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5.4 Nozzles att quasi-one-dimensional considerations allow the analysis of cross-sectional averaged properties inside a nozzle of given shape. They do not tell us much about how to de- sign the contour of a nozzle—especially that for a supersonic nozzle in order to en- sure shockfree, isentropic flow. If the shape of the walls of a supersonic nozzle is not {just right, oblique shock waves ean occur inside the nozzle, The proper contour for a supersonic nozzle can be determined from the method of characteristics. to be dis cussed in Chap. [1 Consider the isentropic subsonic-supersonic flow through a convergent-divergent nozzle. The reservoir pressure and temperature are 10 atm and 300 K,, respectively: There are two lovations in the nozzle where A/A° = 6: one in the convergent section and the other in the divergent section. At each location, calculate Mp. 7, and = Solution In the convergent sectio with A/A* = 6 the flow is subsonic. From the front of Table A. , for subsonic flow polp = 1.006, and 7, /P = 1.002, Hence = (1.002) 1(300) =| 299.4 K PRT = (GDR) = 468 mIs Ma = (0.097)(346.8) = | 33.6mis Inthe divergent seston, the Row is supersonic, From the supersonic section of Table A. for A/A° = 6; [= A368). p/p = 63.13 and T./T = 3.260. Hence p= 2p, = (63.13) '10)=| 0.1584 | B = (3.269300) = [91.77 K r. S a= VyRT = VORA 2 = 8.368),1920) =[ 646.7 mi | 92.0 m/s En A supersonic wind tunnel is designed to produce Mach 2.5 flow in the test section with stan- dard sea level conditions. Calculate the exit area ratio and reservoir conditions necessary t0 achieve these design conditions, 1 Solution From Table A. 1. for M, = [sas PolPe= 17.09 T,/T, = 2.25 212 CHAPTER 5 Quasi-Ono-Dimensional Flow ‘Also, at standard sea level conditions, py, = 1 atm and 7; = 288K. Hence, po = 7 pe = (17.09)(1) =| 17.09atm Pe T = (2.25)(288) = | 648K ‘Consider a rocket engine burning hydrogen and oxygen: the combustion chamber temperature ‘and pressure are 3517 K and 25 atm, respectively. The molecular weight of the chemically reacting gas in the combustion chamber is 16, and y = 1.22. The pressure at the exit of the atm. The area of the throat is 0.4m convergent-divergent rocket nozzle is 1.174 x 10) Assuming a calorically perfect gas and isentropic flow, calculate: (a) the exit Mach number, (b) the exit velocity, (c) the mass flow through the nozzle, and (d) the area of the exit, ™ Solution Note that for this problem, where y = 1.22, the compressible flow tables in the appendix. cannot be used since the tables are calculated for y = 1.4. Thus, to solve this problem, we have to use the governing equations directly. ‘a. Toobtain the exit Mach number, use the isentropic relation given by Eq. (3.30) yo or 3 = = sio6smg- K a6 . VC33)519.6)(885.3) = 749.1 mis 5.21)(749.1) ©. Since we are given A* = 0.4 m?, let us calculate the mass flow at the throat. First, obtain ‘2, from the equation of state Po _ (25)(1.01 x 10°) = 1.382 kg/m? AT, (519.6)(3517) ea ksh (oe 5.4 Nozzles 243 From Eq. (3.36) J =o9a 1.860 kph" From Eq. (3.34) T y+ T? =09T, = (0.913517) = 3168 K af = VPRT* = V0.22)519.6) 3168) = 1417 mis n= pAV = p*Atat = (0,860)(0.4)(1417) =| 487.4 koh dL At the exit, sinee rt const, th = pA, = 487A RWS Pe__ (L174 x 10°2).01 x 108) 2? = 0,00258 kg/m* Pe RT. (519.6)1885.3) ae 487.4 = p.¥e ~ (0,00258)13903) Consider the flow through a convergent-divergent duet with an exit-to-throat area ratio of 2 The re jculate the Mach numbers ervoir pressure is | atm, and the exit pressure is 0 atthe throat and at the exit 5 atm. Ca 1 Solution First, let us analyze this problem. If the flow we from Table A.1, for an area ratio of A./A* = 2, po/Pe = 10.69; thus p. would have to be Pe = Po /10.69 = (1 atm)/ 10.69 = 0.0935 atm. This is considerably less than the given py, = 0.95 atm, Therefore, we do not have a subsonie-supersonic isentropic flow as was the ease in Examples 5.1 through 5.3. Question: Is the flow completely subsonic? If this were the case, the throat area A, is nor equal to A*.and A, > A*.Letus examine A, and A*. From Table A.1, for Poi De = 1/095 = 1.053, A-/A = 2.17 (nearest entry). However, for the given problem Ac/A, =2. Thus, A; > A*, and the flow is completely subsonic. From Table A.1, since Pod Pe = 1.083, we have supersonic in the divergent portion. then M, Atthe throat, Ae 2M Ae Laity 108s a A, ATF From Table A.1, for A,/A’ = 1.085, we have M, = 0.72

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