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Class #: Social Class 6 Course Grade 4 Social



• 4.1.2- examine critically, the physical geography of Alberta by exploring and reflecting upon
the following questions and issues: (2) What are the major geographical and natural
vegetation regions, landforms and bodies of water in Alberta (e.g., prairie region, forests,
rivers, hoodoos, Rocky Mountains, oil sands)?

At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
1. Describe various characteristics of Alberta.
2. Examine maps of Alberta and discuss the differences.
• Maps of Alberta
• Exit slip printouts


• Have the lesson plan planned out and printed.
• Have all the materials prepared and ready for each student.

Introduction Time
• Welcome the students into the classroom. Give them some time to sit
down and settle. Explain that we are going to be exploring the map of 5 min
Alberta today.
Body Time
Different Maps of 1) Have printouts of different kinds of Alberta maps
Alberta around the class. Have students walk around to
each map and figure out what kind of information is
being shown on each. Students can take a piece of
scrap paper to write down what each map is
showing, as we will be discussing it later.
2) Ask the students about the different maps and what 25 min
types of information they found on them? Why is it
important to have all these different maps? Why
wouldn’t we put all the information on one map?
3) Interactive topographic map of Alberta: http://en-

Review 1) Have a review discussion with students. Ask them

to name each of the provinces as well as the capital 20 min
of those provinces. This is what the quiz questions
will consist of, so they need to know each province
and the matching capital city. As well as the capital
city of Canada.
Conclusion Time
• Exit Slip: Why is it useful to have different types of maps? Optional: how
are you feeling for the quiz tomorrow?
• Ask the students to complete whatever activity they were working on
10 min
and start to clean up their materials.
• Remind them that the next class period we will have a quiz.

• Discussion- formative
• Observation- formative
• Exit Slip- formative (for and as)

Additional Notes:

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