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Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729 – 2741

An electrochemical study of galena concentrate in

^ perchlorate medium at pH 2.0: the influence of chloride ions
Irma Cisneros-González, Mercedes T. Oropeza-Guzmán, Ignacio González *
Departamento de Quı́mica, Uni6ersidad Autónoma Metropolitana Iztapalapa, Apartado Postal 55 -534, 09340 Mexico, D.F., Mexico

Received 13 October 1999; received in revised form 10 January 2000


An electrochemical study of galena flotation concentrates in solutions of perchlorate and chloride ions at pH 2 has
been carried out, through the use of carbon paste electrodes and cyclic voltammetry. The analysis of the voltammetric
results indicates that in perchlorate solutions the galena is oxidized forming several products dependent on the applied
potential. When the potential is below to 0.54 V/saturated calomel electrode (SCE), Pb(II) and elementary sulfur are
formed. Galena oxidation to higher oxidation state of sulfur (e.g. thiosulfate and sulfate) requires a higher
overpotential (E\0.8 V vs. SCE), in the presence of perchloric acid, while in chloride medium a considerable lower
overpotential is needed. From this reaction, the Pb(II) reacts with the chloride ions in order to form a lead – chloride
complex that could precipitate depending on the concentration of chloride in solution and also could remain adsorbed
on the galena particle surface. In the chloride media, the galena is reduced into metallic lead and hydrogen sulfide.
© 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Galena; Carbon paste electrode; Leaching; Lead chloride; Electrochemistry; Mineral sulfide oxidation

1. Introduction cal reaction, taking place at the surface. Kobayashi et

al., however, believe that in order to define a dissolu-
During galena leaching, oxidation products affect the tion mechanism, the influence of ferric chloride and
kinetics of the reaction. In a recent review of published sodium chloride concentrations on the system must be
kinetic studies through 1990, Kobayashi et al. [1] dis- described.
cuss the relationship between the leaching process and The overall leaching process involves electron trans-
parameters such as particle size, temperature and ferric fer reactions that are evaluated by means of electro-
chloride and sodium chloride concentrations. This arti- chemical studies. Although many electrochemical
cle also reviews the difference between leaching in dilute studies of galena in acidic medium have been published
ferric chloride ( B0.1 M FeCl3) and in more concen- [2 – 7], a number of aspects concerning the processes
trated solutions. The kinetic models for galena leaching involved remain poorly defined. The majority of these
describe diffusion of the PbCl2 species through the studies report the process on solid galena electrodes
initially formed coating of elemental sulfur or a chemi- carried out in perchloric acid solutions since this
medium avoids formation of complex metal cations and
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +52-5-8044671; fax: +52-5- can dissociate itself completely to form very stable
8044666. perchlorate ions [7]. However, even when perchloric
E-mail address: (I. González) acid is used as an oxidizing agent, galena chemical

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2730 I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741

dissolution has not yet been reported in these kinds of computer. The electrode system consisted of a working
studies [3–6]. This is probably due to a slow kinetics of electrode made of carbon paste-mineral (CPE-PbS)
this process. 80:20 wt.% with silicon oil as a binder [9].
Gardner [3] and Paul and Nicol [5,6] performed the Synthetic graphite powder (Alfa Aesar, Johnson
most complete voltammetric studies in perchloric acid. Matthey), −200 mesh, high purity, 99.999%, was used
Galena dissolution occurs as elemental sulfur forms to prepare the working electrode by mixing a total of
beginning at 0.5 V. Paul and Nicol [5,6] propose that 0.8 g graphite powder with 0.2 g of galena flotation
dissolution proceed either by the reaction of active sites concentrate in an agate mortar. A total of 0.8 ml silicon
on the galena surface, due to impurities present, or by oil (Sigma) was added to the resulting powder and
dislocations of the crystal network. Gardner [3] found carefully mixed to obtain a homogeneous paste. The
that sulfur produced during galena oxidation is in paste was placed in a 7-cm long, plastic tube (0.2 cm
crystalline form with sufficient porosity so that subse- inner diameter); equipped with a plunger to eliminate
quently galena layers continue to oxidize. These studies reacted paste (approximately 0.5 cm). The plunger
establish dissolution conditions for galena in HClO4, manually ejected reacted paste onto an emery paper to
yet the influence of chloride ions on the dissolution renew the surface for each experiment. A platinum
mechanism remains unclear. wire, silver soldered to a copper wire, provided the
Systematic comparison of mineral oxidation pro- electrical contact to the graphite paste. A carbon rod
cesses using solid electrodes is troublesome since polish- (Alfa Aeser, Johnson Matthey, 99.9995%) was used as a
ing makes surface reproducibility difficult. Carbon counter electrode and a saturated calomel electrode
paste electrodes (CPE) are a suitable alternative to solid (SCE) as a reference. The potentials given in this work
electrodes for mineral studies as the particle size used is refer to the SCE scale. All measurements were per-
similar to that employed in chemical leaching processes formed at room temperature.
and the surface available for electrochemical studies is Calculation of current densities passing through the
quite consistent [8,9]. An electrochemical study of CPE-mineral electrodes requires estimation of the sur-
galena concentrate was performed using carbon paste face area of the electrode. However, several characteris-
electrodes in perchlorate and chloride solution to deter- tics of the CPE-electroactive species make estimation of
mine the effect of chloride ion incorporation on galena the geometric area unreliable. A more realistic estima-
dissolution. tion of surface area is the evaluation of the cross-sec-
tional area of mineral particles, which depends on the
weights of mineral and carbon added. The mineral
2. Experimental carbon paste prepared in this work was completely
homogeneous so that geometric areas, calculated from
2.1. Materials and reagents the mineral carbon paste in contact with the electrolyte,
are directly proportional to the real active area. The
The galena flotation concentrate used to make the current densities were calculated based on this geomet-
electrodes was a product of a common flotation process ric area (3.14×10 − 2 cm2).
and supplied by Servicios Industriales Peñoles (Monter-
rey, México). A typical analysis (wt.%) is 45.75% Pb,
14.8% S, 4.75% Zn and 5.25% Fe and the particle size 3. Results and discussion
was −200 mesh. Previous studies showed the presence
of impurities of sphalerite and pyrite in this galena 3.1. Galena in perchlorate medium
concentrate [9]. These impurities do not present a gal-
vanic effect in the galena electrochemical behavior [9]. Two typical voltammograms obtained on carbon
All chemicals used were A.R. grade. Specific resistance paste electrodes with galena concentrate in perchlorate
of the water used to make up solutions was always 18.2 solution pH 2.0 are shown in Fig. 1. Sweep potential
MV cm − 1. Electrolytes of perchlorate and chloride was initiated in both the positive and negative direc-
were at pH 2 and deaerated with nitrogen before tion. Both sweeps originated from the open circuit
experimentation. potential (OCP) of 0.1 V, with a range of 1.0 and −1.0
V at 100 mVs − 1. When the sweep potential was ini-
2.2. Apparatus and procedure tiated in the negative direction (Fig. 1), a reduction
process with a small associated current appeared (D in
A Pyrex electrochemical cell designed to work at the figure). This process was energetically favored when
room temperature and inert atmosphere was used. The the sweep potential was inverted (the reduction current
cell employed the conventional three-electrode system. was greater in the inverse than in the direct sweep). A
The voltammetric response was obtained using an small oxidation peak (E) associated with the above
EG&G PAR 273 potentiostat coupled to a personal reduction process was later observed. As the sweep
I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741 2731

potential became more positive, it observed an increase tiated in the negative and positive direction, respec-
in the oxidation current (A), which did not reach a tively. When the sweep potential was carried out in the
maximum over the range studied. The small reduction negative direction (Fig. 2), the current associated with
process (D) obtained in the direct sweep is associated the galena reduction process (D) was 0.38 mA cm − 2
with galena reduction. for the unstirred and 0.51 mA cm − 2, for the stirred
In the voltammogram initiated in the positive direc- solution at −1.0 V, suggesting that the galena reduc-
tion (Fig. 1), a less prominent oxidation process (A%) tion process was affected by diffusion of chemical spe-
appeared. As the sweep potential was inverted, reduc- cies to the interface. This last reduction process was
tion oxidation processes, (B%, C%, D% and E%) which were associated with oxidation (E in the figure), which in-
not observed in the negative sweep, appeared in the creased when the solution was stirred (Fig. 2). The
−0.4 to −1.0 V range. These processes correspond to charge associated with the galena oxidation process (A)
the reduction–oxidation of chemical species produced increased slightly from 977 mC for the unstirred solu-
during the galena oxidation process. tion to 1079 mC when the solution was stirred. Thus,
Calculating the area below the curve for the pro- once the galena surface is activated, its oxidation pro-
cesses associated with galena oxidation gives a charge cess is not controlled by diffusion.
of 977 mC for process A and 168 mC for process A%. The When the sweep was initiated in the positive direc-
large difference between the current and charge magni- tion (Fig. 3), however, stirring favored the oxidation
tudes for the oxidation process in the voltammogram process A% since the values of the charge differed con-
initiated in the negative direction is not due to the siderably (298 mC for the stirred and 168 mC for the
oxidation of products formed during reduction (D) unstirred solutions). It was also observed that the re-
since the value of the cathodic process charge is only duction and oxidation process (B%, C%, D% and E%, in
−49 mC. This significant increase in charge and current Fig. 3) of the unstirred voltammogram, were absent
magnitude is attributable to surface activation of the when the solution was stirred. These results suggest
electrode induced during the cathodic sweep, making that, when the oxidation potential reaches 1.0 V, the
galena oxidation more evident. species produced during galena oxidation are soluble
In order to identify the nature of the species pro- and are eliminated from the interface with stirring and
duced (soluble or insoluble) in galena oxidation and are undetectable in the inverse sweep. Since the prod-
reduction processes, voltammetric measurements were ucts are eliminated from the interface, galena oxidation
performed in stirred and unstirred perchlorate solu- increased when the solution was stirred. This fact could
tions. Figs. 2 and 3 show comparisons of the resulting indicate that accumulation of the products formed in
voltammograms in which the sweep potential was ini- oxidation process in the interface could provoke

Fig. 1. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for a carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena electrode immersed in 1 M NaClO4, pH 2. Scan
rate 100 mVs − 1. Potential scan was initiated in: the negative direction (black line), positive direction (gray line).
2732 I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741

Fig. 2. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for a carbon paste electrodes (CPE) − galena electrode immersed in 1 M NaClO4, pH 2.
Scan rate 100 mV s − 1, the potential scan was initiated in negative direction. Effect of solution stirring: stirring (black line), no
stirring (gray line).

diminution of the galena dissolution. The small ca- 3.1.1. Reduction process of galena
thodic currents associated in the voltammogram of To identify the galena reduction processes, a voltam-
galena initiated in negative direction indicate the stabil- metric study was carried out in the negative direction
ity of the galena in the perchlorate medium used in this changing the cathodic switching potential (E − l ), as
study. shown in Fig. 4. When E − l \ − 0.8 V, only one reduc-

Fig. 3. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for a carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena electrode immersed in 1 M NaClO4, pH 2. Scan
rate 100 mV s − 1, the potential scan was initiated in positive direction. Effect of solution stirring: stirring (black line) no stirring
(gray line).
I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741 2733

tion current appeared not associated with an oxidation cess observed and the crossover of the anodic and
process When E − l 5 −0.8 V, however, an autocata- cathodic branches. The galena reduction is controlled
lytic process occurred (the reduction current is less for by the chemical species diffusion to the interface ac-
the direct than for the inverse scan). This process (D in cording to Eq. (1). Thus the oxidation (peak E in Fig.
Fig. 4) could be identified with a high negative overpo- 4) corresponds to the oxidation of Pb (0) to Pb (II).
tential that initiated galena reduction and this is associ- The difference in current densities, with and without
ated with a small oxidation peak (E). stirring, is caused by removal of hydrogen sulfide
The reduction process can be attributed to galena formed at the interface in reaction (1), so that the only
reduction according to Eq. (1). reaction occurring is the oxidation of metallic lead to
Pb2 + in stirring solution (see peak E Fig. 2). In the
PbS+2e − +2H+ “Pb0 +H2S(aq)
unstirred solutions, hydrogen sulfide remains at the
E*= −0.501 V vs. SCE (1) interface where it reacts with Pb2 + to form lead sulfide,
which rapidly passives the electrode surface, resulting in
The equilibrium potential, E*, associated with reac-
a diminished oxidation process, (peak E in Fig. 2).
tion (1) was calculated from corresponding thermody-
namic constants of solubility [11] and E 0 [12],
considering the specific chemical conditions: pH 2. This 3.1.2. Oxidation process of galena
E* value is similar to the value calculated starting from To evaluate the oxidation processes of galena, a
the data reported by Sivenas and Foulkes ( −0.55 V vs. voltammetric study was performed in the positive direc-
SCE) [4]. tion, changing the anodic switching potential (E + l )
In this work, the equilibrium potentials have been (Figs. 5 and 6). For E + l 5 0.2 V, (Fig. 5) no oxidation
evaluated taking into account the corresponding nor- process was observed. At 0.4 V beginning the oxidation
mal potential (E 0) for each reaction, and considered process A%, and a reduction process, B%, was observed.
10 − 6 M for the soluble species formed on the interface In order to compare the variation of the reduction
which was not present in the bulk solution. This con- process, in Fig. 5, a voltammogram initiated in negative
vention is often chosen when considering the corrosion direction was also included. This comparison shows an
of metals or the leaching of mineral ores [10]. overlap between the reduction process of galena (D%)
A negative overpotential, higher than − 0.20 V, rela- and process associated with B% (Fig. 5).
tive to the equilibrium potential, was required to carry When the switching potential reached 0.6 V (Fig. 6),
out the reduction associated with Eq. (1) on the CPE- an oxidation process (A%), and reduction peak, (B%)
mineral (Fig. 4). Once this reduction begins, the process were observed. If E + l was increased to 0.8 V (Fig. 6),
requires less energy, explaining the autocatalytic pro- galena oxidation was altered, since the reduction peak,

Fig. 4. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for a carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena electrode immersed in 1 M NaClO4, pH 2. Scan
rate 100 mV s − 1. The potential scan was initiated in negative direction. The negative switching potential (E − l ) was varied: − 0.4
V (black line), − 0.6 V (thin line),–1.0 V (gray line).
2734 I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741

Fig. 5. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for a carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena electrode immersed in 1 M NaClO4, pH 2. Scan
rate 100 mV s − 1. The potential scan was initiated in positive direction, the switching potential was varied: 0.2 V (gray line), 0.4 V
(thin line). In order to compare the reduction process, cyclic voltammogram obtained when the potential scan is initiated in negative
direction (black line) is also shown.

B%, associated with reduction of the corresponding in more negative potentials (C%). In the same time the
products moved toward less negative potentials, and current density of peak E% increased considerably. The
the peak became wider. Other process seems to overlap presence of different stages in the reduction of products

Fig. 6. Cyclic voltammograms obtained for a carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena electrode immersed in 1 M NaClO4, pH 2. Scan
rate 100 mV s − 1. The potential scan was initiated in positive direction, the switching potential was varied: 0.4 V (black line), 0.6
V (gray line), 0.8 V (thin line).
I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741 2735

formed during the oxidation process indicates that oxi- modynamic constants of solubility [11] and E 0 [12]. The
dation occurs in at least two stages. Initially, when values of E* for Eq. (2), is similar to that calculated
E + l B0.8 V, PbS could be oxidized to form a sulfur from the data reported by Nicol [5] ( − 0.08 V). The E*
layer, and as the potential increases, the sulfur achieved determined by Eq. (3) is close to that data calculated
higher oxidation states (see below). from Sivenas [4] ( − 0.546). It is important to note that
the experimental potentials where processes 2 and 3 Galena oxidation in lower positi6e potentials. In were observed differ from respective E*.
order to evaluate where the change in galena oxidation The mineral sulfide oxidation requires a very high
state occurs, the effect of different anodic switching overpotential, as has been previously reported [3 – 5]. In
potentials (at increments of 20 mV) in a small potential the galena oxidation here an E* of − 0.043 was found
range, 0.52 V to 0.58 mV, was studied. The fixed E − l with its oxidation beginning at 0.54 V; meanwhile the
selected ( −0.65 V) avoids galena reduction. Fig. 7 overpotential required for the reduction of Pb2 + is not
shows an oxidation process above 0.52 V corresponding high.
to galena oxidation, A% and in the reverse scan a The sulfur formed on the galena surface in the posi-
reduction process appears. At lower E + l, only an tive scan direction is not reduced in the reverse scan. At
autocatalytic process is observed while at higher E + l, a the same time, as the lead reduction process is more
cathodic peak, B% (Epc = −0.65 V) is well defined. This important (process B%), the associated oxidation process
process corresponds to the reduction of species formed (E%) is also more important and corresponds to the
during the oxidation process. At switching potential inverse of the reaction (3). This process (E%) is charac-
E + l of 0.54 V the oxidation charge, 21.61 mC, is very terized by a narrow oxidation peak, and is modified for
close to the charge of the reduction process, 22.42 mC. the presence of the H2S formed at the interface during
Thus, the reaction occurring for E]0.54 V could be the reduction process of galena (compare thick gray
associated with reaction below: curve in Fig. 6 with dotted curve in Fig. 7). The current
of oxidation associated with E% in Fig. 6 is small in
PbS −2e − “Pb2 + +S0 E* = −0.043 V vs. SCE
comparison with the corresponding in Fig. 7, where
galena reduction was avoided.
The corresponding reduction reaction (B%) is:
Pb2 + +2e − “Pb0 E*= − 0.547 V vs. SCE (3) Galena oxidation in higher positi6e potentials.
E* values were calculated from corresponding ther- The change in the galena oxidation process, observed

Fig. 7. Cyclic voltammetry curves obtained for a carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena electrode immersed in 1 M NaClO4, pH 2.
Scan rate 100 mV s − 1. The potential scan was initiated in positive direction, the switching potential was varied in a small range:
0.52 V (black line), 0.54 V (gray line), 0.56 (thin line), 0.58 V (dotted line). The fixed E − l selected ( −0.65 V) avoids the galena
2736 I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741

above 0.8 V, is likely due to the oxidation of galena to reactions and by the formation of solid products that
another species with a greater oxidation state of sulfur. can adhere to the galena particle interface. To elucidate
There are different chemical species with higher oxida- the sequence of electrochemical reactions which occur
tion state of sulfur (e.g. thiosulfate, tetrathionate, in CPE-galena chloride solutions at pH 2, a cyclic
sulfite, and sulfate). The appropriate identification of voltammetry study was performed.
these species is not easy due to the complex chemistry Fig. 8 compares voltammograms of CPE-galena ob-
of S-H2O system. tained in perchlorate and chloride solutions for a po-
In many electrochemical studies of sulfide minerals, it tential range between 1.0 and − 1.0 V, and 100 mV
has been reported that thiosulfate and sulfate are com- s − 1. The potential scan for the chloride solution was
monly formed chemical species during the anodic disso- initiated at an OCP of 0.05 V in the positive direction.
lution of the sulfide minerals [13,14]. Gardner and The comparison demonstrates that the presence of
Woods [3] and Nicol [5] reported the formation of chloride favors galena oxidation since a lower potential
thiosulfate during galena oxidation at higher potentials is required for oxidation in the chloride than in the
in perchloric media. For this reason, the formation of perchlorate solution. Nonetheless, the oxidation process
the S2O23 − and SO24 − species was suggested for the (peaks H%%Cl and H%Cl) indicates a complex process,
electrochemical oxidation of galena for potentials which appears to be associated with passivation of the
higher than 0.8 V. galena surface. This passivation is broken at the same
The reaction involved in the galena dissolution for potential where galena oxidation occurs in perchlorate
El ] 0.8 could be described as follows solutions. When the potential was inverted, a very
2PbS +3H2O“2Pb2 + +S2O23 − +6H+ +8e − narrow cathodic peak, B%Cl appeared, indicating the
reduction of a species adhering to the electrode. When
E*=0.077 V vs. SCE (4) the scan potential is inverted again to the positive
The value of E* for Eq. (4) is similar as that evalu- direction, three anodic peaks (E%Cl, F%Cl, and G%Cl) at the
ated for data from Gardner, 0.036 V versus SCE, [3]. peak potentials of − 0.503, −0.479 and − 0.240 V,
The reaction (4) also requires a very high positive respectively, were observed. The disappearance of peak
overpotential to be performed. It seems that the thio- B%Cl in voltammetric measurements initiated in the nega-
sulphate begins to form at 0.8 V. This higher overpo- tive direction (data not shown) showed that this peak
tential may provoke the S2O23 − formed at the interface corresponds to the reduction of species formed during
to be oxidized to sulfate species, because the E* of Eq. the oxidation process.
(5), is less positive than the overpotential required for To determine the processes occurring in each of the
reaction (4): anodic and cathodic peaks appearing in the voltam-
mogram in chloride medium and to detect any correla-
S2O23 − +5H2Ol2SO24 − +10H+ +8e −
tion between these, a study was performed at different
E*=0.229 V vs. SCE (5) anodic switching potentials.
In this way, for E\0.8 V, the abrupt change in the
oxidation behavior of galena is probably due to the 3.2.1. Influence of anodic switching potential (E + l)
presence of thiosulfate and sulfate adhered at the inter- The voltammetric curves obtained by varying the
face. Furthermore, the presence of Pb2 + in the oxida- anodic switching potential in the range between 0.116
tion process could induced the precipitation of and 0.668 V are shown in Fig. 9. The sweep potential
PbS2O3(s) or PbSO4(s). The formation of these precipi- was initiated at 0.05 V, continued in the positive direc-
tates could provoke a surface passivation of the galena. tion to the selected positive switching potential (E + l ),
This is not observed in the voltammograms in Figs. 5 then taken to −1.0 V, and again inverted.
and 6. The voltammogram obtained in stirring solution In Fig. 9a (E + l = 0.116), a reduction process, D%Cl
(Fig. 3) confirms this contention. associated with galena reduction was observed. The
Therefore, the reaction that abruptly modifies the peaks of oxidation E%Cl and F%Cl, corresponding to the
reduction process (B%), shown in the inverse scan, in oxidation of species (Pb0), produced in the galena re-
Fig. 6 could correspond to a greater level of Pb2 + in duction process are observed with the same current
the interface and in other hand, the reduction of thio- density (0.649 and 0.652 mA cm − 2). The presence of
sulfate may be associated with peak C% formed at the chloride provides better differentiation of the galena
interface during the inverse sweep. This hypothesis reduction process compared to reduction in the pres-
should be corroborated by other techniques. ence of perchlorate ions (Fig. 1).
When E + l was 0.23 and 0.36 V, Fig. 9b,c, respec-
3.2. Galena in chloride medium tively, the galena oxidation process, H%%Cl, began. The
products of this oxidation provoke a disturbance of the
The anodic behavior of galena in chloride solutions is cathodic peak D%Cl (Fig. 9b) and one peak (B%Cl in Fig.
complicated by the number of possible competitive 9c) appears. The reduction process widens as E + l
I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741 2737

Fig. 8. Cyclic voltammograms obtained at pH 2, scan rate 100 mV s − 1, for carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena electrodes. The
potential scan was initiated in positive direction. The electrode was in presence of different solutions: in 1 M NaClO4 (black line),
1 M NaCl (thin line).

becomes more positive (Fig. 9c), apparently due to the porous and this product should be PbCl2 (see below),
presence of various reduction stages, such as galena which is then reduced in peak B%Cl. The current densities
reduction, D%Cl, and reduction of products obtained of the reduction peak B%Cl increases as E + l increases
during the oxidation process, C%Cl and B%Cl. The current (Fig. 8) indicating greater galena oxidation. This oxida-
densities of oxidation peaks E%Cl and F%Cl are also tion – reduction alters the oxidation processes, E%Cl, F%Cl
altered. and G%Cl, so that formation of these oxidation peaks,
For E + l =0.36 V (Fig. 9c), the peak current density depends on the switching potential, E + l.
for peak E%Cl increases (1.02 mA cm − 2) while decreas-
ing for peak F%Cl (0.48 mA cm − 2). The current density
ratio of E%Cl/F%Cl is 0.5, contrasting with the equivalent 3.2.2. Influence of the cathodic switching potential
current density values obtained for these peaks when To establish the relationship among the peaks E%Cl,
the switching potential was 0.116 V. It was also ob- F%Cl and G%Cl, voltammetric measurements were carried
served that a peak G%Cl, begins to form ( −0.266 V) with out at a fixed anodic switching potential of 1.0 V to
a current density of 0.104 mA cm − 2. produce various oxidation products. The cathodic
For E + l ]0.43 V (Fig. 9d), the galena oxidation switching potential (E − l ) was varied in the range from
process suffers a considerable modification forming an − 0.544 to −0.74 (Fig. 10).
insoluble product, which adheres to the non-oxidized From Fig. 10 it was determined that peaks E%Cl and
galena. This product modifies the reduction stages and F%Cl are associated with the products formed in the
a narrow reduction peak, B%Cl appears. The current reduction process, occurring at potentials less negative
density of peak E%Cl continues to increase (1.31 mA than − 0.6 V. These oxidation processes are related to
cm − 2), and that of peak F%Cl remains relatively un- interface oxidation of Pb0, derived from the reduction
changed ( −0.554 mA cm − 2). This great difference in of oxidation product of galena (e.g. PbCl2). The peak
current density values and the proximity of their peak G%Cl is related to reduction peak B%Cl. Voltammograms
potentials cause these two peaks to appear as stacked initiated in the negative direction demonstrate that
one on top of the other. In addition the current density different processes are carried out in the reduction, and
of peak G%Cl becomes greater (0.162 mA cm − 2), Fig. 9d. oxidation peak F%Cl is observed at less cathodic poten-
As E + l increases (Fig. 9e), oxidation peak H%Cl in- tials ( −0.46 V), (data not shown).
creases until it reaches a maximum and then it de- Voltammetric measurements performed in stirred so-
creases rapidly. This is characteristic of a partial lutions (Fig. 11), indicate that the species produced in
passivation process (the current does not drop to zero). peak H%Cl is partially soluble and is also related to the
This could indicate that the insoluble product formed is oxidation products of peak E%Cl, since it disappeared in
2738 I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741

the stirred solutions. The peak C%Cl could be associated chloride ions in the system further indicated the occur-
with the higher oxidation sulfur species (e.g. thiosul- rence of this mechanism. The oxidation peak H%Cl was
fate) as suggested by the results obtained in perchlorate similar for voltammograms carried out in unstirred 2
medium, discussed earlier. It was also observed that M chloride, and in stirred 1 M chloride solutions. The
stirring does not favor the oxidation process, as it did charge associated with the peak were also similar in
in the perchlorate solutions, since oxidation peak H%Cl value (1.45 mA cm − 2 in unstirred 2 M chloride solu-
appears at more positive potentials than in the un- tions and 1.29 mA cm − 2 in stirred 1 M chloride), as
stirred solutions (0.445 V in stirred and 0.427 V in shown in Fig. 12.
unstirred solutions). Peak B%Cl is observed at the same Peak F%Cl was observed at the same potential in
potential as in the voltammograms of the unstirred unstirred and stirred solutions ( −0.487 V in unstirred
solutions ( −0.642 V in stirred and −0.641 V in un- and −0.488 V in stirred); however, stirring caused the
stirred solutions). However, the current obtained is peak current to increase from 0.47 (unstirred) to 0.79
small ( −0.52 mA cm − 2), as compared to that ob- mA cm − 2 (stirred). The disappearance of peak E%Cl in
served in unstirred solutions ( −1.62 mA cm − 2). This the stirred solution voltammogram allowed unob-
indicates that during the H%Cl oxidation process; both structed observation of peak F%Cl.
porous and insoluble species is produced, as well as a From the above observations, the reactions associ-
soluble species. It is likely that the soluble species is ated with peaks H%Cl, E%Cl, F%Cl, B%Cl and D%Cl were
formed first, from which a precipitate results. Varying determined. The equilibrium potential (E*) for each

Fig. 9. Cyclic voltammograms for carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena in 1 M NaCl at pH 2. Scan rate 100 mV s − 1. The potential
scan was initiated in positive direction and the switching potential E + l was varied: (a) 0.116 V, (b) 0.23 V, (c) 0.36 V, (d) 0.43 V,
(e) 0.668 V.
I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741 2739

Fig. 10. Cyclic voltammograms for carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena in 1 M NaCl, at pH 2 scan rate 100 mV s − 1. The scan
was initiated in positive direction, positive switching potential was fixed (+1.0 V), scan potential was inverted and the switching
potential E − l was varied, (a) − 0.544 V, (b) − 0.58 V, (c) −0.63 V, (d) −0.74 V.

reaction was evaluated from thermodynamic constants Peak D%Cl. Peak D%Cl corresponds to the galena
(solubility constants and normal potential taken from reduction reaction when the sweep is initiated in the
[11,12]). The concentrations of species formed at the negative direction.
interface were considered as 1 ×10 − 6 M, as was de-
scribed above. The E* values were compared with the
PbS+2e − + 2H+ l Pb0 + H2S(aq)
data obtained in other studies and the differences were
minimal. E*= −0.501 V vs. SCE

Fig. 11. Cyclic voltammograms for carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena in 1 M NaCl, at pH 2 scan rate 100 mV s − 1. The potential
scan was initiated in positive direction. Effect of the stirring solution: stirring (black line), without stirring (gray line).
2740 I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741 Peak E%Cl. This oxidation peak represents oxida- drop of overpotential required for initiated galena oxi-
tion of metallic lead obtained in the galena reduction dation in chloride media, in comparison with the over-
reaction and is only observed in unstirred chloride potential required in presence of perchlorate.
solutions where hydrogen sulfide is not eliminated from
the interface. Peak H%Cl.
H2S(aq) +Pb lPbS +2H +2e
0 + − PbS+ 2Cl − “ PbCl2(s) + S0 + 2e −

E*= −0.501 V vs. SCE E*=0.2783 V vs. SCE (8)

The presence of chloride ions considerably diminishes 3H2O+ 4Cl − + 2PbSl
the overpotential required for galena reduction in com- 2PbCl2(s) + S2O23 − + 6H+ + 8e −
parison with that required in perchlorate medium.
E*=0.289 V vs. SCE (9) Peak F%Cl. Identification of the experimental potential zones
2Cl − +Pb0 −2e − lPbCl2(s) where these reactions occur is complicated by the high
intrinsic solubility of PbCl2 (as neutral species, 1 mM),
E*= −0.51 V vs. SCE (6) as well as the nature of the PbCl2 precipitate formed at
As shown in Fig. 11, this reaction exists both in the interface.
stirred and unstirred solutions. In stirred solutions it is For E] 0.36 V, the PbCl2(aq) increases at the inter-
the predominant reaction since, as hydrogen sulfide is face, provoking the formation of PbCl2 precipitate on
eliminated from the interface, all the lead present reacts the galena surface. The nature of the chemical reactions
with the chloride ions. involved requires a small overpotential in order to
induce reaction 8. At the potentials region E* where a Peak H%%Cl. PbCl2 is formed as oxidation product of galena, the
PbS+2Cl − “PbCl2(aq) +S0 +2e − simultaneous transformation of sulfur to thiosulfate
occurs according with the similar equilibrium potential
E*=0.0131 V vs. SCE (7) for both transformation, Eqs. (8) and (9).
The experimental potential where the galena oxida- From this discussion it can be assumed that peak H%Cl
tion begins (E\ 0.23) was not so far from equilibrium could be identified by the simultaneous reactions 8 and
potential of reaction (7), indicating a very important 9.

Fig. 12. Cyclic voltammograms for carbon paste electrodes (CPE)-galena in aqueous pH 2 scan rate 100 mV s − 1, in presence of
different electrolytes: 1 M chloride with stirring (thin line), 2 M NaCl without stirring (gray line), 1 M NaCl without stirring (black
I. Cisneros-González et al. / Electrochimica Acta 45 (2000) 2729–2741 2741

Finally the nature of the electrochemical behavior of critical chloride concentration is achieved, it precipi-
peak B% allows to identify with reaction 6. tates as PbCl2(s) and adheres to the electrode surface. Peak B%Cl.

PbCl2(s) +2e − lPb0 +2Cl − Acknowledgements

E*= −0.51 V vs. SCE Financial assistance was received from CONACyT
The reduction of adhered (PbCl2(s)) precipitate does (Project 400200-5-4250PA). The authors would like to
not require an important potential compare E*, with thank Ing. Pablo González from Servicios Industriales
experimental potential beginning of reduction PbCl2(s). Peñoles. I. Cisneros-González also acknowledges
CONACyT for scholarship support.

4. Conclusions
According to Paul et al. [5], galena dissolution in
perchlorate medium occurs at 0.35 V and the dissolu- [1] M. Kobayashi, J.E. Dutrizac, J.M. Toguri, Can. Metall.
tion products are Pb(II) and elemental sulfur. Using Q. 29 (1990) 201.
[2] J.W. Johnson, J. Chang, R.A. Narasagoudar, T.J.
carbon paste electrodes, Albergh et al. [8] reported
O’Keefe, J. Appl. Electrochem. 8 (1978) 25.
galena dissolution at 0.65 V and they proposed that not [3] J.R. Gardner, R. Woods, J. Electroanal. Chem. 100
only elemental sulfur, but also a compound of sulfur (1979) 447.
having a greater oxidation state (e.g. thiosulfate and [4] P. Sivenas, F.R. Foulkes, Electrochim. Acta 29 (1984)
sulfate), are also products of the reaction depending on 1215.
the potential imposed. In this work, it was found that [5] R.L. Paul, M.J. Nicol, J.W. Diggle, A.P. Saunders, Elec-
galena flotation concentrate is oxidized in perchlorate trochim. Acta 23 (1978) 625.
medium to form different products. When the potential [6] M.J. Nicol, R.L. Paul, J.W. Diggle, Electrochim. Acta 23
is less than 0.8 V, Pb(II) and elemental sulfur are (1978) 635.
formed. At El ]0.8 V, sulfur is probably oxidized to [7] E. Ahlberg, J. Asbjörnsson, Hydrometallurgy 34 (1993)
either thiosulfate or sulfates. It was also observed that
[8] I. Lázaro, N. Martı́nez, I. Rodrı́guez, E. Arce and, I.
when a negative sweep potential was previously applied Gonzalez, Hydrometallurgy 38 (1995) 275.
to the galena electrode the oxidation process became [9] I. Cisneros-González, M.T. Oropeza-Guzmán, I. Gonzá-
more evident. lez, Hydrometallurgy 53 (1999) 133.
In chloride medium galena is reduced to form metal- [10] M. Pourbaix, Atlas of Electrochemical Equilibrium in
lic lead and hydrogen sulfide. It is important to men- Aqueous Solutions, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1977, p. 70.
tion that the chloride medium allowed a clearer [11] R.M. Smith, A.E. Martell, Critical Stability Constants,
differentiation of the galena reduction process than Inorganic Complex, vol. 4, Plenum Press, New York,
reduction in the presence of perchlorate media. 1976.
Galena oxidation is energetically favored in chloride [12] A.J. Bard, R. Parson, R. Jordan, Standard Potentials in
Aqueous Solutions (IUPAC), Marcel Decker, New York,
medium since a lower potential is required for its
oxidation in the presence of chloride than in the pres- [13] F. Habashi, A textbook of Hydrometallurgy, Métallurgie
ence of perchlorate. Lead reacts with the chloride ions Extractive, Québec, 1992.
forming a chloride complex and due to its high intrinsic [14] M.E. Wadsworth, in: R.G. Bautista (Ed.), Hydrometal-
solubility value (1 mM), the complex formed first must lurgical Process Fundamentals, Plenum Press, New York,
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