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Review Article International Ayurvedic Medical Journal ISSN:2320 5091


Joshi DnyaneshSudhakarrao1, PatilAshwini Kumar2, Joshi MrudulaVinayak3
M. D. (Samhita), M. A. (Sanskrit), Ph.D. (Scholar), Assistant Professor
M. D. (Samhita), Assistant Professor, H.O.D. & Professor
M. D. (Samhita), Ph.D. (Samhita), B.A. &M. A. (Sanskrit),
P.G. Department OF Sanskrit Samhita Siddhanta.
Pad. Dr.D.Y.Patil college of Ayurved& research Centre, Pimpri, Pune Maharastra, India.

Ravana Samhita is one of the Indian critics dealing with various aspects of life.This text is
in the form of conversation between Ravana and his wife Mandodari.Apart .Apart from his negative
side Ravana was a great intellectual faculty. He obtained expertisein Astrology, Architecture,
Music, Yoga, Pulse diagnosis and Ancient medical sciences. In his text he mentioned 7th part as
‘Arkaprakash’,’, where he discussed the Arkakalpana and its therapeutic uses in detail.
In Arkaprakash,, various types of Arka(Distilled (Distilled extracts), its therapeutic use
and method of preparation are mentioned in detail than in any any other text of Ayurve-
da.Ravanastates thatArkakalpana
Arkakalpana is most potent and quick effective preparation. As per exper-
tise of Ravana,, it is necessary to study Arkakalpana for its Pharmacotherapeutic utility in the
treatment field.
KEY WORDS: Ravana Samhita, Arkaprakash,
Ar Arkakalpana, Arka.

By studying a single scripture one Let’s have bird’s eye view on Ravana Sam-
does not know the conclusive essence of the hita.
same, hence the physician should try to un-u RAVANA SAMHIT
derstand the scripture after having know-
kno Author –
ledge of several disciplines. Exact author is not known as author has not
Importance of studying different text- text revealed his identity throughout the text.
1.Learner will gain contemporary know- kno This text is in the form of conversation be-
ledge. tween Ravanaand his wifeMandodari
2. One will be exposed to different
differ areas of Period –
knowledge of the text. Exact period is not known.It is assumed that
3. Presentation of same subject with differ-
diffe Ravana Samhita is written in Treta Yuga.
ent point of view of the author. But on the basis of internal evidence -
As a result of this, one will get command on The definitions of Dravya,,Viryaand
Dravya their
the subject.. respective examples are given same
Hence, a different text other than classical as that of Charak Samhita. The types of
text has been selected here. Aushadhiare
are also same as of Charak Samhi-
Joshi Dnyaneshsudhakarraoet & All : A Review Onravana Samhita With Specialreference To Arka Kalpana
ta. Text is in the form of conversation that its period is near about same of Charak
as that of CharakSamhita. Samhita -2000 to 1000 B.C.
Considering above evidences it can be said MAERIALS AND METHODS
Sr Name of Samhita Author /Editor Publication
1 Ravana Samhita Madhusudan Sharma, Ra- Manoj pocket books New Delhi
jiv Tiwari, Priyadarshsingh
2 Charak Samhita with VaidhyaYadavajiTrikamji ChaukambhaSurharatiPrakashana
Chakrapanicommentary Acharya Varanasi
3 Sushurut Samhita with VaidhyaYadavajiTrikamji ChaukambhaSurharatiPrakashana
Dalhnacommentary Acharya Varanasi
4 AshtangHaridaya with Dr.AnnaMoreshwarKunte ChaukambhaSurharatiPrakashana
Hemadri commentary Varanasi
A Manuscript of Ravan Samhita is available For internal criticism content of each part of
at BhandarkarInstitute SenapatiBapat road Ravan Samhita is observed and criticized.
Pune. 1. In first part the past life of Ravana is
In this present study, the above mentioned mentioned.
publication of Ravana Samhita have been 2. Second, third and fourth part is mostly
used. concerned with Astrology.
METHODS 3.Fourth part is related with Hypnotism.
METHOD FOR CRITICISM Here ancient method of hypnotism is given.
1 EXTERNALCRITICISM Various principles related to hypnotism are
2 INTERNAL CRITICISM given in this part.
EXTERNAL CRITICISM 4. Sixth part is concerned with practical as-
Structure of RavanaSamhita is studied for pects ofHypnotism.Practical method of
external criticism. Hypnotism is given.Mantra treatment for
Externally Ravana Samhita is divided in 7 various disorders are mentioned. This part is
part called as ‘KHANDA’. Subdivided in 19 parts called as ‘PATAL’. It
1 RavanajivanaVruttanta is in the form of conversation between
2 GrahaRashiPhaladesh Lord Shivaand goddess Parvati.
3 RashiNakshtraPhaladesh 5. Seventh part called as ‘Arkaprakash’ is
4 JatakKundaliPhaladesh the most important applied aspect of Ravana
5 UddishTantra Samhita.The conceptual part mostly coin-
6 KriyoddishTantra- It is divided in 19 sub cides with Ayurvedic basic principles.
parts called as ‘Patal’ Here varioustypes of Arka(Distilled ex-
7 Arkaprakash-It is divided in 10 sub parts tracts), its therapeutic use and methods of
called as ‘Shatak’ means the collection of preparation are mentioned in detail than any
100 verses. other text of Ayurveda.
Author has used ancient method of division. Ravana states that Arkakalpana is
INTERNAL CRITICISM the most potent and quick effective prepara-

161 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 1; January - 2015

Joshi Dnyaneshsudhakarraoet & All : A Review Onravana Samhita With Specialreference To Arka Kalpana

tion as compared to other Panchavidhaka-

Panchavidhak texts.2 Six Rasa (Tastes) with their proper-
shayakalpana. Ravana says ys that this know-
kno ties are mentioned, out of which Kashay ra-
ledge of Arka was inherited to him by Lord sa is mentioned as Sukshmaand
Sukshma Vatavayad-
Shiva.4This part is sub divided in 10 part hihara.This
This opinion is exactly opposite to
called as ‘SHATAK’ as each SHATAK con- classical Ayurvedic refrence.5
tains collection of 100 verses. Five types of drug preparations are men-
First andSecond SHATAK - tioned – Kalka, Churna, Rasa, Taila andAr-
Here the basic principles regarding Arka- ka.Out of which Churna,Taila and Arka are
kalpana are given.AsArkakalpana
Arkakalpana is based different.
on plant source here he has given 4 types of Taila means oils and Arkameans
Arka distilled
plant as explained in Charak sanhita3 .Then extracts which are obtained from drugs.
the applied aspects of plants are based on its Detailed method of Arka preparation is
Rasa, Virya, Vipakaso so Definitions of Rasa, given here. It is same as that of today’s frac-
Virya, Vipaka are given which are exactly tional distillation method. Which can be
same as that of classical Ayurvedi
Ayurvedic- shown diagrammatically.

Considering time required to extract Arka 3 Gives the same taste as that of the sub-su
from a substance of medium hardness,Arkais
hardness, stance from which it is extracted.
categorized in 3 types. The process of converting unpleasant smel-
1 Shrestha (Best quality) –Obtained
Obtained in 9 ling Arka in pleasant smelling by using
hours some pleasant smelling flowers is i given
2 Madhyam (Medium quality) -Obtained
- in here.
6 hours  Anupanaof Arka-8
3 Hina (Low quality) - Obtained in 3 hours After consuming Arka one can feel nausea
 Qualities of best Arka-7 so, common anupan for digestion of Arka is
1 White in color resembling to concha, told asTambula or Clove.
Moon. Ravanaclearly says that Taila(oils)
Taila are for
2 Remain same even if kept in other con-co external use and Arka are for internal use.
tainer means it does not react with the sub-
su Third SHATAK-
stance of container. In this part uses of single drug extracts are
given e.g.
162 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 1; January - 2015
Joshi Dnyaneshsudhakarraoet & All : A Review Onravana Samhita With Specialreference To Arka Kalpana

Amalaki (Embilicaofficinalis)9- used in Ra- REFERENCES

katapitta, Prameha (diabetis) 1. VaidhyaYadavajiTrikaji Acharya, Su-
Ardak (Zingibarofficinalis)10- used in Fever, shurut Samhita with Dalhnacommentary
loss of appetite Sutrasthana,chapter 4 ,citation no.7,
Lakshmana11 - Infertility Reprint 2003 , ChaukambhaSurharati
Fourth SHATAK- Prakashana Varanasi, page no. 18.
Here the use of combined or mixed drug ex- 2. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari,
tracts are given e.g. Priyadarshsingh ,Ravan SamhitaKhan-
TriphalaArka12–Prameha(Diabetes), skin da7 Chapter 1 citation no. 17, 23,
disorders, 42,Manoj pocket books New Delhi page
TrikatuArka13- Heartdisease, obesity. no. 768 ,770 .
Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth 3. Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya,
SHATAK- Charak Samhita with Chakrapani com-
Different Arka according to disorders are mentary sutrasthanachapter 1 ,citation
explained. no. 14 , , ChaukambhaSurharatiPraka-
Tenth SHATAK- shana Varanasi page no. 13.
Here concepts regarding Rasashastraare ex- 4. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari,
plained. Shodhahan and Marana process of Priyadarshsingh ,Ravan SamhitaKhan-
Rasa aushaudhi are explained. da7 Chapter 1 citation no.71,Manoj
pocket books New Delhi page no.768.
DISCUSSION Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji Acharya,
There are conceptual similarities as well as Charak Samhita with Chakrapani com-
differences in Ravana Samhita and Ayurve- mentary sutrasthanachapter 1 ,citation
dictexts.Still utility of Ravana Samhita in no.71, , ChaukambhaSurharatiPrakasha-
today’s era is of great benefit with respect to na Varanasi page no.20.
Arkakalpana. 5. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari,
Practical utility of various Arkapreparations Priyadarshsingh ,Ravan SamhitaKhanda
as described in particular diseases can be 7 Chapter 1 citation no.46, 49, Manoj
verified and proved by practioner or at insti- pocket books New Delhi. Page no 771.
tutional level.Now a days Arkacan be prepa- 6. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari,
redin dry, solidand liquid form are used in Priyadarshsingh ,Ravan SamhitaKhanda
practice. 7Chapter 1 citation no.30, Manoj pocket
books New Delhi page no.769.
CONCLUSION 7. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari,
Ravana Samhita is of great practical utility Priyadarshsingh ,Ravan SamhitaKhan-
in today’s era for different methods of prep- da7Chapter 1 citation no.74, Manoj
arations of Arkain various disorders. pocket books New Delhi page no.774.
Now a days the Arkakalpana is used to in- 8. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari,
crease the potency of other preparations that Priyadarshsingh ,Ravan SamhitaKhanda
further results in reduction of dose. 7 Chapter 1 citation no.75, Manoj pocket
books New Delhi page no.774.

163 IAMJ: Volume 3; Issue 1; January - 2015

Joshi Dnyaneshsudhakarraoet & All : A Review Onravana Samhita With Specialreference To Arka Kalpana

9. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari, 13. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari,

Priyadarshsingh ,Ravan SamhitaKhanda Priyadarshsingh, Ravan SamhitaKhanda
7 Chapter 1 citation no.88, Manoj pocket 7 Chapter 4 citation no.7, Manoj pocket
books New Delhi page no.776. books New Delhi page no.804.
10. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari, 14. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari,
Priyadarshsingh ,Ravan SamhitaKhan- Priyadarshsingh, Ravan SamhitaKhanda
da7 Chapter 3 citation no.2 Manoj pock- 7 Chapter 4 citation no.8, Manoj pocket
et books New Delhi page no.789. books New Delhi page no.804.
11. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari,
Priyadarshsingh, Ravan SamhitaKhanda CORRESPONDING AUTHOR
7 Chapter 3 citation no.3, Manoj pocket Dr. Joshi Dnyanesh Sudhakarrao,
books New Delhi page no.789. M. D. (Samhita), M. A. (Sanskrit),
12. Madhusudan Sharma, Rajiv Tiwari, Ph.D. (Scholar)Assistant Professor
Priyadarshsingh ,Ravan SamhitaKhanda Pad. Dr.D.Y.Patil college of Ayurved&
7 Chapter 3citation no.69, Manoj pocket research Centre ,
books New Delhi page no. 798. Pimpri, Pune. Maharastra, India
Email –

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