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New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax

Volume 1

Philip Baldi and Pierluigi Cuzzolin - 9783110205626
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Trends in Linguistics
Studies and Monographs 180.1

Walter Bisang
Hans Henrich Hock
(main editor for this volume)
Werner Winter

Mouton de Gruyter
Berlin · New York

Philip Baldi and Pierluigi Cuzzolin - 9783110205626

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New Perspectives on
Historical Latin Syntax
Volume 1: Syntax of the Sentence

Edited by
Philip Baldi
Pierluigi Cuzzolin

Mouton de Gruyter
Berlin · New York

Philip Baldi and Pierluigi Cuzzolin - 9783110205626

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Mouton de Gruyter (formerly Mouton, The Hague)
is a Division of Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, Berlin.

앝 Printed on acid-free paper which falls within the guidelines
of the ANSI to ensure permanence and durability.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

New perspectives on historical Latin syntax : syntax of the sentence /

edited by Philip Baldi, Pierluigi Cuzzolin.
v. cm. ⫺ (Trends in linguistics. studies and monographs ; 180.1)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-3-11-019082-3 (hardcover : alk. paper)
1. Latin language ⫺ Syntax. I. Baldi, Philip. II. Cuzzolin, Pier-
PA2285.N49 2009

ISBN 978-3-11-019082-3
ISSN 1861-4302

Bibliographic information published by the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek

The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie;
detailed bibliographic data are available in the Internet at

” Copyright 2009 by Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG, D-10785 Berlin
All rights reserved, including those of translation into foreign languages. No part of this
book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechan-
ical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, with-
out permission in writing from the publisher.
Cover design: Martin Zech, Bremen.
Cover photograph: Inscription with index of martyrs, Rome, ninth century ” akg-images,
Berlin, Germany.
Typesetting: Christoph Eyrich, Berlin.
Printed in Germany.

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Since its conception in 1997, this project has been touched in many positive
ways by many people, organizations, and institutions. Our first tip of the hat
goes to the US National Science Foundation (Grant #SBR-9816627), whose
director at the time, Paul Chapin, saw the potential in the project and provided
much useful advice on the NSF process, as well as on some scientific details.
NSF funded the project in its initial stages, from 1999 to 2002. Our next ex-
pression of gratitude goes to the Rockefeller Foundation. If ever there was an
organization with class, this is it. The Foundation funded a three-day confer-
ence over five days at the Villa Serbelloni in Bellagio, Italy, on Lake Como, in
September 2001. Incomparable attention to detail by the staff, blended with
breathtaking views of the Villa and its surroundings, are in the permanent
collective memory of the participants. Our final thanks to an organization be-
longs more properly to an individual. First as the Diebold Foundation, then as
the Salus Mundi Foundation, under the directorship of A. Richard Diebold,
this organization has funded the New Perspectives on Historical Latin Syntax
on three different occasions, beginning in 2002 and running until the com-
pletion of Volume 3. Dr. Diebold, Professor Emeritus at the University of
Arizona, has thus continued his unparalleled support for Classical and Indo-
European linguistics with his generous subsidies for this project.
Of the several institutions that have participated in one way or another,
three are prominent: first, Penn State University, specifically the College of
Liberal Arts and the Department of Classics and Ancient Mediterranean Stud-
ies, has provided the home base for the project since the beginning. From
the staff managing the budgets and other bureaucratic details (Trish Witmer,
Rhonda Decker, Sandi Moyer, Rose Nyman) to the faculty of the depart-
ment (especially Garrett Fagan, Stephen Wheeler, Paul Harvey, Dan Berman,
Markus Asper, and Gonzalo Rubio) to the administration (Gary Knoppers),
their collegiality and willingness to share their expertise at all levels has been
gratifying. Similar words of appreciation go to the Department of Linguis-
tics of the University of Bergamo, which hosted our first meeting in excellent
style, and especially to our colleagues Giuliano Bernini and Professor Alberto
Castoldi, Rettore of the University, both of whom gave continuous and gener-
ous support to the project: they deserve special thanks. Further, we acknowl-

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vi Acknowledgments

edge the Department of Linguistics of the University of Pavia (especially

Paolo Ramat, chair, and Anna Giacalone Ramat) for their support and for
their collegiality, and for giving us access to the resources of the department.
We also thank the Department of Classics of the University of Bologna (es-
pecially Sandra Bertocchi and Mirka Maraldi) for hosting a mini-conference
in the summer of 2003.
Individual thanks are owed to the following people, who all participated
in some organic way in this project over the years: first of all to our four main
project advisors (Brent Vine, Christian Lehmann, Nigel Vincent, and Bernard
Comrie) for accepting our invitation and for sharing their expertise and wise
counsel with us throughout the course of the project; to Barbara Bullock,
Jacqueline Toribio, and Richard Page (Penn State); Gary Miller (Univ. of
Florida); Harm Pinkster (Univ. of Amsterdam); Michael Hillen (Thesaurus
Linguae Latinae); the Mouton de Gruyter staff (especially Anke Beck, Birgit
Sievert, Marcia Schwartz [copyeditor], and Christoph Eyrich [typesetter]);
Peter T. Daniels; and Heather (Heidi) Heidrich, who worked tirelessly as our
editorial assistant.

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