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What is 3D Printing?

3D printing is the process of creating a three dimensional physical object from

a digital design, typically from layering many thin layers on top of each other.
The usage of 3D printing is growing and it is currently being used in the
following sectors: aerospace, medical, automotive and construction.
What does Cazza do?

Cazza provides 3D printing construction technology and services. We sell 3D printing technology that
can be used to build a wide variety of buildings and structures. We also provide design, engineering
and construction services to help you build your 3D printed dream home

What Can Be Printed With Cazza’s Technologies?

The Cazza X1 robot can build two to three story buildings and structures. This
includes: houses, villas, mansions, cottages, commercial buildings, offices and
free standing structures. Currently, if you can think it under 9m tall, it can be

What are the benefits of 3D printing?

3D printing is more cost effective, efficient and safer then traditional methods.

Cost effective: Material and labor cost savings, are up to 37% lower than using traditional methods.
Projects use less materials and may have half as many personnel required to build a structure.

Safer: 3D printing construction reduces the number of workers on site. Not only does this reduce the
cost of labor and labor related costs, but it also reduces the number of workplace accidents.

Efficient: In comparison to traditional methods, 3D printing is up to 76% quicker. Robots don’t need
breaks and can work on average faster than the average person.

Error Reduction: 3D printers are reliable and reduce the potential for human error.

Environmentally friendly: Up to 55% less concrete usage in 3D printing for structure construction. 3D
printing construction also reduces construction waste on site.

Are 3D printed structures safe?

Yes they are!

Our structures are built mainly using concrete and are designed for maximum
strength through topology optimization, which optimizes material layout within
a given design space, for a given set of loads, boundary conditions and

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