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Data Description
In this content the writer found the cases of translation shift between the source
language and target language in translating sentence of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s
Stone. The possible structural changes that may occur can be observed in the following data

1. SL Text: He cleared his throat nervously. (Page 4)

TL Text: Mr. Dursley berdeham panik. (Page 14)

2. SL Text: He was a big, beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a
very large moustache. (Page 1)
TL Text: Dia laki-laki besar-gemuk, nyaris tanpa leher, walaupun kumisnya besar
sekali. (Page 7)

3. SL Text: Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual
amount of neck, which came very useful as she spent so much of her time craning
over garden fences, spying on the neighbours. (Page 1)
TL Text: Mrs Dursley kurus berambut pirang, lehernya dua kali Panjang leher
biasa. Baginya ini menguntungkan, karena kegemarannya adalah menjulurkan
leher di atas pagar, mengintip para tetangga. (Page 7)

4. SL Text: He wore round glasses held together with a lot of sellotape because of
all the times Dudley had punched him on the nose. (Page 21)
TL Text: Dia memakai kacamata bulat yang bingkainya dilekat dengan banyak
selotip karena seringnya Dudley memukul hidungnya. (Page 30)

5. SL Text: Nothing like this man had ever been seen on Privet Drive. (Page 6)
TL Text: Belum pernah ada orang semacam ini di Privet Drive. (Page 16)

B. Data Analysis
In this data analysis the writer analyzes the process of translation shift that occurs in
sentences that belong to Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone novel. The translation
shift that occurs in each sentence are in bold.

1. SL Text: He cleared his throat nervously. (Page 4)

TL Text: Mr. Dursley berdeham panik. (Page 14)

The SL clause “cleared his throat” is translated into a word “berdeham” in the TL. This
shows us the occurrence of unit/rank shift as the SL clause is downward into a word in the
TL. Another translation shift that can be found in this sentence is class shift. In SL the word
“nervously” is an adverb, whereas in the TL nervously is changed into “panik” which is an
adjective. This shows us the occurrence of class shift in the translation.

2. SL Text: He was a big beefy man with hardly any neck, although he did have a very
large moustache. (Page 1)

TL Text: Dia laki-laki besar-gemuk, nyaris tanpa leher, walaupun kumisnya besar
sekali. (Page 7)
The sentence “He was a big beefy man” and “Dia laki-laki besar-gemuk” have
different sentence structure. In SL the sentence structure is S (He), V (was), and C (a big
beefy man); whereas in TL the sentence structure is S (Dia), and C (laki-laki besar-gemuk). It
can be seen from this that one element from SL which is the verb is not translated into the TL
as the TL sentence structure have different element than the SL sentence structure. This
shows us the occurrence of structure-shift in the translation.

The sentence “He did have a very large moustache” and “Kumisnya besar sekali”
have different sentence structure as well. In SL the sentence structure is S (He), V (did have),
and C (very large moustache); whereas in TL the sentence structure is S (Kumisnya), and C
(besar sekali). The element from SL which is the verb cannot be found in TL translation. This
also shows us the occurrence of structure-shift in the translation.

3. SL Text: Mrs. Dursley was thin and blonde and had nearly twice the usual amount of
neck, which came very useful as she spent so much of her time craning over garden
fences, spying on the neighbors. (Page 1)

TL Text: Mrs Dursley kurus berambut pirang, lehernya dua kali panjang leher biasa.
Baginya ini menguntungkan, karena kegemarannya adalah menjulurkan leher di atas pagar,
mengintip para tetangga. (Page 7)

The word “blonde” in SL is translated into “berambut pirang in TL. This shows us the
occurrence of unit/rank shift as “blonde” is a word which is translated into a phrase
“berambut pirang” in TL. This shows us the Upward rank shift from a word to a phrase.
Another unit/rank shift also occur in the sentence “she spent so much of her time” as this
sentence is translated into TL as a word “kegemarannya”. This shows us the Downward rank
shift from a sentence to a word. In the phrase “garden fences” the unit/rank shift also occur as
it is translated into the word “pagar” in TL.
The word “neighbors” in SL is translated into “para tetangga” in TL. From this, it can
be found that there is a departure from the SL to TL as the corresponding plural form for
“neighbors” in TL is through a repetition of the word tetangga (Tetangga-tetangga).
However, in TL system the word “neighbors” is changed into a singular form which is “para
tetangga”. This shows us the occurrence of intra- system shift in the translation.

4. SL Text: He wore round glasses held together with a lot of sellotape because of all
the times Dudley had punched him on the nose. (Page 21)
TL Text: Dia memakai kacamata bulat yang bingkainya dilekat dengan banyak
selotip karena seringnya Dudley memukul hidungnya. (Page 30)
The phrase “round glasses” is translated into “kacamata bulat” in TL. “Round is the
modifier of glasses, whereas glasses is the head of the phrase. In TL the position of the head
and modifier is changed as the head of phrase is in front and the modifier is in the back,
whilst in SL the modifier is in front and the head is in the back of the phrase. This change
shows us the occurrence of structure shift in translation.

The clause “of all the times” is translated into TL as “seringnya”. This shows us the
occurrence of unit/rank shift as the clause “of all the times” is downward into a word
“seringnya” in TL.

The clause “Dudley had punched him on the nose” is translated into TL as “Dudley
memukul hidungnya”. In this the translation shift that occur is unit/rank shift as the clause
“had punched him on the nose” is downward into a phrase “memukul hidungnya” in TL.
5. SL Text: He turned to smile at the tabby, but it had gone. (Page 7)

TL Text: Dia menoleh untuk tersenyum pada si kucing betina, tetapi kucing itu
sudah tidak ada.
The word “the tabby” which is translated into “si kucing betina” shows an occurrence
of unit/rank shift, to be precisely, upwards unit/rank shift as the word “tabby” is translated
into a phrase “kucing betina”.

The sentence “it had gone” which is translated into “kucing itu sudah tidak ada”
shows a few different types of shifts. ‘It had gone’ itself is translated into lexicon “sudah” in
the target language. This change shows us the occurrence of the level shift in the translation
as the “had + verb 3” in the source language changed into lexicon of “sudah”.

The sentence “it had gone” also contains another unit/rank shifts. We can see the
word “It” has unit/rank shift as it is translated into a phrase “kucing itu”. On the other side,
the word “gone” is translated or ranked upwards into the phrase “tidak ada” as from a word
“gone” is translated into a phrase which is “tidak ada” instead of “pergi” or “menghilang”. In
the target language, it is translated into “tidak ada” which shows the occurrence of upward
unit/rank shift in this translation.

From the analysis above the writer had analyzed the shift translation that happen in
novel Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone. Below are the table for each shift to help the
reader understand how the translation shift happen.


1. He cleared his throat Mr. Dursley berdeham  Unit/rank
nervously. (Page 4) panik. (Page 14) shift
 Class shift
2. He was a big beefy man with Dia laki-laki besar-gemuk,  Structure
hardly any neck, although he nyaris tanpa leher, shift
did have a very large walaupun kumisnya besar
moustache. (Page 1) sekali. (Page 7)

3. Mrs. Dursley was thin and Mrs Dursley kurus  Unit/rank

blonde and had nearly twice the berambut pirang, lehernya shift
usual amount of neck, which dua kali panjang leher biasa.  Intra-
came very useful as she spent Baginya ini system
so much of her time craning menguntungkan, karena shift
over garden fences, spying on kegemarannya adalah
the neighbors. (Page 1) menjulurkan leher di atas
pagar, mengintip para
tetangga. (Page 7)

4. He wore round glasses held Dia memakai kacamata  Structure

together with a lot of sellotape bulat yang bingkainya shift
because of all the times Dudley dilekat dengan banyak  Unit/rank
had punched him on the nose. selotip karena seringnya shift
(Page 21) Dudley memukul  Unit/rank
hidungnya. (Page 30) shift

5. He turned to smile at the tabby, Dia menoleh untuk  Level

but it had gone. (Page 7) tersenyum pada si kucing Shift
betina, tetapi kucing itu  Unit/rank
sudah tidak ada. shift

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