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Knowledge Synthesis Paper #2 Kelly Wilson Professional Portfolio



A vast majority of schools still
function using methodologies and
practices developed over a hundred
years ago. This page follows my path
of understanding how sources and
the written word can affect current
education practices in relation to
known theories of how innovative
Hype Curve over the Diffusion Innovation Curve practices infuse communities.

Skills Gained
The final paper created in my Systemic and Technological Innovations course
(IDT 6600) required research, synthesis and a look at how diffusion theories
affect and propagate through communities. Performing literature reviews
increased my ability to research topics, including a better understanding of
databases, primary and secondary sources, and synthesizing the data for
relevant application to the topic.

The next skill would be improving my ability to write in a scholarly and

effective manner. This form of communication is useful in both academic and
professional environments.

Lessons Learned
As the Director of Innovative and Entrepreneurial Programs at my school it is
imperative that I have knowledge of how new initiatives may impact a
community. Understanding E.M. Roger’s Diffusion of Innovation (DOI)
Theory provides me with insights on how to role out new initiatives and also
understand my communities’ reactions so as to not feel “defeated” by a
potentially slow adoption rate. For example, one of the spaces I oversee has
new 3D printing machines and a laser system. Providing exposure to these
technologies to the faculty in pre-service meetings was a way for me to find
the “early adopters”. Working with these persons allowed me to sort out the

Knowledge Synthesis Paper #2 Kelly Wilson Professional Portfolio

kinks with the technologies with persons who are more open to change and
create strategies and instructions for those who follow them.

Writing as a form of communication is imperative in my role as an educator

and administrator. Being able to educate others on a topic with relevant
sources reinforces any potential arguments or agendas I want to advance.
One example of this was preparing my annual reports on our Graw
Innovation Center usage and future plans. By using such theories as DOI and
the Hype Cycle, it helped board members better understand the rate of
adoption and usage of our new center.

Being able to communicate via the written word is foundational in any
setting. Histories and theories are recorded, shared and modified as time
passes. Being able to vet sources of information is especially important in
this time of “instant knowledge” available with a few clicks of a keyboard.
One’s credibility in your field, especially in education, is paramount to being
taken seriously and understanding how to access peer-reviewed scholarly
information is a necessity.

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