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How to Protect Your Health and Home from the Chemicals That are Making You Sick

Perfect Nutrition is Not Enough to Stay Healthy.

Unless you reduce the toxicity in your body you will be fighting a losing battle in trying to
maintain or regain your mental acuity and physical health.

Most of the common aches and pains, memory losses, skin problems, joint paints, etc. of
modern life, as well as the bigger health problems can be traced to the accumulation of toxins,
that destroy uspeople the cellular level.

Whether one’s health issue is brain fog, irritability, chronic fatigue, depression, sleep apnea, or
any of the autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases or even cancer, toxins are a certain
contributor to the lessened cellular functioning throughout the body.

The vast majority of today's illnesses are related to the combination of too much exposure to
toxic chemicals, and lack of good and natural nutrition. The logical solution is to remove the
toxic chemicals from our homes and bodies that cause illness, and at the same time,
increase high quality nutrition for healing and repair.

Here's why it's so important to take 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder.

Why we are falling sick frequently

A growing number of health care professionals are coming to realize that exposure to toxic
chemicals are the major cause of most illness today. And the Centers for Disease Control has
now shown that virtually everybody has a stockpile of chemicals in their bodies. This is
known as "body burden."

These enlightened health care professionals are recognizing that as long as there are toxic
chemicals being stored in a body, no other treatment will work to handle a health problem.
Detox, and specifically detox of industrial chemicals, and Car exhaust and Chemicals in all
fresh and preserved foods, needs to be the first step for any health program

Why we are spending more money on common illnesses! And why we shall have to change to
simple natural remedies:

Clinoptilolite Zeolite - Today's Answer for a Toxic World

It is produced by Mother Earth millions of years ago, by erupting volcanoes now inactive, are
dug deep, excavate big rocks, and powder them after removing the contaminants.

Basic specifications:

It contains more than 75 micro minerals.

The basic Chemical composition of the Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is as follows:

SiO2 – 68.52 to 73.08

TiO2 – 0.22 to 0.33%

Al2O3 – 9.28 to 11.17%

Fe2O3 – 0.73 to 1.77%

MgO – 0.00 to 0.83%

MnO – 0.02 to 0.07%

Na2O – 0.00 to 0.91%

K2O – 1.50 to 6.13%

P2O3 – 0.01 to 0.04%

LOI – 7.44 to 11.29

Colour– Light Green

Particle size – 90-100 microns fine powder

CEC – > 150 meq

It also has more than 75 Micro Minerals.

The Most Important Point is – It is Tasteless, Odourless and has no Shelf Life.




amazing all natural mineral that has been proven to absorb the toxins, free radicals, and heavy
metals from your body, as well as boosting the immune system without side effects. This mineral
will balance the body's pH. Foreign cells cannot grow in a balanced pH environment.

This mineral has been shown in independent studies to be effective fighting certain types of
health issues. This Clinoptilolite Zeolite is the form of proven effective in all of the published
scientific studies. All ingredients used are listed by the FDA as Generally Recognized as Safe.

MANY of our health problems are unknowingly caused by toxins and heavy metals continually
building up and collecting in our bodies. 100% NATURAL CLINOPTILOLITE ZEOLITE
VOLCANIC ASH POWDER is a natural mineral which has a negative charge and molecular
cage structure. This negative charge acts like a magnet to pull the toxins / Positive Ions from
your body and trap them into its Honeycomb cage like structure, which then safely carries them
out of the body as waste. Since your body is never exposed to the withdrawing toxins, there are
virtually no side effects.


extremely effective.


balance the pH in the body. A balanced pH environment will not allow foreign cells to grow.


powerful in boosting the body’s immune system.

Detox Chemicals From Your Body...While You Sleep!. That's how important sleep is to detox


mineral, is uniquely suited to remove toxic chemicals. Tiny bits of negatively-charged zeolite
act like little magnets to attract positively-charged particles--which include 99.9% of heavy
metals, radiation, and organic chemicals--so they can be removed from your body, via your

Within 4-6 hours, tiny particles of Clinoptilolite Zeolite have picked up and eliminated a bit of
toxic chemicals from your body, leaving negatively-charged particles such as beneficial
minerals. When the dose is repeated several times daily over time, gradually the build-up of toxic
chemicals is reduced and health is restored.

Powdered Clinoptilolite Zeolite is unique as a detox agent in that it removes toxic chemicals
directly from your bloodstream, even if your body's detox system isn't functioning well.

All powdered Zeolites are not for Human consumption, only Clinoptilolite Zeolite with Light
Green hue is most suitable for detoxification.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite particles are small enough to move into the blood stream and into every
cell of your body where the toxins are buried. It cleanses your entire system--every cell--and then
is safely and completely excreted through the kidneys.

We are Living in a Toxic World: like Factory pollution; Car Exhaust pollution;
Contaminated Lakes pollution; City pollution; Even villages are polluted; Household
chemicals pollution; Agricultural pollution chemicals pollution; Pesticides spraying
pollution; and now the recent fruits with carbides; Modern travelling long distances for
daily work; Mobile phone radiation; MCS (Multiple Chemical Sensitivity); SBS (Sick
Building syndrome); and numerous known and unknown pollutions threaten the mankind.
We ignore the natural remedies and depend on the multi specialty hospitals and treatments
which make a big dent on our hard earned money.

The safe removal of heavy metals is becoming one of the modern world’s biggest health issues.
Heavy metals surround us; chemtrails; vaccinations; air and water pollution; living or working
near a smelter or mine; dental fillings; Hydro-fluosilicic acid; the chemical often used to
fluoridate drinking water; Most of the industrial waste that contains lead, mercury, cadmium,
arsenic, aluminum, benzene and radioactive waste material, etc.,

No one in the industrial world is untouched, and the effects of heavy metals are nothing short of
frightening, with links to impaired brain and motor function, Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart
disease and genetic defects.

Heavy metals replace the body’s needed minerals, for instance, lead will replace calcium in the
bones, weakening them and causing osteoporosis. Lead also replaces calcium in the blood cells,
damaging the blood and causing a severe form of anemia.

It then goes to the brain, where it replaces calcium, iron magnesium and other vital elements that
are found there. Cadmium will replace zinc in a male’s testicles as well as in a woman’s ovaries,
causing countless reproductive issues. Male and female sexual fluids are rich in zinc, this can
cause low sperm counts, impotence in men, reduced fertility in women, and increased libido in

“Cadmium is so toxic to the brain that it causes what might be called ‘a small rebellion’ in the
tissues of the brain, which results in violent thoughts. One notices this as one removes cadmium,
that violent thoughts and even one’s violent impulses diminish” Lawrence Wilson, MD.

Mercury is one of the most toxic minerals known to man, and yet it is also one of the most
common heavy metal’s used today. It’s even used in children’s vaccines as a preservative in the
form Thimerosal. The list of debilitating illnesses associated with mercury is incredibly vast and
mercury exposure should be avoided at all costs.

When heavy metals are present and needed minerals are low, the body will use heavy metals for
enzyme creation. An affected enzyme may operate at 5% of normal activity. This may contribute
to countless health conditions.

Now for the good news! Clinoptilolite Zeolite, the magic mineral that is saving lives and
changing the world.

Natural mineral compound Zeolite, specifically Clinoptilolite – which was produced by our
Mother earth millions of years ago has the perfect structure for removing heavy metals and will
do it quickly and safely without any side effects.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite is shaped like a cage and is one of only a few minerals in nature that
carries a negative charge. It’s this amazing combination that allows the zeolite to capture toxic
heavy metals containing a positive charge including mercury, lead, cadmium, aluminum,
bismuth, antimony, barium, depleted uranium and many others. Zeolite will then remove them
from the body; once the toxins are trapped in the zeolite molecule they are almost impossible for
them to escape this bond.
Clinoptilolite Zeolite structure is like Honeycomb which has a unique ability to attract positive
ions from its surroundings. All positive ions are indicators of bad health. It has @ 200 square
feet of porous surface in its honeycomb structure per a gram of powder.

A full body detox to remove built up metals will take approximately 4-9 weeks depending on
age, general health and diet. There are always extremes in any situation of course, and it can take
many months in some cases, the process however can be sped up dramatically when combined
with green juice fasting where 88% of the over 800 toxins were removed in 1 week and 100%
removed in 2 weeks.

Those results are quite remarkable, as you will see below. Given that virtually every person
living in modern society today has hundreds of synthetic chemicals in their bodies that do not
belong there, and with the documented proof that combining 100% Natural Clinoptilolite
Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder with a simple juice fast can remove 88 percent of those chemicals
from the body, this is research of tremendous importance. Its importance cannot be overstated
when discussing the prevention of cancer, Alzheimer's, birth defects and even diabetes.

This new discovery of Clinoptilolite Zeolite to the modern world has started only few years

Scientific Studies

More recently, scientists in Eastern Europe started experimenting with Clinoptilolite zeolite
powder. Tumours for mice and dogs shrunk, leading to the possibility that Clinoptilolite zeolite
powder might help with cancer. Research in Croatia reveals reduction in brain tumours for mice
fed with Clinoptilolite zeolite powder, while another study in Croatia suggests that use of
Clinoptilolite zeolite powder may reduce mestastitis.

“Treatment of cancer-bearing mice and dogs with Clinoptilolite Zeolite powder led to
improvement of the overall health status, prolongation of life span and decrease of tumor size in
some cases. It also reduced lipid peroxidation in the liver of mice”.

You can read many of these testimonies in website.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite powder may be your only hope for the present day of the toxic world.

The Present day Doctors does not predict this Mother earth’s gift created millions of years

Can your liver, kidney and bowel keep all these poisons cleared from your body? The answer is
no. These chemicals and toxins are accumulating in our bodies. Doctors know that heavy metals
accumulate and cause problems.

So what happens when your body gets overloaded with these things? Do you think this could
explain the rising numbers of birth defects, autism, MS, lupus, fibromyalgia, cancer etc? The
thing is, cancer and other diseases cannot get a foothold in a healthy body. Your body is
designed to heal. When you relieve the body of some of its toxic burden, and add healthy
nourishing foods, you can often turn off disease and get better.

The most important factor for long useful life of a car engine or a long, useful human life is
keeping harmful things out of us. We live in a toxic world, and also there are many harmful
chemicals produced inside us as part of metabolism that must be removed or damage occurs.
That is why we must detoxify our internal bodies regularly or else our cells will accumulate
DNA altering toxins that will slowly but surely destroy the body invisibly from the inside.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite is the best way to remove those toxins from your body.

How to Survive the World’s Toxic Crisis?

We live in a toxic world. Virtually everyone in the world has hundreds of toxins inside his/her
body that are interfering with the correct functioning of the body’s cells —

Over 70,000 chemicals are dumped into the environment by industry, 65,000 of which are
potentially hazardous.

People are being poisoned before they take a first breath! Newborn babies have been found to
have as many as 287 industrial chemicals in their umbilical cords at birth — 180 of these are
known to cause cancer and 217 are classified as toxic.

All world people, of any age, have enough toxic chemicals inside their bodies to cause constant
DNA damage. In India there is no concern at all for pollution and toxins. And, it’s just getting
worse day in and day out. Unless you reduce the toxicity in your body you will be fighting a
losing battle in trying to maintain or regain your mental acuity and physical health.

Most of the common aches and pains, memory losses, skin problems, joint paints, etc. of
modern life, as well as the bigger health problems can be traced to the accumulation of toxins,
that destroy us at the cellular level.

Whether one’s health issue is brain fog, irritability, chronic fatigue, depression, sleep apnea, or
any of the autoimmune diseases, inflammatory diseases or even cancer, toxins are a certain
contributor to the lessened cellular functioning throughout the body.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite has been studied and shown to do all of the following:

Clinoptilolite Zeolite has been used extensively to absorb and remove radioactive particles from
people, animals, plants, soil and water.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite captures and removes heavy metals, particularly lead, mercury, cadmium,
and arsenic, pesticides, herbicides, PCBs, and other toxins from the body. These toxins are
strongly correlated with the occurrence of a wide range of diseases, including cancers and
neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s, autism, and dementia.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite captures and removes ammonia and harmful nitrogen compounds (such
as nitrosamines) that are produced in the body and act as free radicals.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite directly absorbs many types of free radicals and thus decreases free
radical activity and damage to the body (animal results show dramatic increases in life span for
those animals that receive zeolite as part of their daily feed).

Clinoptilolite Zeolite has been shown to help establish an optimal pH level.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite has been shown to block viral replication.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite has been singled out in anecdotal reports as helping to establish a sense of
well-being, clarity, and happiness. (This would likely be a consequence of eliminating toxins.)

Clinoptilolite Zeolite has also been reported to increase energy, immune function, and general
health (Again, this would be a result of removing the burden of toxic overload from the body).

Clinoptilolite Zeolite has also been shown to capture antigens, which cause allergies,
migraines, and asthma, decreasing the rate and severity of these symptoms.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite Combats These Sources of Toxins in the Human Body:


Mercury in dental fillings

Petrochemical products

Nitrogen compounds such as ammonia (produced in the body)

Endotoxins and Mycotoxins

Cadmium in cigarettes and smoggy air

Preservatives and pesticides in and on our food

Perfumes and lotions that we put on our skin


Cleaning fluids and

Out-gassing from carpets, Formica, pressed wood and paneling

... and the list could go on and on and on to 70,000 chemicals in the environment.
Toxins accumulate in our bodies until the body can no longer keep up with the toxic load... and
then our health begins to fall apart at a frightening speed. If your body is going down hill fast...
you can be sure — TOXINs are the culprit.

No amount of nutrition can fix a toxic body.




Our Fine Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is Your Best Friend and Handy

Detox" has become the buzz-word of the millennium, and many people detox without
understanding why they're doing it, or what they're detoxing.

Toxicity occurs when the body is unable to eliminate toxins more quickly than the body
accumulates them due to your food habits, travelling and work environments.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is a non-toxic, deeply detoxifying,
alkalizing dietary supplement volcanic earth clay that can be taken internally and externally to
help rid the body of toxins such as heavy metals, ammonia, and other harmful environmental
chemicals. Benefits increase with continued usage. It naturally holds a negative charge and will
bond with toxins for safe and effective removal. It can also be used externally for face and body
masks, or added into bath water for a detoxifying bath.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder originated millions of years ago
when lava and volcanic ash fell into the sea and boiled there (zeo = to boil, lite = stone). Silicon
(SI02) is the second most common element on our planet next to oxygen. Everyone knows we
can't live without oxygen, but many people don't realize they also cannot live without silicon.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder (only this form of zeolite is
suitable for medicinal purposes) a SiO2 donor, it permits ion exchange, such as effecting the
release of heavy metal content from the body and making essential ions (minerals) accessible.
Furthermore, 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder can disarm free-
radicals, bind and eject toxic substances and effect de-acidification. 100% Natural
Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder can also have a positive effect on the body’s
metabolic processes, such as promoting more efficient transport of nutrients to cells.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder does not have a biochemical effect
on the body but a biophysical one and with this capacity is able to optimally manage a self-
regulatory function, thus normalizing the body’s metabolic processes, which may have been
disturbed by environmental pollution.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder has no undesirable side-effects,
cannot be overdosed, has been scientifically proven to have a biophysical effect, and is ejected in
the stool.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder has proven to

• delay aging

• prevent susceptibility to infection

• ensure well-regulated mineral-electrolyte and bioelectrical functions

• improve physical and mental functions

For competitive athletes, 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder ensures
the regulation of the mineral-balance (which can be disturbed during heavy perspiration), and the
breakdown of free radicals, which are produced by athletes in high concentrations and are often
the cause of injuries. 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder leads to
increased regeneration of all body processes after extreme physical strain and protects the athlete
from damages to his/her health.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder has proven to be an excellent basic
therapeutic substance, in particular for chronic illnesses, such as Diabetes mellitus and cancer.
Radionuclides were removed from the human body with this natural stone powder after the
nuclear reactor accident in Chernobyl, Ukraine. Also in Japan’s Fukushima Radioactive disaster
they have used thousands of tones of this rock in their sea.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is not a medication and is also not
a cure-all. It must be taken with understanding and discipline in individually determined dosages
according to a required prophylactic or therapeutic scheme, whereby a large quantity of water
(1/2 glass every hour) must be drunk during the day in order to be able to purge the body of
Australian research and scientific studies show that 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite
Volcanic Ash Powder is effective for many uses.

Here are nine of 29 documented research studies, which you can see in the google web:

• Anti-diarrhetic

• Antiviral properties suggest there is a therapeutical case for clinoptilolite zeolite against the
herpes virus.

• Anticancer and antioxidative effects of micronized zeolite clinoptilolite showed a reduction in

cancer count.

• Natural clinoptilolite zeolite is a new adjuvant in anticancer therapy.

• The effect of natural clinoptilolite zeolite on the serotonergic receptors in the brain of mice
showed that there was a beneficial effect on those mice with mammary carcinoma.

• Dietary supplementation with an activated clinoptilolite zeolite in immunodeficiency: effects

on the immune system which showed no adverse reactions to the treatment.

• Clinoptilolite zeolite effects the cellular micro-environment of cell media and consequently, has
an effect on tumour cells in vitro.

• Mice and dogs suffering from cancer tumours had improved health and longer life span after
clinoptilolite zeolite powder was used to treat their tumors, with no negative effects.

• Investigation of cytotoxicity of six mineral dusts from 12 deposits. Results showed that
clinoptilolite zeolite and one other, being rounded in shape, had no AM cytotoxicity.

Effective treatment of chronic illness resulting from the long-term buildup of heavy metals in the
body, such as chelation therapy, presents numerous clinical challenges, including undesirable
side effects and unpredictable efficacy. Use of a naturally occurring clinoptilolite zeolite, to
remove these toxic substances may offer an efficacious and safe alternative to the traditional

A UCLA study demonstrates that the daily use of an activated clinoptilolite zeolite suspension
represents a potentially safe and effective way to remove toxic heavy metals from the body
through increased urinary excretion without removing clinically detrimental amounts of vital

Clinoptilolite zeolite is already widely used in animal husbandry as well. In order to ensure
toxin-free agricultural products (meat, milk, eggs), to maintain the performance of race-horses
and for the healthy breeding of all productive livestock.

A Pinch of powder added to a glass of water and taken two or three times a day. The most
simplest way of taking, compared to other harsh medicaments. This Natural Mother
Earth’s gift is more powerful than the temple vibhuti.

This small quantity use, a pinch twice or thrice a day, is smallest dosage compared to any
other brands in the world.

No precautionary measures or diet control is necessary.

Brush your teeth every day with this 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash
Powder, and see how fresh your teeth are without bad breath.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder can be simply blended into just
about any drink or food.

Sprinkle a teaspoon 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder onto just
about any food you are cooking.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder can be mixed into cakes, cookies
and other baked goods.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is tasteless and won't affect the
flavor of your food.

To remove harmful elements from the surface of fresh food which could be radiated, wash
your leafy and other vegetables and fruit in a bowl of water and add one teaspoon of zeolite
powder. Leave it to soak for 5-10 minutes. The toxins and contaminants in the vegetables
and fruits get absorbed by the zeolite.

Put a little 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder into your diet every day
to combat and remove the radiation fallout from the body. It removes many other toxic heavy
metals from the body including cadmium, arsenic, nickel, lead, mercury, barium and other toxic

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is well known to gently stop Ecoli
outbreaks and food poisoning effects.

Slimming Aid: 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder can help you not
only maintain a slim figure, but also preserve your general health. Not only does 100% Natural
Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder remove radiation elements but also contributes to
the general purification of the human body, which in turn helps lead to significant weight loss,
since it is known that, frequently, overweight is caused by the toxins stored or not properly
eliminated by the body.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder, a Natural Remedy Effective in
Nuclear Accidents.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder, a collision formed aluminosilicate
in volcanic lava hot salty sea water is a natural remedy used for thousands of years in traditional
medicine in India, China, and the Siberian region.

After the nuclear accident at Chernobyl, 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash
Powder proved effective in severe cases of irradiation of people in the affected area.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder can capture and remove many of
the allergens and antigens (including viruses, bacteria, parasites, and those altered cells infected
with germs or tumor cells), but without removing beneficial ions and minerals from the healthy

Herbal medicine uses only Clinoptilolite Zeolite.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder has reportedly shown to be
effective in many diseases: poisoning by heavy metals, pesticides and xenoestrogens, irradiation
with radioactive cesium, intestinal infections, gastritis and stomach ulcers, diabetes, male
infertility, gout, urea removal from the body , autism."

A group of people in the Andes, among those in central Africa, and among the Aborigines
of Australia, carry a knapsack contained a ball of clay, a little of which was dissolved in
water. Into this they dipped their morsels of food while eating to prevent "sick stomach"

Keep @ 100 grams of 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder in a small
plastic box with open mouth in your Refrigerator. This will absorb bad and foul smells in
your Refrigerator and improve the shelf life of Fruits and Vegetables.

Keep @ 100 grams of 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder in a
hanging pouch and keep it in your toilet or bathroom to absorb murky smells.

Take @ 100 grams of 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder, add boiled
water to make a paste and keep it handy, and apply for bruises, cuts, cramps, swellings,
pains in joints etc, which will cure those ailments.

Keep some powder in your Ash Tray to absorb Cigarette Smells.

Wash your vegetables and Fruits in a bowl of water added with a tea spoon of 100%
Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder, and keep them for a hour and this
makes the vegetables and fruits eliminate some of the toxins in their structure.
Radiation Detoxification;

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is a health supplement to absorb
heavy toxic metals and radioactive substances, allowing the body to excrete them within six

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder literally sucks the toxins out of
your body. Particles such as radioactive isotopes, heavy metals, free radicals, and other toxins are
attracted to the zeolites and trapped in their honeycomb structure. Your body is then able to
easily eliminate them -- leaving your body cleansed and stronger.

Thirty percent of the body's wastes are excreted out of the skin through sweat. Mechanical
air conditioning replaces our own built-in body air conditioner, but it does nothing about the
remove-the-waste function of sweat. Hence applying Clinoptilolite Zeolite paste all over the
body dry for one or two hours, will make your skin toxin free.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is very well suited for heavy metal
detoxification and are considered 100 percent safe and non-toxic by the FDA.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is the ultimate toxic filter in our
increasingly toxic world and clearly should be a part of everyone’s daily health and
detoxification regimen.

100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder is important for all of us not only
due the numerous benefits that it can provide to us, but also largely due to the fact it can provide
these benefits while being completely non-toxic and 100% natural.

Zeolite Clinoptilolite is a completely non-toxic rare mineral that naturally occurs in nature.
All Indian Cities, towns and villages have similar symptoms.

What Happens when you take Clinoptilolite Zeolite

When you start taking Clinoptilolite Zeolite, it immediately goes to work. Clinoptilolite
Zeolite starts by adsorbing toxins from your intestines. As a result, your energy levels will
start to increase. You will start to notice a sense of well-being. Some people detect clarity of
thought. The toxins that are in your intestines are now adsorbed and being eliminated.

The next step is to actually pull the toxins from your system; at this point you may not feel
as well as you did at the beginning. This occurs around the fifth day. Your liver and your
other systems will be a little taxed at this point from unloading the toxins that are in your
body. However, the feelings of queasiness will subside within a few days and you will be
well on your way to good health. Clinoptilolite Zeolite has done its job.

In few cases, where toxins in the body are more, the patients get heated body and fever,
which denotes that the detoxification has started.

In addition, Clinoptilolite Zeolite works on the body to help with:

The circulatory system; Kidney function; Skin diseases; Diabetes mellitus; Periodontisis;
Endocrine glands; Rheumatic disorders; Neuron-psychosis; Fungal infection; Alcoholic
hangovers, etc,

Clinoptilolite Zeolite – A Heavy Metal Adsorbent Clinoptilolite Zeolite has been found to be
an effective heavy metal adsorbent that directly targets impurities within the body and
effortlessly removes them.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite removes various toxins from the body, especially heavy metals. By
removing heavy metals, magnesium stores in the body can efficiently work with adenosine
triphosphate (ATP), a metabolic energy source. When this interaction occurs at an optimal level,
individuals experience a natural increase in energy, mental clarity and an overall feeling of well-
being. International Research has shown that Clinoptilolite Zeolite also increases serotonin
levels, a neurotransmitter that affects emotions, behavior and thought. All of these factors
influence the ability of the immune system to fight against infection. Overall, Clinoptilolite
Zeolite appears to play a role in balancing the immune system. In particular, Clinoptilolite
Zeolite exhibits the capability of trapping pre-virus components, thereby preventing the
replication of viruses and effectively destroying their ability to produce many viral infections.
Clinoptilolite Zeolite’s honeycomb structure absorbs and binds viral components into its pores,
allowing the body to effectively remove the particles via urination, defecation or perspiration.

Studies have found that Clinoptilolite Zeolite blocks the development of viral infections that
include Coxsackie virus B-5, Adenovirus 5 and Herpes virus1 Herpes zoster patients on
Clinoptilolite Zeolite have become pain free within 3 days of starting the supplement, while
other studies have shown that Clinoptilolite Zeolite has been shown effectiveness in treating flu,
colds, hepatitis C, viral or heavy metal induced multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite’s function as an antiviral appears to have a preventative function that

builds up over time. Once the heavy metals, herbicides and pesticides are removed, viral
components are then attacked. However, there has been evidence that in some cases the antiviral
effect is immediate.


Clinoptilolite Zeolite, an Anti-Diarrheal Research indicates that natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite

exhibits an anti-diarrheal action within the body. It appears to lower the incidence of sickness
and death due to intestinal diseases in animals. Due to these findings, a comprehensive study was
done on the use of Clinoptilolite Zeolite in anti-diarrheal drugs in humans as a therapeutic
remedy for acute diarrhea. The positive results in the study led to the inclusion of Clinoptilolite
Zeolite in anti-diarrheal drugs in humans. The ingestion of Clinoptilolite Zeolite is considered to
be analogous to clay eating, which is considered to be a traditional remedy for various illnesses.
For centuries, the powdered forms of specific Clinoptilolite Zeolites have been used as
traditional remedies throughout Asia to promote overall health and well being. The story of the
“volcanic rock” has been passed down from generation to generation as more and more people
have experienced its life-changing benefits.

Zeolites are widely used in water purification and in agriculture and ranching because of their
ability to remove heavy metals, ammonia and other toxic substances from water, from the root
systems of plants and from animals and their wastes... and from people.

Zeolite is especially important when one cannot afford to have their dental amalgams
removed by a mercury-safe dentist. In this case, we recommend as many forms of heavy metal
detoxification as possible such, as infrared sauna, and increasing organic sulfur compounds
(thiols) via MSM and glutathione enhancing supplements.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite captures heavy metals... it does not release heavy metals.

Facts, Research & Testimonials

Clinoptilolite Zeolite—

Was used by the Department of Energy to remedy radiation at The Buffalo Nuclear power plant
(3 mile Island).

Is used for water waste treatment and water purification

Is Earths most powerful radiation protection that can trap and detox harmful nuclear
contamination from your body.

Is used to eradicate viruses and bacteria

Is so powerful that it adsorbs plutonium, uranium 238, strontium - 90, cesium, and hundreds of
other harmful isotopes

Is used to stop chronic diarrhea and has been used to treat internal and external burns

Can prevent bacterial infection. Studies have shown that it can also stimulate new skin cell
growth used topically and ingested.

In addition, it has also been used for:

Mycotoxins—Mycotoxins is a family of toxins produced by certain fungal species. Aflatoxin, a

type of mycotoxin, has been linked to the occurrence of stomach, kidney, and liver cancer.
Studies show that zeolite adsorbs aflatoxins and notably improves overall health in animals.

Hangovers— Alcohol intoxication disrupts normal biological processes, most notably the ability
of the liver to detoxify the blood. As a result, toxic metabolites are produced and are far more
noxious than the actual alcohol that is consumed, causing the “hangover” (nausea, headaches and
discomfort). Clinoptilolite Zeolite relieves the side effects of excessive alcohol consumption by
removing these toxins.

Fungal Infections— Clinoptilolite Zeolite eliminates fungal infections of the skin and feet, in
addition to interior infections of mucosal membranes and internal organs.

Skin Diseases— Seborrhea, dermatitis, herpes, psoriasis, and other skin disorders have all been
treated with Clinoptilolite zeolite supplementation. In addition, any individual that uses
Clinoptilolite zeolite will find an overall improvement in skin quality, which occurs as moisture
is increased and resistance to a variety of negative external factors (ex. UV rays) is enhanced.

Physical Endurance— Clinoptilolite Zeolite has been found to eliminate pain during an
increase in physical activity, and directly heighten stamina an individual's overall endurance.

Wounds and Burns— Clinoptilolite Zeolite relieves pain, scarring, and accelerates the healing
of wounds and burns.

Neurological Effects— Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, schizophrenia, and epilepsy have all benefited
from Clinoptilolite zeolite supplementation. It has also been connected to improvement in the
treatment and overall disposition of insomnia, depression, and neurosis.

Circulatory System— Clinoptilolite Zeolite strengthens the heart muscle and stabilizes the
circulatory system; blood pressure improves, vein viscosity is reduced, enlarged capillaries
disappear, and there is a reduction in hemorrhoids.

Diabetes Mellitus— Clinoptilolite Zeolite stabilizes and decreases blood sugar level in diabetes

Periodontisis— Inflammatory gum disease resulting in the loss of bones and teeth, plus the
appearance of oral microorganism, can be controlled by the application of a Clinoptilolite
zeolite powder added directly into toothpaste or gums.

Endocrine Glands— The endocrine gland specializes in the secretion of hormones.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite directly enhances its activity.

Rheumatoid Arthritis— Supplemental Clinoptilolite zeolite was found to improve the

treatment of rheumatic disorders. This includes arthritis, spondilosis, discopathy, and sciatica.

Some of our Doctors have cured White and Yellow Jaundice successfully with this powder. In
another incident Impotency is cured for a 10 year old married couple who has a Son. In another
case 75% of STUTTERING cured for a 45 year old man who is suffering from past 20 years.
My 40 years of Sneezing has gone within two days.

A very large share of Clinoptilolite Zeolite is sold for use in the animal husbandry industry.

Ranchers have found Clinoptilolite Zeolite to be able to remove the smell from the animal feces
by capturing the ammonium/nitrogen in the manure. As a result, the problem of flies being
attracted to the manure GOES AWAY. Not only that but the animals are healthier, have less
cribbing, greater bone strength, healthier skin/coat, 15% higher growth rates and Dairy Cows
gives more milk.

Clinoptilolite Zeolite is a Reiki stone used primarily for its powerful detoxification properties. It
is believed to create a protective field around the crown chakra, Also known as: Cosmic
Consciousness Center.

The product is available in 1,000 grams., 500 grams, 250 grams, 100 grams and 34 grams plastic
bottle packing. Our prices are Cheapest in the World.



NEGATIVE EFFECTS: There are very few negative effects found while using this products.
One is no or tight motion, which is only due to the 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite
Volcanic Ash Powder absorbs water from the body, hence the stools become tight. In this
circumstance you take Bananas or Ayurvedic medicines such as Bhaskara Lavanam to
make a free motion.

In few instances, we have found that in the initial stages, people feel feverish. This symptom
is most common, because this amazing 100% Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash
Powder has started working in their body. It also confirm that the body is having more
TOXINS, accumulated in their body, hence do not worry and continue taking 100%
Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder, and the fever will reduce soon while
detoxification process continues till the toxins are eliminated.

Most importantly you can continue your normal medicines while taking this 100% Natural
Clinoptilolite Zeolite Volcanic Ash Powder will work on its own, and also absorb / remove
the side effects of those medicaments.

The FDA has given Zeolite the GRAS label, which stands for “generally regarded as safe.”

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. None of the statements above have been evaluated
by the FDA. Zeolite has not been approved by the FDA as a treatment for any specific disease.
All content presented has been compiled to provide useful information about Zeolite. Always
consult a physician or board certified health practitioner before taking this product. Use at your
own risk.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.


601203. TAMILNADU. SOUTH INDIA. Mobile: 09600032051

Some of the pollutions which make people sick are specified below:
Chemicals and Pesticides in

Factory pollution
Heavy Traffic pollution

Pollution in Water

Sick building Toxic waste

Clinoptilolite Body Mask

Clinoptilolite Face Mask

Clinoptilolite Zeolite paste made at home for cuts,

bruises, spleens, stings etc.
Our Label 34 grams 250 grams

500 grams 1000 grams

These findings are collected and compiled by Mantha V Sharma – –

and revised on 31st July 2013.

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