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Wake the Bi in Acme Pyrotechnix specialise in producing fireworks. They are currently have branches in Australia and Indonesia, but hope to expand to Sri Lanka next year. Currently Acme has a domain in each country. Acme a continuously innovating with their fireworks and each country have a team dedicated to designing fireworks that represent the cultures of their respective markets. During festivals demand for fireworks is high, so each branch helps the other by manufacturing fireworks to export to the location of the festival. Consequently only designers should be able to store designs in their own branch's DesignDocs folder. The production team need to be able to read the DesignDocs folder from any branch. 1. Design a group strategy to meet the needs of this company Potential Incomplete Solution 2 Prioritising Printer Use with Soft Printers * More than one software printer can print to a physical printer. + Using different software printers and printer permissions you can prioritise who gets first use of the printer. » Priority 1 is the lowest priority. Priority 99 the highest. Why Virtualise? A customer comes in and asks for 20 new servers so they can update old servers and add redundancy. You need to convince them that server virtualisation is a better approach. What should you tell them to convince them? “A style of Computing where scalable and elastic IT capabilities are provided as a service to multiple customers using Internet technologies” - Gartner “Cloud computing is...the user-friendly version of grid computing” - Trevor Doerksen “Cloud computing really is accessing resources and services needed to perform functions with dynamically changing needs. An application or service developer requests access from the cloud rather than a specific endpoint or named resource” — Kevin Hartig “Most computer sawyy folks actually have a pretty good idea of what the term “cloud computing" means: outsourced, pay-as-you-go, on-demand, somewhere in the Internet, etc.” - Thorsten von Eicken ‘There is a clear consensus that there is no real consensus on what cloud computing is” — Anonymous via Irving Wladawsky Berger. For Network Administration we will use the rough definition of “Services hosted on Virtual Servers accessed via the Internet” 6 Cloud Services Model - Infrastructure as a Service (laaS) — Servers on the cloud host virtual servers and computers. Examples are AWS, Microsoft Azure. : Platform as a Service (PaaS) — Application servers on the cloud host. On-line stores develop portals using the tools on the Application Servers. An example is Google Application Engine. + Software as a Service (SaaS) — Software is hosted by servers on the cloud. Users connect to the software via a web interface. Examples are Dropbox, Google docs, Office365, Windows Live email, Gmail, etc

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