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Promote engineering profession, facilitate engineers and engineering establishments to reach ideal
solutions, enhance the level of performance, and encourage innovation and creativity to achieve an
internationally recognized position.


Building outstanding engineering efficiencies that effectively contribute to the economic growth of
Saudi Arabia.

Creating conducive environment for innovation, development, and creativity that serve the
requirements of the society.

Encouraging Saudi engineering firms and Saudi engineers to develop their competitive abilities.

Strategy I

To contribute to raise the standard of engineering education in academic, training, and professional
fields aiming at materialization of compatibility between educational outcomes and employment market


1.1 To coordinate with universities and support their efforts in continuous revision of policies and
educational programs in academic, training, and professional fields including:

- students' skills development

- standards and rules for university admission

- potency of curricula and continuous development in light of the technical advancement in the
engineering field.

- cooperative summer training programs and graduation projects.

1-2 to evaluate competency of engineering graduates with requirements of the market and to develop
annual indices.

1-3 to work for materialization of integration between the engineering organizations in universities and
the Council and to participate in organizing technical and professional seminars and conferences.

1-4 encourage compilation and translation works.

Strategy II

Enhance the capabilities of engineers and technicians by approving curricula for qualifying and training
at Kingdom level that enable them to practice their profession effectively.

2-1 Authorization of progression of professional grades for engineers, to be applied in the national level,
in both government and private sectors and the progression is based on professional examinations
approved by the Council in accordance with the international rules and standards and to implement
progression in job promotion as per its influence in levels of profession.

2-2 to work with government and private training bodies and universities to introduce approved training
programs for all specializations and career levels of engineering and to evaluate them according to the
specific standards, and develop continuously in light of emerging technology and market requirements.

2-3 to establish bases and fundaments to figure out training hours for qualification purposes and to
adopt training registers for all engineers.

Strategy III

Work on authorizing the basics and rules that control the licenses, engineering practices, and ethics of
the profession.


3-1 To form an effective and operational system for practicing engineering profession in the Kingdom by
defining rules and fundaments and requirements of licensure for practicing the engineering for
individuals and corporations, and to define administrational and professional rules and fundaments
aimed to be achieved for renewal of registration.

3-2 to prepare comprehensive guides clarifying the bases and regulations which govern practicing of the
profession, ethics, and qualification requirements of engineering offices and firms.

3-3 continual supervision on career practices and implementation of penalties or punishments for career

Strategy IV

Encourage research, development, innovation, and creativity in all engineering fields.


4-1 To encourage foundation of potent research centers in engineering establishments and large
companies and to concern with step up the coordination and integration between them eying to create
an effective national research group that will contribute in boosting the economic growth and

4-2 work for allotment of incentives and rewards for individuals and organizations in design,
development, invention and innovation.

4-3 work to allocate incremental budgets by the government for research and development in various
government bodies and to assign national engineering firms for its implementation.
4-4 to work to include clauses in large government bids and company contracts stating the necessity of
participation of Saudi establishments and individuals in execution of development and design works in
these projects.

Strategy V

Offer attractive and prompt services to companies, engineering offices, and engineers.


5-1 To introduce new technical advancements and its usages and facilitate to obtain them.

5-2 to participate in developing methods and formalities related to the practices of various engineering
works, especially in quality, work force, and financial aspects; and to suggest specific levels for quality in
accordance with the services offered, and the size and nature of the works.

5-3 to establish an information center contains broad technical references and provides local, regional,
and international regulations, and contract and competition requirements and surveys.

5-4 to provide enough information on projects which contain engineering services and efforts for the
use of members.

Strategy VI

Review decisions and codes of practices/systems in both public and private sectors pertaining to
engineering sector and profession, and to suggest appropriate amendments that will contribute to
realize the goals of the Council.


6-1 To suggest suitable amendments to procurement regulations or any other rules that affect both
public and private sectors, contributing in development of the engineering sector and development and
enhancement of engineering capabilities.

6-2 to rush to get acquainted with regulatory projects and decisions that affect engineering sector and
to coordinate with concerned parties to influence positively, and broaden participation of the Council in
various committees in favor to, which, in turn, will enhance the level of profession and benefit both the
service providers and beneficiaries.

6-3 to ensure the authority of the Council in qualification process for engineering activities throughout
the national level for all the beneficiaries in both private and public sectors to guarantee unique
standard levels for qualification and supervision of the performance of engineering service sector.

Strategy VII
Active participation of Saudi engineers and engineering companies in projects in both public and private
sectors, and developing real working partnership between Saudi and foreign engineering firms in such a
way as to develop the national faculties.


7-1 To work out for partition of big contracts in order to allow Saudi engineers and engineering
companies to take maximum part in its execution.

7-2 to work out for inclusion of training and effective participation programs for Saudi engineers in big
engineering contracts.

7-3 deepening use of advanced technologies by Saudi engineers and engineering firms to a level that will
give them chances to participate in various projects.

7-4 encourage foreign companies who gain big contracts to give subcontracts to local Saudi companies
and Saudi engineers in influential areas.

7-5 encourage Saudi engineers and engineering firms to carry out engineering projects outside the
Kingdom and to sponsor, support, and assist them.

7-6 to prepare comprehensive surveys on size and nature of participation of Saudi firms and engineers in
various projects and their ratio to the total work, and the nature of the cooperation with foreign

7-7 highlight the importance of participation of Saudi firms in execution of different projects and the
positive effects that could achieve.

Strategy VIII

Encourage integration between national companies and engineering establishments to enable them to
execute major projects.


8-1 Endeavor to make principles and rules that allow a group of engineering firms to carry out tasks
together or provide engineering services as a single joint organization.

8-2 work out in coordination with other related parties to create an encouraging environment for
different Saudi engineering firms to entrust with some of their requirements to specialized Saudi
companies or individual engineering offices, in order to strengthen the capabilities, increase the
competitiveness, and reinforcement of integration that enable Saudi engineering group to carry out
bigger and more complex projects in and out of the Kingdom.

Strategy IX

Strive to promote small and medium size engineering establishments and individual engineering offices.

9-1 To make effective programs focused on sponsoring small-sized engineering offices and individuals to
support and guide them towards the ideal rules and principles in career practices and its development,
work-flow systems, and to get the works.

9-2 to work out for issuing a system to delimit categories of engineering projects in public and private
sectors for small and mid-sized engineering firms and individual engineering offices in order to
participate in their development.

9-3 to urge the public-sector firms to seek assistance of Saudi engineering firms and engineers in
implementation of their programs.

Strategy X

Edify the society about goals and assignments of the Council, and the role of engineering sector in the
execution of various developing projects.


10-1 To prepare an awareness program addressed to all classes of the society clarifying the role that the
Council undertakes and the benefits of its objectives to the society as being the first beneficiary.

10-2 to publish a series of directories and manuals to serve the citizens and guide them in all their needs
related to the engineering services.

10-3 to highlight the role of engineers in the society, and to shed light on the general concepts of
engineering specialties, and the role of each specialization.

10-4 to clarify the general concepts of etiquettes of the engineering practices, career disputes, penalties,
punishments, and bylaw of Council, and terms of cost calculation of engineering services and the
importance to stick on with.

10-5 to edify the importance of professional engineering qualification, and professional training and
tests; and to clarify the differences in career between the different qualification levels and the duties
and responsibilities based on them.

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