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In case you haven’t noticed the incidence of major earthquakes is growing at an al

arming rate. First let me clarify what I mean by “major” earthquakes because if yo
u’ve ever been in any kind of ‘quake, be it “major” or “minor” you’ld probably remember it
at least a little scary if not totally piss-your- drawers frightening.
Earthquakes are referenced by numbers ranging from 0 to infinity, 0 being not no
ticeable and the largest ever measured at 9.5 being “Oh My GAWD, it swallowed the
Lincoln!” This scale was invented by a fellow named Dr. Charles Richter and by so
me accounts his mother gave birth during a Led Zepplin concert and it affected h
is whole life.
To get the train of thought back on track, there have been many more ‘quakes of la
rger or higher magnitude than ever before in our history, just recently. It lo
oks like the numbers are even a little ridiculous there are so many.
Earthquakes 2010 until October 6
(data gathered from the USGS and then averaged over time)
It looks like we could even double the number of ‘quakes in all of the magnitudes
by the end of the year. Now, are you beginning to get a little scared?
After a major earthquake, magnitude 7 and above, the amount of casualties and pr
operty damage is always horrifying. We all saw what happened in Chile early in
the year and in Haiti just a little while ago. Because of the breakdown in comm
unications, transportation, and basic human services there is total chaos everyw
here .
So many people without water and food and without any aid for days if not weeks
will naturally resort to anything to survive. Looting and robbing for food and w
ater is common place sometimes even by the local officials. Maybe that should b
e especially by local officials!
After the disaster the survivors have to not only deal with thirst and starvatio
n but because of the lack of potable water, the staggering amount of corpses in
all stages of putrefaction, and lack of sanitation facilities, sickness and dise
ase starts to run rampant through the remaining population.
We have all seen this on the T.V. and the videos on YouTube and everywhere else,
so I’m not going to include them here. But just think for a moment, if the ‘quake
s are occurring more frequently and with more intensity, when will they start af
fecting you, personally?
Maybe they already have and you’re reading this from a hospital bed, but any perso
n with half a brain (this should include a good share of my loyal fans) should b
e able to put two and two together and see that it is getting worse out there.
The matter of survival is not just something made up to sell dehydrated food and
flashlight batteries, it is very real and happening right now!
You can scoff and shake your head when hearing someone talk about being prepared
for emergencies. You don’t have time to think about that. You can just ignore the
m because nothing like that could ever happen to YOU.
You can just let all the facts and bitter truths about our precarious hold on li
fe here on planet Earth go in one ear and out the other, but when the day comes,
the day when all hell breaks loose around you, the day when you don’t have the fa
intest clue what to do to stay alive, my friends, family and I will be sitting c
omfortably in our secure, comfort zones waiting for time to rid us of all the id
iots that wouldn’t listen.

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