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Ultra-Reliable and Low-Latency Vehicular

Transmission: An Extreme Value Theory Approach
Chen-Feng Liu, Student Member, IEEE, and Mehdi Bennis, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Considering a Manhattan mobility model in vehicle- of extreme value theory (EVT) [5] to locally characterize
to-vehicle networks, this work studies a power minimization the maximal queue length, which is incorporated as a con-
arXiv:1804.06368v1 [cs.NI] 17 Apr 2018

problem subject to second-order statistical constraints on latency straint into the stochastic optimization problem. Our proposed
and reliability, captured by a network-wide maximal data queue
length. We invoke results in extreme value theory to characterize solutions include one semi-centralized and one distributed
statistics of extreme events in terms of the maximal queue length. extreme queue-aware power allocation approaches for V2V
Subsequently, leveraging Lyapunov stochastic optimization to communication. Numerical results show the effectiveness of
deal with network dynamics, we propose two queue-aware power using EVT for the study of ultra-reliable and low-latency
allocation solutions. In contrast with the baseline, our approaches vehicular communication.
achieve lower mean and variance of the maximal queue length.
Index Terms—5G, ultra-reliable low latency communications II. S YSTEM M ODEL
(URLLC), vehicular communications, finite blocklength, extreme
value theory. We consider a Manhattan mobility model (i.e., grid road
topology in urban areas) in which a set K of K vehicular user
equipment (VUE) transmitter-receiver pairs transmits over a
I. I NTRODUCTION set N of N resource blocks (RBs) with equal bandwidth W.
EHICLE-TO-VEHICLE (V2V) communication is one of In each pair, the transmitter-receiver association is fixed during
V the most promising enablers for intelligent transportation
systems in which latency and reliability are prime concerns [1],
the communication lifetime. One RSU is deployed to coordi-
nate the network. We further assume that the communication
[2]. Nevertheless, the vast majority of the existing V2V litera- timeline is slotted and indexed by t. The instantaneous channel
ture does not address latency and reliability while some others gain, including path loss and channel fading, from the trans-
focus on the coverage probability of radio signal transmis- mitter of pair k to the receiver of pair k ′ over RB n in slot t is
sion [3]. To ensure ultra-reliable low latency communication denoted by hnkk′ (t). Thus, given VUE
P pair k’s transmit power
(URLLC), queuing latency plays a pivotal role when the traffic Pkn (t) over RB n in slot t with n∈N Pkn (t) ≤ N Pmax , the
arrival and service rates are dynamic and non-deterministic. VUE pair k’s transmission rate in time slot t is expressed as
P n (t)hn
kk (t)
W log2 1 + N0 W +P k′
Particularly in V2V communication, the quality of wireless Rk (t) = n
P (t)h n (t) . Here,
n∈N k ∈K\k k′ k′ k
links varies significantly due to vehicles’ high mobility. The
Pmax and N0 are the power budget per RB and the power
authors in [4] take into account the dynamics of queue length
spectral density of the additive white Gaussian noise, respec-
and aim at bounding the average queue length within a finite
tively. Moreover, each VUE transmitter has a queue buffer to
value. While interesting, focusing only on average perfor-
store the data destined to its VUE receiver. Denoting VUE
mance metrics (e.g., average queue length and average delay)
pair k’s queue length in slot tas Qk (t), the queue dynamics
is not sufficient to enable URLLC, which instead requires
is given by Qk (t + 1) = max Qk (t) + λk (t) − Tc Rk (t), 0 ,
looking into the higher-order statistics or the tail behavior
where Tc is the time slot length, and λk (t) is the traffic
of the distribution. To this end, we define a new reliability
arrival at the transmitter of VUE pair k in slot t with the
measure in terms of maximal queue length among all vehicle
average arrival rate λavg = E[λk (t)]/Tc . We also assume
pairs and characterize its statistics. Analyzing the statistics of
that traffic arrivals are independent and identically distributed
the network-wide maximal queue length provides key insight
(i.i.d.) among VUE pairs. In order to mitigate interference
for the URLLC system design. The studied problem is cast as
coming from simultaneous transmissions on the same RB, the
a power minimization problem subject to statistical constraints
RSU clusters vehicles into g > 1 disjoint groups based on their
on the network-wide maximal queue length. However, to get
geographic locations in which nearby VUE pairs are grouped
the network-wide maximal queue length, all vehicles and the
together, and all RBs are orthogonally allocated within each
roadside unit (RSU) need to exchange queue state information
group. Note that the vehicles’ geographic locations vary slowly
(QSI) which can incur significant signaling overhead in V2V
with respect to the slotted time length (i.e., coherence time
communication. To alleviate this issue, we leverage principles
of fading channels). Therefore, the RSU clusters VUE pairs
This work was supported in part by the Academy of Finland project and allocates RBs in a long timescale, i.e., every T0 > 1
CARMA, in part by the INFOTECH project NOOR, and in part by the time slots. Vehicle grouping is done by means of spectral
Kvantum Institute strategic project SAFARI. clustering [6]. In this regard, firstly denoting vk ∈ R2 as the
C.-F. Liu and M. Bennis are with the Centre for Wireless Communications,
University of Oulu, 90014 Oulu, Finland (e-mail:; midpoint Euclidean coordinate of the VUE transmitter-receiver pair k, we use the distance-based Gaussian similarity matrix

S to represent the geographic proximity information, in which Algorithm 1 Spectral Clustering for VUE Grouping
2 2
the (k, k ′ )-th element is defined as skk′ := e−kvk −vk′ k /ζ if 1: Calculate matrix S and the diagonal matrix D with the
kvk − vk′ k ≤ φ, and skk′ := 0 otherwise. Here, φ captures i-th diagonal element dii = j=1 sij .
the neighborhood size while ζ controls the impact of the 2: Let U = [u1 , · · · , ug ] in which ug is the eigenvector of
neighborhood size. Subsequently, S is used to group VUE the g-th smallest eigenvalue of I − D−1/2 SD−1/2 .
pairs using spectral clustering as shown in Algorithm 1. After 3: Numerically, e.g., by Matlab, use the k-means clustering
forming the groups, the RSU orthogonally allocates all RBs to approach to cluster K normalized row vectors (which
the VUE pairs in each group. Herein, we further denote VUE represent K VUE pairs) of matrix U into g groups.
pair k’s available RBs as a set Nk which implicitly imposes
Pkn (t) = 0, ∀ n ∈ / Nk , and modify the power constraints as
X (2c), we respectively introduce two virtual queues which
Pkn (t) ≤ N Pmax and Pkn (t) ≥ 0, ∀ t, n ∈ Nk , (1) evolve as follows:
Q(M) (t + 1) = max Q(M) (t) + M (t + 1) − M̄th , 0 , (3)

for all VUE pairs k ∈ K. Additionally, since the RBs are
Q(B) (t + 1) = max Q(B) (t) + [M (t + 1)]2 − B̄th , 0 . (4)

reused by distant VUE transmitters in multiple groups, we treat
the aggregate interference power as a constantPterm I and ap-
Due to space limitations, we skip the rest of the derivations
proximate the transmission rate as Rk (t) ≈ W log2 1 +
n∈Nk related to the Lyapunov optimization. The interested readers
Pkn (t)hn
kk (t)
 please refer to [8] for the details. Here, we directly show the
N0 W +I .
results after applying Lyapunov optimization. In each slot t,
each VUE pair k ∈ K solves the convex optimization problem,
X h
 Pkn (t)hnkk (t) i
A. RSU-Aided Power Allocation minimize V P k (t) − J k (t) log 2 1 +
Pkn (t) N0 W + I
As motivated in Section I, this work is concerned about (5)
the maximal queue length among all VUE pairs which is
with Pkn (t) satisfying (1) and Jk (t) = W Tc Q(M) (t) +

mathematically defined as M (t) := maxk∈K {Qk (t)} in slot
t. The network-wide maximal queue length also reflects the 2Q(B) (t) + 1 Qk (t) + λk (t) + 2 Qk (t) + λk (t) . Here,
worst-case sustained queuing delay. As a reliability measure, the parameter V ≥ 0 trades off the power cost optimality and
we leverage the notion of risk in financial mathematics, where queue length reduction of (2). Applying the Karush-Kuhn-
risk is synonymous with gaining or losing something valuable. Tucker (KKT) conditions to (5), the VUE transmitter finds
In our considered V2V communication, higher delay (or queue a transmit power Pkn∗ (t) > 0, ∀ n ∈ Nk , which satisfies
length) can result in an urgent-message loss undermining Jk (t)hn
kk (t) J (t)hnkk (t)
(N0 W +I+Pkn∗ (t)hn = V + η, if (Nk0 W +I) ln 2 > V + η.
kk (t)) ln 2
traffic safety. Therefore, to ensure reliable V2V communi- Otherwise, P n∗
(t) = 0. Moreover, the Lagrange η
cation, we aim at minimizing the “risk”. To do that, we P k n∗ Pmultiplier
is 0 if Pk (t) < N Pmax , and we have Pkn∗ (t) =
use the entropic risk measure ln(E[eδM(t) ])/δ with a risk- n∈Nk n∈Nk
sensitivity parameter δ > 0 as our reliability metric [7]. N Pmax when η > 0. Note that given a small value of V,
Imposing a threshold κ on the the entropic risk measure, the derived power Pkn∗ (t) provides a sub-optimal solution to
i.e., lim ln(E[eδM(t) ])/δ ≤ κ, we aim at minimizing the problem (2) whose optimal solution is asymptotically obtained
VUEs’ long-term transmit power consumption. By taking by increasing V. After sending data, the VUE pair k updates
the Maclaurin series expansion, we get ln(E[eδM(t) ])/δ = Qk (t + 1) for the next time slot t + 1. The information flow
E[M (t)] + δ2 Var(M (t)) + O(δ 2 ). Next, we focus on the mean diagram of the RSU-aided power allocation scheme is shown
and variance of M (t) by considering 0 < δ ≪ 1, and leave in Fig. 1. Note that to obtain Jk (t) at the VUE, the RSU
the studies of other high-order statistics, e.g., skewness, for requires all VUEs’ QSI in each time slot to calculate M (t),
future works. Thus, the studied problem is formulated as update (3) and (4), and feed Q(M) (t) and Q(B) (t) back to all
VUE pairs. However, frequent information exchange between
1 XX X n the RSU and VUEs incurs significant overhead. To address
minimize lim Pk (t) (2a) this issue, we propose a solution based on EVT to locally
P(t) T →∞ T
t=1 k∈K n∈Nk
characterize the distribution of the network-wide maximal
1X queue length.
subject to lim E[M (t)] ≤ M̄th , (2b)
T →∞ T

T B. EVT-Based Power Allocation
lim E[(M (t))2 ] ≤ B̄th , (2c) Theorem 1 (Fisher–Tippett–Gnedenko theorem [5]). Given
T →∞ T
K i.i.d. random variables (RVs), Q1 , · · · , QK , and defining
with P(t) = (Pkn (t), k ∈ K, n ∈ Nk ) satisfying (1) and M := max{Q1 , · · · , QK }, as K → ∞, we can approximate
B̄th = (M̄th )2 + 2(κ − M̄th)/δ. To solve problem (2), we use M as a generalized extreme value (GEV) distributed RV which
tools from Lyapunov stochastic optimization to dynamically is characterized by three parameters µ ∈ R, σ > 0, and ξ ∈ R.
allocate VUEs’ transmit power. In order to ensure (2b) and The support of M is {m : 1 + ξ(m − µ)/σ ≥ 0}.

E[S 2 ]E[S]
RSU’s operation VUE’s operation $4& (GPD) with two parameters σ̃ = 2E[S 2 ]−2E[S]2 > 0 and
E[S 2 ]−2E[S]2
a) Update (3) and (4)
b) VUE grouping and RB allocation Upload !" $ and geographic location to the RSU ξ= 2E[S 2 ]−2E[S]2 ∈ R.
RSU’s operation VUE’s operation $ 4 Yes
No *+,
In Theorems 1 and 2, ξ is identical while σ = σ̃ + ξ(µ − d).
Update (3) and (4) Upload !" #$' Is / 0?
a) Update (3) and (4) -.
Upload !" $ and geographic location to the RSU From von Mises conditions [5], we can asymptotically find
b) VUE grouping and RB allocation

$4$% &
µ = lim FQ−1 k
(1 − K 1
). Based on the above results, VUE
Feed back ! (Update
$ and(3)!and
) (4)
$ , Upload !" #$'
/ 0? pair k empirically estimates µ, σ, and ξ of (6) and (7) as per
Find transmit power 1"23 Update-.!" #$ % &'
or/and allocated RBs to the VUE

dk (t) = F̂Q−1

(1 − ψ),
$ 4$%& Ptk

τ =1 (Qk (τ )−dk (t))·1{Qk (τ )−dk (t)>0}

RSU’s operation diagram ofVUE’s the operation m Pt
RSU-aided power$ 4allocation ck (t) = ,

FigureFeed1.back Information
! ( $ and ! ) $ flow
τ =1 1{Qk (τ )−dk (t)>0}

Find transmit power 1"23 Update !" #$ % &'

or/and allocated RBs to the VUE Pt

 2
VUE grouping and RB allocation Upload geographic location to the RSU (Q (τ )−d (t)) ·
cvk (t) = τ =1 Pt 1
k k {Qk (τ )−dk (t)>0}
, (9)
Yes τ =1 {Qk (τ )−dk (t)>0}
RSU’s operation VUE’s operation $4&
 v m 2
c (t)−2[c (t)]
µ̂k (t) = F̂Qk (1 − K ), ξˆk (t) = 2ckv (t)−2[ckm (t)]2 ,
No 1

Find transmit power 1"23
Feed back allocated RBs to the VUE Is / 0?

-. 
k k
VUE grouping and RB allocation Upload geographic location to the RSU

σ̂ (t) = cvk (t)cm v m 2

k (t)+(ck (t)−2[ck (t)] )(µ̂k (t)−dk (t))

Update !" #$ % &', (9)-(11) Yes
$4$% & k v
2c (t)−2[c (t)] m 2 ,
k k
No *+,
Feed back allocated RBs to the VUE Find transmit power 1"23 Is / 0?
with ψ ≈ 0, and F̂Qk is the empirically estimated cumulative
Update !" #$ % &', (9)-(11) $ 4$%& distribution function (CDF) of Qk . Analogously to Section
III-A, we solve problem (8) using the Lyapunov optimization
Figure 2. Information flow diagram of the EVT-based power allocation by introducing two virtual queues,
scheme. (M)  (M) 
Qk (t + 1) = max Qk (t) + Qk (t + 1) − M̄th
× 1{1+ξ̂k (t)(Qk (t+1)−µ̂k (t))/σ̂k (t)≥0} , 0 ,

Considering that VUE pairs are uniformly distributed on (B) (B)
Qk (t + 1) = max Qk (t) + [Qk (t + 1)]2 − B̄th
the lanes, we can assume that VUEs’ transmission rates are
i.i.d. since Rk (t), approximately, does not vary with the other × 1{1+ξ̂k (t)(Qk (t+1)−µ̂k (t))/σ̂k (t)≥0} , 0 ,

VUEs’ transmit power. The traffic arrivals are also i.i.d. among
VUE pairs. Thus, we deduce that Q1 (t), · · · , QK (t) are i.i.d., for constraints (6) and (7), respectively. VUE pair k then
and M (t) converges to a GEV distributed RV as K → ∞. finds its transmit power by solving the optimization (M)problem
Referring to the support of M (t), we focus on VUE pair (5) with Jk (t) = W Tc Qk (t) + λk (t) + W Tc Qk (t) +
(B)   3 
k’s queue length conditioned on 1 + ξ(Qk (t) − µ)/σ ≥ 0. 2Qk (t) + 1 Qk (t) + λk (t) + 2 Qk (t) + λk (t) ·
In other words, we consider the situation in which VUE 1{1+ξ̂k (t)(Qk (t)+λk (t)−µ̂k (t))/σ̂k (t)≥0} in each time slot t. After
pair k is likely to achieve the largest queue length in the sending data, VUE pair k locally updates Qk (t + 1), (9), (10),
network. Subsequently, imposing the constraints on the mean and (11). The information flow diagram of the EVT-based
and second moment of the conditional queue length, i.e., power allocation scheme is shown in Fig. 2. In the EVT-
based solution, the VUE pair can locally estimate the statistics
1 X  of the network-wide maximal queue length. In other words,
E Qk (t)|1{1+ξ(Qk (t)−µ)/σ≥0} ≤ M̄th ,

lim (6)
T →∞ T the RSU is not needed to track the network-wide maximal
T queue length and exchange QSI for the VUEs. This mechanism
1 X 
E (Qk (t))2 |1{1+ξ(Qk (t)−µ)/σ≥0} ≤ B̄th , (7) remarkably alleviates signaling overhead for the high-mobility

T →∞ T V2V communication.

each VUE pair k locally focuses on the power minimization

problem which is modeled as follows: IV. N UMERICAL R ESULTS
We simulate a 250×250 m2 -area Manhattan mobility model
1X X n as in [4]. The average vehicle speed is 60 km/h, and the
minimize lim Pk (t) (8)
Pkn (t) T →∞ T distance between the transmitter and receiver of each VUE
t=1 n∈Nk
pair is 15 m. Assuming the 5.9 GHz carrier frequency and
subject to lim E[|Qk (t)|] < ∞, (1), (6), and (7).
t→∞ expressing x = (xi , xj ) ∈ R2 and y = (yi , yj ) ∈ R2 as
the transmitter’s and receiver’s Euclidean coordinates, respec-
In (6) and (7), the VUE requires the parameters µ, σ, and
tively, we consider the path loss model for the urban areas [3].
ξ of the network-wide maximal queue length M (t), which
When the transmitter and receiver are on the same lane, we
are unknown beforehand. To deal with this, we introduce the
have the line-of-sight path loss value l0 kx − yk−α . Provided
following Theorem and then specify a local and empirical
that the transmitter and receiver are separately located on the
estimation mechanism for these parameters.
perpendicular lanes, we consider the weak-line-of-sight path
Theorem 2 (Pickands–Balkema–de Haan theorem [5]). loss model l0 (|xi − yi | + |xj − yj |)−α if, at least, one is near
Consider any RV Qk of Theorem 1 and a high threshold d. As the intersection within the distance △. Otherwise, we have the
d → FQ−1k
(1), we can approximately characterize the excess non-line-of-sight path loss value l0′ (|xi −yi |·|xj −yj |)−α with
value S = Qk − d > 0 by a generalized Pareto distribution l0′ < l0 ( △ α
2 ) . Finally, if the transmitter and receiver are not

Table I
S IMULATION PARAMETERS [3], [4], [10], [11] 100 Numerical, K = 20
Para. Value Para. Value Para. Value Theretical, K = 20
K {20, 40, 60, 80} W 180 kHz Tc 3 ms Numerical, K = 40
N0 -174 dBm/Hz Pmax 10 dBm N 20 Theretical, K = 40
-1 Numerical, K = 60
λavg 0.5 Mbps ψ 10−2 T0 100 10
ζ 30 m φ 150 m g 10 Theretical, K = 60
M̄th 225 kbit l0′ -54.5 dB α 1.61 Numerical, K = 80
B̄th 6 × 1010 bit2 l0 -68.5 dB △ 15 m Theretical, K = 80

K = 80

located on the same lane nor on the perpendicular lanes, we K = 20 K = 60

assume no signal propagation. Moreover, all wireless channels 10-3
K = 40
experience Rayleigh fading with unit variance, and Poisson
traffic arrivals are considered. The remaining parameters are
listed in Table I. For performance comparison, we consider a
baseline in which the VUE transmits with a constant rate. 10
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
From [9], we know that given a constant service rate Rc , Network-wide maximal queue length M (kbit)
the complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF)
of the queue length can be approximately written as F̄Q (q) ≈ Figure 3. Accuracy of the theoretical approximation using EVT, V = 0.
Pr(Q > 0) · e−θq , where exponent θ can be found by equating
the effective bandwidth function β(θ) [9] to the constant
service rate, i.e., θ = β −1 (Rc ). Furthermore, applying F̄Q (q) 104 RSU-aided, mean
Mean and standard deviation (SD) of M (kbit)
to Theorems 1 and 2, we obtain the corresponding GEV EVT-based, mean
distribution, with E[M ] ≈ [ln(K · Pr(Q > 0)) + 0.57721]/θ Baseline, mean
and Var(M ) ≈ π 2 /(6θ2 ), of the baseline. RSU-aided, SD
3 EVT-based, SD
Let us first verify the accuracy of using EVT to characterize 10
Baseline, SD
the network-wide maximal queue length M in the EVT-based
scheme. Specifically, in Fig. 3, we plot the CCDFs of M Standard deviation
obtained numerically in the EVT-based scheme as well as 2 Mean
theoretically using Theorem 1. When K = 20, there is a
gap since the number of VUE pairs is not sufficient to have
a converged GEV approximation. However, when K ≥ 40,
numerical values match well with the theoretical approxima- 101
tion. Thus, even though the number of VUE pairs is moderate,
EVT still provides a powerful framework to characterize the V →∞ V =0
network-wide metric without resorting to K → ∞. If there are Raising V decreases throughput
more VUEs sharing resources, the incurred lower rate results 10
0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2
in higher queue length. Next, we consider K = 80 in the Average throughput (Mbps)
following simulations. In Fig. 4, we show the throughput-
latency (i.e., power-delay since throughput increases with Figure 4. Tradeoff between the VUE’ average throughput and the statistics
transmit power) tradeoffs of our proposed queue-aware ap- of the network-wide maximal queue length.
proaches and the baseline. At V = 0, the VUE aims to
boost the transmission rate as per (5), yielding the highest
the former is oblivious to the queue value. At low aver-
average throughput with lowest maximal queue length. On the
age throughput whereby higher gains are attained, resource
other hand, the optimal solutions to the power minimization
scheduling helps to deliver data efficiently. Subsequently, we
problems (2) and (8) are asymptotically achieved by increasing
consider the RSU-aided scheme with V = 0 owing to its
V in (5). Since the average throughput to maintain system
highest throughput and lowest queue length performance.
stability is minimized as V → ∞ (via power minimization),
Note that due to the high mobility feature in V2V commu-
the queue length increases dramatically. Additionally, given
nication, the small time slot length Tc (i.e., coherence time)
that the VUE can increase its transmit power with a tighter
restricts the codeword length (or blocklength) in each trans-
requirement on M̄ and Var(M ), the VUE can estimate the
mission. This hinders vehicles from achieving the Shannon
statistics of M locally and find the transmit power without
rate with an infinitesimal decoding error probability. Taking
global QSI exchange with the RSU. If the VUE has lower
into account this practical concern in finite blocklength
power budget, using the RSU for exchanging the global QSI
√ we consider the transmission rate Rf = log2 (1+
helps to alleviate the maximal queue length albeit increasing 2γ(γ+2)erfc−1 (2ǫ)
signaling overhead. In contrast with the baseline, our two γ) − √
L(1+γ) ln 2
which incorporates the blocklength
proposed approaches achieve performance enhancement since L ≪ ∞ and a block error probability ǫ > 0 with the inverse

1.6 3.2 0.26

1.55 R̄(∞, 0) 3 0.25
R̄(L, 0.5) 0.24
Average throughput R̄(L, ǫ) (Mbps)

Average throughput R̄(L, ǫ) (Mbps)

1.5 2.8
R̄(L, 10−5 ) Latency

Average queuing latency (ms)

1.45 2.6 0.23
R̄(L, 10−9 )
1.4 Latency, ǫ = 0.5 2.4 0.22
Latency, ǫ = 10−5 0.21
1.35 2.2
Latency, ǫ = 10−9 0.2
1.3 2
1.25 1.8
1.2 1.6
1.15 1.4 0.16
1.1 1.2 0.15
40 km/h R̄(∞, 0)
1.05 60 km/h 1
80 km/h 0.14 R̄(L, 0.5)
1 0.8 0.13 R̄(L, 10−5 )
110 km/h
R̄(L, 10−9 )
0.95 0.6 0.12
300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800
Blocklength L Blocklength L

Figure 5. Average throughput and queuing latency versus blocklength with Figure 6. Average throughput versus blocklength with 100 m VUE pair
15 m VUE pair distance, λavg = 0.5 Mbps. distance, λavg = 0.01 Mbps.

Table II
T HROUGHPUT R ATIO IN THE F INITE B LOCKLENGTH T RANSMISSION queue length among all vehicles. We have proposed a semi-
R̄(300,10 −9
) R̄(800,10−9
) R̄(300,10−5
) R̄(800,10 −5
centralized and a distributed dynamic power allocation solu-
Distance tions by marrying tools from Lyapunov stochastic optimization
R̄(300,0.5) R̄(800,0.5) R̄(300,0.5) R̄(800,0.5)
15 m 95% 95% 96% 96% and EVT. Simulation results have shown the effectiveness of
100 m 55% 69% 69% 83% extreme value theory in designing URLLC systems as well as
the performance improvements of our proposed approaches.
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This letter has studied the problem of transmit power
minimization subject to high-order constraints on the maximal

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