for the initial 481.
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5 CONCLUSIONS [3] A. N. Schofield & C. P. Wroth, Critical State Soil
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The HS soil model is advanced numerical model Mechanics, Cambridge university press, Chippenham,
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ness parameters must be corrected. Such correla- sands. Géotechnique, 36 (1), 65-78.
tions are proposed in this paper for Erksak sand [7] J. M. Duncan & C. Y. Chang, Nonlinear analysis of
by equations (8), (9) and (10). stress-strain in soils. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and
Foundations Division (1970), 96 (SM5), 1629-1653.
Special care must be taken when modeling [8] T. Schanz, P.A. Vermeer & P.G. Bonnier, The harden-
dense sand in drained conditions in the case of ing soil model: Formulation and verification, Beyond
high rate of shear deformation (because of 2000 in Computational Geotechnics – 10 Years of
strength reduction), and when modeling both PLAXIS (1999), Balkema, Rotterdam
[9] R.J.B. Brinkgrawe & P.A. Vermeer, Plaxis Manual
dense and loose sand in undrained conditions in Version 8, A.A. Balkema, Rotterbam, Brookfeld, 1998.
the case of stress rate m > 0.5  (for example in [10] P. W. Rowe, The stress-dilatancy relation for static
phi-c reduction procedure). Modeling of sands equilibrium of an assembly of particles in contact. Proc.
initially above CSL line and for ID < 0.25 leads Roy. Soc., A269 (1962), 500-527.
[11] D. Sheng, Y. Yao & J. P. Carter, A volume-stress
to overestimation of undrained shear strength for model for sands under isotropic and critical states.
more than 50%. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 45 (2008), 1639-1645.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 587
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 593
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Specifics of behavior of subsoils consisting of hard

proterozoic deposits
Spécifités du travail de sous-sol de dépôts protérozoïques durs
V.M. Ulitsky 1
State Transport University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
V.A. Vasenin, A.G. Shashkin, C.G. Shashkin
Georeconstruction Engineering Co, Saint Petersburg, Russia

Due to increasing height of buildings and development of the underground space hard proterozoic deposits now are used quite
often as subsoils of structures in Saint Petersburg. For high-rise buildings embedding pile ends into hard soils often is the only
possible option of foundation design, since the depth of rocks in central Saint Petersburg is more than 200 m. One of the main
tasks of pile foundation design subjected to big loads is estimation of settlements of such foundation. Meanwhile, deformation
properties of hard soils are not studied well yet.
Research of these deposits was conducted by the authors on several sites in Saint Petersburg. It consisted of laboratory testing in
triaxial cells, and in-situ tests. Results of investigations on one test site in the centre of Saint Petersburg are presented in the
paper. Some results of soil-structure interaction modeling of a high-rise building are also presented.

En raison de développement d’hauteur des edifices á Saint-Peterbourg et construction souterrain, dépôts protérozoïques durs
devient le sou-sol plus souvent. Pieus des bâtiments élevés doivent atteindre ces depots pour autant que roches au centre de
Saint-Peterbourg se trouve au fond de 200 m. En cas des charges grandes sur le sous-sol le problème principal est le calcul des
tassements de foundation sur pieux qui repose sur les argiles durs. Cependant les propriétés de déformation sont étudieés
Les auteurs de cet article investigueaient les dépôts protérozoïques durs en quelques sites á Saint-Peterbourg. Ils font le
complexe d'epreuves, y compris les epreuves triaxial de laboratoire et les epreuves sur les puits de reconnaissaissance. Dans cet
article quelque calculs de système “sous-sol - edifice” sont présentéés.

Keywords: Wendian clays, triaxial tests, soi-structure interaction analyses, high-rise building

1 GEOLOGICAL CONDITIONS OF THE to 53,0 m stratification consists of bluish-grey

SITE laminated clays with thin inclusions of dislocated
sandstone (max.1 mm in thickness). Bluish-grey
The ground conditions of the site considered in laminated clays continue to follow from 53,0 m
the present paper are characterized by presence down to 127.5 m. Within the boundaries of test
of quaternary deposits of variable origin and bed- areas under consideration, SPT tests on subsoil
rock of Wendian strata of the Kotlin horizon. were conducted — predominantly on quaternary
The quaternary strata within the boundaries of deposits (up to the upper boundary of dislocated
test areas for testing piles and barrettes extend Wendian strata, i.e. going down to 40-43 m).
down to 43 - 45 m. Following those from 45,0 m

Corresponding Author.
594 V.M. Ulitsky et al. / Specifics of Behavior of Subsoils Consisting of Hard Proterozoic Deposits

2 RESULTS OF LABORATORY TESTS OF depth of vertical relative strain value at failure,

HARD CLAYS which reaches about 15% in the area of glacial
dislocations at the level of 45 m and reduces with
The design for the high-rise building envisages depth to 2-3%.
toe levels of deep supports (barrettes) to be lo- Fig. 3 shows a dependency of change in water
cated in stiff Wendian clays. Significant attention content of Wendian clays samples tested accord-
during laboratory testing was given to strength ing to various schemes. water content of the
and strain (deformation) properties of the Wen- tested samples decreases with depth. At depths of
dian clays. The tests were conducted by a profes- around 50 m average water content amounts to
sional testing facility according to three testing approximately 15%, whereas at depths of ap-
schemes to comply with requirements expressed proximately 150 m average water content
in Russian and British Standards. The analysed reaches roughly 11,5%. Based on triaxial tests
the test results statistically. Fig. 1 shows strength results, dependency of strength on natural water
dependency of hard Wendian clays on depth. content of samples becomes distinctly visible
Within the interval from 40 to 150 m, shear (Fig. 4) for all hard clay strata. The division into
strength of samples tends to increase. There was, various testing schemes (i.e. consolidated-
however, no significant difference between the drained, consolidated-undrained, and unconsoli-
executed testing schemes. Apparently, the differ- dated-undrained schemes) fails to distinguish any
ence in strength for hard clays consists only in other regularity. This may be explained by prac-
degree of micro-cracks closing (the cracks tical absence of free water in hard clay voids. All
formed in the process of coring and reconstitut- pore water in such clays is bound, and it is be-
ing samples) during loading at hydrostatic pres- cause of that that the process of the so called
sure stage, as well as in strain rate at the stage of “consolidation” in such soil is practically absent
action along compression paths. and is reduced in all test types to micro-cracks
Fig. 2 shows the corresponding change with closing.

2 3

Figure 1. Change of shear strength (kPa) of Wendian clays with depth. According to various test schemes (dots represent soil
samples): 1 – Unconsolidated-undrained (UU), 2 – Consolidated-undrained (CU), 3 – Consolidated-drained (CD) tests.
V.M. Ulitsky et al. / Specifics of Behavior of Subsoils Consisting of Hard Proterozoic Deposits 595


Figure 2. Change of vertical relative strain of Wendian clay samples (kPa) at failure with depth. According to various test
schemes (dots represent soil samples): 1 – Unconsolidated-undrained (UU), 2 – Consolidated-undrained (CU),
3 – Consolidated-drained (CD) tests.

Figure 3. Change of degree of saturation of Wendian clay samples with depth. Variously shaped points correspond to various
soil elements and boreholes.
596 V.M. Ulitsky et al. / Specifics of Behavior of Subsoils Consisting of Hard Proterozoic Deposits


Figure 4. Dependency of strength on saturation in triaxial tests according to various test procedures:
1 – Unconsolidated-undrained (UU). y = 7E+07x-4.3017, R2 = 0.7152; 2 – Consolidated-undrained (CU),
y = 1E+08x-4.431, R2 = 0.7225; 3 – Consolidated-drained (CD) tests, y = 5E+07x-4.2041, R2 = 0.6611.

Fig. 5 shows comparison of dependencies of first and foremost, to the scatter of natural physi-
reached axial strain of samples on water content cal soil properties.
based on triaxial tests at various schemes of hard Absence of significant differences during hard
clay behaviour. There was no significant differ- clay tests according to different schemes presuma-
ence in strength or deformability of hard clay bly means that the volumetric strain component is
samples in various testing schemes. Thereat, immaterial. Thus, the behaviour of hard clay sam-
however, a considerable scatter of both strength, ples can be described based on various conditions
and deformability is observed, which is related, (of both drained and undrained testing modes).


Figure 5. Dependency of max. vertical strain on degree of sample saturation in Wendian clays according to various testing
procedures: 1 – Unconsolidated-undrained (UU), 2 – Consolidated-undrained (CU), 3 – Consolidated-drained (CD) tests.
V.M. Ulitsky et al. / Specifics of Behavior of Subsoils Consisting of Hard Proterozoic Deposits 597

3 SOIL-STRUCTURE INTERACTION rettes, pilecap slab and external core walls with
MODELLING OF A HIGH-RISE spatial finite elements; modelling the internal
BUILDING core walls and intermediate floors with plate fi-
nite elements; modelling the columns and beam
The designed high-rise building (having about 80 cells with spatial rod elements.
floors) is of core and frame type. Its overall sta- General outlook for the superstructure calcula-
bility is ensured by joint action of the central tion profile is presented in Fig. 6 (`).
monolithic reinforced concrete core and steel Soil-structure interaction analysis of the de-
columns along the building perimeter, the col- signed high-rise building and its subsoil was per-
umns being joined into a single system by means formed according to several scenarios of subsoil
of steel beam cells, along which intermediate behaviour:
floor discs are placed; additionally there are spe- 1. Calculating structures of the building on elas-
cial outrigger beams in three levels of mainte- tic subsoil, as per requirements contained in
nance floors. In such a layout the main element currently applicable codes and in agreement
responsible for assuming the vertical and hori- with assumptions adopted on limiting depth of
zontal components of the loads is the core. compressible stratum in the subsoil of the de-
Square area of the central reinforced concrete signed building.
core decreases with height together with the 2. Calculations with account of subsoil behav-
square area of individual floors, which likewise iour based on non-linear models, which permit
decreases as the building becomes higher. automatic limitation of the depth of com-
As the purpose of our analyses was the con- pressible stratum.
sideration of interaction of the designed super- A considerably important issue in assessing
structure and the subsoil, the necessity arose to settlements of the high-rise building under con-
adequately represent the building superstructure, sideration will be the proportion of subsoil de-
wherewith to ensure the required calculation ac- formation brought about by volumetric and shear
curacy (Ulitsky et al, 2005, Shashkin, 2006). strains of hard clays. With this consideration in
Modelling the action of subsoil and barrettes im- mind, two conflicting hypotheses in respect of
plied obtaining accurate loads distribution onto volumetric compressibility of hard clays were
barrettes, as well as an account of their interac- used in our analyses:
tion with the surrounding soil, which made it 1. there is no volumetric compressibility at all;
necessary to model the barrettes with spatial fi- 2. volumetric compressibility corresponds to the
nite elements. Pressure is transferred onto bar- obtained compression curves within the inter-
rettes through the foundation mat, and consider- val of stresses from natural pressures to acting
ing the thickness of the slab as being 3,6 m, for a stresses in subsoil.
reliable assessment of loads distribution onto The first hypothesis corresponds to an as-
barrettes, again, it was necessary to model the sumption of there being no considerable voids
pilecap slab with spatial finite elements. The ma- filled with air or free pore water in natural soil.
jor portion of loads onto subsoil from the de- The assumption of overconsolidated state of hard
signed high-rise building is generated by concen- clays can lead to a similar conclusion as well. At
trated loads from its core. In the underground overconsolidation ratio OCR=2 or more, addi-
part of the designed building the thickness of the tional loading with the building’s own weight
external core wall is 2 m. Moreover, in places will not exceed preconsolidation pressure, and,
where the core width changes, the width of the correspondingly, volumetric compressibility will
core walls reaches 3,5 m. be at its minimum and will be defined by the
In this case while constructing a 3-D scheme unloading-reloading modulus.
for the building to perform soil-structure interac- In respect of strength parameters (as well as of
tion analysis it was decided to build up the finite shear deformability) three various hypotheses
element profile according to the following se- were put forward:
quence: modelling behaviour of subsoil, bar-
598 V.M. Ulitsky et al. / Specifics of Behavior of Subsoils Consisting of Hard Proterozoic Deposits

1. strength depends, largely, on physical proper- Table 1. Settlement and relative settlement differentials for
ties (natural degree of saturation) of samples various foundation options.
and only weakly depends on total pressure; Subsoil behaviour Option with barrette toe level at
thereat strength is defined directly based on scheme 105 m from ground surface/ Set-
triaxial tests (same as in undrained condi- tlement
tions); max., cm Min., relative dif-
2. strength depends on total confining pressure cm ferential
(i.e. increases with depth), in calculations an Elastic calculation 12,5 9 0,001
through layer-by-layer
account is made of angle of internal friction, summation method
effective stresses in soil skeleton (considering (compressible stratum
also the water column in total absence of a equals ½ of subsoil
confining layer); width)
1 Unconsolidated- 6,5 5 0.0006
3. strength depends on total confining pressure undrained (˜u-
(i.e. increases with depth), in calculations an lowered)
account is made of angle of internal friction, 2 Consolidated-drained 11 9,6 0.00055
stresses in soil skeleton equal total stresses with account of effec-
tive stress
(not accounting for water). 3 Consolidated-drained 6,5 5 0.0006
effective stress equals
The first assumption, as far as its physical
sense is concerned, corresponds to the hypothesis As can be seen from Table 1, various models
of there being no considerable volumetric com- of non-linear foundation-subsoil produce provi-
pressibility of soil. Indeed, there being a depend- sionally close values of settlement from 7 to 11
ency of clay strength on pressure is connected cm. Contours of vertical movements in subsoil
not so much with friction as such, as with soil and superstructure of the designed building, with
compaction under load. An increase in density account of non-linear character of its subsoil be-
leads to a corresponding increase in quantity and haviour according to consolidated-drained
quality of contacts between clay particles and, scheme, are contained in Fig.6 (b) and Fig.7. Dif-
correspondingly, to an increase in strength. If ferences in settlement values calculated based on
there is no considerable volumetric compressibil- possible schemes of subsoil behaviour are condi-
ity, growth of strength at increasing loads is also tioned largely by accounting for or disregarding
hardly probable. In this case strength properties the volumetric component of strain. Here it is
will be defined by natural density of soil, formed necessary to point out that the settlement input
at this or that depth by acting natural stresses. contributed by the volumetric portion of strain in
Prior to calculating superstructure of a build- hard clays will take a rather long time to develop.
ing on non-linear foundation-subsoil we selected As this component of deformations will be en-
parameters of soil models, with which intention tirely defined by consolidation process in hard
we modelled triaxial tests of soil samples. clays, then, bearing in mind low values of per-
Results of calculations performed according to meability coefficient (approximately 10-6 m/day)
various schemes of subsoil behaviour are con- and long permeability paths, this settlement
tained the following table: component will take a long time to develop,
which makes it of secondary importance for con-
sideration over the building lifetime.
V.M. Ulitsky et al. / Specifics of Behavior of Subsoils Consisting of Hard Proterozoic Deposits 599

(`) Figure 6. (`) Calculation profile of The most important for design is distribution
the building superstructure;
b) Settlement contours (m) of the
of loads unto barrettes and stresses in the super-
designed high-rise building with structure. Based on performed calculations, val-
account of non-linear character of ues of loads in future building structures were
its subsoil behaviour according to chosen as the least favourable for the considered
consolidated-drained scheme with
account of dividing pressure into
schemes of subsoil behaviour.
effective and hydrostatic – accord- One of the important moments in foundation
ing to Scheme 2 – Option with bar- design for high-rise buildings is the criterion of
rette toe level at 105 m from the permissible values of absolute subsoil settlement.
ground surface. (Contours spaced
at 0.01 m.)
In this case the ultimate value criterion for foun-
dation settlement was limited to the value of
10 cm. To observe this criterion of ultimate set-
tlement, the barrette toe level in subsoil of the
high-rise building must be approximately 100-
105 m. If the criterion of ultimate settlement de-
velopment of the high-rise building is lowered,
the length of barrettes can be considerably re-
Another not less significant issue defining re-
liability of foundation-subsoil design is the guar-
antee of adequate bearing capacity of the bar-
rettes. This issue for the site in question was
studied separately and the results of this study
are published in a separate paper.
Thus, analyses of various models of subsoil-
foundation behaviour provided the possibility to
evaluate the possible range of absolute settle-
ments of the high-rise building, as well as the
range of relative settlement differential of its in-
dividual structures. This in turn allowed defini-
tion of loads distribution range onto barrettes and
the corresponding loads in the structures of the
high-rise building.



-0.01 -0.09 -0.05

-0.06 -0.1 -0.1
-0.03 -0.04
600 V.M. Ulitsky et al. / Specifics of Behavior of Subsoils Consisting of Hard Proterozoic Deposits


-0.03 -0.02

-0.02 -0.06

-0.02 -0.1
-0.04 -0.11 -0.04

-0.1 -0.1
-0.039 -0.07 -0.02


Figure 7. Contours of barrette settlement (m) when calculating building on non-linear subsoil according to consolidated-drained
scheme with account of dividing pressure into effective and hydrostatic according to Scheme 2 – Option with barrette toe level at
105 m from the ground surface. (contours spaced at 0.01 m).

4 CONCLUSIVE REMARKS adopted on limiting depth of compressible stra-

tum in the subsoil of the designed building: and
Test results of hard Wendian clays and soil- with account of subsoil behaviour based on non-
structure interaction analysis of a high-rise build- linear models, which permit automatic limitation
ing are presented in the paper. of the depth of compressible stratum. The com-
The soils have been tested with different vari- putations have made it possible to estimate the
ous testing schemes – consolidated-drained, con- settlements of the building with the various
solidated-undrained, and unconsolidated- foundation options.
undrained. Graphs of dependency of strength on
samples natural water content. Absence of sig-
nificant differences during hard clay tests accord- REFERENCES
ing to different schemes presumably means that
the volumetric strain component could be very [1] Ulitsky V.M. 2005. The basics of soil-structure interac-
small. Thus, the behaviour of hard clay samples tion. Proceedings of the International Conference
“Soil-structure Interaction: Calculation methods and
can be described based on various conditions (of Engineering Practice”. St. Petersburg, Vol.1, pp. 3–10.
both drained and undrained testing modes). [2] Shashkin, C. 2006. Basic regularities of soil-structure
Soil-structure interaction analysis of the de- interaction. Proceedings of the XIII Danube European
signed high-rise building and its subsoil was per- Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. Ljubljana.
Vol. 1, pp 179–190.
formed according to several scenarios of subsoil
behaviour: with elastic subsoil, with assumptions
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 601
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Neural modelling of the fly ash compaction curve

Modélisation neuronale de courbe de compactage
des cendres volantes
K. Zabielska-Adamska 1 & M.J. Sulewska
Bialystok University of Technology, Poland

The paper aim was to analyze the influence of fly ash grain-size distribution (representing by the effective sizes, uniformity and
curvature coefficients) and specific density on its compaction curve shape. The tested fly ash was compacted by the Standard
and Modified Proctor methods at various water content ranging over wopt ±5%. The attempt of applying the artificial neural
networks type MLP for fly ash compaction curve points was made. ANNs several inputs (grain-size distribution as D10–D90 and
uniformity and curvature coefficients, compaction method, fly ash specific density) were used. The output vector was presented
by co-ordinates of generated compaction curve points. Using ANN modelling method, models which enable establishing the
approximate compaction curve shape were obtained.

Le but de cet article est d’analyser l'influence des cendres volantes granulométrie (représentant par la taille effective et les
coefficients d’uniformité et de la courbure) et la densité des particules solides sur la forme de la courbe de compactage. Les
testés cendres volantes ont été compactés par la méthode Proctor Standard et méthode Proctor Modifié à teneur en eau différents
allant plus que wopt ±5%. Un essai d’utilisation des réseaux de neurones artificiels MLP pour les cendres volantes points de la
courbe de compactage a été effectué. Plusieurs entrées d’ANNs (granulométrie comme D10–D90 et coefficients d'uniformité et de
la courbure, méthode de compactage, la densité des cendres volantes de particules solides) ont été utilisés. Le vecteur de sortie a
été présenté par la coordination de la courbe de compactage de points générés. En utilisant la méthode de modélisation ANN,
modèles qui permet d'établir la forme approximative de compactage courbe ont été obtenues.

Keywords: Compaction curve, fly ash, fly ash compactibility, geotechnical parameters, artificial neural networks, neural

Soil compactibility is defined as an ability to Is (1)
U d max
obtain maximum possible dry density of solid
particles, ρd, and is dependent on compaction
energy, the way that is used, as well as the type where ρd is the dry density of solid particles
of soil and its moisture content. Soil compaction determined for soil compacted in an
is measured by the degree of compaction Is: embankment, ρdmax the maximum dry density of

Corresponding Author.
602 K. Zabielska-Adamska and M.J. Sulewska / Neural Modelling of the Fly Ash Compaction Curve

solid particles determined in the laboratory for density–water moisture relationships is very
the same material as ρd. important. Additionally, fly ash compaction tests
Laboratory compaction test requires us to have to be conducted on separately prepared
carry out compaction in standardized ways at virgin sample – each point of fly ash compaction
various moisture contents and as a result of that curve (w, Ud) should be compacted once only in a
plotting the relationship between dry density of Proctor’s mould. Fly ash samples compacted
solid particles (or unit weight) and moisture many times can not be considered as
content. The moisture content at which representative – values for maximum dry density
compacted soil reaches the maximum dry density of solid particles increase with number of
of solid particles is called optimum water repeated compaction at decreasing optimum
content, wopt. Compaction curves ρd(w), which water contents, in comparison with samples
are obtained at various values of compaction compacted only once under the same conditions.
energy, run asymptotically to the line of Spherical ash grains, crushed during compaction,
maximum compaction, called the zero air voids can be stuffed with smaller grains, which
line, calculated assuming that soil pores are improve their packing [2]. This phenomenon
completely filled with water, as well as the line motivates a necessity of determination of fly ash
of saturation degree Sr =1, which determines the compaction curve on virgin samples, so the
degree of saturation when the soil sample is procedure is time-consuming and laborious.
completely saturated. The paper aim is to analyze the influence of
The use of fly ash as a material for earth fly ash grain-size distribution (representing by
structures involves its proper compaction. the effective sizes and curvature coefficients) and
Compaction is the most common method of the specific density on its compactibility parameter
mechanical improvement of soil condition. It values, and to determine the relationship between
increases soil density, improves its strength and physical parameters of tested fly ash and its
penetration resistance, as well as decreases compaction curve shapes. The attempt of using
compressibility and permeability. In engineering the artificial neural networks type MLP for fly
practice materials built-in road subgrade and ash compaction curve points was made. Results
embankment have their own specifications, enable us to predict the shape of the tested fly
which are dependent on type of earth structure ash compaction curve. Consequently, on the
and soil plasticity characteristics. Construction of basis of size-grain distribution and specific
mineral sealing layers usually requires cohesive density of fly ash we can model the compaction
soil compaction to obtain 90 or 95% of curve shape.
maximum compaction, relating to the Standard
and Modified Proctor methods. Concern should
be taken not to use degree of compaction, Is, as 2 TESTED FLY ASH PARAMETERS
the only parameter to assess compaction of
material in a sealing layer or road structure. The Tests were performed on a fly ash and bottom
permeability and mechanical properties of ash mixture from a dry storage yard, which are
compacted cohesive soils are dependent on referred to as fly ash because there is only a
moisture content during compaction, as are vestige of bottom ash in the mix. Fly ash is a by-
properties of fly ash. Consequently, different product of hard coal combustion at the Bialystok
values of geotechnical parameters are obtained Thermal-Electric Power Station. The scheme of
for water content, w, on either side of the carried out laboratory tests, which results are
optimum water content, wopt, on the compaction taken into analysis, is shown in Figure 1.
curve, for the same dry densities, ρd. This applies The grain-size distribution of the tested Class
to both cohesive soil and fly ash [1]. It explains, F fly ash (according to ASTM C618) in most
not only a great importance of compaction cases corresponds to sandy silt, except same
parameters, but also compaction curve shape, so cases of silty sand. On the whole, according to
establishing fly ash compaction curves as the criterion that mineral soils are estimated by
K. Zabielska-Adamska and M.J. Sulewska / Neural Modelling of the Fly Ash Compaction Curve 603

their uniformity, CU, and curvature , CC, 1.30

coefficients the tested fly ash qualifies as a

material that responds poorly to compaction. 1.25
Table 1 presents ranges of fly ash specific
density and graining values.

Fly ash


U d, g/cm3
Standard Proctor Modified Proctor Grain-size Specific
compaction compaction analysis density 1.10

Grain-size 1.05
Compaction curve distribution curve ρs


wopt–5% ρd(wopt –5%) d10

wopt–2.5% ρd(wopt –2.5%) d20 0.95
wopt ρd max d30
wopt+2.5% ρd(wopt +2.5%) d50
wopt+5% ρd(wopt +5%) d60 0.90
d70 CC
20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
d90 w, %

Figure 1. Scheme of tests carried out on fly ash samples. Figure 2. The compaction curves from laboratory tests.

Table 1. Tested fly ash parameters.

Parameter Unit Range
ρs Mg/m3 2.08–2.29
d10 mm 0.009–0.025 There is no many examples of neural modelling
d20 mm 0.013–0.045 of the soil compactibility parameters or
d30 mm 0.015–0.060
compaction curve shape in literature. One of the
d40 mm 0.018–0.550
d50 mm 0.022–0.500 first attempt of applying ANNs to prediction
d60 mm 0.028–0.117 values of wopt and Udmax for the synthetic cohesive
d70 mm 0.040–0.156 soils was made on the basis of graining, specific
d80 mm 0.065–0.204
d90 mm 0.105–0.500
density, as well as consistency parameters [3].
CU – 2.00–6.11 Similar research was presented in [4,5]. The
CC – 0.80–1.73 compactibility parameters or Udmin and Udmax
(vibration of dry soil) for non-cohesive soils
Compaction tests were carried out by means were found in dependence on soil graining [6,7].
of the Standard and Modified Proctor methods. The shape of compaction curve was only
During the tests, fly ash samples were compacted predicted for cohesive soils depending on soil
once only in a Proctor’s mould – each point of graining, specific density, consistency
compaction curve (w, Ud) was determined for parameters and compaction energy [8].
separately prepared virgin sample. Samples were
moisturized so as to produce an increase in
moisture content of each subsequent specimen of 4 ANN MODELLING TECHNIQUE
about 2% and were then stored for 24 h in closed
tins. Fragmentary curves were taken into Analysed data set of a total of 71 compaction
consideration for water contents ranging over curves (P=71 cases) was described by means of
wopt ±5% that are shown in Figure 2. 22 variables (Fig. 1):
604 K. Zabielska-Adamska and M.J. Sulewska / Neural Modelling of the Fly Ash Compaction Curve

x compaction method (standard or modified); Cattell’s criterion [10]. It was necessary to

x co-ordinates of points on compaction establish the points on the left of the straight line
curves (wi, Udi) where wi is: wopt5%, on the graph presenting percentage of variance
wopt2.5%, wopt, wopt2.5%, wopt+5%, and that was explained by following PCs (or
Udi is: ρd(wopt5%), ρd(wopt2.5%), ρdmax, eigenvalues). Such a point is determined by
ρd(wopt+2.5%), ρd(wopt5%); initial six PCs, which explained 97.05% of the
x specific density, ρs; total variance, at a loss of 2.95% of the
information. In accordance with this criterion it
x grain-size distribution described by
is sufficient to use only six PCs.
effective sizes: D10, D20, D30, D40, D50, D60,
D70, D80, D90 and uniformity and curvature Table 2. Analysis of principal components.
coefficients, CU, CC. PCs % Total Variance Cumulative %
PC1 41.46 41.46
In order to perform the data set compression PC2 25.28 66.74
to reduce the size of the network with a large PC3 10.57 77.31
PC4 8.40 85.71
number of parameters Principal Component PC5 7.10 92.81
Analysis (PCA) was used [9]. PCA reduces the PC6 4.24 97.05
dimensionality of the data set, while retaining a PC7 1.83 98.88
variance by mapping the co-ordinate system PC8 0.71 99.59
PC9 0.29 99.88
described by actual variables to a new lower PC10 0.08 99.96
dimensional co-ordinate system specified by PC11 0.02 99.98
principal components. PCA lies in the fact of PC12 0.01 99.99
redistribution of variance over new-created PC13 0.01 100.00
variables that can explain, when all the principal
components are considered, 100% of the total Table 3 shows the loadings of each original
variance. Each new-created variable (the variable on the corresponding principal
principal component, PC) is a linear combination component. These loadings describe correlations
of the actual variables. Contribution of the between the particular original variables and the
particular variables to element of PC is PCs. It can state that PC1 is characterised by
determined by loadings of each original variable high loading on: ρs, D60-D90 and CU. PC2 is
on the appropriate PC. In the paper the PCs are a characterised by high loading on variables: D10-
result of original set of 13 data: compaction D30 and CC; PC3 – by D40; PC4 – by D50; PC5 –
method, ρs, D10D90, CU, CC. The PCs are by variable: compaction method. PC6 is not
orthogonal (that is uncorrelated) linear characterised by any dominant loadings.
combinations of the original variables. The data set was randomly split into the
STATISTICA software was used for calculating learning (L), the validating (V) and the testing (T)
the principal components by means of the factor subsets. The pattern number in particular subsets
analysis function. was in the ratio of 50:25:25% of the total number
Table 2 presents the percentage of variance of patterns, respectively. Co-ordinates of points
that is explained by each of principal on compaction curves were modelled using
components. The first principal component, PC1, multilayer feed forward neural networks (type
accounts for 41.46% of the total variance; the MLP) with 6 or 5 inputs, one hidden layer and
second (PC2) and third (PC3) principal one output. In neurons of the hidden layer the
components account for 25.28% and 10.57% of tangensoidal (tanh) activation function was
the total variance respectively; the fourth (PC4) applied, and in the output neurons – the linear
and fifth (PC5) principal components account for activation function. The Levenberg-Marquardt
8.40% and 7.40% of the total variance method was used for neuron networks training.
respectively; the sixth (PC6) accounts for 4.24%. ANN simulation was performed using
A number of principal components taken into STATISTICA Neural Networks software. ANNs
further analysis was establish on the basis of with the best prediction accuracy were quantified
K. Zabielska-Adamska and M.J. Sulewska / Neural Modelling of the Fly Ash Compaction Curve 605

by the means of the various error measure determination coefficient, R2, independently for
analysis. In the paper both the root mean squared L, V, and T subsets were shown. ANNs with the
1 P best prediction accuracy along with values of
¦ di  yi , where di are the
error, RMSE error measures are shown in Table 4.
Pi 1
actual values and yi the predicted ones, and the

Table 3. Loadings for PC1–PC6

Variable PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 PC6
Method 0.091 –0.035 0.363 –0.505 0.765 0.134
ρs –0.739 0.286 –0.111 0.268 0.060 0.521
D10 0.158 –0.849 –0.382 –0.127 –0.038 0.257
D 20 0.446 –0.796 –0.220 –0.183 –0.065 –0.025
D 30 –0.375 –0.919 0.042 0.047 0.013 –0.017
D 40 0.347 –0.276 0.744 0.398 –0.112 0.241
D 50 0.150 –0.098 –0.447 0.660 0.550 –0.163
D 60 –0.897 –0.357 0.073 0.021 –0.000 –0.062
D 70 –0.987 –0.117 –0.030 0.049 0.027 0.074
D 80 –0.967 –0.181 –0.085 0.008 0.058 –0.018
D 90 –0.893 –0.319 0.032 –0.208 –0.063 –0.099
CU –0.858 0.246 0.309 0.066 0.026 –0.267
Cc 0.281 –0.762 0.412 0.261 0.069 –0.140

Table 4. ANNs of the best prediction accuracy and their error measures.
Output Inputs ANN Epochs RMSE R2
wopt PC1–PC6 6-3-1 787 0.057 0.122 0.123 0.925 0.671 0.743
wopt5% PC1–PC6 6-2-1 324 0.130 0.094 0.122 0.615 0.697 0.579
wopt2.5% PC1–PC6 6-4-1 264 0.055 0.091 0.117 0.933 0.823 0.709
wopt+2.5% PC1–PC6 6-4-1 184 0.112 0.136 0.125 0.697 0.575 0.564
wopt+5% PC1–PC6 6-3-1 289 0.117 0.109 0.167 0.632 0.557 0.584
ρdmax PC1–PC2, PC4–PC6 5-3-1 117 0.053 0.100 0.096 0.949 0.839 0.867
ρdmax (wopt-5%) PC1–PC5 5-3-1 101 0.051 0.083 0.080 0.929 0.903 0.741
ρdmax (wopt-2.5%) PC1–PC2, PC4–PC6 5-3-1 517 0.077 0.088 0.100 0.880 0.878 0.906
ρdmax (wopt+2.5% PC1–PC6 6-3-1 138 0.064 0.094 0.079 0.927 0.837 0.874
ρdmax (wopt+5%) PC1–PC6 6-3-1 993 0.075 0.087 0.083 0.867 0.916 0.914

Figures 3a and b present the exemplary curve shapes characterised by co-ordinates of

comparison of the actual values and the predicted five points on the basis of grain-size distribution
ones with ANNs in the set of all data, along with and specific density. Each point (wi, Udi) was
yi  d i described by two independent ANNs. ANNs
relative error areas, RE ˜ 100% , inputs were new-created variables – principal
components, and outputs were co-ordinates of
respectively for wopt and Udmax. the compaction curve points.
Exemplary compaction curves predicted by The neural networks of various topology: 6-3-
ANNs compared with actual fly ash compaction 1, 6-2-1 and 6-4-1 for wi values prediction, and
curves are presented on Figure 4.
5-3-1 and 6-3-1 for Udi values proved to be the
best. The obtained neural networks have a high
prediction quality. The determination coefficient,
5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS R2, between the actual values of point co-
ordinate and the predicted ones is in the range
The aim of the study was to determine the neural
models for prediction of fly ash compaction
606 K. Zabielska-Adamska and M.J. Sulewska / Neural Modelling of the Fly Ash Compaction Curve

Figure 3. Exemplary values obtained from laboratory tests and calculated by ANNs in all data set: (a) wopt values along with 10%
relative errors areas, (b) Udmax values along with 5% relative errors areas.


actual curves
predicted curves

1.20 [1] K. Zabielska-Adamska, Fly Ash as a Material for

Constructing Sealing Layers, Publishing House of
1.18 Bialystok University of Technology, Bialystok, 2006. (in
[2] K. Zabielska-Adamska, Laboratory compaction of fly
Ud, g/cm 3

ash and fly ash with cement addition, Journal of

Hazardous Material 151 (2008) 48489.
[3] Y.M. Najjar, I.A. Basheer, W.A. Naouss. On the
identification of compaction parameters by neuronets,
1.12 Computers & Geotechnics 18 (1996) 167187.
[4] S.K. Sinha, M.C. Wang, Artificial neural network
1.10 prediction models for soil compaction and permeability,
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 26 (2008)
1.08 4764.
[5] O. Günaydın, Estimation of soil compaction parameters
by using statistical analyses and artificial neural
26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 networks, Environmental Geology 57 (2009) 203215.
[6] M.J. Sulewska, Artificial Neural Networks in the
w, %
Evaluation on Non-cohesive Soil Compaction
Figure 4. Exemplary actual and predicted by ANNs Parameters, Institute of Fundamental Technological
compaction curves. Research Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw–
Bialystok, 2009. (in Polish)
[7] M.J. Sulewska, Prediction models for minimum and
0.557–0.823 in the validating subset and 0.564– maximum dry density of non-cohesive soils, Polish
0.743 in the testing subset, and 0.837–0.916 in Journal of Environmental Studies 19 (2010) 797-804.
the validating subset and 0.867–0.914 in the [8] I.A. Basheer, Empirical modeling of the compaction
curve of cohesive soils, Canadian Geotechnical Journal
testing subset, respectively for wi and Udi values. 38 (2001) 29–45.
Water content at compaction decreases [9] M. Jambu, Exploratory and Multivariate Data Analysis,
accuracy of the predicted compaction curve Academic Press, New York, 1991.
shapes, especially for wi greater than optimum [10] R.B. Cattell, The scree test for the number of factor,
Multivariate Behavioral Research 1 (1966) 245-276.
water content.
2.3. Unsaturated Hard Soils – Weak Rocks
Sols indurés non saturés – Roches tendres
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 609
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Measuring the soil-water characteristic curve of

structured and recomposed soils
Mesure de la courbe caractéristique sol-eau des sols structurés et
M. Bardanis1
National Technical University, Athens, Edafos Consulting Engineers S.A.
S. Grifiza
Edafos Consulting Engineers S.A.

The paper presents the results of an experimental programme carried out in order to measure the soil-water characteristic curve
(SWCC) of two structured soils. Two methods of suction control were used ; the axis translation technique up to 1500 kPa and
the salt solutions method for total suction values between 4 and 150 MPa. The experimental investigation included
measurements of the SWCCs of the two soils when these were reconstituted and reconsolidated (termed as recomposed) in order
to compare these curves with their counterparts measured on the undisturbed samples. The most important conclusions are the
difficulties associated with measuring the SWCC of undisturbed samples of structured soils and the comparisons of these curves
to those measured on reconstituted and reconsolidated samples of the same materials.

L’article présente les résultats d'un programme expérimental réalisé afin de mesurer la courbe caractéristique sol-eau (CCSE) de
deux sols structurés. Deux méthodes de contrôle de succion ont été utilisés, la technique du déplacement d’axe jusqu'à 1500 kPa
et la méthode des solutions salines pour les valeurs de succion totale entre 4 et 150 MPa. L'investigation expérimentale a
compris des mesures de la CCSE des deux sols lorsque ces ont été reconstitués et reconsolidés (appelé recomposé) afin de
comparer ces courbes avec leurs homologues mesurées sur des échantillons intacts. Les conclusions les plus importantes sont les
difficultés associées à la mesure de la CCSE des échantillons non remaniés de sols structurés et les comparaisons de ces courbes
à celles mesurées sur des échantillons reconstitués et reconsolidés du même matériau.

Keywords: unsaturated soil, soil structure, soil-water characteristic curve, axis translation, salt solutions, recomposed soil.

1 INTRODUCTION negative pressure sitting on the liquid phase until

desaturation occurs, or suction after desaturation
The soil-water characteristic curve (SWCC) con- has occurred.
stitutes a fundamental property for the study of The measurement of the SWCC is nowadays
unsaturated soils. It represents the relation be- well established whether it is performed on re-
tween the distribution of solid, liquid and air constituted, reconstituted and reconsolidated, un-
phase in the volume of soil (as expressed by de- disturbed or compacted samples of soil. Only
gree of saturation, Sr, gravimetric or volumetric very little data however can be found, where the
water content, w or ¬, and void ratio, e), as well SWCC of samples of the same soil in all the
as the total volume of the soil itself, and the aforementioned states has been studied. In this

Corresponding Author.
610 M. Bardanis and S. Grifiza / Measuring the SWCC of Structured and Recomposed Soils

paper the SWCC of two marls measured in their ries, the low plasticity and the higher plasticity
undisturbed and reconstituted and then reconso- ones [2, 3]. In this paper the results on the low
lidated state is presented. The aim of the experi- plasticity marl are used, as this material was
mental programme performed and presented was available in larger quantities and therefore more
to study the influence of the structure of natural thoroughly tested.
soils on the soil-water characteristic curve. Fol- The Chalkoutsi Marl constitutes a formation
lowing other researchers, ‘structure’ in this paper found close to the city of Chalkoutsi 35km to the
is regarded as the combination of ‘fabric’, i.e. the north of Athens. High steep slopes are formed in
arrangement of the component particles, and the material by erosion of their toe by the sea
‘bonding’, i.e. those interparticle forces that are with occasional landslides and lanslips occurring
not of a purely frictional nature [1]. along the 5km coast that the formation forms the
highest slopes. As in the case of Corinth Marl,
samples were taken from a distance less than 1m
2 THE SOILS TESTED from the actual seaside and at an altitude less
than 0.5m.
Two soils were tested, the low plasticity Corinth Initial suctions on the samples of the two soils
Marl and the Chalkoutsi Marl. Both of them were 9kPa and 25kPa respectively, measured by
were chosen on the basis that fully saturated means of a SoilMoisture Quickdraw tensiometer.
samples could be found in-situ. This meant that In the case of the Chalkoutsi Marl, a chilled-
samples had to be taken from locations in close mirror hygrometer was also available and used to
proximity to water bodies. It was anticipated that measure the total suction in the samples. This
although it would be easier to find naturally oc- was found in the order of 3 MPa (measurements
curing structured soils away from water bodies, on 3 different samples including the one that the
the prevailing climatic conditions in Greece matrix suction was measured using the Quick-
would probably cause them to be initially unsatu- draw tensiometer) indicating a very high osmotic
rated. As a result, comparisons between the component of suction practically of the same or-
SWCC of the naturally occurring structured soil der. This is probably due to the proximity of the
and its reconstituted and reconsolidated counter- sample location to the seaside and the dip direc-
part would not be straightforward if the struc- tion of the slope it was obtained from. The dip
tured soil had an initial degree of saturation direction of the slope is north to north-east in an
smaller than 100% on top of its structure. In the area with prevailing north winds and therefore
present study this requirement narrowed the wave and spray from the same direction. Thus it
available materials close to the city of Athens to is expected that the salt content in the pore water
the Corinth Marl and the Chalkoutsi Marl. of the material is not just the one determined by
The Corinth Marls are a very well-studied capillary forces acting on the sea water in a very
formation [2] through which the Corinth Canal close distance from the sea but also the remnants
was excavated in 1893. The canal lies approxi- of drying sea water and spray from waves falling
mately 60km to the west of Athens. The exis- on the sample location. Prior to measuring the to-
tence of the 80m high canal slopes offers the op- tal suction in the laboratory it was verified that
portunity to obtain high quality samples at the matrix suction had not changed using a labo-
various elevations, including positions close to ratory tensiometer on the samples.
sea level, as has happened during various ex- Index properties of the two soils tested are
perimental investigation programmes under- summarized in Table 1. The low plasticity Cor-
taken. These have allowed the extensive study of inth Marl is characterized as ML according to
the material including its soil-water characteristic USCS. The Chalkoutsi Marl on the other side is
curve [3]. During the latest programme samples characterized as CH. The grain size distribution
were taken from a distance less than 1m from the curves for the two soils are shown in Fig. 1 (tests
actual seaside and at an altitude less than 0.5m. from two samples were available for the Corinth
These could be classified in two broad catego- Marl). Both soils are fine-grained with the Cor-
M. Bardanis and S. Grifiza / Measuring the SWCC of Structured and Recomposed Soils 611

inth marl having a smaller sand fraction although Chalkoutsi Marl samples were performed on
a significantly less plastic material. The clay pneumatic oedometers with 50mm diameter
fraction of the Chalkoutsi Marl is almost three fixed-ring cells and a maximum vertical stress of
times as much as that of the Corinth Marl. Both 7.6 MPa. In both cases the inner surface of the
soils have a calcite content in the range of 60 to cutting rings was slightly lubricated to avoid fric-
70%. Both grain size distribution curves appear tion and ensure one-dimensional conditions of
unimodal in their geometric shape leading to an loading on the sample.
expectation of a unimodal SWCC [4]. In Fig. 2 the one-dimensional compression
curves measured on the undisturbed and reconsti-
Table 1. Index properties of the soils tested. tuted sample of Corinth Marl and Chalkoutsi
Soil wL Ip Gs Clay Silt Sand
Marl are shown respectively. In the case of Cor-
(%) (%) (%) (%) inth Marl two tests were performed on undis-
turbed samples, while in the case of Chalkoutsi
30.5 5.5 2.67 6.5 84.7 8.8 Marl one. Corinth Marl exhibits significant yield
51 30 2.69 20.5 64.2 15.0
between 1.6 and 3.2 MPa, while Chalkoutsi Marl
Marl does so between 450 and 900 kPa. The one-
dimensional compression curves of both soils in
Clay Silt Sand Gravel their undisturbed state lie initially below the in-
100 trinsic compression curve, as vertical stress in-
80 creases they cross it and then exhibit yield and
Passing (%)

Chalkoutsi Marl
Corinth Marl-1 0.90 Nat-1
40 Corinth Marl-2 Nat-2
20 Rec

0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 0.60
Nominal diameter (mm)
Figure 1. One-dimensional compression curves of undis- 10 100 1000 10000
turbed and reconstituted: a) Corinth Marl, and b) Chalkoutsi (a) Vertical stress (kPa)



0.90 Rec

Prior to measuring the SWCC of the soils, one- 0.80

dimensional compression curves were deter-

mined both on undisturbed samples of the soils
and on reconstituted ones. Reconstituted samples 0.60
were prepared by mixing samples of undisturbed 0.50
soil with the necessary amount of water to bring
the initial water content of the slurry to 1.5 times 0.40
the liquid limit. The tests on Corinth Marl sam- 10 100 1000 10000
ples were performed on conventional front- (b) Vertical stress (kPa)
loading oedometers with 50mm diameter fixed-
Figure 2. One-dimensional compression curves of undis-
ring cells, a lever arm of 11:1 ratio and a maxi- turbed and reconstituted: a) Corinth Marl, and b) Chalkoutsi
mum vertical stress of 6.4 MPa. The tests on Marl.
612 M. Bardanis and S. Grifiza / Measuring the SWCC of Structured and Recomposed Soils

start moving towards the intrinsic compression Table 2. Characteristics of salt solutions used for total suction
curve. In both cases, although the maximum ver-
tical stress was quite significant, the one- Salt RH Total Total Molarity sa-
dimensional compression curves of the undis- from suction suction turation of
litera- from lit- meas- the solution
turbed samples never reached the intrinsic com- ture erature ured is achieved at
pression curves. The intrinsic compression curve (%) (MPa) (MPa) (M)
of the Corinth Marl is convex while that of K2SO4 97.0 4.18 4.10 1
Chalkoutsi Marl is concave as expected from the BaCl2 90.3 14.0 14.1 2
differences in their plasticity [5, 6]. KCl 84.2 23.6 23.6 5
NaCl 75.1 39.3 39.0 6
It is clear from Fig. 2 that both soils tested are Mg(NO3)2 52.8 87.7 85.5 9
strongly structured. This has been attributed to MgCl2 32.7 153.5 151.7 15
their high calcite content that acts as a bonding
agent [2, 3]. Given this result, their SWCCs were suction. Once equilibrium had taken place, the
determined in order to study the effect of struc- sample was taken out of the pressure extractor or
ture on this fundamental property of unsaturated the chamber with the saturated salt solution and
soils. For this to be more formally established the one part of it was used for moisture content mea-
SWCCs were determined also on samples recon- surement, with the other immersed in molten pa-
stituted and reconsolidated to a low void ratio, raffin wax for total volume and therefore void ra-
preferably the same as that of the undisturbed tio measurement. In the case of total suction
samples. Reconstituted and reconsolidated sam- control with salt solutions a small piece of each
ples are going to be referred to as ‘recomposed’ sample was also placed in the chilled-mirror hy-
samples in this paper. grometer in order to measure the actual value of
total suction imposed in the chamber the sample
was kept in. At the beginning of the experimental
4 EXPERIMENTAL METHOD & RESULTS programme only the axis-translation technique
was available and these curves are plotted in Fig.
For the measurement of the soil-water character- 3 for multiple samples. When the salt solutions
istic curve, two methods were employed; the axis method became available, only a limited amount
translation technique in a SoilMoisture pressure of Corinth Marl was still available and was used
extractor with 1500 kPa air-entry value porous for monitoring the change in moisture content on
ceramic disks and the salt solutions method for a single sample that all suction values were ap-
total suction control. Saturated solutions of the plied. That is why there are values for high suc-
salts presented in Table 2 were used. The satura- tions only for the single recomposed sample.
tion molarities were measured experimentally. The SWCC of Chalkoutsi Marl is shown in
Molarities of the solutions prepared for actual Fig. 4 in terms of moisture content vs suction,
use for total suction control were increased by degree of saturation vs suction and void ratio vs
1M to ensure the ability of the solutions to re- suction. Both for undisturbed and recomposed
main saturated after applying the required suc- samples a different sample was used for each
tion value to the samples. Saturation molarities value of suction.
are presented in Table 2. The total suction corre- In the case of Corinth Marl the undisturbed
sponding to the equilibrium relative humidity of samples exhibited the ability to retain higher de-
the salt solutions prepared was measured in a grees of saturation and water content at the same
calibrated Decagon Devices chilled-mirror hy- suction relative to their recomposed counterpart.
grometer and is also presented in Table 2. The scatter of measured values is larger for the
The SWCC of Corinth Marl is shown in Fig. 3 undisturbed Corinth Marl, almost at the point of
in terms of moisture content vs suction, degree of rendering the results meaningless. Still the higher
saturation vs suction and void ratio vs suction. water retention of the undisturbed Corinth Marl
Both for undisturbed and recomposed samples a indicates that it probably desaturates at a higher
different sample was used for each value of suction than the recomposed one and retains a
M. Bardanis and S. Grifiza / Measuring the SWCC of Structured and Recomposed Soils 613

higher degree of saturation for the same suction SWCCs for the two types of the material practi-
after desaturation of both materials. These differ- cally coincide although the undisturbed soil had
ences were clear in the case of Corinth Marl a higher initial void ratio than the recomposed
where both undisturbed and recomposed samples
have the same void ratio at the beginning of dry- 25 Rec/Rec-Multiple
ing. Rec/Rec-Single
In the case of Chalkoutsi Marl the SWCCs of 20 Nat
the undisturbed and recomposed samples practi-

cally coincide in terms of moisture content vs 15
suction and degree of saturation vs suction

w (%)
(though the curves for the recomposed material 10
lie slightly to the right in Fig. 4a & 4b). Yet the
undisturbed soil maintains a clearly higher void 5
ratio than the recomposed soil as at the beginning
of drying it had a higher void ratio than the re-
10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
composed samples. Given this difference in ini- (a) Suction (kPa)
tial void ratio the recomposed samples would
have been expected to exhibit a higher air-entry 100
pressure and retain higher degrees of saturation
and higher water contents for the same suction 80
after desaturation. Still this does not happen and
the SWCCs practically coincide in Fig. 4a & 4b,

indicating that the SWCC measured on the un-
Sr (%)

disturbed samples has a shift to the right posi-

tioning it on the SWCC of its recomposed coun- 40
terpart with a smaller initial void ratio. This is Rec/Rec
the same as the SWCC measured on undisturbed 20 Nat
samples of Corinth Marl shifting to the right of
the SWCC of its recomposed counterpart with 0
the same initial void ratio, and also has to be at- 10 100 1000 10000
tributed to the structure of the undisturbed (b) Suction (kPa)
Chalkoutsi Marl. Therefore the structure of the
undisturbed samples manifested itself in the 0.8
same manner for both soils tested, i.e. increasing 0.7
the ability of water retention in the pores of the
structured soil relative to the one expected for
their initial void ratio prior to drying. 0.5


The SWCCs measured on both undisturbed and Rec/Rec
recomposed samples of two marls have been pre- Nat
sented. In the case of Corinth Marl the undis- 0.0
turbed samples exhibited the ability to retain 10 100 1000 10000
higher degrees of saturation and water content at (c) Suction (kPa)
the same suction relative to their recomposed
Figure 3. Soil-water characteristic curves of Corinth Marl in
counterpart with the same initial void ratio prior terms of a) moisture content-suction, b) degree of saturation-
to drying. In the case of Chalkoutsi Marl the suction, and c) void ratio-suction.
614 M. Bardanis and S. Grifiza / Measuring the SWCC of Structured and Recomposed Soils

25 in all the properties measured is higher in the

case of undisturbed samples. The SWCCs have
20 been modeled in order to exhibit differences in
Rec/Rec curve-fitting parameters between SWCCs of un-
15 disturbed and recomposed soils [7].
w (%)

Mr Konstantakis of “Periandros S.A.” provided
assistance for obtaining samples of Corinth marl.
10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
Tests on Corinth Marl samples were performed
(a) Suction (kPa)
in the Foundations Laboratory of the Civil Engi-
100 neering Faculty of NTU, Athens. Tests on Chal-
koutsi Marl were performed in the EDAFOS
80 S.A. laboratory. The help received from Mr G.
Pirgiotis of the Foundations Laboratory and Mr
60 M. Tsoukaladakis of the EDAFOS S.A. labora-
Sr (%)

tory is greatly appreciated. Research carried out

40 by Mr Bardanis has been funded by the National
Scholarship Foundation (IKY) of Greece.

10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
(b) Suction (kPa) [1] R.J. Chandler, Clay Sediments in Depositional Basins:
the Geotechnical Cycle, Q. J. of Eng. Geol. and Hydro-
0.8 geology 33 (2000), 5-39.
0.7 [2] M.J. Kavvadas, A.G. Anagnostopoulos, V.N. Geor-
giannou, M.E. Bardanis, M. E., Characterisation and
0.6 engineering properties of the Corinth Marl, Tan et al
0.5 (eds.), Proc. Int. Workshop ‘Characterisation and En-
gineering Properties of Natural Soils’, Singapore,

2002, A. A. Balkema Publishers, Vol. 2, 1435-1459.

0.3 [3] M.E. Bardanis, M.J. Kavvadas, Laboratory Investiga-
Nat tion of the Virgin Drying of the Corinth Marls, in T.,
Schanz (Ed.), Unsaturated Soils: Experimental Studies,
0.1 Rec/Rec Proc. of the Int. Conf. “From Experimental Evidence
0.0 towards Numerical Modelling of Unsaturated Soils”,
Weimar, 17-18 September 2003, Springer, Berlin, Vol.
10 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000
I, 421-432.
(c) Suction (kPa) [4] M.D. Fredlund, D.G. Fredlund, G.W. Wilson, An equa-
tion to represent grain-size distribution, Can. Geot. J.
Figure 4. Soil-water characteristic curves of Chalkoutsi Marl 37 (2000), 817-827.
in terms of a) moisture content-suction, b) degree of satura- [5] M.E. Bardanis, Experimental Investigation of the Com-
tion-suction, and c) void ratio-suction. pressibility of Reconstituted Soils, proc. 6th Hel. Conf.
SMGE, Volos, 2010, Vol. 1, 159-166 (in greek).
[6] M.E. Bardanis, The Theoretical Intrinsic Compression
one prior to drying. This is a clear indication of a Line and its Use in the Assessment of the Structure of
shift to higher degrees of saturation and water Natural Soils, proc. 6th Hel. Conf. SMGE, Volos, 2010,
content and therefore an ability to retain more Vol. 1, 167-174 (in greek).
water in the pores when structure is present in a [7] P.C. Sitarenios, M.E. Bardanis, M.J. Kavvadas, Model-
ling the soil-water characteristic curve of structured and
soil, rather than obeying simply to what is dic- recomposed hard soils - weak rocks, XV ECSMGE,
tated by the initial void ratio. Also the variability Athens, 2011.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 615
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 621
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Etude experimentale du comportement des sols

gonflants sur le site de Ouarzazate. Maroc
Experimental Studies in the behavior of swelling soil in
Ouarzazate. Morocco
H. Ejjaaouani1, V. Shakhirev
Laboratoire Public d’Essais et d’Etudes, Casablanca, Maroc
J.P. Magnan
Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris, France

Les sols argileux semi-secs que l’on trouve dans les régions à climat aride absorbent très activement l’eau et la laissent diffi-
cilement partir par évaporation.
Nous avons étudié le mécanisme de gonflement du sol et le comportement de fondations, reposant sur le sol gonflant dans
son état naturel (non saturé) et au cours de l’humidification.
Nous avons reçu la solution du problème mixte de la résistance plastique et élastique d’un massif du sol, possédant différents
pouvoirs de diffusion des contraintes lesquelles provoquent différentes déformations du sol au-dessous de la base de fondation et
nous avons établi des formules analytiques pour le calcul de l’amplitude et de la vitesse du gonflement du sol.

Semi dry, clay-based soils found in arid regions absorb water very easily yet do not readily release moisture during the eva-
poration process. We have carefully studied and analyzed the complex relationship between ground swelling and the behavior of
foundations under such a condition, in both the natural and humidified conditions. We have the solution of the problem mixed to
the plastic and elastic resistance of soils, possessing different properties of dispersing applied external pressure, which cause
various deformations of soil under the base of the foundation.
We were able to establish analytical formulas for the calculation of both the amplitude and speed of soil swelling.

1. INTRODUCTION place, qui est comparée ici aux résultats des essais
de laboratoire.
Le laboratoire Public d’Essais et d’Etudes
(LPEE) a organisé une étude en vraie grandeur du
gonflement des argiles sous des fondations superfi- 2. LE SITE EXPERIMENTAL D’OUARZAZATE
cielles. Cette étude, réalisée à Ouarzazate, a com-
mence par une étude en laboratoire du comporte- Les terrains sont constitués d’argile et limons
ment des sols. Les observations faites lors de alluvionnaires du quaternaire.
l’humidification de la zone d’essai ont permis
d’établir la courbe de gonflement de l’argile en

Corresponding Author.
622 H. Ejjaaouani et al. / Etude experimentale du comportement des sols gonflants

A l’emplacement du site expérimental, situé leur stabilisée du tassement. La limite retenue

dans la zone industrielle de la ville d’Ouarzazate, pour définir la stabilisation du tassement était de
la stratification des sols est la suivante : 50 μm/heure, ce qui correspond à 90% de con-
0m-0,5m : limons graveleux de couleur grise. Les essais de chargement de plaque possèdent
0,5m-1,8m : argile compacte légèrement sa- une série d’avantages par rapport aux essais de
bleuse, de couleur ocre. laboratoire, car ils sont réalisés sur les sols réels,
1,8m-2,9m : argile compacte légèrement sableuse, dans leur état naturel et ils représentent le com-
de couleur jaunâtre à rougeâtre. portement d’un plus grand volume de sol, tant en
2,9m-3,5m : argile sableuse et sable argileux plan qu’en profondeur. Ce processus de charge-
avec des débris de gypse, de couleur ment des sols en place est plus long et plus cher,
jaunâtre. parce qu’il nécessite des appareils plus coûteux
3,5m-4,5m : argile compacte de couleur verte, se et plus de dépenses de personnel, mais il est plus
délitant en écailles. fiable.
La figure (1) montre l’évolution des tasse-
Les propriétés liées aux particules ont pour ments de la fondation FS-1 au cours du temps
valeurs : sous chaque palier de chargement.
- Limite de retrait WS = 16
- Limite de plasticité WP = 27
- Limite de liquidité WL = 57
- Indice de plasticité IP = 30
- Valeur de bleu WBS = 5,12g/100g
- Masse volumique des particules S =
- Teneur en eau naturelle W = 12,5%
- Indice de liquidité IL = -0,482
- Masse volumique du sol sec d = 1,61t/m3
- Masse volumique du sol humide =
- Indice des vides e0 = 0,662
- Pression de gonflement Vg = 380KPa
- Déformation de gonflement libre Hg =



Pour étudier de la déformabilité des sols gon- Figure (1) Tassements de la fondation FS-1 au cours du
flants dans leur état naturel des essais de temps
chargement ont été exécutés sur la fondation FS-
1, de section 1m x 1m, placée à la surface du sol,
au fond de la zone excavée, h = 0,5m.
Le chargement a été effectué au moyen d’un
vérin hydraulique par paliers.
Sous chacune des charges appliquées, on a
mesuré le tassement de la fondation en fonction
du temps, jusqu’à ce que l’on obtienne une va-
H. Ejjaaouani et al. / Etude experimentale du comportement des sols gonflants 623

laires, électro-moléculaires et colloïdales devien-

nent dominantes dans la résistance du sol, ce qui se
traduit par l’augmentation de la durée de stabilisation
des déformations du sol pour les valeurs plus élevées
de la charge. Pour sa part, la destruction des liaisons
fragiles et rigides de cristallisation est irréversible.
La figure (2) présente de l’amplitude du tassement
avec la charge appliquée. On observe que cette rela-
tion est linéaire.
On peut évaluer l’effet des liaisons rigides initia-
les du sol à 57KN (ou 57KPa, puisque la charge est
répartie sur une surface d’un mètre carré). La partie
élastique (réversible) de la déformation vaut 9,5mm,
c'est-à-dire 22,7% de la déformation totale observée
On peut observer que la partie initiale de la
courbe de déchargement est linéaire et qu’elle
devient non linéaire quand la charge devient in-
férieure à 228 kN. Cela indique que le dé-
Figure (2) Évolution du tassement en fonction de la charge
appliquée (FS-1) chargement par étapes de la fondation limite
l’amplitude de la déformation associée au dé-
On observe que l’amplitude du tassement sta- chargement du sol. Le dernier déchargement
bilisé de la fondation sous chaque incrément de représente à lui seul 40% de l’amplitude de la défor-
charge est approximativement la même, alors mation de déchargement.
que le temps nécessaire pour l’amortissement de
ces déformations augmente constamment.
Lors du premier chargement (charge initiale Q1 4. HUMIDIFICATION DU SOL A PARTIR DE LA
= 76 kN), la charge a été appliquée plus lentement SURFACE SUR LE SITE EXPERIMENTAL
que les charges suivantes, pour
pouvoir éventuellement observer l’effet des li- Pour l’humidification du sol à partir de la sur-
aisons de cristallisation sur la résistance du sol. face, on a placé au fond de l’excavation des tubes
Effectivement, aucun tassement n’a pas mesuré en plastique de 20mm de diamètre perforés des
pendant les cinq premières minutes, jusqu’à ce deux côtés par des orifices de 1mm de diamètre es-
que la charge appliquée atteigne une valeur de 57 pacés de 125mm dans le sens de la longueur. Deux
kN. Ensuite, la fondation a commencé à subir un tuyaux ont été mis, en place, l’un sur le bord
tassement d’amplitude s1 = 3 mm, qui intérieur de l’excavation et l’autre sur le bord ex-
s’est stabilisé en 15 minutes. térieur, afin d’obtenir humidification homogène du
L’absence de tassement de la fondation au dé- massif de sol dans toute l’aire d’essai. Pour éviter les
but du chargement sous Q1 est à l’évidence due à dégradations des tubes en plastique, on les a re-
la résistance des liaisons rigides de cristallisation couverts ensemble, du fond de l’excavation d’une
qui sont très importantes dans un sol naturel peu couche de graviers 0/25mm d’épaisseur 70 à
humide. La présence de faibles quantités d’eau 100mm.
liée aux contacts des particules peut aussi con- Au cours du processus d’humidification du sol, on
tribuer à la résistance du sol par l’effet des forces a mesuré la profondeur d’humidification du sol au
capillaires (de succion). Lorsque la charge aug- moyen de micro-sondes de 10mm de diamètre, qui
mente, la zone du sol comprimée par la fondation s’enfonçaient facilement dans le sol humidifié et
augmente et s’étend dans les parties du sol qui ne rencontraient une résistance beaucoup plus forte
sont pas encore désaturées : la teneur en eau lorsqu’elles atteignaient le niveau du sol sec.
augmente avec la profondeur et les liaisons capil-
624 H. Ejjaaouani et al. / Etude experimentale du comportement des sols gonflants

La figure (3) présente les données expérimentales avance sur la propagation du front de gonflement, et
sur l’évolution au cours du temps de la profondeur que la différence augmentait avec la profondeur.
du front de gonflement et du front Du fait de l’influence du poids propre du sol
d’humidification à proximité de la semelle FS-1. et de la nécessité de dépasser la contrainte natu-
rel V=Jz, sous la surface libre de l’excavation et
la contrainte V=V0+Jz sous les semelles (appli-
quant une surcharge de V0), le front de gonfle-
ment doit nécessairement être en retard sur le
front d’humidification.
L’évolution de la profondeur de gonflement
figure (3) peut être représentée par la formule
§t ·
H t Hf ¨¨ ¸¸ (1)
© tf ¹
dans laquelle H(t) est la profondeur de la zone
active au temps t, Hf est la profondeur maximale (fi-
nale) de la zone active, nt est un paramètre
d’amortissement de l’évolution de H(t) qui dépend de la
Figure (3) Évolution du front d’humidification et du
front de gonflement au cours du temps (à proximité de la durée de l’humidification et est déterminé d’après la
fondation FS-1) courbe de la figure (4).
La valeur maximale Hf de la profondeur de la
zone active peut être définie, de façon générale,
d’après :

- la profondeur atteinte par l’humidification ;

- l’épaisseur de la couche de sol gon-
flant ;
- la profondeur dans le sol où la pression
de gonflement devient égale à la contrainte
totale verticale due au poids propre du sol :
g = vo ;
- les valeurs connues de la vitesse moy-
enne de déplacement du front de gonfle-
ment v et de la durée d’humification t : Hf =
vt (Sorochan, 1989).

La relation entre le front de gonflement et le front

d’humidification présentée ci-dessus correspond aux
Figure (4) Évolution du paramètre nt en fonction du rapport t/t conditions particulières du site expérimental de Oua-
rzazate où la couche de sol gonflant a une épaisseur
limitée et repose sur une couche d’argileuse sableuse
sans propriétés de gonflement.
L’observation du processus d’humidification du On peut relier le comportement déterminé en
sol depuis la surface a montré que la propagation en laboratoire (Ejjaaouani et al. 2003).
profondeur du front d’humidification était un peu en
H. Ejjaaouani et al. / Etude experimentale du comportement des sols gonflants 625

§ V ·
H g V a H go ¨1  a ¸ (2)
¨ Vg ¸
© i ¹
avec le comportement du massif du site ex-
périmental en calculant le gonflement de la sur-
face du sol par intégration de l’équation (2) sur
l’épaisseur de la zone active Ha, (3).
Cette intégration se fait en tenant compte de
l’évolution avec la profondeur de la contrainte où :
totale verticale z et d’une autre fonction (1- a et b : sont les longueurs des côtés de la se-
z/Ha) qui décrit l’observation que le gonflement melle de fondation ;
n’a pas la même intensité sur l’épaisseur de la a : est la pression transmise au sol par la
couche active. fondation :
L’intégration de la fonction de gonflement a été zi : est la profondeur de la base de la couche i,
effectuée numériquement, en découpant le sol en  : est le poids volumique du sol,
couches. L’expression (3) est pour cette raison  : est l’angle de diffusion de la charge dans
écrite pour la i-ème couche du sol : le sol. Ejjaaouani H, Shakhirev V (2007).
où § V ·
zi § z · (3) L’influence du temps peut être représentée par
'h gi H go ³ ¨1  zi ¸ ¨¨ 1  ¸ dz
H a ¸¹
z i 1 ¨ ¸ la même fonction :
© V gi ¹ © mt
§ t ·
'h g t 'h go ¨¨ ¸¸ (6)
H go : est la valeur de la déformation relative de © tf ¹
gonflement libre à l’œdomètre, Ou
V zi : est la contrainte verticale totale au milieu
de la couche, créée par le poids volumique du sol
et par la diffusion de la charge appliquée en sur-
face par la fondation (Ejjaaouani H, Shakhirev
V., 2007).
V Zi (4)
a  2 z i tan E b  2 z i tan E
Cette équation (7) possède un caractère uni-
versel et est valable tant pour le gonflement en
n : est un paramètre de la loi de variation de la
place que pour le gonflement en laboratoire. Pour
déformation avec la pression z ;
décrire le cas d’une éprouvette œdométrique, il
m : est un paramètre de la fonction décrivant
convient d’éliminer l’effet de la dispersion de
l’influence du temps ;
charges (tan  = 0) et de négliger l’influence du
zi-1 et zi : sont les profondeurs des limites de la i-
poids volumique du sol. L’expression (7) peut
ème couche ;
être écrite avec une seule couche d’épaisseur h
gi: est la pression de gonflement du sol dans la i-
égale à la hauteur de l’éprouvette œdométrique,
ème couche ;
soit :
z : est la variable d’intégration (profondeur cou-
m n
rante dans la couche), § t · ª Va º

Ha : est la profondeur de la zone active. 'h g t H go ¨¨ ¸¸ «1  » h (8)

© tf ¹ ¬« V gi »¼
Après transformation, on obtient l’équation dis-
crétisée de calcul du gonflement final :
626 H. Ejjaaouani et al. / Etude experimentale du comportement des sols gonflants

La détermination de la durée maximale du gon- 5. COMPORTEMENT DES FONDATIONS

flement du sol est relativement facile à déterminer SUR SOL GONFLANT SATURE
en laboratoire, mais il est très compliqué de la dé-
terminer sur le terrain. Dans la théorie de la con- Après l’essai de chargement statique par pal-
solidation des sols, il est connu que le temps néces- iers exécuté sur la fondation FS-1 lorsque le sol
saire pour obtenir un degré de consolidation donné était encore dans son état naturel initial, un nouvel
est proportionnel au carré de l’épaisseur de la essai de chargement a été réalisé après la fin de
couche. Cette relation permet d’extrapoler le tasse- l’humidification du sol, figure (5).
ment mesuré en laboratoire au tassement de couch- La charge a été appliquée de façon analogue au
es de sols. Pour tenir compte de divers facteurs ab- premier chargement. Pendant toute la durée de l’essai,
sents de la théorie de base, on peut écrire la relation le niveau de l’eau dans l’excavation a été maintenu
du temps et de l’épaisseur des couches sous la constant et l’essai a duré en tout pendant 210 heures.
forme plus générale (Berezantsev et., 1961) : Lors du premier essai de chargement de la
O fondation FS-1, la teneur en eau du sol était de
t1 § h1 ·
¨¨ ¸¸ (9) 12,54%, tandis qu’elle valait 32% pour le sol sa-
t2 © h2 ¹ turé et le soulèvement de la fondation pendant
l’humidification du sol a eu une amplitude de 90
Nous proposons d’utiliser une relation de la
même forme pour décrire l’évolution de la durée
du gonflement en fonction de l’épaisseur de la
zone active Ha ou de l’épaisseur de l’éprouvette
en laboratoire hlab :
t nat § Ha ·
¨¨ ¸¸ (10)
tf © h lab ¹
Berezantsev et al. (1961) ont noté que le coef-
ficient O de l’équation (10) est généralement
compris entre 0 et 2. Nous avons trouvé qu’il
vaut 0,935 dans les essais que nous avons réal-
À titre d’exemple, les données des essais en
laboratoire (Ejjaaouani et al. 2003) de gonfle-
ment de l’argile de Ouarzazate la durée du gon-
flement de l’argile était de 520 minutes.
Si l’on considère que l’épaisseur de la zone
active sous la semelle FS-1 vaut 170 cm, la for-
mule (10) nous indique que la durée du gonfle-
ment sera de :
0 , 935
§ Ha · § 170 · =34740,7min
t nat
f =t
f ¨¨ ¸¸ = 520¨ ¸
© hlab ¹ © 1,9 ¹
= 24,1 jours (11)

La durée du gonflement sur le site expérimen- Figure (5) Poste de mesure et équipement de la fondation
tal à Ouarzazate est de 24 jours. FS-1
H. Ejjaaouani et al. / Etude experimentale du comportement des sols gonflants 627

La figure 6 présente les courbes de charge- On voit que l’augmentation de la teneur en

ment et de déchargement de fondation superfi- eau du sol fait diminuer le module de déforma-
cielle FS-1, après leur soulèvement initial. tion dans toutes les étapes de chargement, tab-
On peut noter que les deux courbes de tasse- leau 1.
ment de la fondation FS-1 ont une forme prati- Tableau 1 Variations du module de déforma-
quement linéaire et qu’elles diffèrent essen- tion E (module d’Young en kPa) en fonction de
tiellement par la pente. Ainsi, si l’on multiplie l’intervalle de chargement (kPa).
l’échelle horizontale de la courbe de tassement
après humidification par 7,6, on obtient une
coïncidence presque parfaite avec la courbe ob-
tenue sur le sol naturel. Le sol après humidifica- (kPa)
50 100 140 175 210
tion est donc 7,6 fois moins résistant que le sol w
initial. Pour leur part, les déformations de dé- (%)
chargement sont 2,5 fois plus grandes. 12,5 16100 15150 14490 13825 13350
32 1900 1780 1660 1560 1470
245 280 315 350 500
12,5 12850 12375 11930 11600 10500
32 1400 1330 1272 1220 1080

Les variations du module de déformation du

sol ont été calculées d’après la courbe de la fig-
ure (2). Le calcul a été effectué en utilisant la
formule établie par Schleicher pour la déforma-
tion d’un massif élastique sous une semelle ri-
gide (Berezantsev et al., 1960, Cassan, 1978).
V i  V i1
Z 1  Q b
E (12)
s i  s i1
où :

: est un coefficient qui dépend de la forme de la

plaque rigide, égal à 0,88 pour une semelle
carrée ;
 : est le coefficient de dilatation latérale du sol
(coefficient de Poisson), pris égal à 0,4 ;
b : est la largeur de la fondation, b = 1m ;
i – i-1 : est l’intervalle entre les paliers de
chargement ;
si – si-1 : est la différence des tassements de la
Figure (6) Déplacements verticaux de fondation superfi- fondation pour cet intervalle de charges.
cielle pendant l’humidification du sol et pendant les essais
de chargement par paliers


Les études réalisées sur le site expérimental de

Ouarzazate ont permis de valider des dispositions
628 H. Ejjaaouani et al. / Etude experimentale du comportement des sols gonflants

expérimentales innovantes et de tirer les conclu- 5.Les propriétés de déformabilité et de résis-

sions présentées dans ce qui suit : tance du sol dans son état naturel et après sa-
turation ont été établies. Elles diminuent sensi-
1.Le système utilisé pour la saturation contrôlée blement pendant la saturation du sol.
du massif de sol s’est avéré très efficace et
a rempli tous ses objectifs, comme toutes
les dispositions prises pour les mesures et RÉFÉRENCES BIBLIOGRAPHIQUES
les essais de chargement dans des condi-
tions climatiques difficiles. [1]. Berezantsev, V.G., Kcenofontov, A.I., Platonov, E.V., Si-
2.Nous avons présenté les données expérimenta- dorov, N.N., Yaroshenko V.A. (1961). Mécanique des
sols et fondations (en russe : Mekhanika gruntov, osno-
les sur l’évolution au cours du temps de la vaniya i fundamenty). Moscou, Éditions du Ministère des
profondeur du front de gonflement et du Voies de Communications, Transzheldorizdat, 340 pages.
front d’humidification. [2]. Cassan M. (1978). Les essais in situ en mécanique
L’observation du processus des sols. Tome 1. Éditions Eyrolles, Paris, pp. 269-
d’humidification du sol depuis la surface, a [3]. Ejjaaouani. H, J.P. Magnan, Shakhirev V, Mowgli S.
montrée que la propagation en profondeur (2003). Comportement des sols gonflants à Ouarzazate.
du front d’humidification était un peu en L’implication de la géotechnique dans le développement
avance sur la propagation du front de gon- des infrastructures en Afrique.
[4]. 13ème Congrès Régional Africain de la géotechnique, Mar-
flement, et que la différence augmentée rakech, Maroc, 8-11 Décembre, Ed. Sahli, ahi, Khalid.
avec la profondeur. Lorsque la charge aug- ISBN 9954-8407-0-2.p.p. 363-369.
mente, la zone de sol comprimée par la [5]. Ejjaaounai H. Shakhirev V. (2007), Calculation of the
fondation augmente aussi et s’étend dans foundation during wetting. XIV Congrès Européen de
mécanique des sols et de la Géotechnique, 24-27 Sep-
les parties du sol qui ne sont pas encore dé- tembre 2007 Madrid, Espagne.
saturées. La teneur en eau augmente avec la [6]. Sorochan, E.A. (1989). Construction d’ouvrages sur les
profondeur et les liaisons capillaires, élec- sols gonflants (en russe : stroitelstvo sooruzenij na nabuk-
tro-moléculaires et colloïdales deviennent hayushchikh gruntakh). Moscou, Strojizdat, 310 pages.
dominantes dans la résistance du sol, ce qui
se traduit par l’augmentation de la durée de
stabilisation des déformations du sol pour
les valeurs plus élevée de charge. Pour sa
part, la destruction des liaisons fragiles et
rigides de cristallisation est irréversible.
De ce fait, on remarque que, l’augmentation
de la teneur en eau du sol fait diminuer le
module de déformation dans toute les éta-
pes de chargement.

3.Les mesures effectuées pendant

l’humidification du sol ont permis de carac-
tériser le gonflement libre du sol et son
gonflement empêché par la présence des
fondations non chargées et d’établir des
formules analytiques pour le calcul de
l’amplitude et de la vitesse du gonflement
du sol.
4.Des données ont été assemblées sur le gon-
flement du sol par couches sous l’effet de
son propre poids.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 629
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

A contribution to improve the understanding of

softening in stiff overconsolidated clays and marls
Une contribution à améliorer la compréhension
d’adoucissement dans les argiles surconsolidées rigides et
M. Ma¢ek 1, B. Pulko, A. Petkovšek
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Jamova 2, 1000 Ljubljana,

The paper describes a case history from of 500 m long and up to 40 m deep cut in stiff clays from Miocene era from Slovenia,
where softening of bedrock influenced the stability of retaining wall during construction and additional supporting measures
were necessary to ensure safety. Bedrock properties, determined during the geotechnical investigation for the main design are
compared with the properties, determined soon after the first unpredicted deformation occurred as well as with the properties,
determined after construction. The results show that during construction a significant reduction in strength appeared. An attempt
is made to describe the softening process using the soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) and the deformation behaviour of the
wall is described with numerical modelling.

L’article présente un historique d’une fouille d'une longueur de 500 mètres jusqu'à 40 m de profondeur, réalisée dans les argiles
rigides du Miocène de la Slovénie, où l’adoucissement du socle rocheux a eu un impact sur la stabilité du mur de soutènement en
cours de construction et des mesures de soutien supplémentaires ont été nécessaires pour assurer la sécurité. Les propriétés du
socle rocheux, déterminées lors de l'étude géotechnique pour la conception principale, sont comparées aux propriétés, détermi-
nées peu de temps après que la première déformation imprévue est survenue, aussi bien qu’avec les propriétés déterminées après
la construction. Les résultats montrent une diminution significative de la résistance pendant la construction. Une tentative est
faite pour décrire le processus d’adoucissement utilisant le SWCC et le comportement en déformation de la paroi est décrit par le
modelage numérique.

Keywords: overconsolidated stiff clay, soil suction, swelling, landslide

1 INTRODUCTION no laboratory test method available to properly

describe the magnitude and the time frame of
Stiff clays, marls and other types of clay bearing softening. Many authors have reported premature
soft sedimentary rocks have been representing failures of cut slopes and embankments, con-
the most challenging geo-material for geotech- structed in stiff clays and shales [1], [2], [3]. At
nical engineers for decades. In their behavior present time there is an increasing number of
they are between rocks and soils and tend to studies on the evolution of the mechanical beha-
transgress from rock–like into a soil–like materi- vior of materials, such as shales and stiff clays
al within a relatively short time period. There is [4], [5], [6]. This paper presents a lesson, learned

Corresponding Author.
630 M. Maček et al. / A Contribution to Improve the Understanding of Softening

during the construction of a 520 m long and 40 m ing to the modified Hoek & Brown (H&B) crite-
deep motorway cut in NE Slovenia, where the ria (Table 1).
extent of supporting measures, needed to main-
tain the stability of the slope during construction Table 1. Shear strength parameters obtained by H&B criteria
increased by more than 100% in comparison [7]
with the designed measures. Depth (m) c (kPa)  (°)
3.9-5.8 13-20 17
5.8-35 15-126 26

The deep cut is located inside the hilly area 3 RETAINING STRUCTURE
formed by layered sediments of Miocene age.
Marls prevail over soft siltstone and sandstone. The retaining structure was designed as a unique
Layers are horizontal or slightly inclined toward system of prefabricated concrete structures, fitted
NE. The ground water is present inside the top- up along the slope in the longitudinal distance of
weathered zone while the bedrock sediments ap- 4 to 5 m and anchored (Figure 1). A step by step
pear as “dry”. According to the national landslide excavation in segments, from the top down-
susceptibility model, the whole region is identi- wards to the bottom was proposed [8]. The exca-
fied as moderately to highly susceptible to vation of each new step was allowed to start not
landslides. The most typical mode of sliding is earlier than when the previous segment was fin-
sliding of 3 - 5 m thick layer of soil or softened ished and anchored. The slope was cut with two
marl along the sliding plane in the bedrock. 5 m wide berms. Each concrete structure, fit at
Geological investigation for the main design the slope between two berms, was anchored by
for the deep motorway cut was performed in two approximately 20 m long pre-stressed an-
1996 [7] when there were no experiences with chors. To protect denudated marls against ero-
deep cuts in comparable geological environ- sion and softening, special concrete beams were
ments. Six bore-holes with total length of 192 m constructed to support the vegetation soil (Figure
confirmed geological conditions similar to those 2).
from the surroundings. At the upper part of the
hills, the bedrock appeared under a thin layer of
soil, while at the base of the slope, the soil cover
was up to 7 m thick. The RQD values of wea-
thered bedrock in marls and siltstone were 48 -
64% and inside the intact bedrock in the range of
64 - 98%.
In situ packer test gave the coefficient of per-
meability in the range of 10-6 m/s to 10-7m/s,
while the laboratory test gave values in ranges of
10-10 m/s to 10-11 m/s, which indicate a signifi-
cant anisotropy in permeability. Two types of
water influx into the cut were forecast, from the
soil cover and from the random sources in be- Figure 1. View to retaining wall OZ-05 during construction.
drock. However, the total influx was estimated as
considerably small. The described types of structures have already
In the laboratory, unconfined compression been used in deep cuts in Slovenia with a great
tests (UCS), performed on 102 samples of marls extent, however, never in comparable bedrock
identified values of 0.2 - 13.8 MPa. These values formation. Therefore, an extensive monitoring
were used in the calculation of strength accord- system with inclinometers, control anchors, and
M. Maček et al. / A Contribution to Improve the Understanding of Softening 631

geodetic observation was proposed by the main


Figure 3. Shallow excavation for the first test anchor. Mi-

ocene marl shortly after excavation.

In the first year of construction, the displace-

ments rate in inclinometers was 5 - 15
mm/month from the beginning of the excavation,
and continued to develop even after the end of
Figure 2. Detail view on prefabricated concrete structures, the construction of the observed segment (Figure
pre-stressed anchor and concrete beams. 4). However, when additional anchors were pre-
stressed, the displacement rate decreased to the
rate of 4 mm/month and continued up to the end

As early as the first segment for the wall was ex- 100
displacements (mm)

cavated and the first test anchors were installed excavation additional
in 2006, it became clear, that the volume stability 80 IN 7 anchoring
of the bedrock was strongly underestimated dur- IN 8
ing the geological investigation (Figure 3). Wet- IN 9
ting and softening of the “dry” bedrock appeared 40
in two stages: firstly saturation was observed in-
side the sandy layers and after that, wetting pro- 20
gressed continuously, from the top to the bottom. 0
The wetting was accompanied by fissures, which 1.9.06 1.9.07 31.8.08 31.8.09
were opened along the contact between the sandy date
and the clayey layers inside the bedrock, and
with slaking. In the second stage, stiff marls and Figure 4. Displacement of inclinometers heads. IN-7 is just
poorly cemented sandstones were transformed behind retaining structure, IN-8 is in the middle part of the
into loose and/or plastic soil. At that time locally retaining structure and IN-9 is app. 25 m behind the crown.
limited landslides also occurred.
As the deep cut was also the main source of Anchor forces were increasing although the ex-
fill material for embankments, the excavation cavation was temporary stopped and the addi-
phase overtook the construction of supporting tional anchors were installed (Figure 5). In the
wall and the requirements for the step by step anchors, which were installed at the final phases
execution of the work remained forgotten. of construction, when the whole structure had al-
Already the first monitoring results showed ready been reinforced with the additional con-
excessive horizontal displacements and the anc- crete slab in the longitudinal direction, the forces
horing forces started to increase. remained inside the designed values.
632 M. Maček et al. / A Contribution to Improve the Understanding of Softening


H (m AMSL)
700 330
anchor force (kN)

1997 2007 2009

650 l1 320
600 l2 310
550 m2 300
500 290
450 280
400 270
excavation anchoring
350 5 10 15 20 25
w (%)
1.9.06 1.9.07 31.8.08 31.8.09
date Figure 6. Water content in overconsolidated stiff clay before
(1997) and after construction (2007-2009).
Figure 5. The increase of anchor forces through time. (u-
upper, m-middle and l-lower concrete structure; 1 - design

H (m AMSL)
and 2 - additional anchors). 330 1997 2007 2009
The construction was completed after 3 years in 310
May 2009. According to the main design, 417
anchors in the total length of 8336 m should have
been installed. At the end, 717 anchors in the to- 290
tal length of 18 545 m and the additional rein- 280
forced concrete slab of several hundred meters 270
were necessary to keep the structure in stable po- 0 5000 10000 qu (kPa)
sition. During the construction, several incli-
nometers failed and additional borings were nec- Figure 7. UCS in marls before (1997) and after construction
essary to maintain the monitoring system. (2007-2009).

Swelling deformations and swelling pressures

5 BACK ANALYSIS were observed in oedometers on a series of con-
trolled samples. Figure 8 shows the most indica-
tive results. Although the swelling deformations,
5.1 Material properties and behaviour shown in Figure 8 are smaller than 2%, the pres-
sure, needed to maintain constant volume during
During construction, in 2007 and 2009, addi-
wetting was higher than the range of oedometer
tional boreholes were made at the location of
apparatus (1500 kPa).
failed inclinometers. Samples were taken to con-
trol the properties of the bedrock and to find out,

weather the geological conditions differ from the 0.38

prediction and if the process of softening was al- 0.37 inundated sample
ready finished at the specific location. 0.36
The softening should be observed as increase sw elling
of water content and as decrease of UCS. Figure def.
6 gives the comparison of the water content 0.34
measurements which show that the average water 0.33
content of the bedrock significantly increased dry sample
deeply behind the cut. 1 10 100 1000  10000
The results, given in Figure 7, show also the
significant reduction in UCS. The decrease of Figure 8. Oedometer test performed on sample VG-1. High
average UCS for all marl samples was 28%. swelling pressure could be observed.
M. Maček et al. / A Contribution to Improve the Understanding of Softening 633

5.2 Strength – SWCC relationship app. 1500 kPa. On the basis of more than 150
tests Petkovšek found the simple relationship be-
Liquid limit (wL) of tested samples varied be-
tween the strength and the water content or suc-
tween 40% and 65%. The soil water characteris-
tion for specific Oligocene clay:
tic curve (SWCC) was obtained for material with
liquid limit 40% and 53%, which represents the
upper and lower boundary material (Figure 9). cu  KX tan  (1)
The water contents of inundated samples in the
oedometer apparatus represent the expected where ¤ is soil suction and K is correlation pa-
highest water content. rameter (K=1 for Oligocene clay).
The suction of intact samples was compared Therefore, the idea of the additional tests of
to SWCCs. It could be observed that only few samples from Miocene bedrock was also to
samples have higher water content than those check, weather the simple equation (1) can be
measured on inundated samples and the majority widely used in a different stiff clay formation.
of suctions lies near the proposed SWCCs. The suction and UCS were drawn with respect
Measured suction in 2009 for samples above the to water content (Figure 10). Although high scat-
bottom of excavation is between 200 and 1000 ter is observed, a clear trend is obvious. Both
kPa and for samples below the bottom of excava- UCS and suction decrease with increasing water
tion it is between 300 and 2300 kPa. From ob- contents. However, due to differences in material
servations given by Petkovšek [9] small effects and scatter of results equation (1) could not be
of relaxation are still expected. used successfully in layered bedrock or should
be improved by other coefficients.
w (%)

25 IN-9 13m
qu, suction (kPa)

20 IN-15 clay
IN-17 clay
15 IN-19 clay
inundated soil
10 1000

10 100 1000 10000 100000
suction (kPa) 5.0 10.0 15.0 w 20.0

Figure 9. SWCC for two materials and suction on intact sam- Figure 10. Relationship between water content, UCS and suc-
ples. The inundated oedometer samples represent possible tion for Miocene marls.
water contents at zero suction.

It is important to stress, that the first deep cut 5.3 Numerical modelling
into the stiff Oligocene marly clay was made in
Slovenia in 1950 to construct the Moste under- A 2D finite element numerical model (Plaxis
ground power station. Soon after the end of con- v8.2) was made to observe possible increases in
struction in 1952, fissures appeared in the con- anchor forces due to progression of excavation or
crete walls and deformation continued through due to soil swelling.
the years. Šuklje [3] explained the deformation The hardening soil model was used to model
as the consequence of swelling and slow creep of soil behaviour (=21 kN/m3, E50= 160 MPa, Eur=
the stiff overconsolidated clay, while Petkovšek 600 MPa, m= 0.5, pref= 100 kPa, ¥ur= 0.2, c=35
[9], [10] found out, that the swelling disappears kPa, =39°), which was similar to that from de-
when the water content equilibrates at suction of sign stage. The material relaxation was modelled
634 M. Maček et al. / A Contribution to Improve the Understanding of Softening

through the expected volume deformations as observed due to material softening and deteriora-
observed in oedometer tests and SWCCs. The re- tion. It was found out that the majority of the ma-
sults of numerical modelling are presented in terial deterioration is the consequence of suction
Figure 11. The calculated anchor forces have the equilibration.
same trend, although the anchor forces differ, es- The suction equilibration should be consi-
pecially for anchors near the bottom of excava- dered in the design stage when stiff clays and
tion. In situ observed forces increased from 450 marls form bedrock. The predicted shear strength
to 600 kN, which is smaller than the calculated after suction equilibration should be used in cal-
force of 1000 kN when swelling was considered culations, as well as the possible influences of
in calculations and higher than the expected 460 swelling deformations on retaining structures.
kN in the design stage. The difference between During monitoring of the retaining structure
observed and calculated anchor forces could be the possible maximum displacement and the ex-
the result of increased thickness of sandy inter- pected development of the displacement through
layers, which are not prone to swelling and were time due to the swelling should be acknowl-
not considered in calculations. edged.
The results of numerical modelling show that
not only the reduction of shear strength [11] but
also the swelling due to suction equilibration in- REFERENCES
creases the anchor forces.
[1] V.C. Mc Guffey, 1982. Design of Cut Slopes in Over-
consolidated Clays. Transportation Research Record
u1 m1 l1 873 (1982), 8 – 11.
[2] M.W. Oakland & C.W. Lovell, Standarized Tests for
u2 m2 l2
Compacted Shale Highway Embankments. Transporta-
u1 calc m1 calc l1 calc tion Research Record 873 (1982), 15 – 22.
u2 calc m2 calc l2 calc [3] L. Šuklje, Zemeljski pritiski na podzemno strojnico
750 Moste. Gradbeni vestnik, 29 (1980), 202 – 212.
[4] S. Leroueil. & P. Vaughan, The general and congruent
anchor force (kN)

700 effects of the structure in natural soils and weak rocks.

650 Géotechnique 40/3 (1990), 467-488.
600 [5] F. Cafaro & F. Cotecchia, Structural degradation and
changes in the mechanical behaviour of a stiff clay due
550 to weathering. Géotechnique 51/5 (2001), 441-453.
500 [6] K. K. Sorensen, B. A. Baudet & B. Simpson, Inflence
450 of structure on the time- dependent behaviour of a stiff
sedimentary clay. Géotechnique (2007) 57/1, 113-124.
400 [7] D. Ocepek, L. Humar, J. Jerman, M. Bren¢i¢, Ge-
350 ološko-geotehnino poroilo o pogojih izvedbe vkopa
1.9.06 1.9.07 31.8.08 31.8.09 od km 14+060 do km 14+620, faza: PGD-PZI, 1997
date [8] L. Korpar, Retaining wall OZ-05 (RC columns) Plans of
building structures. Maribor: GRADIS Biro za projekti-
Figure 11. Measured and calculated anchor forces (u-upper, ranje d.o.o. Project No. 3682, 2004
m-middle and l-lower concrete structure; 1 – design anchor, 2 [9] A. Petkovšek, Influence of matrix suction on deforma-
– additional anchor, calc – calculated anchor force). tion caracteristics, Ph.D. thesis, University of Ljubl-
jana, Slovenia, 2006.
[10] A. Petkovšek, M. Ma¢ek & B. Majes. A laboratory
characterization of soils and clay-bearing rocks using
6 CONCLUSIONS the Enslin-Neff water-adsorption test. Acta geotech.
Slov. 6-2 (2009), 4-13.
The results of in situ tests and the laboratory tests [11] K. Štern, Influence of the rate of construction and of
on the intact samples in the investigation stage rock mass strength reduction on the stability of deep
cuts in marl, Proc. of the 17th Inter. Conf. on Soil
were found to be too optimistic and during con- Mech. and Geotechnical Eng. 2009 Alexandria, Egypt
struction the retaining wall exhibited larger de-
formation than predicted. From the additional la-
boratory tests decrease of shear strength was
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 635
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Structure and collapsibility of loess soils

in middle Asia
Structure et dégradation des sols de lœss en Asie Moyenne
C. Meier 1, C. Boley & Y. Zou
Institute for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, University of the Bundeswehr Munich,

The loess in north Afghanistan behaves very hard in dry season. In rainy season, loess becomes saturated and in consequence
relatively soft. Under external loads, even under the gravity load the loess subsoil wetted throughout presents very large collapse
settlements, which damage the buildings upon the subsoil. To investigate the physical and mechanical properties of the loess in
north Afghanistan and furthermore to avoid the damages to buildings due to the collapse settlements, undisturbed loess samples
in different depths in north Afghanistan were obtained for laboratory investigations. The aim of the study is to develop a new de-
sign method which enables the estimation of prospective settlement of a collapse prone loess soil.

Le lœss au nord d’Afghanistan est très résistant pendant la saison sèche. Par contre, pendant la saison des pluies, le lœss est satu-
ré et par conséquent relativement mou. Etant mouillé sous des charges d’exploitation et même sous son poids propre, le lœss
génère des dommages importantes et des effondrements des constructions à cause de sa grande déformabilité. Afin d’étudier les
propriétés physiques et mécaniques du lœss, des échantillons de lœss non perturbés étaient prélevés à différentes profondeurs.
Ensuite, les échantillons de lœss étaient étudiés au laboratoire. L'objectif de l'étude est d’établir une nouvelle méthode pour éva-
luer les tassements pour la construction des nouvelles colonies.

Keywords: loess soil, collapse behaviour, collapsibility, water content, settlement, microstructure

1 INDTRODUCTION The physical properties, such as grain size dis-

tribution, density of soil grain, dry density, void
These collapse incidents in north Afghanistan, as ratio, degree of saturation of the undisturbed
well as similar problems during the building of loess samples were determined at first. The mi-
the high speed railway in West China, show the crostructure of the undisturbed loess samples was
necessity of extensive research. The purpose of studied by means of scanning electron microsco-
this study is to investigate the mechanical prop- py. The mineral compositions of the loess grains
erties of loess soils in Mazar-e-Sharif Afghanis- and the type of soluble salts in the loess were in-
tan. For this, our current programme is divided vestigated by X-ray diffractometrical analysis
into different parts. and chemical analysis.
To get a first impression of the settlement be-
havior of collapse prone loess under cyclic loads,
Corresponding Author.
636 C. Meier et al. / Structure and Collapsibility of Loess Soils in Middle Asia

extensive triaxial pressure tests in a dynamic cell between 26% and 28%, the plastic limit wP be-
were carried out. tween 13% and 19%, thus the plasticity index IP
ranges between 8% and 14%. With the measured
natural water content w, liquid limit wL and plas-
2 LABORATORY TESTING tic limit wP the consistency index IC was calcu-
lated. According to Germany Standard DIN
To improve the understanding of the complex 18122 the loess soils are in a “hard state”. The
mechanical properties of this kind of soil, initial grain size fractions of the loess soils were deter-
laboratory tests (index tests) were carried out. mined according to Germany Standard DIN
These tests are necessary to get an impression of 18123. The grain size distribution curves of the
the specific gravity of soil grain, the density of loess soils are very similar. The fraction of silt
soil, natural water content, grain size, liquid and grains is for all of the loess soils ranges between
plastic limit. To get the optimum water content 56% and 70%. The sand grain fraction is above
with the associated density, standard proctor test 16%. The rest is the clay fraction. The grain size
were made. The knowledge about the optimum fractions are the typical compositions of loess
water content bear relevance to the collapse be- soils in middle Asia (Boley & Zou 2007).
haviour under static, as well as under dynamic
loads. Table 1. Optimum water content wopt and maximum dry den-
sity dmax
2.1 Index tests _________________________________________________
MP1* MP2** MP3*
The specific gravity s of soil particles of the _________________________________________________
loess soils from the three trial pits were deter- specific gravity of soil particles
mined according to Germany Standard DIN s [g/cm³] 2,73 2,72 2,71
18124. The test results are listed in Table 1 (MP
water content
= point of measuring and taking samples). The w [%] 5,00 8,13 4,41
average value of the particle density is s = 2.72
g/cm³, which is the typical value of clay contain- wet density
ing silts. The natural water contents w of the  [g/cm³] 1,59 1,56 1,47
samples were measured in laboratory. The values dry density
of natural water contents are listed in Table 1 as d [g/cm³] 1,51 1,45 1,41
well. The values of the natural water content w
decreased with increasing depth. The average void ratio
e [-] 0,80 0,88 0,94
value of the natural water content is w = 4.77%,
which is a typical value of loess soils in dry area. degree of saturation
The wet densities  of the undisturbed soil sam- Sr [%] 17,93 22,95 11,50
ples with natural water content were measured in
liquid limit
laboratory. The dry densities d of the soil sam- wL [%] 27,30 26,20 27,00
ples are calculated by wet density  and natural
water content w. Their values are also listed in plastic limit
wP [%] 13,50 14,50 18,20
Table 1. The dry density with the average value
of d = 1.46 g/cm3 is relatively low. The calcu- plasticity index
lated values of void ratio e of the most samples IP [%] 13,80 11,70 8,80
are higher than 0.8, which is relatively high for
consistency index
silts. The calculated degree of saturation Sr IC [-] 1,63 1,43 2,55
ranges between 10% and 30%. The liquid limit
wL and plastic limit wP of the loess soils were de- grain fractions:
termined in the laboratory according to Germany sand [%] 16,50 70,00 13,50
silt [%] 25,00 56,00 19,00
Standard DIN 18122. The liquid limit wL ranges
C. Meier et al. / Structure and Collapsibility of Loess Soils in Middle Asia 637

clay [%] 17,00 69,00 14,00 tion to the vertical pressure p for three different
samples (MP1, MP2 and MP3). The collapse de-
formations %c increase with increasing vertical
*average values of 3-sample-testing
**average values of 2-sample-testing pressure p. The collapse deformations %c of the
three samples for p = 200 kN/m² is larger than
2.2 Compaction tests 7%. Thus, the loess soils belong to “high collaps-
ible loess soils” according to the Chinese Stan-
In order to determine the compaction properties dard. The in-situ overburden pressure of the
of loess soils, standard proctor tests were per- samples is p = 16.0 kN/m² approximately. The
formed in the laboratory according to Germany collapse deformation %c of the sample MP3 for p
Standard DIN 18127. The optimum water con- = 16.0 kN/m² is smaller than 1.5%, thus the sam-
tents wopt and the maximum dry density dmax of ple is “not collapsible loess under overburden
loess soils are listed in Table 2. The range for pressure” according to the Chinese Standard. Be-
water content for the degree of compaction DPr > cause the collapse deformation %c of the samples
95%, obtained from the compaction curves is MP1 and MP2 for p = 16 kN/m² is larger than
relatively large. 1.5%, the two samples belong to “collapsible
loess under overburden pressure”.
Table 2. Optimum water content wopt and maximum dry den-
sity dmax 3.2 Dynamic triaxial tests
In addition to the modified uniaxial oedometer
_________________________________________________ tests, extensive triaxial pressure tests in a dynam-
wopt [%] 13,7 14,0 16,2 ic cell were carried out in order to analyze the
dmax [g/cm³] 1,90 1,86 1,79 settlement behavior under cyclic load.
Ranges of water
content for
DPr > 95% 10 – 18 10 – 18 12 – 20


3.1 ASTM D 5333-96

In order to study the sensitivity of the loess soils
in Mazar-e-Sharif to water, collapse tests were
performed in laboratory according to American
Standard ASTM D 5333-96. For the tests, undis- Figure 2. Influence of frequency on deformation
turbed loess samples with natural water content
were compressed at first in an oedometer under Main interest of these tests is the closer inspec-
different vertical pressures p. Then the samples tion of settlement behavior, especially in the fre-
were irrigated, and at the same time the vertical quency range of earthquakes.
deformations of the samples were measured. Af- Figure 2 show’s the influence of the load fre-
ter watering the saturated samples were further quency on the deformation behavior of collapse
compressed. The relative deformations of the prone loess. As can be seen, the frequency has no
samples before, during and after the watering in definite effect on the deformation. All tests were
relation to the vertical pressures p were noted. carried out without watering because otherwise
Figure 1 shows the relative deformations %c (col- the soil would collapse under its own weight.
lapse deformation) during the watering in rela-
638 C. Meier et al. / Structure and Collapsibility of Loess Soils in Middle Asia

Currently further tests in a dynamic cell are

carried in order to study the influence of the
stress state, i.e. the relation between lateral and
vertical pressure.
The results of theses test are expected soon.


The microstructure of the loess soils was ana-

lised under the microscope. Changes in structure
indicate the collapse settlement.
Figure 3 show’s the honeycomb structure of
the loess soil before the collapse in the modified Figure 4. Loess sample after collapse; 100x magnification
As can be seen in Figure 4, the structure of the
loess has changed. Pores become smaller and the
grains got into narrower bedding.
At the beginning of the study, it was assumed
that the main reason for the collapse-effect might
be the dissolving of salt and lime (Figure 5)
bounds due to the added water.
To confirm or confute the assumption, that
solving salt and lime is responsible for the col-
lapse deformation, further research in terms of
chemical analysis was necessary.

Figure 3. Loess sample before collapse; 100x magnification

The structure can be characterized by aggregates

with large intergranular pores. Bonding forces,
which are responsible for the strength of the
structure, are rather mechanically than chemical-
ly founded.
After irrigation the sample under a defined
load, the microstructure of the soil changed into
a clearly denser system (Figure 4).
Figure 5. Loess with high salt and lime contents, 2000x mag-


In order to study the binding effects between silt

grains the lime contents VCa of the loess soils
were determined by laboratory tests according to
Germany Standard DIN 18129. The lime con-
C. Meier et al. / Structure and Collapsibility of Loess Soils in Middle Asia 639

tents VCa in the loess soils are listed in Table 3. Eluate were mixed for 24 hours and the negative
Their values are above 23%, which is very high. and the positive ions were determined. Table 4
shows the results of the ion eclusion.
Table 3. Lime Content Vca
_________________________________________________ Table 4. Results of the ion exclusion
MP1* MP2** MP3* _________________________________________________
_________________________________________________ Kations mg/Kg Anions mg/Kg
lime content _________________________________________________
Vca [%] 23,90 24,70 34,60 Ca 1391 Cl 407
_________________________________________________ Mg 195 F 13
*average values of 3-sample-testing Na 644 NO2 27
**average values of 2-sample-testing Al 6 SO42- 3778
Fe 3 PO43- 1
The results shown in Table 3 are based on an K 51
analyses, which measured the gassing. This gass-
ing should be the result of a chemical reaction
between hydrochloric acid and lime. As it is As can be seen from the results, calcium (Ca)
known, lime is not the only soil component is the dominating kation. With the applied me-
which reacts with hydrochloric acid. So it was thod it was not possible to measure carbonate.
necessary to confirm the reliability of the results Consequently sulfate (SO42-) is the dominating
(Table 3) on the basis of a second independent anion but its content don’t exceed the carbonate
method. content. The result shows, that salt content is not
For this the content of carbon dioxide was de- insignificant.
termined. Afterwards carbonate content was cal- If the contained salt is easily water soluble, it
culated with the help of molar masses. would make a contribution to the collapse set-
tlement, as it is common accepted. But to find
out the amount of the fraction of easily water so-
MCO2 = MC + 2x MO (1) luble salt, minerals and other compounds, more
research was necessary.
= 12,0107 g/mol + 2x 15,9994 g/mol 8106
1600 Q
= 44,0095 g/mol

MCO3 = MC + 3x MO (2) 1200

Intensity (cps)

= 12,0107 g/mol + 3x 15,9994 g/mol C

= 60,0089 g/mol 800

MCO3 / MCO2 = 1,36354 400 D

From this follows: S I K Ch F
Ch Ch S F FF
CO3 = 1,36354 x CO2 (3) 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70

°2W (CuK)
With a determined CO2 content of about 22,2%, Figure 6. X-ray diffractometrical analysis of loess (sample:
the content of carbonate CO3 comes to 30,27%, 08-106)
which confirms the results from the gassing test. X-ray diffractometrical analysis was selected
To figure out, if it is really lime (CaCO3), to get a detailed mineral disintegration of the
comprehensive ion exclusion was necessary. loess soil. Afterwards the soil was dissolved in
640 C. Meier et al. / Structure and Collapsibility of Loess Soils in Middle Asia

water (eluate) and X-ray diffractometrical analy- soils belong to “high collapsible loess
sis was made again. So it was possible to com- soils” and they can be considered as “col-
pare the results from the solid matter analysis lapsible loess under overburden pressure”.
with the eluate analysis to find out, if the salt  The first results of the triaxial pressure tests
fraction is easily soluble. in a dynamic cell show, that in a range be-
As can be seen in Figure 6, quartz crystal (Q) tween 2 and 8 hertz (Hz), the frequency has
and calcite (C) are the dominating fractions. The no influence on the deformation behavior.
sum of carbonate (predominantly calcite and do-
lomite) is about 37%. Other fractions are quartz The unexpected result, that solely 2.1 weight per
crystal (16%), feldspar (16%). The sum of clay cent are easily water soluble, lead to the assump-
minerals, predominantly illite, muscovite and tion that the collapse effect is based upon the dis-
kaolinite, is about 15%. solving of salt and lime bonding forces.
The result of solubility testing devoted, that For further research, especially settlement be-
just 2.1 weight per cent of this kind of loess soil havior under dynamic load, also mechanical and
counts of easily water soluble minerals. not chemical bonding forces have to be consi-

From the test results the following mechanical
properties of the loess soils have been deduced: [1] C. Boley; C. Meier; Y. Zou, Collapse and deformation
behaviour of alluvial loess soil with special respect to
the conditions in the Marmal-mountains, Afghanistan,
 The natural water content of the loess soils Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Geo-
with the average value w = 4.77% is rela- technics of Soft Soils University of Strathclyde, Glas-
tively low. The dry density with the aver- gow, Scotland, 2007
[2] C. Meier; C. Boley; Y. Zou, Practical Relevance of
age value d = 1.46 g/cm³ is relatively low. Collapse Behaviour and Microstucture of Loess Soils in
The void ratio with the average value Afghanistan, Proceedings of the 17th International Con-
e = 0.87 is relatively large. The salt and ference on Soil Mechanics & Geotechnical Engineer-
lime contents with the average value Vca = ing, Alexandria, Egypt, 2009
[3] V. Mikulitsch; G. Gudehus, Uniaxial tension, biaxial
24.3 is very high. loading and wetting tests on loess, Proceedings of the
 Most of the grains in the loess soils are silt First International Conferende on Unsaturated Soil Par-
grains with sizes between 0.002 and is, France, 1995
0.06mm. Due to a relatively high clay con- [4] L. Tungsheng, Loess in China, Berlin, Germany, 1988
[5] A. Scheidig, Der Löss und seine geotechnischen Eigen-
tent and according Germany Standard DIN schaften, Dresden, Germany, 1934
18122 the loess soils can be characterized
as “low plastic clay”. In the state with natu-
ral water content the consistency index Ic is
higher than 1. Thus, the loess soils with
natural water content are in the semisolid
 The strength of the loess soils in their natu-
ral state is very high. After watering but
without consolidation (collapse) the
strength is very low.
 After watering and under certain pressure
the deformations (collapse) of the loess
soils were very large. According to the
Chinese Standard GBJ 123-88 the loess
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 641
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 647
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Hydro-mechanical characterization of Jurassic

marls to study load degradation
Caractérisation hydro-mécanique de marnes du Jurassique
pour étudier la dégradation résultante du chargement
J. Muralha 1, L. Caldeira
National Laboratory for Civil Engineering (LNEC), Lisbon, Portugal
R. Cardoso, E. Maranha das Neves
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), TU Lisbon, Portugal

Mechanical properties of soft rocks such as marls are strongly affected by suction, directly connected with wetting and drying
cycles resulting from climate actions. An extensive experimental programme was carried out in order to characterize the physical
and mechanical properties of Abadia marls, used in the A10 motorway near Arruda dos Vinhos (Portugal). The experimental
programme consisted of laboratory unconfined compression and Brazilian splitting tests, oedometric tests and triaxial tests, all of
them performed under controlled suction.
Les propriétés mécaniques des roches tendres, comme les marnes, sont fortement affectées par la succion, directement associée
avec les cycles de mouillage/séchage résultants des actions climatiques. Un programme d’essais en laboratoire est mené pour ca-
ractériser les propriétés physiques et mécaniques des marnes de Abadia, utilisées dans l’autoroute A10 près de Arruda dos Vin-
hos (Portugal). Le programme expérimental a été constitué par des essais de compression uniaxiale, essais brésiliens de traction,
essais oedométriques et essais triaxiaux, exécutés dans des conditions de succion contrôlée.

Keywords: Soft rocks, marl, suction, mechanical properties, unconfined compression and triaxial tests

1 INTRODUCTION time required for the samples to reach equilib-

rium under an imposed pre-defined suction value
Marls, mainly those that exhibit significant render any test programme very time consuming.
weatherability, are frequently involved in engi- Moreover, preparing the samples for tests is ex-
neering design situations difficult to tackle in tremely laborious, since water is not allowed in
sound basis. Mechanical properties of this par- drilling and cutting operations. As a conse-
ticular kind of soft rocks are strongly affected by quence, reliable models describing soft rock me-
suction and degradation, directly connected with chanical behaviour taking into account the ef-
wetting and drying cycles resulting from com- fects of material degradation are still scarce.
mon climate actions. Their characterization and An extensive experimental programme was
modelling is very difficult. To start with, just col- developed in order to characterize the physical,
lecting and preparing samples for laboratory tests mechanical and hydraulic properties of Abadia
is a complex and delicate task. The need to accu- marls, dated from the Upper Jurassic. The experi-
rately control suction of the samples and the long mental programme consisted of controlled suction

Corresponding Author.
648 J. Muralha et al. / Hydro-Mechanical Characterization of Jurassic Marls

laboratory tests, such as unconfined compression,

Brazilian splitting, oedometric and triaxial tests.
Results from this experimental programme were
used to model the Abadia marls behaviour,
which is presented in another paper [1].


In general, marls are classified as hard soils/soft

rocks and exhibit evolutive behaviour, since their
mechanical and hydraulic properties change
markedly due to alternate wetting-drying cycles
and to other weathering processes. Crack open-
ing and/or loss of bonding are associated with
these processes, having negative impact on the
strength and compressibility of the material.
Some geotechnical challenges had to be tack-
led during construction of motorway A10, Figure 1. Drilling equipment, sample and prism after drilling.
around 40 km North of Lisbon (Portugal). Near
Arruda dos Vinhos, the motorway crossed Juras- The samples were placed in humidity controlled
sic marly formations known as Abadia Marls. environments (desiccators or chamber) immedi-
To perform laboratory tests of marl samples a ately after being cut from the large blocks. Suc-
2 m deep excavation was carried out allowing to tion was applied using vapour equilibrium tech-
collect five large blocks with dimensions ranging nique. In some cases, standard saturated salt
between 80 cm and 2 meters. The marls were solutions were adopted (reference values at 25ºC
practically saturated (in situ water content vary- - LiCl: RH=11%, s=303 MPa; NaCl: RH=75%,
ing between 9% and 16%). Special care was s=39 MPa; KCl: RH=84%, s=24 MPa). In other
taken in sample conditioning during transporta- cases, specimens were placed in a chamber with
tion to the laboratory. Once there, the large controlled relative humidity and temperature.
blocks were completely wrapped with plastic
film, paraffin and metallic film.
Sample preparation was a difficult task. First 3 PHYSICAL PROPERTIES
attempts to drill samples directly from the large
blocks using standard diamond coring equip- Concerning the mineralogical composition of the
ments proved to be unsuccessful. Instead, prisms marls, carbonates (calcite mainly) (16-23%),
were cut from the large blocks using diamond clays (54-64%), and a very small percentage
saw disks. Some prisms were used to obtain cy- (0-2%) of organic matter are present. The rela-
lindrical samples, while others were directly used tion between the percentages of clay and carbon-
as samples for unconfined compression tests. ates justifies the designation of the material as
Samples for unconfined compression tests were marl. Existing expansive minerals are chlorite
drilled out of the prisms using a drilling equip- (1-5%) and gypsum (traces found in some sam-
ment connected to a dust removal system in or- ples). The presence of these minerals may explain
der to eliminate the very fine dust produced by the degradation (mainly cracking and disaggre-
drilling that could clog around the bit and break gation) and the moderate expansive behaviour
the sample (Figure 1). Cylindrical 54 mm in di- observed when these geomaterials are fully satu-
ameter samples for triaxial tests were obtained rated. The disaggregated marl can be classified as
from prisms cut from the large blocks using a low plasticity clay (CL), which is in accordance
lathe to shape the prisms into cylinders. with the nature of the clay minerals found. Several
J. Muralha et al. / Hydro-Mechanical Characterization of Jurassic Marls 649

other characterization tests were also performed During the tests, loading-unloading cycles
[3], and other properties are presented in [1]. were applied until failure occurred. Independ-
Water adsorption tests performed by Jeremias ently from suction, samples showed ductile be-
[2] at 95% relative humidity and 25ºC (96 hours haviour since relatively high values for axial
of exposure) indicated good capacity for water strain (larger than 0.5%) were reached (Figure
absorption. This capacity increases with the de- 3). Plastic and hysteretic behaviour was also dis-
gree of weathering. played, being more significant for lower suctions.
A marked volume dependence on water con-
tent was registered (Figure 2), associated with s=230MPa
micro-cracking. The water retention curve was
measured for three drying-wetting cycles, in 12

Axial stress (MPa)

which degradation was registered by the incre- s=75MPa

ment of the saturated water content [3]. 8

Finally, swelling tests were performed on marl s=44MPa
specimens with different initial water contents 4
and under different stresses. As expected, the
dryer the material and the lower the stress, the
larger the swelling deformation. 0 2 4 6 8
0,70 Axial strain (10 )
Sr=20% Sr=40% Sr=60% Sr=80%

Figure 3. Examples of unconfined compression tests.


Cracking is responsible for stiffness reduction

Void ratio

0,50 Sr=100%
and so may be looked at as damage. Stiffness de-
0,40 creases progressively with increasing strains.
Dryer samples exhibit higher stiffness, but also a
0,30 higher relative reduction with the loading cycles.
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Water content (%) However, stiffness values for the dryer samples
are always higher than those measured in the
Figure 2. Void ratio dependence on water content [3]. other samples.
The large variability of the results found in all
4 UNCONFINED COMPRESSION TESTS the unconfined compression tests can be seen in
Figure 4. The relation between the water content
Unconfined compression tests with unsaturated measured in each sample after the test and uniax-
marl samples following ASTM Standard D 7012- ial compressive strength c is shown in the fig-
07 were performed. Samples kept with the in situ ure. Water contents of pieces of the broken sam-
water content (around 9.2% corresponding to a ples were measured revealing that samples from
suction of 14 MPa) were tested, along with other the same desiccators had slightly different water
samples kept in the three above mentioned contents, which can be accounted for part of the
standard salt solutions.Standard loading and variability of the results.
measuring equipment was used; the axial stress Uniaxial compressive strength results were
was measured using a load cell and the axial averaged after considering the samples for which
strains by external displacement transducers visual inspection before the test had shown nei-
placed along the middle part of the samples. Due ther relevant cracking nor heterogeneity identi-
to the duration of the test (strain rate about fied by colour differences. The relation between
0.005%/min) the samples (around 50 mm in c and suction s is presented in the equation (1).
diameter and 125 mm in height) were loosely
™ c  0.0276 s  6.14 (MPa) (1)
wrapped with a thin plastic film to maintain the
water content.
650 J. Muralha et al. / Hydro-Mechanical Characterization of Jurassic Marls

(MPa) void ratio e of 0.29. They were initially dried in

14 laboratory environment (RH=45%, s=124 MPa,
w=3.4%). In test 1, the sample was fully satu-
Compressive strength

rated under a relatively low vertical stress
(253 kPa), after which three unloading-reloading
cycles up to 2.2, 4.4 and 7.6 MPa were applied
(Figure 5). A similar test procedure was adopted
4 in test 2 [1], but in this case the sample was kept
2 in dry conditions.
Tensile strength

Full saturation
-4 nd
2 unloading
0 2 4 6 8 10
Water content (%) 0,31


Void ratio
Figure 4. Results of the unconfined compression and Brazili- points
an splitting tests. st
1 unloading

3rd unloading

Splitting tensile strength tests (Brazilian splitting 0,28

tests) were performed following ASTM D 3967-

08. Tested samples were around 5 cm in diame- 0,27
100 1000 10000
ter and 2.5 cm thick. Vertical stress (kPa)

As for the stiffness and strength determined in Figure 5. Oedometric test. Specimen saturated at 253 kPa.
unconfined compression, tensile strength t de-
creases with water content (or increases with Both tests show that under constant suction
suction). Its relation with water content measured the elastic compressibility index Cs increases
for each sample after the tests is also presented in with the cycles (from 0.019 to 0.025 in test 1,
Figure 4. In spite of the dispersion, increasing and from 0.007 to 0.010 in test 2). Larger Cs val-
strength for the dryer samples can be observed. ues were measured in fully saturated conditions,
Orientation of low strength strata relative to showing that wetting seems to be more relevant
the diametral loading force, natural heterogeneity for structure degradation than loading stresses.
of the marl matrix in some samples revealed by Tests revealed similar values for the elastoplastic
colour differences, and the existence of micro- compressibility index Cc: 0.042 for the dry sam-
cracks explain the variability of the results. Con- ple and 0.046 for the wet sample.
sidering only the results of representative sam-
ples chosen by visual inspection after the tests al- 7 TRIAXIAL TESTS
lowed establishing the relation between tensile
strength and suction presented in equation (2). Laboratory triaxial tests are commonly per-
formed to assess intact rock strength under axi-
™ t  0.0066 s  1.01 (MPa) (2) symmetric conditions. Due to the high pressures
usually required, rock triaxial cells tended to be
6 OEDOMETRIC TESTS heavy and difficult to handle, so Hoek and
Franklin [4] developed a simpler cell (commonly
Oedometric tests were performed in totally satu- referred to as Hoek triaxial cell) that only applies
rated and dry conditions marl samples where the lateral pressure, and is used with a conven-
stress cycles were applied [3]. The specimens tional compression testing machine to apply axial
(3 cm in diameter and 1.8 cm thick) had an initial force to the specimen. The main advantage is
J. Muralha et al. / Hydro-Mechanical Characterization of Jurassic Marls 651

that it does not require complex and time con- Figure 7 displays the relations between net
suming preparation for assembling and de- mean stress and volumetric strain during the iso-
assembling the cell between tests. tropic stages of all tests. As expected, these
As pointed out in the introduction, the main graphs show for all samples an approximately
aim of this experimental programme is to allow linear behaviour during the loading and unload-
modelling of stress-strain behaviour of the Abadia ing-reloading cycles. The strains related to these
marls, based on the accurate measurement of the latter cycles are almost always recovered, show-
volumetric and shear strains. So, the triaxial tests ing an elastic behaviour with a small hysteresis.
were performed using a triaxial cell that enables 12
the measurement of the axial and diametral de-
formations of the specimens. Diametral dis- 10

Net mean stress (MPa)

placements are given by two perpendicular
transducers sets connected directly to the speci-
men through the rubber sleeve located inside the 6

cell (Figure 6). Axial displacements, the axial Sample 3

force and the lateral pressure are measured by Sample 4
Sample 6
common transducers controlled by a data acqui- 2 Sample 8
sition system, enabling fully mechanical charac- Sample 12
terization during the tests. Lateral pressures up to 0 5 10 15 20
70 MPa are applied inside a titanium cell. -3
Volumetric strain (10 )

Figure 7. Results of triaxial tests. Isotropic stage (s=39MPa).

Considering only the first loading of each test,

bulk modulus K decreases from 910 to 740 MPa
with increasing isotropic stress. For the unload-
ing-reloading paths, Kur also decreases with in-
creasing isotropic stress, ranging from 2250 to
1650 MPa.
Figure 8 presents the stress paths of the devia-
toric stage of the triaxial tests, in terms of net
mean stress p and deviatoric stress q, given by
equation (3) as functions of the principal stresses.

Figure 6. Internal rubber sleeve with diametral displacements p = (™1 + 2™ 3 ) / 3

transducers. q  1  3 (3)
Triaxial tests using samples under constant suc- In the same graph, the average failure values
tion were performed. Tests consisted of two of the unconfined compression tests and Brazil-
stages: an isotropic phase with loading-unloading ian splitting tests for the same suction conditions
cycles, followed by a deviatoric phase with the (s=39 MPa, w=4-5%) are also shown, revealing a
increase of the axial stress until failure occurred. curved envelope.
Five tests reaching confining pressures of 4 MPa Figure 9 presents the deformational behaviour
(samples 3 and 4), 8 MPa (samples 6 and 8), and of the samples during the deviatoric stage of the
12 MPa (sample 12) are reported. All samples triaxial tests in terms of the evolution of the de-
were chamber conditioned at 75% RH and 22ºC, viatoric stress and volumetric strain %v with shear
corresponding to s=39MPa and approximately strain %s. These strains are given by (4).
% v  %1  2% 3
652 J. Muralha et al. / Hydro-Mechanical Characterization of Jurassic Marls

2 stiffness decrease as the deviatoric stress in-

%s  %1  % 3  (4) creases, as usual. The unloading-reloading of
3 sample 12 reveals that elastic recovery is only
around 25% of the shear strain and points out
that the stiffness decrease is a result of plastic
behaviour under deviatoric stress. In some tests
32 (samples 3, 8 and 12), close to failure, samples
Deviatoric stress (MPa)

28 were deforming without volume change, attaining

24 the critical state.

unconfined Some interesting results from several types of
8 tests performed to characterize Abadia marls
4 brazilian were presented. The results of the tests under dif-
0 ferent load paths (uniaxial compression, brazilian
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 splitting, isotropic compression, oedometric, and
Net mean stress (MPa) shear in triaxial compression) revealed that the
Figure 8. Results of triaxial tests. Stress paths in the devia- Abadia marls are soft rocks with a remarkable
toric stage (s=39MPa). ductile behavior.
Oedometric tests, where suction paths were
also imposed, shown that it is not possible to de-
scribe adequately the mechanical behavior of the
Deviatoric stress (MPa)

30 marls without taking into account their load and

25 suction history.
Data of this experimental work will be used to
Sample 3
calibrate suitable models, namely those where
Sample 4 damage parameters are used. This is the case of
10 Sample 6
oedometric tests where encouraging results were
Sample 8
Sample 12
obtained [3]. This type of approach was also
used for isotropic compression under constant
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 suction [1].
Shear strain (10-3)
Results displaying the influence of suction in
Shear strain (10-3) isotropic and shear under triaxial compression
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
0 are to be presented in a near future
Sample 3
Sample 6
Volumetric strain (10 )


Sample 8 [1] L. Caldeira, E. Maranha das Neves and R. Cardoso, Use
Sample 12 of a damage parameter to model the mechanical beha-
8 vior of marls. XV European Conference on Soil Me-
chanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Greece, 2011
[2] F.T. Jeremias, Geological controls on the engineering
12 properties of mudrocks of the north Lisbon area. PhD
thesis, University of Sheffield, U.K. 2000.
[3] R. Cardoso, Hydro-Mechanical behaviour of com-
16 pacted marls, PhD thesis, Instituto Superior Técnico,
Lisbon 2009.
.Figure 9. Results of triaxial tests. Deformational behaviour [4] E. Hoek and J.A. Franklin, A simple triaxial cell for
in the deviatoric stage (s=39MPa). field and laboratory testing of rock. Trans. Inst. Mining
and Metallurgy 77 (1968), A22–A26.
Both graphs show that the deformational behav-
iour of all samples is remarkably similar, with a
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 653
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Retaining structures in expansive clays

Les structures de soutien dans les argile expansifs
A.T. Papagiannakis 1 , S. Bin-Shafique
CE Dept. University of Texas-San Antonio TX, USA
R.L. Lytton
CE Dept. Texas A&M Univ. College Station TX, USA

Under increasing moisture conditions, retaining structures in expansive clays experience swelling stresses. The magnitude of
theses stresses varies with the amount of moisture increase and the extent of soil confinement imposed by the retaining struc-
tures. This paper describes a systematic study of this problem for three types of retaining structures, namely drilled-shaft, tie
back and soil nailed walls. Its approach involves laboratory testing to characterize the swelling properties of the high plasticity
clays encountered in South Texas and finite element simulation of the structural interaction between the soil and the retaining
structures due to the moisture changes observed at an instrumented wall site. The magnitude of swelling pressures was found to
decrease with depth following the diminishing increase in moisture with depth. The amount of soil confinement effected by the
wall significantly increased clay swelling pressures.

Sous des conditions d’humidité accrues des argiles expansifs, les stuctures de soutien développent des stress au gonflement.
L’ampleur de ces stress varie avec l’accroissement de l’humidité et l’importance de la compression du sol imposée par les struc-
tures de soutien. Cet article décrit l’étude systématique de ce problème pour trois types de structures particulières soit les murs à
puits forés, les murs avec attaches arrières et les murs à ancrages. L’approche utilisée implique des tests en laboratoire pour ca-
ractériser les propriétés de gonflement des argiles à haute plasticité rencontrées dans le sud du Texas et pour déterminer par si-
mulation par éléments définis l’interaction entre les sols et les structures dus aux changements d’humidité observés dans un mur
sur site équipé d’instruments. On a déterminé que la magnitude des pressions de gonflement diminue avec la profondeur suivant
l’amenuisement de l’augmentation de l’humidité avec la profondeur. La mesure de la restriction des sols appliquée par le mur
augmente de façon significative les pressions de gonflement des sols.

Keywords: Unsaturated, earth pressure, drilled shaft, tie-back, soil-nailed, walls, soil-water characteristic curve, finite element.

1 INTRODUCTION retaining wall types are tie-back, drilled shaft,

and soil-nailed [4]. The current design procedure
High sensitivity expansive clays are prevalent in used by the Texas Department of Transportation
Texas. They exhibit significant volume changes (TxDOT) for designing such walls is based on
in response to changes in moisture content [1, 2, the lateral pressure calculations from the classi-
3]. In roadway cuts, the most commonly used cal Rankine and Coulomb methods using the

Corresponding Author.
654 A.T. Papagiannakis et al. / Retaining Structures in Expansive Clays

drained shear strength parameters. The current samples were subjected to laboratory testing to
TxDOT design procedure does not account for obtain the properties necessary for the FEM
the lateral pressure due to the expansion of the modeling. These included the SWCC, hydraulic
high plasticity clays, which may be significant conductivity, initial and final void ratios, com-
[4]. pression index, swelling index, elastic modulus,
Although considerable research has been car- shear strength parameters, etc. Data for develop-
ried out on the swelling potential of expansive ing the SWCC was obtained through filter paper
clays, there is limited literature on accounting for and pressure plate techniques (Figure 1).
these pressures in designing retaining walls.
Solving this problem needs to address the inter- 2.2 Monitoring the Moisture Content Change
action between the retaining wall and soil. This
paper summarizes a study addressing this prob- Thermocouple psychrometers were installed at
lem. It involves: different depths (5ft, 10 ft, 15 ft, and 20 ft) at the
ƒ Moisture measurements obtained during field site to monitor the change in moisture con-
and post construction using psychrometers tent of the high plasticity clay due to seasonal
at a tie-back wall site constructed in San variation. The psychrometers were monitored
Antonio, TX. using a data logger at 2-week intervals over a pe-
ƒ Laboratory characterization of the swell- riod of 18 months.
ing properties of the clay samples ex-
tracted from this site. 2.3 FEM Simulation Approach
ƒ Finite element modeling (FEM) of the After the spatial discretization of the models, two
wall-clay system for three types of retain- preliminary FEM analyses were carried out to es-
ing walls, namely tie-back, drilled-shaft tablish the stress distribution due to the overbur-
and soil-nailed wall. den weight of the soil and the initial pore water
pressure distribution throughout the domain.
The resulting stress and pore water pressure dis-
2 METHODOLOGY tributions were imported as initial conditions into
the FEM stress analysis. Then the change in
The FEM software package GeoStudio was used moisture content/suction profile measured at the
to simulate the three wall types considered. This field site was used as the final condition to the
package includes both stress and flow analysis FEM stress analysis model to estimate the hori-
models. The stress model accepts the soil-water zontal pressure and deflection distribution of the
characteristic curve (SWCC) as input and com- retaining structure.
putes the stress changes resulting from the mois-
ture content changes. The latter can be input or 2.4 Simulation of Drilled Shaft Wall
estimated from the flow analysis. The geometry
of the three wall types to be analyzed was mod- The drilled shaft wall was allowed to move hori-
eled after the San Antonio site (20-ft tall wall zontally, being retained only by the resistance of
with another 20 feet embedded into the soil). the soil along its embedded length. Non-contact
The overall size of the geometry analyzed was 90 elements were inserted between the wall and the
feet high by 140 feet wide. soil being retained to prevent tensional stresses
between them. The mesh for the model was au-
2.1 Soil Characterization tomatically generated and refined manually at lo-
cations of high stress concentration. The outer
Undisturbed soil samples were collected from
vertical boundaries were constrained horizontally
every foot of soil from two boreholes drilled at
while the outer horizontal boundaries pinned in
the. One of the boreholes (Borehole-1) was lo-
both directions.
cated 8 ft away from the tied-back wall and the
other was 35 ft away from the Borehole-1. Soil
A.T. Papagiannakis et al. / Retaining Structures in Expansive Clays 655


3.1 Soil Characterization
The boring logs from the field site show that the
Suction (pF)

3 same high plasticity soil layer is extended down

Pressure Plate Test to the 20 ft drilling depth without evident fractur-
Filter Paper Test ing. The grain size distribution was uniform and
1 the percent fines (P200) was 96%. The average
0.88 Gsat Gsat in-situ unit weight was 122 lb/ft3 and the specific
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
gravity of the soil was 2.13. The liquid limit of
Volumetric Water Content (%) the soil is 58% and the plasticity index was 38%.
According to USCS, the soil was classified as
Figure 1. SWCC of the clay samples high plasticity clay (CH). Soil samples obtained
from two boreholes were subjected to extensive
2.5 Simulation of Tied-back Wall laboratory testing. The properties of the soil re-
The tied-back wall model included two tie-back lated to volume change are shown in Table 1.
rods configured exactly as at the field site. The
length of top rod was 70 ft and the length of the
Table 1. Properties of the soil collected from field site
bottom one was 60 ft. The length of the tie rods
was divided into two parts, a bonded and an un- Material Property Values
bonded part, (i.e., 55/15 and 45/15 ft, resp.). Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity, m/sec 2.32 E-8
The tie rods had a diameter of 2 inch. A preten- Residual Water Content 0.01
Air Entry Value, kPa 35
sion force of 100,000 lbs was applied to the un- Steepness of SWCC 1.1
bound part of the tie back rods. The same boun- Shape of SWCC 0.86
dary conditions and soil properties that were Saturated Suction, kPa 49
used for the drilled shaft wall were also used for Volumetric Water Content 37.7
the tied-back wall. Poisson’s Ratio (/) 0.35
Volume Compression Index 0.058
Total Suction (kPa) 671
2.6 Simulation of Soil-Nailed Wall Young’s Modulus, E (Mpa) 1234
Initial Void Ratio 0.87
The geometry and the boundary conditions used Compression Index, Cc 0.195
for this model were the same as those used for Recompression Index, Cr 0.110
the other two wall types. The nails modeled
were 25 ft long and had a diameter of 1.2 inches. 3.2 Monitoring the Moisture Content Change
The nails were modeled as continuously bonded
The seasonal variation in moisture content at dif-
beam elements except near the face of the wall,
ferent depths is shown in Figure 2. It can be seen
where one foot of each nail was modeled as a bar
that as the depth increases, the soil moisture con-
element. The head force was applied as a tensile
tent change decreases. Despite these changes, the
force in the bar element creating a tension in the
soil remained unsaturated (i.e., saturated mois-
nail and the bearing plate.
ture content was 28.5%). The moisture contents
To simulate the construction of these walls, six
at different depths, which were measured at the
construction stages were considered in the analy-
beginning of the monitoring period (i.e., during
sis. At the first stage (E1), the soil was excavated
the construction of the wall), were the lowest
to a depth of 2 ft and the first nail was placed at a
over the entire monitoring period due to a
depth of 1 ft. At the second stage (E2), the soil
drought experienced the year prior to construc-
was excavated another 3.6 ft (from 2 ft to 5.6 ft)
and the second nail was placed at a depth of 4.6
ft and so on.
656 A.T. Papagiannakis et al. / Retaining Structures in Expansive Clays

0 0

5 5ft
No Swell

Saturation Water Content

10ft 20
Swell at field
10 15ft

Depth (ft)
Depth (ft)

20ft 40

20 60 20' 90'

30 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

10 15 20 25 30 Horizontal Stress (psf)

Moisture Content (%)
Figure 2. Seasonal variation in moisture content with depth
along with the initial moisture content profile and wetting 0

No Swell
Swell at field
As demonstrated later, the state of soil dryness at
construction is crucial in estimating the magni- Depth (ft) 20
tude of the in-service stress increase due to soil 20'

expansion. The difference between the initial wa- 30 20' 90'

ter content profile and the maximum water con-

tent profile observed during the monitoring pe-
riod was used in the FEM modeling. -0.7 -0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0
Displacement (ft)
3.3 Modeling of the Drilled Shaft Wall (b)
The horizontal pressure and the deflection on the Figure 3. (a) Horizontal stress and (b) horizontal displace-
drilled shaft wall obtained from the numerical ment of the drilled shaft wall for swelling of soil due to the
simulation are shown in Figure 3. The additional maximum change in suction measured at the field site.
horizontal stress from the swelling of the expan-
sive soil due to maximum increase in moisture deflection predicted even for a wall embedment
content as measured in the field is significant up depth to fixity, remained above the tolerable lev-
to a depth of approximately 25 ft. Below that el (0.38 ft).
depth, the moisture content changes were not
significant enough to produce measurable 3.4 Modeling of the Tied-Back Wall
changes in swelling pressures. The maximum The horizontal stress and the horizontal deflec-
combined horizontal stress occurred at a depth of tion of the tied-back retaining wall estimated un-
20 ft and amounted to 2,000 psf. The horizontal der moisture changes observed in the field are
stress increase due to swelling was maximum shown in Figure 4. At the ground surface, the
near the ground surface and amounted to 1,200 increase in pressure due to swelling was 1,650
psf. The horizontal displacement of the drilled psf, while the maximum horizontal stress (3,000
shaft wall was linear because of its rigidity. The psf) occurred at a depth of 20 ft, as for the drilled
maximum defection predicted was at the top of shaft wall.
the wall and amounted to 0.62 ft. This is consid- The estimated maximum defections were 0.37
erably higher than the maximum tolerable deflec- ft at the top of the wall, while the deflection was
tion of drilled shaft walls, which is 1% of the almost negligible at the bottom of the wall. The
height of the wall, (0.2 ft in this case). A para- displacement of the tied-back wall could be
metric study was conducted with respect to the
wall embedment depth. However, the maximum
A.T. Papagiannakis et al. / Retaining Structures in Expansive Clays 657

Horizontal stress (psf)

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
No Swell
Swell at field No swell
Depth (ft)

Swell at field

Depth (ft)


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Horizontal Stress (psf)
(a) (a)

Displacement (ft)
-0.6 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0
No Swell 0
10 Swell at field
No swell
Depth (ft)

Depth (ft)
Swell at field



-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 20
Displacement (ft)

(b) (b)
Figure 4. (a) Horizontal stress and (b) horizontal displace- Figure 5. (a) Horizontal stress and (b) horizontal displace-
ment of the tied-back wall for swelling of soil due to the ment of the soil-nailed wall for swelling of soil due to the
maximum change in suction measured at the field site. maximum change in suction measured at the field site.

decreased by increasing the pre-stress of the tie

bars or/and by increasing their unbound length. 4 PARAMETRIC STUDY
However, further reducing the horizontal wall
movement will increase the magnitude of the A parametric study was conducted with respect
swelling pressures. to the possible range in soil suction profiles,
from as constructed to in-service. These are hig-
3.5 Modeling of the Soil-Nailed Wall hlighted in Figure 6. The worst possible sce-
nario is A (i.e., suction profiles “a” at construc-
The horizontal stress and the deformation of the tion and “g” in service), while the best scenario
wall face under the maximum moisture changes is D (i.e., suction profiles “d” at construction and
observed in the field are shown in Figure 5. A “g” in service). The change in soil suction pro-
constant head force of 5,000 lbs) was applied to file is also shown in red in Figure 6 (i.e., suction
all nails. The horizontal stresses increased sig- profile from “e” to “f”). An example of the re-
nificantly due to swelling and the maximum in- sults of this parametric study are shown in th
crease (1800 psf) occured at a depth of 15 ft. form of horizontal stress estimates on the drilled-
The horizontal deflection was the highest at the shaft wall (Figure 7). It can be seen that maxi-
top of the wall. It increased from 0.1 ft to 0.5 ft mum horizontal stress from the worst scenario A
in response to the swelling of soil due to the is as high as 6500 psf and occurs at a depth of 12
maximum change in suction measured at the ft from the ground surface. As expected, the
field site. horizontal stresses decrease for cases that reflect
658 A.T. Papagiannakis et al. / Retaining Structures in Expansive Clays

lower changes in suction (i.e., the horizontal walls constructed in high plasticity expansive
stresses decrease from scenarios A to D). The soils. The measured soil properties and the
horizontal stresses near the ground surface (3000 change in moisture content/suction profile for a
psf) behind the wall for the Case-A are lower typical field site were used in finite element
compared to the stress in the middle of the wall models.
(6,500 psf). This can be explained by the large The seasonal variation of moisture contents is
displacements at the top of the drilled shaft wall maximum near the ground surface and dimin-
as discussed next. ishes with depth. The active zone at the field site
was found to be 25-30 ft. The horizontal pres-
sure and deflection increases as the water content
increases for all types of retaining structures.
The horizontal deflection decreases with depth,
while the change in horizontal stress increases up
to a depth of 15-20 ft and decreases. Below the
depth of active zone, the horizontal stress is gov-
erned by the overburden weight of the soil.
The horizontal pressure increases if the hori-
zontal movement of the wall is restrained. A
drilled shaft wall that does not have any mecha-
nism to restrain the horizontal movement may
not be used in the field site because of its high
horizontal movement For other two types of
walls, the horizontal deflection could be mini-
mized by using bigger size (length and diameter)
Figure 6. Moisture profile change scenarios
tie rods or soil nails.


This research work was funded by the Texas

Department of Transportation (TxDOT) under
project 0-6375 entitled Design of Cut-type
Retaining Walls in High Plasticity Soils.


[1] P. F. Hudak, Geologic controls on foundation damage

in north central Texas. Geojournal 45(1998), 159-164.
Figure 7. Horizontal stresses on drilled-shaft wall [2] R. L. Lytton, Prediction of Movement in Expansive
Clay.” Geotechnical Special Publication, No.
40(1994), ASCE, NY, 2, 1827-1845.
[3] S. Bin-Shafique, I. Azfar, and K. Rahman, The Effect
of Freezing-Thawing Cycles on Performance of Fly
5 CONCLUSIONS Ash Stabilized Expansive Soil Subbases,” Proceed-
ings of Geo Frontiers 2011, Advances in Geotechnical
A combined laboratory experimentation, field Engineering, Mar. 13-16, 2011, Dallas.
monitoring, and computer modeling approach [4] TxDOT, Geotechnical Manual, Texas Department of
Transportation, Austin, Texas.
has been put forward to evaluate the horizontal
pressure and deflection of cut-type retaining
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 659
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Study of swelling and strength characteristics of

expansive soil treated with stone dust and flyash
Etude du gonflement et de caractéristiques de résistance du sol
expansif traités avec de la poussière de pierre et des cendres vo-
T. L. Ramadas1
JNTU College of Engineering, Kakinada-533 003. & JBIET, Moinabd, A.P. India.
N. Darga Kumar
JNTUH College of Engineering, Hyderabad-85.
G. Yesuratnam
JNT University, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.

In this paper, the test results such as index properties, Proctors compaction, swelling and unconfined compression strength ob-
tained on expansive clays mixed at different proportions of fly ash and stone dust are presented and discussed. From the results,
it is observed that at optimum percentages, i.e., 30% stone dust and 25% fly ash, it is found that the swelling of expansive clay is
almost controlled and also noticed that there is a marked improvement in the strength of soil. The combination of stone dust and
fly ash is more effective than the addition of stone dust alone to the expansive soil in controlling the swelling nature. The combi-
nation of 20% stone dust and 25% fly ash addition at the optimum moisture content to the expansive soil is found to be a suitable
measure to reduce the swelling and increase the strength of the two expansive soils tested.

Dans cet article, les résultats des tests tels que propriétés de l'index, le compactage surveillants, de l'enflure et la force de
compression libre obtenus sur des argiles gonflantes mélangés à des proportions différentes de cendres volantes et de poussière
de pierre sont présentées et discutées. D'après les résultats, on constate que les pourcentages optimale, c'est à dire, la poussière de
pierre de 30% et 25% de cendres volantes, il est constaté que le gonflement de l'argile gonflante est presque contrôlée et aussi
remarqué qu'il ya une nette amélioration de la résistance du sol. La combinaison de poussière de pierre et des cendres volantes
est plus efficace que l'ajout de poussière de pierre seul au sol expansif dans le contrôle de la nature de gonflement. La combinai-
son de poussière de pierre de 20% et 25% de cendres plus de cendres à la teneur en humidité optimale du sol expansif se trouve
être une mesure appropriée pour réduire l'enflure et augmenter la résistance des deux sols gonflants testé.

Key words: Stabilization, expansive soil, swelling, strength, flyash, stone dust

INTRODUCTION these projects. The expansive soils are more

problematic for construction and are predomi-
Industrial development in India has necessi- nantly available in majority places in Andhra
tated construction of infrastructure facility such Pradesh. These soils undergo swelling and shrin-
as highways, airports seaports and residential kage as the moisture content changes in it. Due
buildings. There is a need to select good soil to high swelling and shrinkage, these soils pose
conditions for Proper safety consideration of all lot of problems to the structures found on them.

Corresponding Author.
660 T.L. Ramadas et al. / Study of Swelling and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Treated

Stabilization of expansive soils using admixtures cluded that both high –calcium and low calcium
controls the adverse effects on the foundations class C fly ashes can be recommended as effec-
and structures. Experimental studies have been tive stabilizing agents for improvement expan-
carried out in the laboratory by adding admix- sive soils.
tures such as flyash and stone dust to the expan-
sive soils at different proportions. The expansive Phanikumar and Sharma (2004) presented the
soils tested are collected from Bhimavaram in effect of fly ash on free swell index, swell poten-
A.P., India. tial, swelling pressure, plasticity, compaction,
strength and hydraulic conductivity of expansive
To achieve the desired grading, sometimes the soil. It is concluded that increase in flyash con-
soils with coarse particles are added or the soils tent reduces plasticity characteristics and the FSI
with finer particles are removed. The blended was reduced by about 50% by the addition of
soil possesses both internal friction and cohesion. 20% fly ash. The undrained shear strength of the
When properly placed and compacted, the expansive soil blended with flyash increases with
blended material becomes stable and also load the increase in the ash content. Soosan et al.,
carrying capacity is increased. Chemical modifi- (2005) studied the effect of quarry dust on three
cation by adding lime and lime-pozzolana mixes types of soils (Red earth, kaolinite and Cochin
has been practiced very effectively. Flyash is a marine clay) to improve the geotechnical proper-
waste by product from thermal power plants, ties of soils for highway construction. He found
which uses coal as fuel. It is estimated that about that, addition of quarry dust improved the CBR
120 million tones of flyash is being produced value of soil and the optimum proportion being
from different thermal power plants in India con- 40% of quarry dust to 60% of soil.
suming several thousand hectares of precious
land for it’s disposal causing severe health and Praveen Kumar (2006) conducted Cali-
environmental hazards. In order to utilize flyash fornia Bearing Ratio (CBR) and static and cyclic
in bulk quantities, ways and means are being ex- triaxial tests on the four most frequently encoun-
plored all over the world to use it for the con- tered local materials—fly ash, coarse sand, stone
struction of embankments and roads. In spite of dust, and river bed material (RBM)—for their
continuous efforts made and incentives offered use in the subbase layer of a flexible pavement.
by the government, hardly 5-10% of the product The CBR of stone dust was the maximum value
ash is being used for construction purposes like of all, but its behavior under dynamic load in tri-
brick making, cement manufacture, soil stabiliza- axial tests was inferior to that of the other materi-
tion and as fill material (Boominathan and Hari, als. Fly ash has low CBR, but better stress-strain
1999). behavior than stone dust.
In Andhra Pradesh, large numbers of crusher
However, these techniques are successful only
units are available, which produces huge quantity
to a partial extent and hence the attempts to de-
of stone dust. Stone dust not only pollutes water,
vise better techniques are still going on. In the
air or land but also their disposal is a great prob-
present work, an attempt is made using flyash
lem. In the recent past some of the researchers
and stone dust for the two expansive soils col-
have brought out interesting notes on utilization
lected from Bhimavaram in Andhra Pradesh. The
of stone dust and flyash for soil stabilization. Er-
swelling and strength characteristics of two ex-
dal Cokca (2001) studied the effect of Flyash on
pansive soils are presented and discussed. Also,
expansive soil. From the experimental findings
the variations in liquid limit, plastic limit, and
confirmed that the plasticity index, activity and
compaction characteristics obtained for heavy
swelling potential of the samples decreased with
compaction such as OMC and MDD are pre-
increasing percent stabilizer and curing time and
sented and discussed. The CBR results under
the optimum content of flyash in decreasing the
soaked condition are also presented.
swell potential was found to be 20%. Also con-
T.L. Ramadas et al. / Study of Swelling and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Treated 661


Atterberg’s limits, IS heavy compaction, Un-

Material used
confined compressive strength, soaked CBR and
Expansive soil is collected from the Bhimava- Differential free swell tests were conducted with
ram, coastal area in Andhra Pradesh. Flyash is different percentages of stone dust/flyash as ad-
collected from Vijayawada Thermal Power Sta- mixtures in expansive soil for finding optimum
tion (VTPS) and stone dust is collected from the percentage of additives.
crusher units in Guntur.
Liquid Limit and Plastic Limit
The basic properties of materials used in the
From the figures 1 & 2, it is observed that as
presented are presented below.
the percentage of stone dust /flyash increases,
Soil: there is a marked reduction in liquid limit and
plastic limit of clay tested. From this, it can be
Liquid limit, WL = 64; Pastic limit, WP = 26;
deduced that the flow characteristics and plastic
I.S. classification = CH (Clay of high compressi-
characteristics of the soil sample are gradually
bility); Optimum moisture content, OMC=23%;
decreasing with increase in the percentage of
Maximum dry density, MDD=15.5 kN/m3; Dif-
stone dust/flyash. This reduced plasticity of clay
ferential free swell index, DFSI = 100%, Uncon-
is very much required to avoid the failure pat-
fined compressive strength, UCS =130 kPa; and
terns in the road construction over the expansive
soaked CBR = 2.0 %
sub grade soils. The liquid limit at 50% addition
Stone Dust: of flyash and stone dust show the liquid limit
values 47% and 34% respectively. For the same
Maximum dry density, MDD = 19 kN/m3; soil tested with flyash and stone dust, it is ob-
Optimum moisture content, OMC = 6.8%; and served that the plasticity characteristics of soil
Soaked are low in case of soil treated with the stone dust
CBR= 10 %. compared to flyash.
Maximum dry density, MDD=14 kN/m3; Op-
timum moisture content, OMC=18%; Liquid lim- Stone Dust
it, WL=30%; and soaked CBR=6%. Flyash
Admixture Proportions and Tests Conducted 60
L iq u id L im it (% )

The proportions of stone dust and flyash used

along with the soil in the study are 10%, 20%, 50
30%, 40% and 50% and 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%,
30% respectively. The following tests were con- 40
ducted on the soil samples mixed at different
proportions of flyash and stone dust. The liquid 30
limit and plastic limit tests were conducted as per
IS: 2720 (Part 5) - 1985. Heavy compaction test 20
was carried out according to IS: 2720(Part 8)- 0 10 20 30 40 50
1983. Unconfined compressive strength (UCS) % Admixture
tests were conducted at OMC and MDD as per
IS: 2720(Part 10) - 1991. Free swell index (FSI)
Fig.1 Influence of Stone Dust and Flyash on Liquid Limit
tests were conducted as per I.S: 2720 (Part -XL)-
1977. The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests
were conducted as per IS: 2720 (Part 16) – 1987.
662 T.L. Ramadas et al. / Study of Swelling and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Treated


Stone Dust

26 Flyash Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS)

The variations of UCS for all samples are pre-
Plastic Limit (%)

24 sented in figure 5. It can be seen that the the

variation of UCS of the clay samples have in-
creased with the percentage of stone dust/flyash.
22 The UCS values at 50% addition of the stone
dust and flyash to the clay are 153 kPa and 144
kPa respectively. As compared to the untreated
0 10 20 30 40 50 soil, the percentage increase in UCS at 50% ad-
% Admixture dition of 10% stone dust and flayash to the soil
separately are 18% and respectively. Though the
Fig.2 Influence of Stone Dust and Flyash on Plastic Limit increase in strength is marginal with the addition
of stone dust and flyash, there is a good control
over the plasticity characteristics of clay.
OMC and MDD 160

The variation of compaction characteristics Stone Dust

Fly ash
such as OMC and MDD for the expansive clay 150
treated with stone dust and flyash are presented
UCS (kPa)

in figures 3 & 4. From the figures, it can be seen 140

that there is a decrease in OMC and increase in
MDD value with increase in percentage of stone
dust/flyash. It is also observed that the clay sam- 130

ple when replaced with 30% stone dust yielded

maximum dry density of 18.9 KN/m3 at OMC of 120
17.60% and addition of 25% flyash yielded max- 0 10 20 30 40 50

imum dry density of 17.5 KN/m3 at OMC of % Admixture

21.35%. The percentage increase in the MDD at

optimum levels of stone dust and flaysh addi- Fig.5 Influence of Stone Dust and Flyash on UCS
tions to the clay are 15% and 7% respectively.
Free Swell Index (FSI)
Fig.3 Influence of Stone Dust and Flyash on OMC Figures 6 and 7 present the variation in of FSI
19.5 with the addition of admixture. From figure 6, it
19.0 Stone Dust is observed that the FSI values of the expansive
18.5 Flyash soil have decreased with the increase in percent-
age of stone dust/flyash content. As the admix-
M D D (kN /m 3 )

ture content increases, the clay place is replaced

17.5 and hence reduced swelling and shrinkage of the
17.0 admixture treated clay. From the test results, it is
16.5 observed that at 50% addition of stone dust to the
clay has resulted 100% decrease in FSI, and si-
milarly at 50% addition of flyash, there is a 55%
reduction in FSI. Figure 7, presents the variation
15.0 in FSI corresponding to combination of equal
0 10 20 30 40 50 proportion of stone dust and flaysh.
% Admixture
T.L. Ramadas et al. / Study of Swelling and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Treated 663

110 CBR corresponding to 23% flyash and 30%

Stone Dust stone dust addition to the soil are 100% and
Flyash 235% respectively.
90 7.2

80 6.2
Stone Dust
FSI (%)


C.B.R (%)
0 10 20 30 40 50 1.2
% Admixture 0 10 20 30 40 50
% Admixture

Fig.6 Influence of Stone Dust and Flyash on DFS

Fig.8 Influence of Stone Dust and Flyash on CBR

Stone Dust+Fly ash

Swelling pressure

90 220
FSI (%)

200 St one dust
Swell pressure (kPa)


70 160

0 5 10 15 20 25 120
% Admixture
0 10 20 30 40 50
Fig. 7 Influence of Stone Dust and Flyash combination on
FSI. Admixt ure (%)

From this plot, it is noticed that at 50% addi- Fig.9 Influence of Stone Dust and Flyash on SP
tion of admixture (i.e., 25% stone dust + 25%
flyash) to the clay, the reduction in FSI is 35%. Swell Potential
Hence, it is notable to adopt the combination of
flyash and stone dust in addition to the in-situ 20
clay for construction purpose. 18 Fly ash
Stone dust

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) 14

Swell Potential (%)


Soaked CBR test results of flyash/stone dust 10

treated soil are presented in figure.8. From this 8

plot, it is observed that as the percentage admix-
ture such as flyash/stone dust increases, the CBR
also increasing in a reasonable trend. The opti- 0
mum value of CBR is found at 23% of flyash and 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55

30% of stone dust. The percentage increase in Admixture (%)

664 T.L. Ramadas et al. / Study of Swelling and Strength Characteristics of Expansive Soil Treated

Fig.10. Influence of Stone Dust and Flyash on Swell potential x The swelling characteristics are decreased
20 with increasing of flyash/stone dust
18 Fyash+Stone dust x The optimum percentages of flyash and
stone dust observed are 25% and 30% re-
Sw ell potentila (%)

spectively for improving the properties of
14 expansive soils.
x It is observed from the study that the per-
formance of stone dust is much more effec-
tive when compared to flyash.
8 x There is a maximum improvement in
strength properties for the combination of
0 5 10 15 20 25 flyash and stone dust when compared to
flyash/stone dust individually.
Admixture (%)

200 Flyash+Stone dust
[1]. Bhoominadhan. A., and Hari S., (1999),“Behavior of
Swell pressure (kPa)

180 flyash under static and cyclic loading”. Proceedings of

IGC-99, Calcutta, 324-326.
[2]. Erdal Cokca (2001) “Use Of Class C Fly Ashes for the
Stabilization – of an Expansive Soil” Journal of Geo-
technical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol. 127,
120 July, pp. 568-573
[3]. IS: 2720 (Part 5) - 1985. IS code of practice for determi-
100 nation of liquid limit and plastic limit.
0 5 10 15 20 25 [4]. IS: 2720 (Part 8) - 1983. IS code of practice for determi-
Admixture (%) nation of water content – dry density relation using
heavy compaction.
[5] IS: 2720 (Part 10), 1991. IS code of practice for determi-
Fig.11, 12 Influences of Stone Dust and Flyash Combination nation of unconfined compressive strength. [6]. IS:
on swelling potential/swell pressure. 2720 (Part XL), 1977. IS code of practice for determina-
tion of free swell index.
From the fig. 9, 10, 11 & 12 it is observed that as [7]. IS: 2720 (Part 16) – 1987. IS code of practice for labora-
tory determination of CBR.
the percentage of stone dust /flyash increases, [8]Phanikumar B.R., and Radhey S.Sharma (2004) “Effect of
there is a marked reduction in Swell potential Flyash on Engg properties of Expansive Soil” Journal of
and swell pressure of clay tested. From this, it Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering Vol.
can be deduced that the swelling characteristics 130, no 7,July, pp. 764-767.
[9]. Praveen Kumar, Satish Chandra, and Vishal, R. (2006).
of the soil sample are gradually decreasing with Comparative Study of Different Sub base Materials. J.
increase in the percentage of stone dust/flyash. Mat. in Civ. Engrg. Volume 18, Issue 4, pp. 576-580
[10]. Soosan, T. G., Sridharan, A., Babu T. Jose, and Abra-
ham, B. M. (2005). “Utilization of Quarry Dust to Im-
prove the Geotechnical Properties of Soils in Highway
CONCLUSIONS Construction”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 28,
No. 4, Paper ID GTJ11768, 391-400.
The following conclusions can be drawn from [11]. Abduljauwad, S. N., (1995), “Improvement of Plasticity
and Swelling Potential of Calcareous Expansive Clays”,
the experimental work carried out in this investi- Geotechnical Engineering Journal, Southeast Asian Geo-
gation. technical Society, SEAGS, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 3-16.
[12]. Al-Rawas, A.A., Taha, R., Nelson,J.D., Al-Shab, T.B.,
x When flyash and stone dust is added to the and Al-siyabi, H., (2002), “A Comparative Evaluation of
expansive soils the Atterberg’s limits, OMC, Various Additives Used in Stabilization of
FSI are decreased and MDD, UCS, CBR Expansive Soils”, Geotechnical Testing Journal, Vol. 25, No.
2, pp. 199-209.
values are increased.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 665
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Modelling the soil-water characteristic curve of

structured and recomposed hard soils - weak rocks
Modélisation de la courbe caractéristique sol-eau des sols durs -
roches tendres structurés et recomposés
National Technical University, Athens
National Technical University, Athens, Edafos Consulting Engineers S.A
National Technical University, Athens
The soil-water characteristic curve plays the major role in describing both the hydraulic and mechanical behaviour of unsaturated
soils. In the present study the Fredlund and Xing and van Genuchten equations have been used to model the soil-water character-
istic curves of typical Greek soils including three hard soils - weak rocks. It is attempted to correlate the optimum curve fitting
parameters with physical characteristics of the soils and compare parameters of soil-water characteristic curves of undisturbed
and recomposed soils.

La courbe caractéristique sol-eau joue un rôle principal dans la description du comportement hydraulique et mécanique des sols
non saturés. Dans la présente étude, les équations Fredlund et Xing et van Genuchten ont été utilisées pour modéliser les courbes
caractéristiques sol-eau des sols typiques grecs dont trois sols dures - roches faibles. Il est tenté de corréler les paramètres opti-
males de la courbe d'ajustement avec des caractéristiques physiques des sols et de comparer les paramètres des courbes caracté-
ristiques sol-eau des sols intacts et recomposés.

Keywords: unsaturated soil, soil-water characteristic curve models, regression analysis, structured soil, recomposed soil.

1 INTRODUCTION ing a series of discrete data points limited over a

small portion of the whole suction range or sev-
It is well established nowadays that the soil- eral portions with large gaps in between depend-
water characteristic curve (SWCC) is the funda- ing on the number and type of methods used.
mental relation in unsaturated soil mechanics, For that reason a number of SWCC models
widely used for predicting flow, stress and de- have been proposed to represent the SWCC with
formation phenomena. The SWCC may be ex- a continuous curve capable of being applied into
pressed as any relation between or degree of constitutive models and FEM applications.
saturation, gravimetric or volumentric water con- In the present study a regression analysis,
tent, e.t.c. and soil suction. suitable for nonlinear equations, has been per-
Unfortunately, undertaking extended labora- formed to obtain the optimum curve–fitting pa-
tory tests for direct measurements of SWCC is a rameters for the SWCCs of six soils including
cost and time consuming process usually provid- three typical hard soils – weak rocks. For two of

Corresponding Author.
666 P. Sitarenios et al. / Modelling the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve

the latter the SWCC of both the undisturbed and SWCC measured on their recomposed counter-
the recomposed samples were modeled, to allow parts.
for comparisons and conclusions on how struc-
ture may affect modelling parameters. Table 1. SWCC equations used to fit the experimental data.

SWCC Equation Parameter

model Description
2 SWCC MODELS Fredlund and 1 W= w/w0 normal-
Xing (1994) W= m ized gravimetric
(F&X) ⎡ ⎛ ⎛ s ⎞ n ⎞⎤ water content ,
Over the last 60 years a number of mathematical ⎢ln⎜ e + ⎜ ⎟ ⎟⎥
models for describing the SWCC have been pro- ⎢⎣ ⎜⎝ ⎝ a ⎠ ⎟⎠⎥⎦ w g.w.c corre-
sponding to each
posed. Early models such as Burdine (1953) [1], suction level,
van Genuch- 1 w0 g.w.c corre-
Gardner (1956) [2], Brutsaert (1966) [3] and W=
Mualem (1976) [4] incorporate equations with
ten (1980)
(van G.) [1 + (as) ] n m sponding to full
two curve-fitting parameters. Although some of s suction,
them are capable of describing the SWCC well, a,n,m curve-
fitting parameters
the lack of a third parameter means that still
some assumptions have to be made in order to
mathematically describe in a consistent manner a
reverse sigmoidal curve like the SWCC. For that 3 EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS
reason, recent models like the van Genuchten
(1980) [5] and the Fredlund and Xing (1994) [6] The soils tested cover a wide range of typical
incorporate a three parameter equation capable of soils from fine-grained plastic soils like Kifissia
simulating the SWCC better through the whole Clay and Chania Silty Clay to coarse-grained
range of suction from 0 to 106 kPa. This was ac- less plastic soils like Ioannina Lake Silt. In addi-
tually exhibited by Leong and Rahardjo (1997) tion three typical Greek hard soils – weak rocks,
[7] who evaluated the use of several published Kifissia Marl, Corinth Marl and Chalkoutsi Marl
SWCC equations through a series of regression were tested. Index properties of the aforemen-
analyses to fit SWCC curves to experimental tioned soils are summarized in Table 2.
data from 12 soils. They concluded that both van
Genuchten and Fredlund and Xing equations Table 2. Index properties of the soils tested.
provide better fits than the two parameter models
do. Characteris-
Ioannina Lake

Corinth Marl

Kifissia Marl

Marl (CHM)
Kifissia Clay

Using this experience the van Genuchten and

Chania Silty
Clay (CSC)

Silt (ILS)

the Fredlund and Xing models are used in the

present study to fit the SWCC experimental data.


The equations used for the fitting process are

presented in Table 1. The analysis was per- Grain Size
formed in terms of the normalized gravimetric Distribution
water content (W) vs suction (s). No correction Sand (%) 8.8 32.1 7.0 64.8 3.0 15.0
Silt (%) 84.7 49.8 68.1 26.9 64.0 64.2
function regarding the residual water content was Clay (%) 6.5 18.1 24.9 8.4 33.0 20.5
used in Fredlund and Xing equation. Atterberg
The water content vs suction data were ob- Limits
wL (%) 30.5 24.0 31.5 24.0 40.5 50.8
tained via drying paths on initially saturated re- wp (%) 25.0 15.0 16.0 23.0 20.0 20.7
composed soil samples. The term recomposed is PI (%) 5.5 9.0 15.5 1.0 20.5 30.1
used to describe samples that have been reconsti- Gs 2.67 2.68 2.66 2.55 2.67 2.69
tuted into slurry and then reconsolidated to the
in-situ stress or void ratio. Moreover the SWCC
of undisturbed Corinth Marl and Chalkoutsi Marl The axis translation technique for controlling
were measured in order to compare it with the matric suction up to 1500kPa and salt solutions
P. Sitarenios et al. / Modelling the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve 667

method for controlling total suction between 4 to the global minimum. Estimating a proper set of
150MPa were used. The data acquired are plotted starting parameters is even harder in the case of
in Fig. 1. More information on the examined SWCC models because it is often possible to get
soils and the SWCC measurements can be found a few parameters combinations that produce al-
in Bardanis and Grifiza (2011) [8] and Bardanis most the same curve.
and Kavvadas (2008) [9]. Thus, in the present study a stochastic search
technique has been implemented using the Mat-
100 lab programming code. A genetic algorithm was
Corinth Marl_Rec
Chania Silty Clay used to identify promising areas in the search
80 Kifissia Marl
Ioannina Lake Silt
space where the global minimum of the objective
Kifissia Clay function may lie. The proposed optimization
60 Corinth Marl_Nat
scheme involves 100 individuals in the first pa-
W (%)

Chalkoutsi Marl_Nat
Chalkoutsi Marl_Rec
rental generation randomly selected in between
the deterministic boundaries of an initially se-
lected appropriate search space.
The reliability of each calculated set of best-fit
0 parameters was quantified through the coeffi-
1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04
Soil Suction (kPa)
1.E+05 1.E+06
cient of determination (R2):

Figure 1. SWCC experimental data in terms of Normalized fo

R2 = 1 − (2)
( ) ( )
gravimetric water content vs suction.
∑Wi ∑Wi m
2 2
− n

4 SIMULATION where fo and Wim as previously defined and n the

number of data points used. The closer the R2 is
Regression analysis was carried out in order to to unity the better the calculated SWCC fits the
estimate the a,m,n parameters that best describe experimental data.
the SWCCs of the tested soils. The Fredlund and The fitted SWCCs are plotted in Fig. 2. The
Xing and the van Genuchten models have been curve-fitting parameters calculated via the
incorporated in the analysis, while the root- aforementioned procedure, as well as the associ-
mean-square technique was used to assess curve- ated coefficient of determination, are listed in
fitting. The method used aims in finding the op- Tables 3 and 4 for all the soils and SWCC equa-
timum set of parameters that minimizes the sum tions examined.
of the squared deviations of the measured data It can be observed that both models succeed
from the calculated data, as described by the fol- well in the optimization procedure. Comparing
lowing objective function: the fitted curves in terms of the coefficient of de-
termination (R2) the Fredlund and Xing equation
f o = ∑ (Wi m − Wi c ) 2 (1) performed marginally better than the van Ge-
nuchten, ‘scoring’ a higher R2 value in five out of
where Wim is the measured normalized water eight modeled SWCCs.
In the simulations regarding the recomposed
content for each suction level and Wic the calcu-
lated one. samples of Corinth Marl, Chania Silty Clay, Ki-
The nonlinearity of the SWCC equations is re- fissia Clay and Kifissia Marl both models pro-
flected in the objective function as local minima vide almost the same curve, probably due to the
or maxima. In such cases traditional search tech- negligible scatter in the associated data points. It
niques (i.e. steepest descent method) usually fails can also be observed that all the fitted curves, af-
to identify the optimum solutions, especially if ter the theoretical residual water content, have
the defined starting parameters are too far from the trend to pass close to the point corresponding
to zero water content for 106 kPa soil suction, as
668 P. Sitarenios et al. / Modelling the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve

100 100

80 80

60 60
W (%)

W (%)
Corinth Marl_Nat
40 40
F&X (Best fit)
van G. (Best fit)
Chania Silty Clay
20 Corinth Marl_Rec 20
F&X (Best fit)
F&X (Best Fit)
van G. (Best fit)
van G. (Best fit)
0 0
1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06
a Soil Suction (kPa) b Soil Suction (kPa)

100 100

80 80

60 60
W (%)

40 W (%)

Kifissia Marl Ioannina Lake Silt

20 20
F&X (Best fit) F&X (Best fit)

van G. (Best fit) van G. (Best fit)

0 0
1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06
c Soil Suction (kPa) d Soil Suction (kPa)

100 100

80 80

60 60
W (%)
W (%)

Chalkoutsi Marl_Nat
40 40
F&X (Best fit)
van G. (Best fit)
Kifissia Clay 20 Chalkoutsi Marl_Rec
F&X (Best fit) F&X (Best Fit)
van G. (Best fit) van G. (Best fit)
0 0
1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03 1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06
e 1.E+00 1.E+01 1.E+02 1.E+03
Soil Suction (kPa)
1.E+04 1.E+05 1.E+06 f Soil Suction (kPa)

Figure 2. Experimental data and fitted curves for the: a) undisturbed and recomposed Corinth Marl, b) recomposed Chania Silty
Clay, c) recomposed Kifissia Marl, d) recomposed Ioannina Lake Silt, e) recomposed Kifissia Clay and f) undisturbed and re-
composed Chalkoutsi Marl.

expected thermodynamically. An exception to their recomposed counterparts cannot support

the above is the Fredlund and Xing fitted curve solid conclusions as yet. As mentioned by Bar-
to the SWCC of Ioannina Lake Silt where the danis & Grifiza, 2011 [8], structure manifested
experimental data points are limited to suction its effect in a similar manner for both soils, i.e.
values up to 1500kPa. This can be attributed to leading to a higher capacity of water retention of
the fact that no correction factor for the residual the structured soil when they both had the same
water content was used in the analysis. initial void ratio as in the case of Corinth Marl,
The comparison of the curve-fitting parame- and to practically the same capacity of water re-
ters from the SWCCs of undisturbed soils and tention when the recomposed soil had a much
P. Sitarenios et al. / Modelling the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve 669

smaller void ratio than the structured one as in 5 CORRELATIONS

the case of Chalkoutsi Marl. Therefore if a com-
parison is to be made between curve-fitting pa- An attempt was made to correlate the optimal pa-
rameters when structure plays its role, that seems rameters a,m,n obtained from the optimization
to be more valid for the case of Corinth Marl procedure. As a correlation parameter, the wPI
where both the undisturbed and the recomposed (weighted plastic index), proposed by Zapata
samples had the same initial void ratio. In this in- (2000) [10] was selected given its wide-
stance therefore a and n were found higher and spread use for the particular type of correlation.
m lower for the undisturbed Corinth Marl when It is defined as:
using the Fredlund & Xing equation. The com-
parison was similar for the van Genuchten equa- wPI = Passing #200 x PI (3)
tion (given that a for this equation is reciprocally
analogous in nature to a in Fredlund and Xing). where Passing#200 is the material passing the
This conclusion is to be considered only indica- #200 U.S.Standard Sieve expressed as a decimal
tive until further experimental data of the same and PI the plasticity index as a percentage. The
nature become available. results are plotted in Fig. 3.

Table 3. Calculated optimum parameters and associated R2 F&X (1994) REC
values for Fredlund & Xing equation. F&X (1994) NAT
van G. (1980) REC
Soil a n m R2
a , 1/a

20000 van G. (1980) NAT

CM_REC 1033.8 0.929 1.867 0.999461
CM_NAT 1367.7 1.662 1.361 0.988680 10000

CSC 35963 0.513 6.394 0.999553

KM 3044.6 0.709 2.227 0.999786 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
a wPI
ILS 24.5 2.071 0.633 0.997197
KC 5380.3 0.650 2.623 0.999819 F&X (1994) REC
8 F&X (1994) NAT
CHM_REC 638.5 1.4982 0.818 0.995421
van G. (1980) REC
CHM_NAT 333.3 0.904 1.150 0.982896
n .

van G. (1980) NAT


Table 4. Calculated optimum parameters and associated R2
values for van Genuchten equation. 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
b wPI
Soil a n m R2
CM_REC 0.014 1.005 0.567 0.999346
CM_NAT 7.70*10-4 1.397 0.476 0.988080 F&X (1994) REC
F&X (1994) NAT
CSC 2.89*10-5 0.527 2.477 0.999754 5
van G. (1980) REC
KM 3.65*10-4 3.385 0.824 0.999750 4
van G. (1980) NAT

ILS 0.0763 3.386 0.095 0.993716
KC 1.80*10-4 0.664 1.043 0.999793 1
CHM_REC 0.0035 9.2076 0.0327 0.998437 0
c 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
CHM_NAT 0.0078 1.4815 0.1952 0.986041 wPI

Figure 3. SWCC experimental data in terms of Normalized

gravimetric water content vs suction.
670 P. Sitarenios et al. / Modelling the Soil-Water Characteristic Curve

In Fig. 3a the inverse of van Genuchten pa- Comparison between the curve-fitting pa-
rameter a has been plotted in order to compare rameters of structured and recomposed soils may
with Fredlund and Xing a parameter. It can be by no means be considered conclusive. There
observed that both models provide almost the seems to be indication however that in the ab-
same a,1/a and n values, while some differences sence of the effect of a different initial void ratio
are observed in the m values. This explains the prior to drying, a (1/a for the van Genuchten
different shape that some of the fitted curves, equation) and n are higher while m is lower for
corresponding to the same soil, exhibit after the structured soils.
second inflection point.
The significant scatter of the points in Fig. 3
indicates that probably there is no relation be-
tween the calculated optimum parameters and the REFERENCES
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 671
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Impact de cycles hydriques sur le comportement

hydromécanique d’un sol argileux gonflant traité à
la chaux
Influence of wetting and drying cycles on the hydromechanical
behaviour of a lime treated expansive clayey soil
G. Stoltz, O. Cuisinier 1, F. Masrouri
Nancy-Université, Laboratoire Environnement, Géomécanique & Ouvrages, 54501 Nancy, France

Lime addition is a very wide spread technique to improve the engineering behaviour of soils. It is known to reduce the swelling
potential of expansive soils. This property would be of interest since lime might be used to prevent swelling of expansive soils in
earthworks. However, the durability of this lime effect is questionable. It is essential to evaluate the durability of treatment ef-
fects when the initially expansive stabilised-soil is subjected to a succession of wetting and drying cycles, which is the main pur-
pose of this study
Two lime contents were used to stabilise the selected expansive soil: 2 and 5 %. After a curing period of 28 days, the treated soil
has been subjected to wetting and drying cycles. To impose these cycles, the controlled oedometer by osmotic method, technique
of unsaturated soils mechanics, have been used. The swelling / shrinkage potential and the oedometric compressibility have been
determined as a function of the number of hydric cycles.
These results showed that the efficiency of lime stabilisation on the swelling potential is altered by successive hydric cycles. It
appeared that the lower the lime-content, the higher the alteration of lime stabilisation effects. The amplitude of the wetting and
drying cycles is also a key factor.

Le traitement à la chaux est une pratique courante d’amélioration des sols. Le traitement induit la création de composés cimen-
taires qui vont modifier le comportement mécanique du sol et réduire son potentiel de gonflement. Cette dernière propriété pour-
rait être exploitée pour permettre le réemploi des matériaux très argileux en les rendant insensibles vis-à-vis des fluctuations de
teneur en eau. Il est cependant indispensable d’évaluer la pérennité des effets du traitement lorsque le sol gonflant traité est sou-
mis à une succession de cycles hydriques, ce qui est l’objet principal de cette étude.
Deux dosages en chaux ont été retenus pour traiter le sol argileux gonflant sélectionné : 2 et 5 %. Après une période de cure de
28 jours, le sol traité a été soumis à des cycles hydriques. Pour imposer ces cycles, des œdomètres à succion contrôlée par mé-
thode osmotique, technique de la mécanique des sols non saturés, ont été employés. Le potentiel de gonflement / retrait ainsi que
la compressibilité œdométrique ont été déterminés à la fin des cycles hydriques.
Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’efficacité du traitement sur le potentiel de gonflement est altérée par des cycles hydriques
successifs. Cette altération est d’autant plus forte que le dosage avant le premier cycle est faible. Elle est aussi directement fonc-
tion de l’amplitude des cycles hydriques.

Keywords: Expansive soils, cementation effect, lime stabilisation, durability, chemo-hydro-mechanical couplings.

Corresponding Author.
672 G. Stoltz et al. / Impact de cycles hydriques sur le comportement hydromécanique

1 INTRODUCTION portement semble relié à la période de cure entre

le traitement et le premier cycle hydrique. En
Le traitement à la chaux est fréquemment utilisé conclusion, ces études laissent supposer un effet
pour l’amélioration du comportement et de la négatif des cycles hydriques sur le gonflement /
maniabilité des sols fins. Lorsque de la chaux retrait des sols argileux traités à la chaux. Ce-
vive est ajoutée à un sol, celle-ci s’hydrate. Ce pendant, les cycles hydriques de ces études ont
phénomène provoque un dégagement de chaleur été réalisés entre la saturation (imposition de
et une augmentation de la quantité d’ions cal- succion nulle) et de très faibles humidités rela-
cium (Ca2+) et hydroxydes (OH-) en solution tives, succion de plusieurs centaines de MPa, ce
dans le sol. Ces ions vont réagir avec les consti- qui est plutôt sévère par rapport aux variations de
tuants du matériau, modifiant ainsi ses caractéris- succions auxquelles peuvent être soumis le cœur
tiques de maniabilité, de compactage, et son des ouvrages en terre (quelques MPa).
comportement mécanique à court et long termes Dans ce contexte, une étude a été réalisée pour
(Little, 1995). Parmi ces modifications, le traite- évaluer la performance à long terme, d’une argile
ment à la chaux permet généralement de réduire, compactée traitée à la chaux soumise à des
voire de supprimer, le gonflement des sols argi- cycles hydriques. Des œdomètres à succion con-
leux (par ex. Rao et Thyagaraj, 2003). Ainsi, le trôlée par la méthode osmotique ont été utilisés
traitement à la chaux pourrait être intéressant pour réaliser ces cycles hydriques dans une
pour prévenir le gonflement des sols argileux gamme de succions comprise entre 0 et 8 MPa.
dans le cadre de l’emploi de ces matériaux en En fin de cycles, la compressibilité des matériaux
terrassement. Ceci passe par l’évaluation préa- a été évaluée et comparée à celle des matériaux
lable de la stabilité dans le temps de cet effet du traités et non sollicités. Deux dosages en chaux
traitement à la chaux. Actuellement, très peu de (2 et 5%) ont été appliqués à l’argile étudiée et
travaux portent sur l’impact, notamment des sol- deux temps de cure ont été considérés : 28 et 128
licitations hydriques cycliques (climatiques) sur jours.
la pérennité des effets du traitement à la chaux.
Quelques études de cas sont disponibles dans
la littérature pour évaluer les performances de 2 DEMARCHE EXPERIMENTALE
remblais traités à la chaux quelques années après
la réalisation de l’infrastructure (e.g. Gutschik, Cette section présente successivement le sol gon-
1978). D’après ces études, il apparaît que flant retenu pour l’étude, la méthode utilisée pour
l’alternance de périodes sèches et humides pour- imposer les cycles hydriques, la procédure de
rait être néfaste. Il est cependant difficile de con- préparation des éprouvettes et le programme ex-
clure à partir de ces seules études puisque les in- périmental.
formations sur les dosages, les types de sol, les
conditions de compactage ne sont pas présentées 2.1 Caractéristiques de l’argile étudiée
en détail. Il existe aussi quelques études de labo-
ratoire comme celle de Guney et al. (2007) qui L’argile gonflante considérée est un matériau na-
ont imposé des cycles de séchage/humidification turel avec une limite de liquidité de 71% et une
à une argile gonflante compactée traitée à la limite de plasticité de l’ordre de 29%, soit un in-
chaux. Ces auteurs ont montré que, bien que le dice de plasticité de 42 %. L’analyse granulomé-
potentiel de gonflement de l’argile soit réduit trique par tamisage donne 90% de passant à 80
immédiatement après le traitement à la chaux, ce ¦€

¨ª!imentométrie donne 70%
potentiel de gonflement tend à augmenter de ma- !
¦€š La fraction argileuse (< 2
nière significative lorsque des cycles hydriques ¦€) est composée à 50% d’un interstratifié gon-
successifs sont imposés. L’étude présentée par flant (illite-smectite), à 40% d’une illite de type
Khattab et al. (2007), à partir d’essais réalisés sur muscovite et à 10% d’une chlorite.
une argile traitée à la chaux, aboutit aux mêmes
conclusions. Ces auteurs montrent que ce com-
G. Stoltz et al. / Impact de cycles hydriques sur le comportement hydromécanique 673

2.2 Préparation des éprouvettes succions comprises entre 0 et 8 MPa. La durée

d’une phase d’imposition de la succion est de 7
Afin de préparer les éprouvettes, l’argile a été
jours. La hauteur initiale des éprouvettes est de
portée à une teneur en eau proche de la teneur en
H0 = 1 ± 0,10 cm et leur diamètre de 7 cm.
eau optimale de compactage (Tableau 1). Après
Dans cette étude, les phases de dessicca-
une période de 24 heures destinée à homogénéi-
tion/humidification ont été réalisées sous une
ser la teneur en eau du sol, celui-ci a été malaxé
contrainte verticale de 7 kPa de manière à assurer
avec la chaux. Après une heure, le mélange a été
un bon contact entre la base de l’éprouvette et la
compacté statiquement à la masse volumique dé-
membrane semi-perméable. Tout au long de
sirée avec les caractéristiques de l’optimum
l’essai, la variation de la hauteur de l’éprouvette
Proctor normal du sol (Tableau 1), directement
•¯ est enregistrée.
dans le corps d’une cellule œdométrique. Lors-
qu’une période de cure était nécessaire, 2.4 Description du programme expérimental
l’éprouvette et la cellule œdométrique ont été
Deux séries d’essais ont été réalisées. La pre-
emballées sous cellophane, de manière à éviter
mière a cherché à caractériser l’influence du trai-
les pertes d’eau, et conservées à 20 ± 1,5°C.
tement à la chaux après 28 et 128 jours de cure.
Tableau 1. Caractéristiques de compactage de l’argile non Les résultats ont servi de référence pour évaluer
traitée et traitée à 2 et 5% de chaux.
l’impact des cycles hydriques sur le comporte-
Dosage en chaux 0% 2% 5% ment de l’argile traitée.
wOPN [%] 26,5 32,0 37,0
­dOPN Mg.m-3 1,45 1,34 1,20
Des éprouvettes d’argile traitée à la chaux, ont
été soumises à plusieurs cycles hydriques après
La succion initiale, après compactage des 28 jours de cure, délai nécessaire pour atteindre
éprouvettes, a été déterminée par la méthode du une prise pouzzolanique significative. Une
papier filtre selon la norme ASTM D 5298-94. éprouvette d’argile compactée non traitée a aussi
Elle est de l’ordre de 500 kPa pour les trois mo- été soumise à des cycles hydriques afin de servir
dalités de dosage en chaux (0%, 2% et 5%). de référence. Ces résultats ont permis d’évaluer
l’effet de différents cycles hydriques sur le com-
2.3 Œdomètre à succion contrôlée par la portement volumique de l’argile traitée.
méthode osmotique A la suite de l’imposition des cycles hydriques
successifs, soit en moyenne 128 jours, les éprou-
Le principe de la méthode est de mettre en con-
vettes ont été chargées mécaniquement sous une
tact une éprouvette de sol et une solution de ma-
succion nulle. La comparaison de ces résultats
cromolécules en insérant entre les deux une
avec ceux obtenus après une cure à teneur en eau
membrane semi-perméable. Celle-ci empêche le
constante de 128 jours (sans cycles) a permis de
passage des macromolécules de la solution vers
mettre en évidence l’influence des cycles hy-
l’éprouvette mais elle permet les échanges d’eau.
driques sur les propriétés mécaniques de l’argile
Les mouvements d’eau, et donc la succion, sont
contrôlés par le phénomène d’osmose : plus la
concentration en macromolécules est élevée, plus
la succion imposée est forte. La macromolécule
utilisée classiquement est le polyéthylène glycol
(PEG) avec différents poids moléculaires. La
base de l’œdomètre permet de faire circuler la
solution osmotique au contact de l’éprouvette. La La Fig. 1 présente les courbes œdométriques de
relation entre la concentration en macromolé- l’argile non traitée et celles de l’argile traitée à 2
et 5% de chaux après 28 et 128 jours de cure. Les
cules et la succion a été caractérisée par diffé-
différences d’indices des vides initiaux
rents auteurs (par ex. Cuisinier et Masrouri,
2004). En l’état actuel et avec le dispositif em- s’expliquent par le choix de compacter les
ployé, cette méthode a permis d’imposer des éprouvettes à leurs optimums respectifs, fonction
du dosage (Tableau 1).
674 G. Stoltz et al. / Impact de cycles hydriques sur le comportement hydromécanique


1,2 2%CaO-28j


1 5%CaO-28j



1 10 100 1000 10000

Fig. 1. Courbes œdométriques de l’argile non traitée et traitée à 2 et 5% de chaux (28 jours de cure).
En conclusion, si le dosage de 2 % de chaux
L’argile non traitée présente un potentiel de
suffit à prévenir le gonflement de l’argile après

•¯¶¯0 de 15,5% à la diffé-
28 jours de cure, il n’est pas suffisant pour in-
rence de celui de l’argile traitée qui est quasi nul
duire une augmentation des propriétés méca-
•¯¶¯0 $ 0%). Ce résultat indique que l’ajout de
niques selon un temps de cure prolongé, 128
chaux à l’argile gonflante étudiée, en respectant
un temps de cure de 28 jours, permet de suppri-
mer son caractère gonflant lors de
l’humidification. Il est intéressant de noter qu’un
dosage de 2 % de chaux suffit à atteindre
l’objectif de supprimer le potentiel de gonfle- L’impact des n cycles hydriques successifs sur le
ment de l’argile. comportement volumique de l’argile et sur la
La contrainte de préconsolidation de l’argile compressibilité seront successivement abordés.
non traitée est évaluée à 40 kPa et alors que la 4.1 Sur le retrait / gonflement
contrainte de préconsolidation apparente de
l’argile traitée avec 2 et 5% de chaux, ayant eu Sept cycles hydriques ont été appliqués sur les
28 jours de cure, est de l’ordre de 700 kPa. Cette éprouvettes traitées à la chaux. Cependant, le
contrainte de préconsolidation est qualifiée septième cycle n’a pas pu être appliqué sur
d’apparente pour le matériau traité car elle prend l’argile traitée à 5% de chaux pour des raisons de
en compte, non seulement « l’histoire » méca- vieillissement prématuré de la membrane osmo-
nique du matériau, mais aussi l’effet des cimen- tique.
tations induites par le traitement à la chaux. Dans un premier temps, l’analyse des résultats
L’ajout de chaux permet ainsi d’étendre le do- est portée sur le suivi de la hauteur de
maine élastique du matériau. l’éprouvette au cours des cycles par rapport à sa
Les résultats obtenus permettent d’apprécier hauteur initiale H0 (Fig. 2.). Le premier cycle a
l’effet d’un temps de cure prolongé de 128 jours débuté par une phase de dessiccation avec
sur les propriétés mécaniques. Dans le cas de l’imposition d’une succion de 8 MPa (cycle
l’argile traitée à 2% de chaux, la contrainte de n=½). Les résultats obtenus au cours de cette
préconsolidation apparente reste stable entre 28 première dessiccation ont permis d’évaluer
et 128 jours de cure. Par contre, pour l’argile l’effet du traitement sur le retrait des matériaux
traitée à 5% de chaux, la contrainte de préconso- étudiés. Que ce soit pour l’argile non traitée ou
lidation apparente passe de 700 à plus de pour l’argile traitée à la chaux (2 ou 5%),
1000 kPa après 128 jours de cure. l’amplitude du retrait est du même ordre de
grandeur, avec •¯¶¯0)n=½ compris entre -4,5%
G. Stoltz et al. / Impact de cycles hydriques sur le comportement hydromécanique 675

et -5%. L’ajout de chaux à l’argile, avec 28 jours tion des propriétés de retrait / gonflement au fur
de cure, ne permet donc pas de supprimer le re- et à mesure des cycles, diminution qui ne stabi-
trait induit par l’imposition de la succion 8 MPa. lise pas après 7 cycles.
La fin du premier cycle (n=1) correspond à 10
une humidification avec l’imposition d’une suc- gonflement
cion nulle. Le premier cycle se traduit par
l’apparition d’un retrait irréversible de l’ordre de

ǻ++n [%]
1% pour le dosage de 2% de chaux, et de l’ordre
de 3,5% pour le dosage de 5% de chaux. A la 0
différence de l’argile non traitée,
l’humidification n’entraine qu’un gonflement li- 0%CaO-4C
mité de l’argile traitée. retrait 5%CaO-28j-n=6
5 -10
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
nombre de cycles n
ǻ++0 [%]

Fig. 3. Evolution du retrait / gonflement au cours des cycles

0 hydriques (0-8MPa) pour l’argile non traitée et traitée à 2 et
5% de chaux (sollicitée après 28jours de cure).

De ces résultats, il ressort que, même si le trai-

tement à la chaux permet d’obtenir une insensibi-
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
lité de l’argile vis-à-vis du gonflement (lors
nombre de cycles n d’une première imbibition), il ne permet pas de
rendre l’argile complètement insensible aux va-
Fig. 2. Evolution de la déformation au cours des cycles hy- riations de teneur en eau, l’imposition des cycles
driques (0-8MPa) pour l’argile non traitée et traitée à 2 et 5% hydriques montrant une nette sensibilité au retrait
de chaux (sollicitée après 28jours de cure). (lors d’une première dessiccation) et au re-
Afin de mieux évaluer l’évolution des proprié- gonflement (ré-imbibition après dessiccation).
tés de retrait et de gonflement au cours des 4.2 Sur la compressibilité
cycles hydriques, la variation de la hauteur de
l’éprouvette •¯
a été rapportée à sa hauteur Hn Un essai œdométrique a été réalisé sur l’argile
au début du cycle n (Fig. 3). Il apparaît que si le traitée à la chaux (2 et 5%) après les 28 jours de
retrait et le gonflement au cours d’un cycle sont cure et la phase d’imposition des cycles hy-
diminués par le traitement pour les deux dosages driques. Les courbes de compressibilité corres-
l’amplitude de retrait / gonflement les plus pondantes (Fig. 4a et 4b) sont comparées à celles
faibles sont obtenues pour l’argile traitée avec le de l’argile traitée non soumise à des cycles hy-
dosage en chaux le plus fort, soit 5% de chaux. driques et laissée en cure durant 128 jours.
De plus, le retrait et le gonflement, pour un La contrainte de préconsolidation apparente
même matériau, évoluent au fur et à mesure des déterminée dans le cas de l’argile traitée à 2% de
cycles. Dans le cas de l’argile non traitée, il est chaux sollicitée par les cycles hydriques peut être
observé une tendance à l’augmentation de la ca- comparée à celle déterminée sur l’éprouvette
pacité de retrait au cours des cycles. Après trois soumise à une cure de 128 jours. Les cycles hy-
cycles hydriques, une stabilisation du retrait / driques ont entraîné une chute de la contrainte de
gonflement est obtenu. Pour l’argile traitée avec préconsolidation apparente de 700 kPa à 250 kPa
2% de chaux, les propriétés de retrait / gonfle- (Fig. 4a). Cette valeur est aussi inférieure à celle
ment diminuent légèrement au cours des quatre déterminée après 28 jours de cure. De même,
premiers cycles. A partir du cinquième cycle, dans le cas de l’argile traitée à 5 % de chaux, les
une stabilisation est atteinte. Pour l’argile traitée cycles hydriques ont conduit à une chute de la
à 5% de chaux, il est observé une nette diminu- contrainte de préconsolidation apparente, soit
676 G. Stoltz et al. / Impact de cycles hydriques sur le comportement hydromécanique

environ 600 kPa (Fig. 4b). Cette valeur est à deur que celui du même sol non traité. Par ail-
comparer à celle déterminée après 128 jours de leurs, les cycles hydriques successifs appliqués à
cure qui était supérieure à 1000 kPa. l’argile traitée montrent que son comportement
Ainsi, les cycles hydriques ont donc entraîné reste dépendant des variations hydriques même si
une dégradation significative des propriétés mé- une diminution des propriétés de retrait et de
caniques de l’argile traitée à 2 et à 5 % de chaux, gonflement est observée au cours des cycles, no-
leur impact semblant être plus limité pour tamment pour le dosage en chaux le plus fort.
l’argile traitée à 5% de chaux. 2 – Le rôle du dosage en chaux a également été
5 mis en évidence. Si une augmentation des per-
(a) formances mécaniques est recherchée à long
0 terme, le dosage de 2% de chaux est insuffisant à
la différence de celui de 5% de chaux. Le dosage
-5 de 2% de chaux permet néanmoins d’augmenter

0 [%]

les performances mécaniques à court terme. Il est

-10 également observé une meilleure tenue des per-
formances mécaniques pour le plus fort dosage
en chaux quand l’argile est soumise à une accu-
2%CaO-28j mulation de cycles hydriques à la différence du
2%CaO-128j dosage de 2% de chaux qui conduit à une nette
2%CaO-28j-n=7 dégradation des performances mécaniques.
Ces résultats montrant la complexité des cou-
1 10  100 1000 10000
plages chemo-mécaniques sont une base essen-
(b) tielle pour l’évaluation de la durabilité des ar-
giles gonflantes traitées à la chaux.

0 [%]

Ces résultats ont été obtenus dans le cadre du

-10 programme TerDOUEST financé par l’Agence
Nationale pour la Recherche.
-20 5%CaO-28j
[1] ASTM D6276 - 99a, Standard Test Method for Using
pH to Estimate the Soil-Lime Proportion Requirement
-25 for Soil Stabilization, vol. 4.09 (2006).
1 10 100 1000 10000 [2] ASTM D 5298-94, Standard Test Method for Meas-
 urement of Soil Potential (Suction) Using Filter Paper,
Fig. 4a, b. Courbes de compressibilité de l’argile traitée à 2% vol. 4.09 (1995), pp. 154–159.
et 5% de chaux après 28 et 128 jours de cure pour les échan- [3] Cuisinier, O., Masrouri, F., Testing the hydromechani-
tillons non sollicités et après 28 jours de cure pour les échan- cal behaviour of a compacted swelling soil, Geotechni-
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[4] Guney, Y., Sari, D., Cetin, M., Tuncan, M., Impact of
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Cette étude permet d’évaluer l’impact de cycles [5] Gutschick, K.A., Lime stabilization under hydraulic
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d’un sol argileux gonflant traité à la chaux. term stability characteristics of a lime-treated plastic
1 – Les résultats montrent que le traitement à la soil, J. of Mat. in Civil Eng. 19 (2007), 358-366.
chaux est bien efficace pour éliminer la capacité [7] Little, D.N., Stabilization of pavement subgrades and
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de gonflement de ce sol. En revanche, pour les ciation. (1995)
deux dosages testés, le retrait du sol argileux [8] Rao, S.M., Thyagaraj, T., Lime slurry stabilisation of
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 677
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 683
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Model piles behaviour in a compacted fine-grained

unsaturated soil
Comportement de pieux à échelle réduite dans un sol fin non-
saturé compacté
S. K. Vanapalli 1
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada
Z. Nil Taylan
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

A series of single model pile tests were performed in a laboratory environment to study the influence of matric suction on the
pile shaft resistance in a compacted fine-grained soil. The model piles were loaded in the soil compacted with constant water
content condition to assure uniform suction value over the entire depth. The model piles were loaded to failure under both satu-
rated and unsaturated conditions under different drainage conditions. The test results show that there is a significant contribution
from suction towards the shaft resistance of model piles. The conventional D method by Skempton (1959) and ȕ method by Bur-
land (1973) that are used for interpreting the piles in saturated conditions were modified to interpret the total shaft resistance of
piles under unsaturated conditions.


Des essais sur des pieux individuels à échelle réduite ont été menés en laboratoire afin d'étudier l'influence de la succion sur la
résistance du fût d'un pieux enfoncé dans un sol fin compacté. Les pieux ont été soumis à une charge tout en maintenant cons-
tante la teneur en eau afin d'assurer une succion uniforme sur toute la profondeur. Les pieux ont été chargés jusqu'à la rupture
dans des sols saturés aussi bien que non-saturés en utilisant différentes conditions de drainage. Les résultats des essais démon-
trent que la succion peu contribuer de manière significative à la résistance de fût de pieux à échelle réduite. La méthode conven-
tionnelle D de Skempton (1959) et la méthode ȕ de Burland (1973) qui sont utilisées pour interpréter la résistance de pieux dans
des conditions saturées ont été modifiées pour interpréter la résistance de fût totale de pieux dans des conditions non-saturées.

Keywords: Unsaturated soils, compacted soils, matric suction, model piles, shaft resistance, modified  method, modified ȕ me-

1 INTRODUCTION tion. Such a scenario is more common in semi-

arid and arid regions, but it also occurs in other
In geotechnical engineering practice, foundation regions of the world. In some cases, foundations
designs are based on conventional soil mechanics are also constructed in compacted soils which are
principles assuming the soil is in a state of satu- typical examples of unsaturated soils. It is appro-
rated condition. Foundations are typically con- priate to design foundation structures constructed
structed above the natural ground water table in unsaturated or compacted soils such as shal-
where the soil is in a state of unsaturated condi- low or deep foundations taking account the in-

Corresponding Author
684 S.K. Vanapalli and Z.N. Taylan / Model Piles Behaviour

fluence of matric suction. In other words, the strength parameters and interface strength pa-
mechanics of unsaturated soils should be used in rameters (i.e., soil and pile material) were deter-
the rational design of foundations. There are mined from the direct shear tests. The effective
some studies reported in the literature with re- shear strength parameters (c’ and I’), the SWCC,
spect to the design of shallow foundations using and the interface shear strength properties are re-
unsaturated soil mechanics [1] & [2]. However, quired for interpreting and predicting the varia-
there are limited studies reported in the literature tion of total shaft resistance of the model pile
that discuss the design of pile foundations taking with respect to matric suction under drained
account of the influence of matric suction in fine- loading conditions [6].
grained soils [3]. A modified null-pressure plate apparatus [7]
In this study, a series of single model pile tests was used for determining the matric suction of
were performed in a laboratory environment to the compacted soil specimens using the axis-
study the influence of matric suction on the pile translation technique. The undrained strength, cu
shaft resistance in a compacted fine-grained soil. of compacted soil specimens under saturated and
The model piles were loaded in the soil com- unsaturated conditions were determined using
pacted with constant water content condition to conventional unconfined compression equip-
assure uniform matric suction over the entire ment. The undrained strength, cu and matric suc-
depth. The model piles were loaded to failure tion value of the compacted soil are required for
under both saturated and unsaturated conditions interpreting the shaft resistance of the model
using different drainage conditions (i.e., un- piles in undrained loading conditions. The varia-
drained and drained loading conditions). The test tion of undrained strength, cu with respect to suc-
results show that matric suction contributes sig- tion can be predicted using the cu of under satu-
nificantly towards the shaft resistance of model rated condition and the SWCC [8].
piles. The conventional D method [4] and ȕ me- The sections that follow provide the testing
thod [5] used for interpreting the piles placed in procedures details along with a brief description
saturated soils were modified in this study to in- of the equipments used in the laboratory testing
terpret the total shaft resistance of model piles program for determining the shaft resistance of
loaded in unsaturated soils. model piles in fine-grained soils.

2.1 Properties of the soil used in the test

The properties of the soil used in the test pro-
The soil used in the testing program is a glacial gram (i.e. Indian Head till) were determined fol-
till from Indian Head in Saskatchewan province, lowing the ASTM Standards. The properties are
Canada. The objective of the present study as summarized in Table 1.
discussed earlier is to understand the influence of
matric suction on the total shaft resistance of
Table 1. Properties of the soil used in the test program
piles in a compacted fine-grained soil. The load
carrying capacity of single model piles was Soil Properties Value
measured under both saturated and unsaturated Optimum water content (%) 18.6
Maximum dry unit weight, (kN/m3) 16.7
conditions in a laboratory environment under Saturated unit weight, (kN/m3) 18.5
drained and undrained loading conditions. A test Specific gravity, Gs 2.70
tank was specially designed that facilitates to Sand (%) 28.0
compact the glacial till and load the model piles. Silt (%) 42.0
Clay (%) 30.0
The Soil-Water Characteristic Curve (SWCC), Liquid limit, wL 36.2
which is the relationship between the water con- Plastic limit, wL 15.0
tent (volumetric or gravimetric) or degree of sa- Plasticity index, Ip 21.2
turation and matric suction was measured using
the pressure plate apparatus. The effective shear
S.K. Vanapalli and Z.N. Taylan / Model Piles Behaviour 685

2.2 Soil Preparation and Compaction bend (see ུ in Fig. 1) which is connected to the
Indian Head till collected from the field was air- base of the HAED with pore-water pressure
dried for several days and subjected to gentle equal to atmospheric pressure tends to go into
pulverization using a wooden mallet. The pulver- tension. This translates movement of water in the
ized soil that was passed through a sieve with an tube from its original position, which is ap-
opening size of 2 mm (i.e. #10 sieve) was col- proximately at a level equal to the mid height of
lected and used for the entire testing program. the soil specimen placed on the HAED. The ten-
The soil was prepared in a single batch to ensure dency of the water to go into tension is resisted
uniform conditions. The prepared dry soil was by increasing air pressure in the pressure cham-
mixed with distilled water at predetermined ini- ber. Eventually, an equilibrium condition is
tial water contents in the laboratory at room tem- reached and water in the specimen does not go
perature. The soil-water sample mixture was into tension (i.e., attains a “null” condition). The
placed in tightly covered double plastic bags and applied air pressure in the chamber to achieve
stored in a humidity controlled box in the labora- “null” condition is the matric suction value as
tory for at least 3 days to ensure uniform mois- water pressure is equal to zero.
ture conditions.
The compaction curve was obtained by pre-
paring statically compacted individual specimens
at different water contents using 350 kPa of
stress in specially designed compaction equip-
ment. The equipment consists of a brass mold in
which a specimen of 50 mm in diameter and 20
mm height can be prepared. The inner lining of
the mold has teflon layer to reduce friction while
compacting the soil sample. The samples were
compacted into steel specimen rings in a single
layer. The ring was fixed securely to the mold on Figure 1. Modified null pressure plate apparatus for meas-
a brass base plate with screws such that there is urement of suction using the axis translation technique (཰
brass chamber ཱ acrylic base, ི pressure gauge ཱི peri-
no movement during compaction of the sample. staltic pumpུglass tubeཱུdimmer switch) (after Power
and Vanapalli, 2010)

2.3 Suction Measurement The model pile capacity was determined on

soil sample compacted at an initial water content
equal to 13%, which corresponds to dry of opti-
2.3.1 Axis translation technique mum conditions. The matric suction, (ua - uw)
measured on specimen compacted at this water
The axis translation technique is a direct meas- content using the modified null pressure plate
urement method of matric suction of an unsatu- was equal to 203 kPa.
rated soil sample using the null pressure plate
apparatus. This technique facilitates measure- 2.3.2 Pressure plate apparatus
ment of matric suction values greater than 101.3
kPa avoiding cavitation problems [9]. More re- The pressure plate apparatus was used for meas-
cently, the conventional null pressure plate was
uring the SWCC following the drying path (Fig.
modified [7] (see Fig. 1). In this equipment, 2). Soil specimens prepared with an initial water
when an unsaturated soil specimen is placed on
content of 13% in metal specimen rings of 50
the saturated high air-entry disk (HAED) which mm in diameter and 20 mm in height following
is in the acrylic base plate of the brass chamber,
the procedures detailed earlier were placed in the
the water in the glass tube with a right angle pressure plate. This equipment facilitates the
686 S.K. Vanapalli and Z.N. Taylan / Model Piles Behaviour

measurement of SWCCs of different soil samples cedure was followed for the different matric suc-
at the same time. tion values chosen in the present study. At each
equilibrium stage, the degree of saturation of the
compacted specimen was calculated from the vo-
lume-mass relationships for the different matric
suction values to plot the SWCC relationship
(Fig. 3).


Figure 2. Pressure plate apparatus used for the measurement
of the SWCC (཰steel pressure chamber, ཱ high air-entry The influence of matric suction on the total shaft
disk, ི test specimen) capacity of piles was determined from model
tests under both saturated and unsaturated condi-
The SWCCs of compacted specimens to be tions of compacted Indian Head till. These tests
measured were placed into the pressure plate ap- were conducted in a specially designed test tank
paratus on the HAED for saturation. The speci- of 300 mm both in diameter and height. The
mens were allowed to saturate under a small conventional triaxial equipment loading frame
head of water for a period of 7 days. After the sa- was used for the soil compaction in the tank and
turation process was completed, water in the also for loading the model piles. The model pile
chamber was removed, and the specimen was diameter was 20 mm and the length equal to 450
subjected to desaturation by applying air pressure mm.
keeping the water pressure below the HAED to a The soil was compacted with an initial water
value equal to zero (i.e., atmospheric pressure). content equal to 13% using a compaction stress
The specimens were desaturated successively us- of 350 kPa in the test tank in five equal layers. A
ing matric suction values of 10, 20, 50, 100, 150, base plate with drainage holes to facilitate
200, 250, 300 and 400 kPa respectively. The movement of water was used as compaction
specimens were allowed to reach equilibrium plate. This compaction plate is 300 mm in di-
conditions under each applied matric suction ameter and 10 mm in thickness. After compac-
value before subjecting the specimens to the next tion of each layer, the soil surface was scarified
level of matric suction. Typically, 3 to 5 days are before proceeding with the compaction of the
required for achieving equilibrium conditions next layer in order to maintain continuity in the
under each applied matric suction value. different compacted soil layers.
A thin wall casing tube was jacked down into
the test tank with the compacted soil to create a
Degree of Saturation (%)

hole without overstressing the nearby soil down
to a depth of 220 mm. The diameter of the cas-
ing tube was 18.8 mm with a wall thickness
equal to 0.9 mm. The loading was continued un-
50 til 220 mm length of the casing tube was embed-
Indian Head till winitial=13%
ded into the compacted soil. The casing along
30 with the soil embedded column was removed out
1 10 100 1000
from the compacted soil carefully by working the
Matric Suction (kPa)
equipment in opposite direction. The outer di-
Figure 3. SWCC for the Indian Head till with an initial com- ameter of the casing is slightly less than the
paction water content equal to 13%. model pile diameter, which is 20 mm. This tech-
nique ensures a good contact between the soil
The mass of the specimens were determined and the surface of model pile shaft for determin-
after achieving equilibrium conditions. This pro- ing the total shaft resistance.
S.K. Vanapalli and Z.N. Taylan / Model Piles Behaviour 687

The sampling tubes and model piles were spe- 4 TEST RESULTS AND ANALYSIS
cially designed such that they can be securely
fastened on to the horizontal beam of the loading The total shaft capacity of piles in unsaturated
frame (see Fig. 4). under undrained loading conditions can be esti-
mated by modifying the conventional D method
[4] using Eq.1 [6]. The form of this equation will
be same as in [4] if matric suction, (ua - uw) is set
to zero.
Eq. (1) can also be used to predict the varia-
tion of total shaft resistance of pile, Qf(us) with re-
spect to matric suction. The required information
using this equation are the undrained shear
strength under saturated condition, cu(sat) and the

ª (ua  uw ) X º
Q f (us ) D cu ( sat ) «1  S / P»S d L
Figure 4. Equipment set up for loading the model pile ཰ test ¬ ( Pa /100) ¼
tank, ཱ model pile, ི load cell, ཱི LVDT, ུ adjustable
height loading frame.
where, cu(sat), cu(unsat) = undrained shear strength
The casing tube was inserted into the com- under saturated and unsaturated conditions, re-
pacted soil after saturating it to determine the spectively, Pa = atmospheric pressure (i.e. 101.3
model piles capacity. The compacted soil in the kPa), (ua - uw) = matric suction, S = degree of sa-
tank was subjected to saturation by gradually al- turation and Q, P = fitting parameters which are
lowing downward flow of water from top of the equal to 2 and 9, respectively [8].
soil through the compacted plate which had drai- The D value for saturated and unsaturated
nage holes. Possible volume changes associated conditions was chosen as 0.9 and 0.75, respec-
with saturation were restricted using a column tively using the adhesion factor versus undrained
connected to the top of the compaction plate and shear strength relationship [11]. More details of
fastened to the loading frame. The saturation was the use of this relationship for unsaturated soils
checked with the help of a piezometer that was are discussed in [6].
attached to the side of the tank. This was assured Vanapalli and Taylan (2011) [6] also pro-
by checking the water level in the piezometer posed the modifications to the E method that can
and the tank were close to surface. In addition, be used for estimating the shaft resistance of
tensiometers reading value of zero also ensured model piles under drained loading conditions.
that the soil reached saturated conditions (i.e. (ua
- uw) = 0 kPa). Qf (us) ¦^H cc  E V c  ª¬ u
a z a `
 uw (S N )(tan G c)º¼ S d L
After the borehole drilling was completed for
both saturated/unsaturated samples in the tank,
steel model piles was jacked down to a prede- where, ca' = adhesion component of cohesion,
termined depth of 200 mm following the same H= reduction parameter is chosen as 0.4, ' = in-
procedures used for penetrating the casing tube. ternal friction angle between pile and soil, ȕ =
A void of 20 mm in length was intentionally left Ko tan ’ and where Ko= (1-sin ') which is the
below the pile toe to be able to directly measure mean lateral earth coefficient at rest.
the total shaft resistance without any tip resis- The adhesion component of cohesive strength,
tance. The model piles were tested under drained ca’, and the internal friction angle, ', between
and undrained loading conditions using a strain the soil and the pile material was measured by
rate equal to 0.0120 mm/min [10] and 1 mm/min conducting interface direct shear tests for both
respectively. saturated and unsaturated soil specimens under
688 S.K. Vanapalli and Z.N. Taylan / Model Piles Behaviour

drained loading conditions (see Table 2). The grained soils both in the laboratory and in the
shearing rate used for conducting these tests was field with respect to the proposed D and ȕ meth-
the same as the rate of loading the model piles ods.
(i.e., 0.0120 mm/min). Since the internal friction
angle, ' did not vary much with respect to suc-
tion, the ȕ coefficient value of 0.3 was used for REFERENCES
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[5] methods were modified to interpret the con- [10] Vanapalli. S.K., Fredlund, D.G., Pufahl, D.E. &
Clifton, A.W. 1996. Model for the prediction of shear
tribution of matric suction on the total shaft resis- strength with respect to soil suction. Canadian
tance of model piles in undrained and drained Geotechnical Journal, Vol.33, No. 3: 379-392.
loading conditions, respectively [6]. The load [11] Sowers, G.B. & Sowers, G.G. 1970. Introductory soil
versus deflection data demonstrated that the peak mechanics and foundations. The Macmillan Company,
New York.
shaft resistance is mobilized prior to 20 mm pe- [12] Vanapalli, S.K. & Fredlund, D.G. 2000. Comparison of
netration of the pile which is consistent with ear- empirical procedures to predict the shear strength of un-
lier studies in the literature [13]. saturated soils using the soil-water characteristic curve.
The total shaft resistance of piles in unsatu- Proc. of Unsaturated Soil session of Geo-Denver
2000, 5 - 8 August, ASCE Special Publication, 99: 195-
rated conditions is significantly higher in com- 209.
parison to saturated conditions for both drained [13] API Recommended Practice for Planning, Designing
and undrained loading conditions (see Table 2). and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms-Working
More studies are necessary to check the validity Stress Design. 2A-WSD-2000.
of the proposed methods on different fine-
3.1. Shallow Foundations
Fondations superficielles
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 691
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
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© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Foundation of a heavy loaded stockyard

on problematic subsoil:
experience and two years of measurements
Stabilisation d’une aire de stockage sur un sol problématique:
retour d’expérience et deux années d’instrumentalisation
D. Alexiew1
HUESKER Synthetic GmbH, Gescher, Germany
C. Moormann
University of Stuttgart, Institute for Geotechnics, Stuttgart, Germany
A. Glockner
Uhde GmbH, Dortmund, Germany

At the seashore of Brazil ThyssenKrupp CSA built in 2006 - 2009 a steel plant including a 380.000 m2 stockyard for raw materi-
als comprising stockpile beds and runways for stacker/reclaimers similar to the heavy excavators in open mining. The lowland
area consists of saturated soft soils of low bearing capacity. Both the stability and serviceability of stockpile beds and runways
had to be ensured. The optimized solution employs full area basal high-strength geosynthetic reinforcements combined in the
coal/coke zone with geotextile encased columns below the runways and with strip drains below the beds. During construction
measurement programs were performed on test embankments. Measurement programs are installed also for the operation stage.
They serve to decide about the allowable height of stockpiles because of the insufficient subsoil consolidation below the beds on
strip drains at the start of operation. This is a specific case of application of the observational method in Eurocode 7. After a
short overview the paper focuses on the measurement programs and experience gained. So far they confirm the suitability of the
solutions and methods applied.
Au bord de mer du Brésil, Thyssen Krupp CSA construit en 2006 - 2009 une aciérie incluant une surface de stockage pour les
matières premières de 380.000 m² et des pistes pour les « bacs récupérateurs »; semblables aux excavatrices lourdes des exploita-
tions ouvertes. Le site entier recompose sur des sols compressibles saturés à très faible portance. Tant la stabilité globale que le
l’utilisation régulières de la réserve de stockage et des pistes ont dû être assurés. La solution optimale trouvée était un renforce-
ment horizontal par des geosynthétiques à très haute résistances, combinés sous les pistes par des colonnes encapsulées par un
géotextile associé à un tapis drainant. Des programmes de mesure ont été installés aux différentes phases. Ils servent pour se dé-
cider de la hauteur permise de réserves des stocks à cause de la consolidation de sous-sol insuffisante au début d'opération. C'est
un cas spécifique d'application de la méthode d'observation dans l'Eurocode 7. Après une vue d'ensemble courte, l’article se con-
centre sur les programmes de mesure et l'expérience acquise.

Keywords: Soft soils, soil reinforcement, geosynthetics, soil improvement, observational method, field measurements

Corresponding author
692 D. Alexiew et al. / Foundation of a Heavy Loaded Stockyard on Problematic Subsoil


TK CSA (ThyssenKrupp CSA Siderúrgica do

Atlântico) built a steel plant in the lowlands of
the Brazilian seashore near Sepetiba inclusive of
a 380.000 m² stock yard for raw materials (coal/
coke, ore and additives). The terrain consists of
very soft soils; the ground water level is just be-
low the surface. The thickness of soft soil varies
between ca. 10 and 20 meters. Apart from the
stockpiles, the stockyard (SY) includes runways
(RW) for the 750 tons stacker/reclaimers (S/R)
similar to the heavy equipment used in open cast Figure 2. Typical geotechnical conditions; the most critical so
called “upper clay” is marked by a frame
mining (Figure 1). More detailed information on
the whole project can be found in [1]. For brevity
this publication focuses only on the stock pile then again soft clays down to ca. 20 m, sands and
beds and RWs for the coal/coke area of 800 x rock bed at 30 to 50 m below surface.
350 m. The most critical “upper clay” of high plastic-
ity and low consistency is normally consolidated
with the following main parameters: oedometric
modulus ES ca. 0.2 - 0.5 MN/m², consolidation
coefficient cv = 2 - 4. 10-8 m/s, undrained shear
strength of only cu = 5-15 kN/m². The ground
water level is practically at the surface.


Significant difficulties for the foundation of the

stock yard coal/coke area resulted e.g. from the
changing shape, geometry and positions of the
13 m high stock piles, a fast loading-unloading
process under operation (0 to >100 kN/ m2) and
Figure 1. TKCSA steel plant: the stockyard with stock pile
beds and runways with stacker/reclaimers


The project site is located at the bay of Sepetiba

approx. 50 km west of Rio de Janeiro. The site
investigation programme comprises a large num-
ber of SPT- and CPTu-soundings as well as in-
situ vane tests, furthermore a laboratory test pro-
gramme with oedometer- and triaxial tests.
The typical geotechnical conditions are shown Figure 3. Stockyard; coal/coke; stockpile beds and runways
in Fig. 2: very soft saturated clays down to ca. 10 with 750 ton stacker/reclaimers running between them
m (“upper clay”), a layer of better sandy layers,
D. Alexiew et al. / Foundation of a Heavy Loaded Stockyard on Problematic Subsoil 693

uled start of operation, an expert assessment by

analysis and instrumentation of the start-up of
operations was foreseen (see Chapter 5).


Figure 4. Layout of TKCSA coal/coke stockyard (detail)

the limited allowed displacements of the RWs
for the sensitive 750 ton S/Rs (Figures 3 & 4).
Apart from the insufficient stability, the calcu-
lated settlements amounted up to 2 m without
soil improvement measures. Optimized technical
solutions therefore had to be found to solve both
problems. Figure 5. Typical reinforcement: transverse (N-S) woven Ro-
butec“ , intermediate sand layer, longitudinal (W-E) geogrid
3.1 Foundation of the coal/coke stockpile beds Fortrac“ M

Local and global stability had to be adequate,

3.2 Foundations of the runways (RWs) for the
settlements and settlement differences had to be
stackers/reclaimers (S/Rs)
reduced and especially the horizontal displace-
ments (spreading) from the stockpiles outwards The RWs are heavily loaded wide ballasted rail-
to the RWs (say in N-S-direction) to be mini- way tracks. The weight of an S/R is approxi-
mized to acceptable values. The „spreading“ is of mately 750 tons, and they rotate (Figures 3 & 4)
critical importance because it endangers the causing significant load eccentricities as well.
proper operation of the S/Rs being of key impor- All types of deformations have to be strictly lim-
tance. In all cases the ultimate (ULS) and ser- ited. A significantly lower deformability than
viceability limit state (SLS) analyses resulted in under the stockpile beds after a shorter construc-
the necessity of horizontal geosynthetic rein- tion time and an earlier operation had to be guar-
forcements in two directions (N-S & W-E): a anteed. The optimum solution found was to sup-
woven geotextile in N-S-direction (Fig. 4) fol- port the RWs by compacted sand-filled
lowed by a 15 cm thick compacted sand layer geotextile-encased columns (GEC) [4] as ductile
and a geogrid in the W-E-direction. A very high bearing elements. The columns pass through the
tensile stiffness (modulus) of all geosynthetic re- very soft upper clay (Fig. 2) and found in the bet-
inforcements was required, therefore geosynthet- ter sandy intermediate layer. The high-modulus
ics from polyvinylalcohol (PVA) [2] were se- seamless tubular geotextiles RingtracR 100/250
lected (a key issue for the entire project): woven and 100/275 are used as encasement [3 & 4].
geotextiles "RobutecR" and geogrids "Fortrac M" Figure 6 shows a partial cross section of the ac-
with ultimate short-term strength (UTS) ranging tual solution for both the stockpile beds and run-
from 500 kN/m to 1600 kN/m (Fig. 5). Despite ways. Additionally, horizontal reinforcement on
the horizontal reinforcement, an additional deep top of the GECs is installed, similar to the rein-
stabilization of the soft subsoil was required. In forcement under the stockpile beds (Fig. 5). Al-
the end it was decided to use vertical strip drains though for the RWs an adjustable ballast bed
below the stock pile beds [3]. As the consolida- scheme was chosen, they remained very sensitive
tion times considered are longer than the sched-
694 D. Alexiew et al. / Foundation of a Heavy Loaded Stockyard on Problematic Subsoil

(GECs below RW) the horizontal displacements

and the depth they reach are only ca. 50% of the
right site without GECs in the subsoil.

Figure 6. Cross section (1-1 in Fig. 8) with soil improvement

and measurement devices in the coal/coke stockpile area

to all types of deformations. Ultimate (ULS) and

serviceability limit state (SLS) calculations were
performed for different shapes and positions of
the coal/coke stockpiles and the S/Rs on the RWs
during stockyard operation. Besides analytical
analyses also numerical simulations (FEM) with
a coupled constitutive model that simulates con-
solidation and creep were performed and the re-
sults compared [5]. The increase of the shear
strength of the clay depending on stress level and
consolidation status was considered in order to
optimize the soil improvement.

4 TEST EMBANKMENTS Figure 7. Southern high test embankment (see also contour
“Test section coke-yard” in Fig. 8); piezometric curves in “b”
correspond to the piezometers P in “c” from top to bottom
After completion of two stockpile beds (strip
drains & horizontal reinforcement) and of one
RW (GECs & horizontal reinforcement) between
them (Fig. 6) instrumented test embankments 5 OBSERVATIONAL METHOD
were built using slag to simulating the future
coal/coke piles for verification of the foundation
concept, adjustment of assumptions and optimi- 5.1 Concept
zation of solutions for the rest of stockyard. In
Figure 7 only the southern one is shown for brev- The stringent application of the observational
ity. The systems behavior generally confirmed method in terms of DIN 1054:2005 is a key ele-
the concept. Most important comments: the pore ment of the design and safety concept for the
water overpressure dissipated relatively slowly foundation of the stockyard. In a first phase in-
despite the strip drains (Fig. 7b), but was signifi- strumented test fields were installed and used to
cant only in the first 5 to 6 m below surface; set- calibrate and validate assumptions and calcula-
tlements (Fig. 7d) were in the range of low- tion models (see Chapter 4). Moreover, the op-
er/upper boundary predictions; the “spreading” erational phase is accompanied and controlled by
(Fig. 7c) was smaller than expected, may be due a comprehensive geodetic and geotechnical
to the very flat 1:3 slopes of slag fill; to the left monitoring program during the early years.
D. Alexiew et al. / Foundation of a Heavy Loaded Stockyard on Problematic Subsoil 695

despite of the vertical drains. PWO decreases by

50 m
1 50% to 'u | 35 kN/m² after ca. 6 months.
(2) Due to a second loading the maximum PWO
amounted to 'u | 60 kN/m² say ca. 75% of the
applied load (not shown).
(3) The settlement profilers show a maximum
settlement of 0.7 m to 0.8 m in the middle and
1 0.1 m at the toe of the stock piles after six
(4) The horizontal displacements at the edge of
stockpiles next to RW are ca. 1 cm at surface
level and max 3 to 5 cm in depth six months after
first loading. They are limited to the upper part
of the clay. These values are not critical for the
Figure 8. Plan view (detail) of the coal/coke stockpile area operation of the S/Rs at all.
with monitored sections every 50 m
(5) The behavior under operation is very similar
Due to the selected ´ductile´ overall system and to that of the test embankments (Chapter 4).
the time and cost savings generated by the high-
sophisticated design [3], the storage process has
to be controlled based on monitoring data in or- 6 FINAL REMARKS
der to guarantee the stability of stockpiles and
runways and their serviceability. As the stocks For the stock yard on soft saturated soils a duc-
are dumped and reclaimed rapidly on varying ar- tile foundation and soil improvement concept
eas, a comprehensive monitoring program was was developed combining technical and eco-
required providing all necessary data in real time. nomical factors. Specific issues are e.g. the ex-
Therefore the concept asked for a high degree of treme tight time schedule for design, construc-
automation, but also for robust sensors to the ex- tion and start of operation [3], strongly varying
treme climate and environmental conditions. loads for stockpile beds and runways etc. result-
In total 154 pore water pressure cells, 44 set- ing in the necessity of test embankments and
tlement profiler, 120 hydraulic settlement cells, monitoring programs. Additionally, the applica-
58 inclinometers (46 of them equipped with tion of the observational method during the first
chains of 11 in-place inclinometer-probes) and operation period of the stock yard is a key ele-
26 extensometer were installed (Figures 6 & 8). ment of the concept. The observation focuses on
A decentralized data acquisition system with excess pore water pressure in the upper clay as
solar-powered, battery-backed data loggers was principal indicator to controlling stacking proc-
installed. The data loggers were connected via a ess. Beside this horizontal displacements and set-
radio-based transmission to a server installed on tlements of beds and runways were measured
the site. Via an Internet-based platform, the and evaluated and are still being monitored.
measurement data were graphically provided to So far settlements, horizontal displacements and
users in real time. pore water pressures are in the range between the
lower and upper limits of the calculations per-
5.2 Monitoring results formed. The runways of the first S/Rs have met
Figure 9 as an example displays some monitor- until now all requirements in terms of low de-
ing results in a typical section after partial start formability.
of operation in 02/2009. Some findings are: The foundation and soil improvement system
(1) The first loading of ca. 80 kN/m² causes pore meets all requirements in terms of ULS and SLS.
water overpressures (PWO) of 'u | 70 kN/m² in
the upper clay, i.e. of 90% of the applied load
696 D. Alexiew et al. / Foundation of a Heavy Loaded Stockyard on Problematic Subsoil

Figure 9. Measurement results in a typical section of the coal/coke stockpile area

REFERENCES [3] D. Alexiew, Ch. Moormann, H. Jud, Foundation of a

coal/coke stockyard on soft soil with geotextile encased
[1] A. Glockner., A. Igelbüscher, Ch. Moormann, H. Jud, columns and horizontal reinforcement. Proc. 17th
K.-J. Linder, M. Kunzmann, Bau eines neuen Stahl- ICSMGE, Alexandria, 2009, 2236-2239.
werks auf weichen Sedimentböden nahe Rio de Janeiro [4] D. Alexiew, D. Brokemper, S. Lothspeich, Geotextile
- Geotechnische Herausforderungen in ungewöhnlichen encased columns (GEC): Load capacity, geotextile se-
Dimensionen. Proc. Deutsche Baugrundtagung, lection and pre-design graphs, Proc. Geo-Frontiers
Dortmund, 2008, 199-206. Conference, Austin, 2005, 318 - 324.
[2] D. Alexiew, J. Sobolewski, H. Pohlmann, Projects and D. Alexiew, Ch. Moormann, Optimized geosynthetic
optimized engineering with geogrids from „non-usual“ solutions for a large stock yard on soft soils. Proc. 2nd
polymers. Proc. 2nd European Geosynthetics Confer- Int. Conf. ´Geosynthetics Middle East´, Dubai/UAE,
ence, Bologna, 2000, 239-244. Nov. 2009
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 697
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Strip footing behavior on geotextile reinforced and

soil nailing -stabilized sand slope
Comportement d’une semelle filante sur une pente de sable
renforcée avec géotextile et stabilisée par clouage
E. A.O.Belqasem Altalhe
Omar Al mukhtar university, Libya

This paper presents the results of laboratory model tests on the behaviour of a strip footing supported on a row of soil nail and
single geotextile layer-stabilized sandy slope. A comparison between the bearing capacity improvements in the two cases was
made to study the most efficient of them. The parameters varied in the study include depth of the reinforcing layer, the edge
distance of the footing, location of soil nail row, and location of the footing relative to the slope crest. Initially the bearing
capacity of non-stabilized cases were determined and then compared with those of stabilized slopes. The results were then
analysed to study the effect of each parameter. The results indicate that stabilizing earth slope using a row of soil nail or single
geotextile layer has a significant effect in improving the bearing capacity of the strip footing. This improvement in bearing
capacity increases when soil nail spacing decreases. However, the overall improvement when using single geotextile layer to
stabilize earth slope is much better than that when using a row of soil nail.

Cet article présente les résultats des essais sur modèle en laboratoire pour le comportement d'une semelle filante en charge sur
une rangée de clous de sol et unique couche de géotextile-pente de sable stabilisé. Une comparaison entre les améliorations de
capacité portante dans les deux cas a été faite à l'étude la plus efficace d'entre eux. Les divers paramètres dans l'étude
comprennent la profondeur de la couche de renfort, la distance au bord de la semelle, l'emplacement de la rangée de clous de sol
et l'emplacement de la semelle par rapport à la crête de la pente. Initialement, la capacité portante de cas de non-stabilisée ont été
déterminés et comparés à ceux de pistes stabilisées. Les résultats ont ensuite été analysées pour étudier l'effet de chaque
paramètre. Les résultats indiquent que la stabilisation des talus de terre à l'aide d'une rangée de clous de sol ou simple couche de
géotextile a un effet significatif dans l'amélioration de la capacité portante de la semelle filante. Cette amélioration augmente la
capacité portante du sol lorsque l'espacement des clous diminue. Toutefois, l'amélioration globale de l'utilisation de la seule
couche de géotextile afin de stabiliser la pente de terre est ben meilleure que celle lors de l'utilisation d'une rangée de clous de

Keywords: strip footing, geotextile, soil nailing, and bearing capacity ratio.

1. INTRODUCTION different ways such as: modifying the slope

surface geometry, using soil reinforcement, or
The subject of stabilizing earth slopes has installing continuous or discrete retaining
become one of the most interesting areas for structures such as walls or piles. There have
scientific research and attracted a great deal of been numerous studies on the use of slope
attention. Slope stability can be increased in reinforcement to improve load bearing capacity
698 E.A.O. Belqasem Altalhe / Strip Footing Behavior on Geotextile Reinforced

of footing on the slope (e.g. Selvadurai et al., tank, and a sand raining box. The test box
1989; Sawicki et al. , 1991; Dash et al., 2003; having internal dimensions of 2.00 x 0.60m in
Boushehrian and Hataf, 2003; El Sawwaf., plan and 0.60m in depth is made from steel with
2005; Alamshahi et al., 2009; Lee and the front wall made of 20mm thick glass and is
Manjunath., 2000; Abdrabbo et al., 2008, and supported directly on two steel columns. These
Yoo C.,2001). These investigations have columns were firmly fixed in two horizontal
demonstrated that not only the slope stability steel beams, which were firmly clamped in the
can be increased but also both the ultimate laboratory ground using four pins. The glass side
bearing capacity and the settlement allows the sample to be seen during preparation
characteristics of the foundation can be and sand particle deformations to be observed
significantly improved by the inclusion of during testing. The tank box was built
reinforcement layers of geogrids, strips or sufficiently rigid to maintain plane strain
geotextile in the earth slope. conditions by minimizing the out of plane
Moghaddas Tafreshi and Khalaj, displacement (Omar 2006).
(2008) performed an experimental study to
investigate the beneficial effect of geogrid on 2.2 Model footing
the deformation of small diameter pipes and on
the settlement of the soil surface when subjected A model strip footing made of steel with a hole
to repeated loads that simulated vehicle loading. at its top center to accommodate a ball bearing
They reported that the precentage of vertical was used. The footing was 580mm in length,
diameter change and settlement of soil surface 50mm in width and 20mm in thickness. The
can be reduced significantly by using geogrid footing was positioned on the sand bed with the
reinforcement. length of the footing running the full width of
El Sawwaf (2007) investigated the the tank. The length of the footing was made
behaviour of strip footings on geogrid reinforced almost equal to the width of the tank in order to
sand over a soft clay slope. Test results indicated maintain plane strain conditions. The two ends
that the inclusion of geogrid layers in the of the footing plate were polished smooth to
replaced sand not only significantly improves minimize the end friction effects. A rough base
the footing performance but also leads to a great condition was achieved by fixing a thin layer of
reduction in the thickness of the reinforced sand sand onto the base of the model footing with
layer that is required to achieve the allowable epoxy glue. The load was transferred to the
settlement. footing through a bearing ball. Such an
The main purpose of this investigation arrangement produced a hinge, which allowed
was to compare between the bearing capacity the footing to rotate freely as it approached
improvement in the two cases and to evaluate failure and eliminated any potential moment
the effect of bearing capacity with different transfer from the loading fixture.
footing location. In this study, 45 laboratory
model tests were carried out to investigate the 2.3 Materials tested
bearing capacity of a rigid strip footing placed 2.3.1 Geotextile
on top of an air-dried sand slope with and The geotextile used in this study is shown in Fig.
without layers of geotextile and soil nails. 1. A non-woven-geotextile reinforcing material
was used with a thickness of 3.5mm under
2kN/m² and its grab elongation >100%. Typical
2. LABORATORY MODEL TESTS physical and technical properties of the
geotextiles were obtained from the
2.1 Model box manufacturer’s data sheet of Makarm Tex,
The main elements of the laboratory apparatus Egypt, Cairo and are given in Table 1.
were a tank, a horizontal steel beam over the
E.A.O. Belqasem Altalhe / Strip Footing Behavior on Geotextile Reinforced 699

Fig. 1. Non woven geotextile used in this study

Table 1. Engineering properties of geotextile

Fig. 2. Grain size distribution of sand
Parameter Value / type
Structure Non-woven
Table 2. Characteristics of the sand
Thickness(mm) 3.5
Parameter Value
Weight (g/m²) 350
Uniformity coefficient (Cu) 4.55
Grab tensile strength (M.D) (N) 930
Grab tensile strength (C.D) (N) 1500 Effective diameter (mm) 0.14
Permeability (cm/s) 0.25 Maximum dry unit weight (kN/m3) 18.74
Transmissivity (L/M/H) 200 Minimum dry unit weight (kN/m3 ) 16.7
Specific gravity (Gs) 2.64
2.3.2 Sand Residual effective angle of internal 38˚
friction (I’)
The sand used was a medium coarse sand of
minimum dry unit weight of 16.7 kN/m³ and
2.3.3 The test setup and programs
maximum dry unit weight of 18.74 kN/m³,
uniformity coefficient 4.55, and effective Model sand slopes were constructed 600 mm in
diameter 0.14 mm. The specific gravity of sand height and 2000 mm in length with gradient of
particles is 2.64. The optimum moisture content the slope face (2H : 1V) constant, by pouring
was determined using standard Proctor test and and compacting of 50 mm of air-dried sand
was found to be 10%. The sieve analysis of the layers to cover the entire area of the test tank.
sand is shown in Fig. 2. Different relative Then many model tests in different test
densities of the sand were used by forming programs were carried out. The varied
designed weight of sand into a certain volume of conditions include the edge distance of footing
the soil bin by compaction. The properties of (X), relative density of the soil (Dr%), and depth
this soil are given in Table 2 to top most layer of geotextile (d). The symbols
used in this study are illustrated in Fig. 3.


The term bearing capacity ratio (BCR) is used

and described as BCR = qr/qo, where qr and qo
are the ultimate bearing capacities of the footing
on reinforced and unreinforced sand slopes,
respectively with the same relative density.
700 E.A.O. Belqasem Altalhe / Strip Footing Behavior on Geotextile Reinforced

developed behaves like apart of the rigid footing

and transfers a major part of the footing load
X into a deeper zone. This load – transfer
B mechanism seems to reach the optimum when
the reinforcement embedment depth to footing
width ratio d/B is about 0.5 in case of X/B=1
and 1.0 in case of X/B=2. At larger depths of
d embedment, the contribution to the load –
transfer mechanism caused by the presence of
the reinforcement reduces significantly. For
embedment depth to footing width ratios d/BS1
.This explanation seems to be consistent with the
experimental results of Selvadurai and
sand Gnanendran (1989) and Huang et al.

3.2 Effect of the edge distance of the footing

Fig. 3. Geometric parameters of reinforced sand slope on the (BCRI
The second series of tests was performed for
3.1 Effect of embedment ratio on the (BCR) three different edge distances of footing on both
reinforced and unreinforced slope (2H: 1V),
A series of tests were performed for various corresponding to X/B= 0.0, 1.0, and 2.0 The
reinforcement embedment depth to footing reinforcement embedment depth to footing
width ratios (d/B) of 0.3, 0.5, 1, and 2 by width ratio was kept constant at the optimum
keeping the edge distance of the footing (X/B) value of d/B=0.5 in case of X/B=1 and 1.0 in
of 0, 1, 2 and gradient of the slope face (2H: 1V) case of X/B=2, as determined from the earlier
constant. The tests were carried out with one series of tests. The results clearly indicate that,
type of reinforcement, the nonwoven geotextile. for both reinforced and unreinforced slopes, the
From the results of Figs . (4a-4b), it is obvious ultimate bearing capacity increases with
that the inclusion of geosynthetic reinforcement increasing edge distance. At an edge distance of
would improve the performance of the footing 2B, the ultimate bearing capacity of a footing on
by increasing the bearing capacity and reducing sloping ground approaches that of a footing on a
the settlement of the system. There is an level surface in both reinforced and unreinforced
optimum embedment depth to footing width cases. The effect of slope is minimized when the
ratio d/B. The optimum depth d/B depends upon footing is placed at an edge distance beyond two
the edge distance X/B, in a way that d/B times the width of the footing. Furthermore, Fig.
increases as X/B increased. The optimum depth 5 shows that at any given edge distance the
d/B is 0.5 in case of X/B=1 and 1.0 in case of ultimate bearing capacity of a footing on a
X/B=2, The efficiency of the reinforcement on reinforced slope is considerably higher than that
the bearing capacity and peak settlement seems of a footing on unreinforced slope, thus
to reduce significantly. And the performance of reflecting the beneficial effect of reinforcement
reinforced slope becomes rather minimal, as in improving the bearing capacity of the footing
reflected by both BCR and SRF approaching on a slope. The achieved results of bearing
unity. These results are highly consistent with capacity of strip footing on unreinforced sandy
the model test obtained by Selvadurai and slope indicated that, the bearing capacity
Gnanendran (1989). The behaviour described in increased as (X/B) increases.
the previous paragraph can be explained by the
"deep footing effect" as suggested by Huang et
al. (1994).Apart of the reinforced zone where
relatively large reinforcement force has
E.A.O. Belqasem Altalhe / Strip Footing Behavior on Geotextile Reinforced 701

nail row is placed nearer to the slope crest the

2.5 response of the footing is getting much better in
terms of bearing capacity than any where else.
The same trend is confirmed by the different
1.5 series carried out using different edge distance
of the footing. Any other position far from that

1 location may increase the overall stability of the

0.5 slope but can't prevent or decrease the lateral
deformations of soil particles under the footing
0 and near to the slope.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Table. 4. Testing program for soil nails
X/B=0 X/B=1 Group 0 /B X/B
X/B=2 G-1 1 0.0
Fig. 4a. Variation of BCR with d/B for Dr=70% 1.5 0.0
2.0 0.0
G-2 1 1.0
0 0.5 1
1.5 2 2.5
1.5 1.0
0 2.0 1.0
G-3 1 2.0
1.5 2.0
2.0 2.0
-0.08 3.4 Effect of edge distance of the footing

-0.1 Three series of tests were performed on sand

-0.12 slope stabilized with nails row placed at slope
-0.14 crest (0/B=1.0, 1.5, and 2.0) to find out the
effect of edge distance of the footing, Behaviour
X/B=0 X/B=1
for the three cases when the footing is
constructed at (X= 0, 1, and, 2). In Fig. 8. The
Fig. 4b. Variation of BCR with S/B for Dr=70% variations of BCR with normalized strip footing
of slope crest distance for different nails row
3.3 Effect of the location of nails row location location are plotted. The highter is the
improvement in bearing capacity for the footing
The P/a.B –S/B relationships of strip footing on placed at (X/B=0).
soil nailing were gathered and plotted as shown
in fig. 6. From this figure, it is obvious that there
is a great effect for the embedding row nailing
into sandy soil. To study the effect of location of
nails row on the behaviour of strip footing on
sand three different embedment ratios of 1.00,
1.50, and 2.00 were tested for three different
groups of edge distance of footing ratio (X/B)
equals 0.0, 1.0, and 2.0. for each group the
distance between the edge of the strip footing to
the edge of the crest as shown in table.4. Fig.7.
Shows the variations of BCR with normalized
nail row location 0/B. It can be seen that as the
702 E.A.O. Belqasem Altalhe / Strip Footing Behavior on Geotextile Reinforced

3. The nailing row increases the (BCR) from

1.05 to 2.40 according to the location of
nails row ratios (0/B) and edge distance of
the footing ratio (X/B).
4. The overall improvement when using single
geotextile layer to stabilize earth slope is
much better than that when using a row of
soil nails.

Fig. 5. (P/B.a) versus(X/B), Dr=60%

Fig . 7. Variations of BCR with normalized nails row

location (/B=10)

Fig .6. (P/.B) versus(S/B), (X/B) =2


From the executed laboratory tests, it has been

shown that the use of geotextiles is effective in
the improvement of bearing capacity of sand.
Some other conclusions can be detailed as
below: Fig. 8. Variations of BCR with normalized strip footing of
1. The bearing capacity ratio (BCR) varied slope crest distance for different nails row location
from (1.06 – 3) depending on the depth ratio
2. The most effective depth ratio was found to REFERENCES
be (0.5) irrespective of the relative density
of sand or the edge distance ratio. It was [1] S. Alamshahi and N. Hataf, Bearing capacity of strip
enhanced that the reinforcement on bearing footings on sand slopes reinforced with geogrid and
grid-anchor, Geotextile and Geomembranes 27 (2009),
capacity is pronounced in soils with lower 217-226.
relative density. [2] F . M. Abdrabbo, K. E. Gaaver, and E. A. omar,
Behavior of Strip Footings on Reinforced and
E.A.O. Belqasem Altalhe / Strip Footing Behavior on Geotextile Reinforced 703

Unreinforced Sand Slope, GeoCongress, ASCE (2008), [10] C. Yoo, Laboratory investigation of bearing capacity
25-32. behaviour of strip footing on geogrid – reinforced sand
[3] A. Sawicki and D. Lesniewska , Stability of Fabric slope, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 19 (2001), 279-
Reinforced Cohesive Soil Slopes, Geotextiles and 298.
Geomembranes, 10 (199), 125-146. [11] E. A. Omar., Behavior of strip footing on reinforced
[4] J.H. Boushehrian, and N. Hataf, Experimental and earth slope, M. Sc. Thesis, Alexandria University,
numerical investigation of the bearing capacity of Egypt, 2006.
model circular and ring footings on reinforced sand, [12] C. Huang, F. Tatsuoka, and Y. Sato, Failure
Geotextiles and Geomembranes, 21 (2003) (4), 241– mechanisms of reinforced sand slopes loaded with a
256. footing, Soils and Foundations 24 (1994) (2), 27-40.
[5] S. Dash, S. Sireesh, and T. Sitharam, Model studies on
circular footing supported on geocell reinforced sand [13] S.N. Moghaddas Tafreshi, O. Khalaj, Laboratory tests
underlain by soft clay, Geotextiles and Geomembranes, of small-diameter HDPEpipes buried in reinforced
21(2003)(4), 197–219. sand under repeated load, Geotextiles and
[6] M. El Sawwaf, Strip footing behavior on pile and sheet Geomembranes 26 (2008) (2), 145–163.
pilestabilized sand slope, Journal of geotechnology and
geoenvironmental engineering, 131 (6) (2005), 705-
[7] M. El Sawwaf, Behavior of strip footing on geogrid-
reinforced sand over a soft clay slope ,Geotextile and
geomembranes , 25 (1) (2007), 50-60.
[8] K.M. Lee, and V.R. Manjunath, Experimental and
numerical studies of geosynthetic – reinforced sand
slopes loaded with a footing, Canadian Geotechnical
Journal, 37(2000), 828-842.
[9] A.P.S. Selvadurai, and C.T. Gnanendran, An
experimental study of a footing located on a sloped
fill:influence of a soil reinforcement layer, Canadian
Geotechnical Journal , 26 (1989), 467-473.
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 705
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

An investigation of a rock socketed pile with an

integral bearing plate founded over weak rock
Étude d'une pile avec une plaque encastrée dans une roche
S. Arshi1 & K.J.L. Stone
University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom

Current offshore technology is being transferred successfully to the renewable energy sector but there is clearly scope to develop
foundation systems which are more efficient, economic and satisfactory for the particular case of a wind turbine. One such ap-
proach is that foundation systems are developed which combine several foundation elements to create a ‘hybrid’ system. In this
way it may be possible to develop a foundation system which is more efficient for the combination of vertical and lateral loads
associated with wind turbines. In many of the proposed offshore European wind farms sites, it is often the case that the surficial
seabed deposits are underlain by a weak rock. This paper presents the results of a series of small scale single gravity tests to in-
vestigate the performance of a monopile and combined monopiled and bearing plate foundation where the pile is socketed into a
weak rock. In the model studies the weak rock layer is modelled by a weak sand and gypsum mix. The results of the study pro-
vide an insight into the effect of the various foundation elements (i.e. pile, plate and rock socket) and their contribution to the
overall performance of the foundation system.

La technologie actuelle utilisée en offshore est reutilisée avec succès dans le secteur de l’énergie renouvelable, cependant il est
possible de développer des systèmes de fondations plus efficaces, économiques et statisfaisants dans le cas des éoliennes. Une
approche du problème consiste à développer un système de fondation qui combine plusieurs éléments de fondation pour créer un
système hybride. De cette façon, il peut être possible de développer un système de fondation qui soit plus efficace pour des eo-
liennes qui subissent une charge laterale et verticale. La plupart des parcs éoliens Européens proposés se trouvent dans le cas ou
les dépôts des fonds marins reposent sur une roche molle. Cet article présent les résultats d'une série de tests à petite échelle et de
même gravité. Ce document a pour but d’étudier la performance d'une pile et le cas d’une pile combinée avec une plaque, où la
pile est encastrée dans une roche tendre. Dans cette étude, la roche molle est réalisée par le mélange de gypse et de sable faible.
Les résultats donnent un aperçu de l’effet des différents éléments de fondation et leur contribution à la performance globale du
système de fondation.

Keywords: Offshore turbine, weak rock, monopile, rock socket, laterally loads.

1 INTRODUCTION the oil and energy sector. In the hydrocarbon ex-

traction sector, exploration and development is
The design of offshore foundation systems is moving in to ever deeper water resulting in ever
constantly evolving. The target for this change is more challenging geotechnical conditions. Simi-
meeting the needs of on-going developments in larly, the development of sites for offshore wind-

Corresponding author
706 S. Arshi and K.J.L. Stone / An Investigation of a Rock Socketed Pile with an Integral Bearing Plate

farms is also extending into deeper water as the The effect of the pile cap or bearing plate is to
supply of shallow near shore sites is exhausted. provide a degree of rotational restraint at the pile
Similarly the capacity of wind turbine generators head, leading to an improvement in the lateral re-
is also increasing requiring significant develop- sistance of the pile. It has also been shown that
ment in foundation approaches to generate eco- the use of a relatively thick pile cap leads to an
nomic and practical solutions to the installation increase in the lateral resistance through the de-
of these deep water wind farms. velopment of passive soil wedges [7], in a simi-
The loadings associated with wind turbines lar way to the behaviour of skirted foundations
consist of relatively low vertical loadings but [8].
high lateral loads resulting in very large over- The lateral response of piles is well reported
turning moments. The preferred foundation sys- in the literature, and various methods of analysis
tem to date has been the monopile which has have been proposed by numerous researchers,
been successfully employed for the majority of [9],[10],[11],[12],[13],[14],[15]. The bearing ca-
the offshore wind farms installed to date. The pacity problem has also been investigated under
popularity of this type of foundation is due to its different loading conditions relevant to offshore
employability in a variety of different soil condi- foundations, see for example refs [16],[17].
In many of the proposed offshore wind farm
locations, it is often the case that the surficial
seabed deposits are underlain by rock, generally
weak rocks such as mudstones and chalk. Con-
sequently it becomes necessary to install the mo-
nopiles, generally by driving, to significant depth
into the rock to achieve adequate lateral stiffness
and moment resistance to carry the applied loads.
This paper presents the results of a series of
small scale single gravity tests to investigate the
performance of a rock socketed pile installed in a
weak rock and fitted with an integral bearing
plate, schematically shown in Figure 1. The ob-
jective is to investigate the effect of the bearing
plate on the lateral response of the monopile. It
is hoped that the results of the study will provide
some insights into the effect of the various foun-
dation elements (i.e. pile, plate and rock socket)
and their contribution to the overall performance Figure 1. Schematic arrangement of monopile-footing with
of the foundation system. rock socketed pile.
In the monopile plate foundation a circular
plate is rigidly attached to the monopile at the Pervious investigations carried out at one
mudline. The 2-D analogy of this system is that gravity in ‘sand box’ tests [18], [19], [20] has
of a retaining wall with a stabilising base [1]. shown that the lateral stiffness and ultimate ca-
Where the plate diameter is relatively small then pacity of the monopole is enhanced by the addi-
the system is similar to a single capped pile, for tion of the bearing plate. Centrifuge model tests
which methods have been developed for analys- have also indicated that for cohesionless soils the
ing the influence of the pile and pile cap under ultimate lateral capacity of a monopole is en-
axial loading [2], and the effect of the pile cap on hanced by the presence of a bearing plate [20].
the lateral performance of single piles has also However, centrifuge tests performed on clay
been investigated by others [3], [4], [5], [6]. samples did not indicate much improvement in
the lateral performance of the monopole due to
S. Arshi and K.J.L. Stone / An Investigation of a Rock Socketed Pile with an Integral Bearing Plate 707

the presence of the bearing plate [21]. It should 2 EXPERIMENTAL PREOCEDURE

be noted that these centrifuge tests are not di-
rectly comparable since the relative geometries
of the pile and bearing plates were significantly 2.1 Materials and model preparation
different in both studies.
All the model tests were conducted in a ‘sand
box’ of internal dimensions 363 mm x 244 mm x
203 mm deep. The stratigrahpical profile con-
sisted of a layer of cohesionless material overly-
ing a layer of weak rock. The cohesionless mate-
rial consisted of a fine grained (d50=0.25mm)
rounded to sub-rounded uniformly graded quartz
sand. The maximum and minimum void ratios
were 1.1 and 0.68 respectively, corresponding to
dry unit weights of 12.9 and 17.0 kN/m3. A crit-
ical state angle of friction of 32 degrees was de-
termined from direct shear tests.
-a- The weak rock layer was modelled using a
sand and gypsum mix. The mix proportions of
70% sand and 30% gypsum by dry weight was
used. The wet mixture was poured into the mod-
el container and the piles installed to their em-
bedment depth in the still wet mix. Once the
gypsum mix had set the sand layer was placed by
dry pluviation to the desired height. The bearing
plate was then threaded along the pile and was
clamped to the pile once it was firmly resting on
the sand surface.
The model pile was fabricated from a 10 mm
diameter solid aluminium rod, the bearing plate
consisted of a 40 mm diameter 5 mm thick alu-
minium plate. The pile was threaded through the
bearing plate which in turn was clamped to the
pile. Thus the location of the bearing plate on
the pile shaft could be adjusted.
Figure 2. a) Photograph of model container showing socketed
piles cast into rock prior to pluviation of overlying sand layer 2.2 Test setup and procedure
and b) schematic diagram of testing rig.
The completed model was placed in a loading
In the study reported here the influence of the frame and lateral loading to the pile was applied
bearing plate on the monopile response is inves- via a wire and pulley arrangement connected to a
tigated for the case of a rock socketed monopile vertical actuator, refer to Figure 2b. Vertical
with an overlying layer of cohesionless soil. This loads were applied by dead weights (10N) placed
ground model is felt to be of particular relevance on the bearing plate. For the pile only tests the
for offshore wind farm development since the bearing plate supporting the dead weights was
potential economical benefits of reducing the pile raised clear of the soil surface. Two LVDT
penetration into the underlying rock layer are transducers were located to record the lateral
significant. displacement of the pile at two locations, one at
the line of action of the lateral load, 52mm above
708 S. Arshi and K.J.L. Stone / An Investigation of a Rock Socketed Pile with an Integral Bearing Plate

the soil surface, and the other at a higher loca- response of the foundation suggesting a yielding
tion. of the soft rock.
The model test program comprised of a total
of three pairs of tests. Each test pair consisted of
a single monopile and a monopiled-footing foun-
dation, and were performed in the same prepared
soil model. In order to assess the influence of
the rock socket, three socket depths were tested
corresponding to 0%, 5%, and 20% of the total
embedment length of the pile. Table 1 shows a
summary of the model tests performed.

Table 1. Summary of model tests

Foundation type Embedment depth (mm)

Monopile (P 0%) 0.0 mm (Sand only)

Monopile (P 5%) 7.5 mm (5% of pile length)
Monopile (P20%) 30 mm (20% of pile length)
Monopile-footing (H 0%) 0.0 mm (Sand only)
Monopile-footing (H 5%) 7.5 mm (5% of pile length)
Monopile-footing (H 20%) 30 mm (20% of pile length)

Figure 3. Moment capacity versus rotation at pile head for

monopiles and monopile-footings with 0%, 5% and 20% em-
bedment on soft rock

The results obtained from the tests are best pre-

sented through plots of the applied pile head
moment against the pile head rotation. Figure 3 4 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS
summarises the response of both the monopiles
and the monopiled-footings for the different rock From the limited study reported here it is appar-
socket depths of 0%, 5% and 20% respectively. ent that the depth of the rock socket has an im-
From this figure it is apparent that the ulti- portant influence on the behaviour of the founda-
mate moment capacity of the monopile is en- tion systems.
hanced by the presence of the bearing plate. For Figure 6 shows a schematic representation of
the unsocketed monopile (0%) and the 5% sock- the soil stresses developed by the rotating mono-
eted pile ultimate capacity is approximately dou- piled-footing foundation. It is apparent that the
bled when the bearing plate is present; for the response of the system is the result of a complex
20% socketed pile the ultimate capacity is only ground-structure interaction problem. For the
marginally increased. It is however apparent that basic one gravity tests conducted in this study the
for all cases the lateral stiffness of the monopile piles were extremely stiff and excavation after
is enhanced by the presence of the bearing plate. the tests indicated that rotation had occurred
This is particularly evident for the deep rock about the pile toe. Clearly the point of rotation
socketed pile (20%) where a significant im- of the piles would be influenced by the relative
provement in the initial lateral stiffness is ob- pile/soil stiffness and further study is required to
served. It is also apparent that the form of the investigate the performance of more flexible
monopiled-footing response for the deep rock piles.
socket suggests that a passive failure of the soft
rock occurs. This is inferred by the plastic type
S. Arshi and K.J.L. Stone / An Investigation of a Rock Socketed Pile with an Integral Bearing Plate 709


[1] W. Powrie, and M.P. Daly, Centrifuge modeling of

embedded retaining wall with stabilizing bases, Geo-
technique, 57(6) (2007), 485-497.
[2] H.G. Poulos, and M.F. Randolph, Pile group analysis:
a study of two methods, ASCE Journal of Geotechni-
cal Engineering, 109(3) (1983), 355-372.
[3] J.B. Kim, L.P. Singh, and R.J. Brungraber, Pile cap
soil interaction from full scale lateral load tests, ASCE
Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 105(5) (1979),
[4] R.L. Mokwa, and J.M. Duncan, Experimental evalua-
tion of lateral-load resistance of pile caps, ASCE Jour-
nal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineer-
ing, 127(2) (2001), 185 - 192.
[5] R.L. Mokwa, and J.M. Duncan, Rotational restraint of
pile caps during lateral loading, ASCE Journal of Geo-
technical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 129(9)
(2003), 829 - 837.
[6] D.K. Maharaj, Load-Deflection Response of Laterally
Loaded Single Pile by Nonlinear Finite Element Anal-
ysis, EJEG (2003).
Figure 4. Schematic representation of soil stresses on a rock [7] R.L. Mokwa, Investigation of the Resistance of Pile
socketed monopile-footing foundation with rotation about the Caps to Lateral Loading, Ph.D Thesis, Virginia Poly-
pile toe. technic Institute, Blacksburg, Virginia, 1999.
[8] M.F. Bransby, and M.F. Randolph, Combined loading
of skirted foundations. Géotechnique, 48(5) (1998),
The study presented here is very much a fea- 637–655.
sibility study investigating the potential of en- [9] H. Matlock, and L.C. Reese, Generalized solutions for
hancing the lateral performance of monopiles laterally loaded piles. ASCE Journal of Soil Mechanics
through the use of a bearing plate. The study and Foundations Division, 86(SM5) (1960), 63-91.
[10] B.B. Broms, Lateral resistance of piles in cohesionless
has considered the case of a rock socketed mo- soils, ASCE Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foun-
nopile to supplement other studies carried out in dation Division, 90(SM3) 1964, 123-156.
uniform soils, both cohesionless and cohesive. [11] H.G. Poulos, Behaviour of laterally loaded piles: Part
The results are consistent with the previous stud- I-single piles, ASCE Journal of the Soil Mechanics
and Foundations Division, 97(SM5) (1971), 711-731.
ies undertaken in cohesionless soils, with similar [12] L.C. Reese, W.R. Cox, and F.D. Koop, Analysis of
pile and plate geometries, and confirm that the laterally loaded piles in sand, Offshore Technology
bearing plate appears to provide a method of en- Conference, Vol. II(Paper No. 2080) (1974), 473-484.
hancing the lateral capacity of monopile founda- [13] M.F. Randolph, The response of flexible piles to lat-
eral loading, Géotechnique, 31(2) 91981), 247-259.
tions. It is also apparent that the use of a bearing [14] J.M. Duncan, L.T. Evans, and P.S. Ooi, Lateral load
plate with a well socketed pile can considerably analysis of single piles and drilled shafts, ASCE Jour-
improve the initial lateral stiffness of the mono- nal of Geotechnical Engineering, 120(6) (1994), 1018-
pile. 1033.
[15] L. Zhang, F. Silva, and R. Grismala, Ultimate Lateral
Whilst the study reported here is limited, the Resistance to Piles in Cohesionless Soils, Journal of
results are encouraging, and it is hoped that fu- Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering,
ture studies, including geotechnical centrifuge Vol. 131(1) (2005), 78–83.
modelling, will provide a clearer picture of the [16] G.T. Houlsby, and A.M. Puzrin, The bearing capacity
of a strip footing on clay under combined loading,
complex response of rock socketed monopiled- Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A, 455 (1999), 893–916.
footings. [17] S. Gourvenec, and M. Randolph, Effect of strength
non-homogeneity on the shape of failure envelopes for
combined loading of strip and circular foundations on
clay, Géotechnique, 53(6) (2003), 575–586
[18] K.J.L. Stone, T.A. Newson, and J. Sandon, An inves-
tigation of the performance of a ‘hybrid’ monopole-
footing foundation for offshore structures. Proc. 6th
710 S. Arshi and K.J.L. Stone / An Investigation of a Rock Socketed Pile with an Integral Bearing Plate

Int. Offshore Site Investigation Conf., 11-13th Ssept

2007, London, UK, 2007.
[19] K.J.L. Stone, T.A. Newson, and M. El Marassi, An in-
vestigation of a monopiled-footing foundation. Int.
Conf. Phys. Modelling in Geotech., ICPMG2010 (Zu-
rich), Balkema, Rotterdam, 2010.
[20] M. El-Marassi, T. Newson, H. El-Naggar, and K.
Stone, Numerical modelling of the performance of a
hybrid monopiled-footing foundation. GeoEdmon-
ton2008: Proceedings of the Canadian Geotechnical
Conference. (Paper No. 420, 1-8), 2008.
[21] B.M. Lehane, W. Powrie, and L.P. Doherty, Centri-
fuge model tests in piled footings in clay for offshore
wind turbines. Int. Conf. Phys. Modelling in Geotech.,
ICPMG2010 (Zurich), Balkema, Rotterdam, 2010.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 711
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Comportement d’un matelas de répartition au-

dessus d’inclusions rigides et supportant, ou non,
une structure en béton : méthode analytique de cal-
Behaviour of a spreading layer above rigid inclusions and
supporting, or not, a concrete structure : analytical method of
P. Berthelot1
Bureau Veritas, Paris, France
F. Durand
Fugro Géotechnique, Nanterre, France
M. Glandy
Soletanche-Bachy Pieux, Rungis, France

We are presenting an analytical method to calculate the resistance to punching of the spreading layers made of a subgrade, pos-
sibly strengthened by a compacted backfill and situated between the foundation and the rigid inclusion. This vertical element op-
erates to support a backfill or concrete structure.
The calculation method is based on a plan of failure in logarithmic spiral which is developed in the thickness of the spreading
layer and in taking care of the side effects.
A justification of the method with a “Finite Elements” calculation is presented.
For the exemple of concrete structure (like paving) we propose an analytical method for the calculation of induced bending mo-
ment in the structure under surface load.

On présente une méthode analytique de calcul de la résistance au poinçonnement d’un matelas de répartition constitué par une
couche de forme éventuellement renforcée par un remblai compacté et situé entre l’ouvrage à fonder et les inclusions rigides. Cet
élément vertical est mis en œuvre pour supporter soit un remblai soit une structure en béton.
La méthode de calcul est basée sur un schéma de rupture en spirale logarithmique se développant dans l’épaisseur du matelas de
répartition et en tenant compte des effets de bord.
Un calage de la méthode avec des calculs aux Eléments Finis est également présenté.
Pour le cas d’une structure en béton de type dallage, on propose également une méthode analytique de dimensionnement du
moment induit dans la structure sous un chargement réparti.

Mots-clés : Interaction Ouvrage - Organe de transfert - Tête d’inclusion - Interaction - Sol renforcé - Matelas intercalaire
Keywords : Interaction Work – Transfer Organ – Inclusion Head - Interaction – Reinforced Soil – Insert Layer

Corresponding Author.
712 P. Berthelot et al. / Comportement d’un matelas de répartition au-dessus d’inclusions rigides et supportant


De plus en plus, il est nécessaire de réaliser des

ouvrages avec des surfaces chargées importantes :
semelles, dallage industriel, surface logistique, …
Dans un premier temps, les concepteurs sont ame-
nés à étudier les tassements de ces ouvrages sans
traitement particulier. Dans le cas où l’estimation
de ces tassements ne permet pas de retenir ce type
de solution, les concepteurs peuvent se diriger vers
des solutions de sols renforcés par inclusions rigi- Figure 2. Schématisation du problème
La coupe schématique est la suivante sous une sé- Le schéma d’équilibre limite au sein du matelas de
rie de charges qi répartition peut être assimilé à celui de Prandtl.
La mise en équation de ce modèle est développée
dans le chapitre 2, et son calage avec une modéli-
sation utilisant le logiciel Plaxis est développé
dans le chapitre 3.
Le dallage sur sol renforcé par inclusions est un
ouvrage complexe ; son dimensionnement en par-
tie courante requiert d’intégrer le caractère spécifi-
que de distribution non uniforme des réactions en
sous face de dallage, et donc de savoir évaluer les
moments d’appuis supplémentaires au droit de
l’inclusion, ainsi que les moments de travées addi-
tionnels entre inclusions.
Une méthode analytique du calcul de ces moments
Figure 1. Coupe type
est développée dans le chapitre 4, et son calage à
Pour le dimensionnement des inclusions rigides, il l’aide du logiciel Plaxis est développé dans le cha-
importe d’intégrer la totalité du dimensionnement, pitre 5.
en particulier en tenant compte à la fois :
x des inclusions ;
x du matelas de répartition ; 2 MATELAS : MODELE ANALYTIQUE
x et de la structure en béton (ferraillage).
Dans cet exposé, nous nous intéresserons plus par- On peut calculer la contrainte maximale mobilisa-
ticulièrement au matelas de répartition sous se- ble qp dans le matelas au niveau de la tête de
melle [1] et [3], ainsi qu’à la prise en compte des l’inclusion à partir des paramètres de rupture du
moments induits par les inclusions sous dallage [2] matériau du matelas (angle de frottement
et [4]. ) metcohésion c  selon la surface de rupture dé-
On pourrait alors considérer que l’inclusion se veloppée dans le matelas suivant le schéma de la
comporte comme une fondation superficielle de spirale logarithmique.
diamètre B, exerçant une pression vers le haut.
P. Berthelot et al. / Comportement d’un matelas de répartition au-dessus d’inclusions rigides et supportant 713

2.1 Description de la spirale logarithmique x une zone I de poussée avec H= S/4 + )/2
x une zone II délimitée par une spirale loga-
Soit le cas d’un chargement correspondant à une rithmique d’équation r = ro eStan(I) avec Tqui
contrainte moyenne q. On considère en première varie entre 0 et 90°
approche que la tête de l’inclusion est susceptible
de reprendre une contrainte q1 et que la contrainte x une zone III de butée selon Rankine avec
résiduelle entre les inclusions est égale à q2. P= S/4 - )/2
Le schéma de gauche de la figure 3 représente une La figure 5 représente plusieurs surfaces de rupture
répartition de contrainte en sous face de la struc- avec un angle ) variant entre 0° et 45°.
ture en béton et le schéma de droite représente la
répartition simplifiée des contraintes q1 et q2 en
sous face du matelas.

Figure 5. Différentes spirales logarithmiques

2.2 Formule analytique

Figure 3. Distribution des contraintes
En négligeant le terme NJ, les équilibres des con-
Il convient de vérifier l’équilibre des contraintes
traintes à la rupture conduisent à écrire :
entre q1 et q2.
x q1  qp (1)
En effet, la contrainte q2 permet de confiner la
couche de forme et d’assurer la transmission de la x  !" ##"# (2)
contrainte q1 en tête d’inclusion. où sq et sc sont des coefficients de forme qui peu-
La rupture du matelas peut s’opérer selon une sur- vent être pris égaux à 1 pour sq et 1.2 pour sc
face équivalente à celle développée par une se- avec également :
melle « inversée» [1], [2], [3] et [4].
x N q tan 2 (  ).e S tan( I) (3)
4 2
x Nc (N q  1)/ tan (I)  (4)

Pour que la rupture se développe dans le domaine

situé immédiatement au-dessus de l’inclusion, il
est nécessaire que la zone plastifiée se développe
dans le matelas et que celui-ci ait au moins une
épaisseur minimale emin telle que :
cos (I )
emin/B .e ( 4  2 ). tan(I ) (5)
Figure 4. Spirale logarithmique ª I
2.cos(  )
4 2
La forme de la surface de rupture est représentée La valeur de emin est obtenue pour l’angle T =I.
sur la figure 4 avec 3 zones :
714 P. Berthelot et al. / Comportement d’un matelas de répartition au-dessus d’inclusions rigides et supportant

l’intersection des droites représentées selon le gra-

phique de la figure 8 : le foyer F correspond au
point A/(A-Ac) § 1.

Figure 6. emin/B en fonction de I

Pour permettre à la spirale logarithmique de se dé-
velopper complètement dans le matelas, il est né-
cessaire de mettre en œuvre un débord minimal
d’une longueur Lmin dont l’expression correspond à Figure 8. Equilibres entre q1 et q2
la longueur de la zone III de la surface de rupture
(figure 4),
Il existe le plus souvent des problèmes de débords
de matelas et du système de fondations. Plusieurs
L min / B tan(  )e S / 2 tan(I)     
 cas peuvent se présenter :
4 2 x fondation sans débord (d1 = 0), fondation
avec un débord (d1 > 0).
x matelas sans débord (L = 0), matelas avec
un débord (L > 0).

Figure 7. Lmin/B en fonction de I

Pour un maillage régulier ayant une surface élé-

mentaire A = d.d (figure 1) et pour une inclusion
de surface Ac, l’équilibre global des charges peut Figure 9. Bords de fondation
s’écrire de la façon suivante : La contrainte q2 doit satisfaire à plusieurs critères :
x critère de limitation de portance :
q1 Ac q2 ( A  Ac) o quand d1 > 0, q2 doit être inférieure à une
 1 (7)
q A q A valeur admissible de calcul du sol sans ren-
Les conditions de portance du matelas et de o quand d1 = 0, q2 est limitée à la contrainte
l’équation d’équilibre (7) conduisent à rechercher apportée par le poids des terres (q2  6Jh).
P. Berthelot et al. / Comportement d’un matelas de répartition au-dessus d’inclusions rigides et supportant 715

x critère de limitation des tassements sous la se- Dans la zone I en poussée, nous avons par ail-
melle imposé par l’ouvrage. leurs :
Pour le matelas, nous avons considéré les 3 zones ª I
VB= q2. tan(  i ) VB contrainte majeure) (11)
et nous avons repris les équations de Prandtl de la 4 2
façon suivante, avec L = d1+d2 : ª I
x si L S Lmin, on peut utiliser directement Nq dé- q1 = VA . tan(  i ) VA contrainte mineure) (12)
4 2
duit de l’équation (3) avec ) = )m ; (avec i = m pour le matelas et i = t pour le terrain
x si 0,5 Lmin  L < Lmin, la zone de butée de en place).
Rankine (figure 4) de la zone III s’opère dans
le terrain naturel caractérisé par )t, la zone de
poussée (I) et le « saut de Prandtl (figure 10) »
(II) s’opèrent dans le matelas caractérisé par
)m :
ª I ª I
"$ tan(  t ).tan(  m ).e ªtan(Im)  (8)
4 2 4 2
x si L = 0, la zone de poussée I s’opère dans le Figure 11. Equilibre des contraintes
matelas et les zones II et III s’opèrent dans le
ª It ª I
Nq2= tan(  ).tan(  m ).e ªtan(It) (9)  Pour vérifier ces approches analytiques, nous
4 2 4 2 avons réalisé plusieurs calculs mettant en œuvre la
méthode aux éléments finis 2D axisymétriques en
x et pour 0 < L < 0,5 Lmin, on peut établir une in- faisant varier )m, la cohésion c ainsi que la
terpolation linéaire entre Nq1 et Nq2 longueur L et en imposant q2. Nous avons comparé
ensuite les valeurs obtenues par les calculs Plaxis
q1(P) avec celles obtenues par les formulations
analytiques q1(A). On peut constater que cette
approche est correcte et légèrement conservative
puisque le rapport q1(P)/ q1(A) est légèrement
supérieur à 1.

Figure 10. Saut de Prandtl

Au niveau de la figure 11, on peut rappeler les

équilibres de part et d’autre de la spirale logarith-
mique avec VA dans la zone I de poussée et VB
dans la zone III en butée selon Rankine. Le « saut
de Prandtl » conduit à l’équation suivante :
VA = VB eS tan()i) (10)
Figure 12. Comparaison des résultats de calculs Plaxis avec
ceux obtenus avec la méthode analytique pour )t = 20°
716 P. Berthelot et al. / Comportement d’un matelas de répartition au-dessus d’inclusions rigides et supportant

4 MOMENT DANS LE DALLAGE : MODELE téristiques du matelas. Meilleures sont ces caracté-
ANALYTIQUE ristiques, plus grande est la diminution du
tassement mais plus fort est le moment induit dans
Sous chargement réparti q, une partie de la charge
le dallage. Il faut donc travailler en fourchette sur
« Q » est transmise en tête d’inclusion (Q < q A).
ces caractéristiques.
Cette concentration de charge induit des moments
Ces moments se cumulent avec ceux induits par
dans le dallage qui dépendent de l’épaisseur du
des chargements dissymétriques ou des charge-
matelas « e », de l’angle de diffusion D des con- ments ponctuels.
traintes dans ce matelas, du diamètre %de la tête
d’inclusion et du maillage d. 6 CONCLUSIONS
Pour calculer le moment induit par cette charge
concentrée Q, on peut modéliser le comportement Sous un ouvrage sur inclusions rigides, nous avons
du dallage comme celui d’une plaque circulaire de voulu montrer le rôle important joué par le matelas
diamètre %1, encastrée sur les bords, avec une de répartition en fonction de ses propres caractéris-
charge répartie égale à Q, s’appuyant sur une sur- tiques mais surtout en fonction de toutes ses di-
face circulaire centrée de diamètre %2, avec les mensions.
équations suivantes développées par Timoshenko Nous avons mis en évidence la part importante
[5] (Mr = moment radial) : prise par la présence ou l’absence de débord du
matelas granulaire surtout dans le cas de semelles
(ouvrages rigides de dimensions finies).
4.1 Dans l’axe de l’inclusion L’obtention de caractéristiques en rupture élevées
M r (1 /) Q[(1 B2 2 /B12  41n(B1/B2)]/(16S) (13) (figures 5 et 12) impose une bonne mise en œuvre
4.2 En périphérie de maillage de ce matériau granulaire, très délicate sous ce
M r Q[(1 B2 2 / B12 ] /(8S) (14) type d’ouvrages.
Enfin, nous avons proposé une méthode analytique
%1 = d (4/S)0,5 (15) abordable facilement afin d’estimer dans un dal-
%2 =%+ 2 tg(D) e (16) lage la part de moment induit par la présence
Q coefficient de Poisson du dallage. d’éléments rigides verticaux.


[1] Berthelot P, Glandy M, Frossard A : Paramètres de cal-
Les résultats des calculs menés à l’aide du logiciel culs et critères de réception de la couche de répartition se
Plaxis mettent en exergue la diffusion des situant au-dessus de l'élément rigide vertical d’une inclu-
sion rigide. (ISSMGE Mexico 2006.) Rigid inclusions in
contraintes. Pour un angle de frottement ) m de difficult soft soil conditions).
40°, les moments calculés par ce logiciel sont les [2] Berthelot P, Durand F, Glandy M, Frossard A : Dallage et
mêmes que ceux du modèle analytique avec une modules de déformation des couches de sol ; applications
aux renforcements des sols par inclusions, et analyse du
diffusion D = 30°.
comportement du matelas de répartition. (XIV ECSMGE
Nous proposons donc de retenir dans les calculs 2007. Madrid, Spain).
analytiques cette valeur d’angle de diffusion de [3] Frossard A, Glandy M : Justification d’une fondation su-
30°. perficielle sur un sol renforcé d’inclusions – Annales
Les moments de calculs étant proportionnels à Q, ITBTP – février 2002.
[4] Gilbert Ch. : Programme de calcul GATEM 2000 – RFG
ils sont donc très sensibles au calcul de Q lequel n°72 – 1995.
est fonction des raideurs du sol et de l’inclusion. [5] Timoshenko S : Résistance des matériaux (Ed. Beranger
Cette dernière raideur dépend beaucoup des carac- 1947)
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 717
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Foundation of the arch bridge in the landslide area

of Tsakona, Greece
Fondation du pont en arc dans la zone de glissement de terrain
de Tsakona, en Grèce
I. F. Fikiris 1, L. Sotiropoulos
Edafos Engineering Consultants S.A., Athens, Greece
G. T. Dounias
Edafos Engineering Consultants S.A., Athens, Greece & Imperial College, London

The Tsakona bridge is a two-span (90m and 300m) steel arch structure, which will be part of the National highway connecting
Tripolis and Kalamata, in southern Greece. It is planned to pass over and therefore avoid a large landslide, which in 2003 dis-
rupted completely the traffic in the highway. The paper briefly describes the geological and hydro-geological conditions of the
area, as well as the triggering instability mechanism of the landslide. Design criteria for the adoption of such a unique bridging
solution are reviewed and the approach followed for the foundation design of the bridge, covering both the selection of appropri-
ate locations and suitable types, is presented. Design and construction processes are described with particular reference on the
foundation of the middle pier, which consists of a system of four caissons connected with a large and very thick raft. The de-
tailed geological-mapping that was carried out during construction is also presented which verified fundamental design assump-
tions regarding ground conditions and geotechnical parameters.

Le pont de Tsakona est un pont en arc en acier qui comprend deux travées (90m et 300m) et fera partie de l’Autoroute Nationale
reliant Tripoli et Kalamata, au sud de la Grèce. Le pont est prévu de passer au-dessus et ainsi évitez un glissement important de
la région, qui a perturbé complètement le trafic sur l'autoroute en 2003. L’article décrit brièvement les conditions géologiques et
hydrogéologiques de la région, ainsi que le mécanisme qui a déclenché l'instabilité du glissement de terrain. Les critères de con-
ception, pour l'adoption d'une telle solution unique de traverser, sont passés en revue et l'approche suivie pour la conception de la
fondation du pont est présentée, couvrant à la fois la sélection des emplacements et des types appropriés. Les processus de con-
ception et construction sont décrits avec particulière référence a la fondation de la pile intermédiaire, qui se compose d'un sys-
tème de quatre caissons liés à un radeau grand et très épais. La cartographie géologique détaillée qui a été réalisée lors de la
construction est également présentée. Cette cartographie a vérifié les hypothèses fondamentales de conception en ce qui con-
cerne les conditions du sol et les paramètres géotechniques.

Keywords: Bridge foundation, landslide, caisson, numerical modeling, geological mapping, design verification.

1 INTRODUCTION landslide involved the mobilization of about

6.000.000m3 of both flysch colluvium and man-
The Tsakona landslide took place at the begin- made deposits. The maximum horizontal dis-
ning of 2003, disrupting completely a 250m long placement was on the order of 100m.
section of the Tripolis - Kalamata national high- Early signs of instability in the area were ob-
way, in the southern Peloponnese (Fig. 1). The served just few months pass the completion of

Corresponding Author
718 I.F. Fikiris et al. / Foundation of the arch bridge in the landslide area of Tsakona, Greece

Displaced location of pavement, man-made deposits of various thicknesses. The

approximately 100m downslope. geological structure is complex and is dominated
by numerous tectonic structures such as folds,
imprications and thrust with their main axis di-
rection to NW-SE and NE-SW.
A combination of factors including site mor-
phology, geology, human intervention and
groundwater played an important role in the
landslide reactivation.
The unstable area corresponds to a small basin
in which successive accumulations of debris and
Figure 1. View of disrupted highway section due to landslide. material from past failures took place progres-
sively with time. The accumulation of such mate-
the pavement structure in 2000. Geotechnical in- rial was a result of the presence of very weak
vestigations in 2001 revealed that the highway flysch and chert formations.
crosses a zone of an ancient landslide, whereas The groundwater regime, during the very wet
supplementary ground investigations and geo- winter of 2003 highly influenced the triggering
logical mapping carried out after reactivation de- of the instability. A significant geological feature
fined precisely the landslide limits and its depth. of the area is the presence of the highly perme-
The paper briefly describes the geological and able limestone, which is a continuous water sup-
hydro-geological conditions of the area, as well ply source to the problematic zone since it rests
as the triggering mechanisms. A detailed review on an aquifuge chert series formation.
of the landslide can be found in [1] and [2]. Spe- Finally, construction activities including
cific focus is made on the design and construc- large-scale earthworks for the construction of the
tion of the foundations of a 300m span bridge, new highway alignment were an adversely influ-
which was selected as the most economical and ential factor to the already marginal stability of
technically feasible solution in order to avoid the the slope.
zone of the landslide. The landslide of 2003 was very extensive with
a length of 1200m, average width of 300m and
maximum depth, as recorded by inclinometers on
2 GEOLOGY – LANDSLIDE MECHANISM the order of 23m. A geological longitudinal sec-
tion along the axis of the landslide is presented in
Geologically the wider area belongs to the Fig. 2.
Pindos geotectonical zone. At the landslide area
the chert series of lower cretaceous age domi-
nates. It consists mainly of radiolarites in alterna-
tions with siltstones, sandstones and red marls.
The dominating direction of the geological strata
is N – NNE. The thickness of the series is esti-
mated to be about 40-50m. The crown of the
landslide coincided with an outcrop of an upper
cretaceous limestone, while the toe appeared at a
river gorge, some 1200m downslope. The contact
between the overlaying upslope limestone with
the chert series is tectonic (upthrust) and played a
significant role in the activation of the landslide
Figure 2. Geological section along landslide axis.
The entire area is covered by talus scree and
I.F. Fikiris et al. / Foundation of the arch bridge in the landslide area of Tsakona, Greece 719


Various stabilization measures were examined, at

the early design stages including solutions with
earthworks (i.e. excavations and toe weighting),
deep drainage, local stabilisation with pile walls
or barrettes, generic landslide stabilisation with Figure 4. Typical cross-section of open-air excavations with
pile grids etc. Due to the volume and extend of permanent support measures around central pier M1.
the unstable mass the implementation of an ac-
ceptable safety factor was deemed impractical and stable locations for the construction of the
[3]. Moreover, the associated uncertainties dur- foundations. The detailed geotechnical and geo-
ing the lifetime of the project by adopting a sta- logical investigations carried out indicated that
bilization solution could not be minimized. A di- the landslide limits along the alignment of the
version solution by means of a tunnel could have highway could be appropriate locations for
been a technical solution but the cost was much abutments construction. The foundation of the
higher in comparison to a large bridge, which al- central pier M1, however, required large-scale
so has the advantage that it preserves the existing earthworks for the local removal of all land-
alignment. slipped soil masses, in order to reach an appro-
Hence, the solution of a bridge was adopted, priate elevation where stable bedrock exists.
which avoids the landslide by passing over it and Such restriction required extended slope terrac-
ensuring that a safe free space is maintained be- ing for the provision of safe long-term conditions
tween bridge deck and the excavated ground sur- around the foundation (Fig. 4). For the deeper
face against possible future reactivations (Fig. 3). vertical excavated parts anchored pile retaining
A particular feature of the bridge is its large walls were used.
span, 300m long, which will be the second long-
est ever built in Greece. Due to the size of the
span a steel arch was designed, the shape of 4 ARRANGEMENT OF FOUNDATIONS
which introduces also a permanent load compo-
nent perpendicular to the direction of the land- 4.1 Northern abutment (A0)
slide movement, creating favourable stability
A typical geometrical arrangement was designed
for abutment A0, which was founded on a group
A main concern for the feasibility of the
(3x6) of piles Ø120, 15m deep each (Fig. 5). All
bridging solution was the accountability for safe
piles were connected with a 2.0m-thick pile cap
(9x21.5m in plan view) and were drilled within
mainly the siltstone phase of flysch, classified as

Figure 3. Plan view and longitudinal geological section of the

arch bridge Figure 5. Typical cross-section of abutment A0.
720 I.F. Fikiris et al. / Foundation of the arch bridge in the landslide area of Tsakona, Greece

F to E according to the categorization of [4].

Representative geotechnical parameters of
Hoek – Brown failure criterion are GSI=20-25,
c=2 - 3.5MPa and mi=8 following proportional
corrections, according to the encountered litholo-
gical appearances [5]. The equivalent Mohr –
Coulomb strength parameters are ’=25-27,
c’=40-45kPa. The deformation modulus for the
rockmass is on the order of E=300-350MPa.

4.2 Central pier (M1)

The foundation of central pier (M1) is the largest
ever constructed inland in Greece. It consists of a
group of four caissons (shafts) having 6.0m di-
ameter and a depth of 15m each (Fig. 6, 7). They
are connected with a 5.0m thick rectangular
23.0x31.0m reinforced concrete raft. The silt-
stone phase of flysch dominates in the bedrock at
the foundation area with similar geotechnical
properties as of abutment A0.
The depth of in-situ and stable bedrock at the
down-slope edge of the raft determined the final Figure 7. Typical cross-sections of caisson – Temporary sup-
excavation level. It was reached following the port measures.
construction of perimetric pile walls. Extensive
porary support measures included shotcrete, steel
application of pre-stressed anchors and long
sets (HEB180) and drainage holes (Fig 7). Prior
drainage holes was required within an adverse
to their excavation two reinforced cast-in-place
geotechnical environment, where increased water
concrete base slabs (9.0x23.0m, d=0.6m) were
inflows were encountered. The rectangular in
constructed connecting a pair of shafts each, for
shape raft foundation level was also used as a
the enhancement of the stability of pile walls due
construction platform for the excavation of the
to their proximity with shaft locations. Following
caissons. Four deep shafts were constructed us-
each excavation completion, all shafts were filled
ing a staged diagonal excavation process. Tem-
with reinforced concrete and connected monoli-
thically with a base raft creating a rigid founda-
tion for the safe transfer of the very high loads of
the superstructure to the ground. Foundation
construction required approx. 5500m3 of con-

4.3 Southern abutment (A1)

A shallow stepped foundation was designed for
abutment A1 due to the favourable geological
conditions that were locally encountered (Fig. 8).
The foundation itself, which was comparable in
size to a 500m2 building, was 28.4m in length
and 17.0m wide. Along the longitudinal axis of
the bridge the footing is founded on two levels
Figure 6. Plan view arrangement of central pier foundation.
I.F. Fikiris et al. / Foundation of the arch bridge in the landslide area of Tsakona, Greece 721

280MN vertically and 80MN horizontally, whe-

reas the maximum moment was on the order of
565MNm. Under seismic actions, the maximum
loading components were approximately 315MN
and 120MN in the vertical and horizontal direc-
tion respectively, whereas the maximum design
moment exceeded 1.2GNm.
Both analytical and numerical techniques
were applied for the design of the foundation.
Analytical solutions involved the comparison of
Figure 8. Typical cross-section of abutment A1. the applied loads on the most heavily loaded
caisson with caisson’s adequacy under vertical,
having a vertical distance of 4.0m. The height of horizontal loads and moment. Axial load capaci-
the foundation, which consists of thick walls and ty incorporating both side and base resistance
slabs / plates creating a very rigid reinforced was calculated as proposed in [11], [12], [13].
concrete box, was approximately 15m. The side shear resistance between the caissons
At the area of the abutment the sandstone se- and the rockmass was estimated considering ac-
ries of flysch dominates (i.e. medium to thick ceptable approaches of literature as reported in
bedded sandstones with thin siltstone intercala- [14]. The lateral load capacity assuming conser-
tions), classified as B to C [4]. The representative vatively isolated caissons was calculated as in
geotechnical parameters of Hoek – Brown failure [15] and [16].
criterion are GSI=35-40, c=30MPa and mi=12 Due to the complex geometry involved, ad-
taking into account the corrections due to the vanced numerical modelling was used for the ve-
proportion of each lithological appearance [5]. rification of the capacity of the caissons – raft
The equivalent Mohr – Coulomb strength para- system and for the estimation of deformations.
meters for the rockmass are ’=45 and The 3D foundation package PLAXIS was used
c’=140kPa, whereas reduced strength parameters for all finite element analyses (Fig 9). Precise
are assumed (’=30, c’=30kPa) along main dis- modeling was carried out including surface mor-
continuity sets. The deformation modulus of the phology, ground stratigraphy, foundation ar-
rockmass is estimated on the order of E=2.3GPa. rangement and all load cases, using representa-
tive geotechnical parameters for each ground
layer and for all structural elements. The maxi-
5 FOUNDATION DESIGN mum displacements, under service conditions,
were calculated less that 2.0cm and 0.6cm in the
Fundamental geotechnical principles and widely vertical and horizontal direction respectively.
accepted methodologies were used for the calcu-
lation of the foundation adequacy of both abut-
ments. Hence, for the pile group foundation of
abutment A0 as well as for the shallow stepped
foundation of abutment A1, DIN1054 specifica-
tions as well as other recognized methodologies
were applied for bearing capacity and settlement
estimation [6], [7], [8], [9], [10].
A particular challenge during design was the
selection of the final geometry and the verifica-
tion of foundation adequacy for the central pier,
since very large loads are expected to be applied.
The maximum loading components under static
conditions were calculated on the order of Figure 9. 3D finite elements model of the middle foundation.
722 I.F. Fikiris et al. / Foundation of the arch bridge in the landslide area of Tsakona, Greece


Complex engineering projects demand conti- The design and construction of the project is
nuous evaluation of the encountering ground being supervised by authorities of the Ministry of
conditions as construction progresses. Infrastructure, Transport and Networks (DMEO,
At the foundation locations of Tsakona bridge, D1, EYDE/DDP). The bridge is currently under
all geotechnical and geological data collected construction, by the Greek – Austrian J/V,
during construction verified basic design as- Alpine BAU GmbH – Terna S.A. The structural
sumptions regarding the ground, at an area of an design of the bridge was carried out by DOMI
extremely adverse geotechnical environment. S.A. Their co-operation is greatly acknowledged.
Detailed and continuous geological mapping
was an essential part of the construction process
for all the excavated surfaces. A typical mapping REFERENCES
presenting encountered geological flysch types at
the perimeter of the excavated surface of the [1] L. Sotiropoulos, E. Lymperis, A. Sigalas, A. Ntouroupi,
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Arkadia prefecture. Geological conditions and activa-
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along the failure surface, with a rate of 2mm per [5] E. Hoek, P. Marinos, Estimating the geotechnical prop-
month. Such peculiarity introduces one more en- erties of heterogeneous rock masses such as flysch, Bul-
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gineering challenge that has to be dealt with, dur- [6] D. C. Wyllie, Foundations on rock, E & FN Spon, 1999.
ing the construction phase, for the erection of the [7] R. K. Rowe, H. H. Armitage, Theoretical solutions for
steel arch bridge over the landslide. the axial deformation of drilled shafts in rock, Cana-
dian Geotechnical Journal 24, (1987), 114-142.
[8] H. G. Poulos, Pile bahaviour-theory and application,
Geotechnique Vol. 39, No. 3, (1989), 365-415
[9] K.G. Stagg, O.C. Zienkiewicz, Rock mechanics in En-
gineering Practice, John Wiley & Sons, N. York, 1968.
[10] M. J. Tomlinson, M.J, R. Boorman, Foundation design
& Construction. 7th Ed, Pearson Education ltd, 2001.
[11] B. Ladanyi, Discussion of Friction and end bearing tests
on bedrock for high capacity Socket design, Can. Geo-
tech. Journal, vol. 13, (1977).
[12] P. Rosenberg, N.L. Journeaux, Friction and end bearing
tests on bedrock for high capacity Socket design, Can.
Geotech. Journal, Vol. 13, (1976).
[13] Rowe R. K. & Armitage, H. H. (1987). “Theoretical so-
lutions for the axial deformation of drilled shafts in
rock”. Can. Geotech. Journal, 24, pg. 114-142.
[14] L. Zhang, Drilled shafts in rock, Balkema Publ. 2004.
[15] M.F. Randolph, The response of flexible piles to lateral
loading, Geotechnique 31 (1981).
[16] J.P. Carter, F.H. Kulhawy, Analysis and design of
drilled shaft foundation socketed into rock, Report EL-
Figure 10. Engineering geological mapping of the excavated
5918, Electric Power Research Inst. California (1988).
surface around the perimeter of shaft No.1 – Unfolded view.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 723
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Seismic bearing capacity of strip footings on clay

La force portante sismique des semelles filantes sur un talus
K. Georgiadis1, E. Chrysouli
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece

An analytical upper bound plasticity solution is presented for the calculation of the seismic bearing capacity of footings placed at
the crest or near the crest of clay slopes. The effect of seismic loading is taken into account through vertical and horizontal pseu-
do-static body forces acting on the soil and on the footing. Results are presented for horizontal ground surface and for footings
on or near slopes in terms of normalized vertical failure loads and normalized horizontal – vertical interaction diagrams. Based
on these results, simple modifications to existing bearing capacity equations are proposed which take account of the effect of soil
inertia. Finally, the influence of problem geometry and soil parameters on seismic bearing capacity is discussed.

Une solution analytique de plasticité à limite supérieure est présenté pour le calcul de la force portante sismique des fondations
sur ou à proximité de talus. L'effet du chargement séismique est pris en considération par les forces corporelles pseudo-statiques,
verticales et horizontales, agissant sur le sol et sur la fondation. Des résultats sont présentés pour la surface horizontale de la terre
et pour les fondations sur ou à proximité de talus, du point de vue de charge d'échec normalisées verticales et de diagrammes
interactives normalisées horizontales –verticales. Basé sur ces résultats, des modifications faciles d’équations existantes de la
force portante sont proposées, qui tiennent compte de l’effet de l’inertie du sol. À la fin, l'influence du problème géométrie et des
paramètres du sol sur la force portante séismique est discutée.

Keywords: Bearing capacity, seismic analysis, footings, slopes, plasticity, limit analysis.

1 INTRODUCTION mass and presented design charts for the drained

bearing capacity factors. A hybrid limit equilib-
The effect of seismic loading on the bearing ca- rium and stress field solution for the same prob-
pacity of foundations on horizontal ground has lem taking account of both horizontal and verti-
been investigated by several authors. Sarma and cal constant accelerations was proposed by
Iossifelis [1] and Richards et al. [2] presented Budhu and Al-Karni [3]. The upper and lower
pseudo-static limit equilibrium analyses of foun- bound plasticity methods assuming constant
dations on horizontal ground, in which the effect ground accelerations have also been employed
of the inertia of the soil mass was taken account by several researchers for both drained ([4], [5],
of by applying a constant horizontal acceleration [6], [7]) and undrained soil behaviour ([8], [9],
to the vertical footing load and the failing soil [10]).

Corresponding Author.
724 K. Georgiadis and E. Chrysouli / Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings on Clay Slopes

The limit equilibrium, upper bound plasticity work done by external forces and internal
and stress characteristics methods have more re- stresses and optimizing the resulting expression
cently been applied for the calculation of the with respect to the geometric parameters to cal-
seismic bearing capacity of footings in slopes or culate the least upper bound solution. Beyond a
close to the crest of a slope ([11]-[16]). However, critical distance of the footing from the crest of
to the knowledge of the authors, no study to date the slope (which varies depending on the soil and
has explicitly dealt with undrained loading con- geometrical properties up to 3.14B for a vertical
ditions. cut in weightless soil), the optimum failure
This paper presents a pseudo-static upper mechanism extends only below horizontal
bound determination of the undrained seismic ground and the solution is identical to Prandtl’s
bearing capacity of footings near clay slopes. solution.
The study provides an extension to the complete The solution is extended in this study to take
solutions for vertical and inclined static loading account of horizontal footing loads and of the ef-
presented by Georgiadis [17], [18], [19]. fect of soil inertia body forces during seismic ex-
citation on the calculated bearing capacity. The
latter is achieved through the conventional
pseudo-static approach, by applying horizontal
and vertical accelerations to the failing soil mass
as shown in Figure 1. This has no effect in the
geometrical formulation of the mechanism, the
derivation of relative velocities and the resulting
expression for the work done by internal stresses,
which can be found in [19], although it is noted
that the optimized values corresponding to the
least upper bound solution obviously depend on
the value of the seismic acceleration coefficients.
It does however affect the work done by external
forces. Taking account of the horizontal (kh) and
vertical (kv) seismic acceleration coefficients, the
work done by the soil weight (eWf) is given by
the following equation:
kh 2  1  kv
'W f
ª § k · º
«WA sin ¨ D  tan 1 h ¸ v A,0 »
« © 1  kv ¹ »
« » (1)
§ k ·
˜ « WC sin ¨ D  T  tan 1 h ¸ vC ,0 »
Figure 1. Problem definition and kinematic mechanism.
« 1  kv ¹ »
« © »
« n § § k · ·»
« ¦ ¨¨ GWi sin ¨ D  Ti  GT 2  tan 1 h ¸ i ,0 ¸ »
v ¸
2 UPPER BOUND MECHANISM «¬ i 1 © © 1  kv ¹ ¹ ¼»

The kinematic mechanism proposed by Geor- where WA, WC and 1Wi are the weights of rigid
giadis [19] for static vertical loading of footings blocks A, C and infinitesimal block i of the slip
close to slopes is adopted. As shown in Figure 1, area, respectively, vA,0, vC,0 and vi,0 are the veloci-
it consists of two rigid blocks and a slip fan ties of the respective rigid blocks, and the angles
(shaded area). The mechanism is defined by four “, “i and 1“ are defined in Figure 1.
geometric parameters; the angles  and  of the In order to obtain H-V failure load interaction
rigid block A and the angle “ and radius R of the diagrams for different combinations of the hori-
circular outer velocity discontinuity of the slip zontal and vertical seismic acceleration coeffi-
fan. The solution is obtained by equating the cients, the ultimate horizontal footing load (H)
K. Georgiadis and E. Chrysouli / Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings on Clay Slopes 725

was generally allowed to vary independently of UB & Green

the ultimate vertical load (V) in this study. How- kh= 0
ever, results are also presented in which H = 0.8
kha2/s u = 0.16
Vkh/(1-kv). For the general loading case, defining kha2/s u = 0.32
the footing load inclination as   (=tan-1H/V), the

kha2/s u = 0.64
ultimate vertical load is: 0.4 kha2/s u = 0.8
cos Z sin D
sin Z  D
'W p  'W f vf (2) UB
Pecker (1997)
where eWp is the work done by internal stresses
0 2 4
and vf is the vertical acceleration of the footing. V/(Bsu)
Equation (2) provides the ultimate vertical load Figure 2. Normalized failure envelopes H/Bsu vs. V/Bsu for
as a function of the soil properties (undrained horizontal ground.
shear strength su and soil unit weight ) the prob- 1.2
lem geometry (footing width B, distance •ç be-
tween the footing and the crest of the slope, slope
angle œ and load angle  ) and the optimization 0.8
parameters , , “ and R. The combination of the kh = 0

optimization parameters that minimizes the solu- kha2/s u = 0.16

tion defines the critical kinematic mechanism kha2/s u = 0.32
0.4 kha2/s u = 0.64
and results in the least upper bound solution for a
given set of soil properties and geometrical char- kha2/s u = 0.8
0 0.4 V/Vo 0.8 1.2
3 RESULTS AND COMPARISONS Figure 3. Normalized failure envelopes H/Ho vs. V/Vo for
horizontal ground.
Upper bound ultimate footing load calculations
As seen in Figure 2, taking account of soil in-
using the mechanism presented in the previous
ertia body forces has little effect on the bearing
section were performed for various combinations
capacity for low values of the ratio khç/su, but
of soil properties and geometrical characteristics.
becomes more significant as the ratio increases; a
Results are first presented for footings on hori-
18% decrease of bearing capacity is observed for
zontal ground, followed by results for the case of
khç/su = 0.8. The upper bound load envelopes
footings at the crest of a slope and at a distance
are compared in the same figure to those pro-
from the crest of a slope.
posed by Pecker [21] and included in Eurocode 8
(part 5). Generally good agreement is observed,
3.1 Footing on Horizontal Ground
although the envelopes proposed by Pecker [21]
The normalized failure loads H/Bsu and V/Bsu appear to slightly overpredict the failure loads at
for horizontal ground depend only on the non- low load inclinations compared to the upper
dimensional parameter khç/su and the load incli- bound solution, while the opposite is observed at
nation [21]. This was verified by performing high load inclinations.
analyses with different combinations of the rele- It can also be observed in Figure 2 that al-
vant parameters. Results are presented in Figure though accounting for soil inertia leads to a re-
2 for different values of khç/su= 0, 0.16, 0.32 duction of the ultimate footing loads, it does not
and 0.64. It is noted that the failure load enve- appear to have an effect on the shape of the fail-
lope obtained for kh=0, is identical to the exact ure envelope. This becomes more evident in Fig-
solution for inclined loading presented by Green ure 3, where the failure envelopes for different
[20]. ratios khç/su are plotted in the H/Ho-V/Vo plane,
726 K. Georgiadis and E. Chrysouli / Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings on Clay Slopes

where Ho = Bsu and Vo is the ultimate load for capacity is almost entirely due to the increase of
vertical loading. It follows from this figure that the load inclination with the increase of kv.
the seismic bearing capacity can be calculated Analyses in which the vertical acceleration was
using Green’s equation for inclined static loading applied only to the soil yielded insignificant dif-
or the more approximate conventional undrained ferences from the kv=0 analyses.
bearing capacity equation with a load inclination 6
factor, provided that the reduction of Vo with the µ=0, k v = 0
increase of khç/su is accounted for. The follow- 5
µ =0 µ=0, k v = kh
ing equation (3) provides an excellent fit of the

4 µ = 15
upper bound results: µ = 30
3 µ = 45
§ JB·
Vo B ˜ su ¨ S  2  1.1 ˜ kh ¸ (3)
© su ¹

3.2 Footing at the top of a slope
0 0.1 0.2 k 0.3 0.4
As discussed in the previous section, the normal- Figure 4. Influence of slope angle on the variation of V/Bsu
ized failure loads for the case of horizontal with kh for ç/su=0.4 and • = 0.
ground surface depend only on the ratio khç/su. 6
Hor. Ground
In the case of footings at the top of a slope, the 3=1
static bearing capacity depends on the ratio ç/su 5 3=0.5
([17]-[19]). Consequently, in the seismic case kh 3=0.25

and ç/su need to be considered independently. 4 3=0

Results are first presented for the special con-
servative case:   = tan-1kh/(1-kv), that corre- 3
sponds to a footing with vertical only working
load and on which the same seismic coefficients
with the failing soil are applied. Figures 4 to 6 2
show the variation of the normalized ultimate 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
vertical load V/Bsu with the horizontal coefficient
of acceleration kh, for kv = 0 and different slope Figure 5. Influence of normalized slope/footing distance on
V/Bsu - kh for œ = 30° and ç/su= 0.4.
angles œ, ç/su ratios and normalized footing to
slope distances •. As seen in these figures the aB/s u = 0
normalized vertical load decreases significantly 4 aB/s u = 0.2
with the increase of kh. As expected the slope an- aB/s u = 0.4
gle œ also has a significant effect on bearing ca- aB/s u = 0.6
aB/s u = 0.8

pacity (Fig. 4), as does the normalized distance

of the footing from the slope (Fig. 5), while the 3 aB/s u = 1
ratio ç/su has a more moderate effect (Fig. 6).
As seen in the same figures the reduction of Kumar and Rao (2003)
bearing capacity with kh is almost linear and is
mainly dependent on the slope angle.
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Figure 4 also presents the variation of V/Bsu kh
with kh for the extreme case of kv=kh. The appli- Figure 6. Influence of ç/su on V/Bsu - kh for µ= 30° and 3= 0.
cation of a constant vertical acceleration causes a Part of the reduction in bearing capacity
dramatic reduction of the calculated bearing ca- caused by the increase of kh (for kv=0), shown in
pacity. For high values of kh, sliding failure be- figures 4 to 6, is attributed to the increase of load
comes dominant and the curves for different inclination and can be calculated using static ap-
slope angles converge. This reduction in bearing proaches such as those presented in [18]. Results
K. Georgiadis and E. Chrysouli / Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings on Clay Slopes 727

for weightless soil (ç/su=0), for which applica- loads [18]. Application of horizontal acceleration
tion of kh obviously has no influence, are shown on the soil mass results in further decrease of the
in Figure 6 and are compared to results for the failure loads. The difference between static and
same case obtained by Kumar and Rao [12] us- seismic failure envelopes is greater for the case
ing the stress characteristics method. The reduc- of 3=1, indicating that the critical distance, be-
tion in bearing capacity due to soil inertia for yond which the slope has no effect on bearing
ç/su>0 is equal to the distance of each respec- capacity, is greater under seismic loading condi-
tive curve from the ç/su=0 curve. tions.
1.2 µ = 0, k h = 0 1.2
µ = 30, kh = 0 µ = 0 and k h = 0
µ = 30, k h= 0.4
0.8 µ = 45, kh= 0 0.8
µ = 45, k h = 0.4

µ = 0, 30, 45
0.4 0.4 kh = 0.2, 0.4
a2/su = 0.4, 0.8

0 0
0 2 V/(Bsu) 4 6 0 0.5 V/V 1
Figure 7. Normalized failure envelopes for 3 = 0, Figure 9. Normalized failure envelopes for 3 = 0.
It can be observed in Figures 7 and 8 that the
1.2 shape of all failure surfaces for 3=0 is the same
as for horizontal ground surface, while for 3=1
they are steeper and are bounded by the respec-
0.8 µ = 0, kh= 0
tive horizontal ground envelopes. As seen in
µ = 0, k h= 0.4

Figure 9 the normalised static and seismic failure

µ = 30, kh= 0
surfaces in H/Ho-V/Vo are practically identical for
0.4 µ = 30, kh= 0.4 the case of a footing at the crest of a slope. This
µ = 45, kh= 0 indicates that similarly to the horizontal ground
µ = 45, k h= 0.4 case discussed in the previous section, the failure
loads can be calculated using a single expression
0 2 V/(Bsu) 4 6 if the bearing capacity for vertical only loading
Figure 8. Normalized failure envelopes for 3 = 1, ç/su=0.8. can be determined. Such an expression was pro-
In order to investigate further the effect of soil posed by Georgiadis [18] based on upper bound
inertia body forces on bearing capacity and to and stress characteristic analyses:
provide solutions for general H-V loading, the in- 2

fluence of the horizontal ground acceleration on cos 1 §¨ H ·  1 § H

¸ ¨
· E
1 © Bsu ¹ © Bsu ¹
the failure envelopes will be discussed in the fol- V Vo  (4)
2 S  2  2E
lowing. All results presented are for kv = 0 be-
cause its influence on the failure envelopes was The following modification of the equation
found to be insignificant. Failure load envelopes proposed by Georgiadis [17] gives an excellent
were determined for •=0 and 1, œ = 30° and 45°, approximation of the numerical results for the ul-
B/su =0.4 and 0.8, and kh = 0, 0.2 and 0.4. In or- timate load of footings under vertical loading
der to preserve the clarity of the figures only re- situated at the crest of a slope:
sults for selected combinations of these parame-
§ ·
ters are presented in Figures 7 and 8. As seen in ¨ 2˜E J B ¸¸
these figures, the presence of the slope causes a Vo ¨
B ˜ su S  2   1.1 ˜ kh (5)
¨ J ˜B su ¸
¨ 1 ¸
significant decrease of the static footing failure © 5.14 ˜ su ¹
728 K. Georgiadis and E. Chrysouli / Seismic Bearing Capacity of Strip Footings on Clay Slopes

For footings at a distance from the slope no [3] M. Budhu, A. Al-Karni, Seismic bearing capacity of
soils, Geotechnique, 43 (1993), 181-187.
unique normalised failure surface can be defined.
[4] L. Dormieux, A. Pecker, Seismic bearing capacity of
foundations on cohesionless soil, J. Geotech. Eng
ASCE, 121(1995), 300–303.
4 SUMMARY & CONCLUSIONS [5] H. Soubra, Seismic bearing capacity of shallow strip
footings in seismic conditions, Proc. Instn Civ. Engrs
Geotech. Engng, 125 (1997), 230-241.
An upper bound solution was presented for the [6] R. Paolucci, A. Pecker, Seismic bearing capacity of
calculation of the seismic bearing capacity of shallow strip foundations on dry soils, Soils Found.,
footings near clay slopes. The effect of seismic 37(1997), 95–105.
[7] H. Soubra, Upper bound solutions for bearing capacity
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through the application of pseudo-static horizon- (1999), 59-69.
tal and vertical inertia body forces in the soil [8] A. Pecker, J. Salencon, Seismic bearing capacity of
mass. Failure load envelopes were first presented shallow strip foundations on clay soils,
Proc.”International Workshop on Seismology and
for horizontal ground surface and it was shown Earthquake Engineering”, Mexico, 1991, 287-304.
that the shape of these envelopes is practically [9] J. Salencon, A. Pecker, A., Ultimate bearing capacity of
identical to that obtained from Green’s equation. shallow foundations under inclined and eccentric loads,
A simple equation was proposed for the ultimate I: Purely cohesive soil. Eur. J. Mech. 14 (1995), 349-
load for the case of vertical loading, which can [10] J. Salencon, A. Pecker, A., Ultimate bearing capacity of
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presented in terms of normalised ultimate verti- pacity of a mounted foundation near a downhill slope
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and failure load interaction diagrams. The influ- 17.
ence of problem geometry and all of the relevant [12] J. Kumar, V. B. K. M. Rao, Seismic bearing capacity of
foundations on slopes, Geotechnique, 53 (2003), 347–
soil parameters was investigated. It was shown 361.
that part of the decrease of bearing capacity is [13] F. Askari, O. Farzaneh, Upper-bound solution for seis-
due to the increase of load inclination and can be mic bearing capacity of shallow foundations near
calculated using static methods. The influence of slopes, Geotechnique, 53 (2003), 697–702.
[14] J. Kumar, P. Ghosh, Seismic bearing capacity for em-
kh on bearing capacity was found to depend pri- bedded footings on sloping ground, Geotechnique, 56
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method was proposed for the lower bound case, [15] J D. Choudhury, K. S. Subba Rao, Seismic bearing ca-
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come critical in some cases, in order to provide a ings on slopes, J. Geotech. Geoenviron. Eng. ASCE,
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[1] S. K. Sarma, I. S. Iossifelis, Seismic bearing capacity to combined shear and pressure, J. Mech. Physics Sol-
factors of shallow strip footings, Geotechnique, 40 ids, 2 (1954), 197-211.
(1990), 265-273. [21] A. Pecker, Analytical formulae for the seismic bearing
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ASCE, 119 (1993), 662-674. S. Seco e Pinto, Balkema, 261-268.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 729
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Experience of the unique building foundation

design in conditions of combined karst and
landslide risk
Problèmes du pratique et de la théorie du projet des fondements
sur le terrain avec le danger combiné de karst et de glissement
de terre
A.L. Gotman 1, N.Z. Gotman
Konstituzii str., 3, 450064, Ufa, Russia, BashNIIstroy

The paper presents the experience of the unique building foundation design in soil conditions characterizing with karst and
landslide risk.
The characteristic of this case is the continual (200 m length) structure resting on the incompressible bedrock with its edges, the
middle part of it is over the ravine filled with the filled soil of 3 – 30 m thickness.
A concept of the structure foundation design has been developed and the basis of the accepted foundation design and measures
providing the structure resistance and its reliable operation in karst and landslide conditions are given in the paper.
The reliability and validity of the design are confirmed by monitoring results.

L’article présente l’expérience du projet de fondement d’un bâtiment unique dans les conditions de sol caractérisées par le dan-
ger de karst et de glissement de terre.
L’autre particularité de ce cas est aussi le fait que le bâtiment étendu (la longueur est de 200 mètres) s’appuie au bord sur les ter-
rains rocheux incoercibles et la partie de milieu du bâtiment est située sous le ravin rempli de terres rapportées d’une épaisseur
de 3 à 30 mètres.
La conception est élaborée du projet des fondements accompagnée de l’explication des solutions de projets des fondements et
des mesures assurant la stabilité du bâtiment et sa bonne exploitation dans les conditions du développement éventuel des proces-
sus de karst ou de glissement de terre.
La sécurité et la justesse des solutions de projets prises sont confirmées par les résultats du monitoring.

Keywords: karst, karst hole, landslide protective measures, foundation design

1 INTRODUCTION the thick complex of the sedimentary rock in-

clines towards the Ural Mountains.
The city Ufa is situated on the east of the Euro- The sedimentary rock in the upper part is the
pean part of Russia between the two rivers – Be- Ufimsky stage and by its composition the rock is
laya and Ufa. Geologically, the city is in the rather various, it includes limestone, dolomite,
eastern margin of the Russian continental plateau gypsum, marl and sandstone.
where its crystalline foundation overlapped with

Corresponding Author.
730 A.L. Gotman and N.Z. Gotman / Experience of the Unique Building Foundation Design

The most upper part of the stage consists of gyp- rey floor was 172,7 m and considering the foun-
sum and often exposes to the day surface. Here dation engineering, the mark of the trench bot-
and there the gypsum thickness reaches 50 – 60 tom was 171.5 m.
m. The left gentle slope of the rivers Belaya and Thus, according to the relief, the building ap-
Ufa goes down to the river-beds by terraces. The peared to be “settled” in the level of the top edge
right bank is a high and steep and is strongly se- of the foundation with the middle part over the
parated with erosive and karst-suffosion ravine ravine partially filled with the filled soil of the
and holes. variable thickness. With its edge parts in the west
Landslides are very typical for the steep slopes of and east, the building is “settled” over the strong
the river Belaya valley. Especially typically the bedrock in kind of limestone and cemented sand-
landslide relief is presented in the south part of stone (fig.1c).
the city at the right bank of the river. The ravine has a thalweg slope towards the Be-
Such territories are characterized both with a laya river, with depth under the building ranging
high karst and landslide risk as well as with a from 12 to 30 m (fig.1b).
strong heterogeneity of soil conditions even
within one building area. That’s why, the con-
struction of the buildings and structures of high
category of responsibility is as a rule avoided.
However, the Republican Government has taken
a decision to construct a building of Congress-
Hall just at such a site with a high karst and
landslide risk, as this part of the city is a histori-
cal, cultural and administrative centre of the city



The construction site is situated on the high right

bank of the river Belaya.
The Congress-Hall building is a continual (200
m length) structure (fig.1a) of the deflected
forms above a “zero” designed in kind of a com-
bined framework. A part of the building has two
underground stories with the parking with the
column spacing 9 m in both directions. The pre-
mises of the Congress-Hall with the irregular
column spacing corresponding to the plan of the
load bearing wall construction are in the other
part of the building turning towards the Belaya
The width of the building ranges from 70 to 100
m as it is of a deflected position in plan view.
The outline of the building on the site plan is
shown in fig.1a.
According to the design of the building vertical
siting, the mark of the bottom underground sto- Figure1. Engineering-geological conditions of the site;


-1; c) cross-
sectional view 2-2
A.L. Gotman and N.Z. Gotman / Experience of the Unique Building Foundation Design 731

As a whole, the site is characterized with the  as the building is located at sites with the
multiple geological beddings including filled strongly different strain composition of the
soil, clay soil (marl), limestone, cemented stone soil, the foundation construction should
underlying with the sulphate deposits. The site is provide a structure with minimum settle-
characterized with the increased karst and ments (settlements less than 2 cm);
landslide risk.185 karst holes have been revealed  different types of the foundation are ad-
on the site under investigation and due to the un- missible within the building area to minim-
derground water diversion into the river Belaya ize the settlements;
along the gypsum roof, the karst process is con-  the constructive karst protection should be
sidered to be active. Besides, the totality of such provided in kind of crosswise in situ rein-
factors as the steep ravine slopes and the active forced concrete belts or continuous raft
karst process are of landslide risk both in kind of with regard to a possible 7 m diameter karst
covering landslides along the ravine slopes and hole;
the “inner” landslides due to the karst subsi-  the foundations for the exterior walls are
dence. designed with regard to the lateral soil pres-
The thick layer of the filled soil in the upper ra- sure;
vine part (the thickness of the filled soil reaches  within the ravine in the filled soil the pile
30 m) is also of a real landslide risk. The unfa- foundation should meet the condition of a
vourable conditions (undercutting, surcharge, pile bearing on the strong bedrock. Since
underground water) provoke a shear of the above the depth of the strong bedrock occurrence
thick layer along the bedrock roof towards the is 5-30 m, the piles can be both driven and
Belaya river. Besides, several openings of discis- bored;
sion in kind of the ravine slopes cracks have  to exclude the filled soil deformation in a
been found out within the site. One crack passes zone of the maximum ravine depth at the
from west to east, several meters from the build- south side of the building both in lateral
ing at its south side (the crack is not under the (sliding along the bedrock roof) and vertic-
building). The other 10 - 20 cm width crack al direction (due to the filled soil consolida-
crosses the site in the meridian direction directly tion as a result of karst deformation), the
under the building. filled soil mass should be stabilized with
That’s why a task has been set to develop a de- the method of high pressure cement grout-
sign scheme of the foundation with account of all ing including plugging of the openings of
dangerous physical-geological processes from discission;
the point of view of their influence upon the  the complex design of water diversion and
structure and the surrounding territory and to de- meteoric and underground water lowering
sign the foundation that could exclude or minim- is to be developed by means of constructing
ize this influence to provide the structure reliabil- the closed drainage system around- and
ity for the whole period of its operation. outside the building with the stream capture
and water diversion towards the Belaya riv-
 the geometric and technological parameters
of the territory lay-out in kind of the artifi-
cial embankments formation (corners of the
According to the task set, the geotechnical con-
embankments inclination, technologies of
cept of the structure base and foundation design
embankments deposition) should be eva-
has been developed with the following main
luated based on of the geotechnical analysis
with regard to soil mass stability providing.
732 A.L. Gotman and N.Z. Gotman / Experience of the Unique Building Foundation Design

4 DESIGN EVALUATION OF The landslide protection included the fol-

STRUCTURAL CONCEPT lowing measures:
 stabilization of filled soil under the build-
ing by method of high pressure cement
4.1 Evaluation of the accepted design grouting with the leave-in-place metal in-
solutions jectors deepened into the bedrock;
 providing stability of the design filled soil
According to the developed geotechnical
slopes along the building.
concept of design, the structure foundation
was designed to be karst protective, i.e. con-
4.2 Analysis of the karst protective
sidering the expected karst hole under the
structure equal to 7 m. The column founda-
tion of the 2-storey underground part of the While karst protective foundation analysis, the
building is in-situ concrete strip foundation main design requirements were the foundation
and that of the main superstructure is a raft resistance providing (ultimate limit state control)
foundation. and exclusion of the dangerous non-uniform base
As the central part of the building is si- deformation (serviceability limit state control).
tuated over the ravine filled with the filled The design parameters were the bearing capacity
soil, and the left and right flanks of the build- of the foundation base, the bearing capacity of
ing are underlying with the bedrock, a pile the raft sections and the accepted non-uniform
foundation is designed under the central part base deformation.
and a foundation without the piles – under the The foundation analysis has been carried out
flanks. According to the geotechnical concept with regard to stiffness of the part of the building
of the building design based on the principle above the foundation. The complexity of the giv-
of the building settlements minimization, the en analyses is not due to the analysis procedure,
piles have been designed with pile tips in but to a high degree of uncertainty when initial
practically incompressible bedrock (neogenic data evaluation. As the geometric dimensions of
clay). As the depth of the ravine bedrock the karst holes in karsting rocks are not strictly
bedding ranges from 3 to 32 m, both 30 x 30 defined, the modeling of a karst hole under the
driven piles of 3 – 18 m length and Ø 1200- foundation base is done according to the holes
1300 mm bored piles of up to 32 m length are dimensions defined by the static-probabilistic
used. The layout of the different types of the methods. It is usual that in places of karst holes
building foundation location is shown in formation, the soil “goes out” of the base of the
fig.2. strip- and raft foundations on the bed and out of
the pile tips of the pile-raft foundation. The col-
umn load above the karst hole is redistributed to
the adjacent sites where the foundation – soil
contact is provided. When modeling the karst
hole under the foundation base, the model of the
variable subgrade reaction modulus is used.
The design characteristics of the base modeled
according to the model of the variable subgrade
reaction modulus is the subgrade reaction mod-
ulus (for the foundations on the bed) and pile
stiffness ratio (for pile foundations). With karst
hole formation, the variation of pile stiffness ra-
tio above the hole is the most probable in accor-
dance with the schemes in fig.3.
Figure 2. Foundation types
A.L. Gotman and N.Z. Gotman / Experience of the Unique Building Foundation Design 733

karst hole karst hole n

Ɋ e (   i ɢ8Ki )  G , (3)
/ i 1
Ç1 Ço
Ç1 Ç1 where P – the pile limit load above the karst cav-
ity defined as P =pa2; p – pressure transmitted to
Figure 3. Variation of subgrade reaction coefficient with
karst hole formation a raft base; a - pile spacing; U- pile perimeter; h1
a) in the strip foundation base; b) in the pile-raft foundation – length of the i- th section; n – sections number
base along the pile length; G – soil weight  *  Ȗ
La2), L – 

– weighted average value
For pile stiffness ratio analysis while karst hole of soil density; IJi - soil specific resistance at the i-
under the building formation, methods based on th section of the pile lateral surface defined by
the solutions for the elastic isotropic continuum, Coulomb considering stress Tr and friction force f
beams and rafts on the elastic foundation have ^
Åfi , fi =Ȗi zi ȕȕ– lateral pressure ratio.
been developed. [Gotman, 2008].

Strip pile foundations (type II in fig.2)

Pile stiffness ratio around the karst hole (fig.3a)

K11 is defined in dependence on the pile stiffness
ratio outside the karst hole K1 designed by formu-
1 K
K1  1 (1)
3 Na K1 D
%  1 2
3 , (2)
2 Ph %Ea Figure 4. Design scheme of a pile above the karst cavity
where N - the column load above the karst hole;
E, v - modulus of deformation and Poisson ratio  i  ɫi  tgi ( P Ɍ ri 
i zi  ) , (4)
of the concrete; h – strip thickness, a – pile spac-
ing, b - strip width, D - design parameter of
where P – pile load defined according to pile
the karst hole, P – pile bearing capacity.
field analysis in conditions of normal use without
The site length where the pile stiffness ratio de-
karst holes; ci iji Ȗi - specific cohesion, inner
creases to the value K11 is taken 2 m, based on
friction angle and soil density of the layer under
numerical investigation
consideration; Tri – radial stress due to unit loads
By results of equation (2), with N = 2500 kH, a =
transmission to adjacent piles at the distance zi
1.5 m, D = 7 m, h = 700 mm, P = 600kH, K1 =
from the soil surface.
30000 kH/m Â

is taken 2.3.
Pile radial stress due to loads transmitted
through the adjacent piles is defined by the solu-
Pile-raft foundation (types IV and V in fig. 2)
tion of the axisymmetrical problem on the radial
stresses Tr distribution when each pile in a pile
When stiffness ratio of a pile in a pile-raft foun-
field loading with the load P
dation analysis, the case was considered when
the pile strengthened soil mass accepted stresses 1 d
Ɍr  (5)
of karst cavity under the pile tips and the karst r dr
cavity did not reach the foundation raft base ÆÂ

!ned by the for-
(fig.4). In this case a pile is not sliding in the soil mula of strain compatibility
if a condition (3) is met, and a pile stiffness ratio  = C1+C2 ln r+C3r2+C4 r2 ln r , (6)
above the karst cavity decreases to a value K0
r – distance from the point of force application to
(fig. 3b).
the design contour.
734 A.L. Gotman and N.Z. Gotman / Experience of the Unique Building Foundation Design

Equation ratios (6) are defined proceeding from Pressure (p) in the base under the pile tips above
the condition of forces equilibrium at the boun- the karst cavity is defined according to depen-
dary around the piles (7). Pile load radial boun- dence (9) and is taken 45 MPa.
dary stresses are balanced with the radial stresses
( i uhi )  G
due to adjacent piles load. (9)
m ɪ i 1
$ T d   bi $  i ( )d  0 .
L i 1 L
To evaluate the relation between pressure (p)
Pile P load radial stresses at the contour at the transmitted to the raft base at the pile tips level
distance r = a/2 from the pile centre (Tı ) are de- and pile stiffness ratio K0, a problem is solved for
fined by solution of R. Mindlin for the concen- the pile foundation raft with the diameter D = 2
trated force inside the elastic semi-space. rk karst cavity under the pile tips.
P( L  z ) 2 4 z (1  2 ) 2(1   )(1  2 ) 6 z 3 (1  4 ) 3 z 6 /
The foundation raft is considered as the infinite
T (r  a / 2)  0    7-
L (1   ) 1 R3 R( R  2 z ) R5 R . radius plate on the composite base with the rk ra-
dius karst cavity and pile stiffness ratio K0 above
R  r 2  4z 2 . (8)
the karst cavity.
As a result of equation (7) solution, ratios C of To define pressure in the raft base in Bessel
equation (6) are defined as functions of pile functions, the solutions of B.G. Korenev [Kore-
length, pile spacing, pile cross-section dimension nev, 1962]
and distance Zi from the soil surface. By insert-
ing ratios C in equations (5) and (6), radial N 9
J 0 (
r ) d

pr  $ ; (10)
stresses Tr are defined. Results of radial stresses 2 0 D 4 4
Tr analysis with the design pile load P = 600 kH 1

are shown in diagrams of fig.5.
as well as Hankel conversion to evaluate func-
a) 0.000
0.020 0.040 ɌUɆ3ɚ
tion c are used.
1 9
c  2 $ rK ( r ) J 0 (
r ) dr . (11)
pile length, m

The base core corresponding to settlements sur-

ɚ P
face when karst cavity under the pile tips forma-
5 ɚ P
ɚ P tion is taken as:
7 Ʉ r)= exp( #r ) . (12)
Ratios B and į are defined from the boundary
0.000 0.020 0.040 ɌUɆ3ɚ
0.060 0.000 0.020 0.040 ɌUɆ3ɚ

Ê 0
Ë 0 conditions when rk radius karst cavity formation.

By results of analysis of improper integrals of
Bessel functions with the pressure in the raft base

4 (pr = p), column load N = 5000 kH, karst cavity
pile length, m
pile length, m

5 6
radius (rk) 3,5 m, raft thickness (h) 0,8 m, pile
ɚ P
ɚ P
ɚ P
ɚ P stiffness ratios (k0) above the karst cavity are de-
ɚ P ɚ P
fined to be equal to 5000 kN/m.
Pile stiffness ratio of the pile-raft foundation (Ks)
outside the karst cavity is defined by a single pile
10 12
static test (K1) but takin}
into account. The above correcting ratios are eva-
Fig.5. Pressure of pile radial stress (r) in soil due to adjacent luated by the comparative analysis of the theoret-
pile loads
– pile length 8 m; b – pile length 10 m; c – pile ically obtained dependences “load-settlement”
length 12 m. for a single pile and a pile in a pile field (Got-
man, 2001).
A.L. Gotman and N.Z. Gotman / Experience of the Unique Building Foundation Design 735

Ʉs=31Ʉ1 (13) slope was done with clay soil of different com-
position and the site for stadium was positioned
By the analysis results, the pile stiffness ratio at the mark 155,00 (see fig.6).The thickness of
outside the karat cavity is taken to be equal to the filled soil within the stadium site was up to
40000 t/m. 35 m. The numerical analysis has been carried
out and as a result three versions of providing the
slope stability were considered:

Landslide risk is provoked with the thick layer of

the filled soil, the part of filled strata is 10 year
age and more, this layer is partially self-
compacted and the part of the base under the
building is formed according to relief in the
process of construction without any compaction
(see fig. 1b). The bedrock of the ravine bottom is
a confining bed and is inclined towards the Be-
laya river, so the ground water is leaked by the
given confining bed and can provoke the
landslide processes.
To stabilize a thick filled soil layer in the ravine
including a layer of the new 8 – 10 m thick em-
bankment, it was decided to stabilize soil directly
under the building by means of pressure cement
grouting with the metal injectors deepened into
the bedrock and left in place. Stabilization was
carried out in the deepest part of the ravine
where the bored piles were applied. Injectors
were penetrated to the depth up to 34 m with the
deepening into the bedrock to 2 ÷ 3 m. Mesh of
injectors in plan view was 2 x 2,5 m. Besides, the Figure 6. Scheme of the geotechnical measures
opening of discission plugging was carried out. ¼



Scheme of soil stabilization by the method of
pressure cement grouting is shown in fig. 6.  geotextile grids that are placed lay by lay into
Such complex solution of constructive founda- the filled soil mass;
tion schemes and geotechnical measures allowed  landslide protection pile structures engineer-
the main idea realization: provide a minimum ing;
settlement building in conditions of high soil  construction of slopes with the given profile,
base heterogeneity in plan view and by depth design inclination angle and special technol-
considering karst and landslide risk. ogy of embankments construction to provide
While planning the slope near the building when their stability.
the relief marks (ravine thalweg) have a steep in- By results of analysis, the third version was cho-
clination towards the Belaya river, the necessity sen as the most efficient and the geometrical pa-
appeared to form the artificial soil masses secure rameters of the filled soil masses were defined
for the building and the territory around it. The (slope inclination angle, its continuity), the tech-
above artificial soil masses have the essential nology of the filled soil placing was developed.
mark drop that demands some measures to pro- Besides, the complex design of drainage system
vide their stability. According to design, the was carried out to provide diversion of ground-
736 A.L. Gotman and N.Z. Gotman / Experience of the Unique Building Foundation Design

and surface water out of the building as well as 7 CONCLUSIONS

water level decrease and water diversion from
the filled soil mass in kind of multitiered drai- 1. The complex geotechnical problem of design
nage structures. Water was diverted through the of continual skeleton building at site with high
drainage system to the Belaya river. karst and landslide risk is solved. Within the
building five types of foundations are taken pro-
ceeding from the condition of maximum possible
6 MONITORING building settlement minimization. All founda-
tions are karst protective and provide normal
In the process of work and after putting the building operation in case of 7m diameter karst
building into operation monitoring was carried hole under the building. To stabilize a large filled
out – observation of the bearing structures of the soil mass and prevent its sliding along the in-
building and its deformations. clined ravine thalweg, filled soil has been stabi-
The lateral displacements of the building were lized with pressure cement grouting.
not detected. 2. Analytical investigations have been carried
Results of the building settlement measurement out and suggestions developed on analysis of soil
are presented in fig. 7. The maximum settlements base and pile resistance parameters while raft-
in 4 years of operation are shown to be 29 mm of and pile-raft foundations on karst dangerous base
the part of the building erected on bored piles. It design.
is somewhat more than it was forecasted and is
explained obviously with the bored piles settle-
ment due to compaction of the loose soil in the REFERENCES
borehole bottom. According to the Russian
Codes, the safe maximum settlement for such [1] N.Z. Gotman. Analysis of the anti-karst building founda-
tions. Bases, Foundation and Soil Mechanics,Moscow.-
buildings is 180 mm. The maximum relative set- 2008, No.1, pp. 20-24
tlement difference is i = 0,0004, it is 7,5 times [2] B.G. Korenev., E.I. Chernigovskaya. Analysis of rafts on

\ \\@š the elastic foundation. – M.: Gosstroyizdat, 1962.

[3] N.Z. Gotman, A.L. Gotman, D.M. Shapiro. Design of
piled –raft foundation as a three-component system “pile-
soil-raft”. Proc. XV-th ICSMFE, Istanbul, v. 1, pp. 691-696,
Ì ` Ì 2001, Rotterda: Balkema.

Ì 2
Ì  3
Ì` 3 Ì
Ì`2 ÌÏ Ì@ ÌÏ Ì

21 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 1
Ì` Ì Ì Ì Ì
0,8 1,3
3,5 3,0 1,3
Ì` 2-2

0,71 1,42 2,83

3-3 6,3

4,9 2,8
20,6 29,1
Figure 7. Diagrams of measured building settlements, mm
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 737
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Laboratory tests and field measurements

investigating the stress strain behaviour of
foundations on hard soil and weak rock
Recherche sur le comportement contrainte-déformation de
fondations sur le sol dur et rock doux utilisant des essais de
laboratoire et des mesures sur le terrain
E.-D. Hornig 1, H. Klapperich
Bergakademie Technical University Freiberg, Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Germany

Measured settlements of buildings on hard soil / weak rock appeared to be much smaller than calculated settlements, which were
based on modules of stiffness from standard oedometer tests. Therefore both special triaxial K0-tests and oedometer tests were
carried out for an accurate determination of stiffness modules. Modules obtained in the triaxial K0-tests were at least two to three
times the values obtained in the oedometer tests. To verify observations from the laboratory tests, the loads and the settlements
of two single footings on hard soil / weak rock have been measured during construction of a building during one year. Also a
large scale footing load test with measurements of deformations was conducted on hard soil / weak rock. The measured settle-
ments of the two single footings and the tested foundation were compared with the settlements based on conventional calcula-
tions with modules from oedometer tests and triaxial K0-tests. Up to a foundation pressure of v=500 kN/m² the calculated set-
tlement with ES-modules from triaxial K0-tests was found to correspond well to the measured deformation. For foundation
pressure beyond 500 kN/m², the foundation response was highly non-linear and it could not be described any more with the lin-
ear-elastic model. Therefore the footing load test was also simulated non-linearly by FEM analyses.

Tassements de bâtiments sur un sol dur ou un roc doux actuellement mesurés sont beaucoup plus petits que les tassements calcu-
lés selon des modules basés sur des essais de rigidité oedométrique. Par conséquent, deux types d’essais furent exécutés dans une
mode comparative afin de préciser les modules de rigidité. Il s’agit d’essais triaxiaux et des essais standardisés oedométriques.
Les modules résultant des essais triaxiaux étaient deux fois à trois fois plus larges que ceux venant des essais oedométriques.
Afin de vérifier les données des essais de laboratoire, les chargements et les tassements de deux fondations individuelles sur sol
dur et roc doux au cours de la construction d'un bâtiment ont été mesurés pendant une année. En utilisant des calculations con-
ventionelles de tassements, les mesures actuellement enrégistrées des fondations ont été comparés avec les modules des essais
oedométriques et des modules des essais K0-triaxiaux. Jusqu’à un niveau de compression du sol de v = 500 kN/m², les mesu-
rements de déformation se comportent bien avec les tassements calculés avec les modules « Es » et les modules des K0-triaxiaux.
Pour des tensions de fondation plus larges 500 kN/m², le comportement des tassements devient de plus en plus non-linéaire et il
n’est pas possible de donner une description précise des tassements avec un modèle de matériaux linéaire. Par conséquent, une
simulation avec une analyse non-linaire FEM d’un essai de chargement de la fondation fut effectuée.

Keywords: Footing load test, hard soil, K0-Triaxial, modules of stiffness, oedometer, settlements, weak rock.

Corresponding Author.
738 E.-D. Hornig and H. Klapperich / Laboratory Tests and Field Measurements Investigating

1 INTRODUCTION three times the values obtained in the oedometer

Observations and measurements at actual con- Settlement analyses for the footings have been
structions prove that calculated settlements of made using conventional methods as well as nu-
foundations in the Keuper mudstone, based on merically by using the Finite Element Method
oedometer tests, are usually much too large. By (FEM). Taking into account the load-
the way, the German standard DIN 4019 there- displacement behavior beyond the regular work-
fore provides the possibility of reducing the cal- ing load of the footings, the FEM analyses have
culated settlements by a factor down to ½. been performed using different types of constitu-
One of the main problems of using standard tive models.
oedometer tests for getting a module of deforma-
tion is the disturbance of the soil samples when
they are put into the oedometer ring, as these
soils are often laminated and brittle (Figure 1). 2 LABORATORY TESTS

It is very difficult, if not impossible, to put a rep-

resentative soil sample out of the weathered
Keuper mudstone without disturbance of the
structure into the oedometer ring (Figure 2 left).
The reason is that for these structured soils the
dimensions of the oedometer ring are too small.
Figure 1. Natural structure of Keuper Marl.

A significant improvement can be gained by

conducting lab tests in a special triaxial appara-
tus, namely a one-dimensional compression un-
der oedometer conditions but with a free lateral
surface (without ring), which means that stress is
controlled in such a way that lateral strain re-
mains zero (K0 condition). Figure 2. Disturbed sample in oedometer ring (left) and un-
A large scale footing test was performed and disturbed sample for K0-Triax (right)
the loads and the settlements of two single foot-
ings on weathered Keuper mudstone have been Alternatively triaxial K0-tests on samples with
measured during construction of a building in a diameter of 100 mm (size of the drilling core)
order to verify settlement predictions based on and a height of 120 - 200 mm can be performed
parameters obtained by K0-triaxial tests. with relative ease (Figure 2 right).
Several series of such “K0-tests” have been
performed for different soil samples. The first re- Table 1. Index values of the tested weathered Keuper mud-
sults by Illner [3] and Schmidt/Illner [6] proved
that the modules of deformation Es from K0 tri- moisture content w [%] 13 - 14
axial tests are three times higher than those liquid limit wL [%] 33,6 – 38,3
gained by conventional oedometer tests.
To get moduli for settlement calculations, two plastic limit wP [%] 13 – 17,8
parallel tests were conducted on the same soil plasticity index IP [-] 14,2 – 16,6
sample in order to compare the stress strain be-
consistency index IC [-] 1,2 – 1,4
havior: one in the oedometer test and one in the
triaxial K0-test. It appeared that modules ob- consistency semi-solid – solid
tained in the triaxial K0-tests were at least two to dry density d [g/cm³] 1,85 – 1,95
E.-D. Hornig and H. Klapperich / Laboratory Tests and Field Measurements Investigating 739

2.1 Sample Preparation and Testing Procedure 2.2 Test Results

Out of the same drill core sample, one part was
The measured deformations from the oedometer
fitted into the oedometer ring (h/d =
were compared with the results gained from K0
2,0 cm/7,1cm). After preparation an oedometer
triaxial compression tests. Figure 5 and 6 show
test was performed. The other, bigger, part of the
results of two typical samples of the weathered
drill core sample (h/d = 12-20cm/10cm) was fit-
Keuper mudstone.
ted without much preparation into the Triaxial
apparatus for a compression test under K0 condi- 10 100 1000 10000
1 [kN/m2]
tions. 0,00
sample 1 / Keuper
The oedometer tests were performed on a 0,01 placement data

conventional basis by increasing the load step by 0,02

W n = 13.0 %
step. The load was doubled after 24 hours. The 0,03 d = 1,91g/cm³ Oedometer
triaxial compression test was performed in a K0-Triax
0,04 W n = 13,0 %
fully computer controlled testing unit described d = 1,96 g/cm³
by Menzies [5]. In both tests a first loading and
several unloading- reloading steps were carried Figure 5. Test results Keuper mudstone sample 1
The horizontal deformations of the sample 10 100 1000 1 [kN/m²] 10000
were measured by radial sensors with Hall Effect sample 2 / Keuper
Semiconductors (Clayton [1]) (Fig. 4). 0,02 placement data
W n = 14,5 %
0,04 Oedometer
d = 1,84 g/cm³
W n = 13,8 %
% [-]
d = 1,96 g/cm³

Figure 6. Test results Keuper mudstone sample 2

Table 2. Comparison Stiffness modulus ES of Keuper 1 be-

tween Oedometer and K0-Triaxial:
stress range first loading
Figure 3. oedometer testing unit (left) and K0-triax testing
Oedometer K0-Triax ratio
unit (right)
0 ES (EB) ES (EB) H*
[ kN/m2 ] [ MN/m2 ] [ MN/m2 ] [-]
The K0 controlled compression tests were per-
50-100 13 25 1,92
formed on unsaturated, drained samples (corre- 100-200 17 40 2,35
sponding to oedometer tests). They were pro 200-400 29 67 2,31
grammed in such a way that during a certain time 400-800 42 80 1,90
period the cell pressure increases continuously to 800-1600 58 120 2,07
a given maximum or minimum. mean 2,11
Oedometer K0-Triax ratio
0 ES (WB) ES (WB) H*
[ kN/m2 ] [ MN/m2 ] [ MN/m2 ] [-]
50-100 36
100-200 29 100 3,45
200-400 38 100 2,63
400-800 105 138 1,31
mean 2,46
H* = ratio of stiffness module gained from K0-Triax
Figure 4. Sample for K0-Triax with Radial sensors and from Oedometer resp. H* = ES(K)/ ES(O)
ES=stiffness module, EB=initial loading, WB=reloading, K=K0-Triax,
740 E.-D. Hornig and H. Klapperich / Laboratory Tests and Field Measurements Investigating

For the initial loading of sample a mean ratio H*

of 2.11 between stiffness moduli of K0-triax and
of oedometer was calculated. Over whole stress
range the ratio did not vary much. At reloading a
mean ratio H* of 2.46 was gained, at which the
ratio decreased from 3.45 to 1.31 during the area
of stress increase.
Figure 7. Photo (left) and schematic view (right) of the large
For sample Keuper 2, which was got from a scale footing load test (Hornig et al. [2])
different site, the corresponding mean value of
H* for initial loading was 3.3. Thereby H* did For the test a cylindrical, reinforced concrete
not vary much, too. At reloading, however, a footing with a diameter of 1,8 m and a height of
mean ratio H* was 1.7, the variation was small, 0,8 m was used. The loading was done by three 3
the amount of H* was nearly the half the value of MN hydraulic presses. Ten grouted injection
initial loading. anchors with a length of 10.5 m and a max. bear-
ing capacity of 900 kN each were used in such a
Table 3. Comparison Stiffness moduli ES of Keuper 2 be- way that an influence on measurements could be
tween oedometer and K0-triaxial:
excluded. During the whole test the settlements
stress range first loading were measured at three points on top of the
Oedometer K0-Triax ratio foundation, using a measuring scaffold, with
0 ES (EB) ES (EB) H* bearings far away from the calculated influence
[ kN/m2 ] [ MN/m2 ] [ MN/m2 ] [-] area of the footing.
100-200 9 33 3,7
200-400 15 44 2,9 10 100 1000 1 [kN/m²] 10000
400-800 20 80 4,0 0
800-1200 33 90 2,7 50
mean 3,3 100
reloading 150
Oedometer K0-Triax ratio 200 Large scale footing load test
0 ES (WB) ES (WB) H* s [mm]

[ kN/m2 ] [ MN/m2 ] [ MN/m2 ] [-]

Figure 8. Load test, loading cycles and measured settlements
100-200 41 73 1,8
200-400 55 84 1,5 Four (re)loading – unloading steps were per-
400-800 67 129 1,9 formed up to the failure of the strip. Figure 8
mean 1,7 shows the measured settlements under loading


The large scale footing load test (Fig. 7) with
measurements of deformations taken at the test To verify observations from the laboratory tests,
foundation itself and at several depths, using ex- the loads and the settlements of two single foot-
tensometers, was carried out on the weathered ings on weathered Keuper mudstone have been
Keuper mudstone. measured during construction of a building in the
Also parallel to the test on site, samples taken city of Stuttgart during one year. Figure 9 show-
beneath and close to the test foundation have sthe placed indirect load measuring device in one
been analysed to obtain soil parameters. Using of the two columns. Parallel to the measurements
stiffness moduli from triaxial K0-tests and oedo- on site, samples taken close to the foundations
meter tests the settlements of the foundation have have been analysed to obtain soil parameters, es-
been calculated. pecially stiffness moduli from triaxial K0-tests
and oedometer tests. Using these characteristic
E.-D. Hornig and H. Klapperich / Laboratory Tests and Field Measurements Investigating 741

values the settlements of the foundations have Figure 11 shows the measured and the calculated
been calculated. settlements of one single footing under construc-
tion of the building up to foundation pressure of
0 = 300 kN/m².

0 50 100 150 200 250 300

0 0 [kN/m²]

s [mm]

15 calculation / K0-Triax module

measurement building foundation 2
calculation / Oedometer module

Figure 11. Measured and analytical calculated settlements

Figure 9. Placed rebar strain meter in column before placing
of concrete (Martin [4], Hornig et al. [2]) A comparison of the measured settlements in
Fig. 11 with the calculated based on triaxial K0-
test-modules shows a very good agreement. The
calculated settlements, which were based on
modules out of oedometer tests, are much too
5.1 Conventional Settlement Analyses
The measured settlements of the footing load test 5.2 Finite Element Method (FEM) Analyses
and the two single footings were compared with
As described in 5.1, beyond a working load of 0
the settlements based on conventional calcula-
= 500 kN/m² nonlinear effects increase.
tions with modules from oedometer tests and tri-
Therefore the footing load test was simulated by
axial K0-tests.
FEM analyses using the Finite Element Code
The measured and the calculated settlements
PLAXIS (Vermeer and Brinkgreve [8]) which
of the footing load test under loading up to foun-
applies two non-linear models: the Mohr-
dation pressure of 0 = 800 kN/m² are shown in
Coulomb model and the Hardening-Soil model.
Figure 10.
The needed model parameters in table 4 were
0 200 400 600 0 [kN/m2 ] 800
mainly optained through the lab-tests,
0 additionally some were chosen within FEM
simulations. The module Eoed from triaxial K0-
s [ mm ]

tests was used.
40 measurement footing load test
calculation / K0-Triax
calculation / Oedometer
Table 4. Parameters for the calculations with the FE-Code
Figure 10. Measured and analytical calculated settlements Hardening- Mohr-
Soil Coulomb
For stresses up to 0 = 500 kN/m² a comparison ’ [°] 30 30
of the measured settlements in Fig. 10 with the c’ [kN/m²] 33 33
calculated based on triaxial K0-test-modules E50 [MN/m²] 38 -
shows a very good agreement. Since the founda- EOed [MN/m²] 30 -
tion response was highly non-linear for founda- Eur [MN/m²] 80 -
tion pressure beyond 500 kN/m², this response Eref [MN/m²] - 46
could no longer be described with the linear- ur [-] 0,2 -
elastic model. The calculated settlements with a  [-] - 0,315
working pressure up to 0 = 500 kN/m², which pref [kN/m²] 150 -
were based on oedometer test modules, are much m [-] 0,5 -
too large.
742 E.-D. Hornig and H. Klapperich / Laboratory Tests and Field Measurements Investigating

To describe the geometrical situation of the cy- 6 CONCLUSIONS

lindrical foundation, the finite element mesh
shown in Figure 12 with 15 node elements under For base pressures of up to working load, the set-
axial symmetrical conditions was used. After tlements for the measured single footings and for
preliminary examination for the influence of the the tested large scale footing can be described
anchors and the necessary vertical and horizontal very well with the linear-elastic model within
expansion, calculations were made with a fine conventional settlement analyses. An accurate
mesh in the central zone and a coarse mesh in the determination of the deformation parameter is
outer zone. very important for the investigated soils. The K0-
test in the triaxial apparatus is therefore very use-
ful. Alternatively the use of reloading-modules
from Oedometer tests can also give practical re-
Deformations beyond base pressures of 0 =
500 kN/m² should be simulated numerically by
using non-linear models. In this case, the stiff-
ness modules out of triaxial K0-tests should be
used as well. Calculations with the Finite Ele-
ment Code PLAXIS (Vermeer and Brinkgreve
Figure 12. Cross section of the axial symmetrical loaded
mesh [8]), which are based on the Mohr-Coulomb and
the Hardening-Soil models, achieve good results.
The excavation and the test construction were
simulated by stage constructions. The (re)loading
– unloading steps were described by multipliers. REFERENCES
[1] Clayton, C. (1989). The Use of Hall Effect Semicon-
5.3 Results and Comparison ductors in Geotechnical Instrumentation. Geotechnical
Testing Journal. Vol. 12, No. 1, 69-76.
Figure 13 shows the measured and the calculated [2] Hornig, E.-D., Buchmaier, R. F., Schmidt, H.-H.
deformations under loading, unloading and re- (2002). Eindimensionale Kompression überkonsolidier-
ter bindiger Böden am Beispiel des Gipskeupers. For-
loading up to the ultimate bearing pressure of 0 schungsbericht, Fachhochschule Stuttgart – Hochschu-
= 1550 kN/m². As described, for the calculations le für Technik.
the Mohr-Coulomb model and the Hardening- [3] Illner, C. (1997). Verformungsverhalten von Gipskeu-
Soil model were used. perböden. Forschungsbericht Fachhochschule Stuttgart
– Hochschule für Technik, Labor für Geotechnik, un-
0 500 1000 0 [kN/m²] 1500
0 [4] Maritn, S. (2001). Messung und Berechnung von Set-
FE-calculation: Hardening Soil
zungen an Einzelfundamenten im Gipskeuper. Diplom-
50 FE-calculation: Mohr Coulomb arbeit, Institut für Geotechnik, Universität Stuttgart,
s [mm]

100 [5] Menzies, B. K. (1988). A Computer Controlled Hy-

draulic Triaxial Testing System. American Society for
150 Testing and Materials. STP 977, Philadelphia, 82-94.
[6] Schmidt, H.-H., Illner, C. (1998). Bestimmung von
200 Verformungsmoduln an Gipskeuperproben. Tagungs-
band der 25. Baugrundtagung, Stuttgart. DGGT, Ge-
Figure 13. Measured and numerical calculated settlements rman Geotechnical Society
[7] Schnürch, R. (1998). Experimentelle Ermittlung geo-
The Hardening-Soil model can describe the de- technischer Kenngrößen für die Setzungsberechnung
formations under loading, unloading and reload- bei überkonsolidierten Böden am Beispiel des Gipskeu-
ing better than the Mohr-Coulomb model. Simu- pers. Diplomarbeit, Fachhochschule Stuttgart – Hoch-
schule für Technik, unpublished
lations using the Mohr-Coulomb model only [8] Vermeer, P. A., Brinkgreve R.B.J. (1998). PLAXIS
represent the initial loading well. Material Model Manual Version 7. A.A. Balkema, Rot-
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 743
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Capacité portante des fondations superficielles

avec et sans l’hypothèse de superposition
Bearing capacity of shallow foundations with and without the
superposition assumption
A. Mabrouki 1, D. Benmeddour & M. Mellas
Université de Biskra, Département de Génie Civil et Hydraulique, Biskra, Algérie
R. Frank
Université Paris-Est, Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, Navier - CERMES, France

Many studies have been carried out on the bearing capacity of shallow foundations; these studies have an identical approach as
all of them follow the superposition of the three terms introduced by Terzaghi. This study examines Terzaghi’s assumption by
elasto-plastic calculations using the finite-difference codes FLAC2D and FLAC3D. Two types of footings are considered, square
and strip, and the soil-footing interface is assumed smooth or rough. The effect of a non-associated flow rule is also investigated.

De nombreuses études ont été consacrées à la détermination de la capacité portante des fondations superficielles ; ces études ont
une allure identique puisqu’elles suivent la superposition des trois termes introduite par Terzaghi. Cette étude examine
l’hypothèse de superposition de Terzaghi, par des calculs élasto-plastiques en utilisant les codes FLAC2D et FLAC3D en diffé-
rences finies explicites. Deux types de semelles sont considérés, carrée et filante, et l’interface sol-fondation est supposée lisse
ou rugueuse. L’effet d’une loi d’écoulement non-associée est également considéré dans cette étude.

Mots-clés: capacité portante, fondation superficielle, semelles filantes et carrées, superposition, comportement élasto-plastique,

1 INTRODUCTION d’essais in situ au pressiomètre Ménard et au pé-

nétromètre statique, notamment.
La méthode de dimensionnement des fondations Dans la catégorie des méthodes en « c et ij »,
superficielles est basée sur le principe de la force il existe une variété de méthodes développées par
portante ou de la capacité portante. En pratique, de nombreux auteurs pour calculer la capacité
la capacité portante des fondations superficielles portante des fondations superficielles, en faisant
est déterminée par deux méthodes ; la première des hypothèses différentes sur la rugosité de la
est basée sur les résultats d’essais de laboratoire, semelle et la forme de la zone en équilibre limite.
c’est-à-dire à partir de la cohésion et de l’angle Dans la littérature on trouve la méthode
de frottement (méthodes classiques, dites mé- d’équilibre limite [1–3], la méthode des caracté-
thodes « c et ij ») ; la deuxième méthode déter- ristiques ou lignes de glissement [4–5] ; la mé-
mine la capacité portante à partir des résultats thode d’analyse limite avec ses deux approches,
cinématique et statique [6–7], l’analyse limite

Corresponding Author.
744 A. Mabrouki et al. / Capacité portante des fondations superficielles

par éléments finis [8] et les calculs élasto- 2 SIMULATION NUMERIQUE

plastiques en utilisant la méthode des éléments
finis ou la méthode des différences finies [9–11]. Pour déterminer la capacité portante d’une se-
Toutes ces méthodes sont présentées selon la su- melle filante et carrée, les codes FLAC2D [12] et
perposition de trois termes introduite par Terzag- FLAC3D [13] en différences finies explicites ont
hi [1] ; le premier terme représente la charge li- été choisis. Ces codes intègrent de nombreuses
mite pour un massif pesant et purement frottant, lois de comportement, adaptables à un grand
le deuxième terme représente la charge limite nombre de matériaux, géologiques ou non.
pour un massif frottant et cohérent, mais non pe- Dans cette étude on considère deux types de
sant, le troisième terme représente la charge li- calcul ; premièrement, un calcul en déformation
mite pour un massif purement frottant, non pe- plane pour déterminer la capacité portante d’une
sant, et soumis à une surcharge uniforme à coté semelle filante de largeur B ; deuxièmement, un
de la fondation ; l’expression de Terzaghi [1] calcul tridimensionnel de la capacité portante
s’écrit sous la forme : d’une semelle carrée de côté B. Du fait des symé-
tries du problème, seule la moitié du modèle est

B prise en considération pour la semelle filante et
qu  N
 cN c  qN q (1)
2 un quart dans le cas de la semelle carrée. Pour
calculer les facteurs de portance NȖ et NȖ’ = sȖNȖ
Avec : qu = contrainte de rupture (capacité por- on suppose un massif de sol pesant, purement
tante) ; B = largeur de la semelle ; Ȗ = poids vo- frottant et sans surcharge (Ȗ = 15 kN/m3, c = 0, q
lumique du sol ; q = surcharge verticale latérale à = 0). Les facteur Nc et Nc’ = scNc sont calculés en
la semelle ; c = cohésion du sol sous la base de la supposant un massif frottant et cohérent, mais
semelle ; NȖ, Nc et Nq = facteurs de portance. non pesant et sans surcharge (q = 0, Ȗ = 0, c = 10
Pour le calcul de la capacité portante d’une kPa). Enfin, les facteurs Nq et Nq’ = sqNq sont
fondation superficielle dans le cas général, calculés en supposant un massif purement frot-
Meyerhof [2] a proposé la formule suivante : tant, non pesant et chargé latéralement par rap-
port à la fondation (Ȗ = 0, c = 0 et q = 10 kPa).

B' A partir de l’équation (1) de Terzaghi [1], les
qu  s
 csc d c ic N c  qs q d q iq N q (2)
2 trois facteurs de portance d’une semelle filante et
carrée, sont donnés par les relations suivantes :
où B’ désigne la largeur de la fondation réduite
pour tenir compte de l’excentricité e de la charge N
 2qu ( filante ) /
appliquée B’=B-2e, s désigne les facteurs de N
'  2qu (carrée) /
forme de la fondation, d désigne les facteurs N c  qu ( filante ) / c
d’encastrement de la fondation, et i désigne les (3)
N c '  qu (carrée) / c
facteur d’inclinaison de la charge. Dans la pré-
N q  qu ( filante ) / q
sente étude, les semelles sont posées en surface,
(sans encastrement) et la charge est verticale et N q '  qu (carrée) / q
centrée, donc B=B’, dȖ = dc = dq = iȖ = ic = iq = 1.
Ainsi, le principe de superposition était et Dans cette étude le comportement du sol est
reste encore largement utilisé dans la pratique. régi par une loi élastique-parfaitement plastique
Cette étude s’intéresse au calcul numérique des et le critère de Mohr-Coulomb a été adopté ; ce
facteurs de portance, d’une semelle filante et car- modèle est caractérisé par un module volumique
rée ainsi que de la capacité portante avec et sans K = 2,5×104 kPa, un module de cisaillement G
l’hypothèse de superposition. Les semelles sont =1,15×104 kPa (E = 30 MPa, ȣ = 0,3). L’angle de
supposées rigides, rugueuses ou lisses, et sou- frottement ij varie entre 20° à 40° par pas de 5°,
mises à une charge verticale centrée. l’angle de dilatance ȥ ij ou 0.
La condition d’une semelle rigide (indéfor-
mable) est assurée en fixant le déplacement ver-
A. Mabrouki et al. / Capacité portante des fondations superficielles 745

tical pour les nœuds de la semelle ; l’interface fluence sur la capacité portante ; cependant si les
rugueuse est assurée en bloquant les déplace- valeurs choisies sont importantes, la capacité
ments relatifs horizontaux ; le déplacement est portante est atteinte pour un déplacement plus
fixé uniquement dans la direction verticale pour petit. On note aussi que le poids volumique Ȗ a
tenir compte du cas d’une semelle lisse. Pour une influence négligeable sur les facteurs de por-
calculer les facteurs de portance, une technique tance ; dans cette étude Ȗ = 15 kN/m3.
de chargement par déplacement a été adoptée en
considérant une vitesse de déplacement très
faible, appliquée sur les nœuds des éléments qui 3 RESULTATS ET DISCUSSIONS
représentent la semelle ; le déplacement progres-
sif de la semelle est accompagné par
l’augmentation des contraintes dans le sol ; la 3.1 Facteurs de portante
contrainte au-dessous de la semelle se stabilise
pour une valeur qui indique un palier ; ce palier
correspond à la capacité portante qu. Comme 3.1.1 Semelle filante
dans tous les codes de modélisation basés sur la La Figure 1 présente une comparaison entre les
méthode des éléments finis ou les différences fi- valeurs de NȖ de la présente étude et celles dé-
nies, le modèle est discrétisé par un maillage. terminées par quelques expressions analytiques
Frydman et Burd [9] ont montré que le facteur de données dans la littérature. L’analyse des résul-
portance NȖ dépend de la géométrie du maillage tats montre une grande dispersion, surtout pour
utilisé et de la vitesse de déplacement verticale ; les valeurs importantes de l’angle de frottement
le raffinement du maillage avec une forme interne ij. La présente étude montre l’effet de la
d’éléments proche du carré, ainsi que le choix non-associativité sur le facteur de portance NȖ ;
d’une vitesse de déplacement très faible, donnent cet effet devient important avec l’augmentation
les meilleurs résultats, surtout pour le cas d’une de ij ; le facteur de portance NȖ est réduit de 44%
semelle rugueuse. pour le cas d’une semelle rugueuse avec ij = 40°
De nombreux tests ont été exécutés pour exa- et ȥ = 0, par rapport au cas associé (ȥ = ij). Ega-
miner l’influence de la taille du modèle, le lement, la nature de l’interface sol-fondation a
nombre d’éléments et la vitesse de déplacement une influence considérable sur le facteur de por-
sur la capacité portante ; les dimensions du mail- tance NȖ ; ce dernier est réduit d’environ 50%
lage ont été considérées avec une semelle filante pour le cas d’une semelle parfaitement lisse avec
et carrée de demi largeur B/2 = 1 m. Les condi- ȥ ij = 40°.
tions aux limites sont prises en compte en blo-
quant les déplacements horizontaux et verticaux
pour la limite inférieure ; pour les limites laté-
rales, le déplacement est bloqué dans la direction
horizontale. Un raffinement local du maillage a
été effectué dans les zones de forts gradients de
contraintes, c’est-à-dire au voisinage de la fonda-
tion et sous sa base ; les dimensions du modèle
ont été définies de façon à éviter toute source de
perturbation dans la formation des mécanismes
de rupture dans le sol.
Afin d’illustrer l’influence du module
d’élasticité sur la capacité portante, trois valeurs
ont été considérées (E = 30, 40 et 60 MPa) tant
Figure 1. Comparaison des facteurs NȖ obtenus par les ex-
pour la semelle filante que pour la semelle car- pressions données dans la littérature - Semelle filante.
rée. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les va-
leurs des paramètres élastiques ont une petite in-
746 A. Mabrouki et al. / Capacité portante des fondations superficielles

Les valeurs de NȖ obtenues par l’expression de

Michalowski [7] pour une semelle rugueuse et
ȥ = ij sont les valeurs supérieures ; par ailleurs,
lorsque ȥ = 0, les considérations théoriques
adoptés par Michalowski [7], sous-estiment la
capacité portante. Aussi, la Figure 1 montre que
l’expression de Loukidis et Salgado [10] pour
une semelle rugueuse avec ȥ = ij, donne à peu
près les mêmes valeurs que celles calculées par
Hjiaj et al. [8] ; l’expression de Hansen [4]
s’accorde très bien avec ces deux expressions,
sauf pour ij = 40°.
Pour un sol non-associé (ȥ = 0) et ij ) 35° les Figure 2. Comparaison des facteurs Nc obtenus par les ex-
résultats de la présente étude sont en excellent pressions données dans la littérature - Semelle filante.
accord avec ceux donnés par l’expression de
Loukidis et Salgado [10] ; pour ij = 40°, il appa-
raît que cette expression donne des valeurs
faibles; cette différence peut être due au pro-
blème des fluctuations observées ; cette question
a été précédemment discutée dans la littérature
(Yin et al. [11]). Il est difficile d’estimer les va-
leurs de facteur de portance dans la série des
fluctuations ; dans cette étude la valeur moyenne
a été retenue.
Les Figures 2 et 3 comparent respectivement
les facteurs de portance Nc et Nq obtenus par la
présente étude avec ceux donnés dans la littéra-
ture, il faut cependant rappeler que Meyerhof [2], Figure 3. Comparaison des facteurs Nq obtenus par les ex-
Hansen [4], VesiŸ [3], et l’Eurocode 7 [14] adop- pressions données dans la littérature - Semelle filante.
tent la même solution que celle donnée par
Prandtl [15] et Reissner [16]. 3.1.2 Semelle carrée
Dans le cas d’un sol associé (ȥ = ij), la pré-
Pour examiner les expressions du coefficient de
sente étude donnent des résultats très proches de
forme sȖ utilisées dans la pratique, la Figure 4
ceux obtenus par la solution de Prandtl-Reissner
montre les facteurs NȖ’ de la présente étude com-
et montrent une influence négligeable de
parés à ceux calculés à partir de quelques expres-
l’interface sol-fondation. Il est clair que
sions du coefficient de forme sȖ données dans la
l’expression de Terzaghi [1] surestime les fac-
teurs de portance Nc et Nq ; les résultats de la pré-
L’analyse des résultats présentés sur la Figure
sente étude dans le cas d’une semelle lisse avec
4 permet de remarquer une dispersion considé-
ȥ = ij, et ceux de Loukidis et Salgado [10] sont
rable entre les résultats des différents auteurs.
en très bonne concordance avec la solution don-
L’Eurocode 7 [14] donne des valeurs supérieures
née par Prandtl-Reissner. On note que les résul-
d’environ 25% aux présents résultats, dans le cas
tats de Nc donnés par Loukidis et Salgado [10]
d’une semelle lisse et ȥ = ij = 40°; au contraire
sont obtenus en appliquant le théorème des états
pour une semelle rugueuse, les valeurs obtenues
correspondants de Caquot [17] :
par la présente étude sont plus de deux fois supé-
rieures à celles de l’Eurocode 7 ; cette large dif-
fg N q  f ( ) férence peut être justifiée par le fait que
h (4)
gi N c  ( N q  1) cot  l’Eurocode 7 [14] est basé sur des approxima-
A. Mabrouki et al. / Capacité portante des fondations superficielles 747

tions empiriques en déformation plane et

l’utilisation du coefficient de forme égale à 0,7
pour la semelle carrée; cependant, dans le cas
d’une semelle rugueuse avec un sol non-associé
(ȥ = 0) il y a un bon accord entre les résultats de
l’Eurocode 7 [14] et ceux de la présente étude.
Pour une semelle rugueuse et ȥ = ij, on peut re-
marquer l’excellent accord avec les résultats de
Meyerhof [2].

Figure 5. Comparaison des facteurs Nc’ obtenu par les ex-

pressions données dans la littérature - Semelle carrée.

Figure 4. Comparaison des facteurs NȖ obtenus par les ex-

pressions données dans la littérature - Semelle carrée.

Les Figures 5 et 6 montrent, respectivement,

les facteurs Nc’ et Nq’ de la présente étude com-
parés à ceux calculés à partir des expressions du
coefficient de forme sc et sq données par plu- Figure 6. Comparaison des facteurs Nq’ obtenus par les ex-
sieurs auteurs. Les résultats de Nc’ de Loukidis et pressions dans la littérature - Semelle carrée.
Salgado [10] sont obtenus par l’application du
théorème des états correspondants de Caquot 3.2 Influence de l’hypothèse de superposition
[17]. Dans le cas d’une semelle rugueuse et ȥ =
ij, l’expression de sq donnée par Loukidis et Sal- Terzaghi [1] a proposé de superposer les méca-
gado [10] pour une semelle circulaire, permet nismes de rupture des trois termes de la portance,
d’obtenir des facteurs de portance Nq’ et Nc’ en mais ceci ne fournit pas une solution exacte du
bon accord avec les résultats numériques de la problème. Les Tableaux 1 et 2 récapitulent, res-
présente étude. pectivement, les résultats de la capacité portante
Les expressions de sc et sq proposées par Ter- pour une semelle filante et carrée, obtenus par la
zaghi [1], Meyerhof [2], Hansen [4], VesiŸ
[3], et présente étude, en considérant la somme des ca-
l’Eurocode 7 [14] sous-estiment les facteurs de pacités portantes des trois termes cNc, qNq et
portance Nc’ et Nq’ ; la différence devient signifi- 0,5Ȗ%1Ȗ, ainsi que la capacité portante globale
cative avec l’augmentation de l’angle de frotte- obtenue lorsque l’on considère l’effet global des
ment interne du sol et peut être expliquée par le trois paramètres c, q et Ȗ.
fait que les résultats des différents auteurs sont On peut observer que l’hypothèse de superpo-
basés sur des approximations en déformation sition de Terzaghi [1], sous-estime la capacité
plane et l’emploi de coefficients de forme infé- portante d’environ 10% à 20% pour les semelles
rieurs à ceux obtenus par la présente étude. filantes et carrées. En conséquence le principe de
superposition va dans le sens de sécurité.
748 A. Mabrouki et al. / Capacité portante des fondations superficielles

Tableau 1. Comparaison des résultats de la superposition et le calcul global dans le cas d’une semelle filante
Données qu (kPa) Calcul avec superposition qu (kPa) Calcul global
c  q Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle
(kPa) (°) (kPa) rugueuse rugueuse lisse lisse rugueuse rugueuse lisse lisse
( = ) ( = /2) ( = ) ( = /2) ( = ) ( = /2) ( = ) ( = /2)
10 20 10 262,67 257,6 238,28 237,36 299,0 296,9 260,02 259,20
10 30 10 734,25 703,45 610,87 600,96 854,6 832,8 687,10 679,70
10 40 10 2800,6 2559,5 2090,85 2000,10 3310,0 3063,0 2427,0 2377,0

Tableau 2. Comparaison des résultats de la superposition et le calcul global dans le cas d’une semelle carrée
Données qu (kPa) Calcul avec superposition qu (kPa) Calcul global
c  q Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle Semelle
(kPa) (°) (kPa) rugueuse rugueuse lisse lisse rugueuse rugueuse lisse lisse
( = ) ( = /2) ( = ) ( = /2) ( = ) ( = /2) ( = ) ( = /2)
10 20 10 374,19 356,75 297,89 284,50 407,83 401,48 323,65 320,24
10 30 10 1322,50 1211,15 892,62 820,85 1471,28 1371,0 985,09 935,66
10 40 10 6822,01 5871,08 3896,45 3496,45 7705,80 6725,9 4385,8 4020,49

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Les résultats de la capacité portante obtenus [12] FLAC2D. Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua, version
5.0. (2005) ITASCA Consulting Group, Inc., Minneap-
par le principe de superposition, sont toujours in- olis.
férieurs à ceux déterminés par un calcul global, [13] FLAC3D. Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in three
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[14] Eurocode 7. Calcul géotechnique Partie 1 règles
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[1] Terzaghi K. Theoretical soil mechanics. Wiley New M. Burgers, eds., Delft, The Netherlands, (1924), 295–
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[2] Meyerhof GG. Some recent research on the bearing ca- [17] Caquot, A. Équilibre des massifs á frottement interne.
pacity of foundations. Can Geotech J 1 (1963), 16–26. Stabilité des terres pulvérulentes et cohérentes. Gau-
thier-Villars Paris, 1934.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 749
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 755
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Case study: The design & performance of a raft

foundation on Mercia Mudstone
Etude de cas: l’étude et la performance d’un radier sur un sol de
type ‘Mercia Mudstone’
M. Miller1
Donaldson Associates, formerly of Ramboll UK
M. Vaziri & R. Miller
Ramboll UK

The St David’s 2 development is a new retail and residential complex in the heart of Cardiff, South Wales. The substructure in-
cludes a basement with a footprint area of approximately 100m x 290m. Following ground investigation it was ascertained that
the basement would found on Mercia Mudstone of Grades II and IV. It was proposed that the structure would found on a raft
foundation which would bring significant cost and programme savings compared to a piled foundation. A steel pile retaining
wall solution was adopted using a ‘Super Crush System’ to penetrate the mudstone and overlying gravels. Owing to difficulties
achieving the undisturbed embedded depth required for the applied loads, an envelope within which the raft design had to com-
ply was adopted. Finite Element Analysis was undertaken to predict settlement and bending within the raft. A combination of
Winkler Spring and half-space analysis was used in an iterative process to allow for the production of ‘intelligent springs’.
Monitoring of the raft settlement was undertaken to provide a comparison to predicted settlements.

Le projet St David’s 2 est un nouveau complexe résidentiel et commerçant situé au coeur de Cardiff, dans le Sud du Pays de
Galles. L’infrastructure comprend un sous-sol de dimensions approximatives 100m x 290m. Après les études de sol, il a été éta-
bli que le sous-sol serait fondé sur Mercia Mudstone de catégories II et IV. Il a donc été proposé que la structure soit fondée sur
un radier, ce qui permettrait d’apporter une économie importante si l’on compare avec le coût de fondations de type pieux. La
solution d’un mur de soutènement en pieux d’acier utilisant la méthode ‘Super Crush System’ a été adoptée pour pénétrer dans le
‘mudstone’ et les pierres le recouvrant. Compte tenu des difficultés à atteindre la profondeur requise pour le niveau d’assise, une
enveloppe au sein de laquelle le plan du radier devait se conformer fut adoptée. Une analyse par la Méthode des Eléments Finis a
été entreprise afin d’estimer les tassements et les torsions dans le radier. Une combinaison des méthodes d’analyse de Winkler
Spring et du ‘demi-espace’ ont été utilisées dans un processus itératif pour permettre la production d « Actions intelligentes ».
Un monitoring des tassements du radier fut entrepris pour permettre de faire la comparaison avec les tassements estimés.

Keywords: Cardiff, raft design, Mercia Mudstone, steel pile, hydraulic press-in

1 INTRODUCTION foundation. It discusses the methodology adopted

for the raft design, the design of the retaining
Ramboll UK were involved with the St David’s 2 walls and the effects of their installation on the
Cardiff project from tender design in 2005 until design process. Lessons learned are then
completion in 2010. This paper presents a case presented.
study of the design of the development’s raft

Corresponding Author.
756 M. Miller et al. / Case Study: Design & Performance of Raft Foundation on Mercia Mudstone

The St David’s 2 development is a new retail and part on Grade IV Mercia Mudstone (Figure
and residential complex in Cardiff, South Wales. 1).
A double level basement underlies the majority
of the building with a footprint area of circa
100m x 290m. The St David’s Partnership, a
joint venture between Capital Shopping Centres
and Land Securities, was the client with Bovis
Lend Lease the Design & Build Main Contractor.


A comprehensive ground investigation was

carried out at the start of detailed design. It was
observed that the ground conditions beneath the
site consist of Made Ground overlying firm to
stiff Fluvioglacial clays, medium dense to very
dense Fluvioglacial gravels (FGG), Grade IV
Mercia Mudstone (fully weathered: matrix only)
and Grade II Mercia Mudstone (partially
weathered: angular blocks of unweathered marl
with virtually no matrix). The Grade IV Mercia
Mudstone was described as soft to stiff red
brown, slightly sandy, slightly gravelly to
gravelly. The Grade II Mercia Mudstone was
described as very weak to moderately weak,
becoming stronger with depth, thinly laminated,
locally weathered. Table 1 presents the
characteristic soil parameters derived from the
ground investigation data.
Figure 1. Raft areas and schematic section showing raft
Table 1. Soil Parameters for Mercia Mudstone Derived from founding on Mercia Mudstone (not to scale)
Ground Investigation Data
Table 2 presents stiffness values for the Grade
γ φ’ cu IV Mercia Mudstone calculated from the various
[kN/m3] [°] [kN/m2] in-situ testing procedures.

Grade IV Mercia
20 25 60 Table 2: Comparison of Grade IV Mercia Mudstone Stiffness
Derived from Various In-Situ Testing Methods and Available
Grade II Mercia
22 40 0 Sources
Drained Stiffness
The Mercia Mudstone was characterised as (MPa)
Unit D according to Howard et al. [1], being SPT 7.8
structureless red-brown, dolomitic mudstone. Pressuremeter (DPM) 32
The contours of the rock head and varying Plate Loading (250mm diameter) 4.8
depths of the basement meant that part of the raft Engineering Description1 4 – 15
would be founded on Grade II Mercia Mudstone 1. Based on borehole logs and sample descriptions,
material is soft to stiff i.e. cu=20 to 75kN/m2. The lowest
value was selected.
M. Miller et al. / Case Study: Design & Performance of Raft Foundation on Mercia Mudstone 757

2. The low values from pressuremeter tests were deemed low potential for volume change. As a result,
to be due to disaggregation of the mudstone during boring.
long term heave effects of the soil were not
included within the analysis.
Table 3 presents stiffness values for the Grade The Westbury Formation within the Mercia
II Mercia Mudstone calculated from various Mudstone Group has the potential for heave as a
testing procedures. result of the high percentage of disseminated
pyrite it contains. This formation occurs within
Table 3: Comparison of Grade II Mercia Mudstone Stiffness Cardiff; however, its presence was not noted
Derived from Various Testing Methods and Available during the ground investigation.
Rock Stiffness
SPT 150
Pressuremeter (HPD) 150 Research of historical information was
Plate Loading (250mm diameter) 25 undertaken to gather case studies of large-scale
UCS Test Results1 130
structures on Mercia Mudstone, particularly in
Engineering Description2 215
1. Including correlated point load test results assuming the Cardiff area. It was found that the majority
the mass stiffness is 10% of the laboratory test results. The of larger developments within Cardiff city centre
lowest value was selected. have used piled foundations from existing
2. Based on borehole logs and sample descriptions. ground level. This has limited the opportunities
Assuming weak to moderately weak rock ranges from σc =1 –
5MPa, the stiffness was derived using Em = 215 σc [2]. to study the behaviour of the Mercia Mudstone in
Cardiff, especially its in-situ characteristics
It was acknowledged that the stiffness values under stress relief and its performance under
predicted by the in-situ testing for the Grade IV widespread loading.
Mercia Mudstone were low; however, they were Given the geology of the site and the case
not significantly lower than those recommended study data reviewed, Ramboll initially proposed
by industry guidance [3]. It was therefore to found the basement structure on a raft with
considered that the Ground Investigation data settlement reducing mini piles. The settlement
had to be heeded and a drained stiffness of criteria for the structure was governed by
7.8MPa, based on the SPT testing, was adopted differential settlement requirements, therefore it
for design. In the north of the site, SPT values was considered that settlement reducing piles
were consistently low suggesting a drained could be used to produce uniform settlements.
stiffness of 4.5MPa. A stiffness value of 150MPa The aim was that subsequent detailed design
was adopted for the Grade II Mercia Mudstone. would show that piles were not required.
During the Ground Investigation, groundwater A raft foundation was considered preferable to
was observed at approximately 5.4mOD; 3.6m piles due to the cost savings and significant
above founding level in the south of the site. programme savings it would bring. The raft also
The long term models therefore modelled an allowed flexibility in phasing of demolition,
upwards water pressure acting on the raft. excavation and construction across the site.
The Grade IV mudstone was observed to be
slightly sandy and slightly gravelly and the
Grade II mudstone was observed to contain a 4 SUBSTRUCTURE
high quantity of discontinuities. It was therefore
considered that there would be sufficient The final substructure scheme consisted of steel
pathways to allow pore water pressures to tubular (0.914m dia) and sheet pile retaining
dissipate almost instantly. In addition, laboratory walls (PU32) tied into a raft foundation within
testing indicated that the plasticity index of the the basement area. A maximum depth of 9m was
mudstone was approximately 15%, thus with a excavated for the basement. Areas of the scheme
comprising retail without a basement (the
758 M. Miller et al. / Case Study: Design & Performance of Raft Foundation on Mercia Mudstone

‘Apron’ structure, Figure 2) were founded on This was the first time the ‘Super Crush
piles linked by ground beams, due to large System’ had been used in Mercia Mudstone and
depths of Made Ground. five test sheet piles were initially installed to
The raft foundation varies in thickness (from verify design assumptions and confirm the
0.5m to 2.0m) across the structure depending on required installation forces. One of these piles
the magnitude of applied load. Typically, areas was extracted to determine the static skin friction
of raft which are relatively lightly loaded are above the proposed excavation level, the other
0.5m thick; areas beneath cores are 1.5m thick four were Static Load Tested to determine static
and 2.0m thick ribs were utilised for rows of skin friction below the excavation level and
heavy columns (Figure 2). define required pile toe resistance applied during
pile installation. The test sheet piles generally
performed satisfactorily under the loads applied
during testing, however, the settlement under
load for one did not fit the anticipated curve
profile and showed a significant amount of
plastic deformation.


The sheet piles were installed first and the

installation records indicated that the final
Figure 2. Foundation Scheme
recorded push-in forces were generally not large
enough to verify the required design load. As the
sheet pile records and installation procedure were
5 RETAINING WALL DESIGN & LOAD analysed further it became apparent that there
TEST were also difficulties in achieving the design toe
level, necessary for the sheet piles to function as
A ‘press-in’ steel pile retaining wall solution was a retaining wall, whilst maintaining the
chosen due to the space and programme savings undisturbed embedment required for axial
it afforded. The retaining walls were designed to loading capacity.
provide lateral soil support and also to carry The majority of the piles did not achieve the
vertical loads transferred via a capping beam. design un-augered embedment depth of 1.2m
The tubular steel piles were designed to support refusing prematurely within the mudstone. This
an axial load of 1100kN/m and the sheet piles to created the risk that upon application of building
support an axial load of 500kN/m. Due to the loads the sheet piles may cut through hard layers
requirement for the piles to penetrate the of mudstone into underlying less stiff layers of
mudstone and because of the density of the mudstone, indeed this was observed several
overlying superficial gravels a ‘Super Crush times during installation where piles pushed
System’ (hydraulic press-in method with an through un-augured ground in excess of 1.2m
internal auger) was used to install both the sheet with relatively little pressure applied.
and the tubular steel piles. Furthermore there were many instances where
The auger was advanced marginally ahead of the sheet pile toe had a significant quantity of
the pile with the following pile pressed into the augered material beneath it.
freshly augered material. The design verification Taking on board the installation results, site
for the axial capacity of the piles relied chiefly observations and the pile load test results it was
on the end bearing capacity obtained from a final considered that there was insufficient
press-in of 1.2m into un-augered mudstone. information to determine a design axial load
capacity of the retaining wall. In addition there
M. Miller et al. / Case Study: Design & Performance of Raft Foundation on Mercia Mudstone 759

were no comparable case studies with which to 8 SETTLEMENT PREDICTIONS

correlate these results to provide further
assurance of the axial capacity if the piles. It For both raft design cases (best & worst),
was therefore decided that the raft design should generally an average settlement of 35mm was
cover all eventualities within an envelope of the predicted with circa 65mm settlement beneath
‘best’ and ‘worst’ cases in terms of the support cores. However, in the north of the site where the
provided by the piles. raft was founding on up to 5.5m of the Grade IV
Mercia Mudstone, maximum long term
settlements of 185mm were predicted beneath a
7 METHOD FOR RAFT ANALYSIS core. In addition to the poor ground conditions,
this area was also heavily loaded. The 185mm of
Analysis was undertaken to predict settlement settlement was unacceptable. Ground
and bending within the raft. A combination of improvement was seen as a cost-effective
Winkler Spring and half-space analysis was used alternative to settlement reducing mini-piles. A
in an iterative process through the structural vibro stone column solution was adopted,
program ROBOT and the geotechnical program stiffening the soft ground by a factor of two.
VDISP. The use of these two programs allows Within the ‘best-case’ envelope (i.e. stiff raft
for the production of ‘intelligent’ springs as edges), differential settlement between adjacent
described by Cracknell [4]. An iterative process columns on the raft was a key consideration. The
between the two programs is required in order to largest differential observed was between edge
ensure strain compatibility. columns and columns on the next row. The raft
For analysis of the raft, the basement area was adjacent to the walls settled by circa 5mm, in line
split into four separate sections of approximately with the assumptions for the retaining walls,
50m x 100m (Figure 1); this was due to the whilst the middle of the raft settled by up to
overall size of the scheme and the varying 65mm. The maximum differential settlements
founding levels of the raft. It was initially were close to but within the limit of 1:500 set
considered that splitting the raft might under within the Employer’s Requirements.
predict settlements as the model would not allow Within the ‘worst-case’ envelope (i.e.
for the full ‘dishing’ effect of the structure. Each unstiffened edges), the differential settlement
analysis modelled the sections overlapping by between columns on the piled apron and those on
around 10m in order to prevent an the raft was the key consideration. Analysis
underestimation of the settlements. showed that these differential settlements
The core walls were modelled in order to exceeded the 1:500 limit. Although it was
provide additional stiffness to the raft structure. considered that the assumption that the retaining
The ‘best-case’ and ‘worst-case’ envelope for walls would provide no stiffness to the edge of
the retaining walls’ behaviour, within which the the raft was too conservative, the available
raft design had to comply, was achieved by information could not discount this scenario.
modelling the raft edges in two different ways. Therefore, it was proposed to provide for the use
One case assumed that the piles had a stiffening of hydraulic jacks beneath columns on the raft
effect on the edge of the raft. The walls were (where differential settlement limits might be
modelled in this example by assigning edge exceeded) so that they could be raised if they
nodes a constant stiffness that was kept separate settled too much. It was proposed that the raft
from the iterative process. The second case settlement was monitored during construction
assumed that the walls provided no additional before a final decision was made on including
stiffness to the edge of the raft. This case the jacks within the scheme. Analyses were
modelled edge nodes in the same way as the rest carried out for different stages in the construction
of the raft with the stiffness varying throughout process to predict the raft settlement against
the iterative process. which the monitoring results could be compared.
760 M. Miller et al. / Case Study: Design & Performance of Raft Foundation on Mercia Mudstone

Predicted design settlements were verified by research of the depth of influence of loaded areas
hand calculations and by comparison with case it is considered that due to the scale of the
study data. The Finite Element programme loading, the depth of influence assumed may
PLAXIS was used in order to confirm the have been an overestimate. The work of Charles
predicted settlements were of the correct order. [5] shows that the effect of increase in shear
strength with increase in effective stress on the
depth of influence can be significant for
9 MONITORING extensive surface loading. It is thought that
further research into the depth of influence of
It was expected that monitoring raft settlement loading for large scale rafts may provide useful
would provide a clear indication of whether tools for the future design of raft schemes.
jacking of the columns was required.
Unfortunately, many of the monitoring points on
the raft itself were destroyed during construction 11 CONCLUSION
so that there are incomplete records covering the
construction of the structure. There was Adopting a raft foundation solution for the
significantly more monitoring data from the basement structure rather than piles afforded
points on the capping beam. Figure 3 shows large programme savings and allowed greater
typical settlement responses over time for points flexibility in the phasing of construction.
adjacent to a core and more lightly loaded points. The raft analysis predicted settlements with an
average of approximately 35mm and a maximum
CB CB - Nr Core Raft - Nr Core Raft

of 65mm beneath cores. The monitoring results
Core Constructed

indicate that the raft is settling but not to the
amount predicted. However, a complete set of
monitoring data covering the raft area and full
Settlement (m)

construction programme was not obtained
Core Constructed
therefore a firm conclusion cannot be drawn.
-0.02 The results of the monitoring also suggest that
-0.025 the retaining walls have settled and are hence not
17/06/2007 06/08/2007 25/09/2007 14/11/2007 03/01/2008 22/02/2008 12/04/2008 01/06/2008 21/07/2008 09/09/2008 29/10/2008
as stiff as originally assumed at pre-tender.

Figure 3. Plot showing settlement (m) against time for points

on the raft and capping beam

[1] A.S. Howard, G. Warrington, K. Ambrose & J. G.

It is considered that the capping beam data Rees, A Formational Framework for the Mercia
indicates that the retaining walls do have some Mudstone Group (Triassic) of England and Wales,
stiffness but not to the extent assumed pre- BGS, Nottingham, 2008.
tender. The general trend of all of the data shows [2] J. A. Gannon, G. G. T. Masterton, W. A. Wallace & D.
Muir Wood, CIRIA Report 181: Piling in Weak Rock,
that the raft settled; but not to the extent CIRIA, London, 1999.
predicted. The jacking system was therefore not [3] R. J. Chandler & A. Forster, CIRIA Report 570: Engi-
required. neering in Mercia Mudstone, CIRIA, London, 2001.
[4] P. A. Cracknell, Design of Two Raft Foundations for
Buildings in London, from Design Applications for Raft
Foundations, Thomas Telford, London, 2000.
10 DISCUSSION [5] A. J. Charles, The Depth of Influence of Loaded Areas,
Geotechnique 46 (1996), 51–62.
During design the elastic halfspace depth was
assumed to equal the width of the raft and follow
a Boussinesq profile. Following subsequent
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 761
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Long-term settlement observations of a bridge

foundation on clay of very high plasticity
Observations en matière d'affaissement à long terme de
fondations de pont sur un argile de très haute plasticité
N. Okkels1, L. Bødker and B. Knudsen
GEO – Danish Geotechnical Institute, Sødalsparken 12, DK 8220 Brabrand

Four bridge piers, all of which are resting on preconsolidated clay of very high plasticity, have, since erection, had a measured
settlement of between 0.25m and 0.65m. This paper presents the settlement observations carried out over a period of more than
75 years. The settlements progress in a nearly linear manner when plotted against log time. Together with the observed fast
progress of the settlement, considering the extremely small permeability of the clay, this strongly suggests that primary
consolidation cannot be the primary cause of the observed settlements. Therefore, other causes must be found to explain the
observed behaviour. Some form of creep seems obvious. Perspective calculations strongly suggest that the observed behaviour is
primarily caused by plastic deformation, developed as a result of applied loads approaching the bearing capacity of the clay (too
little safety against bearing capacity failure). The piers with the smallest bearing capacity reserve have the greatest settlements,
and the slope of the seabed plays a crucial role.
Quatre piles de pont, reposant toutes sur de l’argile préconsolidé de très haute plasticité, présentent, depuis leur érection, un af-
faissement mesuré allant de 0,25 m à 0,65 m. Cet article présente les observations en matière d’affaissement effectuées sur une
période de plus de 75 ans. L’affaissement progresse de façon pratiquement linéaire lorsqu’il est calculé par rapport à l’instant de
relevé. Lié au caractère rapide de la progression d’affaissement observée, compte tenu de la perméabilité extrêmement faible de
l’argile, une telle linéarité semble pratiquement exclure la possibilité que les affaissements constatés soient essentiellement dus à
la consolidation primaire. Par conséquent, il convient de chercher d’autres causes au comportement observé. On constate à
l’évidence une certaine forme de fluage. Les calculs de perspective suggèrent avec insistence que le comportement observé est
essentiellement le fruit d'une déformation plastique, liée au fait que les charges appliquées se rapprochent de la capacité portante
de l’argile (marge trop faible par rapport à un défaut de capacité portante). Ce sont les piles soumises à la pression la plus forte
qui se sont le plus affaissées, et l’inclinaison du fond marin joue un rôle déterminant en la matière.

Keywords : Bridge pier, clay of very high plasticity, slickenside, preconsolidated, Paleogene, settlement observations, consolida-
tion, creep, oedometer modulus, permeability, undrained shear strength, vane shear strength, effective shear constants, plastic de-
formation, yielding, bearing capacity failure, safety ratio, stability, undrained condition, drained condition, PLAXIS calculations.

Corresponding Author.
762 N. Okkels et al. / Long-Term Settlement Observations of a Bridge Foundation on Clay


The old Little Belt Bridge which connects the

island of Fyn with the peninsula of Jylland was
opened on 14 May 1935.

The bridge crosses Little Belt (Lillebælt) on 4

piers, which are numbered 1-4 in the direction
from Fyn to Jylland, cf. Fig. 1. Water depth at
pier 1-3 is approx. 30 m, while at pier 4 it is only
approx. 23 m.

Figure 2. Cross-section of pier 3 [1]. The caisson in the

bottom of the pier is surrounded by a wall of pipes

Next, the water was pumped out of the pier,

and an approx. 3.5 m high work chamber was
dug under the caisson by hand. This work, which
despite high external water pressure, was carried
out at atmospheric pressure, led to huge settle-
ments due to soil failure below the pipe wall.
Figure 1. The old Little Belt Bridge is 1.178 metres long and L. Bjerrum estimated from back calculations
20.5 metres wide. The passage height is 33 metres. Fyn is of this soil failure that the undrained shear
seen in the distance. Photo: H.C. Steensen.
strength of the clay was of the magnitude of 100
kPa. The work chamber was then cast in con-
The lower part of the piers consists of a
crete, after which the settlement measurement of
caisson that was cast on shore and launched. Out
the pier began. Finally, the part above the sea
in the water, the caisson was turned by ballast,
was cast, and the steel bridge was laid on top of
and the elevated undersea portion of the piers
the piers [2].
were cast. Then the pier was put into place on the
bottom of the belt by ballast and helped into the
Table 1. Summary of geometry of pier, geometry of seabed,
substrata by drilling the ground up through the and forces acting on the soil beneath the piers [1], [3], [4].
concrete pipes surrounding the caisson, cf. Fig. The forces address the bottom of the work chamber.
2. Finally, the pipes was cast with concrete.
Pier 1 Pier 2 Pier 3 Pier 4
Foundation area 938 m2 938 m2 938 m2 632 m2
Soil pressure due to 355 374 388 464
dead load* (kPa)
Stress increase due 326 347 362 437
to dead load* (kPa)
Pier bottom level -34,2 -31,6 -31,6 -24,7
Seabed level, N -30,3 -30,6 -30,0 -19,6
Seabed slope**, N 3,5q -7,5q 4,5q 9,4q
Pipe wall level, N -40,1 -39,9 -39,9 -27,7
Seabed level, S -30,3 -26,1 -31,1 -22,7
Seabed slope**, S 3,5q 0q -7,6q -4,0q
Pipe wall level, S -40,1 -39,1 -39,9 -30,3
**: positive when the seabed rises away from pier.
*: The upward pressure (forces of buoyancy) is deducted.
N. Okkels et al. / Long-Term Settlement Observations of a Bridge Foundation on Clay 763

2 MEASUREMENTS OF SETTLEMENTS permeable base of the pier reduces the effective

unit weight of the clay.
After the work chambers below the piers were Another reason must therefore be found for
sealed up in 1932/33, levels to the top of the the surprising development in the settlement of
piers have constantly been taken in order to Piers 1 and 2. This could be an unfavourable
measure the settlement. The outcomes in the change in the seabed geometry, as a consequence
form of a 78-year unbroken series of measure- of the strong current in the Little Belt, although
ments are shown in Fig. 3. the emptying may just have been a triggering
During this period, it was repeatedly proven factor.
necessary to ballast some of the piers’ chambers The settlement data in Fig. 3 provides a
in order to control movement. Such incidents are unique opportunity to test and match our
marked in Fig. 3, showing that it is these varia- calculation models and our knowledge of the
tions in the load that cause most of the minor Little Belt Clay’s unique properties. It is,
deviations from the almost perfect straight lines therefore, not the first time that geotechnical
in the figure. engineers have directed attention towards the old
In contrast to the other piers, Pier 1 has an ap- bridge and its large settlements.
proximately 30-year settlement-free period. But Arne Jeppesen [1] did this in 1948, and in
in 1990 (year 57), it suddenly began to settle 1963 new investigations were performed in con-
again at a high rate, while Pier 2 also increased nection with the investigations for a new bridge
its settlement rate. These events paradoxically crossing Little Belt. They included 3 deep bor-
coincided with emptying of Pier 1, which until ings performed 50 - 100 m from pier 1 and 4 and
then was the only pier to have been completely many oedometer and triaxial tests. On this basis,
full of water. new strength and deformation parameters were
derived and new calculation models was deve-
   ! ! " 
loped [5]. Most recently, new investigations were
 launched in 2010 in connection with the design
of a fixed link across the Fehmern Belt between
 Denmark and Germany. The results from these
investigations are, however, only incorporated in
 this work to a limited extent.
Investigations on the piers’ concrete also

#   started in 2010. These have so far shown that the
#  measurement points are not likely to be substan-
 tially affected by the expansion from alkaline
silica reactions [6].
#  " &

The bridge piers are based on Little Belt Clay
Figure 3. Settlements (mm) of pier 1-4 from 1932 to 2010.
which is a clay of very high plasticity that was
deposited in an Eocene ocean that covered large
However, there is no plausible physical expla- parts of Denmark and the North Sea. In the Dan-
nation as to why emptying should result in set- ish Little Belt, the clay was deposited on an un-
tlements. On the contrary, emptying reduces the dersea bedrock ridge, so that deposit lies rela-
load on the subsoil, while the upward current tively high. Later the Ice Age glaciers have
forces from the water flow that the emptying ini- removed overlying younger pre-Quaternary de-
tiates from the Little Belt and in towards the posits, and erosion from the strait has subse-
quently removed the even younger Ice Age de-
764 N. Okkels et al. / Long-Term Settlement Observations of a Bridge Foundation on Clay

posits, so the Little Belt Clay is now exposed on rived relation between Eoed and the unload stress
the seabed. The glacial processes seem not to ^’unl is shown.
have disturbed the clay location significantly.
There is thus no sign that the glacial ice has '
K #;K
folded the clay or pushed it up in floe deposits
surrounded by younger deposits. Deep drilling in 
the area supports the picture of deposits left in

* & #
the right place, which means that there is uninter- 
rupted Paleogene clays of very high plasticity to
around level -130.

The Little Belt clay is strongly pre-loaded by
the weight of the eroded younger layers and by
* & #./+,- 0!
the weight of the many glaciers from the Quater- 
nary period.
+,- #
As a consequence of the heavy pre-loading,
the clay is today subject to horizontal pressure Figure 4. Oedometer modulus measured by IL-tests [8].
that significantly exceeds the vertical pressure. In
the surveys in 1963 L. Bjerrum [7] thus meas- The results showed that the smaller increase in
ured an at-rest coefficient K0 = 1.9 approxi- stress the higher oedometer modulus, and that
mately 7 m below the level of the seabed. there is no significant difference in the stiffness
In addition, the clay is slickensided because it of the clay in the three borings.
is crisscrossed by old sliding surfaces. The slips The clay’s permeability coefficient is meas-
might be caused by ice dynamics or release of ured in the range 5810-13 < k < 5810-11 m/sec [8].
ice pressure. The results of 18 IL tests, where samples were
Table 2. Indeks properties of Little Belt Clay [5].
horizontally consolidated, documents that the
permeability in the horizontal direction is around
Natural water content 38 - 48 %
Plasticity indeks 57 - 210 %
the same as in the vertical direction. It is still an
Unit weigth 17,4 - 18,7 kN/m3 open question, however, whether slickenside
contributes to a significant increase in the clay’s
The carbonate content is mostly small, but regional permeability.
highly calcareous layers without any apparent
regularity have been found (min. 1% and max. 3.2 Strength parameters
52%). The undrained shear strengths were measured
with triaxial tests (UU- and CUU=0) and in situ
3.1 Deformation properties vane tests [8]. The results are compared in Fig. 5,
In connection with the investigations in the and it is seen that they are moderately correlated.
sixties, oedometer IL-tests with 33 tube samples As a rather cautious mean value, cu = cv/3 is
taken from the borings were performed [8]. derived, where the vane strength cv represents the
The tests were typically run in stages up to a strength of the clay matrix and the reduction is
preconsolidation stress of 3,000 kPa and hereaf- due to slickenside and strain rates.
ter unloaded to the in situ stress – i.e. to between
25 and 400 kPa. Finally, the tests were reloaded
in steps back to the preconsolidation stress.
The oedometer modulus Eoed is determined as
the secant modulus on the reloaded curve for
stress increases of between 20 and 600 kPa. The
results are summarised in Fig. 4, where the de-
N. Okkels et al. / Long-Term Settlement Observations of a Bridge Foundation on Clay 765

M The settlement progress is on the whole rectilin-
ear in a log t view, as shown in Fig 3. The set-
tlements and their present rates are surprisingly

large – although rather varying despite relatively

uniform loads, geometry and subgrade:

Table 3. Summary of settlements 1932-2010.

 Pier 1 Pier 2 Pier 3 Pier 4
Total settlement
M 6  2010 (mm) 264 449 636 541
Settlement rate
Figure 5. Comparison of vane shear strength cv and undrained 2010 (mm/year) 3,03 1,83 1,86 0,95
shear strength cu derived from triaxial tests [8]. Settlement rate
in log t (mm/lct) 64*/465** 156 231 201
Trend lines for the vane shear strengths from *: before year 25 (1958)
the borings represent the strengths before placing *: after year 57 (1990)
the piers:
The settlements and settlement rates in Fig. 3
x Lower bound: cv (kPa) = 9.868d(m) + 146 and Table 3 are attempted modelled using
x Upper bound: cv (kPa) = 9.868d(m) + 226 PLAXIS calculations where, as described in sec-
tion 5, a traditional Mohr-Coulomb model is ap-
where d(m) is the depth below the sea bed. The plied using the soil parameters from section 3
lower bound strength is measured near pier 4 and forces and geometry from Table 1.
while the upper bound strength is measured near As expected, the calculations show that it is
pier 1. not possible to satisfactorily model the timeline
Also the effective shear constants c’ and ’ and size of the settlements. It has thus not been
were measured in triaxial tests (mainly CUU=0 possible to clearly identify a consolidation proc-
and CD) in 1964 [8]. The results are summarised ess in the settlement measurements. The time-
in Fig. 6, where also the derived effective shear lines seem completely dominated by a creep
strength constants are presented. The derived process. The question now is what this strong
values are smaller than expected from our gen- creep is due to, and why it varies so much from
eral experience. pier to pier.

+, 1 +,2#


L. Bjerrum [7] assessed that the strength of

QK6 the clay can be divided into a reliable mechanical

element and a less reliable electro-chemical ele-
ment, where the latter is dependent on the water
 that binds to the mineral surface. He believed
that for as long as the mobilised strength does
+, 0+,2# not exceed the mechanical element, the risk of
Figure 6. Selected triaxial test results and the derived
creep phenomena is minimal. The clay is in the
effective shear strength constants [8]. elastic area where the elasticity theory and tradi-
tional calculation methods can be used to predict
the related deformations.
766 N. Okkels et al. / Long-Term Settlement Observations of a Bridge Foundation on Clay

If, on the other hand, the mobilised strength indicating that the parameters are too small. To
exceeds the mechanical element, part of the dis- achieve the same safety ratio as with the un-
placement shear strength will be transferred via drained strength parameters (lower bound) the
the bound water, and there will therefore – with effective parameters must be increased to ’=
plastic clay – be a risk of creep of a dimension 15.6q and c’=55 kN/m2, which corresponds to the
that will increase the more the mobilised strength design values for the new Little Belt Bridge.
exceeds the reliable mechanical element. The The analyses performed also show that the
clay passes out into a “semi-plastic” area, where slope of the seabed is of great significance to the
the deformations cannot be determined by the safety ratio. A few degrees’ variation in the slope
customary methods. On minor overstepping of leads to significant changes in the safety ratio,
the mechanical element of the strength there is which can explain the very large differences in
only yielding at individual points and the sup- the piers’ settlement. Pier 1, which stands in a
plementary deformations in relation to the elastic hollow, thus has the lowest settlement, while pier
deformations are only minor. As the mobilised 3, which stands with the steepest seabed, has the
strength approaches the failure value, the extent greatest settlement.
of the yielding and plastic deformations in-
creases. In the failure state there is yielding in the
entire failure surface, resulting in very large de- 6 CONCLUSIONS
As a consequence, the resistance to failure is a The settlements’ straight-line course in a log
vital parameter in calculating the dimensions of t– depiction, their rapid appearance and their size
the current piers’ settlement. According to D.J. indicate that they are primarily caused by some
D’Apolonia et al. [9] plastic deformations begin type of creep, and that they are only due to con-
to occur when the failure resistance is less than solidation on a secondary basis.
approximately 2 for the plastic clays. Calculation of the Little Belt clay’s bearing
In order to investigate whether this applies, capacity using PLAXIS shows that the piers with
we have conducted a number of PLAXIS calcu- the smallest bearing capacity reserve have devel-
lations of the piers’ bearing capacity, with incor- oped the largest settlements, and the slope of the
poration of the presence of pipe walls, slope of seabed plays a crucial role.
the seabed and drainage. The calculations have Calculations of the bearing capacity per-
focused on pier 3. An axial symmetric geometric formed in both the undrained and drained condi-
model was used, applying a traditional Mohr- tion with effective strength parameters show that
Coulomb material model with deformation and the bearing capacity is smallest in the undrained
strength parameters as stated in the preceding condition.
sections. The permeability of the concrete is es- In summary, the results indicate that the
timated to be equivalent to that of the clay. bridge piers have been relatively close to failure
The calculations show that the degree of utili- in the undrained condition, so that there has been
sation of the bearing capacity for pier 3 is rela- rapid, strong settlement development as a conse-
tively high in both the undrained and drained quence of plastic deformations. As the excess
condition, with a safety ratio of less than 1.5. As pore pressure has drained away and the soil has
a consequence of the high utilisation of the soil moved towards the drained condition, there has
strength, in all of the calculations made there are gradually been more resistance to bearing capa-
large zones with plastic points, resulting in plas- city failure, resulting in diminishing plastic de-
tic deformations, and the settlement rate deviates formations [10].
considerably from the classical consolidation Pier 1 and 2’s settlement rates increased dras-
theory (s-shape in log t depiction). tically in 1990 probably because the seabed ge-
The undrained condition is also investigated ometry was changed by sea currents. But it
with effective strength parameters, which gives could, at worst, be due to a reduction of the ef-
reason for a safety ratio of less than 1 (failure)
N. Okkels et al. / Long-Term Settlement Observations of a Bridge Foundation on Clay 767

fective strength parameters against residual val-



Thanks to Knud V. Christensen, Rail Net

Denmark, John Frederiksen, Rambøll Danmark
A/S, and Femern Bælt A/S for releasing settle-
ment measurements and as-built documentation.


[1] A. Jeppesen. The foundation problems of the piers of

the Little Belt Bridge. Proc. 2. Int. Conf. Soil Mech.,
Vol. IV, p. 5, Rotterdam 1948.
[3] Drawing of the old Little Belt Bridge (as built), 1934.
DSB (Danish State Railways).
[4] Longitudinal section & site plan 1:2000 (with seabed
contours), 1963, Chr. Ostenfeld & W. Jønson.
[5] J.B. Hansen and T. Mise, An empirical evaluation of
consolidation tests with Little Belt Clay. Bulletin no.
17, Danish Geotechnical Institute, 1964.
[6] K. V. Christensen and J. Bjerrum, The big old bridges.
Dansk Vejtidsskrift, nr. 1, 2000 (in Danish).
[7] L. Bjerrum, New Little Belt Bridge, provisional geo-
technical assessment of foundation conditions for tower
piers and anchor blocks. Oslo, 1963 (in Norwegian).
[8] GEO, New Little Belt Bridge at Lyngs Point, Report 3
and 5 from GEO-project 60157, 1964 (in Danish).
[9] D.J. D’Apolonia, H.G. Poulos and C.C. Ladd, Initial
settlement of structures on clay. Journal of Soil Me-
chanics and Foundations Division, 1971, pp. 1359-
[10] R. Foott and C.C. Ladd, Undrained Settlement of Plas-
tic and Organic Clays, Journal of the Geotechnical En-
gineering Division, ASCE, 107, No. GT8, 1984, pp.
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 769
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Bearing capacity of shallow foundations under

highly eccentric and inclined loads
La capacité portante des fondations superficielles sous des
charges très excentriques et inclinées
V. Papadopoulos1, A. Arapakou
National Technical University, Athens, Greece

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the main factors affecting the characteristic resistance of shallow foundations sub-
jected to inclined and highly eccentric loadings through numerical limit analyses. The parametric analyses are performed accord-
ing to the finite element method by using computer programs PLAXIS 2-D and 3-D for strip and square foundations. The results
from these analyses are compared with those deduced by the conventional methods for calculating the bearing capacity of the
soil. Cases of cohesive soils under undrained conditions as well as of cohesionless soils are examined. For the simplest cases,
such as central loading with or without inclination of the resultant and vertical eccentric loading, certain modifying factors are
confirmed. A good approximation between the results from finite element analyses and those from the conventional methods is
also concluded. On the contrary, the simultaneous effect of high eccentricity and inclination of the resultant shows that the finite
element method results in considerably higher values of the characteristic resistance, mainly for square foundations resting on
cohesionless soils.
Le but de cette étude est d’examiner l’ analyse limite numérique des paramètres affectant la résistance caractéristique des
fondations superficielles sous des charges inclinées et très excentriques. Les analyses paramétriques ont réalisées en utilisant la
méthode des éléments finis et des programmes d’ application Plaxis 2D et 3D pour fondations avec semelles fillantes ou
quadrangulaires. Les résultats des analyses ont été comparés avec ceux des méthodes conventionnelles de calcul de la capacité
portante du sol. Les cas de sols cohérents sous des conditions non-drainés et les cas de sols non-cohérents ont été examinés. Pour
les cas simples tels que la charge centrale et inclinée ou non inclinée et la charge excentrique et verticale certain facteurs
modifiants, généralement reconnus, ont confirmés et une bonne approximation des résultats de la FEM avec celles des méthodes
conventionnelles a trouvée. Au contraire, pour les excentricités fortes et simultanément l’ inclinaison de la résultante, la méthode
des éléments finis conduit à des valeurs significativement plus élevées de la résistance caractéristique, en particulier pour les
fondations quadrangulaires sur des sols non cohésifs.

Keywords: eccentricity, inclination, bearing capacity, shallow foundations.

1 INTRODUCTION well-known trinomial equations, according to

which the ultimate bearing capacity of the soil is
The case of a shallow foundation subjected to estimated for the simple case of a strip footing
eccentric and inclined loading is practically a subjected to central and vertical loading. Several
three dimensional problem. For this general case, suggestions are formulated for these factors, such
modifying factors are used in order to adapt the as according to Meyerhof [1], Brinch Hansen [2],

Corresponding Author.
770 V. Papadopoulos and A. Arapakou / Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations

Vesic [3], whose differences are systematically

commented (e.g. Poulos, [4]). In addition, there Q=Vk=A (c Ncov cKc+a 1dNdov dKd+a 2b Nbov bKb) (1a)
are comparisons with experimental results (e.g. R=Vk=A (c Ncscic+q Nqsqiq+0,5a B Nasaia) (1b)
Muhs and Weiss, [5]; Aiban and Znidarcic, [6]),
or with advanced methods of analysis. During In the formulas (1a) and (1b), the effective
the last years a widespread application of the width in the direction of the horizontal
numerical limit analysis with methods of finite component is b =B and the effective surface is
differences or finite elements has begun. A . Beyond the difference between the
In practice, there are often cases of combined symbolisms, substantial differences between the
loading on to the foundation, where the moment above formulas do not exist, except for the
M and the horizontal component H have reducing slope factor in the term of the
relatively high values compared with the vertical foundation depth (Kd and iq, respectively).
one V. This results in high eccentricity values However, the results from the formulas (1a) and
compared with the width of the foundation b and (1b) are almost identical, since the divergences
simultaneously in high values of the slope angle do not exceed 4% for usual values of the
of the resultant (1=arctanH/V). A typical case of normalized foundation depth d/b.
such loadings is the foundation of bridge piers The numerical analyses are carried out by the
under seismic actions. The maximum value of finite element method codes Plaxis 2D and
the normalized eccentricity is generally e/b=1/3. Plaxis 3D for the strip and the square footing,
Specifically the Eurocode [7] does not consider respectively. For all cases, footings are
the above value as the threshold, but sets specific considered as rigid. The characteristic loads
restrictions on the examination of whether this (resistances) Vk deduced by the above numerical
can be overcome. The investigation of the safety analyses are compared with the corresponding
margins with high eccentricity values is ones Vk,o according to the approximate closed
attempted in the present paper, through finite formed solutions (1a) or mainly (1b), which are
element analyses as well as relevant comparisons the reference values. The characteristic resistance
are made with conventional methods of Vk is generally calculated by selecting an initial
calculation, because of practical interest, in line value of the load V as input parameter which is
with the spirit of EC–7.1. lower than Vk, and then through the process of
incremental multipliers, that is, gradual increase
in the initial load V. Especially for the centrally
2 METHODOLOGY OF THE ANALYSES loaded strip footing the process of prescribed
displacements is applied, that is, gradual increase
The parametric analyses are conducted for the in the vertical displacements.
following cases: a) Soil simulation: i) purely
cohesive soil under undrained conditions, ii)
cohesionless soil, b) Geometric data: strip or 3 COMPARISON OF THE RESULTS
square footing, founded on the surface (d=0) or CONCERNING COHESIVE SOIL UNDER
with normalized foundation depth (d/b). The UNDRAINED CONDITIONS
results of these analyses are compared with those
deduced by conventional methods of calculation This case applies particularly in foundations rest-
especially according to DIN 4017 [8] and to ing on low permeability soils under seismic con-
Annex D of Eurocode EC–7.1 [7]. Based on the ditions. Since there is no particular practical im-
above approximate methodologies, the vertical portance for the foundation depth d, only
component of the ultimate load (characteristic superficial footings were examined (d=0).
resistance Vk) for a foundation with horizontal a) Strip foundations: First of all, for strip
bottom surface (which is the most common case) foundations, the equivalent bearing capacity fac-
can be estimated by the formulas (1a) and (1b) tor was estimated throughout load–settlement di-
from the methods [8] and [7], correspondingly: agrams according to the finite element results. In
V. Papadopoulos and A. Arapakou / Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations 771

any case, the value of this factor, calculated

Nc=5,2, coincides with the theoretical one
N=2+ª under undrained conditions.
The influence of the eccentricity of the load
was independently examined under vertical ac-
tions on the foundation surface for various rela-
tive eccentricities, e/b. This influence was taken
into account through the equivalent foundation
width, b =b-2e, as well as through the equivalent
surface, A . The results from the finite element
analyses showed good approximation with the
above assumption. The loading system V, M, il-
lustrated in Fig. 1, corresponds to eccentricity of
the vertical load e=M/V. When Vk,o is the ulti-
mate action under central loading, then there is a
parabolic correlation between the M/(Vk,ob) and
Vk/Vk,o ratios, depicted in the dimensionless dia-
gram. The envelope, as shown in the correspond- Figure 2. Strip foundation on cohesive soil under eccentric
ing figure, has a practical meaning only until the and inclined load: Characteristic resistance ratio
“allowable” relative eccentricity reaches its max-
imum value max(e/b)=1/3. The relative eccentricity (e/b) and the
inclination (tan1) values are compared and illus-
trated through the Vk/Vk,o ratio, where Vk is the
ultimate vertical resultant deduced by the finite
element analyses. Especially for the central load-
ing (e/b=0) under variable inclination values
tan1, it should be observed that Vk/Vk,o=1. There-
fore, the finite element results coincide with the
predictions resulted from the equations (2a) and
(2b). For vertical loading (tan1=0) and under va-
riable relative eccentricity values (e/b), there is
also convergence between the finite element re-
sults and the analytical predictions (Vk/Vk,o=1).
On the contrary, finite element method shows
that the simultaneous effect of eccentricity and
inclination results in Vk values higher than Vk,o.
High values of relative eccentricity and inclina-
tion lead to maximum values of the Vk/Vk,o ratio.
Figure 1. V-M failure loci for strip foundation on cohesive
It seems that for high eccentricities and simulta-
soil (undrained conditions) neously under strong inclination tan1 the ap-
proximate methods underestimate the ultimate
The corresponding prediction results under load – characteristic resistance of the foundation.
simultaneous eccentric and inclined loading b) Square foundations: Firstly, the shape fac-
(tan1=H/V), presented in Fig. 2, are determined tor of the cohesion term was estimated (equa-
by the following equations: tions (1a) or (1b)) for the central vertical loading.
It is then showed that this factor is equal to that
Vk,o=A (cuNcoKc) (2a) provided by the respective methodologies
where Kc=0,5+0,5[1-(H/A cu)]0,5 (2b) (vc=sc=1,2).
772 V. Papadopoulos and A. Arapakou / Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations

The analyses focused on examining cases of high values of internal friction angle, though for
high eccentricity conditions. For the normalized comparison reasons they cover a range
eccentricity e/b=1/3, practically regarded as the fluctuating from  =289 to 459.
maximum one, the ultimate loads – characteristic
loads Vk were estimated and compared with the
loads Vk,o generated by the equations (1a) and
(1b) for square footings, according to Fig. 3. It is
generally observed that Vk/Vk,o>1, and this ratio
increases with the increase in the slope of the re-
sultant tan1. Even for tan1=0 (vertical loading) it
is concluded that Vk>Vk,o, while for high slopes
the numerical limit analysis gives up to 70%
higher values. Thus, it can be pointed out that the
conventional methods seem to underestimate the
ultimate load when eccentricity and inclination
of the load resultant occur simultaneously.

Figure 4. Comparison of inclination factors (in terms of the

width), for strip foundation on cohesionless soil

The slope factor in terms of the foundation

width, Kb or ia (according to equations (1a) and
(1b)), was initially estimated in the context of the
independent, as possible, examination of certain
influence factors. A strip footing centrally loaded
with inclined resultant and with d=0 was consid-
ered. Figure 4 shows the results of the finite ele-
ment analyses, the widely accepted analytical re-
lation for the reducing slope factor and
experimental data by Aiban and Znidarcic [6].
Figure 3. Square foundation on cohesive soil under high ec- The analyses and Fig. 4 resulted in the following:
centricity conditions and inclined load: Characteristic i) The slope factor Kb=ia (according to equations
resistance ratio (1a) and (1b)) based on the parametric analyses
with finite element methods for a range of values
from  =289 to 45o, emerged as independent of
4 EVALUATION OF THE RESULTS the  angle, as provided by the widely accepted
CONCERNING COHESIONLESS SOIL approximate analytical relation:

Strip and square foundations are examined, Kb=ia=(1-tan1)3 (3)

resting at a depth d below the soil surface
through the normalized value d/b. The special ii) Numerical analyses gave almost equal values
case where the foundation rests on the soil with those of the analytical relation (3). Experi-
surface (d=0), although examined by many mental centrifuge results by Aiban and Znidarcic
researchers (e.g. Apostolou et al, [9]), is [6] gave slightly higher values of this slope fac-
uncommon in practice. The finite element tor.
analyses were conducted mainly for relatively
V. Papadopoulos and A. Arapakou / Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations 773

rate of this increase as well as the Vk/Vk,o values

are higher.
ii) The increase in the relative foundation depth
d/b results in the increase in Vk/Vk,o ratio. This is
also clear from the comparison between the re-
sults of Figure 5 (for d=0) and those of Figure 6
(for d/b=1/3 and 2/3) for the same angle of inter-
nal friction,  =309.

Figure 5. Strip foundation on cohesionless soil under eccen-

tric – inclined load: Characteristic resistance ratio

The results of the numerical analyses are spe-

cially commented as follows:
a) Strip foundations: Figure 5 is indicative of the
simultaneous effect of eccentricity and inclina-
tion of the resultant for strip footing resting on
the soil surface (d=0) and for the specific case
where  =309. The values of the characteristic re- Figure 6. Strip foundation on cohesionless soil under highly
sistance based on conventional solutions, Vk,o, eccentric and inclined load: Characteristic resistance ratio
were calculated according to equations (1a) or
(1b) which lead to identical results. For the case b) Square foundations: Corresponding results of
of a highly inclined load (tan1=0,40) with a si- Figure 6 are illustrated on Figure 7 for square
multaneous normalized eccentricity lower than footings under the high eccentricity e=b/3. The
0,20, F.E.M. turns out lower bearing capacity trends ascertained for the strip foundations are
values than the analytical solutions do. This now confirmed, that is, the estimated ultimate
could be explained by the fact that bearing ca- load values Vk according to F.E.M. are higher
pacity factors in terms of width resulting from than those Vk,o according to the conventional me-
F.E.M. are generally lower than the correspond- thods. It is noted that the Vk/Vk,o ratios for square
ing Nbo=0,5Na and at the same time the inclina- footings are significantly higher than the corre-
tion factor for this high value tan1=0,40 is sponding ones for strip foundations. The
slightly lower than the corresponding factors influence of the relative foundation depth d/b
Kb=ia. The Vk/Vk,o ratio significantly increases as seems to be also very important on the
the normalized eccentricity e/b increases. There- overestimation ratio Vk/Vk,o. During the
fore, for the particular high value e=b/3, further calculation of the “conventional” ultimate load
investigation versus other parameters and data values Vk,o the influence of the foundation depth
had an important meaning. is introduced in the corresponding term of the
Figure 6 concludes to the following: equations (1a) and (1b) only through the loading
i) It is generally observed that the ratio Vk/Vk,o q =a 1d. From this perspective the introduction of
increases as inclination tan1 increases. For the further modifying factors due to foundation
lower values of the internal friction angle ’ the depth seems to be even qualitatively confirmed,
as Meyerhof [1] done.
774 V. Papadopoulos and A. Arapakou / Bearing Capacity of Shallow Foundations

with depth d subjected to high eccentricity and

inclination the ultimate load values Vk are esti-
mated much higher than those according to con-
ventional methods, Vk,o. For square footings rest-
ing on cohesionless soil the ratio Vk/Vk,o is
estimated with significantly higher values than
the respective ones for strip foundations, when
subjected to high eccentricities and inclined load-
The above conclusions show that the simulta-
neous effect of high eccentricity and inclination
of the loads does not seem to be attributed by the
product of the relevant reducing factors.
In conclusion, for high eccentricity condi-
tions, in the order of e/b=1/3, under inclined
loading, it seems that conventional methods of
calculation underestimate considerably the ulti-
mate loads. This could have an important mean-
Figure 7. Square foundation on cohesionless soil under high- ing when examining the acceptance of the nor-
ly eccentric and inclined load: Characteristic resistance ratio malized eccentricities which slightly exceeds the
above “ultimate” value.

Simple cases were initially investigated in order
to confirm the relative and widely accepted mod- [1] G. G. Meyerhof, Some recent research on the bearing
capacity of foundations, Canadian Geotech. J., 1, No 1
ifying factors. (1963), 16-26.
The case of the strip foundation resting on [2] J. Brinch Hansen, A revised and extended formula for
cohesive soil under undrained conditions showed bearing capacity, Danish Geotech. Inst. Bull 28 (1970),
that there is a good approximation between the 5-11.
[3] A. S. Vésic, Bearing capacity of shallow foundations,
results deduced by numerical limit analyses and Foundation Engineering handbook, H. F. Winterkom
the corresponding ones by conventional methods and H. Y. Fang, eds, Van Nostrand Reinfold, New York
for eccentric but vertical loading and also for (1975), 121-145.
central and inclined loading. This convergence [4] H. Poulos, Foundations and retaining structures - Re-
search and practice. General Report, Proc. 15th Int.
has been already reported for relative finite ele- Conf. S.M.G.E., (2001), 4, 2533-2548.
ment analyses in the past. On the contrary, for [5] H. Muhs and K. Weiss, Inclined load tests on shallow
excessive eccentric and inclined loading, finite strip footings, Proc. 8th Int. Conf. S.M.F.E., (1973), 1,
element analyses gave significantly higher ulti- 173-179.
[6] S. A. Aiban and D. Znidarcic, Centrifugal modeling of
mate loads Vk. The case of the square foundation bearing capacity of shallow foundations on sands, J.
proved the widely accepted value of the shape Geotech. Engng. ASCE, 121, No 10 (1995), 704-712.
factor vc=sc=1,20. However, considerably higher [7] EN 1997 – 1 Eurocode 7 Geotechnical Design Part 1:
values of the load Vk deduced for cases with si- General Rules. TC 250 Comité Européen de Normalisa-
tion (2004), Brussel Belgium.
multaneous effect of eccentricity and inclination [8] DIN V 4017-100: Baugrund-Berechnung des Grund-
of the resultant. bruchwiderstands von Flachgründungen (1996, 2006).
For the strip foundation resting on cohe- [9] M. Apostolou, N. Gerolymos, D. Rizos, G. Gazetas,
sionless soil, it is demonstrated that the widely Bearing capacity of rectangular foundation under in-
clined eccentric loading (in Greek), 5th Hellenic Conf.
accepted value of the inclination factor Kb=ia de- on Geot. and Geoenv. Eng. (2006), 3, 151-158.
pends only on the slope tan1, and is independent
of the friction angle  . However, for foundations
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 775
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Kinematic interaction between retaining walls and

retained footings under dynamic loading
Interaction cinématique entre les murs de soutènement et les
fondations conservées sous chargement dynamique
G. Papazafeiropoulos and Y. Tsompanakis1
Technical University of Crete, Greece
P.N. Psarropoulos
Hellenic Air-Force Academy, Greece

In this study the kinematic soil–foundation interaction problem for a massless surface strip footing retained by a wall is exam-
ined. Transfer functions for horizontal, vertical and rocking response of the foundation are evaluated via two different ap-
proaches that utilize the finite element method. Satisfactory agreement is shown to exist between them. Moreover, the vertical
and rocking accelerations of the foundation are compared to its horizontal acceleration. It is shown that the presence of the re-
taining wall alters substantially the foundation response and introduces significant vertical and rocking motion.

Cette étude examiné le problème de la cinématique interaction entre le sol et la fondation en cas d'une fondation superficielle
sans masse retenue par un mur. Les fonctions de transfert pour la réponse horizontale, verticale et basculement de la fondation
sont évaluées à deux approches différentes qui utilisent la méthode des éléments finis. Un accord satisfaisant à exister entre eux.
En outre, les accélérations verticales et les accélérations du basculement de la fondation sont comparées à son accélération hori-
zontale. Il est montré que la présence du mur de soutènement modifie considérablement la réponse de la fondation et instaure
importants mouvements verticaux et à bascule.

Keywords: Kinematic interaction, dynamic response, retaining walls, footings, soil-foundation interface.

1 INTRODUCTION sumed massless, is certainly different from the

free-field motion. FFM is mainly comprised of
One of the most usual assumptions made regard- horizontal motion components, while FIM is
ing the seismic motion at the soil surface is that it likely to include horizontal, vertical, rocking and
is spatially invariant; this means that various torsional motions that depend on the mechanical
points are excited synchronously and experience and geometrical characteristics of the foundation
the same free-field motion (FFM). This situation and the soil. The difference in the response of the
refers to the motion at the soil-foundation inter- structure computed for FIM and the correspond-
face when no structure is present. Foundation in- ing one derived from FFM is the so-called kine-
put motion (FIM), which is the motion experi- matic interaction (KI) effect. Note that seismic
enced by the foundation of a structure when both norms worldwide ignore that effect, assuming
the foundation and the superstructure are as- that FIM and FFM are identical.

Corresponding Author.
776 G. Papazafeiropoulos et al. / KI Between Retaining Walls and Retained Footings

As far as wave propagation in the soil is con-  Usage of spatial average of the free field
cerned, kinematic interaction is associated with motion (or a selected function, e.g. Fourier
two main dynamic phenomena [1]: spectrum) of the points lying into the foun-
 The ground motion incoherence, which re- dation-soil interface.
sults from waves emanating from different  Approximation of the spatial variation of
points of an extended source that may arrive the ground motion in the frequency domain
at the foundation at different instants and with a suitable analytic function that is used
with different angles of incidence. Their to calculate spatial weighted averages of the
amplitude and phase may be affected by lo- free field motions at the points of interest, in
cal geologic heterogeneities and by reflec- which the weights are usally linear func-
tions and diffractions around the foundation. tions of position.
 The wave passage effect, which results from  The previous approach with the contact
waves impinging the foundation at a finite problem between the foundation and the soil
angle, leads to differential motion of two treated as a mixed boundary-value problem.
adjacent points, even when the wave front is
plane and propagates in a perfectly homo- In the present study the effect of interaction
geneous medium. These two motions are between a rigid surface strip foundation and its
identical, except from a time delay between underlying soil retained by a wall relatively close
them [2], which is the sole source of the to the foundation is addressed. Emphasis is given
spatial variation of the soil motion. on the kinematic effect, as the inertial effect has
been examined by the authors in [10]. Dynamic
Results about the former effect can be found in response of the foundation is given in terms of
[3-6], while the latter has been studied in [7,8]. transfer functions. The finite element results are
Regarding foundation response, kinematic inter- compared with approximate results for the foun-
action may be caused by base-slab averaging, dation motion obtained by the spatial average of
embedment effects and wave scattering [9]. the free field acceleration of the points along the
Relatively little is known about the latter, since soil-foundation interface (Average Ground Mo-
in most cases it coexists with the more important tion approach, AGM), namely by the relations:
base-slab averaging and/or embedment effects. N

Base-slab averaging effects result from wave Ah , w # ¦a

i 1
h /N (1)
fields which have an angle of incidence relative
to the vertical, or which are incoherent in time
and space. Free-field motions associated with in-
Av , w # ¦a
i 1
v /N (2)
clined and/or incoherent wave fields are “aver-
§ N 1 a i ·
aged” within the footprint area of the base-slab Ar , w # ¨ ¦ v ¸ / N  1 (3)
due to the kinematic constraint of essentially ri- © i 1 Li  L ¹
gid-body motion of the slab. Translational base-
where ahi, avi are the complex-valued horizontal
slab motions are reduced relative to the free-
and vertical accelerations, Li is the distance of a
field, while rocking of the base-slab can also oc-
point from the wall top and Ah,w, Av,w and Ar,w
cur in the presence of inclined SV or P waves.
denote the amplitudes of the horizontal, vertical
These effects tend to become more significant as
and rotational acceleration of the foundation.
frequency increases. The effects of the spatial
Cases of kinematic wall-soil-foundation inter-
variation of the free-field ground motion on the
action are illustrated in Figure 1. Exception is
dynamic response of extended foundations can
case (a) where no KI is present, and conse-
be assessed by the following approaches [4]:
quently the superstructure is not kinematically
 Empirical methods, in which the motion of stressed. In that case vertically propagating co-
light foundations is compared with the free herent SH waves will be present in the soil layer
field ground motion. and there will be no differential motion among
structure’s footings. This is not the case in situa-
G. Papazafeiropoulos et al. / KI Between Retaining Walls and Retained Footings 777

tions (b), (c) and (d), even if the structures and at the bedrock. A rigid massless strip footing lies
their foundations are considered massless; the on the surface of the soil layer, with which it is in
existence of a substantial vertical boundary con- tied contact, an assumption generally valid for
dition near a foundation (represented by a wall in cohesive soils. Since foundation is massless, in-
(c), an adjacent structure with basement wall in ertial wall-soil-foundation interaction is avoided.
(b), or multiple level foundation in (d) introduces The wall has modulus of elasticity Ew, Pois-
a dependence of the foundation response on its son’s ratio /w=0.2, thickness tw=0.2m and height
relative distance from the wall. Thus, founda- H=8m and its compliance can result from struc-
tions at larger distances will respond differently tural flexibility (index dw) and/or rotational com-
from those cited closer to the boundary, which pliance at its base (via a rotational spring of con-
leads to kinematic loading of the superstructure. stant R¬ and expressed by the index d¬), as it is
totally constrained against horizontal displace-
ment at its base. Two extreme cases were con-
sidered for the wall-soil interface (WSI): (a) fully
bonded WSI (i.e. no relative slip) and (b) smooth
WSI (i.e., no shear stress).

Figure 2. The examined wall-soil-foundation system.

Figure 1. Surface foundations; kinematic wall-soil-foundation In the present study two-dimensional numeri-
interaction appears in cases (b), (c) and (d). cal simulations of the retaining system depicted
in Figure 2 were conducted utilizing the finite-
element code ABAQUS ([11]). The retained soil
2 SYSTEM CONSIDERED layer was discretized with 8-noded bi-quadratic
plane strain quadrilaterals, while the foundation
The wall-soil-foundation system considered in and the retaining wall were modeled using 3-
this study is shown in Figure 2. Note that the node quadratic plane strain shear flexible beam
term “wall” does not necessarily mean retaining elements. The foundation halfwidth is B=1.6m
wall, but it signifies any possible vertical bound- and the distance between its center and the top of
ary condition imposed to the soil layer. A semi- the wall is L=2.4m. Material damping ratio ? of
infinite homogeneous and isotropic soil layer of the whole system is of the constant hysteretic
constant thickness H=8m is considered, retained type and equal to 5% of the critical. The parame-
by a massless wall which can be either rigid or ters that have been examined are the following:
flexible. Along the soil-rock interface horizontal  The relative structural flexibility of the wall
and vertical fixity is assumed; the soil layer is (with respect to the soil), dw=12GH3(1-
free at its upper surface and it extends theoreti- /w2)/(Ewtw3), which takes the values 0 (rigid
cally to infinity at the left hand side. Vertical ki- wall) and 40 (flexible wall).
nematic constraints were used at that side (which  The relative rotational compliance of the
lies at a horizontal distance equal to 40H from wall (with respect to the soil) given by
the wall) in order to simulate the one- d¬=GH2/R¬, which takes the value 0
dimensional soil layer response. The soil layer is (clamped wall) and 5 (rotationally compli-
characterized by its density © = 1800 kg/m3, ant wall).
modulus of elasticity E = 175.62MPa, Poisson’s  The type of WSI (bonded or smooth).
ratio /, and critical damping ratio ?. A harmonic
steady-state excitation is imposed on the system
778 G. Papazafeiropoulos et al. / KI Between Retaining Walls and Retained Footings

 The dimensionless frequency f /f0, where f0 the acceleration amplitude of the FFM. For the
is the fundamental eigenfrequency of the rotational transfer functions the rotational accel-
soil layer and f is the frequency of the im- eration amplitude multiplied by the foundation
posed harmonic excitation. halfwidth B is divided by the free field accelera-
tion. The index “w” denotes “wall” and “ff” de-
BONDED WSI notes “free field”.

1.2 3.1 Bonded WSI

In the case of bonded WSI the various transfer
A h ,w 0.8 functions versus the dimensionless frequency are
A h ,ff 0.6 shown in Figures 3-5. The minima for both rigid
and flexible wall occur at the same frequencies,
AGM approach-dw=d¬=0
which are odd multiples of the soil eigenfre-
0.2 AGM approach-dw=40,d¬=5
quency f0. This happens because for those fre-
0 quencies the dynamic amplification of the free
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
field ground motion is maximized. The reverse
f / f0
happens for even multiples of the soil eigenfre-
Figure 3. Transfer function for horizontal acceleration for quency, as the transfer function becomes maxi-
bonded WSI. mum and the soil amplification minimum.
The same trends are observed for the other
BONDED WSI two transfer functions. It seems that the vertical
and rocking transfer functions are higher for ri-
gid walls than for flexible walls. This is ex-
plained by the fact that due to the horizontal con-
straint imposed by the wall, part of the horizontal
A v,w 0.5
vibrational motion of the foundation is converted
A h,ff 0.4
into vertical or rocking motion. This phenome-
non is more apparent for the rigid retaining wall.
0.2 AGM approach-dw=d¬=0
0.1 AGM approach-dw=40,d¬=5 BONDED WSI
KI-dw=40,d¬=5 0.9
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.8
AGM approach-dw=d ¬=0
f / f0 0.7
AGM approach-dw=40,d ¬=5
0.6 KI-dw=40,d ¬=5
Figure 4. Transfer function for vertical acceleration for A r,w B 0.5
bonded WSI.
A h,ff 0.4



The layout of the model examined in this study 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
implies that kinematic interaction will be a result f / f0
of only base-slab averaging. The dynamic re-
Figure 5. Transfer function for rotational acceleration for
sponse of the foundation is calculated in terms of bonded WSI.
transfer functions, which relate the free field soil
acceleration and the acceleration of the founda-
tion (horizontal, vertical, and rocking). For hori-
zontal and vertical accelerations, the correspond-
ing transfer functions are taken equal to the ratio
of the acceleration amplitude of the foundation to
G. Papazafeiropoulos et al. / KI Between Retaining Walls and Retained Footings 779

3.2 Smooth WSI tion in the degree of freedom considered and,

thus, increased dynamic kinematic interaction.
The transfer functions for smooth WSI are plot-
ted in Figures 6, 7 and 8. While the horizontal 1
AGM approach-dw=d¬=0
transfer function in the case of bonded WSI de- 0.9 KI-dw=d¬=0
0.8 AGM approach-dw=40,d¬=5
creases for both flexible and rigid wall, in the 0.7

case of smooth WSI it seems that the transfer 0.6

A r,w B
function increases in the quasi-static frequency 0.5
A h,ff
range for the flexible wall and decreases for the 0.4
rigid wall. In general, the same trends with Fig- 0.2
ures 3, 4 and 5 are observed. The major differ- 0.1
ence in the case of smooth WSI is the fact that 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
the vertical and rotational transfer functions for f / f0
flexible walls are generally larger than the corre-
sponding ones for rigid walls. Figure 8. Transfer function for rotational acceleration for
smooth WSI.
AGM approach-dw=d¬=0
1.6 KI-dw=d¬=0
AGM approach-dw=40,d¬=5

A h ,w 1

A h ,ff 0.8




0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f / f0

Figure 6. Transfer function for horizontal acceleration for

smooth WSI.
Figure 9. Relative vertical acceleration of the foundation.

2.5 AGM approach-dw=d¬=0

2 AGM approach-dw=40,d¬=5
A v,w
A h,ff


0 1 2 3 4 5 6
f / f0

Figure 7. Transfer function for vertical acceleration for

smooth WSI. Figure 10. Relative rocking acceleration of the foundation.

The general agreement between the AGM ap-

proach and the corresponding finite element so-
lution is quite satisfactory. It has to be noted that
large difference between the two approaches may
imply increased dynamic distress of the founda-
780 G. Papazafeiropoulos et al. / KI Between Retaining Walls and Retained Footings

4 RELATIVE VERTICAL AND ROCKING The main conclusion of the current study is that
FOUNDATION RESPONSE the presence of a retaining wall adjacent to a sur-
face strip footing can alter substantially the im-
In Figures 9 and 10 the relative vertical and rock- posed motion. This phenomenon is not taken into
ing acceleration, respectively, are shown with re- account in seismic norms such as EC8, as in this
spect to the horizontal acceleration of the foun- case the aforementioned guidelines would pre-
dation. It is observed that in the case of rigid wall dict neither vertical or rocking response, nor dy-
the vertical and rocking acceleration become namic distress of the foundation itself caused by
maximum at a frequency equal to f = 3f0. The the base-slab averaging effect in certain fre-
higher of the two maxima for each graph corre- quency ranges. This study has proven that kine-
sponds to bonded WSI. This may be explained matic interaction between a surface foundation
by considering the kinematic constraints imposed and an underlying homogeneous linear elastic
by a rigid and bonded WSI. The retained soil, horizontal soil layer fixed on rigid bedrock can
unable to translate or slide, is compelled to move occur even if the foundation is not embedded.
vertically, hence, the increased maxima of Fig- Possible reasons causing this phenomenon could
ures 9 and 10 occur. When the wall is flexible, be the presence of adjacent retaining walls and/or
then the forces exerted by the wall are signifi- other underground structures (e.g., metro tunnels,
cantly lower (and the tendency to vertical re- etc).
sponse of the soil decreased). If in addition the
vertical movement of the soil at the WSI is con-
strained (bonded WSI) the minimum vertical and REFERENCES
rocking response will result as it is depicted in [1] A.S. Veletsos, and A.M. Prasad, Seismic interaction of
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[6] A. Pais, and E. Kausel, Stochastic response of founda-
case of flexible and smooth wall, it is lower than tions, Rep. No. R85-6, Department of Civil Engineer-
unity for flexible and bonded wall, and mini- ing, MIT, (1985).
mizes for rigid wall. In the latter case it is not af- [7] J.E. Luco, and A. Mita, Response of a circular founda-
fected by the type of interface, as it is similar for tion on a uniform half-space to elastic waves, Earth-
quake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 15 (1987).
bonded and smooth WSI. Vertical and rocking [8] R.H. Scanlan, Seismic wave effects on soil-structure in-
response is maximum for flexible wall and teraction, Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dy-
smooth interface and minimum for flexible wall namics 4 (1976), 379-388.
and bonded interface. Furthermore, in the case of [9] J.P. Stewart, R.B. Seed, and G.L. Fenves, Empirical
Evaluation of Inertial Soil-Structure Interaction Effects,
bonded WSI it is evident that the base-slab aver- Report No. PEER-98/07, PEER, CA (1998).
aging effect is increasing for higher frequencies. [10] G. Papazafeiropoulos, P.N. Psarropoulos, and Y.
Finally, the vertical and rocking response of the Tsompanakis, Effects of retaining walls on the dynamic
foundation with respect to its horizontal response response of retained structures, Proceedings of the 8th
International Conference on Structural Dynamics
is important for flexible wall with smooth WSI in (EURODYN), Leuven, Belgium, 4-6 July (2011).
the quasi-static frequency range. [11] ABAQUS, Analysis User’s Manual Version 6.8, Simu-
lia, Dassault Systèmes, RI, USA (2008).
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 781
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 787
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Fill of the “Terreiro do Trigo” Dockyard in Lisbon

over Alluvial and Hard Soils
Remblai de la Dock du “Terreiro do Trigo“ à Lisbonne sur des
Alluvions et de Sols Durs
A. Pinto 1 & R. Tomásio
JetSJ Geotecnia Lda., Portugal
J. Ravasco
Somague Engenharia S.A., Portugal
G. Marques
Seth - Sociedade de Empreitadas e Trabalhos Hidráulicos S.A.
The “Terreiro do Trigo” dockyard, at the “Jardim do Tabaco”, was filled in order to allow the construction of the new “Santa
Apolónia” Cruise Ship Terminal in Lisbon, at the Tagus River right bank. A load transfer platform (LTP), founded over jet
grouting columns, allowed the construction of a 4,2m height embankment placed over a soft muddy alluvium layer (Cu lesser
than 15 to 20 kPa) with about 20m of average thickness. The existent dockyard peripheral and old walls were refurbished and
underpinned using micropiles, capped by reinforced concrete beams, in order to accommodate the new embankment earth pres-
sures. The main design and execution criteria, including the quality control and quality assurance of the jet grouting columns are
presented, as well as the main results of the adopted monitoring and survey plan. Finally, the technical and economic advantages
of the adopted techniques, comparing with some more conventional ones, are presented.

La dock du “Terreiro do Trigo” au “Jardim do Tabaco” a été mis en décharge de remblai pour permettre la construction du nou-
veau Terminal de Bateaux Croisières de “Santa Apolónia”, dans la marge droit du Tage, à Lisbonne. Une plateforme de transfert
de charges supportée par des colonnes de jet grouting a été construite pour permettre l’exécution du remblai avec 4,2m de hau-
teur, placé sur des alluvions avec une faible résistance (Cu inférieur à 20 kPa) et 20m d’épaisseur moyenne. Les murs périphé-
riques du Quai ont été renforcés avec des micropieux, enrobés par des poutres en béton arme, pour résister aux impulses du nou-
veau remblai. Les principaux critères de dimensionnement et d’exécution, bien que le contrôle de qualité et d’exécution des
colonnes de jet grouting sont présentés, bien que les résultats de l’instrumentation et de l’observation de l’ouvrage. À la fin de
l’article, les avantages techniques, économiques et environnants des technologies adoptées sont surélevés et confrontées avec
celles de technologies plus conventionnelles.

Keywords: Jet grouting, micropiles, load transfer platform, underpinning

1 INTRODUCTION the application field is being widespread, includ-

ing ground treatment for foundations of every
The jet grouting technology is being used in Por- kind of structures [2], including load transfer
tugal since the last twenty years as ground im- platforms (LTP)[3], horizontal sealing slabs [1],
provement solution. At the beginning it was used slope stabilization, earth retaining structures [1]
mainly for tunneling and underground works. In and underpinning of existent structures. The
the last years, due to the technology versatility, technology is being proving as appropriate in

Corresponding Author.
788 A. Pinto et al. / Fill of the “Terreiro do Trigo” Dockyard in Lisbon over Alluvial and Hard Soils

various ground conditions, including hard soils depth, including at the bottom a layer of muddy
and weak rocks, a big advantage in countries sands, resting over the Miocene sandstones and
with very heterogeneous geological conditions. dense sands, was built with the purpose to allow
The future development of the jet grouting the construction of the new “Santa Apolónia”
technology will depend on a better design and Cruise Ship Terminal. Also important was the
quality assurance and control of the adopted so- compatibility with the reinforced concrete slab,
lutions. To achieve those objectives it will be built over bored piles at the river bed, allowing
important to prepare codes of practice, including the operation of big ships (figure 2).
factors such as the quality control and assurance,
the life time instrumentation of the adopted solu-
tions and the execution of full scale load tests.
Taking into account the described scenario in
this paper it is presented a case history of the
load transfer platform foundation adopted at the
fill of the “Terreiro do Trigo” dockyard, includ-
ing the closing and refurbishment of the “Jardim
do Tabaco” centenary masonry quay walls, at the
Tagus River right bank in Lisbon, where the jet
grouting technology was applied with success on
very complex neighborhood and geological con-
ditions, including Miocene weak rocks, sand-
stones, and hard soils, dense sands (figure 1).
Figure 2. Site location and perspective of the new Terminal.

Other main issues were the need for the pre-

servation of the adjacent old buildings and infra-
structures stability, including one r1000mm wa-
ter pipe and the Lisbon Metro line, as well as the
quay walls integrity. In order to better resist to
the new landfill earth pressures and to confine
the soft soils under the fill, the quay walls were
previously refurbished and the dockyard gate
previously closed (figures 1 and 3).

Figure 1. Over view of the dockyard and quay walls.



2.1 Main conditions

The landfill of the dockyard was performed on
an area of about 290x56m2 with 4,2m height,
Figure 3. Main conditions of the site at the beginning of the
over soft alluvium soils (muddy alluvium with works.
Cu lesser than 20KPa) with 20m of average
A. Pinto et al. / Fill of the “Terreiro do Trigo” Dockyard in Lisbon over Alluvial and Hard Soils 789

2.2 LTP foundation grillage of reinforced concrete beams and slabs.

The dockyard gate, with about 40m length, was
Taking into account the existent conditions,
also previously closed using a sheet pile wall, as
mainly the complex working area, as well as the
well as bored piles, both capped by a reinforced
works schedule, the landfill was built over a load
concrete slab. Those works, together with a jet
transfer platform (LTP), located over jet grouting
grouting wall, r1,2m columns spaced 1,0m,
r1,5m columns on a 5,7 x 5,7m2 mesh and rest-
built at the quay wall internal face, allowed the
ing at the Miocene sandstones and dense sands,
previous horizontal confinement of the alluvium
installed during low tide (figure 4). The jet grout-
materials located inside the dockyard area. This
ing spoil was integrated on the landfill.
confinement effect allowed also the decrease of
the tides water level amplitude inside the dock-
yard, leading to the increase of the earth and jet
grouting works performance (figure 6).

Figure 4. Adopted solution for LTP foundation

The LTP was formed by two layers of biaxial

polypropylene geogrids (20 and 30kN/m of ulti-
Figure 6. Quay walls closing structure.
mate tension resistance) under two layers of
0,5m thickness of granular material. The LTP
2.3 Quay walls underpinning
was also installed during low tide (figure 5).
As already stated, the quay walls were previous
refurbished and underpinned using self drilling
micropiles (figures 7 and 8).

Figure 5. Geogrids installation on low tide.

As already stated, the masonry quay walls

were previously refurbished and underpinned us- Figure 7. Quay walls refurbishment and underpinning solu-
ing inclined tubular steel micropiles, capped by a tion.
790 A. Pinto et al. / Fill of the “Terreiro do Trigo” Dockyard in Lisbon over Alluvial and Hard Soils

were about obtained at the topographic marks

were 350mm (figure 11).

Figure 8. Quay walls refurbishment and underpinning works.

In order to optimize the micropiles overall

Figure 10. 3D FEM model main results.
bond length, mini jet grouting single phase sys-
tem was used during drilling allowing the execu-
2.5 Monitoring and survey
tion of a grout body diameter of about 1000mm
mobilizing a big shaft resistance at the alluvial The solution performance was accessed through
sandy layers. an instrumentation plan, during the jet grouting
and earth works. The instrumentation plan com-
2.4 Design prised the installation of topographic marks at
the landfill base, as well as rod extensometers at
For the design of the adopted solution a 3D FEM the LTP geogrids and pressure cells at the jet
analysis was carried out, using Plaxis software. grouting columns head (figures 11, 12 and 13).
The maximum estimated vertical displacement at
the top of the fill, after the conclusion of the
earth works, was about 76mm (figures 9 and 10).

Figure 11. Vertical displacements at the landfill base.

According to the analysis of the instrumenta-

tion readings it was possible to conclude that, in
Figure 9. 3D FEM model mesh.
spite of the jet grouting columns had been design
to resist to all the loads due to the landfill weight
During the construction of the LTP and the and live loads (3,7MPa of unconfined resistance
landfill the maximum vertical displacements compression), only about 40% of those loads was
directly transferred to jet grouting columns.
A. Pinto et al. / Fill of the “Terreiro do Trigo” Dockyard in Lisbon over Alluvial and Hard Soils 791

The remaining 60% of the overall loads were 2.6 Quality control and quality assurance
resisted by the confined muddy alluvium.
The execution of the jet grouting columns was
complemented by a tight quality control and
quality assurance, allowing the confirmation of
the resistance, deformability and the geometry of
the columns. For this purpose, test columns were
built and full length cores from test and final
columns were collected in order to confirm the
geometry and to perform laboratorial tests, main-
ly Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS), at
different ages, including the measurement of the
Young Modulus (figure 14).

Figure 12. Installation of rod extensometers at the geogrids.

The main reason for this situation was the in-

crease of the mud overall bearing capacity, due
to the 3D confinement effect, which could be ex-
plained by the following main issues:
 At the top of the mud: due to the upper
 At the base of the mud: due to the Miocene
 Horizontally: due to the jet grouting col- Figure 14. Jet grouting columns core samples.
umns and to the peripheral quay and retain-
ing walls. During the execution of the jet grouting columns
a permanent registration of all the adopted para-
meters was also performed, allowing to confirm
the columns overall length, mainly the columns
toe at the Miocene weak rocks, sandstones, and
hard soils, dense sands (figure 15).

Figure 13. Load cells at the jet grouting colums head: main

Figure 15. Jet grouting columns execution control.

792 A. Pinto et al. / Fill of the “Terreiro do Trigo” Dockyard in Lisbon over Alluvial and Hard Soils

 The confinement effect on soft soils lead to

2.7 Solution remarks the minimization of differential settle-
ments, occurring mainly during the con-
In spite of the very difficult conditions, the
struction phase;
adopted solution allowed the fulfillment of all
the main objectives, specially the following is-  No need of pre loading on soft soils. The
consolidation effects are very small and oc-
sues: technical (low deformations at the landfill
platform and at the neighbor structures and infra- cur, in the majority of the situations, close
structures) and control of both costs and con- from the ground surface;
struction schedule, confirming the good perfor-  Good execution control due to the sophisti-
mance of the solution. cated equipment, allowing in real time the
The adopted solution is being tested with full registration of the execution parameters.
scale vertical and horizontal load tests in order to
confirm its incorporation on the foundations so- As main limitations of the jet grouting tech-
lution for the new Cruise Ship Terminal building. nology the following issues could be point out:
For this purpose and to be confirmed according  Production of spoil, which could however
to the full scale load tests results, the jet grouting be integrated on the earth works;
columns located under the structural columns  Very demanding quality control and quality
and walls will be reinforced with steel tubular assurance, as happening with the majority
micropiles in order to resist to about 2500kN of of the ground improvement techniques.
axial service load.
It should also be stated that the adopted solu- The presented case history of jet grouting ap-
tion for the ground improvement and landfill plications, for foundations of an LTP as well as
foundation was design as an alternative to a stone for the underpinning of centenary walls, can be
columns solution, leading to the consolidation of considered as an example how the jet grouting
the muddy soils, which would increase the ver- technology is being used on wide and complex
tical deformations to about 1,5m, including poss- geological and geotechnical scenarios, proving
ible severe damages on the very sensitive neigh- its technical and economic advantages.
bor buildings and infrastructures.

The authors thank to the Owner of the described
Taking into account the presented example and case history (Administração do Porto de Lisboa)
comparing with some more traditional solutions, his permission for the presentation of this present
is possible to point out the following advantages paper.
of the jet grouting solutions [1, 2 and 3]:
 Possibility to be applied to almost every
kind of soils, with low vibration, low-noise REFERENCES
and strong but local ground perturbation;
[1] Pinto A.; Pereira, A.; Cardoso D.; Sá J. Ground Im-
 Small dimension and small height of the jet provement solutions at Sana Vasco da Gama Royal Ho-
grouting equipment, leading to big versatil- tel. Proceedings of the 17th ICSMGE (2009), 2180 –
ity, allowing the use of the technology on 2183.
very complex scenarios; [2] Pinto A.; Tomásio R.; Cruz S.; Carvalho B. Special
Foundations for an Urban Viaduct in Lisbon. Proceed-
 The ground is improved, using an hydraulic ings of the 14th ECSMGE (2007), 475 – 480.
process, in order to be integrated on the fi- [3] Pinto A.; Falcão J.; Pinto F.; Melo Ribeiro, J. (2005).
nal engineering solution with both econom- Ground Improvement Solutions using Jet Grouting
ic and environmental advantages. Columns. Proceedings of the 16th ICSMGE (2005).
1249 – 1252.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 793
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Foundations under seismic loads

Fondations sous charges sismiques
S. Prakash1
Department of Civil Engineering,Missouri University of Science and Technology
V. K. Puri
Civil Engineering Department, Southern Illinois University

Shallow foundations may experience a reduction in bearing capacity and increase in settlement and tilt due to seismic loading as
has been observed during several earthquakes. Shallow foundations for seismic loads have generally been designed by the
equivalent static approach. Foundations are considered eccentrically loaded and the ultimate bearing capacity is estimated ac-
cordingly. Building Codes generally allow an increase of 33% in bearing capacity when earthquake loads, in addition to static
loads are used in the design of the foundation. Considerable research effort has been devoted to the determination of the dy-
namic bearing capacity in recent years. Significant developments in determination of dynamic bearing capacity are presented in
the paper.

Fondations superficielles peuvent expérience une réduction de capacité portante et augmentation de règlement et d'inclinaison en
raison de la charge sismique comme a été observé au cours de plusieurs tremblements de terre. Fondations superficielles pour les
charges sismiques ont généralement été conçues par l'approche statique équivalente. Fondations sont considérés comme excen-
triques chargées et la capacité portante ultime est estimée en conséquence. Les Codes du bâtiment permettent généralement une
augmentation de 33 % de la capacité portante lorsque les charges de tremblement de terre en plus de charges statiques sont utili-
sées dans la conception de la Fondation. Recherche un effort considérable a été consacré à la détermination de la capacité por-
tante dynamique au cours des dernières années. Des développements importants dans la détermination de la capacité portante
dynamique sont présentés dans le document.

Keywords: Capacity, Bearing, Dynamic, Settlement, Tilt, Determination

1 INTRODUCTION sociated ground shaking can affect the shallow

foundation in a variety of ways:
Structures subjected to earthquakes may be sup- x Cyclic degradation of soil strength may
ported on shallow foundations or on piles de- lead to bearing capacity failure during the
pending on the load transmitted and the soil con- earthquake.
ditions at the site. The foundation must be safe x Large horizontal inertial force due to earth-
both for the static as well for the dynamic loads quake may cause the foundation to fail in
imposed by the earthquakes. The earthquake as- sliding or overturning.

Corresponding Author.
794 S. Prakash and V.K. Puri / Foundations Under Seismic Loads

x Soil liquefaction beneath and around the Bearing capacity failures of shallow founda-
foundation may lead to large settlement and tions have been observed in Mexico City during
tilting of the foundation. Michoacan earthquake of 1985 [1, 2] and in city
of Adapazari due to 1999 Kocaeli earthquake [3,
4, 5]. Typical examples of bearing capacity fail-
ure in Adapazari are shown in Fig. 1. The sur-
face soils at the site of foundation damage belong
to CL/ ML group which are generally considered
non-liquefiable. Settlements as much as 0.5-0.7m
have been observed in loose sands [6] in Hachi-
nohe during the 1968 Tokachioki earthquake of
magnitude 7.9. Settlements of 0.5 -1.0 m were
observed at Port and Roko Island in Kobe due to
the Hygoken Nanbu (M=6.9) earthquake.
Several research investigations, mostly ana-
lytical have been conducted in the area of dy-
namic bearing capacity of foundations in the re-
cent years. The more significant of these studies
are presented his paper.


(a) Bearing Capacity Failure The response of a footing to dynamic loads is af-
fected by the (1) nature and magnitude of dy-
namic loads, (2) number of pulses and (3) the
strain rate response of soil. Shallow foundations
for seismic loads are usually designed by the
equivalent static approach. The foundations are
considered as eccentrically loaded with inclined
load (combination of vertical + horizontal load)
and the ultimate bearing capacity is accordingly
estimated. To account for the effect of dynamic
nature of the load, the bearing capacity factors
are determined by using dynamic angle of inter-
nal friction which is taken as 2-degrees less than
its static value [7]. Building Codes generally
(b) Tilting of Buildings after Bearing Capacity Failure permit an increase of 33 % in allowable bearing
capacity when earthquake loads in addition to
Figure 1. Examples of Bearing Capacity Failures of shallow static loads are used in design of the foundation.
foundations in Adapazari [5] This recommendation may be reasonable for
dense granular soils, stiff to very stiff clays or
x Softening or failure of the ground due to hard bedrocks but is not applicable for friable
redistribution of pore water pressure after rock, loose soils susceptible to liquefaction or
an earthquake which may adversely affect pore water pressure increase, sensitive clays or
the stability of the foundation post- clays likely to undergo plastic flow [8].
S. Prakash and V.K. Puri / Foundations Under Seismic Loads 795

Behavior of small footing resting on dense commonly used for static bearing capacity to ob-
sands and subjected to static and impulse loads tain the dynamic bearing capacity as follows:
was experimentally investigated by Selig and
McKee [9]. It was observed that the footing
failed in general shear in static case and local
shear failure occurred in the dynamic case. Large
settlements at failure were observed for the dy-
namic case. These experimental results indicate
that for given value of settlement, the dynamic
bearing capacity is lower than the static bearing
capacity. This observation is further supported
by results of experimental studies on small foot-
ings on surface of sand [10] wherein dynamic
bearing capacity was about 30 % lower than stat-
ic bearing capacity. Therefore, the increase in Figure 3. Failure surface used by Budhu and al-karni for stat-
bearing capacity permitted by codes should be ic and dynamic case [12]
taken with a caution.
Recently several analytical studies on seismic
bearing capacity of shallow footing have been qud = c Nc Sc dc ec +q Nq Sqs dq eq + 0.5 a B Na Sa
reported. These studies used limit equilibrium
approach with varous assumptions on the failure d a ea (1)
surface. A plain failure surface shown in Fig. 2
was assummed by Richard et al [11] and equa- Where,
tions and charts were developed to estimate Nc, Nq, Na, are the static bearing capacity fac-
seismic bearing capacity and settlement using tors.
foundation width, depth, soil properties and hori- Sc, Sqs, Sa are static shape factors.
zontal and vertical acceleration components. This dc, dq, da are static depth factors
approach is used for simplicity although the as- ec , eq and ea are the seismic factors estimated
sumption of a plane failure surface may not be using following equations
e exp  4.3k l  D h (2)

ª § 5.3k h1.2 ·º (3)

eq (1  kv ) exp « ¨¨ ¸¸»
¬ © 1  k v ¹¼
2 ª § 9 k 1 .2 · º (4)
eJ (1  k v ) exp « ¨¨ h ¸¸»
3 ¬ © 1  kv ¹¼

Kh and Kv are the horizontal and vertical accel-
eration coefficients respectively.
Figure 2. Failure surface in soil for seismic bearing capacity H= depth of the failure zone from the ground
assumed by Richard et al [11] surface and
D= c/ aH
Logarithmic failure surfaces shown in Fig. 3
were assumed by Budhu and Al-karni [12] to de-
termine the seismic bearing capacity of soils.
They suggested modifications to the equations
796 S. Prakash and V.K. Puri / Foundations Under Seismic Loads

0.5B §S ·
H exp¨ tanI ¸  D f
§S I · ©2 ¹
cos¨  ¸
© 4 2¹ (5)

Df = depth of the footing and

 = angle of internal friction
c=cohesion of soil
An experimental study was also conducted by
Al-Karni and Budhu [13] on model footing to
study the response under horizontal acceleration
and compared the results with the approach sug-
gested in [12].

(a) Ncd

Figure 4. Failure Surfaces under static and Seismic Loading


(b) Nqd
S. Prakash and V.K. Puri / Foundations Under Seismic Loads 797

Gajan and Kutter [15] provided the concept of

contact interface model to estimate the load ca-
pacities, stiffness degradation, energy dissipation
and deformation of shallow foundations under
combined cyclic loading. The ‘contact interface
model’ provides a nonlinear relation between cy-
clic loads and displacements of the footing–soil
system during combined cyclic loading (vertical,
shear, and moment).


Gazezas et al [16] studied tilting of buildings in

1999 Turkey earthquake. Detailed scrutiny of the
“Adapazari failures” showed that significant tilt-
ing and toppling were observed only in relatively
slender buildings (with aspect ratio: H / B > 2),
provided they were laterally free from other
(c) Nad buildings on one of their sides. Wider and/or
contiguous buildings suffered small if any rota-
Fig. 5 Values of bearing cacity factors (a) Ncd (b) Nqd and (c) tion. For the prevailing soil conditions and type
Nad [14] of seismic shaking; most buildings with H / B >
1.8 overturned, whereas building with H / B <
A study of the seismic bearing capacity of 0.8 essentially only settled vertically, with no
shallow strip footing was conducted by Chaud- visible tilting. Figure 6 shows a plot of H/B to tilt
hury and Subba Rao [14]. The failure surfaces angle of building. Soil profiles based on three
for the static and dynamic case are shown in SPT and three CPT tests, performed in front of
Fig.4. They used the limiting equilibrium ap- each building of interest, reveal the presence of a
praoach and the eqivalent static method to repe- number of alternating sandy-silt and silty-sand
sent the seismic forces and obtained the seismic layers, from the surface down to a depth of at
bearing capacity factors. The dynamic bearing least 15 m with values of point resistance qc 
capacity ‘qud’ is obtained as: (0.4 – 5.0) MPa . Seismo–cone measurements
revealed wave velocities Vs less than 60 m/s for
qud = c Ncd + q Nqd + 0.5 a B Nad (6) depths down to 15 m, indicative of extremely
soft soil layers. Ground acceleration was not re-
Where, Ncd, Nqd and Nad are seismic bearing corded in Tigcilar. Using in 1-D wave propaga-
capacity factors. tion analysis, the EW component of the Sakarya
accelerogram (recorded on soft rock outcrop, in
Values of Ncd, Nqd and Nad are shown in Fig. the hilly outskirts of the city) leads to accelera-
5 for various combinations of kh , kv and . tion values between 0.20 g -0.30 g, with several
significant cycles of motion, with dominant pe-
As there is general lack of experimental data, riod in excess of 2 seconds. Even such relatively
it is difficult to verify which one of the analytical small levels of acceleration would have liquefied
appraoaches (namely those given in [11, 12 or at least the upper-most loose sandy silt layers of
14]) may be expected to provide reasonable es- a total thickness 1–2 m, and would have pro-
timates of seismic bearing capacity. duced excess pore-water pressures in the lower
layers [16]
798 S. Prakash and V.K. Puri / Foundations Under Seismic Loads

[2] L. Zeevart, Seismosoil dynamics of foundations in

Mexico City earthquake, September 1985, Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering, 117(3): 376-427, 1991
[3] G. Karaca, An investigation into large vertical dis-
placement experienced by the structures in Adapazari
during 17 August 1999 earthquake, MS thesis, Middle
East Technical University , Ankara, Turkey 2001.
[4] B.S. Bakir, H. Sucuoglu and T. Yilmaz, An overview of
local site effects and the associated building damage
during 17 August 1999 Izmit earthquake, Bulletin of
seismological Society of America, 92(1): 509-526,
[5] M.T. Yilmaz, O. Pekcan and B.S. Bakir, Undrained cy-
clic shear and deformation behavior of silt-clay mix-
Fig.6. The angle of permanent tilting as a unique function of tures of Adapazari, turkey, Soil Dynamics and Earth-
the slenderness ratio H/B [16] quake Engineering, 14(7) : 497-507, 2004 .
[6] [6] Y. Ohsaki, Effects of sand compaction on lique-
faction during Tokachioki earthquake. Soils and Foun-
4 CONCLUSION dations. Vol. 10(2): 112-128, 1970.
[7] B.M. Das, Principles of Soil Dynamics, PWS Kent,
x Shallow foundations subjectd to combined [8] R.W. Day, Foundation Engineering Handbook,
static and seismic loads are commoly de- McGraw Hill, 2006.
[9] E.T. Selig and K. E. McKee, Static and dynamic behav-
signed using the psuedo-static approach. ior of small footing, Journal Soil Mechanics and Foun-
Most research effort in recent years has dation Engineering, ASCE, 87(6), pp. 29-47, 1961.
been directed towards bettrer defining the [10] [10] A.S. Vesic, D.C. Banks and J. M. Woodward, An
failure surface under combined static and experimental study of dynamic bearing capacity of
footing on sand, Proc. 6th INCSMFE, Vol. 2, pp. 209-
seismic loading and efforts have been made 213, Montreal, Canada, 1965.
to understand the behavior of the founda- [11] R. Richards, D.G. Elms and M. Budhu, Seismic bear-
tions under seismic loading ing capacity and settlement of foundations, Journal of
x Analytical solutions need validation on Geotechnical Engineering Division, ASC, 119(4) , pp
model, full scale and/or centrifuge tests. [12] M. Budhu and A.A. al-Karni, Seismic bearing capacity
There has been some effort in this direction of soils, Geotechnique, 43(1), pp. 181-187, 1993.
also. [13] A.A. Al-Karni and M. Budhu, An experimental study of
seismic bearing capacity of shallow footings, Proc. 4th
x The codal provisions permitting 33% International Conference on Recent advances in Geo-
x increase in static bearing capacity for technical earthquake Engineering and soil dynamics nd
the seismic case need to be re-examined in symposium in honor of Professor W.D. Liam Finn, CD-
view of the test results cited in this paper ROM, San-Diego, CA, 2001.
[14] D. Chaudhury and K.S. Subba Rao, Seismic bearing
[9,10] and the settlement and tilt that may capacity of shallow strip footings, Geotechnical and
be experienced by the footings due to geological engineering, 23(4), pp. 403-418, 2005.
earthquake loading. [15] S.Gajan and B.L.Kutter, Contact interface model for
x Only the dynamic bearing capacity aspect shallow foundations subjected to combined cyclic load-
ing", Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental
has been presented in the paper. Settlement Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 135 (3), pp 407-419, 2009.
and tilt of the foundation are very impor- [16] G. Gazetas, M. Apostou and J.Anasta- Sopoular,
tant will be discussed separately. Seismic bearing capacity failure and overturning of
Terveler Building in Adapazari 1999, Proc. Fifth In-
ter.Conf on Case histories in Geotechnical Engineering.
New York CD ROM –SOAP11(1-51), 2004.

[1] M.J. Mendoza and G. Avunit, The Mexico earthquake

of September 19,1985-behavior of building foundations
in Mexico city, Earthquake Spectra, 4(4): 835-853,
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 799
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Protection of the Cement Plant facilities

foundations on the artificial firm soil base effected
by dynamic loading (Autonomous Republic of
Crimea, Ukraine)
Protection de la partie de fondation des unités de l’usine à
ciment en République Autonome Crimée (Ukraine) sur le
basement solide artificiel, soumis aux effets dynamiques
G.R. Rozenvasser1, V.N. Tokovenko, V.E. Zhigarev, S.V. Malikov, V.E. Symonovych
DE Donetsk PromstroyNIIproekt, Donetsk, Ukraine

It contains the strategy of foundation arrangement on the artificial firm foundation soil base effected by dynamic loading due to
the Site earthquake activity. The measures implemented ensure adequate foundation-base interaction as well as geotechnical and
structural safety along with reduction of the seismic loading for the facilities (in particular, pre-heater) by no less than 1 point.

On a exposé une conception de l’aménagement des fondations sur les basements solides artificiels de sol, soumis aux effets
dynamiques ensuite de l’activité séismique du territoire du chantier. Les mesures introduites assurent l’interaction adéquate du
basement et des fondations, et aussi la sécurité géotechnique et constructive avec l’abaissement des activités séismiques sur les
unités, notamment, sur la construction de échangeur de chaleur, pas moins d’un point.

Key words: Cement Plant, Facilities foundations, artificial firm foundation soils, dynamic loading, earthquake isolation.

1 GENERAL abroad, correspondence of the technical charac-

teristics to the data given in >1@.
At the central part of the Cement Plant Site there The Plant Facilities covered by these criteria
are two identical lines for cement production, are the following (Fig.1):
where preparation, treatment, calcination and x the reinforced concrete frames of the pre-
cooling of clinker take place. heaters;
The Plant Facilities under scientific and technical x the reinforced concrete cement silo stor-
support have been selected and analyzed pursu- ages;
ant to the two main criteria: non-coverage in the x the steel frame of the raw material mixing
valid Ukrainian Standards and not enough ex- bed.
perience or direct analogues in Ukraine or
Corresponding Author.
800 G.R. Rozenvasser et al. / Protection of the Cement Plant Facilities Foundations

These facilities are referred to non-standard 2 GOAL SETTING

ones because they are beyond the scope of the
Standards in terms of their geometrical dimen- Scientific and technical support of the non-
sions, aerodynamic parameters, effects from standard Plant facilities is intended for develop-
earthquake loads, etc. The rest of the facilities ment and implementation of the strategy of their
are referred to standard ones, the earthquake pro- protection against negative geotechnical effects -
tection measures of which can be designed ac- episodic loads in the form of the earthquake ef-
cording to the valid Standards. fects >3@, >4@ and the effect of the subsiding base
soils >5@.
The set goal to ensure geotechnical and struc-
tural safety of the Facilities which are key mo-
ments for their design, construction and opera-
tion related to reduction of the earthquake
effects, thus, solving the possible problems at
different stages of the construction facilities life.


When constructing buildings in seismic areas,

the active type of earthquake protection is be-
coming more widely used, which provides de-
Fig. 1. General view of the Cement Plant.
crease of the earthquake loads on structures due
to regulation of their dynamic characteristics,
The present report contains the results of in-
thus, to avoid resonance increase in amplitude of
vestigation of the Pre-heater building.
vibrations. This can be reached by the relevant
The soils penetrated during investigation can
selection of dynamic stiffness and correspon-
be divided into seven engineering-geological
dently, the natural frequencies (periods) of struc-
elements (EGEs) taking into account their age,
ture vibrations. The effective changing of these
origin, texture-structural features and spatial va-
parameters is related to implementation to the
riability of the characteristics. Geological and
structures some special means of earthquake pro-
engineering conditions of the Site are compli-
cated by the following factors: occurrence of
World practice of foundation seismic isolation
EGE-2 soils, EGE-4 with the total depth ~ 5m,
foresees different dampers partially absorbing
which at soaking possess the subsiding properties
the earthquake vibration energy >6@.
(I type, psl=0.132MPa-113MPa). Besides, EGE-4
is represented by the weak soils which in case of The work >7@ describes the computational in-
water saturation pass into floating state. vestigations of the best investigated earthquake
Foundation can be based on the soils starting isolating systems. Estimation of the behavior ef-
from EGE-5 with the following characteristics: ficiency of earthquake isolating dampers was
II=18.15kN/m3; xII=17-19º; =II=12-19kPa; è=15- based on the following parameters: Q, kN –
17MPa; IL<0-0.57. transverse force; DW, kJ – total energy of non-
Ground water occurs at the borehole drilling elastic deformations; Wmax, kJ – peak energy of
at the depth of 10.4m; at a greater depth the wa- non-elastic deformations; ÿ, cm/s2 – system ac-
ter-logged soils can be found; free water was not celeration (Table 1).
found. It is obvious that the most effective earth-
quake isolation system is hysteresis dampers re-
According to >2@ the Site is referred to the area
ducing the transverse forces by ~1.4 times; total
of earthquake intensity J4=8 on the MSK-64
energy of non-elastic deformations - by ~7.5
scale as per OSR 2004-A map.
G.R. Rozenvasser et al. / Protection of the Cement Plant Facilities Foundations 801

times; peak energy of non-elastic deformations - shown that the most obtainable effective ways of
by ~10 times; system acceleration - by ~1.4 partial compensation of horizontal loads are the
times. Hysteresis absorption of the earthquake arrangement of a protective screens around
vibration energy occurs due to retardation of buildings which due to the their material proper-
body reaction from the matters caused it. ties and shapes reflect and absorb the earthquake
Effectiveness of using any foundation type excitation energy. Passing seismic waves arising
aiming at reduction of the horizontal dynamic from the inner sides of screens are insignificantly
component (vector) of the earthquake effect is quenched within the soil body, located between a
clearly illustrated on the diagram on Fig.2 (ac- screen and building foundation, and, reaching the
cording to S. Naaseh & E. Elsesser’s (USA ) in- foundation, effect on it in the form of lateral dy-
vestigations, where the building response with namic pressure, sometimes leading to destructive
“fixed foundation” (without earthquake protec- consequences >8@.
tion measures) and with “isolated foundation”
(with earthquake protection measures) is speci-

Table 1. Comparative effectiveness of different earthquake

isolation systems
Without seismic isolation

Springs - viscodamper

Rubber-metal dampers

Dry friction dampers

Hysteresis dampers
Spring dampers

Q 3037 3113 2724 2884 2895 2192

Fig. 2. Building response with a fixed and an isolated foun-
DW 82.8 60.2 15.7 31.8 68.6 10.9 dation: the area of confident intervals of building stability in
case of an earthquake; T - vibration period, sec.
Wmax 12.3 14.7 5.7 8.6 8.7 1.2
In case of arranging pile foundations, elastic-
ÿ 6.8 8.0 5.5 5.1 6.8 4.8 plastic strains of foundation grill dampen a turn-
ing moment acting on a building. Pile foundation
In case of “fixed foundation” (relatively, more only partially ensures building protection - main-
rigid - Option 1 and less rigid – Option 2) build- ly against horizontal earthquake effects. A verti-
ing stability is ensured within the range of M=0.7- cal vector, inevitably available at earthquakes, is
1.0s and displacement ~7.2cm. But such condi- only partially dampened by elastic-plastic damp-
tions are unfavorable for a building because at ers (sliding joints) of horizontal loads and effects
short vibration periods the horizontal force is on the building in the form of dynamic vertical
large (~0.6-0.45g) and the possibility to be out of loads. At present, the special means for vertical
the stability zone is high. At the same time, in load compensation are practically absent.
case of “isolated foundation” the level of hori- The materials partially absorbing vibrations,
zontal forces is significantly low (~0.2g), and the having low shear modulus and low elastic im-
vibration periods - M=2.0-3.0s with great uniform pedance, are the following:
displacements ensure building stability. x foam, liquid clay, jelly mediums, colloidal
The world practice of improving the earth- liquids, etc. ;
quake resistance of the constructed units has
802 G.R. Rozenvasser et al. / Protection of the Cement Plant Facilities Foundations

x granulated slag, macadam, sand-gravel ag-

gregates, foam plastic wastes, coarse-
grained and medium coarse sands, treated
wood cutter shavings, etc. ;
x hollow closed elastic elements.
Horizontal loads are reduced due to partial ab-
sorption of seismic wave energy by dampening
material. However, to assume that in a specific
region will prevail the earthquakes with specific
dominant frequencies is not right >9@.


The set goal for partial compensation of the ver-

tical vector of the earthquake effect on building
foundation has been reached. It has been pro-
posed to set the contour anchors of friction ac-
cording to Fig.3,4, the top parts of these are pin-
connected to foundation and are inside of the pad Fig. 4. The system of foundation isolation from a vertical
made of the material with the evident hysteresis vector of the earthquake load: 1 – a foundation slab; 2 – a
properties. The pad height in this case is H=0.12- frame column; 3 – concrete bedding – topographic layer; 4 –
0.15L, where L – length of the buried anchor a contour anchor of friction; 5 –a pinned-flexible insertion; 6
– a sliding joint – a dry-friction damper; 7 – an earthquake
part, and pad diameter D=1.5-2.0d, where d – resisting movement joint-damper of viscous friction; 8 – fill-
anchor diameter. This ratio has been chosen ing with viscoelastic material.
based on the possibility of retaining anchor bear-
ing properties and ensuring the efficiency of ho-
rizontal damping in a sliding joint. Due to a hysteresis effect of an anchor, partial
Contour anchors of friction, interacting along absorption of the vibration process energy and
the surface with the soil, undergo non-uniform subsequent reduction of the vertical vector of the
alternating “pressing-in – pull-out” deformations earthquake effect on a construction foundation
causing a building tilt >10@. take place. In other words, hysteresis absorption
of the seismic energy occurs due to retardation of
foundation reaction from the factors caused it.
Such effect can be realized only in case of set-
ting contour anchors of friction, because possible
one-side foundation uplifting (pulling out) en-
sures return of the anchors to their initial posi-
tions due to considerable increase of the press-in
Thus, earthquake protection of a building ac-
cording to the above propositions is implemented
due to partial energy absorption of both horizon-
tal and vertical vectors of seismic effects by
foundation structural elements which improves
the seismic safety of a building in general.
Taking the pre-heater building of more than
100m high as an example, the conditions of its
Fig. 3. Arrangement scheme of contour anchors of friction.
G.R. Rozenvasser et al. / Protection of the Cement Plant Facilities Foundations 803

overturning prevention in case of emergency effect occurring in the contour anchors of

combination of loads have been examined. friction;
Table 2 specifies calculation results. Special x considerable reduction of the material con-
attention can be drawn to the results specified in sumption and the cost of the seismic isola-
Item 2 where the safety factor exceeds the stabil- tion and earthquake resistance.
ity criterion by many times.
But setting of contour anchors of friction in
this case unlike the results specified in Item 3 has
some important advantages:
x retaining of the initial General Layout that
under very limited Site conditions excludes
overlapping of the adjacent facilities foun-
dations and reduces the construction
x ensuring the efficiency of a sliding joint be-
tween foundation bottom and concrete
bedding – topographic layer due to (Fig.5)
x exceeding of the horizontal vector of the
earthquake effect (±Fx) over the resistance
in a sliding joint (±Fx.=)
x ±Fx=78000kN > ±Fx.==72920kN and con-
siderable reduction of forces in a sliding

Table 2. Calculations results of foundation overturning.

Fig. 5. Kinematics of earthquake loads: 1 – concrete bedding
Plan dimensions, m
Foundation options

Stability criterion,

 topographic layer; 2 – a sliding joint; 3 – a foundation slab;

Safety factor,

4 – a frame; 5 – stiffening diaphragms.

> „saf @


Slab foun-
40 { 34 0.9 <
1 dation Computational investigation of the activities for
Slab foun- seismic isolation of the foundations and earth-
dation with quake resistance of the building frame has been
contour an- 40 { 34 13.5 >> >1,2@
2 run using Scad 11.3 (SCAD Group, Kiev;
chor of fric-
tion; Conformity certifi-
cate ROSS RU.SP.11.H00083). The options of
Slab foun- the initial data for the spatial calculations of
47 { 45 1.67 >
3 dation
“base-foundation-frame” system included con-
secutively examined structural solutions for seis-
joint (±Fx.joint) after foundation shift mic isolation of foundation, namely: arrangement
±Fx.==72920kN > ±Fx.joint=19440kN; of a screen; arrangement of a sliding joint (a
x reduction of the average strain beneath damper of dry friction); setting of contour an-
foundation underside up to the design val- chors of friction (Ø800mm with a buried part of
ue; ~17m, 42 pcs. in number); arrangement of the
x partial compensation of the vertical vector vertical stiffening diaphragms along the whole
of the earthquake effect due to hysteresis height of a building, etc. These measures were
804 G.R. Rozenvasser et al. / Protection of the Cement Plant Facilities Foundations

aimed at making a foundation “isolated” against Fig. 6. Building deformation in case of an earthquake: a 
earthquake effects and comparison with the ini- without seismic isolation («fixed foundation»); b – with
seismic isolation («isolated foundation»).
tial “fixed foundation”.
Based on the animations (Fig.6) integrally
displaying system behavior, when effected by
seismic loads, the following was considered ex-
The measures developed for seismic isolation of
x arrangement of variable rigidity dia-
the foundations on the artificial rigid base ensure
phragms along the whole height of a build-
retaining of the initial General Layout with si-
ing allowing to reduce the strains within
multaneous reduction of earthquake effect on it
the frame elements and as a consequence,
up to Jd7 scores.
to simplify designing of frame units;
The present development is deemed to be an
x arrangement of a sliding joint with alternative one and is being studied by the de-
ffrict.f=0.15 between foundation underside signers and civil engineers for further implemen-
and concrete bedding - topographic layer tation.
ensuring the reduction of a horizontal vec-
tor of the earthquake effect;
x setting of contour anchors of friction with REFERENCES
hysteresis properties ensuring reduction of
a vertical vector of the earthquake effect [1] DBN V.1.2-5:2007, Scientific and technical support of
and the structural stability with reduction of the construction units, Ministry of Regional Construc-
the vibration period and building tilt; tion of Ukraine, Kiev, 2007.
[2] DBN V.1.1-12:2006, Construction in the earthquake
x arrangement of ground-cement piles elimi- areas of Ukraine, Ministry of Construction of Ukraine,
nating base subsidence and improving av- Kiev, 2006.
erage weighted modulus of deformation. [3] DBN V.1.2-2:2006, Loads and stresses, Ministry of
a) b) Construction of Ukraine, Kiev, 2006.
[4] EUROCODE 8, Earthquake Resistant Design of Struc-
tures, CEN, 1993.
[5] DBN V.1.1-5-2000, Buildings and structures on the
undermined territories and subsiding soils, State com-
mittee of construction of Ukraine, Kiev, 2000.
[6] V.I. Smirnov, New effective systems of the earthquake
protection of structures and innovative technologies,
TsNIISK, Moscow, 2008.
[7] V.L. Kharlanov, Computational investigation of seismic
isolation systems, Internet-Bulletin VolgGASU, Volgo-
grad, 2008.
[8] V.Yu. Nemchinov, Earthquake resistance of buildings
and structures, NIISK, Kiev, 2008.
[9] K.S. Abdurashidov, Ya.M. Aizenberg and others,
Earthquake resistance of buildings, Nauka, Moscow,
[10] E.A. Sorochan, Yu.G. Trofimenkov, Bases, foundations
and substructures, Designer handbook, Stroiizdat,
Moscow, 1985.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 805
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Execution of Micropiles in an underground metro

station against buoyancy
Exécution des micropieux dans une station de métro dans un
cas de sous-pression
R. Thurner
Keller Grundbau Ges.mbH, Keller Hellas S.A.
T. Kimpritis1
Keller Hellas S.A.
N. Koutavas
AEGEK Construction S.A., Thessaloniki Metro

The layout of the Thessaloniki Metro (Basic Line) involves the construction of a crossover station. The whole area for this is ap-
proximately 19x102m. Due to the given geometry and high water table in the adjacent ground, permanent uplift piles were re-
quired to ensure a sufficient safety against buoyancy. These uplift piles had to be installed on a level of approximately -31m
from the surface. In that depth the soil conditions are described as stiff, sandy Clay with gravel.
Before the commencement of the project, test micropiles had to be executed; they were successfully tested in respect to creeping
issues and to a well-defined loading programme. Each micropile had a length of 15.2m; a ribbed steel tube with a very high steel
grade was used. Two drilling rigs were utilised for the whole site working 24 hours a day. In total, 468 micropiles were con-
structed in approximately 2 weeks and subsequent tests on 20 of them were completed successfully. In the current paper, it is
presented a general overview of the project along with the major details about its execution and the quality control that had to be

La disposition du métro de Thessalonique prévoit la construction d’une station de croisement. Toute la zone est d’environ
19x102 m. Grâce à la géométrie et la nappe phréatique élevée dans le sol adjacent, des tas permanents de soulèvement ont été
nécessaires pour assurer une résistivité suffisante à la sous-pression. Ces tas de soulèvement ont dû être installé sur un niveau
d'environ -31m de la surface. Dans cette profondeur, le sol est décrit comme d’argile rigide et sableuse avec des graviers.
Avant le début du projet, des micropieux d'essai ont dû être construits. Ils ont été testés avec succès à l’égard de fluage et par
un programme de charge bien défini. Chaque micropieu avait une longueur de 15,2 m, et un tube en acier nervuré de très haute
qualité a été utilisé. Deux installations de forage Keller ont été utilisées pour l'ensemble du site en travaillant 24 heures par jour.
Au total, 468 micropieux ont été construits dans environ 2 semaines, et des essais subséquents sur 20 d'entre eux ont été
complétés avec succès.

Keywords: Micropiles, buoyancy, tunneling, underground structures, Metro, station, drilling, grouting, load test, reinforcement,

1 INTRODUCTION Thessaloniki; its name is ‘Crossover Sintrivani’

Station (see Figure 1). During the construction
The actual design of the Thessaloniki Metro (Ba- phase of the whole Metro project, this site will be
sic Line) involves the construction of a crossover used as the cross point where the excavation ma-
station in the area of ‘Sintrivani’ in the centre of terial of the TBM works will be removed. After

Corresponding Author.
806 R. Thurner et al. / Execution of Micropiles in an Underground Metro Station Against Buoyancy

construction of the diaphragm walls with a diaphragm walls and used to ensure a temporary
thickness of 1.2m the top concrete plate was con- water table approximately 1m below the working
structed. With a sequential excavation and rein- platform of the uplift pile execution.
forced concrete slabs (3 levels) construction, a In the following chapters a description of the
final excavation depth of approximately 31m be- implementation of the geotechnical project for
low the surface was reached. Between the lowest the uplift piles will be given. The works had to
slab and the foundation slab a temporary steel be done in a limited working platform, under
strutting was installed. time pressure and a detailed and comprehensive
quality control programme.


2.1 Soil Information

In the depth where the permanent uplift mi-
cropiles were executed, the soil conditions are
described as sandy Clay with some gravel and
Es>30MPa, cu>200 kPa, =259, c’=100kPa,
Figure 1. ‘Crossover Sintrivani’ Station view a=21,5kN/m3.

In the plan view the crossover station meas- 2.2 Design Issues
ures 19.5x 102m which gives an area of ap-
Apart from the execution, Keller provided sup-
proximately 1990m². Due to the given geometry
port in the Project Design and presented the cur

Figure 2. ‘Crossover Sintrivani’ Station plan view [1]

rent described innovative and cost optimized so-
lution. Initially, it was proposed to execute mi-
cropiles with a diameter of 280mm reinforced
and high water table in the adjacent ground, with normal steel cages, whereas the Keller de-
permanent uplift piles were required for the sign proposal involved micropiles with diameter
safety of the station against buoyancy forces. 180mm reinforced with a ribbed steel tube with a
These uplift piles had to be constructed on a high steel grade (R90x8mm Termic).
level which is equal to the bottom of the founda-
tion slab (approximately -31m). An overview of the main results of the design
calculations along with the main characteristics
The ground water table was an important issue of the permanent uplift micropiles are mentioned
for the project; it was lowered from a higher below:
working level with wells constructed inside the
x Chosen pile system: R 90x8mm Termic
R. Thurner et al. / Execution of Micropiles in an Underground Metro Station Against Buoyancy 807

x Diameter ds: 88.3 mm all drilling tools were brought down by crane
x Cross section: 1,950mm² into the excavation pit (Figure 3).
x Chosen grid: 1.50 x 2.08m
x Grid area: 3.12m²
x Number of piles: 468 pieces
x Load per pile Rd1:1,200kN
x Pile length: 15.2m where 1.0m was embed-
ded in the foundation slab.
x Thickness of soil layer contributing to the
resistance against uplift: 14.0m

The design of the micropiles [2] included also

protection against corrosion and the cross section
of the pile was reduced by 1.2mm.
Figure 3. Lifting down to the working platform the drilling
2.3 Trial Test micropiles rig

Before the commencement of the main works 2.3.2 Drilling Process

(468 micropiles), a very detailed trial field had to
Since the uplift micropiles piles were tension
be carried out. In addition, the trial involved a
piles, a test procedure according to EA Pfähle
quality control programme in a prior phase to the
2007 [3] had to be applied. 9 trial micropiles
execution of the 468 uplift piles. This trial test
were executed from different levels and various
had to be executed from a higher working level
drilling techniques were applied.
and should confirm assumptions which were in-
cluded and derived from previous projects as
well as from the given soil data.
The standard procedure executing the uplift
piles involved the following steps:
x Execution of the drilling from a stable
working platform
x Grouting from the lowest point of the drill-
x Installation of the pile
x Head assembling

Due to the fact that the test piles were exe-

cuted from a higher level, a certain free length
Figure 4. Working platform and area during the test field –
had to be added. This ensured a correct simula- Drilling ongoing
tion of the working conditions of the uplift piles.
The free length was located between the working 2.3.3 Grouting
platform of the test piles and the bottom of the
foundation plate. A stiff hose was inserted at the end of the drill-
ing to start pumping the grout (from the bottom
2.3.1 Site Installation to the top) till the grout reached the working
platform. The quantity, flow rate and pressure
The equipment for mixing and grouting was lo- of the grout were recorded from the surface.
cated on site at the surface, near the entrance of Minimum unconfined compressive strength
the excavation pit whereas the drilling rig and had to be at least 25 MPa at 28 days with cylin-
drical test samples having height-diameter ratio
808 R. Thurner et al. / Execution of Micropiles in an Underground Metro Station Against Buoyancy

equal to 2, and 30 MPa for cubic test samples

(100x100x100mm). The water/cement ratio had
to be not more than 0.55.

2.3.4 Reinforcement installation

The reinforcement of the micropiles (steel tube)
was installed with the aid of the drilling rig in
3m pieces connected with coupling and spacers
(only in the bonded length) of diameter 90mm.
(see figures 5, 6)

Figure 7. Test procedure

2.3.6 Load Cycles, Evaluation and Quality

The load cycle was defined according to EA
Pfähle 2007 [3]. The proof load Rg, according to
the executed method statement [4] with a©t=1.30
and ?=1, 05 was 1.638kN.

Figure 5. Preparation for the reinforcement installation

(mounted couplers and spacers)

Figure 8. Loading-unloading cycles graph acc. to EA Pfähle
2007 [3]

Figure 6. Reinforcement installation The values recorded during pile tests were:
x Pressure of the pump
2.3.5 Test of the trial micropiles x Displacements on the pile head
The pile tests were performed according to EA x Control measurements for the level of the
Pfähle 2007 [3]. After 10 days of the pile instal- measurement beam
lation, the pile test could be done. The typical x Weather and temperature
layout of the trial test is shown in figure 7 x Involved people on site (foreman, respon-
where it was utilized a hydraulic jack and pump, sible engineer)
a manometer and two precise analog dial gauges x Possible deviations from the schedule and
mounted on a steel profile. reasons of any deviation.
R. Thurner et al. / Execution of Micropiles in an Underground Metro Station Against Buoyancy 809

According to EA Pfähle 2007 [3], the creeping 3 EXECUTION OF WORKING

value had to be lower than 2mm. MICROPILES
Regarding the Quality Control procedure, a
detailed reporting process was executed and in- When the trial tests and the documentation for
cluded data for the drilling and the tests. Hence, the 9 trial micropiles were accomplished with
information about the site and the trial mi- success, the results were verified by the De-
cropiles (date, geometry, materials used) as well signer. The micropile length was confirmed at
as a detailed description of the executed load 15.2m with 1.0m embedded in the foundation
tests (geometry, measurement units, load cycles, slab. Since the TBM had already reached the
measured data) was recorded. In addition, the ‘Crossover Sintrivani’ station, there was a lot of
results of the tests were presented in graphs time pressure for a fast completion of the
(load-displacement curve (Figure 9) and time micropiles construction; for this reason, Keller
dependent deformations – creeping (Figure had to speed up its micropiles works as much as
10)). Furthermore, apart from these results, an possible. Using two drilling rigs in day and night
evaluation should be made from the designer shift, 468 micropiles were installed in
including proposals-recommendations for the approximately 2 weeks (Figures 11, 12).
execution of the working piles.

67  7
3&1 5"  6# 4


&R #

R& &

4 #
& L







Figure 9. Load – displacement diagram Figure 11. Execution of main micropile works

67  7
6 "5# 4
8 - 

6 K

6 K

6 K

6 K


 6 K



 6 K




5 &
6 K

6 K


Figure 10. Displacement – time diagram (incl. creeping val-

Figure 12. Execution of main micropile works

The experience of the soil during the trial field

showed that the best drilling technique that had
to be applied was the continuous flight auger.
(Figure 13). The construction sequences of drill-
810 R. Thurner et al. / Execution of Micropiles in an Underground Metro Station Against Buoyancy

ing, grouting, reinforcement installation and head AKNOWLEDGEMENTS

assembling were followed as it was done during
the trial field. The Keller authors would like to express their
gratitude to the main Contractor of the construc-
tion of ‘Thessaloniki Metro’ project, AEGEK
Construction S.A., the Project Design Office
‘OMETE S.A.’ and Attiko Metro S.A. for the ef-
fective cooperation and for the opportunity to
publish the gained data.


[1] J/V Construction of Thessaloniki Metro,

1C06CW403C109B DFD Sintrivani Station - Double
Figure 13. Execution of main micropile works using continu- Crossover Micropiles Layout Plan - Cross Section, 2009.
ous flight augers [2] J/V Construction of Thessaloniki Metro, DFD - Sintrivani
Crossover Design of Micropiles, 2009.
[3] German Geotechnical Society, EA Pfähle 2007,
20 out of the 468 micropiles were successfully Recommendation for Piles, 2007
tested (acceptance tests) and the elongation val- [4] Metro, J/V Construction of Thessaloniki, Trial Tests of
ues along with the creeping ones were measured Foundation Micropiles of Sintrivani Crossover, 2009.
below the critical values. Keller accomplished its
works with the micropiles head assemblement;
each micropile head consists of a bearing plate BIBLIOGRAPHY
mounted on the reinforcement with an anchor
[1] DIN 1054 Ground – Verification of the safety of
and lock nut. (Figure 14)
earthworks and foundations, January 2005.
[2] EN 14199:2005 Execution of special geotechnical
works. Micropiles
Figure 14. Final outcome – working team
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 811
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Performance analysis of piled raft foundations in

comparison with conventional foundation systems
by using finite element method
Analyse de la performance des fondations radier sur pieux en
comparaison avec les systèmes de bases classiques en utilisant
la méthode des éléments finis
A. Yalcin Dayioglu1, M. Incecik
Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

In the research conducted by the authors, the performance of piled raft foundations in comparison with raft foundations and con-
ventional pile foundations under vertical and horizontal loading is analysed by means of PLAXIS 3D finite element program,
which is a rigorous computer-based analysis method. In this context, total settlements, differential settlements and bending mo-
ments on the raft are examined. In conclusion, it has been found that in hard soils, especially under combination of vertical and
lateral loads, piled raft foundations provide the most economical design within adequate margin of safety.

Dans la recherche menée par les auteurs, le rendement des fondations radier sur pieux en comparaison avec des fondations sur
radier et des fondations sur pieux classiques sous un chargement vertical et horizontal est analysé au moyen de l'élément de pro-
gramme PLAXIS 3D finis, qui est une méthode rigoureuse d'analyse assistée par ordinateur. Dans ce contexte, l’établissement
total, les tassements différentiels et des moments de flexion sur le radeau sont examinés. En conclusion, il a été constaté que
dans les argiles fort, surtout sous la combinaison des charges verticales et latérales, empilés radiers fournir la conception la plus
économique au sein de marge de sécurité adéquate.

Keywords: Piled raft foundations, raft foundations, lateral loading, finite element method, PLAXIS

1 INTRODUCTION common feature of these structures. The founda-

tion systems to carry these loads safely should be
In recent years, the increasing number of humans carefully chosen and designed; however, the so-
and the changing labor conditions led to design lution must be economical as well. To satisfy
of functional but heavy engineering structures these two criteria in a better way, a new concept
such as bridges, factories and dams. In addition, called “Piled Raft Foundations” is developed.
as a result of limited territories available for con- In the piled raft foundations, the superstruc-
struction, high-rise buildings are constructed to tural loads are transmitted through the raft and
afford the increasing accommodation and em- the pile group to the subsoil which leads to some
ployment demands of human being. High super- complex interactions and a complicated calcula-
structural loads transferred to the soil is the tion process. Nevertheless, due to the contribu-

Corresponding Author.
812 A. Yalcin Dayioglu and M. Incecik / Performance Analysis of Piled Raft Foundations

tion of the raft in load transmission, a significant 3 NUMERICAL ANALYSIS

decrease in the number of piles is observed. In
the design of piled raft foundations, it is accepted Behavior of piled raft foundations under vertical
as the general principle that the ratio of modulus and lateral loading is investigated with PLAXIS
of elasticity of the soil layer at the pile tip to the 3D Foundation finite element program in scope
modulus of elasticity of soil layer beneath the of a thesis study. In order to compare the behav-
raft should not be greater than 10 [1]. In addition, iors of three different foundation systems; raft
the design of piled raft foundations should be foundation, piled raft foundation and conven-
carefully preceded in compressible soils due to tional pile foundation under constant superstruc-
the fact that unexpected settlements may occur ture loads and subsoil conditions, load-settlement
[2]. behavior of these systems, lateral displacements,
bending moments on piles and raft foundation
are investigated [6]. Structure modeled in the
2 DESIGN OF PILED RAFT analyses is given in Fig. 1.

In the design of piled raft foundations, usually Core zone

piles are assumed to show nonlinear behavior
and to operate at the load where the creep starts
to occur, which results in lower safety factors[3].
In the differential settlement control approach,
which is another useful aspect of piled raft foun-
dations, piles are located strategically to mini-
mize the differential settlement rather than the
total settlement.
Outer zone
As mentioned above, due to the complex in-
teractions between the three main elements of
piled raft foundations, namely; the pile group,
the raft and the subsoil, the calculation stage of
Figure 1. Model of the building.
piled raft foundations is quite complicated. The
calculation methods of piled rafts are summa-
The building to be analyzed consists of two
rized in three groups, which are simplified calcu-
parts, the outer zone that represents the service
lation methods, approximate computer based
area, with a superstructural load of 250 kPa and
methods and the more rigorous computer based
the core zone with a superstructural load of 400
methods one of which is used in this paper. Nu-
kPa. In addition, a constant lateral line load of
merous papers have been published about these
800 kN/m is acting on the raft.
design methods of vertically loaded piled rafts,
The subsoil layer under the building is chosen
but limited research is executed regarding the
to be a medium-stiff clay layer and Mohr-
behavior of piled rafts under combination of ver-
Coulomb soil model is used. To improve
tical and high lateral loads. However, a new
representation of soil by the model, it is assumed
method is developed where the piled raft is di-
that the modulus of elasticity increases with
vided into two elements such as raft and pile
depth linearly. The pile group under the raft (the
group plus soil and solved separately, then under
pile cap) is modeled via “embedded piles”
equilibrium conditions, displacements and forces
feature on PLAXIS, where piles are represented
are equalized and the whole system is solved [4],
with line elements, that allow the piles to be
modeled arbitrarily in any direction [7]. Soil and
material parameters used are given in Table 1.
A. Yalcin Dayioglu and M. Incecik / Performance Analysis of Piled Raft Foundations 813

Table 1. Soil and Material Parameters foundation system of the building is modeled as
Parameters Soil Piles Raft a piled raft foundation at the second step. A
Material mode Mohr- Embedded Linear Elastic cross-section and plan view of piled raft founda-
Coulomb Pile tion is given in Figure 4, three dimensional finite
γn (kN/m3) 18 24 24 element mesh of the system is shown in Figure 5.
E (kN/m2) 2.5x104 3x107 3x107
ΔE (kN/m2) 500 - -
υ 0.3 0.2 0.2
ϕ (°) 28 - -
c (kPa) 20 - -

3.1 Raft Foundation

Foundation system of the building is first mod-
eled as a raft foundation. A cross-section and
plan view of raft foundation is given in Figure 2,
whereas finite element mesh of the system is
shown in Figure 3. The raft is dimensioned as
1.5x24.0x20.0 meters.

Figure 3. Finite element mesh of the foundation system.

2-2’ crossection

2 2’ crossection

1-1’ crossection
1-1’ crossection

Figure 2. Plan view and cross-sections of the raft.

The results obtained from the finite element

analysis are shown in Fig.6-9. Total settlement of
the raft is about 150 mm, whereas differential
settlement is about 70 mm. These settlement
Figure 4. Plan view and cross-sections of the piled raft foun-
values are considerably higher than allowable dation.
settlement values for high-rise structures. In
addition to settlement, lateral displacement of the The foundation system consists of a raft with
raft is about 22 mm and maximum bending 1.5x24.0x20.0 meters dimensions as mentioned
moment on the raft is about 5000 kN/m (Fig. 6- in previous section, and a pile group containing
9). 25 piles with a diameter of 1.2 m and varying
length between 15 and 25 meters. Maximum set-
3.2 Piled Raft Foundation tlement is assumed to occur under the core zone
of the building since a higher order of load is act-
Due to high order of settlements, lateral dis-
ing on the core zone that is located in the middle
placements and bending moments on the raft,
of the building. Consequently, 9 piles with 5.0 m
814 A. Yalcin Dayioglu and M. Incecik / Performance Analysis of Piled Raft Foundations

by 4.0 m spacings and 25.0 m long are located 3.3 Pile Foundation
under the core zone. As for the outer zone, piles
In order to investigate the contribution of the raft
with 15.0 meter long and 5.0 m by 4.0 m spac-
in the piled raft foundation, the foundation sys-
ings in the middle and 8.0 m spacings on the
tem of the building is modeled as a pile group.
edges are placed.
Cross-Section 2-2'
Distance From Center (m)
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15

-20,0 Piled Raft

Vertical Displacement (mm)







Figure 7. Settlement of raft and piled raft foundation(CS2-2’)
Figure 5. Finite element mesh of the piled raft foundation
Cross-Section 2-2'
Comparing the results of raft foundation and Lateral Displacement (mm)
piled raft foundation, it is obvious that both total
and differential settlements, lateral displacements Piled Raft

and bending moments on the raft have reduced Raft

Distance from Center(m)

significantly. The results are given in Figures 6-9
and summarized in Table 2. According to finite 0
-25,00 -23,00 -21,00 -19,00 -17,00 -15,00
element analysis results, 62% of the vertical load
and 20% of the lateral load is taken by the pile
group whereas 38% of the vertical load and 80% -10

of the lateral load is taken by the raft. It can be

concluded that the raft has major contribution on Figure 8. Lateral displacement of raft and piled raft founda-
load sharing. tion(CS2-2’)

Cross-Section1-1' Cross-Section 1-1'

Distance from center (m)
Distance from center (m)
-15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15
0,0 1.000
Bending Moment (kNm/m)

Piled Raft
-20,0 0
Vertical Displacement (mm)


-40,0 -1.000

-60,0 -2.000

-80,0 -3.000

-100,0 -4.000
Piled Raft

-120,0 -5.000 Raft

-140,0 -6.000
Figure 9. Bending moments of raft and piled raft founda-
-160,0 tion(CS1-1’)
Figure 6. Settlement of raft and piled raft foundation(CS1-1’)
A. Yalcin Dayioglu and M. Incecik / Performance Analysis of Piled Raft Foundations 815

Table 2. Comparison of the behavior of raft and piled raft

Raft Founda- Piled Raft Founda-
tion tion
max min max min

2-2’ crossection
Vertical Displace- 149.0 89.0 81.0 60.5 A
ment, uy (mm)
Lateral Displace- 21.8 21.4 17.2 16.7
ment, ux (mm)
Bending Moment 5400 -150 2160 -170 D E
on the Raft
(kNm/m) 1-1’ crossection

To neglect the contribution of the pile cap, a

very thin layer is formed beneath the pile cap
which is removed during staged calculation pro-
cess to avoid contact of the pile cap with the sub-
soil. The same pile lengths and spacings as in the
Figure 11. Plan and cross-sectional view of second pile foun.
piled raft foundation are used.
However, the system has failed in the stage
From the load-displacement curves at points
where 71 % of total load was applied. The col-
A, B and E given in Figure 12-14, it is concluded
lapsed finite element mesh is shown in Figure
that at the initial stages conventional first alterna-
tive pile foundation and the piled raft foundation
show almost the same behavior, whereas at some
point, first alternative pile foundation starts to
behave plastically and collapses before the entire
load is applied. Especially at Point E, where col-
lapsing occurs, the final settlements of pile foun-
dation are higher than both the piled raft and the
raft foundation. However, in the graphs it is
clearly seen that the second alternative pile foun-
Collapsed dation and the piled raft foundation show quite
Zone similar load-settlement behavior.

Figure 10. Collapsed body of piled foundation Point A


Consequently a pile foundation system that 0,00

0 20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000 120.000

will be able to stand the superstructural loads

without failure is investigated. According to the
Settlement (m)

results of performed finite element analyses, it is -0,04

determined that the most economical pile foun- -0,06

dation system consists of 9 piles with 5.0 m by -0,08

4.0 m spacings and 25.0 m long under the core
zone; as for the outer zone, piles 20.0 meter long Raf t
and 5.0 m by 4.0 m spacings in the middle and Piled Raf t

4.0 m spacings on the edges are placed. Plan and -0,14 Pile Found.1
Pile Found.2
cross-sectional views of the second alternative -0,16
pile foundation is illustrated on Figure 11. Figure 12. Load-settlement curves on Point A
816 A. Yalcin Dayioglu and M. Incecik / Performance Analysis of Piled Raft Foundations

Point B comparison with conventional piled foundation

0 20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000 120.000
systems whether a raft foundation is not suffi-
0,00 cient to meet the settlement criteria since the
contribution of the raft reduces the number of
Settlement (m)

piles significantly.
The results of analyses indicate that piled raft
foundation decreases settlements, horizontal dis-
Raf t
placements and bending moments on the raft at
-0,10 Piled Raf t significant levels in comparison with raft founda-
Pile Found.1 tions. Besides, in the conventional pile founda-
Pile Found.2
tion where it is assumed that all loads are taken
by piles, failure has occurred in the same pile
Figure 13. Load-settlement curves on Point B
configuration as piled raft foundation, same su-
Point E perstructure loads and subsoil conditions before
Load(kN) 100% of load is activated. Nevertheless, the most
0 20.000 40.000 60.000 80.000 100.000 120.000 economical alternative pile foundation that may
carry the loads without failure has a total pile
-0,02 length of 545 m which is %35 longer than piled
raft foundation. This proves that in reality, pile
Settlement (m)

cap has major contribution on the load sharing.
-0,06 As a result it is found out that especially in high-
Raf t
rise buildings, design of foundation system as
Piled Raf t piled raft should provide safe and economical so-
Pile Found.1
Pile Found.2

Figure 14. Load-settlement curves on Point E


[1] Katzenbach, R., International CPRF Guideline, 2009

4 CONCLUSIONS [2] Poulos, H.G., 2001, Piled raft foundations: Design and
Applications, Geotechnique, Vol. 50, No.2 pp: 95-113.
In high-rise structures, due to high cost of [3] Randolph, M.F., 1994, Design Methods for Pile Groups
and Piled Rafts, Proceedings of 13th International
foundation systems, an optimum solution must Conference of Soil Mechanics and Foundation
be developed to meet both the economy and the Engineering, 5: 61-62.
safety criteria. In case the superstructure loads [4] Small, J.C., Zhang, H.H., 2000. Piled Raft Foundations
are so high that the bearing capacity of soil strata Subjected to General Loadings. Developments in
Theoretical Geomechanics, Ed. D.W. Smith, & J.P.
close to the surface is insufficient, or if the al- Carter, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp.431-444.
lowable settlement values are exceeded although [5] Turek, J., 2006, Beitrag zur Klarung des Trag-und Ver-
the bearing capacity criteria is satisfied, use of a formungsverhaltens horizontal belasteter Kombinierter
pile foundation is a solution. Pfahl-Plattengründungen, Mitteilungen des Institutes
und der Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik der Tech-
However, construction cost of pile founda- nischen Universitat Darmstadt, Heft 72.
tions is quite high when compared to that of shal- [6] Yalcin, A., 2010, Investigation of the behavior of piled
low foundations. So, the assumption that the su- raft foundations under vertical and lateral loading with
perstructural load would be transmitted to the finite element method, M.Sc. Thesis, Istanbul Technical
subsoil only by means of piles gives rise to over- [7] Engin, H.K., Septanika, E.G., & Brinkgreve R.B.J.,
estimation of pile number, hence construction 2008. Estimation of Pile Group Behavior using Embed-
costs increase. Therefore optimum design meth- ded Piles, In Singh (ed), International Association for
ods to decrease the costs are needed. Piled raft Computer Methods and Advances in Geomechanics;
12th International IACMAG Conference, Goa, India,
foundations are quite appropriate solutions in pp.3231-3238
3.2. Deep Foundations
Fondations profondes
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 819
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Étude expérimentale et numérique du

comportement d’un pieu isolé sous chargement
cyclique axial
Experimental and numerical analysis of the cyclic axial
response of a single pile
O. Benzaria
Université Paris-Est, LCPC Paris, et Fugro France, Nanterre, France
A. Le Kouby
Université Paris-Est, LCPC Paris, France
A. Puech 1
Fugro France, Nanterre, France

As part of the French National research project SOLCYP, numerical modelling with the software SCARP has been carried out to
simulate the behaviour of a full scale driven pile into normally consolidated clay and submitted to axial cyclic loading.
This paper presents some comparisons between numerical simulations and experimental results with a focus given on the evolu-
tion of pile head displacement and shaft friction degradation along the pile wall. The role of the cycle amplitude and of the num-
ber of cycles is also highlighted.

Dans le cadre du projet national français de recherche SOLCYP (SOLlicitations CYcliques sur les Pieux), une modélisation nu-
mérique à l’aide du logiciel SCARP a été effectuée afin de simuler le comportement d’un pieu isolé instrumenté soumis à des
chargements cycliques axiaux. Le pieu est battu dans une argile normalement consolidée. Cette communication présente une
comparaison entre les résultats de calcul et les résultats expérimentaux en termes d’accumulation des déplacements en tête et
d’évolution du frottement latéral le long du pieu. Elle montre aussi l’influence de l’amplitude cyclique et du nombre de cycles
sur les résultats.

Keywords: Cyclic Loading, Single Pile, SCARP.

1 INTRODUCTION des procédures de calcul pour prendre en compte

l’effet des chargements cycliques sur la réponse
Les fondations des ouvrages soumis à des sollici- des pieux.
tations cycliques telles que le vent, la houle, les Une modélisation numérique à l’aide du logi-
sollicitations de type transport routier et/ou fer- ciel SCARP [5] a été effectuée afin d’estimer
roviaire sur les ponts et les machines vibrantes, l’accumulation des déplacements en tête du pieu
peuvent subir une dégradation de leur capacité et l’évolution du frottement latéral le long du fût.
portante. Le logiciel SCARP, développé à l’Université de
Le projet national SOLCYP (2008-2012) [8] a Sydney, s’appuie sur un modèle d’interface avec
pour objectif de développer une méthodologie et radoucissement élasto-plastique et simule la dé-

Corresponding Author.
820 O. Benzaria et al. / Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’un pieu isolé

gradation de la capacité du pieu par le modèle de Les facteurs de dégradation pour le frottement
Matlock et Foo [3]. latéral, la résistance de pointe et le module de sol
Dans cette communication, on présente une sont dénotés respectivement : D, Db et DE.
étude comparative entre les résultats obtenus à La détermination de ces facteurs de dégrada-
l’aide du programme de calcul et les résultats tion peut être effectuée par deux approches diffé-
d’essais de chargements cycliques sur un pieu rentes :
instrumenté, effectués dans les années 80 par  l'approche adoptée par Matlock et Foo [3]
l’Institut Français du Pétrole (IFP) sur un site qui suppose que la dégradation cyclique en
d’argile molle normalement consolidée [6]. un point sur le pieu se produit seulement
La comparaison porte plus précisément sur s'il y a génération de déformation plastique
l’accumulation des déplacements en tête de pieu en ce point;
et sur l’évolution du frottement latéral le long du  l'approche du " déplacement cyclique" dans
pieu. Elle montre l’influence de l’amplitude cy- laquelle les facteurs de dégradation dépen-
clique et du nombre de cycles sur les résultats. dent du déplacement cyclique du pieu.
C’est la première approche qui est utilisée
dans cette étude où le facteur de dégradation
2 DESCRIPTION DU LOGICIEL SCARP pour le frottement latéral D est exprimé par :

Le logiciel SCARP calcule la distribution des D  (1  Y )( D '  Dmin )  Dmin (1)

déplacements et des frottements le long d'un pieu
isolé, ou un groupe de pieux, soumis à des char-
gements axiaux statiques et/ou cycliques. D = valeur actuelle du facteur de dégradation
Le logiciel s’appuie sur une approche 1-D en pour le frottement.
considérant le sol comme une masse ayant un D’= valeur du cycle précédent du facteur de dé-
comportement élastique et l'interface sol/pieu gradation pour le frottement.
ayant un comportement élasto-plastique. En Dmin= valeur minimale du facteur de dégradation.
fonction du nombre de couches du sol, le pieu est Y = taux de dégradation (compris entre 0,05 et
discrétisé en plusieurs tronçons. Pour chaque 0,5).
tronçon, soit la valeur limite de frottement est
spécifiée, soit un modèle d’interface élasto- Cette expression s'applique de la même ma-
plastique avec radoucissement est introduit. nière pour les facteurs de dégradation de la résis-
Le programme permet de quantifier les trois tance de pointe Db et du module de sol DE.
effets majeurs des chargements cycliques sur le Dans notre cas, on a considéré que, dans les
comportement d’un pieu [4]: deux premières couches, le taux de dégradation
 la dégradation du frottement latéral, de la minimale du frottement était de 10 % tandis que
résistance en pointe et du module du sol ; pour les deux dernières couches, le frottement ne
 les effets de la vitesse de chargement ; pouvait pas se dégrader (taux minimal de 0%).
 l’accumulation des déplacements perma- Quant au module du sol, on n’a pas imposé de
nents. dégradation minimale.
Afin de mesurer ces effets, Poulos [4] a intro-
duit le concept de facteur de dégradation D qui Les incréments de déplacement du sol à la fin
est défini comme suit : de chaque cycle sont basés sur l’expression :

propriété après le chargement cyclique S p  BN m e nX (2), [2]
propriété pour le chargement statique
B : déplacement permanent correspondant à la
charge minimale du premier cycle.
O. Benzaria et al. / Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’un pieu isolé 821

X : niveau de chargement cyclique appliqué. de 5 cellules de pression totale et 5 cellules de

N : nombre de cycles. pression interstitielle.
n, m : paramètres à déterminer expérimentale-
ment. 3.2 Le programme de chargement
Le pieu a été soumis à plusieurs essais de char-
En se basant sur une série d’essais sur pieux
gement en traction statique et cyclique.
modèles, Poulos [5] propose les valeurs de n et m
suivantes : Les essais cycliques sont de deux types :
 Type C : l’amplitude des cycles est mainte-
 pour un sable siliceux (avec une densité de
nue constante durant au moins 1000 cycles.
67 %) : m=0,245 et n =7,6.
 Type T : essai de type tempête à valeur
 pour un sable carbonaté (avec une densité
de 45 %) : m=0,122 et n =5,9. moyenne constante : l’amplitude des cycles
varie au cours du temps.
 pour un sable carbonaté (avec une forte
La durée de chaque cycle est de 14 s.
densité: m=0,39 et n =5,1.

En l’absence de valeurs m et n disponibles

pour l’argile, on a opté pour une méthode de 4 COMPARAISON DES RESULTATS
convergence itérative pour modéliser au mieux
les essais cycliques effectués sur le pieu du site Dans cette communication, on présente la modé-
expérimental de CRAN. Les valeurs optimales lisation d’un essai statique, de trois essais cy-
sont m=0,04 et n=1,3. clique de type C et d’un essai cyclique de type

3 LES ESSAIS EXPERIMENTAUX 4.1 Essai de chargement statique en tension

La première étape consiste à discrétiser le pieu
Des essais de chargements statiques et cycliques en quatre tronçons en fonction des épaisseurs des
en tension ont été appliqués sur un pieu instru- couches et déterminer les différents paramètres
menté, mis en place par battage sur le site expé- nécessaires au logiciel SCARP afin de modéliser
rimental de CRAN [6] et [7]. de manière adéquate l’essai statique de référence
(dernier essai statique effectué avant les essais
3.1 Le site de CRAN cycliques).
Le site est constitué d’argiles molles normale-
4.1.1 Le module de déformation
ment consolidées dont les caractéristiques
sont présentées dans le tableau 1. Pour déterminer le module de déformation de
Tableau 1. Caractéristiques du site expérimental CRAN chaque couche, on s’est basé sur le profil de mo-
dule de cisaillement déterminé à l’aide du pres-
Z (m) Couches Cu (kPa)
siomètre autoforeur (PAF).
0-2 Argile molle légèrement surconsolidée
2-8 Argile molle 20 à 50 E  2(1   )GP 0 (3)
8 - 13 Argile raide très hétérogène 50
13 - 17 Argile raide homogène 50 avec
E : module de déformation de la couche.
Le pieu testé était de type métallique tubulaire Ñ : cœfficient de poisson (0,3 pour CRAN).
de diamètre extérieur D=273mm, d’épaisseur e= GP0: module de cisaillement.
6,3mm, et de fiche L= 17m. Il était équipé de 19
niveaux de trois jauges de contraintes à 120°,
822 O. Benzaria et al. / Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’un pieu isolé

4.1.2 La résistance au cisaillement par l’existence d’une phase de fluage, non prise
La résistance au cisaillement Cu pour chaque en compte dans le modèle, et qui se traduit par
couche a été déterminée en considérant les résul- une accélération des déplacements de la tête du
tats d’essais au scissomètre de chantier et pieu aux charges élevées.
d’essais triaxiaux sur échantillons prélevés au ca-
rottier à tube mince poussé. 4.2 Essai de chargement cyclique en tension
Ensuite, pour chaque couche, le frottement On présente ici les résultats des premières sé-
limite est calculé à partir de la relation empirique quences cycliques appliquées au pieu.
proposée par l’API RP2A [1] :
4.2.1 Les essais cycliques Type C
 f   .Cu (4) Les premiers essais cycliques effectués sur le
pieu de CRAN sont présentés dans le tableau 2.
avec Ces essais ont été appliqués pendant 1000



r- cycles avec une fréquence de f = 0,07 Hz et une
tir des équations suivantes : charge moyenne Vm et amplitude cyclique Vc
Cu (Vmax =Vm +Vc).
s ) 0,5
  0,5s 0,5 si 'V 0
s k 0,5 Tableau 2. Caractéristiques des premiers essais cycliques ef-
  0,5s 0, 25 si fectués sur le pieu expérimental de CRAN
Essais Vm (kN) Vc (kN) Vmax / Vrt
4.1.3 Pieu de CRAN
C1-1 63 21 0,35
L’essai statique de référence pour le pieu de C1-2 63 42 0,44
CRAN est l’essai S3. Cet essai montre que le C2-2 84 21 0,53
pieu à une capacité en traction Vrt = 240 kN.
La figure 1 illustre une comparaison entre les Les figures 2 et 3 illustrent une comparaison
mesures et la modélisation de l’essai à l’aide du entre les frottements latéraux statiques et les frot-
logiciel de SCARP. tements maximaux cycliques mesurés et modéli-
sés par SCARP pour les tronçons supérieur l (0-
2m) et inférieur (13-17m).
On remarque que le frottement latéral mesuré,
sur le tronçon supérieur du pieu (figure 2) dimi-
nue avec le nombre de cycles. Les calculs
SCARP montrent les mêmes tendances mais ac-
centuent les phénomènes.
Dans le tronçon inférieur (figure 3), la valeur
mobilisée du frottement latéral reste constante
lorsque le nombre de cycles augmente (N = 10 à
1000) mais une accumulation de déplacement
apparaît traduisant une diminution du module en
fonction des cycles.
Figure 1. Comparaison d’un essai de chargement statique S3 Dans le cas de la couche superficielle, le frot-
sur le pieu de CRAN et une simulation SCARP. tement maximum (statique) a été atteint à la
première montée en charge. Une fois que cette
La courbe théorique est en assez bonne con- valeur maximale est atteinte, le frottement ne
cordance avec la courbe expérimentale malgré peut que se dégrader en fonction des cycles. En
une légère différence de comportement à la fin revanche, dans la couche inférieure, le frottement
de l’essai. Cette différence peut être expliquée mobilisé est très inférieur au frottement maxi-
O. Benzaria et al. / Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’un pieu isolé 823

mum mobilisable. La dégradation du frottement rée lors de l’essai T2-1 et celle calculée à l’aide
dans les couches supérieures entraîne un report de SCARP. La concordance entre les deux ap-
de charges vers le bas du pieu. Dans un premier proches est satisfaisante malgré un écart entre les
temps, le frottement dans le tronçon inférieur deux états initiaux. Cet écart peut être dû à
augmente avec la sévérité du chargement (figure l’histoire du chargement du pieu testé qui avait
3, N = 10) mais la mobilisation du frottement est déjà subi plusieurs séquences de chargement
toujours décrite par la courbe statique. Cette va- alors que, dans le calcul, on a considéré que le
leur se maintient dans la suite de l’essai alors que pieu n’avait subi aucun chargement avant cet es-
les déplacements locaux du pieu croissent légè- sai tempête.
rement avec le nombre de cycles traduisant une
baisse de la raideur locale (Figure 3, N=1000). 30

Frottement latéral (kPa)

3.5 20
Frottement latéral (kPa)

1 1
3 3 2 3
N=10 15
10 Essai-S3
2 3 1- C1-1
1 2 2- C1-2 SCARP-S3
1.5 1-C1-1 5 3- C2-2 Essais-cyc
2-C1-2 Essai-S3
1 SCARP-cyc
3-C2-2 SCARP-S3 0
0.5 Essais-cyc
SCARP-cyc 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Frottement latéral (kPa)

4 N=1000
3.5 20
Frottement latéral (kPa)

3 1 2
3 N=1000 3
1 2 3
10 1- C1-1 Essai-S3
1 2 2- C1-2
1.5 5 Essais-cyc
1- C1-1 Essai-S3 3- C2-2
1 2- C1-2 SCARP-S3
Essais-cyc 0
3- C2-2
0.5 SCARP-cyc 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0 Déplacement max (mm)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
Déplacement max (mm) Figure 3 : Courbes t-z statiques et cycliques (C1-2 ; C1-1 ;
C2-2) pour le tronçon inférieur (13-17m) du pieu de CRAN.
Figure 2 : Courbes t-z statiques et cycliques (C1-2 ; C1-1;
C2-2) pour le tronçon supérieur (0-2m) du pieu de CRAN.
Le logiciel SCARP permet de modéliser assez
fidèlement les phénomènes observés lors des es- L’objet de cette communication est de confronter
sais cycliques de type C mais avec une légère les résultats d’essais de chargement cycliques
amplification. axiaux effectués sur un pieu réel instrumenté à
ceux d’une modélisation numérique à l’aide du
4.2.2 Les essais cycliques de type T logiciel SCARP.
La figure 4 illustre une comparaison entre L’étude montre que le chargement cyclique
l’évolution du déplacement en tête du pieu mesu- axial engendre une accumulation de déplacement
en tête de pieu, résultant d’une dégradation du
824 O. Benzaria et al. / Étude expérimentale et numérique du comportement d’un pieu isolé

frottement latéral dans les couches superficielles, REMERCIEMENTS

et d’une dégradation de la raideur dans les
couches profondes Ces aspects sont assez bien Les résultats présentés dans cette communication
modélisés par le logiciel moyennant un choix ju- ont été acquis dans le cadre du Projet National
dicieux des paramètres de la loi de dégradation Français SOLCYP (SOLlicitations Cycliques sur
(D) et de la loi d’accumulation des déplacements les Pieux) regroupant 12 entreprises et bureaux
(m,n). d’études et 6 organismes universitaires et de re-
Un des objectifs du projet SOLCYP est de cherche. Il est piloté par l’IREX et financé par
parvenir à la définition de ces paramètres pour les partenaires, l’ANR, le MEEDDM et la FNTP.
différents types de matériaux : argile normale- Les auteurs remercient les partenaires du projet
ment consolidée, argile surconsolidée, sables fins d’avoir autorisé la publication de ces données.
et moyens.
Quatre voies sont explorées :
- essais triaxiaux cycliques en compression REFERENCES
(CAUc) et extension (CAUe) et essais de
cisaillement simple cycliques direct [1] API RP 2A (1993), Recommended Practice for Plan-
(DSS) ; ning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Plat-
forms, American Petroleum Institute, July 1993.
- essais cycliques in situ sur prototypes de [2] Diyaljee, V. A. and Raymond, G. P. (1982). Repetitive
pénétromètre et pressiomètre cycliques ; Load Deformation of Cohesionless Soil. Journal of The
- essais de chargements cycliques sur pieux Geotechnical Engineering Division, Proceedings of The
modèles (chambre d’étalonnage et centri- American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, Vol. 108,
N°. GT10.
fugeuse) ; [3] Matlock, H. and Foo, S. H. C. (1979). Axial analysis of
- essais de chargements cycliques sur deux piles using a hysteretic and degrading soil model. Nu-
types de pieux réels (acier, béton) dans merical Methods in Offshore Piling. ICE, London, pp.
deux types de sol (argile des Flandres et 127-133.,
[4] Poulos, H.G. (1982) "Influence of Cyclic Loading on
sable de Dunkerque). Axial Pile Response". 2nd Int. Conf. Num. Meths. in
Offshore Piling, Austin, pp. 419-440.
[5] Poulos, H.G. (1989). "SCARP USERS’S MANUAL".
Centre for Geotechnical Research. The University of
[6] Puech, A. (1982). "Basic Data for the Design of Ten-
sion Piles in Silty Soils", Proc. 3rd BOSS Conference,
Boston, Mass. Vol. 1, pp. 141-157.
[7] Puech, A., Boulon, M. and Meimon, Y. (1982), "Ten-
sion Piles: Field Data and Numerical Modelling", Proc.
2nd Int. Conf. on Numerical Methods in Offshore Pil-
ing, Austin, Texas, USA, pp. 293-312.
[8] Puech, A., Po, S., Benzaria, O., Le Kouby, A., Rocher-
Lacoste, F., (2011), "Cyclic loading of instrumented
test piles: the SOLCYP project", 15th European Con
ference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineer
ing, Athens, Greece. To be published.

Figure 4 : Comparaison entre l’évolution du déplacement en

tête du pieu mesuré lors de l’essai T2-1 et celle calculée à
l’aide de SCARP.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 825
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 831
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Interpretation of axial load tests for bored piles

penetrating soft rocks
L’interprétation des essais de capacité portant pour les pieux
penetrant dans les roches degradées
R. Ciortan 1
IPTANA 36-38 Dinicu Golescu Bvd. Bucharest, Romania
S. Manea
Technical University of Civil Engineering, 124 Lacul Tei Bvd, Bucharest, Romania
G. Tsitsas
EDRASIS Psallidas S.A., 47th km of Attiki Odos, Koropi, Greece

Axial load tests performed during the construction of the deep foundations have demonstrated the significant effect of the pile
penetration into the degraded bedrock for both end bearing and skin friction capacities.

Pour les constructions avec foundations profunds les testes de capacité portante ont mis en evidence l’effect de la penetration des
pieux dans la roche degradée pour la resistence en base et aussi pour la resistence latterale.

Keywords: pile, displacement, applied load, penetration into the bedrock, toe bearing capacity, skin friction bearing capacity.

1 FOUNDATION REQUIREMENTS bridges and wind farms. All aforementioned

CONSTRUCTIONS piles were embedded in soft rocks consisting of
compacted clay with insertions of rock fragments
In some construction projects, shallow foun- with differing weathering stages. Above the soft
dations have been used to transfer loads to the rock there is a layer mix of cohesive and com-
soil that were in excess of its allowable bearing pressible soil layers (clayey sand, clayey silt and
capacity resulting in settlements greater than the silty clays - loess based soils).
admissible values for good maintenance. For These soil deposits are highly variable due
these reasons, recent projects have utilized deep to their unhomogeneous alternating compounds,
foundations with piles which penetrating a soil with rock insertions from a few to tens of centi-
layer with favorable geotechnical properties. meters thick, the weathering and fissuring stage
Recently, reinforced concrete bored piles of the limestone, or the irregular schistosity with
having diameter greater than 0,6m have been depth.
used as the preferred foundation system for Since these soft rocks constitute a soil with
structures close to Romania’s Black Sea shore- smaller deformability than the cohesive layer
line including port structures, shopping malls,

Corresponding Author.
832 R. Ciortan et al. / Interpretation of Axial Load Tests for Bored Piles Penetrating Soft Rocks

above it, the piles were executed by penetrating 2.1 Test for Commercial Complex Constanta
this layer.
A bored pile of 0,80m in diameter and length
Based on Romanian standards, test piles are
of 17m has been tested. Piles of 1,2m in diameter
required for verifying the pile bearing capacity as
and length of 20m (Fig.2) were used as reaction
a function of the measured displacement.
piles. All piles were constucted by the dry me-
Table 1 shows the testing requirements ac-
cording to NP-123/2010 “Standards for geotech-
nical design of pile foundations”.
Minimum no. of test piles according to the load
No. of type
piles of the
Axial load
construction / Lateral
area Ten-
Compression load
1...20 1 1 1
21...100 2 2 2
101...200 3 2 2
3+one pile for
H every 100 piles over 2 2
Table 1. Testing requirement according to NP-123/2010

According to Romanian Standard NP 045-

2000 “In Situ Testing of foundation piles” there
are four levels of testing. Levels 1 and 2 are used
to determine the critical load and usually the out- Figure 2. Typical Test Setup
of-production pile is loaded to failure, while le-
vels 3 and 4 are used for verification, and the op- The first 9,5m of the soil in which the pile
erational pile is loaded up to 150% of the opreta- was constructed consists of clay and silty clay.
tional load. The next 3,5m are sandy clay having small li-
mestone insertions. Next is fissured limestone
(sandy clay with limestone boulders). The pile
2 AXIAL PILE LOAD TESTS was embedded approximately 4m into sandy clay
with limestone boulders.
Axial pile load tests were executed based For the maximum applied load of 5,620KN
on the requirements of NP 045-2000. resulted a maximum displacement of 4,02mm.
Figure 1 shows the general location of the After unloading, a residual displacement of
tests. 0,75mm was measured (Fig.3).

Figure 3. Pile head displacement versus applied load

The axial load distribution and skin friction

Figure 1. Test Location along the pile was measured with the aid of a se-
R. Ciortan et al. / Interpretation of Axial Load Tests for Bored Piles Penetrating Soft Rocks 833

ries of strain gauges installed along the longitu- The toe and top of the pile having total length
dinal reinforcement (Fig.4 and Fig.5). of 1,25m have not been taken into consideration
for calculation. The measured values lead to a
friction force of 4,934KN and thus the remaining
686KN are supported by the pile’s toe. Hence,
end bearing constitutes 12.2% of the applied load

2.2 Tests performed for various structures in

Constanta Port
Figure 4. General view from strain gauge arrangement
and protection Piles up to 30m length and 1m diameter have
been constructed to support of some new struc-
For the measured displacement of 4mm the tures in the Constanta Port. The piles were con-
following skin friction resistances were deduced: structed with full casing and penetrated the be-
122,14KN/m2 for the first 5,0m, 206,68KN/m2 drock (weathered limestone in clay mass) in
for the next 5,00m and 53,01KN/m2 for the last depths between 3 and 10 meters.
5,75m. Maximum top of pile settlements between
1,35mm and 12,62mm and residual displace-
ments between 0,50mm and 6,17mm have been
recorded during the load tests. As expected, pe-
netration into the weathered rock, which has
much better geotechnical properties than the co-
hesive layer above it, leads to the conclusion that
a great part of the total capacity is contributed by
the pile toe.

2.3 Load test for a wind farm

A 1,08m diameter bored pile constructed in
dry conditions has been tested in another area
near Constanta, where a 5m thick loess layer is
followed by a 3,1m layer of alternating layers of
green schist and silty clay, green schist.
This pile having a length of 8,05m pene-
trated 2,55m of the loess, 3,8m of altenate layers
of weathered schist and silty clay and was em-
bedded 1,7m in green schist. The maximum ap-
plied load was 4.400KN. For this load a maxi-
mum settlement of 1,34mm was recorded while
the residual settlement after unloading was
0,21mm (Fig 6).

Figure 5. Calculated load values at different strain gauge

levels under maximum test load
834 R. Ciortan et al. / Interpretation of Axial Load Tests for Bored Piles Penetrating Soft Rocks

Figure 6. Typical displacement after axial compression

loading test Figure 7. Typical displacement after axial compression
loading test
The pile penetration of more than 1,7m
within the schist increased the contribution of the After drilling about 21m into the cohesive
pile’s skin friction resistance. clay layer the piles penetrated 11m into a clay
From these measurements and calculations with fragments of limestone and the pile toe ter-
we obtained that the skin friction resistance minated into a layer of compacted sand with li-
reached about 85% of the total resistance for the mestone fragments.
applied load. At the maximum load of 11.110KN the
Reaction piles were identical to the test measured settlement was 4,608mm while the re-
pile. For a load of 2.000KN they had a maximum sidual displacement was 1,81mm.
displacement of 0,022mm.

2.4 Test for a bridge
Table 2 and Figure 8 summarize results asso-
Bored piles of 1,5m in diameter and 37m in ciated with the aforementioned pile load tests.
length were tested for the construction of a
bridge (Fig. 6). Bentonite slurry was used for ex-
cavation support.
R. Ciortan et al. / Interpretation of Axial Load Tests for Bored Piles Penetrating Soft Rocks 835

It was observed that in cases where penetra-

tion in the bedrock was about 3diameters (3m to
4m) and where the cohesive layer above the be-
drock had a thickness of 10 to 15m, the toe bear-
ing capacity was about 50%-70% of the total, ac-
cording also to the value of the applied load.
The big difference between the modulus of
elasticity in the perforated cohesive and soft rock
layers, where the ratio can be from 1 to 10, had
direct consequence on the decrease of the settle-
ment. Based on the small measured settlements,
the mobilized skin friction above the bedrock is
of small value.
If the embedment in the bedrock was great-
er, and the contact surface between the pile and
schist was rough, the contribution of the skin
friction of the rock would be greater.
For a top layer with a thickness 40% small-
er than the embedment into the bedrock the skin
friction can be more than 85% of the total bear-
ing capacity, mostly due to the rock penetration.
Table 2. Summary of results

The analyzed cases highlight the differen- 4 CONCLUSIONS

tiated contribution of the weathered rock on
pile’s bearing capacity according to embedment A number of constructions along the Roma-
length and also rock properties. nian shoreline are founded on piles embedded in
soft rock layers (clay with limestone boulders,
degraded limestone with clay lenses, degraded
Based on tests, it results that with pile em-
bedment in bedrock the obtained displacements
are relatively small due to the big elasticity mod-
ulus of the bedrock and the relatively high end
bearing capacity. If pile penetration into the be-
drock is between 1,5m and 3m, the piles can be
considered end bearing piles, and the skin fric-
tion resistance can be neglected according to the
thickness and proprieties of the perforated layers.
The registered displacements depend on the
value of applied load compared to pile’s toe
bearing capacity. It can be estimated that for
stiff clay with rock fragments and for a pile
length of 10 to 20 meters, the toe bearing capaci-
ty is 50% to 70% of the total resistance.
According to the bedrock geotechnical pro-
prieties, for a penetration length three times big-
Figure 8. Load versus settlement results ger than the diameter of the pile, the amount of
836 R. Ciortan et al. / Interpretation of Axial Load Tests for Bored Piles Penetrating Soft Rocks

resistance contributed by the skin friction along

the bedrock is starting to have more significance
and can reach 85% of the bearing capacity.
In-situ test were done for validating the
bearing capacity of the piles that penetrate soft
rocks. These tests prove their necessity and use-
fulness and also allow us to have better, near re-
ality, appraisal.


[1] DeCock, Legrand, Survey report on the present day.

Design methods for axially loaded piles. European
practice ERTC3, Amsterdam, Holland, 2009.
[2] EDRASIS-ISPIF, Pile load test for wind farm, Fanta-
nele, Romania, 2009.
[3] EDRASIS-ISPIF, Pile load test for a bridge, Constanta,
Romania, 2011.
Constanta City Center. Axial static compression pile
load test. Constanta, Romania, 2008.
[5] INCERC Bucuresti ,In Situ Testing of foundation piles,
NP 045-2000 Romanian norms, Romania, 2000.
[6] Lord, J.A., Hayward T., Clayton, CRI, Shaft friction on
CFA piles in chalk, CIRIA, London, England, 2003.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 837
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

A new method for the evaluation of the ultimate

load of piles by tests not carried to failure
Une nouvelle méthode pour l'évaluation de la charge limite des
pieux avec des essais qui n’atteignent pas la rupture
G. Dalerci, R. Bovolenta 1
Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural Engineering, University of Genova

A new method for the evaluation of the ultimate limit load of piles by tests not carried to failure is proposed. By a proper use of
experimental results, it allows for a complete analysis of piles behaviour. In fact, the total, shaft and base load-settlement curves
can be evaluated. It can be applied when shaft friction is fully mobilized during the test.

Cet article propose une méthode pour évaluer la charge limite des pieux par des essais qui n’atteignent pas la rupture. La
méthode permet, grâce à une opportune élaboration des résultats expérimentaux, une analyse complète du comportement des
pieux. Les relations entre la charge (totale, latérale ou à la base) et le déplacement peuvent aussi être évaluées. La méthode peut
être appliquée si la résistance latérale est totalement mobilisée.

Keywords: Foundations; piles; loading tests.

1 INTRODUCTION base loads and the low strain modulus can vary
in wide ranges (see [3]). Potential errors in the
Few methods have been proposed in order to de- total ultimate load determination are rather mod-
duce the shaft and base performance of a single erate if the maximum axial load applied during
pile by load tests. the test is greater than 75% of the failure one. In
One of the most famous methods for single this case recourse to the approach proposed by
pile settlement prediction and analysis is the one Chin ([4], [5]) is to be preferred because of its
proposed by Fleming ([1], [2]). It is based on the simplicity.
use of hyperbolic functions to describe individual Dalerci ([7]) formulated a method able to pro-
shaft and base load - head settlement perform- vide the ultimate shaft load and the soil Young’s
ance. The method provides useful indications modulus. These values are deduced by represent-
about soil Young’s modulus at low strains. The ing the settlement/load values as a function of
method is quite simple but it introduces many pa- settlements and interpolating the data by means
rameters and it does not provide a unique solu- of a linear plot. Application of this method to-
tion. The calculated values of ultimate shaft and gether with the Chin’s one provides complete in-

Corresponding Author.
838 G. Dalerci and R. Bovolenta / A New Method for the Evaluation of the Ultimate Load of Piles

formation about the pile performance (see [3]). a rigid plate) and along the shaft (see Table 1 for
Dalerci & Bovolenta (see [6]) proposed a new constant stresses along the shaft);
method in order to estimate the ultimate shaft [ = coefficient depending on the shaft shear
load and the soil Young’s modulus. This ap- stresses ([ = 0.5 for constant shear stresses along
proach allows a simple interpretation of full- the shaft).
scale pile tests. It can be applied when shaft fric-
tion is fully mobilized. Table 1. Ib for a rigid base and Is for constant shear stresses
A new procedure is described here for the
L/D Qsoil = 0.2 Qsoil = 0.3 Qsoil = 0.4 Qsoil = 0.5
evaluation of the ultimate load by tests not car- Ib
ried to failure. Its adoption together with the me- 5 0.4676 0.4990 0.5289 0.5476
thod proposed by Dalerci & Bovolenta [6] allows 10 0.4487 0.4791 0.5075 0.5238
a complete analysis of the single pile behavior. 25 0.4373 0.4672 0.4947 0.5095
The calculated shaft and base load values, repre- 50 0.4335 0.4632 0.4904 0.5048
sented as functions of the pile head settlement, 5 0.1589 0.1721 0.1918 0.2188
are not necessarily hyperbolic. 10 0.0924 0.1019 0.1144 0.1315
25 0.0443 0.0491 0.0556 0.0643
50 0.0249 0.0277 0.0314 0.0366


THE PILE PERFORMANCE The ratio between the head settlement s and
the load Q can be expressed by the (6):
s Q
2.1 Evaluation of the ultimate shaft load and wb  eb  s ª¬ wb  eb  ws  es º¼
the soil stiffness modulus Q Q
A short summary of the method formulated by E  >E  J @
Dalerci & Bovolenta (see [6]) is presented. The Q
vertical settlement s of a pile in a linearly elastic E = wb + eb (7)
homogeneous and isotropic soil stratum is:
s = wb Qb + ws Qs + eb Qb + es Q (1)  = ws+ es (8)
In Figure 1 the curve s/Q-1/Q is shown for the
wb Ib
1  Q
cases of elastic perfectly plastic soil behaviour
D b E soil (curve on the left), and real soil behaviour (curve
on the right). The interval 0-1 represents the be-

ws Is
1  Q
haviour of the system below the ultimate shaft
load, 1-2 (1’-2’ in the ideal case) load transfer to
D E soil
the base, while 2-3 identifies the pile collapse.
L The line 1’-2’ crosses the axes in D/Qsu and E,
eb (4)
EA being D = (E)/(E - ). When E is known, the val-
ue of Esoil can be obtained and then the ultimate
es [ (5) shaft load Qsu can be estimated.
Qb ; Qs = base and shaft load; 0 1/Qu D/Q su 1/Q 0 1/Qu 1/Qcr D/Q su 1/Q
D ; Db= shaft and base diameter of the pile; E E
L = lenght of the pile; 1 0 1’ 0
Esoil ; E = soil and pile Young’s modulus; 2 2’
Qsoil = soil Poisson’s ratio; E E
A = cross sectional area; 3 3
Ib ; Is = influence factors, depending on L/D, s/Q s/Q

Qsoil , and on the stresses at the base (assumed as

Figure 1. Curves s/Q-1/Q from Dalerci & Bovolenta (2009)
G. Dalerci and R. Bovolenta / A New Method for the Evaluation of the Ultimate Load of Piles 839

In the procedure proposed by Dalerci [7], the load value can be obtained assuming  in
line 1’-2’ was defined by interpolation of the order to satisfy the (15).
measured values of s/Q and 1/Q and then Esoil The minimum value of the ultimate shaft load
and Qsu were estimated. Observing Figure 1: is deduced for  = min. This assumption, which is
§ s· Q the same as assuming that the pile is rigid, can be
¨ ¸ E  s E  J E0 (9) too precautionary, and the alternative assumption
© ¹ 0 1
of ws = 0 would be more reasonable. The value
In the range 0-1, the ratio Qs/Q is lower than 1 of  is determined in order to have  = es. The
and in the ideal case (in Figure 1 on the left) it is maximum value of the ultimate shaft load is eva-
constant. Then the ultimate shaft and base loads luated for  = 1.
can be determined: The procedure briefly illustrated, allows one
Qs to determine E and consequently Esoil in a well
G (10) defined way. The evaluation of the ultimate shaft
load Qsu is more discretionary because of the in-
E  G E  J E0 (11) fluence of the compatibility criterion adopted.
Nonetheless, as Qsu varies in a narrow range, the
E  E0 E 0  E 1  G average value can be already representative.
J E (12)
G G Qlat /Q=d elta 0.9872 0.9872
wL+eL=gamma 0.02358 [mm/t] 0.02358

QE  s
[mm] [MN]Total
% %
unto n°. s Qlat Qbas e s /D Q/Qu
12 -31.30
0.486 6.5 85.7

Qs (13) 13
3.258 0.942

Base Load
e B= 0.0784612 [mm/t] Ok
Et= 217.9159 [kg/cmq]
[mm] [t] [t] [t] [mm/t] % %
Step n° s Qtot Qlat Qb ase s/Q s/D Q/Qu

0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.0

Qb Q  Qs
1 -0.90 30.58 30.19 0.39 -0.02943 0.2 7.1

(14) 2
1.9 E 35.7
7 -11.30 214.07 200.39 13.68 -0.05279 2.3 50.0

Since œ0 can be deduced by pile loading tests,

8 -14.00 244.65 226.64 18.01 -0.05723 2.9 57.1
9 -17.10 275.23 252.01 23.22 -0.06213 3.6 64.3
10 -20.80 305.81 276.08 29.73 -0.06802 4.3 71.4 E*
11 -25.30 336.39 298.39 38.00 -0.07521 5.3 78.6
12 -31.30 366.97 317.42 49.55 -0.08529 6.5 85.7 E2
the method consists in the evaluation of  and œ 13

Head Settlement

(and then Esoil), in order to obtain a shaft load –

settlement curve almost hyperbolic. Figure 2. Influence of the variation of Eand choice of E 
It is worth specifying that:
x the shape of shaft load – head settlement
Total Load
Shaft Load
Base Load G1
curve is influenced by œ and not by . G*

x  affects the ultimate shaft load.


x  can vary in a narrow range, generally G1

from 0.9 to 1.  must satisfy the (15) : G2

E 0  E 1  G Head Settlement
J t es [ eb (15)
G Figure 3. Influence of the variation of G and choice of G
When  = 0 the value of  has a minimum:
E0 œ influences the shape of the shaft load - head
G min 1 (16) settlement curve, especially in the second part
(Figure 2). œ has to be chosen in order to have a
The procedure can be summarised in the fol- curve with an initial increase until the load is
lowing points: transferred to the base and then the shaft load is
x a value of  is chosen, for instance 0.95. constant. , whose variability is quite low, influ-
x œ is determined in order to obtain a shaft ences the first part of the shaft and base load -
load – head settlement curve whose shape head settlement curves (Figure 3). Since  repre-
is rather hyperbolic or elasto-plastic. When sents the quota of load which is along the shaft, 
E is known, the value of eb can be calcu- is fixed in order to avoid a hardening base load –
lated and then Esoil can be deduced. head settlement curve.
x The shaft load curve and the ultimate shaft The hardening behaviour is obtained for
840 G. Dalerci and R. Bovolenta / A New Method for the Evaluation of the Ultimate Load of Piles

 < min , while for  = 1 the base load increases s0 = sb + sEb + sEs (20)
starting from the settlement corresponding to at- s0 = pile head settlement (assuming ws = 0);
tainment of ultimate shaft load.  can not assume sEb= pile elastic shortening caused by Qb;
negative values. Hardening behaviour has been sEs = pile elastic shortening caused by Qs;
noticed in some of the loading tests analysed. sEb and sEs can be evaluated knowing the soil
This confirms that the base load values, repre- features and how the loads are transferred. As-
sented as a function of the pile head settlement, suming the pile as a column subjected to an axial
are not necessarily hyperbolic. load reaching the base, sEb can be estimated by
the (21). The pile elastic shortening caused by Qs
2.2 Evaluation of the ultimate load can be determined by the (22).
The analysis of the pile behaviour can be devel- L
sEb ˜ Qb eb ˜ Qb (21)
oped by the proposed method, which starts from EA
the following assumptions:
sav sEs Qs ˜ [ ˜ Qs ˜ [ ˜ eb Qs ˜ es (22)
Qs ˜ Qsu (17) EA
sav cr  sav
Where [ is the already mentioned coefficient
sb depending on the shaft shear stresses W It can
Qb ˜ Qbu (18)
sbcr  sb vary from 0.2 to 0.66 (Figure 5) in relation to the
pile and soil type and the boundary conditions.

sav cr sav
Figure 5: Values of ?
Figure 4: Critical settlement

Qsu = ultimate shaft load (approach in 2.1); s0 and sav can be determined by (23) and (24):
Qbu = ultimate base load; s0 sb  Qb ˜ eb  Qs ˜ es (23)
sb = settlement at the pile base; s0  sb Q Q
sav = shaft average settlement = (s+sb)/2; sav sb  b ˜ eb  s ˜ es (24)
2 2 2
sav cr = critical settlement, which depends on
the pile type and slenderness and the soil fea- sav can be also expressed by (25) :
tures. Experimental results demonstrate that its Q Q
sav sb  b ˜ eb  s ˜ [ ˜ eb (25)
variability is from 0.0005D to 0.0025D. It can be 2 2
defined graphically (see Figure 4). Introducing for simplicity the parameters spe-
sbcr = base critical settlement. It can be cal- cified in (26), (27) and (28), the value of Qs can
culated by (19): be expressed by the (29):
( 1 Q soil 2 ) ˜ I b w A [ ˜ eb (26)
sbcr Qbu ˜ Qbu ˜ b (19)
Ei ,soil ˜ Db 3
B 2sav cr  2sb  Qb ˜ eb  Qsu ˜ eb ˜ [ (27)
Ei,soil = initial Young’s modulus of the soil
beneath pile base. It can be assumed equal to C Qsu ˜ 2 sb  Qb ˜ eb (28)
3Esoil where Esoil is the Young’s modulus ob-
tained by the previously described approach. Qs B  B2  4 AC 2A (29)
Neglecting ws, the pile head settlement is giv-
en by equation (20):
G. Dalerci and R. Bovolenta / A New Method for the Evaluation of the Ultimate Load of Piles 841

The procedure is easy to be implemented and Total Load Shaft Load

it consists of the following two phases: Y Y

1. evaluation of Qsu (graphically) and Esoil (by

the method shown in paragraph 2.1);
2. definition of Qbu, sav cr and ë in order to ob-

Head Settlement

Head Settlement
tain a good accordance between measured and
calculated values. The load – head settlement
curve is obtained by the following steps:
x choice of a value of sb;
x calculation of Qb by (18); Figure 8: Influence of the variation of ë
x use of (29) to determine Qs;
x use of (30) to determine the total load Q: 2.3 Performance of piles with prevalent shaft
Q=Qs+Qb (30) resistance
x assessment of the pile settlement by (31):
For the study of the piles with predominant
s0 sb  Qb ˜ eb  Qs ˜ [ ˜ eb (31) shaft resistance at low load levels (Qb  0 and
Qbuì affects the base and the total load – head  = Qs/Q  1) the proposed method can be ap-
settlement curves especially in their second parts plied with the following modifications.
because the gradients are proportional to QbuM When s0 > sav cr the procedure previously pro-
(Figure 6). sav affects the first part of the shaft posed is applicable.
and the total load – head settlement curves, espe- When s0  sav cr , the base settlement and load
cially at the threshold between the elastic and the are neglected (i.e. sb = 0 ; Qb = 0 and conse-
plastic behaviour (Figure 7). ë varies in a narrow quently Qs = Q). In order to define the shaft and
range and affects the first part of the shaft and total load - head settlement curves, a value of the
the total load – head settlement curves (Figure pile head settlement s0 is to be assumed. sav can
8). In general, these parameters have to be cho- be determined by the (32) and Qs by the (33).
sen in order to obtain a satisfactory accordance L
with the test results. sav s0  sEs s0  Qs ˜ [ ˜ s0  Qs ˜ es (32)
Total Load Base Load
savcr  s0  Qsu ˜ [ ˜ eb
Qbu 2 ˜ [ ˜ eb
 ª( savcr  s0  Qsu ˜ [ ˜ eb )2  (33)
2 ˜ [ ˜ eb ¬
Head Settlement

Head Settlement


4 ˜ [ ˜ eb ˜ s0 ˜ Qsu @

Figure 6: Influence of the variation of Qbu

Total Load Shaft Load THE METHOD

sav cr sav cr In order to validate the method, the results of 44

full instrumented pile tests have been back-
analysed. In 14 of the considered cases the piles
Head Settlement
Head Settlement

interact with hard soils or weak rocks. Three ex-

amples are presented, chosen as representative of
typical piles behaviour. Relevant data for the
Figure 7: Influence of the variation of sav cr
three cases are reported in Table 2.
842 G. Dalerci and R. Bovolenta / A New Method for the Evaluation of the Ultimate Load of Piles

Table 2. Data for the pile analysis evaluation of the ultimate load is described. Pro-
EX. Qsu (t) Esoil (t/mm2) Qbu (t) sav cr (mm) ë vided that shaft friction is completely mobilized,
1 743.5 12.310*10-4 370 3.0 0.20 all the adopted parameters can be determined by
2 136.5 15.951*10-4 55 0.1 0.35 back-analysis of tests not carried to failure. The
3 194.0 16.080*10-4 650 2.0 0.70 total, shaft and base load - head settlement
curves can be easy defined properly taking into
Load [t] Load [t]
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175
account the pile and the soil type and boundary
0 0 conditions., Implementation and application of
-1 the procedure are very simple. The parameters
are easy to be determined and they vary in nar-
Head Settlement [mm]
Head Settlement [mm]


row ranges. The deduced data may be used to

predict the response of piles of different diameter
and length in the same soils. Good accordance
-35 between measured and calculated values has
Measured Calculated
been verified in a wide range of soils and piles.
Measured Calculated
Qs Qb
Qs Qb

Figure 9: Load – head set- Figure 10: Load – head set-

tlements curves (Example 1) tlements curves (Example 2) REFERENCES
Load [t]
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
[1] W. G. K.Fleming, A new method for single pile settle-
ment prediction and analysis. Géotechnique 42 (1992),
-20 411-425.
Head Settlement [mm]

-30 [2] W. G. K. Fleming Execution and interpretation of pile

loading tests. Proc. l6th Conf. on Geotechnics in Turin
(I), paper No. 16.7 (1997) 1-21.
[3] R. Passalacqua, G. Dalerci, M. Lupo, A pile load test
-80 interpretation method: consideration and validation,
-90 Proc. 4th Int. Conf. Deep Foundation Practice Incorpo-
Measured Calculated rating Piletalk, Singapore, 29-30 July 1999, 141-148.
Qs Qb
Fleming [4] F. K. Chin, Estimation of the ultimate load of piles
from tests not came to failure, Proc. 2nd SE Asian
Conf. Soil Engng., Singapore, (1970) 81-92.
Figure 11: Load – head set- [5] F. K. Chin, The inverse slope as a prediction of ultimate
tlements curves (Example 3) bearing capacity of piles, Proc. 3rd SE Asian Conf. SoiI
Engng., Hong Kong, (1972) 83-91.
Example 1: drilled cast in place pile (L = 8,7 [6] G. Dalerci, R. Bovolenta Un metodo per
m and D = 0,762 m) in clay shale (see [8]). l’interpretazione di prove di carico su pali non
strumentati. Incontro Annuale dei Ricercatori di
Example 2: bored cast in place pile (L = 9,0 m Geotecnica IARG, 9-11 Sept 2009 Sapienza-Università
and D = 0,600 m) in sand and cemented clay (see di Roma.
[9]). [7] G. Dalerci, Analysis and interpretation of axial load test
Example 3: Drilled cast in place pile (L = 6.55 on not instrumented pi1es. Italian contribution to 10th
ECSMFE., Florence I (1991), 81-86.
m and D = 0,84 m) in sand and cemented clay. [8] V. Vijayvergiya , W. R.Hudson, L.C. Reese, Load dis-
Pile base embedded in a clay stratum, cemented tribution for drilled shaft in clay shale. Research Re-
very much (see [10]). port, 89-5.University of Texas, Austin (1969).
Figures 9, 10 and 11 demonstrate that the pro- [9] E. Cabella, R. Passalacqua., M. Lupo Axial load test at
failure on a large diameter, instrumented, bored pile,
posed method allows for reliable estimation of Proc. 3rd Int. Geot. Seminar on Deep Foundations and
the piles behaviour. Bored and Auger Piles, Ghent (B) (1998), 201-207.
[10] L. C. Reese, M. W. O’Neill, Field Load Test of Drilled
Shaft. Proceedings, International Seminar on Deep
Foundations on Bored and Auger Piles, Van Impe (ed.),
4 FINAL REMARKS Balkema, Rotterdam (1988) 145 – 192.

In the present work a new procedure for the

Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 843
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

A parametric study on pile drivability for large

diameter offshore monopiles
Une étude paramétrique sur la maniabilité de pieux pour de
grand diamètre monopiles offshore
P. Doherty1, K. Gavin
Geotechnical Research Group, School of architecture, Landscape and Civil Engineering, University
College Dublin, Ireland
B. Casey
Head of Civil Engineering, Mainstream Renewable Power, Dublin, Ireland

This paper presents a parametric study that investigates issues such as the pile diameter, wall thickness, pile-soil resistance
model and hammer type on offshore pile driveability. The research indicates that the model used to calculate the static resistance
to driving (SRD) has a dominant effect on the accuracy of pile driving predictions. The current industry standard API-07 method
suggests that piles of up to 8 m diameter can be driven to a target penetration of 35 m even in very dense sand typically encoun-
tered in the North Sea. In contrast, recent Cone Penetration Test (CPT) design methods indicates much harder driving and sug-
gests a new generation of much higher capacity hammers will be required to install these piles.

Cet article présente une étude paramétrique qui étudie des questions telles que le diamètre du pieu, épaisseur de paroi, modèle de
résistance pile-sol et le type de marteau sur l'agrément de conduite pile offshore. La recherche indique que le modèle utilisé pour
calculer la résistance statique à la conduite (SRD) a un effet dominant sur la précision des prédictions de battage de pieux. La
norme actuelle de l'industrie API-07 méthode suggère que des piles de jusqu'à 8 m de diamètre peut être conduit à un taux de pé-
nétration objectif de 35 m, même dans le sable très dense généralement rencontrés dans la mer du Nord. En revanche, les
dernières méthodes de pénétration au cône d'essai de conception (CPT) indique beaucoup plus difficile de conduire et sug-gère
une nouvelle génération de marteaux plus grande capacité sera nécessaire pour installer ces piles.

Keywords: Pile driving, pile performance, installation resistance.

1 INTRODUCTION shore and in deeper water than other offshore

wind developments in the region. This results in
The offshore renewable sector is undergoing rap- larger environmental forces and greater construc-
id expansion across Europe, with thousands of tion challenges for developers.
turbines expected to be installed over the next ten To date, over 75% of offshore wind turbines
to fifteen years. Last year the UK Crown Estate have been constructed on monopiles, which are
awarded development licenses for nine sites single large diameter open ended steel piles dri-
around the British Isles, which when completed ven into the seabed to a specified penetration.
will yield 32GW of renewable energy. These Monopiles are generally favored for their simple
“Round 3” developments are located further off- design, fabrication and installation processes,

Corresponding Author.
844 P. Doherty et al. / A Parametric Study on Pile Drivability for Large Diameter Offshore Monopiles

which makes them more competitive than alter- principals used have been adapted from the more
native foundation options. established oil and gas industry. The oil and gas
The lateral loading from wind, waves and cur- industry face the same concerns about pile driva-
rents generate large moments on the structure, bility and use analytical wave equation models to
which requires a large diameter pile to provide predict the pile resistance to driving for a specific
adequate bending stiffness to resist excessive ro- hammer and pile combination at a given site.
tations. As the water depths increase, the result- However, these models also require a semi-
ing moments also increase and monopiles with empirical estimate of the static pile resistance to
diameters in excess of 5m have been used for driving in order to estimate the dynamic resis-
wind farms in water depths of up to 35 m. It is tance. There is considerable uncertainty as to
generally considered that monopiles are not suit- whether these semi-empirical models can be ap-
able to provide adequate support for wind tur- plied to the design of monopiles as the geome-
bines in deeper water conditions because the tries are considerably different. Figure 1 presents
very large pile diameters required are difficult to a comparative plot of pile geometries for nine oil
fabricate, handle and install. This paper ad- or gas platforms installed in the North Sea [1]
dresses one of these concerns by investigating with monopiles supporting operational wind
the factors effecting monopile installation, spe- farms. There is a clear contrast between the two
cifically the predicted driving resistance of very datasets:
large diameter piles. (i) Pile Diameter – The oil and gas platforms
The paper explores the impact of piling ham- are founded on piles with diameters below 2.05
mer, pile geometry, soil density and the model m. All the monopiles have diameters > 3 m.
used to estimate the piles static capacity on the (ii) Pile Slenderness – The pile slenderness ra-
predicted drivability (quantified through the tio (ratio of pile length L, to pile diameter, D)
number of blow-counts required to install a pile). ranges from  20 to 130 for piles used to support
140 oil and gas platforms. Monopiles typically have
L/D ratios between 4 and 8, and therefore have
120 Shell Data much higher rotational stiffness than the slender
piles used in the offshore oil and gas sector.
Slenderness Ratio, L/D

100 Given the extreme difference in scale, there re-
mains considerable uncertainty about extrapolat-
ing semi-empirical pile capacity models devel-
oped for the petroleum sector to the pile
geometries used by the wind sector [2].

0 2 4 6
The total resistance of a pile to driving in-
cludes the initial static resistance to driving
Diameter (m)
(SRD), increases in pile capacity due to viscous
Figure 1: Comparison of Pile Geometries used by the Off- rate effects and dynamic increases in capacity
shore Wind and Petroleum Sector due to inertia. In this study, three separate mod-
els were used to calculate SRD. These include
the American Petroleum Institute (API) approach
2 LIMITATIONS OF CURRENT [4] , the Imperial College design method, ICP-05
DRIVEABILITY DESIGN [5] and the University of Western Australia ap-
proach, UWA-05 [6]. Once the SRD was deter-
The offshore wind industry is relatively im- mined it was implemented within a 1-
mature. As a result, the technologies and design
P. Doherty et al. / A Parametric Study on Pile Drivability for Large Diameter Offshore Monopiles 845

Dimensional wave equation analysis using the Very

GRLWEAP software [7]. 20 50 27
Because the purpose of the paper was to ex-
amine the effects of design equations used to es-
timate SRD on pile drivability, a standard quake
value of 2.5 mm was used for the shaft and base
resistance, in line with the recommendations giv-
en by Stevens et al. 1982. The dynamic compo-
nents of the total resistance are normally ac- 4.1 Implementing the SRD model
counted for using damping factors applied The SRD is calculated from the combination of
separately to the pile shaft and toe. For all ana- shaft (Qse) and base resistance (Qb), see equation
lyses in this study Smith damping factors of 1. The inertia of the pile plug during driving re-
0.25s/m and 0.5s/m were used for the shaft and sults in most large diameter piles being driven in
base respectively [3]. a fully coring manner, where the plug elevation
The hammers used in the analyses ranged in remains coincident with the seabed level. Not-
size from the Menck MHU600 to the MHU2100, withstanding this internal frictional resistance
which have rated energies between 600 and (qsi) develops between the plug and pile wall.
2100kJ respectively. The range in hammer sizes This is normally considered to be a fraction of
was chosen to span the sizes commonly used for the external resistance (qse). Stevens et al. [8]
monopile installation. An efficiency of 70% was suggested that qsi/qse varies from 0.5 to 1. The
assumed for all these hydraulic hammers. lower bound value of 0.5 has been adopted
The purpose of the study was to assess wheth- throughout this study; however, estimating the
er existing plant was capable of installing the actual distribution of qsi is complex [10] and fur-
large diameter monopiles necessary for deep wa- ther research is necessary to define this ratio. The
ter developments. the pile diameters considered total SRD (Eqn 2) is given by a summation of the
ranged from 4 m to 8 m, and wall thicknesses be- qse, qsi (taken to be 0.5 qse) and the base resis-
tween 30 and 80 mm were considered. A con- tance (qann) which develops over the annular area
stant pile penetration depth of 35m was assumed, (Aann) see equation 2.
which together with an overlying water depth of
35m gave a total pile length of 70m. The shaft resistance is calculated by summing
Three distinct soil profiles were considered, the skin friction mobilized in a given depth inter-
medium dense, dense and very dense sand. In val HeI      , (

each, the soil properties (summarized in Table 1) the pile response to driving within GRLWEAP a
were assumed to be constant within the soil de- new term is defined, called the incremental pseu-
posit. These soil properties were used to esti- do-
  ese. The change in the
mate SRD using the three pile capacity models. shaft resistance due to an additional increment of
The SRD was profile was then input into penetration can be calculated from equations 3
GRLWEAP to attain the drivability predictions. and 4, [3], where Qse,L and Qse,L-1 are the shaft ca-
pacity at tip depth, L and at previous depth L-1,
Table 1: Soil Properties for SRD Calculations   e
Soil Unit CPT qc Friction
Type Weight value Angle SRD  Qse  Qb [1]
kN/m3 MPa Degrees SRD  1.5.Qse  qann .Aann [2]
Med- z L

17 10 27 Qse   D q
z 0
se z [3]
Dense 18.5 20 27
Qse,L  Qse,L 1
qse  [4]
846 P. Doherty et al. / A Parametric Study on Pile Drivability for Large Diameter Offshore Monopiles

4.2 API-07 dered explicitly in this analysis, the ICP-05 annu-

lar pressure needs to be reduced accordingly.
The API-07 design method adopts a traditional
Therefore for both the ICP-05 and UWA-05 qann
earth pressure approach, where the shaft friction
is assumed equal to 0.35qc according to the rec-
is a linear function of the vertical effective stress,
ommendations of [9].
linked by a density dependent parameter, µ3
 f   . v' 0 )  lim [5] 4.4 UWA-05
The UWA-05 design approach adopts a simi-
G µ    % E?R  ELF   % %
lar approach to ICP-05, also following equation
dense to very dense sand respectively. Limiting
5. The radial effective stress is given by equation
shaft friction values range from 81 to 115kPa
9, however different assumptions regarding fric-
over the same density range. The end resistance
tion fatigue and the effect of the open ended base
determined using the API method scales the ver-
condition are applied.
tical effective stress by a dimensionless bearing
capacity factor, Nq, which varies from 20 to 50
rc  0.03qc (Ar )0.3(max(h / D ),2)0.5 [9]
for medium dense to very dense sand respective- Where Ar is the area ratio which is equal to (1-
ly. The end bearing pressures are limited to be- (Ri/R)2) for fully coring offshore piles.
tween 4.8 and 12 MPa.


The imperial college pile design method corre-
lates f with the CPT tip resistance (qc) and ac-
Analyses were performed to assess the effect of
counts for the reduction of stress remote from the
hammer type, pile diameter, wall thickness, soil
pile tip, commonly termed friction fatigue. The
density and capacity prediction model on the dri-
effective stress for open ended piles ( rc) is giv- vability of piles with diameters between 4 and 8
en by equation 6 and the dilation component m. The industry standard API approach is used to
( rd) is given by equation 7. consider the effects of the first three parameters.
f = ( rc +  rd) tan #f [5] Blows/250mm
' 0.38
rc  0.029qc ( v' 0 / Pa )0.13
(h / R*) [6] 0 50 100 150
 rd  2G r / R [7] MHU 600
2 2
R *  R  Ri [8] MHU 1000
Where: R is the pile radius, Pa is the atmos- MHU 2100
pheric pressure, h is the distance from the pile 15
Depth [m]

tip, Ri is the internal pile radius and R* is the

equivalent radius of a closed ended pile. A min-
imum h/R* value of 8 should be used near the 25
tip. G is the soil shear modulus and e  EEC%%
for lightly rusted steel piles. 30
The base stress calculated using the ICP-05
35 Upper bound to
method for open ended piles assumes the stress drivability envelope
acting on the pile annulus is equal to the qc value. 40
However, Jardine et al [6] comments that this is
an overestimate of the true annular stress because Figure 2: Impact of hammer selection on pile drivability
this value offsets some of the internal skin fric-
tion. As the internal skin friction is being consi-
P. Doherty et al. / A Parametric Study on Pile Drivability for Large Diameter Offshore Monopiles 847

5.1 Impact of Hammer Type 5.3 Impact of Pile Wall Thickness

The hammer types selected for this study were Varying the pile wall thickness was seen to have
designed to span the range of hammers available minimal impact on the driving performance in
for the next generation of offshore monopile in- situations where the pile-hammer selection was
stallations. Upper limits of driving resistance of appropriate (i.e. where the predicted SRD values
between 60 to 100 blows/250 mm are often were well below the acceptance criteria).
adopted in hammer selection analyses. However, in circumstances where analyses sug-
The analyses presented in Figure 2, were per- gested that very hard driving might be required
formed for a 6 m diameter pile, with a wall to install the pile, the driving performance could
thickness of 60 mm, driven into very dense sand. be dramatically improved by increasing the wall
Unsurprisingly the hammer energy had a huge Blows/250mm
impact on the driving response with only the 0 50 100 150 200
highest rated hammer being capable of installing 0
the pile comfortably within the specified penetra- 5
tion criteria of 60 blows/250 mm. Whilst the t=30mm
1000kJ hammer is also capable of installing the 10
Depth [m]
pile, hard driving over the final 5 m is indicated. 15
5.2 Impact of Pile Diameter
The general applicability of the highest rated
hammer (MHU2100) to drive piles into very 30
dense sand is considered in this section. In the 35
analyses presented in Figure 3a pile with a wall
thickness of 60 mm and diameter varying from 4
m to 8 m was assumed. It is apparent that al- Figure 4: Pile drivability for variable wall thicknesses
though the installation resistance increases with
pile diameter, the SRD predicted using the API thickness. An example is shown Figure 4where
method suggests that even 8 m diameter mono- the potential to install a 4 m diameter pile using
piles can be installed relatively easily in the very the MHU600 hammer in very dense sand is con-
dense sand deposit. sidered. For a pile with a 30 mm thick wall, the
blow-count is seen to increase dramatically over
Blows/250mm the final 10 m of penetration, as the hammer
0 20 40 60 energy is having difficulty reaching the pile toe
and advancing the pile tip. By increasing the wall
5 thickness to 50 mm, the hammer energy was
seen to travel more readily down the pile allow-
10 ing easier penetration. Further increases in wall
thickness were not seen to provide any further
benefit with the blow-count increasing due to the
Depth [m]

20 slightly higher end bearing component. This

analysis indicates that the pile wall thickness can
25 be optimized for a given pile-soil-hammer com-

35 5.4 Impact of Soil Density

Increasing diameter from 4 to 8m
40 The soil relative density was seen to have a con-
sistent effect on the pile driving behavior with
Figure 3: Impact of Diameter on pile drivability
848 P. Doherty et al. / A Parametric Study on Pile Drivability for Large Diameter Offshore Monopiles

the blow-counts increasing with density. Howev- 6 CONCLUSIONS

er, the relative impact of the soil density was
seen to be highly dependent on the SRD models. A parametric study was performed to investigate
The qc based models (ICP05 and UWA05) were the drivability of large diameter monopiles using
both seen to be more dependent on the density of hammers currently used in the offshore industry.
the sand with the driving resistance increasing Pile drivability analyses performed using the
more rapidly as the density increased. API-07 model to predict the static pile resistance,
suggest that piles with diameters up to 8 m can
5.5 Impact of SRD model be driven in very dense sand using current ham-
mers. However, when more recent CPT based
The SRD model chosen was seen to have a dra-
design models were used to investigate drivabili-
matic impact on the predicted pile drivability.
ty, the methods suggested that piles could not be
Figure 5 illustrates the blow-counts predicted us-
driven to their target penetration using the avail-
ing the API, UWA05 and ICP05 SRD models for
able hammers. The analyses suggested that in-
a 6 m diameter pile with a 60 mm wall thickness
creasing the pile wall thickness up to some op-
installed in very dense sand using the MHU2100
timal value can allow better hammer
hammer. As noted for this deposit (see Figure 2)
the API-07 model predicted relatively easy driv-
ing, with blow-counts, which are less than
40blows/250mm. In sharp contrast to this the
ICP-05 method suggests driving is not possible, REFERENCES
with the blow-count exceeding 100 [1] R. Overy, The use of ICP design methods for the foun-
blows/250mm after only 18 m penetration. The dations of nine platforms installed in the UK North Sea
UWA-05 method predicted an intermediate solu- Proc. of the 6th International Offshore Site Investigation
tion, however the blow-count is still higher than and Geotechnics Conference, 2007 359-366.
[2] K. Gavin, D. Igoe, P. Doherty. Piles for offshore wind
allowed and the pile cannot be driven to the re- turbines- A state of the art review, Institute of Civil En-
quired penetration. This discrepancy arises be- gineering: Journal of Geotechnical Engineering (2011),
cause the shear stress predicted using the API-07 [3] J. Schneider, I Harmon. Analysing drivability of open
reaches a maximum of only 115 kPa for in-situ ended piles in very dense sands Deep Foundations In-
stitute Journal
relative densities of 85%. Whilst the inclusion of
[4] American Petroleum Institute API (2007) "Recom-
this limiting value provides a conservative esti- mended Practice for Planning, Designing and Con-
mate of the static resistance of a pile, it may also structing Fixed Offshore Platforms-Working Stress
result in an under-estimation of the piles resis- Design, API RP2A, 22nd Edition, Washington, D.C.."
[5] R Jardine, F Chow, R Overy, and J Standing (2005)
tance during installation.
"ICP design methods for driven piles in sands and
Blows/250mm clays." London: Imperial College London, p 105.
0 100 200 300 [6] B Lehane, J Schneider, and X Xu (2005) "The UWA-05
0 method for prediction of axial capacity of driven piles
in sand," ISFOG. University of Western Australia,
5 API-07 Perth: 683-689.
ICP-05 [7] Pile Dynamics (2010) Software Manual:GRLWEAP
10 [8] R F Stevens, E A Wiltsie, and T H Turton (1982) "Eva-
Depth [m]

UWA-05 luating pile driveability for hard clay, very dense sand,
15 and rock," 14th Offshore Technology Conference. Hou-
20 ston, Texas, 465-469.
[9] T Alm and L Hamre (2001) "Soil model for pile driva-
25 bility predictions based on CPT interpretation," In Proc.
of the 15th ISSMGE. Istanbul, Turkey, 1297-1302.
30 [10] Experimental investigation of the factors affecting the
base resistance of open-ended piles in sand’.
35 B.M.Lehane & K.G.Gavin. Journal of Geotechnical and
Geoenviromental Engineering, ASCE Vol. 127, No. 6,
June (2001).
Figure 5: Impact of SRD model on pile drivability
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 849
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.




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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 855
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Optimum loading specifications for O-cell

bi-directional static load testing
Caractéristiques optimum pour essai de charge statique
bidirectionnel utilisant la cellule d’Osterberg
M. G. England1 and P. F. Cheesman
Fugro Loadtest Ltd.

The O-cell bi-directional load testing technique is, in effect, two static load tests performed simultaneously. One test is per-
formed upwards against skin friction and the other concurrent in the downwards direction against combined lower section skin
friction and end-bearing. Many hundred of tests of this type are now being carried out each year around the world, often on the
most prestigious and signature structures. Similarities between traditional top down load testing and the bi-directional testing
method are many, both being full scale static load testing techniques. However, due to the unique nature of the bi-directional
testing method, the standard testing procedures and specifications generally prescribed for traditional top down static load testing
can be improved to take into consideration the positioning of the loading jacks and the unique nature of the testing technique.
The authors have been involved in the preparation of some of the specifications for traditional top-down static loading tests and
also in the formulation of project specific testing programmes to maximise the geotechnical information which can be retrieved
from O-cell bi-directional tests. Some of the well accepted specifications such as ICE SPERW 2007, ASTM D1143D 2007 and
the European pile testing specification and guidelines may be applied directly to bi-directional loading tests. Their appropriate-
ness is reviewed in relation to O-cell bi-directional static load testing to indicate how the maximum geotechnical information
may be obtained by minor modification/improvement to the specifications and how they can be optimised with respect to hard
soils and weak rocks. Loading increments, creep measurements and load cycling are discussed and recommendations for adap-
tion of the conventional standards and specifications are made.
Le technique d’essai de charge bidirectionnel utilisant la cellule d’O-cell est, en effet, deux essais de charge statique effectués
simultanément. Un test est effectué vers le haut contre la résistance de frottement latéral et la concurrente dans la direction vers
le bas contre la résistance de frottement et de pointe. Plusieurs centaines d’essais de charge de ce type sont actuellement effec-
tués chaque année dans le monde, souvent sur les structures les plus prestigieuses. Ressemblances entre l’essai de charge tradi-
tionnel du haut vers le bas et la méthode d'essai bidirectionnelle sont nombreuses, les deux étant des techniques statiques d’essai
de charge. Toutefois, en raison de la nature unique de la méthode d'essai bidirectionnelle, les procédures d'essai et les spécifica-
tions généralement prescrit pour l’essai de charge statique traditionnel du haut vers le bas peut être amélioré pour prendre en
compte le positionnement des vérins de chargement et de la nature unique de la technique d’essai. Les auteurs ont été impliqués
dans la préparation de certaines des spécifications pour les essais de chargement statique traditionnel et aussi dans la formulation
des programmes de projet plus spécifiques afin d'optimiser l'information géotechnique qui peut être récupéré à partir d'essais de
charge bidirectionnelle utilisant la cellule d’Osterberg. Certaines des spécifications bien acceptées comme ICE SPERW 2007,
ASTM D1143D 2007 et les spécifications européennes d’essais de chargement dans les puits forés et les lignes directrices peu-
vent être appliquées directement à des essais de chargement bidirectionnel. Leur pertinence est examinée en relation avec la cel-
lule de charge bidirectionnelle d’essais statiques d'indiquer comment le maximum d'informations géotechniques peuvent être ob-
tenus par modification mineure ou amélioration des spécifications et la façon dont ils peuvent être optimisés en ce qui concerne
les sols durs et des roches faibles. Les incréments de chargement, les mesures de fluage et de cycles de charge sont discutés et
des recommandations pour l'adaptation des normes conventionnelles et les spécifications sont faites.

Corresponding Author.
856 M.G. England and P.F. Cheesman / Optimum Loading Specifications

Keywords: Bi-directional, static load testing, loading schedules, Cemset®, CEMSOLVE®, TIMESET®, O-CELL®

1 COMPARISON OF LOADING niques exist for ensuring successful direct con-

TECHNIQUES nection to the end bearing.
ICE [1], ASTM [2] and other static load test-
The principal difference in the methodology of ing specifications have considered generally the
O-cell bi-directional testing and the traditional top down loading position in the drawing up of
static load testing is the positioning of the point the testing specifications. However, with such a
of load application. The load application for tra- differing technique, certain modifications to the
ditional static load testing is at the top of the specifications should be considered when speci-
foundation element, hence the use of the com- fying the O-cell testing method.
mon terminology ‘Top Down’ testing or Top-
down load testing.
By the use of a hydraulically driven, cali-
brated, sacrificial jacking device, (the O-cell®)
installed within the shaft of a pile, barrette or
similar load bearing foundation, a bi-directional
static load test can be performed where the resis-
tance data is automatically separated into com-
ponent parts. In effect, two static load tests are
performed simultaneously, working in two direc-
tions, upwards, against skin friction and down-
wards, against skin friction and end-bearing. The
results of these compression tests are then com-
bined to give an equivalent top down foundation
behaviour under a static loading test.
The load can be applied within the foundation,
Figure 1 Comparison of loading techniques
providing sufficient reaction is available from the
soil above and below the loading devices. The
With a conventional top-down test, the maxi-
loading arrangement may be placed near the base
mum travel downwards is not immediately lim-
of the foundation element or at a calculated bal-
ited as there is scope to adjust the hydraulic jack
anced position within the shaft (Figure 1). It is
by packing to allow further downwards travel.
recommended that when the O-cells are required
This option is not available using an O-cell ar-
at or near the base, the O-cells are placed at least
rangement. In either case, it could be considered
twice the diameter above the base of the founda-
that the test is completed once the foundation
tion shaft to allow for concreting below the
element has been fully mobilised and with suffi-
O-cell assembly. This also allows for the con-
cient data to fully characterise its behaviour. For
creting process to scour and clean the base.
a traditional top-down test, this would require the
For driven piles where the tube is closed at the
full shaft element to be mobilised before any of
end, the O-cell can be placed so that the loading
the end bearing is revealed, whereas in the O-cell
is directly located at the end plate or shoe. The
bidirectional test, this would be achieved once
shoe is fixed in place during driving but is al-
one of the elements, above or below, had been
lowed to move freely downwards when the O-
fully mobilised.
cell arrangement is loaded.
Completion of a bi-directional test is deter-
For rock sockets in hard intact rock, the
mined by one of two things, maximum travel of
O-cells can also be placed at the toe of the pile to
the loading arrangement or maximum capacity of
load the end bearing directly using the friction of
the foundation element either above or below the
the rock socket shaft as reaction; several tech-
M.G. England and P.F. Cheesman / Optimum Loading Specifications 857

arrangement. Conversely in a top-down test, the placed within the rock socket. Since this test is
test would be limited to when the capacity of the performed in the undrained condition, no consid-
reaction system is reached or the foundation eration is given to creep or long term movements
element is mobilised fully. that may be incurred when testing in softer soils.
ASTM [2] also includes a similar testing specifi-
cation for the fully crept drained condition.
2 INSTRUMENTATION REQUIREMENTS ICE [1] and other codes take the fully crept
In a traditional top down load test, the pile head drained condition as the prime condition for their
and the load applied are the two critical issues to specifications on testing.
record with respect to time. The O-cell bi- When attempting to produce a test specifica-
directional test requires nothing different, only tion that will allow the load displacement behav-
there are two elements being loaded, and their iour to be analysed, it is appropriate to hold each
displacement vs load and time also need to be re- and all load steps according to a consistent set of
corded. It is required to measure the compression rules so that the final displacements can be asso-
of the upper element to determine the movement ciated for each load applied – this can be:
of the top of the loading arrangement at the O- x to hold each load for a fixed duration consis-
cell level, the addition of further telltales to the tently;
toe of the pile and other instrumentation within x to hold each load step until a predetermined
the test piles is common place. Since the loading settlement rate has been achieved; or
is performed within the founding strata of most x hold the load for long enough to be able to
geotechnical interest, fitting strain gauges is also analyse the displacement time behaviour to
a regular occurrence. determine the settlement for each load (this
becomes independent of the manner in which
the testing specification has been scheduled).
3 LOADING INCREMENTS. ICE [1] suggests for a single cycle proof load
test; the load is applied in steps of 25% of the de-
There are two main types of static load test. The sign verification load with a minimum hold time
preliminary test, where the test pile is expendable of 30 minutes and dependant upon creep criteria
and is designed to reveal the geotechnical behav- to 100% design verification load, where the load
iour of the shaft, and a proof test which is under- is held for a 6 hour period. The load is then in-
taken to verify the structural ability of the shaft creased to 100% design verification load + 25%
to meet load settlement criteria. of the specified working load and held for 1
Each of these test types has an associated spe- hour. The final loading stage to 100% + 50%
cific loading schedule in the test specifications. specification load is then held for 6 hours.
ASTM [2] includes a preferred method of the The test may also be performed in two cycles,
‘quick test’ where loads are applied for a mini- the first cycle being loaded to 100% design veri-
mum of 4 minutes and a maximum of 15 minutes fication load then returning to zero before com-
at each stage using the same time interval for all pletion of the second cycle to 100% design veri-
loading steps. This standard has regularly been fication load + 50% specified working load.
adopted directly for bi-directional testing where The merit of doing two cycles of loading
requested and is particularly suitable for tests on should be considered carefully [3], the unloading
working piles where confirmation of structural and reloading load-displacement behaviour does
performance is required and there is no require- not add anything to the understanding nor to the
ment to provide geotechnical information. The information that can be retrieved from the pile
test is performed in the undrained condition and behaviour.
is used to confirm the test shaft is capable of The maximum loading for a preliminary test is
achieving the required test load and will comply not specified in the code and is left to the specific
with load-settlement criteria. This test is espe- project specification to determine but the incre-
cially suitable where the loading assembly is ments to 100% DVL + 50% SWL are the same
858 M.G. England and P.F. Cheesman / Optimum Loading Specifications

with loadings above this value in increments of more of the geotechnical capacity than traditional
25% SWL until the desired maximum loading. top-down loading. Further, the top-down loading
The increment size and holding times of these is often limited to 150% of the working load for
load steps are specifically designed for applica- structural reasons, but because a bi-directional
tion of the load at the top of the foundation ele- loads in two directions, the structural stresses are
ment. The ICE specification takes into considera- only half and a proof loading bi-directional test
tion that the end bearing would not be mobilised can reasonably be applied to 300% of the work-
in the early stages of the testing and that the load ing load.
would take time to be applied fully at the bearing It is considered that 10 to 12 steps can pro-
strata. One issue associated with such time peri- duce sufficient data to assist in the analysis of the
ods is, that at lower loads, pile movements rap- results for the interpretation of embedded strain
idly approach stability but as the loading in- gauges using tangent stiffness modulus [6]. The
creases, stability is more difficult to achieve increments need to be of a sufficient size to dis-
within a given timeframe [3]. When the shaft tinguish the load steps and allow discrete data
friction is fully mobilised and the end bearing points to be plotted. It is recommended that bi-
dominates the load-displacement behaviour, the directional proof and preliminary tests should be
mobilisation of the end bearing is a key compo- planned to allow a minimum 12 steps to the ex-
nent dominating the settlement rate, then the time pected maximum loading, with extra steps of the
taken to reach the required settlement rate be- same size being added in excess of this for pre-
comes protracted and it is for this reason that it is liminary pile tests seeking the ultimate capacity.
recommended to limit the duration at any one The Cemsolve pile behaviour analysis tech-
load step to 3 – 6 hours as the displacement – nique developed for traditional top down tests,
time data can be analysed, with high quality re- can be applied to each element of a bi-directional
sults, to find the projected settlement [4]. test and permits interpretation of friction and end
Applying the above specification to a tradi- bearing from load-settlement results from each
tional top down static test will provide equally element to model both the upper “normal fric-
spaced load steps and allow a load-displacement tion” elements and “friction and end bearing” of
curve to be produced where creep has been al- the pile elements above and below the O-cell ar-
lowed for. The use of only 6 loading steps for a rangement. By addition of the behaviour of each
proof test and approximately 8 to 12 steps for the element, these can be combined using Cemset to
preliminary test can be sufficient in a traditional predict the equivalent top-load response from bi-
top-down loading test. However, it is preferred in directional test results [7].
an O-cell bi-directional test to have additional An example of a Cemset analysis of a bi-
loading steps in proof tests so that the addition of directional test is presented as Figures 2 to 4. The
the upward and downward load-displacement model uses single or twin hyperbolic curve fit-
characteristics, required in order to produce the ting to find a unique solution. Confidence in the
equivalent top down load behaviour anticipated, accuracy of the model matching the results is in-
are sufficient without the need for extrapolation creased with a greater number of data points ob-
of one set of results. If the upward and down- tained from increasing the number of loading
ward behaviour can be modelled using tech- steps.
niques such as Cemset® [5] using hyperbolic 50

Elastic settlement (mm)

functions, a minimum of 8-12 successfully com- 40
Total settlement (mm)
Load test data
pleted loading steps can be suitable. Measured ES data
Settlement (mm)

It is worth noting that an O-cell bi-directional 30

test can be applied to a “proof” loading test and 20

after its completion grouting of the separation of

the two elements can readily restore the com- 10

pressive structural integrity. However, it should 0

also be noted that such a test can also reveal 0 1000 2000 3000
Load (kN)
4000 5000 6000

Figure 2 Upward Cemsolve analysis and plot.
M.G. England and P.F. Cheesman / Optimum Loading Specifications 859

0 1000 2000
Load (kN)
3000 4000 5000 6000
cumstances the O-cells are positioned lower
0 down the shaft and either at or near to the base of
the shaft. In these cases, the end bearing is en-
gaged at much lower loads than those applied
Settlement (mm)

from the top. The resulting downward movement
30 would then be a function of end bearing settle-
Elastic settlement (mm)
Total settlement (mm)
ment and not shaft creep related. The higher set-
Load test data
Measured ES data
tlement rate of 0.24mm/hour as defined in the
50 ICE specification would be more appropriate.
The settlement or creep movement in the up-
Figure 3 Downward Cemsolve® analysis and plot
ward direction is generally expected to be domi-
Load (kN)
nated by shaft friction since there is no end bear-
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 ing component. An upward rate of 0.1mm/hour
would then be applicable for any movements.
10 Any creep would also be expected to stabilise
quickly and long holding times are not thought
Settlement (mm)


necessary. This is particularly true of piles in

rock and soils with high friction capacities.
Elastic shortening (mm)
40 Expansion of the O-cells, compression and
Total settlement (mm)

head movements are used to determine the mag-
nitude and direction of the movements. The
Figure 4 Combined behaviour Cemset® prediction. measurement of the expansion of the O-cells is
provided by accurate instrumentation attached to
the lower and upper bearing plates. Since the O-
4 SETTLEMENT CRITERIA. cell expansion gauges are the most sensitive
measurements of the instrumentation system,
The ICE settlement criterion is given as: these are recommended to be used as the pre-
x For pile head displacements of less than ferred method of assessing settlement rate in an
10mm, each load increment shall be main- O-cell bi-directional test. The combined upwards
tained until the rate of settlement is reducing and downwards settlement rates are measured in
and is 0.1mm/hour. combination.
x For pile head displacements between 10mm The specified 1 hour minimum holding time
and 24mm, each load increment shall be in the ICE specification is generally appropriate
maintained until the rate of settlement is re- for assessing settlement rate, however with regu-
ducing and is 1% x pile head displace- lar digital data collection, if little or no move-
ment/hour. ment is detected this can safely be reduced to 30
x For pile head displacements of greater than minutes without compromising the quality of
24mm, each load increment shall be main- data. In addition to the minimum period, having
tained until the rate of settlement is reducing a settlement criteria specified allows the time pe-
and is 0.24mm/hour. riod to be extended to allow creep and end bear-
If sufficient data is recorded, the displace- ing settlement to stabilise within acceptable pa-
ment-time can be analysed to find the final set- rameters.
tlement using such techniques as Timeset®[4], In general, a rate of 0.25mm/hour or
thus providing a reliable means of assessing the 0.3mm/hour for expansion is normally recom-
fully drained long-term pile behaviour without mended as the creep criterion for O-cell bi-
the need for protracted hold periods. directional testing, without being dependant upon
The bi-directional technique can apply the the location of the jacks within the shaft. These
load directly to the bearing strata. In some cir- rates allow for a combination of upward creep
and downward creep/end bearing settlement, the
860 M.G. England and P.F. Cheesman / Optimum Loading Specifications

higher rate being more applicable when the O- 6 CONCLUSIONS

cell assembly is positioned near the base of the
foundation element. Both the ICE SPERW 2007 and the ASTM
With the bi-directional test, it is possible to D1134D-07 specifications are applicable to bi-
continue testing once the lower element has been directional testing since the test is essentially full
fully mobilised. If sufficient data has been scale static load tests. Certain modification of the
achieved to deduce the ultimate end bearing ca- specifications is required to allow the bi-
pacity, the end bearing behaviour can then be ig- directional technique to meet its full capabilities
nored and the test continued using the end bear- as a geotechnical tool successfully. Adaptations
ing as reaction to obtain information regarding to other National and International standards can
the skin friction parameters in the upper element. be made by following the same guidelines illus-
In this case, the settlement rate below the O-cell trated in this paper.
can also be ignored and the test continued using Settlement rates need to be considered in both
the upward movement as the determining factor the upward and downward directions, where end
of settlement rate rather than the overall expan- bearing may be immediately engaged at the first
sion. In this way, the full stroke of the O-cell can loading increments.
be utilised. Loading stages should be sufficient to allow
A maximum hold time of 3 hours per step is for more precise analysis techniques to be em-
recommended. It has been considered that three ployed. Acquisition of good quality data is essen-
hours of high quality data is sufficient to perform tial to the application of these techniques.
a projected final settlement value that would oc- Loading schedules that combine both a fixed
cur if the load was held indefinitely, using dis- hold period and a settlement criteria should be
placement-time analysis. avoided as comparisons on the obtained load-
This hold time is in excess of the ASTM stan- settlement graph may be misguided.
dard 2 hour hold maximum, and is in line with Use of analysis tools such as Cemset® require
the ICE specification if the reduced increment good quality well defined data that can be ob-
loading is considered. Provided the settlement is tained by adaptation of the relevant standards to
stable and within the creep criterion, a protracted bi-directional testing.
holding time at either 100% or 150% DVL is
considered unnecessary.

5 COMPARISON OF TECHNIQUES AND [1] The ICE Specification for Piling and Embedded Retain-
TEST RESULTS ing walls (SPERW), Thomas Telford, 2007.
[2] ASTM D1143D Standard Test Methods for Deep Foun-
dations Under Static Axial Compressive Load 2007.
Several comparisons between the O-cell bi- [3] M. England & W.G.K.Fleming, Review of foundation
directional and the top down static testing tech- testing methods and procedures, Geotechnical Eng. Proc.
niques have been performed where the loading Instn Civ. Engrs. Geotech. Engng, 107, (1994), 132-142.
[4] M. England, ,A Method of analysis of stress induced
specifications for both methods have been differ- displacement in soils with respect to time, International
ent. In all cases, differences in the loading seminar, Deep foundations on Bored and Auger Piles,
schedules have not resulted in significant differ- BAPII Ghent, A.A.Balkema June, (1993), 241-246.
ences in results obtained and the comparisons [5] Fleming W.G.K.,. A new method for single pile settle-
ment prediction and analysis, Geotechnique 42, No 3,
have been favourable as would be expected even (1992), 411-425.
when the foundation elements have been pre- [6] Fellenius, B. H.,. From Strain measurements to load in
loaded. an instrumented pile. Geotechnical News Magazine Vol
19, No.1, (2001) 35-38.
[7] England M., Review of methods of analysis of test re-
sults from bi-directional static load tests, Deep Founda-
tions on Bored and Auger Piles, BAP V, Ghent, (2008),
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 861
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Prediction of the axial load response of open-

ended pipe piles in glacial soils
Prédiction de la réponse de charge axiale des pieux tubulaires
ouvertes dans les sols glaciaires
K. Gavin1 and P. Doherty
Geotechnical Research Group, School of Architecture, Landscape and Civil Engineering, University
College Dublin, Ireland
J. Bevin and L. Twomey,
Arup Consulting Engineers, Dublin, Ireland

This paper presents a case history describing the installation and load testing of a 610 mm diameter, steel tubular piles, driven
into glacial soils at Greystones Harbour to support a new pier structure. The pile resistance during installation and subsequent
static load testing is compared to the results of driving analyses, dynamic load tests and predictions made using simple non-
linear models which are commonly used in industry. Simple pile capacity and non-linear settlement models which can be im-
plemented in a spreadsheet format are shown to provide excellent predictions of the pile response. A particular strength of these
models is that settlements under working load were predicted accurately, a key feature of design to new limit state methods.

Cet article présente une histoire de cas décrivant les tests d'installation et de la charge d'un diamètre de 610 mm, pieux tubulaires
en acier, entraîné dans les sols à glaciaire à Harbour Greystones à l'appui d'une structure nouvelle jetée. La résistance de la pile
pendant l'installation et après les tests de charge stat-IC est comparé aux résultats des analyses de conduite, des tests de charge
dynamique et les prévisions faites en utilisant de simples modèles non-linéaires qui sont couramment utilisés dans l'industrie. La
capacité des pieux simples et les modèles de règlement non-linéaire qui peut être mis en œuvre dans un format de feuille de cal-
cul sont illustrées afin de fournir d'excellentes prédictions de la réponse du pieu. Une force particulière de ces modèles est que
les colonies sous la charge de travail ont été prédit avec précision, un élément clé de la conception de nouvelles méthodes de
l'état limite.

Keywords: Pile driving, pile settlement, installation resistance.

The widespread use of pre-cast concrete and
The ultimate capacity of a pile (Qult) is derived Continuous Flight Auger (CFA) piles in Ireland
from a combination of unit skin friction (W) de- has led to joint industry-academia research pro-
veloped over the shaft area and base resistance jects which have enabled reasonably good esti-
(qb) developed at the pile tip. mates of qs and qb values [1,2] to be made. In
near shore developments such as harbours and
[1] Qult = W As + qb Ab offshore developments including wind farms
open-ended steel tubular piles are widely used as
Where As and Ab are the shaft and base areas of the relatively small base area facilitates driving
the pile respectively. in dense soils. Designers need to be able to esti-

Corresponding Author.
862 K. Gavin et al. / Prediction of the Axial Load Response of Open-Ended Pipe Piles in Glacial Soils

mate the pile capacity during installation (to en- which in turn overlay greywacke bedrock. The
sure the correct hammer and pile size is adopted) Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N values re-
and during in-service loading. In addition moves corded in the boulder clay, shown in Figure 1
towards limit state design require the designer to varied from 30 to 85 (with an average of 53).
provide some estimate of pile settlement. Settle- SPT values in the dense gravel were more uni-
ment prediction models tend to range from the form and slightly higher than the boulder clay,
simple linear elastic type to complex non-linear with an average N value of 59. The results of At-
elastic finite element methods. In the first type, terberg limit tests performed in the boulder clay
the models do not adequately represent real soil were consistent with depth, with a Plastic Limit
behaviour. In the second, the input parameters (PL) of |14%, a Liquid Limit (LL) | 38% and a
required for the constitutive models which de- Plasticity Index (PI) of 24%. The in-situ water
scribe real soil behaviour are rarely available. content was | 15% giving a liquidity index close
to zero. The SPT N values give an su value of |
Paikowsky and Whitman [3] described the 300 kPa using standard correlations with N val-
process of soil plug formation wherein; during ues.
the initial stages of pile installation, the length of
the soil plug (Lp) inside the pipe, equals the pile
penetration depth (L) and the pile is said to be
coring. The development of the soil core during
installation is quantified by the Plug Length Ra-
tio (PLR) or the Incremental Filling Ratio (IFR):

[2a] PLR = Lp/L

[2b] IFR = 'Lp/'L

They noted that although many full-scale piles

have PLR values close to unity, partial plugging
during installation may occur, which results in
large increases in the axial resistance (and thus
penetration resistance) of piles installed in sand,
and large increases in the excess porewater pres-
sure surrounding piles in clay.

This paper describes the installation and load

testing of a 610 mm diameter, open-ended steel
pipe pile at the Greystones harbour development
in County Wicklow. Open-ended steel tubular
piles are not widely used in Ireland, their use is Figure 1: SPT N values at test site
often confined to maritime projects, where there
are no local case histories available to aid design.

3.1 Pile Capacity Models
The ground conditions were investigated us- The maximum shear stress developed in the
ing a series of shell and auger boreholes. These boulder clay and gravel layers was estimated us-
revealed a relatively uniform soil profile. An 8.5 ing:
m thick layer of stiff to very stiff boulder clay
overlay a 5 m thick layer of very dense gravel
K. Gavin et al. / Prediction of the Axial Load Response of Open-Ended Pipe Piles in Glacial Soils 863

[3a] Wmax (kPa) = D su (boulder clay) til the normalised settlement exceeds the yield
strain level. The yield strain wby/D was assumed
[3b] W qc §h· to be 1.5% for the test pile. This is followed by a
tan G (Gravel)
max Ar ,eff ¨ ¸ non-linear stage up to wb/D=10%, when the base
33 ©D¹
pressure is qb0.1 (that is, at wb/D=10%).
where: qc is the end resistance measured in a
Cone Penetration Test (CPT), Areff the effective
area = 1-IFR(Di/D)2, and D and Di are the exter-
nal and internal pile diameter. Since no CPT data
were available at the site a correlation between qc
and SPT N proposed by Mayne and Kulhawy [4]
was used to estimate qc values:

[4] qc (kPa) = 544 N D500.25

where: D50 is the mean particle size of the soil in

mm. For a D50 is value of 2 mm and a measured
N value of 59, Eqn. 4 yield a qc value of 38,100
kPa. The end bearing resistance mobilized at a
pile head displacement of 10% of the pile diame-
ter (qb0.1) was given by:

[5] qb0.1/qc = 0.15 + 0.45 Areff

Figure 2 Base pressure-settlement model (after Gavin and
Lehane 2007)
For static loading the mobilisation of shaft re-
sistance was modelled using an elastic solution
The linear portion of the curve when wb/D <
proposed by Randolph and Wroth [5]:
wby/D can be described by:
2G w
[6] W [8a] qb = [k (wb/D)] + qbres
4D where k = (4/ª) E0/(1-]2) for wb/D<wby/D
where: G, the operational shear modulus was
estimated from the expression proposed by Fa- The non-linear stage from wby/D to wb/D = 0.15
hey and Carter [6]: is of parabolic form, and the base stress at a giv-
en displacement can be determined from:
[7] G § W ·
1  f ¨¨ ¸¸ [8b] qb = [k (wby/D)1-n (wb/D)n] + qbres
G0 © W max ¹ for 0.1>wb/D>wby/D and wby/D S0.015

where: G0 is the small strain shear modulus, f A class A prediction of the static load resis-
and g are curve fitting parameters. tance of the pile was undertaken. In the pre-
dicttion the D value (Eqn 3a) used to estimate the
The base pressure-settlement response was shaft resistance in the boulder clay layer was tak-
modelled using a 3 stage model proposed by Ga- en as 0.5. This value is used widely in Irish prac-
vin and Lehane [7], See Figure 2. For fully cor- tice to estimate the shaft resistance of closed-
ing open-ended piles residual base stresses (qbres) ended driven piles in boulder clay. No reduction
are low and can be ignored. The predicted resis- factor was applied to account for the open-ended
tance follows a linear stage, with settlement con- pile condition. This is in keeping with observa-
trolled by the small strain elastic stiffness E0 un- tions from case histories by Doherty and Gavin
864 K. Gavin et al. / Prediction of the Axial Load Response of Open-Ended Pipe Piles in Glacial Soils

[8]. The shaft and base resistance in gravel was 5 CAPWAP TETS
predicted using IFR = 1. The mobilisation of the Whilst the class A prediction of the pile resis-
predicted shaft and base resistance for the very tance resulted in excellent correlation with the
dense gravel was calculated using E0 of 200 MPa measured pile response, in order to provide addi-
and a G0 of 250 MPa was assumed for the boul- tional feedback on the accuracy of the model the
der clay. Elastic shortening of the pile was in- predicted response was compared to CAPWAP
cluded in the analysis. analyses performed on the pile two weeks after
installation. The local shear stress profile and
base resistance inferred from the CAPWAP ana-
4 COMPARISON TO STATIC LOAD TEST lyses are compared with the model prediction in
RESULTS Figure 4.

A computer controlled maintained static load

test was performed on the test pile 8 months after
installation. The maximum load applied of 5200
kN was twice the safe working load. The pile
performed adequately in the load tests with a
measured settlement of only 4 mm at the Safe
Working Load, SWL (2600 kN) which increased
to 12.24 mm at two times the working load.
Comparison of the measured and predicted set-
tlement profiles in Figure 3 shows that excellent
prediction of the pile response was achieved us-
ing the non-linear elastic settlement model, albeit
with a slight tendency to under-predict the pile
resistance at settlements above 10 mm.


Figure 3 Measured and predicted load-displacement response (b)

during static loading
Figure 4 Comparison of CAPWAP and model predictions of
(a) shaft resistance and (b) base resistance
K. Gavin et al. / Prediction of the Axial Load Response of Open-Ended Pipe Piles in Glacial Soils 865

Whilst the predicted base resistance correlates tors of 0.65s/m and 0.5s/m were used for the
well with the CAPWAP results, the shaft resis- shaft and base respectively, while driving
tance estimated in the glacial till layer of 150 kPa through the clay, with values of 0.16s/m and
(with D = 0.5) was significantly under-predicted. 0.5s/m used in the sand. The hammer used in the
The CAPWAP analyses suggested the mobilised analyses was a BSP 357 9-Te.
shaft resistance varied from 200 to 300 kPa in
this layer (suggesting back-figured D values Blows /250mm
close to unity). Obviously the use of a constant 0 20 40 60 80 100
value in the static capacity calculations ignores
the effects of friction fatigue, a term used to de- Predicted - alpha=1
scribe the reduction in shear stress mobilised Predicted - alpha=0.5
along the pile shaft as a result of cyclic loading. Measured
Recent CPT based design methods incorporate
friction fatigue effects using the h/D reduction 4

Depth [m]
factor (See Eqn 3b). The exponent n for clay is
lower than for piles installed in sand, Jardine et 6
al. [9], Gavin et al [10]. A formulation which in-
cluded friction fatigue effects in a simple alpha
approach was developed for the back-analyses, 8
where Wf was calculated using:
[9] Wf (kPa) = su (h/D) n


The mobilized shear stress was predicted using Figure 5 Pile driving analyses ignoring friction fatigue in gla-
n values of 0.1 and 0.2 (See Figure 4a). Whilst cial till
the shaft resistance was under-predicted, the dis-
tribution was better matched using the friction The SRD was initially calculated using a un-
fatigue parameter. drained total stress approach (as per equation 3a)
in the boulder clay and the UWA method [13] in
the gravel. Alpha values ranging from 0.5 to 1.0
6 PILE DRIVING ANALYSIS were used in the analysis. The base resistance of
the pile mobilized during installation was calcu-
lated using the base mobilization model given by
The total resistance of a pile to driving includes equation 8 and assuming a displacement of 1%
the initial static resistance to driving (SRD), in- of the pile diameter per blow. The predicted
creases in pile capacity due to viscous rate ef- range blow-counts are shown in figure 5. The
fects and dynamic increases in capacity due to blow-counts predicted using an alpha value of
inertia. Once the SRD was determined it was im- 0.5 underestimated the measured blow-counts at
plemented within a 1-Dimensional wave equa- depth between 3 m and 10 m penetration. In
tion analysis using the GRLWEAP software contrast, an alpha value of 1.0 resulted in pile re-
[11]. Standard quake values of 2.5 mm were used fusal before the tip reaches the target penetration,
for the shaft and base resistance in line with the with blowcounts in excess of 100blows/250mm
recommendations given by Stevens et al. [12]. at a penetration of 9 m.
The dynamic components of the total resistance
are normally accounted for using damping fac- The GRLWEAP analysis was rerun with the
tors applied separately to the pile shaft and toe. shaft resistance in the glacial till layer estimated
For all analyses in this study Smith damping fac- using Equation 9 with an alpha value of 1.0 ap-
866 K. Gavin et al. / Prediction of the Axial Load Response of Open-Ended Pipe Piles in Glacial Soils

plied at pile tip and n values ranging from 0.1 REFERENCES

and 0.2. These predictions offered a reasonable
comparison to the measured driving records (See [1] E. Farrell, B.Lehane and M. Looby , Instrumented dri-
Figure 6). ven pile in Dublin Boulder Clay. Proceedings of the In-
stitution of Civil Engineers–Geotechnical Engineering,
1998, 131, No. 4, 233-241.
Blows /250mm [2] K.G. Gavin, D. Cadogan and L.Twomey, Axial resis-
0 20 40 60 80 100 tance of CFA piles in Dublin boulder clay Proceedings
0 of ICE, Geotechnical Engineering, Vol. 161, Issue 4,
pp. 171-180. August 2008. DOI
Predicted n=0.1 10.1680/geng.2008.161.4.171
2 Predicted n=0.2 [3] S.G. Paikowsky, and R.V. Whitman, The effect of
Measured plugging on pile performance and design. Canadian
Geotechnical Journal, 1990. 27(44), 429-440.
4 [4] Mayne, P and Kulhawy, F. (1990), Manual for estimat-
ing soil properties
Depth [m]

[5] M.F. Randolph, M.F and C.P. Worth, Analysis of de-

6 formation of vertically loaded piles, ASCE Journal of
Geotechnical Engineering Division, 1978, Vol. 104,
No. GT12, pp 1465-1488
8 [6] Fahey, M and Carter, Fahey, M and Carter, J.P. (1993)
A finite element study of the pressuremeter test in sand
using a nonlinear elastic model, Canadian geotechnical
10 Journal, No. 30, pp 348-362.
[7] Gavin K.G. and Lehane B.M. (2007). Base load-
displacement response of piles in sand. Canadian Geo-
12 technical Journal, Vol. 44, No.9, pp 1053-1063.
[8] Doherty, P, Gavin, K and Gallagher ,D (2010), Field
Figure 6 Pile driving analyses incorporating friction fatigue investigation of the base resistance of pipe piles in clay,
in glacial till Paul Doherty, Kenneth Gavin and David Gallagher,
Proceedings of ICE Journal of Geotechnical Engineer-
ing, February 2010, Vol. 163, GE1, pp 13-22, DOI
7 CONCLUSIONS [9] Jardine, R.J, Chow, F.C, R Jardine, R Overy, and J
Standing (2005) "ICP design methods for driven piles
in sands and clays." London: Imperial College London,
A case history was presented in which the pre- [10] K.Gavin, D.Gallagher, Paul Doherty and B.McCabe,
dicted load-settlement response of a 610 mm Field investigation of the effect of installation method
open-ended pile which was driven through boul- on the shaft resistance on piles in clay, Canadian Geo-
der clay to found in a dense gravel layer was technical Journal. Vol. 47, No.7 July 2010, pp 730-741.
[11] GRLWEAP Pile Dynamics (2010) Software Man-
compared to the measured response. A simple ual:GRLWEAP
load-settlement prediction model was shown to [12] R F Stevens, E A Wiltsie, and T H Turton (1982) "Eva-
provide excellent estimates of the measured pile luating pile driveability for hard clay, very dense sand,
response. Back-analyses of the pile test result and rock," 14th Offshore Technology Conference. Hou-
ston, Texas, 465-469
suggested that large shaft resistance was mobi- [13] B Lehane, J Schneider, and X Xu (2005) "The UWA-05
lised by the test pile, particularly near the toe of method for prediction of axial capacity of driven piles
the open-ended pile. The importance of including in sand," ISFOG. University of Western Australia,
friction fatigue effects in drivability studies was Perth: 683-689
highlighted. Instrumented pile tests are currently
underway to confirm this mechanism which can
then be incorporated fully into design practice.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 867
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Bearing capacity of piles based on static load tests

and calculation principles provided by EN 1997-1
Capacité portante des pieux à partir des essais de chargement
statique et les principes de calcul prévues par la norme EN 1997-1

ÔÆ¡!Õ 1
Ó¨Û¨{, T. Brzozowski
Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Department of Geotechnics, Geology and Maritime Engineering

Predicting the bearing capacity and settlement of piles continues to be a difficult task in engineering practice and scientific
research. That is why static load tests are still an essential element in verifying predictions. A new factor, however, the
introduction of Eurocode regulations and guidelines for Poland and Europe, has now necessitated current practice to be reviewed
and submitted to detailed analysis. In the case of geotechnics and foundation engineering these guidelines and regulations are set
out in Eurocode 7. With regard to the pile research and usage in Poland, so far two European standards have applied: PN-EN
1536:2001 for bored piles and PN-EN 12699:2002 for displacement piles. It is now a matter of urgency to properly analyse and
harmonise current law and many years of practical experience with this new Eurocode. This article deals with problems
concerning the conduct of static load tests and the interpretation of their results.

Prédiction de la capacité portante du pieu et de tassements continuent d’être la tâche difficile dans les applications d’ingénierie et
scientifiques. Par conséquent il est souvent necessaire de vérifier ces prédiction avec des essais de chargement statique.
L’introduction d’un système de règlements selon les Eurocodes en Europe constitue un élément supplémentaire et necessite des
analyses détaillées. Deux normes europeennes : PN-EN 1536:2001 pieux forés et PN-EN 12699:2002 pieux aux déplacements
sont déja en viguer en Pologne. Il est nécessaire harmoniser des experiences venues des applications des norms polonaises et des
norms europeennes. Le papier est concentre sur l’execution des statiques et leur interpretation.

Keywords: bearing capacity, static load test, codes

1 FORMAL EUROCODE 7 experiences has been proved by calculations

RECOMMENDATIONS or in some other way,
b) based on empirical or analytical calculation
The design of pile foundations is described in methods, the reliability of which has been
detail in Section 7 of Eurocode 7 (EC7). confirmed by static load tests in comparable
According to the Eurocode recommendations, conditions,
the design of pile foundations should be conduc- c) based on dynamic load test results, the
ted using one of the following approaches: reliability of which has been revealed by static
a) on the basis of static load test results, the load tests in similar soil conditions and for the
consistency of which with other comparable same type of piles,

Corresponding Author
868 K. Gwizdała et al. / Bearing Capacity of Piles Based on Static Load Tests

d) based on the observation of the behaviour of These guidelines are increasingly applied in
comparable pile foundations, provided that the Poland, particularly in the case of large invest-
data were verified by field tests (site investi- ments and strategically important structures.
gations and soil testing). Carrying out preliminary pile load tests not only
It should be stressed that according to the increases project safety but may also have
Eurocode, the basic, most preferable design considerable financial benefits. Generally,
method for piles are static load tests. Next, it is however, the practice persists whereby load tests
suggested to apply empirical and analytical are conducted on working piles only, and only
methods, dynamic load tests with dynamic after pile completion.
formulae and finally, data from engineering In the case of large diameter piles, Eurocode
experience gained from observed foundation permits load tests to be conducted on piles with
behaviour in similar soil and loading conditions. smaller diameters but by no more than a half.
Additionally, the behaviour of an individual pile This is convenient, but it may also pose a
in the group of piles as well as a rigidity and problem in translating accurate results and
strength of cap construction should be also interpretations to working piles. That is why in
considered. such cases a new requirement has been
The calculation approaches a, b, c and d given introduced whereby piles are tested with
by Eurocode 7 are formulated in a quite general equipment to measure resistances carried by the
manner and do not contain detailed, neither shaft and base.
measuring nor calculation methods. In the next
parts of the article some practical calculation
methods from approach “a” will be described. 2 PILE LOAD TEST RESULT
Eurocode 7 places great emphasis on the INTERPRETATION ACCORDING TO
problem of pile load tests. Clause 7.5 sets out EUROCODE 7
general and formal recommendations concern-
ing, among other things, the purpose of conduct- According to Eurocode regulations static load
ing load tests, load test procedures and the tests need to establish a pile’s characteristic Rc;k
principles of selecting piles for testing. Clause compressive limit resistance as well as its Rc;d states the most basic principle to be design compressive resistance and, in the case of
accepted, namely that: “For load test pile, the uplift piles, its respective Rt;k and Rt;d tensile
loading shall be such that conclusions can also limit resistances.
be drawn about the ultimate failure load”. These Ultimate characteristic compressive resistance
recommendations will be more precisely defined are defined according to the following equation:
with the publication of the Polish annex to
Eurocode 7. f( R ) (R ) m
Rc ;k  Minh c ;m mean ; c ;m min n (1)
It should be noted that Eurocode 7 i 31 32 o
distinguishes between load test piles (Clause and “working piles” (Clause where:
Load test piles are defined as additional piles, Rc;m – compressive resistance of one or
created primarily for the purpose of load testing. more load test piles,
These piles are necessary to verify project (Rc;m)mean – mean compressive resistance of
assumptions by being loaded to the ultimate several load test piles,
failure load and, in some cases, to the tensile
(Rc;m)min – the lowest compressive resistance of
limit load. Working piles, on the other hand,
several load test piles,
cannot be subjected to such extreme tests as they
will eventually constitute an integral part of 31, 32 – correlation factors relative to the
foundations. Therefore, they should be tested to number of load test piles n, whose
no more than the design load with the negative recommended values are presented
skin friction doubled.
K. Gwizdała et al. / Bearing Capacity of Piles Based on Static Load Tests 869

in Table 1 (in the Eurocode this table of larger numbers of piles, at least 2% of the total
appears in A.9 of Appendix A). number.
Table 1. Correlation factor values 31 and 32 (n – number of
tested piles)
31 1.40 1.30 1.20 1.10 1.00 RESULTS ACCORDING TO THE POLISH
32 1.40 1.20 1.05 1.00 1.00 PN-83/B-02482 STANDARD

For structures with sufficient stiffness and The interpretation of pile load tests in accordance
strength to transfer loads from ‘weak’ to ‘strong’ with the Polish standard PN-83/B-02482 has
piles (e.g. in the case of foundation caps in the been described in detail, for instance in a paper
form of thick concrete slabs, blocks or stiff by ÔÆ¡!Õ
‚‚ š

monolithic foundations), the values of 31 and 32 and fairly precise guidelines for pile load test
may be divided by 1.1, provided 31 is not less procedures, including: the minimal load values,
than 1.0. the number of load steps, the duration of
In the Polish Annex the values of 31 and 32 particular steps, measurement methods, etc. One
will probably be subjected to some minor can generally say that these guidelines have
adjustments. stood the test of time. Nevertheless, the
The design compressive resistance of a pile Eurocode recommendation to include static load
Rc;d shall be obtained from: tests in the load test design stage does seem
justified, for a pile should be adapted to the
Rc ,d  Rc ;k /
t (2) specific nature of a given structure and the work
carried out by the foundations. The nature of
or work performed by piles in the foundations of
normal buildings is quite different to work they
Rc ,d  Rb ;k /
b  Rs ;k /
s (3) perform in the construction of bridges, quays,
where: power stations, tanks or silos.
The interpretation of load test results
Rb;k, Rs;k – ultimate characteristic compressive
according to the Polish standard is based on the
resistance of the pile base and shaft,
Q-s ¨€


1985). There are two types of curve: “a” and “b”.

s – partial factors who values are The type of curve used is derived from the dQ/ds
recommended in tables A6, A7 and graph, which next allows us to determine the real
A8 of Eurocode 7. These partial and design bearing capacity of a pile deemed
factors are defined for three types of safe to be used in structure design. The Polish
pile (driven, bored and CFA) and standard does not require the establishing of a
depend on the selected method of pile’s ultimate failure load. But with an adequate
calculation. load settlement curve range, the dQ/ds
Equation (3) may be applied if the ultimate interpretation does allow us to determine the
characteristic compressive resistance of the pile ultimate failure load Ng (Fig. 1). Moreover, in
base and shaft (Rb;k and Rs;k, respectively) are practice, attempts are usually made to establish
derived from direct measurements or estimated the maximal load values during load tests,
using proven methods (e.g. load-transfer whereas during interpretation, the ultimate
functions, ÔÆ¡!Õ
‚‚Î ). Equation (1) may failure load is often derived using the
also be applied with regard to resistance limits extrapolation method. Thus result interpretation
Rb;k and Rs;k. according to the Polish method does not have to
When foundation piles are pulled out loaded, rely on the pile technology (driven, bored or
it is recommended that the tensile resistance of CFA) or on the number of load tested piles.
more than one pile be examined and in the case
870 K. Gwizdała et al. / Bearing Capacity of Piles Based on Static Load Tests

4 EXAMPLES OF PILE LOAD TEST These values can only be used in calculations
INTERPRETATIONS ACCORDING TO following PN-83/B-02482 guidelines load factors
EUROCODE AND PN-83/B-02482 included therein. For interpretation according to
GUIDELINES Eurocode guidelines, it was accepted that
(Rc;m) U Ng, and the results of this interpretation
In this article we shall attempt a comparative are presented in Table 2.
analysis of examples of load test result Table 2. Interpretation of bored pile load test results from
interpretations following PN-83/B-02482 guide- Fig. 1
lines with ones conducted in accordance with Rc;m (Rc;m)mean/31 (Rc;m)min/32 Rc;d = Rc;k /
Pile No.
Eurocode 7. For this purpose some diverse Q-s [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
graphs have been selected. (1) 4440
4330/1.20= 4250/1.05= 3610/1.1=
(2) 4300
=3610 =4050 =3280
(3) 4250
Example 1
This example concerns the load test results of 3 By comparing the two interpretations we can
bored, wide diameter piles ( 1200 mm, see that the design load bearing capacity of the
L = 10 m), with an injection under the base piles is slightly higher according to Eurocode
guidelines than it is according to the Polish PN-
were made for the construction of a bridge and 83/B-02482 standard. In the analysis of the Q-s
inserted into a sandy clay. The Q-s graphs graphs we should note that the Rc;d load values
showed characteristically accentuated curves of cause the piles to settle in the region of 12 –
the ‘a’ type according to the PN-83/B-02482 16 mm. In this case the condition of the
standard. Graph interpretation, thanks to the serviceability limit state could prove to be
dQ/ds curves, provided a fairly accurate decisive. Here the Eurocode interpretation seems
description of the design load kNc0 (Fig. 1) and somewhat optimistic.
ultimate failure load Ng ÝÞ€

PN-83/B-02482). The design bearing Example 2
capacities kNc0 (NB, design, not ultimate failure
This example concerns load test results for 2
limit) determine the load value on the Q-s
settlement curve when we start to observe plastic Vibro piles ( 508/550 mm, L = 14.5 m) made
deformation (the critical load zone). for the foundations of a viaduct and inserted into
fine, dense sand. The Q-s graphs (Fig. 2) reveal a
flat characteristic, which is typical for driven
Vibro piles. By using the dQ/ds graph, the Q-s
curve was classified as a “b” type. Thus it was
not possible to obtain a reliable estimate of the
ultimate failure loads, so instead it was assumed
that ultimate failure loads equalled the maximal
loads: Rc;m = Qmax. In accordance with Polish
standard guidelines, pile design loads kNc0 were
defined by accepting that Nc0 = Qmax, and the
correction factor was k = 0.8. The thus acquired
kNc0 values are presented in Fig. 2. The
interpretational results according EC7 are shown
in Table 3.

Fig. 1. Pile load test curves for example 1

K. Gwizdała et al. / Bearing Capacity of Piles Based on Static Load Tests 871

Fig. 2. Pile load test curves for example 2

Table 3. Interpretation of Vibro pile load test results from

Fig. 2
Rc;m (Rc;m)mean/31 (Rc;m)min/32 Rc;d = Rc;k /
Pile No.
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
(1) 2830 2670/1.3= 2510/1.20= 2050/1.1=
(2) 2510 =2050 =2090 =1865

This time the results were opposite to those in

example 1. The EC7 interpretation this time
produced a lower design bearing capacity for the
piles (Rc;d) than the Polish standard interpretation
(kNc0). Nevertheless, we should note that this
result assumes Rc;m = Qmax. In such situations
(with flat Q-s curves) one should apply greater
load values during pile load tests and/or accept
reduced 31 and 32, factor values, though this
latter option is less advisable.

Example 3
Example 3 is analysis of the result for a single, Rys. 3. Pile test load graph for example 3
bored pile, made in expansive clays, during Table 4. EC7 interpretation of results presented in Fig 3
which the ultimate failure load was reached.
Here one should note that ultimate load failure Pile No. (Rc;m)min/32 [kN] Rc;d = Rc;k /
t [kN]
was reached not on account of the actual load but (1) 4060 4060/1.4=2900 2900/1.1=2640
on the unfavourable soil conditions (worse than NB: Rc;m = Ng according to Fig. 3
had been predicted at the design stage). The
bored pile ( 1200 mm, L = 16.0 m) was made in Again there were differences between the PN-
the foundations of a viaduct. The Q-s graph 83/B-02482 and the EC7 interpretations. As in
obtained from the results is presented in Fig. 3, Example 2, here the EC7 interpretation yielded a
together with the PN-83/B-02482 interpretation. lower bearing capacity value than the Polish
The EC7 interpretation is presented in Table 4. standard interpretation. However, this time the
main reason was the number of tests: only one
was carried out and the maximal value of its 32
factor was taken to equal 1.4.
872 K. Gwizdała et al. / Bearing Capacity of Piles Based on Static Load Tests

If 2 tests had been carried out in example 3, Moreover, it has to be stressed that we need to
then the EC7 interpretation would have probably consider the Polish standard and Eurocode 7 in
yielded a result closer to the Polish standard (see: their entirety. As far as bearing capacity and load
Table 5). factors are concerned, one has to be consistent.
Table 5. The interpretation of results assuming 2 bored pile
load tests had been carried out (n =2)
Rc;m (Rc;m)mean/31 (Rc;m)min/32 Rc;d = Rc;k /
Pile No.
[kN] [kN] [kN] [kN]
(1) 4060 4060/1.20= 4060/1.30= 3123/1.1= [1] ÔÆ¡!Õ
(2) 4060 =3383 =3123 =2840 wykorzystaniu funkcji transformacyjnych. (The analysis
of pile settlements employing load-transfer functions).


5 CONCLUSIONS Budownictwo Wodne XLI, 1996 (in Polish)

[2] ÔÆ¡!Õ
‚‚ Ò


The above analyses allow us to conclude that the axially loaded piles. Design of Axially Loaded Piles –
differences in interpretations of pile load test European Practice, Brussels, 291 – 306.
results between the Polish standard and Eurocode [3] ÝÞ€

injection under base of bored piles in cohesive soils.

7 result primarily from procedural factors.
XIIIth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and
Eurocode 7 includes some regulations that may Geotechnical Engineering. Praha 2003, 399-406.
be interpreted either too stringently or too [4] ÝÞ€
`\\2, Improvements of
liberally. An example of this is the stipulation bearing capacity of bored piles by grouting method.
that makes the result dependent on the number of Proc. of the Ninth International Conference on Piling
tests carried out. Increasing the number of tests and Deep Foundations. Nice, 3-5 June 2002, 257-262.
might increase the accuracy of the results, but [5] ÝÞ€

of In situ tests for evaluation of pile bearing capacity.

will it increase the bearing capacity of piles? The Proc. Of the 11th Int. Conf. on Soil Mech. and Found.
definition of design bearing capacity on the basis Eng., San Francisco 1985, 1479-1482.
of its ultimate failure value and binding both [6] ISSMFE Subcommittee on Field and Laboratory
with arbitrarily defined factors (31, 32 and
t) as Testing, Axial Pile Loading Test, Suggested Method.
recommended by this Eurocode is also debatable. ASTM Journal, June 1985, 79-90.
Experience tells us that relations between design [7] PN-83/B-\`ÏÍ`š

i fundamentów palowych.
bearing capacity and ultimate failure vary
depending on the type of pile as well as the type [8] PN-EN 1997-1:2005. Eurokod 7, Projektowanie
geotechniczne. PKN, Warszawa, 2005.
of soil. Strict adherence to Eurocode recom-
[9] PN-EN 1536:2001, Pale wiercone.
mendations in this respect might produce too
[10] PN-EN 12699:2002, Pale przemieszczeniowe.
optimistic or too pessimistic interpretations of
[11] EN 1997-1:2004, Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design -
pile load test results. Therefore, in addition to the Part 1. General rules.
EC7 recommendations, one should also take into
[12] EN 1536:2000, Execution of special geotechnical
account the type of structure to be supported by works. Bored piles.
the piles and how the structure will be used. In [13] EN 12699:2001, Execution of special geotechnical
this respect the Polish standard recommendations works. Displacement piles.
regarding load test interpretations appear to be
more flexible.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 873
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Flexural effects in dynamic determination of pile

Effets de flexion dans la détermination dynamique de la
capacité portante d’un pieu
A. Holeyman 1, M. Allani
Université Catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve. Belgique

The flexural vibration of piles during dynamic tests have to be investigated carefully. In this paper, we present two large scale
case histories of high strain dynamic pile testing where eccentric impacts where generated. First, dynamic measured signals are
presented to show the different quantities relationships (force, velovity, bending moment, and angular velocity). Then, flexural
effects on the dynamic pile capacity are determined by wave reflexions.

L’analyse de la flexion des pieux lors de la mise en charge dynamique doit être minutieusement traitée. On présente dans cet ar-
ticle deux cas de chargement dynamique de pieu à grande déformation où un impact excentré à été généré. Nous analysons en
premier lieu les signaux mesurés afin de mettre en valeur des différentes relations entre les paramètres (force, vitesse, moment
fléchissant et vitesse angulaire). Les effets de flexion sur la capacité portante du pieu, évaluée sur base de réflexions d’ondes.

Keywords: Pile dynamics, flexural effects, Case Method

1 INTRODUCTION remain the reference for checking a pile per-

formance since they best approach the real
Pile design analysis is needed to verify re- load in terms of duration and loading rate.
quired functions (bearing capacity, allowable Nevertheless, carrying out static tests takes a
settlement, installation feasibility…). There long time and involves a very expensive mobi-
are 3 types of dynamic pile tests: 1) high strain lization of the load and associated reaction.
dynamic test, 2) high strain kinetic test, also For these reasons dynamic loading tests
known as “rapid load test” (with longer load (DLTs) have now been adopted by most engi-
application period comparing to classical high neering communities with the aim to improve
strain test) and 3) integrity test (short wave- productivity in term of quality control and de-
length for better detection anomalies in the sign confirmation. These objectives seem to be
pile) [4]. We will focus in this paper on high satisfactorily achieved as the DLT test be-
strain dynamic testing where the main objec- comes more and more accepted as a routine
tive is to evaluate the dynamic and static bear- procedure [3].
ing capacity of the pile. Static loading tests
Corresponding Author.
874 A. Holeyman and M. Allani / Flexural Effects in Dynamic Determination of Pile Capacity

High strain dynamic pile testing consists in 2 GEOTECHNICAL SITE DESCRIPTION

the measurement of pile strain and acceleration AND EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE
at the pile head under impacts of large
weights. Pile strains and accelerations are In-situ dynamic pile tests were performed in
measured with strain transducers and accele- Limelette and Tessenderlo sites, both located
rometers, respectively. in Belgium. CPTs indicate that the stratigraphy
However, it is worth noting that DLTs still consists of 8 m thickness of silt layer over
include some limitations even though high Brussellian sand layer at Limelette while com-
technology and sophisticated interpretation are pact sandy silt prevails in the top 6 m over silt
used during measurement and in signals post to clayey sand layer at Tessenderlo. Dynamic
analysis. An important uncertainty or difficulty impacts on piles were generated using a Dy-
we may find in a DLT is the complex combi- namic Loading Test Module. The system,
nation of compressive, tensile and also bend- called ‘FondyTest’, has been developed at the
ing forces that may induce higher stresses than Department of Civil and Environmental Engi-
in service conditions and which may cause not neering of UCL. It consists in a 4 tonnes ram
only pile damage but also a signal mismatch- mass with an adjustable drop height, easily
ing that corresponding to a purely axial condi- transportable to the field. The eccentricity of
tion, as assumed for test interpretation. impact may also be controlled thanks to an au-
Poskitt (1992), Holeyman (2000) and Cha- tomatic air cushion actuation. The actual ec-
rue (2004) indicate that eccentricity of the centricity imposed to each blow might also be
mass ram is often observed in DLTs. It is also verified manually in the field.
well observed in pile driving where extreme A driven precast prestressed square con-
conditions may be reached. Poskitt (1991, crete pile with a  35 cm side and 9.5 m
1992 and 1996) was among the rare authors length was tested at the Limelette site. A con-
who addressed the problem of non axial ef- tinuous flight auger pile, with large hollow
fects in pile driving. To study the misalign- stem of diameter 2r  60 cm and about 15.5
ment problem, he studied the general theory of m long was tested at the Tessenderlo site. Fig-
impacts in two dimensions using Smith’s 1960 ure 1 presents the configuration of transducers
model to represent the loading rate effects. for both sites with reference to pile axes,
However, no conclusions were derived con- showing where four uniaxial piezoelectric ac-
cerning the flexural effects on the axial bear- celerometers (Acc) and four strain gauges (Sg)
ing capacity determination. were mounted.
In this paper, case histories of pile dynamic
testing under eccentric impacts are presented.
First we present the Limelette and Tessenderlo
sites geotechnical conditions and the experi-
mental procedure. Then, axial and flexural
signal analyses are performed with a focus on
transferred energy to the pile and ram-pile mi-
salignment effects. Finally, determination of
static and dynamic pile capacity from dynamic (a) (b)
measurements are developed. The Case me- Figure 1: Sensors location at pile head for (a) Limelette
thod [4,9] is used for the calculation of shaft, and (b) Tessenderlo sites
base and total soil resistance. Conclusions
about flexural effects on bearing capacity are From measured acceleration, one can obtain
finally made. by integration the velocity and displacement at
the pile head. Unfortunately, this is not an easy
task as it seems because environmental signal
noise, parasitic errors and offsetting integra-
A. Holeyman and M. Allani / Flexural Effects in Dynamic Determination of Pile Capacity 875

tion problems affect the integration process. 3 DYNAMIC SIGNAL ANALYSIS

For noise elimination, a non-causal filtering
(Butterworth type, 6th order with 1.5 kHz cu-
toff frequency) was used and a corrective con- 3.1 Axial force, velocity and displacement
stant velocity was incorporated in the signals relationships
to eliminate the integration offset. We have
used PCB353B04 (500g) and PCB353M231 In the very first moments of the impact,
(5000g) accelerometer type to avoid traducers measured force and velocity times pile imped-
saturation based on maximum acceleration as- ance I are superposed as functions of time (fig.
sessments. We also have considered high sam- 2). When the peak force Fmax is correlated to
pling frequencies at both sites to confirm Ny- the peak velocity Vmax (fig. 3), the observed
quist criteria; 20 kHz and 5 kHz for the trend must reflect the nominal impedance of
Limelette and Tessenderlo sites respectively. the pile I. The latter is equivalent to a dashpot
For the calculation of applied force F , we factor modelling the behaviour of a semi-
infinite pile subjected to an imposed velocity
used the formula: F  EA p % mean where E : is
at its head: I   pile cA p where  is the pile
the pile Young modulus, A p the pile cross
volumetric mass and c  E /  is the bar wave
section and % mean   % i / n is the mean propagation velocity. The 1.1 and 2.5
i 1
MN/m.s-1 values obtained by such regression
strain measured within a cross-sectional plane. confirm the impedance values expected from
Tables 1 and 2, summarize the sequential nominal properties of the impacted sections.
pile loading at both sites. H, ex and ey denote
the drop heights and eccentricities. Eccentric
impacts in x and y directions are generated at
the Limelette site and only in y direction at the
Tessenderlo site.

Table 1: Summary of impacts features, axial and flexural behavior, and dynamic soil resistance evaluations at the Limelette site.

Impact Axial mode Flexural mode Dynamic resistance

Blow H ex ey Vmax Fmax EMAX y

M max Wmax
y y
Emax Rf QB Rdyn _ case
n° (cm) (mm) (mm) (m/s) (kN) (kN.m) (MN) (MN)
(kN.m) (rad/s) (kN.m) (MN)
1,2 30 0 0 0.66 1.28 4.5 20.2 0.25 0.01 1.35 0.3 1.61
3 60 20 -20 1.65 2.19 15.5 53.1 0.62 0.07 1.80 0.9 2.68

4 40 20 -20 1.46 1.96 11.0 33.4 0.36 0.03 1.60 0.8 2.39
5 80 20 -20 2.06 2.67 23.1 42.0 0.42 0.05 1.84 1.2 3.01

6 80 20 -40 2.17 2.80 24.7 53.3 0.44 0.06 1.81 1.0 2.75
7,8 120 18 -32 2.66 3.36 36.6 113.0 1.10 0.16 1.85 1.1 2.85

9,10 80 22 -31 2.26 2.88 26.7 85.3 1.09 0.14 1.78 0.85 2.62

11 160 22 -31 3.16 4.04 52.3 123.2 1.90 0.15 1.91 1.13 3.04

12 40 2 -3 1.51 2.02 12.3 41.7 0.58 0.03 1.60 0.68 2.29

13 40 2 -40 1.55 1.99 12.3 42.6 0.51 0.02 1.59 0.7 2.30

14 40 3 -34 1.47 1.95 11.9 37.2 0.56 0.04 1.60 0.7 2.28
876 A. Holeyman and M. Allani / Flexural Effects in Dynamic Determination of Pile Capacity

4000 tlement evolve as parallel curves, separated by

004 -H=0.4m -e=0mm Force
004 -H=0.4m -e=0mm Impedance*velocity a constant “rebound”.
Maximum displacement
Force (kN)

2000 Permanent settelement


Displacement (m)
4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
L/c 0.005

Figure 2: F and V*I signals at the Tessenderlo site 0

20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
6000 Drop height (cm)
Limelette site
5000 Linear regression
Tessenderlo site Figure 4: Permanent and maximum settlement versus drop
F=2500*V+870 Linear regression
4000 height at the Limelette site.
Force (kN)

F= 1100*V + 340
3.2 Energy analysis
1000 The axial energy transmitted to the pile
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 (called ‘Enthru’) is defined as the integration
velocity (m/s)
over time of the product of force and velocity
Figure 3: Fmax and V max Regression signals, until the end of impact tf:
Figure 4 presents the evolution of maxi-
Enthru  $ F (t )V (t )dt
mum and permanent settlements versus the 0
hammer drop height at the Limelette site. The
maximum settlement curve is characterized by
a decreasing slope from the origin up to a giv- This term reflects the performance of the
en drop height beyond which a constant slope system which can be compared to the hammer
prevails. The permanent settlement curve is potential energy (MgH). It can be concluded
characterized by negligible values up to a giv- that the net energy transferred to the pile
en drop height called the ‘critical height’ amounts to approximately 80% of the hammer
beyond which maximum and permanent set- potential energy.

Table 2: Impacts features, axial and flexural behavior, and dynamic soil resistance evaluations at the Tessenderlo site.
Impact Axial mode Flexural Dynamic resistance
Vmax Fmax EMAX y Rf QB Rdyn _ case
Blow H ey
(m/s) (kN) (kN.m)
M max (MN)
n° (cm) (mm) (kN.m) (MN) (MN)
1 70 0 1.34 4.29 17.0 38.3 3.09 3.24 6.22
2 110 0 1.88 5.69 3.0 38.2 3.70 4.60 8.14
3 40 0 0.89 3.19 9.8 37.7 2.42 2.14 4.62

4 40 37 0.89 3.13 9.7 -53.0 2.35 2.12 4.64

5 70 37 1.43 4.43 19.7 -61.7 3.02 3.44 6.61
6 40 62 0.91 3.08 9.9 -91.7 2.21 2.15 4.63

7 40 37 0.92 3.21 10.6 89.2 2.41 2.15 4.81

8 70 37 1.41 4.47 20.1 114.7 3.15 3.42 6.65

9 40 55 0.89 3.24 10.4 119.9 2.44 2.15 4.71
A. Holeyman and M. Allani / Flexural Effects in Dynamic Determination of Pile Capacity 877

By analogy with the axial analysis we esti- where t+ is a time selected to obtain the maxi-
mate the flexural energy transmitted to the pile mum value of QB. The skin friction Rf mobi-
using the relation: lized down to the pile depth can be can be de-
rived form the difference between force and
tf velocity Rf =F-IV, reaching a maximum value
Enthru flex  $ M (t )W(t )dt at t++2L/c.
0 The Case method (Goble et al 1975) is based
on the difference between signals of a free pile
where M is the bending moment at the and soil resistance perturbation:
pile head and W is the pile head cross section
1 2L I 2L
Rdyn _ case  [ F (t  )  F (t   )]  [V (t  )  V (t   )]
2 c 2 c
angular velocity. The total dynamic soil resistance is derived
The bending moment Mx (My) about the x- based on a rigid plastic soil model. For this
(y-) direction for both sites was calculated reason, time t+ is picked as to correspond to
based on diametrically opposed measured peak velocity Vmax. Validity of this assump-
strains ( %1 and % 2 ) on the pile head section. tion especially for base modeling is discussed
Bernoulli assumptions lead to in Holeyman (1992) and Charue (2004). To-
E . . r ³ tal, base, and shaft soil resistance in Limelette
Ea ³ ( % 2  % 1 ) for
M (% 2  %1 ) and M  and Tessenderlo sites are presented in Tables 1
12 8 and 2 respectively.
a square and circular cross section, respective- It was concluded that it seems reasonable to
choose time t at the time when first peak ve-
Table 1 and 2 also contain axial and flexur-
locity occurs since soil resistance achieves a
al data for the Limelette and Tessenderlo sites
maximum value at that time. It was further
respectively. Large bending moments (more
confirmed that higher impacts mobilize more
than 100 kN.m) are observed for both sites
of the ultimately available soil resistance.
even though limited eccentricities are imposed.
An increase can be noted in the total dynam-
Furthermore, the dependency of the bending
ic soil resistance under eccentric impacts, es-
moment to the eccentricity is more pronounced
pecially for the 70cm drop height at Tessen-
than that to the drop height.
derlo (about 400kN increase) and for the 40
The ‘Enthruflex’ signals are quite similar to
cm drop height at Limelette (about 200kN in-
the ‘Enthru’ energy signals. However, the ratio
of the maximum flexural energy y to the
maximum axial energy EMAX is very small,
typically of the order of 0.5% (Table 1). 5 AXIAL AND FLEXURAL PILE

4 DYNAMIC PILE CAPACITY Several numerical models (TNOWAVE,

proach pile/soil interaction by a computer si-
As already explained, pile impedance mulation with a view to reproduce measured
represents the proportionality between force force and velocity signals. Either the force or
and velocity for a free semi-infinite pile where the velocity (or a combination of signals like
no soil interaction is considered. For the pile the downward force wave) are imposed as a
base, the following expression can give some stimulus at the top boundary of the model
indication about the dynamic toe resistance if (Charue 2004). The load-velocity trace (fig. 5)
rigid plastic behavior is assumed [4]: can be used to visually assess the quality of the
1 1 2L 2L optimizing procedure. The initial portion of
Q B  [ F (t  )  IV (t  )]  [ F (t   )]  IV (t   )]
2 2 c c the trace is linear and provides another evalua-
878 A. Holeyman and M. Allani / Flexural Effects in Dynamic Determination of Pile Capacity

tion of the impedance of the piles (1.2 and 2.1 ty was applied during impacts, the transferred
MN/ms-1, respectively) flexural energy remains very small compared
The same reasoning may also be applied to to the axially transferred one. However, an in-
the flexural mode. Allani and Holeyman [2] crease of the Case determined dynamic soil re-
elaborated a back calculation analysis to assess sistance was observed under eccentric impacts
lateral soil stiffness and damping under steady at the Tessenderlo site. By analogy to the cur-
state lateral pile loading. Lissajous type curves rent axial analysis, a flexural response curve
of experimental bending moment versus pile has been suggested at the pile head as a refer-
head angular velocity (fig. 6) allows one to ence to deduce lateral soil stiffness and damp-
graphically monitor the corresponding optimi- ing through a matching back-calculation algo-
zation procedure curve which is presently un- rithm.
dergoing development.
Pile head velocity (m/s)

Limelette site Tessenderlo site


1 [1] M. Allani and A. Holeyman. Non axial effects in

005 -H=0.8m -ex=20 -ey=-20 dynamic pile testing: Pile vibration analysis using
0.5 006 -H=0.8m -ex=20 -ey=-40
012 -H=0.4m -ex=2 -ey=-3 Timoshenko beam theory. Geotechnical Engineering
0 013 -H=0.4m -ex=2 -ey=-40 20, View of Young European Geotechnical Engi-
014 -H=0.4m -ex=3 -ey=-34 neers, Brno (2010), 158-163.
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 879
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 891
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Approach for a deep construction pit and a piled-

raft foundation in urban environment
Procédure de projet une profonde fouille et une fondation
profonde dans l'environnement urbain
S. Meissner, H. Quick 1, J. Michael
Prof. Dipl.-Ing. H. Quick Ingenieure und Geologen GmbH, Germany
U. Arslan
Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

The foundation system for the high-rise building TOWER185 is an excellent example to show the specific considerations under-
taken to design the building pit and the piled-raft foundation. On the basis of experiences made during the past 20 years in the
design, the construction and the back-analysis of the load-settlement behaviour of numerous high-rise buildings in Frankfurt and
consequently the well known soil and groundwater conditions, a realistic soil-structure-interaction-behavior in combination with
numerical methods could be applied to design an optimized foundation system for the TOWER185. Since the center of area does
not correspond to the center of mass certain considerations had to be taken into account in order to reduce the tilting of the tower
and to guarantee the serviceability.

Le système de fondation pour le gratte-ciel TOWER185 est un exemple excellent pour montrer les considérations spécifiques en-
treprises pour concevoir la fouille et la fondation profonde. Sur la base des expériences faites pendant les 20 ans passés dans le
dimensionnent, la construction et le re-calcul de nombreux gratte-ciels dans à Francfort et par conséquent le sol bien connu et
conditions de nappe phréatique dans la combinaison avec les méthodes numériques pourrait être appliqué pour concevoir un sys-
tème de fondation optimisé au TOWER185.

Keywords: piled- raft foundation, optimized foundation and pit design

1 GROUND INVESTIGATIONS The results and the interpretation of the investi-

gations are crucial factors for the stability and
A ground investigation is essential preliminary to serviceability of the structure. Especially when
the construction of high-rise buildings. The ob- designing high-rise buildings the ground and
jectives of a ground investigation are to obtain groundwater conditions as well as all relevant
reliable information to generate an economic and geological data must be investigated in detail.
appropriate design, to evaluate all conditions as- The ground conditions have to be worked out by
sociated with the ground and the groundwater as a geotechnical engineer. The investigation can
well as to meet the requirement for the tendering, consist of:
the construction, the time and the cost schedule.  Direct investigations (drillings, trial pits)
 Geophysical methods (crosshole seismic)

Corresponding Author.
892 S. Meissner et al. / Approach for a Deep Construction Pit and a Piled-Raft Foundation

 Field and laboratory tests (geotechnical / groundwater level in the Tertiary reaches the
geothermal) level of the Quaternary groundwater level.
 Load tests (plate or pile) Figure 2 shows a recent photo of the skyline
of Frankfurt including the Tower185 dated Sep-
In order to evaluate the ground conditions tember 2010.
within the area of the project T185 properly,
11 boreholes with length up to 110 m were inter-
preted. The ground encountered consists of Qua-
ternary sands down to 5 m below the surface fol-
lowed by the so called Frankfurt clay which was
formed 2 to 10 million years ago as a result of
the sedimentation in the Tertiary sea in the
Mainz basin (Figure 1). This clay includes limes-
tone banks and layers of calcareous sand. The
clay is geologically overconsolidated through
older, already eroded sediments. Therefore, the
subsoil is highly horizontally stressed.

Tower 185
Figure 2. Skyline of Frankfurt (Sept. 2010).


Due to the above mentioned ground conditions,

the influence on adjacent structures (subway,
buildings etc.) and the presence of ground /
groundwater contaminations in some areas, the
lowering of the groundwater tables had to be
prevented. This could be achieved by applying
an impermeable retaining wall around the exca-
vation area. In order to reduce the energy level in
the Tertiary sediments it is necessary to install
pressure relief wells distributed over the pit area
(Fig. 4). The length of these relief wells is go-
verned by the uplift situation of the excavation
The retaining wall consists of secant pile walls
as well as of diaphragm walls (Figure 3). To op-
Figure 1. Ground model. timize construction time the excavation area was
divided into two areas. The excavation level
The first groundwater level in the Quaternary within the tower area is 85.75 mNN (-11.5 m)
sands is approximately 3 m below ground sur- and for the low-rise complex 90.0 mNN (-7.0 m).
face. The second groundwater level is perched The areas are divided by a diaphragm wall with-
and circulates in the fissured limestone banks out reinforcement. By means of the pit division
and sand lenses. The energy level of the perched the two areas were treated accordingly regarding
the length of the retaining walls, dewatering situ-
ation and excavation process, which led to opti-
S. Meissner et al. / Approach for a Deep Construction Pit and a Piled-Raft Foundation 893

mization in terms of construction costs and time. quence of the high-quality construction works in
The bottom of the retaining wall for the tower this cross section the monitored deformations
area reaches down to 75.50 mNN (-21.5 m) re- added up only to 0.5 cm and were in good
spectively down to 85.5 mNN (-11.5 m) for the agreement with the calculated deformations.
low-rise complex (Figure 3 and 4).

Figure 3. Layout plan building pit.

diaphragm wall
Figure 5. Building pit – cross section subway.

Figure 4. Cross section through the building pit.

The serviceability of the adjacent subway and

the sewage channel directly next to the retaining
wall had to be guaranteed at all times. Since a Figure 6. Building pit – numerical simulation.
conventional anchoring system could not be ap-
plied, the retaining wall was supported by struts The monitoring of the dewatering of the pit
with temporary pressure cells to pre-stress the re- showed that the building pit was nearly imper-
taining wall and additional piles with anchoring meable. The chosen retain wall lengths were suf-
system (Figure 5). In order to prove the servicea- ficient. Only 50 % of the calculated amount of
bility of the adjacent subway plane numerical groundwater was withdrawn.
simulations were carried out. The construction
phases were simulated in detail. The calculated
deformations are presented in Figure 6. In conse-
894 S. Meissner et al. / Approach for a Deep Construction Pit and a Piled-Raft Foundation

3 FOUNDATION DESIGN The piled-raft foundations system can lead to

the following advantages in comparison to a raft
The design of a foundation system has to satisfy or pile foundation:
always the following conditions:  Reduction of settlements and differential
 Factor of safety against failure of the foun- settlements of structures
dation and of the supporting soil has to be  Reduction of tilt in consideration of eccen-
adequate at ultimate limit state (ULS) tric loading or inhomogeneous soil condi-
 Settlement of the foundation, as a whole tions
and in particular differential settlements  In case of hybrid foundation it is possible
under working loads, should not be so large to avoid joints in the raft
as to affect the serviceability of the struc-  Reduction of number of piles and pile
ture at serviceability limit state (SLS) length in comparison to a pile foundation
 Safety and stability of nearby buildings and  Reduction of forces, stresses within the raft
services must not be put at risk at ultimate in case of an optimal position of the piles
limit state (ULS) / serviceability limit state
(SLS) In case of the high-rise building T185 vari-
ous three-dimensional numerical simulations
With increasing height of buildings respec- with the Finite-Element-Method were carried out
tively increasing loads a raft foundation is not in order to obtain an optimized foundation de-
suitable to transfer the loads properly into the sign. The following geotechnical idealizations
ground. Therefore a pile foundation is often were considered for the mesh generation:
used. The main function of a pile foundation is to  Tower area: modeling under consideration
transfer all loads by piles to a lower level of the of the symmetries (raft: 3.5 m)
ground which is capable of sustaining the load  Location of the piles
with an adequate factor of safety (ULS).  Piles with diameter of 1.5 m (piles are
In addition to the often used raft or pile foun- modeled quadratically with the same skin
dation, the innovative piled-raft foundation is area)
nowadays often used to transfer the loads into the  Relevant areas of the connected low-rise
ground. In comparison to a pile foundation, in buildings (raft thickness: 0.9 m)
the piled-raft foundation, both the piles and the
raft transfer the loads into the ground. The loads The three-dimensional numerical model con-
are transferred by skin friction and end (toe) sists of continuum wedge elements with 15
bearing as well as contact pressures of the raft nodes and 6 integration points for each element.
with the ground (bearing pressure). The piles are Simulations with the Finite-Element-Method are
used up to their ultimate bearing capacity (load always based on material laws. A material law
level) which is higher than the allowable design can be depicted as the mathematical relation be-
value for a comparable single pile. The piled-raft tween stress and strain. A number of material
foundation represents a complex foundation sys- laws for soil mechanical applications are availa-
tem, which requires a qualified understanding of ble. The appropriate law has to be used in respect
the soil-structure interactions. of the particular problem and the scientific objec-
The task for the geotechnical engineer is to tive. In this case the elastoplastic Hardening Soil
evaluate by means of numerical calculations the model was used. The yield surface of the Har-
load distribution between the piles and the raft as dening Soil model consists of two parts in the
well as the pile stiffness parameter and the sub- principal stress space (conus and cap). They can
grade modulus. The distribution of the total load expand due to plastic straining. Furthermore it is
between the raft and the piles is described by the distinguished between different stiffness of the
coefficient of the piled-raft foundation. material for loading, unloading and reloading.
The deformation behavior can be simulated with
a hyperbolic relationship between the vertical
S. Meissner et al. / Approach for a Deep Construction Pit and a Piled-Raft Foundation 895

strain and the deviator stress. Both the shear

conus and the yield cap have the hexagonal
shape of the classical Mohr-Coulomb failure sur-
face. The cap expands as a function of the pre-
consolidation stress. The Hardening soil model
involves six parameters.
Due to the eccentric loading situation of the
overall system various numerical simulations
were carried out to find the optimal pile length
and to minimize the tilting of the tower. Piles
within the core of the tower area as well as at one
edge of the tower had to be longer (l = 50 m).
The calculated settlements under serviceability
loads add up to nearly 10 cm (Figure 7 and 8).
Figure 8. settlement plot (layout) and pile layout plan

Additionally, simulations with a raft founda-

tion were carried out to show the effect of the ec-
centric loading due to the adjacent low-rise com-
plex. These simulations show settlement of
nearly 25 cm and a large tilting value of the
tower (fig. 9).


A monitoring program to proof the quality of the

foundation system is always recommended, so
for the aforementioned high-rise buildings on a
piled-raft foundation. With help of the program it
is possible to compare the prognosis with the in-
situ behavior of the foundation. The monitoring
program must be worked out by a geotechnical
expert in consideration of the foundation system,
ground conditions, loading, construction phases,
etc. The geotechnical expert has also to interpret
all data obtained by the program. A typical moni-
toring program should consist of pile load cells,
earth pressure cells, porewater pressure cells, ex-
tensometers and geodetical (gauging) bolts. The
data can be collected for decisive construction
phase or continuously.
In case of the T185 the monitoring program
consists of 3 instrumented piles with load cells,
9 earth pressure cells, 2 porewater pressure cells
Figure 7. Numerical model and settlement plot.
underneath the tower raft and 20 geodetical
(gauging) bolts on the raft.
896 S. Meissner et al. / Approach for a Deep Construction Pit and a Piled-Raft Foundation

The monitoring results of the settlements have systems and to evaluate deformations of the
shown so far a very good correspondence to the structure and neighboring structures.
calculated values. Figure 8 illustrates the calcu- By carrying out a monitoring system it is
lated settlements for the piled-raft foundation possible to verify the assumptions made and to
under serviceability loading. The last measure- improve the design methods for future projects.
ment (60 % of the loading) is also illustrated.
Within a few weeks the next measurement will
be carried out. REFERENCES

[1] Reul, O. (2000):In-situ-Messungen und numerische

Studien zum Tragverhalten der Kombinierten Pfahl-
Plattengründung, Mitteilungen des Instituts und der
Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik, Technische Universität
Darmstadt, Heft 53.2000
[2] Hanisch, J. et al. (2001): Richtlinie für den Entwurf, die
Bemessung und den Bau von Kombinierten Pfahl-
Plattengründungen (KPP) (KPP-Richtlinie)
[3] Burland, J. B. (2004): Interaction between structural
and geotechnical engineer, Imperial College London,
Joint Structural Division Annual Seminar 2004
[4] Quick, H., Meißner, S., Keiper, K. (2005): High-rise
buildings: From the ground investigation to the founda-
tion design – 6th International Conference on Tall
Buildings, Hong Kong, 6-8 December 2005
[5] Quick, H., Meißner, S., Keiper, K., Arslan, U. (2005):
Figure 9. Settlement of the construction Complex foundation design in inhomogeneous ground
conditions for a (high)rise building in Frankfurt, Ger-
many – 16th International Conference on Soil Mechan-
ics and Geotechnical Engineering, Osaka, 12.-
5 CONCLUSIONS 16.09.2005
[6] Quick, H., Michael, J., Meissner, S., Arslan, U. (2007):
On the basis of an extensive ground investigation Deep foundations and geothermal energy – a multi-
and a detailed description of the ground, the purpose solution - 8th International Conference on Mul-
ti-purpose High-Rise Towers and Tall Buildings, Abu
foundation of high-rise buildings can be planned Dhabi, 10.12.2007
in an economic and safe manner. The choice of
the adequate building pit and foundations system
is often depending on the proof of the servicea-
bility of the high-rise building and / or neighbor-
ing structures.
Where piles are primarily used to reduce set-
tlements (satisfy the serviceability) and where an
adequate factor of safety against failure is pro-
vided, the innovative piled-raft foundation has
been put forward in the past. The essence of the
piled-raft foundation is to employ piles so that
settlements are reduced to an acceptable amount.
The successful design and construction has been
verified by many structures including many high-
rise buildings.
Based on the theoretical knowledge and a
qualified understanding of the soil-structure inte-
raction numerical simulations can be used espe-
cially to optimize buildings pits and foundation
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 897
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 903
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Chargement cyclique de pieux-tests instrumentés:

le programme SOLCYP
Cyclic loading of instrumented test piles: the SOLCYP project

A. Puech 1, S. Po & O. Benzaria

Fugro France, Nanterre, France
F. Rocher- Lacoste & A. Le Kouby
IFSTTAR, Paris, France

The joint industry research project SOLCYP is aimed at i) improving our understanding of the response of piles subjected to cy-
clic loading and ii) developing design procedures taking into account the accumulation of pile head displacements and the deg-
radation of friction along the pile wall.
The project comprises several complementary tasks : cyclic laboratory tests on reference soils and on soil-steel and soil-concrete
interfaces ; model pile tests in calibration chambers and in centrifuge ; instrumented pile tests on experimental sites ; numerical
modelling ; development of design procedures.
The paper presents the main objectives of the project and describes the complementary experimental and numerical techniques
implemented. The program of the full scale pile tests is detailed as well as the results of a feasibility study on the instrumentation
of a pile submitted to cyclic axial loading using the LPC removable extensometer technique. Results are satisfactory and validate
the selected monitoring technique.

Le projet national SOLCYP a pour objet d’approfondir les connaissances sur le comportement des pieux soumis à des sollicita-
tions cycliques et de développer des procédures de dimensionnement permettant de prendre en compte les phénomènes
d’accumulation des déplacements et de dégradation des frottements.
Le projet comporte plusieurs volets complémentaires: essais cycliques de laboratoire sur des sols de référence et sur des inter-
faces sol-acier et sol-béton ; essais de pieux modèles en chambre de calibration et en centrifugeuse ; essais de pieux instrumentés
sur sites expérimentaux ; simulations numériques ; développement de procédures de calcul.
La communication est centrée sur la description des objectifs du projet ainsi que les moyens mis en œuvre. Le programme prévi-
sionnel des essais en vraie grandeur est présenté ainsi que quelques résultats d’une étude de faisabilité sur l’instrumentation d’un
pieu soumis à un chargement cyclique axial avec la technique de l’extensomètre amovible. Les résultats satisfaisants de cette
étude permettent de valider la technique d’instrumentation choisie.

Keywords: SOLCYP, cyclic loading, pile test, instrumented pile

1 INTRODUCTION l’étude du comportement des pieux sous sollici-

tations cycliques.
Le projet de recherche SOLCYP (SOLlicitations Le projet SOLCYP est constitué de deux vo-
CYcliques sur les Pieux) a été lancé en France en lets complémentaires:
2008 pour une durée de 4 ans [1]. Il a pour objet - un volet dit ANR-SOLCYP financé par
l’Agence Nationale de la Recherche,
Corresponding Author.
904 A. Puech et al. / Chargement cyclique de pieux-tests instrumentés: le programme SOLCYP

- un volet dit PN-SOLCYP, Projet National fi- ponse des fondations de structures offshore à la
nancé par les partenaires (entreprises, bureaux houle. Mais d’une manière générale, il n’y a pas
d’études et de contrôle, sociétés de service, labo- - sur le plan national aussi bien qu’au niveau eu-
ratoires publics et privés) avec le concours du ropéen (Eurocodes) ou international (ISO) - de
Ministère de l’Energie et du Développement Du- document spécifique (norme, texte règlemen-
rable (MEDDTL). taire, recommandation professionnelle) traitant
La présente communication a pour objet de explicitement des risques liés aux sollicitations
préciser les objectifs et le contenu global du pro- cycliques et proposant une approche méthodolo-
jet. Elle se focalise ensuite sur le programme des gique pour les prendre en compte dans le dimen-
essais de pieux instrumentés à réaliser sur le site sionnement des fondations.
expérimental de Merville


La problématique des sollicitations cycliques in-
Le projet SOLCYP vise à améliorer les connais- téresse une large gamme d’ouvrages et d’actions
sances sur le comportement des pieux de fonda- associées. On peut citer notamment :
tions soumis à des sollicitations cycliques et se - les structures supports légères ou élancées
propose de développer des procédures permettant sous l’action du vent telles que : pylônes de
la prise en compte de l’effet des cycles dans le transport d’énergie, éoliennes terrestres, chemi-
dimensionnement des ouvrages de génie civil ou nées et tours de grande hauteur ;
maritime. - les réservoirs de stockage soumis à des cycles
Une approche méthodologique et systéma- d’exploitation (vidange-remplissage) ;
tique a été développée de manière à parvenir à - les ouvrages maritimes sous l’action de la
une compréhension approfondie des phénomènes houle et de la marée ;
physiques complexes régissant la réponse des - les ouvrages d’art supportant les infrastruc-
pieux soumis à des sollicitations cycliques verti- tures de transport, notamment ponts ferroviaires ;
cales ou horizontales. Elle doit permettre à terme - les fondations de grues et ponts roulants ;
de quantifier l’effet des chargements cycliques - les bâtiments industriels équipés de presses
sur la réponse et la capacité des pieux. emboutisseuses, machines tournantes, etc.
Sur ces bases essentiellement expérimentales,
on s’attachera à développer des procédures de Les ancrages des nouvelles structures liées au
dimensionnement et des méthodes d’ingénierie. marché émergent des énergies nouvelles (éo-
La phase ultime du projet portera sur un tra- liennes terrestres et offshore, hydroliennes, pan-
vail prénormatif en vue de l’introduction dans les neaux photovoltaïques de grande surface) sont
réglementations nationale et internationales de la particulièrement sensibles à la répétitivité et au
méthodologie proposée et des méthodes de calcul cumul des chargements.

Le programme de recherche et développement du
L’effet des sollicitations cycliques sur le compor- projet SOLCYP a été mis au point dans le cadre
tement des fondations est largement ignoré dans des travaux d’un groupe de travail de l’IREX. Il
le champ d’activité de la construction et du génie a été restreint au domaine des fondations sur
civil. Il existe quelques exceptions notoires pieux et s’articule autour de six thèmes.
comme l’étude de la liquéfaction des sols sous
sollicitations sismiques, la fatigue des chaussées
ou des remblais ferroviaires et bien sûr la ré-
A. Puech et al. / Chargement cyclique de pieux-tests instrumentés: le programme SOLCYP 905

5.1 Caractérisation des chargements concept de diagrammes d’interaction et de stabi-

lité cycliques. Il s’agit de caractériser en
Il est d’usage de considérer dans le domaine de
quelques diagrammes synthétiques le comporte-
la construction et du génie civil que les charges
ment d’un matériau en termes de nombre de
appliquées sont de nature statique ou quasi-
cycles conduisant à la rupture, de génération de
statique. Elles sont alors seulement caractérisées
pressions interstitielles et de déformations per-
par la valeur maximale attendue selon les condi-
manentes et cycliques. La construction de ces
tions de calcul envisagées (opérationnelles, ex-
diagrammes suppose la réalisation de séries
trêmes, exceptionnelles).
d’essais triaxiaux en compression (CAUc) et ex-
Les connaissances sur la réponse élémentaire
tension (CAUe) et d’essais de cisaillement
des sols aux chargements cycliques indiquent
simple direct (DSS) de manière à appréhender
que les sollicitations cycliques doivent être défi-
l’anisotropie de résistance du sol.
nies en termes : i) de sollicitation moyenne et
On se propose d’établir les diagrammes cy-
d’amplitude de sollicitation cyclique, chaque
cliques de quatre sols-types : une argile de réfé-
composante ayant un effet différent sur
rence (kaolinite), une argile naturelle surconsoli-
l’évolution des déformations permanentes et ré-
dée (argile des Flandres), un sable fin de
versibles ; ii) de fréquence de sollicitation, ce pa-
référence (Fontainebleau) et un sable naturel
ramètre conditionnant la réponse drainée ou non
moyen à grossier (Dunkerque).
drainée du matériau mais également la résistance
La recherche des effets de la vitesse de char-
des argiles qui est sensible à la vitesse de sollici-
gement et du grand nombre de cycles (N >
tation (l’existence de périodes de repos doit aussi
10 000) est une spécificité du projet.
être considérée) et iii) de nombre de cycles signi-
ficatifs, celui-ci pouvant varier de quelques
5.3 Comportement des interfaces sol-pieu
cycles à dizaines de cycles lors d’un séisme à
plusieurs centaines de milliers voire millions de Les mécanismes de rupture sous chargement
cycles sous un ouvrage de ligne ferroviaire. axial d’une fondation sur pieu se localisent à
Ces aspects sont aujourd’hui bien appréhendés l’interface sol-pieu (sable) ou à proximité de
par l’industrie offshore dans la limite des types cette interface (argile). Le comportement des in-
de sollicitations générées par la houle (périodes terfaces sol-pieu sous sollicitations cycliques est
de l’ordre de 10 secondes et nombre de cycles mal connu et fait l’objet d’expérimentations
significatifs de l’ordre du millier). poussées en laboratoire. La mise au point d’un
Un travail important de caractérisation des type d’essai et d’une méthodologie pour la dé-
sollicitations appliquées aux fondations par la termination des paramètres représentatifs est un
grande variété des structures terrestres ou mari- objectif de la tâche.
times visées par le projet doit être mené. Il Les résultats devront être applicables aussi
s’appuie sur plusieurs instrumentations de struc- bien pour les pieux métalliques battus, fréquem-
tures-types. ment utilisés en travaux portuaires et offshore
Une fois connue l’histoire fortement aléatoire (interface sol-acier), que pour les pieux forés,
du chargement réel, il est nécessaire d’idéaliser plus largement utilisés à terre (interface sol-
le chargement en plusieurs séries de cycles régu- béton).
liers d’amplitude constante pouvant être simulées
sur les échantillons de sol en laboratoire et sus- 5.4 Dégradation des frottements
ceptibles de fournir un endommagement équiva-
lent au sol. Une méthodologie sera proposée. L’effet le plus significatif de sollicitations cy-
cliques sur le comportement d’un pieu de fonda-
5.2 Réponse des sols aux sollicitations tion est la chute de sa capacité en frottement. La
cycliques dégradation du frottement latéral n’est pas ho-
mogène tout le long du fût mais se propage d’une
Les études les plus avancées sur la réponse des manière générale de la tête du pieu vers la base
sols sous sollicitations cycliques se basent sur le au fur et à mesure de l’accroissement du niveau
906 A. Puech et al. / Chargement cyclique de pieux-tests instrumentés: le programme SOLCYP

de sollicitation et du nombre de cycles appliqués. Un effort important de modélisation numé-

La rigidité propre du pieu joue un rôle prépondé- rique est mené dans le cadre du projet. Des avan-
rant. cées sont nécessaires tant sur le plan de
Les phénomènes de dégradation du frottement l’élaboration de lois constitutives que dans celui
sont étudiés à partir de pieux-modèles instrumen- du traitement d’un grand nombre de cycles.
tés testés dans des chambres de calibration et en En parallèle on s’intéresse à des modèles sim-
centrifugeuse. Ces essais sont effectués sur les plifiés basés sur la notion de courbes de transfert
matériaux de référence. de charge connues sous le nom de courbes t-z
Parallèlement on procèdera à l’installation de (chargement axial) ou courbes p-y (chargement
pieux réels instrumentés sur deux sites expéri- latéral). Le développement de courbes de trans-
mentaux (Merville, argile des Flandres et Dun- fert cycliques basées sur l’ensemble des résultats
kerque, sables denses) qui seront soumis à des expérimentaux du projet est un défi majeur. La
programmes extensifs de chargements cycliques. construction de ces courbes à partir des résultats
d’essais in situ devrait être possible. Cela ouvri-
5.5 Obtention des paramètres cycliques rait la voie à des méthodes de dimensionnement
d’un usage relativement pratique.
La réponse des sols aux sollicitations cycliques
est complexe et n’a été abordée à ce jour qu’au
travers d’essais de laboratoire. La pratique
offshore a consacré ce type d’approche qui reste-
ra nécessaire au moins dans une certaine mesure.
Un travail important sera effectué pour parvenir
à des recommandations pour l’obtention des pa- 6.1 Objectif des essais in situ
ramètres cycliques des sols à des fins Le site de Merville est situé dans le Nord de la
d’ingénierie. France. Il est constitué d’Argiles des Flandres
Toutefois, il est apparu que, dans le contexte plastiques (IP de l’ordre de 45) et surconsolidées
des travaux de génie civil, une approche basée de sorte que leur cohésion non drainée se situe
sur la réalisation d’essais in situ devait être re- entre 100 et 200kPa [2]. L’argile fait l’objet d’un
cherchée. Le développement d’un pressiomètre programme de caractérisation poussé par essais
cyclique et d’un pénétromètre cyclique fait partie in situ et de laboratoire avec notamment
des objectifs du projet. Ces outils sont potentiel- l’établissement de son diagramme cyclique.
lement aptes à donner accès à certains aspects es-
sentiels de la réponse du sol.

5.6 Méthodes de dimensionnement

L’ambition du projet SOLCYP est de proposer
des méthodes de dimensionnement des pieux
sous sollicitations cycliques axiales et latérales.
Plusieurs approches sont menées de front. Elles
devront permettre de répondre à des probléma-
tiques de nature et de complexité diverses.
L’approche par diagrammes cycliques, telle
qu’utilisée en offshore, est puissante et générale
mais nécessite en revanche la réalisation de
nombreux essais de laboratoire. Elle est relati-
vement coûteuse et ne se justifiera que pour des Figure 1. Plot expérimental de Merville en cours de réalisa-
ouvrages importants, des cas de sollicitations sé- tion (Mars 2011).
vères ou des sols difficiles.
A. Puech et al. / Chargement cyclique de pieux-tests instrumentés: le programme SOLCYP 907

Les objectifs des essais de Merville sont : pour extensomètres LPC (Fig.2a) . Pieu en cours de forage
avec remontées d’argile sur la tarière creuse (Fig 2b).
- étudier la réponse du pieu sous chargement cy-
clique en termes de déplacement et de capacité ; Pour les deux types de pieux, il est prévu de
- déterminer l’influence du chargement moyen, réaliser :
de l’amplitude des cycles et du nombre de cycles - un essai statique en compression de réfé-
sur cette réponse ; rence : pieux B1 et F1
- étudier le comportement local de l’interface - une série d’essais cycliques en compression :
sol-pieu lors du chargement cyclique pour plu- pieux B2 et F2
sieurs tronçons de pieu et évaluer la dégradation - une série d’essais cycliques en traction :
du frottement latéral avec les cycles. pieux B3, F3
Il est envisagé de conduire ultérieurement un Les pieux de réaction B4 et F4 seront utilisés
programme similaire sur un sol sableux dense comme pieux d’essai et testés en trac-
(région de Dunkerque) de manière à disposer à tion/compression alternée.
terme d’une base de données étendue et de haute Le détail du programme expérimental sera dé-
qualité comprenant les essais de Cran [3] en ar- fini de telle façon qu’il permette de couvrir la
gile molle normalement consolidée, de Plancoët zone de stabilité et d’instabilité du pieu (Figure
[4] dans des silts et sables lâches, et de Dun- 3) telle que définie par Poulos [6]
kerque [5].

6.2 Programme expérimental.

Le plot expérimental (figure 1) est constitué de 8
pieux tests et 10 pieux de réaction. L’espacement
moyen entre pieux est supérieur à 7 diamètres.
Deux types de pieux seront testés :
- 4 pieux battus type tube métallique fermé
(B1, B2, B3) de longueur L=13 m et diamètre Ø
= 406 mm. (Figure2a)
- 4 pieux forés réalisés à la tarière (F1, F2, F3
et F4) de longueur L=13 m et diamètre Ø = 420
mm. (Figure 2b)

Figure 3. Représentation du programme d’essais cycliques

dans le diagramme de stabilité [6].

6.3 Moyens expérimentaux

La technique de l’extensomètre amovible LPC
[7] sera utilisée pour instrumenter les différents
tronçons de pieu. Un vérin hydraulique spécial
de capacité 1000 kN et de course 200 mm per-
mettra de réaliser des essais de chargement cy-
clique à une fréquence maximale de 1Hz et pour
un très grand nombre de cycles (N >10 000). Ce
vérin sera utilisé pour les essais de compression
Fig :2a Fig :2b et de traction. En revanche, pour l’essai alterné
Figure 2. Installation des pieux à Merville. Pieu battu avec (traction et compression), un système de double
instrumentation en cours de battage et tubes de réservation vérin sera nécessaire. Les fréquences seront voi-
sines de 1Hz.
908 A. Puech et al. / Chargement cyclique de pieux-tests instrumentés: le programme SOLCYP

En 2008, un essai de faisabilité a été réalisé cune règlementaire majeure en proposant une
sur un site expérimental à Rouen (France) sur un méthodologie de dimensionnement rationnelle.
pieu équipé d’extensomètres amovibles (L=6 m, Une composante essentielle du processus ré-
Ø=200 mm) et sollicité sous 1Hz afin de tester side dans la réalisation de pieux instrumentés sur
le fonctionnement du vérin aux faibles charges et des sites de référence.
la réponse des jauges d’extensométrie (Le Kouby L’étude de faisabilité effectuée pour valider la
et al., 2009). technique d’instrumentation des pieux à l’aide de
La distribution des déformations mesurées la technique de l’extensomètre amovible semble
pour quatre tronçons de pieu de 1m (de haut en donner des résultats satisfaisants et sera privilé-
bas : D, C, B, A) (figure 4) montre que giée pour les essais en vraie grandeur.
l’amplitude des déformations décroît avec la pro-
fondeur. Cette observation traduit la distribution
des efforts qui s’effectue du haut du pieu (tron- 8 REMERCIEMENTS
çon D) vers sa base (tronçon A). On n’a pas ob- Le travail présenté se situe dans le cadre du Pro-
servé pas de glissement relatif bloqueur/tube jet National de recherche français SOLCYP qui
acier/béton pendant les cycles validant ainsi regroupe 12 entreprises et bureaux d’études du
l’utilisation de l’extensomètre. génie civil et 6 organismes universitaires et de
recherche. Il est piloté par l’IREX et financé par
les partenaires, l’ANR, le MEDDTL et la FNTP.
Les auteurs remercient les partenaires d’avoir au-
torisé la publication de cet article.

[1] A. Puech, J. Canou, C. Bernardini . SOLCYP : un pro-
jet de recherche sur le comportement des pieux soumis
a des sollicitations cycliques. JNGG 2008, Nantes, pp.
735-742, LCPC...
[2] Y. Canépa, S. Borel, J. Deconinck . Détermination de la
courbe d’évolution du module de cisaillement d’un sol
en fonction de sa déformation à partir d’essais en place.
PARAM 2002, Paris, pp. 25-32, Presses des Ponts et
[3] A. Puech, M. Boulon, Y. Meimon. Tension piles: field
data and numerical modelling. 2nd International Con-
ference on Numerical Methods in Offshore Piling
(1982), Austin.
[4] A. Puech, J.F. Jezequel. The effects of long time cyclic
loading on the behaviour of a tension pile. Offshore
Technology Conference (1980), Houston, OTC 3870.
[5] R.J. Jardine, R.J. Standing. Pile load testing performed
for HSE cycling loading study at Dunkirk, France.
Offshore Technology Report OTO 2000-007 (2000)
Figure 4. Essai de faisabilité. Résultats typiques (séquence Helath and Safety Executive.
cyclique 105 kN - 170 kN) [6] H.G. Poulos. Cyclic stability diagram for axially loaded
piles. Journal of Geotechnical Engineering Division
(1988), Report R574, Vol. 114, N° 8, pp. 877-895.
7 CONCLUSIONS [7] Bustamante, M.and Gianeselli, L. (2001). « Méthode
d’essai n°34. La mesure des déformations à l’aide des
Le projet SOLCYP a pour ambition d’effectuer extensomètres amovibles LPC ». Laboratoire Central
des Ponts et Chaussées, Paris Report 34
une avancée technologique décisive dans la con- [8] A. Le Kouby, F. Rocher-Lacoste, F. Dudouyt, G. Vin-
naissance du comportement des pieux sous solli- ceslas, K. Calmo. Faisabilité d’un essai de chargement
citations cycliques et de combler à terme une la- cyclique axial sur un pieu. Rapport SOLCYP (2009).
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 909
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Heave of a piled foundation on a sulphated

Soulèvement d’une fondation avec pieux dans des argillites
A. Ramon and E.E. Alonso1
Department of Geotechnical Engineering and Geosciences, UPC, Barcelona

A railway bridge founded on massive large diameter piles, socketed into hard anhydritic claystone, experienced a significant
heave after construction. Field investigations revealed the presence of a swelling active layer below the piles tip. Heave was
explained by the growth of gypsum crystals in discontinuities, a consequence of a previous dissolution of anhydrite. Percolating
water to initiate the process was probably supplied by an upper aquifer which was connected with the underlying fractured
claystone through borings and the piles themselves.

Un pont ferroviaire fondé sur des pieux massifs de grand diamètre, ancrés dans des argilites anhydritiques dures, a expérimenté
un soulèvement significatif après sa construction. L’auscultation a révélé la présence d’une couche active gonflante sous la
pointe des pieux. Le soulèvement s’explique par la croissance de cristaux de gypse dans les discontinuités, à cause d’une dissolu-
tion d’anhydrite antérieure. La percolation d’eau à la source du processus provenait probablement d’un aquifère supérieur
connecté à l’argilite fracturée sous-jacente par les forages ou les pieux eux-mêmes.

Anhydrite, heave, piles, gypsum, claystone, railway bridge

1 INTRODUCTION of the bottom slab reaching 800 mm in a

measuring period of 14 months. The tunnel,
Severe heave phenomena experienced by a originally designed as a horse-shaped tube, was
tunnel (Lilla tunnel) on the high speed railway eventually modified into a heavily reinforced
line Madrid-Barcelona were described by [1]. circular cross section. Measured swelling
Lilla tunnel was excavated in early Eocene pressures against the rigid lining recorded in a
claystones containing anhydrite and gypsum recent survey reached maximum values of 6
veins crossing the cemented clay matrix. The MPa.
non-sulphated rock phase included illite and The phenomenon leading to the swelling of
palygorskite clay minerals and a significant the rock in Lilla was explained in [1] to be the
proportion of dolomite. A small presence of consequence of the growth of gypsum crystals in
smectite was detected in some specimens. Lilla discontinuities. Discontinuities were thought to
tunnel experienced vertical heave displacements be more frequent immediately below the bottom

Corresponding Author.
910 A. Ramon and E.E. Alonso / Heave of a Piled Foundation on a Sulphated Claystone

flat slab of the original excavation because of the 3.5 m thick. Large diameter (1.65m) piles were
stress relief associated with tunnel drill and blast excavated by a rotary drilling machine. The
excavation. Gypsum precipitation was explained upper 6 m of the excavation was protected by a
by the evaporation of water, mainly on the steel liner. The majority of the piles reached a
exposed base of the tunnel. Massif water, rich in depth of 20 m in the central part of the viaduct.
calcium sulphate, will flow towards the tunnel Figure 2 shows the soil profile found in pier 6. A
surface and, as it evaporates, will create solid superficial colluvial soil layer, 4 m thick, covers
gypsum deposits. In fact, gypsum precipitates in a level of brown clays of medium consistency, 8-
a crystalline structure (monoclinic) favoured by 9 m thick. This layer covers a gypsum-claystone
the presence of pre-existent crystallized gypsum substratum. Gypsum veins and massive gypsum
veins. Measurements of the humidity of the layers are found in the red gypsum claystones. At
tunnel atmosphere during a few months indicated depth gypsum changes into anhydrite. Piles tip
that the relative humidity could vary from low are embedded in hard anhydrite-claystone layers.
values, RH=30% to high values, in the vicinity of Piles were designed to support working unit
RH=90%. It was concluded that evaporation was vertical loads of 5 MPa. Unconfined
possible at all times. compression tests of specimens recovered from
At about the same time of Lilla tunnel the deep anhydritic formation provided qu values
construction (2002), a 413 m long bridge, giving ranging from 5 to 20 MPa.
access to the North portal of the tunnel was built Pile point resistance was conservatively
(Figure 1). The viaduct has 10 spans and crosses estimated to be at least 8MPa. The presence of
a valley eroded in gypsum-claystone formations gypsum veins was not considered to be negative.
of early Eocene age. Viaduct piers reached On the contrary it was thought that it would
heights of 56 m in the central part of the bridge. contribute to reinforce the claystones.
The initial geotechnical investigations Once the upper bridge deck was built and the
suggested that piers could be supported by railway line completed, systematic levelling
shallow slabs on the Eocene formation. indicated the heave of the four central piers
However, a more detailed site investigation (piers 4 to 7). The intensity of the heave decayed
performed during the initial construction stages sharply towards both ends of the bridge. Heave
led to design a deep foundation for all the piers. rate was significant in the central piers (5-7
mm/month in 2007).

Figure 1. Pont de Candí viaduct and North portal of Lilla

tunnel in the background.

Bridge piers were supported by a 3x3 pile

group and a massive reinforced concrete cap Figure 2. Foundation of piers and soil profile.
A. Ramon and E.E. Alonso / Heave of a Piled Foundation on a Sulphated Claystone 911

A monitoring program and further soil gap had developed at the cap-pile interface.
investigations were launched to identify the However, this may be the result of a non-uniform
problem and to decide on remedial measures. movement of piles.
This paper reports on some relevant findings.
This is a rather unique case with no similar
past reported experiences found in the technical
literature. The proximity of Lilla tunnel and its
associated problems were an interesting
background. Concepts and teachings derived
from Lilla were thought to be of direct
application for this new case. However, the
heave of the bridge turned out to be difficult to
explain on the basis of the hypothesis put
forward to understand the behaviour of Lilla
tunnel. In fact, no evaporation and gypsum
precipitation could be possible involved in this
case and an alternative explanation had to be


A grid of surface levelling points was installed

with the purpose of establishing the extent of the
heave phenomena. The plot in Figure 3 provides
contours of equal surface heave during the period
26.11.2007 – 30.4.2008 (5 months). The figure
shows the position of levelling marks as well as
the location of piers. Maximum heave
displacements (44.1 mm) were recorded in the Figure 3. Surface ground heave. Contours of equal vertical
position of pier 5. The interpolated contours heave in the period 29.11.2007 to 30.4.2008.
adopt elliptical shapes in a transversal direction
to the bridge alignment. The major axis of these Deep continuous extensometers were also
approximate elliptical contours follows the installed in several locations. They provided the
direction of the valley. It is interpreted that the best information on the origin of the heave
natural percolation flow within the foundation, in phenomena. The measurements provided by one
the direction of flowing waters contributes to of them (Extensometer IX-C located between
explain the distribution of heave in plan view. pier 5 and 6) is given on Figure 4. The figure
One of the first interpretations given to the shows the incremental vertical displacements,
heave of the bridge piers was the expansion of measured at one meter intervals during the
the clay layers in the upper part of the pile’s period from 14.6.2007 to 13.2.2008. The data
shaft. A swelling phenomena taking place in, shows that swelling strains accumulate in a
say, the upper 10 m of the pile’s overall length, relatively narrow level of rock under the pile’s
would push upwards the pile’s cap and will be tip. Successive measurements in time accumulate
resisted by the deeper part of the piles embedded in the same position. In other words, the heave
into the hard claystone. This interpretation was phenomenon does not extend in the vertical
backed by some televiewer images which were direction. Deformations above this active level
taken in holes bored through the piles cap into were minor. In particular, the upper 20 m of the
the pile themselves. The images indicated that a ground did not exhibit any heave. At some
912 A. Ramon and E.E. Alonso / Heave of a Piled Foundation on a Sulphated Claystone

locations some very limited settlements were the valley, makes it difficult to accept that an
recorded. Other extensometers showed similar evaporation process could lead to gypsum
results: heave was concentrated in an active layer precipitation. A phreatic surface was located in
located under the tip of the piles of the central the upper layer of alluvial deposits located in the
piers of the bridge. The situation is schematically valley bottom. Shallow open pits excavated in
indicated in Figure 5. The entire foundation was the central part of the valley found a superficial
being pushed upwards by an active heave aquifer.
phenomenon taking place in a layer located A direct transformation of anhydrite into
below the pile’s tip. Plots of the development of gypsum (anhydrite+water›gypsum) is not a
the heave in time (Figure 6) indicate that the possible phenomenon. Gypsum precipitates
displacements accumulate in time at a sustained always from a supersaturated solution of calcium
rate. This behaviour is difficult to reconcile with sulphate.
delayed phenomena directly associated with Cores recovered in the active zone provided
hydro-mechanical interactions (such as the some evidence of crystal growth in open
theory of consolidation). discontinuities (Figure 7). Discontinuities were
The sulphated environment suggested also partially filled by gypsum needles. These
that gypsum precipitation was probably the main partially filled fissures allow the flow of water.
reason for the observed heave. Some of the gypsum deposited in fissures had a
planar shape and were shown to fill the entire
fissure volume (Figure 8).

Figure 4. Continuous extensometer IX-C. Measured relative

displacements in the period from14.6.2007 to 13.2.2008.


The position of the active layer, at depths of 23-

33 m below the ground surface at the centre of Figure 5. Position of the active layer.
A. Ramon and E.E. Alonso / Heave of a Piled Foundation on a Sulphated Claystone 913

anhydrite is higher than the solubility of gypsum.

Consider now the following scenario: water in
contact with anhydrite reaches a concentration
given by point A. Point A represents
supersaturated conditions with respect to
gypsum, which may maintain a concentration not
higher than point B. The difference in
concentrations of points A and B is then ready to
precipitate. Precipitation is enhanced if:
• There exist already gypsum crystals in
contact with the supersaturated solution.
Figure 6. Evolution of heave at the cap of extensometer IX-C. • Space is available for crystal to grow.
This phenomenon requires the presence of
water. If natural water was already present in the
active layer, before the construction of the
bridge, then the outlined phenomena would have
taken place in geological times. The associated
heave would have ceased also at the time of
bridge construction.
If it is accepted that the works triggered the
heave phenomena some consistent explanation,
respectful with field observations and the basics
of gypsum crystal growth, must be found. The
working hypothesis is that the site investigation
borings, the additional borings performed during
Figure 7. Open discontinuity filled by gypsum crystal needles
the installation of deep extensometers and
piezometers and the construction of the piles
succeeded in connecting an upper aquifer and a
fractured anhydritic claystone at depth. Then a
downward flow which possibly flowed also
following the general gradients of the valley
could be established.
The presence of anhydrite is fundamental to
explain the dissolution-precipitation process
described above. The growth of crystals in
discontinuities seems to be able to open them and
to exert a significant pressure if deformations are
prevented. This was the case in Lilla tunnel. In
the case of the bridge the crystals are capable of
pushing upwards the rock cover overlying the
active zone. Vertical geostatic stresses at the
position of the active layer are estimated to be
Figure 8. Gypsum deposited in fissures with a planar shape 0.5MPa to 0.8MPa. However, the effect of
pressure on crystal growth is not known.
The process of gypsum crystal growth may be
explained with the help of Figure 9. The figure
shows the variation of solubility of gypsum and
anhydrite with temperature, T. When T<57ºC (a
likely situation in practice) the solubility of
914 A. Ramon and E.E. Alonso / Heave of a Piled Foundation on a Sulphated Claystone

process. The role of the clay matrix, present in

most cases, is not well understood.
All the cases, tunnels and the foundation
heave problem described here, have a common
characteristic: the severity of the problem. The
case of Pont de Candí Bridge stresses also the
risk of changing artificially the natural
hydrologic conditions in the presence of
anhydritic formations. Vertical borings or piles
are a procedure to connect isolated aquifers and
to initiate a new flowing process.

Figure 9. Solubility of gypsum and anhydrite


4 CONCLUDING REMARKS The authors acknowledge with thanks the

support provided by ADIF (National Agency for
Remedial measures for the case described have Railway Infrastructure). Thanks are also given to
been discussed in parallel with the accumulation contractors FCC and IIC, for their helpful
of data provided by field instrumentation. One discussions and their contribution to the
proposal was to control the access of water on identification and characterization of the
the active layer. The idea was to inject the open geotechnical conditions of the foundations.
fissures around and below the tip of the pile
group of each of the affected piers.
An alternative idea was to counteract the REFERENCES
heave by adding weight to the foundation. An
embankment filling partially the valley was [1] E. E. Alonso, I. R. Berdugo, D. Tarragó. & A. Ramon
(2007). Tunneling in sulphate claystones, Proc. Of the
proposed as a suitable solution. This solution was
XIV European Conference on Soil Mechanics and
adopted recently and the available limited Geothecnical Engineering, Madrid, Cuéllar et al
information indicates a significant reduction of (editors), Millpress, Rottherdam, Vol 1: 103-122
the heave rate. [2] H. Krause (1976). Sulphate rocks in Baden-
Württemberg and their importance in relation to civil
Cases of severe swelling phenomena
engineering. Bulletin - Association of Engineering
associated with anhydritic formations have been Geologists, no.13: 45-49.
often described in Triassic formations of central [3] D. Nagel (1986). Sohlhebungen in den Keupertunneln
Europe ([1], [2], [3] and [4]). They refer to von Baden-Württemberg, Tunnelbau, Kontakt &
Studium, Band 184: 110-125.
tunnels. The case described here extends the [4] M. Wittke (2006). Design, construction, supervision
problem to a different geotechnical environment. and long-term behaviour of tunnels in swelling rocks.
A basic set of conditions remain as triggering Proc. of the International Symposium of the
factors: the presence of anhydrite, International Society for Rock Mechanics, Eurock
2006, Liège, Van Cotthen, Charlier, Thimus &
hydrogeological conditions favouring the flow of Tshibangu (editors), Taylor & Francis Group, London:
water and the existence of open cracks or fissures 211-216.
to allow the initiation of the crystallization
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 915
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Méthode de dimensionnement directe des pieux

basée sur l’essai de chargement de pointe
Pile direct design method based on cone loading test
Ph.Reiffsteck 1, H.Ali
Université Paris Est, IFSTTAR, Paris, France
Fondasol, Argenteuil, France
H.Van de Graaf,
Lankelma, Oirschot, Pays-Bas
C. Bacconnet, R.Gourvès
Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont Ferrand, France

The cone loading test conducted step by step until failure during a CPT, presents great similarities with a pile load test. It is
therefore possible to extrapolate a direct design method using the tip resistance and skin friction measured by the electric cone
to calculate the tip and the unit skin friction coefficients. We propose in this paper a new approach to transform the loading
curves and mobilization of friction of a cone loading test point by point into a load-displacement curve of a pile (t-z curves) in
sandy and silty soils. This paper presents a practical approach to the evaluation and normalization of t-z curves, the direct design
method proposed for predicting the settlement and a comparison with instrumented pile load test performed in Limelette slightly
clayey sands.
The results are compared to the design achieved with conventional methods using the results of Menard pressuremeter tests

Le pénétromètre statique, lors de l’essai de chargement de pointe réalisé par paliers jusqu’à la résistance de pointe, présente de
grandes similitudes avec un essai de chargement de pieu. Il est donc possible d’extrapoler une méthode de dimensionnement di-
recte utilisant la résistance de pointe et le frottement latéral mesurés par la pointe électrique pour calculer le coefficient de pointe
et le frottement latéral unitaire. Nous proposons dans cette communication une nouvelle approche transformant les courbes de
chargement et celles de mobilisation de frottement d’un essai de chargement de pointe point par point en courbe charge-
déplacement d’un pieu dans les limons et les sables. Cet article présente une approche pratique pour l'évaluation et la normalisa-
tion des courbes t-z, la méthode de conception directe proposée pour la prévision du tassement et une comparaison avec des es-
sais de chargement de pieux instrumenté du site de Limelette dans des sables légèrement argileux.
Les résultats sont comparés aux dimensionnements réalisés avec les méthodes de dimensionnement classiques utilisant les résul-
tats des essais au pressiomètre Ménard et au pénétromètre statique avec piézocone.

Keywords: in situ testing, cone penetrometer, pile, design method

Mots clés : reconnaissance géotechnique, pénétromètre à cône, pieux, dimensionnement

Corresponding Author.
916 Ph. Reiffsteck et al. / Méthode de dimensionnement directe des pieux basée

1 INTRODUCTION 2.1 Principe de l’essai de chargement de

Le chargement par palier d'une pointe piézo-
Après plusieurs tentatives pour développer
cône effectué avec un essai de dissipation est une
une méthode d'essai au pénétromètre basée sur
amélioration de l'essai de pénétration statique
l'essai à la plaque ou les méthodes d'essai de
avec pointe électrique, réalisable lors d'un essai
chargement statique de pieu pour obtenir un rap-
sans modifications notables. L'analogie de cet
port de contrainte-déformation ([5], [7], [13]),
essai avec l'essai de chargement d'un pieu ouvre
une nouvelle procédure a été proposée récem-
la possibilité de concevoir une méthode de di-
ment. Cet essai, appelé l'essai de chargement de
mensionnement direct. Cet article présente une
pointe (Cone Loading Test, ou CLT), peut être
nouvelle méthode de conception directe pour
effectué pendant un essai de pénétration statique
l'évaluation de la capacité portante et du tasse-
au cône classique (CPT) en tant qu'essai com-
ment et une comparaison avec un essai de char-
plémentaire. Après un essai de dissipation, un
gement de pieu instrumenté, valable pour des
chargement de la pointe est fait par dix paliers
successifs maintenus chacun pendant 60 se-
condes, jusqu'à ce que la résistance de pointe du
sol soit atteinte [2] et [12]. La courbe de charge-
2 L'APPROCHE DE L'ESSAI DE ment relie la pression appliquée sur la pointe au
CHARGEMENT DE POINTE tassement mesuré en tête du train de tiges à la fin
de chaque palier de chargement (Figure 1a).
La détermination de la capacité portante d’un 25

pieu est encore une opération délicate. Généra- 4m


lement, la capacité portante Qu d'un pieu est cal- 7m

Pression appliquée sur la pointe (MPa)


culée de la façon suivante : 9,5 m

10 m
11 m
12 m
13 m
14 m

Qu = Qpu + Qsu [1] 10

15 m
16 m
17 m
18 m

où: Qpu est la capacité portante en pointe du 5

pieu et, Qsu est la charge limite de frottement la-

téral. Cette séparation de la charge limite du pieu 0
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

en deux termes est un processus commun de a) déplacement corrigé (mm)

300 2m

toutes les méthodes de conception utilisées dans 250


la pratique : méthode pénétrométrique, pressio- 200


métrique ou à partir de l’essai de pénétration au 150

9,5 m
Frottement latéral fs (kPa)

10 m

carottier SPT. La capacité en pointe est liée à une 100

11 m
12 m
13 m

valeur moyenne de la résistance au cisaillement 50 14 m

15 m
16 m

déduite des essais de laboratoire ou des essais in 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
17 m
18 m50

situ, et multipliée par un facteur lié au méca- -50

nisme de rupture et ajusté en fonction du type de -100

sol et du mode de mise en place (avec ou sans re-
foulement du sol). La charge limite de frottement b) déplacement corrigé (mm)

latéral dépend du changement des propriétés de Figure 1. (a) Courbes de chargement CLT obtenues à Lime-
sol à proximité du pieu après qu'il ait été installé, lette (b) Courbes de mobilisation de frottement durant l'essai
notamment : la variabilité de sol et l'interaction
complexe sol-pieu. Par conséquent, pour chaque Les courbes se composent d'une partie li-
segment du fût du pieu, la charge limite de frot- néaire en petites déformations, puis d'une partie
tement doit être calculée à partir de la résistance incurvée au début de la plasticité et d'une partie
au cisaillement multipliée par un paramètre qui linéaire à un niveau plus élevé de déformations.
dépend des facteurs d’influence.
Ph. Reiffsteck et al. / Méthode de dimensionnement directe des pieux basée 917

Cet essai peut être réalisé avec une pointe en aucune mesure affecté par la réalisation des
électrique normalisée [4]. En cas d'utilisation essais CLT (figure 2b).
d'un piézocône, la variation de la pression inters- La figure 1.a montre que les courbes de char-
titielle et la résistance au cisaillement sur man- gement (résistance de pointe en fonction du dé-
chon de frottement sont mesurées. placement) sont très régulières et l'essai est répé-
Les courbes de mobilisation du frottement la- titif et permet de distinguer les différentes
téral peuvent ainsi être obtenues d'une manière couches. La figure 1.b montre les courbes de
très semblable à celle employée pour obtenir le mobilisation de frottement (fsCLT en fonction du
frottement latéral pendant un essai de charge- déplacement de la pointe) obtenues. La valeur
ment statique de pieu équipé d'extensomètres finale de la pression appliquée durant chaque pa-
amovibles [12] (figure 1.b). lier également appelée qCLT est proche de la va-
Cependant, l'essai de chargement de pointe exige leur moyenne de la résistance de pointe classique
des corrections résultant de l'effet de la compres- qc. Les pressions limites qCLT restent inférieures
sion élastique des tiges ou des conditions ini- à qc avec une différence constante de 25%. Cette
tiales de l'essai. Le calcul de la correction, con- différence a été déjà étudiée par [13].
siste à évaluer l’effort moyen déduit de la 0 20 40
EM (MPa)
60 0 25
Modules E_CLT corrigés (MPa)
50 75 100 125 0 50
ED (MPa)
100 150
différence entre la force mesurée en tête et celle 1 PMT1-bis
Eini CLT

E50% CLT

au niveau de la pointe [1]. À de faibles profon- 2

Edec CLT

deurs, le flambement des tiges est négligé, mais 4


si des essais plus profonds sont envisagés, l'utili- 6

sation de l'inclinomètre est suggérée [4]. 8


2.2 Résultats typiques d’un essai CLT 11


Le site de Limelette (Belgique) propriété du 14

CSTC a le profil géologique suivant [14]: 15

z (m)
- de 0 à 6 m : limon calcaire quaternaire, a 17
b c
- de 6 à 8 m : sol argilo-sableux,
Figure 3. Profils de modules de chargements obtenus au pres-
- au delà de 8 m: sable légèrement argileux. siomètre au cône et au dilatomètre
La nappe phréatique se trouve à 40m de pro-
fondeur. La figure 3 montre la très bonne qualité de
0 0,5 1 1,5 2 2,5
pl (MPa)
3 3,5 0 10 20 30
qc (MPa)
40 0 20 NSPT 40 mesure du module de chargement de l'essai CLT
PMT1-bis moyen
par rapport à deux autres techniques classiques

de mesure [12].

SPT 2 En considérant que la pointe pénétrométrique
z (m)
est un modèle réduit de pieu, et que la déforma-
a 17
b c tion du sol autour de la pointe indique des effets
Figure 2. Profils obtenus avec le pressiomètre, le pénétro- semblables à ceux observés autour d'un pieu
mètre statique et l'essai au carottier. pendant le chargement, alors les courbes de
Les différents essais réalisés sur le site per- chargement de pointe reflètent l'interaction entre
mettent de localiser ces transitions avec précision un pieu et le sol environnant. De la même ma-
(figure 2). On note que le pénétrogramme n'est nière, la valeur de la force mesurée agissant sur
le manchon de frottement divisée par la section
918 Ph. Reiffsteck et al. / Méthode de dimensionnement directe des pieux basée

du manchon peut être identifiée comme la résis- fondation profonde (figure 5). La manière par
tance unitaire de frottement latéral sur le fût d'un laquelle cette nouvelle méthode a été construite
pieu [9]. Dans le cas général d’un sol multi- est très proche de celle proposée par Briaud et
couche pour lequel la distribution de la résistance également utilisée dans la norme hollandaise
limite fs en fonction de la profondeur est connue, NEN6743 ([3], [8], [10]). La raison du choix des
les deux équations suivantes sont proposées : courbes de l’essai CLT est l'observation faite
dans les paragraphes précédents d’une bonne
Qpu = [qo+kp.(qCLT)]..B²/4 [2] correspondance entre l'essai de chargement de
pieu et l'essai de chargement de pointe, ce qui
n’est pas évident au premier abord pour un essai
Qsu =tin [3] d'expansion tel que l’essai pressiométrique.

q/qmax et fs/fsmax

Avec : qo la contrainte verticale en place, kp 1

un facteur de portance, ks un facteur de frotte-
ment latéral, B le diamètre du pieu, fs le frotte-
ment limite de la couche i, li l’épaisseur de la 0,6

couche i, qCLT la résistance limite de l’essai de

chargement de pointe.
450 Tronçon A
Tronçon B 0,2
Tronçon C
Tronçon D
Tronçon E et F 0
Frottement latéral fs ou qs (kPa)

C CLT à 9,5 m
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
CLT à 9 m
CLT à 8 m h/diamètre pointe
CLT à 7 m
250 CLT à 6 m
CLT à 5 m Figure 5. Normalisation des courbes pour la création des
200 CLT à 4 m
CLT à 3 m courbes (t,z) pour le sable
150 CLT à 2 m
Le déplacement en tête du pieu wpieu peut être
50 E&F
déterminé en fonction de la charge de pieu
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 comme étant la somme de la valeur du déplace-
Déplacement (mm)
ment au niveau du fût du pieu et du déplacement
Figure 4. Comparaison des frottements latéraux de l'essai sta- dû à la compression des couches de sol situées
tique de pieu A1bis et essai de chargement de pointe [6] au-dessous du niveau de la pointe du pieu. Le
déplacement le long du fût inclut le déplacement
La comparaison et la corrélation entre la dû à l'élasticité du pieu.
courbe de mobilisation obtenue à partir de l'essai
de chargement de pointe et celle de l'essai de
chargement statique de pieu, pour le même site et
w pieu  w fut  w po int e  wél [4]
le même type de sol, donne accès aux facteurs Avec :
d'influence (figure 4). Cependant, il y a quelques  wpointe et wfût déduits à partir des courbes re-
singularités qui dépendent de la géométrie de la latives de charge déplacement construites
pointe utilisée dans l'essai CLT, ainsi que l'in- avec des valeurs moyennes de qc et fs en
fluence du manchon de frottement. En effet, il fonction du déplacement relatif normalisé
est nécessaire d'intégrer un facteur de correction s/B (figure 6),
qui tient compte des effets d’échelle et de forme  wél fonction de la variation linéaire de
pour le terme du frottement latéral (ks) et de l’effort vertical dans le pieu.
pointe (kp).
Il est également possible de transformer les
courbes de chargement de pointe et de mobilisa-
tion de frottement sur le manchon dans un essai
CLT point par point en une courbe (t-z) pour la
Ph. Reiffsteck et al. / Méthode de dimensionnement directe des pieux basée 919

Effort de frottement latéral Qs (kN)

-2000 -1500 -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500
Effort de pointe Qp (kN)
2000 2500 3000
22477-1-1 et équipé d'un système de mesure par
0 extensométrie.
Les courbes de mobilisation de frottement (fs-
30 déplacement) sont déterminées directement pour
40 Qu = Qp+Qs chaque segment du pieu (figure 4) et les courbes
60 Tassement (mm)
de transfert de charge le long de l'axe du pieu
70 pour chaque étape (figure 8). La prévision du
Effort de pointe
Effort de frottement latéral
transfert des charges et de l'état limite en utilisant
100 les paramètres de l’essai CLT est donnée dans le
tableau 1. On note qu'il y a une inversion des
Figure 6. Courbes relatives de charge/déplacement proportions de capacité portance attribuées à la
pointe et au fût entre l'essai de chargement sta-
tique de pieu et l'approche de l’essai de charge-
4 VALIDATION DE LA METHODE ment de pointe. Cette différence représente l'effet
d’échelle et de forme ainsi que l’effet du mode
Pour étudier le potentiel de la méthode propo- de mise en place entre le pieu et la forme conique
sée, la détermination de la capacité portante sous de la pointe pénétrométrique.
une charge axiale est comparée aux résultats d'un Load distribution (kN)
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
essai axial de chargement d’un pieu vissé de type 0

fundex 38/45 [6]. Le fût du pieu a un diamètre 1

de 390 mm alors que la pointe du pieu fait 450

mm de diamètre et se trouve à la même profon- E&F

deur de l’essai CLT. 3

La figure 7 montre une comparaison des

Depth (m)

courbes de l’essai CLT obtenue avec un simple 5

tableur ou le logiciel PIVER, en comparaison 6

avec la courbe réelle de l’essai de chargement de 7


pieu. Pour des raisons de clarté, seulement deux

couches de sol ont été considérées dans cet 8 B

exemple. 9

Pile base level

Charge Q (kN) 50 % de la charge totale
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 3500
0 Figure 8. Transfert de charge sur la longueur du pieu

Tableau 1. Comparaison des méthodes de dimensionnement
Essai de pieu CLT
Qpu 1059 2448
Tassement (mm)

Qsu 2064 972
Essai de pieu_tass en tete Qu 3123 3420
Essai de pieu_tass en pointe
Méthode CLT_moyenne
Calcul PIVER avec 2 points
Calcul PIVER avec plusieurs points

Figure 7. Courbe de charge – déplacement avec différentes Cette publication a essayé de décrire une nou-
méthodes velle méthode de conception directe de pieux ba-
sée sur l'essai de chargement de pointe (CLT) ti-
L'essai de chargement statique de pieu est ef- rant profit de la qualité intrinsèque de cet essai:
fectué selon la norme européenne EN ISO reproductibilité, précision et accès à la force mais
également à la rigidité. Davantage de recherches
920 Ph. Reiffsteck et al. / Méthode de dimensionnement directe des pieux basée

sont nécessaires afin de rassembler des études de by means of cone penetrometer, Soils and Foundations,
2009, 49(3) 397-408.
cas sur différents sites : limon, sables, etc. pour
[13] Sanglerat G. The state of the Art in France, ESOPT,
définir les facteurs rhéologiques adaptés [11]. Stockholm, 1974, pp.47-58
[14] Van Alboom, G. Whenham, V. (2003). Soil investiga-
tion campaign at Limelette (Belgium): Results. Pro-
ceedings of the Symposium on screw piles in sand
REMERCIEMENTS – design & recent developments, 7 mai 2003, Brux-
Les auteurs tiennent à remercier N. Huy-
brecht, M. de Vos, V. Wenham du CSTC, Lime-
lette, Belgique, pour leurs aides dans la réalisa-
tion des essais


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Geotechnical Special Publication N° 185, Contempo-
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foundations, IFCEE Orlando, 2009, pp. 50-57
[12] Reiffsteck Ph., Bacconnet C., Gourvès R., van de Graaf
H.C., Thorel L. Measurements of soil compressibility
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 921
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Design, load tests & completion of bored piles

80 m depth in Pliocene clays on a Danube bridge
Conception, tests de charge et réalisation des pieux forés 80 m
de long dans des argiles du Pliocène dans un pont sur le Danube
F. Rodríguez Ballesteros1, G. Gómez Burgaz, J. M. Gutiérrez Manjón
FCC Construcción, Madrid, Spain

The process from design to execution of the foundations of Danube Bridge Vidin-Calafat (Bulgaria-Romania border) is summa-
rised. The foundations are made of 2.0 m and 1.5 m diameter floating concrete bored piles. excavated mainly on Pliocene clay
that is founded below alluvial strata or loessian soils with variable thickness around 20 m. For the design the focus was put on
the triaxial and the pressiometric tests carried out inside investigating boreholes. To lower the safety factor and make more pre-
cise the pile lengths, several loading tests on trial piles were made (a total of 6 O-cell tests). This paper emphasizes specially the
parameters deduced from these tests and its correlation with .the previsions based on design. From the analysis of the O-Cell
Test results some conclusions were derived: the loading tests showed that the calculus parameters derived from the tests were
placed between those obtained from the triaxial tests and from the pressiometric tests; and that the ultimate values from loading
tests matched to the limiting values established in the specialized literature and common standards for overconsolidated clays.

La procédure de la conception à l'exécution des fondations du pont du Danube Vidin-Calafat (Bulgarie-Roumanie frontière) est
résumée. Ce sont pieux forés flottants de 1,5 et 2,0 mètres de diamètre creusés principalement sur des argiles du Pliocène, qui
sous-tendent des sols alluviaux ou loessians d'épaisseur variable autour de 20 m. Le design est basée sur des essais triaxiaux et
pressiométriques. Pour abaisser le facteur de sécurité et de rendre plus précise les longueurs de pieux, des essais de charge sur
des pieux ont été faites (pour un total de 6 essais de cellules Osterberg). Cette communication souligne les paramètres déduits de
ces tests et sa corrélation avec. les prévisions basées sur les basées sur les essais précédents. De l'analyse des résultats des tests
O-Cell certaines conclusions ont été tirées: les essais de chargement ont montré que les paramètres de calcul ont été placés entre
ceux obtenus à partir des essais triaxiaux et des essais pressiométriques, et que les valeurs ultimes des essais de chargement
coïncident avec les valeurs limites établies dans la littérature spécialisée et des normes communes pour argiles surconsolidées.

Keywords: Pliocene clays, Bored Piles, Floating piles, Axial loads, Load Tests, Offshore.

1 INTRODUCTION structure consisting on a continuous beam with 8

spans (52+7×80); and the rail-access structure
This bridge is part of the Pan-European corridor consisting on a continuous beam of regular
IV. The bridge is an integrated solution for cross- thickness with 14 spans (32+13×40). All of
ing, road and rail traffic at the same time, involv- which sums up a total length of approximately
ing three separate structures: the river crossing 2.0 km.
structure composed by a cable stayed bridge of Sub-surface conditions at the test pile loca-
five spans (124+3×180+115); the road-access tions consisted primarily of sand and gravels

Corresponding Author.
922 F. Rodríguez Ballesteros et al. / Design, Load Tests & Completion of Bored Piles 80 m Depth

overlying Pliocene CLAYS. The present paper \=VR – V0H=CU[1+Ln(G/CU)] + CULn('V/V)]

deals with the following issues: P*l = \ (Ln('V/V) = 0)
x Laboratory and in situ tests of Pliocene CU = '[\]/'[Ln('V/V)]
Clays’ mechanical properties concerning to
design of piles versus axial loads. The CU values obtained satisfy:
x Load Tests on 6 Trial and 4 Working Piles P*l/9.1  CU  P*l/5.8
x Correlation between the parameters de- Table 1. Geomechanical Parameters
duced before. USCS CH
x Construction % < 1.6P 44 ± 10
Bulk density (kN/m3) 19 ± 0.4
Void ratio [e] 0.84 ± 0.07
2 GEOMECHANICAL Liquid Limit 77 ± 15
Plastic Limit 31 ± 4
Plasticity Index 46 ± 14
Moisture Content 30 ± 2.4
The underlying layer is Pliocene Clays. Over this CU = UCS/2 (kPa) 160 ± 115
stratum it can be distinguished two different geo- CCU (kPa) 204 ± 58
technical profiles: )CU (º) 13.0 ± 1.6
CUU (kPa) 137 ± 31
x Alluvial deposits )UU (º) 17.0 ± 2.8
x Loess and alluvial deposits Figure 1 includes the undrained shear strength
The Pliocene sediments are represented by values obtained from triaxial and pressuremeters
grey-blue to grey-green clays/silts and sandy- tests carried out. Table 2 includes the ranges of
silty clays. In the zones where the clay has al- variation and the proposals for these values.
ready been exposed to weathering it is of rusty- Table 2: Pliocene Clays: Strength Parameters Profile
yellow to rusty-brown colour. The thickness of Elev. P*l N CU
this weathered zone varies from 1.0 to about h(m) (MPa) (SPT) (kPa)
5.0m. >-7.5 < 4.0 <35 to40 250– 400
-7.5> h>-30 4 to 6 35 to 50 400– 600
The shear resistances of the Pliocene clays of < -30 > 6.0 > 50 600
the subsoil are deduced from:
As usual, the values deduced from Laboratory
x Laboratory Tests Results (Identification, Tests are lower than Pressuremeters Test results.
UCS, UU & CU Triaxial Tests)
x SPT Results
x Pressuremeter Tests Results 3 DESIGN PARAMETERS
The mean values and typical standard devia-
For the design of piles, the following shaft (f)
tions on Pliocene clays are in Table 1.
and point resistances (q) were proposed:
The assessment of the magnitude of
Undrained Shear Strength from CU and UU tri- x f = DCU  120 kPa (1)
axial tests has been carried out from the follow- D =Mf/CU = 0.21 + 26/CU S 0.30
ing expressions (Vv: Total in situ overburden (Kulhawy and Phoon, 1993) with the
pressure): lower limit indicated on BS 8004:1986 [1]
x q = 9 CU (2)
x CU = CCU + Vv (1- sen )CU) tg )CU
x CU = CUU + Vv (1- sen )UU) tg )UU The values deduced of CU with (1) & (2) from
From the net limit pressure (Pl*), the f and q obtained in O-Cell Tests, are represented
undrained shear strength (CU) was obtained in
accordance with the theoretical expression of the
pressuremetric curve in its plastic range:
F. Rodríguez Ballesteros et al. / Design, Load Tests & Completion of Bored Piles 80 m Depth 923

in Figure 1, superimposed to those deduced from

previous tests.

O-Cell Tests
CEMSOLVE Analysis Undrained shear strength C U(kPa)

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

End Bearing Elev h (m)

-4 TP2
-12 TP-1
-20 TP1
-36 Cu(q) = q/9
Cu (Triaxials)
Cu (Pressuremeter) ^ 17.5 N

Figure 1 Undrained shear strengths from Triaxial, Pressuremeters and O-Cell Pile Tets
x Strain gauges to assess the skin friction load
The O-Cell Tests were performed on 1200 mm transfer above and below the O-cell.
diameter, 60 – 68.5 m long test piles, TP1 to TP4, x Two lengths of steel pipe were also in-
TP6 & TP7 (Summary in Table 3). stalled, extending from the top of the pile to
The maximum sustained bi-directional load the top of the bottom plate, to vent the break
applied to the pile was 12.7 MN with a maximum in the pile formed by the expansion of the
cell opening (upward + downward) of 156 mm.. O-cells. The pipes were filled with water
The loading assembly consisted of two 405 mm prior to the start of the test.
O-cells, located 12.63 metres above the pile’s toe An auger and bucket were used for drilling
The Test Piles were provided with the follow- and cleaning the pile tips respectively. The rein-
ing internal instrumentation: forcing cage with attached O-cell was inserted
into the excavation and temporarily supported
x Four Linear Vibrating Wire Displacement
from the steel casing. Concrete was then deliv-
Transducers between the plates of the O-cell
ered by tremie into the base of the pile until the
assembly to measure expansion.
top of the concrete reached piling platform level.
x Two lengths of 6 mm diameter telltale rods
Using the procedures described in [2], equiva-
attached to the reinforcing cage diametri-
lent top load curves for the test piles were con-
cally opposed, extending above & below the
structed, with the CEMSOLVE Method (Fig .3).
steel bearing plates of the O-cell assembly
to measure the profile of the pile.
924 F. Rodríguez Ballesteros et al. / Design, Load Tests & Completion of Bored Piles 80 m Depth

base resistances reduced values were attributed to

that the bucket used for these piles construction
was not the best for this kind of soil. This led to
introduce a big force in the perforation device,
which might have cause disturbance in the shaft
and, especially, in the pile toe. The bucket was
changed to a big one in the other piles.
In Figure 5 the values of f deduced from O-
Cell Tests and the design values finally adopted
are indicated. The design value for point resis-
tance below elev.+28 was:
q  9 × CU(Triaxial) = 3.5 MPa
At service loads, the settlement deduced from
Figure 2. Tremmie tube hole O-Cell Tests in Working Piles were beteen 5.3
and 12.8 mm (Table 4)
In all the cases, the jack stroke ( 140 mm)
was developed by the downward pile part in the
majority of cases (130 – 135 mm). Therefore the 4 PILES IN THE NAVIGABLE CHANNEL.
upward shaft resistance could not be developed CONSTRUCTION PROCESS
except –perhaps– in the vicinity of the O-cell.

O-Cell CEMSOLVE Estimation

4.1 Preliminary works
Load (MN) Pile Tests In the known as "Navigable channel" of the
32 river, 96 bored piles were executed with a diame-
ter of 2000 mm. All the piles were grouped into
28 TP7 four piers of 24 piles each, with lengths ranging
between 58 and 80 meters. All piles were exe-
24 cuted under a permanent casing of 27 meters long
TP6 and 12 mm thick, weighing about 18 tons each.




0 5 10 15 20
Settlement (mm)

Figure 3. Top Load Curves deduced from Tests

Figure 4. Piles in the Navigable Chanel
Consequently, these values (Table 3) are con-
sidered more representative of the shaft resis-
tance than those further away from the O-Cell
The Test piles TP1 and TP3 were the first two
piles executed of the six trial piles tested. Their
F. Rodríguez Ballesteros et al. / Design, Load Tests & Completion of Bored Piles 80 m Depth 925

Table 3. O-Cell Tests on 1.2m diameter Trial Piles. Summary of results

Max- mobilised
Maximum Ultimate strengths
Elevation (m) Maximum Unit Skin Friction
Displacements (mm) CEMSOLVE Analysis
Test Bi-directional Str. Gauges f (kPa)
Pile Load (MN) Point Resistance Load (1)
O-Cell Up Down Up Down
Toe q (MPa) P(MN)
TP1 - 17.6 - 8.0 8.32 7.9 138.1 230 158 1.185 16.60
TP2 - 30.0 -16.1 8.8 6.1 105.8 170 115 4.520 18.50
TP3 - 17.9 - 8.0 5.29 7.1 132.8 91 113 1.565 9.70
TP4 - 30.0 -17.4 10.8 6.0 131.7 130 120 4.100 24.70
TP6 - 35.0 -17.0 9.9 10.2 145.5 > 120 85 5.500 27.65
TP7 - 35.0 -17.0 12.7 10.1 144.1 120 160 5.050 35.20
(1) At Settlement = 0.1×diameter = 120 mm
Table 4. O-Cell Tests on Working Piles. Summary of results.
Max- mobilised
Max. Ultimate strengths
Pile Elevation (m) Unit Skin Friction
D Bi-dir CEMSOLVE Analysis
Length Str. Gauges f (kPa)
Test Load
(m) Pile Working Settl.(mm)
(m) O-Cell (MN) Up Down
Toe Load (MN) at WL
TP8 2.0 56.5 -31.2 -16.6 12.8 17.4 8.3
No Str. Gauges
TP9 2.0 35.0 + 2.5 5.0 3.05
TP10 2.0 76.5 -43.5 -20.1 14.3 151 119 24.0 12.8
TP11 1.5 50.0 +1.7 +14.0 7.1 89 90 7.8 5.3

O-Cell Tests
CEMSOLVE Analysis Skin Friction f (kPa)
60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Elevation h (m)

-36 Design values

Figure 5. Skin friction of bored piles in Pliocene Clays

926 F. Rodríguez Ballesteros et al. / Design, Load Tests & Completion of Bored Piles 80 m Depth

A temporary cargo port was constructed for the tremie pipe, connected to the mud pump, and
loading equipment on barges. The mooring of the pumping air into the pile tip. Thus, the bentonite
pontoon was made with four concrete blocks of was recirculating for 3/4 hours to collect all the
23 tons, placed in the river bottom. They had a soil detritus suspended in the pile excavation.
larger plant area than height, to not allow the After finishing the assembly of the cage and
overturning in case of strong flows. holding it on the casing’s top, a second air lift
In order to avoid possible shock of the barge was done. The concrete was formulated for 2.5
on piles already completed, the piling was started hours of workability and the beginning of the
by the upstream pile file, following downstream. setting for 6 hours.
So, in the case of an accidental breakage of a
cable tie, the barge always moves with the river
flow and not hurt the completed piles. 5 CONCLUSIONS

Bargage River flow From the analysis of the O-Cell Test results some
conclusions were derived concerning the design
of bored piles against axial loads in these high
plasticity overconsolidated clays:
x The values of shaft (f) and point resistances
(q) deduced from the Pile Tests were placed
between those obtained from the triaxial
tests and from the pressiometric tests.
x The correlation between ultimate values
Anchor from loading tests and the undrained shear
strength matched to the limiting values es-
tablished in the specialized literature and
Figure 6. Barge anchor and pile execution order pile common standards for this kind of soils.
With "traditional" Methods carefully
implemented, it was possible to make bored piles
The welding between the different sections of
of magnitudes much higher than usual: 80 meters
the casing was made in the ‘Precast Casting yard’
long and 2.0 meters diameter in a very mighty
of the works, placed 3 km downstream from the
river stream without traffic affections.
bridge. The casings were transported in two 500
tons barges with 40 m long by 9.5 m wide, pulled
by a tugboat. Once the barge were moored to the
main barge, it proceeded to the positioning of the ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
main barge. For driving the 27-meter long
casings a metallic structure was available, Ministry of Transport, Information Technology
specially designed for guidance purposes and Communications. Republic of Bulgaria.
J. Ruiz Cabrero, FCC Site Manager
I. Diaz de Argote, FCC Design Coordinator
4.2 Piles excecution F. Flórez , FCC Head of Site Technical Office
M. England, LOAD TEST.
Bentonite mud was used for the containment of
the borehole walls below the permanent casings.
A RT-3 drill head attached to a lattice crane was REFERENCES
used. In order to ensure the cleanliness of the
bottom of the excavation, the excavation bucket [1] BS 8004:1986
for clays was changed for a cleaning one. The [2] Fleming, W.G.K., (1992) “A new method for single pile
cleaning was completed with an air lift through settlement prediction and analysis”, Geotechnique 42,
No3, pp. 411-425.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 927
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Pile Integrity Testing Developments

Développements du contrôle de pieu
par les méthodes impulsionelles
A.J.G. Schellingerhout 1, A.J. van Rietschoten-Rietveld
Profound BV

Low strain integrity testing is a widely used method for the quality control of concrete piles. The detection of pile defects with
this method strongly depends on the length of the generated stress wave. However, when the stress wave is too short the wave
propagation will be a three dimensional wave propagation which is conflicting with the standard signal interpretation
method that is based on the one dimensional wave theory.
This paper gives an overview of a number of three dimensional effects and proposes two parameters to determine the
validity of the interpretation method based on the one dimensional wave theory. Based on this, analysis guidelines can be
derived for the optimized use of hammers in order to stay in the realm of the standard low strain integrity testing interpretation

La méthode de contrôle d'intégrité des pieux par réflexion ou impédance est largement utilisée pour l'auscultation d'un pieu en
béton. La détection des défauts des pieux avec cette méthode dépend fortement de la longueur de l'onde plane générée.
Toutefois, lorsque l'onde plane est trop courte, sa propagation sera une propagation tridimensionnelle, ce qui est en conflit avec
la méthode standard d'interprétation du signal, qui est basée sur la théorie d'onde unidimensionnelle.
Cet article donne un aperçu d'un certain nombre d'effets tridimensionnels et propose deux paramètres afin de
déterminer la validité de la méthode d'interprétation basée sur la théorie d'onde unidimensionnelle. En se basant sur cette théorie,
les règles d'analyse peuvent être obtenues pour l'utilisation optimisée des marteaux, afin de rester dans le domaine de la méthode
standard d'interprétation du contrôle de pieu par les méthodes impulsionelles.

Keywords: low strain integrity testing, one dimensional wave equation, three dimensional effects, stress wave, shock wave,
impulse hammer, pile integrity testing

1 INTRODUCTION measurement is performed by hitting the pile

head with a hand-held hammer and measuring
Pile quality is very often determined by the response of the head with an accelerometer.
performing a low strain integrity test directly For each pile multiple signals should be acquired
after pile driving or within days after installation for proper evaluation. Nowadays there is a large
of cast-in-situ piles. Testing can point out which choice of reliable measuring equipment which
piles require further examination. The can be used to perform these measurements on
Corresponding Author.
928 A.J.G. Schellingerhout and A.J. van Rietschoten-Rietveld / Pile Integrity Testing Developments

the construction site. The measured signals are semi-infinite elastic cylindrical rod. This analytic
interpreted using the one dimensional wave solution shows a geometric dispersion of the
theory. wave velocity and leads to a reduction of the
The low strain integrity test is a quick, non- wave velocity for higher frequencies. This
destructive test to detect pile defects which can reduction has a small dependency on the Poisson
possibly reduce the bearing capacity. This me- constant of the material. The results of these
thod measures the integrity of the pile and cannot calculations are shown in Benetar [3]. Wave
be used to estimate the bearing capacity of piles. lengths of four times the pile diameter have
The sensitivity of the measurement method is about a 10 % reduced wave velocity compared to
dependent on the length of the hammer generated the wave velocity given in equation (1). At even
stress wave. Defects that are of a smaller size shorter wave lengths the reduction is about 40 %.
than the generated wave length are reduced in
amplitude in the measured signal, as is discussed 2.2 Pile diameter changes
in Schellingerhout [1].
A pile defect is detected in an integrity test
In general, the blow should therefore be a
signal, because the wave reflects on a change in
sharp and narrow pulse with a high frequency
pile impedance. The biggest change in
content. When the generated wave is too short,
the one dimensional approximation is no longer impedance is obviously the end of a free pile or
fixed end, which leads to the full reflection of the
valid and cannot be used any longer for the
traveling wave.
interpretation, as three dimensional effects will
During the interpretation the impedance
occur. Several three dimensional wave effects
change is usually attributed to a change in pile
must be reduced for an accurate analysis.
diameter (area) and not to a change in material
parameters. A change in pile diameter can lead to
three dimensional effects which where studied in
small plastic piles by Schellingerhout [4]. This
study shows that these three dimensional effects
lead to an increase in the reflected amplitude of
A number of three dimensional effects can occur the wave improving the detection of defects in
while performing a sonic integrity test. These can the signal. This result is positive for the
be caused by the geometrical dispersion, pile discovery of defects, but results in an
diameter changes or the stress wave length. overestimation of the size of the defect in the one
dimensional wave theory.
2.1 Geometrical dispersion
The wave velocity in a slender pile is given by 2.3 Stress wave length
the equation: The stress wave is generated in the pile by the
blow of a small hammer. The diameter of the
E hand held hammer is much smaller than the
c (1)
 diameter of the pile. This leads to strong three
dimensional effects which were studied by Chow
et al. [5] in three dimensional finite element
with: models as well as in field studies. One of their
conclusions is not to place the acceleration
c = the wave velocity [m/s] sensor in the vicinity of the place of impact of
E = Young’s modules [Pa] the hammer, as is also prescribed in the French
ȡ = density [kg/m3] code on integrity testing NF P94-160-4 [6]. A
transition distance is necessary to minimize these
Pochhammer [2] and Chree formulated an effects especially for large piles.
analytic solution for the wave propagation in a
A.J.G. Schellingerhout and A.J. van Rietschoten-Rietveld / Pile Integrity Testing Developments 929

3 PARAMETERS c t 50%
3D  (2)
All day to day measurements are still interpreted D
with the one dimensional wave theory. To be
sure this interpretation is valid, two parameters 3D = cross over parameter
are relevant. c = wave velocity [m/s]
t50% = blow duration when the loading pulse
3.1 Parameter t50% exceeds 50% of the max. value [s]
D = pile diameter [m]
The first parameter is t50% which defines the
hammer blow duration at half of the maximum This 3D parameter is the ratio of the stress
value, as is shown in figure 1. Usually the soil wave length to the diameter of the pile. For
damping is low at the pile top and in that case, square piles an effective diameter is suggested
the velocity signal can also be used for this mea- which has the same area as an equivalent round
surement of t50%. pile.
Thus it is possible to obtain this parameter
from integrity tests without an instrumented The impulse of the hammer blow can be given
force hammer. The duration is the preferred by:
parameter, because this is the most relevant
parameter for the impact of the hammer on the
pile head. $ F (t ) d t  2 m h vimpact (3)

Pile head velocity as function of time F(t) = force as a function of time on the pile
50 head [N]
t50% = 0.30 ms
mh = mass of the hammer [kg]
40 vimpact = impact velocity of the hammer [m/s]
v impact [mm/s]

Equation (3) is valid when there are no energy

losses during the impact. The energy loss in the
plastic of the hammer head and the loss caused
10 by the generated stress wave can be neglected
which makes this equation a sufficiently accurate
-0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

time [ms] With equation (2) and (3) and a low soil
damping at the pile top, the pile head velocity
Figure 1. The hammer blow on a pile and the definition of can be approximated by:
8 1 mh
The definition of the parameter t50% has also vp  v (4)
been described in the Dutch CUR code on Sonic  3D  D 3 impact
Integrity Testing of concrete foundation piles [7].
vp = pile head velocity [m/s]
3.2 3D parameter mh = mass of the hammer [kg]
vimpact = impact velocity of the hammer [m/s]
The second parameter is given in the following
ȡ = density [kg/m3]
D = pile diameter [m]
930 A.J.G. Schellingerhout and A.J. van Rietschoten-Rietveld / Pile Integrity Testing Developments

Equation (4) shows that the pile head The results of Chow et al.[5] must be
velocity vp strongly depends on the pile diameter. reviewed with a constant 3D parameter, because
The t50% of the hammer impact can be their calculations used a constant input pulse
derived from mathematical models of the hand duration while changing the diameter of the pile.
held hammer. If the hammer is modeled with a The previously discussed geometric effects affect
mass spring combination, the t50% is about 1/3 their calculations as well. This analysis also sug-
of the resonance time and independent of the gests an optimum value for 3D between 3 and 4.
impact velocity. Their conclusion about the transition distance
A better approximation for t50% can be between the point of impact of the hammer and
obtained by using the Hertz theory of impact the placement of the accelerometer remains un-
which predicts a dependency on the impact changed.
duration with the impact velocity. This theory is Only t50% can be optimized to obtain the
also given in Timosheko [8]. optimum value for 3D. This implies a range of
hammers with a different impact duration,
t50% as a function of hammer impact velocity because this value is relatively constant for a
0.6 hammer. A large diameter pile needs a hammer
generating a longer t50%. Equation (4) also
0.55 Hertz theory (vimpact)-0.2
shows that the hammer mass must increase to
0.5 have an acceptable pile head velocity vp. The
range of impact velocities vimpact is limited by the
t50% [ms]

user, so an increase in hammer mass is helpful
for obtaining a good signal to noise ratio.
0.35 However, there will be a reduction in amplitude
because a constant value of vp would result in a
hammer too heavy to be convenient for field
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 applications.
vimpact [m/s] The t50% can also be increased by electronic
filtering of the measured signal. This method
leads to suboptimal results, because the resulting
Figure 2. Parameter t50% as a function of the hammer impact acceleration levels must be higher, which
velocity. This measurement is executed with a 0.65 kg
hammer with nylon caps on a precast concrete pile with a
therefore results in a lower quality signal.
smooth surface. The continuous line is the Hertz prediction. However, most important is that a longer t50%
during the impact needs a less stiff hammer,
which as a result has a much bigger contact area.
4 DISCUSSION This reduces the stress levels in hammer and pile
and also reduces the three dimensional effects as
The proposed parameter 3D can be used to studied in Chow [5].
obtain an optimal detection of defects and at the Pile : 101- 2 06/10/2010
same time to verify the validity of the use of the v = 7.1 mm/s
t50% = 0.31 ms
one dimensional interpretation method. The
geometric effects suggest that the 3D parameter
must be between 3 and 4 which is not a very
sharp optimum.
If the 3D parameter is significantly higher
than 4, a reduced detection of defects will occur 0 2 4 6 8 10
but the one dimensional wave theory can be c = 4200 m/s l = 8.60 m fil = 0.10 ms exp : 2 V 7.93 auto

applied. Figure 3. A measured integrity test signal with a t50% of

0.31 ms. The filter has a t50% of 0.10 ms.
A.J.G. Schellingerhout and A.J. van Rietschoten-Rietveld / Pile Integrity Testing Developments 931


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[3] A. Benatar, D. Rittel, A.L. Yarin, Theoretical and
pile defects in the generated signal.
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Mechanics and Physics of solids 51 (2003), 1413-1431.
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signals, which are the basis for further al Conference On The Application of Stress-Wave
interpretation and signal comparison by an Theory to Piles (1992), 319-324.
[5] Y.K. Chow, K.K. Phoon and W.F. Chow, Three-
experienced engineer. Engineers can also Dimensional Stress Wave Analysis of Pile Integrity
make use of additional analysis software. Tests, Proceedings of the seventh International
As discussed, using the optimal hammer is Conference On The Application of Stress-wave Theory
a much better approach than adjusting the to Piles (2004), 83-93.
[6] Association Francaise de Normalisation, NFP 94-160-4
duration of the hammer blow by electronic Auscultation d'un élément de fondation. Partie IV -
filtering in the post processing of the Méthode par impédance, AFNOR (Mars 1994).
signal. This latter method leads to much [7] CURNET, CUR-aanbeveling AA109 Akoestisch
higher acceleration levels which reduces doormeten van betonnen funderingspalen (in Dutch),
CURNET (2007).
the signal quality. To cover a range of pile [8] S.P. Timoshenko, J.N. Goodier, Theory of Elasticity,
diameters several hammers are necessary. p. 420-421, McGraw-Hill, Singapore, 3 rd edition 1982.
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 933
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Capacity of rock sockets in weak mud/siltstone

La capacité de douilles de roche dans faible mud/siltstone
J. S. Steenfelt 1, J. Abild
COWI A/S Denmark

Ruwais Sulphur Expansion Phase III in Abu Dhabi is part of a multi-billion dollars investment in Ruwais Industrial Complex. To
meet the increased sulphur export demand the existing loading facility was expanded. The marine facilities consist of a quadrant
beam and a pivot foundation for the ship loader, four mooring and four breasting dolphins. All structural elements are founded
on raking steel piles rock socketed into the weak mudstone/siltstone bedrock. The paper describes the design of the piles (Ø762,
914 and 1067 mm) and in particular the pile load test set-up and the inferences from the load testing. It is concluded that the rock
socket capacity is well over predictions by current design methods and it is demonstrated that the recommended tension pull out
capacity referring to ground anchor design is extremely conservative.

La Phase III d'extension du complexe d'exportation de souffre de Ruwais à Abou Dhabi fait partie d'un investissement global de
plusieurs milliards de dollars sur le site industriel de Ruwais. Afin de satisfaire la demande accrue en soufre, les installations de
chargement existantes ont été élargies. Les installations maritimes consistent en une poutre quadrant et une fondation en pivot
pour la grue de chargement des navires, quatre duc d'albe d'amarrage et de quatre ducs d'albe d'accostage. Tous les éléments sont
fondés sur des pieux en acier inclinés ancrés dans substratum rocheux. si qu'une partie de la roche ont été dragués avant l'instal-
lation de pieux afin d'obtenir un tirant d'eau suffisant pour les navires. Cet article décrit les éléments pris en compte pour la con-
ception des pieux, notamment le test de chargement de pieux mis en place et les conclusions de ces tests. Il a été démontré que la
capacité de résistance observée est bien supérieure à celle obtenue par les méthodes de calcul actuelles et il est démontré en par-
ticulier que la capacité en tension recommandée pour les calculs des pieux ancrés dans le substratum rocheux est extrêmement

Rock sockets, Pile capacity, Pile loading tests, cone pull out, weak rock, Mudstone, Siltstone

1 PROJECT & GROUND CONDITIONS the onshore part of the quadrant beam the bed-
rock is overlain by soft marine sand deposits.
The layout of the sulphur loading facility appears Offshore these deposits have been removed by
from Figure 1. The marine works, comprising the capital dredging exposing the bedrock surface.
loading facility and the mooring systems for the The available offshore boreholes giving the
vessel, are all founded on inclining (1:4) steel overall stratigraphy and the strength in terms of
piles rock socketed into the weak bedrock. For UCS values are seen in Figure 2.

Corresponding Author.
934 J.S. Steenfelt and J. Abild / Capacity of Rock Sockets in Weak Mud/Siltstone

 Fill annulus between temporary casing and

steel pile with sand (to top of marine de-
 Retract temporary casing and support pile
head to already placed piles.
The piles were fitted with shear keys per 0.5 m to
ensure that shear deformation would take place
between the concrete/rock interface rather than
the concrete/steel interface.
Figure 1. Layout of sulphur loading facility (new marine The main advantage over traditional rock
works within circle. The dome has a diameter of 148 m).
sockets - where a reinforcement case is installed
in the hole before tremie concreting - is that the
steel pile solution allows immediate progress
without having to wait extensively for curing of
the concrete.
The bedrock is predominantly Siltstone/ Clay-
stone, Mudstone/Sandstone and Calcarenite/Cal-
cisiltite with varying degree of crystalline Gyp-
sum as nodules and layers. The values of uncon-
fined compressive strength, c, from the offshore
boreholes are shown in Figure 3.

Figure 2. Plan of area with available offshore boreholes and

capital dredging extent.

Note that the mooring dolphins and the quadrant

beam are situated on the dredged slope, whereas
the breasting dolphins are at the basin at level -
15 mCD. The level onshore is +5 mCD.
All concrete works were made as precast
shells subsequently filled with in situ concrete. Figure 3. UCS values from offshore boreholes
This allowed for proper quality control onshore
and reduced risks and lifting weights considera- The average value of all 65 UCS tests is c =
bly. On the same token it was decided to use a 4.12 MPa and the (5% fractile) characteristic
special kind of rock sockets for the tubular steel mean value for the 46 non-Gypsum tests is 2.25
piles in order to allow for fast offshore produc- MPa. The values and the distribution are borne
tion. The production of the piles was as follows: out by nearby sites (1.7 and 3.3 km distance
 Drive a temporary casing into the top of within the area) with similar number of UCS
bedrock tests and statistical distribution from offshore
 Core a rock socket to the designated depth boreholes.
 Flush and clean the rock socket The properties of the soft marine deposits are
 Fill the rock socket with tremie concrete disregarded here, as only the axial capacity of the
 Vibrate the steel pile with external shear rock sockets is considered in the paper.
keys into the wet concrete (spacers on out-
side to ensure central position in socket)
J.S. Steenfelt and J. Abild / Capacity of Rock Sockets in Weak Mud/Siltstone 935

2 BASIS FOR ROCK SOCKET DESIGN COWI's experience be of the order 6±4 mm, but
values up to 2% of D are suggested in the litera-
In the assessment of the axial capacity of the ture.
rock sockets a number of specific questions had The relationship between mobilized and ulti-
to be addressed: mate shear stress along the shaft may tentatively
 Characterization of ground properties (see be expressed (Brinch Hansen, 1965) as:
 Theoretical basis for shaft (and toe) bearing  mob 4# mob
 Rock socket diameter: pile or socket?  (2)
 ult 3# mob  # ult
 Tension cone pull out scenario
 Loading tests for verification or optimization
 Feasible loading test set-up
where mob, ult are the mobilized shear stresses at
displacements of #mob, #ult, respectively.
2.1 Pile design methodology
The nearby 3rd NGL Train Trestle was founded 2.2 Tension cone pull out
on similar types of piles, albeit without external
shear keys. Unfortunately, the load test carried The pile design was discussed at length with the
out on the 7 m long Ø1.067 m pile in an Ø1.087 Client representative. It was agreed that (1) could
m rock socket (max load 6.4 MN or ult = 268 be used for the design of the rock sockets pro-
kPa) was very far from failure with a maximum vided that the steel piles were fitted with external
displacement at the top of rock socket of 0.4 mm. shear keys per 0.5 m. This alleviates any risk of
A standard rock socket Ø1.067 m was subse- potential steel/concrete rather than concrete/rock
quently tested to failure at the site with a maxi- interface displacement irrespective of develop-
mum residual shaft load of 16.5 MN (ult = 703 ment of cracks along the pile/concrete interface
kPa) at 35 mm displacement. In this context it is during curing.
interesting that API (2000) advocates a charac- However, the question of tension capacity was
teristic cut off value of 525 kPa for the steel- not resolved, in that the Client was of the opinion
concrete interface. that the methodology for ground anchors with
The testing was carried out to validate the de- tension cone pull-out should be considered
sign using the approach by Tomlinson (1994), (BS8081, 1989). The philosophy is that the ten-
based on UCS and RQD which would give a sion capacity can not exceed the weight of
shaft capacity of 6.4 MN where the Fleming et al ground material limited by a cone with an apex
(1992), based on UCS would give 9.8 MN. angle of 60° or 90° from the midpoint of the ac-
Despite some shortcomings the tests provided tive anchor length (here the total rock socket).
sufficient information to confidently use the ap- For piles with no overburden this is an ex-
proach by Fleming et al (1992) in the current de- tremely onerous requirement, which may well be
merited for the rather flexible ground anchors but
sign with c,char = 2.25 MPa:
in the opinion of the Designer not for piles which
are orders of magnitude stiffer and will not allow
c such a failure mode.
 ult  0.41( MPa)  0.615 MPa (1) As a compromise the pile design length was
1 MPa
extended by some 1.5 m for the Breasting Dol-
phins corresponding to a cone apex angle of 90°
To limit the displacements the design of the piles from the midpoint of the rock socket, but allow-
was based on (1), disregarding any contribution ing for full adhesion on the lower half of the rock
from end bearing. It was assumed that the dis- socket, pending verification by testing. For the
placement to develop the shaft adhesion would in
936 J.S. Steenfelt and J. Abild / Capacity of Rock Sockets in Weak Mud/Siltstone

remaining piles this cone pull out criterion was tension and the slightly shorter reaction pile in-
not decisive for the socket length. side, moving down and utilizing both end and
shaft bearing. For the purpose of the test only the
2.3 Pile loading test set-up outside shaft adhesion on the test pile is mobi-
lized to avoid interference with the reaction pile,
The previous loading test on the type of rock whereas the working piles will also have con-
socket chosen was not ideal and hence an inno- crete on the inside. The concrete is stopped from
vative testing set-up was developed. The princi- entering the space between the test and reaction
ple is shown in Figure 4.
piles by foam (rubber stop).
The Contractor opted for an "O-cell" housed The instrumentation consisted of the "O-cell"
in the special pile top, seen in Figure 4c, where itself where the pressure, i.e. the load and the
the lower part is welded onto the test pile and the relative movement of the top and bottom of the
top part is bolted onto the lower part after insert- O-cell are measured. One of the advantages of
ing the "O-cell" in a special housing.
the developed set-up is that the "O-cells" can be
re-used as they can be retrieved after the test.
A reaction frame independent of the test set-
up (seen on Figure 4c for the onshore test) al-
lowed measurement of the axial (two LVDTs at
180° arrangement) and transverse movement
(two LVDTs at 90° arrangement) of the pile
head. The vertical movements of the reaction
frame, due to temperature variations, although
shaded throughout the test period, were meas-
ured by two digital survey levels from a distance
of some 8 m in the onshore test and by an on-
shore total station in the offshore testing.
Five sets of two extensometer tubes at 180°
arrangement were welded onto the test pile (over
the length of the active rock socket) and fitted
with extensometer rods allowing monitoring of
relative displacement by LVDTs on the top of
the tubes. The bottom of the tubes were placed to
allow the relative socket displacement at 0/4 (1,
1'), 1/4 (2, 2'), 2/4 (3, 3'), 3/4 (4, 4') and 4/4 (5,
5') distance along the rock socket to be meas-
For the three types of piles Ø762 mm, Ø914
mm and Ø1067 mm, the drilled socket diameters
were 1000, 1160 and 1400 mm, respectively.


Owing to the set-up the test results are basically

Figure 4. Loading test set-up; (a) Principle; (b) test pile with a net tension load and corresponding rock socket
reaction pile inserted; (c) Pile head with housing for "O-cell" extension of the 6 m long rock socket at five dif-
and LVDT-instrumentation
ferent levels. Unfortunately, the extensometer
The overall idea is to transfer the O-cell load si- tubes (5, 5') at the top of rock socket were only
multaneously to the test pile (moving up) in real welded to the pile at this level and hence the
J.S. Steenfelt and J. Abild / Capacity of Rock Sockets in Weak Mud/Siltstone 937

elastic elongation of the 11.3 m free length of the rock socket a best fit line through the re-
pile between the top of the rock socket/trial pile corded displacements was used to provide inter-
and the point of recording of the pile head dis- polated values over the bottom metre as summa-
placement can only be estimated based on the rized in Figure 6 for load steps 1 and 2 in the first
elastic properties of the steel tube as seen in Fig- load cycle and 8, 12 and 14 in the second load
ure 5. cycle.

5 1000
Net head - elastic displacement

Mobilized shear stress (kPa)

Elongation of rock socket
Pile head displacement (mm)

4 2L-12
800 2L-8
3 1L-2



0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Tension load on trial pile (MN) Depth below top of trial pile (m)

Figure 5. Top of rock socket displacement and elongation of Figure 6. Inferred shear stress distribution along rock socket
rock socket as a function of trial pile tension load assuming ult = 832 kPa and using #ult = 3.22 mm
Based on the extensometer measurements the Other interpretations are also possible assuming
maximum elongation of the rock socket is 3.55 higher values of ult and ult.
mm at the maximum tension load of 15.59 MN. Due to limitations in the capacity of the test
The standard value of E = 21 104 MPa for steel set-up, it was unfortunately not possible to find
would give a value of 3.14 mm upward move- the ultimate capacity despite loading the trial
ment at the top of rock socket. It seems likely socket to 3.6 times the maximum working load
that the elastic modulus is slightly higher than for the Ø914 mm pile. Based on the estimated ult
the guaranteed value and a value of 22.6 104 = 832 kPa along the total rock socket surface the
MPa was therefore applied in Figure 5. maximum capacity would be 18.2 MN.
The figure shows hysteresis for the rock During the holding time of 60 minutes for the
socket and surprisingly also for the free pile maximum load the creep rate was as low as 0.07
length. The latter is most likely associated with mm/log cycle of time compared to 2 mm/log cy-
the inclination of the pile and slight out of plumb cle of time which is often used as a substitute
status combined with initial stress set up in the failure criterion for ground anchors and piles.
pile (could possibly explain the "negative" dis-
placements during the first load-unload loop).
The shear stresses developed along the rock 4 OFFSHORE ROCK SOCKET TESTS
socket were evaluated based on zero displace-
ment at the bottom of the rock socket, an ulti- Despite using the same set-up, pile installation
mate shear strength of ult =832 kPa, correspond- technique, software and instrumentation the ex-
ing to c = 4.12 MPa in Eq (1) or #ult = 3.55 mm tensometer readings for the offshore tests on
in Eq. (2) (equivalent to the maximum rock Ø762 mm and Ø1067 mm piles were completely
socket elongation). unreliable. Despite concerted efforts the source
The axial, upwards displacement of the rock of the error was not found and hence only the to-
socket was found from the extensometer read- tal tension capacity can be evaluated from these
ings. To allow a more differentiated account of tests. Due to the extensive weight of the test as-
the shear stress distribution near the bottom of sembly the Ø1067 mm pile was tested as a verti-
938 J.S. Steenfelt and J. Abild / Capacity of Rock Sockets in Weak Mud/Siltstone

cal pile whereas the Ø762 mm pile was inclined tion of the cone pull out criterion using a 90°
1:4 as the working piles. cone from midpoint of rock socket and full adhe-
For both piles a slight miscalculation by the Con- sion below.
tractor resulted in a concrete level slightly above Table 1.Summary of test capacities compared with design
the toe of the temporary casing. In the evaluation and cone pull out criterion
of the net tension load the weight of the pile head Pile di- Socket Working1 Test Failure?2 Cone pull
and the pile above rock socket is of course sub- ameter diameter load load out3
tracted. Furthermore, the effective weight of (mm) (mm) (MN) (MN) (MN) (MN)
concrete above the toe of the temporary casing 762 1000 1.97 7.2 10.5 5.5 [3.4]
914 1200 3.78 13.6 18.2 -
and the casing itself is subtracted. Thus, the net 1067 1400 5.99 19.0 38.4 22.7 [14.3]
tension load was 7.18 MN at about 2 mm dis- 1
Unfactored; 2 char = 832 kPa,& socket diameter; 390° cone
placement at the top of rock socket for the Ø762 from midpoint, socket diameter & char = 832 kPa (values in
mm pile and 19.0 MN at 5 mm displacement for brackets are design values)
the Ø1067 mm pile.
From the near linear load/displacement curve
for the Ø1067 mm pile (1400 mm rock socket) in 6 CONCLUSIONS
Figure 7 it is apparent that the capacity is far
from exhausted. The trial pile testing was carried out to achieve a
tension load of three times the working load or
failure, whichever came first. In all three cases
the max load was far from the failure load. The
Axial - elastic free pile (mm)

onshore pile allowed inference on the develop-

ment of shear stresses along the rock socket.
Based on these observations it was found that a
minimum characteristic shear stress of  = 832
2 kPa (corresponding to the average unconfined
compressive strength of the rock) could be de-
0 veloped at a minimum displacement of 3.2 mm.
The testing demonstrates the efficiency of the
0 5 10 15 20
shear keys as this allows calculation of capacity
based on rock socket diameter rather than steel
Gross O-cell load (MN)
pile diameter.
Figure 7. Displacement of top of rock socket versus gross O- By a large margin it is demonstrated that the
cell load for Ø1067 mm offshore trial pile load test cone uplift scenario based on ground anchorages
The initial negative values of displacement are a is extremely conservative, even when including
function of built-in stresses when placing the pile shear capacity on the lower half of the socket.
and non-linearity in the steel material?
In line with the interpretation of the onshore
trial pile a minimum of 3.2 mm displacement REFERENCES
would be required to fully develop the shear ca-
pacity of the rock socket, which only occurred at [1] API (2000). Recommended Practice for Planning, De-
the very top of the socket. sign and Construction of Fixed Offshore Platforms -
Working Stress Design. 2A-WDS (RP 2A-WSD)
[2] BS8081:1989 (1989). British Standard Code of Prac-
tice for Ground Anchorages, pp 176. British Standard
5 INTERPRETATION OF TESTS Institution, London.
[3] Fleming, W.G.K. et al. (1992), Piling Engineering, 2nd
edition, Blackie & Son Ltd, ISBN 0-470-21825-8
The results of the three rock socket tests are [4] Tomlinson, M.J. (1994), Pile design and construction
summarized in Table 1 together with the evalua- practice, 4. edition, SPON Press. ISBN 0-419-18450-3
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 939
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Effects of crushing on pile point bearing capacity

in sand tested in a geotechnical centrifuge
Les effets de l'écrasement sur la pile dirigent la portance en sa-
ble examiné dans une centrifugeuse géotechnique
R. Stoevelaar, A. Bezuijen1, H. van Lottum
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands
A.F. van Tol
Deltares, Delft University of Technology, Delft, The Netherlands

The pile tip bearing capacity in sand is tested at different depths and g-levels in a geotechnical centrifuge. Aim of the experi-
ments was to investigate the influence of crushing on the tip bearing capacity. Different installation techniques were applied.
Some piles were jacked with a constant velocity until a certain depth; other piles were also jacked but with sinus superimposed
on the constant displacement rate, so that the piles were lifted for 0.1 or 0.2 mm (model dimensions) before it were pushed fur-
ther. The last procedure was used to simulate the cyclic effect of pile driving (the dynamic effect was not simulated). Crushing
was found when the pile tip stress exceeded approximately 15 MPa. However, no significant effect on the bearing capacity could
be found.

La portance de bout de pile en sable est examinée à différents profondeurs et g-niveaux dans une centrifugeuse géotechnique. Le
but des expériences était d'étudier l'influence de l'écrasement sur la portance de bout. Les différentes techniques d'installation
étaient appliquées. Quelques piles ont été mises sur cric avec une vitesse constante jusqu'à une certaine profondeur, d'autres piles
ont été également mises sur cric mais avec le sinus superposé au taux volumétrique, de sorte que la pile ait été soulevée 0.1 ou
0.2 millimètre (dimensions modèles) avant qu'il ait été poussé plus loin. Le dernier procédé a été employé pour simuler l'effet
cyclique de l'entraînement de pile (l'effet dynamique n'a pas été simulé). L'écrasement a été trouvé quand l'effort de bout de pile
a dépassé MPA approximativement 15. Cependant, aucun effet significatif sur la portance n'a pu être trouvé.

Keywords: geotechnical centrifuge, pile bearing capacity, model tests, grain crushing, jacked piles, cyclic loading

1 INTRODUCTION (2007) has shown that jacked piles probably have

a better end bearing capacity than driven piles,
The evaluation of pile loading tests has shown but also Xu’s results for the jacked piles at larger
that driven piles, installed in sand at depth of penetration depth are 10% lower than according
more than approximately 8 times the diameter, to the Dutch standard for driven piles.
have on average a 40% lower end bearing capac- Crushing of sand particles can be a possible
ity than predicted in the Dutch standard (NEN reason for the discrepancy between the Dutch
6743-1: 2006). At smaller penetration depths Standard and the measurements at installation
there is better agreement. Furthermore, Xu depths of more then 8 times the diameter, which

Corresponding Author.
940 R. Stoevelaar et al. / Effects of Crushing on Pile Point Bearing Capacity in Sand Tested

usually correspond with high stresses underneath ured/calculated of 1 for the piles tips at low
the tip. Crushing will lead to volume loss and depths in the sand and 0.55 for the value at large
lower stresses underneath the pile tip and conse- depth, see Figure 1, close to the values found by
quently lower end bearing capacity. Xu.
To check the effect of crushing 10 centrifuge
tests on pile installation were performed, with 1.4

different g-levels, relative densities of the sand 1.2

and installation methods. The grain size distribu- perfect fit
tion of the sand close to the pile was determined

before and after each test.
The paper describes briefly the context of the
tests, the set-up, the tests performed and the re-
sults, to end with conclusions. 0.2

0 5 10 15 20 25
Length/Diameter in sand
Figure 1: Dependency of end bearing capacity to depth pile
Under the authority of Delft Cluster and under into the sand layer. Calculated values according to the Dutch
supervision of the CUR-committee: “H409-
Axially loaded piles” Deltares conducted a re-
search project investigating calculation methods
for the bearing capacity of vertically loaded piles
in sand using static pile load tests. A data set was
produced with 25 full scale, fully instrumented, 3.1 Model container and piles
on-shore pile load tests on closed ended steel The tests are carried out in four stacked Ø600
piles and prefabricated concrete piles in quartz mm steel sand filled containers, mounted on an
sands (CUR 229, 2010). assembly plate. The loading frame with the plun-
The instrumentation of the piles made it pos- gers is mounted on top of the containers. The in-
sible to draw some conclusions for the shaft strumented pile is connected to the plungers. The
bearing capacity and for the end bearing capacity complete test setup is presented in Figure 2.
of the piles with respect to the current Dutch de- The pile loading system consists of two plun-
sign standard NEN 6743-1. The test results sup- gers connected in series. The first and biggest
port the design approach for shaft friction capac- plunger is fixed on the loading frame and is used
ity for these full displacement piles, however the to install the pile (in flight) to the starting point
end bearing capacity according to the Dutch of the static pile loading program. The second
method (Van Mierlo & Koppejan, 1952, De and smallest plunger is a loading plunger with a
Ruiter & Beringen, 1979) appeared to be de- stroke of 50 mm and is fixed to the plunger rod
pendent on the penetration of the piles in the of the first plunger. This second plunger is used
sand layer. This aspect is not addressed in the to perform the static pile loading program. The
current design approach. instrumented pile is attached to the second plun-
In the work of Xu (2007) also a lower bearing ger. The slow movements during the static pile
capacity factor of 60% of the calculated value loading programme (0.02 mm/s) can be easily
was reported, based on analysis of a database for disturbed by the slip-stick effect when performed
closed ended piles. The database from the CUR – with the plunger 1. Plunger 2 has a hydraulic
committee showed a lot of scatter (as to be ex- bearing system and is accurate within microns.
pected from field tests), but assuming a Gaussian The pile had a length of 300 mm with a di-
distribution with a standard deviation of 8 L/D ameter 11.3 mm.
(L=length, D=diameter), it was found that a fit A force transducer was placed on the pile tip
through the data points results in a ratio meas- to measure the pile tip resistance during the tests.
R. Stoevelaar et al. / Effects of Crushing on Pile Point Bearing Capacity in Sand Tested 941

The pile was placed 100 mm out of the centre 3.2 Loading programme
from the container, to allow 2 tests to be done in
The loading programme was the same for all
one sand sample. In this way the influence of in-
tests and was as follows: Installation at 6 times
stallation could be tested in the same sand sam-
the pile diameter (D), removal of load, pile load-
ple. The first pile test has negligible influence on
ing test over 0.1D and then the same procedure at
the sand sample for the second test.
a penetration of 12 and 24 D.
The pile installation procedure was different
in different tests. In all tests during the installa-
tion phases, the pile was pushed into the sand
with 1 mm/s. However, in Tests 2, 4, 6 and 8 a
sinus was superimposed on the constant rate of
penetration with a period of 1 s and amplitude of
0.25 mm. In Test 9 the amplitude was increased
up to 0.5 mm. This movement was chosen to si-
mulate the unloading and loading that occurs
during pile driving in the field.

3.3 Soil model

Baskarp sand with a d50 of 130 Pm was used for
the tests. In Table 1 the basic soil parameters are
shown for the Baskarp sand.
Table 1. Soil parameters Baskarp sand.
Parameter Value Dimension
Density grains 2,647 kg/m3
d10/d50/d90 90/130/200 Pm
Min./max porosity 34/46.9 %
Permeability at min. porosity 6.5*10-5 m/s
Figure 2. Test setup rapid pile loading centrifuge test. KAS 50 -
Friction angle at RD=50% 41 degr.

A soil model of homogeneous saturated sand,

with a pre-determined, constant, relative density,
was used to avoid uncertainties introduced by a
complicated soil model. The preparation of this
soil body was done by using wet sand raining to
make a loose sample. Next, the required density
is achieved by a controlled drop of the model
container (Rietdijk et al. 2010). Two relative
densities were used in the tests, around 65 % and
around 38%.


4.1 Overview
In total 10 tests were performed. The results of
the tests are summarized in Table 2. The table
Figure 3. Plunger system with two plungers shows the test number, the amplitude of the sinus
942 R. Stoevelaar et al. / Effects of Crushing on Pile Point Bearing Capacity in Sand Tested

with a period of one second (- when no sinus is that the crushing process does not really break a
applied), the g level, the maximum tip force dur- particle in 2 equal halves, but more that small
ing the loading tests at 6 D, 12 D and 24 D, the parts break from the larger particles. Remarkable
ultimate penetration force during installation 24 is further that the largest particles (above the d70)
Di and in the last column it is indicated if crush- are hardly influenced by crushing. This is be-
ing was measured after the test (- means not de- cause these are relatively strong and because a
termined). small part of 10 Pm breaking from a larger grain
of 150 Pm hardly influences the size of the larger
Table 2. Tests performed and measured tip forces, see also grain.
text. 100

percentage passing sieve (%)

No Rel. Ampl. g Ftip Ftip; Ftip Ftip; C shaft
D. 6D 12D 24D 24Di - pile tip
% [mm] [-] [kN] [kN] [kN] [kN] random
1 61 - 40 0.58 1.03 1.45 1.82 N 60
2 65 0.25 40 0.46 0.73 1.27 1.45 N 50
3 66 - 80 0.74 1.22 2.11 2.44 Y 40
4 66 0.25 80 0.67 1.22 2.20 2.50 Y 30
5 38 - 80 0.31 0.47 0.70 0.81 N 20
6 38 0.25 80 0.25 0.39 0.63 0.76 N 10
7 65 - 40 0.39 0.65 1.41 1.71 -
8 65 0.25 40 0.43 - 1.52 1.75 Y
9 65 0.50 80 0.74 1.27 2.01 2.15 - 1 10 100
10 65 - 80 - - 2.21 2.50 Y Size (Pm)
C means crushing
Figure 4. Test 10, grain size distribution, far from the pile
(random) close to the shaft and close to the pile tip.
4.2 Crushing
4.3 Penetration resistance
To determine whether crushing had occurred,
sand samples were taken before the tests and The penetration resistance as a function of the
some samples close to the pile tip after the test. penetration depth is shown in Figure 5 for the
When crushing occurs, there is a shift to the tests with monotonic penetration in sand. To be
smaller grain sizes, see Figure 4. From Table 2 it able to compare tests at different g-levels the pe-
appeared that crushing was measured when the netration depth was calculated for the 1-g proto-
penetration resistance of the model pile was lar- type. It should be realized that the 40 g prototype
ger than 1.7 kN. Since the cross-sectional area of is a pile of only halve the diameter of the 80 g
the model pile is 1 cm2, this means that crushing prototype (since the same model pile is used in
was measured when the stresses underneath the all tests). Clearly the penetration resistance is
tip exceed 17 MPa. This agrees with results from largely influenced by the relative density of the
literature (Dong, 2010) where 15-20 MPa is sand as could be expected. Tests 3, 7 and 10
mentioned at the stress where crushing starts. show a comparable penetration resistance and
Test 1 is a remarkable exception. Probably in this have the same relative density. Test 1 deviates
first test the sampling was not adequate, since the with a relative high penetration resistance for the
penetration resistance indicates that there might relative density. The reason for this deviation is
have been some crushing as will be explained in not clear. It may be caused by a measurement er-
the next section. The change in particle size dis- ror in the relative density for this first test.
tribution is comparable to the changes measured The tests in which pile driving was simulated
by Yang et al. (2010) in 1-g pressure chamber show a varying penetration force, but the maxi-
tests. For the sieve curve shown in Figure 4 this mum penetration force at a certain depth is quite
means that crushing hardly generates particles comparable with the monotonic penetration tests,
with a size of 40 Pm that were also not present in see Figure 6, where the maxima in the resistance
the original sieve curve (random), but it does for cyclic loading are compared with a mono-
generate particles of 20 Pm and less. This means tonic loading test in the same sand sample.
R. Stoevelaar et al. / Effects of Crushing on Pile Point Bearing Capacity in Sand Tested 943

The cyclic loading results in an elastic unload- also be caused by less dilatancy at higher stress
ing of the pile tip as can be seen on a detail of the levels (see Fellinius and Altaee, 1995).
penetration between 20 and 20.5 m penetration in
Figure 7, where the full signal for both tests is Penetration resistance (MPa)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
presented. 0
Test 1, RD 61%
2 Test 3, RD 66%
4.4 Static loading tests

Penetration depth of 1-g prototype (m)

4 Test 5, RD 38%
Test 7, RD 65%
Static loading tests were performed after penetra- 6 Test 10, RD 65%
tion until 6, 12 and 24 times the diameter of the 8
pile with a slow displacement of 0.02 mm/s. The 10
results are summarized in Table 2. Plotting the 12
results as a function of the prototype depth the 14
only clear influence that was found was the in- 16
fluence of the relative density, see Figure 8. The
installation method (The cyclic tests have an ex-
tra circle marker, the monotonic tests have only
one marker) seems to have limited influence.
0 5 10 15 20 25 30

5 DISCUSSION ON THE RESULTS Figure 5. Penetration resistance of the pile tip as a function
of depth for monotonic penetration.
The pile tip resistance appears to be very sen- Penetration resistance (MPa)
sitive to the relative density of the sand. This re- 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

sult and the fact that sand samples never are 0

Test 9, RD 65%
completely homogeneous complicates the inter- 2 Test 10, RD 65%
Penetration depth of 1-g prototype (m)

pretation of the results of pile tests, even when 4

performed in a geotechnical centrifuge under 6

controlled conditions. 8

The grain size distribution taken around the
pile clearly shows that crushing has occurred
during the test. However, there is no clear result
whether or not this has influenced the penetration
resistance. Figure 5 shows that the increase of
the penetration resistance with depth (the gradi-
ent in the penetration resistance) decreases when
the penetration resistance becomes higher than 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
approximately 15 MPa in the Tests 1 and 10.
Test 5 has a ‘bend’ in the curve at a much Figure 6. Penetration resistance for the pile tip compared for
cyclic (Test 9) and monotonic loading (Test 10). Test 9
lower penetration resistance of approximately 3 shows only the maxima.
MPa. The gradient in the penetration resistance
as measured in the monotonic tests with a rela- Crushing will also counteract the increase in
tive density of 65% is presented in Table 3. It horizontal stress due to dilatancy and conse-
appeared that the gradient is always lower when quently also lead to a decrease in the gradient in
the penetration resistance is higher. It is remark- the penetration resistance.
able that the difference in the measured gradients Test 1 has the biggest change in the gradient
is smaller when the penetration resistance is below and above 15 MPa what could be an influ-
higher than 15 MPa. However, apart from Test 1 ence of crushing but for this test no crushing was
the difference in gradient is only small and could found in the grain size distribution.
944 R. Stoevelaar et al. / Effects of Crushing on Pile Point Bearing Capacity in Sand Tested

penetration resistance (MPa)
0 10 20 30
20.00 The centrifuge tests on model piles at 40 and 80
penetration of 1-g prototype (m)

Test 9, RD 65%
Test 10, RD 65%
g in sand led to the following conclusions:
20.10 - Crushing of sand grains has been detected when
the pile tip resistance reaches values of approxi-
20.25 mately 15 MPa or higher.
20.30 - This probably has some influence on the pene-
tration resistance, but this could not be proven by
the results of the experiments.
20.50 - The tests did not explain the discrepancy be-
0 10 20 30 tween the Dutch code NEN6743-1 and the field
Figure 7. Pile tip response: detail of cyclic penetration test measurements.
(Test 9) compared with monotonic loading (Test 10). - The different installation methods tested had no
significant influence on the penetration resis-
tance and the bearing capacity.
resistance in loading tests (MPa)

20.0 RD 65%
RD 38% - The relative density has a very large influence
0.25 mm on the pile resistance. Homogeneous soil sam-
15.0 0.5 mm
ples are very important is this kind of research.
[1]. CUR 229 (2010) Axial bearing capacity of piles (in
Dutch). CUR. Gouda. The Netherlands.
0 5 10 15 20 25
[2]. Dong Y.(2010) Hydraulic fracture containment in
depth at 1g (m) sand. Phd. Thesis Delft University of Technology
[3]. Fellinius B.H. and Altae A.A. (1995) Critical depth:
Figure 8. Results of pile loading tests for various densities
how it came into being and why it does not exist. Proc.
and different amplitudes during penetration
Instn. Civ. Engrs. Geotech. Engng, 113, April 107-
Table 3. Increase in penetration resistance per m (in MPa/m) [4]. Mierlo, W.C. van and Koppejan, A.W. (1952), Length
for the tests with monotonic loading and Rd=65%. and bearing capacity of piles (in Dutch). Bouw
[5]. Ruiter J. de and Beringen F.L. (1979), Pile foundations
Test <10 MPa >15 MPa
for large North Sea structures, Marine Geotechnology.
1 2.4 0.82 3 (3): 267-314
3 1.0 0.93 [6]. NEN6743-1; (2006). Geotechniek
7 1.6 1.5
Berekeningsmethode op palen. Drukpalen (in Dutch).
10 0.98 0.78 The Netherlands Standardization Institute. Delft. The
Netherlands, November.
The test results show no clear influence of the [7]. Rietdijk J., Schenkeveld F.M., Schaminée P.E.L. and
installation method as was shown in Figure 8. Bezuijen A. (2010). “The drizzle method for sand
sample preparatoin” Proc. 6th Int. Conf. on Physical
The hypotheses was that the cyclic loading on Modelling, Zürich
the pile may lead to rearrangements of the grains [8]. Xu, X (2007) Investigation of the End Bearing Per-
around the pile, which may influence crushing, formance of Displacement Piles in Sand, PhD thesis,
but this was not proven by the experiments, al- the University of Western Australia.
[9]. Yang, Z.X., Jardine R.J., Zhu B.T., Foray P. and Tsuha
though it is still possible that real dynamic pile C.H.C. Sand grain crushing and interface shearing dur-
driving may have some influence. From Figure 7 ing displacement pile installation in sand. Géotech-
it seems reasonable to assume that the cyclic nique 60, No. 6, 469-482
loading as applied in these tests only led to elas-
tic unloading. In pile driving there can also be
plastic unloading of sand in front of the pile tip.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 945
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 951
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.


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−0.6 −1.5 0.4


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G. Wang and N. Sitar / Dynamic Axial Response of Drilled Piers in Stiff Sandy Clays 955

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956 G. Wang and N. Sitar / Dynamic Axial Response of Drilled Piers in Stiff Sandy Clays

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3.3. Ground Reinforcement
Renforcements des sols
This page intentionally left blank
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 959
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Numerical Back-Analysis of compaction grouting

with a hypoplastic soil model
Analyse numérique pour l’injection solide avec un modèle
A. Anthogalidis 1, U. Arslan, O. Reul
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Germany

Compaction grouting is a well established ground improvement technique, which is mainly based on empirical data. Analytical
and numerical models are not widely used in engineering practice yet. To develop the numerical modelling of compaction grout-
ing, a back-analysis of a laboratory test was performed. A finite element model of compaction grouting was developed. It was
possible to simulate the deformations measured in the laboratory tests with sufficient accuracy. The variable stress-strain beha-
viour of the soil-sample due to the progressive compaction was described with hypoplasticity by Kolymbas [11], extended by
von Wolffersdorff [13].

L' injection solide, est une technique d' amelioration de sol bien établie, qui est basée principalement sur les données empiriques.
Jusqu'à présent, les modèles analytiques et numériques ne sont pas utilisés dans la pratique. Pour développer le modelage numé-
rique de l’injection solide, un calcul d'un essai de laboratoire a été exécuté. Un modèle de la méthode des éléments finis pour
l’injection solide a été développé. Il était possible de simuler les déformations mesurées dans les essais de laboratoire avec
l'exactitude suffisante. Le comportement d'effort de la tension variable de l'échantillon du sol en raison de compaction progressif
a été décrit avec hypoplasticity par Kolymbas [11], élargi par von Wolffersdorff [13].

Keywords: soil improvement, Compaction grouting, laboratory test, numerical simulation, finite element methode, hypoplastici-
ty, pycnotropy, barotropic

1 PRACTICE OF COMPACTION The two main effects intended by compaction

GROUTING grouting are:
 Compaction of surrounding soil,
Primarily compaction grouting was applied for  Controlled uplift of buildings or ground sur-
controlled uplift of buildings with inadmissible face.
settlements. Due to the developments in compac- These two effects can be achieved separately
tion grouting, especially in pump technique, the or in combination. Additionally the purpose de-
range of applications was extended in the past pends on building – and soil conditions. Thus,
years. the categories of compaction grouting applica-
tions can be defined as follows:

Corresponding Author.
960 A. Anthogalidis et al. / Numerical Back-Analysis of Compaction Grouting

The quality control of the obtained compac-

tion is carried out by means of field tests such as
cone penetration tests and the monitoring and re-
cording of a number of parameters during the
grouting process. The main parameters to be mo-
nitored include grout pressure, grout volume and
deformations of the ground surface. A standard-
ized correlation of these parameters and the
amount of compaction does not exist till now.



Compaction grouting causes a compact volume

Figure 1. Categories of compaction grouting. of grout mass without mixing it with the sur-
rounding soil. The grout volume can be unsteadi-
Planning of compaction grouting is based on ly formed. In case of isotropic, homogeneous soil
empirical data. Hence, field tests are usually car- conditions the volume is approximately cylin-
ried out to determine parameters of grouting, grid drical or spherical. Around the grout mass a
patterns and abort criteria. Abort criteria are: complex system of radial and tangential stresses
 The maximum grout pressure is exceeded. occurs, with its maximum close to the grout
 The planned grout volume is reached. mass. These stresses decrease with increasing
 Inadmissible uplift. distance from the grout mass. With increasing
At the beginning, the amount of compaction grout volume the grout pressure increases until
has to be defined. Therefore the difference be- uplift occurs, preventing further compaction.
tween explored and required compaction is an Analytical solutions for the grouting process
approximated value, assuming that reduction of are based on the cavity expansion theory [12].
pore volume in soil is equal to the grout volume Uplift is modelled by an ultimate limit state such
[4]. The grout volume is usually up to 20 % or as the conical shear failure [7] (Fig. 2).
more from the total volume of the compaction
grouting area. The grid spacing can be approx-
imately double to triple of the grout bulb diame-
ter [4]. A triangular grid pattern with primary,
secondary and tertiary grout locations is advisa-
ble. The grid spacing for primary grout points
usually lies between 2.5 m and 3.7 m. The ver-
tical spacing is set to approximately 60 cm.
Compaction grouting can be carried out by a
top–down or the more common bottom-up pro-
Due to the development of grout pressure soil
properties can be estimated [3]. In case of con-
stant development of grout pressure over time a
homogeneous soil, otherwise heterogeneous soil Figure 2. Conical shear failure [5].
can be assumed. The difference between the peak The closed-form solutions exist for cylindrical
of grout pressure and relaxation is an indication and for spherical, displacement-controlled cavity
for the level of compaction. expansion in an infinite, homogeneous, isotropic
continuum under isotropic stress state [2]. These
A. Anthogalidis et al. / Numerical Back-Analysis of Compaction Grouting 961

assumptions lead to a 2-dimensional and symme- 3 LABORATORY TESTS

tric analysis.
The boundary conditions are given by the The back-analysis (Chapter 4) was performed for
stresses and strains at the border of soil and grout the laboratory tests of El-Kelesh et al., [6]. The
mass as well as at an infinite distance from the test apparatus comprises a calibration chamber
grout mass. To model the soil behavior, elasto- with accurately defined boundary conditions
plastic constitutive laws such as Mohr-Coulomb filled with dry sand with a relative density of
or Cam-Clay are applied. Vesic [12] assumes a 50 %. Injections were carried out under variation
plastic zone around the grout mass up to a radial of the consolidation stress. Grout volume and
distance Rp. For distances larger than Rp elastic vertical soil displacement were recorded.
behaviour is assumed (Fig. 3). For the back-analyzed laboratory test dry sand
with a grading curve shown in Figure 4 and soil
properties according to Table 2 was used.

Figure 3. Stress and strain [12].

Numerical approaches for simulating compac- Figure 4. Grading curve of dry sand [6].
tion grouting have to satisfy the requirement of
large deformations and a soil constitutive model Table 2. Soil properties of dry sand [6].
with variable soil properties such as density or Specific weight  = 15.2 kN/m³
stiffness. Finite-element-modelling were carried
out with modified Cam-Clay models (Tab. 1). Maximum void ratio emax = 0.923
Minimum void ratio emin = 0.562
Table 1. Numerical modelling of compaction grouting. Relative density Dr = 0.5
Paper/ FE- Specivic gravity s = 26.5 kN/m³
Subject Soil Soil consti-
Report Prog-
tutive law Void ratio at deposition eini = 0.743
Au et al., Grouting elastoplastic Coefficient of uniformity CU = 19
2006, [2] test (Cam Clay)

Compaction After deposition of the dry sand in the calibra-
grouting test sand elastoplastic ABAQUS tion chamber, 4 different tests were carried out
2000, [9]
with consolidation stresses of 85 kN/m²,
Jafari et al., Grouting elastoplastic 125 kN/m², 165 kN/m² and 205 kN/m², respec-
2000, [10] test (Cam Clay) tively. The consolidation stresses were applied
on the top of the specimen. During the volume-
controlled test up to 40 l to 60 l grout mass was
injected by means of 2 to 3 strokes per approx-
imately 20 l with a break between the strokes [6].
962 A. Anthogalidis et al. / Numerical Back-Analysis of Compaction Grouting

4 BACK-ANALYSIS WITH THE FINITE- In [1] the results of an elastoplastic analysis

ELEMENT-METHOD with the Mohr-Coulomb criterion and an analysis
with the hypoplastic constitutive law [13] were
To simulate the grouting process an axisymme- compared. Consequently, the further investiga-
tric finite-element-model with 2233 nodes and tion are carried out with the more accurate hy-
4270 linear triangle elements was designed with poplastic constitutive law. According to [8] the
the program Tochnog 5.4. void ratios were set to ed0 = emin = 0.56 and
ec0 = emax =0.92 and ei0 = 1.22×emax= 1.12. The
other 5 parameters of the hypoplastic constitutive
law were determined by a back-analysis. The
back-analysis was carried out for the consolida-
tion stress of v = 125 kN/m². The set of parame-
ters with the best agreement to the measured ver-
tical displacements s in the laboratory test were
taken to analyze the grouting processes with
v = 165 kN/m² and 205 kN/m² consolidation


The best agreement with the results of the labora-

tory tests were achieved by the following set of
hypoplasticity parameters for the dry sand:

Table 3. Hypoplasticity parameters.

c hs n ec0 ed0 ei0  

[°] [MPa] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-] [-]
Figure 5. Finite element model. 41 2000 0.11 0.92 0.56 1.12 0.1 0.3

The dry sand was modelled with the hypoplas-

In order to contrast calculated and measured
tic model of von Wolffersdorff [13]. The boun-
results, Figure 6 shows the comparison of the
dary conditions illustrated in Figure 5 (right side)
vertical displacements s and the lateral stresses
were defined according to the laboratory test de-
x in dependency of the injected grout volume Vi
scription [6]. The grouting process was simulated
volume-controlled based on the eulerian descrip- for a consolidation stress of v = 125 kN/m².
tion for the continuum. Hence, the grout mass The calculated lateral stress show better
expands convectively and spherically over a agreement with the measurements than the ver-
mesh fixed in space. tical displacements (Fig. 6). The maximum dis-
With the first two steps of the calculation the crepancy to the measured lateral stresses is
self-weight of the sand specimen and the consol- <10 %. As detected in previous investigations [1]
the accuracy of the recalculated lateral stresses
idation stress v were applied. According to the
was sufficient even with the Mohr-Coulomb
initial relative density Dr = 50 % after deposition
model. Therefore the focus has to be turned on
of the sand and the maximum and minimum void
the vertical displacements. The detected curve
ratio of emax = 0.923 and emin = 0.562 (Tab. 2)
characteristic from the laboratory tests is a set-
[6], an initial void ratio of eini = 0.743 was as-
tlement that gradually changes to uplift with in-
sumed before applying consolidation stress.
creasing grout volume. This is an indication of
A. Anthogalidis et al. / Numerical Back-Analysis of Compaction Grouting 963

compaction. The curve characteristic was deter- after consolidation Vi = 19,3 l Vi = 38,7 l
mined in the analysis, too. Though, the calcu-
lated settlement at the beginning of injection was
overestimated. At Vi = ~20 l uplift is already ob-
served in the analysis, while the measurements
still show settlements for this grout volume. Void ratio e [-]
Hence, the vertical displacement is overestimated
at Vi = 19.3 l and underestimated at Vi = 38.7 l.
The maximum discrepancy was ~1 mm.

Grout Volume Vi (l)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


-70 measured
Figure 7. Distribution of void ratio.
lateral stress x (kN/m²)

-80 calculated


consolidation stress x (kN/m²)
-110 85 105 125 145 165 185 205
vertical displacement s (mm)

-120 measured - ~20 l

-130 -1,0 calculated - ~20 l


Grout Volume Vi (l)

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
1,0 -4,0

vertical displacement s (mm)

consolidation stress x (kN/m²)

85 105 125 145 165 185 205
-3,0 0,0
measured - ~40 l
vertical displacement s (mm)

-1,0 calculated - ~40 l
-6,0 -2,0
-7,0 measured
-8,0 calculated

-9,0 -4,0

Figure 6. Comparison of measurements and finite element

analysis. Figure 8. Dependency of settlement on consolidation stress
In Figure 7 the distribution of void ratio for
three analysis steps is shown. Accordingly, the
sand is mainly loose after consolidation and 6 CONCLUSIONS
dense to middle dense after the full injection with
a grout volume of 38.7 l. For the simulation of a compaction grouting
Figure 8 shows the measured and calculated process the use of the hypoplasticity law by Ko-
vertical displacements in dependency of the con- lymbas [11] extended by von Wolffersdorff [13]
solidation stress. Within an accuracy range of is suitable. More common soil constitutive laws
~1 mm the measured vertical displacements like Mohr-Coulomb can simulate the state of
show a clearer dependency on the consolidation stress with a sufficient accuracy, but cannot si-
stress v than the calculated ones. mulate compaction at all [1].
964 A. Anthogalidis et al. / Numerical Back-Analysis of Compaction Grouting

Though, compaction grouting causes extreme [7] Graf E.D. (1969). Compaction Grouting Technique and
Observations. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foun-
states of stress and deformations, the accuracy of
dations Division, Proc. ASCE, SM 5, pp. 1151-1158.
the developed finite element model is sufficient [8] Herle I. (1997). Hypoplastizität und Granulometrie ein-
for simulation of the complex deformation me- facher Konrgerüste. Veröffentlichungen des Institutes
chanism. The discrepancy in the curve characte- für Bodenmechanik und Felsmechanik der Universität
Fridericiana in Karlsruhe; Heft 142
ristics of calculated and measured vertical dis- [9] Iagolnitzer, Y. (2000). A Comparative Field Experi-
placements on the top of the specimen (Fig. 6) ment on Compaction Grouting. Mitteilungen des Insti-
possibly results from slight differences in the lat- tuts und der Versuchsanstalt für Geotechnik der Tech-
eral boundary conditions between analysis and nischen Universität Darmstadt, Heft Nr. 52, S. 75-85.
[10] Jafari, M.R., Au, S.K.A., Soga, K., Bolton, M.D., Ka-
laboratory test. In the finite element model no rim, U.F.A., Komiya, K. (2000). Experimental and
lateral displacements are allowed at the lateral Numerical Investigation of Compensation Grouting in
boundary. This condition is also assumed for the Clay. Proceedings of GeoEng 2000, Melbourne.
laboratory apparatus. However, for measurement [11] Kolymbas D. (1988). Eine konstitutive Theorie für Bö-
den und andere körnige Stoffe. Veröffentlichungen des
of the lateral stresses minimal lateral displace- Institutes für Bodenmechanik und Felsmechanik der
ments have to be allowed by the configuration of Universität Fridericiana in Karlsruhe, Heft 109.
the laboratory apparatus. This leads to less uplift [12] Vesic A.S. (1972). Expansion of Cavities in Infinite
compared to the boundary conditions in calcula- Soil Mass. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Founda-
tions Division, Proceedings of the American Society of
tion. Civil Engineers, pp. 265-290.
As shown in Figure 7 the model is able to [13] von Wolffersdorff P.-A. (1996). A hypoplastic relation
quantify compaction in dependency of the dis- for granular materials with a predefined limit state sur-
tance to the injection for different grout volumes. face. Mechanics of cohesive-frictional materials, Vol.
1, pp. 251-271.
In consequence of the verification of the pre-
sented finite element model for single point in-
jections, further research will investigate multi-
point injections and injections of whole
compaction grouting columns.


[1] Arslan U., Anthogalidis A. (2011). Numerische Back-

Analysis von Verdichtungsinjektionen. 8. Österreichi-
sche Geotechnik Tagung, 3.&4. Febuary 2011, Vienna
[2] Au S.K.A., Yeung A.T. und Soga K. (2006). Pressure-
controlled cavity expansion in clay. Canadian Geo-
technical Journal, No. 43, pp. 714-725.
[3] Brown D.R. und Warner J. (1973). Compaction Grout-
ing. Journal of the Soil Mechanics and Foundations
Division, Vol. 99, No. 8, Journal Paper, pp. 589-601.
[4] Byle M.J. (2000). An Approach to the Design of LMD
Grouting. GSP 104 Advances in Grouting and Ground
Modification, Geo- Denver.
[5] El-Kelesh A.M., Mossaad M.E. und Basha I.M. (2001).
Model of Compaction Grouting. Journal of Geotech-
nical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, Vol. 127,
No. 11, Journal Paper, pp. 955-964.
[6] El-Kelesh A.M., Matsui T. und Tokida K. (2009). Cali-
bration chamber investigation of confirming pressure
on mechanisms of compaction grouting. Proceedings of
the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Engineering, pp. 19-22.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 965
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Réponse dynamique d’un sol après travaux de

compactage haute énergie
Soil dynamic response after heavy compaction
S.Brûlé 1 , E.H. Javelaud & Ph. Liausu
Bureau de Recherche Géologique et Minière

Soil improvement work by dynamic compaction improves the granular soils’ mechanical characteristics obtained by in situ in-
vestigations. In the example detailed, the shear wave velocity Vs increases as well but in a much smaller proportion. The varia-
tion of dynamic soil parameters may however requires to estimate again, after the soil improvement work is carried out, the elas-
tic response spectra obtained from the site class as given in the standard NF EN 1998. This paper describes the geotechnical
situations where specific care should be taken when performing soil improvement techniques as heavy dynamic compaction or
vibrocompaction. It also point out the importance of specific site studies to estimate representative soil response excited by

Les travaux d’amélioration des sols dans la masse par compactage dynamique améliorent les caractéristiques mécaniques obte-
nues par essais in situ. Dans l’exemple étudié, la vitesse Vs des ondes de cisaillement augmente mais pas dans les mêmes propor-
tions. Cette variation des paramètres dynamiques pour des sites de plusieurs hectares peut toutefois conduire à vérifier, après tra-
vaux, l’adéquation du spectre de réponse élastique obtenu à partir de la classe de sol telle que décrite dans la Norme NF EN
1998. Cet article présente les contextes géotechniques particuliers pour lesquels une attention doit être apportée en cas d’une
amélioration significative des terrains. Il est rappelé l’importance de la traduction représentative du site à partir d’études spécifi-
ques pour une prise en compte pertinente des effets de site en cas de séisme.

Keywords: dynamic compaction, vibrocompaction, eurocode 8, soil dynamic spectra

Mots clés: compactage dynamique, vibrocompactage, eurocode 8, spectre de réponse dynamique

1 CONTEXTE GENERAL dynamique « haute énergie ». L’énergie mise en

jeu est de plus de 500 t.m à chaque impact de la
L’objet de cet article est l’identification des con- masse. La démarche a été effectuée par anticipa-
ditions géotechniques pouvant conduire les tra- tion de l’entrée en vigueur en 2011 d’un nouveau
vaux d’amélioration de sol par renforcement zonage sismique de la France et de règles cons-
dans la masse, à influencer le spectre de réponse tructives décrites dans la norme NF EN 1998 [1].
élastique réglementaire sous séisme.
Pour illustrer notre propos, nous bénéficions Les résultats d’un chantier réalisé à Dakar au
de mesures géotechniques et géophysiques réali- Sénégal avec la méthode du vibrocompactage
sées sur un site de près de 10 ha à Givors sont également présentés pour illustrer
(France) avant et après travaux de compactage l’importance possible de l’augmentation des pa-

Corresponding Author.
966 S.Brûlé et al. / Réponse dynamique d’un sol après travaux de compactage haute énergie

ramètres mécaniques mesurés avec des essais in de réponse du sol et pouvant être interprétés
situ. comme une mise en résonance globale des bas-
sins sédimentaires. Cependant, l’analyse de tels
1.1 Description du projet phénomènes est complexe car cela nécessiterait
de prendre en compte la résonance de l’ensemble
Le projet se trouve à l’emplacement d’une an-
du bassin, la propagation des ondes en milieu hé-
cienne verrerie située à présent dans une Zone
térogène, l’apparition d’ondes de surface en bord
d’Activité Concertée [2]. Le site a été occupé
de bassin, le comportement non linéaire des
pendant plus d’un siècle pour des activités indus-
géomatériaux de surface.
trielles (figure 1). L’usine a été démantelée ré-
Nous excluons de notre étude, les cas de séis-
cemment et de nouvelles constructions de type
mes forts pour lesquels l’influence des non linéa-
bâtiments industriels sont prévues. Pour fonder
rités de comportement des matériaux dans les
ces ouvrages, une technique d’amélioration de
couches superficielles est significative, ainsi que
sol a été envisagée par les concepteurs. C’est la
les effets topographiques.
technique du compactage dynamique « haute
Par ailleurs, les structures de surface peuvent
énergie » (Energie > 5 000 kJ/impact) qui a été
agir comme des sources sismiques secondaires et
retenue pour répondre à la double problématique
influencer le "champ libre" sismique. Cet effet
de sols offrant des caractéristiques mécaniques
n’est pas examiné dans cet article.
faibles et hétérogènes ainsi que la contrainte en-
Une hypothèse forte de la norme NF EN 1998
vironnementale se traduisant ici par un impact
est de considérer que la valeur moyenne de la vi-
chimique résiduel du sol et de l’eau.
tesse des ondes de cisaillement Vs,30 est suffi-
Le programme de compactage a été mis au
sante pour caractériser les effets de site.
point de façon à améliorer des remblais de type
graves sableuses reposant sur les sables et gra-
viers déposés par le Gier. Au droit de la zone
d’étude, l’épaisseur du remblai est d’une dou-
zaine de mètres au maximum [3].
La norme NF EN 1998 [1] laisse la possibilité de
classer les sols avec des essais fournissant des
1.2 Prise en compte de la sismicité
mesures obtenues dans une large gamme de dé-
La réglementation française pour les ouvrages à formations des sols : les méthodes géophysiques
risque normal en zone métropolitaine, définit des permettant d’obtenir des paramètres de sol défi-
accélérations de référence agr inférieures à 0,16.g nis dans les gammes des petites déformations
ou un produit ag = agr x S inférieur à 2,3m/s² soit (H<<10-4), les sondages mécaniques comme les
0,23.g. Cette valeur sert à caler en amplitude le essais au pénétromètre statique (Cone Penetra-
spectre de réponse élastique à période nulle. Elle tion Test en anglais), au pénétromètre dynamique
correspond à la valeur maximale temporelle de type SPT (Standard Penetration Test en anglais)
l’accélération considérée. Elle est à comparer et les essais laboratoires pour des mesures dans
avec les accélérations supérieures à 1g pouvant une gamme de déformation telle que H>10-4.
être observées dans des pays à plus forte sismici- Mesures géophysiques de type MASW (Mul-
té. Pour le site à l’étude, il s’agit d’une sismicité tichannel Analysis of Surface Wave) et essais
modéré : 1,65 à 1,76 m/s². mécaniques in situ sont présentés dans cet article.
Lors de la propagation des ondes sismiques
dans des bassins offrant un empilement de cou- 2.1 Résultats des essais mécanique in situ
ches alluvionnaires, des phénomènes
d’amplification du mouvement sismique par ré- Des sondages au pénétromètre statique et au
fraction/diffraction peuvent se manifester dans pressiomètre Ménard ont été réalisés sur une
certaines conditions et accroître l’impact du planche d’essai de 35 x 150 m avant et après les
séisme (e.g. Mexico en 1985). Il s’agit des « ef- travaux de compactage. Avant compactage, les
fets de site » [4], contrôlant la forme des spectres moyennes arithmétiques des caractéristiques mé-
S.Brûlé et al. / Réponse dynamique d’un sol après travaux de compactage haute énergie 967

caniques du remblai sont les suivantes au droit de Après travaux, les moyennes arithmétiques
la planche d’essai : qc = 3,7 MPa, Rf = fs/qc ~ 1%, des caractéristiques mécaniques du remblai sont
pl* = 0,53 MPa et EM = 8,2 MPa. qc est la résis- les suivantes : qc = 7,3 MPa, pl* = 2,4 MPa et
tance de pointe (39 mm) obtenue avec le péntro- EM = 18,4 MPa. La valeur NSPT déduite de qc,30
mètre statique, pl* et EM sont respectivement la obtenue à partir des pénétrogrammes, donne une
pression limite nette et le module pressiomètri- classe C au sol après compactage dynamique.
que Ménard, fs est frottement latéral sur le man-
chon du pénétromètre statique et Rf correspond 30
au rapport de frottement. qc ,30 n
Les courbes de résistance en pointe qc sont
présentées en figure 2. Ce sont des moyennes
i 1 qci
arithmétiques sur un mètre. Le niveau de la
nappe se situe environ 6 m sous la surface du ter-
Il est à noter que le tassement en surface cor-
rain d’origine.
respondait à 80 à 100 cm, soit plus de 5% de
Pour se rattacher à la classification de la
l’épaisseur de la couche à densifier et à homogé-
norme NF EN 1998-1 [1] basée sur les essais au
SPT ou le Vs,30, nous avons déduit la valeur du
nombre de coups au pénétromètre dynamique
SPT pour 30 cm, NSPT par corrélation avec
l’essai de pénétration au pénétromètre statique.
Les valeurs initiales obtenues par corrélation µ15
pour NSPT sont inférieures à 15 coups/30 cm sur
une quinzaine de mètres. Le site au droit du pro-
jet serait donc de classe D avant compactage.
Nous avons utilisé une moyenne harmonique sur
30 m d’épaisseur à l’identique de ce qui est pro-
posé par la norme NF EN 1998 pour les vitesses
des ondes cisaillement (1) avec hi et qci les épais-
seurs de sol et la résistance de pointe correspon-
dant à la cote d’échantillonnage. Avant travaux de compactage dynamique
Après travaux de compactage dynamique

Figure 2. Exemple de pénétrogrammes obtenus avant (courbe

de gauche) et après (courbe de droite) les travaux
d’amélioration de sol par compactage dynamique, au même

2.2 Résultats des mesures géophysiques

Le Bureau de Recherche Géologique et Minière
(B.R.G.M.) a effectué des mesures géophysiques
avec la méthode MASW (Multichannel Analysis
of Surface Wave). Elle permet de déterminer le
Figure 1. Plan de situation du projet et localisation de la plan- profil de vitesse des ondes de cisaillement Vs en
che d’essai. fonction de la profondeur par inversion des cour-
bes de dispersion des ondes de Rayleigh [5].
Nous avons considéré un sol bicouche consti- Le dispositif expérimental et les profils de
tué du terrain amélioré sur 10 m et du sol naturel mesure sont les mêmes avant et après travaux de
de 10 à 30 m de profondeur. compactage dynamique.
968 S.Brûlé et al. / Réponse dynamique d’un sol après travaux de compactage haute énergie

Plus de 40 tirs ont été réalisés par le B.R.G.M. Figure 3. MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave) :
exemple type d’un profil de vitesse des ondes de cisaillement
Pour chaque tir, une courbe de dispersion des vi- en fonction de la profondeur, avec l’écart type sur la vitesse.
tesses de phase (vitesse de phase en fonction de
la fréquence) est obtenue, puis inversée pour ob- L’augmentation de Vs est nette jusqu’à 7 m de
tenir un profil de la vitesse des ondes de cisail- profondeur puis peu ou pas significative à plus
lement Vs avec un écart type. La figure 3 pré- grande profondeur. La valeur de Vs,30 est de 252
sente le profil de vitesse obtenu lors d’un tir, m/s après travaux, soit toujours un site de classe
ainsi que l’écart-type sur la vitesse. C à la différence de l’approche par essais méca-
La figure 4 correspond à la moyenne de dix niques orientant vers un sol de classe D à C.
tirs. Les deux courbes situées de part et d’autre
du profil de vitesse moyen représentent l’écart
type sur la moyenne. Vitesse des ondes de cisaillement [m/s]
0 100 200 300 400 500
30 0
Vs ,30 n
i 1 Vsi

Profondeur [m]
Avant travaux, la vitesse moyenne des ondes
de cisaillement obtenue sur les trente premiers 15
mètres, déterminée selon la formule de la
moyenne harmonique de la Norme NF EN 1998 20
(2), donne une vitesse Vs,30 de 244 m/s, soit un
site de classe C. 25
Après travaux, les résultats montrent une
augmentation nette de la vitesse des ondes de ci- 30
saillement sur les 5 premiers mètres, avec une
valeur moyenne passant de 134 à 163 m/s uni- Figure 4. MASW (Multichannel Analysis of Surface Wave) :
quement sur cet intervalle, soit une augmentation moyenne de 10 profils d’une seule file ; les deux courbes fi-
de 22%. nes représentent l’écart type obtenu sur la moyenne.


3.1 Spectres de réponse élastique

La classification de sol selon la norme NF EN
1998 doit être représentative du contexte géolo-
gique pour une prise en compte fidèle des effets
de sites : lithologie et épaisseur de sol recouvrant
le substratum. Pour une représentation de base de
l’action sismique conduisant à l’utilisation de
l’expression des spectres de réponse présentés
dans la norme NF EN 1998, la figure 5 illustre la
différence entre les spectres obtenus pour des
sols de classe C et D.
Dans l’hypothèse d’une amélioration de sol
dans la masse conduisant à un passage de classe
S.Brûlé et al. / Réponse dynamique d’un sol après travaux de compactage haute énergie 969

de sol de D à C, le dimensionnement de la struc- de classe C avant travaux. Après vibrocompac-

ture doit être adaptée, notamment pour des ou- tage, le site serait de classe B toujours en consi-
vrages à période supérieure à 0,2 s. dérant une moyenne harmonique sur trente mè-
Par exemple, en utilisant l’expression (3) pour tres depuis la surface.
obtenir une valeur approchée de la période fon-
damentale de vibration T1 d’un bâtiment de hau-
teur H inférieure à 40 m, à portiques spatiaux en
béton (Ct = 0,075), un impact sur le dimension-
nement peut exister à partir de deux niveaux de
T1 Ct .H (3) Avant

Figure 6. Evolution des caractéristiques moyennes au SPT

des remblais portuaires de Dakar [6].

3.2 Impédances dynamiques des fondations

Les impédances dynamiques des fondations Kh,
horizontale, Kv, verticale et KT, de rotation sont
fonction du module de cisaillement G [7], lui-
même égal dans le cas d’un comportement de sol
élastique à G=© Vs² [4] où © est la masse volumi-
que du matériau. D’où Kh, Kv et KT, sont fonc-
Figure 5. Spectres de réponse élastique Se pour sols de classe tion de Vs². Une augmentation de Vs de 2,4% es-
C et D dans le cas d’un coefficient d’amortissement visqueux timée dans le cas du projet de compactage
de ?=5%. Exemple d’un bâtiment de catégorie d’importance dynamique de Givors sur toute la hauteur des
II (aI=1).
formations superficielles recouvrant le substra-
tum sismique entraîne une augmentation des im-
Des changements réglementaires de classe
pédances dynamiques des fondations de près de
peuvent également être attendus sur des sites de
vibrocompactage. En figure 6 sont présentés les
résultats obtenus sur un chantier de la zone por-
3.3 Cas de figure envisageables
tuaire de Dakar au Sénégal [6]. L’amélioration
concernait une plate-forme de 70 000 m2 avec Ces premiers retours d’expérience de chantiers
des remblais hydrauliques sableux de 12 à 13 m d’amélioration dans la masse permettent
d’épaisseur reposant sur des formations marneu- d’appréhender dans le tableau 1 les contextes
ses (NSPT > 50). En utilisant une moyenne har- géotechniques singuliers pour lesquels la bascule
monique sur les trente premiers mètres avec les d’une classe de sol vers une autre moins élevée
valeurs NSPT présentées en figure 6, le sol serait est envisageable [3].
970 S.Brûlé et al. / Réponse dynamique d’un sol après travaux de compactage haute énergie

Tableau 1. Influence possible de l’amélioration des sols dans REFERENCES

la masse sur la classe de sol initiale et/ou la réponse dynami-
que des sols. Classification des sols selon Norme NF EN
[1] Eurocode 8 Calcul des structures pour leur résistance
1998 à partir de Vs,30.
au séisme – Partie 1 : Règles générales, actions sismi-
Classe de sol et ques et règles pour les bâtiments. NF EN 1998-1 Comi-
description du profil Commentaires té Européen de Normalisation, 2005.
[2] S. Brûlé, E.H. Javelaud, T. Ohmachi, Y. Nakamura, S.
Si couche superficielle granulaire :
Inoue, H/V method used to qualify the modification of
A : Rocher ou au- dynamic soil characteristics due to ground improvement
peu ou pas d’incidence sur la classe de sol
tre formation géologi- work by means of heavy compaction process. A case
si l’approche est réglementaire même avec
que de ce type com-
une forte densification. study : the former Givors’s glass factory area, 7th In-
portant une couche
Si modélisation de l’effet de site avec un ternational Conference on Urban Earthquake Engi-
superficielle d’au plus
sol bicouche : modification possible de la neering and 5th International Conference on Earth-
5 m de matériau
réponse dynamique du sol en surface par quake Engineering in Tokyo, Japan 02-026 (2010),
moins résistant
réduction du contraste d’impédance entre
Vs,30> 800 m/s
les deux formations.
[3] S. Brûlé, E.H. Javelaud, Seismic response analysis of a
site after soil improvement by heavy dynamic compac-
Sols granulaires ayant des vitesses tion, Franco-Maghreb Conference in Geotechnical En-
proches de 180 m/s : possibilité de bascu- gineering in Gammarth, Tunisia (2010).
ler en classe C si les épaisseurs de sol sont [4] J.F. Semblat, A. Pecker, Waves and vibrations in soils :
inférieures à une dizaine de mètres en Earthquakes, Traffic, Shocks, Construction works,
compactage dynamique ou si les épais-
IUSS Press, Pavia, Italy, 2009.
seurs sont de l’ordre de 20 à 30 m en en
D : Dépôts de sol sans vibrocompactage, sous réserve de teneurs [5] A. Bitri, S. Le Bégat, J.M. Baltassat, Shear wave veloc-
cohésion de densité en fines compatibles. ity determination of soils from in-situ Rayleigh waves
faible à moyenne Si modélisation de l’effet de site avec un measurements, 4th Meeting EEGS in Barcelona, Spain
(avec ou sans couches sol bicouche : modification possible de la (1998), 503-506.
cohérentes molles) ou réponse dynamique du sol en surface par [6] Ph. Liausu, Control of hydraulic sandfill vibrocompac-
comprenant une majo- réduction du contraste d’impédance entre
rité de sols cohérents tion, Journées Nationales de Géotechnique et de Géo-
les deux formations identifiées. Par exem-
mous à fermes. logie de l’Ingénieur à Grenoble, France (2010), 689-
ple 10 à 30 m de sols de classe D sur un
Vs,30< 180 m/s substratum rocheux pour lequel Vs > 800 696.
m/s. [7] G. Gazetas, Analysis of machine foundation vibrations:
S’il s’agit d’un remplissage alluvionnaire state of the art, Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engi-
épais (>50 m) et de classe D, l’influence neering, 2(1) (1983), 1-42.
de l’amélioration sera a priori faible à né-
gligeable selon les épaisseurs considérées.

E : Profil de sol
comprenant une cou-
che superficielle
d’alluvions avec des
valeurs de Vs de
Pour les sols de la classe E correspon-
classe C ou D et une
dant à des alluvions de classe D, voir
épaisseur comprise
commentaires pour les sols de classe D ci-
entre 5 m environ et
20 m,
reposant sur un
matériau plus raide
avec Vs > 800 m/s.

Etudes au cas par cas selon la nature

des sols, la géométrie lenticulaire du dépôt
susceptible de liquéfaction, l’intensité des
travaux d’amélioration, etc.
S1, S2 : Sols pouvant Il doit s’agir de sol à dominante granu-
être le siège de liqué- laire. Pour les cas de lentilles sableuses
faction (voir NF EN peu épaisses au regard de l’épaisseur totale
1998). de sol, l’influence de l’amélioration sera a
priori faible à négligeable. En revanche,
dans le cas de sols liquéfiables sur des
épaisseurs importantes, l’amélioration
dans la masse fixera la nouvelle classe de
sol, donc le spectre de calcul.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 971
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Consolidation of extremely soft mud for the A-380

factory in Hamburg - long time experience
Consolidation de boue extrêmement molle pour l'usine de
montage de l’A-380 à Hambourg - Résultats à long terme
J.-L. Chaumeny1
Ménard DYNIV GmbH, Seevetal, Germany
J. Kirstein
Bodenverbesserungstechniken DYNIV GmbH, Seevetal, Germany
J. Reiner
iwb Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg, Germany

The new Airbus plant in Hamburg (Germany) was built on the soft soil of the river Elbe, which is characterized by mud on top
and different layers of clay, soft clay, gyttja and peat below.
The project was carried out in two phases: first, closing 160 hectares with a dyke and second, filling the area with sand and op-
timizing of the consolidation process of the soft soil.
The article describes the design, the parameters and the methods of vertical drainage and especially the Ménard Vacuum Conso-
lidation (MVC) as preloading system.
Since the primary settlement was up to 4 m and largely completed on delivery of the areas, the residual settlement was definiti-
vely determined based on the secondary settlement. The present measurements confirm the predicted residual settlement. The
secondary consolidation could also be limited by preloading.

La nouvelle usine d'Airbus à Hambourg (Allemagne) a été construit sur le sol mou de l'Elbe, qui se caractérise par de la boue sur
les couches supérieures et de différents types d'argile, argile molle, tourbe et gyttja en-dessous.
Le projet a été réalisé en deux phases: d'abord la fermeture de 160 hectares avec une digue et d'autre part, remplissage du polder
avec du sable tout en optimisant le processus de consolidation du sol mou.
L'article décrit la conception, les paramètres et les méthodes de drainage vertical et en particulier la consolidation par le vide
Ménard (MVC) en tant que systèmes de préchargement.
Comme le tassement primaire était de 4 m et en grande partie achevée à la livraison des zones, le tassement résiduel a été défini-
tivement déterminée sur la base du tassement secondaire. Les mesures ont confirmé les estimations du tassement résiduel. Grâce
au préchargement le tassement secondaire a pu être limité.

Keywords: Hamburg, Ménard, vacuum, consolidation, MVC, drains, settlements, primary, secondary, preloading, soft soil,
mud, clay, peat, measurement, predicted, residual, settlement

1 INTRODUCTION bor industries in the south Mühlenberger Loch

lies in the mouth of the south Elbe in the Elbe
The city of Hamburg is separated by the river west of Hamburg. By damming off the south
Elbe, with the old town in the north, and the har- Elbe after the storm flooding in 1962, a bay was

Corresponding Author.
972 J.-L. Chaumeny et al. / Consolidation of Extremely Soft Mud for the A-380 Factory in Hamburg

created in which large quantities of alluvial mud Due to the different sedimentation conditions
are deposited due to the changed flow conditions. and the associated proportions of sand, the com-
Before construction began in 2001, the sediment pressibility increases from west to east approach-
surface laid between approximately NN +1 m ing the land. The initial shear decreases simulta-
and NN -1.5 m and regularly went dry at low- neously.
water under tide influence. Table 1. Subsoil characteristics, Eoed at 100 kPa
Soil water organ. Cu Phi Eoed CB Cv
Type % % kN/m² ° MN/m² - m²/a
Peat 240 33 5-15 20 0,5 0,04 0,5
Mud 142 13,5 0,5-5 20 0,8 0,03 0,35
2.1 Construction Clay 90 12,5 5-20 17 1,5 0,02 0,5
Sand 10 - - 33 50 - -
A detailed description of the construction se-
quences can be found in [1] and [2]. The main
phases are summarized below: The soil parameters identified in laboratory
x Construction of a retaining dyke app. 2.4 and field experiments are summarised in table 1.
km long on sand columns wrapped in geo- Note that the secondary consolidation coeffi-
textile in grids of 1.5 m to 3 m and separa- cients were derived from oedometer tests.
tion of the construction area from the tide.
x Maintaining the water level behind the 2.3 Settlement criteria
dyke at around NN +3 m. After full primary consolidation, with 2 to 4 m
x Sprinkling of thin sand layers (d = 15 to 30 settlements, the residual settlements of 15 or 30
cm) on the alluvial mud surface. cm during 5 years after handover had to be guar-
x Hydraulic filling up to NN +3.4 m (above anteed.
the water level). Table 2. Contractual settlement criteria within first 5 years
x Installing vertical drain and surcharge or
Area Permissible resi- echnic
installing Ménard Vacuum Consolidation dual settlements
Runways and taxi- max. 15 cm vertical drains +
x Grading the site at NN +5.5 m. ways, aircraft park- in 5 years surcharge or
ing, etc MVC
2.2 Soil parameters Surfaces under deep- max.30 cm vertical drains +
foundation halls, in 5 years surchage
The soft soil is characterised by mud on top and green spaces
different layers of clay, soft clay, gyttja and peat
below. The mud is 3 to 12 m thick and the peat 2.4 Consolidation techniques
up to 5 m thick.

Figure 1. Typical cross section of the soft soil before the fill.

Figure 2. Installation of vertical drains on the airbus site

J.-L. Chaumeny et al. / Consolidation of Extremely Soft Mud for the A-380 Factory in Hamburg 973

The prefabricated drains were installed on the The atmospheric depression avoids the horizon-
Airbus site in grids of 0.5 to 1.5 m depending on tal movement and outwards creep due to a clas-
the soil, consolidation time, height of surcharge sical surcharge. The depression effect appears to
and settlement requirements. 30 millions meters add cohesion and to increase the dewatering. The
of vertical drains were placed in the structural closed system works like a vacuumed package of
areas. coffee. In the closed package the vacuum brings
immediate stability and it is not necessary to wait
In critical stability conditions the surface load for the consolidation process. The risk of a short
can be replaced or increased by the vacuum me- interruption is relatively small and a rapid fill up
thod. The drainage blanket is covered by an air- to final elevation is possible. [5] and [6]
tight membrane and sealed hermetically along its
outer borders. The drainage blanket is connected
to a vacuum pump, which removes atmospheric
pressure in the drains. According to Cognon [3]
and [4] the depression achieved by the vacuum
method in this case is of 70 to 80 kPa at most all
over the treated area.
The concept for MVC is:
x Soil is too soft for surcharge,
x The schedule does not allow step loading,
x Surcharge soil is not available,
x Available area does not allow berms,
x Special settlement requirements have to be

Figure 4. MVC stress and deformation.

Figure 3. Principle of Ménard Vacuum Consolidation.

Figure 4 gives a view to the oedometric theory

which is the most important aspect of the atmos-
pheric consolidation. With classical surcharge,
point A moves to point B and, with a normal Figure 5. MVC working as a shear foot.
consolidation process, then moves to point C.
With Ménard Vacuum the under-pressure moves For stability reasons MVC worked as a shear
point A directly to point E but the point is more wall in front of berms, providing sufficient sta-
between D and E. This is a result of horizontal bility of the filling process towards the inner
movement, which goes through vacuum effect polder, which had to be completed in a very short
the other direction like with classical surcharge. time. [7]
974 J.-L. Chaumeny et al. / Consolidation of Extremely Soft Mud for the A-380 Factory in Hamburg

In the worst geotechnical case of the project, 3 EVALUATION OF MEASUREMENTS

where the mud thickness reached 12 m, MVC
was applied to obtain the post construction set-
tlement criteria of 0.15 m in 5 years for the 3.1 Total and residual settlement
crossing of the runway. All the experience of the
previous field work was used for the calculation The total settlements of the area till the begin-
of the last 66.000 m² vacuum block. ning of 2010 are shown in Fig.7 as isolines.
They are between approximately 0.8 m and 3.5
m since the start of measurement. Taking the ini-
tial settlement that was not recorded into ac-
count; they thus are in the range of the prognosis.

3.2 Settlement success of MVC

The first settlements appear as soon as the
first fill is placed on the mud. The measurement
and prediction start in the elevation of the work-
ing platform for vertical drains. The first settle-
ments of 0.6 to 0.8 m were measured by cone
penetration from the working platform. With that
information the theoretical and actual values start
at the same elevation with the vacuum.
Figure 6. MVC in one block of 66.000 m².

2.5 Geotechnical measurement program

A large number of different monitoring systems
like pore pressure measurement, ground water
level, horizontal and vertical inclinometers, va-
cuum pressure meters and settlement plates were
The geotechnical measurement program was
continuously installed from the start of construc-
tion in 2001 and adjusted to the demands of the
construction site.
Till 2010 measurements were documented for
up to 9 years and then evaluated.
Thanks to the duration of the measurements it
was possible to make statements about the sec-
ondary consolidation behaviour.
In particularly 170 total plate gauges were set up
on the dry sand surface at around NN+3.4 in
connection with the first raising step and length-
ened successively with the progression of raising
Fig.7: Total settlements at the beginning of 2010
the surface.
32 multiple-point settlement gauges were in-
The monitored vacuum process fits the pre-
stalled to identify the settlement of each different
dicted vacuum and dewatering effect of 70 kPa.
type of layer.
The mean total settlements were of 2.8 to 3.5 m,
about 10 % less than predicted. The residual set-
J.-L. Chaumeny et al. / Consolidation of Extremely Soft Mud for the A-380 Factory in Hamburg 975

tlements after 4 years were up to 0.08 m, which

is largely less than the required 0.15 m residual
settlement criteria.
Two targets were aimed: 0.15 m residual set-
tlement criteria and optimizing surcharge sand
In Figure 10 is the comparison of settlement
prediction and measured settlements for one set-
tlement plate of the 66.000 m² vacuum block. [8]

Figure 9. measured and calculated layer settlement of alluvial

Figure 8. Comparison between predicted and measured set-
3.4 Secondary Settlements
3.3 Layer-Based consolidation settlements The laboratory investigations have clearly
shown that secondary settlements follow the end
The deformation behaviour over time (as set- of the primary consolidation. The secondary
tlement or differential settlement between differ- curve is approximately linearly in a logarithmic
ent measurement plates) on the basis of the set- scale of time.
tlement measurements in the depth plates for a In the evaluations, the following relationship
total of 21 layers of alluvial mud, 11 clay layers (Buisman) was assumed to determine the secon-
and 4 peat layers was investigated [9]. dary settlements:
The goal of these investigations is primarily to
derive the definitive soil parameters for the soil
sc = CB H98 * log (t/t98) (1)
layers from the measurements and then set them
in relation to those identified in the laboratory.
The insights into soil behaviour thus obtained, CB secondary settlements coefficient
which are calibrated to nature can be of use in H98 = layer thickness at end of primary consoli-
the future for comparable projects. Fig.9 shows dation
the curves of the alluvial mud layers over time at
gauges SI1.1 and SI4.9 as examples. The layer In the evaluation of the measurement results
thicknesses of these layers lie at 3.4 m and 5.7 m. from the multiple-point gauges, the start of the
The curve progressions in the measurements can secondary settlement was identified taking into
be largely matched with the calculations. At account the course of settlements over time and
gauge 4.9 in the initial phase at lower added the existing pore water pressure measurements.
loads with respect to the calculations occur with In these measurements also there was a signifi-
delay, but are converging to the same results af- cant linear settlement time line in a logarithmic
ter preloading. scale.
976 J.-L. Chaumeny et al. / Consolidation of Extremely Soft Mud for the A-380 Factory in Hamburg

Pre-loads of different heights were used on the 4 CONCLUSION

majority of the surfaces being raised. The secon-
dary settlement coefficients from measurements The results show an impressive limitation of
without pre-loads are summarized in together residual settlements by means of vertical drains
with those determined from laboratory tests ver- and preloading, especially with the isotropic
sus water content, which is correlated to the or- Ménard vacuum consolidation MVC. Further-
ganic content. They range from about CB = 0.01 more over consolidation is confirmed to reduce
to 0.04. [9] secondary settlement relevantly within the ob-
Furthermore, the clear influence of the pre- served period of about 6 years after preloading.
load on secondary settlements can be derived
from the measurements:
The deformation time lines (Fig.9) for gauges REFERENCES
SI1.1 and SI4.9 provide examples of a measure-
ment point without preload and a measurement [1] Reiner, J., Stadie, R, Geotechnisches Konzept der
point with preload. At SI1.1 some increase in set- Flächenaufhöhung im Mühlenberger Loch, Deutsche
Gesellschaft für Geotechnik, Vorträge der Baugrundta-
tlements after the completion of the primary con- gung in Mainz (2002), 55 f.
solidation has been observed, while at level SI4.9 [2] Varaksin, S. 2003. Aménagement à Hambourg de la
hardly any further settlements occur. nouvelle usine AIRBUS 380 gagnée sur des vases
Fig.10 shows the secondary consolidation co- hautement compressibles. Salon et Congrès des Tra-
vaux Publics et du Génie Civil, Paris
efficients derived from the measurements de- [3] Cognon, J.-M., La consolidation atmosphérique. Révue
pending on the excess load (max. load incl. pre- Française Géotechnique, No. 57 (1991), 37-47
load/permanent load in %). The secondary con- [4] Cognon, J.-M. et al. S. 1994. Vacuum consolidation
solidation decreases to nearly zero as an excess technology – principles and field experience. Proceed-
ings of Settlement '94 – Sponsored by ASCE – Held
load of more than approximately 50% is applied. June 16-18, 1994. College Station, Texas, 1994
[5] Chaumeny, J.-L. et al. 1997, Consolidation atmosphé-
rique de boue de drainage dans le port de Lübeck. Proc.
14th int. Conf. Soil Mech. Found. Eng, Hamburg, Vol.
3: (1969-1972)
[6] Ihm, C.W. & Massé, F., Successful application of
Menard Vacuum Consolidation Method to Nakdong
River soft clay in Kimhae, South Korea. Proc. 4th In-
ternational Conference on Ground Improvement Tech-
niques Kuala Lumpur, 2002.
[7] Lund, N.-Ch. et al., Airbuserweiterung: Anwendung
von Bodenverbesserungsmaßnahmen zur Landgewin-
nung in kürzester Bauzeit. Deutsche Gesellschaft für
Geotechnik, Vorträge der Baugrundtagung in Mainz
(2002), 71-79.
[8] Chaumeny, J.-L., Kirstein, J., Varaksin, S., Consolida-
tion of extremely soft mud for the Airbus A-380 as-
sembly factory in Hamburg, NUMGE Glasgow, 2008
Figure 10. Change in secondary consolidation coefficient CB
[9] Reiner, J., Kußmaul, M., Ergebnisse der geotechnischen
with excess load
Langzeitmessung im Zusammenhang mit der
Flächenaufhöhung im Mühlenberger Loch in Hamburg,
The present measurements cover a secondary Loch, Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geotechnik, Vorträge
settlement period of approximately 5.5 to 6.5 der Baugrundtagung in München (2010), 87-94.
years. Whether secondary consolidation will per-
haps begin again at some later point in time and
how the time and scope of such secondary con-
solidation relates to the size of the pre-load can-
not be determined at this time.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 977
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Soil mix: influence of soil inclusions on structural

Soil mix : influence des inclusions de sol sur le comportement
P. Ganne, N. Denies & N. Huybrechts 1
Belgian Building Research Institute
A. Vervoort, A. Tavallali
Catholic University Leuven
J. Maertens
Jan Maertens bvba & Catholic University Leuven
B. Lameire
Belgian Association of Foundation Contractors, ABEF
F. De Cock
Geotechnical Expert Office,

This paper first describes the soil mix procedures applied in Belgium. Then, it concentrates on the influence of soil inclusions
(un-mixed materials) on the soil mix structural behaviour. Methodologies describing and quantifying inclusions are presented
and applied on in situ executed soil mix materials from 18 sites in Belgium. Finally, first results of numerical simulations inves-
tigating the influence of soil inclusions on the stiffness of soil mix material are discussed.

Le présent article donne un aperçu des techniques de « soil-mix » appliquées en Belgique. Il se concentre ensuite sur l’influence
des inclusions de sols (non mélangées) sur le comportement structurel du « soil-mix ». Des méthodologies, décrivant et quanti-
fiant la présence des inclusions, sont présentées et appliquées sur des éléments de « soil-mix » exécutés in situ. Ces derniers
proviennent de 18 sites en Belgique. Finalement, les premiers résultats de simulations numériques, investiguant l’influence des
inclusions de sol sur la raideur du matériau « soil-mix », sont discutés.

Keywords: Sol mix, deep mixing, retaining structure, soil inclusion, structural behaviour

1 INTRODUCTION pean research programs have been published in

multiple reports (such as [3]), while also the
Since several decades, the (deep) soil mix tech- European standard for the execution of deep
nique is known as a ground improvement tech- mixing “Execution of special geotechnical works
nique [1] : the ground is in situ mechanically – Deep Mixing” (EN 14679) was published in
mixed while a binder, based on cement and lime 2005 [4]. Most of these research projects focus-
[2], is injected. The results of national and Euro-

Corresponding Author
978 P. Ganne et al. / Soil Mix: Influence of Soil Inclusions on Structural Behaviour

sed on the global stabilisation of soft cohesive in [6] in terms of unconfined compressive
soils such as peat, clay, gyttja and silt. strength (UCS) and elastic modulus. The meth-
More recently, soil mix is increasingly used ods are validated on a large population of labora-
for the retaining of soil and water in the case of tory tests on in situ soil mix material, executed in
excavations as a more economical alternative for Belgian soils.
concrete secant pile walls and even for king post
walls (i.e. soldier pile walls). The soil mix cylin-
drical columns or rectangular panels are placed 2 SOIL MIX SYSTEMS IN BELGIUM
next to each other, in a secant way. By overlap-
ping the different soil mix elements [5], a con- The CVR C-mix®, the TSM and the CSM are the
tinuous soil mix wall is executed. Steel H or I- three most used types of deep mix systems in
beams are inserted into the soil mix before curing Belgium. All three are wet deep mixing systems.
to resist the shear forces and bending moments in
the retaining wall. In general the maximum in- 2.1 CVR C-mix®
stallation depth of the soil mix walls in Belgium
is – so far – about 20 m. The CVR C-mix® is performed with an adapted
The use of soil mix as ground and/or water re- bored pile rig and a special designed shaft and
taining structures has some specific advantages. mixing tool. This tool rotates around a vertical
No important vibrations are caused by the execu- axis at about 100 rpm and cuts the soil mechani-
tion of soil mix. As the stress relaxation of the cally. Simultaneously, the water\binder mixture
soil is limited, soil mix can be executed nearby (w\b weight ratio between 0.6 and 0.8), is in-
existing constructions. Contrary to concreted se- jected at low pressure (< 5 bar). The injected
cant pile walls, the execution of the soil mix quantity of binder amounts mostly to 350 and
walls does not suffer from delayed supply (e.g. 450 kg binder/m³, depending on the soil condi-
due to traffic jams) of the fresh concrete. The tions. The binder partly (between 0% and 30%)
amount of binder returning to the surface is lim- returns to the surface. This is called ‘spoil re-
ited in comparison with jet-grouting. turn’.
The main structural difference between these The resulting deep mix elements are cylin-
soil mix walls and the more traditional secant drical columns with diameter corresponding to
pile walls is the constitutive wall material which the mixing tool diameter, varying between 0.43
consists of a mixture of soil and cement instead and 1.03 m. When deep mix is used as a retain-
of traditional concrete. The structural behaviour ing structure, the production rate is about 160 m²
of soil mix material is governed among others by of deep mix wall per day (single 8 hrs shift).
the type of binder, the volume of injected binder In order to increase the production rate, a
and the nature of the soil. It is also influenced by CVR Twinmix® and a CVR Triple C-MIX® can
the presence of soil inclusions (by their number, be used. A twinmix has two mixing tools, mixing
their volume, their shape, and their scattering in two overlapping cylindrical columns (total wall
the material). In this paper, all inclusions in deep element length of 0.8 to 1.2 m) at the same time.
mix material are considered as soft soil inclu- The daily production increases till 210 m². A
sions. Hence, soil inclusions represent the un- CVR Triple C-mix® has three mixing tools in
mixed part of the soil-mix material. line, with a total wall element length of 1.5 to 1.8
This paper describes firstly the different types m. The production rate increases to 300 m² per
of soil mix systems applied in Belgium. The day.
methodology describing and quantifying inclu-
sions is then presented. Finally, the influence of 2.2 Tubular Soil Mix (TSM)
the inclusions on the soil mix stiffness is dis- The TSM technique uses a mechanical and a hy-
cussed. draulic way of mixing. Apart from the rotating
Test results and methodologies with regard to (around the vertical axis) mixing tool, the soil is
the strength and stiffness properties are referred cut by the high pressure injection (till 500 bar) of
P. Ganne et al. / Soil Mix: Influence of Soil Inclusions on Structural Behaviour 979

the water\binder mixture with w\b chosen be- 3.1 Methodology of the description of soil
tween 0.6 and 1.2. The injected quantity of bind- inclusions
er mixture amounts mostly to 200 and 450 kg
In order to quantify the volume of soil inclu-
binder/m³, depending on the soil conditions. Part
sions, in situ executed deep mix columns and pa-
of the binder (between 0% and 30%) returns to
nels are observed. Soil inclusions can be de-
the surface as spoil return.
scribed based on entire sections of deep mix
The resulting deep mix elements are cylin-
columns/panels as well as on drilled cores.
drical columns with a diameter between 0.38 and
The two methodologies are the surface per-
0.73 m. The production rate is about 80 m² of
centage (A) and the line percentage (B).
deep mix wall per day.
Again, a twin and a triple version exist. The
(A) The calculation of the surface percentage
total wall length of the two (three) cylindrical
of soil inclusions involves five processing steps:
columns of a twin (triple), varies between 0.8
1. Deep mix columns or panels are executed
and 1.4 m (1.2 and 2.1 m). In this way, the pro-
in situ by standard deep mixing procedure.
duction rate is increased till about 180 (twin) and
2. The test columns/panels are (partly) exca-
250 m² (triple) of deep mix wall per day.
vated; the column/panel should be sawn to create
a statistically representative ‘fresh’ saw-cut sec-
2.3 Cutter Soil Mix (CSM)
tion. Alternatively, the saw-cut of a core drill can
A CSM device is commercially available. It also be used.
makes use of two cutting wheels that rotate inde- 3. The saw-cut surface is photo-graphically
pendently around a horizontal axis, cutting the digitized to recompose one digital mosaic photo.
soil. At the same time, the water\binder mixture The pixel resolution is about 0.3 mm.
is injected at low pressure (< 5 bar) with w\b ra- 4. Using commercially available image
tio chosen between 0.6 and 1.2. The injected processing techniques (IPT), soil inclusions are
quantity of binder amounts mostly to 200 and assigned in black on the digital mosaic photo. As
400 kg binder/m³, depending on the soil condi- the soil inclusions are not always observable,
tions. Part of the binder (between 0% and 30%) manual verifications are performed on the saw-
returns to the surface as spoil return. cut surface.
The resulting deep mix elements are rectangu- 5. The determination of the surface percen-
lar panels. In Belgium, these panels have mostly tage of soil inclusions consists in the calculation
a length of 2.4 m and a thickness of 0.55 m, of the amount of assigned (black) inclusions and
though cutter devices with other dimensions are the total surface of the saw-cut using IPT.
available. The production rate is about 100 m² to
250 m² per day. (B) The methodology to calculate the line per-
centage of soil inclusions involves three
processing steps.
3 DESCRIPTION OF SOIL INCLUSIONS The steps 1 and 2 are similar to those of me-
thodology A.
Due to the specific procedure of deep mixing, 3. Parallel lines with an interdistance of min-
soil inclusions are inevitable. The volume of soil imum 7 cm are drawn on the deep mix material.
inclusions of in situ executed deep mix should be The cumulative length of soil inclusions along
quantified in order to study its influence on the the line is manually measured. The line percen-
material stiffness. tage is calculated as the proportion of this cumu-
Two methodologies taking into account soil lative length to the total line length.
inclusions are first presented and then illustrated The observed line and surface percentages can
with an overview of in situ results of deep mix be considered as unbiased estimations of the vo-
material executed in several Belgian soils. lume percentage of soil inclusions in the deep
mix material [7].
980 P. Ganne et al. / Soil Mix: Influence of Soil Inclusions on Structural Behaviour

3.2 Overview of observed soil inclusions 4 INFLUENCE OF SOIL INCLUSIONS ON

Figure 1 gives an overview of the quantified soil
inclusions in soil mix material, executed on 18
job sites, in different types of Belgian soils (qua-
Soil inclusions or volumetric parts which are not
ternary and tertiary sands, silt, alluvial clay, stiff
well mixed are an integral part of soil mix ma-
clay and clay with peat). In Figure 1, soil inclu-
terial. Various observations allow deriving cer-
sions are quantified using:
tain conclusions on the way that the number of
- method A, applied on saw-cuts of in situ
inclusions, their sizes, their shapes and their rela-
executed deep mix columns or panels,
tive positions influence the soil mix material be-
havior. However, it is not possible to analyse in
detail this influence by observations only. That is
the reason why the laboratory tests and numeri-
cal simulations complement each other. Sensitiv-
ity analyses can be conducted easily in numerical
modelling. Here, the results of linear elastic si-
mulations using a continuous code (FLAC) are
The starting point for the model is a real 2D-
section with dimensions of 120 x 240 mm², in
which 11 inclusions are observed, corresponding
to about 11% surface area. From this, 69 differ-
ent models were generated. The % surface area
of inclusions was changed by varying the num-
ber and size of the inclusions resulting in 1, 5, 10
Figure 1. Percentage of soil inclusions in soil mix material,
and 20% inclusions. Apart from changing the
executed on 18 sites in Belgium. number and the size, the shape of the inclusion
was also varied. Hence, some of these models
- method A, applied on the saw-cuts of contain inclusions with a more rounded shape or
drilled cores of in situ executed deep inclusions with sharper corners. In Figure 2, the
mix columns of panels, mesh of a 10% model with the original shape and
- method B, applied on the saw-cuts of size of the inclusions is presented.
drilled cores of in situ executed deep The mixed part in each model corresponds to
mix columns of panels. a Young’s modulus E and a Poisson’s ratio of re-
The amount of soil inclusions depends on the spectively 11.6 GPa and 0.3, while for the soil
nature of the soil, wherein the deep mix is per- inclusions (un-mixed material) these values are
formed: 0.165 GPa and 0.4. The resulting Young’s mod-
- in quaternary of tertiary sands, the uli for the entire models are presented in Figure
amount of soil inclusions in deep mix 3, as a function of the % surface area of soil in-
material varies between 0 and 3.5 clusions.
vol%, The presence of a mere 1% of weak inclusions
- in silty soils or alluvial clays, it varies results in about a reduction of 3% of the stiff-
between 3 and 10 vol%, ness.
- in clayey soils with organic material
(such as peat) or in tertiary (overcon-
solidated) clays, it can amount up to
35 vol% and higher (not represented
in Figure 1).
P. Ganne et al. / Soil Mix: Influence of Soil Inclusions on Structural Behaviour 981

inclusions play also a role. It is assumed that

once individual fractures are being simulated the
effect of the shape will even be larger.


In Belgium, the soil mix technique is used more

and more as a practical solution for the retaining
of soil and water in the case of excavations. If it
represents an interesting economical alternative

Shape and number of un-mixed

Figure 2. Mesh of the reference model (10% of surface area Circle

is composed of soil inclusions and the original observed
shapes are used). Sharp corners


Sharp corners


10 Real

7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0

Average E (GPa)
Figure 4. Variation of average Young’s modulus as a func-
tion of the shape of the inclusions (10% surface area corres-
ponding to the soil inclusions).

for concrete secant pile walls, it remains a lot of

uncertainties relating to its structural behaviour
and notably concerning the influence of soil in-
Figure 3. Variation of the Young’s modulus as a function of clusions on its stiffness.
the percentage surface area corresponding to the soil inclu-
sions. In the framework of the research program
“Soil Mix” that the Belgian Building Research
The presence of 10% of inclusions results on Institute (BBRI) carries out in collaboration with
average to a reduction of 30% of the stiffness. It the Catholic University of Leuven and the Bel-
can also be observed that for a certain percentage gian Association of Foundation Contractors
the variation in Young’s moduli is relatively (ABEF), numerous tests on in situ soil mix ma-
large, but there is no real overlap between the terial have been performed. A good insight has
four percentages considered. For example for been acquired with regard to strength and stiff-
10% inclusions, the E-modulus varies between ness characteristics that can be obtained with the
7.3 and 8.9 GPa, while the smallest value for 5% CVR C-mix®, the TSM and the CSM procedures
is 9.4 GPa and the largest value for 20% is 6.5 in several Belgian soils. A methodology and an
GPa. interpretation method to determine the strength
For a fixed percentage, the variation of the and stiffness characteristics of soil mix material
Young modulus is mainly related to the shape of have been proposed and validated [6].
the inclusions. Sharp corners strongly reduce the The present paper focuses on the influence of
Young’s modulus, while the rounded shapes (e.g. soil inclusions on the soil mix structural behav-
circle) are less harmful to the stiffness of the ma- iour. The surface percentage (A) and the line
terial. Figure 4 illustrates the influence of the percentage (B) methodologies, quantifying soil
shape for 30 different models corresponding to inclusions, are described and illustrated by in situ
10% of inclusions. Of course, size and number of results from 18 sites in Belgium. The amount of
982 P. Ganne et al. / Soil Mix: Influence of Soil Inclusions on Structural Behaviour

inclusions in soil mix material depends on the REFERENCES

nature of the soil. In the present study, soil mix
materials executed in situ in quaternary and ter- [1] A. Probaha, State of the art in deep mixing technology,
tiary sands, silt, alluvial clay, stiff clay and clay Part I: basic concepts and overview, Ground Improve-
ment 2 (1998), 81-92.
with peat are considered (figure 1). [2] A. Probaha, H. Tanaka & M. Kobayashi, State of the art
Once the presence of soil inclusions is quanti- in deep mixing technology, Part II: applications,
fied, numerical modelling is used to characterize Ground Improvement 3 (1998), 125-139.
its influence on the stiffness of the soil mix mate- [3] Eurosoilstab, Development of design and construction
methods to stabilize soft organic soils. Design Guide
rial. Numerical simulations clearly highlight the Soft Soil Stabilisation (2002). EC project BE 96-3177.
influence of the amount and the characteristics of [4] EN 14679, Execution of special geotechnical works –
soil inclusions on the Young modulus of the soil Deep mixing (2005), CEN TC 288 WI 011.
mix material (figures 3 and 4). [5] C.J. Rutherford, G. Biscontin, D. Koutsoftas & J.L.
Briaud, Design process of deep soil mixed walls for ex-
Within this research program, the tests to de- cavation support, International Journal of Geoengi-
termine strength and stiffness characteristics and neering Case Histories 1 (2007), 56-72.
numerical simulations will continue. In parallel, [6] Ganne, P., Huybrechts, N., De Cock, F., Lameire, B.,
numerous tests dealing with porosity, permeabili- Maertens, J. 2010. SOIL MIX walls as retaining struc-
tures – critical analysis of the material design parame-
ty, long term behavior (e.g. creep) and adherence ters, International conference on geotechnical chal-
with steel reinforcement have been launched. lenges in megacities, Moscow 07-10.06.2010
[7] Weibel, E. R. Stereological methods. Vol. 2. Theoreti-
If soil mix walls were previously used only cal foundations, Academic Press, New York, 1980.
for temporary excavation support, permanent re-
taining and foundation applications with soil mix
are increasingly applied in Belgium. Hence, the
durability aspects of the soil mix material have to
be treated.
In the second half of the research program, the
soil mix material should be investigated in terms
of its alkalinity properties, with the help of pH
long term measurements, in order to control its
level of corrosion protection. The viability of the
process in presence of polluted soils should be
also considered.
Based on the results of this research program,
a design methodology for the soil mix structures,
accounting for the presence of the heterogenei-
ties and soil-inclusions, the scale effects and the
time-effects such as curing time and creep shall
be developed.


This research program is financially supported

by the Agency for Innovation by Science and
Technology of the Flemish Region IWT (BBRI,
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 983
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Durabilité du comportement mécanique d’un limon

traité à la chaux soumis à un écoulement d’eau
Long term behaviour of lime-treated silty soil submitted to a
water flow
O. Cuisinier 1
Nancy-Université, Laboratoire Environnement, Géomécanique & Ouvrages, 54501 Nancy, France
B. Le Runigo, D. Deneele
Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées, 44341 Bouguenais, France
Y. -Jun Cui
École des Ponts ParisTech, UR Navier – CERMES, 77455 Marne-la-Vallée, France
V. Ferber
Entreprise Charier, Service R&D, 45550 Montoir-de-Bretagne, France

The durability of mechanical improvements brought by the lime treatment is still in debate. This is particularly the case when the
treated soil is in permanent contact with water (river levee, canal) where the treated soil is subjected to water stress (immersion,
water circulation). In this context, the long-term behaviour of stabilised soils is unknown. This work focused on assessing the ef-
fect of water flow on the shear strength of a silt treated with 1 or 3% of lime. Samples were subjected to water flow in a flexible
wall permeameter and their shear strength was determined after various periods of circulation. The results showed that the per-
formance reached after 90 days of treatment (cohesion, friction angle) was equivalent for both lime treatment. However, im-
provements brought by 1% of lime are totally removed by 6 months of water circulation, whereas in the case of treatment to 3%,
the mechanical behaviour is stable after 6 months of circulation. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that lime stabilisation is
very sensitive to a water circulation. From a mechanical point of view, in the short term, using 3% of lime is not justified com-
pared to a dosage of 1%. However, in order to maintain the performance in the long term, it is necessary to use a dosage of 3%.

La pérennité des améliorations mécaniques apportées par le traitement à la chaux est une question débattue, notamment lorsque
le sol traité est en contact permanent avec l’eau (digue, canaux, etc.). Dans ce contexte, cette étude cherche à évaluer l’effet
d’une circulation d’eau sur la résistance au cisaillement d’un limon traité à la chaux. Les éprouvettes de limon traitées avec 1 ou
2 % de chaux ont été soumises à une circulation d’eau dans des perméamètres à paroi flexible. La résistance au cisaillement du
sol traité a été déterminée après différentes périodes de circulation. Les résultats montrent que la performance atteinte après 90
jours de cure était équivalentes pour les deux dosages retenus. Cependant, les améliorations mécaniques apportées par le traite-
ment à 1 % de chaux sont supprimées par 6 mois de circulation d’eau alors que le comportement mécanique est stable après 6
mois de circulation pour le limon traité à 3 %. Ces travaux montrent que les effets du traitement peuvent être éliminés par une
circulation d’eau. Si à court terme, le recours à un dosage de 3 % ne se justifie pas par rapport à un dosage de 1 %, il est néces-
saire de traiter à 3 % pour pérenniser les effets mécaniques du traitement dans le sol traité soumis à une circulation d’eau.

Keywords: lime, durability, shear strength, compacted soil, cemented soil.

Corresponding Author.
984 O. Cuisinier et al. / Durabilité du comportement mécanique d’un limon traité

1 INTRODUCTION sur l’activité pouzzolanique et donc sur les liens

de cimentations formés. Une autre étude réalisée
Le traitement à la chaux est une technique lar- par McCallister (1990) sur trois sols argileux dif-
gement utilisée dans le domaine des terrasse- férents suggère que l’ampleur de la baisse de ré-
ments routiers puisqu’elle permet d’améliorer sistance observée est fortement liée à la quantité
non seulement les propriétés mécaniques des sols de chaux ajoutée : plus le dosage en chaux utilisé
argileux humides mais aussi leur maniabilité. est fort, plus la baisse de résistance est faible.
Toutefois, dans le cas d’ouvrages en sol traité à L’hypothèse donnée par l’auteur pour expliquer
la chaux soumis à une circulation d’eau à long ce résultat est que, présent en quantité suffisante,
terme (digues, barrages, berges de canaux, etc.), les composés pouzzolaniques sont stables vis-à-
la durabilité et la stabilité de ces améliorations vis des circulations d’eau.
restent mal connues. En effet, la plupart des tra- Ainsi, le faible nombre d’études disponibles
vaux réalisés jusqu’à présent a visé à mieux dans la littérature sur le comportement des sols
comprendre le comportement des sols traités à la traités à la chaux soumis à des circulations d’eau
chaux (e.g. Eades et Grim, 1962 ; Diamond et ne permet pas de conclure quant à leur compor-
Kinter, 1965 ; Little ,1995) sans prendre en tement d’un point de vue physico-chimique, et
compte les différentes sollicitations auxquelles plus précisément, quant à la stabilité dans le
les ouvrages en terre peuvent être soumis dans temps du comportement mécanique. Cet aspect
leur environnement : contact prolongé avec est pourtant déterminant car si les effets positifs
l’eau, cycles d’humidification et séchage, trafic du traitement sur le comportement mécanique
routier, etc. sont pris en compte dans le dimensionnement de
Deux types de processus physico-chimiques la structure, il est indispensable de s’assurer de la
sont initiés suite à l’ajout de chaux dans un sol. pérennité de ces effets sur la durée de vie de
Le premier, appelé modification, a lieu immédia- l’ouvrage considéré.
tement après l’ajout de chaux et correspond aux Dans ce contexte, cette étude vise à évaluer
processus d’échanges cationique et de flocula- l’impact d’une circulation d’eau sur la résistance
tion. Le second, appelé solidification, a lieu à au cisaillement d’un limon traité à deux dosages
plus long terme et correspond au développement en chaux différents. Les différents objectifs sont:
des réactions pouzzolaniques, et donc, à la for- (i) de développer une procédure expérimentale
mation de produits cimentaires. Les améliora- afin de simuler les circulations d’eau à long
tions géotechniques apportées par le traitement à terme, (ii) de décrire l’impact du traitement sur le
la chaux, tels que la diminution de l’indice de comportement mécanique à court terme (après la
plasticité ou l’augmentation de la résistance à la cure), et (iii) d’évaluer l’effet des circulations sur
compression simple peuvent être directement re- ce comportement. Dans le cadre d’une étude
liées à ces processus physico-chimiques. connexe, une attention particulière avait été por-
Peu d’études ont été menées afin d’évaluer la tée à l’impact du traitement sur la perméabilité
durabilité du traitement à la chaux – ou la péren- du même limon, les résultats ont été publiés pré-
nité de ces améliorations géotechniques et donc cedemment (Le Runigo et al. 2009).
des processus physico-chimiques – dans le cas de
sols exposés à des circulations d’eau. Une étude
de De Bel et al. (2005) montre pour un limon 2 PROCÉDURE EXPÉRIMENTALE
traité à la chaux que les circulations d’eau con-
duisent à une diminution de sa résistance à la
compression simple. Toutefois, cette étude ne 2.1 Matériaux – non traités et traités
permet pas de conclure quant à l’origine exacte
de la baisse de résistance. En effet, les auteurs Le sol testé dans cette étude est un sol limoneux
l’attribuent soit à l’augmentation de teneur en représentatif des sols pouvant être traités à la
eau des éprouvettes (i.e. phénomène de satura- chaux en France. Les principaux paramètres
tion) soit à un effet négatif des circulations d’eau d’identification du sol, présentés dans le tableau
O. Cuisinier et al. / Durabilité du comportement mécanique d’un limon traité 985

I, ont été déterminés à partir des normes mises à une charge hydraulique de 80 kPa. Une
françaises. L’analyse minéralogique du sol par pression de confinement est aussi appliquée aux
diffractométrie de rayons X a montré que la frac- cellules de façon à limiter les fuites de bords. De
tion argileuse du limon est principalement consti- l’eau déminéralisée est utilisée comme lixiviant.
tuée d’illite et de kaolinite avec une quantité si- Les lixiviats sont récupérés dans des bouteilles
gnificative de minéraux de smectites et d’illites de 1 litre au fur et à mesure des percolations. On
interstratifiés. L’analyse thermique différentielle peut souligner que les conditions de percolations
de la chaux a montré qu’elle est constituée ont été choisies plus sévères que celles observées
d’environ 80 % d’oxyde de calcium, de 15 % de dans la pratique de façon à accélérer les dégrada-
portlandite, et de 3 % de calcite. tions éventuelles pouvant avoir lieu à long terme.
Tableau I. Principales propriétés géotechniques et physico- En effet, l’infiltration annuelle moyenne d’eau de
chimiques du sol. pluie en France dans le sol peut être estimée à
300 L.m-2. Avec les conditions de percolations
Propriétés géotechniques
Limite de plasticité, wL (%) 37,0 utilisées dans cette étude, cette valeur varie entre
Limite de liquidité, wP (%) 18,7 2700 et 15000 L.m-2 par an.
Indice de plasticité, IP (%) 18,3
Valeur au bleu, VB (g/100 g) 3,2 Tableau II. Paramètres de compactage des éprouvettes.
Densité des particules,
S (Mg.m-3) 2,69 Types de Teneur en eau Masse volumique
Fraction argileuse, < 2 μm (%) 29,4 matériau sèche
Propriétes physico-chimiques (%) (Mg.m-3)
pH du sol 8,0 Sol non traité 16,0 1,76
Teneur en carbonates (%) 1,30 Sol traité à 1 % 21,0 1,64
Capacité d’échange cationique 15,1 de chaux
(meq/100g) Sol traité à 3 % 23,0 1,58
de chaux

2.2 Préparation des éprouvettes

2.4 Détermination de la résistance au
Deux dosages en chaux différents ont été choisis. cisaillement
Le premier, 1 % de chaux, correspond à un do-
sage usuel pour ce type de sol en France. Le se- Chaque essai triaxial a été réalisé en utilisant
cond, 3 % de chaux, correspond à un dosage trois éprouvettes soumises aux mêmes sollicita-
maximal d’un point de vue économique. tions (temps de cure et de circulation) Les
Les éprouvettes de sol ont été compactées dy- éprouvettes avaient un diamètre de 50 mm et une
namiquement en 10 couches dans des moules cy- hauteur de 100 mm. Pour réaliser l’essai, cha-
lindriques de 5 cm de diamètre et de 10 cm de cune de ces trois éprouvettes a d’abord été satu-
hauteur à l’aide d’une mini dame de compactage. rée et consolidée sous une contrainte donnée. Ces
Cette procédure a été détaillée dans Le Runigo et phases ont été réalisée en appliquant une contre
al. (2011). Les caractéristiques de compactage pression de 210 kPa puis en augmentant progres-
des éprouvettes ont été choisies égales à celles sivement par palier la pression de confinement
des paramètres de compactage Proctor optimaux jusqu’à atteindre 350 kPa, 500 kPa et 800 kPa.
(tableau II). Après compactage, les éprouvettes Une fois les éprouvettes saturées et consoli-
de sols ont été conservées à température am- dées, les éprouvettes ont été chargées mécani-
biante (20 ± 1°C), et à teneur en eau constante, quement à une vitesse constante de
pendant une période de 25 jours. 0,03 mm.min-1. Les essais ont été poursuivis jus-
qu’à ce que le déviateur atteigne un pic et dimi-
2.3 Dispositif et conditions de percolation nue. Le critère de rupture utilisé pour déterminer
l’enveloppe de rupture est le maximum des rap-
Les circulations d’eau ont été simulées via un ports des contraintes ( 1/ 3)max.
dispositif de percolation per ascensum. Les
éprouvettes sont placées, après la période de
cure, dans des cellules similaires à des perméa-
mètres à paroi flexible. Les cellules sont sou-
986 O. Cuisinier et al. / Durabilité du comportement mécanique d’un limon traité

3 RESULTATS consolidations. Par ailleurs, les courbes du dévia-

teur en fonction de la déformation axiale ne mon-
trent plus la présence d’un pic (Figure 3). Elles
3.1 Influence du traitement à la chaux sont elles-aussi très peu différentes des courbes
obtenues dans le cas du limon non traité. La cir-
Dans le cas des matériaux traités à la chaux, les culation se traduit par une réduction importante
essais triaxiaux ont été réalisés après 90 jours de de la cohésion qui chute, après circulation, jus-
cure à teneur en eau constante. Les résultats des qu’à une valeur proche de la cohésion du limon
essais sont donnés dans les figures 1 à 4, les pa- non traité (Tableau III). De même, l’angle de
ramètres de résistance au cisaillement dans le ta- frottement baisse jusqu’à la valeur de l’angle de
bleau III. frottement du limon non traité. Dans ces condi-
Les Figures 1 et 2 mettent en évidence une tions, ces résultats permettent de montrer que la
modification profonde du comportement méca- circulation imposée pendant 150 jours a conduit
nique du limon suite au traitement à la chaux. à supprimer les effets du traitement avec 1 % de
Après traitement, le limon acquiert un compor- chaux.
tement fragile avec un pic très prononcé sur les Les éprouvettes traitées avec 3 % de chaux
courbes déviateur en fonction de la déformation ont été soumises à une circulation d’une durée
axiale (Figures 3 et 4). Cette modification du comparable à celle respectée pour les essais à
comportement mécanique se traduit par une 1 % de chaux, bien que légèrement supérieure
augmentation de l’angle de frottement de l’ordre (200 au lieu de 150 jours). La Figure 2 permet de
de 5° par rapport au sol non traité. Elle ne dé- montrer que la circulation n’a pas modifié de
pend pas du dosage utilisé. La cohésion est aussi manière profonde le comportement mécanique
améliorée par le traitement à la chaux, avec une du sol traité avec 3 % de chaux qui reste stable
augmentation de l’ordre de 50 kPa. avant et après les 200 jours de circulation. De
Le traitement à la chaux permet donc plus, la Figure 4 met en évidence une augmenta-
d’améliorer significativement le comportement tion du déviateur au pic entre la fin de la cure et
mécanique du limon étudié. Il est intéressant de la fin de la circulation. Dans le cas d’une con-
noter que le dosage n’a que peu d’impact sur trainte effective de consolidation de 140 kPa,
l’ampleur de l’amélioration, les résultats étant cette augmentation est de l’ordre d’une centaine
équivalents pour 1 et 3 % de chaux. Dans ces de kPa. La valeur de la déformation axiale au pic
conditions, dans le cadre d’une amélioration à reste stable en revanche. Le Tableau III montre
90 jours des propriétés mécaniques d’un limon, que si l’angle de frottement n’est pas impacté par
un dosage de 1 % est suffisant. Le dosage à 3 % la circulation sur 200 jours, une légère augmenta-
de chaux n’est donc pas justifié. tion de la cohésion est observée (+ 8 kPa). Ces
résultats montrent que les 200 jours de circula-
3.2 Influence de la circulation tion n’ont pas entraîné de dégradation profonde
Dans le cas d’un dosage à 1 % de chaux, les es- du comportement mécanique du limon traité avec
sais triaxiaux ont été conduits avec des éprou- 3 % de chaux.
vettes soumises préalablement à une circulation Tableau III. Impact de la circulation sur la cohésion et l’angle
sur une période de l’ordre de 150 jours. Les ré- de frottement du limon.
sultats obtenus montrent que la circulation a un Avant circulation Après circulation
impact important sur le comportement méca- c’ (kPa) ’ (°) c’ (kPa) ’ (°)
nique du limon non traité. Ainsi, la Figure 1
permet de mettre en évidence l’impact de la cir- Non traité 22 26 / /
culation sur les chemins de contrainte. Après cir- 1 % de chaux 69 30 31 24
culation, les chemins de contrainte du limon trai- 3 % de chaux 72 32 80 31
té et soumis à la circulation sont confondus avec
les chemins de contraintes obtenus dans le cas du
limon non traité pour les mêmes contraintes de
O. Cuisinier et al. / Durabilité du comportement mécanique d’un limon traité 987

Figure 1. Impact de la circulation d’eau sur les chemins de contraintes suivis dans le cas des éprouvettes traitées avec 1 % de
chaux vive.

Figure 2. Impact de la circulation d’eau sur les chemins de contraintes suivis dans le cas des éprouvettes traitées avec 3 % de
chaux vive.
3.3 Processus physico-chimiques cours de la circulation en fonction du dosage (Le
Runigo et al, 2009). Ces pertes de performances
Une étude parallèle menée par les auteurs a visé
peuvent être attribuées à une dissolution partielle
à caractériser l’évolution des propriétés physico-
de la chaux non consommée mais aussi à la dé-
chimiques du limon au cours de la circulation et
calcification des produits cimentaires formés
en fonction du dosage, notamment pour expli-
suite à l’ajout de chaux. L’ampleur de ces pro-
quer l’évolution de la performance du limon au
cessus s’avère être fonction de la perméabilité.
988 O. Cuisinier et al. / Durabilité du comportement mécanique d’un limon traité


Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence

l’impact négatif que peut avoir une circulation
d’eau sur la durabilité du comportement méca-
nique d’un limon traité à la chaux. L’impact de la
circulation est une fonction directe du dosage en
chaux choisi lors du traitement. Ainsi, traiter à 1
ou 3 % de chaux a conduit à des performances
équivalentes à court terme : le traitement à 3 %
ne se justifiait donc pas dans ces conditions. En
revanche, la prise en compte de la durabilité des
effets du traitement vis-à-vis d’une circulation
d’eau nécessite d’avoir recours à un traitement à
3 % de chaux.
La détermination du dosage nécessaire pour
traiter un sol doit donc non seulement se baser
sur le niveau de performance à atteindre à court
terme, lors de la mise en service, mais aussi sur
la durée de vie prévue de la structure à réaliser,
en fonction des sollicitations envisagées (cycles
hydriques, circulation d’eau, etc.).
Figure 3. Influence de la circulation sur la courbe contrainte /
déformation axiale du limon traité avec 1 % de chaux.

[1] Boardman, D.I., Glendinning, S., Rogers, C.D.F., De-

velopment of stabilisation and solidification in lime-
clay mixes. Géotechnique 50 (2001), 533-543
[2] De Bel, R., Bollens, Q., Duvigneaud, P.H., & Verbruge,
J.C., Influence of curing time, percolation and tempera-
ture on the compressive strength of a loam treated with
lime. Int. Symp. TREMTI, paper n°C022 (2005).
[3] Diamond, S. & Kinter, E.B., Mechanisms of soil-lime
stabilization. High. Res.Record 92 (1965), 83-102.
[4] Eades, J.L. & Grim, R.E., Reaction of hydrated lime
with pure clays minerals in soil stabilization. High. Res.
Board Bulletin 262 (1962), 51-63.
[5] Le Runigo, B., Cuisinier, O., Cui, Y.-J., Deneele, D. &
Ferber, V. Impact of the initial state on fabric and per-
meability of a lime treated silt under long term leach-
ing. Canadian Geotechnical J. 46 (2009), 1243-1257.
[6] Le Runigo, B, V. Ferber, V., Cui, Y.J., Cuisinier, O. &
Deneele, D. 2011. Performance of lime-treated silty soil
under long-term hydraulic conditions. Engineering Ge-
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[7] Little, D.N., Stabilization of pavement subgrades and
base courses with lime. National Lime Association, Ar-
lington, 1995.
[8] McCallister, L.D., The effects of leaching on lime-
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Figure 4. Influence de la circulation sur la courbe contrainte /
déformation axiale du limon traité avec 3 % de chaux.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 989
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

3-D analysis of stone columns

to support a roadway embankment on soft soil
Analyse en 3D de la construction sur pilotis servant de
fondations à des ouvrages bâtis sur talus sur sol meuble
E. Koch
Széchenyi István University, Gy‰r, Hungary

Engineering structures are now often built on soft soils with low strength and high compressibility. Adding to the problem are
low hydraulic conductivity and greater susceptibility to significant secondary compression. The reduced conductivity and pro-
longed secondary settlements can exacerbate construction problems and create intolerable delays. As a response to these prob-
lems, stone columns provide several positive benefits. They reduce settlement due to their innate stiffness as well as provide a
shorter consolidation drainage path with resulting shorter time to pore pressure reduction. The degree of drainage and support
however is difficult to estimate since the process is a complex interaction of columns, native soils and embankment placement.
This study examines reinforcement effects of stone columns in a 3-dimensional setting. Effects of spacing, diameter and depth of
penetration are examined with respect to requirements for increased stability for supporting a highway embankment. The results
of this study will enable geotechnical engineers to better evaluate the benefits of stone columns when applied to embankment

Nous devons affronter de plus en plus fréquemment les difficultés imposées par les travaux des fondations d’ouvrages posées sur
des sols compressibles de faible portance. Une partie de ces problèmes est due à la présence des sols de perméabilité réduite. La
faible de construire des ouvrages d’art sur un sol peu consistant, facilement compressible, d’une conductivité hydraulique faible.
La solidité faible perméabilité et la compressibilité à long terme (consolidation) exercent une influence défavorable sur les délais
L’application des colonneas ballastées nous permet de résoudre ces problèmes. Grâce à leur structure ces rigide, les colonnes
ballastées réduisent les tassements et favorisent l’évacuation des eaux, ce qui aura pour résultant l’accélération de la
Il est difficile de déterminer l’effet favorable du drainage d’eau et de l’amélioration de la stabilité ; cela nous oblige d’étudier le
comportement global et les effets simulanés de l’ensamble colonne ballastée sous-sol et remblai.
Le but de l’exposé est d’étudier l’effet des colonnes ballastées sur la stabilité des remblais, faisant appel à la méthode 3D, et
faisant varier l’implantation et l’espacement des colonnes ballastées et de l’épaisseur de la zone compressible.

Keywords: stone column, FEM design, stability analysis, safety factor.

1 INTRODUCTION saturated, mostly organic subsoil. In the near fu-

ture further increase in the number of this type of
In the past five to ten years road and railway em- construction tasks is suspected, since due to envi-
bankments have been often constructed on soft, ronmental and land management considerations
990 E. Koch / 3-D Analysis of Stone Columns to Support a Roadway Embankment on Soft Soil

transportation infrastructure has to migrate to In another common method increased strength

low value areas. The low strength, the high com- parameters are applied for the soil mass that is
pressibility together with low permeability and penetrated by the stone columns.
the high creeping potential will result in stability The strength parameters of the improved zone
problems and prolonged consolidation with ex- are calculated as a weighted average, with
tremely high settlements respectively. weights being the area ratio and the load distribu-
As a solution, different techniques have been im- tion coefficient.
plemented recently. By now the classic soil re- The 2D modelling of a 3D problem, the interac-
placement technique has been almost completely tion between the soft soil and the stone columns,
superseded by construction methods like staged the compatibility of mobilized shear resistances,
construction, application of overcharge, base re- the inclination between the slip plane and the
inforcement with geogrid or geocell, soil im- axis of the stone column and the unconsidered
provement with dynamic soil replacement or vi- effect of the consolidation during construction
bro stone columns. are all reducing the reliability of the model [3].
For projects implementing one or more of these
techniques finite element models (besides the
conventional methods of Skempton, Priebe, 3 STABILITY ANALYSIS WITH FINITE
Barron) are commonly used to predict the behav- ELEMENT PACKAGES
iour of the system.
This paper presents a parametric study to inves- The finite element packages have generally been
tigate the applicability of a novella 3D finite employed to calculate settlements and consolida-
element modelling technique to analyse the ef- tion times for axisymmetric or plain strain mod-
fects of stone column foundation on the stability els of stone column supported embankments. In
of an embankment constructed on soft soil [1][2]. theory, stability analysis of 2D models can be
carried out using M-c reduction technique. Codes
suitable for this type of analysis are reducing the
2 CONVENTIONAL METHODS FOR cohesion (c) and the tangent of the friction angle
STABILITY ANALYSIS OF PILED (tanM) until infinitely large displacements occur,
EMBANKMENT FOUNDATIONS and calculate safety from the ratio of
cHxisting tan MHxisting (1)
Rapidly constructed embankments on soft soils cUHTXLUHG tan MUHTXLUHG
are prone to stability problems due to the slow
increase of the effective stresses. that is identical to the safety definition of the De-
In practice, the stability analysis is carried out by sign Approach 3 in Eurocode 7.
an ultimate limit state analysis generally using a Main advantage of this method is that besides the
static approach. To determine the safety against equilibrium criteria the compatibility conditions
failure of the foundation the method of strips is are also fulfilled, therefore the difference be-
the most commonly used calculation technique, tween the mobilized shear resistance within the
taking into account the presence of the reinforc- system elements of different stiffness will auto-
ing elements. matically be taken into account.
For the strength parameter of the fine grained The critical slip plane (that can even change its
soils one option is to assume an increasing cu if shape during the process) also develops by itself.
scheduling allows at least partial consolidation The contraversion of using 2D models of real 3D
during construction. If the required safety can be prototype still persist when analyzing plain strain
achieved in these calculations the presence of the numerical models.
columns can be neglected. If necessary, the col- Recently several 3D packages including novelle
umns can be regarded as individual strips for constitutive models have been launched. With
which their own strength parameters can be ap- these, the subsoil, the stone columns, the granual
plied. load distribution layer and the embankment can
E. Koch / 3-D Analysis of Stone Columns to Support a Roadway Embankment on Soft Soil 991

be modelled as 3D bodies. Applying state of the Table 1 Soil properties

art constitutive models, the interaction between Mohr-Coulomb
stone column

the different system elements is hoped to simu- Type

Drained Drained Undrained Drained Drained
γ unsat kN/m 20 20 15 20 22
late the prototype behaviour correctly. However, γ sat kN/m
20 20 18 20 22
k x=k y=k z m/day 1 1 0.0086 1 1
in the trials subject of this study to simplify the Eu MN/m
10 - 50
model the classic lineary elastic perfectly plastic E ref MN/m
24 20 22.5 30
ν - 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.3
constitutive model has been applied with Mohr- cu kN/m
20 - 80

Coulomb failure criterion. According to the rec- c ref

36 1
ommendations, this model gives adequate results ψ ° 10 6 0 6 5

for stability analysis. (Using the simple material

model reduced the calculation time demand as
Table 2 Tested parameter combinations and cal-
culated safety factor
undrained shear strength
of subsoil c u [kPa] 20 30 35 40 50 60 70 80

no subsoil improvement
4 THE MODEL ANALYZED embankment 5 1.01 1.43 1.63 1.7 1.7 1.7
height 10 1.01 1.08 1.16 1.38 1.48 1.48 1.48
h [m]
15 1.08 1.24 1.39 1.43

In this paper the effect of stone columns on the 5 1.22

stone columns in 3x3 m square grid
1.59 1.58 1.58
stability of an embankment has been analyzed height
h [m]
10 1.13 1.35 1.54 1.52 1.51
15 1.11 1.26 1.4 1.4
using the Plaxis 3D package. Figure 1 shows the stone columns in 2x2 m square grid
1.35 1.7 1.6 1.59
geometry of a 60 m breadth 6 m thick slice of an embankment
height 10
1.04 1.26 1.47 1.46
h [m]
embankment that has been analyzed. The top 15 1.05 1.21 1.49 1.47

H=8m of the subsoil is soft clay, resting on 12 m

of sand. The undrained shear strength of the soft
layer was varied between cu=20-80kPa. The 5 RESULTS
height of the embankment was h=5-10-15m, with
a slope of 1:1.5. The d=60cm and H=8m stone To visualize the results, the safety factors were
columns were placed in 2 or 3 m square grids. In plotted against (cu). The results for different em-
the 3D model 3 rows of stone columns were bankment heights are shown in Figures 2, 3 and
used. The applied soil properties are shown in 4. Independently from the grid spacing and the
Table 1. embankment height, each SF-cu curve has two
The input parameters were selected to influence distinct sections:
the stability significantly. Due to the significant  a linearly increasing section that are basically
time demand the number of calculations had to parallel with each other,
be kept in a reasonable range. Table 2 shows the  a final constant section that is independent
parameter combinations that have been tested from the grid spacing and the application of
and the calculated safety factor for those cases the stone column improvement.
[4]. The linearly increasing sections of the SF-cu
curves belong to undercutting slip circles. The
slip planes were running down to the surface of
the high strength sand layer, and at decreasing
embankment height the slip zones moving to-
wards the slope face. Therefore, the value of the
safety factor was mainly governed by the shear
strength of the soft layer, partially by the grid
spacing of the columns and slightly by the shear
strength of the embankment material.
The SF=constant sections belong to a sliding
failure mechanism on the slope. The safety factor
in these cases depends mainly on the strength of
Figure 1. The model geometry
992 E. Koch / 3-D Analysis of Stone Columns to Support a Roadway Embankment on Soft Soil

the embankment material, and is slightly influ- 1.6


enced by the improvement level. Figure 5 shows 1.5

typical failure mechanisms.

safety factor SF

1,3 h =15 m high embankment

no improvement
3.0 × 3.0 m square grid
Figures 2-4 show the peak values of the safety 1,0
2.0 × 2.0 m square grid

factors that for the tested embankment cannot be 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

undrained shear strength c u (kPa)
exceeded by improving the subsoil. The plot
shows the threshold values of cu0 , Figure 4. SF vs. cu for h=15m high embankment
beyond which the safety is constant. In this re-
gion it is pointless to apply columns with the
tested (or smaller) spacing.
The uncertainty of the peak values of the safety
factors is probably due to secondary displace-
ments originating from the dish shape displace-
ment field under the embankment.
Table 3 shows the averaged limit values of SF
and the threshold values for cu0.


safety factor SF


1,4 h = 5 m high embankment Figure 5. Typical failure mechanisms
1,3 no improvement

1,2 2.0 × 2.0 m square grid Table 3 Maximum safety and threshold values of
1,1 3.0 × 3.0 m square grid undrained shear strength
20 30 40 50 60 70
undrained shear strength c u [kPa]

Figure 2. SF vs. cu for h=5m high embankment


1.5 In Figure 6 safety factors and cu0 values for the
safety factor SF

1.4 embankments built on soil with no improvement
h =10m high embankment are re-plotted against embankment height. The
no improvement safety is changing according to the plotted curve
2.0 × 2.0 m square grid and converging to
3.0 × 3.0 m square grid
tan M tan 40 (2)
SFmin 1,25
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 tan E tan 33,8
undrained shear strength c u [kPa]

Figure 3. SF vs. cu for h=10m high embankment which is the safety factor for an infinite slope.
It is also clear that in correlation with the in-
creasing height of the embankment, the threshold
value of cu0 also increases.
E. Koch / 3-D Analysis of Stone Columns to Support a Roadway Embankment on Soft Soil 993

β = 33.8 ° For SF=1.0 equation
1,8 γ = 20 kN/m
c u0 > 37
ϕ t = 40 ° AF
cXUHT (SF 1 .0 ) ( 2.6  15 ˜
)˜h  4 (4)
safety factor SF

c u0 kPa
c u0 > 56
c u0 > 70 can be used, while for SF=1.35 the required
shear strength can be calculated from the
SF min= tanϕ / tanβ =1.25
cXUHT (SF 1.35 ) (3.9  17 ˜ )˜h  7 (5)
0 5 10 15 20 25
hight of the embankment h [m]
formula. The above equations are valid for the no
Figure 6. Factor of safety and threshold values of undrained improvement case as well using Ac/A=0.
shear strength vs. the height of the embankment for the no
improvement case As an approximation of the safety against failure
according to Skempton, it can be determined by
Analysing the data for the improved cases a rela- comparing the stress on the embankment base
tionship for the threshold value of undrained and the bearing capacity of the subsoil, which
shear strength has been established. For subsoils can be assumed to be five times the undrained
having higher undrained shear strength than the shear strength.
threshold value applying stone columns will have (S  2) ˜ cXH[ 5 ˜ cXH[
no effect on the overall safety. SF | (6)
h ˜J h ˜J
A (3)
cX 0,03 ˜ ˜ h  2,2 ˜ h  15 On Figure 7 this relationship is also plotted for
AF the two different safety factors. Comparing the
In this formula A is the effective area of the col- results of the Skempton method with the values
umns, and Ac is the nominal area of the columns. obtained from FEM analysis, it is obvious that
From Figures 2-4 the required undrained shear the two methods yield to very similar undrained
strength can be determined for different em- shear strengths for embankments of h=4-6 m in
bankment heights to obtain SF=1.0 and 1.35. The height. For higher embankments (h=10-15m)
latter is important as the Hungarian national an- Skempton’s method seems to be more conserva-
nex of Eurocode 7 requires JM=Jc=1.35 safety tive, requiring higher shear strength than the
factor for analysis carried out according to the FEM analysis. In case of higher embankments
Design Approach 3. For construction stages val- with FEM calculations slightly economical solu-
ues between 1.0 and 1.35 can be accepted, there- tions can be obtained.
fore SF=1.0 value has also been plotted. The re- The best fitting equation to all data points can be
sults of this analysis can be seen in Figure 7. written as:
§ Ac ·
§ Ac · (7)
SF 0.044 ˜ cXH[  0.002 ˜ h ˜ cXH[  56 ˜ ¨ ¸  8.2 ˜ ¨ ¸  0,3
80 © A¹ © A¹
SF=1.00 no improvement

SF=1.00 3×3 m square grid The error of above safety factor formula is less
SF=1.00 2×2 m square grid
required undrained shear strength

SF=1.00 Skempton than 0.1 for over tested range.
SF=1.35 no improvement
SF=1.35 3×3 m square grid
c u;req (kPa)

SF=1.35 2×2 m square grid
SF=1.35 Skempton

For the foundation of infrastructure embank-
10 ments soil improvement is a frequently applied
0 technique. Stone columns is a complex soil im-
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16

hight of embankment h (m)

provement technology to reduce settlements, and
Figure 7. Factor of safety vs. the height of the embankment consolidation times increase safety against fail-
for the SF=1.0 and SF=1.35 case
994 E. Koch / 3-D Analysis of Stone Columns to Support a Roadway Embankment on Soft Soil

ure. This paper presents a new type of analysis of difficult to assess the effectiveness of the differ-
the problem [5]. ent solutions. The presented plots and formulas
In current engineering practice stone column are useful means to reveal trends and inner corre-
supported embankments are analysed with limit lations to reduce the number of tests to find the
state methods. These models take into account optimal solution in particular design projects.
the effect of stone columns by the application of
increased shear strength parameters, which is not
a perfect solution. Increasingly popular 2D finite REFERENCES
element codes are also raising problems when
used for these kinds of problems. This paper pre- [1] Moseley, M.P., Kirsch, K. ed., Ground Improvement.
sents a 3D finite element parametric study to in- Taylor and Francis, London, 2004.
[2] Koch, E., Scharle, P., Szepesházi R., Példák és esetta-
vestigate the effect of stone columns on slope nulmányok a mából a kétfokozatú mérnökképzésben
stability. The parameters of the models such as hagyományos és újszer^ modellezéssel. 1. Kézdi Árpád
grid spacings soil properties were selected to Emlékülés, Budapesti M^szaki és Gazdaságtudományi
cover the ranges typical in these types of prob- Egyetem, Budapest, 2008.
[3] Brinkgreve R.B.J., Vermeer P.A., PLAXIS-Finite ele-
lems. cu undrained shear strength of the soil was ment code for soil and rock analyses, Plaxis 3D. Manu-
varied over the range of cu=20-80kPa. Three dif- als, Delft University of Technology Plaxis bv,The
ferent embankment heights (h=5-10-5m) were Netherlands, 2010.
tested. The spacing of the square grid was either [4] British Standard BS 8006 (1995), Code of practice for
stengthened/reinforced soils and other fills, London,
2.0 m or 3.0 m in the different tests. Other pa- 1995.
rameters such as slope angle, embankment mate- [5] Koch, E., Szepesházi R., Foundation of embankments
rial properties or the thickness of the soft layer on peaty subsoil at M7 Motorway in Hungary Proc. of
was held constant in the tests. As the shape of the the Seminar Ivan Poliacek Geotechnical Engineering in
Road Construction, Bratislava, 2009.
slip plane was influenced by the bottom bound-
ary of the soft layer, the failure mechanism is af-
fected by the thickness of the soft soil, as a con-
sequence, in the future the depth of the soft layer
should be involved as a variable.
The presented results obtained from the tests are
reasonable, well-interpreted. The correlation be-
tween the failure mechanisms and the safety fac-
tors is evident. Up to a certain shear strength of
the subsoil an undercutting slip plane is the
dominant failure mechanism, beyond a threshold
shear strength the failure occurs in the slope. The
correlations between the input parameters and
the obtained results are clear and comparable
with the conventional methods. Although the
presented figures and formulas refer to a particu-
lar case, the sensible selection of the input pa-
rameters allow more general interpretation and
practical application of the results. It can be as-
sumed that with similar input data the same kind
of relationships can be established. Besides the
validation of the results, this approach is impor-
tant as it was clear from the present test series
that the 3D FEM analysis of stone column sup-
ported embankments is extremely time consum-
ing. Therefore, in individual design cases it is
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 995
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Interaction sol-structure : comparaison entre

un renforcement de sol par Colonnes à Module
Mixte CMM® et par Inclusions Rigides INSER®
Interaction soil-structure: comparison of
Mixed Modulus Columns and Rigid Inclusions
S. Lambert1
Keller Fondations Spéciales SAS, Duttlenheim, France
W. Wehr
Keller Holding GmbH, Offenbach, Germany
M. Bustamante
MB Fondations, Paris, France
Mixed modulus columns (CMM ) are becoming increasingly popular in Europe. They consist of a full displacement concrete
column at the bottom and a short vibro stone column at the top. It is pointed out that the hard point effect and punching failure of
the foundation slab or footing is avoided similar to pure vibro stone columns. Based on full scale load tests performed on single
and groups of CMM® columns, their load-settlement behaviour is analyzed.
Furthermore numerical studies with a finite element program have been made to compare their behaviour with rigid inclusions
(IR) showing several advantages of the CMM® method.

Les Colonnes à Module Mixte CMM sont une technique de renforcement de sol qui se développe de plus en plus en Europe.
Elles sont constituées d’une inclusion rigide surmontée d’une tête en gravier refoulée réalisée selon le procédé de la colonne
ballastée. Il apparaît que ce procédé permet d’augmenter la portance et de réduire significativement les tassements par rapport au
sol en place avant renforcement tout en générant une interaction faible voire négligeable sur le dimensionnement des fondations
et notamment des dallages. L’étude du comportement des Colonnes à Module Mixte CMM® se base sur des essais de
chargement en vraie grandeur réalisés sur des colonnes isolées ou en groupe.
Une étude numérique aux éléments finis comparant les inclusions rigides aux Colonnes à Module Mixte est effectuée pour
mettre en évidence l’intérêt de la tête en gravier.

Keywords: Colonne à Module Mixte CMM®, inclusions rigides, dallage, interaction sol-structure

1 PREAMBULE partition de charge, permettent de répondre à des

tolérances de tassements strictes d’ouvrages
La Colonne à Module Mixte (CMM®) constituée lourds sur des sols compressibles. L’absence de
d’une inclusion rigide surmontée d’une tête de liaison structurelle entre les ouvrages et les in-
gravier (voir figure 1) est une évolution de la clusions permet à ce procédé de se classer dans
technique de renforcement de sol par inclusions la famille des renforcements de sol et donc de se
rigides type INSER®. Ces dernières, disposées en distinguer des fondations profondes. Cependant,
général en réseau associées à un matelas de ré- l’inconvénient majeur des inclusions rigides est
d’entrainer des incidences souvent non négligea-
Corresponding Author.
996 S. Lambert et al. / Interaction sol-structure

bles sur les autres lots (essentiellement terrasse- 2 EXEMPLE DE CHANTIER :

ment, gros-œuvre). Il est par exemple nécessaire CENTRE DE TRI A ECLEPENS (SUISSE)
de tenir compte dans le dimensionnement des
dallages et des semelles de l’effet de point dur
des inclusions rigides car les matelas de réparti- 2.1 Nature et caractéristiques mécaniques des
tion de charges sont souvent de faibles épais- sols
La complexité des études d’interaction sol- Deux campagnes de reconnaissance ont été
structure et le coût prohibitif des matériaux de menées sur le site par les bureaux d’études de sol
remblais granulaires ou traités sous les bâtiments CSD en 2004 et Bonnard & Gardel en 2005. Les
ont amené la société Keller à développer en 2004 essais de reconnaissance se composent de 11
le procédé de la Colonne à Module Mixte sondages carottés avec mesures SPT et d’essais
CMM®. de laboratoire. Le profil géotechnique est
La combinaison de ces deux procédés présenté sur la figure n° 2.
inclusions rigides INSER® et Colonne à Module Le terrain naturel est en pente et varie entre
Mixte CMM® a été retenue sur le projet du les cotes 446,50 et 451,50 environ. Les
Centre de Tri Postal à Eclépens (Suisse) par colluvions composées d’argile limoneuse sur une
rapport à d’autres techniques d’inclusions épaisseur variant entre 2,90 et 7,30 m reposent
rigides, car elle a su le mieux répondre aux sur des graviers et des sables fluviatiles compacts
exigences très strictes du cahier des charges de d’une épaisseur minimale de 4,60 m.
l’ouvrage sur les problèmes d’interfaces, que ce
soit au niveau du dimensionnement avec la
structure ou du phasage avec le gros-œuvre et le

Figure 2. Profil géotechnique du site à Eclépens

(coupe établie par le B.E. Karakas & Français).

2.2 Caractéristiques du projet

Le projet concerne la construction d’un centre de

tri à Eclépens (Suisse) de 25000 m² pour le
compte de la Poste. Compte tenu de la pente
naturelle du terrain, l’ouvrage se trouve en léger
déblai de 2 m de hauteur et en remblai sur de
fortes épaisseurs allant jusqu’à 4 m de hauteur.
L’ouvrage comporte un sous-sol dans la zone de
Figure 1. Procédure de mise en œuvre de la CMM®.
S. Lambert et al. / Interaction sol-structure 997

La surcharge sur dallage est de l’ordre de de l’interface, pour vérifier la diffusion des con-
30 kPa et la structure de type charpente béton traintes dans le matelas.
encastrée en pied présente des charges ponctuel- Les mesures sont effectuées dans l’axe de
les verticales variant entre 1000 et 3000 KN, des l’inclusion et en intermaille. Pour les mesures de
efforts horizontaux variant entre 100 et 300 kN et tassements, des piges de tassements sont mises
des moments entre 100 et 200 KN.m. en place selon la figure n° 5 et suivies par un
Le cahier des charges du maître d’ouvrage, géomètre indépendant.
vis-à-vis notamment de la planéité de son dal-
lage, est particulièrement contraignant avec un
tassement absolu maximum de 1,5 cm, un tasse-
ment différentiel L/1000 avec L = distance entre
2 points, et un tassement différentiel de 5 mm
maximum entre le dallage du RDC et le mur pé-
riphérique du sous-sol.
Le contexte du site (plateforme déblai/remblai
avec présence d’un sous-sol) a amené à envisa-
ger une planche d’essais préliminaire avant le
démarrage du chantier.

2.3 Planche d’essais

Cette planche d’essais consiste à charger le sol
par l’intermédiaire d’un remblai sur un maillage
d’inclusions rigides préalablement exécutées. Photo 1. Planche d’essais avec un remblai instrumenté
À proximité, un remblai de référence sans inclu- sur le sol renforcé par inclusions rigides.
sions rigides est monté pour bien estimer la con-
tribution des inclusions à la réduction des tasse-
ments (voir photos n° 1 et 2). Les inclusions
rigides de diamètre 45 cm sont disposées selon
une maille de 2,0 x 2,0 m et ancrées de 1 m dans
les alluvions graveleuses, soit une longueur de
6,50 m/T.N. La zone renforcée par inclusions ri-
gides est chargée par un remblai de 4,20 m de
hauteur, atteignant la cote 452,20, afin de simuler
les charges effectives qui agiront sur les inclu-
sions (poids du remblai et de l’ouvrage plus une
surcharge d’exploitation de 30 KN/m²). Afin de
respecter le même phasage qu’en phase chantier,
les inclusions sont réalisées sur une plate-forme à
la cote de 449,30. Le remblai de référence quant
à lui, n’est réalisé que jusqu’à la cote 450,20, soit
sur 2,20 m de hauteur. Photo 2. Planche d’essais avec un remblai instrumenté
L’instrumentation mise en place est destinée à sur le sol non renforcé.
mesurer les tassements et la répartition de con-
traintes entre les inclusions rigides et le sol.
La société Scetauroute est intervenue pour la
pose de 4 cellules de contrainte disposées sur
deux niveaux différents, l’un à l’interface tête
d’inclusion/matelas et l’autre à +50 cm au-dessus
998 S. Lambert et al. / Interaction sol-structure

zone d’influence de l’inclusion correspondant à

deux fois environ le diamètre de l’inclusion. Il
est également possible de constater une influence
de l’effet point dur de l’inclusion jusqu’à environ
1,50 m dans le remblai (voir figure 7).

Figure 3. Instrumentation de la planche d’essais.

2.3.1 Résultats de la planche d’essais Figure 4. Contrainte en tête de la colonne et celle appliquée
sur le sol.
Les résultats sont représentés sur les figures 4 et
5. Il est possible de constater que les contraintes
mesurées sur les deux plans distants de 0,50 m 

donnent les mêmes résultats que ce soit dans 

l’axe des inclusions ou au droit du sol. 
La hauteur de remblai au-dessus de la tête 

d’inclusion est de 4,20 m, soit 80 kPa pour un 


poids volumique de 19 kN/m3 pour le remblai. 

"   !

Par contre, l’instrumentation est mise en place à 

partir d’une plate-forme située à 449,30 avant un 

remblaiement de 2.90 m correspondant à une

surcharge de remblai de 55 KPa.
Figure 5. Résultats des mesures du tassement.
Les contraintes mesurées sont de 275 kPa en
tête d’inclusion et de 30 kPa au droit du sol (voir
figure 4). Il y a bien eu concentration des con-
traintes en tête d’inclusion par une reprise de 20
% de la charge totale directement en tête
d’inclusion. Les tassements mesurés ont permis
de constater un tassement de 29 mm sans renfor-
cement de sol pour 2,20 m de remblai soit un tas-
sement par extrapolation de 38 mm pour 2,90 m
de remblai, à comparer au tassement du remblai
sur sol renforcé par inclusions rigides de 4 mm
sous la même surcharge (voir figure 5). La ré-
duction du tassement s’est donc faite dans un
rapport de pratiquement 10.
Une modélisation du remblai avec PLAXIS
3D permet de mieux comprendre la répartition
des contraintes entre les inclusions et le sol (voir
figure n° 6) et de constater la présence d’une Figure 6. Maillage EF 3D pour le modèle des INSER®.
S. Lambert et al. / Interaction sol-structure 999

sous-face de dallage, il est nécessaire pour ce

projet de prévoir une épaisseur de garde de 1,50
m entre la tête d’inclusion et la sous-face de
dallage (voir figure n° 7).
1.50 m Pour respecter cette disposition, dans les
zones de remblai de forte épaisseur (supérieure à
1,50 m), le bétonnage est arrêté à - 1,50 m
environ par rapport à la cote 0.00 et le
complément du forage est rempli par du gravier
compacté et refoulé par un vibreur latéral de
profondeur. Dans la zone de transition avec le
déblai, là où l’épaisseur de remblai est inférieure
à 1,50 m, le procédé de Colonne à Module Mixte
CMM® est mis en œuvre afin d’éviter de sur
épaissir le matelas de 0,50 m prévue dans le
Pour les inclusions sous structure, ces disposi-
tions ont permis de s’assurer qu’un matelas de
répartition de 1 m d’épaisseur se situe entre les
têtes d’inclusions et la semelle permettant à
l’entreprise de gros-œuvre de réaliser ces fouilles
Figure 7. Contrainte verticale effective avant et après sans endommager les inclusions.
traitement par INSER®.
Les inclusions INSER® et CMM® réalisées sur
le chantier se caractérisent par un diamètre de
340 mm exécutées à l’aide d’une vis à refoule-
2.4 Le chantier
ment, ancrées dans les sables et graviers à une
À partir des résultats concluants de la planche profondeur de 3,00 et 8,00 m par rapport au ni-
d’essais en termes de tassement, la technique veau de terrain naturel et disposées selon une
d’inclusions rigides type INSER® a été validée, maille carrée variant entre 4 à 9 m² en fonction
mais avec l’obligation de prendre toutes les dis- de la densité de la charge appliquée (hauteur du
positions nécessaires pour : remblai). Au droit du sous-sol, aucun renforce-
x éviter toute hétérogénéité en sous-face de ment de sol n’est nécessaire de même que dans la
dallage due à la présence d’inclusions rigi- zone de déblai supérieure à 1,50 m de hauteur.
des, sachant que la plateforme de travail, Sous les semelles, un groupe de trois ou quatre
pour une question de planning, se situait à inclusions a permis de limiter les tassements à
- 40 cm par rapport à la cote finie, 1,5 cm. L’ensemble du chantier a représenté en-
x laisser la possibilité au terrassier de viron 6000 inclusions CMM® et INSER®.
reprendre la plateforme de travail si elle Dans le cadre de ce projet et afin de mieux
matelasse sans prendre le risque de cisailler préciser le comportement des inclusions INSER®
les inclusions, sachant que le démarrage sous l’effet des charges, plusieurs essais de
des travaux était en hiver et que les maté- chargement dynamiques ont été réalisés par
riaux de remblai étaient constitués des dé- Duba Pile Control AG.
blais traités à la chaux. Ces essais ont été complétés par des
Les mesures de contrainte dans l’axe de écrasements d’éprouvettes à raison de trois
l’inclusion mettent en évidence des contraintes éprouvettes pour 500 m3 et par des enregis-
élevées de valeurs identiques sur les premiers trements de paramètres édités sur papier pour
50 cm au-dessus de la tête d’inclusion. Le calcul chaque inclusion de structure et un enregis-
PLAXIS 3D montre effectivement que si l’on trement toutes les 50 inclusions pour le dallage.
souhaite « gommer » toute hétérogénéité en
1000 S. Lambert et al. / Interaction sol-structure



Figure 8. Plan d’implantation des CMM® et des INSER®.

2.5 Conclusion
La combinaison des procédés inclusions rigides [1]. Bustamante M., Blondeau F., Aguado P. (2004) Cahier
des charges Colonnes à Module Mixte CMM®. Keller
INSER® et des CMM® a parfaitement répondu Fondations Spéciales.
aux objectifs et exigences fixés par le maître [2]. Bustamante M., Lambert S., Pacheco J. (2006) Etudes
d’ouvrage et la maîtrise d’œuvre. Une forte expérimentales sur la portance des Colonnes à Module
épaisseur de matelas dans le cas des inclusions Mixte aux ELU, Symposium ELU, France.
[3]. Hatem A., Shahrour I., Lambert S., Alsaleh H. (2009)
rigides et la partie supérieure en gravier de la Analyse du comportement sismique des sols renforcés
CMM®, ont permis d’éviter une interaction avec par des inclusions rigides et par des Colonnes à Mo-
les autres lots. Les effets de points durs des dule Mixte CMM®. AUGC.
inclusions rigides ont été négligeables sur le [4]. Zhang X., Foray P., Gotteland Ph., Lambert S., Al-
saleh H. (2010a) Seismic performance of mixed mod-
dimensionnement de la structure (aucune ule columns and rigid inclusions. 7th International Con-
incidence sur le ratio d’armatures et l’épaisseur ference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics, July,
de béton). Comme supposé au stade de l’appel Zurich, Swizerland, 6pp.
d’offre, le chantier s’est déroulé dans des [5]. Zhang X., Gotteland Ph., Foray P., Lambert S. (2010b)
Numerical Modeling of inertial soil-inclusion interac-
conditions climatiques hivernales tion. Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering,
particulièrement défavorables et la plateforme de June, Trondheim, Norway, 6pp.
travail en matériaux traités à la chaux a été [6]. A.N. Author, Book Title, Publisher Name, Publisher
fortement endommagée par la circulation des Location, 1995.
[7]. A.N. Author, Article title, Journal Title 66 (1993),
engins. Par contre, les travaux de réfection de la 856–890.
plate-forme (purge, remblaiement, traitement aux
liants et compactage), ont pu se faire sans
dispositions constructives particulière vis-à-vis
des inclusions rigides dont la tête était située à
plus d’un mètre de profondeur.
Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 1001
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Behaviour of load carrying capacity for geogrid

encased stone columns using field tests
Comportement en site de la capacité de charge des colonnes
ballastées, renforcées par des geogrids à la partie supérieure
D.Y. Lee 1
Korea Institue of Construction Technology, 283, Goyangdae-Ro, Ilsanseo-Gu, Goyang, Korea
C. Yoo
Sungkyunkwan University, 300 Chunchun-Dong, Jangan-Gu, Suwon,Gyeonggi-Do, Korea

Recently, efficient ground improving method such as stone column have been developed and applied by geotechnical engi-
neer. Stone column method, which uses gravel or stone instead of sand to improve ground strength at weak ground construction
sites, has received increasing interest. The stone column method is a construction that replaces 10~30% weak ground with a col-
umn filled with crushed stone. However stone columns are used in weak soils, the lateral support provided by the surrounding
soil is often insufficient to prevent lateral column bulging and column failure. In these condition, Geosynthetic reinforced stone
column method approach has been developed to improve its load carrying capacity through increasing confinement effect. Al-
though such a concept has successfully been applied in practice, fundamentals of the method have not been fully explored. This
paper results of an investigation on the load carrying capacity and reduction in bulging failure of geogrid encased stone column
using field load tests. Also, to examine the effect of geogrid encasement depths from the upper part of 2D and 4D. The results of
analyses improved load carrying capacity of geogrid encased stone column method over the conventional stone column method
without geogrid reinforcing.

Le but de l’article est l’enquête sur la capacité de charge et la réduction de gonflement des colonnes ballastées, renforcées par
des geogrids à la partie supérieure de 2D à 4D, en utilisant des tests de charge sur le terrain. Les résultats des analyses présentent
une amélioration de la capacité de charge pour les colonnes ballastées qui sont renforcées par des geogrids en fonction des co-
lonnes ballastées non renforcées par des geogrids.

Keywords: Stone column, Geogrid-encased, Feld load test, Bulging, confinement effect

1 INTRODUCTION consolidation, dissipate porewater pressure gen-

erated by the foundation or earthquake load, im-
Stone column is one of the ground improve- prove the ground support, reduce the foundation
ment systems that is used for increasing bearing settlement, induce the stabilization of slope
capacity for settlement sensitive structures like etc.(Barksdale et al, 1983). Recently, the concept
load embankments, bridge abutments, oil storage of encasing granular piles with geosynthetics
tanks etc. Advantageously, the stone column may over the full or partial height of the columns to
function as a vertical drain material to promote increase their loading carrying capacity has been
acknowledged by numerous researchers (Raithel
Corresponding Author.
1002 D.Y. Lee and C. Yoo / Behaviour of Load Carrying Capacity

and Kempfert 2000; Alexiew et al. 2005; Mu- casing to install the geogrid to prevent the outer
rugesan and Rajagopal 2006, 2007; Yoo et al. wall from collapsing during drilling with consid-
2007; Lee et al 2008; Gniel and Bouazza 2009; eration of the features of soft ground.
Yoo 2010).
This method is widely used for road ground, z Install casing
slopes, banks, abutment foundations, submarine z Drilling auger type machine
structure foundations, culverts, drainages, rail- z Backfilling and compaction to target depth
way trackbeds, large oil tanks and plant founda- z Install geogrid sleeve into the hole
tion and reinforcement of weak ground(Al- z Backfilling and compaction into geogrid
Joulani, 1995; Kempfert, et al, 2002). Since the sleeve
research on the geotextile encased column (GEC)
method , which is the method of increasing the
carrying capacity by encasing the sand in the soft
ground with geotextile, was started in Germany
in early 1994). The previous research on the
geogrid reinforced stone column method has
been conducted as laboratory model tests or nu-
merical analyses (Paul et al., 2004; Trunk et al.,
2004; Murugesan et al., 2006, 2007; Lee et al.
2006,2007; Gniel and Bouazza 2009; Yoo 2010),
and there has been no research on the application Figure 1. Proposed method of installation(Lee at el 2007)
of the geogrid-encased stone column method us-
ing field load tests.
In this study, full scale load tests have been 3 CONSTRUCTION
conducted on isolated GESC to investigate the
effect load bearing capacity and the deformation The full-scale field test GESC was constructed
characteristics of the stone columns. at the multilayered soft ground site(Pohang site)
in Korea. As shown in Fig. 2, the ground at the
site site consists of approximately 2.3m of fill
2 CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF GESC material with SPT blows counts less than 5. Un-
derlying the fill layer is a 6.5m thick silty clay
The GESC is the application of the method deposit with SPT blows count ranging 5 to 13,
which reduces the horizontal deformation and in- followed by a silty clay overlying a weatherd soil
creasingly load carrying capacity of stone col- layer. The groundwater table is located at 0.7m
umn. The GESC method can be partly applied to below the ground surface.
the weak part of the stone column by using en- Geogrid encasement for the stone column was
casement high strength geogrid. When encasing constructed using crushed stones classified as
the stone column, the lateral bulging is consider- GP, having Cu=2 and Cc=0.2. The pick angle of
ably decreased due primarily to the added con- internal friction of crush stone determined from
finement by the encasement. GESC is likely to direct shear test data is 48o.
be adapted to existing technique used to install Geogrid encasement for the stone column was
conventional stone column and GEC(Alexiew et provided in the upper 2D (D= diameter of stone
al., 2005). column), 4D using geogrid reinforcement with
The GESC installation method is illustrated in an axial stiffness of J=2,500kN/m.
Fig. 1, where encased georid sleeve would not be Instrumentation included load cell, tell-tail ref-
constructed with a slightly smaller diameter than erence plate, displacement transduce, inclinome-
the international diameter of the casing. ter casing and strain gauge. Strain gauges were
The GESC method consists of the following placed at different locations along the column
procedure: installation of columns by using a length. The strain gauge were oriented along the
D.Y. Lee and C. Yoo / Behaviour of Load Carrying Capacity 1003

circumferential direction of the encasement to

measure the hoop strain developed in the geogr-
id. Prior to drilling the column cavities, a 70mm
diameter inclinometer casing was installed
200mm from the edge of the column. Inclinome-
ter measurement were made before and after
stone column installation and after selected stone  
column loading increment. Tell-tail reference
plates were installed on top of the first lift of (c) (d)
compacted aggregate in stone column. After con- Figure 3. Photo illustrating (a) drilling cavity; (b) backfilling
struction of the column, a concrete footing was and compaction; (c) install geogrid sleeve (d) compaction and
placed on top. The load cell and displacement complrted GESC
transducers were installed to measure the loads
and displacements at the column top. A layout plan of the load test setup is shown Fig.
SPT Blow Count 4. The test load was applied to the stone column
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
0 area by a thick circular steel plate loaded using
4.0D 300t hydraulic jack.
2 2

4 4

Silty Clay

6 6

8 8
10 10
Figure 2. Typical soil profile

The construction sequence is illustrated in Fig.

3. The excavation of the borehole to the target
depth in the ground was accomplished by auger
type machine(Fig. 1(a)) and backfilling in com- 
Figure 4. Load test setup
pact lifts with aggregate before install geogrid
sleeve(Fig. 1(b)). Next, we inserted the geogrid
sleeve into the hole and built the stone column to
the ground surface, repeating compaction and in-
sertion of the stone(Fig. 1(c)). Geogrid encased
stone column is compacted(Fig. 1(d)) and the fi-
4.1 Stress - settlement curve
nally built stone column was 8m in depth.
Figure 5 shows the results of load tests on iso-
lated geogrid encased stone column and rammed
aggregate pier(RAP). An estimated of the critical
load of each column can be made at the point
corresponding to the intercept of straight lines
fitting the initial and final parts of the load-
  settlement curve(Fellenius 1975). In the present
(a) (b) tests, the critical stress of the RAPs was approx-
1004 D.Y. Lee and C. Yoo / Behaviour of Load Carrying Capacity

imately equal to 600kpa and 2D, 4D(depth of 2 1.5D~4.0D(depth of 1.5 to 4 times column di-
and 4 times column diameter) geogrid encased ameter) below top of RAPs.
stone column it was equal to 750kPa and
630kPa, respectly. Thus, the critical stress of
the GESC was between 5% and 23% grater than
that of RAPs. According to several re-
search(Lawton et al. 1994; Wissmann et al 2007),
RAPs have been increasingly used to reduce set-
tlements and improve the bearing capacity of soft
soils by compact method using high energy im-
pact rammer. From the result, we can find that
the increasing load carrying capacity of the geo-
grid encasing prevented the sudden failure of the
stone column by preventing the bulging failure
of the stone column and reduced settlement.
Applied stress (kPa)
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200

Settlemment (mm)



D= 0.76m, L=8.0m

100 GESC(Lenc = 2D, Top)
GESC(Lenc = 4D, Top)
GESC(Lenc = 2D, Telltale)
GESC(Lenc = 4D, Telltale)

Figure 5. Figure caption.

4.2 Lateral displacement in GESC

Figure 6 shows the lateral displacement on the
GESC(encasement depth 4D) and RAPs accord-
Figure 6. Lateral displacement in the soil; (a) adjacent to iso-
ing to depth by increasingly load. It has been lated RAPs; (b) ) adjacent to isolated GESC(encasement
observed that, due to application of axial load a depth = 4D)
bulge is produced at the top of a single stone col-
umn up to a depth of 2 to 3 times the diameter As shown in Figure 6(b), maximum lateral dis-
beneath the surface(Barksdale and Bachus, 1983). placement of GESC is 2.3mm at compressive
Figure 6(a), it can be seen that maximum in- stress of 880kP. It can be observed that the mag-
cremental lateral displacement of 0.7, 1.1, 3.3, nitudes of the maximum lateral displacement de-
5.8 and 9.2mm are observed from RAPs at com- veloped in the encasement is reduced about 70%
pressive stress of 176, 353, 528, 704 and 880kPa, than the maximum lateral displacement of RAPs.
respectively. Lateral displace depth at depth of From the results of lateral displacement investi-
D.Y. Lee and C. Yoo / Behaviour of Load Carrying Capacity 1005

gation, when encasing the stone column, the lat- [5] D. Alexiew, D. Brokemper, and S. Lothspeich, Geo-
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In this study, the field load test investigation on carrying capacity of geogrid encased stone column,
Proc., of Seventeenth International Offshore and Polar
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site construction are presented. The results of the [8] D.Y.Lee, C.Yoo, S.S. Park and S.T. Jung, Field load
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Proc., of Eighteenth International Offshore and Polar
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ly to the added confinement by the encasement. stone colum, EuroGeo (2004), 289-294.
(3) It is observed that the geogrid encasement [11] H.G.Kempert, P.Wallis, M.Raithel, M.Geduhn, and
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membrane, 27(3), (2009), 167-175.
[13] K.J. Wissmann, D.J.White., and E. Lawton, Load test
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS comparisons for rammed aggregate piers and pier
groups, Proc. GeoDenver . 2007 Congress, No. 172,
This research was supported by Korean Ministry ASCE (2007)
[14] M.A. Al-Joulani,Laboratory and analytical investiga-
of Construction and Transportation under Grant tion of sleeve reinforced stone columns, Ph.D. Thesis,
No. C105A1000017-05A0300-01700. The finan- Civil Eng., Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario, Can-
cial support is gratefully acknowledged.. ada, 1995.
[15] M. Raithel and H.G. Kempfert, Calculation models for
dam foundations with geotextile-coated sand columns.
Proceedings of GeoEngineering 2000, Melbourne, 347.
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son to non-reinforced concrete pile foundations, Euro- tration, Washington, DC. 1983
Geo3(2004), 285-288. [17] S. Murugesan and K. Rajagopal, Geosynthetic-encased
[2] B. H. Fellenius, Test loading of piles, method, interpre- stone columns: Numerical evaluation. Geotextiles and
tation and a new proof testing procedure, Journal of the Geomembranes, 24, No. 6(2006), 349-358.
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering Division, [18] S. Murugesan and K. Rajagopal, Model tests on geo-
ASCE, 101, No. GT9(1975), 855-869. synthetic-encased stone columns. Geosynthetics Inter-
[3] C.Yoo, A.R.Song, S.B. Kim and D.Y. Lee, Finite ele- national, 14, No. 6(2007). 346-354.
ment modeling of geogrid-encased stone column in soft
ground. Journal of Korean Geotechnical Society, KGS,
23, No. 10(2007), 133-150.
[4] C.Yoo, Performance of geosynthetic-encased stone col-
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Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 1007
A. Anagnostopoulos et al. (Eds.)
IOS Press, 2011
© 2011 The authors and IOS Press. All rights reserved.

Behaviour of stabilized soft clay

Comportement de l’argile molle stabilisée
I. Mataic 1, P. Vepsäläinen, M. Lojander
Aalto University School of Science and Technology, Finland
O. Korhonen
City of Helsinki, Finland

The paper presents analysis of stabilized soft clay stress-strain behaviour based on drained triaxial test results performed on sta-
bilized and reconstituted soft clay. Main parameters concerning sample preparation and affecting efficiency of stabilization are
addressed. Throughout the paper stabilized clay behaviour is compared to that of normally and overconsolidated soil. It has been
done so in order to determine characteristic phenomena of stabilized clay behaviour with the main emphasis on effects of struc-
ture on strain hardening, strain softening, strength parameters and volume change behaviour.

L'article présente une analyse du comportement de relations contraintes- déformation de l`argile molle stabilisée, basée sur résul-
tats d'essai triaxial drainé réalisés sur l'argile molle stabilisée et reconstituée. Les paramètres principaux concernant la prépara-
tion de l'échantillon et ayant une incidence sur l'efficacité de la stabilisation sont abordés. Tout au long de l'article, le comporte-
ment d`argile stabilisée est comparé à ceci de sol normalement consolidé et sur consolidé. Il a été fait afin de déterminer les
phénomènes caractéristiques de comportement de l'argile stabilisée avec poids principaux sur les effets de structure sur durcis-
sement, souche adoucissement, paramètres de résistance et comportement en changement de volume.

Keywords: Stabilization, stabilized soft clay, structure, dilation, yield, strength

1 INTRODUCTION ing still present an area of considerable uncer-

tainty. This paper presents outcomes of a testing
Because of poor geotechnical characteristics, soft program performed with an agenda to enhance
clay materials are often improved by stabiliza- understanding of the stabilized clay behaviour.
tion; a soil improvement method based on mix-
ing of the in-situ soil with binding material
through application of augering and injecting 2 SOFT CLAY STABILIZATION
technology. The stabilized material produced has
higher strength, lower permeability, and lower The properties of stabilized material reflect the
compressibility than the native ground. Stabiliza- characteristics of the native soil, mixing technol-
tion effects such as influence of artificially ogy applied and binding agent. Methodology for
created bonding on strain hardening and soften- laboratory stabilization tests has not been stan-

Corresponding Author.
1008 I. Mataic et al. / Behaviour of Stabilized Soft Clay

dardized. However, substantial amount of re- neutral. Typical value of initial plastic limit
search has been done at HUT and Technical Re- measured is 26,0 % and liquid limit is of 65,0 %.
search Centre of Finland. [1,2]. The research According to the plasticity chart these values po-
identified importance of; quantity and quality of sition HUT clay below A-line in the area of or-
the binding agent, water content, water cement ganic clays.
ratio, pH, clay content, mixing, humus content
and equivalent time. Most common binding 3.2 Reconstituted HUT clay
agents used are cement, lime-cement mixture and
Reconstituted samples were obtained by re-
lime. Lime and cement mixture provides better
moulding natural HUT clay. Consistent proce-
strength than pure lime and it has also proven to
dure was applied regarding mixing efficiency.
work adequately in clay layers with high organic
Since the natural material prior to mixing was
content. The presence of lime improves homo-
fully saturated and at water content close to liq-
geneity of stabilized soil when compared to those
uid state, no additional water has been added.
containing cement alone. Reasons for poor com-
Following the reconstitution, i.e. mixture reach-
pression strength have included high humus and
ing smooth texture, the material was poured to
sulphide content and low pH of the clay material.
impermeable sample tubes (Ø50 mm) and stored
The strength obtained in laboratory is substan-
tially higher than those obtained in-situ due to cured in a period of 7-14 days under uniaxial
load of 4,3 kPa at constant temperature of 6º C.
more efficient mixing [2].
During curing, samples were allowed to drain.
Reduction of sample height was measured once a
day. After placement within the triaxial cell, con-
solidation in the period of 1 to 2 days followed.
Samples have been tested at cell pressures of 20,
50 and 100 kPa. Shearing phase took 8 to 15
3.1 Natural HUT clay days.
The tests presented are performed on soft clay
sampled in the area of Helsinki University of 3.3 Stabilized HUT clay
Technology (HUT). HUT clay is normally con- Stabilization has been performed by mixing HUT
solidated soft natural clay of postglacial origin clay material with 1:1 admixture of cement
typical for Nordic Countries. Lithostratigraphic (CEM II 42.5N) and lime in the amount of 101,7
conditions of the sampling location include dry kg/m3 until unified mass of material was ob-
crust layer followed by soft clay deposit be- tained. Following the binder addition samples
tween -1,0 and -5,5 m. Clay layer of interest is were shaped with plastic cylinder (Ø50 mm) and
succeeded by moraine sediment and finally by cured within the triaxial cell for 14 days under
bedrock underneath 6 m of depth. Water level loading conditions identical to those to be used in
occurs at 0,5 m of depth. All HUT clay samples consolidation. Temperature in curing process
are taken at the same range of depth of 1,3 to 2,1 was 22.5 ºC. After 14 days, samples were re-
m, i.e. material tested is of the same stress histo- moved from the triaxial cell in order to measure
ry. Unit weight of the material is 1,64 g/cm3 and their volume and to change the porous stone.
specific gravity is 2,75 g/cm3. Initial void ratio Prior to shearing samples were consolidated for 1
values are typically very low and vary between day. Stabilized samples have been tested at cell
1,7 and 2,1. Initial water content for HUT clay pressures of 25, 50, 75, 100 and 125 kPa. Shear-
material is relatively low 63%. Typical value of ing phase took typically 15 days. Compared to
water content in soft clays is 90 to 100%. Fur- natural clay, properties of stabilized samples de-
thermore, organic content of 0,75 % is low value termined prior to shearing indicate water content
as well. Below the value of 1,5% organic content decrease to values between 46,1 and 49.9 % and
has no effect on stabilization efficiency. Initial unit weight increase to values from 1,73 to 1,77
pH value of samples was 6, the soil being almost
I. Mataic et al. / Behaviour of Stabilized Soft Clay 1009

g/cm3. Void ratio varied between 1.28 and 1.36 ing occurs, accompanied by gradual reduction in
with saturation degree between 96,9 and 100 %. shear resistance. The results exhibit typical cohe-
sion hardening characterized by considerably
3.4 Test conditions
Analysis of stabilized and reconstituted soft clay
behaviour presented in this study is based on re-
sults of anisotropically consolidated drained tri-
axial compression test. Drained triaxial tests are
the most suitable type of test since the test condi-
tions allow volumetric deformations of a sample
which are of high importa nce for interpretation
of stabilized clay behaviour (e.g. dilation, de-
structuration). Consolidation stress ratio of
^3Q^1=0.8 was kept constant for the entire period
of consolidation. The shearing rate was 1.20 %/h
for all tests in order to exclude influence of strain
rate intensity on results obtained. During shear-
ing phase, cell pressure was kept constant. Figure 1. Deviator stress-axial strain diagram.

high elastic response. In accordance with cohe-

4 STABILIZED CLAY STRESS-STRAIN sion hardening mode, size of the elastic domain
BEHAVIOUR follows increase in the magnitude of radial stress
applied [3]. Peak shear strength values and asso-
ciated axial strains indicate linear proportionality
4.1 Deviator stress versus axial strain when related to cell pressure applied in tests. Ex-
diagram ception is test made at highest cell pressure (125
kPa), exhibiting peak strength at lower values of
Deviator stress versus axial strain diagram shown
axial strain than what would be expected in com-
on Figure 1 presents stress-strain paths obtained
parison with remaining results. Within stabilized
on reconstituted (dashed) and stabilized samples
clay test, considerable softening occurs in tests
(solid lines) of HUT clay. Data obtained on re-
performed at high cell pressures. The observation
constituted normally consolidated samples are
is valid for both post peak exponential and final
consistent. Initially elastic response is followed
linear softening section. Altogether, reconstituted
by almost linear strain hardening with shear re-
samples show typical response of normally con-
sistance increasing until the end of test. Succes-
solidated soft clay while behaviour of the stabi-
sive increase of shear strength with the increase
lized samples resemble those obtained in tests on
of cell pressure 20, 50 and 100 kPa is recorded.
heavily overconsolidated materials. Reconsti-
Response of reconstituted sample overconsoli-
tuted samples yield at very low values of devia-
dated to OCR=4 (preloading to 200 kPa in a pe-
tor stress and manifested substantially lower
riod of two days, followed by unloading to 50
shear resistance if compared to stabilized clay.
kPa for one day) is characterized by higher elas-
Therefore, cementation increased peak strength,
tic range and higher shear strength than those of
initial stiffness and brittleness of material [4].
reconstituted sample tested at same cell pressure.
Furthermore, slight strain softening is exhibited
4.2 Stress ratio versus shear strain and
towards the end of the test. Curves obtained for
volumetric strain diagram
stabilized samples exhibit features typical for
shearing of stabilized soil. Initial elastic beha- Diagram in Figure 2b) relates stress ratio with
viour is followed by exponential strain harden- shear strains. At fairly low shear, reconstituted
ing. After peak shear strength is reached soften- samples exhibit rapid increase in stress ratio.
1010 I. Mataic et al. / Behaviour of Stabilized Soft Clay

With continued shearing, response is changed to duction compared to those obtained in other
those of gradual increase. Maximum values are tests. Altogether, samples without binder exhibit
not reached until the end of the tests. Higher val- considerably lower values of stress ratio com-
ues of stress ratio are recorded in tests performed pared to those of stabilized soil. Data obtained on
at lower cell pressures. Overconsolidated sample, normally consolidated samples indicate conti-
shows most pronounced initial stress ratio in- nuous increase of stress ratio values accompa-
crease with maximum at 10,8 % of shear strain, nied by reduction in sample volume. Stabilized
followed by slight stress ratio reduction. Stress samples on contrary exhibit stress ratio decrease
ratio values at the end of the tests are similar in in the final portion of the curve. For stabilized
all the tests on reconstituted samples appearing soil tests performed at cell pressures below 100
between 1,0 and 1,2. Within stabilized clay re- kPa, compression eventually changes to increase
sults, during strain hardening, stress ratio rises in volumetric strain. On the contrary, for test per-
exponentially towards maximum. The values of formed at the highest radial pressure, reduction
stress ratio reached are inversely proportional to in sample volume is continuous.
cell pressures applied, with highest peak value of On Figure 2c), shear strains are related to vo-
2.26 recorded for sample sheared at 25 Pa. Ex- lume change. Results obtained on reconstituted
ceptionally, for test at 125 kPa, same maximal samples indicate compression only, typical for
stress ratio is registered as in those for 100 kPa, normally consolidated clay. For test on overcon-
implying that further increase of consolidation solidated reconstituted sample slight dilation is
pressure would not lead to decrease in peak recorded resulting from precompacted structure
stress ratio values recorded. Following maxi- (OCR=4). In stabilized soil tests volumetric
mum, firstly rapid exponential and finally almost strain decreases until a certain minimum value is
linear decrease of stress ratio occurs towards re- reached which is reversely proportional to the
sidual value of 1,74. Exceptions are tests consol- cell pressure applied, i.e. the higher the cell pres-
idated at 25 and 50 kPa with slightly higher resi- sure more pronounced contraction is achieved.
dual stress ratio values being 2.02 and 1.84, After reaching minimum volume, stabilized soil
suggesting that true critical density not been samples dilate in a manner similar to those of
reached until the end of test and/or residual stress overconsolidated clay. The dilation effect is the
ratio being influenced by cell pressure intensity. most prominent for the samples tested at lowest
Presumably, registered results are related to both cell pressure and is therefore, reversely propor-
effects resulting with localization of the failure tional to cell pressure intensity. Rate of volume
zone which is more pronounced at lower cell change during specific tests is not constant, but
pressures. characterized with maximal and residual dilatan-
In Figure 2a), stress ratio values are related to cy angle. Exceptionally, sample tested at cell
volumetric strains. Results for reconstituted sam- pressure of 125 kPa exhibits significant conti-
ples suggest initially negligible and later consi- nuous decrease of volumetric strain until failure,
derable linearly proportional volume reduction. similar to those obtained for reconstituted clay.
Overconsolidated sample initially shows some In the test dilation effect is lost due to cell pres-
volume reduction, but eventually volumetric sure influence, i.e. sample being tested at high
strains increase. For tests on stabilized soil, ini- cell pressure. Values of dilation angles calculated
tial rapid increase of stress ratio is associated as a ratio of volume over shear strain

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