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to open abrir oupen to light encender laigt
to accept aceptar to enter entrar enter
to advise aconsejar advais to deliver entregar deliver
to happen acontecer japen to wrap envolver rap
to add agregar ad to listen escuchar lisen
to reach alcanzar rich to expect esperar (esperanza)
to love amar lov to wait esperar (lugar) ueit
to bet apostar bet to study estudiar stodi
to learn aprender lern to avoid evitar avoid
to hurry apresurarse to excuse excusar exhius
to arrange arreglar arensh to miss extrañar
to tie atar tai to sing firmar sain
to dare atreverse to fry freir frai
to increase aumentar incris to smoke fumar smouk
to help ayudar jelp to gain ganar guein
to aid ayudar eid to rule gobernar rul
to dance bailar dans to knock golpear nok
to bess bendecir bles to enjoy gozar
to kiss besar kis to taste gustar (sabor) teist
to eraser borrar to like gustar, agradar laik
to blott borrar blot to talk hablar tok
to jest bromear yest to imitate imitar imiteit
to heat calentar jit to inform informar inform
to change cambiar cheinch to inquire inquirir inquaiar
to walk caminar uok to intend intentar
to brush cepillar brosh to play jugar plei
to close cerrar clous to join juntar yoin
to date citar to judge juzgar yodsh
to cook cocinar cuk to wash lavar uash
to hang colgar jang to free libertad fri
to place colocar plais to clean limpiar clin
to dine comer dain to call llamar col
to trade comerciar treid to arrive llegar
to mend componer, mejmend to fill llenar fil
to grant conceder grant to cry llorar crai
to consider considerar to rain llover rein
to count contar to kill matar kil
to answer contestar anser to improve mejorar improv
to believe creer beliv to lie mentir lai
to cross cruzar cros to look mirar luk
to owe deber ou to die mirar dai
to spell deletrear spel to show mostrar
to rest descanzar rest to move mover muv
to wish desear to need necesitar nid
to desire desear disaier to deny negar dinay
to amuse divertir amius to name nombrar neim
to divide dividir divaid to obey obedecer obei
to doubt dudar daut to hate odiar jeit
to start empezar to offer ofrecer ofer
to employ emplear enyoi to order ordenar
to push empujar push to stop parar
to pass pasar pas
to stay permanecer
to belong pertenecer bilong
to plan planear
to plant plantar
to practice practicar
to ask preguntar ask
to burn quemar bern
to remian quemar rimein
to want querer uant
to remember recordar
to laugh reir laf
to rent rentar rent
to fix reparar fix
to repeat repetir
to resist resistir
to pray rogar prei
to jump saltar yomp
to greet saludar grit
to dry secar drai
to follow seguir folou
to point señalar
to smile sonreir smail
to suffer sufrir sofer
to fear temer fiar
to end terminar
to finish terminar, acabafinish
to pull tirar pul
to touch tocar toch
to cough toser cof
to work trabajar uork
to traslate traducir trasleit
to try tratar, probar trai
to climb trepar
to use usar ius
to dress vestir
to travel viajar
to visit visitar visit
to live vivir liv
to turn voltear
to return volver ritorn


to sweep swept swept barrer
to drink drank drunk beber
to ride rode ridden cabalgar
to fall fell fallen caer
to sing sang sung cantar
to set set set colocar
to eat ate eaten comer
to buy bought bought comprar
to meet met met conocer(gente)
to know knew known conocer(saber)
to get got gotten conseguir
to build built built construir
to cut cut cut cortar
to run ran run correr
to grow-up grew-up grown-up crecer
to give gave given dar
to tell told told decir
to wake-up woke-up woken-up despertar
to shoot shot shot disparar
to sleep slept slept dormir
to begin began begun empezar
to find found found encontrar
to teach taught taught enseñar
to write wrote written escribir
to win won won ganar
to keep kept kept conservar, guardar
to speak spoke spoken hablar
to do did dine hacer
to hurt hurt hurt herir
to go went gone ir
to read read read leer
to become became become llegar a ser
to send sent sent mandar
to drive drove driven manejar
to swim swam swum nadar
to hear heard heard oir
to forget forgot forgotten olvidar
to pay paid paid pagar pei
to stand stood stood pararse
to hit hit hit pegar
to think thought thought pensar
to lose lost lost perder
to let let let permitir
to put put put poner
to lend lent lent prestar
to steal stole stolen robar
to break broke broken romper
to shake shook shaken sacudir
to leave lef lef salir
to sit sat sat sentarse
to feel felt felt sentir
to be was,were been ser,estar
to dream dreamt dreamt soñar drim
to hold held held sostener
to have/has had had tener, haber
to throw threw thrown tirar, aventar
to take took taken tomar, llevar
to bring brought brought traer
to wear wore worn usar
to sell sold sold vender
to come came come venir
to see saw seen ver
to fly flew flown volar

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