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Trường Đại học Bách Khoa Hà Nội

Khoa Điện tử Viễn thông

Thông tin di động

Mobile Communications

TS. Đỗ Trọng Tuấn

Bộ môn Kỹ thuật thông tin

Hà Nội, 10-2010
Mạng thông tin di động 3G
(Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)

ξ 4. Một số cơ chế cơ bản tại UTRAN-


Cell Interference

Need to control:
• Power
• Range (coverage)
• Processing Gain/Spreading Factor per user
• Overall loading
Cell Breathing
Cell diameter (km)








10 20 30 40 50

Cell Breathing
 A UE on the cell edge is transmitting with max
 Another UE becomes active
 Increased interference

 the received signal from the UE on the cell edge is

too weak!
 Effective cell size decreases with increasing
number of users
 There is a trade-off between capacity and coverage

 Cell size depends on both maximum Tx power and

number of active users (in the same and other
cells) which results in cell breathing
Cell breathing phenomena

1 : 10
1: utilisateurs
20 users CasCase
2 : 20
2: utilisateurs
10 users

-10 < C/I < -5 dB -15 < C/I < -10 dB

-15 < C/I < -50 dB cells

cellu les
Cell Breathing
Cell Breathing

• Effective range of cell is reduced on higher loading due to interference

caused by additional channels
• Adjacent cells also breathed
• Soft handover region reduces

Cell breathing is used to describe the way in which the

coverage of a Node B changes (or breathes) in response to
changes in the network load. To show this effect let us start
with a very simple example of a UE with a fixed transmit
power communicating with a single nearby Node B.

Cell Breathing
Voice Activity Detection

 Reducing multiple access interference

 Human speech: 42%

 results in a capacity gain

 FDMA and TDMA cellular systems

 Frequencies are permanently assigned

 Capacity in FDMA and TDMA systems is fixed and

primarily bandwidth limited.
The relationship between the received power and the number of users
Received power and the number of users
Figure 2.20 shows a plot of the required received power, C, against the
number of users N based on Equation (2.2) and assuming a processing
gain of 256, a value for Eb/I0 +N0 of 7 dB, a value for of 50%, a value for
i of 55% and a receiver noise figure of 5 dB. This shows the manner in
which the required received power increases as the number of users
increases. The increase in received power is gradual at first, but then it
starts to increase more rapidly as more users are added to the network.
At some point we reach a value for N that causes the denominator in
Equation (2.2) to become zero and, hence, C goes to infinity. Since no
practical transmitter can generate an infinite amount of power, this value
of N can never be reached in a practical system and it is termed the ‘pole
capacity’ of the network. If a practical network starts to approach its pole
capacity then it can become unstable, with the transmit power
requirements of the UEs varying dramatically for very small changes in the
network load. Therefore, practical networks are usually designed to
operate at a certain fraction of their pole capacity and new calls are
rejected once this limit is reached.

Noise Rise
The system load in the uplink direction can be measured in terms of equivalent
‘noise rise’ at the Node B, which is defined as the additional power that must
be delivered by a UE at the Node B to overcome the interference generated by
other UEs. Returning to Figure 2.20, we can see that with a single user on the
network, this UE must be received with a power of −1205 dBm. However, if the
network load increases to 10 users, then each UE must deliver a power of
−1199 dBm at the Node B receiver, i.e. an increase or noise rise of 0.6 dB. In a
practical network, an operator may choose to limit the network load to 75% of
the pole capacity and this equates to a noise rise of 6 dB. Once the Node B
detects that the total received noise and interference power at its receiver is 6
dB greater than the thermal noise alone, it will reject any new calls.

Cell radius and noise rise
rge load
de la =cellule
20% of the% de
= 20
la capac ité ma xicapacity
mu m

Niveau level= y=dB
d’interférence y dB

RRet and R’ are

R’ sont les the celldes
cellu in the
les dans les 2deux
load Noise Rise = 2 dB
situations de charge

rge load
de la =cellule
50% of the% de
= 50
la capac ité ma xicapacity
maximum mu m

Niveau level= y =+y2+dB
d’interférence 2 dB
Coverage and capacity planning
• In CDMA coverage and capacity are tight together:
• When the number of users increases, the interference levels increases and
therefore the needed powers in order to keep constant quality. Due to infinite
power resources this means that the coverage decreases.
• This leads to Cell Breathing: the coverage area changes as the load of the cell
• Therefore, the coverage and the capacity has to plan simultaneously
Cell Interference

“Near-far problem”
 The uplink issue

D1 D2
D1> D2
• UEs closer to Node B may create too much interference.
• Requirements: fast power control in UE
• Target: all UEs are received at the Node B with
the same power
Transmit Power Control

Near – far problem


MS Node B

Power control


MS MS Node B

TPC Minimize Increase

is essential the Tx power the system capacity
Power Control

 Aims to reduce interference

c2  Near-far problem
Pt2 Pr2  Reduces power consumption in
Base Station the MS
c1 Pt1 Pr1  Methodologies
 Open-loop
 Sum of transmit power
and the received power
is kept constant
 Closed-loop
d2  Signifies the other party
to increase or decrease
Distance transmit power by a
Pt1: Power transmitted from c1
Pt2: Power transmitted from c2
pre-defined power step
Pr1: Power received at base station from c1
Pr2: Power received at base station from c2

Pr1 = Pr2

Power Control
Power Control
Power Control
 Closed-Loop Power Control
 Feedback loop with 1.5kHz cycle to
adjust uplink / downlink power to its
 Even faster than the speed of
Rayleigh fading for moderate mobile
 Outer Loop Power Control
 Adjust the target SIR (Signal to
Interference Ratio) setpoint in base
station according to the target BER,
commanded by RNC
Power Control
Inner Loop Power Control in the Downlink : This procedure enables a
base station to adjust its transmit power in response to TPC commands from
the UE. Power is adjusted using a step size of 0.5 or 1 dB. The objective
here is to maintain a satisfactory signal-to-interference ratio at a UE using as
little base station transmitter signal power as possible.
Inner Loop Power Control in the Uplink This procedure is used by the UE
to adjust its transmit power in response to a TPC command from a base
station.With each TPC command, the UE transmit power is adjusted in steps
of 1, 2, or 3 dB in the slot immediately following the decoding of TPC
A TPC command may be either 0 or 1. If it is 0, it means that the transmitter
power has to be decreased. If it is 1, the transmitter power is to be increased.
Power Control
Power Control
Transmit Power Control
Power Control: Manages radio link quality - Uplink is handled per
mobile (UE), downlink per physical channel
Ensures that transmission powers are kept at a minimum level and
that there is adequate signal quality and level at the receiving end
Closed loop transmit power control in the Uplink
Target SIR

Up Link

Transmit power control

SIR measurement
1dB step
Down Link

TPC bit
TPC and “Near
far”” problem
Fast closed loop PC (TPC)
Fast closed loop PC (TPC)
Handoff (1/2)
Handoff :
• Cellular system tracks mobile stations in order to maintain their communication links.
• When mobile station goes to neighbor cell, communication link switches from current cell
to the neighbor cell.
Hard Handoff :
• In FDMA or TDMA cellular system, new communication establishes after breaking current
communication at the moment doing handoff. Communication between MS and BS
breaks at the moment switching frequency or time slot.


Cell B Cell A

Hard handoff : connect (new cell B) after break (old cell A)

Soft Handoff (2/2)

Soft Handoff :
• In CDMA cellular system, communication does not break even at the moment doing
handoff, because switching frequency or time slot is not required.

transmitting same signal from both BS A and

BS B simultaneously to the MS

Cell A

Soft handoff : break (old cell A) after connect (new cell B)

Mobility/Handoff in Umbrella Cells

Avoids multiple handoffs.

Hand Over
Soft Hand Over
Soft Hand Over
• UE combines symbols received from each Node B.
• RNC selects the best radio frame from each Node B

Node B #1 Node B #2

As the mobile moves away from Node B #1, the link between the mobile and
Node B #1 becomes weaker. Before the link becomes marginal or breaks,
another link is established between the mobile and the second Node B. This
is known as a soft handover. If one link experiences a deep fade (e.g., due to
shadowing of the radio signal or interference in congested areas), the call will
stay up as long as the other link is maintained. This makes soft handovers
more reliable than hard handovers, where only a single link is maintained at
any given time.
Softer Hand Over
• UE combines symbols received from each cell.
• Node B combines symbols received from each cell.
Inter-RAT Hard Handover
Cell Reselection versus Handover
Handover Process

 A basic HO process consists of three main

 measurement phase
 Intra-frequency Measuremetnt criteria
 Inter-frequency Measurement reports
 Traffic volume
 Quality
 Internal
Algorith parameters
 decision phase DECISION
Handover criteria

 Change of best cell.

 Changes in the SIR level.
 Changes in the ISCP level. Handover signalling
 Periodical reporting. Radio Resource Allocation
 Time-to-trigger.

 execution phase.
 Network Evaluated Handover (NEHO)
 Mobile Evaluated Handover (MEHO)
Handover in UMTS
 Handover essential to guarantee user mobility in a mobile communications
network.  Handover Algorithm
 Assumption: a UE, currently connected to signal A,
is located in cell A and moving towards cell B.
 Pilot signal A, deteriorates, approaching lower
Summed Signal Handover threshold  Handover Triggering
 Signal A equals lower threshold.
Upper  Based on UE measurements, RNC recognises an
Signal Strength

available neighbouring signal (signal B), with

adequate strength to improve quality of connection.
RNC adds signal B to Active Set.
Lower  UE has two simultaneous connections to UTRAN and
threshold benefits from summed signal (signal A + B)
 When quality of signal B becomes better than signal
 RNC keeps this as starting point for HO margin
Signal B calculation.
Signal A
 Signal B greater than defined lower threshold.
 strength adequate to satisfy required QoS.
(1)(2)(3) time  strength of summed signal exceeds defined upper
Cell A Cell B threshold, causing additional interference. RNC
deletes signal A from Active Set.
Hand over
-Active set : bao gồm tất cả các cells liên quan đồng thời đến quá trình kết

nối chuyển giao mềm. UE giải điều chế tín hiệu nhận được từ các cell này

và kết hợp thành tín hiệu cuối cùng tương ứng với việc phân tập với hệ số

khuếch đại khoảng 2 dB. Danh sách cell tích cực (active set) bao gồm hai

hay nhiều cells trong một hệ thống FDD.

- Monitored set : bao gồm các cell không nằm trong active set nhưng được

theo dõi bởi UE do thuộc danh sách các cell lân cận.

- Detected set : bao gồm các cell được phát hiện bởi UE nhưng không thuộc

hai tập trên.

Chuyển giao mềm - SHO
- Giả thiết UE đang thu tín hiệu mạnh nhất từ cell 1, khi đó danh sách tích
cực chỉ có duy nhất cell 1.
- Nếu tại thời điểm t1 xác định, kênh pilot (hoa tiêu) của cell 2 có tín hiệu đủ
lớn, nghĩa là khoảng chênh lệch công suất giữa cell 1 và cell2 nhỏ hơn một
giá trị ngưỡng Δ1. Khi đó pilot 2 có thể được sử dụng và vì vậy cell 2 sẽ
được bổ sung vào danh sách tích cực. Từ thời điểm đó, UE sẽ đồng thời
liên lạc với cell 1 và cell 2 , tương đương với việc phân tập do kết hợp tín
hiệu thu từ hai cell nói trên. Δ1 = L - H1, trong đó L = reporting range, và H1
= độ chênh lệch công suất bổ sung - addition hysteresis.
- Nếu tại thời điểm t2, pilot 1 có mức tín hiệu giảm và khoảng chênh lệch
giữa pilot 2 và pilot 1 lớn hơn một giá trị ngưỡng Δ2, khi đó pilot 1 sẽ không
tiếp tục được sử dụng và bị loại bỏ khỏi Active Set. Do vậy, từ thời điểm t2,
UE chỉ kết nối với cell2 Ngưỡng Δ2 = L + H2, trong đó H2 = độ chênh lệch
công suất loại bỏ - removal hysteresis.
Initial acquisition at power on
Mobile Originated Voice Call Flow
Mobile Originated Voice Call Flow

RB - Radio Bearer
The service provided by the Layer 2 for the transfer of user data between UE (User
Equipment) and UTRAN (UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network).

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