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Installation and configuration of the Web Home Pi system (from the image):

1. Format the SD card (with a capacity of at least 4 GB) in SDFormatter.

2. On the formatted card using the Win32DiskImage program, install the image of the Web Home Pi system.
Download the image here: or (interface in English) (interface in Russian)

3. Install the SD card in Raspberry Pi, connect Raspberry Pi to the LAN and power up

4. Using the IPScan program, determine the IP address of Raspberry Pi on the local network (for example,

5. Run the Putty program and configure access to Raspberry Pi - your IP, port - 22, user name - pi, password -

6. Run WinSCP program and configure access to Raspberry Pi - your IP, port - 22, user name - root, password
- admin. This program is a file manager, to copy files and folders to Raspberry Pi.

7. Log in to Raspberry Pi at: your IP: 8000 (for example,, user name - webiopi, password -
raspberry. The specified user name and password can then be changed

8. Connect the necessary sensors (DS18B20, TSL2561, DHT22, SHT21), relay and other devices

9. Connect the necessary controllers (weather station, radio module) to the RS485 bus.

10. In the menu item Configuration of the web interface, perform the user-specific settings, the sensors used,
if necessary, clear the event logs, clear the graph data.

Set up sending e-mail when the inputs are triggered:

Recipient - e-mail to which the message is sent

Sender - e-mail from which the message is sent
SMTP server - Sender's SMTP server
Login – login (user name) of the sender's e-mail
Password - password of the sender's e-mail

11. Reboot Raspberry Pi. The system is ready for operation


All connections must be carried out in strict accordance with the scheme !!!
For a detailed connection of all the elements, see the project schematic diagram at this link -

1. In order for the system to work, the BMP085 sensor must be connected !!!
But the system WebHomePi can run without the sensor BMP085. To do this, you need to comment the
bmp085 line in the configuration file.
To open the configuration file in the Putty program, you must run the following command:
sudo nano /etc/webiopi/config

to comment (#):

bmp = BMP085 <==> #bmp = BMP085

Then you need to save your changes. Click on the keyboard of the computer from which you are running the
Raspberry Pi control on the SSH:

Ctrl and O, Enter, Ctrl and X

Reboot Raspberry Pi

Now that you can see the interface of the system, you only need the Raspberry Pi. All other sensors and
devices can be connected as needed.

2. In the image, support for the display of HD44780 is disabled.

If you want to connect such a display, open the file:

sudo nano /etc/webiopi/config

and uncomment (no #):

#myscript_4 = /home/pi/myproject/python/
myscript_4 = /home/pi/myproject/python/

For more information, see the website:

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