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Class:​​ 4th Grade General Music (1st Class)

I can sing “Farewell” with correct pitches and rhythms.

SOL Standards:​​ Grade 4 General Music from the Department of Education

4.2 #1 - The student will sing a varied repertoire of songs alone and with others,
including singing with a clear tone quality and correct intonation.
4.3 #3 - The student will play a variety of pitched and non-pitched instruments alone and
with others, including playing a given melody on a recorder or other similar instrument.

Sequence: ​SOL Standards​​/​Adaptations​​:

Greet students!

Review “Farewell”: 4.2 #1

● Review part 1
● Review part 2
● Ask students to sing through in Chippewa and then English.

Concert Check:

Recorder sections: 4.3 #3


Class:​​ 3rd Grade General Music (1st Class)

I can dance the Circle Waltz Mixer by feeling the three beats and having fun.

SOL Standards:​​ Grade 3 General Music from the Department of Education

3.6 #4 - The student will respond to music with movement by performing dances and
other music activities from a variety of cultures.
3.2 #1 - The student will sing a varied repertoire of songs alone and with others,
including singing in tune with a clear tone quality.

Sequence: ​SOL Standards​​/​Adaptations​​:

Greet students!
“I ain’t in a hurry”: 3.2 #1
● Sing through with conducting.
● Ask students to sing in parts.

Circle Waltz:
● Explain idea for concert: Ask students to look for two goals, 3.6 #4
feeling the three beats and having fun!
● Count with them and have them feel the three.
● Have students practice the waltz.
● Ask students about goals.


Class:​​ 2nd Grade General Music (1st Class)

I can help create a rhythm to a song on a drum.
I can decode using sol.

SOL Standards:​​ Grade 2 General Music from the Department of Education

2.6 #2 - The student will create music by improvising accompaniments, including
2.5 #1 - The student will respond to music with movement, including using locomotor and
nonlocomotor movements of increasing complexity.

Sequence: ​SOL Standards​​/​Adaptations​​:

Greet students!

Decode Melodies:
● DRM then add Sol

“Twaingia” Drumming Creation:

● Review the song. 2.6 #2
○ Whole song, then small checks.
● Ask students to pat to the beat while singing it. Teacher walks around
● Have students stand near a drum and pat to the beat on the classroom as they are
drum. creating and make sure
● “Ta, ta-ti” mention puzzle pieces, create 4 beat rhythm. everyone can play their
● Have students create their own ostinato with a partner. rhythm.
● One half plays while the other half sings, then switch.
● Let us chase the squirrel. 2.5 #1
● Decode Let us chase the squirrel


Class:​​ 1st Grade General Music (1st Class)

I can show dynamics in music and help decide which dynamics to use.

SOL Standards:​​ Grade 1 General Music from the Department of Education

1.2 #3 - The student will demonstrate various uses of the voice, including demonstrating
expressive qualities of music, including changes in dynamics and tempo.
1.8 #1 - The student will respond to music with movement, including using locomotor and
nonlocomotor movements.

Sequence: ​SOL Standards​​/​Adaptations​​:

Greet students!


Greeting in Arabic:
● Whisper, words, ooo, tum, etc.

Move it!: 1.8 #1

Mrs.White (Smartboard):
● Have students chant the song. 1.2 #3
● Project the song and ask what dynamics are.
● How can we make this song more interesting with dynamics?
● Write down dynamics that students suggest while testing out
different ideas.

“The More We Get Together”:


Class:​​ Kindergarten Grade General Music (1st Class)

I can keep a steady beat.

SOL Standards:​​ Kindergarten General Music from the Department of Education

K.6 #1 - The student will demonstrate a steady beat, using body percussion,
instruments, and voice.
K.7 #1 - The student will respond to music with movement, including matching locomotor
and nonlocomotor movements to rhythmic patterns.

Sequence: ​SOL Standards​​/​Adaptations​​:

Greet students!


Greeting in Arabic:
● Whisper, words, ooo, tum, etc.

Move it!:
● Personal Space K.7 #1

Steady beat activity:

● Passing the rhythm sticks. K.6 #1

Owl Moon book:

“The More We Get Together”:


Class:​​ Pre-K Grade General Music (1st Class)


*SOL Standards:​ Kindergarten General Music from the Department of Education

Sequence: ​SOL Standards​​/​Adaptations​​:

Greet students!
● Pretend slide whistle

Echo Song:
● Oh My Aunt Came Back

Lucy Locket:
● Review Lucy Locket
● Have students pat while listening
● Ask students to make the song loud or soft when the teacher
raises or lowers their hands.

● Showing whether or not music is loud with large or small circles.
● Move It!

● Candyman (Use different voices to have students explore their
● The More We Get Together

*Because there are no SOL Standards for students below Kindergarten, I am using Kindergarten SOL

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