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British Journal of Anaesthesia 1996; 77: 11–16

The immuno-inflammatory cascade


Severe sepsis complicated by multi-organ dysfunc- and parasites are killed by large granular lympho-
tion syndrome (MODS) is a major cause of death in cytes termed natural killer (NK) cells, and
intensive care units, with a mortality rate in excess of eosinophils.
50 %. The outcome is determined not only by the Acquired immune defences against specific micro-
infection but also by the intensity of the immuno- organisms (antigens) form the second component of
inflammatory response. This response is essential for the immune response. Antibodies activate the comp-
the resolution of infection but may occur in an lement system, stimulate phagocytic cells and speci-
uncontrolled manner causing damage to the host. fically inactivate micro-organisms. Lymphocytes,
The pronounced synergy and interaction of the the basis of the acquired immune defence system,
components of the immune system dictate that consist of antibody-producing plasma cells derived
modulation may result in either immunostimulation from B-lymphocytes, and T-lymphocytes which
or immunosuppression. Coordination of the host control intracellular infections. Binding of micro-
immune response to infection and inflammation in organisms to antibodies on the cell surface of B-cells
terms of expression of the effector molecules is vital leads to preferential selection of these antibody-
to an optimum response (Fig. 1). producing cells. This is termed priming, and sub-
sequent responses are faster and amplified, and
provide the basis of vaccination. T-cells exploit two
Innate and acquired immunity main strategies to combat intracellular infections—
Mediators of immunity and inflammation (families secretion of soluble mediators which activate other
of protein and lipid molecules) are part of an cells to enhance microbial defence mechanisms, and
intercellular signalling language which allows cells/ production of cytolytic T-cells which kill the target
tissues/organs to take in new information and, organism. Adaptive selection of specific T-cell
based on past experience, decide what to do next. subsets occurs in response to local balance of
There are essentially two components to the immune cytokine concentrations [12].
response—innate (non-specific) and acquired
(antibody-mediated) immunity. Cytokines
The body possesses a range of barriers to prevent
micro-organisms from entering, including the skin, Orchestration of immune and inflammatory re-
mucous secretion, ciliary action and gastric acid. If sponses depends upon communication between cells
these barriers are crossed micro-organisms are by soluble molecules given the generic term cyto-
destroyed by soluble factors such as lysozyme and by kines, including chemokines, interleukins (IL),
phagocytosis with intracellular digestion (termed growth factors and interferons (IFN). They are low
innate immunity). The complement system is a molecular weight secreted proteins which regulate
multi-component triggered enzyme cascade which both the amplitude and duration of the immune/
attracts phagocytes to micro-organisms increasing inflammatory responses (table 1). They have a
capillary permeability and neutrophil chemotaxis transient action which is tightly regulated. Cytokines
and adhesion. Specific acquired immunity in the are highly active at very low concentrations, com-
form of antibodies inactivates micro-organisms bining with small numbers of high affinity cell
which are not destroyed by the innate immune surface receptors and producing changes in the
system. Such micro-organisms either fail to activate patterns of RNA and protein synthesis. They have
the complement pathway or prevent activation of multiple effects on growth and differentiation in a
phagocytes. The cells involved in innate immunity variety of cell types with considerable overlap and
include “professional” phagocytes (polymorpho- redundancy between them, partially accounted for
nuclear neutrophils, mast cells and macrophages) by the induction of synthesis of common proteins.
and “non-professional” phagocytes (endothelial Interaction may occur in a cascade system in which
cells and hepatocytes). Cells infected with viruses one cytokine induces another, through modulation
of the receptor of another cytokine and through
either synergism or antagonism of two cytokines
(Br. J. Anaesth. 1996; 77: 11–16)
Immune response. Proteins, cytokines. Complications, infec- Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Polworth Building, University of
tions. Aberdeen, Aberdeen AB9 2ZD.
Correspondence to N.R.W.
12 British Journal of Anaesthesia

Figure 1 Schematic diagram showing the interaction between monocytes, macrophages, activated T-cells and B-
cells during the immuno-inflammatory response. (GM-CSF, granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor;
Ig, immunoglobulin; IL-1␣, interleukin 1␣; IL-1␤, interleukin 1␤; IL-1ra, interleukin 1 receptor antagonist;
IL-1R1, interleukin 1 receptor type I; IL-1R2, interleukin 1 receptor type II; IL-2, interleukin 2; LPS,
lipopolysaccharide; TCR, T-cell receptor; TNF␣, tumour necrosis factor ␣.)

acting on the same cell. Cytokines should not be the differentiation, proliferation, activity and func-
considered as having identifying labels for being tion of specific cell types [17]. The best known are
growth stimulators or inhibitors and pro- or anti- colony stimulating factors which cause colony forma-
inflammatory actions. Their specific actions depend tion by haematogenic progenitor cells (e.g.
on the stimulus, the cell type and the presence of granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor
other mediators and receptors. or GM-CSF). Other examples include factors which
Chemokines are a family of small, pro- regulate the growth of nerve cells, fibroblasts,
inflammatory molecules characterized by four con- epidermis and hepatocytes.
served cysteine residues. The ␣-chemokines have In addition to the low molecular weight protein
two pairs of cysteine residues separated by a variable mediators, there are also lipid mediators of inflam-
amino acid and chemoattract neutrophils (e.g. inter- mation which include PAF and arachidonic acid
leukin 8, platelet basic protein, epithelial neutrophil metabolites. Platelet activating factor is a labile alkyl
activating peptide) whereas ␤-chemokines have two phospholipid released from a variety of cells in the
adjacent pairs of cysteine groups and are chemotactic presence of antigen and leucocytes in response to
for monocytes/macrophages (e.g. platelet factor 4, immune complexes. In addition to its platelet effects,
monocyte chemotactic protein 1, macrophage inflam- the actions of PAF include the priming of macro-
matory protein 1) and T-cells (e.g. RANTES). phages to other inflammatory mediators and alter-
Chemokines have been described as having more ations of microvascular permeability [11]. Arachi-
restricted actions than cytokines, but this is more donic acid metabolites include the prostaglandins,
likely to be the result of differential expression of leukotrienes, HETE and HPETE, all of which have
receptors [9]. Interferons (IFN ␣, ␤, ␥) are a family profound inflammatory and vascular actions, and
of broad spectrum antiviral agents which also may regulate and be regulated by, other cytokines.
modulate the activity of other cells, particularly IL- Tumour necrosis factors (TNF) ␣ and ␤ have a
8 and platelet activating factor (PAF) production, vast range of similar effects and are usually referred
antibody production by B-cells and activation of to as inflammatory cytokines [2]. They have a central
cytotoxic macrophages [5]. Growth factors regulate role in initiating the cascade of other cytokines and
The immuno-inflammatory cascade 13

factors that make up the immune response to protein (e.g. IL-1 receptor type I binds IL-␣ better
infection. The wide variety of effects is attributable than IL-1␤, and IL-1 receptor type II has more
to the ubiquity of their receptors, their ability to affinity for IL-␤). Binding of a cytokine to one type
activate multiple signal transduction pathways and of receptor may result in interactions with another
their ability to induce or suppress an array of genes receptor; the two receptors for TNF, for example,
including those for growth factors, cytokines, tran- use ligand passing in which TNF binds transiently
scription factors, receptors and acute phase proteins. to receptor type I, with full signal transduction, but
Although both TNFs have similar biological activi- may then move onto the type II receptor with
ties, regulation of the expression and processing of activation of another signal for apoptosis or pro-
the two is quite different. grammed cell killing [20].
Soluble cytokine receptors have been identified
which compete with membrane-bound receptors,
Control of adaptive T-cell selection
thus regulating cytokine signals. Exceptions to this
The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) in- are soluble receptors for IL-6 and ciliary neuro-
cludes genes encoding class I and II cell surface trophic factor which act as agonists rather than
glycoproteins whose function is to present antigenic antagonists [19]. Such soluble receptors may be
peptides to T-cells. Regulation of MHC gene membrane-bound receptors which are shed into the
expression, e.g. by cytokines (table 1), plays a circulation either intact or as truncated forms (e.g.
fundamental role in the immune system, since soluble TNF receptors, sTNF-R), or may begin as
alterations of cell surface expression of class I or II related precursor molecules which are enzymatically
molecules can affect the efficiency of antigen pres- cleaved (e.g. IL-1R). Soluble receptors may appear
entation. T-lymphocytes consist of two subsets: T in response to stimuli as part of a naturally occurring
helper (Th)-cells which recognize class II MHC independent regulatory process to limit the del-
molecules and which produce IFN␥ and other eterious effects of a mediator (e.g. sTNF-R), but
macrophage-activating factors; cytotoxic or killer T- some soluble receptors have little binding activity
cells which recognize both specific antigens and class and may represent superficial and unimportant losses
I MHC molecules on the surface of infected cells. of cellular receptors (e.g. the soluble form of the IL-
Circulating Th-cells are capable of unrestricted 2R␣). Soluble cytokine receptors not only mediate
cytokine expression and are prompted into a more biological activity but control desensitization to
restricted and focused pattern of cytokine production ligands by reduced availability, decreased signalling
depending on signals received at the outset of and by stimulating cellular mechanisms which can
infection [12]. Th-cells can be classified according to result in lack of activity.
the pattern of cytokines they produce. Th1 category The biological actions of some cytokines are also
cells secrete a characteristic set of cytokines which regulated by receptor antagonists. The receptor
push the system towards cellular immunity (cellular antagonist for IL-1 (IL-1ra) competes with cell
cytotoxicity). Th2-cells are associated with humoral receptors for IL-1, but when bound does not induce
or antibody-mediated immunity. Typically Th1- signalling. IL-1ra binds to cell receptors much more
cells secrete IL-2, IFN␥, TNF␤ and transforming avidly than to soluble receptors, such that soluble
growth factor ␤ (TGF␤) whereas the Th2-cells receptors will have little effect of the inhibitory
secrete IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, IL-9, IL-10 and IL-13 action of the receptor antagonist. The soluble
and also help B-cell antibody production. Both cell receptor also inhibits activation of the pro-IL-1␤
types produce IL-3, TNF␣ and GM-CSF. Inter- precursor. The appearance of IL-1ra is indepen-
leukins 12 and 4 have been identified as early dently regulated by other cytokines as part of the
inducers of Th1 and Th2 responses respectively, and inflammatory process [4].
therefore the local balance of these cytokines is an
important determinant of subsequent immune re-
sponses. Understanding the influence of antigen- Mechanisms of multi-organ failure
independent cytokine production on the subsequent Severe infection leads to the appearance of endotoxin
acquisition of adequate immune responses to an or lipopolysaccharide (LPS) in the bloodstream
infection is clearly important. which triggers the innate immune responses such as
activation of phagocytic cells and activation of the
alternative complement cascade, leading to the
Receptors and antagonists production of the primary pro-inflammatory me-
The biological activities of cytokines are regulated diators, TNF and IL-1. Secondary mediators in-
by specific cellular receptors. Often these receptors cluding other cytokines, prostaglandins and PAF are
comprise multiple subunits providing phased stages then released, with further activation of complement
of activation and biological action. For example, the and the acute phase response, expression of adhesion
IL-2 receptor complex consists of three subunits, molecules, T-cell selection, antibody production and
IL-2R␣, IL-2R␤ and IL-2␥. Although the IL- release of oxygen-derived radicals [3, 7, 21]. Other
2R␣/␤ combination can bind IL-2, IL-2R␥ is also toxins and cellular debris must also trigger such a
required for high affinity binding, ligand intern- systemic inflammatory response, since this process
alization and signalling which are required for occurs in the absence of LPS release.
maximal effect [14]. Other cellular receptors exist in Local effects of the inflammatory response are
more than one type which act alone but have different essential for the control of infection. Prolonged
binding affinities for different forms of a cytokine systemic exposure to high concentrations of cyto-
14 British Journal of Anaesthesia
Table 1 Sources and biological effects of the immune mediators (ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; GM-CSF,
granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor; G-CSF, granulocyte-colony stimulating factor; IFN, interferon; IgA,
immunoglobulin A; IgG, immunoglobulin G; IL, interleukin; IL-1ra, interleukin 1 receptor antagonist; MHC, major
histocompatibility complex; mRNA, messenger RNA; NK, natural killer cells; NO, nitric oxide; NOS, nitric oxide synthase; ODFR,
oxygen-derived free radicals; PAF, platelet activating factor; Pg, prostaglandin; TGF, transforming growth factor; TNF, tumour
necrosis factor.)

Mediator Source Biology activity Effects on other cells

IFNα T-cells Pyrogenic; cytotoxic. Macrophages (increases class I MHC antigens,

IFN␤ B-cells IL-1, PAF production); B-cells
Macrophages (proliferation, differentiation); T-cells
Fibroblasts (proliferation); chemotactic.
IFN␥ T-cells Pyrogenic; antiviral; cytotoxic; anti-tumour Macrophages (increases class I MHC antigens,
NK cells effect; mimics septic shock; causes release of IL-1, PAF production, downregulates IL-2
NO and ODFRs; and upregulates IL-1 and mediated IL-8 mRNA); B-cells (proliferation
PAF production and differentiation); chemotactic for
monocytes; stimulates formation of adhesion
TNFα Neutrophils Pyrogenic; cytotoxic; anti-tumour effect; Wide variety of effects due to ability to
Lymphocytes mimics septic shock; promotes angiogenesis; mediate expression of genes. Important role
NK cells causes release of NO and ODFRs; induces or in host resistance to infection as immuno-
Endothelial cells suppresses gene expression for cytokines, stimulant and mediator of the inflammatory
Smooth muscle cells receptors and acute phase proteins. response. Promotes haematopoiesis.
Important role in intercellular
IL-1 Macrophages Pyrogenic; cytotoxic; anti-tumour effect; Macrophages (TNF and IL-6 production); B-
Endothelial cells promotes angiogenesis; causes release of NO cells (proliferation, differentiation; T-cells
Fibroblasts and ODFRs; induces prostaglandin (proliferation) chemotaxis; formation of
Hepatocytes synthesis; initiates the acute phase response. adhesion molecules; haematopoiesis.
IL-2 T-cells Pyrogenic; anti-tumour effect; mimics septic B-cells and T-cells (proliferation,
shock; causes release of ODFRs. differentiation, release of IgG from activated
B-cells); chemotaxis; augments neutrophil
and macrophage function; formation of
adhesion molecules.
IL-4 T-cells Cytotoxic; anti-tumour effect; inhibits Macrophages (suppresses activation,
B-cells induction of nitric oxide synthase; inhibits upregulates class II MHC antigens, inhibits
Macrophages release of superoxide by macrophages; IgG receptor expression, inhibits expression
numerous anti-inflammatory effects. of IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, TNF, stimulates IL-1ra
expression); B-cells and T-cells
(proliferation, differentiation, enhances
antigen-presenting capacity); chemotaxis;
formation of endothelial cell adhesion
molecules; haematopoiesis.
IL-6 T-cells Cytotoxic; anti-tumour effect; mimics septic B-cells (differentiation, antibody production);
Macrophages shock; causes release of ODFRs; induces T-cells (activation, proliferation,
Endothelial cells hepatic acute phase proteins differentiation, induces IL-2 production);
Fibroblasts formation of adhesion molecules;
Hepatocytes haematopoiesis.

kines and other components of the immuno- coagulopathy or platelet or white cell aggregates.
inflammatory cascade may contribute to the de- There is evidence for all of these mechanisms and it
velopment of MODS. Damage and activation of the is probable that the pathogenesis of MODS and
endothelium, which plays a pivotal role in the organ failure is diverse and complex and is unlikely
regulation of haemostasis, vascular tone and fibrino- to be attributable to a single mechanism.
lysis, have profound consequences. The endothelium
produces several substances which regulate inflam-
mation and regional perfusion, including nitric
Potential for therapy
oxide, vasoactive arachidonic acid metabolites and Both soluble receptors and monoclonal antibodies
cytokines [18]. Changes in the balance of concen- directed against receptors can be used to block the
trations of these substances may contribute to the interaction of a cytokine with its receptor. This then
pathogenesis of the inflammatory response during prevents transduction of the appropriate biological
sepsis and injury. Phagocytic cells are in constant signal in the target cell. The cloning of genes
contact with the endothelium and disturbance of the encoding cytokine receptor chains and the charac-
relationship between these two cell types may result terization of their soluble forms has resulted in new
in direct tissue damage as a result of local production approaches to anti-cytokine therapy. Injection of a
of oxygen-derived free radicals, hypochlorous acid recombinant soluble receptor might prevent the
and proteolytic enzymes. Another hypothesis to deleterious effect of excessive cytokine production.
explain the observed tissue damage and organ In addition to soluble receptors, monoclonal anti-
dysfunction is that of local tissue ischaemia and bodies which block cellular cytokine receptors can be
hypoxia as a result of microthrombi formed by a used as anti-cytokine therapy. However, these small
The immuno-inflammatory cascade 15

Table 1—(cont.)

Mediator Source Biology activity Effects on other cells

IL-8 T-cells Angiogenic; leucocyte infiltration in septic Neutrophils (activation); upregulates cell
Macrophages shock and ARDS. adhesion molecules; chemotactic for PMNs.
Endothelial cells
IL-10 T-cells Inhibits induction of nitric oxide synthase; Macrophages antigen presenting capacity,
B-cells suppresses synthesis of ODFRs; may be downregulates class II MHC antigen
Macrophages immunostimulatory or immunosuppressive. expression, suppresses PgE2, TNF, IL-1,
IL-6, IL-8 production); B-cells (induces IgA
synthesis, enhances survival, upregulates IL-
2 receptors); T-cells (inhibits IFNγ);
neutrophils (inhibits pro-inflammatory
cytokine synthesis, upregulates IL-1ra
G-CSF Macrophages Proliferation, differentiation and activation of Neutrophils (proliferation, prolongs survival,
Endothelial cells neutrophils; mimics septic shock; causes enhances antibody dependent cytotoxicity
release of ODFRs. and superoxide anion production);
chemotactic for granulocytes and monocytes.
GM-CSF T-cells Proliferation, maturation and function of Neutrophils (proliferation, differentiation,
B-cells haematopoietic cells; causes release of prolongs survival, increases superoxide,
Macrophages ODFRs. leukotriene, PAF, arachidonic acid release,
Endothelial cells enhances phagocytic activity, inhibits IL-8
Fibroblasts production and neutrophil migration);
monocytes (proliferation, differentiation,
induces IL-1, IL-8 and TNF release);
chemotaxis; formation of adhesion molecules;
angiogenesis; haematopoiesis.
TGFβ Platelets Stimulatory or inhibitory effects on Lymphocytes (suppresses B and T-cell
Fibroblasts proliferation and differentiation of many cell proliferation, inhibits NK activity, inhibits
Monocytes types depending on type of cell, growth IgG and IgM secretion, upregulates B-cell
conditions, cell differenti15tion state, and IgA secretion); macrophages (induces
presence of other growth factors; modulates secretion of growth factors); chemotactic for
cellular and humoral immune responses; macrophages.
suppresses chemokine-mediated NO release.
IL-1ra Macrophages Blocks the biological activity of IL-1 by
Endothelial cells competing for the IL-1 by competing for the
Neutrophils IL-1 receptor.
PAF Macrophages Activates and aggregates platelets; mimics Macrophages (enhances IL-1, IL-2 and TNF
Endothelial cells endothelial alterations of septic shock; production); intracellular messenger in
Neutrophils induces release of ODFRs. neutrophils; causes release of lysosomal
enzymes; chemotactic for neutrophils;
formation of adhesion molecules.

molecules have short half-lives and therefore deriva- there have been several promising animal studies [8].
tized molecules with longer half-lives and higher Specific chemical antagonists, for example against
affinity have now been developed. However, it has PAF, have also been evaluated in patients with
been shown that cytokine complexed to such binding sepsis.
proteins is still available for receptor binding [10]. It Blockade of any single or combined inflammatory
is possible that these complexes can still act as mediator may not be successful for a number of
agonists in vivo depending on concentrations of reasons. First, the immuno-inflammatory process is
other mediators and relative receptor expression. a normal response to infection and is essential not
Another approach to minimizing the deleterious only for the resolution of infection but also for the
effects of the uncontrolled inflammatory process is to initiation of other adaptive stress responses required
blunt the final common pathways of damage (i.e. for host survival (e.g. acute phase and heat shock
using either agents which decrease free radical responses) [16]. Second, the profound redundancy
production or antioxidants which inactivate free of action of many cytokines means that there are
radicals as they are produced). many overlapping pathways for cellular activation
Monoclonal antibodies to TNF␣ have been used and further mediator release. In addition, the
both in clinical and animal studies [22]. The use of synergism of actions and effects of many cytokines
sTNF receptors has also been evaluated in sepsis [1, suggests that imbalance in the process of the immune
23]. The naturally occurring IL-1 receptor an- response may be adversely affected by inhibition of a
tagonist has been studied in two large clinical trials single agent. We also suggest that exogenously
[15]. It is also possible to modulate the production of administered anti-cytokine therapy may have hith-
TNF at the mRNA level using pentoxyphylline, and erto unrecognized effects caused by interaction with
16 British Journal of Anaesthesia

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