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Page A12, Saturday, October 16, 2010 Carroll County Times

Planes IF YOU GO
From Page A1 What: Collings Foundation Wings of Freedom Tour
Where: The Wings of Freedom Tour will be on dis-
Elmer Shildt Jr., of Lit- play at Carroll County Regional Airport in Westmin-
tlestown, Pa., said he comes ster
out every year to check out When: Saturday and Sunday 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
the planes. Monday 10 a.m. to noon.
Shildt, 64, an Air Force vet- Details: For plane tours and event information, call
eran who helped load bombs 410-591-3315 or visit
onto B-52 bombers during
the Vietnam War still retains
the love of airplanes he’s had about the bombers and their foundation, said he loves fly-
since he was a child. crews. ing the powerful fighter
Beyond being in awe of the Now when the 69-year-old plane that is considered one
planes Shildt enjoys the op- sees the planes he can’t help of the greatest planes ever
portunity he has to interact but to think about those that built.
with the dwindling number flew the missions or kept the “All these bruises on my
of World War II veterans that planes in the air during the right arm are from when they
come to see the planes each war. twist it to try to get me to fly
year. “They had a job to do and it. They don’t have to twist
“I love to talk to the people they did it,” he said. very hard,” Eberhardt said.
that used to fly [the planes] The guests weren’t the
and work on them,” he said. only ones having a good Reach staff writer Adam
Phil Buddemeyer, of Cock- time. Bednar at 410-751-5908 or DAVE MUNCH/STAFF PHOTO
eysville, said his interest was Stuart Eberhardt, who vol- adam.bednar@carrollcoun Visitors check out a B-24 parked at Carroll County Regional Airport in West-
peaked by a television show unteers to fly the P-51 for the minster Friday as part of the Wings of Freedom Tour.

From Page A1

anti- Semitism in a com-

pletely different way.
Actor Peter Boyer, who
plays one of the business-
men responsible for kid-
napping the Hasidic Jew,
said nobody would be of-
fended if they looked past
the anti- Semitic central
message and simply came
to realize the satirical na-
ture of what is taking place
in the film.
“Somebody once told me
if you don’t catch any flack,
you’re not doing something
significant,” said Pellin, who
hosts Web casts at www.cha that mimic the
presentation style of
Jon Stewart’s “The Daily
Pellin, a New York native,
is the lone actor in the
movie that does not hail DAVE MUNCH/STAFF PHOTO
from the Baltimore area.
Mendy Pellin, right, prepares to shoot a scene dur-
The rest of the cast features
veteran actors, many of ing filming of “A Modest Suggestion,” at Waganer
whom are regulars in the re- Digital Video in Eldersburg Friday.
gional theater scene. Stunt
coordinator and Carroll from department and gro- started a Facebook page to
cery stores off Md. 32 in El- generate interest in the pro-
County native Jeff Wilhelm duction.
also took part in Friday’s dersburg.
Once filming is complete, “It’s going to be sad when
filming. producers will take two we stop filming,” Jaffee said,
Filming has already been weeks to complete the post- “because we’ve all really be-
completed at an Owings production process. Jaffee come a family.”
Mills bagel shop and a said he plans on submitting
Pikesville synagogue. The the low- budget movie for Reach staff writer Bran-
remainder of the flick will consideration to the Berlin don Oland at 410- 857-7862
be filmed at the Eldersburg International Film Festival. or brandon.oland@carroll
set, less than a mile away Movie makers have also

“H o n o rin g O u r F re e d o m P ro te cto rs ”
Rememberthose who are currentlyservi ng and those who have
served byplacing thei
rphotograph on ourspeci alVeteran’
pages,to appeari
n the CarrollCountyTi meson
V e te ra n ’s D a y,T h u rs d a y,N o ve m b e r 11th

B illy B

S m a ll
W e a re very
S gt. F rederick
pro u d o f yo u . W . U nka rt
K orean W ar
B e sa fe! W e’re a llvery pro u d o f yo u
D a ddy! Tha nks fo r a lltha tyo u
M om & D ad did! L o ve a nd m issyo u !
Y our fam ily

(A) 2 x 2 .5 d o u b le b lo c k = $2 5 (B ) 1x 2 .5 s ingle b lo c k = o nly $2 0

O therS izes Av a ila ble Up o n Request
Pu b lic a tio n D a te Speak W ith These F ine
Thu rs d a y, N o v. 11 A rea E m ployers:
D ea d line: N o v. 3 (5 :0 0 pm )
• A thela s Ins titu te • BBS I • BE RC ( Bu s ines s & E m ploym ent Res ou rce Center)
M a il o rd ro p o ff to : • Bos cov’s D epa rtm ent S tore • Brinton W oods N u rs ing & Reha bilita tion Center
Veteran ’s Photos/C lassified • Ca rroll Cou nty Tim es • Ca rroll L u thera n Villa ge
C arroll C ou n ty Tim es • Coldw ell Ba nker Res identia l Brokera ge - H a m ps tea d a nd W es tm ins ter
PO Box 346 • W estm in ster,M D 21158 • E dw a rd Jones • F a rm ers & M ercha nts Ba nk • F low s erve Corpora tion
410-857-5581 or 410-875-5448 • G olden L iving • G oodw ill Indu s tries • G ra y & S on Inc./M a ryla nd Pa ving Inc.
• H eltebridle Bou nds ,Inc. • JE B E nterpris es ,Independent S ha klee D is tribu tor
• J.P. D onm oyer,Inc. • JoS eph A . Ba nk • L -1 S ta nda rds & Technology,Inc.
YES! I w a ntto rec o gnize a s pec ia l vetera n. • L ife Plu s Interna tiona l • L ong View N u rs ing H om e • L orien/Ta neytow n/M ou nt A iry
V etera n’s N a m e: • M a ry K a y Cos m etics • N orth A m erica n Pow er Independent D is tribu tor
Servic e/Sta tu s : • Richcroft• Right a tH om e • S u n Va lley Com m u nities • Teltek S ys tem s ,Inc.
D a tes o f Servic e: • Tevis O il,Inc. / Tevis E nergy,Inc. / M odern Com fort S ys tem s ,Inc. / Tevis Propa ne,L L C
M es s a ge: • The Clea ning A u thority • Thrivent F ina ncia l • W ells F a rgo H om e M ortga ge

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“S e r vin g,Pr ote c tin g,D e fe n d in g”



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