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Name: Emma Turner Date 11/29/18

Area: Leadership Development

Job: Working in Teams
- This lesson occurs at the beginning of the year/semester. The goal is to get
students to think about what makes them a good team member, and to
communicate those roles as expectations. By the end of the lesson, the class
will have created a set of expectations that the students have agreed to and
will sign.
- ESSK.07.01.a Analyze the various roles of leaders within organizations (e.g.
contribute ideas; share in building an organization; act as role models to
employees by adhering to company policies, procedures, and standards;
promote the organization’s vision; and mentor
- ESSK.07.01.e Consider issues related to self, team, community, diversity,
environment, and global awareness when leading others.
- ESSK.07.03.a Work with others to achieve objectives in a timely manner.
- ESSK.07.03.b Promote the full involvement and use of team members'
individual talents and skills.
- ESSK.07.03.c Employ conflict-management skills to facilitate solutions.
- ESSK.07.03.d Demonstrate teamwork skills through working cooperatively
with coworkers, supervisory staff, and others, both in and out of the
organization, to achieve particular tasks.
- ESSK.07.03.e Demonstrate teamwork processes that provide team building,
consensus, continuous improvement, respect for the opinions of others,
cooperation, adaptability, and conflict resolution.
- ESSK.07.03.f Develop plans to improve team performance.

- Students will analyze strengths and weaknesses of team dynamics through
- Students will create (as a class) a set of expectations for group/class work
that will be agreed upon by every student.
Materials Needed:
- Notecards
- Posterpaper
- Markers
Plan of Action (time included):
Ask students to take 30 seconds and record every team they have ever been a part of.
Discuss- What made that team successful? What made it challenging?
You will have to work in teams your entire life. Sometimes it will be fun and sometimes
it will be a drudgery. However, there are some tools we can employ to make in a useful
experience either way. Do you have to be friends with members of your team to be
1. Students get 5 notecards. On the first three, each student writes 1
value/characteristic/practice that is a positive attribute to a team dynamic. On
two, they are to write 1 obstacle/issue that can arise in team work.
2. Students put all of the “Good” cards from their table group into one pile in the
middle and all the “bad” cards into another.
3. Students in each group take turns pulling cards from the positive pile, reading
them to the group and then discussing the importance of that card and how
they can each do the good thing. (1 min per item). Once all the good cards have
been read/discussed, they do the same thing with the “bad” cards.
4. Table groups create a list of expectations for team work.
- See Assessment Plan
Knowledge/Skills/Dispositions targeted on this lesson
- When/why do we work in teams?
- What are the benefits to working in teams?
- What characteristics of a team make it successful/unsuccessful?
- Work with others to develop a code of conduct
- Communication
- Active Listening
- Discussion
- Analyzing
Assessment Plan-What did students learn? How do you know?
Ask the following questions while students are working in groups
- Tell me an example of a time when that helped your team.
- Tell us why that characteristic makes group work challenging.
- When else would you use that?
- When else would you avoid that?
- What is the benefit of working in teams?
- What happens if not everyone is on the same page?
Have 1-2 members of each group share out. Lead class in compiling a complete set
of expectations on a poster for their class for the year. Discuss why each expectation
is necessary and important. Make it positive (“do this” not “avoid this”). Ask each
student to sign.
 Content
 Activity
 Assessment

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