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8 Kahway RccorO, Tuesday Afternoon

The Rahway
* '- - • ' - • * •


lowing fire and liability lanrance
companies: Coattnental, Hartford,
Real estate tad agents tor the fol- FOR SAL^MStz piece antique parlor
sutteT new, upholstery; no dealers.
Phone 1BU Perth Amboy. dT-tt
. ' • ' • • ••*••

IML ESTATE m SUJ Commercial Union, Springfield. Na-

tional of Hartford, National Union
POR BALD OR RENT—86-88 W. of Pittsburgh, AntomobUe Insur- FOR SALE^-Qlen Oak double parlor
Grand Bt,—8-famlly dwelling. Just ance Company, National Liberty, heater,, inquire John Weber, Car- flew 3er&cp BOvocate
remodelled. Apply C. Tranclsky, SO National Surety Company, Aetna Absorbing The Rahway N*ws-H*r*ld, th* 8uo****or of the Union p*mocr*t. Established 1840.
Accident and Liability Company, riage Shop, Haielwood avenue. It
West Grand street nSO-it
Travelers, Ocean Accident and
Guarantee Corporation. mz8tf FOR SALE)—Dining room furniture. VOL. X. SERIAL NO, Ho i. RAHWAY, UNION COUNTY, N. h, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER iO, 1920. TWELVE PAGE8 PRICE THREE CENT*
FOR 8ALE. I HAVE IT, OR WILL Inquire 76 East Grand street -It
WEITZ, REAL E8TATE. OPPOSITE Real Estate, Surety Bonds. Fire, FOR SALE:—Round top quartered oak ENJOYABLE CARD PARTY1 ; CONGREGATION ELECT8.

PHONE 361.
AntomobUe and Liability Insur-
ance; representing the County,
Insurance Company of State of
Pennsylvania, Royal, Royal 2x-
dining room table $10.00. Cor. Adam
and Main street It w i l l p l e a s e m BACTERIOLOGIST I Another successful card party was
conducted Wednesday night under tie
auspices of the Ladies' AuxWur to
' the Rahwsr Hebrew Congregation In
-Tbiough the efforts of Oeneral Sec-
retary V: W. Benson and the local T.
• At the meeting of thejtahway He
-; brew . rongreatlon held Wednesday
night the following ofBcers were
M. C. A. a goodly number of ex-cerriee
change, Liverpool, London and FOR SALE—Cadillac Touring Car.
Globe. New York Underwriters and Neeii small repairs^ Price $75.00.
Call 131 Stone street
LOST—A study book "The Bible and
It jman. Abe Miller. Frank Zeekendort,
iPlalnfleld; Morris PaehnMUU- H. D.
Mechanics' Hill. Whlit, pinochle and
casino were played.' The winner!
men hare been benefited by securing
collegiate and corespondenoe- scholar-
ships anfl HJUIBCB. Aliwdj l l j e o ha*
been spent through the local associa-
tion In glrtng these wonderful oppor-
elected President, Benjamin Farber;
vice-president, Samuel Lager; record-
•'iow~ secretary,—Samuel—Krelsberg,
, financial secretary, H. R. Greeubouse;
REAL ESTATE FOB REIT tunities offered through the Educa- n < ( . . (•<> , . Ilf • • , , treasurer, Harry Robinson: trustees,
Missions.'' Phone 1664. It You will find ««r wail Dries Chufeh Watct Treat lAbramson. Sidney Harris, Mrs. Ber-
>*inard Bngelman, Miss Paolloe Farber, Beeanei Bride of A. F. Hope tional Committee of the T. M. C. A. Roberts' Hardware Store E*t-
FOR RENT—Garage. Inquire 76 Bast
muaic room* thaona placa intovint !
Mlss Row KreUberg; pJOOfWe, Mr. War W»rk Conocil. The arerage colt Fift* Milestone of Washington 3amuel M1Uer for one vear ^
Grand street. It APPLES FOR SALE—"Ben Darts,"
"Gano" and "Smith Cider," per bar- maat your Victrola rtquirtmtnt,. •eat — fcd C PriedmsD, Qoorge Slmmenrot)i, Otcv
f. Carlson, Mrs. Darls. Mrs. Mix Ke-
of Anbury Park at Pretty of such scholarships or courses™* D>...» ' T . . . L . > l x a « . l i » 'Jacob Zuman, for two years. Mem-
W0, while sma run as high as 1116
tered $ 6 0 0 Gone-Offieer,
ROOMS TO LET rell I4.W, bushel $1.46; half bushel, banoff; cuino, Mrs. J. A. Blacner.
Home Weddinf and other* are only. S20. These offer* Parent - Teacher Association ,ber8 name<1 to tte Bo&ri ot Educa. Taxi Driver Face KeyoWer*
75 cents. 148 W. Grand street It
atmoaphmro of mtiaie aata tha dap Revfrd—Other Mitten The committee in charge consisted
of Mrs. E. arossman cbalrmui; Mis*
give the young men a chance to pre-
pare for advancement while contbra- Harked kr Commuaity Part? •tlon f o rthe Habrew 8cho01 were:
FOR RENT—Comfortable furnished apart from tho uauai aetMtite 0/ Jeanaatt* Newman, Mis* ROM Krels- | Ing at his present occupation and are Bold burglars visited this city iaiat
room. Mrs. Schilling, 20 Main street SMALL SALE — Including furniture berg. Miss Alberta Pachmaa. Miss ! Jacob Zuman, to fill unexplred term of
•for*.., ^ At the attrsctire home of Mr. and therefore of great value. night, made a haul of $600 or masa*
Calamity d7-*t and children* sample clothing aad
You witt find comphta /ceil
tk*' Sarah Vogel, Mlas Rose Miller. Mrs. WlUlam A. Jaenk*, of J » Mapl* I A. Durst; B. Appelbaum and Max
•Celebration of the fifth anniversary | K l r i n - o n e from- the safe of Thomas H^Robexfav

Croakers! FOR RENT—3 unfurnished rooms; all Dec. 9th; uu dealers.
Sunshine Tea Room, 669 S t George
-improvements; trolley; nestJSVatert .-avenue. it ^
private damonatration and ba aarvad hjt ricnert heW WiMamUf night Atteh-1
l l o n was eeaUN* « * tyo things. The'

there was a pretty wedding
ceremony Wednesday afternoon at 8
o'clock when their dangbter, Miss THE BISHOP OF
of the organization of Washington:
School ParentVTeacher " Association MAJOR PIRRT | hardware dealer, 148 Main s t n a t .
president Rahway National Bank, aejat
• were successful in making their i

""HEY say the world is worka^^Ad^g. 70 Franklin street, «port os •»•««•.•.*••»••* • •»» i*eer-p took place last night when a com-
of lauaedl-1
munity party
W. F. was
madewhich was I leaving only sllgbt clues penind
going to the dogs—but RAfiw"ayfS«rtfen9,-^ahway. N. J. It FOR SALE— 19M - Cleveland motor* paopla. A. Frederick Hope, son of afr. Schools a' rousing
flnnprintendfint of Itnn the faco of
FOR RENT—Furnished room gentle- little. H. V. Conklln. care National facilities, emphasizing in particular ; £dwin Payne a pair of suspicious ci
This old world's u pretty men only; In prtaate family. Ad- Pneumatic Co. It-
If you already own a Victrola a cordial invitation ia axtandad you to anjoy tha unmmmat bride was given in marriage by her
father. The ceremony was performed the need ot an auditorium where the . \ acters, now believed to have been a
good place to be—and after dress O. (^jare,-Record. n30-tf our Victor Record service backed by tha moat comptota atock in tha €ity. o7 water timtm*&~ wfcB* th* community spirit can be fostered. u>|'| ' part of the robber gang, made thdfcr
Scbweltxer e*M of tk* week ptwrlou in the presence ot only immediate Citizen, • .Hilary j escape ln a local taxi by holding
a pipiDghot cup of Van Djk's ROOMS FOR MEN—Beautifully fur- MOTHER APPRECIATES the piece wtth th* kMUuM) of pariag em- Sanitary Officer F. M. Williams relatives by Rev. L. Y. Graham, pas- Speaks Before St. Paul's flea's He congratulated the association on
at the back and head of Walter Kr
nished, clean and comfortable; all of antique furniture Uncle Gsorge at wat*r-»ta»* *«sia earn* tp _ , its success. A letter was received Nan and Church Worker
Duchess ooffee, it seems evpn , . , i tor'of the first Presbyterian church. Clob — Aa Inspiring aad driver of 69 Monroe street, who
convenience, and club privileges at gave her. more than all her other from Mrs. Little, who is president of,
a better place! Y. M. C. A. building; rates, 13.00 per T i l e s AeuOQ--Vlt8l S t a t i s t i c s ; The bridesmaid was Miss Irene Lad' the County Council, containing con-' forced to drive the men to the
presents. Visit the shop that made ; lum, 14 Commerce street, an intimate Thoflfhtfnl Addirss Died This Morning
Duchess™'^^XT™ 38c Ib week and up. s«p 18-tf
Weatfleld famous. 440 North Are. Vktrola IV Outfit Vktrola VI Outfit Vktroto W Outfit ni Hum Retorts for Not. j friend or the bilde, while the best' (rratulatlons on growth, enterprise '• , road between Newark and Jer
t«o occasions dartes Uls period the and success. In appreciation of her < ; City and there leave his deeper
It VlctroU FV Itt VletroU VI W» j| man was W. W. Angus, of Cranford, untrrine services Supervising- Prin- j The many friends in this city, of i passengers. At the time this excll
Records (youroholce .
to ralM of) *
Bacorda (zovcbolo* . .
to Tain* of) I
, isibuuty lBt*a.rtT»r.«pt ao.W aboqt.
l» but a fairly good water was tamed Report was made st the meotlug of | groom.
ra former-college chnm of the-bride-! -g£- •pauTe" STen's Club has estab-
| lished a reputation for giving the
To the strain! of the wedding march i public something that Is of timely ln-
clpal Miss Emily Hallday
Holiday was pre- Major
sented a handsome bouquet
.,.„,„. Frank
. . „ I.
.. Perry,
_, aged
_^ 88, of 171 j episode occured no one knew that
Rahway avenue, Woodbridge, will be- burglary had been committed.
of your savings by buying for cash
That's All! reftnlshed furniture to brighten up
ToUl $30 Total »40
firlrnt. not
• » ! « by Sanitary Offlcer Fred M. Wll-
llami t h B | h e h l J be€n )n conimunl. from Lohengrin played by Miss Doro- I of
ui the lack et>a proper feeding de- CMllon w i t h t h a g t a U Department of thy Hope, of Asbnry Park, a sister ot Ihave
terest and of edifying effect at each
its meetings. Variety and quality
There were excellent recitations by ' grieved to learn of bis death this robbery not being discoverd ontJL Bfc.

Van Dyk Co. the Yuletlde home. Tapestry Daven-

port }75.00: 9x12 rug $48.00; 4-plece
$ $
5 *»wi 5 1 Math ,!cf was f«IL T»* parcba** Of *«CB a H e a l U l regarding the pungent, nause- the bridegroom, the bridal party took tions. marked
fclne waa d*f**ed npoa a*arly iU , lbtt
h i Oreru clt3r
the monthly presenta-
Both of these elements were
Hiss Rnth Ramsey. An appropria- j morning at hise home. He had been: Roberts opened his store about T
tlon of 115
%tf was made for
wasmade for candy
n y for 11]
11] (o
(or several weeks. During the war' o'clock this morning.
their positions in the parlor, which present in one ot the best gatherings Christmas party of pupils. Mothers' Major Perry was in command of the • Money, checks, about forty Colo
} To Your Family—To Your Friend* Walnut bed room suite with new J . - MmM II *JS?L¥Z£ now "*"•« ^ o " ***** "">
14O Main Street To YoocsaW—Going Around mattress $220.00; magnificent "Win-
**^ - ^ l1-!?0?!^ - * " -?!• l»«t 8atnrday and on the preceding was handMnMly decorated ln green yat held on Tuesday night. There waa
a representative assemblage of men who win loan trees for the occasion"! Woodbridge Battalion. New Jersey blan half-dollars, a gold watch i
Half Sick ter" 88-nole player piano $$16.00; u all whea trtwdac weather arrive*- „ * beij^ M r . wiUlams had Informed and whlteC The bride wa* very pret- and the speaker was Rev. William are: Mrs. Arthur Van Pelt, Mrs. Militia Reserves, consisting of four valuable papers comprised the
Phonograph $16.00; large Mahogany •Abo«t tv^trVMrad* of oU~i»« the 8Ute suthoritle* thst the odors ily dressed ln a dark bine traveling Wilkinson, familiarly and affection- Peter Voorhles, Mrs. Walter Reason,' companies from Woodbridge, con-' obtained from the Roberts store. Bay
TAKE CARE OF YOUR HEALTH cabinet Phonograph $75.00; large Victrola X Outfit Victrola XI Outfit Victnit a ? 0*tfit fktnla XVI O.tlrt ut b»lni M to tk* watsr daily. Kyen CMar trom t h e a u c o . ^ O n p l l i n t a t suit, trimmed with tor, and carried ately Street."
known as "the Blschop of Wall Mrs. Hugh W. Roarke, Mrs. C. Leon-, tainlng a number of Aahwayans, and ; trance to the store was gained rross
a beautiful bouquet of white rosebuds.
Oak china closet $$36.00; hall stand VlclroUXl I1M.M -vM^sxnr .^,.ja» Ytetrola X Y l . %rn wtta tbi* targ*
cMHiltioa IT « » i , » Maaovat. IU bacUrlal
aMfmtr , That he could gain this title in a hard. Mrs. Bernard Engleman and from Ford's, Carteret and Hillside. • the roof in the rear. The thieves «av
If Your Blood Is Weak and g A'lotrola X tlii 1**01»» (roar choir* pantos to toM cMorla* to tie' *SlUraa • * ^ j B CAO breply wa. read8 u tfrom Director The bridesmaid was becomingly at- locality devoted chiefly to the hand- Mrs. John Bose. Prize for having | This battalion rendered distinguished' tcreil the hallway leading to the Co*
$10.00; 48-Inch round quartered 04k Records (your choice Records (jrov cholc* of e Department.
with Poisons, Pepto-Mangan Will to vatoe of) u •tier baa b**a ••» «P » « " " yyf ouUlnlng step, that would be neces- tired In bine trlcotlne and carried - ling of the world's most complex flln- most parents present was won byf service during th Morgan explosion. I utnblan Club quarters and to O. A. K.
f * ouUln
Strengthen and Purify It extension table $S6.00; Mahogany -to value of 1 to value of) 11M to »«>»• at) U uird ont If If It
I eaa b b* made d tto work k M r J r i o ^^ definite action in the mat- pale pink roaes. ancial matters was easily apparent to third grade, taught by Miss Anna Previously Mr. Perry had. served as (liall, opened a window and got out am
dreaaer $55.00. Tel. 226. Weatfleld T*t*i cm tt «hoald taipror* t s t water material- ^ j . contention that persons had the gathering after they had listened
Total SIM ToUl tittJO T*»»I mm Ij «nd also *BT* some chlorine. The bf>en gj^j, , l c k b r y , , oion m n , t &« Following the ceremony there was to tha "bishop" for a few moments. Mills. Seven new members were ] captain In the New York National, a lower rear roof where they smashed
When you get over-tired day after i Furtture Exchange. 440 North Ave. z a wedding dinner and reception, after Guard. a skylight, but not finding any
day. your system has to get rid of s o '
et>B SeS Aeleeel
l t t t t t « * » W > t B * « g l * t r > t t 1 t t of From the mld»t~ of Interesting In- received.
played and prizes | For many years he was superlnten- means of reaching the floor betow
much waste it can't create new energy
fast enough. The result Is that your | PQR SALE—Chandler 1918. seven pas-
*f54-y.i5..-Ui *|5lm*l5i.mti « . ° ^ ° L ^ ! S ! l ? i i ! 5 l . 1 ^ ^ " * P»V»«««»»* " »•• «»• manTmoos *en' which Mr. and Mrs. Hope left for a cidents of every-day life ot what Oam' were
wedding trip to Canada and upon seemed at first to be ot an Irrelevant were won-by Mrs. C. Leonhard, Mrs. dent of the First Baptist Sunday tried an adjacent perpendicular sky-
N T blood Is ailed with waste matter. It senger touring. Newly overhauled, their return will live in Rahway. They nature he suddenly shot oat vital
truths and object lesson* with the Walter
Reason and Mm Emma schol of this city and a member of light, tore out a ucreen and found a
CLAUS Is! ! becomes clogged. You are trying to painted, new top. Complete equip- win be at home after Christmaa. Mr. force and effect ot a thunderbolt from Springer. ! the church trustees. Bis life had been rope by which the skylight was oper-
of the opin get around with a lot of poUon ln your ment Including two extra tires and and Mrs. Hop* were the recipients of a clear sky. Original and direct In his Refreshment committee appointed one of unusual service to Woodbridge ated reaching to the floor It was sa*
system. wtod bnt
Ion that elec-' tubes mounted. Weed chains, power ta regard to - an abundance of valuable gifts. In- presentation he hit the mark with for next time comprises Mrs. S., and this city aad bis splendid Chris-1 easy task to make this fast and slfcfc
trlcal Blfts are
real sensible of-
it Is a reading
lamp for fatherj
ferings. Whether is lost.
You look bad. you feel poorly. You
of patience easily. Ambition
You Just don't care about
That IB no way to live. Your blood
pump. Hartford shock absorbers.
Grus spring oilers, spark plug In-
tenslners, search light, Tonneau
light, radiator cover,
liam S. Martin. 44 aques avenue,
etc., etc. Wil-
James McColIum
8«l«et any model you dealre and
we'll gladly deliver It to your home
at th* inanlclpal water plant, aro** partteolarly
sad aslAd for some dellaite r*ply to *"" T i T ! - l . - . V r r S ? r . - .
tsr <i*e*tlOBS asked at the prevtoas'
•trtlac. At that time be told tb*
ic—ow— w» ra*« r o w
cluding silverware, cot glass, linen, advantage
substantial ehepks, electrical' appli-
telling effect and the men who took Friedman. Miss Ferguson, Mrs. | tion character, unswerving loyalty and down *to the lower floor In i
ot the privilege of hearing
him spoke ln the highest terms ot the Ftazer, Mrs. A. Ouelinck, Mrs. Gant, devotion to his country made him be- j room of the store
ances and many other uaetal articles. treat given them. There was an Mrs. Grace Haorahan, Mrs. Jardot. (loved by all. Mrs. Perry has the deep | W lth two Iron bars, an axe.
The bride's gift to the bridesmaid waa abundance of inspiration and food for Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. C. Leonhard. sympathy of the city In her bereave- l l g h t a n d o t t, e r tools taken from
or a vacuum needs help for a time. It is starved.
cleaner for mother it Is a sensible You will find help In that fine tonic,
Rahway. N. J. d$-Jt —on Christmas morning. H you 2 3 Cherry Street eommlsatoaar*. that his younger bro-
ikrr. Harbert. had b«eti absent from
The Young Judea organlsaUoo, or a handsome bar pin, while the bride- reflection.
For twenty years the Rev. William
President Mrs. Albert Regele was ment. stock In the store the burglars work)
Pepto-Mangan. Pepto-Mangan puri- SUITABLE CHRISTMA8 PRESENTS work at the wat«r plant from An?, n 8 U n _. 21oa. No 10ST will hold a groom's gift to the b«*t man waa a tl* Wilkinson waa located ln the Weet In charge" of the meeting, with Mrs.; Th funeral service will be held; o n l l l e B a f e prohaUly for an hour
expression of affection. And of
course you won't forget the lights fies the blood and Oil. it with red cor- —Factory prices. Place your order
for the tree and that you can have puscles. In a Utl* while you'll have for Ladles' Felt Slippers, all colors.
Rahway, N. 1. to Sept. S oo acoooat of slckna**. that _ _ _ _ , , _ j _ . . . ' p . - ^ . . n^, , , clasp.
ku salary waa fl»0 per .month aad «o«e«t and play on 8anday. De*. 11. Mr. Hop* ise a graduate ot Bulger* shoot a gun with the best of them. As
He could ride a bucking broncho, or William Tompklns, secretary. , Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock at his l e a 8 L J u d r , J g f r o m conditions
late residence 171 Rahw.y avenue.' flr8t h u o c k e d k n o D o t t d o o r >
a batter}" and a complete set ol plenty Of rich, red blood and you won't Men's fine grade slippers and spats. Dav14 Oage sect him a at 740 p. m. at the :Rahwar. B*br*w oa* writer aald of him during kof ljug holt to Insert .In hole and bal
rhiMr«ty. .h™., »t«- 63 Westfleld d tSO ta *b CoBgrwgalk)*
- - - 1 s
- - - -corner of• College and tea member of the PI service In Minneapolis. Minn. "He Is ...... OF CLOTHES STOLEN Woodbridge.
"TiptrtB that ^111 tllumliiuiH*~rire ftis- know yourself. It JBn't a magic medl- ^ ' tM and ISO ta Synacoca*,
Mr*. -Fraternity. -H*~ is a known throughout- the land as mis- - A.snaak. thlejLsXoJe a suit of clothes mer off safe lock. One corner of aa
tlvltles If your house isn't wired. cine. It contains iron and other in-1 venue. Tel. 185 M. n30-6t tiltln'g'tkat he r*tgn"~dl«~eijh i»pi»
We represent the Western Elec- Kiedients that feed starved blood and Malta* the amoant
•enltag amoont d da* In wag** g aad mltte* J ,_te ,C , chemist for Merck ft Company, ot this sionary and preacher to hnntanity ln belonging to J. Stanley TJavfs, of 27 , Georoe W. O'bonnell ! was partly hent over by the
makes it rich and red. Physicians ] CORD WOOD FOR SALE—Seasoned. -rdorie th* warrant and retorm It to » ' " • • ^V its time of stress. The conscientious After once getting the door open •
tric appliances. WashinK machines. have prescribed Pepto-ManKan for
Mr Cage. Mr. BchwelUer wanted to Robtnaon. TUlle . Bessie Mil- city. During the world war he served rector ot a small city parish, he Is,
Dish Washers. The most approved years. Cut any length $14.00 per load; slab in the U. S. Infantry and was overseas An odd coat that was also C^rk Townshlr. died at Rahway was easy to break iuto the dlfferaaK
dish washer on the market. Vac. w whywhy dednrtion
dednrtin bsd bees made road. Roa* K Kawlt, Fanine Lager, besides, pastor to the neglected anu the line with the suit was not Hospital y-'.urday He leaves three compartments. The safe door warn
wood $12 per load Ten Eyck Bros..
cleaners and many other useful ar- tablet Pepto-Mangan ia sold in liquid and
Rahway R. F D.. or Tel. 107-J Me- WILL PERSON SEEN Ukln« pocket- WANTED TO FCT—Larf* <oU car- ADTO lUnasa when h othrr
h employees
m l e s at at FYieda d K Krelsberg. Irving Engelmen. eleven months. He is a member of outcast ot he whole city. He Is present brothe" and two Bisters.- completely wrecked and flreproeit
ticles—We carry a complete line prefer form. Take either kind you _._ . . TBB SABWAT BAYBKM R the American Legion. Mrs. Hope is In the courts to rescue first offenders, taken.
of fancy Xmas tree lighting out- other. Both One acts the same as the tuchen. n30-9t book from coat at T. M. C. A. Satur- riage, in good coadttiaa, far chad. l l i i i , BiaskMk aad KffraJfct ata* TIOM B«7* « B*r east tatarw, •* a member of the First Presbyterian from a life of crime; be buries the] Brlscoe 4-pass. Roadster 1100 down lining lying ln chunks ln front ot gaffe.
Rahway. W«edMd»A Cfcttmt. iboaM • • «Bdor**d aad returned, to The meeting li conducted by president 'See"ciassined ads SNAPPY BASKETBALL CARD
fits—Transformers, lamps. Irons, ents, But becontain the same Ingredi- day afternoon retain same to Rec- •Phone m-J. It • H i let rst* *BM by aay MdW church and one ot the most popular sinner ne
whom church has forgotten; j balance monthly.
No explosive was used.
heating pads, hair curlers. A visit Pepto-Maugaa—"Gude'e." .sure to get the genuine FOR SALE—Four drawer Golden Oak
ord Office and aroid further tronblreT
ChrooM aa4 P*rth i knk talk* Stau. O - Mr Qage. - Who got Us* $J0 difference Abe Zuman. vonnr lidlnn of tha cltv < •P «o
jflung laaies or tne city, jt h f t w o f d o f QQi.t mMom masses ot aroused
^ ^^^ C Jor men f other bargains. Phona Earl Mac- AT Y. M. C. A. TOMORROW
The fan -,M {and a r y i lf9w B r a n s w l c k - 2058—Ady, ( l.'ciiiidjjrable noise must have beeat
"to"our~st ^ore" wITI "conv!nce~you7 of name. "Gude's Pepto-Mangan." should Singer chain stitch sewing* machine WANTSD—aothM tr*e. Marrl* ehalr. Ml Rahway. It waa erxplalned that edunderc l al y prevl- MISSIONARY MEETING when they would hear It from no' asThetheirlocal Y Senior
opponents team will
Saturday have
evening," , . . , ., , .. u
the many useful Rifts of Electrical be on. the package. —Adv. ln first class condition, used 1 year baby's high chair. Adrd*** Box X w t : the fast Associated Club, of Plainfleld. m a d e '" ^mmerlnK the safe with

other lips."

Labor Savins devices. FOB RBNT-BeaM of sli rooM Ml as systtm. «»* »"» •* - » * ~ Trinity Foreign Missionary socle:
cost $75; selling for 135 and a 5- WANTED—One set doable French care Record. It r»nl was BIT*" Otlt for fall time for mt{ o n Tuesday afternoon with presl- j From experiences ln his own life | This team is composed exclusively of force that was necessary to oneat-
We have a force of skilled me- MONET TO LOAN on bath. Rest «U.«0 per mostk. l> and the lives of others Rev. Mr. Wil-
i-lianU-s that can wire your house drawer Lock Stitch Automatic doors. Mast be In good condition LOST—Brown color watch fob; whit* mortgage. Hyer ft i certain number of employees sworn j,. n t M.-8 Kami,. DuRie, of ">S Jaques I former well-known Plainfleld and Patrick Brennan. who lives next door
from tup to bottom with tho l^ast Coughs and Hoarseness j Drop Head S13. M J. Tompane. and cheap for caab. Apply XYZ, Rahway NaUoMl Bask qdt* OWMT, »44 W»«ts«M to by water •nglnow. thst In the a venue. There was a fin.- attendance. kinson drew lessons applicable to all
lives. He said as yet the Golden Rule
| North Plainfleld high school basket-! a l 1 5 0 M a l n s t r e e t. heard poundinr

and black centre. Liberal reward 5>!iwelUer case he paid $J« cash committees were appointed for the ^"Po^Townley and "Ax" Brandt' a b ° « m i ( l n l ^ h t b u t d l d n o t t h i n k ™*

possible inconvenience to you." no Along about this time of the year care Singer Sewing Machine. 1167 S. way. N. J. Rahway. N. J. of "Do unto others as you would have
dirt or dlsarranKtng of the house- indoor coddling Is very apt to bring care Record. It If returned to 7 Commerce street. !r,im hl» own pocket »nd had th>- war- various departments ot work and new will play forwards. "Jack" Faucett ] thins of the noise. August D. Strieker
Jersey street. Elizabeth. N. J. •vit nndorsed In order to Ret that mt . m ber» were received. A fine paper them do unto you" has entered but , centre. "Bitr" Wilson and "Dan" Ran-1 of ICO Main street, and William Dina-
hold. qn a laryngeal (lower throat) cold.' nJO-Jt •nount back. Mr. Oag» supplemented w a , r e a d by Mrs. C. C. Howard on the lttle ltno business life and conduct,
Our work is nur reputation. Es- The comiiiK Is evident usually in a n30-3t LOST—Sterling silver mesh bac Son- but that the Idea of a common brother- idolph will look after the_ defensive j Dack( of 67 Jaquea avenue, drcrret
tini;itt-s cheerfully piven. tM« reply by stating that when an nmt chapter of the new study book.
tickling of the throat. There is an' day afternoon. Finder please retain E. T. BRBNNAN—Asto trttoWng and --Ployw Is away on account ot ill- -The Bible and Missions." A letter hood Is gradually spreading. "The
irresistible impulse to cough. The FOR SALE—Buick late 1917 little six
throat seems to be dry and the cough ; in perfect condition: demonstration
quickly becomes dry and harsh. As a any evening or Sunday; make offer.
patient expressed it. "The first thing! H. E. Diers. 122 West Grand street.
I knew I was barking like a dog." I Rahway, N. J.
to 20 Leesvlle avenue, or 'phone
321-R. It
moving. 17 E Lak* aveoaa. Phoai
THONA & VAROSI • ,s !l Is necessary to hire someone to w a a read by Miss Denman from the
• i'».- hlae place, intimating the *30 had ,chool at Chsng-bl. China, in which
h-^n spent In that way.
When Mr. 8chweltxer
the society has a partlcolar Interest.
again Meeting was concluded with the
(feinzer A|ain
Association—Banfoet and need
world needs you. One by one you
have your work to do. The world Big Erent Starts
needs you in your present place. We
a wider, broader, nobler vision ciously and Will Continue i P. H.1S. team which took part In the! heard someone hammering D
on metal,

The throat swells and the normal,"

LADIES and GENTS brought BP th* subject Msyor Trem- Mystery Box questloaa^and refresh-
bley asked that It be pnt In writing menu were served. Other Errnts Planned
of life's duties than we have yet had,
but the day is fast dawning when Tonight and Tomorrow S XV^T^^Z^
at .Stevens Wilson nanuoipa< '" ^ ° * '*
, , . __
secretions are greatly diminished. The: these things will be a reality."
_~^JGEOOpfmANJ»l»__» vocal cords lose their power of vibra-
tion and sometimes the voice becomeB i SALESMAN WANTED—One who baa
Chuck Roast, Ib - 2Oc HIGH CLASS TAILORS
im th«rA vraa nothlxu on the records
" shoVwtat 0Bt«Sns bad been ask-
« and It it w a i pot In Mack and white P U n . are being made by th*. Rah-
Referring to the League
Idea he said It was 600 years older
of Nations
. - „,
were picked as all-county guards sev- nf Sht In the bakery adjoining the Ro»-
jeral yearso ago. Other members of crts Btore did not pay any further **•'
. . .. t h o s q a a d a r e Brousse. A. Townley lpn tion to the noise.
very husky. Sometimes it Is com-' then the eomaUaatoBen would har* way _«, Republican
r Club ^ for a dinner Trinity Methodist Ushers' Assocla- than the Christian era, referring to The lecture room of the First Meth-. and Terrey. Oposed by such an array
PB0rffi462-M - I09IBVING ST. e x p e r l e n c e , n ukm^ orders for meat the leagn*~«f which Greece was the
pletely lost and the sufferer Is only
Shoulder SulU Made to Order something
««"»»• " definite
» ~ ~ to
— «n*wer. and dance following ' the holidays. A! U o n a t » m e e U n g held last night with •.dlst Church was crowded last nlKht'of ^lent **t h l s - t h e Y t e a m w l " h a T e ' c l r c u m B t a n C 0 3 s h o w t l l a t t h " «*"
and grocery market; married man

3O. b „, « « t•e •r „ . . _ « , leader/^ He said the league went all

dlst ChUrch
able to speak ln a whisper—breathing To this Mr. SchwelUer repUed that mem btrshlp drive with dues at one TO1111 ._ an 8„„.:,, ' a s n r o w l l e < 1 l a s t n l 8 D t , t 0 travel faster than they have at any hers kept a lookout in tli Columbia.
is painful and swallowing a misery. preferred; one able to drive a car; Complete line of handsome patterns to select frcs. » week oacht to be amhle time for o o l U r a T e ir Ise being promoted. I™ imua
- mlUl
. of W
-J •»»«•<. right as long as there was a dominant t the opening of the grand bazaar time this year if they are going to club rooms, from tho windows "'
i elected officers as follows: President, leader. Referring " to Lloyd- - - George - for the benefit of the parsonage fund.' register their third straight win. which a lull view of Main and Cherry/-
T h e Chiropractor
usually find tender-
ness at the spinal exit
salary and commission. Address Q.
M. care Record.
Pork Chop*It High Grade Cleaning, Pretting, Reptiiirg and all
th« otndals to answer tie questions -
be uked. "I dont wast to put all ot w | t h other municipalities throughout: Harry Metnxer; vice-president, I. F. and his assumption A ., p l e n d l Q s u p p e r wa» served t n a t I Chrome
f r-n* Wa tr,
The Rahway
girls willYclashgirlsln the
f l-nrome Bins win cianu m iuo yi^um-,
andprelim- streets Is obtained. Signals pifbaWy

Only of the throat nerves

at the region ln the WANTED—Salesman and collector
base of the Beck. With
the points of the
for Rahway and vicinity; good op-
Modern Equipment
Kinds of Alterations.
Prompt Attention
this in writing, but tt yos demand It the country In demanding that the! Bartlett, Jr • secretary, Randolph L called attention to bis recent state-
1 inppose I must." concluded Mr. government take proper steps to con-;-..
nipped ln tk* bad.
. Aih-orf nimnil- ous gases by saying they would be This wasmany
8<rhweltier. The discussion was thus ?rol l h e coal situation and prevent a! o l l m a n - treasurer. Alfred Qlroud, needed la the > next war, yet the Aid Society. Following the supper several
repetition of present. —-IOI..... Tijjjhead uaher. Leslie Btuart; assistant Leacm of Nations pretends to be aim- , „ „ „ w e r 8 a t l r r l n g ^ x s b y R e T . F . close. The locals are conntlng
ln ra^oraDie
charge ot comments.
the Ladles'
lnary a t t i n
lnary attrat.Uon
instance timesthe last
T h e B e t e a m s m e t acquainted the men working on t&fc
ln e ach' gate
exceedingly' r^
with the
55 aaff
upon i t,.h e 8 t o r e a n d
,,88 BBapproach
uated In
of he
any person
In the rear

FIFTEEN DAYS fingers thu tenderness

can be traced to the
throat. The tender-
portunity; salary and commission.
Apply Singer Bevtag Machine Co.,
1U7 East Jersey Street, Eltaabet*.
Fresh Jersey Reasonable Price*.
The monthly report of Water En- w > . referred to
Utifer Oage on pumping plant showed committee of whole,
that MSI7.S00 gallons, had "been
; Nov*oWr an tncr*a»* buy property
R. B. Fordham asked
c l t j r
as iiead unhor. Howard Stillman. All ot Ing at disarmament! A passage In
the officers made appropriate rc- presaly permit* each nation to manu-
j ° : marks following the election, urging facture, munitions and arms without Rev. E. A. Qulmby, Snpt George
it ex- a former pastor; Mayor chalking up their first home victory !
W. Ryder, of the season, so a fast Interesting | street. There lse a light kept bo
game Is promised.
cannot be seen from
Ing an night in the center of the stortv
Tho first contest starts promptly at' officer Payne tried the door at the*
TO ness usually is li N. J. nJO-Jt
marked in the ca*6 of
persons who have PORK «6 living Street. •-— Railway. I . J. ot' co-operation. W H i M t i t o M t r t U i - Sctaerer, of the Sunday School; John « D- m. ) Mine all other* were tried and «M

CHRISTMAS chronic weakness of

the throat and may
Whil* oth*r mill* I M laying off
Small Loins
Opposite Cmplr* Th*atr« leereaae ov*r tk*
month last rear ot H.4W talloM.
*pon<la« Board ot Education.
City Attorney Armstrong by request'
A. bowling
of athtotlc
the'Ing a tendwey to encourage dlsarma- A r k l n s U 1 , ^
ushers ment
Timely reference was wa* made to the
the There waa a Ane array ot *Urac- j Negotiations have been completed' eer Payne's period of duty ended
see or hear anything suspicious.

29 Ib
not be present In help, w* ar* taking on. Not b*eu Wwawili Hsfttara of eommts*loners_explained
m the re-; ' December IT. Stanley Wlldrick God-led part oMMii countryand he tlvely decorated booths from which | b y Winkler and Engene Bakro j midnight. He was relieved by Offle
and only thosa who are suffer- kmaia*** I* good. K U not, bat w* ar* Tkre* wolmtlnB* decision of charVV _ sale ot their popular pool room Paul Mancoso.
ing from this form ot
cold for the first time. ••tlmlsti* u l V*U*re tk* frogn
Pork Co. for 1 announced 7. when
plans afortnrkaW banquet
dinner <m |ildthat'in""all Btaepe there'were not hano:'Bome articles, suitable for Christ- Main street to James Cahill, of • Officer Payne escorted his
Three More The Indication of th* •f this gr**t rich country la going to Whole or Half d i - . nLp o « i"
. ^^
«u " "•=
d"s nf—c 'f~' S
. l2d'
2 ' - » -*»• - I — , city. Messrs. Winkler and home from her parent* ln E M U stxwst

symptoms, however, the nerve ten- k**v right *a> W* hop* to be yr*- HJalmsr Lledberg annonnced his who will stand alone for what is right, and home-made confectionery- The! .
oJ * • * e o » ««sj.nabtaa-d * » * « B k r o extend their' grateful appreda- and took off his police uniform aset
derness tracing directly to th* seventh par** whaa tk* b u n * * * 4*** eoaa* Intention of tolng to Sweden at aa
forretand » Utility Board had no p o w « w Uon to the general public for their returned to the railroad station to «*r
WEDNESDAYS joint of the cervical region *t th*
backbone and the> drynee* of th* aa* will tak* « • all soot teopU wk*
throat th* swelling Induced by It* •as run Mwfac marhra**, bvttoa *r
struggle to b* rid of th* inOamatbm, batten hot*. OT*T *ttUfc or aU wisckla**
Regular i . rmtTttey recom
w any who had paid new j ,, ar i T date, to remain a year or more.
•« gerrice that »uch be done
to the Pablle; H e w u hiMm Godspeed by the mem- not
Stillman and I. V. Bart- by President M a
it oe IOSL
Mr. Wilkiaeoa waa latrodneed
varteo* eolors, a r r a n g e by Dwt»ht
Iberal patronage and ask their a package he had forgotten. N*
latrona to extend to Mr. CahUl the [station he saw two men who
J Dohm, to whom' much credit I* due same generous support. Mr. CshiU, like two he had seen at l l . « V- •»•
To Buy Your tb* catarrhal discharge which 1* am atakinc ctotk or j*r**r iratts and batk-
accompaalmeat, ar* all *lmr Indica- Fresh Hams DANISH RUT BUTTER
by President Maaton D. Martin. Fol-J
l owtoa
t o the^address
t h d d r e s s refreshm.nts
rfreshm.nts were were f o r & ^M work.
k B , ^ toe toe will conduct the place in the quiet and tinkering with an auto engine at tk*

XMAS GIFTS tion* of th* lack of n*rv* energy aa* lag shot*. Sight hoar day. Pay and progressive way that has earned popn \ comer of Lewis and Irving streets.
strength ln th* affected parts. half evcrtlm*. WU1 teach ambition*


ford Buckley with Harry 8. Martin,' on* colon that added to the general [arity and a good name.—Adv > He loked them over while they

beginner* ani pay small salary. Oooi accompanist. During th* business ses-| beauty. working on the Chevrolet mirbl—
und get a Rebate of Adjustment of the a*ck joint* t* V*7 to sxparts. would be ready next meeting. slon the resignation of Leo Vas 8antj ELK8 LOSE AT NEWARK ! and examined their license car*.
ramove th* nerve pressar* ana fr** lB best TagtUbU butter in Ik* world i« produced >• I ( u , , opening night I. an indica
th* spinal nerve* for the delivery of MILBURY ATLANTIC MFQ. CO. ln Three new members were received. In an Elks' Bowling League match' *verything appearing all right. H«
Denmark, and m o n o f it is e o n s » * 4 . b y tk» D»DCI t"» md

10 per cent th* full degree of nerve Impulse, Hamilton 8 t . of Centra) avenue, A pleasant social time and refresh- lea wua- regm Q«UI« «U reuvi«i. at Newark last night the Rahway Elks | then went around, ltno Cherry street
is followed by a gradual righting ot by any okher people. j iof'llUtfr Cbartotte catch ments, followed the moettne. Those from- the city. J. Stanley Davis 1* to be. It win be recognised as the big dropped three games. McCartney and and saw a machine come out of am
Rahway. N. J.

from our regular low ease

the ailment. The cause of the weak'
ness that opened the way for the dls
was lack of full nerve snpply du* MISELLIREOUS
Big Drop in Butter The manofaotnrera of PALM IKE N t t Butter, »bo hat*
for years been the leaders in the Nut ©otter iDdu.trj a
W a totaliailn*..119.10: soraplng J
Stite law. J i x e of Bre hydrants.^:
mlsiloner *to water works,
present, besides*the officers previously secretary pro tern. Seven new mem-, gest event of Its kind ever held at Schmidt were"*hlgh rolers for Rah-'niley ia Cherry atreet and start do
mentioned, were: Andrew Brobpr/;. business transacted. bers were.received and other routine, u,, F l r B t M . R church.
of the workers and final account will
A full list ay, while 8peary led Newark. Main atreet. He halted the machtn*
to pinching at the point of emmlsslon :phalt block and brick Richard and Fred Olhrlelit. Rnewr and learned that It contained a local
prices. between Joints. The system
using will remove this nerve pressure.
I am WANTED—To Let S or
rooms for light housekeeping. Ad'
Fancy Creamery
4 famished Denmark, are now ehnrning PALHINB in this conntrj-
They are xuiiig hire precisely the satnej.foimulf'K tc'lp 10 *
„ » ! « ; repairs to lower Main street, Stillman, Frank Van Arsda4e. rtttnlv-
T8 58: general work in street and Wlldrick, HJalmar Llcdbcrg nnd WilV-
Rahway Chapter, No. 72, Order of
- be. published In The
Tonight the Girl Scouts will pro-
Record Tuesday. BENEFIT SHOW
Plans have, been made by WasMng-
merchant and friends. While thlp
place the machine at th*
Sh*p early aud shop The wonderful growth in my prac- Eastern Star, last nlgbt elected the vide with a charming entertainment, ton Hose Company, No. 1, for a bene-,
tice, is due entirely to the results ob-
here tomorrow! It is tained on patients and to their efforts
dress "L. B." care Record. d7-2t Butter, Mb Print oesses that hare been employed in Denmaik. •li nres duxin* NoTembet, damage water departments, »68.60.
•ySFLSSShw Bn^"« T. " X amounting ng to to, 145,134.51
WMS4.51 jyre
total. iam G. Smith.
following officers'. Worthy Matron, known aa "The Japanese Wedding.' fit show at the Lyric Theatre, Main post office corner disappeared.
Mrs. P. E. Hullck; worthy patron, Saturday night the program will be street, on Wednesday and Thursday, When Olllcer Payne, then off dnl»
• ;
1 with relatives and friends, and for
"ECONOMY DAY' a these efforts I wish to thank then). Brookfield AO WHEN YOU DINE USE PAL-MlNE J. Wasser a letter was received rela- ordered paid including 142,929.36 furnished by the Epworth League,
Sixty five out of every hundred men Walter S. Ganong; associate matron. Saturday afternoon the bazaar will be Dec. 15 and 16. R. B. Warner appears a t l e
'ive to removal of snow by State from from ire dependent on others at seventy— Mrs. J. C. Runyon; treasurer, Mrs. open for the sale of food from 2 to In "One Hour Before Dawn" u...... and...,„ " station he followed them
weekly event in this store If you are not enjoying good health,
For Sale by All Reliable Dealers.

Use/of Presents in all how

call at my office and let me explain
Chiropractic will apply to your
House For Sale Butter, Mb Print O O Ib State highways and Ui« cooperation from ».->• "r .""n"f " w 0c r e:
fxpocted from the municipality.^,^ ^Offlclnls P ^ J ^ * ^ C o m m | 8 .
Mayor <lo you want to be one ot the sixty- Matthew Armstrong: secretary, Mrs.
5 o'clock.
other fine, features. The committee. around tho station to the "hole In the
In charge consists of George Franks wall," Campbel street entrance. Here
Franklin Engine Company, which David live? Begin to save now—make the I. W. Thorn; conductor, Mrs. George
particular case. 7 rooms u'l uenrly decorated H slm
Rahway National Bank pay you Inter- L. Klrchgasner: associate conductor, chairman; John P. Nolan, John Con-! the pair Jumped Into a taxi from tn*>
our Departments »ud painted in llnest uiuiu
'Hslmndi at end of year, asked for
a Lambert, est on your savings account at 4 ret Mrs. James Barger; trusteo for three . ''Ten dollars a week deposited regu ser. A. H. Schneider. A..~ J. Coftey. People's Taxi Office, conducted, by
Treasurer William .H. Wright
3) 1 fJWfamjf ner. A vcri dcHlruble lo(ri- "^evLPrlce, Water En- day of depoBit. n2-tf yearR. Mrs Wlllard H. Shafor. PlanB tarjy In the Saving Dept. of tho Rah navld Buti, Charlea Post, Matliew R. , Fred Bruii; and Walter Kraus, tb*
tlou. lmmedlale p o e ^ ~CITy Attornoy were made Cor Christmas tree, and way National Bank for ten-years will Daly. ' tnxl being in entires ot Mr. Kraua.
US Irvlns Street.
_ OixMMlU-PcsMrlvula R. B. Hlalloo
Mny COIIHUI- r reuliii|,r. A dr-
ill tH only. AddresK owner Wholesale Distributors
Gore. Wallor Watson. J. McLnughlln _
m.i f'Mfror<i worth. Thtii was referred David
to M.-rm- • . « iHtv xlarh. - Fred M.
h, Sanitary Officer
, Assessor Peter Till
Robes and Sllp-1
celebration nt next meeting, neceni amount to Seven thousand dollars—
Wbnt^ou be glad to have that much 2.SU asd u^ at Mellck's, 106 Main St.
Xmas Glfti^BaKs aiulftult Cases' P a y n e a t o n c e
(Continued on PaQe Five)
1 2 8 Main Street^— Hour.:—J to a P. M., Mo»., Wed.. Vri. 4'J Priuce Street, Elizabeth
279 New Brunswick Ave. pers 18
"Railway's Most Popular Store" TS> Bf».d C«r. Market St, Newark.
T u t , Than. Sat., S U 4 P. U.
Telephone Elizabeth V!447.
22 Cherry St. PERTH AMBOy.N.J.
Talefkaae, Malbenr ISN

^iiiit«atnx- *•- ''••' • -•' : v i •• -; -•"•^-•-tf4

>;-.- . -.

Buefgel. PUInneld; Banruel C. Dattla,

Record. FridayArtfnwon, Docember 10. II Inaebeon b«ld 7 tha i r ^ U M d i < E t . except AUanfle betog r e I r r e s e n , Jacob JayHRahway; Robert L. Evans,
•w ' - s m i a y i N & AGRICULTURE i ly seven ot the 141 are women. Westfleld; William A . . R o r i e l . Scotch
•iSM _-, women of New Jersey at AatoBDly man Bse* tontkf, aa Plo'.nt
others. Mrs. E. T. FUekart presided. vToa-ihalinsiei win »e-the ooanty rap-. Of the 141 students who are taking I General Agriculture claims 70 of
NATIONAL PNEUMATICS CIVIC CLU* PLAN* 0P1MTTA tta Robert Treat Hotel. Newark. resentaUves on the board of « o v ^advantage ot the Short Courses In I the students. Poultry Husbandry 44,
•PW«Mt rrcn this 0% Included > There were prominent offldsls pres- Th. Al'ar Chuptcr of the Church y
NOSC OUT REQINA TKAM from every county In the State. nors ot the new organisation. The Agriculture at the State Agricultural I and Fruit Growing 27. The courses of thfl Hoi'- "omforter held an enjoy-
i ^ « C o m i ^ » » t o n « r «nd Mrs. Harrr entPrevious
One of the closest matches ot the to the luncheon the New tour Rahway ladles present were College, New Brunswick this year, one are In charge of some of the most ex-
Industrial League schedule m bowled To B« QIVMI In January for BtMftt
Tuesday nlfhtat McCartney'alleys be-
tween the leading -National Pneumatic
Visiting Hurt* Fund.
An Interesting session of the Civic
team and the Reglna five. There was Club was held Friday afternoon at the
a difference of only fire pins In thehigh school auditorium, where a com-
Improved BtomoM. Mrs. J. A. Macdary, Hiss
Jtama His and Mrs. L. H . Hamp»i Jersey Club was organlteor-the aetw* sup- oTthe owrt'wnwUgn-f*
Thara warr stirring addreses by iKr- porting membership being limited to establish headquarters In Trenton. """"n™"*" dad and another from Nova Beotia.: Isors which the college can furntsn.
niilf liankfurtor loast Monday. An
' State Women's Republican made charter members. In advance1 nails fiom Spain, another from Trlna- t-perlenced anil best trained proren- lir.-tu.icn was uccepted to attend a
Louisiana, Virginia and Connecticut j Although Union County is very a . al j-nlhtring at the home of Mrs.
msr Qorernors WIlBsin N. Runron and 1.000, whUe tha associate member- The Rabwiy ladles accepted the In- are each represented by one. Illinois i largely an urban district, It sends JiK.n Hothmunn, •14G 8t. Oeorge ave-
B. C. Btokes. alto by Mrs. Arthur ships are unlimited. Only the su»itatlon of Miss Emma Mix to enjoy by 2 New York City by 3. Mlnne-1 seven representative* to the Short nue, Jan. 12.
total pintail. The National Pneumatic
won the deciding game. The first tilt prehensive adrdess was gtven by Mr*.
was taken by the Retina with a mar- Walter Lawson, ot Mountain Lakis
Kin of 25. National Pneumatic won Federation vice-president tor the Fifth
the second, having a lead of 18. The District She emphasised the work be-
WOODHULL'S It sssiis aa tfcoagh
teams kept on even terms throughout The store has outgrown Us Caah There's a Reason Why ^ Give Merchandise Certificate*

the third game and the Peglnas lost ing done by the women's dubs to ob- eraatad to Cottar
on misses In the tenth frame while tain a hall for the Women's College at Carrier 8errlce Just as a child out- People Who Bought TokHi
Hand, Brennan and Hofllngshead fin- New Brunswick, told of the legisla- grows its clothes—a few years ago trials that ir*fM» If you a n In doubt as to what to select (or Chrlttmu, why
ished with strikes The game was won tive work ot the Federation and gave
by the close margin of 12. Hand had
high average with 178.2. followed by an account ot the recent convention
It was efficient for the business
done J>nt times have changed and
Handkerchiefs aaa oftaa aatt to «MM* m •et give » Merchandise Certificate and let the recipient choose
what he or the mty prefer? These certificates will be Issued for
IF There la Way with 171.1; Brennan. 170 andat Mountain Lakes.
the present system eonldnt carry
Here last Christmas are wtth' trkoa as small or u Urge tn amount ts you care to spend—and mty be
Anything Wrong Horn 168. The winners had a team
average of 763. while the Regtnai had Plans were reported under war for Buying Here Again - nakas o v vboto HIM) N E2 W A. R K, N. J. htd t t the Ctshler't Desk. Third Floor.
the "load" and get your change
With 761.1. The scores: an entertainment tor the benefit ot
back to yon a* tast as we would Handkerchief qualities are dl|. MiWif SwaWMM. teMV al WWttV MirchandUing Abnatt ot tht Ttmt$
NATIONAL PNEUMATIC the vlsltng nurse fond, which wlU flcnplt for the average wsato—r to •ait oof tt kit WE GIVE AND REDEEM BUBBTY COUPONS
probably b« an operetfiTanJ ~wffl"T)« Md» determine tor lawns are ftntshe* —>*• im mm*
Brennan m 1M 174 170 presented the latter part of January- aereral departments new Electri- like linens and linens are frlwia w « m
HoUlngshead 138 1M 180Is response to a communication re- ul .rr»ng«menu are completed tor,

We are specialists in
the art of fitting
Totals . .
O. Bierwlrth
138 140 104
11* 154 153lating to membership In the Union
7tS 7*4 771
117 167 111
County Park Association a goodly
Dumber of the Civic Club members ex-
pressed themselves as heartily In
cally Operated National Multiple like lawns—there's room lor de-
Cash Registers that win fet your ception if store tat atnigkt ay
change back to yon In less tfcaa a aad down. And handkereklet «s>
seripttoaa co tor aaaght—yoa
halt s mlnste. Thus sddlng another want to select then rrwinUr M
Petticoat l,«ne
Otter*ttt PoUowini
i community mass meeting to be:
L sund.y aftemoa in the Trinity |
[• chorch when Clteton N. How-.
., h , uttle riant" orator, dalhrara (
nious sddreea^-A New Day and;
A Most Timely Underpricing of Furniture
Held 118 13* 1M favor ot the project and" gars their link i> the chain ot satisfactory a rale—so sserely hlau ot whaU Tomorrow. _ ' | "If this be 'merchandising
Glasses v, Horn
168 161 177
ltt 141 166
signatures tor membership.
\ . . 17» 165 171 Report showed the Janet Richards
serrtce for which Woodhnll's U yoa osa l i d i w t f the
known. While the store U getting her* are grrem—-
7. -
Oat to milk
U t o n Post aaya. •Trom the;
^"tence tae big crowd la fre-
„ Tomple bad a Jolly time."
Clocks abreast of the times,*" said a Grandfather's Clocks
H.M.Chasin Tsuar~ : . . 767 771 T61
lecture a success. Mrs. T. 8 . Orris
and Mrs. Otto Wiener were w e l t e d
Into meberahlp. Vice-president Mrs.
WEATHER PROGNOSTICATION* George K. Qallaway presided In the
btggei and better -—e» a*
Ideal has not beea re ached—we. at Mo each, esabrotdeted
keep on striving to make Womea't
Haadkarahts Mg^,:Mtm peaa — l | t
^ * * * * , " » • • «as
f Milwaahaa. once, madetamwu by ,
> lite laffl«nted John DarleyeorBr;
J intmei says. I t waa packed with ,
' dvnamlc In delivery, and was,
r.! with hflarloMtaterest."Hr A Sale
_prosperofis lawyer, as he selected
a living room suite as a gift for
his wife, "I'm for it."
Eyesight Specialist Alfred T. Crane. Br- one of Rah- absence of Mrs, "w. FT UtQeTwltoTs -each-day- better than the day b» i - • hswsati lasisifsi arorsisi of
way's weather prognostleatora, pre- seriously 111. Resolutions ot sympathy in SVw^Jtraar and always bri Never before has a sale of this character~orxnrTcd-at
129 BROAD STREET hjantwjy always he He voiced a universal" senti- n« nxuyM*iin» timi» l» flJittine addition to our
ELIZABETH, N.J. 21 to March 31 follows: Dec 11 topassed by the meeting and seat room (or UnproTement. kerchiefs from U O M L M
mass t u v v u m •-*»»» »— v n » wa
i,., belnr conducted br the Na-,
docks Is offered at exactly 25% below tne regular sfelling
tly 2 ment. For the happy thought ot sale of Living Room Furniture.' As a gift, Ttt nothing could
Jan. 31, stormy with nuch mad and Mrs. Little. Refreshment* and price. Pictured are but a few of the many attractive examples more mark the giver as a person of rare discrimination,
IP. N sloppy walking; Jan. 31 to Feb. 31. social time followed the meeting.
Women's- Hand-made. Haad Is*- •iraleu lu-form AasocUUoo in a con-
that are included in the sale. Clocks such as these rarely holding a "January Mark-Down"
O(Bp» H o u r * » A M
S a t a r d a ; > Until ' M Tery changeable: Peb. 31 to March 31.
White Ivory that broldered Madeira Handkarcaleta tor ataataty days, ,cl3; campatm (or Uw enforce-
„, AmrricanisaUon and Christian enter an underpriced sale, and we can heartily recommend of Furniture just before the holi-
nothing could more fully please the recipient Purchases
with wuta at tM each. made now will be delivered at any desired holiday date.
quite mild. JUNIOR CLA8S HOLDS "She" Will Like from 1.1» to 1 M each.
Kmltud ••Oar. t w o patch w^mmm _ .
.1, m rlUsenship.
x.»iit tha meatlns U ta charge of their purchase at these prices. day enabled many, many families
Of coarse yon know while tt Is wtth pj«:or» of the chorches who are Model "B"
The first dance given by the class initial at » c each. tos an wool aspkyr jmn. tMto at astt awt.rtai csssm. i i
of 1922 Rahway High School Friday called "White iTory" or "French
Women's Fine Lines TnlttslaS* with shall 44lt«k ao4 roaa, kotor aad ' - ml tine the cooperation of the lead-
> turns both men and women.
Model "F to have a "family gift" of much- $108.90 Clock, $81.67
night was a great success and was iTory" by some that It Isn't iTory
Newark Theatre RIALTO THEATRE one of tho best ever given at high at all—It la pyroxolln—the Irory Handkerchiefs at t t e each. color. Ba« (er aothsr at SJO I,.-on It free to all. The meeting $57750 Clock, $433.12 needed furniture. A much-admired design, the
Tha Theatre B«aatifol
school. Many schools ot the county composition—real' Uory as you- Woowrt Novtaty Handkercalets Handsome Ventta] "' ' 3 M> P- •» "
This handsome' example' i>" Adam motif'; showing full glass
Markel St.. East of Broad S t . wero represnted among the guests.
Lucky number dance was won by know Is made from elephanfs French styles at 15c to Me each.
Bnuh*4 Wool SewCs that >r
Bead Necklaces HARMING SHOW NKXT WCeK ne in figured mihogany and Into a radical—extremely radi- front. The frame Is mahogany
Bred SI . NEWARK Opp. Cilr Hill weil Hhad br th* dri who J BROAO ST. TMKATRB. NEWARK
Continuous nooD till 11 p m Miss Kathryn Jones and Samuel Love, tusks and only the smaller articles Kiddles Handkerchleta. I la a (or wlnur sports, frtacad Woaderfully pretty ttytw a MI , |||!M Marllynn MUler and Lean Er- a copy of the post-Colonial cal—cutting of prices went every finished. Stands more than
Week of December 12th— while luckj name dance was won b could be made from It—and Jhen box. colored flgvre In comer at Me.
t«- of America's greatest dance totif. French beveled piste seven feet high. Is 20 inches Va-lety Programs
Tncludlnc Triple Features A Dramatic Triumph. Bratnerd Lindsay and partner.
the price la almost prohlbltlTe. 50c and 61c a box.
faner plaM borders, sof color that yoa might «iah—trosTI o-imlra will appear st the Broad , iass. Has heavy brass weights
one of our magnificent living wide.
Those present: The Misses Alice cwldWJy L N t o t N each deep wlae to tnsi[ur«ai Th.-»ir*. Newark. In their first room suites. Those same suites
WEEK STARTING THIS BERT LYTELL Andrews. Kathryn Mllnes. Lillian Per- The pieces offered below are per- 'i«ws tho moon's phases Model " P
O» beads are Imports .1 i:irrln« Tohlde "Sally." Mon-
sl'NT>AV— NEWARK'S OWN STAR. rtne, Augusta Scarf. Doris Slater, Mar-
grecta and Mabel Love, Marlon Qninn.
fect In eYery respect—standard
qualities from one of the rery beat
Christmas Gifts Dainty Bloutca for aad tamkad with - r!it "Sally" la a muilcaJ com-
wh <-h ha* been produced by F
inds more than six feet high that have aroused so much ad- $272.80 Clock, $204.60
"TIIK HOHK itCnKllsh M^lo- In "TWE""PRICE OF REDEMP- Evelyn Lawrence, Marlon Reek, Mil- That Women Like laarda—Jade. MppW Model "A" miration during the last few
drama I
TION" dred Dlxon. Edna Carmody, Kathryn makers and marked at uniformly Gift Giving twwaolse. r«by. *•».-•,«.
:i Jr.. tha (smons producerd
[ th<- nellies. It Is a charming story. months. Also odd chairs and A magnificent clock in heavy
THE MIDNIGHT RIDERS" Jones. Thlrzn Hangsterfer. Elizabeth fair prices— A little better than the ordinary A Chanalajr 8Up*» oaal copies of a!) t t , r :: c with tune fnl mutlc and $74.80 Clock, $56.10 post-colonial 'motif; done in
impanion Feature— "THE
(Hair KaiPlnp Horsemanship) I Rowan. Lillian Flamm. Virginia Chase
FRIVOLOUS WIVES" wtth an i Anna Conrad, Bella Smith. Iva White 1-rory Bruahe* S.M to &M kinds for this to Christmas yoo bm« n o m a t <r«p>v , stnaee ladadlag t h « , tor it!T . ff.-cts. The keynote of "Sally" Soverely plain is this model, rockers. All in the finest cover- figured mahogany and with
IOW. Someone wrote loaf ago: [d!rri!\«J simplicity. There are no French beveled plate glass. Two
CHARLIE CHAPLIN In "Easy all star cast [ Mooney, Claire and Margaret Gal- each- sweet to be remembered aad
hsarr lac* coUar rta wtth two-low Mrthday moath. TV 1;. . oitumes, blssrre erf ret • or I a fine quaV'v of wood in ings of tapestries and velours, or, feet wide, 86 inches high and 15
Street" and other picture3. Rialto News Magazine. Literary lagher, Catherine- Cramer, Messrs. Ira ribbon that tie* at tho s»cfc. ksary aaaally low tor s imitation of mu.. jgsny. Stands
Added Attractions—BLANCHE Digest. Biay Cartoon. Organ Cowle. Clinton Walker. Donald Marsh. While ITory Combs 1X0 to 1.50. U-.r.c iplrndor bot rather Is the ef-
of simple elegance. Then- Is tore than six icot high and is perchance, of handsome morocco inches deep.
Solo. Novelty Overture. Many Robert Stephens, Fred and Thomas White Irory Mirrors *M to 8J«. |itrr-.r nappoitlng cast for the stars, and genuine leathers.
I.OKRAINE & Oriental Ballet Bauer. George ScaH. Nelson Taylor. 17 Inches wide and II inches
with special scenic and lighting
effects, etc
Other Rialto Featnres.
Rialto Concert Orchestra.
Joseph Hoffman. Clifford Ludlum.
Arthur Rudkln, Robert Watsoo. John
Mossman. Harold Cook. Edgar Law-
rence. Carl Andefinger.Bertram Berry.
Whit* Irorr Trays Mo to JJO.
White Irory Hair Recelrers 2M to
3M each.
F.T. saoss at U »
r c' thr uBttsaal (eatarea of the pro- -
rill be the Ural apearaneo on
,i> f r of M yooog girls all under .
kht.-». and personaly stlrcted b»
7. -vfeld on account of their mar
Model " C
$12UClock, $90.75
We are not at all sure that
we can duplicate these pieces
Model "E"
$247.50 Clock, $185.62
A" figured mahogany case, 80
Robert Carson, Oilman Dorn, William
Howard, Arthur Forrest. Caflaton White ITory Powder Bozss LOO to 118 12O-122 BROAD S T . beauty- They «jill appear In Imitation mahogany case in
at t h e s e p r i c e s . Limited inches high, 21 inches wide and
Jones, Samuel Love, Otis Mills. Brain- • -amble. There will alao be a 13 inches deep. In post-Colonial
t a each. ELIZABETH, N. J. \dtm motif. More than four quantities of some. motif, showing a fancy figured

The Best Clothing

erd Lindsay. Percy Croft. Maurice : tamooa Zletrfeld beantlea r
Brachhausen. Stewart TerriU, Russell Whit* Irorr Shoe Horaa We and Ot Laae TaaeUas Beai MssV I oat high; 17 inches wide and dial. A particularly pleasing
Ludlow, Harry Kennedy. Presbrey Deflvcriea in Sahway Entry T««day and Friday tMwataja. I 11 inches deep. An attractive piece of furniture.
Bliss. Frank Van Arsdale. Herbert piece of furniture and a good A sale that started with
DemareBt, Fred Dunham. Clifford Lao-
We Give timekeeper. Model "G"

News of the Season rent. Frank Erdle. Oeorge Mantlow,

also 0. W. Chlttim. E. O. Smeathera,
J. D. Person. Miss Van Busklrk. of the
faculty, aad others.
Your Shoes
Model "D"
$229.90 Clock, $172.42
$150,000.00 c t fine Living
Room Furniture, marked
to go at $1K W0.00.
$432 Clock, §324
This clock shows the moons phases. The case is of richly figured
mahogany French bevel plate glass. Tubular chime. Stands 87 .nches
Just Received "the New Price List
From Our Woolen House Which
The men's clothing, hats aad haber-
THF GBFATEST OIEX Longer Life A ninery-oae inch clock of handsome design. The case Is of superior
tad th»
Ot$bcg*nj and th« weights
wrtgnts sre
are of
01 hesvy brtss
neavy orass. •
high, 21 inches wide and 14 inches deep.

dashery outfiters, Weber 4b Hellbroner OP ALL bv repairing llitm wi

Enables us to Make Your New Suit
or Overcoat at a Saving to You of
who have eleven stores In New York
and one In Brooklyn, have Just estab-
lished themselves In Newark, on the
LADIES and GENTS THE GIFT OF GIVING the best of leather in the
most efficient manner
Separate Pieces Adapted Well for Gifts—and Price-Cut!
From $10 to $25 Over Last Year. site of the old Globe Building. 800
| Broad street, corner Mechanic (a few
steps from the Four Corners). A band-
HA^nicRArrRBAVTirocairra THAT t.A«r Reasonable Prices.
some two-story structure has been.
erected (or them, on the mala door of
Suits Made to Order PIAMOMPS, PtAllS, WATCaCWATCI BIACELETS, Prompt Work
Note the Price Comparison which the business of this concern
will be transacted. The high reputa-
tion enjoyed by Weber & Hellbroner
I in New York Is a recommendation
*C6mpTetcline"of handsome patterns to select frcm.
High Grade Cleaning, Pressing, Repairing and all Our Hulldaw KIOTO, la awar
afl»rtl.r. Br •»>«k1i>« a •raalldrmotll • » will I" l- < I
Last Year Now! [ which will doubtk-ss bring them plenty
; of new trade, besides retaining for Kinds ot Alterations. " « • " ' «ny plrr« ibal y o a ia»tS>l saJ»cl.
SLITS and • them the patronaRe ot the consider- Modern Equipment Prompt Attention COLCORD JEWELER £ ; e 7'
$50 $38 I able number of New Jersey men al-
ready on the books. Reasonable Prices. W« SPCCIALUI OM RaWAIN WORK SHOE STORE
OVERCOATS Weber & Heilbromer have one of
j those establishments in which a man .1. TRUPPA.I'r.p. $44
j feels perfectly safe to get the right 86 living Street. Rahway. N. J. 46 Irving Street $39.60
$60 SLITS and
$40,45 ] kind of merchandise at the right
! prices. At this particular time he will
: enjoy special advantages.
Oppoaite Empire Theatre End Table Library Table
j In their announcement, Weber k.
$19.20 $21.50 $29
$70 3LITS and
$50 'Hellbroner say: "Never before havo
I we opened a store with reduced
prices or a sale, but since these are
Armchair or Rocker
Phone Set
Smoking Stand

unprecedented times, and since re-
duced prices prevail In all our stores BUY A HOME Convenient for holding ! ."Stickley made," of se- $9
OVERCOATS $60 , and the Newark store will always be
• on the Bame price basis as all our
; other stores, we shall open with re-
a lamp or books and fittmg
nicely at the end of a dav-
One of those comfortable
lected quartered oak, in
rich polychrome finish.
25-inch selected oak
| duced prices."
$90 SLITS and J. A. JOSEPHSON. Contractor enport or sofa. Has a cen- saddle seats with shaped Mahongany finished ta-
OVERCOATS $65 { The store awaits you. not with the
| timidity of an untried experiment but
I with the assurance of success that In-
evitably and without exception fol-
Staoton Court. Rahway
A "Stickley" production
this round-topped occa-
ter drawer.
ombre walnut.
Finished in slat back Either rocker or
arm chair done in golden
Has square pedestals. T6p
is 24x51 inches.
stand finished in rich
ble with desk compart- fumed oak effect. Has
The stand and lighter, glass tray, two
A N T sional table of attractive finished or quartered oak
lows upou business conduct that Is Telephone 474 CLAfS slide-under chair complete cigar rests and glass jar.
THESE REDUCTIONS MAKE sincere, conscientious fair and square.
The physical character of the New-
ark store conforms closely to estab-
C*llklwtei8t.«, aa«]f a.a. WMI aijiMly-N of the opln-j
ioa that elec, design. In rich mahogany at this price.
ONE NEW HOUSE EVERY WEEK trical Klft» » r e , finish. An ideal si
EXCUSES INEXCUSABLE I lished Weber & Hellbroner Ideals, and
[ In addition to merchandise ot merit,
; men are assured here also of the best Cfjrigtma* 6ift*
real senilble of-,]
Hrla«* Whether ;
a reading
type of service, founded on hlghly-
l",iod understanding of men's is to come here and select-just the
things you want—with choice from _^^y»-<
for father,
ar • Tacuum
»l«»ner for mother It Is a sensible J;
Furthermore, . the announcement
goes on: "To round out these advan-
a superb assortment of THE INDUSTRIAL «pre»«loa at attecUon. And ot I
These Woolens are Noteworthy for their Exclusive tages, we have placed a full warranty Diamonds : Watches : Jewelry BUILDING AND LOAN Mtine you want (orgel the lights .
of satisfactory service on everything for the trea and that you caa hare
Patterns and Superior Quality we sell, a warranty that is an expres- and payments will be arranged to ASSOCIATION a battery aad a eompleU set ol
sion of confidence In our merchandise, suit you on our original plan of llthts that wlU niBmlnsU the fes-
one which stands as a safeguard over ttTitlei If rour house Isn't wired.
WE ASSURE YOU A overy transaction." There Is every Rahway New Jeney We represent the Western Elec
reason to believe that the pronounced
success achieved by Weber & Hell-
CONFIDENTIAL Aaaett over $325,— "* Ulo appllaacea. Washing machines.
Dirt Washers. The most spprorea
broner In other parts, will be no less
In Newark. —•• ONVENIENT NOW IS THE TIME TO SAVE •lih washer oa the market. Vac
eleaaera and many other natful ar-
Chas Chalconas
ticles—Wa carry a complete line
entrance, mcsskanklp, tnaafar « • wttkdrawal toes »nd no
et fancy Xmas tree lighting out-
it»-Trans(omiera, lamps. Irons,
$58 $42
Rahway Council, No. 1,148, Knights
I of Columbus. Tuesday night had a
Cor paatrbeeksOTaartUtaates heating pads, hair curlers. A Tlalt
to our st ore will eonTlnce you ol $164 Tea Wagon Rocker
Vbr farther taforaudoa can at oar
oa daVa im Baoers Store, Ut Ir<M
MEN'S AND LADIES TAILOR largely attended session at which
I plans were made for a dance at an Street aay Wednaaiay tnmi-1?
1?. » ? « S * IWtbwlBsss dsy el t«« the many useful gifts of Electrical
l«abor Sarlns derlces. $16 $6.95
i early date. The committee of ar- month troai
oai I—U P. X. Wo hare n force of akllled me- Library Table $47.50 $29.75
69 Irving St., Rahway, N. J. rangements consists of Lawrence E.
Fox. George Andelflnger, John Brown.
Clifford Dunphy, John Klesecker, C.
chanics that can wire your house
from top to bottom with the least Smoking Stand $25.75 Smoking Stand Smoking Stand
"Stickley make"—of se-
poaalble Inconvenience to yon. no The hostess' delight. A
D. Mossman. Vincent Bedow. It was
alto decided to hold a play daring the ! dirt or dlaarranglDK of the house- $124 $12.95 $19.75 $5.85 "Stickley" product. In lected solid oakfinishedii:
winter and a committee to arrange liuld.
details was appointed consisting oti Our work Is our reputation. Es-
A splend'd addition to fumed or golden oak as de- old oak effect. Cane back.
John Dwyer, Edward F. McMahon, SEND FOR OUR timates cheerfully g1»en. . In mahogany finish or In mahogany finish or g
George A. Suits, Lawrence B. Fox, BOOK O P GEMS any living room or library. Of mahogany or fumed j s j r e d l d Spring seat upholstery in
Personal Loans Promptly Made fumed oak. 25 inches high. His large drop
Emll Ballweg, John Flnegan, M. P.
Massive solid oak, hand- Complete with lighter, two leaves. tapestry. An arm chair to
•a aUaw.jr aad ilclnltj on hoaatbold jooda, piaaaa aa< aU I tral Ennls. George Andelflnger and
V pASTLEBERG'S , Glass tray fits match, also marked down
I W M t r without nmoTal at tba Interest raU proTldad by **M. J. B«ia Law of Thomas Klmlro. somely finished in old onk alass rings, four cigar holder, glass tray and lower shelf for conve-
JJO.OO Ten Montklj Paraunta of g-M. and Thru r « Ceal latareat v>tai,h or Credit. h holders on ends and two with clipper, two cigar to $29.75.
and tastefully carved. Top nience when not in use.
R-ffi T™ Monttoly
Pajmanu of E.O0. and Tbraa Par C u t liSeraei
25* M° l t k | 7 «"»»S»B«IB «' 17-*. a s i Tana Par S i t Iaktnat
>S£ T*B
How Big New York Grocery Firm
Keeps Down Rats.
RAIiW>V ELBmaCAL STWiE is 28x60: center drawer.
and two glass jars. two cigar.rests.
i~» •«.- Month}*
tUOM T*a Mootklj F FafDMBU ol }1(U»). u . Tares Par C H I lataraat a«.iwiiiam». *
i i m l i of
U linos, aad Tkraa Pat C n t Iaaataat Vroomo & Co., Butter * Cheese Open Every Evening
Sirt"4i?«i?»!rUd' •"'*"•«•<>' seSlar.SS»«lTTSTMSM Merchants, New York City, says: "We Until Xnui. JHI0H COTOTY BUICK CO. ELECTRICAL COftTRACTIKG li SUPFLltS
462-H ' MH» IRVINO
keep RAT-SNAP In our cellar all the tOEHTWL BIOAD w . k n n ILIZABST
time. It keeps down rats. We buy
Mutual Finance Company, Inc. It by the gross, would not be without
I f Farmers use RAT-8NAF because REDIT
-— -past np all food tar RAT-BM
Three sixes. 35c. 66c. 11.15. Sold and
guaranteed by T. EL neseila.
Advertising Means Selling

11111 TJader t a t asapieee of the Parent- Chart** Lytm. aaalftad bj^h* teaohmc
(Canttnind Prom Pag* On*) Teacher .Association, of Clark Town- staff oompoaed of Principal C. 0. Saal. brinctns havdioBM sMM. H u t e wrt
Complaint* were received from all shlpSchoo) a successful baxaar waa Vice-principal Miss Laura 8pringer, danelnc addad U> the «B}oym«iit T 111,
section* of the city. One of the com- held Friday night. The affair was Mr*. Benjamin, King, Jr., Mrs. Clara
paatnanU waa Irwln S. Joseph, Doan's E*«ul-U a n r*oommand»d
Mangano plant In Seminary largely attended and netted a substan- White. An address was given by Prln-
Dae, ha* alao been warmly critl- tial aum. The committee in charge SOCIAL AND PERSONAL
durlng the pait few months for
« n a u l T e odors. His plant Is still un-
der observation by the local authori-
constated ot Mr*. W. lUcFeetera, Mrs. Seals and their purchase. AU effects. Me at all drag s t w s v
No Business Can Florence Matilda Hleach, the Infant
daughter of Mr. and H n . Anton
- J. Wiss eVSbns,665 Broad St., Newark
BelatWe to the alleged Staudard Oil
Kept Doing Unless It Hletch, ot 144 New Brnniwlek are-

Christmas Diamonds
nue, waa bapUied Sunday afternoon
•ttfaance the matter will be pursued at the reildence or her parenta by
further by Sanitary Officer Williams ler. L. Y. Graham, pastor of the
aad every effort within the power of
tfce health board used to obtain relief.
Pays Its Just Bills Pint Preibyterian ehoroh.
Dr. and Mm. John M. Bandolph. of
Strong condemnation was spoken
daring the meeting of the spitting
mnUance on sidewalks and In pabllo
Corner Wain Street and Elizabeth Avenue 131 Main street, returned Tneaday
rom a ten days' trip through the
West. They made a short rlslt with
places and steps will be taken- to
Telephone 6 4 8 . FRRE DELIVERIES TO ALL PARTS OF CITY Rer. and Mrs. W. T. BtueheU. of
ke an example of some of the spit-
by bringing them into police « T !• tbw. wh4» tka | M M ia fraeneat and the cowi irasa In the Clereland. O.. formerly of this city. • Everyone hopes some day to own a such as we quote below, it is well
: and giving them the full punish- I luniMft* ttat ti» aaoat tUUototn butter la made. We knew then
Robert Darts, son ot Mr. and Mrs. perfect blue-white Diamond, and within the power of most of us to
•sent provided by law for violations J. T. Davis, of 188 WhltUer •treat,
•at this kind. Sanitary Officer Williams The r.xult of three rear* operation of PabKe that ro« * • * • * waft Ilitt b«tt»r now and «o, laat June, we j>nt It has been appointed supply officer of when is there a time more appro-
kaa secured a quantity of warning •war tot fem. lUaiiMIU tU fil* tlaror by perfect refrlfenttion. the New Haren Battalion V 8. Naval
priate than Christmas to fulfil this purchase that gift right now, before
cards to be potted In conspicuous , 8«rrlc« RsilwtT Reserve, which will son st art train-
. •lacea about the city. Why bothy to go out Shopping in thammemidanddamp d a y that wa^or* Friday and Saturday Special ing. Mr. Davis served as ensign In
the U. 8. Navy aboard a sub- desire. Perfect diamonds make the ,_ the diamond syndicate raises the
Eleven contagious and Infectlo'ii -BHOW8 A PBHOIT rtee-rtaieT-aprtng-ttrwBria war. ChrisUuag gift^nperbrand-at-prtees —prices;
diseases were reported by Health Offi-
cer Williams for November, inclnd-
having now, why not haw us call and Jeliver yoar order avary day. Juat attenraaaator CHOICESTJUNE He la now employed by Candee A
Co., of New Haven.
:aag five cases of scarlet fever, five of Phmna or drop u+a card and our man wilt oall on you. A trial will There were largely attended ser-
caiekeh pox and one of diphtheria.
Tkere were, nineteen deaths during
November from the following cause*:
convince yoo, and tatitfactimn U mmnrad. fttmot
For 1919 of
Butter, only - 57c Ib vices Wednesday at S t Mary's church
when, the Feast ot Immaculate Con-
ception waa observed. It waa a holy Perfect Blue-White Diamonds
Cerebral apoplexy, two; auto aeol-
Fresh Jersey Sweet Mixed day of obligation.

27 25c Sweet as a Rote

4enti, two; nephritis, one; suicide, Harrison Chase of this city, ia one
.«•»; paralysis, one; bronrho-nneu- Hams, 1b Pickles, Bt»- Tor 1920 of 575.00
aaoala, three; pulmonary tuberculosis ot the most promising candidates for
1-8 carat 3 - 4 carat
$ 40.00 .........^—
<ae; Jaundice oas; latWtlMl UlltTX •11 tint, Niec.Uu wttrttfcn For tkrao yeMl of 8w v i s i m CM TM. Ctffce ua Ef| Prices the Rntgera College swimming team,
one, acute pp pleuro-pneumonla. Special Ib
which Is to complete In the annual
championships ot the Eastern Col- 1-5 carat 7-8 carat
....'. 68.00 ....'... 675.00
Sirloin and 4 lbs l o o s e Oatmeal, best 7-8 carat 750.00
•oortAronic—myocarditis, oner scarlet legiate Association, which Includes . ._^^_ 100.00
•ever, one; scarlatina nephritis, one;
•Bknown cause, one; poison from
wood alcohol, one.
Fourteen births. Including ten
•tales and four females, and eight
Steaks, pound I large pkg Hecker's Self LlbbysDill Pickles
Rising Flour
No <HVMBMIS maid duriag t t m e tkree y—n. ai >y1rCo: Betides HUtEeft, Lenltf. Bwarthmore
and Johns Hopklm. The meet will
take plaoe at New Brunswick.
—Mrs. Qua Johnson has retarned-to-
her home In Roekford, I1L. after
1-3 carat
3-8 c a r a t v . . . . . . .
150.00 1 1-4 carat"""....'."... 7 . . $00.00
. 200.0(1 -tl-2'-carat ~ - U00.0O
saarrlages were recorded during the Cross Rib. Ton .Sirloin U O Main Street, Rahway, N. J. spending aix weeks with Mr. and Mrs. 1-2 carat 300.00 2 carats 1,500.00
Tmt Jnhmnn inH fimllr of 60 MOD- 1
Bottom Round

29 3-6 uyrai.:rr."-." ?"—480.00

Purchase of a new tester to de- roe street.
termine amount of sediment In milk or Porterhouse Second nomination of officers took
was reported by Secretary Williams. I larfe pkg Grandma's Our Full Cream place Wednesday night at the meet-
Bills amounting to $2P3 27 were or- Roast, Ib ing ot Rahwajr Rebekah Lodge. On
«Jo;-p<l paid Washing Powder Store Cheese, Ib Every dollar of the $3,650,000 deficit is a just obliga- application for membership waa re-
Much act'vttv during November
Legs of the Talk «f Ike Ttva tion th$t has to be met. ceived. The Rebekahs will accompany

was shown by Child HyRlnn*1 Nurse 4 pkgs Quick Suds Soap
Miss Kmnui S TU'dfern, whoso report
contained the following: 'During
Cho month 260 home visits were made.
Genioe Spring
Lamb, pound 5 boxes Matches Goody-Nut If your grocer doesn't get Back the cost of the grocer-
the Odd Fellows next 8unday on the
visit to Rldgely Home. Newark.
Thoa going will assemble at the hall
A Word on the Wiss Guarantee
at 1.30 p. m. Election of officers and
of which 197 wiTe birth record cases, Butter, Jut ies he sells he can't kerp on furnishing you with groceries Christmas tree will be held D e c 22. For over 70 years we have been the advocates of quality goods at
fifty prenatal ant! thlripcti c-asuaT'
Roasting 6 boxes Armours lew Skipat The many friends of Mrs. W. F.
moderate prices. Our slogan is: "Satisfied customers," and every dia-
cases Tim new rases were seventeen If your butcher doesn't get back ivhat his nieats ( en "LHtle. of -110 E3m arenae, -pnatdent
birth Tf-ord ami niii" prenatal Ter-
minate*) ;i*ii'si wire fur teen birth
Chickens Washing Powder him he can't keep on furnishing you with meats. of the Civic Club, will be pleaaed to mond sold in our store is backed by our guarantee of absolute satisfac-
bear that she la recovering from her
rr-vord ;md ninr prt- natal. The weifih- pound Good Luck nerious illness. tion or your purchase price 100% will be refunded without question.
IHK fitatiop was opt'n thr^e Thursday ! 4 lbs Sauerkraut Butter, Fiiett •• So it is with bread, and shoes, and clothes, and fuel Judge John W. Buckley, of Cherry
afternoons during the rnomli and ,
Rib Roast ireet. Is able to be ont again after a For those desiring a large diamond at a lesser cost than the perfect gems

28 Market, Ib
ninety-one babies were weighed und i
measured. There are now on the i from Nitire Bctf 5 rolls Toilet Paper And so it is with a street railway. severe Illness. He la being warmly
greeted by hla many friends. listed above, we have a wonderful assortment ol snappy, blue-white
visiting list I S3 cases of. which 149
.xrv birth record cases. twenty-fivu | Best cats, 1b 3 pkgs Armour's Spaghetti Pumpkin •* gr
The visit ot the membars of the stones of wonderful brilliancy and color. Many of these diamonds
pre-natal and nine casual cases. A railway company sells something you and others oanty Board for the Eqnalliatlon ot
Taxes for the purpose of personally would be sold by less particular merchants as perfect diamonds.
Otltcials present were: President Genaise Taylor's or Macaroni large size can * O need—street car service. nvestlgatiig condltlOBS in this city,
William H. Randolph. Secretary Fred
If. Williams. Commissioners Joseph i
Oxman and William F. P:iv.s

Any skin itching Is a temper tester.

Ham, Wbole or
Half, pound
48 4 cans Tomato Pulp
6 dozen Clothes Pins
2 cans 25c
Orange or
For three years it has been selling this service for
jess than cost; has not even been getting its money back.
Sure ground!
Sure of your value!
Sure of your money back
if you want it!
which was scheduled to take place
yesMrdayl waa postponed to next
Tuesday. The County Board la plan,-
nlng to visit every municipality In the
county to equalise values, not only
between different sections ol one
Beautiful blue-white diamond mounted in the most approved up to-
date setting; diamond weighs:

The more you scratch the worse It
Mcbes. Doan's Ointment is for plies, Eig'sLFeet 2 lbs Prunes Are you wilting that the service should fail? Or as Plenty men's Winter suits municipality, but between the differ-
ent municipalities. In the appeals
• enema— any skin itchlnj COr at all
pound pound with other commodity dealers, ku't it fair that the railway novr$50T<r$60. made from U20 assessments tu T»ri-
stores 2 pkgs Pearl Tapioca company should be enabled to meet its just bills. ons municipalities it was shown that
Mrs. E. Johnson, of Trenton bus Chuck Roast
Hall Ortkn WmcA there waa wide difference in the
More Quality Diamond Prices
162 Canada
4 lbs Yellow Corn Meal values placed by assessors on proper-

Vren spending a few days with her ROOKRS P B B T COMPACT ties ot Identical character.
*on. H. B. Johnson and family. 1*4 fr«n teadcr Beef Turnips
Hamilton street. pound 2 bottles Salad Oil and PUBLIC SERVICE RAILWAY COMPANY Broadway Broadway
at lllh 8t_ "roar at 14th St.
Two applications for membership
wara raralyed Wednesday night at .18 carats $65.00
Broadway Cornvrs" fifth A.rt>.
the meeting ot the Ladles' Auxiliary
to the Army and Navy Union. The .33 carats 15500
at 41M St. election of officers will take place on
Wedenaday evening. Dec U. .48 carats 165.00
Revision ot the census figures for
Union county show that the final offi- .64 carats 235.00
cial count gives 200,1(7 Inhabitants. 255.00
This places the county in a higher .71 carats 350.00
/.]».. uid gives the county certain
.91 carats.
A Christmas rights and powers it would not have
poaeesed under the 200.000 mark, and
likewise raises salaries of officials.
O. F. A. has been continued nntil Dec.
Do not allow yourself to be fooled by those offering...enormpuB discounts op ..stalled r?^!- 1 ?>!??••..
either the quality of such diamonds in inferior or tha p ric«B from which the discount IB given has been padded

Victrola J
31. in the eflort to catch the unsuspecting purchaser. We have alwayB been a strictly on: price store ot quality
Mrs- Mary Ritter. of West Scott ave- goods at moderate prices. It ie not the discount which you may be allowed, hut the price which you pay
Opposite Empire Theatre e, has offered for probate the will
which determines the price pt your purchase.
her mother, Mrs. Joanna Tooker,
FULL LINE OF ho died Nov. 17.

will please Increase Your Electrical Fixtures

It coat New Jersey $30,854,795.53 to
aerate Its public schol system during
fiscal year endlog June 3D, 1920,
:cordlng to the annual report.

Christmas; TBccr
anukkab, or feast ot lights, for the
Contracting and Supplies wish year 5681. will dose Sunday.

everyone— Western Electric Appliances

At the meeting ol Washington
ose Company. No. 1. held Tuesday
Ight Geo rgeFranks and Francis T.
ally were elected to the Board of
You will find our well appointed Special Sale on Christmas Tree Outfits Edward Dooley and James Nolan,
Jaques avenue, were Ruests at the
music rooms the one place in town to
meet your Victrola requirements. An by getting the Best in M i
•„ Cfrtiftt
iJll "Cl.
Telephone 285-J
ew WlUard. Washington. D. C. over
week end.
atmosphere of music seis the department K Tn» Ticket with even porchaae. for -Merchant's Night," at AHWAY BOY AID8 IN
apart from the usual activities of the Rmpir* Tfcaatt*. DWJ. » and M. WOODBRIDGE VICTORY
Another brilliant victory waa scored
store. the Woodbridge A. C. Tuesday

night at the high school basketball
' You will find complete facilities for court where they trounced the Inter-
national Big Fire, of Newark. 67 to
private demonstration and be served by a 21 The home fire were much faster
and more accurate in their ahootlns
corps of well-informed and helpful sales- than the visitors. Miller, M. Reyder
people. and Slmonson made successful shots
from sll angles. Bill Wlgginton, of
ahway. who played center for the We are pleased to state that we have secured the exclusive agency in
If you already own a Victrola a cordial invitation is extended you to enjoy the unusual facilities o Let « • Make Your Hemstitching, Tucking or Button- tome five put up a corking game. Rahway (or the quality
Next Tuesday the T. A. C. five, of
our Victor Record service backed by the most complete stock in the city. Holes at the Following Prices. Tottenvllle. 8. I- will be opponents
the Woodbridge team. Dancing will
HoMtHcbiag, per yard

ollow the game. The score: Care for flowers like •
ii Toddog, per yard . . . . . . . \ . . . O. F. P
Cultivated one* or wild.
Victrola IV Outfit Victrola VI Outfit Victrola VIII Outfit Victrola IX Outfit Holes, per button hole M. Reyder. rf
« 0 1*
H. 81monsou. it °
Victrola IV
to value ot)
Records (your choice

Total 130
Victrola VI
Recorda (your choice
to value of)

Total $40
Victrola V m
Recorda (your choice
to value of)

Total 955
Victrola DC
to value of)
Recorda (your cbolce
g At Greatly Reduced Prices amounting t o $1.00 or Over
Cul'ed for n u d Delivered.
W. .la* a » k e fnw. »«mr uwu material. Shirtwaists. Boy. Blouaw,
ska's Sblru. Hlilow •llpe. 8he«t«. Ble.
W. Wlgginton. c
R. Potter, rg
M. Miller, rg
H. Reyder. Ig.
0 S
» °
them grow by bringing
sunshine into your life.
The tire in which there is no element of experiment. The Converse is old in
Rubber "Know How." but is young in service ideals, and completely in har-
ToUl |81 Totals Ferns are especially
"0 down 5 a month
' 5 down $
5 a fflentk *6 *6 a matk
JTJie masculine members of the family enjoy a good smoke after they have MADAME INTERNATIONAL BIO FTVH
o.! r.
grateful and you can
grow quite a family of
mony with modern New England manufacturing: methods.
partaken of the turkey and other good things. Owing to the fact that Eugent 21 H—»to« Street M.
g^ rw<». made in Maiden, Mass., by the third and
Ruasell. f them from one plant.
Bakro la to retire from the firm to enter another buaineu we are going to sell OPBM PBOM » A. M. to « . » • P. Adler. r. . . V^OnVerSe 1 i r e S fourth generation of .killed rubber craftt-
Stoffer«. c.
our extensive stock of high-grade goods at a great reduction in pritea. Our Ion Connolly, g. men, and «old only by us In Rahway.
Link, g- • •
Victrola X Outfit Victrola XI Outfit Victrola XIV Outfit XVI Oitiit ^ ° W " y ° U r t i m e t 0 b u y TOBACCO. CIGARS and CIGAR-
S-PTIJ"/** 1 1 1 ' Totals Converse Tires are guaranteed 8000 miles- We stand behind every Con
Victrola X $125 Victrola XI $160.00 Victrola XIV J225 Victrola XVI % i i l i n i for Christmas presents. Low prices will ptevail nntil our present ROYALS
w m ^ODD GAMEB 0 W | _ E f W verse T i r e we sell. Adjustments made at our xervke station.
Records (your choice
to value of 9
Records (your choice
to value of) 12.50
Records (your choice
to value of) IE
Recorda (your choice
to value of)
stock is reduced and changes made to meet the new business condition.. Take
advantage of th,, opportunity to save money at your earliest convenience. Give
b u m t o w Happiness M B R C K

There was a close fight U.tte tadua-

rlal Bowling League at stcCartner«
Total $134 Total $162.50 Total $240 alleys Wednesday night between, the
ns a call and look over our extensive high-grade stock mni attractive low priceJ.
Rahway Auto Supply and Service Co. Inc.
Total $290
Royal and Merck teams, the former
d down 9 a monlh *I2 T
<> n
l5dowa*l5a«oath $
l5<iowa$l5..,,ti Account
winaing the odd game. After, wianini
the first came by thirty plus • the
toyals slipped back and the Merck
£ , beatthem by thirty-six in the At Oor Old Price*
Largest and most up-to-date Garage in the city. 6000 square feet heated auto
I Pay TO« dues regularly by setting .side a«
second. It was neck and neck until
the middle- of the final game and then
Notklaf Over 15c per Roll
storage space. Skll'ed Mechanics always on hand.
the Mercks began to slip while the
S«1«ct any modal you detlre and
we'll gladly deliver It to your home
James McCollum It doea mak* a dlff.renc* whar*
you buy your Victor Raeerdil
much as you can.
Freedom from anxiety open, the way to> happi
ness Many if not most anxieties would be removed

wUh the «enYse o" security that a little reserve money

Royals boosted their averages. Walch
had high single game and best aver-
age followed by Maier. AskUng led
ho Merck team. The scores:
Complete Stock of Automobile Winter Supplies
—on Chrlatmai morning, If you
2 3 Clicrry Street Our* ar* alway* N«w, ^^Forethought in carrying Happiness Insurance Walch 1M « S 122
198 2 7 Market Street
Opp. Conrt House, Newark
in the form of a savings account with the Rahway Jj>J 121 196
Railway, N. J. P«rf««t
Leo Winklcr, Proprietor Arnold
Rubin l
Maler \ •
]Z\ 120
_ ^ 15S no
163 Day and Ni«ht Service That Satisfies.
Genuine Ford Parts Always on Hand.
137 Irving Street, Corner Tamil Place, Rahwiy Totals T49 636 849

Rahway National Bank STREET AND VAIL PLACE

u lnier
• • • • • 1 B S 143

;;;;;;;; }
133 134 112
153 159
» 6 108 171
? | 134 169
719 672 7 M

__!:_". -:-^ii'-H^

Railway <ecord, Friday Afternoon, December tft. iffO

Rahway Record, l"rli»3r AfUrnoon, Decembe? i0, ItZO. .7

Hie Rahway Record
New Jersey Adrocatc Religious Education la 8. S. Them*
LetV«ettfc PERSONAL HKD QIRL SCOUTS SCORE HIT Jeannette Kalllgsp; Sunday, Q o W to
Church, all Scouts. Tho program «oa*
• » •»c*r*d
«*cood itclan
I. 1*17.
tb* (Ubwar.
ilter, under
i t ]
it tb* (Ubwar. N. J . PortoSe*
N. J .tinPortoSe*
d i
a l f l n l Baptltt
Rer. Kemper G. McComb. reneraT
wt of secretary ot the Somerset County!
f Sunday School Association, with head- j
quarters at SomervUte, Ise the ached-,

8\Save yours elf Time $ Trouble | SOGML KQTES

Wueblrd Troop Qlves Fine Program eluded with singing "America" and
at first Chureh taps. Cake, candy an* let crsam wara
A Terjr meritorious program ot a •old. The affair waa a flna taccasa.
randerill* nature waa glTen last sight
Sugar Cured
Smoked ROTH-CO. Sugar Cured
Smoked C a l Q y l c
?«MUhed Tuesdays and Fridays
uled speaker at the first of four |
quarterly conferences balng conducted |
under the auspices of the Bluebird
hy the Union County Sunday School
Association. As previously announced
No Brief Iteas ri ttetl latent Troop ot Girl Scouts at the First
Presbyterian lectnre room, Mr*. E. H. Heduction of Initiation fee for three
Publishing Corporation theme ln the columns of The Record the
for presentation and discussion
better cigarette than Ftr Qikk Perusal Walter In charge. The title was! months and a mebershlp drire for
period wan announced last night Prices of Meats Still Lower Than Last Week,
<:*• Irving 8tr*«t, Rahway. N. i. " 'N Everything"
Till be "Religious Education." I
You'll find Camels unequalled by six acts. Anno;ncement.~w.7e"n^;!bf C o u r t R » hwl " r ' »•• «6. Foresters
Mr. McComb Is an authority on this'
very Important subject which Is chal-j
rsiDKST AND BVSIN'KSa MANAGER lengln gthe best efforts of Sunday I
any cigarette in the world at any nineteen aamban of Rahway City
Ctrcle, Na U. t * « y Potwtan, corn-
by a youthful page in the person of of America. Tonight a delegation
Hiss Gertrude Rodgers. First came will attend a class Initiation at Hobo-
We Lead Others Must Follow. /
If. B ROLMNBON School and other religious workers J
throughout the country. He is the,
price because Camels combine e d « Uioatr* and dinner party last an act known aa "Bluebirds" showing ken leartog on the 6.S1 train. At next
-KCHKTABV AND TBKAHURRK author of several pieces of printed j every feature thai can Thar Tlaitad Nowmrk and at-
i f d U the 6rph«UB Thaatra. followed
all the Qlrl Scoata, twenty-eight ln meeting memberse will enroll ln Ho*-
matter pertaining to the topic and Is
frorceful ln his presentation of the
cigarette supreme/ . bT a sampttabM iprtM.
Oeorge rranka. of 41 Bases stroet. a
number, who participated ln a marct* pital Association.
Ing song and other Scout songs and was made that Past Chief Ranger
VMI.I.1AM F DAMi plans and methods from the platform.
Tho address will oav« a distinct -bear-
tn r
meman tor *y ****" 1P
^1°S*' * some of tbe opening features of ^ j Henry J. Killer had been appointed Lamb
ing upon the new Community Teach- p dawa
derawa y rtgular Scout moating. * fdapaty-to-Oonrt-Rahway by €_r *
ers' Training Class which Is to begin the limb of a -raa broko at Un- .Chief Ranger Jeffries. Plans were
Otatotcrlptlon rau 1230 par year, pay- at the T. M. C. A. on January 10th, Turkish and choice Domestic " i f nsar FtetB_taid. Bis latt Hit Much amusement was created by L ^ a , to i_, Tt a ^ c ^ j session
In advanc*. Slngla copy S oantm. and which. It Ise. expected, will be the
forerunner ot a Community School tobaccos puts Camels in a olass by u j b j p v a n patahWj Injnrod. Ha
^ takaa to kU homo ID Bases
Mit setCatherine
ot Miss a traUed Oruener,
bear ln the
withp eMlaa
r s o n , ^ flm m e , u n « of each month. Tha
committee In charge comprises Loo-
of Religious Education planned for
next fall and to run on a three-year
themselves. Their smoothness Kathryn MUnas as trainer. As "Chat- turer Edward J. Beat, H. 3. Miller,
will appeal to you, and permit * O o t i A NOW IM.
basis with elective courses. Similar Wttt« l tefWea" Mlaa Doris Slater aad Miaa Lawrence B. Fox, Wllllaa Thome, As-
24 lb
Edna Johnata presented s pretty ton Zirwea.
schools are being promoted through- you to smoke liberally without tir- T»ao-
out the county by the Union County
S. S. Association. ; BOLD BURGLAR* BIO BILL AT NEWARK THEATRK ing your taste I Hit Bol-
sketch. Considerable fun was pro-
voked by ths Pygmies, Including Mlaa Spring
There will be added features ln the
nature of special musical numbers,
There Is an exceptionally big bill
the Newark starting this Sunday Camels leave no unpleasant dga- TMtdaya
Oladys Baxtoa, Miss Blaaolu Blaao
Mr. Prod White Says, "Ooltt Mlo •*•
cause You Only Sea One Rat"
and Mlas Jaaaala Smitk. Mta. B. H. "I did, pretty soon I found a y cel-
as In addition to "The Hope.' 'a Metro
errr WATER NEEDS ATTENTION. vocal and Instrumental. The local (Continued Prom Page One)
and county work will be briefly pre- and asked where ha waa taking the super-feature, "The Midnight Rider*." retty aftertaste not unpleasant ot ea
i.irtn—- c A Waller anad tba next act wiU M a s lar tall. They ate my potatoes. After
trying RAT-8NAP I apt t dead rets.
That serloaa attention ibouid »• sented by local representatives. A men. Krana said they aakad to go to relsra* of what Is ptrfaapM on* Of
silver offering. It Is stated, will be
a Rlcbahd Kipling feature; and the cigaretty odor 1 ..;. tka lastltt-
Of Bai Vaa at
oxoallwt piano aalecUms.
Tbe r*et later. They pass up tbe po-
pai4 to the city water situation wai aken to help defray expenses. A. V. Klliabeth. The passtngera opened the the most artistic ot the old Charlie Tbe giaai Osalo was glvea by all tatoes to eat BAT-8NAP." If there
•widen, bj the report of F. W. Dae- -•»rkhuff, president of the Rahway S. door and each thrust a revolver into Chaplin comedlea, "Eaay Street. You'Ui rCamels Mend toeither Newark W
a( ISt
the Seaau sad waa a sort of pagaaat, are rats around your place follow Mr.
oomultlpr enrlneer and b x - f! T m c h . i - 1 _,__.n.t..Ion will m-n-ll. Paynea' tece. Payne l o t »o time In j _*" "What a 8oo«t Caa Do Bach Day la White'e example. Three gtses, We,
iloclit presented at the meeting The publlcTIs Invited, espeel getun, around the comer u ^ . « T | U ) r l m l n . . contralto and Orientalbil". T. H. Roberta.
<•_ t b e Board of City CommlS-lonera who are In any way Interested ln the vation Into Cherry street From be- let with novel scenic and lighting*, Ths WMMfr Mlaa-ns-ary Auxiliary ing. Miss Terms Bonn; Tseaday,
Wadnesdar algbt. When a report con-
development of educational work. hind one ot the Iron pillars he saw fecta and Miss Vera Bertham. Miss tt tavo BeMftd Prasbytartaa skmrek
act MoaJay i t w i m with Mra.
Doaghaau. Mlas Hsiaa Mlatal; Wad l TNI Roast CITY DRESSED JERSEY PORK Half or Whole
Cain* such worda as "Its bacterial con- ST. PAUL'S CHOIR HAS the machine dash around the park, Matilda Montero and Miss Oeo'rglana nm— J. atatar. M Bryamt atraaL nesday. Maadtng Stfeks, Miss MlldrW
_M__ron Is only passable" it Is time ' ENJOYABLE FUNCTION into Cherry „ street
. to Ksterbrook sve- {_u
w n p step* are taken to IxnproTe those ' St. Paul's choir had an enjoyable nue to Central avenue to 8L George Newark Is breaking away from the
f ^ rlof^ Iwhich
S i '£".?"?.?T 00 8tudl
° f rthe
It will be"seen that
B.J. Rnmokh Ttitaooo Ca
Tkaro m r a rsaalsgs by Mlaa Oasale
Oakarm aaa Mlaa Abbla 8_allh. the tor-
Hsrrtson; Thursday, Visiting the Sick.
Miss Margaret Rowan ant M Small Lean Regular ^ v*
nu Rabway citizens are not 1 «o<.ial function at the homo of Or- avenue. Payne did not shoot at the i conventional all-picture program and
to hare anr such conditions ] nanlst Harry S Martin. 99 Main machine for fear of hitting Kraus. i S'v'ng a performance approximating
a., recently existed at Salem, j stn'et. last night Kraus says that the men held guns 1 to rellned vaudeville
ner aa bOM*> Blaataaa aad the Uttw
tr*m tho book. " T y Naa> Bast" Next
neetlag wtU bo bald with Mrs. W. R.
Helea Williamson; Friday. Hike, all
Scouts; Saturday, Baby-carrying Day,
Mlu Hattle Scaff and little Mlaa pound
FRESH HAMS 9 7 ° ,lb pound
Whist was the
O \ .inhere several hundred persons, chief diversion. First prlzo was. won i on him all the way, one at his back EXTRA SPECIAL Ld I J
•rpr.. .trickcn with typhoid feYer • liy J Stanley Davis tor the men. while and the other at his head. In the Ethel Clayton, the charming and

: 25 lb
Mr Dag- Miss Helen Potter tok first honors for New Jerusalem section at Linden he popular Paramount star, will be seen
t r a o d tn 'h«' wnler supply
GO TO Legs Veal
Veal Chops -
32 lb
a t
xt_t in no wuy .ondomnod the supply. the ladles The consolation award i was ordered to halt while one of the ' h c , straI >d Theatre.

__rUinK the rpat^r flown aa lightly as men got 6ut near a pair o. truck, that ^ p . a y In whfch ^ 0 ™ ^ ' the role
wont to Walter 1. Garthwatte. A !
p__j_-i.)!.- with i)io ..bovp q u o t e d w o r d s .
Ba! th« s'' arc sufficient to cause
splendid collation was served and | were stopped. It is believed that ho of an Apache dancer
K-noral sociability enjoyed followinc was looking for the Chevrolet as he scre"What Happened to Jones." the
Pork Chops - Rump Veal
«r_.<>ty and doniand definite action, i <" m lnsly funny George Broadhurst |
the games. Mr Martin was voted nn quickly Jumped back into the taxi
' p f c 1 0 ^ ! FOR YOUR
tn another part of the same report excellent entertainer. and ordered Kraus to drive fas,. The ^ U ' t ^ r a V "
Small Small
t r l p cont
r^fprence Is made to the feeding of Those present were Choir Ilirecti.r j 'nued through Elizabeth to Bryant Washbura as the genial star, i
alnrn Into the water and that this part and Mrs Charles It Mellck. Mr. and | t h c destination near a bridge In the w i l 1 •><• seen g star Big Poultry Special Hen
o* _hp trfatment "way. not under good Mrs William A. Baker. Mr and Mrs.!P l a n k r o a d b « t w « n Newark and Jer ure
" as the companion f•*'
Reach for Bread Hen
ccctrt'I alul the lack of a proper feed- Manton D Martin. Mr. and Mrs \ s e y Cit >- IQ N e w a r k t n e P a l r m a d e
ing device vra^ felt The purchase of
Harold S Buckley. Mr. and Mrs' J j K r a u 8 B t a k e innumerable turns into
Bert I_>1«II. the popular screen star, The Largest Slock in tbe City of IT'S worth a -iii^li c l i m b Turkeys Roasting Chickens Turkeys
*n_. h :i raafhine was decided upOB
(lark Melick. Mr and Mrs. J Stanlev ! s l d e s t r e e t s evldenUy to confuse him returns to Newark next week as star
PURE FRESH CANDIES tn briDg those nweet, t e u -
_c Fancy Broilers _c
trra-rly six months ago and it shonld
• • *.«*•*» flow -«« ih* f»iww».w—roefbod-f-
Davis. Mr and Mrs Ross Fowler. Mr 'a s t 0 t h e r o u t e t a k e n '
-_md-Mra. J 3 Ml.lei. Mrr-and--Mr j___i__e_i_alatart»«l
_ „
ofT « * X " ^
of "The Price of Redemption" a ver
alon of the famous novel 'The Tempi*
f tiawn—EyTm_^\Vylie. 'Frivolous
J^_7^lLl]5_PP '" fu" assort- ilor slices within reach.
lb Frying Chickens lb lb
Footwear To Complete
»«U not work at all when freezing ment, tach as Park and Til ford, Whitman's, Lowncy's, Bread i s
wenUier arrives "
Walter 1__ Garth walte. thc Misses Jane notified Officer Mancuso and Oncer Wives" the companion offering for
and Betty Van lngen, Constance Oore O'Donnell. Mr. Brant could not tell the week is said to be full of thrills ^Hoyler1*, Apollo, etc., in fancy boxes and assorted
It would be interesting t» the pnbllc Kelly. Marjruerite Tlce. Esther and the number of the car <__*H>n
Co. know where tbe delay has been tn Kdlth Davis. Carol Silverberg. Helen K r a u s - P a T n e w e n l far aa Wood
by «ndeiclling_ situations. "Rlalto News
tbe ball
sixes—also a fine line of —HO Largest Dealers ROTH-CO.
Orders Delivered
To All Parts of the City
Xonr Cftfistmas Outfit
a v n a e l n
procuring iu«b a machine when It* Potter. Elbabth Helms. ,_,nia Mills. ""«•» to bmll the —go econcmicKl
s e e d was decided six months ago. Th« Helen Uhler, Messrs. Stanley and n e e i n
* P a l r
_,„ __ —
Mancuso also obtained Supo's "Morning, Noon and Night"
_ program. Von | HOME-MADE CANDY of Meats Telephone 4O3
m l e r supply is a basic element ln tbe Russell Potter. Chester L. Buckley.
__K_Ulh. growth and prosperity of aay Clifford Buckley. William Cook aad m e n ' b u t all »ttempu were totfle.
machine and sought to locate the w l " ** the overture number, in varied assortment. It's tbe
big food-raine
In the State 22 Cherry Street Free of Charge
-a_mnici[>alky and too much attention Locai
>°U<* headquarUra aotUed ICE CREAM-SODA WATER
«t_nnt be paid to preserTlng Its
xmritr prolectlni; and improvise It is
Harry S. Martin, and Mrs. Hltxabeth
Perkins and Mrs. J W Martia Ellxabeth and Newark and other Blaney Playera. who are having
, places but It was too late to head off moat successful seaaon at Orphe Orphean
For Men For Boys Pare and Wholesome Good Bread
«VST7 way possible. The report of
Theatre. N
Newark, has contracted tot Oar men's chocs are for tbe man Onr Boys Shoes are made of solid Orders Carefully Attended to! the loaf sweetest of all
____r. Dagget corered only two weeks.
V-tretofor* three weeks or more haTQ ,„ l h . C1 ty League match at Y.
Officer Maacnso, accompanied ky who wants to save money as well leather and will Hand a lot ot Look for Our Xtnau Display
C A. alleys last night N. 8. 1 won! ' t h e n w 8 n t t 0 "^.tABfl&Sft >&*«** eTentog. "The Womn He as bia feet. You wQu1d!>_.t_knMr_ wear, _ We..realize _ihai a itd
«t__ps«d b«tweea presentation of re- -WENGHER-Jfc-SGN
Is there any sltrnl-tcance is how tnnch yon have saved until b.ooded. American" boy ocrd;
low Tad high average with 178 with """ ' ° U n d D ° iO°" Op<>n Or " 7 " ^ = « thev are worn out and that mean5 3 3 Hamlltoa St.
i fact that the report was presented
C W Ludlow next at 176.1. Ckalllet Id * n c « of burglars. Detective Sergeant extra strong sboea and «c h*\t
mer than usual? If that Is lndl- its going to take yon a long time provided a pair for YOUR boy. Phone 326 136 Main St.. Raawar. N. I-
JT» of the urgency that the consult topped St Pauls. The score* i James Thompson started on the case 125 Inring Street
N. 3. 1 I .at 3
m. but there was little to work to find out. As an inducement We also have plenty of well 2>hc*s
: engineer feela about th« situation
it behooves the city commlsilon- Terrlll
114 upon until word came from Mr. Rob-
16S , , . ' erts at 7 i. m. The New Jersey Re-
TOO LATI FOR CLAMIFIOATtON. to earlv bnving we are going to with Goodyear Rubber 126 Main Street, Phone 5 3 6 Rahway, N. J.
u> tet huty at once. - ' formatory fingerprint expert was se- ! attach a pair of rubber heels Fret already attached. Bay them wriir
<". V. Ludlow
1(3 17*
18} 18J . . . • cured, but nothing could be done as
WANTED—Light hauling and truck-
Ing. moving etc Reasonable prices.|
on every pair of shoes bought the stock is _jonrp1ete. Specials, Friday, Saturday andlvionday December 10th, 11th, 13th
EXPLANATION DUE. from as this Saturday only, ~—

! the robber* probahly wore rubber
'S'ruvjgion of a special place in the
McGee .
tv W Ludlow
170 l g l
167 l"0
gloves. It is believed that there
four or five men in the gang anA'-Uist
were Oeorjse Kump. »0 River St.. cbr.j
Oliver. dlO-tt j PrfcM atm
Legs of Canada Fresh Ham8 SUGAR'- I Butter
_kirtine8s routine of the meetings of
ttt City Commissioners for the hear- Totals S02 841. 797
the Chevrolet, bearing New York li-
cense, was used by them. Tfmo of the FOR SALB—Vlctrola model IV good'
- t

3.95 to 10.00 2.85 to 5 50 Lamb, lb Cat from Jersey Figs, lb Granulated, lb Best Creamery, lb

09 65
tar of citizens on whatever they have ST PAULS
men are believed to havff^HMrnHP condition; cheap. McClure. 91,

25 27
fJn offer dealint! with city affairs indi It. Smith 123. 214 Hen Chew's lunch wagon earlier In * River street. dlO-tt
C-tlcA the importance attached to _he
KfKht every citizen has of expressing
('linillet 171
1G7 146
179 159 the evening. It was one of the most
FOR RENT—All ready to move ln; j
Girls Shoes Infants, Baby Shoes
daring robberies in the history of the adults; 3 unfurnished rooms; Im- Goorl and sturdy ard will s i a r d n Yes, we have them too! auc. :hey
ba views regarding the corporation ' : i r l ; h u f f 154 city. Chief Ramsey Is using overy

provoments; trolley; near water lot of near. Look :'<-al and die>»\ sell ; t
i s orhich he Is a stockholder. That
•<;.-£ this ifcugnized pan ot' (-very " b o o s t e r
169 156 172 clue available to trace robbers.
161 186 144 works. 70 Franklin street. Rahway Coffee Challenge Brcnd
nh'iUin;.- nf the City Fathers can be
abrogated quitu easily was shown Totals 791 821 816' HAS SEIZED GERMAN TRADc
Garden. Rabway. It :
3.25 to 5.35 1.75 to 2.75 Forequartcrs of Fresh Pork Loins Fancy, lb Coffee, lb
Canada Lamb, lb to Roast, lb
LOST—In Elm avenue black fur neck
Wednesday niphl.
A local citizen attempted to reopen City League 8tandlng. Japan Said to Be Furnishing Practi- piece. Reward if returned to 4» Bedroom Slippers
Rubbers 35
Elm aviiMte. It :

W. HS cally All of the Buttons New Nf^ke i»n idri' j»ift for Christmas
a discussion and request for Informa-
Used in China. _ _________ i are quality instruments, ilie j>raud culiuination of forty-
tion started at the meeting a week Jr. o U. A. M. 10 947 WANTED—-Child's rocker or chairs; • and yon can buy tl'rni reasonable
Hvvlous. when considerable liniu was X S. 1 8 951 T h e most complete stock o? •••I'- tarj yeirs of honest piano-buildiog aud honorable dealing: 5 lbs for $1.25 5 lb s $163
Tbe style has <:linnRed In Manchuria also express wagon. Answer 'Toys'.
•P'-nt on the matter This lime he X. S. 2
v a n cut short iu hi. remarks by tbe St Pauls
. .. . S
893 that. Just after the establishment
960 the republic, set many Chinese wear-
ot Record office. dlO-2t !
1.25 to 3.50 ber bo its and artics. Wt liav- a
pair to fit you!
indorsed by leading musicians past aud present; ^reas-
ared in homes where pure and mellow tone is usdeTStood
Mauser's Flour
2 4 1-2 lb bag
Fancy Apples
Roman Beauties or
Mayor's request to put his statements* M o h a w l £ 8
9*8 ^ ing the gurmenU of the Weat, and FOR SALE—Large buck Belgian hare.
and appreciated. Wissner, Reinhard aud Putnam Pianos Loin and Rib Camdi Fresh Cali Winee Saps

ta writing. Should this plan be fol- '' 4 864 "needing nuturnllj- western buttons. Price $1.50 Inquire 41 William St. ;
-hrwed to any extent what would be ' Such buttons, says Consol General Al- NOTICE—We guarantee everything we sell. Polite and and Playeri are all made by Wissaer, and each and Lamb Chops, lb Hams, lb 6 qt. H AD
tt_e use of setting apart a particular i b-rt W. Pontius, writing home from courteous treatment whether you buy or look them over. every instrument carries the Wissner guarantee. Call or $

SET HIGH TEAM MARK Mukden to bis government, were im- FOR ItENT—One large furnished,
basket 1 m\JO
fljne in the meeting for remark- from
G__iz«n8? It would be a waste of time ' National Pneumatics set new high ported about equally from Japanese
ftir anyone having a grievance or re- : team mark by rolling 912 ln match end Knropean manufacturers, bnt now
to make to tbe coramls- I against Philadelphia Quartz In In- tbe Chinese have pretty well gone back
; dustrlal League last night at McCart-
j ney's alleys. Scbutte was king pin-
to their own style of di
It 1B perfectly proper lo ask for a i ner with an average of 197. followed mains popular !s the henvy uls,*er. One RAW FUR8. J. QBO88MAN, 178 W.
nplalnt or any kind to be put in t hy Brennan who had big game of 217. nd longer needs liuttuns, except for -MILTON AVE.
room suitable for two gentlemen.
81 Fulton street.


It ,
111 IRVING STREET Phony 426J
'phiae Mulberry 1161 for pirticulars and prices.

Player-Pianos $495. Porterhouse or Sirloin

Top or Bottom
Specials en Canned
and Salt Fish
2 Salt Mackerel - 2 5
Salt Cod, lb - 27
Specials on Cereals
Loose Oatmeal, lb - 7
Fine or Coarse Barley, lb 10
Yellow or Green Peas, lb 10
•riling and is often the part of wis- i TJnchester and Waters led the Quartz one's ulster, and these are now rhleily FOR SALE—Ford 1H Roast or Steaks, lb Tag Bloatees, each 1O
<am. but when a matter has been pre- •earn. The scores: imported from Japan, for the Chinese ton truck! Round to Roast, lb Whale Green Peas, 2 lbs 2 5

costume does very well with "frogs." chassis without body. Call Merck LOST—Package of laundry from auto. FOR SALE—Fresh
tested orally ln a clear and Intelligent. & Co., Rabway. N. J. DtUrarad, WANTBb—itetr/'i crt Salmon, Pink, can - 14 Mother' Oats, pkg • 13
NATIONAL PNEUMATIC But buttons, no linger se<.-n. are evi- <110-2t Finder please notify Morej-La Rue In Rabway OoeU. BramhaD Rd.' dltlon. Phone 843 It Rahway

nner a week previous. It would Tel Z80-R. Salmon, Red, can - 3 5
to most people that ample time | Hand 140 156 187 dently needed son..'where, for In 1019 Laundry Company, 16 20 West Jer- 410-Jt Hominy, pkg - 15
136 144 217 China Imported nbout $-100,000 worth USED AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE sey street. Ellisbeth. Reward of- Tuna Fish, 1.2 lb - 2 5
__x_ elapsed for a definite nuswer to .| Drennan of them, bone buttons, composition bnt- 2 Chalmers Tourings $600 each Equipped with de- Fancy Head Rice, lb - 7
j Holllng-head 151 118 148 fered It LO8T—Sterling silver mesh bag Ban- ] FOR RENT—Large furnished !««•; Sardines in Oil, 3 cm 2O
*<? made, particularly when the neces- j
134 167 147 tiTis, nnd mother-of-pearl buttons, nml Maxwell Special Touring 1200 day, afternoon. Finder 'will be re-| ,JI inproTements. SulUble for W«
A mechanical tri- vices simplify
«__ry information should be procurable1i Nk-kau nliout 8," per cent of these buttons Imported Sardines Dried Fruits
in a few minutes- I Schutte 172. 206 213 were "made'In Japan." The war has Overland Runabout $300. | W A NTED-Wo_nan to st ay at night jS.p10 gentlemen. IIS Elm avonae. uuiph, yet a vast m i - operation mid allow Fresh Rump in Olive Oil, 2 cans
Ford Touring,
given Japan almost a monopoly; one Jeffrey Touring, newly painted $600. demountable rims »250 j with three e children, all girls. No Fancy Prunes, lb - 10
U there Is any reasou why a request
mch as that made hy William • Totals 730 791 912
might cny dint .lupnn buttons Chins. ! Fd Ford Touring, excellent shapo, starter housework required. An oppor-
g o provement on the of your own personal Beef, lb Rib Roast Mustard Sardines 2 cans 2 5 Large Prunes,lb - 15
PHIL _n_i nmn tunity for a day y worker seeking g Save the Middleman's Profit on Your Christmas Gift conventional mechan-
And so It Is, suy» Consul General Pbn- rendition. Blade End, lb Kippered Herring

Schweitzer, referred to in another • type, $300. night accommodations. References Pears \
enlumn. should not bo answered then Waters 163 128 118 Hun, with needles to sew the bntrons modati
given and required. Write H. H.
Rf ical piano. Tomato Sauce, can
•he citizens should know It. How the | Long 116 96 160 on. Before the wnr Chins, vvns Import- nriscoe Chummy Roadster Peaches, > lb

: Hu mob Record office. It Marshall's Kippered i f Apricots )
affairs of the municipal water plant j Stoll 106 94 126 me approximately " WUO.OOo"worth"of i P U e Beds*, cord tires $800.
needles n year, chiefly from Gel-many i Hudson Sapor Six, Winter top $1000. Herring, can vv
are conducted hy tho water engineer, i Van Pelt 152 118 118 B lck L
Sunmaid Raisins, pk£ 3 2
methods of handling and paying em- jTTnchester 141 123 138 and Austria: but now the Japanese i « l«ht Six Touring $800 FOR SALIC—-Ross Eight—7-paasenger
ployees, are matters which the public >
needle mnnufneturers control the Chl- Harley Darldson Motorcycle with side
nef=e ninrket. nnd that Is snd for the
touring car. newly overhauled and From Maker to Wearer Direct at Factory Prices Specials on Fruit ant L e m o n or Orange Q A
car. Run 3000 miles, like new. painted. Completely equipped with
feavo a right to know. A clear straight-; Totals 650 667 559 Chinese newllcwotnan or neeMlenian, All Coat* QuarantMd Waterproof or Money fUfunded Fresh Plate Beef, lb IOc Vegetable* Peel, pound O\J
tbrvard explanation was due Wednes* | hrcnuBc the Japanese needles <!o not Aliove cars sold on very conrenlent
Why Mr. Joe Armstrong, Celebrated keep thi'lr sharp points nnythli:K like us time payments without extra charge.
two extra rims and tires, rim r»- MEN'* modola with conver-
mover. Lane Jack and Weed chains. tible collar; belt all around;
Oeo. M. Frlese, 140 E. Haxelwood double texture.
WOMEN'S L .„„,.
collar buttoning *••* "*~
belt all around, *-»>M* "* SQNORA
Q. « . 8
COLUMBIA Fresh Pigs Feet, lb IOc Chuck Pot Roast, lb 2Oc Indian River Florida
Oranges, doz.
Dairy Products
day night. Its presentation at that I r>og Trainer, Uses Rat-Snap. long OH the Gtiroiienn needles.—Chris- trades on used cars made. avenue, Rahway, N. J. djLO-tf GRAFONOLA
time would hnve avoided feelings of! "Noticed rats around my kennels. tian Science Mnnthly. MUSIC KOLI.S Corned Plate Beef, lb 10 Lamb Stew, lb • 15c Grape Fruit, 3 for - 2 0 Imported Swiss r»Q
•J-pleasantuess and poBsible suspicions i "<"lng hundreds of prize dogs, couldn't
EARL MacCLARY. 127 Rarltan Are.
New Brunswick, N. J.
BOYS' moduls. made of same Aft V QIRUt' models, PHONOGRAPH Cheese, box * v
materlala as men's; slxea 6 \h*/!> « m » M wom«nt: Pickled Pigs Feet, lb 18c Beef Liver, lb - 15c Large Bananas, doz 5 0
O_U might have been aroused by the \ £ £ , « £ & • • J™m Phone N. B. 2058 to 18. Fresh Cotoanuts, each 10 Domestic Swiss
••bterfuge of demanding a written | Noticed that the dogs never went Record Parachute Drop.
•Catement. I near RAT-SNAP. I tell my friends The ofllclnl rpi'ord for n parachute FOR SALB—A Davenport, sofa, wal- B r o a d *••<! F u l t o n HtK Boy's and Girls Leatherette Coats—Neil XB« 6ifU 2 lbs Pork Kidneys 25c Home.Mide Sausage, lb 35c Cauliflower hd. 2 0 and 3 0 Cheese, lb
drop him hfon nr(.Ti*<llt*».l to LlenL Yellow or Red <ye Philadelphia
i about RATSNAP." Use this sur» John H. Wilson, U. S. A., of tile nut sideboard, garden tools. Cor. NKHA11K
Tbe Bl(h Upot of tbe Season.
With Inverted plait down baek; , , _ « I lb Chopped Beef • 35c Liberty Bacon, lb • 29c 1C
Industrial League Standing rodent exterminator, l f s safe. Come* Ninety-sixth Aero nquadrnn, Keller Inman and Jaquqs avenue. -It Week starting thli romlDg Moa-^.11 .round: conv.rtlb..$||iO() Onions, 4 q t s " " Cream Cheese, pk( 1 O
W. L. HS pn cake form. Three sizes, 36c, 86c. Field, Texas. There has been a ques- dsr Nirbt— 1 lb Chuck Steak, - 25c Fat Salt Pork, lb . 2Oc Cape Cod Cranberries, ft. 1 8 Snappy Cheese
Pneumatic 11 1 gia'M-26. Sold and guaranteed by T. H tion as to whether it parachute would A KI-COPBLD PRODUCTION pre- CL08INQ OUT MEN'S IsinvtM tiaM THE HOUSE OF QUALITY
oiH.ti satlHfnctorfly ID rarefl*<l__at- * WOMEN'S LEA- •ad beH an 2 lbs Pot Cheese - 26c Stew Beef, lb - 25c Fancy Georgia Sweets 4 qts 2 5 . package
Equipment f 1 885' •t D o W f - W o i * Out
10 I 8JO j.| People wno ngure out now a tnospherc.' The lieutenant demon-
ln tbe new musical comedy
COATS U 9XX3-9O5^ &road St. Newark, N. J. Leaf Lard Cones, lb 2 7 Pork Goodies, lb 49c Lettuce, head - 1 5
strated that It would when he-lMLped- "SAI_1.Y" Ian Spinach half pk - 2 5 Fancy Walnuts, lb 2 5
' *•"• Boden 10 **•. income may be made
t(8 j r c O p l e w b 0 ngure out now a small trom an array uirplnne st sn altitude
5 10 796. SCHUMflNN-HEINK Music br by Jerome
Jerome Keru. Ballet When ordering state ehttt mMMiramwrt. Sand r*n»tUno« with trdt- Six Retail Stores -Rump Corned Beef, lb 35c Red Cabbage, lb - 4 7 Rolls Tmlet Piper -
ror •' ' •1 14* **• larga
•»«——family maj reuerall
be mad* to support • (Mill IT UliDUi _ _. Mule bT VI
Cuit lucidndes to Slejfeld Qlrls.
•• •••• •••••IIVU, m u m ooai, SIM IDOMy | H r»fund»d a> ones. -Factories: BrooKiyi
831 deal more about arithmetic than tb*t •toraa and J.
• a safe landing.—Scientific Amer- Jlits. Wad
Wed ** 8«t. 50c u> «f
0 12 720 \ Aa almnl knmnn norrjre. Br<Md stieM, Newark n 60c to W aad war tax.
D«c "- •Berlnl or "Uijumm." THE PEERLESS
O Open Saturdays Ull % P. M. MPUI X NEWARK, N. J.
- . • >•

:• !-••:>:• :±kJj:]-,

Rahway: H-card, ErhUy Attortww. Decfembcr 10, a

w i i l o n of the Woman's 2&S^
SURPRISED ON BIRTHDAY' • y o WO- Soetoty pt the J i S ; Ing and Mrs. Herbert Wfcettoo. At an d r a f U U Ther operate easily SOo at
Hear church was held

Kcmpcr G. McComb Charts* Carroll Honored by Lara*

Company of Friends
Charles Carroll, of IK Bast Scott
avenue, was pleasantly surprised Sat-
urday night In honor of his birthday
like aur
fain* •»*
thsy ator tta sammd
*? of 246 Weit Grand itreet
* " « « » • « «rtlcle was writt« Ind
read by Mrs. John B. D. Oeorge re-
la^lni to "Persia." MUs Lena Ballot
Raymond Ruddy.
Raymond Ruddy, aged » years-and
L. S. Plaut & Co. '
First Baptist
Auspices of
Rahway Sunday
School Teachers'
antoversarr. A fine supper was served
and a varied program of games, vocal
and Instrumental music sad general
sociability were enjoyed. Among the
creditable features of the program
were recitations by kflss Kathryn
sad New*
a n d held ft
Howard's W t a
IB On flnsl
•ttto th« l«a«l
lave an Interesting reading on Mor- 5 months, died st the Blfxitbeth Oen-
S2iBlll J?u^ meeting
synodlcsl «»»«wrtfth eral Hoipltal Tu»*day nljnt of acute
at Red Bank Intestinal obatruatloiv He was JthSr
were presented by Mrs. Oeorge and bright little son of Mr. aad Mrs. Ray-
Mrs. c. A. Grove. During the bus- mond L. Ruddy, of 9S Hamilton str«*t
iness session various plans were dis- and was a general faTorite In the
A Christmas Suggestion Broad Street. NEWARK, N. J.
STORE HOURS—9 U 5 P . « . Daily—Isclsfisg Salsttsy
Dormer; piano selections, Thomas Why not include a few .bank account* on your
Monday, Association.
Kath; c omlcsongs, Mr. Carroll; duet,
best score. cussed for raising funds. The next neighborhood In which he lived. The
meeting will be heia with Mrs. Henry funeral service will be held at bis late)
list of gifts this year?
Mall and 'Phone Order* Given Prompt
| Catherine and Charles Carroll, Jr. ."cond^rlth tttT M. Woodruff, of 38 Seminary avenue. home this afternoon, followed b« In- and Carefnl Attention
Dec. 19th Mr. Carroll was the recipient of many
useful and valuable gifts. At a Price Never Before Squalled v e ilup wttk tae leaders, avei
Amoog those present were: Presi- terment In Rahway cemetery. « • » .
dent Mrs. C. A. Grove, Mrs. E. J. U Y. Graham, pastor of First Praa-
Pritchard. Mrs. H. M. WoodruffrMrs. byterlan • church, will offldate.. Be-
Surely, there mtrtt be many persons to wbom
Those present were: Mrs. L. White, "L9SS.~ Tha otMr aTaragea were: such a remembrance would prove moat acceptable.
8 O'clock P. M SPECIAL MUSIC Brooklyn; Miss Bertha Zlnn. Newark; Mooney. 1M; Oraat m i : Martin, H. Kip Woodruff, M n . J. B D sides the parents, the little fellow I*
Miss Susie McCarthy, Lndwig Heger, A fortunate purchase enableQua to offer these nhr* f m ; VanBMftSffclhj; Chace, 171; Oeorge. Mrs. Edward Staor. Mrs. survived by one lister '•• ~
ographs at this sensational underpriciDii R 2 S ? Aiioth. 1M4; MHWr. VOX Newark Tbe investments of this Bank are safe guarded
Admission Free Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Other Features Qrelner and daughters, Mae, Louise,
Dorothy and Thelma; Mr. and Mrs.
Ross Mellck, Howard, Ros* and WU-
Phonographs are made by one of t h e f o t
had an araraca Ot H*X while lld.r-
in every possible way, and our rejoinder to the fre-
Gift Jewelry
Sabject: Religions Education—Ite Challenge •bnr M«ltelt:-Mr. and Mrs-.—Fran*
Assmsn and son, Frank; Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Brant, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles StolU Mrs. Grace H p n n b y
and children, Herbert, Kenneth, Alex-
era in th« mi
equal for value. Choice for this sale
O r a f •-•
' M» U4 U*
Your Xmas Club Check quent repression t-f frnblic confidence is a renewed
effort to deserve rves <a gfea t er bestows 1 of trust.
Call upon u s |px foIUnformation re{ardin£ this
Should Be Choeen Now
ander and Grace Hanrahan; ICn. Al-
bert Paplrnlk, William and Jennie
Will Go Farthest Here. Christmas Suggestion.
It will rove a real dell«ht to visit this fasclnatlna;
aepartment, replete with beautiful gifts soluble for
Paplrnlk, Mrs. Jesse Vanderhovea
and daughter, Miss Vivian; Mlas
All Who Need a New Tnletlde si vine:
Weber, William Graloer, Mils Kath-
ryn Dormer, Mlas Emma Qreiner,
Thomas Kath, Pan] ana Arthur Jor-
dan, Mrs. R. H. Lynch. Edgar Lynch.
Mrs. Mary Peck, Mrs. Richard Step-
hepa, Mrs. ClareBoa Oliver,—Mlas
Coat or Dress JILW
Esch cantolly selected and bearing a ipeolal
« a n t fuaraatee—Waltham, ffljin and HamUton—as
Aielda Oliver, Mercer Skldmore, Mr. WiU Ba^WeUHtHM»Hbivantage of These— well as Swiss make* represented. Round or octav
and Mrs. Robert Graham. Mr. and r "The Beiak of Strenftb' aoa; Green Gold or Kncllsh finish.
Mrs. -Chart** Carroll and children,
Charles and- Catherine, of this city. Sold on these Remartapie Terms

Tk* hwt ttwpwr

yst roUsd
BEFORE XMAS SALE PRICES Corner Main and Monroe Streets,. 6OLID OOLO WATCH!• UP TO 14*4)1
' " at OM City Bowling Women's and Mleeee' Wrist Watches, 10JS. 1 U »
After an absence of four month
Professor Gaetano Manntno, of West
Held, the former teacher and dlrecto £5 down Delivers It r«(la4ars« Wltongiy alfht by Har
•id Othbeu who aTsragsd 114J.
mg btc p a n at m aad m . the
Wonei'i & WtBei's ft Missel Odd shaped models In 18-kt white gold, foli

of the Rahway Italian Band, has re- toramr aootw halm high tar toagns thai Slled or sterling silver, 15-J«wel lever movement; rib-

Give a Beautiful Lamp

turned to that organization. It was
through his patience and untiring ef
forts that the band made such a suc-
cessful showing on its initial appear- S1.5O a Week Pays Far It
tar. Priea, w ko railed opposite on the
Mohawks, also saade towering marks,
arrragtac tSSM. Ths eontast was be-
I « M th« N. & 1 aad Mohawks, the
Dresses NOTICE bon or link bradet.
Smutoir WatcBes—18-kt. white gold, ttM to 8oi».
ance In public In this city Saturday former eaptartaa; the odd game. The
Sensation Boys' Watches, 2SC to 730
All Lamps at 20% Reduction
Christmas decorations are outdone by colors In oar lamp .
display. One woman declares: "No one Beta the color Into
evening, June 12. when they paraded
from 6.30 to 9.30 It was the im»nim.
ous opinion of the public on that even-
ing that the band did surprisingly
well considering the short time it had
Regha Phonograph Feature*
,irge mahogany -cabinet. 4*H Inches alga, U
iuciica wide.and.SOtt Inches deep; baa ball bearing
Liberty Bonds Accepted in Payment winners had « team sTersge of 8«.l,
while tha Mohawks sreraged 860.
Tb.v latter ha* bast team score oJ »0*.
c. W. Ladlow followed H. Otbbons on
the wtnniac side, with an areraire
Tricotines Wonderful variety,
All late styles,
To Auto Owners
We Have Just Opened An
Ingersoll makes; alcklo cases, plain or radium dials.
Men'< Waidemar Chains, 4.50, 5.50, 8.60, to XXXI
Newest dealgns In 10 and H^t. grfen and white
shades as Handel does!" And these hand-decorated shades been In existence, and great credit enters or lets; a perfect tone comparing favorably
with any phonograph no matter how high the price. ,,t 114.1. rtaeland Olbbons and Me- Taffetas Popular colors, gold; all white gold or all green gofif"'"kngliBh finish.
are rlvuled by the lamps of art glass with metal overlay, made
by another firm, and bolh by the varied effects of exquisite
was given Prof. Mannlno for the suc-
cessful showing made. Two weeks A large doable spring motor which Is durable, noise-
less, smooth and steady running; will play several
SPECIAL XMAS OFFEI Q<* also a»eraged well. Comer was
ni-xt to Prtoa on the Mohawks, averag- Good Materials, at TSuto Radiator Engine turned flat link or flat curb link.
later the band made Its appearance in ing 171.1 sad hsYtng a big game of Sterling Silver Cigarette Cases, 10.95,13.95 up to 30.00
silk shades, arid stalely parchment ones on the dignified floor Westfleld. where they were again records with one winding and can be wound while
OM doMin Player Piano ros Th« scores:

$15 Repair Shop

lamps Little lights have Bilk, glass or parchment shades, to praised for their good work. Here playing; has a distinctive ball bearing tone arm Square or oblong shape; to hold 10 or more cigar-
Prof. Mannino was congratulated by which moves readily across the record thus redodag N. a. i And
match the boudoirs they will adorn. And there are floor Mayor Oliver and royally entertained the friction to the minimum and Insuring longer Hfe ftoffa or !•«• than a rfosan, TprrlU U* 13u 141 ettes; plain or engine-turned designs.
Inmpe with amoklnit sets attached to meet masculine needs There is no doubt that with the to the record. A patented reproducer which can play H Qlbboaa S3J I!7 184 up Sterling Silver Belt Buckles, 5.00 to 8.50
return of Its former le ader, the all makes of records. A specially constructed dia- P. Olbbons 1M 1(7 ISO Cor. Elizabeth Avenue and Irving Street
First you'll open your eyes
wide In admiration—then
band will become a popular and suc-
cessful organisation. Membership In
phragm made under exclusive patents, combined
with the REGINA amplifying chambers brings oat $1 per Week McOaa
r W. UMDow m
1*1 177
161 Just half what you
paid last aeason.
And are fully Equipped to Handle all Kinds of
An attractive buckle with U-kt. gold stripe tn
neat engine-turned design.
you'l open them wider In he organisation la open to young
men of all nationalities, who are de-
all >sriations of the human voice and musical instru-
ments In a quality of mellow tone absolutely un- Totals MS « » SSI
Actually worth double Welding, Cutting, Trimming, Others from 2.75 to 450.
astonishment at the low sirous of becoming musicians. Young equal ed htDHAWKS Other Styles
prices. Every lamp on our
floor is reduced 20 pet below
men wishing to become members may
present themselves at the headquar-
Price ..
SEE THEM! 18.50, 22.50, 2 5 as. •• Painting and all Body Repairing Plsuts—Main Floor

Hammer prices
This Is a seasonable op-
portunity, both for winter
ters, 16 Cherry street, on any Tuesday
Dr Friday evening.
Professor Mannlno graduated from
the Royal Conservatory of Naples.
James McCollum. Jeasahey


nt tot -si
All Our Skirts, Waists, Suits, Sweaters,
Furs, Etc., at Like Reductions.
Proast tnJ Effrcknt Work—Reasootble Prices.
lighting and for Christmas Italy, after completing a musical
gifts. Make your selection course of twelve years In that Institu-
Auto Radiator
soon—on our easy payment
terms. If you wish.
tion. Aside from being a teacher of MI88 GRACE 8AQE, READER
ilano. wind and string Instruments,
he is also a composer, having himself
Something different from the prevt-
composed most of the pieces now >us order of things was given by the
Mofiig aad
43es»a Up te Ttiesa data*
KATSMAP hi abaolutaly taaranteed
to km rats aad amlee. Cresmates them, j
n n S i l l kffled with RAT-SNAP leave j
Corner Main and Cherry Streets
The new Maxfleld
Parrlsh calendars have
Don't let Christmas
festivities be dimmed
played by the band.

Henrietta Christian, the

3oard of Education Monday night
rhen the first of their free entertain-
little tent coarse was presented. It was a
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Archie ilay reading by Miss Giace Sage. Heivy Trucking Making Cowards of the Strong
aossaeO. KaU pass sp all food to get
a BATSMAP. Their Sret aesi U
erhs EAT4NAP comes in eskee. Rahway, N. J Elizabeth Are. and Irvin* Ste., Rabway, N. J. Record Mvs ire Irrde Winners
ttomtxtMt- C a u a v d a a weat tosjah
by failure of an electric Christian, of 37 Harrison street, is on Ihe presented Sheldon's "Romance" N. Three atsea. Sta. Oe. tUS. SoM
arrived. You may have
lamp. Have plenty of the sick list. a way that charmed the large andt- Ucal u i L M | BiaUtt*
one by asking tor it at nee. Her interpretation of the vari- —that is what lack of a little ready
our showroom. Be sure
to come for Tt soon, be-
our lasting Maxdas In
reserve. Just "phone
for a~~carton 6T~stx, de-
Sheriff's Sale.
IUS characters displayed a kesn as>
erstandinc of human nature and an
rtistic ability of more than ordinary
D. Grossman money U doing
rause we were able to llvered without extra
Jrrmrj.. Betireea Ceorcr Hutxrt com-
plainant, and Peltr Ctaoka. rl al <lt- oportlons. She portrayed the swift AVENEL, N. J. ^ A •aviogt account will give a tcns«
secure only a limited charge. frniUut. Fl. fa. for mile of mortzaced hanges from the serious and tense
oments of the lines with a mobility
Time 343.1, Rtk-ay of security. If illneas cornea you are
By Tlrtup of the aborr-ntated writ of voice and manner that few possess.
number of these pop- fieri facias to me directed I aball expo«e
for aale
sale by public
bli rendae.
d t the ShenfT*
ShenfT* Supplementing her excellent inter- assured, of proper care without going
ular nnd artistir calen- office In tbe Court Hoc I the
h city of elation was a winaome way and into debt. Unemployment or business
Ellubetb. N. ].. en
dars WEDNESDAY. THE 29th DAY OF DE- harming personality that added to
reverses will lose their terror. Tbe
CEMBER. A. D - 19M, ar
at two o'clock In tbe afternoon of said dar
effectiveness of her delineation,
he general merit of her work assure*
All tnat tract or parcel of lands ana i hef a wapn welcome, ihoyld abt> acaln Strand Theatre sense of security will increase your

premise*, "allualc. lying and belnr In theth appear in this city.
Township of Llnilen. In tbe Coantr of
I'nli.n nnd Stale of New Jersey. of Heretofore the Board of Education NEWARK. chances of success everywhere.-
Better start a savings account with

Known and designated by lot Number free course has consisted largely of
PUBLIC SERVICE Nlnt hiimlred and Iwenly-elubt (N8) In lectures. The change to the reading
Bluek Number Twentr-nlne C3> on map
entitled, "Realty Trunt Map No 22 of 0<a of a forceful play with strong moral
lots nt St. (Spurge. Townihlp of Linden sentiment was an appreciable varia-
Opposite- B a n t o g e r ' s .
DAY— this sound conservative bank, no trouble.
THE PLACE TO BUY Union County. N. J." nurreyed March 1806. , tion.
CTHEL CLAYTON no red tape.
hy R. L Williams, and Bled In tbe Union I In the Most Dramatic Achieve-
Kl'r/rir L-tbor-Savlng Device* on Ea»y Term* County Reglnter'a Office. Ellxauetb N J I ment of Her Lout and Soccet*-
on May 16th. 1506 as Map No. 88 A. ' " ' ful Screen Career.
I»«i ree amounting approximately 137000 Synopsis of Meeting of the Board of "A CITY 8PARROW
ARE 3 DAVID. Solicitor.
sheriff Chosen Freeholders.
DECEMBER 2. 1920
A heart filling Idyll that end*
In a happy smile. IUHWAY THRUST CO.
E. D. J—R. R. il,.i.4i Regular meeting of the Board of
Freholders of Union County was held
at the Court House on Thursday, De-
In leastf Feitral Rcttrre Systta
cember 2nd. 1920. at 2.30 p. m. Roll "WHAT HAPPENED TO
call showed 19 members present. 4 u tl ••»*
absent. Bills presented were read and
on roll call ordered paid.
A communication from Dept. of
A sparkling yarn that uncorks
laughter and nils you fall of
Under recent ruling made by the Ford Motor Company, we are permitted
good spirits.
Municipal Accounts, stating amount
to be raised on Bond Issne for 1931
as f48.880.00 was received and re-
to sell Ford Motor Cars anywhere in the United States. We are in a position
fered to Finance Committee.
Communication from Board of
Works of City of Elisabeth as to the
to make immediate delivery of all models of Ford Cars, both for pleasure and
condition of pavement on Irrlngton
avenue bridge was referred to mem-
bers from Elisabeth.
commercial use.
From Rahway as to condition of
Main street. Rahway, referred to Road
A statement from the Agricultural
Experiment Station, New Brunswick
fixing the requirements for mosquito
New Prices On Ford Cars Delivered In Elisabeth
work in the county st 135,000 refer-
red to Mosquito Committee.
Report of the Audit Co. as to the
condition of County Finances was re- THE UNIVERSAL CAR
Loads of Health
ceived and filed.
Treasurer's report showed a bal
ance on hand of f74t.8S6.98 .
CouJeStX ms, $816.43. Sedan Starter, demountable rims, $868.49. Tractor, $862 60
Even the littlest folk love Wheatena. Those sweet, roasted wheat
kernels taste so good. It's that tantalirinf nutty flaror—so different from
Reports from the County Engineer
Superintendent of Roads, Count/
Road Committee. County Farm, Elisa-
beth and Rahway Drawbridges Com-
Transportation We solicit your trade and will give you efficient and satisfactory service.
any other cereal. You will never tire of, it.
And just watch the children thrive on the nourishment of the pore
mittees, Jail Committee and Sealer of
Weights and Measures were read and
Hersn Motor Car Company
grain containing all those elements so important in building strong, ordered Sled.
Committee on Engineer's Office
healthy bodies. ' . recommended that a new car be ae-
So easily prepared •' . <. . enred or an exchange be made with
old car for Engineer's Offlce at a cost In transportinr your goods you aim to do so at the least cost In UM
Three minutes of boiling and Wheatena is ready to serve. A steam -" of 1900.00. least time and with the least trouble.
ing bowl of warm, luscious cereal that tempts even father to ask for more. Committee on Insurance reported
receiving a check for $499.54 ss re- In selling transportatfaxi to you we claim we can transport your
Order a package from your grocer to-day and treat your family to a bato on Liability Insurance, same was
real surprise in the morning. turned over to County Treasurer. goods at tbe least cost in the least time aod with the least trouble.
Resolution transferring to the
County Clerk's offlce account the ram
The Wheatena Company,
of f 123.26 from Court Account, f 183.35 Make u« prove it.
f Wheatenaville,
from Grounds and Buildings account
Rahway, New Jersey. and f 9.46 from Elections Account was
Resolutions instructing the County
Treasurer to return to the Weldon
O'Ptease 27-31 Westfield Avenue
Contracting Co. and to T. F. Callahan One Ton trnck Chassis $545.00 F. 0. B. Detroit • s
$1,000 each amounts received from
Phone 338-Elizabeth
them with their bids on County Work
was adopted.
Members from Summit were au-
We have a line of Bodies* also.
thorized to repair bridge at Stanley,
Summit, N. J. at a cost of $25.00, one
half to be paid by Morris County. till
Universal Motor Sales Company
A resolution authorizing the pay Authorized Ford Dealers
ment to T. F. Callahan of f3.143.09 for
road work was adopted. Resolution AUDITORIUM SUILD1NG PERTH AMBOY, N. J. TIMM 1945
authorizing iBsuanco of emergency
Tasies Good notes for $10,205 to pay Bonuses to
employees, of County, wan adopted.
Board adjourned to meet On Tours-
•i Mator Overhauled, $ 1 8 0 0 With Transmission, $ 2 4 . 0 ?

day, Decemer 16th at 2.30 p.- m.

I . f' 'i '



tee©** Church sUirday. telteol Teaoh-

SuP9pStlOI3S Real Music I

A phonograph so wonderful that tm
Period Furniture
Net j « * a attNt Bmy Miw
At the -regular monthly *mslness
meeting; ot .the Second Presbyter
Sunday gchol conncil held " "
[ at the .home of
M Bryant street
«mt business" waa
jlana were made by the CotmeQ
ial Opportunities
Skates Shoes Hose
regarding the Christmas entertain-
living artisu' voice* tinging in dired Bdboa, »9 «ttt*r-what to CMC,faof We Strive to Please Throiigliout the Year ment.-JUi interesting report-Ot pro-
Mftttofw pmlod otflfiii AD sptboDtl^ gress waa made by H. L. Gray, chair- Men who have every reason to believe In the wisdom of buying th«
comparison cannot be <Hstl man of the eomiqlttee, who was ap-
from Edison's B x n t t f c o ot ytt the? eotf M mor*. Fran 4)95 to i>'l ^A*y N<>t G i V C U Sa Trial?
pointed together, with other members better grades of wearing apparel will be Interested In .he aeries of
at th<l*stsession. .. " .
JAMES A. SMITH Prop, iff Main
sales now being conducted In this establishment. Hlekey-Preeman
It- was decided that the entertam-
A New 8dbon far evtry home *t ment should be; held Wednesday Hand-Tailored Suits and Overooata (tha Show Clothes of America),
Everything for the Skating Enthusiast • price jrew a n affordtopay. Teliphoae .2*?.i3> program will
' " * cantata which
Johnston A Murphy Shoes (the Foundation of a Gentleman), Knox
Nothing Is more Invigorating and is Deug aireetea uj Mrs. W. H. Csr- Hats (the Crowning Distinction), Metric Shirts (the Shirt of Character)
healthful than tbls open-air exer- Plays Any Prime Rib Roast Loin 3 of Jersey Pork ver. At the conclusion of the entertats)- Manhattan Shirts (the Shirt of Shlrta), are all now at attractive re-
rlse. But to got tho most out of_. IL meat the teachers and scholars win
• - • in th« npstalrs-flunj, In-addition, eosnetblne-vsry spaclal.ln Jiloh-srada Cravats at
the skating season, you want to be
thoroughly equipped. A poor pair
of skates or 111-fltting shoes will do
Record Better
the. New Edam mtt ftty ft
Our Budget Plan
A plan that wt have at this store,
30 lb school room where a social time
be held with the usual retreahn
otUa arasun. cakavaad th»4IstrUwUon
candy. The entertaiament tor tha
tinners andl Jft^iffiby * * K t m e n ^
under- the dtrectSoa\ft S J F Kmma
a moderate figure.

Boy'm Wmar Al»o Marked Down

much to spoil your enjoyment and
the healthful benefit to be derived
Afk to Mftr joor nronte roo* nuking it r>o$*ible (or everyone to
own the New Edison and j t t not fed
Blade Rib Roast Fresh Jersey Hams Shafer, will be held on Monday or
' luftaC'Chrtstmas. A

26 lb
•rd, then let ytmamu «rbe tin
from this exercise. To be careful
means to be sure—and to be sure
means to insist
QUALITY goods.
upon KNCO
tbecost Oar Bodfet Phttbatapk.
Come in any time and let m explain
h to *foo> '
22 lb Cbdatmaa tree fuUr decorated win be
sTesvture added m'year.-./ .
The special Christmas ettarlw
which. wUl be »-•»»" rni«^m«« s ^ ,
day, Dee. Mth. was rated to the wor*
«f U ^ b t r i t t Boards **—'— THE lOUSKOF FOREMOST MAKES FOtJUNANPJQT$
Wo bare u excellent assortment of What tfieTSfics ali Hama klsakoa for the work in Syria.
Council also decided to support a .
SPALDINQ 8KATES and 8HOE3, HOCKEY STICKS presented by saaarintendssu .. 1. C. 795-605 Broad St., Newark, N. J.
-SKATES/and 8 H 0 E 8
—-- Say The Turn-table inirmeula. OB 8ttiday,-r»»c
Tonpkms will present -thej4aa to t 8:36 til 6 dmily
listening to the phonograph alone and ipppea ueeiC«iiiePirePor)t jsoadar BebboU of New"Jersey which
are recogaliinc the "Orphan Adoption

when to actual voice and reproduction Dar" belns; promoted by tke Nf -
VISIT OUR TOY DEPARTMENT together"—A>w York Evening Mail.
Hear the Victor, Sonon, Brunswick and the Meat or East Belief.
Treasurer A. D. HansOeld's report
Edison play recordforrecord dde by ride an the
"Impossible to distinguish between the singer'.- torn-table. Your ear wiO teO yon which phoop- Links showed a balance on hand ot $67. The
special Thanksgiving ottering was
EARL NICHOLLS CO. living voice and its RE-CREATION by the
musical instrument that l>ears the stamp of Edi-
Craph is best. You are the judge. No obfiga-
lion whatever.
Bottom Round or Top Whole Pork Rolls
voted to the Presbyterian Board of
Home Iflssioqa. Secretary Was O. T, tag Class, which is being promoted by Helen 8salth, Beatrice Langstroth, WANT BASKETBALL GAMES
Underbill was authorized? to make In the Railway Sunday School Teachers' Marion Barer? Louise Smith, Elsie Ul- The Victorian Troop 1 B. 8. of A
The Largest and Bett Toyland and Sportsman*! Store In Urlon County
J3irloin Roa.8t. basketball team, ot SayreTiUe, last

son '< s-oniiis."- Wci-fuu Herald. veatlcatlon regarding the needs ot a to begin the second Mon- brlch, Abble Smith, Bessie and Ella
-eharity -appeal- which- waa •presented, Association
In "January at the Yr-M. C. At • Toms, M. I* Underbill, Quasla.Osbonie seasons- Junior champions of MldUo-
231 BROAD STREET lor discussion, this being a local need. day' sex and Somerset Counties are aa-

40 lb Mrs. Guy Howard and Mr.-*?. W. Var-

Near the Arch ELIZABETH
c All teachers reported that the
The social for the Intermediate de- arrangement ot classes in the school den.
partment, which is scheduled for was working to advantage. Christ-
xlous to meet junior teams from Bak-
way or nearby places. The team aver-
THERE IS BUTONE BEST-LET YOUR OWN EAR PROVE IT. lb January* was commissioned to Miss Three applications for membership ages 130-135 pounds, but will consider
Open Every Evening Till the New Year Pure Lard Grace Smith, superintendent of that mas carols are now being rehearsed were received Tuesday night at theonly teams connected with churches or
department It was voted to hold the for the holiday entertainment. The meeting of Reliance Lodge, No. 101,regularly organized clubs.
Beef Liver in 1-lb Sanitary packages next three meetings of the Council meeting waa well attended the follow- Knights of Pythias. Nomination of
tin the second Thursday of each of the ing being present: Superintendent
officers also took place. Candidates
Thrij. Boehm. Sayrevllle, N. J.
J E L Tompkins. Secretary Miss G T.
About 100 men and women repc- 1*0It RENT—Furnished room gentle-
senlinR Rahwark Tribe, No 165. Im men only; in private family. Ad-
c next three months In place of the sec- will be Initiated and election held next
ond Monday, as Monday will conlllct Underbill. Assistant Superintendent meeting, Dec. 21.
with the Community Teacher's Train- H. L. Gray and the Misses Grace and
prnvecl Order of Red Men. and Rah- dress O. G. care Record.
wnck Council. No. 160. Degree of
S A V E S M I L E S O F S T E P S lb
Poc;ihuntas, left this city Wednesday ROOMS FOR MEN—Beautifully fur-
night ot participate In the institution nished, clean and comfortable; all
of tin' :. -u tribe of Red Men at New- conveniences and club privileges at
ark Y M. C. A. building; rates, $3.00 per
week and up. tep 16-tf
WOMEN GIVE OUT That it all the money
Housework is hard enough when
hralthy K-rery Railway woman who FOB M l i i What a woiuluful ^
you nerd to put into your
Is having backache, bine and ner-\VK OFFKR you limited number of for your wife or mother—
TOUs spells, dizzy headaches and kid- men's handsome;i ready-to-wear suits wife's Idtcbcn the most
ney or bladder troubles, should be and overcoats at one-Uiird less than :inc] you can do it in the
glad to heed this Rahway woman's popular labor-ttving device
Mrs. Chas t . Kcdniun. 26 Irving
street, says: "I raupht cold which
formerly priced. They are all high-,
ly tailored models and guaranteed
all wool. CHAS CHALCONAS. 69
easiest and simplest way
fver. Just seleel your
Irving street It
settled In my kidneys and caused Two million women ap- Innumerable piece* of Bne jewelry and novelties are seen in oar very elaborate
them to become disordered. My back r u n SALE—High class gold and
was 60 lame I couldn't stoop to pick
Hoosier, pay your dollar,
prore the Hooakr because
— the Kitchen Cabinet that saves miles ci steps •tock with great ranges In prices, thus giving the donor an opportunity to select season*
up anything. I also had dizzy spells tapestry four piece set of furniture. arrange the balance weekly able gifts, that last.
Inquire 51 Elm avenue. dlO-tf
which mado everything hazy before or monthly and presto — of its splendid construction
me When I worked around a warm I'ORI) WOOD 7 0 R SALE—Seasoned. Those who select from Hirtdegea'i stock give objects that will not only prove their
Btove, such us- baking or ironing, I
would becuiue m-rvoib. The least
noise bothered me. too. I heard of
Cut any length $14.00 per cord; slab
wood $12 per cord. Ten Eyck Bros..'
Duan's Kidney Pilla and bought, a box Ilahway R F. D . or Tel 107-J Me-
and after taking them the pains be-
came less severe I kept on with them
-until I was in pood health again. I FOR SALE—Ford car; special body;
always- keep roan's on hand and if I good running order; bargain to
the wonderful Hoosier ap-
pears Christmas Eve!
Can't you imagine the joy
^-the great surprise and
—it'* simple, natural ar-
rangement—its extra ca-
pacity, its ability to save
steps and make kitchen
ability of selection of style, but alto of high quality that reigns supreme at Newark's Dia-
mond Center.

feel any of these ailments coming on, delight? work easy. Bring in a dol- Illustrations can not show the
quick buyer. Inquire 32 Irving
1 always take a few I>i>ar.'< tn relieve street, after B p. m. dlO-2t Exquisite Diamond Bar Pins, Fine D i a m o n d Stylish Aquama- wonderfolncss of our Diamond
me of the ;tain * lar and let us send the in different sizes. This one Ring, fancy white rine and 2-Diamond
Mrs Re<hnar. g.i\c the abo\e state- : FOK SALE—Provident kitchen range j Come in to-day —we'll gold mounting, 75.00. RlnR, green gold, all- Mounted Jewelry. You moat
ment Jim.' 21. inn; and mi June 23, with hot water back; In good condl-'
Hoosier to your home very elaborate, 354 ins. long,
platinum front, 58.00.
do the rest. with Zy, lets, of diamonds. Other Diamond see our Mock.
Ii'2'i. >lir added: "I always recom- Mon. $25.00. 147 Jaques avenue. | Christmas Eve. Rings, 20.00 up. Others 40.00 up.
mi'iirl Dean's Kidm y Pills for they dlO-2t ; 1.275.00.
have always benefited me when I have
had. attacks of Tdilni-> complaint." FOR SALE—Baby Carriage Inquire Signet Ring, solid gold hand-
fric-< C(<3. at a'l 'I'-ak-rs. Don't 14 Westfleld avenue. New Square Ring. In white engraved sides. 13.50. Othors
simply ask for a k.iln. y remedy—get it !
gold, set with flv. diamonds, 2X0 up.
Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that FOR SALE—Gas fixtures, good condi-
Mrs. Redman hnd Foster-Milburn
Co. Mfrs . Buffalo. N. Y.
tion. Inquire 37 Harrison street. i 85.00.

' FOR SALK—Household furniture.
Parly leaving city. Inquire at 5-B Established Open Friday

i '
Madison Hill Rd.. Rahway. It
1880 and Saturday HJ
1 FOR SALE,—Six piece antique parlor Evenings Cushion Shape and

Advertising suite; new upholstery; no dealers.

Phone 1542 Perth Amboy. d7-4t

'',FOR SALE—Chandler 191S, seven pas-

line Diamond-Set Wrist
•Ta: -hes. In many shapes
and sizes, ranging from
Hartdegen Specials in 17-jewel and ad>
lusted watches. 12 size, open face, fine 20
and 25-year gold case, yellow or green gold,
Hexagon Watches, In gold
or filled, on ribbon or
bracelet, 27.00 up. Round,
-••n^er touring. Newly overhauled, round or hectagon, $32 to $42. Other 16.00 up
SEAL ESTATE FOB ikLf <! painted, new top. Complete equip- WANTED—Good plain cook. Apply 140.00 to 1.200.00. watches up to S50.00.
ment Including two extra tires and at once. Mrs. W. A. Baker. 145 West Farmers, mechanics, railroaders,' The nans—Dean's inspire* cost
FOR SALE OR RENT—S6-SS W. \ tubes mounted. Weed chains, power
Grand St..—3-family dwelling. Juit j pump. Hartford shock absorbers,
remodelled. Apply C. Tr»nclsky, 90
Wait Grin* street. n30-4t
tensiflers, search light, Tonneau
Milton avenue.
Grus spring oilers, spark plug ln- WANTED—Salesman and collector

for Rahway and Yiclnlty; good op-

SALVATION IS laborers, rely on Dr. Thomas' Eclectic I denoe—Doan's Kidney Ptlls for kldser
OIL Fine for cats. bams, bruises-<Ills. Doaa*s Ointment for ikia lie"*!
Sbonld be kept in every home, ate'Doan's Regaleta for a mild Uxattn.
"•-1 We- Bold at an. d m store*.
light, radiator cover, etc.. etc. Wil-
liam S. Martin. 44 aques avenue,


portunity; salary and commission.
dJ-2t Apply Sinter Sewing Machine Co.,
11(57 Kn«t Jfr*— Ptr-r-t. Kllzn'oeth.
THROUGH JESUS Her Happiest Christmas Bcauuimiy Engraved Sheffield Silver lor the
table, in meat platters,
Practical Sii Useful B'1"1 consisting of
N. J. n^0-4t ANOMWS sV'bOUNtOU. Tater Pitcher, with nfcno- Tea Set, one of the sea- two sterHnc salt dips and
WEITZ, REAL ESTATE. OPPOSITE -Factory pricca. Place your order vegetable dishes and son's newest designs, 67.00
RAILROAD 8TATION. TELE- "FOR THERE IS ONE GOD, some hand - hammered gravy boats, at various spoons, In case, 6.00.J

for I,adieu' Felt Slippers, all colors. Ther, b nothing you can give a waman that is so p.r.or,ol as .he one thing that will sterling silver top. l».sv. Others, S5.00 up.
PHONE M l . sepiQ-tf Men's fine trade allppera and spats. MISELLMEOUS i AND ONE MEDIATOR CMhers, 7.00 up. prices
Cblldrea't shoes, etc. «3 Westflald
UEL FREEMAN A SON, 1M IRVING I arenue. Tel. 18iM. nJ0-«t SBOJOO R E W A R D BETWEEN GOD AND MEN, lighted her burden the whole year 'round.
Real estate and ogentg for the fol-FOIl SALE—Buu:k late 1917 little six DAY, NOV. 17. 1M0. AREDALE DOQ. THE MAN CHRIST JESUS" And t&tone thing Is the Hooker Kitchen Cabinet.

lowlnc fire and liability insurance parftct condition; demonstration tHAS TEARS OLD. CROOKED MOUTH. (I Tim 2 : 3 )
companies: Continental, Hartford,! la *Tenlnt or Sunday; mak* o(f«r. 6REENHAD BROKEN HIP. WITH
Commercial Union. Springfield. Na-! any COLLAR, NEW TORK CITT Cigar Cutters, flat,
tloaal or Hartford. National Ualosi H. I . Diars. 122 Wtst Oraaa atreat. LICENSE ATTACHED. ANSWER TO ••IF YE BELIEVE NOT THAT I AM HE Knives, new en- tofitinpocket; silver
of Pittsburgh, Automobile Insur- Rakway. N. J. a8-t[ NAME OP SCOTCH. 150 to 4.50; fold
anca Company. National Liberty, FINDER WILL RECEIVE REWARD YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS" i" silver, Mahorany Clocks in 18J>0.
National Suratr Company. Aetna
Accident ind I.iihillty Company.
(John 8:24) HOME MADE CANDIES Gold filled, MO
all sizes and shapes,
Travelers. Ocvau Accident and WANTBD—Ambitious younc n a n , . 7.50 up. Mahogany, full )4-
•AST ORANGE. "KNOW YE NOT THAT THE FRIENDSHIP S4CHDIRVST . ftAHVWAV.N.J. tour chimes, 85.00. from H.25 to lOfi.00.
Onirantee Corporation m28-tf preferably one undarataadlac atem- dlO-lt Regular timepieces,
OKraphy will find an opportunity by OF THE WORLD IS ENMITY WITH GOD?'' ilmllar style, 13.00 and Shaving bets in the
addrasslBC Box R, «ar* R««ord. It WANTED—Ford touring car; state
price for saak. Address Box 100 (James 4 : 4 ) We manufacture our own candies fresh every day. 18J0. largest stock In the
Real Estate. Sorely Bonds. Fire. Record. It dry, ranging from
Automobile and Liability Insur- HELP WANTED 11.00. up. Cups and
ance; representing the County. W * have about all the operators
Insurance Company of State of we need for the present, but will take WANTED— J or 4 furnished
If interested address
P. 0 . Box 3 3 3 Montclair, N. J .
Our Big Weekly Special Brush, 6.25 up.
Pennsylvania. Koyal, Royal Sx- oa a few more to prepare for the bus- rooms for light housekeeping. Ad-
change. Liverpool. London and iness we are sure will come. Can use
Globo. New York Underwriters and those competent to run sewing ma-
Sun. chines, overstlch, interlocking bathing
drsss "L. B." car* Record. d7-2t

shoo machines etc. Will pay begin- E. F. ERBNNAN—Anto trucking- and

ners small salary while learning and moving. 17 B. Lake avenue. Phoat
1-aire chol--? peanuts, fresh roasted and covered la ou-
rleh sweet chocolate. Special lib box— 49c
REAL ESUTE FOR RENT when expert can earn a splendid CHOP SUEY—A pleasing combination of flaked cocoa- Handsome Ink Well
414-R. JU-tf Iced Tea Sets, complete, Waterman and
Inquire 10 Lecsvllle avenue. t
FOR RENT—Building for storage use. CO., Hamilton- SL, Rahway. dlOtf AUTO EXPRE88 between Rahwa>
nut, walnut meats, almonds, fllberts, peanuts and raisins;
and all blended with sugar. Lemon flavored, it is z al- 44c Candlesticks In SS.OO, consisting of pitcher,
and Stand, with 6cls-
4 Individu.-.l Ash Re- 5 0 r s , calendar, eraser, Swain Fountain
Pens in plain.
TOR RENT—Five rooms and bath AGENT WANTED IN Rahway. Sell
• bungalow. Call Saturday and Sun- the Original Watklns Remedies,
Linden, Elizabeth and Newark; oJsc
Railway. Woodbrlilge. Carteref
Chrome and Perth Amboy. Leavr
Special Prices On together a very delicious confection. 8peclal per lib t>° —

mahogany, 7.25 a
pair and up, or In
8 glasses snd mahogany Stand, in full nickel, 1 2 ? 5 O t h t . r s B.On 2.50 up; f a n o y

day, Jaques and lnman avenues.

Phono 318-W. It
Spices, Extracts etc. Necessities
orders at A. W. Foster's. Telephone
261-Rahway. Residence phone 263-W Yard Goods, MenVand Ladies Sweaters, Union ASSORTED CHOCOLATES—Very line assortment of
chocolates, caramels, nngatlnes, soft cream centers. Frnltt
59c silver.
and repeaters. All or spare time. and nut centres lib. box-"-
Write Watklns Co.. 59 New York MONEY TO LOAN on bond and Suits, MenVPants, and Shirts and cark'f Diatnand*
ROOMS TO LET City. dlO-4t mortgage.. Hyer & Armstrong. Drawers and on Notions. Diamond 'Jince 1870
ROOMS TO LET—3 rooms, use of
bath room; hot water. Inquire 32 WANTED FOR WOOD-WORKING
Rahway National Bank Bldg.. hah
way.N. J. ' oct 12-tf We Sell For One-Third Less
YE OLD FA8HIONED TAFFY—Molasses and vanilla.
Pe- pouud— 39c Cor. Smith
Irving street after 5 p. m. din-2t
FOR RENT—Comfortable furnished
room. Mrs. Schilling. 200 Main St.
all around
chine hand for Sash, Frames, and
Apply to
n mama-1
TION pays 4 per cent Interest, tbe
highest rate paid by any savlngr
TON LUMBER CO., Sewaren, N. J. bank In the State. Onen an acconni
' It In your home institution. Jlyl-U
B • SOI.UriV
1y IrvinP Street,
Rahway, N. J, *?: APOLLO CHOCOLATES—In beautiful fancy paeksg«i"
for the l:o'.'(h.ys—haJf pound to 6 pounds.
State Street*
Broad Street, at West Park, Newark
(JuBt when tha Rahway Car Stop:)

' •'•V. sS5siib^-?ii

-s.; _ •.


Christmas Post Card*
Booklets} Holly Boxas
White Manilla Paper
Holly and Tissue Paper 31 Cherry St, Rahway
GRIES BROS Children's, Ladies

Men's Sweaters
Holiday Cards, £1
Seals, Tags, Etc., T\(\
a package ****
128 Mait* Street
"Rahway s Most Popxilar Store"
45c a
* V roll
The Rahway Jexoco Hbvocate
for Christmas Packing Telephone 3O-lt At Low Prices. Absorbing The Rshway Newa-Herald. the Saceeasor of the Union Democrat. Established 1840.

Do Your Christmas Shopping Now SUITABLE FOR


Holiday Spirit imd Gifts That ANNIVERSARY


Ladles' Boxed Handkerchiefs—

39c to 2.00 a box 35c and 69c each

Babies Fancy RatUea— Men's TIM In Hofly Box—
1.00 each
Former Soldier with Ltavenworth.
WAR VETERAN HAHAH ENDS One of the biggest and most spec-
tacular events of the school year will
be the "Pageant of Progress" to be

Ar^ Worth the-Gi

Record Held st Police Station. | i

Ladles' " "Initial "Handkerchiefs—

6 in box 85c box

Infants Comb and Brush Set*—

69c to 2.5O
Man'a GarUra la fancyBox—
39c and 59c
IOMMII SUICIDE Boraus« be was considered a snspid- 1
w character Edwijfa'^lffiiri'Jrt ""
' 205 West 11th street. New York, was
| taken Into custody by Officer Edwin
PASSEHWAY presented next Friday evening. Dec.'
17, -«l~-JE.-nyin«fc at lh» high ni-hnnl j
auditorium in celebration of the PI1-;
grim tercentenary. A cast ot 75 from . —
Ken's Garter Set— all of the high school classes will pre-' g AM
Ladles' Handkerchiefs— Manicure Seta—
69c a Set Rain Coats, • 5 . 9 8 Boys' Pants - 1.98 Women's Bondoir Pi»l Jifci»w«i. Afrf 4 5 Yearly g i, enB
Payne Sunday afternoon. He will, be
George B.ATfty Dies in 78th "Festiral of Lights" Celebrate. Fred R. Boyne Cbosea Presi-
dent— Other Officers are
sent the pageant. There will be ap- *". ZRB IVS.
proprlate costumeB, dances, drills, Entertain in Honor of
7o to 59c oach 1.98 up Hen's Suspenders For boys and (iris; guaranteed water A pleasing gift to cv.ry boy. Theae paau
1149 tp 1. EB.S Hi* 1 * -T A«»fcTm- ^ • Year— Participated ia Many at Hebrew Synagogue With tableaux, singing and Colonial scenes
In Fancy
proof, with rain hat to match, tad Ideal are wall tallorad. mado of wool cloth mil- 1 e < 1 to
Selected of particular charm aJd serving to Their Marriage
Men's Initial Handkerchief—
Comb and Brush Seta—
turee; slate • U>,17 y»ars ties at Batr^uf Place « »••• gone u> Anton Battles of Civil War EnterUioinJ Features emphasize hstorlcal facts and periods.
17c ea 6 for 1.00 85o a box gift' aaO ****-, hi. j garage at Jaquen and St. George ave-j There will be two acts and five scenes.
1.50 up Man". >r. y T , noes and asked for permission to Starting with the landing ot the Pil-
Children's Hnse—

35c to 75c a pair Middy Blouses 1 . 9 8 Men's Neckwear, LOO - 1 r» DDPIMIC AV nroPANI). - *'**p ln t h e
«"«• 0Ter n
'«ht. Be SURVIVING J I E I B E R NAMES AND CHARACTERS SIXTEEN[.INITIATED.-- ST. grims ln 1620 a vision of the Important'
events down to the present time wlllj ETC HARK EVENT
Military Brushes— A vary larg. rasg. ot btuttftil pattana CalPV MA _ F I ATIVFS A f t e r beln
225 to 5 00 Made ot best Lonsdale Jean, with bine
be given. The pageant Is being
coached by E. G. Smeathers and Miss
or white braided or plain collars; sixe ( to — , with five other men. They went ln the ' Helen Cloho»y. In honor of the first anniversary at
Ladles Leather orVelret Bags—
Fancy Turkiah Tawela
to 3.25 Vt yean. aU wool i K, tiring Batarday alght between 11 decline In health for; Conclusion of the celebration ot ' Division No. 3, Ancient Order of , their marriage Mr. and Mm. Daniel X.
•en s SOCKS ~»Dd 13 the pa.rye»r with perloaTTir^seTaTe- SURPRISED ON ^ I R T M D A T ( Heyburn, o n u i
50c to 1.7.5 29 to 75c pair « t o » yaara. ":,;.- P.., ,o__o.. a.*«. w_ zr^^rt, * •_•__s_ was marked Sunday night at the syna- as follows: President, Fred R The birthday anlnversary of Harry tertalned a large company ot frien_a
Ladles' Beaded Bags—
Fancy Tnrklah Towel Sets— Lace of Scrim Curtains—
Bungalow Aprons 1.00 Freick Tttle Waisti, it
dead from gas asphyxiation
time Mr. Lederle had communicated
with police headquarters, r
O«<>-« B. ATery. aged 77
° « e « J"» «- » - » » « » « n<1
« <"ays, of
. corner of Monroe and Essex
| street*, by a fine concert and play i
Boyne; vice-presldfent, James Kear-j Armstrong was pleasantly marked Saturday night A great variety _C
• financial secretary. Edward J.'last night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.1 social dlverskfnB occupied the U _ _
4.50 up k in his row- at the home of f V * . W M d e . tailed U 1 1 and
_ . ~ d we wenl
~ t h e I ~ * t o » t•r •e e-t .- .d -l e-d o f chronic nephritis j g,i v e n by the Stars of Zlon. composed,

Ladles' Waists—
198 2.25 2.98 29c to 3 98
Curtain Scrims—
1.25 TbM. arc paekad 1 la a taaey ko^. T%»
bandkarebtati ar. ot a vwy t M Cra««, vttt 4.98
Mr and Mr*. H_nry-Oramm and fanv
,i;. *> W « t Oraad street, where he
place ln a taxi. Wilnon wan

, .. . , . .

- . ' — , „ - „ • John Mason, of 126 West Grand street. There were vocal and Instrument**
.fternoon. The deceased wa. of Hebrew children. The festival com- Best; recording secretary. T n o I n a B G a m e 8 m U 8 l c d a n c l n g a n u refresh- » e , e c tions. dancing, games, a fine c _ -
. unmarHed and Is survived by one | memorate. the dedication of the new, DoyTe, Jr.; treasurer. Patrick McCue;. mmtg m a d p a _ 0 5 t d e l l R h t t u l e v e n . | l l l | o n a n d g e n e r a , 3OCIabillty.
Ladles' Fancy Neckwear. In In- Similar aprons were sold at 1.M last dainty w«MS ar« Of tk. hichut [
1.98 to 7.98 dividual Boxes— 29 to 75c yard Christmas. They arc made of beat grade
light and dark percale*, neatly trimmed V
and aak* • Moat •••daow. ctft tcr
lady. .
had boarded for the peat year. Two in h i . Pocket, were found a dU- ^
honorable.JlKh.rge from t . S^ mUl- ^
^ __nk'A
^ t _ o n(
0 t 2 2 lAswit '• altar which had been polluted by An-. h a | r m a n o f Rta ndlng committee. Ed-; i n K T h o s e p r e , e n t were: The Miases
M r 8 A T r i _ . i temple of Jeni«lem to replace the ward _ , ^
J. Leary; rgeant- a t-arms,' Ida
8e i a a Marbach,
Maroacn, Emma r-mma and _ j U Madeline
„.»„„..„, wpients
M r. and Mrs. Heyburn were the ™-
, . l p l t , n i B of
m many wau, pretty „. C11J „„„ and valuaM*
Ladles .Dress Skirts— 69c to 2.50 ©ach White Bed Spreads—-. . . .
or square- neck; only. • •••--•-,. Pire W«§l Sweaters Fron r, that would g
Henry J. Miller; sentinel, DenniB J. Frank. Agnes Dunham, Mabel Crowell, K|fta together with the congratulation
- - .Theresa and Margaret Preplak. Clara ^nd best wisheB of their friends fa
3.50 to 12.50 Ladles Silk Boudoir Caps— 2 98 to 6.98 5.88 ip Pare Wtalflwe,at [T r n m for the Mt.
Mr Avery was a native of Rahway' e l * n t d a v s - ' " w a a Instituted aooui | Smith.
• year', wntence for refusal to doand had .pent hlse entire lite h e r e ! ' " B. C. . sixteen candidates were

Garcia. Pearl and Ruth LaBar. Olga m a n y m o r e anlnversaries as pleaaa.
Ladles' GlOTes— 59c to 2.00 each
Ladles' Silk Petticoats—

Sweaters at 1.98 A very tarn aaiaetloa ot tary a sal rails 1.59 ip
Bait aa4 M l l « g t k Wonted Hasa. lit
Thai Mr. Johnson had periods of duty as ordered at Camp Sheridan.
-p decpondescy Is known by tome Ala. He w.« connected with the
with th, excepuon of the time he was. The lighting of the candles wa.^an ;.„< fourteen appllcatlon^fo^member-, ^rUjon. ^ a r l o t t e ^ Haas. ^ugUBU, a . ^ o n ^ i u s t ^ a a . e d . ^
Impressive ceremony in which the fol- ship were received. There will be aa 'J a l o a B .
^ ^
Wool mixed sweaters tor boys aad girts. stylo Swttttn* tor 1MB* WOBMB ssd pvvn Mt T lh h ^ , ; Corp 11 5 111 darin t h e ClT
59c to 3.25 Ladles White Aprons— Ladles' Dress 8kirt»— In grey and brown, with or without sleeves. children, from— «n.0g to ftfs.tio UdlM. m\nm aa4 ektMna. aostiy \
goods at i J t 1M MM.
"" *?. ^ " . * ! . * . ^ ?1 <ru»rtera,.1er" Quirtel It r
within the- bearing th_ he n . l u r a l l l w , B r M l l l M
(^r^'wilson'"-'"! f.!"
" .. !. "^^
War. He was the Uat surrlvtog mem-
« " lowing yooog people participated: large class Initiation
Samuel Robinson, Abe Lager, Solly ternoon at 2.30 o'clock, when a county,
i next Sunday
^ _^
Sd af-f ii ' Prank, George Frank, Henry, .throughout the evening by an orch<
..'Anton Boresch, Ralph Watson, Clinton t r n composed of James LaBar. Rf(

nejuJqulrtereheMBU_ „
U .nlclde
l l d So
S her of Company E. 14th New Jersey Marbach. ard Thomast Hogan an—
rhltdren'8 Gloves— 39c to 1.25 each 3 98 to 1298 ould
!.r « can be lamed sir Johnson had „ loiuvtnient
tMlair , n d J E T e , u . Volunteers, of which James L. Bod-
Mllroad, Hyman Cohen, Helen Freld- degree team will perform the work. • Ear
man. Rose Kawnt, Ruth, Preliminary planB were made for Kl
Ernest Keller, DeWltt Cowlns. Doug- j o n n coffey.
"1""Williams, Mrs. JesBie Thomas.
75c to 1.50 Infants Caps—
Ladles Bath Robes—

4.50 to 12.50
CLOSING OUT AT CLOSING ODT AT CLOSING ODT AT rrlalives In' tali country HI. par- tlr . Information. He u l d he did not
« i . weie Bwadlah and German. Hek n o w l h e _ e n n e _ „ „ „ _ l k l n g
well, father of W. J. Bodwell, ot Pulton P r e l i m y p las
Prances BUtzer and Era Kreisberg. the celebration of %t. Patrick's Day, Richard Mason, Mr. and Mra. John o c o r g e Schaefer, Mr. and Mrs. Rosa
In carrying ont the program due March 17, a committee of arrange- M a 8 0 n -
others prt-bent were: Mr. and Mra.

Mclick, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker.

Silk Camlsols—
98c to 3.50 each $6.49 $13.98 h.d lived la Rahway aboat toor years. _ „ „o r t n y t h l n g a b o a t t h e m M e . and regiment was attached to the recognition was given to the Hebrew ments being appointed consisting of
98c to 2 98 Infants Short or Long Coats—
Men's Bath Robes—
8.98 to 15.00
All our high priced ladles all wool s«rg« Ladles' Wtntar CoaU. this Mason's b—t
u t l n g b*ea eaaployed by J. O. Ren- t u c h e n o f f l c P r B c a m f , o t h l g c l l y y e t .
mm for some Um«. whllr ihe.latu-r (1>rdB> . > n do u e , t l o n < M i w i l w n In anArmy of the Potomac.
Pint Brigade Third Division ot the
Third and Sixth Army Corp. In the
While with thU company he par-'
national flag day. better, from na-'Henry J. Miller, Patrick McCue, M. P.I
u . , . . . orgainaztlons
u, B »,
„„ dealing. with
read by George
_ this J EnlnB, Matthew R. Daly, James Dooley j
Cohen. Edward J. FiUgerald, Fred R. Boyne. j "
be New Day and the Better To-
Mr. and Mrs. William Ruddy, Mr. an—
Mrs. Frank Vncony. George Holland.
jack Heyburn. Jack Ruddy. Miss I _ -
AU oar at oefc ot lasUaa »«JTCI U U , I ^ • j» ln bastaees here. t-lfort to ascertain if he knrw any-
Rabies Wool Carriage Robes-
3.50 to 7 98 Boys or Men's Outing aklrta that were upto 10.00. models al a grs«t aacrtloa. cJaaa. i«a4y to v«ar. aad trteaed K-or aome Ume h* had heen em-l n l n K o f l h e o n f w n o
_ the battle, at Hanassas A splendid sketch. "The Martyr Child" \ • | morrow" was the theme upon which lian OTonnor. Beft Collins. Wlllfai-
3 98 up Pajamas it Reduce*! Prices At $6.49 At 513.98 At $3.98 pipjed » T Merc* * Cwopaay aad was
i -^ . . * _ . • „ .«n_rt».. I RELIGIOUS EDUCATION , Clinton N. Howard, speaking for the Williams. John Rand. Thomas Kat—,
Ladles' Spats— ..irking regalarly "very day Prevl- day Hannah. Bessie Sunday School Worker. Hear Stirring i National Reform Association, addres-. Miss Krama Crciner. Hugh Shanno—.
Children's Sweater Suits— toe Station. Kellys Ford, Bnndy Sta- s e d a l a r g e a u d | e n c e . under the aus- Clifton Smith, the Misses Mar
Ladies' Outing Night Gowns— . . . to retiring he wax talking ef formation.
5 9 8 and 7 98 2 25 a pair tion, Locust Grove, Mine Ron, Demon
Mflroad; Child. Irving
Other parts of the program were:
Addren at Flr»t Baptist Church ,j plceB o f t n e Federation of Churches Ruddy. Margaret. Marie and Anna
1J98to3.75 it Vestry at the reatdenee of L. A.!Mr. aad Mra. C. P. Maary, of
i .-i.-ntmaa.nd what he wanted to get
Mr. OraauB's little boy. who wa. a WOMAN'S TELEPHONE MESSAGE s — U o n - — t n e campaign from the Recitation, Dora Kawut; reading.
"Our schools make boys and girls at Trinity Methodist church Sunday Mullen, Lillian Humlston, Emma Kfn_
•mart without making them good" afternoon. Many present-day evils were Fannie Patchell, Florence Relneman—,
BED BLANKETS BED COMFORTABLES K:<-«I favorite with him. DUcovery of LEADS TO HER ARREST Rapidan to James rivers. After being Mo—le Klein; recitation, _lixabeth Bald Kemper G. McComb, superlnten-' hit hard by the speaker, including vie- jean Gibson, Josephine Heyburn. MB-
BABIES CRIB BLANKETS Parsons. [ton street •PNDAV BRCB-WBM g-t_. W9— - X THK Johuo-'s death WM made . when l i r iroc,,uwu.u» to
Telephoning . u the
„ « police
^ ^ uSunday i _ ln the hoepltal for a time he wasAbro—IOWIU ; solg, Rabbi M. Rabin o-
dent Somerset County Sunday School lation of the Eighteenth Amendment, dred and Grace Holland. Helen Oven*.
2.98 to 12 98 3.98 to 10 00 98c to 5 98 Tueiday, 8 p. m.. Social Chapter 11 * m.. Morale prayer aa4
meets at residence ot Mrs. fred I by rector - T h . Art*_ Lettta* Oo." HISTORIC FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH openw) th« door to go to a' mtKmoaa"tbm!i. 1 murdeT w _ % « n g h0110™*^ diKbarged from service on wltz; reading, "The Maccabees," Sam-
o«t In the room The room - a s ^ - - j f l ^ l n t B , M l l t o n ^ ^ May 4. 19M. On August 11, 1864. he uel Zuman. Association, In an address upon "Re- desecration of Sabbath, attempts of Madeline Ruddy. Messrs. Harry Hanm-
'eters, 60 Albert street. I, 7.45 .p. m..
_ . .Braalac, _ _ aad Ms> Uglous Education—'Its Challenge," the Mormon autocracy to break down ill. Dewey Bragger. John Vunsco. Ed-
prayer 'lied with ga* and Johnson had evi- , h e d t y ^ ^ ^ D e f k g , , . ^ J a c o b re-enlisted in Battery D.' New Jersey Another charming play ln two acts glven last night at First Baptist'the American home, moving picture ward Godfrey. Robert Meagher. Mrs-
Wedneulay. 7.30 p. m.. regnlar t mon by the rector, o_ "Brta«_f Church and Gra_«J vatly b«en .dead tor _>_* time. R e m e r , 0 h n r r y offlcers Jowph KeUy V o i a n t w L 1 * n l ArtiUery and was at- waa then presented. It was entitled
church a. the first of a serlea ot evils and other thingK. Eloquence. Stephen Heyburn. ST., Stephen Hey-
-BT. _. V. « - - • * • > _
Church News iutermedlate and junior departments j for the young people.
and Men's Bible class led by J. D. 7.45 p. m.. Evening worship the ser-
Person of high school faculty. mon will be by Rev. PL A. Blggeratatt
leetlng ot Boy Scouts.

sr meets.
jthe King."
Thursday S40 p. m. Industrial Chap-1 The Church Worker, wfll
. Thursday afternoon with Mra. H. B.
Tart Saaday the a—*ar will nrtas- at U *
II o*doek. la ik* erv«-l-K *•»• ~- A aakllsxlli*.
Daring- the night Mr. Gramm _ , , , - ^ . ^ p^y,^ to t Q ( ) $ c e n e Th
•roeUad gas fatally aad wenl out Into f < m n d t h a t M n u M a _ L Thompson,
th* hall where a new flxtnre bad bean 4 7b d b Maple avenue, was *
tached to the artillery brigade of the "Hannah" and was i— two acts with
- d
a d e he
gade n et o o k
"*" m
™- Wlth lhls bri
quarterly Institutes under a»BPices humor and ridicule were so skillfully burn. Jr . Mr and Mrs Daniel J. Hey-
cast as follows: Hannah Jacobson, of Union County Sunday School As- interwoven that the closest attention burn
" n g * * * - - - »' Miss Freda Krelesberg; Mrs. Jacob-
of FTankllnville. N. Y. Wedneaday, Friday and Saturday Johnson. 114 Hamilton •tree- He*swat
Tort. to • • auk .« :uced that day. bat foand everytalag , , ! , _ , a rumpus _ . . .i _„ Ch.ttin's Farm. Newmarket Heights, son, Miss Sadie Robh—on; Dorothy soclatlon. The need of definite rellgl- of the audience was held at all times.
FIR8T PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH l l a . m.. Church service and sermon gosiMlBe eat* to kear Mr.
R«v. L. Y. Graham, Pastor by pastor, mnslc by chorus choir. Wednesday evening, D e c IS, at ire the autumnal Ember Days. ' • — — — We welees** *> >•>>* <**raft all « k o areswt a f l U U M «l« »H right. A. Mr. Johnson jlways aa*d f | f B i c , u ; g a ( , Varina Road, Chaptn's Pann. capture Brown, Visa Nettie Solawe; Mrs. ous education was shown throughput' .—— —- _ BEAUTIFUL CHRISTMA8

BtMe—scftoof;—prlmaiy. 7.45 o'clock mid-week service Ted by BUro_T T w l heavy after 6—aart Wo want y«a to f*«l thai this ehareb a»«» be yoar rtioirk. . lamp In his rooa th* Oramm. HtUe d e T e t e p e ) J ihmi Hr^ ThompKm had of Richmond. I Brown, Mis. Sadie Miller; Miss Leon the address. ^Mr. McComb said: "To SOCIAL AND PEKSONAL • 6i8PLAY^OF FLOWER—
"~P7~_7.~C_rTstia_ Endeavor Benrice M. _ CHURCH Bitter taaUT Co_pla_ga saBo—? make folks intelligent whose mo- Rahway Is Indeed fortunate to h a t -
the '•pastor. C o i f ) fganat Sajajelaiw thought that the odor came from h m t l t m t u ^ le i e phone menage Previous to this Mr. Avery did duty | ard, Miss Tlllle Freidman; youngest
West Grand St. . I.lrer perhaps) aeeda waking ap. Doaa*t a. the r.sult of the niir.-ary at w i l h i n „„m ( ( l B t s u c h a m o d c , a n d up
Rev. E. A. Qulmby. Pastor RegnleU for bUloas attack*. *0e at THK H0HB4.IKB CNUHCM ih*re- A . the room occupied by Mr. j ^ le<1 to h e r a r r e i , f o r d l K ) r l J e r l y with the battery at the presidential child. Miss Mollle Klein; other chil-1 Uves and spirit are not good Is danger-
uua. Education
_ u u t . u , ^ .„
\ s the r
, tools H j W f s i-.a arware sto-,. Cherry street ( ( ) d a t e f l o r a l establishment as th«
FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ^»«« >h. UI.—MI Bnth Qerutskv. Elira-' o'us. is F
putting o sharp
nd Mra. Qramm and their young soa co0<lacl „,,, mU )_caUoii. election ln New York from Nov. t to dren. the Misses Ruth Qerufsky. _ l r a into handB not able to use them. The businessmen ar» t .Iking of pnttlng on ,. ,
Preaching by the pastor at 11 a m. tall atoraa. | ) | a n l c o n d U cted by J. II. Bai

Is li to you a dreary lanquid spiritless day. If so would you not
R«v. f. Q. Mtrrlll. Pastor
10 a. m., Bible school; Brotherhood and 7.45 p. m.
class, L. A. W. MUbury, leader; topic, Sunday school 10 a m Georie
>d)ofn» that occaptcd by Johnton It Is
r—arkahle that' they were not af-' ^ n > i
(rcted by the gw. but the circulation - N < H W n . b u t
Remer M k e d
t h e repUed.
was honorably

That he was held In high regard by

discharged bcth Abramowlti and Helen Fried- time has come in America when thOBe •' night ~<iuhman for the business
numbers presented
Other numbers presented were a .
who._re taught to be smart should block o.i that thoroughfare.
mann when special occasions occt
H u ( . h .,fi t h eYll ietide season, which U
upon us. it is a pleasure an—
prefer it invigorating. (Hied with Interest and Joy. one that will send
you to your duties nn Monday with a lighter and more thankful
11 a. m.. Morning worship, sermon
Scnaefer, SnpU
Adult Bible class. FREE DELIVERIES AND PROMPT M _ r eaaaed by wU*ow. being op«- - ^ ^ , h f
.^n the other roam, except Johnson's
, , k e his comrades was Indicated by hlafollows: Recitations by Mlltoo F
f that coffee she named re-election a . commander of Barry
ager, Sidney
Fried- also
Roblnsno,! I
»i«n be
hr taught
tiiueht to
h to
to be
be eood.
good. They
a living,
They aare a There
but nnot l Clt
was a hot session last nulght a ) m o ! . |
Hall between the Mayor and tinn to know that we han-
heart. theme, "Elijah tinder the Juniper - 7 p. m . Bpworth League n w l l m Hyman Cohen. Thejhow to live. •Education alone will -chief of. poUce regarding enforce-. . s u t , h i iiuUiution lo turn to. where
prevented any aertoa. molts to " ' h ment of the prohibition hibiti l w Satur-
law. Satur have but to pxpress a wish and ft
You can spend an interesting, enjoyable time at Tree;" children's sermon on "The 3.30 p. m.. Go to Trinity church to certain well known grocery public. Just a week previous to h i .
The First Baptist Church, Rahwoy,
Ri:V. F R A N C I S _.. M E R R I L L
at i l A M. --evening 7.45 gives an address equal to anything we can
Christmas Tree."
p. m., Y. P. S. C. E-, topic, •'Wise
Sayings that Have Helped Me"
the Clinton N*. Howard meeting.
Prayer meeting Wednesday night.
Fair at the church continued to-
7 45 p. m.. Evening worship, sermon nlclit and Saturday night.
A Big Saving in Best Quality Goods '.imlly. in Cherry street where it might be He was connected with the American and Hebrew national ^ j ™ " ™ ^ ™ ; , , j E d w a r d T omp-'day a resident of Church street en-w | 1 , h p , _ „ „ „ .
were sung In conclusion. ' . . . ^ . T i f l ! 1 « . „,,M,n.n7thB _ _ _ tered police station and wanted an _ h e „, , o f C n istmaa
at the Baumann greenhouses
more beautiful than ever and
r flowers

hear in the hi^ cities, clear, forceful, original. No pussyfoot, but th u special trip just to s e e
str-ight from tin.- shoulder he fires, and his shots hit. Come and hear on "The Eternal Triangle."
bin and you uill be glad to comeagain. Hisfiveminute talks to the
chidren; unique, exceptional—are alone, well worth coming to hear.
Splendid Sunday school; Benj. L. Crue. Superintendent—10
Monday. Dec. 13, p. m. Monthly 1
meeting of the pastor and deacons at
Rev. J. Wm. Ryder. Pastor
10 a. m., Sunday school.
Specials Friday, Saturday, December 10, II notified and after Investigation
Aid It was .Blcld*, The body wa«
GIVEN SURPAI8E PARTY K u * c u "' ""•<-' ••-~~ - •
»„ ...imMihli. mmri-. i _ n v w«. iBn his active career and always waa held; h i s

«nlcient services. -imam™ ^ u - = , ^^^ „.„„. ,
Huisite flowers representing
as they do species of flora from all

o'clock, A. M. the parsonage. ^kea in charge by Rahwack Tribe. ^ ^ . - . 1 ^ 1 " Mr' ln hl h

* " « « • » »r » " hi f e o w
cltlxens. Hebrew flags were distributed. Every presided and made timely remark*.' Plaint but failed to do so.
i a.
o. m.. Public
ui,, A ui/iil, worship, sermon
Also another feature of exceptional Interest, for men only. N, 165. improved Order of R«d Men. a ' j M r ! w G Kettner ol "l E _ tI I p PO»»essed many sterling qualities' child received a box of chocolates. A Secretary Richard J. Morton urged| Detective Sergeant T h o m s o n and p ( m s o { , h e R ) o b e
Wednesday. Dec. 15, 7.45 p. m., Mid-1 by thv pastor 'The Ass that Wouldn't Best lend a
Tlic Brotlicrhood o fA n d r e w a n d I'hlllp
Meets every Sunday morning at 10 o'clock. Wm. H. Scheld,
President. Frederick B. Orvis, Vice President. L. A. Wilmot Mllbury,
woek meeting of the church; topic. "A|GO." Music by the choir.
Better Prayer Meeting;" opening 3.30 p. m.. Platform meeting for
Coffee, lb 25c Best Butter, lb - 58c
Plantation :!.- only organliatton with which the "-."I
-ceasedv » r . _ _fceown
waa _ to have been af- _Hazelwood
h e t l _ e _ aavenue.
Snrt.v ._t a n d W M a 1 " " " recogniied a. a sub- contest held for-a smokers stand)nated
g w e ) , o Saturda>
ni nt
c c u p t e ( , w l t h K ,- sianu.i
„„„„„, ec.| tUI IxceUn . | won
the stand by Josephto theFriedman.
associationHe and donated
was sunort
It was' gram
An Orphan
the Near
gram urpnaji AUUIIUUU u a j .
flne Day.
violin solo! Newark
Payne were
At Newark
In New
Payne m^aarty
T h pR e n l a ]
n .n j s
letor> j
b u B yc a ii
B rneeevt el nr K t 0tQ0 M (Q

.11 callers, rmd" t o
through thc-
.^ _.__J . . .,.„ ,netting
. . « , i o , i nan substnnti
it omo' was Anrendered
excentlonally flne Virginia

MBr). Coffee, lb - 30c Jersey Potatoes, pk 45c

Leuder. Men of all creeds or no creed, are cordially Invited to come Bible story, "Achan's Trespass." everybody. Addrreas by Clinton N. Sll.ted. The fueraT service will be „ , „d l Y e r a l n e < 1 9rogTIUB ot K O c l _ d l . ' The funeral service was held at his sold at suction n n r t tantlal by Miss Bai- found a photograph closely resembling s e o 1 j ) n ( ( h p j . a r ps n o w n t descrf po-
and take part in the discussions which are open to all and of Intense Thursday, Dec. 16, 2 p. m.. Ladles' Howard. "A New Day and A Better v i d tomorrow aifernoon at 3.30 T e _ l o n , | n c l u d | n g m u . i c dancing and home.yesterday afternon, the Rer. laseyus ,of high school faculty, with, ~ a " » h o thrust
morning following gun burglary
In his faceat Friday
Rob- , _tion a n y of K r i l ( the B P S a n d #v plants an—
> n h o udiversified
lntirest. Aid Society at the parsonage; 8 p . m . Tomorrow." flock at the funeral parlor, of Un- ft flne c o l l a l l o n A m o n g t h o 8 ( > p r t , 9 e n t J. W. Ryder, pastor of Trinity Metho- The program was particularly well Miss Margaret Collyer, accompanist. — * — — »—ii«—.l«cr K i i p ^ i n r v lit R o b - . . , »i in i
dial church, officiating. Interment was erts' hardware Btore. s flowers.
Next Sunday will be discussed, "Is there a Hell and who goes Church choir practice. 7 p. m.. Epworth League prayer <l»rtaker Harry I»hmlller. Main i _ e _ . T h e„ , „ , , , A 1 I c ea n d dial church, officiating. Interment was I presented, especially when It is con- : ,
there." Do churchy members have any better chance of going to heaven In Haielwood cemetery.
than those who are not." "If God hates sin why does he not destroy
the wicked." "Who .would sell all he had to buy one peart." Subjects
so interesting you will be glad you came.
Saturday, Dec. 18, 7 p. m_. Camp and praise senrlce.
Fire Girls, church parlors. 7.4S p. m.. Public worship, sermon L Coffee, Tti^ 35c Label Catsup, 22c Mreet. Interment will bf ln Kahway , ) r a d T o f E l l l a b e l h . l h e M l g a e s
• emetery. Evuia. Rita and Lucy Fox. Margaret C. E. BUSINESS MEETING
Bidered that only tour days and three 78TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED j St. Mary's Alumni completed plans
rehearsals were used.In the prepara:
Surrounded by a Joyous group f last night for reception to class of
relatives, and friends Mrs. Anna L. 1 1920 tonight.
The Woman's Relief Corps l a w
by the pastor, "Flying i s the Face of Fl.her. Kathrwyn Davis, Messrs. Jack Al the monthly business meeting Wilson, of 65 Factory street, pleasant- Daughters of Liberty will meet to- n ) g h t e ) e ( , t e d o f f l < . e r s a s f o l l o W B . p , . ^ . .
Come and Enjoy Ttaeee Profitable Hours tECONO PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
Fr h
PoVk Shoulders, lb 27c ForeqoartersLamb)b28c
Rtv. W. H. Carver. Paster. ProTidence." Music by the choir. DEPT. COMMANDER ANDE VI8IT8 D DaaTT
^ ^ Adam, o f N e w York. and social of the Christian Endeavor - . !ly celebrated her 78th birthday anni- morrow night for election of officers. ^ ^ M r sw g D u r m e r . 8 e n l o r v j , - .
and soc C I A L
10.30 a. m., Dlrine worship with ser- Wednesday 3.30 p. m., The Pocket • A R R V POST O. A R Jack
A. R. ArUlar Brlu Jcr,ey clly.
church held l»st night with the Misses: ' " \ " " " - - • -;V"V," „ . MrB
; , versary last evening. Excellent music Thursday night they will assemble in nodlne-.
](>ntM r g w l n l a m L
mon by the pastor and anthems by the Testament class will meet at the ... | Adolph Ulbrich. of 166 Hamilton street w a B p r 0 T lded by Miss Kale Dale and tront of National Bank at 7.30 and go
o f E7 f vice-regldent M r sJ e 3 s e V a a .
vested chorus choir. church. S p. m. Mid-week prayer
0 , was the scene of a pleasant social M , g B M a r g a r e t Dltmars. vkrlou. 'to Elisabeth to visit Mystic CounclL • d e r h o v e n . t r e a a u r e r ' M r s „,.„•„_,
11.45 a. m.. Graded Sunday School meeting In charge of the pastor.
Goody Nut B u t t e r Rib Lamb Chop* Sawtay Shortcniof offering and i « atherln
« o n Siturday evenlng when
, social diversions were enjoyed fol-| William Christ, 14, Linden, bad one S t e p n e n 8 . ; c o n Q u c t r e 8 6 . « , „ K a t h r y I 1
with Bible classes for all ages. Thursday. 8 p. m.. choir rehearsal
33c 28c lb 30c tan
they entertained • " " " . w nf Out^,f.!, , K , . «„„ , n I , a t | n n . Mrs. WU- >>and badly crushed by getting It D u r m c r . g u a r d M r s E f f | e p ^ ^ , , .
J p. m.. Sunday School at a t the church. including Senior Vice-command,
Street Chapel. liinlel Lyac—, Newark
T p. m., Christian Bndearor serrtee
for young people. Rev. A. Wriaht Pastor New California Chuck Roait California Lima Bc«n« Jpr»ey City; Aulstaat
ALWAYS A GOOD SDOW II a, m.. Morning serrlce, with ser- w InuU Mr,. plans last night for entertaining the flr8t _ _ Januan. _ne chart)_
Telephone 15O
Matinee, at 3.30
Matinee, at 3.30 P. M
Evening, at 7 and 9 P.M
7.41 p. m., Dlrine worship with
atereoptlcoa lecture by the pastor oa
"The Wonderful Story of our Pilgrim
moo by ReT. j . R. Harris, of Virginia.
11 m., Sunday school. .
' 3 5 c lb 25c lb 13c lb
-nl and Qaartermaater General
Dwlght S U M m i _ b e t h ; Chaplatn
lKr». WniUua T. Abbott. Asbury Park; ; M l M Qnc9
_ _ _ SURPRISED „,.__„
ou Ul .cr.. and Miss Gladys Helm- Music and refreshment, added to the Howard Wilson.
^ ^ a— n(J _ -, _„„ , , d e d ^ p U n a ,
Hoffman, daughter of V a r f ( m l o t n e r n^ru showed much
jand'Mr.!' R."°W. Elltett.. Mr..'
Orange; Rev. Carteret firemen Thursday night. _ M d f
Mrs. Jame.,
James when ~»en the latter latter come to tms this cuy
city wto „ A Av v ee
, „ ^ d e a t h Qf G e o _ _ r
cc oo m
mmm aa nn dd ee rr o„,
f ^ ^p ^
ETenln_a, 7.10 * 9 15 P.M « p BU B. T. P. U.
MAIN ST. Father*." fnastratod with many riewa. New Mixed Nuts Paat Coa—-ader* Teaca. WeaTer. M r a n d M ~ . joMph Hoffman, of 6» i e U T , t y g ^ ! , ) time and refresh- AUTOS COLLIDE
| Thomp«>n, Mrs. W. Burdge, Mrs. J. E. Present• -cup • • - •recently
— " » » won
won h»by » hl> local
the loci Q _' . _
„ J.J... _
Qne candWaUl w a g lnltl,te-,

TODAY The Tested choir will sing at this aer-

7 p m., Ruth Missionary Circle. Sirloin Steak New Large Orcfon Cannon, Wlttlam H. Bry»on. W. O. a , _ l B , - . r o u e , waa pleawntly wr- ^ ^ f o H o w e d meeting. Automobiles driven by Hngh
- D a l e , Miss Kate Dale. Mr. and Mrs. company at a firemen's celebration
Tka Oraat B'w.j ••cce»« TODAY
The prayer meetlag will be eon-
I p m, Brenlag serrlce
Wedneeday erealng I e'eloek 30c lb 35c lb Prune. Allen. R. Neartua, Chief ef Staff J. | l r U e d ^ , 1 , , night by a goodly com-
H arhUe. Coawadea Ttrwnley. B. Joha- „ , „ , o f y o u n | t people. A varied pro- MMrti
^ ^p _ i ( m t _ e r e . p - ^ a e n t M l . a
Ln dlow. Secretary Miss Irene I
f SI Irving
eller. SOI M.rk.t sstr^t.
"" ' - — —-•-•_•.
„„,• McLelah, Mr. •«_ „
oitmars. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dit,
t r ^ t . ^ oitmars.
and. , Mrs.
_ , . Wat,
_•„!. In that n a t place.

_ ^«_«h Mrs.
F1 1 JB

JR. O. U: A. M. BUSY
n o mnl M . U;
t l o A.
n oM. t BUSY
^ ^ _„,_,
dncted by the pastor on Wedneeday •rayer meetlag. n]ght >t Beel|Bt of
"Sherry" Buck Jones
at I p. m.
Meeting of Trastees on. Tuesday at
Pet Eraporated Milk
Rib Roast, Blade-End Roaadale Califernia
sam. Logaa. Troxell. It was reported _ , „ , o f g«me.. vocal and ln.trumentai H a r r l m a j l R e T _ Y . Graham, Rus-
4urlng the meeUag that there are U,- _ a , l c d a n c i n g and ^ L u d l o w „„, M i , 8 e B 8 . d i e Bartel..
if veteraaa et the CITII War l W l n « | t h e h o u _ p , . , quickly. Al^bad a E d y t h e A D d e r , o n , _ „ _ Sallng, Llla
, , „ , „ < „ Sunday night • _ » _ , M rr tt .
.dd ok e ktata 88 LL Q.O,.- aveJM,
. c h
AA iil cl < ., A
. r l e .
Anna. Margaret
Dltmara. the
Margaret, FFlor-,
the opened by Mr.. E. MeGough
l o r B e r t h a BT a ul eo ra a t f f , * » iues In
T" l o a" -tractive lT novelties
o e to
CounC N Ml J U n r
nomlmltlon wlI1 follow
"' °- '° °" " *" ""
• Cottar*farlb« family—*!••
Ruth Kolund la the
14th Rplsode of "The Square Shooter" I p. m. with J. J? Tall, 1M Bryant
street Meeting of Ushers on Thurs- mon.
i. PraneU VanowrMraV Paater
II a. m.. PahUe worship with ser- I4c can 25c lb Peaches la New J«raay. that 1.7M died la Oo-1 d e , , g M r o i time.] Those » ? « * n t w e r e :
—Mews e« vetaraai M U i J e , , l e wiater, W*fren Winter.
Q l a d y B H elm«Udter. Ada Smith. one was iajared
rma Whltehead.
eom.r of Harriao. str^t. No'Tnee and Ruth Dltmara, Mr. and I l t a . embroidered
aad enly
| da_age m i done to the maehlaes
slight Frank Worth, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Worth. Ear. Worth. Mis. Clara E n , , «

C e . may
linen and other fancv ar-
be obtained. In opening Z ^ J ^ J Z T . " £ « _ ,

teber, white 'Ernest Wln.ter, MlsT Mildred Dlxon,

n an4 E
' R.Ih ef the Roehies" • I r»«l thrillt—_ w u t e r n dr>—• day at 8 p. m. with Spencer Wyekoff 11 noe. Class) Sleeting.
N«w Whol* Rice jand, Or.ce. Clifford and Ch.rl. WU- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • ^ X «"»- - - - « " - « " - • » —
• • William street
titt the sa_e ateath. Roy Smith, William Frederick., of MOOSE ARE GROWING NOTICE
COMBDV NB\TS alao m food 1 p. m., Snnday sjehooL
PorUrhoua* Roatt ™.L"""1^1' *T*^ ,
KeUo||« Corn Fleket Pour applications for membership ' • - • •- -ad not been used in „
Coneay ami Viideiil Rjviet Boys' Scouts meet at church on Fri- 7 p. m., Allen C. • . League; topic
lie lb •C the «_ea»et Fire- j
Westfleld; Channcey Barber. BlUa
^ ! " ^ i n g Maxfleld. Cranlord; the eived last night »t. the meet-
Th« regular annual meeting ef the
some time. The Junior Club will elect officer—

38c lb Stockholders of the Rahway Traat

days at 7 p. m. At the w e r e r6C
"Wise Sayings that Hare Helped Me." OBltUARY
5 Big Acts of TOMORROW
"A Church for the People with a
Welcome for all." mon
8 p. m., Public worship with ser-
Sweet Apple Cider
I4c pkg mea's AatodaUo- hel4 Mday nlghf
tonwir CU^fi WUllaia A. • d ftrey
Battle.Scatt. Bd- [ug Q{ ^ h - a , t^odge. No. 1.S63. Loyal Company, Rahway, N. J.. win be held
r e anlj na" Johnson. Haxel Holland. Helen O r d e r o f M o o l e . incomplete return. on Tuesday January 11 19« at nine Theodore Mori-
I Matthew Lints Balled Sunday on the ""Kresslng. A now pool table wa
'Columbia from New York for Scotland
Chafja» Dittibach were ^ n e d del* Schultli Doris Slater. Catherine Gruen- r r o m t h e r e c e n t g h o w given at the i;m- 'o'clock A. M. POIIB will remain 'after a vlBil with his brother, Frank l n s t : l " o ( 1 Saturday.
i open
Vaudeville Show Corinne Griffith ST. TAUL'S CHURCH
praise meeting.
erenlng prayer aad
50c gal. Chopped Slcak Prepared l^tince Meat * : B d oft Repre»entatlvea.
nates tto the^oard R»ent er Grace Hoffman. Messrs. Edgar p ) r e , n d l oate that $!00 , „ „„ _„„„„
Theodore Moriti, aged 76, died tc-
! day at his home 569 St. George avenue. > L l n t s - a n d '"-»»• o f 6 3 E B l l e x 8 l r e e t - RAHWAY WINS FIRST GAME
__k our friend• about tbam Rev. H. A. L. Sadtlsr, Rector The^innnaL election of tBe Exempts. Iwi . » . _ ^ e . Charles h l Brandon
Brandon, George b e m l | x e d . Meeting was largely at-J
George JAN VAN HERWERDEN. I . . ' ,., , „ „ . I Mr. Linta resides in Chicago , ,. ,and . .is
, (Rahway High School started th—

1I10 —
"The Whispering {Market"
7.30 a. m., Holy communion, corpor- Thursday evening clam chowder
ate communion for the Vestry and Al- Supper under the auspices of the
Pleue brief y«ir JB( 25c lb 25xrjar will u k e place next meeting- In the' Scaff. Fred Bauer, Joseph Hoffman. t e n d o d
absence ot President George Franks, Mr and Mrs. Joaeph Hoffman, of this m e n t 8 f o u o w e d meeting.
A social time imil refresh-

December 11, 1910.

goingto Scotlnnd on a visit with . [ , . , ,
. . . , .. _ , . , brtsketball season Friday by trouncing;
„ ,. . . .

• l«o 8J epliodi) of tar chapter. Ladles' Parsonage Club at Mrs. Clin- I mother for several months. During his , ' -
"The Little Wtederer11 9.30 a. m., Sunday ichool, Practice; ton Taylor's residence, 28 Nowton
who was Injured during the week, city.
' dc!4oaw4w
I . , . Union H gh 28-18. Meier, Hall, Berry-
"The Phantom Fie" vice-president Charlea W. Mlntel pro-
a plRlllro f"ri l l
Good Comedy \ of the Christmas carols will be con- street Wednesday, December IS, Doable Stamps on all Parcha-e Paid atStort nlded. while former Councilman Ar- . „ . „ WOMAN FRACTURES HIP Court Victory. Daughters ot laa-
NOTICE ot Arthur
Mr. andD.Mrs.
Arthur D. Lacy.-
, -tay here he was tendered a recep- H o w a r d wpre ^ ^
tinued. Harry Simmons, superinten- 'A hearty welcome to all. Lacey, agedH.3Lacoy.
years, Lin,
son tlon at h a brother a home He had < ^ ^
Monday dent.
thur Schaefer served aa secretary. Mr. H^gh Roarke. 71 years old, of „„„.. will hold an Important meeting The regular annual meeting of the den ii-i at Rahway Hospital today. His former
ot Mr. and Mrs. Claude H. Lacoy. Lin-, an oi>poitunl«y to enjoy .< •init with college chum, James Bur- ' " . "-"
1M ^ M l l t o a avenue, fell Saturday ] l o n U h t at St. Marys hall. All mem- stockholders of the Rahway National Parents and brother and slBter sur- ron, of H4 Hamilton street. p l a n s a r eb e l n g m a d e b y
ELMO LINCOLN in Monday 11 a. m., (not 10.30) Morning prayer, HOLY COMFORTER CHURCH
Sixty five out of overy huudred men afternoon while about her housework; bere- n r e urged to be present. BarV Rahway. N. J.. will be held on vive.
Hebry B. Ker, of Jersey City, vlaited Y l l c h t c l u b t o r o N e w Y e a r . g e T e d t l r .
litany, and address by the rector. R«v. Robert W. Elliott, Rector Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Oliver. 228 n p r f o r m e m b e r s only.
"Under Crimson Sky" An all »t«r c u t in
Third Sunday in Advent are dependent on others, at seventy— w the kitchen and fractured her left, - A G R I C ULTURE
Tueiday, January 11, 1921, at eleven
7.30 p. m., Evening prayer and ser- <lo you want to bo one of the sixty- Wp. Dr.. J- M. Randolph «_d G. B . | Mr. and Mra. Jesse Vanderhoven, of Main street, Sunday. I
"The White Riders" mon by the rector.
7.30 a. m.. Holy communion.
fivo? Begin to aave now—make the
&r « ° u
^ mectlng o f t h e board , 111 o'clock A. M. Polls will remain open
60 William street, have received post Mrs. Barbara Hell of 34 Lufayette Ten dollars a week deposited regsr-
N<»i»—IJ**el(MiitiK XniH*>
N«l_— Beginning Xt_n« Day and 10 a. m., Sunday school. Miss
(lit* rent tu-i b v ryj+Hiwit
From 2.30 to & p. m. The ETery. Ambler, of Japan, will speak AIL Rahway Rational Bank pay yon Inter- JAN VAN HBRWERDEN, cards from their son, Leslie, who Is street, is spending ten daj'B at the larly in the Saving Dept. ot the R—k-
i .iiiul_. .. LU*ir*3*.i'ler_»v*ry -H*itir*tny—mntt Courthouse, Elisabeth. Farm
member Canvass" wlirb'e 'made. Please Elyslan Country Club. Colombia, with way National Bank for ten years W_K
Rolldn V nur mHth>"»- wi holiday our mmiucH win iUrt /Heads.of school Invited. Miss Amb- e«tjm..yonr aavingi account at 4 pet Cashier In the V. 8. Merchant Marine! He was
remain In until the canraasers-have n ca. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry McVlcar ami fam- amount to Seven thousand dollars—•
• l2;80 lu.leiw) u.f 8:8» p. froia d. y of deposit. *-u Xma. OltU— Black Enamel l:it Hit- (1- J.n elro, Brazil, ard
at 2.80 p. m. 1 of 8.80 p. m. called. - - •• ler Ise daughter of missionary, was i December 11. 1M0.
jeylsg sen lite. -x- Won't von be llad to have that 1

°^J__rrr •" w-sr_i-T"

l*>rn In Japan and Is lu tlili country .. 1 tflfirt i t MtH"f** dec i t o»w 4w
Monday, 8 p. m . Monthly Beating on a furlough. nuc-«» T ^ - - - - - -
She la the guest of Secretary-

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