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Berdasarkan hasil diskusi kita, bahasa pada dasarnya tersusun oleh

beberapa unit gramatikal. Unit gramatikal inilah yang menyusun beberapa
kata sehingga membentuk suatu makna. Menurut Eastwood, unit
gramatikal dalam bahasa inggris dibagi 4 yaitu kata (Words), frasa
(Phrases), klausa (Clauses), dan kalimat (Sentences). Pada kesimpulan ini,
saya akan membahas secara spesifik mengenai frasa dan klausa.

Phrasa adalah sekelompok kata yang memiliki makna tertentu yang
menyusun suatu klausa.

Subject Verb
(noun phrase)
(noun phrase) (verb phrase)
approximately forty-five
Our flight time will be
Waktu Akan berlangsung
Kira-kira 45 menit
penerbangan kita selama

Jenis phrases
Dalam bahasa Inggris, frasa dibagi menjadi beberapa jenis yaitu:

1] Noun Phrases

 He was wearing a black linen shirt.

 They lived in a small, tidy cottage

 Alex rode her old bicycle to their shiny new school

 The black car got towed.

2] Verb Phrases

 The teacher is writing the answer

 They have been playing since the last two hours

 You must call your mom at once

 He has taken the dog along

3] Prepositional Phrase

 Students are advised to be on time

 Please turn towards the right at the intersection

 Please get the book above the cupboard. (Which book?)

 The student at the end of the line is misbehaving again. (Which student?)

 The cat is hiding behind the tree. (Where is the cat?)

 The family headed to church after breakfast. (When did the family

4] Infinitive Phrases

 Alex likes to read comics (functions as a noun here)

 To attend the morning lecture, I set my alarm for 6 am. (noun form)

 To keep his dogs calm, Alex turned on the radio. (functions as an adverb
5] Participle Phrases

 We got a call from my aunt today telling us the good news.

 The house was severely damaged by the flood.

 Please sit down without making a sound

6] Gerund Phrases

 She is currently writing her memoir.

 Washing the dishes is Alex’s chore

 Waking up before sunrise had become his habit.

7] Absolute Phrase

 He looked towards the beggar, his face expressing pity

 We were glued to the match, our eyes always following the ball.

 He sat on the bed, his clothes neatly folded by his side.


Klausa adalah kumpulan kata yang meliputi subjek dan kata kerja. Yang
membedakan klausa dan frasa adalah frasa tidak memiliki subjek dan verb,
misalnya (e.g., in the afternoon, drinking from the bowl).

Klausa dibagi dua berdasarkan posisinya di kalimat, klausa sebagai induk

kalimat (independent clause) dan klausa sebagai anak kalimat (dependent

Contoh Independent Clauses

 Tara ate a cheese roll after she watched the news.
(Tara ate a cheese roll is an independent clause. Klausa independent
tersebut bisa berdiri sendiri.)
 Even though his mother was a driving instructor, my cousin failed
his driving test six times.
 A computer once beat me at chess but was no match for me at kick

Contoh Dependent Clauses

 Tara ate a cheese roll after she watched the news.
(The clause after she watched the news is a dependent clause. After
she watched tidak memiliki makna tertentu jika tidak
dikombinasikan dengan klausa independen)
 Even though his mother was a driving instructor, my cousin failed
his driving test six times.
 A computer once beat me at chess but was no match for me at kick

Berdasarkan fungsinya dalam kalimat, klausa dapat dibagi menjadi

beberapa jenis yaitu:
Noun Clauses
 I cannot remember what I said last night.
(In this example, the clause acts like a noun.)
Compare the example above to this:
 I cannot remember my speech.
(speech = noun)

Adjective Clauses
 My dog, who usually refuses to go near the water, dived in the canal
to chase a water vole.
(In this example, the clause acts like an adjective.)
Compare the example above to this:
 My water-shy dog dived in the canal to chase a water vole.
(water-shy = adjective)

Adverbial Clauses
 He lost his double chin after he gave up beer.
(In this example, the clause acts like an adverb.)
Compare the example above to this:
 He lost his double chin recently.
(recently = adverb)

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