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Brianna Gomez

English 101


7 November 2018

Plastic Waste

Plastic Waste has been an issue for generations that has not been considered an important

issue however plastic waste is occurring all over the world. For instance in 1988 and 1998

Bangladesh has intense flooding that worsened when plastic bags clogged the city drains.

Countries all over the world experience plastic washed up on shore along with deceased marine

life. Sea Creatures are showing up on beach shores with plastic wrapped around their necks or in

their stomachs some are small as baby sea turtles and some as big as a whale. Plastic Waste is a

growing problem that is invading our land and waters today. Over the years our control on

plastic has gotten out of hand and if it continues to go unnoticed the future is not looking good.

In the past, plastic waste might have been considered an issue but not much action was

shown considering the plastic found in each square mile of the ocean is up to about 46,000 pieces

(Plastic Statistics,pt 8). Animals in the ocean have been deteriorating at a fast pace because of

small pieces of plastic are mistaken as food.Scientist have reported that in 1997 over 693 species

of marine animals have had to deal with the plastic debris in the ocean and 17% of those species

were lead to become endangered species (“ Ocean Plastic Pollution”,par 3). The plastic waste

that was found in oceans were bags,water bottles,bottle caps etc.

Not only did the plastic waste affect the wildlife but the plastic products found in the

oceans lead back to humans. According to the article “The Plastic that's Invading Our Waters”

“A 2011 study looking at the composition of microplastics found on shorelines around the world
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first raised alarm, saying that microfibers dominated the plastic debris they found and seemed to

be coming from clothing being washed”. Microfibers were being discovered in clothing and

when washed they were stripped off and sent into the waterways. Microfibers were released into

the oceans by our clothes and the plastic material which will be consumed by the fish leading to

the fish becoming uneatable.

Moving forward to the present the marine animals are continuing to deteriorate and the

amount of plastic has risen. Today nearly 100,000 marine mammals and sea turtles have been

killed due to the leftover synthetic fishing nets and lines (Grant,par 14). When searching on the

internet and a whale is shown washed up on the beach that is what happens to animals that have

inhaled a lot of plastic material. The plastic material stays in the stomach and can never be

removed which leads to a slow death.

Everyday new diseases are being discovered but not much has changed over the years

concerning microfibers. As of right now only animals have been known to experience the harsh

effects of the large intake of plastic. Another place microfibers have been identified is in clothes

or more specifically in Yoga Pants and Fleece Jackets and those microfibers found in the clothes

were stripped off when they were washed (Cernansky,par 11). When stripped off they travel into

the waterways and eventually end up in the ocean waters.

The effects in the past are very similar to the future but the number of plastic waste was lower

than the amount now. Plastic materials were spread out all over the water areas including inside

the waters. The microfibers were being researched by scientists but no luck was made in trying

to figure out all the possible issues that would affect our health.

The past and present have not experienced many differences when concerning the overall

outcome. In today’s view the marine animals are decreasing and that will lead to a drop in
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fisherman income. According to “Plastic Statistics”,“At least ⅔ of the world fish stocks are

suffering from plastic indigestion”. With most of the fish suffering with plastic in their systems

the fish will not be eatable.

Although not much knowledge has been obtained on how microfibers will affect humans

more information has been presented on microfibers. According to “The plastic that has been

invading our waters” “A single synthetic fleece jacket released as much as 250,000 microfibers,

or 2.7 grams - about the weight of a Ping-Pong ball - when washed in a machine”. Once the

microfibers are released in the water it is possible that it could end up in our drinking water. So

far only animals have been affected by the health issues but who's to say that it will not affect

humans health in the future.

In conclusion, the more plastic waste goes unnoticed the more oceans will be filled with

plastic debris and future generations will never get to experience days at the beach because of

beaches filled with plastic waste and deceased sea animals washed up on shore. Whether its

animals that live in the water or animals that soar through the sky all are at risk of accidentally

eating plastic. After researching this issue the future will consist of the extinction of sea

animals,waters filled with plastic materials and diseases caused by plastic release hitting closer to


Work Cited

Cernansky, Rachel. "The plastic that's invading our waters." Washington Post, 2 Nov. 2016.

Opposing Viewpoints in Context,

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id=6e898118. Accessed 31 Oct. 2018.

Gertz,Emily.”Ocean Plastic Pollutions Shocking Death Toll on Endangered Species”. Take

Part.20 Feb,2018.

Grant, Richard. "Plastic Debris Is Polluting the World's Oceans." Pollution, edited by

Louise I. Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in


&xid=523bd296.Accessed 31 Oct. 2018. Originally published as "Drowning in Plastic,"

Telegraph, 24 Apr. 2009.

“Plastics Pollution”.Ocean Crusaders.31, October 2018.

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