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Lucid dreaming:

The 3 Ds technique:

1. Dream recall [tonight I remember my dream I have excellent dream recall (x21 times at least
as Buddhists say)
2. Dream diary: write down your dreams/ spot patterns (interpretation not needed necessarily)
3. Dream signs: connected to finding patterns within your dreams (something that you always
see in your dream, that’s your dream sign, indicating that you are dreaming e.g talking
animals, dead people, last week I saw this talking elephant 3 times, or I saw my dead
grandma twice  before you go to sleep you, after having found your sign remind yourself
of your patterns, and dream signs and you say ‘’ok, if between now and breakfast I see my
dead grandma, then I must be dreaming, if between now and breakfast I see this talking
elephant then I must be dreaming (do this as you fall asleep)

Because seeing a dead person, or a talking animal does not happen when we are awake, this means
we must be dreaming and we use this as trigger so that it becomes lucid.

Maya technique set an intention to become lucid

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