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Dependence of a Sleeping Parameter from the N-S or E-W

Sleeping Direction
G. R uhenstroth-B auer
M ax-P lan ck -In stitu t für B iochem ie, D-8033 M artinsried bei M ünchen
E. R üther and Th. R einertshofer
Psychiatrische K linik d e r U niversität M ünchen, D-8000 M ünchen
Z. N a tu rfo rsch . 42c, 11 4 0 -1 1 4 2 (1987); received D ecem b er 22, 1986/July 7, 1987
Sleeping D ire ctio n , M agnetic E a rth Field. R E M L atency
In an e a rlie r study it was show n that an isotonic salt solution w ithin a m easuring c h am b er o f a
c y to p h e ro m e te r is ro tatin g caused by L orentz forces, if the m agnetic e a rth field crosses the electric
field in the ch am b er. T his m ay be a m odel o f the ability of certain h igher organism s to recognize
th e d irectio n o f the m agnetic e a rth field. The topic of this study w as the possible effect of the
m agnetic e a rth field in hum ans. It is show n th at the duratio n o f R E M latency is in fluenced by the
p osition o f sleep ers in N-S o r E -W direction: it is sh o rten ed in E -W direction (p = 0.02).

In 1978 it was shown by our group that a isotonic We were interested in finding an experimental
salt solution within a flat measuring chamber of a situation in which we could examine if humans also
cytopherom eter begins to rotate if a relatively low react differently depending on their position to N-S
electrical field of 5 V/cm is sent through the solution or E-W. For such experiments the sleep position
and the cham ber is orientated in a direction that the seemed best suited because the position of the
magnetic earth field crosses the chamber perpendicu­ sleeper is more or less fixed during several hours and
lar to the electric field. This streaming is caused by it is possible to get a greater num ber of sleeping
Lorentz forces, since at the tapering ends of the param eters in two identical neighboring sleeping
cham ber the Lorentz product ( F = q [ v x ß ] ; q = laboratories for comparing the influence of the direc­
charge of ion, v = ion velocity in the electric field, tion of the beds in relation to the magnetic earth
B = strength of the magnetic field) is higher than in field.
the flat middle part. Thus, the pressure of the gra­
dient causes the ions to rotate through the chamber,
which in turn leads to the rotation of the fluid. In the Methods
case of crossed fields this rotation results in a kind of The sleep investigations have been performed as
liquid compass [1]. follows: Eight normal males (23 to 27 years, mean
On the basis of these investigations we proposed 24.75) participated in this experiment as paid volun­
that the susceptibility of certain organisms for teers. All subjects were in good health, none had a
geomagnetism could also be explained by Lorentz history of sleep disorder or psychiatric disorder.
forces, influencing the streaming of fluids through They were instructed to abstain from drugs, caffein,
the mem brans of axons at different positions within or alcohol during the experimental period. They
the geomagnetic field. However, a rough estimate of were told that they were involved in experiments to
the forces influencing the fluid and/or the permeabili­ define normal variations in sleep habits.
ty through the mem brans gave values which are with­ All-night polysomnographic recordings of the
in the noise of the molecular movement. But if a sleep were conducted by telemetry according to the
greater num ber of axons is situated parallel it is recom m ended standardized techniques by Recht­
possible that a geomagnetic signal could be regis­ schaffen and Kales [3]: one channel of E E G (CyA j),
tered by this ensemble. Recent experiments on pi­ two channels of E O G (electrodes placed lateral to
geons could perhaps be interpreted in this way [2], right and left outer canthus), one channel of sub­
mental EM G .
R e p rin t re q u ests to Prof. D r. G . R u h e n stro th . Always two subjects slept for eight consecutive
V erlag d e r Z eitsch rift für N atu rfo rsch u n g , D-7400 T übingen nights in two separated, identically equipped rooms
0341 - 0382/87/0900 -1 1 4 0 $ 0 1 .3 0 /0 (3 .5 0 x 5 .3 0 m). The beds were situated in the mid-

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G . R u h e n stro th -B a u er et al. ■D e p e n d e n c e o f a Sleeping P a ra m e te r from Sleeping D irection 1141

die of the rooms, one in N-S direction, the other in stageshifts, movement times) were not different be­
E-W direction. Their position was changed by turn of tween the two positions. The same goes for the other
90° every night, clockwise or counterclockwise by param eters.
chance. So every night one subject slept in N-S direc­ A significant first night effect was not observed.
tion, the other one in E-W direction. Nevertheless there seemed to be an adaptation effect
The strength of magnetic earth field m easured by a to the laboratory conditions: W hen we compared the
Feldmeßgerät typ GM H-2 with a H allgenerator first four nights versus the second four nights REM
(Siemens-Schuckert-W erke, M ünchen) totaled to latency decreased from 91 to 69 min (p < 0 .0 1 )
45—50 ^iT as well in the whole rooms as above the (Table II). The other sleep param eters did not show
matresses. The changing of the beds did not alter any significant difference. It is worth mentioning that
these values. Recordings were scored according to the standard deviation of the REM -latency in the
the Rechtschaffen and Kales criteria [3]. first four nights is much higher than in the second
The significance of the intraindividual differences four nights. That means that the interindividual dif­
in sleep patterns was determ ined by a paired binomi­ ferences were greater in the first four nights. The
nal test [4], other sleep param eter did not show this effect.

Table I shows the mean sleep param eters for the T able II. Sleep p a ram ete rs (m ean and sta n d ard -d e v ia tio n )
for the first four and second four nights (n = 32 for each
two positions of bed in N-S and E-W direction. The m ean: 8 subjects, 4 nights).
only significant difference occurred in REM latency
which was 5.5 min shorter in E-W direction Sleep p aram ete rs N ight,. - 4 N ighty - 8
(p < 0 .0 2 ). O ther sleep param eters which could T im e in B ed 473.53 (18.28) 475.00 (6.87)
be interpreted as stress param eters (sleep latency,
Stage 1 (m in) 36.09 (15.00) 42.53 (19.49)
interm ittent awakenings, percentage of stage 1, Stage 2 (m in) 225.41 (27.14) 221.94 (21.15)
Stage 3 (m in) 25.72 (6.27) 24.22 (5.65)
Stage 4 (m in) 63.29 (12.83) 58.47 (13.30)
Stage R E M (m in) 99.65 (9.40) 98.72 (13.83)
T able I. Sleep p aram ete rs (m ea n and sta n d ard -d e v ia tio n ) W ake (m in) 4.40 (2.66) 5.66 (2.56)
for position o f bed in N-S an d E -W direction (n —32 for
Stage 1 (% ) 7.56 (3.46) 8.90 (4.20)
each m ean: 8 subjects, 4 nights).
Stage 2 (% ) 49.45 (4.22) 49.09 (4.37)
Stage 3 (% ) 5.41 (1.30) 4.78 (1.10)
Sleep p a ra m e te r N-S E -W
Stage 4 (% ) 13.70 (3.74) 12.65 (3.20)
Stage R E M (% ) 21.56 (1.76) 21.66 (3.29)
T im e in B ed 474.86 (13.78) 473.65 (11.59)
W ake (% ) 4.40 (2.66) 5.66 (2.56)
Stage 1 (m in) 38.84 (16.83) 39.24 (18.80)
L atency 1 (m in) 12.16 (5.83) 16.39 (8.38)
Stage 2 (m in) 225.66 (25.15) 221.97 (24.16)
L atency 1—2 (m in) 6.53 (4.12) 5.97 (3.33)
Stage 3 (m in) 25.75 (6.77) 24.04 (5.48)
R E M latency (m in) 91.34 (20.95) 69.41 (11.93)*
Stage 4 (m in) 61.13 (12.34) 57.81 (10.78)
Stage R E M (m in) 99.75 (8.97) 99.24 (9.99) In te rm itte n t aw akenings 1.63 (0.67) 1.59 (0.95)
W ake (m in) 23.75 (9.90) 26.72 (12.74) Stageshifts 50.04 (9.79) 54.72 (8.73)
M ovem ent tim es 8.28 (4.17) 9.28 (5.54)
Stage 1 (% ) 8.03 (3.74) 8.43 (4.01)
Stage 2 (% ) 49.34 (4.90) 49.20 (3.88)
* = p < 0.01.
Stage 3 (% ) 5.31 (1.19) 4.95 (1.13)
Stage 4 (% ) 13.09 (3.10) 13.19 (3.60)
Stage R E M (% ) 21.53 (2.08) 21.82 (2.70)
W ake (% ) 4.53 (2.33) 5.28 (2.78)
L atency 1 (m in) 13.53 (6.68) 16.59 (8.96)
L atency 1—2 (m in) 6.66 (3.63) 5.84 (3.01) This result is an evidence that also humans are
R E M latency (m in) 83.13 (16.13) 77.66 (13.65)* receptive though unconscious of the magnetic earth
In te rm itte n t aw akenings 1.38 (0.57) 1.50 (0.90) field. There exists an observation [5] of changes in
Stageshifts 52.91 (6.52) 51.63 (10.55) brain electrophysiology caused by oscillating mag­
M ovem ent tim es 8.59 (4.99) 8.97 (4.86)
4.41 (0.40) 4.19 (0.26)
netic fields (additionally to the magnetic earth field)
Sleep cycles
in the frequency range of 0.01 to 10 Hz and ampli­
* = p < 0.02. tudes of 5 to 50 nT, but only if the subjects heads are
1142 G . R u h e n stro th -B a u e r et al. ■D ep en d e n c e o f a Sleeping P a ra m e te r from Sleeping D irectio n

orientated to the north, whereas the heads orien­ ferences between the first four nights and the second
tated to the other three main directions are not influ­ four nights, and they are com parable to values of a
enced by the oscillating magnetic fields. In our obser­ normal population [8]. The same arises from the fact
vation however, with the magnetic earth field alone that subjective sleep param eters as estimated sleep
there was no difference w hether the heads of the quality and estim ated sleep latency had a marked
persons were orientated to north or south. The ab­ first night effect. Furtherm ore, the higher standard-
sence of a first night effect in the REM latency as deviation of REM latency in the first four nights indi­
well as the occurrance of adaptation effects between cates that the subjects react to the rotation of bed in
the first and the second half of observations could different degrees. On the other hand, the standard
possibly be interpreted as irritation of the subjects by deviations of the N-S and E-W direction are com pa­
daily rotations of the beds. REM latency mainly rable. The adaption effects are balanced out by the
seems the react to situational influences [6]. How­ fact that two paired subjects slept always in different
ever, following points are to be considered: Only the directions. The fact that among the sleep param eters
R EM latency is different in respect to the bed direc­ REM latency is affected by the position of bed be­
tions but not the other “stress” param eters. Though sides the irritation by rotating beds seems to support
there was seen an adaptation effect of REM latency our interpretation because mainly REM latency
there could not be observed a transient and situation­ reacts to external influences.
al disorder of irritating and maintaining sleep [7]. Therefore the most probable interpretation of our
The values of sleep onset, sleep efficiancy, percent­ observation is the assumption that the geomagnetic
age of sleep stages, stageshifts, movement times, and field influences humans differently depending on
interm ittent awakenings did not show significant dif­ their positions relative to the field direction.

[1] S. B a m b e rg er, G . V a let, F. S torch, and G. R u h e n ­ [5] S. S u b ra h m an y a m , P. V. S a n k e r N arayan, K. R.

stro th -B a u e r, Z . N atu rfo rsch . 33c, 159 (1978). R ajesw ari, an d M . S a ty an a ray a n d , B ioelectrochem .
[2] H . G . W allraff, F. P ap i, P. Jo a le, and S. B envenuti, B ioenerg. 14, 71 (1985).
N aturw issenschaften 73, 215 (1986). [6] H . W. A g n ew , W . B. W eb b , an d R. L. W illiam s,
[3] A . R echtschaffen and A . K ales, A m anual of sta n d ­ P sychophysiol. 2, 263 (1966).
ard ized term inology, tech n iq u es and scoring system [7] A ssociation o f Sleep D iso rd ers C en ters. D iagnostic
for sleep stages o f h u m an subjects, B e th e sd a , M ary­ C lassification o f Sleep and A ro u sal D isorders. First
land 1968. E d itio n , p re p a re d by the Sleep D isorders Classifica­
[4] J. H a rtu n g , B. E lp e lt, and K. K lö sen er, Statistik R. tion C o m m itte e , H . P. R offw arg, Sleep 2, 1 (1979).
O ld e n b o u rg , M ü nchen, W ien 1982. [8] H . L. W illiam s, I. K a rac a n , and C. J. H ursch, E E G of
H um an Sleep, Clinical A p p licatio n s, New Y ork 1974.

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