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Web Programming Using HTML, DHTML and JavaScript

Module 1: HTML

Module Objective:

The participants will have an understanding of

• Web Concepts
• Hypertext language
• How to create web page

Chapter 1: Introduction to web concepts.

About the World Wide Web

Client/Server Architecture
Web Concepts

Chapter 2: Creating web pages

Web Server, uploading Web pages on server

HTML page

Chapter 4: Displaying Text and Customizing web pages

Displaying Text, formatting text

Listing content of web page

Chapter 5: Inserting images and Imagemap

Inserting Images
Clickable Images and Imagemap

Chapter 6: HTML Forms

Web forms
Form control and designing

Chapter 7: Frames

Frame formatting
Targeting frames

Module 2: DHTML using CSS

Module Objective:

The participants will have an understanding of

• Difference between HTML and DHTML

• Explain features of DHTML

Web Programming Using HTML, DHTML and JavaScript

• List Dynamic content in DHTML

• Use CSS in Web page

Chapter 1: Introduction to DHTML

What is DHTML
Difference in HTML and DHTML

Chapter 2: DHTML and StyleSheets

Types of Stylesheet and it’s use

Module 3: Introduction to Scripting

Module Objective:

The participants will have an understanding of

• Basic Scripting concepts

Chapter 1: Overview of JavaScript

Evolution of JavaScript
Browser Capabilities in applying script to web page

Chapter 2: Writing Java Script code

Getting started with Coding

Chapter 3: Variables, Data types and Operators in JavaScript

Variables and data types

Role of Operators in Script

Module 4: Conditional and Looping construct

Module Objective:

• How to use of conditional Statements and looping Constructs

The participants will have an understanding of

Chapter 1: Conditional Statements and looping constructs

if….else, switch statement

do…while loop
for, statement

Web Programming Using HTML, DHTML and JavaScript

Module 5: Functions user defined and Built-in Objects

Module Objective:

The participants will have an understanding of

• How to use functions and built in objects

Chapter 1: Built-in objects

Date() object, all it’s methods and Properties

how to declared, initialized and populate array, its methods,
properties and practical application
String and math Object

Chapter 2: User defined functions

Defining function
Calling functions
Passing parameter through function

Module 6: Document Object Model

Module Objective:

The participants will have an understanding of

• All Objects in DOM(Document Objects Model)

• Methods and Properties of each object

Chapter 1: Document Object Model

window, history, navigator, Location, event and screen objects

Use of setTimeout() and clearTiemout()

Module 7: Event handling

Module Objective:

The participants will have an understanding of

• All Events use in Web pages

• How to implement events

Chapter 1: Event handling

Events such as onclick, onmouseover, onmouseout, onchange,

onerror, onfocus, onkeypress
How to use these events

Web Programming Using HTML, DHTML and JavaScript

Module 8: Cookies and Regular Expression

Module Objective:

The participants will have an understanding of

• Implementing Cookies
• Using regular expression

Chapter 1: JavaScript and cookies

Cookies and its features

Write cookie, read and delete cookie
How to apply cookie

Chapter 2: Regular Expression in JavaScript

Pattern matching
Use of special characters
match(), replace() function in regular expression

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