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Sixth Annual Message of George Washington

• How does Washington defend his actions? What does he cite as the basis of
his power to suppress the rebellion?
• What did Washington ask Congress to do in this address?
• How did Washington describe those who participated in the rebellion? In
your opinion was this a fair assessment? Why or why not?

I choose the document about the George Washington and the Whiskey Rebellion. The
document was published on November 19, 1794, which was the ending of Whiskey Rebellion by
the presidency of George Washington.
This document was the rarely the primary document, to bring me today returning to the
original history.

In 1791, the whiskey rebellion broke out in the western United States. The war reached
its climax in 1794, when a large number of militiamen entered the home of the tax official and
burned down his house. Finally, Washington personally took it. After the soldiers went to the
negotiations, they later transferred the army to prepare for suppression. Later, in October, he
began to suppress with the army. However, the rioters heard the news and immediately fled,
even though the number of casualties in this war was not special many. (Open Stax 8.6 )

George Washington wrote “Upon testimony of these facts an associate justice of the
Supreme Court of the United States notified to me that in the counties of Washington and
Allegheny, in Pennsylvania, laws of the United States were opposed, and the execution thereof
obstructed, by combinations too powerful to be suppressed by the ordinary course of judicial
proceedings or by the powers vested in the marshal of that district". The whiskey rebellion was
against the Bill of rights – Amendment 1 – Right to assemble and to petition the government for
redress of grievances and Amendment 10 – States rights to powers not specifically delegated to
the federal government. ( OpenStax 8.1). According to the Supreme Court of the United States,
George Washington presided the militia to suppress the rebellion.

In order to provide the coalition systems of currency, weights, and measures. He asked
Congress to appoint the revenue supervisors and inspectors and set the revenue districts pay
and emphasized Alexander Hamiltion’s The Report on Public Credit to issue all new paper
money by the Confederation; For the foreign relations, there would be transmitted to Congress,
which should base on his policy in the cultivate peace with all the world. Because the whiskey
rebels had gotten the assistance by British and Spanish and they tried to split the coalition
government at that time.(OpenStax 8.6)
This riot was a violation of the Constitution and emphasized the Gentlemen of the House
of Representatives. George Washington wrote “The time which has elapsed since the
commencement of our fiscal measures has developed our pecuniary resources so as to open
the way for a definite plan for the redemption of the public debt. It is believed that the result is
such as to encourage Congress to consummate this work without delay. Nothing can more
premote the permanent welfare of the nation and nothing would be more grateful to our
constituents. Indeed, whatsoever is unfinished of our system of public credit can not be
benefited by procrastination; and as far as may be practicable we ought to place that credit on
grounds which can not be disturbed, and to prevent that progressive accumulation of debt
which must ultimately endanger all governments.”
The rebels mobbed the marshal and seized his paper of office and finally fired his
buildings and included both of these officers.For my opinion, Washington’s elimination of this
threat is very firm, and it also puts this decision into action. This also shows that the
government is still on the side of the law. Many people are worried that the government will let
them lose their freedom. However, Washington has People prove that the government is not
the bondage of people, but the most powerful pillar of people. However, the tax on whiskey is
still very difficult to collect. The people in the west are still very resistant to this matter, which
directly promotes the formation of political parties.

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