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Reflection 9

Lesson Reflection (Completed after EVERY lesson taught)

Remember to use support from the academic literature
English Amal Ebrhim
Lesson - Student
Puzzles and Codes
unit/page teacher
(prepositions & foods).

MST Mr. David School PYP

Class 3A Date 23\10\2018
Overall aim and context of the lesson
- The students will be able to speak about food.
- The students will be able to write names and simple instruction sentences.
- The students will be able to understand and use prepositions like: (Opposite,
Between, Next to) of place in spoken and written work.

Select (S):
In this lesson the students will learn some interesting lesson about the food and the
prepositions word to use it in their life, and I will use many strategies to let the students
understand the meaning of each word of prepositions, and I will give them some
activities to do it.
Describe (D):
I teach the grade three in the English lesson. First of all I showed the PowerPoint include
the name and color of the fruits, I explain for the students and say for them the names of
the fruit and what is the color that the fruits have. Then I bring some vegetables and
fruits in the class and I let the students to classify these foods of to the vegetables and
fruits and say why. After that I will explain for the students what the meaning of each
word of the prepositions, and then I will let them to describe the fruits and vegetables by
using the propositions word.
Analyze (A):
I test the students understanding if they understand the meaning of the
propositions and what are the propositions words, then I show the students flash
card about the propositions word and I gave each group these flash card to create some
posters or sentence with the propositions word. After that I let each group to come in the
front and discuss with the groups their sentences, after all the groups finish their
discussion I ask them some questions about the propositions word and fruit then I will
give them the worksheet about it to check if the students understand what is the
meaning of the propositions words.
Appraise (A):
I give each student one worksheet include the basket with the fruits, and the students
may know the name of the fruits then they will write a story to use the fruits and use the
propositions word. After that I will read the story for all the students then I will let some of
them to read their stories to the whole class. Then I will ask them the questions again to
check if they understand the lesson. That help the students to improve their ability and to
improve their skills such as kinesthetic skills while they write the story and they will
improve their thinking skills through they think about the story.
Transform (T):
In the future I hope to print all the materials in the big paper to make sure if all the
students can see, also I will provide some strategies to let the students motivate with the
teachers and to let the students interested of the lesson.

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