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Submitted for meet one the task of the groups in lecture english

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In studies the english language, there are many things to be known to first, one of which is
the parts that which said or in english called parts of speech.
In grammar english , parts of speech classified in eight those kind words were classified as
according to what for: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, adverb, preposition, conjunction
and interjection. But in this paper the only to be discussed about adverb in accordance with

Adverb is the provides an explanation on place , time and the manner of a activity or the
incident occurred. example: here, now, softly, loudly, tomorrow, again, twice, never, dll.

Adverb also defined as a clear (verb), (adjective), (preposition) and other words except
noun and pronoun.

Example of function Adverb :

I completely agree with you.

mendeskripsikan verb
(Saya sepenuhnya setuju denganmu.)

The room was good enough for me.

mendeskripsikan adjective (Ruangan tersebut cukup baik untuk

mendeskripsikan adverb She speaks really fast.

lain (Dia berbicara dengan sangat cepat.)

However there are some an adverbial which means of an adverb or construction of other
as an adverbial phrase and an adverbial clause that acts as an adverb
Adverbial phrase are the group word consisting of adverb with qualifier ( as: very , so , and
enough ) or group of words as: prepositional phrase or an infinitive phrase that functions like

Adverbial Phrase Examples

adverb + qualifier very fast, so quickly

prepositional phrase before lunch, during the war

infinitive phrase to pass the exam, to gain weight

Adverbial clause merupakan dependent clause yang berfungsi sebagai kata keterangan dan
memberikan informasi tentang verb, adjective, atau kata keterangan lain pada independent
clause di dalam suatu complex sentence. Klausa ini mungkin dapat dipersingkat (reduced
adverbial clause) jika di dalam complex sentence hanya terdapat satu macam subject.

Contoh Kalimat Reduced

Contoh Kalimat Adverbial Clause
Adverbial Clause

Because he didn’t feel well, he went

to bed early.
(Karena tidak merasa sehat, dia pergi Not feeling well, he went to
tidur lebih awal.) bed early.

Example comparison adverb and adverbial:

The waiter smiles politely.

(Pelayan tersebut tersenyum dengan sopan.)

The waiter smiles in a friendly way.

adverbial phrase
(Pelayan tersebut tersenyum dengan ramah.)

The waiter smiled when I entered the restaurant.

adverbial clause
(Pelayan tersenyum ketika saya masuk restoran.)

An adverb is one of the ten part of this speech could be classified into several kinds , its
industrial activity among others:
1. Adverb of time
2. Adverb of Manner
3. Adverb of Degree
4. Adverb of Frequency
5. Adverb of Place
6. Adverb of Modality
7. Adverbial of Purpose
8. Focusing Adverb
9. Interrogative adverb
10. Conjunction adverb

1. Adverb of time
An adverb of time are to be said any information concerning the incident to declare time
to the occurrence of a an activity or event .
Example Adverb(ial) of Time :
 two days ago (dua hari lalu),
 already (sudah)
 before dawn (sebelum fajar)
 early (awal; sebelum waktunya)
 finally (akhirnya; setelah waktu yang lama)
 last year (tahun lalu)
 later (nanti)
 next week (minggu depan)
 now (sekarang)
 since yesterday
 then
 today
 tomorrow
 yesterday

Examples sentences Adverb(ial) of Time :

 It’s hard to wake up early if you sleep late.

 I haven’t seen him since yesterday.
 hey went to Bromo Mount last week.

 I will go to Jakarta tomorrow.

 She wrote a letter yesterday todayThe game starts in the afternoon.

2. Adverb of Manner
An adverb of manner are to be said the particulars to preferred way an activity done or an
event occurred .
Example Adverb(ial) of Manner :
 automatically
 carefully
 clearly
 correctly
 fast
 fluently
 hard
 quickly
 slowly
 successfully
 suddenly
 well
 in a friendly way
 like a child

Example sentences Adverb(ial) of Manner :
 I asked him to explain the situation a little more clearly.
 My goal is to speak English fluently.
 He drives the motorcycle quickly.
 She walks slowly.
 The student studies seriously.
 We play the games happily.
 I finished the exercise easily.

3. Adverb of Degree
An adverb of degree to declare how far the ( levels or degree a an activity or event .
Example Adverb of Degree :
 completely
 enough
 entirely
 extremely
 hardly
 positively
 rather
 really
 so
 somewhat
 strongly
 too
 totally
 very

Examples sentences Adverb of Manner :

 Anita really enjoys cooking.

 You work too hard.
 The player runs very fast.
 Im completely agree him.

4. Adverb of Frequency
An adverb of frequency is adverb say how often an activity done or the incident happened
Example Adverb(ial) of Frequency :
 always, constantly (selalu/100%)
 usually, normally (biasanya)
 often (sering)
 sometimes (kadang-kadang/50%)
 occasionally, infrequently, seldom (sekali-sekali/10-25%)
 rarely, hardly ever (jarang/1-10%)
 never (tidak pernah)
 monthly (setiap bulan)
 weekly (setiap minggu)
 daily (setiap hari)
 hourly (setiap jam)
 every second (setiap detik)
 once every month (sekali setiap bulan)
 three times (tiga kali)

Examples sentences Adverb(ial) of Frekuensi :

 She often wears flat shoes.
 I visit my grandfather once every month.
 She seldom visits her mother.

 I have told you twice.

5. Adverb of Place
An adverb of place is an adverb to discuss where an activity done or an event occurred ( )
location , toward which someone or something passes ( ) direction , how far a person or thing ( )
distance , or a combination of them .
Example Adverb(ial) of Place :
 above (di tempat/posisi yang lebih tinggi)
 abroad (di/ke luar negeri)
 across (dari satu sisi ke sisi yang lain)
 anywhere (di/ke tempat apapun)
 away (di/ke tempat lain, ke arah lain)
 backward(s) (ke belakang)
 downstairs (di/ke lantai yang lebih rendah)
 east (di/ke timur)
 in (di/tempat)

 here (disini, kesini)
 indoors (di dalam ruangan)
 nearby (dekat)
 uphill (ke atas bukit/lereng)
 at home (di rumah)
 under the bed (di bawah tempat tidur)

Example sentence Adverb(ial) of Place :

 A good friend of mine lives nearby.
 I store nothing under my bed.
 I spend my holiday in Bali.
 We study together at home.
 We must throw rubies on basket everywhere.

6. Adverb of Modality
An adverb of modality is adverb to declare level confidence or hope .
Example Adverb of Modality :
 hopefully
 likely
 maybe
 perhaps
 possibly
 probably
Contoh Kalimat Adverb of Modality :
 Maybe they won’t come.
 You’re probably wondering why I’ve gathered you all here.

7. Adverbial of Purpose
An adverbial purpose of construction is acting as adverb and answer the question why .The
construction of prepositional phrase by phrase preposition for and an infinitive .
Example sentence Adverbial of Purpose :
 Let’s go for a spin.
 He left work early to take his child to the doctor.

8. Focusing Adverb
Focusing adverb is adverb used to indicate that what he was talking about limited in the
part that focused.
Example Focusing Adverb :
 also
 as well
 even
 in addition
 just
 mainly
 only
 too
Example sentence Focusing Adverb :

 I notice you haven’t even touched your breakfast too.

 Only you who are responsible for your decisions.

9. Interrogative adverb
An interrogative adverb used in question .Example adverb this is when , where , why , and how .
Example sentence:
 Where are you going tonight?

 How long will you stay in Makassar?

10. Conjunction adverb

Conjunction of an adverb take on the job of connecting two clauses .Prime example of
these developments conjuntion of an adverb is however , consequently , then , next , and still .
Example sentence:
 Life is hard. However, life can be fun.

 The market is very difficult these days. Consequently, we need to focus on what works
best for our customers.

 My friend Mark doesn’t enjoy school. Still, he’s working hard at getting good grades



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