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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 9.242,900 B2

Seo et al. (45) Date of Patent: Jan. 26, 2016
(54) POROUS GEOPOLYMERMATERALS (58) Field of Classification Search
(75) Inventors: Dong-Kyun Seo, Chandler, AZ (US); USPC .................................... 264/49, 50, 69, 86, 87
Dinesh Medpelli, Tempe, AZ (US); See application file for complete search history.
Jungmin Seo, Tempe, AZ (US) (56) References Cited
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(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
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(87) PCT Pub. No.: WO2O11AO6883O
PCT Pub. Date: Jun. 9, 2011
Primary Examiner — Sing P Chan
(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm — Fish & Richardson P.C.
(65) Prior Publication Data
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Preparing porous materials includes forming a mixture
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(60) Provisional application No. 61/265,646, filed on Dec. liscale (1-10 mm) phase separation occurs. The mixture is
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(Continued) 19 Claims, 25 Drawing Sheets
N 1 22
Provide a geopolymer resin.

Add two or more components 124

including a water-immiscible liquid to
form a visually homogeneous

Treat the mixture to harden or
solidify the mixture.

Remove the water-immiscible liquid 128

component to form a porous

remove a component from the 130

porous materia?toform
porous material.

Contact the porous material with an /

additive to form another material.
-- - - --- - - - ---- - - -- -
US 9.242,900 B2
Page 2

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U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 1 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2

Provide a geopolymer resin.
Mix the geopolymer resin with a

COmbine one or more y

additional Components
with the geopolymer resin-liquid
-- - ------

Treat the mixture to form a
Solidified geopolymer blend.

Remove at least Some of the 110

liquid from the geopolymer blend
to form a porous material.

Remove a component
of the porous

material to form
another porOuS material.
Contact the porous material from 114
step 110 or 112 with an l/
additive to form a composite

Treat the composite material

to form another material.
as as is as a as as as as as sea as as as a
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 2 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2

Provide a geopolymer resin.

Add two or more components 124

including a water-immiscible liquid to
form a visually homogeneous

Treat the mixture to harden Or
solidify the mixture.

Remove the water-immiscible liquid 128

component to form a porous

? sa ss as a a as a re us a s as a -s as

Remove a component from the 130

1 porous material to form another l/
porous material.
----- ---- ess m ms as em.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 132
Contact the porous material with an
additive to form another material. /
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 3 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2


1 5O



O.O O.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0







1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)

U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 4 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2




O.O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




0. 5

O.O re
1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 5 Of 25 US 9.242,900 B2
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 7 Of 25 US 9.242,900 B2

2 5O

2 OO



5O e



O. 5

1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 8 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2








0. O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1. O





1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 9 Of 25 US 9.242,900 B2

F.G. 5D
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 10 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2



25 O

2O O


- a


0. O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1. O






1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 11 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2




0. O 3

O O2


1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 12 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2

F.G. 7D
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 13 Of 25 US 9.242,900 B2


3 OO


2O O









1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 14 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2







1 O

0. 5

1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 15 Of 25 US 9.242,900 B2


S 200
3is 100
S 50 s

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


<9 1.0
39 0.5

1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
FIG. 10B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 16 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2



2 OO


1 OO


O.O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

FIG. 11A



1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
FIG. 11B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 17 Of 25 US 9.242,900 B2
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 18 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2


2O O

15 O


5O ear

O.O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.O

FIG. 12A





1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
F.G. 12B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 19 Of 25 US 9.242,900 B2

-SO 150
old 100
> 50 e

O.O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0


isS 0.75
e 0.25
1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
FIG. 13B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 20 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.O

FIG. 14A



1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
F.G. 14B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 21 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2


3O O

25 O

2O O




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

FIG. 15A





1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
FIG. 15B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 22 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2


25 O

2O O




0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

FIG. 16A



0. 5

1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
FIG. 16B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 23 Of 25 US 9.242,900 B2


25 O





O.O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

FIG. 17A


1 O

O. 5

1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
FIG. 17B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 24 of 25 US 9.242,900 B2




2 OO




O.O 0.2 O.4 0.6 0.8 1.O

FIG. 18A

1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
FIG. 18B
U.S. Patent Jan. 26, 2016 Sheet 25 Of 25 US 9.242,900 B2


3O O


2O O




O.O 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0

FIG. 19A




1 10 100
Pore Width (nm)
FIG. 19B
US 9,242,900 B2
1. 2
POROUS GEOPOLYMER MATERALS miscible liquid (e.g., glycerol, ethylene glycol, or polyols)
that dissolves geopolymer precursors to a lesser extent than
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED water. In some implementations, the liquid is a water-immis
APPLICATIONS cible liquid (e.g., oil or organic solvents). In some cases, the
liquid can be a mixture of a water-miscible liquid and a
This application is a U.S. National Phase Application of water-immiscible liquid. In some cases, a viscosity of the
International Patent Application No. PCT/US2010/058497 liquid exceeds the viscosity of water at room temperature. In
filed Dec. 1, 2010, which claims the benefit of U.S. Patent Some cases, the liquid can produce long-chain carboxylate
Application Ser. No. 61/265,646 filedon Dec. 1, 2009, both of anions (e.g., through saponification reactions) when it is in
which are incorporated herein by reference in their entirety. 10 contact with a geopolymer resin. The long-chain carboxylate
anions may act as Surfactants which can influence the sepa
TECHNICAL FIELD ration between the geopolymer resin phase and the liquid
phase. In some cases (e.g., when the liquid is a petroleum
This invention relates to porous materials based on based oil such as paraffin oil (often called mineral oil) or an
geopolymers and composites formed therefrom. 15 organic solvent such as hexane or toluene), the liquid does not
undergo saponification reactions. In some implementations,
BACKGROUND the liquid can include an organic monomer, oligomer, mac
romer, or polymer.
Geopolymers are commonly referred to as low-tempera In some implementations, the liquid is a multicomponent
ture aluminosilicate glass, alkali-activated cement, geoce liquid. A multicomponent liquid can be provided by mixing
ment, alkali-bonded ceramic, inorganic polymer concrete, multiple components and a liquid. In some cases, the addition
and hydroceramic. These terms describe materials synthe of the multiple components can be carried out after mixing the
sized utilizing processes that can be described as a complex geopolymer resin and the liquid. Examples of a component of
system of coupled alkali-mediated dissolution and precipita the multiple components include one or more monomers,
tion reactions of aluminosilicates in an aqueous reaction Sub 25 oligomers, macromers, polymers, Surfactants, metals, semi
strate. Other metal-oxide based geopolymers include phos conductors, insulators, nanoparticles, nanomaterials, inor
phate geopolymers and silico-phosphate geopolymers which ganic particles, organic particles, inorganic compounds,
form through dissolution of metal oxide precursors via acid organic compounds, Solvated molecules, organic Solvents,
base reactions and Subsequent precipitation of phosphates or emulsions, fibers, foams, porous materials, biological mate
silico-phosphates. Depending on the raw material selection 30 rials, quantum dots, magnetic materials, and the like.
and processing conditions, geopolymers can exhibit a wide The mixture can exhibit a nanoscale (1-1000 nm), micros
range of properties and characteristics, including high com cale (1-1000 um) or milliscale (1-10 mm) phase separation. In
pressive strength, low shrinkage, fast or slow setting, acid Some cases, the mixture has a phase separated composition
resistance, fire resistance, and low thermal conductivity. including a geopolymer-resin-rich phase and geopolymer
However, geopolymers have been much less explored for 35 resin-poor phase. In some cases, the phase separated compo
chemical applications, such as catalysis and ion exchange. sition has a bi-continuous phase separation between a
geopolymer-resin-rich phase and geopolymer-resin-poor
SUMMARY phase, or a discontinuous phase separation between a
geopolymer-resin-rich phase and geopolymer-resin-poor
Porous geopolymer materials and composites formed 40 phase. As used herein, the term “bi-continuous” refers to a
therefrom are described. Implementations of systems and morphology having two continuous interwoven interfaces.
techniques relating to porous geopolymer materials and fab Thus, a "bi-continuous phase separated composition”
rication of such materials are described. Methods including denotes two continuous interwoven phases, each including a
phase separation between two different liquids to yield chemically distinct material. Similarly, a porous material
geopolymers with accessible (or open) pores are described. 45 having a "bi-continuous morphology' has a continuous solid
Porous composite materials including porous geopolymer matrix interwoven with continuous voids or pores that afford
materials are also described. In some cases, the porous com an interconnected pore network.
posite materials include a geopolymer matrix having foreign In some implementations, the geopolymer resin is pre
materials in the solid matrix or in the pores. As described pared by coupled alkali-mediated dissolution and precipita
herein, the porous morphology of the geopolymer materials 50 tion reactions of silicate or aluminosilicate precursors in an
(e.g., pore size, pore connectivity) can be controlled by phase aqueous reaction Substrate. In other implementations, a
separation. geopolymer resin is formed through dissolution of metal
In one aspect, fabricating a porous material includes com oxide precursors via acid-base reactions and Subsequent pre
bining a geopolymer resin and a liquid to form a mixture. The cipitations of phosphates or silico-phosphates. The geopoly
mixture is solidified to form a solid embedded with the liquid. 55 mer resin can include one or more oxides or hydroxides of
At least a portion of the liquid is removed from the solid to aluminum, silicon, alkali metals, or hydrates thereof and/or
yield the porous material. In some cases, one or more addi one or more oxides or hydroxides of phosphorous, silicon,
tional components are combined with the geopolymer resin alkaline-earth metals, or hydrates thereof and/or organosi
and the liquid to form the mixture. lane, phosphoric acid, a phosphate, a hydrophosphate, an
In another aspect, fabricating a porous material includes 60 organophosphine oxide, or a combination thereof. Some
mixing a geopolymer resin with a plurality of components implementations further include forming the geopolymer
including a liquid to form a homogenous mixture by visual resin by combining one or more inorganic materials selected
observation. The mixture is solidified to form a solid embed from the group consisting of fumed silica, rice huskash, silica
ded with the liquid. At least a portion of the liquid is removed fume, silicates, aluminates, aluminosilicates, organosilanes,
from the solid to yield the porous material. 65 clays, minerals, metakaolin, calcined clays, fly ash, slag, poZ
Implementations can include one or more of the following Zolan, incinerated utility waste, glass powder, and red mud
features. In some implementations, the liquid is a water with an alkaline or basic Solution. In some implementations,
US 9,242,900 B2
3 4
the geopolymer resin includes one or more metals selected hyde, an amine, an amide, an ether, an ester, a carboxylic acid,
from the group consisting of Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Be, Mg, Ca, and an alcohol; or decomposition, evaporation, heating,
Sr., Ba, Ra, B, Al, Ga, In, T1, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb, PAs, Sb, Bi, S, Se, pyrolysis, or combustion.
Te, Po, Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W, Mn, Tc, Re, Fe, Ru, Pores defined by a porous geopolymer material include
Os, Co., Rh, Ir, Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au, Zn, Cd, Hg, Sc.Y. Lu, mesopores, with a pore size between about 2 nm and about 50
La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Th, U, nm, and macropores, with a pore size greater than about 50
and Pu. nm. Some porous geopolymer materials define a combination
The one or more additional components or one or more of mesopores and macropores. As used herein, a porous
components of the plurality of components can be indepen geopolymer material with a majority of mesopores or
dently selected from the group consisting of metals, metal 10 macropores refers to a porous geopolymer material with at
loids, conductors, semiconductors, insulators, metal oxides, least about 50%, at least about 75%, at least about 85%, at
metal hydroxides, inorganic salts, carbon materials, carbon least about 95%, or at least about 99% of the pores having a
aceous materials, nanoparticles, nanowires, inorganic par pore size between about 2 nm and about 50 nm or greater than
ticles, organic particles, inorganic compounds, organosi about 50 nm, respectively. In some cases, pores in a porous
lanes, organosiloxanes, organoalumoxanes, organo metal 15 geopolymer material have a pore size between about 1 mm
oxides, organometallic complexes, organic compounds, and about 10 mm. As used herein, "pore size' refers to a
monomers, oligomers, macromers, polymers, Solvated mol diameter or a distance between Surfaces defining boundaries
ecules, Surfactants, organic solvents, microemulsions, of a pore. In some cases, a significant majority of the pores in
nanoemulsions, emulsions, fibers, foams, gases, foaming a porous geopolymer material (e.g., at least about 75%, at
materials, porous materials, mineral materials, biological least about 85%, at least about 95%, or at least about 99%) are
materials, quantum dots, and magnetic materials. Other mesoporous or macroporous. The pores defined by the porous
examples of components include materials that generate gas material may be interconnected or disconnected.
when in contact with geopolymer resin, such as hydrogen In some implementations, fabricating the porous material
peroxide, aluminum metal, or silica fume. further includes removing a component from the porous
The water-immiscible liquid can include one or more oils 25 material by a process including extraction, soaking, etching,
produced from one or more agricultural or aquacultural melting, Sublimation, dissolution, decomposition, evapora
Sources, one or more oils produced from one or more geo tion, heating, combustion, or calcination, thereby forming
logical sources, one or more oils produced from one or more another porous material. One or more components of the
industrial Sources, or one or more oils produced from one or porous material can be replaced with a different component.
more industrial or household wastes. The water-immiscible 30 In some cases, fabricating the porous material further
liquid can include esters of long-chain carboxylic acids; one includes hydrothermally heating the porous material and/or
or more triglycerides, diglycerides, or monoglycerides; one treating the porous material to impart a microporosity to the
or more plant oils, straight vegetable oils, or waste vegetable porous material and/or contacting the porous material with an
oils; at least one of canola oil, corn oil, castor oil, soybean oil, additive to form a composite including the porous material
cottonseed oil, linseed oil, Sunflower oil, palm oil, and algae 35 and the additive and/or contacting the porous material with a
oil; an animal fat; or biodiesel. gas or a liquid.
In some implementations, mixing includes stirring, shak Preparing a porous material from a geopolymer can
ing, shearing, agitating, Sonicating, or Vibrating the mixture at include treating a homogeneous portion of the geopolymer
atmospheric pressure, a pressure higher than atmospheric resin-liquid mixture so that it solidifies. The solidification can
pressure, or a pressure lower than atmospheric pressure. 40 beachieved by leaving the mixture at an ambient temperature
Solidifying can include curing the mixture at ambient tem or by heating it at a temperature below the boiling point of the
perature or by heating below the boiling point of the liquid; liquid component of the mixture.
heating the mixture under a controlled humidity; stirring, The term “geopolymer blend is used hereinto describe the
shaking, shearing, agitating, Sonicating, or Vibrating the mix Solidified homogeneous mixture or the Solidified homoge
ture; spinning, spreading, screeding, spraying, dispensing, 45 neous portion of the mixture of a geopolymer resin and a
injecting, foaming, shaping, molding, ribboning, extruding. liquid between which a nanoscale, microscale, or milliscale
or pultruding the mixture; spinning, spreading, screeding, phase separation occurs. In some cases, the liquid component
spraying, dispensing, injecting, foaming, shaping, molding, of the mixture may undergo polymerization during the treat
ribboning, extruding, or pultruding the mixture and heating ment of the mixture (e.g., when the treatment involves heat
the mixture during at least part of the time during spinning, 50 ing). The geopolymer blend can be in various forms including
spreading, Screeding, spraying, dispensing, injecting, foam monoliths, sheets, coatings, membranes, films, fibers, wires,
ing, shaping, molding, ribboning, extruding, or pultruding. beads, pellets, rings, particulates, nanoparticles, and the like.
In some implementations, removing at least a portion of the In another aspect, preparing porous materials from
liquid or the water-miscible liquid from the solid includes geopolymers includes treating the geopolymer blend so that a
extraction of the liquid; soaking the Solid in one or more 55 significant portion of the liquid component of the geopolymer
Solvents selected from the group consisting of water, tetrahy blend is removed to provide a porous material. Examples of
drofuran, hexane, acetonitrile, dimethyl Sulfoxide, a hydro the treatment include extraction, soaking, decomposition,
carbon, a halogenated hydrocarbon, a ketone, an aldehyde, an evaporation, pyrolysis, calcination and the like. In some
amine, an amide, an ether, an ester, a carboxylic acid and an implementations, heating of the blend can cause dehydration,
alcohol; or decomposition, evaporation, heating, pyrolysis, or 60 decomposition, or crystallization of the geopolymer blend.
combustion. In some implementations, the geopolymer blend can
In some implementations, removing at least a portion of the include multiple components. In some cases, the inclusion of
liquid or the water-immiscible liquid from the solid includes the multiple components can be achieved by employing a
extraction of the liquid; soaking the Solid in one or more multicomponent geopolymer resin. In some cases, the inclu
organic solvents selected from the group consisting of tet 65 sion of the multiple components can be achieved by employ
rahydrofuran, hexane, acetonitrile, dimethyl sulfoxide, a ing a multicomponent liquid. In other cases, the inclusion of
hydrocarbon, a halogenated hydrocarbon, a ketone, an alde the multiple components can be achieved by mixing one or
US 9,242,900 B2
5 6
more additional components into the mixture of a geopoly FIGS. 4A and 4B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and
mer resin and a liquid. The porous materials formed from the pore size distribution of an example porous TiO-geopolymer
process described herein can include a phosphate geopoly composite material (Example 6).
mer, an aluminosilicate geopolymer, or a silico-phosphate FIGS. 5A and 5B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and
geopolymer. pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer
The porous materials formed from geopolymer materials material (cured in an open container) formed by mixing a
can be treated to further change the characteristics of pores geopolymer resin and canola oil (Example 10). FIGS. 5C and
and/or pore walls. In certain implementations, the porous 5D show transmission electron microscope (TEM) and SEM
materials are treated to remove one of the multiple compo images of the same sample. The sample exhibits a hierarchi
nents and thus to produce another porous material. Examples 10
cally porous structure with both mesopores and macropores.
of the treatment include extraction, soaking, etching, melting, FIGS. 6A and 6B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and
Sublimation, dissolution, decomposition, evaporation, heat pore size distribution of the porous geopolymer material in
ing, combustion, calcination, and the like. In some implemen Example 10 after heated at 500°C. for 6 hours in air (Example
tations, the heating of the porous materials can cause dehy
dration, decomposition, combustion, or crystallization of the 15 11).
materials. In some cases, the heating of the porous materials FIGS. 7A and 7B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and
can cause a portion (e.g., a significant portion) of the pores to pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer
be closed and inaccessible. In some cases, the process material (cured in an open container) formed by mixing a
involves treating the material to replace one component geopolymer resin and mineral oil (Example 13). FIGS. 7C
through ion exchange, metatheses and the like. In some cases, and 7D shows SEM images of the sample.
the process involves treating the material to introduce a crys FIGS. 8A and 8B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and
tallinity to the pore walls. In other cases, the process involves pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer
treating the material to introduce a microporosity to the pore material formed by mixing a geopolymer resin and biodiesel
walls. (Example 14).
The porous materials formed from geopolymer can be 25 FIGS. 9A and 9B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and
treated to further form a composite material. In some imple pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer
mentations, the porous material is contacted with an additive material formed by mixing a geopolymer resin and lard (EX
to form a composite including the porous material and the ample 15).
additive. In some cases, the additive binds to the porous FIGS. 10A and 10B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
material. In some implementations, the material is impreg 30 pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer
nated with nanoparticles, nanomaterials, inorganic particu material formed by mixing a geopolymer resin and waste
lates, organic particulates, inorganic compounds, organic vegetable oil (Example 16).
compounds, biological materials, polymers, carbon, metals, FIGS. 11A and 11B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
and the like. In other implementations, the material is filled pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer-iron
with a gas, a liquid or a solid. 35 (oxy)hydroxide composite material. FIG. 11C shows a TEM
The composite can be treated further to form another mate image of the material (Example 17).
rial. In some cases, treating the composite includes heating FIGS. 12A and 12B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
the composite. In some cases, the heating can cause the pores pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer
on the outer region of the materials to collapse or become ferrofluid composite material (Example 18).
blocked so that the pores in the inner region become inacces 40 FIGS. 13A and 13B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
sible. Some implementations include contacting the compos pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer
ite with a solvent to etch the composite. halloysite nanoclay composite material (Example 19).
Thus, particular embodiments have been described. Varia FIGS. 14A and 14B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
tions, modifications, and enhancements of the described pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer pre
embodiments and other embodiments can be made based on 45 pared by using functionalized silicon as the precursor. The
what is described and illustrated. In addition, one or more mole ratio between functionalized silicon and the other sili
features of one or more embodiments may be combined. The con atoms is 1:5 (Example 20).
details of one or more implementations and various features FIGS. 15A and 15B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
and aspects are set forth in the accompanying drawings, the pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer pre
description, and the claims below. 50 pared by using functionalized silicon as the precursor. The
mole ratio between functionalized silicon and the other sili
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS con atoms is 1:20 (Example 21).
FIGS. 16A and 16B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
FIG. 1A is a flowchart of an exemplary process for forming pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer pre
a porous geopolymer material. FIG. 1B is a flowchart of an 55 pared by employing water glass as the precursor (Example
exemplary process for formingaporous geopolymer material 23).
with a water-immiscible liquid. FIGS. 17A and 17B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
FIGS. 2A and 2B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer
pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer polypropylene fiber composite material (Example 24).
material formed by mixing a geopolymer resin and corn oil 60 FIGS. 18A and 18B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
(Example 1). pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer pre
FIGS. 3A and 3B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and pared by sequentially adding canola oil and hexane (Example
pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer 24).
material formed by mixing a geopolymer resin and canola oil FIGS. 19A and 19B show a nitrogensorption isothermand
under a lower pressure (Example 3). FIGS. 3C and 3D show 65 pore size distribution of an example porous geopolymer
a scanning electron microscope (SEM) image and an atomic material formed by mixing a geopolymer resin and glycerin
force microscope (AFM) image of the sample. (Example 27).
US 9,242,900 B2
7 8
DETAILED DESCRIPTION based on control of the precursor ratios (see, for example,
U.S. Patent Publication No. 2010/0222204, entitled “Method
Methods for fabricating porous geopolymer materials are of preparing a controlled porosity geopolymer, the resulting
described. Other porous materials (e.g., composites) formed geopolymer and the various applications thereof and W. M.
from the porous geopolymer materials are also described. Kriven et al., “Microstructure and nanoporosity of as-set
Pores defined by the porous geopolymer materials can geopolymers' Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceed
include micropores (i.e., pores with a pore size less than about ings 2007, 27, 491, both of which are incorporated by refer
2 nm), mesopores (i.e., pores with a pore size between about ence herein). Macropores can be introduced to geopolymers
2 nm and about 50 nm), macropores (i.e., pores with a pore with gas-forming agents (see, for example, W. M. Kriven et
size greater than about 50 nm), or any combination thereof. In 10 al., “Nano- and Microporosity in Geopolymer Gels' Micros
Some cases, pores defined by the porous materials include a copy and Microanalysis 2006, 12 (Supp. 2), 552 CD, which is
majority or a significant majority of mesopores or open meso incorporated by reference herein) or sacrificial templates
pores. In some cases, pores defined by the porous materials such as wax particles (see, for example, W. M. Kriven et al.,
include a majority or a significant majority of macropores or “Geopolymers: Alkali Bonded Ceramics (ABC's) for High
open macropores. In certain cases, pores defined by the 15 Tech Applications, an invited lecture presented at the 107th
porous materials include mesopores and macropores. The Annual meeting of The American Ceramic Society, held in
composite materials can include a geopolymer matrix having Baltimore, Md., Apr. 10-13, 2005).
foreign materials in the Solid matrix or in the pores. As Referring to FIG. 1A, a process for preparing porous mate
described herein, the porous morphology of geopolymer rials 100 includes providing a geopolymer resin in step 102.
materials can be controlled by phase separation to yield The geopolymer resin can be prepared through a geopolymer
porous geopolymer materials or materials derived therefrom ization process. As used herein, geopolymerization process'
with controlled porosity with respect to pore size, connectiv refers to a process that yields a geopolymer. In some imple
ity of pores (e.g., open or closed pores), and the like. mentations, a geopolymer resin can be prepared by coupled
Various methods can be used to control the porosity of alkali-mediated dissolution and precipitation reactions of sili
inorganic materials. Porous materials having a pore distribu 25 cate or aluminosilicate precursors in an aqueous reaction
tion on a nanometer or micrometer scale can be synthesized substrate. As used herein, “geopolymer resin refers to a
by a nano-template method, a solvent removal method, or a liquid that is prepared prior to Solidification in a geopolymer
phase separation method. ization process. A geopolymer resin can contain a large
In the nano-template method, nano-sized sacrificial tem amount of water and dissolved inorganic species, and can be
plates can be mixed into a liquid body of a precursor that 30 solidified at an ambient temperature (e.g., 15-25°C.) or at an
polymerizes to form a solid. The templates can then be elevated temperature (e.g., 40-80° C.). In some implementa
removed to leave pore space in the solid body. The templates tions, a geopolymer resin can be also prepared through dis
can be organic polymers, self-assemblies of Surfactants, or Solution of metal oxide precursors via acid-base reactions and
other particulate matter. Subsequent precipitations of phosphates or silico-phosphates.
In the solvent removal method, a wet gel can be formed 35 The source of silicon in geopolymers includes fumed silica,
when a gel precursor and a gelation agent are mixed with a rice huskash, silica fume, silicates, aluminates, aluminosili
Solvent. The solvent can be removed (e.g., by drying), leaving cates, organosilanes, clays, minerals, metakaolin, calcined
connected pores in the final Solid product. In some cases, a clays, fly ash, slag, poZZolan, incinerated utility waste, glass
wet gel can be prepared by mixing two or more different gel powder, red mud, and the like. The source of aluminum in
precursors and a gelation agent in a solvent. Drying the Sol 40 geopolymers includes alumina, aluminum salts, organoalu
vent can provide a porous composite material made of differ moxanes, clays, minerals, metakaolin, calcined clays, fly ash,
ent compounds. The porosities and the pore morphologies of slag, poZZolan, incinerated utility waste, glass powder, red
the resulting materials can be affected by the liquid removal mud, and the like. The source of phosphorous includes phos
methods which can include heating, ambient drying, Super phoric acid, phosphates, hydrophosphates, organophosphine
critical drying, cryogenic drying, and the like. As used herein, 45 oxide, and the like. In some implementations, the geopolymer
"ambient conditions, such as ambient temperature or pres resin can include one or more metals such as Li, Na, K, Rb,
Sure, refers to room temperature or atmospheric pressure, Cs, Be, Mg, Ca, Sr., Ba, Ra, B, Al. Ga, In, T1, Si, Ge. Sn, Pb,
respectively. Room temperature can be, for example, between P. As, Sb, Bi, S, Se, Te, Po, Ti, Zr, Hf, V, Nb, Ta, Cr, Mo, W.
about 15° C. and about 25°C. Unless otherwise stated, pro Mn,Tc, Re, Fe, Ru, Os, Co, Rh, Ir, Ni, Pd, Pt, Cu, Ag, Au, Zn,
cesses described herein and properties of Substances 50 Cd, Hg, Sc.Y. Lu, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er,
described herein (e.g., viscosity), are understood to be under Tm, Yb. Th, U, Pu or any combination thereof. The prepara
conditions of ambient temperature and atmospheric pressure. tion of geopolymer resins is described, for example, in W. M.
In the phase separation method, a soluble (or miscible) Kriven, “Inorganic Polysialates or Geopolymers’.” Ameri
organic polymer, Such as poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), can can Ceramic Society Bulletin, 2010, 89, 31; A. S. Wagh,
first be mixed into a gel precursor solution. When the gelation 55 “Chemically Bonded Phosphate Ceramics—A Novel Class
takes place in the Solution, the polymerization and gel-form of Geopolymers. Ceramic Transactions 2005, 165, 101; and
ing reaction can cause a phase separation between the organic Chapter 1 of Geopolymer: Chemistry and Applications” by
polymers and the gel networks. In an alkoxy-derived sol-gel Joseph Davidovits, all of which are incorporated by reference
system, various macroporous morphologies can be obtained herein.
by inducing the phase separation parallel to the sol-gel tran 60 A multicomponent geopolymer resin can be prepared by
sition and then by removing the organic polymer phase by the addition of multiple components to a geopolymer resin.
dissolution or calcination. This method provides These components can remain in the geopolymer matrix after
macroporous metal-oxide materials. The phase separation Solidification of the geopolymer resin. Multicomponent
can be bi-continuous and thus the macroporous metal-oxide geopolymer resins are described in U.S. Pat. No. 5.244,726
materials can have a bi-continuous morphology. 65 and U.S. Pat. No. 7,771,686, which are both incorporated by
For geopolymers, one method of controlling porosity, with reference herein. Examples of components of multicompo
a significant majority of the pores in the nanometer ranges, is nent geopolymer resin include nanoparticles, nanomaterials,
US 9,242,900 B2
inorganic particulates, organic particulates, biological mate uid is then mixed with the geopolymer resin. In certain cases,
rials, or any combination thereof. Other examples include the geopolymer resin and the liquid are combined first, and
water-miscible organic monomers, oligomers, macromers, one or more additional components are added to the geopoly
polymers; compounds that can be hydrolyzed and condensed mer resin-liquid mixture, as shown in optional step 106.
with a geopolymer resin, Such as organosilanes, organosilox Components of multicomponent liquids can include one or
anes, organoalumoxanes, and organo metal oxides; inorganic more monomers, oligomers, macromers, polymers, metals,
compounds Such as water-soluble organometallic complexes semiconductors, insulators, nanoparticles, nanomaterials,
and inorganic metal compounds; water-miscible liquids Such inorganic particles, organic particles, inorganic compounds,
as glycerol, alcohols, acetone, tetrahydrofuran, dimethyl Sul organic compounds, Solvated molecules, Surfactants, organic
foxide and N-methylpyrrolidone; and materials that generate 10 Solvents, emulsions, fibers, foams, gases, foaming materials,
gas when in contact with geopolymer resin, Such as hydrogen porous materials, biological materials, quantum dots, mag
peroxide, aluminum metal or silica fume. netic materials, and the like.
The geopolymer resin of step 102 is mixed with a liquid in The mixture of step 104 or 106 is then treated so that the
step 104. The liquid is chosen such that at least a portion of its geopolymer resin component in the mixture hardens or Solidi
mixture with a geopolymer resin is homogeneous upon visual 15 fies in step 108. The hardened or solidified mixture is called a
inspection, but exhibits a nanoscale (1-1000 nm), microscale geopolymer blend. The treatment can include heating the
(1-1000 um) or milliscale (1-10 mm) phase separation simi mixture at relatively low temperatures (e.g., between about
lar, for example, to Some microemulsions, nanoemulsions, 40° C. and about 80° C.). Solidification can be achieved by
emulsions, double emulsions, and polymer blends. In some heating the mixture at a temperature below the boiling point
cases, the liquid of step 104 used to prepare the geopolymer of the liquid component of the mixture, exposing the mixture
resin is more viscous than water. In some cases, the liquid is to electromagnetic radiation (e.g., microwave or infrared
a water-miscible liquid that dissolves geopolymer precursors radiation), or allowing the resin to cure at an ambient tem
to a lesser extent than water. Examples of the liquid include perature (e.g., room temperature).
glycerol (or commercially called as glycerin) ethylene glycol In some implementations, the treatment of step 108 is
and polyols. In some cases, the phase separation occurs 25 carried out in the presence of stirring, shaking, shearing,
between geopolymer-resin-rich regions and geopolymer agitation, Sonication, vibration, or the like; by heating under
resin-poor regions. The phase separation can be bi-continu a controlled humidity; or with spinning, spreading, screeding,
ous, Such that the mixture of the geopolymer resin and the spraying, dispensing, injecting, foaming, shaping, molding,
liquid has a bi-continuous phase-separated composition, ribboning, extruding or pultruding the mixture, all with or
including a geopolymer-resin-rich phase and a geopolymer 30 without simultaneous heating. In some cases, the liquid com
resin-poor phase. The bi-continuous phase separation can ponent of the mixture undergoes polymerization during the
occur on a nanoscale, a microscale, a milliscale or a combi treatment of the mixture (e.g., when the treatment involves
nation thereof. In some cases, the phase separation can be heating). The geopolymer blend can be in various forms
discontinuous between a geopolymer-resin-rich phase and a including monoliths, sheets, coatings, membranes, films,
geopolymer-resin-poor phase. The discontinuous phase sepa 35 fibers, wires, beads, pellets, rings, particulates, nanoparticles,
ration can occur on a nanoscale, a microscale, a milliscale or and the like.
a combination thereof. The geopolymer blend may include multiple components.
Examples of liquids that phase-separate with a geopolymer In some cases, the inclusion of multiple components can be
resin include water-immiscible liquids. The water-immis achieved by employing a multicomponent geopolymer resin,
cible liquids can include biorenewable oils such as plant oil, 40 a multicomponent liquid, or a combination thereof. In certain
straight vegetable oil, and waste vegetable oil that contain cases, the inclusion of multiple components can be achieved
triglycerides. Some examples of suitable plant and vegetable by mixing multiple components into a mixture of a geopoly
oils include canola oil, castor oil, palm oil, soybean oil, lin mer resin and a liquid.
seed oil, corn oil, Sunflower oil, cottonseed oil, and algae oil. The geopolymer blend of step 108 is treated to remove at
Water-immiscible liquids also include animal fats such as 45 least some or a significant portion of the liquid component to
lards and tallows that contain triglycerides. When triglycer provide a porous material in step 110. Examples of the treat
ides are in contact with a geopolymer resin, the triglycerides ment include extraction, soaking, decomposition, evapora
can undergo saponification reactions by reacting with the tion, heating, pyrolysis, combustion, and the like. The extrac
alkaline or basic component in the geopolymer resin. The tion or soaking can be achieved by using one or more solvents
saponification reactions generate long-chain carboxylate 50 selected from the group consisting of water, tetrahydrofuran,
anions. In some cases, the long-chain carboxylate anions act hexane, acetonitrile, dimethyl Sulfoxide, a hydrocarbon, a
as Surfactants and thereby influence the separation between halogenated hydrocarbon, a ketone, an aldehyde, an amine,
the geopolymer resin phase and the water-immiscible liquid an amide, an ether, an ester, a carboxylic acid and an alcohol.
phase. The water-immiscible liquids can also include other Heating of the blend may result in dehydration, decomposi
components capable of undergoing Saponification reactions, 55 tion, or crystallization of the geopolymer blend. The porous
including biodiesel, monoglycerides, and diglycerides. material can be in various forms including monoliths, sheets,
In some embodiments, the water-immiscible liquid does coatings, membranes, films, fibers, wires, beads, pellets,
not undergo a saponification reaction. Examples of Such liq rings, particulates, nanoparticles, biological materials, and
uids include petroleum-based oil such as paraffin oil (often the like.
called mineral oil) or water-immiscible organic solvents such 60 Optional step 112 includes processing the product of step
as hexane or toluene. In some cases, the water-immiscible 110 (e.g., to change characteristics of the pores and/or pore
liquid includes an organic monomer, oligomer, macromer, or walls). In some cases, the process involves treating the porous
polymer. In some cases, the liquid can be a mixture of a material to remove a component. Examples of the treatment
water-miscible liquid and a water-immiscible liquid. include extraction, soaking, etching, melting, Sublimation,
The liquid of step 104 can be a multicomponent liquid. In 65 dissolution, decomposition, evaporation, heating, combus
Some cases, a multicomponent liquid is formed by adding tion, calcination, and the like. In some cases, heating of the
multiple components to the liquid. The multicomponent liq porous materials can cause dehydration, decomposition,
US 9,242,900 B2
11 12
combustion, or crystallization of the porous materials. In ery materials, drug delivery materials, sanitizer delivery
Some cases, the heating of the porous materials can cause at materials, herbicide delivery materials, fungicide delivery
least a portion of the pores to be closed and inaccessible. In materials, pesticide delivery materials, insecticide delivery
Some cases, step 112 includes treating the material to replace materials, plant nutrient delivery materials, fertilizer materi
one or more components. Examples of the treatment include als, plant growing media, green roof materials, hydroponics
ion exchange, metatheses, and the like. In some cases, the Support media, potting materials, animal nutrient delivery
process includes treating the material with hydrothermal materials, human nutrient delivery materials, water purifica
treatment, heating, calcination, and the like to introduce a tion materials, Soil stabilization materials, wetting agents,
crystallinity and/or a microporosity to the pore walls. water absorption materials, water adsorption materials, water
Optional step 114 includes processing the product of step 10 collection materials, water retention materials, humidity con
110 or step 112 to produce a composite material. In some trol material, pet litter absorption materials, vapor sorption
implementations, the porous material of step 110 or step 112 materials, gas sorption materials, oil sorption material, oil
is contacted with an additive to form a composite including extraction material, algae oil nanofarming material, selective
the porous material and the additive. In some cases, the addi Solid-phase extraction material, desiccants, proppant materi
tive binds to the porous material. In certain cases, the material 15 als, hemostats, and the like. The porous materials, compos
is impregnated with inorganic particulates, organic particu ites, and materials described herein can be also used as a
lates, inorganic compounds, organic compounds, biological template or a mask to produce porous materials other than
materials, polymers, carbon, metals, and the like. The mate geopolymers, including porous polymers and porous ceram
rial can be filled or partially filled with a gas, a liquid, a solid, 1CS
or a combination thereof. The following examples are provided to more fully illus
Optional step 116 includes processing the product of step trate some of the embodiments of the present invention. It
114 to produce another material. In some cases, the compos should be appreciated by those of skill in the art that the
ite of step 114 can be modified in chemical composition, in techniques disclosed in the examples which follow represent
chemical structure or in pore morphology. In some cases, the techniques discovered by the inventors to function well in the
composite of step 114 can be treated by heating. Heating the practice of the invention, and thus can be considered to con
composite can cause the pores on the outer region of the 25 stitute exemplary modes for its practice. However, those of
materials to collapse or become blocked so that the pores in skill in the art should, in light of the present disclosure,
the inner region become inaccessible. In some cases, the appreciate that many changes can be made in the specific
composite of step 114 can be contacted with a solvent to etch embodiments that are disclosed and still obtain a like or
the composite. similar result without departing from the spirit and scope of
Process 120, shown in FIG. 1B, is an example of process 30 the invention.
100. In process 120, a geopolymer resin is provided in step
122. In step 124, two or more components, including a water EXAMPLES
immiscible liquid, are combined with the geopolymer resin to
form a visually homogenous mixture. The mixture is solidi Example 1
fied or hardened in step 126, and the water-immiscible liquid 35
component is removed from the solidified or hardened mix 12.2 g of KOH was dissolved in 20 ml of water into which
ture to form a porous material in step 128. In optional step 6.7 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution
130, one or more components of the porous material is was stirred until it became homogeneous by visual observa
removed, yielding another porous material. In optional step tion. In the Solution, 12.3 g of metakaolin was added and
132, the porous material formed in step 128 or 130 is con stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous. 20
tacted with an additive to form another material. ml of corn oil was then added to the geopolymer resin and
The porous materials, composites, and materials described stirred vigorously until the mixture became homogeneous by
herein can be used in a variety of ways including, but not visual observation. The mixture was heated in a closed con
limited to, as adsorbents, absorbents, nanoreactors, nano tainer at 40° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a hard solid
glues, nanocontainers, nanocomposites, catalysts, catalyst monolith. The monolith was immersed in a tetrahydrofuran
Supports, oxidizing agents, reducing agents, filters, chroma 45 (THF) bath to remove the oil from the monolith. The monolith
tography media, ion exchange materials, separation materi was then removed from the bath and dried in a lab oven at
als, magnetic separation materials, membranes, gas/liquid/ 110° C. FIGS. 2A and 2B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm
fuel storage materials, electrodes, sensors, electrical and Barret-Joyner-Halenda (BJH) pore size distribution of
materials, electronic materials, magnetic materials, micro the product. The product showed a nitrogen Brunauer-Em
wave absorbers, microwave-assisted heating materials, bio 50 mett–Teller (BET) surface area of about 59 m/g, a BJH
implants, structure reinforcing materials, construction mate desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.25 cm/g, and
rials, Solar energy collectors, Supercapacitors, Solar cell a BJH desorption pore width of about 12.8 nm. Table 1 shows
components, dielectrics, thermal insulation materials, sound the Surface areas and pore characteristics of this porous mate
insulation materials, fire retardants, paint thickeners, matting rial and others prepared under the same conditions but with
agent, packaging materials, refractories, additives, ink jet different oils.
coatings, porous binders, porous fillers, ionic conductors,
bioreactors, culture media, culture Supports, bone replace TABLE 1
ment materials, active battery components, battery separa
tors, thermal composites (e.g., porous geopolymers impreg BET surface area, BJH pore volume and BJH average pore width of
nated with a thermal energy storage material, a phase change samples made from geopolymer resin that is mixed with various oils.
compound, a thermochemical energy storage material, or a BET Surface BJH
magnetocaloric material), toxin removal materials, chemical Oil area (m/g) pore volume (cm/g) BJH pore width (nm)
removal materials, waste removal materials, hazard removal canola oil 77 O.38 14.7
materials, chemical decontaminants, bioactive decontami corn oil 59 O.25 12.8
nants, odor elimination materials, oil spill cleanup materials, olive oil 60 O.23 11.3
arsenic removal materials, heavy metal removal materials, 65 mineral oil 19 O.O8 13.4
nuclear waste removal materials, energetic materials, evapo
rative chillers/heaters, aroma delivery materials, flavor deliv
US 9,242,900 B2
13 14
Example 2 was placed in a THF bath for a few days to remove the oil from
the monolith. The monolith was then removed from the THF
The porous material prepared with canola oil inTable 1 was Solvent and placed in a lab oven for drying. The product
subsequently calcined at 700° C. for 10 hours in air. The showed a BET surface area of about 98 m/g, a BJH desorp
calcined product showed a surface area of about 28 m/g, a 5 tion cumulative pore volume of about 0.34 cm/g, and a BJH
pore volume of about 0.28 cm/g, and an average pore width desorption pore width of about 12.8 nm. FIGS. 4A and 4B
of about 42.1 nm. show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and BJH pore size distri
bution of the product.
Example 3
10 Example 7
12.2 g of KOH was dissolved in 20 ml of water into which
6.7 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution 6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which
was stirred until it became homogeneous by visual observa 3.33 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution
tion. In the Solution, 12.3 g of metakaolin was added and 15
was then stirred until it became visually homogeneous. In the
stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous. 20 solution, 6.67 g of metakaolin was added and stirred until the
ml of canola oil was then added into the geopolymer resin and Solution became homogeneous by visual observation. 10g of
stirred vigorously under a slight vacuum until the mixture NaA zeolite particles having a mean particle size of about 80
became homogeneous by visual observation. The mixture um was then added to 10 ml of canola oil and well mixed for
was heated in a closed container at 40°C. for 24 hours, which about half an hour. The mixture was added into the geopoly
resulted in a hard Solid monolith. The resulting sample mer resin and stirred vigorously until the mixture became
showed a BET surface area of about 132 m/g, a BJH desorp visually homogeneous. This mixture was then heated in a
tion cumulative pore volume of about 0.42 cm/g, and a BJH closed container at 40° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a
desorption pore width of about 10.3 nm. FIGS. 3A and 3B hard solid monolith. The monolith was placed in a THF bath
show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and BJH pore size distri for a few days to remove the oil from the monolith. The
bution of the product. FIGS. 3C and 3D show a scanning monolith was then removed from the THF solvent and placed
electron microscope (SEM) image and an atomic force in a lab oven to dry. The product showed a BET surface area
microscope (AFM) image of the product. of about 113 m/g (mainly from mesopores), a BJH desorp
tion cumulative pore volume of about 0.43 cm/g and a BJH
Example 4 desorption pore width of about 12.4 nm.
12.2 g of KOH was dissolved in 20 ml of water into which Example 8
13.3 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution
was then stirred until it became visually homogeneous. In the 6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which
Solution, 24.7 g of metakaolin was added and stirred until the 3.33 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution
solution became homogeneous by visual observation. 20 ml 35 was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual
of canola oil was then added into the geopolymer resin and observation. In the solution, 6.67 g of metakaolin was added
stirred vigorously until the mixture became visually homo and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous.
geneous. The mixture was heated in a closed container at 40° 6.0 g of powdered yeast granules was then added to 10 ml of
C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a hard solid monolith. The canola oil and well mixed for about half an hour. The mixture
monolith was then immersed in a THF bath to remove the oil 0 was added into the geopolymer resin and stirred vigorously
from the monolith. The product showed a BET surface area of until the mixture became homogeneous by visual observa
about 54 m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of tion. The mixture was then heated in a closed container at 40°
about 0.19 cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of about C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a hard solid monolith that
10.8 nm. was porous. The yeast was burned off by a heat treatment,
45 thereby leaving a calcined porous geopolymer material that
Example 5 has a density lower than the original yeast-geopolymer com
The sample in Example 4 was calcined at 700° C. for 10
hours. The product showed a BET surface area of about 76 Example 9
m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.24 50
cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of about 8.1 nm. 100 mg of a porous geopolymer prepared from a geopoly
mer resin as described above and canola oil was soaked in 0.5
Example 6 mM solution of HAuCland dried for about 6 hours at 110°C.
to evaporate any water present. The porous geopolymer was
6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which 55 then soaked in excess NaBH (0.1 M) solution. The NaBH
3.33 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution reduced the Au(III) ions inside the porous geopolymer to
was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual form gold nanoparticles in the pores.
observation. In the solution, 6.67 g of metakaolin was added
and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous. Example 10
The resulting geopolymer resin had a viscosity that much 60
higher than honey. 10 g of anatase TiO, having a mean par 12.2 g of KOH was dissolved in 20 ml of water into which
ticle size of about 32 nm was then added to 10 ml of canola oil 6.7 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution
and well mixed for about half an hour. The mixture was added was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual
into the geopolymer resin and stirred vigorously until the observation. In the solution, 12.3 g of metakaolin was added
mixture became homogeneous by visual observation. This 65 and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous.
mixture was then heated in a closed container at 40°C. for 24 20 ml of canola oil was then added into the geopolymer resin
hours, which resulted in a hard solid monolith. The monolith and stirred vigorously until the mixture became homoge
US 9,242,900 B2
15 16
neous by visual observation. The mixture was heated in an observation. In the solution, 12.3 g of metakaolin was added
open container at 50° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a hard and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous.
solid monolith. The monolith was subjected to Soxhlet 20 ml of biodiesel was then added into the geopolymer resin
extraction using n-butanol as the solvent to remove the oil and stirred vigorously until the mixture became homoge
from the monolith. The monolith was then dried in a lab oven 5
neous by visual observation. The mixture was heated in an
at 120° C. The product showed a BET surface area of about open container at 50° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a hard
155 m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about solid monolith. The monolith was subjected to Soxhlet
0.53 cm/g and a BJH desorption pore width of 14 nm. FIGS. extraction using n-butanol as the solvent to remove the oil
5A and 5B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and BJH pore from the monolith. The monolith was then dried in a lab oven
size distribution of the product. FIGS.5C and 5D shows TEM at 120° C. The product showed a BET surface area of about 93
and SEM images of the product. m?g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.47
cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of 20 nm. FIGS. 8A
Example 11 and 8B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and BJH pore size
distribution of the product.
The porous geopolymer in Example 10 was heated at 500
C. for 6 hours in air and the resulting sample after heat Example 15
treatment exhibited a BET surface area of about 136 m/g, a
BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.45 cm/g 12.2 g of KOH was dissolved in 20 ml of water into which
and a BJH desorption pore width of 13 nm. FIGS. 6A and 6B 6.7 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution
show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and BJH pore size distri was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual
bution of the product. observation. In the solution, 12.3 g of metakaolin was added
and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous.
Example 12 4 goflard dissolved in 8 ml of mineral oil was then added into
the geopolymer resin and stirred vigorously until the mixture
25 became homogeneous by visual observation. The mixture
12.2 g of KOH was dissolved in 20 ml of water into which
6.7 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution was heated in an open container at 50° C. for 24 hours, which
was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual resulted in a hard solid monolith. The monolith was subjected
observation. In the Solution, 12.3 g of metakaolin was added to Soxhlet extraction using hexane as the solvent to remove
and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous. the mineral oil and n-butanol as the solvent to remove the lard
20 ml of olive oil was then added into the geopolymer resin from the monolith. The monolith was then dried in a lab oven
and stirred vigorously until the mixture became homoge at 120°C. The product showed a BET surface area of about 44
neous by visual observation. The mixture was heated in a m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.37
closed container at 40° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of 34 nm. FIGS.9A
hard solid monolith. The monolith was immersed in a THF and 9B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and BJH pore size
bath to remove the oil from the monolith. The monolith was 35 distribution of the product.
then removed from the bath and dried in a lab oven at 110°C.
The product exhibited a BET surface area of about 60 m/g, a Example 16
BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.23 cm/g,
and a BJH desorption pore width of about 11 nm. 12.2 g of KOH was dissolved in 20 ml of water into which
40 6.7 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution
Example 13 was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual
observation. In the solution, 12.3 g of metakaolin was added
12.2 g of KOH was dissolved in 20 ml of water into which and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous.
6.7 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution 20 ml of waste vegetable oil was then added into the geopoly
was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual 45 mer resin and stirred vigorously until the mixture became
observation. In the Solution, 12.3 g of metakaolin was added homogeneous by visual observation. The mixture was heated
and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous. in an open container at 50° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in
20 ml of mineral oil was then added into the geopolymer resin a hard solid monolith. The monolith was subjected to Soxhlet
and stirred vigorously until the mixture became homoge extraction using n-butanol as the solvent to remove the oil
neous by visual observation. The mixture was heated in a 50 from the monolith. The monolith was then dried in a lab oven
closed container at 40° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a at 120°C. The product exhibited a BET surface area of about
hard solid monolith. The monolith was immersed in a hexane 122 m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about
bath to remove the oil from the monolith. The monolith was 0.37 cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of 12 nm. FIGS.
then removed from the bath and dried in a lab oven at 110°C. 10A and 10B show a nitrogensorption isothermand BJH pore
FIGS. 7A and 7B show a nitrogensorption isotherm and BJH 55 size distribution of the product.
pore size distribution of the product. The product exhibited a
BET surface area of about 19 m/g, a BJH desorption cumu Example 17
lative pore volume of about 0.08 cm/g, and a BJH desorption
pore width of about 13 nm. However, the product exhibits 4 g of porous geopolymer particles of size between 0.25
macropores as shown in the SEM images of the product 60 mm to 1.68 mm (prepared by following the procedure in
(FIGS. 7C and 7D). Example 10) was soaked in 1M FeC1.6HO in methanol for
24 hours. The resulting porous geopolymer particles were
Example 14 filtered and dried at 100° C. for 6 hours to give porous
geopolymer-iron (oxy)hydroxide composite material. This
12.2 g of KOH was dissolved in 20 ml of water into which 65 composite material exhibited KCl within the pores as byprod
6.7 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution uct. This KCl by-product was removed from the pores of the
was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual composite material by repeated washing with deionized
US 9,242,900 B2
17 18
water. This composite material exhibited a BET surface area a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.51
of about 150 m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of 23 nm. FIGS. 14A
of about 0.40 cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of 11 and 14B show a nitrogensorption isotherm and BJH pore size
nm. FIGS. 11A and 11B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm distribution of the product.
and BJH pore size distribution and FIG. 11C shows the TEM
image of the product. Example 21
Example 18 6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which
0.95 g of (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane was added and
6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which was stirred for 24 hours. To the resulting solution, 3.02 g of
3.33 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution fumed silica was added Subsequently. The Solution was then
was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual stirred until it became homogeneous by visual observation. In
observation. In the solution, 6.17 g of metakaolin was added the solution, 6.17 g of metakaolin was added and stirred until
and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous. the solution became visually homogeneous. 10 ml of canola
5 ml of a ferrofluid was added to 5 ml of canola oil and well 15
mixed for about half an hour. The mixture was added to the
oil was then added into the geopolymer resin and stirred
geopolymer resin and stirred vigorously until the mixture vigorously until the mixture became homogeneous by visual
became homogeneous by visual observation. The mixture observation. The mixture was heated in an open container at
was heated in an open container at 50° C. for 24 hours, which 50° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a hard solid monolith.
resulted in a hard solid monolith. The monolith was subjected The monolith was subjected to Soxhlet extraction using n-bu
tanol as the solvent to remove the oil from the monolith. The
to Soxhlet extraction using n-butanol as the solvent to remove
the oil from the monolith. The monolith was then dried in a monolith was then dried in a lab oven at 120°C. The product
lab oven at 120°C. The product showed a BET surface area of showed a BET surface area of about 118 m/g, a BJH desorp
about 110 m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of tion cumulative pore volume of about 0.49 cm/g and a BJH
about 0.36 cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of 13 nm. 25 desorption pore width of 17 nm. FIGS. 15A and 15B show a
FIGS. 12A and 12B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and nitrogen sorption isotherm and BJH pore size distribution of
BJH pore size distribution of the product. the product.
Example 19 Example 22
6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which 11.46 g of water glass was added to 2.0 ml of water. The
3.33 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution solution was then stirred until it became homogeneous by
was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual visual observation. In the solution, 5.72 g of metakaolin was
observation. 6.17 g of metakaolin was added and stirred until added and stirred until the Solution became visually homoge
the solution became visually homogeneous. 5g of halloysite 35 neous. 10 ml of canola oil was then added into the geopolymer
nanoclay was then added to 10 ml of canola oil and well resin and stirred vigorously until the mixture became homo
mixed for about half an hour. The mixture was added to the geneous by visual observation. The mixture was heated in an
geopolymer resin and stirred vigorously until the mixture open container at 50° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a hard
became homogeneous by visual observation. The mixture solid monolith. The monolith was subjected to Soxhlet
was heated in an open container at 50° C. for 24 hours, which 40 extraction using n-butanol as the solvent to remove the oil
resulted in a hard solid monolith. The monolith was subjected from the monolith. The monolith was then dried in a lab oven
to Soxhlet extraction using n-butanol as the solvent to remove at 120°C. The product showed a BET surface area of about 66
the oil from the monolith. The monolith was then dried in a m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.45
lab oven at 120°C. The product showed a BET surface area of cm/g and a BJH desorption pore width of 28 nm. FIGS. 16A
about 99 m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of 45 and 16B show a nitrogensorption isotherm and BJH pore size
about 0.33 cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of 13 nm. distribution of the product.
FIGS. 13A and 13B show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and
BJH pore size distribution of the product. Example 23
Example 20 50 6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which
3.33 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution
6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual
3.32 g of (3-aminopropyl)trimethoxysilane was added and observation. In the solution, 6.17 g of metakaolin was added
was stirred for 24 hours. To the resulting solution, 2.22 g of and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous.
fumed silica was added Subsequently. The solution was then 55 10 ml of canola oil was then added into the geopolymer resin
stirred until it became homogeneous by visual observation. In and stirred vigorously until the mixture became homoge
the solution, 6.17 g of metakaolin was added and stirred until neous by visual observation. Polypropylene fiber was added
the solution became visually homogeneous. The resulting into this homogeneous solution and the mixture was heated in
geopolymer resin exhibited a viscosity similar to honey. 10 ml an open container at 50° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a
of canola oil was then added into the geopolymer resin and 60 hard solid monolith. The monolith was subjected to Soxhlet
stirred vigorously until the mixture became homogeneous by extraction using n-butanol as the solvent to remove the oil
visual observation. The mixture was heated in an open con from the monolith. The monolith was then dried in a lab oven
tainer at 50° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a hard solid at 120° C. The product showed a BET surface area of about
monolith. The monolith was subjected to Soxhlet extraction 128 m/g, a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about
using n-butanol as the solvent to remove the oil from the 65 0.44 cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of 17 nm. FIGS.
monolith. The monolith was then dried in a lab oven at 120° 17A and 17B show a nitrogensorption isothermand BJH pore
C. The product showed a BET surface area of about 88 m/g, size distribution of the product.
US 9,242,900 B2
19 20
Example 24 a BJH desorption pore width of 26 nm. FIGS. 19A and 19B
show a nitrogen sorption isotherm and BJH pore size distri
6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which bution of the product.
3.33 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution While this document contains many specifics, these should
was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual not be construed as limitations on the scope of an invention or
observation. In the solution, 6.17 g of metakaolin was added of what may be claimed, but rather as descriptions of features
and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous. specific to particular embodiments of the invention. Certain
features that are described in this document in the context of
10 ml of canola oil was then added into the geopolymer resin
and stirred vigorously until the mixture became homoge separate embodiments can also be implemented in combina
neous by visual observation. 40 ml of hexane was added to the
10 tion in a single embodiment. Conversely, various features that
above mixture and stirred vigorously for about 20 minutes to are described in the context of a single embodiment can also
obtain a homogeneous mixture. The mixture was poured into be implemented in multiple embodiments separately or in any
a container and closed tightly before letting it to stand for 2 suitable subcombination. Moreover, although features may
days at room temperature, which resulted in a hard Solid be described above as acting in certain combinations and even
15 initially claimed as Such, one or more features from a claimed
monolith. The monolith was subjected to Soxhlet extraction combination can in Some cases be excised from the combi
using n-butanol as the solvent to remove the oil from the nation, and the claimed combination may be directed to a
monolith. The monolith was then dried in a lab oven at 120° Subcombination or a variation of a Subcombination.
C. The product showed a BET surface area of about 92 m/g, Only a few implementations are disclosed. Variations,
a BJH desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.48 modifications and enhancements of the disclosed implemen
cm/g, and a BJH desorption pore width of 21 nm. FIGS. 18A tations and other implementations can be made based on what
and 18B show a nitrogensorption isothermand BJH pore size is described and illustrated in this document.
distribution of the product.
What is claimed is:
Example 25 25 1. A method of fabricating a porous material, the method
1.0 g of porous geopolymer particles of size between 0.25 combining a geopolymer resin and a liquid to form a mix
mm to 1.68 mm (prepared by following the procedure in ture;
Example 10) was heated along with 1.80 ml of water in an stirring, shaking, shearing, agitating, Sonicating, or Vibrat
autoclave for 48 hours at 75°C. The powder X-ray diffraction 30 ing the mixture at a pressure lower than atmospheric
pattern of this resulting material exhibited well-shaped Bragg pressure;
reflection peaks, which indicated a crystallinity of the prod solidifying the mixture to form a solid embedded with the
uct. liquid; and
removing at least a portion of the liquid from the Solid to
Example 26 35 yield the porous material.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the liquid comprises a
3.05 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which water-immiscible liquid.
3.33 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution 3. The method of claim 1, further comprising combining
was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual the geopolymer resin and the liquid with one or more addi
observation. In the solution, 6.17 g of metakaolin was added 40 tional components to form the mixture.
and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous. 4. The method of claim 1, further comprising forming the
3.53 g of resorcinol was dissolved in 5 ml of 37% formalde geopolymer resin by combining one or more inorganic mate
hyde solution. This solution was added to the geopolymer rials selected from the group consisting of fumed silica, rice
resin kept in an ice bath and stirred vigorously until the huskash, silica fume, silicates, aluminates, aluminosilicates,
mixture became homogeneous by visual observation. The 45 organosilanes, clays, minerals, metakaolin, calcined clays,
mixture was heated in an open container at 50° C. for 24 fly ash, slag, poZZolan, incinerated utility waste, glass pow
hours, which resulted in a hard solid monolith. The product der, and red mud with an alkaline or basic solution.
was red in color, which indicated polymerization of resorci 5. The method of claim 1, further comprising stirring,
nol and formaldehyde. The material was dried and calcined. shaking, shearing, agitating, Sonicating, or Vibrating the mix
The calcined product showed a macroporosity. 50 ture.
6. The method of claim 1, wherein solidifying the mixture
Example 27 comprises curing the mixture at ambient temperature.
7. The method of claim 1, wherein solidifying the mixture
6.1 g of KOH was dissolved in 10 ml of water into which comprises heating the mixture under a controlled humidity or
3.33 g of fumed silica was added subsequently. The solution 55 at a temperature below the boiling point of the liquid.
was then stirred until it became homogeneous by visual 8. The method of claim 1, wherein solidifying the mixture
observation. In the solution, 6.17 g of metakaolin was added comprises stirring, shaking, shearing, agitating, Sonicating,
and stirred until the solution became visually homogeneous. Vibrating, spinning, spreading, Screeding, spraying, dispens
10 ml of glycerin was then added into the geopolymer resin ing, injecting, foaming, shaping, molding, ribboning, extrud
and stirred vigorously until the mixture became homoge 60 ing, or pultruding the mixture.
neous by visual observation. The mixture was heated in an 9. The method of claim 1, wherein solidifying the mixture
open container at 50° C. for 24 hours, which resulted in a solid comprises spinning, spreading, screeding, spraying, dispens
monolith. The monolith was subjected to Soxhlet extraction ing, injecting, foaming, shaping, molding, ribboning, extrud
using water as the solvent to remove the oil from the mono ing, or pultruding the mixture and heating the mixture during
lith. The monolith was then dried in a lab oven at 120°C. The 65 at least part of the time during spinning, spreading, screeding,
product showed a BET surface area of about 97 m/g, a BJH spraying, dispensing, injecting, foaming, shaping, molding,
desorption cumulative pore volume of about 0.50 cm/g, and ribboning, extruding, or pultruding.
US 9,242,900 B2
21 22
10. The method of claim 1, wherein removing at least the 16. The method of claim 1, further comprising contacting
portion of the liquid comprises extracting the liquid. the porous material with an additive to form a composite
11. The method of claim 10, wherein removing at least the comprising the porous material and the additive.
portion of the liquid comprises soaking the Solid in one or 17. The method of claim 1, further comprising contacting
more solvents selected from the group consisting of water, the porous material with a gas or a liquid.
tetrahydrofuran, hexane, acetonitrile, dimethyl sulfoxide, a 18. The method of claim 1, further comprising treating the
hydrocarbon, a halogenated hydrocarbon, a ketone, an alde porous material or composite material to form another mate
hyde, an amine, an amide, an ether, an ester, a carboxylic acid 19. A method of fabricating a porous material, the method
and an alcohol. comprising:
12. The method of claim 1, wherein removing at least the combining a geopolymer resin and a liquid to form a mix
portion of the liquid comprises decomposition, evaporation, ture;
heating, pyrolysis, or combustion. solidifying the mixture to form a solid embedded with the
13. The method of claim 1, further comprising removing a liquid; and
component from the porous material by a process comprising 15
removing at least a portion of the liquid from the Solid to
extraction, soaking, etching, melting, Sublimation, dissolu yield the porous material, wherein removing at least the
portion of the liquid comprises extracting the liquid and
tion, decomposition, evaporation, heating, combustion, or soaking the solid in one or more solvents selected from
calcination, thereby forming another material. the group consisting of water, tetrahydrofuran, hexane,
14. The method of claim 1, further comprising hydrother acetonitrile, dimethyl Sulfoxide, a hydrocarbon, a halo
mally heating the porous material. genated hydrocarbon, a ketone, an aldehyde, an amine,
15. The method of claim 1, further comprising treating the an amide, an ether, an ester, a carboxylic acid and an
porous material to impart a microporosity to the porous mate

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