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Understanding Sentence Types Rubric

2nd Grade
Reading and Writing
Lisa Dickson

Categories 4 3 2 1
Understanding all Understands all 4 Understands only 3 Understands only 2 Only understands 1
sentence types clearly. Can share sentence types. Can sentence types. Can sentence type. Can
examples of each only share examples only share ½ of the only share an
one. of 3 different types. sentence types. example of one
sentence type.
Group work Worked well with Worked well with Did not work very Did not work very
partner and came up partner or came up well with partner or well with partner or
with all 4 sentences. with 3 sentence only came up with 2 only came up with one
sentence sentence.
Individual Worked hard the Worked hard most of Only worked hard Did not work very
Worksheet whole time and the time and about ½ the time and hard and did not
completed all the completed most of only finished ½ the finish very much
sentences. the sentences. work work
Index card Came up with a great Came up with a great Came up with a Did not come up with
assignment sentence. Shared it sentence. Shared sentence it was the a sentence.
with the class and with class was not wrong type and they
got it correct. the right type. did not want to share
Assessment work Finished the work Finished the work Only got ½ of the Did not finish the
sheet sheet and got most sheet and got ¾ of it questions right on worksheet.
of it right. right. the work sheet.

______/20 Total

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